Charging for the mind! Learning to solve rebuses. What rebuses exist

Which of us is not familiar with the rebuses? These entertaining encryptions are familiar with everyone from mala to great. In the rebuses, the words are encrypted with the help of the sequence of pictures and different symbols, including letters and numbers. The word "Rus" translates from Latin as "with the help of things." The rebus was born in France in the XV century, and the first printed collection of rebs, published in this country in 1582, was compiled by Etienne Taburo. During the time that has passed since then, the technique of compiling a rusted task has been enriched with many varied techniques. To solve the plas, it is important not only to know what is drawn, but also to take into account the location of the drawings and symbols relative to each other, and this is achieved by practice. There are some of the unlawful rules on which rebuses make up, and it is also easier to solve them according to the same rules, and the rules are:

General rules solve rules

The word or offer in the rebus is divided into parts that are depicted in the form of a pattern or symbol. They read the rebus always from left to right, less often from top to bottom. Siblings and punctuation marks are not read. The fact that in the brush is painted in pictures is read in the nominative case, usually in the singular, but there are exceptions. If several items are drawn, the arrow indicate which part of the whole image is used in this rebus. If there is not one word, and the proposal (proverb, the winged phrase, the mystery), then in it, in addition to the nouns there are verbs and other parts of speech. It is usually stipulated in the task (for example: "Guess the riddle"). Rus should always have a solution, and one. The ambiguity of the answer should be negotiated under the rebus conditions. For example: "Find two solutions of this rebus." The number of techniques used in one rushes and their combinations are not limited.

How to solve rebuses from pictures

Called consistently all items from left to right in the ever-mounted case.

Answer: Trail experience \u003d tracker

Answer: Oc Window \u003d Fiber

Answer: Oco faces \u003d Ocalinese

If the subject is drawn in the turned out, it is necessary to read it right to left. For example, "Cat" is drawn, you need to read "current", "nose" is drawn, you need to read "Sleep". Sometimes the readings are shown by the arrow.

Answer: Son.

Often the object drawn in the rebus can be called differently, for example, the "meadow" and "field", "foot" and "paw", "tree" and "oak" or "birch", "note" and "mi", In such cases, it is necessary to select a suitable word, such that the rebus dealt with. This is one of the most important difficulties in solving the plas.

Answer: Oak Rava \u003d Dubrava

How to solve rebuses with commas

Sometimes the name of the depicted object cannot be used entirely and must be discarded one or more letters at the beginning or in the end of the word. Then the comma is used. If the comma stands to the left of the drawing, the first letter discard from its name, if the right is the last. How many commas stands, so many letters discard.

Answer: Ho ball k \u003d hamster

For example, 3 commas and "feeders" are drawn, it is necessary to read only the "fly"; The "sail" and 2 commas are drawn, only "couples" should be read.

Answer: Umbrella p \u003d pattern

Answer: whether then then gi \u003d boots

How to solve rebuses with letters

Such letterproofs as before, on, on, under, for, at, in, in, as a rule, in the rebuses, the pattern is not depicted, but are detected from the corresponding position of letters and drawings. Letters and letters of the C, K, from, from, software, are not shown, but the relationships of letters or objects are shown, or the direction.

If two subjects or two letters, or letters and numbers drawn one to another, then their names are read with the addition of the pretext of "B". For example: "in-oh-yes", or "in-o-seven", or "not-in-A". Perhaps a different reading, for example, instead of "eight" you can read the "seven-in-o", and instead of "water" - "yes-oh". But there are no such words, so such words are not solving the rebus.

Answers: in-oh-yes, in-o-seven, in-oh-lk, in-o-ro-n, in-o-roth-a

If one item or symbol is drawn under a different, then decipher with adding "on", "over" or "under", you need to choose an excuse by meaning. Example: "FO-Na-Ri", "under-y-scal", "Nad-e-waiting".

Answers: FO-Na-Ri, under-y-Scap, NAD-E-Wa

If there is another letter or item for any letter or item, then you need to read with adding "for". For example: "Ka-Oh-ny", "in-à-c".

Answer: In-I-C

If one letter lies with another or leaning to it, then read with the addition of "y" or "k". For example: "L-U-K", "D-U-B", "O-Q,".

Answers: Onions, Oak

If the letter or syllable consists of another letter or a syllable, then read with the addition of "out". For example: "FROM-BH", "B-FROM", "VN-FROM", "F-IC".

Answers: Izba, Bison

If another letter or syllable is written throughout the letter, read with the addition of "software". For example: "PR-T", "L-E", "I-C". Also, "software" can be used when one letter with legs runs through another letter, a digit or subject.

Answer: Poland.

Answers: Belt, Field

If the subject is drawn, and ned him is written, and then the letter is crossed out, then this means that this letter should be thrown out of the word. If another is another over the crossed letter, then this means that it is necessary to replace it with it. Sometimes in this case there is a sign of equality between the letters.

Answer: LAZ

Answer: Ma Lina Z Mont \u003d Lemon

How to solve rebuses with numbers

If the drawings are the numbers, this is a hint, in what order you need to read the letters from the name of the subject. For example, 4, 2, 3, 1 means that the fourth letter of the name is read first, then the second, for it is the third and first.

Answer: Brig.

Figures can be crossed, it means you need to discard the letter corresponding to this order from the word.

Answer: Konk Ak Lua Bo MBA \u003d Columbus

Pretty rarely in the rebuses, the letter is used - running, flies, lies, in such cases it is necessary to add the appropriate verb in the third person of the present time, for example, "y-run".

How to solve rebuses with notes

Often in the rebuses, individual syllables corresponding to the names of notes - "to", "re", "mi", "fa" ... depict the corresponding notes. Sometimes the generalizing word "note" is used.

Notes used in drawing up

Answers: beans, minus

Rebus - a logic game in which you need to solve the answer in the picture. The latter depicts objects, animals and plants, letters and numbers. It matters their mutual location. Even for fidgets, rebuses can become an exciting occupation, if you submit it in a game form. For example, you can invite to teach a child how to solve spy encryptions.

And from the simplest puzzle pictures for preschool age Get to relatively complex. We assure: if your child is passionate and learn to include logical thinking, over time you will learn from him how to solve puzzles in pictures.

Rebuses are invented on a huge set of topics. The main thing is that every word, letter and subject that serve as an answer to the picture were already familiar to the baby.

How to solve rebuses for children with letters in pictures?

If you are interested in rebuts, then, most likely, you know the advantages of these logical tasks. They develop memory, intelligence, the speed of thinking, the ability to navigate the situation and apply the knowledge gained.

To teach a child for 6-7 years, how to solve the tasks, to start, it began to explain to him the rules. No need to insist that he remember everything at once. Most likely, you yourself do not know everything yourself. Better for the day to explain one or two and reinforce thematic tasks. The latter can be printed (more convenient to occupation on the street) or show from the monitor. In the following classes, it is also better not to offer too much material. It is important to explain the chad that at first he needs to be correctly identified and called the item shown in the picture. And only then in relation to this word, apply the rules.

So, we read the basic rules! In particular, we will define what the comma, crossing, an inverted object and other subtleties in pictures.

  • What does the comma at the beginning or end of the rebus?
    The comma at the bottom or above in the picture means that from the name of the image of the subject it is necessary to discard one letter at the beginning. Accordingly, we see two commas - throwing two first letters. These icons are found very often.
  • What does an inverted comma at the beginning or end?
    Rules for inverted commas are similar to the rules for ordinary commas (see the previous paragraph).
  • What do you mean crossed and finished letters?
    The crown letter in the picture means that from the name of the drawn item you need to be excluded (and add another if it is specified). Discarded to the left or right of the picture - it is necessary to add it to the word at the beginning and at the end.
  • What do the numbers in the rebuses mean?
    Figures can have two values. Do they stand over the word? To guess the answer, you need to rearrange the letters from place to place in the designated order. The name of the number can be part of the word (often use "hundred", "five"). The curved figure means that from the word you need to exclude the letter with such a sequence number. It should be remembered that some numbers, as well as items, may have several names (a unit - "count", "times", "one").
  • What does plus mean, the sign "equal"?
    If between words (symbols) costs the plus sign, then they should be added to each other. Sometimes "+" means the pretext "K", the necessary is selected in meaning. The sign "equal" (for example, A \u003d K) suggests that all the letters "A" in the Word should be replaced by the letters "K".
  • Vertical or horizontal trait in tasks?
    The horizontal feature means simultaneously "under", "software", "over" and "on" depending on the context. Used with letters or pictures, when one part is drawn below the feature, the other is higher. Sometimes indicates a fraction (half of something, that is, "floor").
  • Location of letters in the picture and prepositions
    It is important to look at the set of letters. If they are placed one in another, it means that the pretext of "B" is added to their names. One letter is drawn after another - refers to the pretext of "for" or "before."
  • The subject on the picture is drawn upside down? To get an answer, you need to read the word on the contrary. Short words Children 6-7 years can be turned over in the mind. True, the number of such tasks is quite limited.

Most often, several rules are used simultaneously in the rebus. It is believed that in 6-7 years, children are already familiar with letters, clearly know their names. If the younger schoolboy has not come across a comma yet, to teach him a new icon will not be much difficult.

Examples of pools in pictures for children 6-7 years old with answers

Children 6-7 years old and less much better perceive the material in binding to a memorable event. Rebuses about animals will unrave yourself with delight, if they offer their child the day after visiting the zoo. A first-face girl who burns the desire to enter music school, musical rebuses will be interested. And the child, impressed by the planetarium boy, will like pictures about space.

About animals and birds

Giving children a task about birds or animals, make sure that he has already come across such names of animals, and also understands everything shown in the picture.

Rebuses about the family, about mom

Who for the child is Mile all, if not mommy! And who he gladly meet every time mom and dad? Babies really like to recognize and guess grandparents, sister and other relatives in encrypted pictures. Print or draw pictures of the brighter and start having fun, at the same time teaching the child!

About sports about health

Rebuses about labor, health, sports, professions and many others can be used as thematic gaming benefits. In the graduation group of kindergarten, the first classes of school or at home is scheduled or a conversation on one of the topics? The mystery in the form of a picture will allow you to learn the material better than the usual faceless story. Kids will be interested in non-standard material feed.

Rebuses for fairy tales

Fairy tales with familiar characters, modern or classic cartoons are an inexhaustible to store inspiration. If the child is not very interested in logical mysteries, you can try to captivate him with guessing your favorite characters. Mysfresses on this topic are much larger than is given as an example. Knowing interests and favorite fairy tales of your child, you can create rebuses in the form of applications yourself.

Many are interesting rebuses whose species there is a huge set. And it is not surprising. The official inventor of "entertaining encryption" was French Etienne Taburo back in the 16th century. In today's age of information technologies, learn how to solve rebuses can be with the help of the Internet, reference books and books, as well as our article. Thanks to the breakdown of puzzles, thinking becomes non-standard, logic develops What is especially important for children and adolescents.

What is rules rules?

The amazing world of rebus is subordinate to a number of rules. To learn to understand what is encrypted in the combination of pictures and symbols, I need practice. But first you need to master the theory, study the techniques of compilation and find out how to solve them correctly.

Secrets of puzzle rays:

in a logical task, one word, phrase or sentence, which are divided into several parts and encrypt in the form of symbols and images;

  • the first impression is deceptive, so you need to pay attention to the details;
  • it is important to take into account the location of the characters relative to each other;
  • they begin to solve in the direction: on the left side to the right, or from top to bottom;
  • · If the guide arrow is depicted in the task, it means that you need to read in the direction that it indicates;
  • picture image is read by the word of the nominal case of the only number;
  • the task may be encrypted by the proverb, a quote or a riddle, in which all parts of speech will be present;
  • when drawing up a puzzle, use pictures, numbers, letters, symbols;
  • in the task, you can use an unlimited number of techniques;
  • the result of a lifestyle of a logical task should be a meaningful word or a group of words.

Types of Rus:

  • literary;
  • musical;
  • mathematical;
  • sound.

Suppose the figure shows several items. It is necessary to call objects in the nominative case, alternately, in the direction on the left side to the right. For example, the word fiber, you can read if you correctly name and connect the two words shown in the picture, ox and window.

If the word or pattern is depicted with commas, so many letters should be removed as the swaps in the figure (for example, we have in the image from the word the ball need to remove one letter h).

When the logical task consists of two parts - pictures and words, you need to pick up the picture the only correct name, which can be connected to an alphabone expression.

Very interesting to solve rebuses from the letters. For example, in the middle of the letter о fit. We turn on the logic and slowly pronounce what we see with your own eyes: "In - o - yes," received the answer - the word water.

Now remember: you can enter part of the desired word not only "in" the letters, you can have them before, for, under, on, y - in relation to the image. Prepositions - from, k, from, with, in - can be seen on an encrypted task on the position of each other items depicted in the figure.

For example, we see that the letter "L" leaned against the letter "K" - and you will read two letters with the pretext of "y" - "L-U-K", got the word onion.

In the case when the lettering is located one "above" other or "on", or "under" - you need to vote what they see eyes. If I saw a fraction, with the Number "FD" and the denominator "Ri" - read "FO-Na-Ri", received the word lanterns.

If two letters are shown in the figure, but one is closer, and the other is "for" her - you need to take a hint and read the letters and letters "for". For example, the letter "I" hid "C", and if they say out loud what the eyes see, the word of the hare will be obtained.

When the picture is drawn in the pool, and next to the crowded letter, you need to carefully look at the picture and call the subject in the nominative case. The letter that is in the Word, but is crossed out in the picture, must be removed from the word - as a result, a new desired word will be obtained. An option with a letter can be like this: the letter must be replaced with another, because there is a sign between the letters equal.

Rebuses with letters and numbers are the lighter. Suppose the picture is depicted in the picture, and the word is a digital expression 1, 2, 7, 5. In this word 7 letters, and each digit is equal to the letter. You need to take letters from the word in accordance with the sequence numbers and position as proposed in the task. It will turn out a new word - tank.

If the swaps are located near the drawing or right, it means that you need to call the drawing and remove unnecessary letters - as a result, the new word will be obtained. How many commas are shown in the figure, so many letters will be removed from the word.

The task is complicated when there are several pictures in the figure.

It is interesting to solve a logical task when it combines an alphabetic expression or one letter with numbers. For example, 100+ Letter "L", it will turn out the word table.

Suppose, in the image below there was a picture of an eagle, and at the top there were an alphabetic equality P \u003d S. We see how the proud eagle turned into the word donkey.

Pretty common are rebuses with several pictures, under which digits are located. If part of the specified numbers are crossed out, it means in words that are shown the numbers, you will need to remove the letters according to the obtained digital instructions.

Rebuses with a fraction read using the expression that transmits the fission action. So, if the letter "s" is divided into "k", read "s - to" and get the word sign.

Often on tasks with rebuilds you can see several images together - letter, digit, image. When you solve such logical tasks, you just need to look at things and call them with your own names, this method helps to quickly solve the most confusing puzzles.

Parents dream that the child in life everything has been successful. But you need to not dream, but to act. Everyone knows that the child's thinking is different from thinking of an adult. Children still do not have stereotypes, complexes, children see the world in the true light. That is why it is important to teach the child to think independently, create logical chains, look for a way out, and most importantly find it. Best way Teach a child to logically think and see the essence of the question than the unraveling of rebs for beginners, and can not!

The harder, the more interesting, or how to solve rebuses with notes

When seeds remained behind, the nuts will be on the teeth and you, and your baby. Sophisticated rebuses can only be resolved to someone who has special knowledge.

With sticks or matches, you can upload interesting logical tasks. Here, the actions with chopsticks can be performed in two directions:

  • by changing the position of the sticks, you can change the image;
  • transfer sticks in such a way that the number of sticks in the figures obtained turned out to be the same.

Tasks with chopsticks are an interesting exciting process. Perhaps the one who can make four of the triangles in the future will build a time car or make an incredible discovery of mathematics in the world.

Mathematical rebuses cause interest in children with their originality. Simultaneously with the search for solutions, the child believes performs actions, seeks several options for solving the issue. The most pleasant in solving a logical task is to receive positive result. Children feeling victory gives joy and sea of \u200b\u200bpositive emotions. It is possible to engage in the rebuses in the family, and you can bring it a hobby into the company of peers. In the Internet resources collected a huge number of developing tasks for children and adolescents, lovers and professionals. In children's publications, many exciting tasks for logic, rebs, Sharad, crosswords. Do not forget to buy them to your child. And instead of viewing the tenth of the cartoon series, offer to unravel the logical task together. Believe me, time will fly imperceptibly, and heat from the heart spent together, will warm the heart for a long time.

Good afternoon, our inquisitive readers! Rebuses for grade 1 in pictures are very useful to solve not only children, but also adults. They help to pass time for a fascinating occupation, and also develop imagination, mixtalk and logic.

Want your schoolboy to soften your brain carefully? First practice yourself. We selected for you 15 species of entertaining puzzles, which involve the knowledge of the student in a letter, mathematics and other subjects. Answers are attached to all puzzles.

Why do we need rebuses?

Teachers sometimes offer to solve rebuses in the lessons and sometimes ask their kids home. In modern textbooks for the first class, for example, in the Alphabet of Goretsky, you will meet many similar tasks. These unusual puzzles allow:

  • increase the schoolchild interest to the perception of new information;
  • develop thinking flexibility;
  • search for non-standard solutions;
  • open the mind;
  • remove excessive tension in the study process;
  • make a variety of classes.

Interesting encryptions for every taste you can print out of the Internet. You can also sit down your child for a computer so that he can solve puzzles online.

Basic Rules Russes

You happened that the son or daughter is asked to help solve a puzzle, you take it with zeal for it - and you can not solve it? We know why it happens. You should assign the basic rules for compiling such tasks.

Inverted picture

If the picture is depicted in the picture, then its name should be applied to the rebel.

For example, the solution of this puzzle looks like this: "ka" + turned "cat" \u003d "ka" + "current".

Answer: "rink".

Use of commas

This is one of the most frequent techniques. The comma in the figure denotes that from the word you need to remove the letter. The amount of commas is always equal to the number of characters that should be removed.

At the same time, the commas left of the image means that you need to remove the first letters, and the commas to the right of the picture are called to discard the last.

Answer: "Caban".

Letter near the picture

The letter near the picture will definitely be part of the raid. If it is before the image, then its place at the beginning of the word, if after it is at the end. Such tasks are simple, so they are best to start the acquaintance of first-graders with puzzles.

Answer: "Screen".

Launched letter or equality sign

Often, the picture is written near the drawing, and next to the other. This means that a closed letter in a word, denoting the image, must be replaced with another. Act the same principle if you see the mathematical sign of equality between letters.

Answer: Cow.

Figures under the drawing

If under the image or above it you will see the numbers, then write the name of the picture and rearrange the letters in the specified order.

Answer: "Silacha".

There are more complex variants of such plas. If the image is written less numbers than letters in a given word, then we take only those characters from the name, the numbers of which are listed in the picture.

Horizontal line

The horizontal line that divides the riddle to the upper and lower parts, suggests that in the middle of the word will be the pretext of "over", "under" or "on".

Answer: "Dranva".

Letters inside the image

The letter or item inside the symbol or geometric shape meant that the "B" pretexts are met in the guess.

Answers: "Voron", "harm".

Figure per drawing

If the images are as if hiding one after another, then it's time to use the word "for".

Answer: "Kazan".

Letter consisting of small beaks

When one big is made up of small characters - boldly apply the "out" pretext.

Answer: "Downstairs".


The image of the notes in the rebus serves as a reason for using their names in the decision. Children who do not know a new row, usually give a hint.

Answer: "Share", "Beans".

Symbols held by arms

If letters hold hands, then for the deposit, use the pretext "and" or "C".

Answer: Osa.

Running symbols

When funny beaks run away from each other or happily run towards, we use the pretext "to" or "from".

Answer: "outflow".

Numbers next to letters

If the figure shows the letters, and next to the numbers, then in the guess we use the name of the numbers in combination with the specified characters.

Answer: "Parking".

Some numbers can be encrypted under different names. For example, the figure "1" may sound like "one", "times" and even "count."

Answer: "Development".

Mathematical actions

In the rebuses you can encrypt not only words, but also numbers. For example, to guess these simple examplesIt is necessary to think well and connect knowledge of mathematics:

The triangle is marked with one discharge. At the same time, if you fold it 4 times, you will get a unique number marked with a square, and if you add it 5 times, a two-digit number marked in the picture and rhombus will be released.


2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8,

2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 10.

Combined encryptions

Offer your student various puzzle options more often, and soon he will be easily guessing them independently. Now you can go to more sophisticated options for tasks. For example, how do you like this option?

Answer: "paddle".

Learn with interest

Well, you made sure that the breakdown of the plas is a whole science with its concepts and rules? We hope that you could help you figure it out. How to instill a child interest in such a creative way of learning? "Eureka" will give a few ordinary tips:

  • Start with the easiest tasks and gradually go to more complex.
  • Act unobtrusively.
  • Invent the rebuses yourself and attract the child to this session.
  • Use the breakdown of puzzles as a competition with prizes for winners - for example, on children's Dn. birth.
  • Help the baby if he cannot cope with the task for a long time.
  • Praise for the correct decryption and be delicate if it does not cope.

We are glad to dispel myth that study is difficult and boring. We hope we managed it! Transfer a positive attitude to your young student and share your experiences in the comments to this article. See you soon!