A card file of using lego elements in didactic games. Methodical recommendations for the use of the LEGO designer "in the magical country of Lego Designer"

If in any other, not gaming, activity is primarily important target, the result, then the process is important in the game, since there is no visible goal as it does not have. It is an interest in the process itself is the driving force that allows the game to last. The game provides a child emotional well-being, allows you to realize a variety of desires and desires and, above all, the desire to act as adults, the desire to manage objects. I always use musical and didactic games on my classes. The main purpose of musical and didactic games is to form musical abilities in children, in an affordable game form. By participating in the competition, I started picking up musical and didactic games in which the LEGO constructor can be used. Of great importance is the age of children, I decided that I would conduct musical and didactic games using the LEGO designer for medium groups (correctional groups), but you can choose games for different ages.


    Formation in children of musical abilities in an affordable game form using the Lego designer.

    Movement to independent actions (games) beyond musical training.

A task:

    Develop musical and sensory abilities using Lego designer.

Material and equipment:designer Lego, Leko.

Preliminary preparation:

    selection of games in accordance with learning tasks;

    selection of the desired designer for different buildings;

    preparation of the music leader to the game: to study and comprehend the entire course of the game, its place in the game, methods management game;

Preparation of children:

    show children designs that will be needed to play and build them together with children;

    explain the course of the game and for what game you need one or another design;

    enrich them with knowledge, ideas about the subjects necessary to solve the game problem;

I use the following types of musical and didactic games:

For development of sound hearing In the game "Music Lanenka", together with the children built Lego Lanenka and Lego-little man. Determining the movement of the melody up, the baby girl moves the man up the ladder. When the melody moves down, the lego man "moves" down. When the melody remains on one sound, Lego man stands on the spot.

The second game in which Lego Lestenka is "low, high sound", where the child determines low, high sounds and puts the little man on the appropriate ladder.

For the development of a rhythmfrom the details of Leko, we collect noise tools together, in which we fold small parts of the lego designer. Choosing children to read:

Who will perform?

One, two, three, four, five.

Go out for us to play.

The child under the song plays on a noise instrument.

Lego tool sounds

All the guys are having fun.

Who is so fun playing?

This is the tanya of noise.

In the game "Long, short sound", children listen rhythmic pattern, and then build the sounds that they heard. Those children who are difficult to determine which sound sounds, perform the task on the contrary. They build their rhythmic pattern, and the music leader loses the melody built from the designer.

For development of memory and hearingi chose the game "Choose a toy" I use, built from the Lego Designer of Animals: Bear, bunny, chanterelle, Bird, which arrange on the table. Children listen to the melody and find the toy corresponding to its character. The game ends when there will be no toy on the table.

For the development of children's creativityi decided that we would build mood mood. After listening, they choose the color of the details corresponding to the nature of the melody and give it a form building from the designer of a hollow or Lego. You can lose a software work, and then offer to children to build a picture of the heard picture. These games are developing not only the musical rumor of children, but also imagination.

Designing becomes an integral part of not only nodes, but also holidays, and entertainment. We use Leko.Lego. The designer for various constructions. So in the scenario "Teremok", in the younger group, children with parents from the lecture-designer built a house for a bear, in the graduation for the scenario "Vovka in the Three Step Kingdom", the throne was built for the king, and in a mathematical game, children built a response from the designer.

Playing games using the designer, children did not notice how they answered questions quickly and right.


    Children with the help of the designer are easier to assimilate and remember the material of the classes;

    Children show a desire to repeat the game with the designer in self-activity, fastening their sensory abilities, feel, distinguish between the properties of musical sounds.

    At the occupation, even those children who were clamped, in the process of the game became leaders.

    The use of the designer, favorably affects the process of musical education.

"Mirror". Purpose: Development of attention, skills to navigate in space. Card game game using Lego Designer. Game motivation. The queen from the fairy tale about seven heroes accidentally broke the magic mirror, in which it was possible to see everything that was happening in the world. For help, he appealed to the magic workshop, but the master said. That the mirror will work again, only if you lay out of colored fragments (design details of the LEGO) exactly the same image. (Work on the sample, application number 2) "Logic chain" Objective: Formation of the concept of "Sign of Item"; development of logical thinking; Learning to transform an object, according to any sign. Game motivation. 1.Sheshariki decided to decorate their town a beautiful garland, in which every next flashlight would be different from the previous color only (shape, size, color and size, etc.) 2. The seshariki decided to build several different game motivation. Matryushki went for houses on their gland. For the idea of \u200b\u200bthe architect every shopping. Let's help them find the store, all that the next stage of the house should differ from the previous one is listed. Each child gets a card, only in color (shape, size, color and size, etc.) which is schematically depicted by any details "Cinderella" of the LEGO designer (this is the "Shopping List"). It is necessary as a goal: the formation of the concept of the "sign of the subject": you can quickly assemble the "purchase" to the basket, the development of the ability to classify items on various features; Formation of a sense of time. Game motivation. 1. Help is needed. which are indicated in the "list". "Elephant" Purpose: Develop the ability of children to create and compare the evil stepmother forced it to sort all parts of items in length, denote the result of the comparison of its daughters in certain signs (color, (longer - shorter, equal in length); nimble ). This is necessary for a certain space, develop imagination. time. The game motivation in Lego - the zoo appeared 2. "Comerate the crop" a new animal. It was very liked by Lego - the little men, he was held as a mobile game. Various details that the zoo staff decided to give LEGO's visitors lying on the floor. Toys of this animal. I am also given to such children should also collect only " ripe berries ", I.e. Red details, etc. The toy, and he broke it by negligence. Before children, the details from which this toy was made. The instruction in the form of schematic drawings is attached. Purpose: To form the ability to read the scheme; the development of "roads in the flower city" of attention; The ability to act according to the instructions goal: develop the ability to compare the details in length. Game motivation: Brief screws and tower built a car, but there is no road in the flower town, which could drive this car. For the construction of the road to the store, they chose the bricks of yellow color, and for the road to the library - red. And how to build roads, they do not know. Children help snot. lower, wider - already, more - less); The score, distinguish between the order and correctly answer questions: the skills to form the concepts "form" and "size", "length", "color". Game motivation. Smeshariki gather in (on the fairy tale K.I. Chukovsky "Fly - Capotuha") Objective: Learn to design according to the sample; develop how much, which is account; Develop to continue "Samovar" to designate the result of the comparison result (above - a quantitative rectangle, as many things as possible. Purpose: Learn to compare items in height; skill Objective: Learning to allocate differences between a square and travel. They need to help put in a suitcase "Master Pope Karlo" Fasten the "suitcase" attention; form collective activity skills, learning to compare. Exercise in the score. Game motivation. Fly - Costochua invited analysis and synthesis; learn to navigate in space. Guests on tea, but she has no Samovar. The teacher offers children to make a samovar for Tea Party Visiting Fly - Game Motivation. The teacher shows the children a figure "Pope Carlo" and tells that Dad Carlo Costohah. With a support for a samovar's drawing. "A new dress for flies - Costoha" received an order for the manufacture of furniture. Order is very urgent Game motivation. And therefore he is looking for assistants. The teacher asks, fly - the basement today is a birthday man, so she agrees Lee guys to help the old joiner. Gaming exercises Design design with a designer to prepare for the arrival of guests, she needs a new dress. Lego - the teacher proposes to sew a new dress from the details of the design of Legogo according to the "pattern", i.e. Drawing. "Treasure" goal: consolidate the ideas about the concepts of "digit" and "number"; Exercise in account up to 10; learn to compare height. 2. How many blue cubes need to add so that the blue and red tracks become the same? 3. How many details in a blue lane is less than in red? Game motivation. Children are invited to find "more or less?" "Clay", i.e. Get different details from the "box of sensations": exercise children in comparison of objects on the LEGO designer with the image of the numbers. Next, children build a length; To form the concepts of "more", "less", "so much a tower of cubes with numbers in order of increasing"; Teach add and take away. (descending), determine the height of the tower. Lived - there were multicolored cubes. They lived a friendly "path for a red hat" and loved to build interesting things. Once they are a goal: the development of skills to compare and converting a film about Egypt and ancient pyramids and objects in length; Learn to add and take a game motivation. A red hat and wolf rushes through the forest to the grandmother, on a green and red path. We decided to build in the pyramid. Having discussed the future building, the cubes agreed that each row of pyramids would consist of single-color cubes. But how to determine, "long - short" cubes, what color will be at the base of the pyramid, and the game motivation. The teacher uses the way "what will be at the very top? Children offer their comparisons in length. ": Share the tracks from Lego cubes. Children must determine what the longest path, consider the details of which it consists, answer the questions: 1. What walkway is longer, blue or red? solutions.

Using the "Lego" designer

in working with preschoolers and

first class (extracurricular activities)


Teacher MBOU SOSH №37

Lyashenko I.S.

belgorod -2015g.

    Lego- technology in the educational process of preschool institution ............................................. 3

    Project "Country Lego" ................................................ 5

    Abstracts of leek-design ............ ... 17

    Gaming exercises And didactic games using Lego Designer .............................. 21

    Construction schemes ................................................ .25

LEGO is one of the most famous and common pedagogical systems, widely using three-dimensional models. real Mira and the objective and gaming environment of the teaching and development of the child. Lego allows children to learn, playing and learing in the game.

The game is the most important satellite of childhood, in the process of her kids begin to imitate adults, try their strength, fantasize, experiment. The game provides children with huge opportunities for physical, aesthetic and social development.

Design - the most important view for the preschooler productive activity By modeling both really existing and invented by the children themselves.

The plan developed by me on the topic "LEGO - design" is aimed at the development of cognitive activity in preschoolers and constructive gaming skills.

Work on LEGO design passes in the form of joint activities and leisure, and allows you to solve the following tasks:

    Develop imagination, speech, shallow motorcy, analysis and synthesis functions;

    shape the planning skills of the process of creating their own models and joint projects;

    to form the interest of children to the directorial game by playing constructive buildings and images;

    form sensory views;

    to form skills to work in the team.

At the heart of planning joint activities lie methodical manuals: L.G.Komarova "Build from LEGO" - M.: "Link-Press", 2001; e. V. Feshina "Lego -Construction in kindergarten" - M.: TC "Sphere", 2012.

As a constructive gaming environment, I use designers: Lego Duplo , LEGO DACTA, LEGO thematic sets.

In the process of activity with a lego designer use a variety of task forms:

With children younger group

    Designing according to sample

    Conversion sample by condition

    Designing on the plan

With the children of the middle group

    Designing by condition

    Designing on the plan

With children of the senior group preschool age

    Sample design and sample conversion by condition

    Designing by condition

    Designing on the plan

    Independent design by drawing

According to the method in the younger group, the role of the lead always takes adult, since children cannot distribute their roles in the game, I choose the simplest games. Children get acquainted with the main details of the LEGO Duplo designer, ways to fasten bricks, children are formed by the ability to correlate with the sample results own actions In the design of the object.

IN medium group Games make a little complicate. Children will learn to work on cards where the image is colored; Designed by plan, freely experiment with the building material, first get acquainted with a small designer LEGO Dasta. IN senior group Children in games are more independent. The role of the lead will take over, cooperate with each other.

The world that opens the designer Lego to the child so fascinating and exciting that, playing with him, the baby among other things will also receive a lot of pleasure and positive emotions. Subsequently, perhaps, it will go into a permanent wish to learn and perceive all new in life with children's enthusiasm.

name of the project

Lego country

Project tasks

purpose : , Intellectual in .


1. analyze functioning future design, install her , promote Original structures on the same : Win it, blocks of different configurations, embed additional .

2. Conduct on their own , model schema.

3. Use the created structures in - Makes, -role games.

Stages of work

I. - (2013-2014 uch.g.)

1. -ORentized analysis.

    Comprehensive study - and -Motionic literature.

    Needs and existing problem.

    specific goals , solutions to the problem.

II. (2013-2014 uch.g.)

1. for .

2. Developing concrete by .

3. Project implementation:

    Selection .

    Monitoring project implementation.

    - Plan with kids.

    Testing .

4. framework for project implementation

    Establishment on project implementation.

    Informing Results.

    implementing a project.

. -Bouch (2014-2015 uch.)

1. Taking tactical and strategic decisions , identifying the prospects for further development.

Expected Result

I. with kids:

    Creates structures from different species According to his own intent.

    Applies Means to achieve results (scheme, models, drawings, samples)

    Independently organizes the sliding environment, reflecting and refracting the surrounding reality, Books.

    Strive to become a participant of the collective plot - role-playing game using crafts from different species Designer.

    The director's game takes on the role of the organizer and performer of all actors in the game, creating and losing holistic plots based on the games created - layouts.

II. Informational and educational product

2. Analytical report on the basis of the project "Formation of cognitive and research activity of children in the implementation of the project" Country Lego ".

3. Master class "Development of the creative potential of a child in games with designers" Lego ".

Terms of project implementation

2 years

Project participants

Children of preschool age, teachers, parents.

Explanatory note

Toys, games are one of the most powerful educational resources in the hands of society. The game is made called the main activity of the child. It is in the game that various sides of his personality are manifested and developing and developing, many intellectual and emotional needs are satisfied, there is a character that positively affects the social health of the preschooler.

But, at the same time, you can often see the picture: the baby has a lot of toys, and he does not play them. The reasons for this, of course, not alone, but most often the main reason is that the toys have already been "exhausted", the novelty element disappeared. And he attracts the child first. To give him a problem for the mind, a long-term intelligent load is not a ready-to -ile toy. In this regard much better construction Materials, Mosaic, etc. These games have great variability, a variety of combinations. But their developing opportunities are limited: they do not encourage children to reinforced mental activityDo not require significant stresses from them, do not ahead of the development of the child, and at best, only its momentary needs satisfy. And this is very little for the development of creative abilities. If you still consider that everything is not created in every family the necessary conditions For the development of creative activities of children, it becomes obvious:need new type games , Games simulating the creative process and creating their microclimate, where there are opportunities for the development of the creative side of the intellect., contributing to the formation of communicative skills in children, establish positive interpersonal relations.

Such games of the new type aregames with type designers Lego which in all over their diversity comes from the general idea andpossess characteristic features :

1 . Each game with the designer isset of tasks which baby decides with the help of details from the designer.

2. The tasks are given a child in a different form: in the form of a model, drawing, photos, drawing, oral instruction, etc., and thus introduce it todifferent ways to transfer information .

3. The tasks are located approximately in order of increasing complexity, i.e. They use the principle of people's games:from simple to complex .

4. The gradual increase in the difficulty of tasks in design allows the child to go ahead and improvealone . develop your creativity Unlike learning, where everything is explained and where only performing features in a child are formed.

5. The solution of the problem It appears before the child not in the abstract form of a response of a mathematical problem, but in the form of a structure from the details of the designer, i.e. in the form of visible and tangible things. This allows you to compare a clearly "task" with the "solution" and to check the accuracy of the task.

6. Most games with the designer are not exhausted by the proposed tasks, but allows children to draw up new tasks options and invent new games with the designer, i.e.creative activities.

So modeling from the "Lego" type designers allows you to resolve several problems associated with the development of creative abilities, imagination, intellectual activity; formation based on the creation of common buildings of communicative skills: the ability to jointly express their suggestions, advice, requests, in polite form to answer questions; goodwill to offer assistance; Combine in a couple of pairs, micro groups.

Faced with the problem of teaching children to modeling from designers like "Lego", has become the need to develop a project using "Lego" designers.

Stages of work The following is the following: organizational and preparatory, technological and reflexive-generalizing.

On the organizational and preparatory stage A problem-approximate analysis was drawn up, psychological and pedagogical and scientific and methodical literature was comprehensively studied, specific goals and ways to solve the problem were determined.

On the technological stage A bank of methodical recommendations and benefits for constructive activities using designers "Lego" were created; Diagnostic techniques were selected. A calendar-promising plan for the implementation of the project with children was developed, which makes up the implementation of game mini-projects: "Our Group", "Build the city", "Forest Miracles", "Cosmos". The abstracts of classes were developed and tested. Cooperation was established with parents for the successful implementation of the project.

On the reflective-generalized stage Decisions were made based on the results of monitoring, the prospects for further development were determined.

Distinctive feature and novelty Work is expressed in the implementation of tasks for the development of creativity and constructive skills through such forms of work as game mini-projects using type "Lego" designers.

In the course of the execution of pedagogical work applies the followingprinciples :

    from simple to complex ;

    accounting individual capabilities children in the development of communicative and constructive skills;

    activity and creativity - Use effective methods and targeted activities aimed at the development of children's creative abilities;

    complexity of solving problems - solving constructive tasks in different types activities: gaming, cognitive, speech;

    performance and warranty - Implementation of the rights of the child to receive assistance and support, guarantees positive result Regardless of age and the level of development of children.

Working out the project "Country Lego" was setgoal :

develop creative imagination, intellectual activity in constructive and gaming activities;

develop social emotions and motives that contribute to the establishment of interpersonal relations of children in gaming and constructive activities.

The implementation of the project "Country Lego" allows you to implement the followingtasks :

1. Contribute to the emergence of friendly, partnership relations and gaming associations for interests; independently negotiate with each other, rightly distribute the roles, in ethically acceptable form to resolve conflicts

2. Develop the ability to analyze the conditions for the functioning of the future design, to set the sequence of its execution, to promote the creation of different original structures on the same basis: to hold, using blocks of different configurations, embed various elements.

3. Learn to use the created designs in the games-layouts, plot-role, directorial games.

Project tasks are implemented on the followingdirections :

1. Education of children throughquest Games, Exercise Games, Didactic Games which develop different intellectual qualities: attention, memory, the ability to find dependencies and patterns; classify and systematize the material; combination ability; The ability to make the right conclusions based on the analysis.

2. Implementation implementation of mini projects : "Our Group", "Forest Miracles", "Build the City", "Cosmos". They allow you to develop the ability to plan the process of creating your own model and a joint project; constructive imagination when creating construction on its own design; the ability to foresee the results of their actions; Find a partner to implement your own design, to be able to establish friendly relationships with peers, create and beat the thematic layout.

3. Holding diagnostics The formation level of constructive skills in children.

"Our group" (our class)


Work forms










Educating in children interest in the appropriate beauty of the objective world, to acquaint with the aesthetics of life and the improvement of the premises.

Develop the ability to analyze the sample and relate their actions with it: select the necessary parts, reproduce the construction buildings, the scheme.

Learning to create on the basis of independent experimentation with the details of the design designer on its own design.

Teach constructive techniques to build a model of a human figure.

To form in children the skills of cooperation in joint activities.

Cognitive motivation "How to make a group of beautiful and cozy."

Consider photographs of groups of kindergartens.

Tour of kindergarten.

Drawing up a scheme of furniture location in a group.

Design "Furniture"

Exhibition "Furniture"

Discussion of design and destination, furniture layout in the room layout.

Designing "Girl", "Boy" according to the scheme.

Modeling the figures of people: "I and my friend" with a support for drawings.

Design and bearing of the layout "Our Group"


Mega block


Mega block


Mega block


Mega block


Plan for the implementation of the game mini project



Work forms

Type of designer


Create conditions for emotionally saturated adult and child communication in the game.

Consolidate the principles of building architectural buildings, ways to fasten the details on the show;

Develop a constructive imagination during the construction

building buildings

Learning to use movable and spinning parts;

Develop a constructive imagination required to embody your own design.

Conversation "What city we want to build".

Analyzing on illustrations, photographs of modeling objects;

Modeling gates, arches, towers, cathedrals;

Build the model of the sample teremk;

Construction of Russian churches in drawings (photos);

Building the model of the Russian terme in illustrations to fairy tales;

Construction of cathedrals, the Russian Kremlin according to the scheme;

Construction of models of modern land transport (bus, taxi, truck);

Construction of workers (tractor, excavator, bulldozer, combine);

Constructing the terme on the plan;

Creation of models of urban homes (one-, two-, multi-storey);

Creating a model of the car of the future.


Mega block

Mega block

Mega block

Mega block


Mega block


Mega block


Mega block



Plan for the implementation of the game minister

"Forests - Miracles"


Work forms










Training work planning with the help of a story about the planned subject; Learning to see the design features of models.

Secure the skills of modeling a human figure.

Secure skills to transmit characteristics animals by the designer.

Develop fantasy and constructive imagination; To form constructive skills for the transfer of construction plan.

Learning to create a plot of a joint game, using and combining the knowledge gained,

playing game dialogues, stick to the overall plan.

Game "Guess my model";

Modeling of the figures of people: "I and my friend" with a support for drawings;

Modeling the figure of a giant according to the sample and on the plan.

Creating models of dogs and cats according to the sample.

Designing birds according to the sample and on the plan.

Modeling animal figures with support for drawings.

Modeling a fantastic animal by plan.

Simulation of a fantastic animal.

Designing the monster models on its own design.

Creating a fabulous means of movement.

Scene - role-playing game

"Forest wonders"


Mega block


Mega block


Mega block


Mega block



Plan for the implementation of the game mini - project "Cosmos"


Work forms




Develop the skills for analyzing the object and transfer its shape to the means of the designer.

Secure shape transmission skills using rotating and moving parts.

Develop the ability to follow oral instructions in the teacher.

Development of fantasy and constructive imagination.

Develop the communicative skills of children in the game.

Encourage sustainable associations of children in the game.

Modeling aircraft by sample;

Creating a model of the aircraft in the picture.

Construction of military vehicles for sample and with a support for drawings;

Creation of models of robots according to sample;

Construction of helicopters according to the scheme.

Construction of aircraft, missiles;

Modeling warships.

Design spacecraft;

Modeling of attractions by plan;

The creation of models of robots and aliens on their own design.

Creation and footage of space "Cosmos"



Mega block



All types of designers



A summary of classes "In the forest-wonders we will go with you."

Modeling a fantastic animal

foaming a gaming situation.


1. Create gaming situationcontributing to the occurrence of children of children in interests and wishes in children

2. The way to make out its idea by a preliminary story.

3. Wear the ability to select the details of the designer, best transmitting the characteristic features of the planned animal.

4. Develop social emotions and motives that contribute to the establishment of interpersonal relations


Lego designers, thematic;

Fabulous forest, hare figures, house and bench, assembled from the details of the designer; Illustrations from fairy tales.

Travel course:

The teacher creates a play situation: puts toy Christmas trees, different other trees, the hut, collected from the details of the designer, and the figure of the bunnies. Then he tells such a story: "Lived, were on the edge of the forest Mom's bunny and her son - a bunny-fluff. Once the mother comes home from a neighboring garden with cabbage and sees her son sits on a bench in front of the house very sad. She asks His: "What is the matter, dear, why are you sad?" And the bunny is responsible for her: "I suddenly became so bored for me that I didn't even want to play. "Don't be sad, honey," says the haunted, "let's go with you on a journey!"

The teacher reads an excerpt from the poem "Forest Miracles":

In the forest-wonders we will go with you.

There wanders from Lake Blue.

There is a tale sweeping a fox,

So that the forests of wonders were clean.

We will go to the forest-wonders.

There we will meet with a smart bear,

Look at the owl in the hollow.

In the voupel of the owls warm and light ...

And after I invite the owl,

And we all go to visit to Lero.

He lives under the slide in the cave,

"Leo is kind" - sign on the door.

And good lion you will give you a paw

And crumbs: "Zdro-r-Rast!"

And you want, with a deer in the stains play -

After all, this is such an amazing edge!

The teacher invites children to imagine that they have already found themselves in this forest and met an unusual beast there. asks how this beast looks like, what size is it, what length is the neck, the tail, how many goals he has, paws, eyes. It suggests to unite at will be in pairs, the groups come up with the plan of the game, distribute the roles.

The guys create a model of the beast, build its home, build part of the forest. Give a nickname to the forest resident, tell about what he can do where he lives and what it fats, play the game situation.

Discussion: "How did the game got? Who did the roles? "

Building plans for the future, how we will play tomorrow.

An abstract classes: " Construction of workers' machines. "


1. Deskrive the object analysis skills on the illustration, the allocation of its main parts.

2. Essay the use of movable and spinning parts.

3. Trade children modeling the bucket.


Distributing - minimum set the necessary details of the designer lego for each child;

Demonstration - large pictures of machines, samples of models collected from the details of the Lego designer, and toy machines.

Travel course:

The teacher makes riddles to children to customize children on the subject of classes, shows pictures, talks about the purpose of each machine.

Ovat do not feed,

Whip do not drive

And how to plow

Seven plows drag.



Not on the sea floats


On the ground goes.

The field will pass

Vintage will collect.


Long neck

Cargo heavy capture.

Where they will order, put -

I serve man.

(Lifting crane)

Where they build new house,

Walking warrior with a shield

Where will go there it will become smooth,

There will be a flat site.


Mole climbed into our yard,

Root land at the gate,

If the mole opens the mouth.

Ton in the mouth of the earth will go,


Guys, together with the teacher, remember which workers they know, and for what purposes each of them is used. First, the land is preparing under the field, that is, if there are stumps, they need to emerge - a bulldozer is engaged. Then the field is plowed by a plow. In order to plow a large field, several plows are fixed to the frame, and the tractor drags it over the field. LEMERA CORNED EART. Then the harrow attacked the tractor, and she breaks the earth so that the grain fell into her could germinate.

Special Machine - The seeder makes grooves with a sharp steel tip, the plot of the seed in them and immediately falls asleep the earth. Tractor drags several seeders at once. Here, not to get bogged down in the ground, a tracked tractor is needed.

If you need to dig a ditch - the excavator will help in this matter. At the end of the summer, the combines go to the fields - collect harvest. In order to harvest grass for animals, use wheel tractors with mowing trailers.

The teacher together with the children analyzes the form of various machines, highlights their main parts and shows, with the help of which parts and receptions you can build a model of a particular machine. Draws the attention of children to start the design of any machine, it is necessary from a set of plates for the platform, firmly fastening them with bricks. To do this, it is better to take bricks authentic. The excavator cabin should turn together with the bucket, so on the platform it is necessary to fix a square part with a rotating circle. The arrow can be made from moving parts.

Having obtained different pictures with the image of the machines, the guys are proceeding with modeling. The bucket of the excavator they are assembled by following the oral instructions of the teacher, - on the square plate they are installed, on the contrary and fasten them along the edge with narrow plates. Also, under the guidance of the teacher, they collect two captures for the bulldozer.

Gaming exercises and didactic

games for the development of logical thinking

using a lego designer.

1. Classification.

- "Wonderful bag". In the bag there are several details of the lego designer. a) The teacher shows the item to find. b) The teacher only calls the necessary part. c) the child needs to be addicted to determine from what details a model is made up.

- "Collect the model." Children collect model under the dictation of the teacher. When determining the mutual location of the parts, adverbs "top", "in the middle", "left", "right", "across" are used.

2.Time and memory.

- "Collect the model in memory." The teacher shows the children within a few seconds a model of 3-4 parts, and then removes it. Children collect a model over memory and compare with the sample.

- "Remember and post a number." A number of details are exhibited in compliance with any pattern. The teacher emphasizes that for better memorization it is necessary to understand the pattern with which the details are supplied in the sample. Children over a few seconds consider the sample and then set the same memory.

3.Prost orientation.

- "Collect the model in landmarks." The teacher dictates the guys to set the detail of a particular shape and color. The following positions are used: "Left Top Angle", "Left Lower Angle", "Right Top Angle", "Right Lower Angle", "Mid-Left side", "mid-right side", "Over", "under", " To the left of "," right from ".

- "Make a layout of educational, group and reception rooms." For the mutual location of the items in the room, a reference point is used, which does not match the child's position.


- "Lay out the second half of the pattern." The teacher lay out the first half of the pattern, and the children must, by observing symmetry, lay out the second half of the pattern.

- "Make a pattern." Children independently make up symmetric patterns - you can depict butterflies, flowers, etc.

5. Logic patterns.

- Care for the continuation of the series . The teacher shows the sequence of elements consisting of the details of the designer, and the child should continue it.

First stage - Each element of a series consists of one detail of the constructor, two features are used to compile patterns.

Second phase - Each element of a series consists of two parts of the designer, one characteristic is used to compile patterns.

Third stage - Each element of a series consists of two parts of the designer, and two features are used to form patterns.

- "Search for missing shape." The teacher represents the task of three horizontal and three vertical rows of figures from the details of the designer. The child is given a task with one missing figure, which and choose. The exercise cycle begins with the easiest tasks when the figures consist of one part and differ by one character. Then gradually tasks are complicated.

6. Combinatorics.

-"Traffic light". The teacher distributes to children with three colors with children and suggests to compete - who will make more different traffic lights, that is, it is required that bricks are yellow, red and green in various order. After identifying the winner, the teacher demonstrates six combinations of traffic lights and explains the system for which they should be made so as not to miss a single option.

- "Make Flags". The teacher distributes children of two colors with children and requests all possible flags from one red brick and two blue, from one red and three blue or two red two blue.


upgrading games

The game "Part and whole".

The age of children is 4-5 years old. The game is held in the Group Room (specialist's office) individually.The teacher demonstrates the child a detail of a large designer Lego,shows connection methods.

Once a Particle, two particles

This is a brother and sister!

Once detail! Two detail!

You collect the designer!

What in the bag is guess

Immediately you get a prize!

Get a magic bag. The child is proposed to touch the detail of Lego, which lies in the bag (not looking into it, the touch) - to say - it is one or it is a few details connected together. For each correct answer, the child gets a prize (for girls and boys prizes are different, such as a flower of cardboard for a girl, a boat for a boy). Details in the bag intentionally dispose of such that it is obvious, where one item, where much (this is done in order to suggest the success of the child at the initial stage of the game). The teacher praises the baby for the fact that he correctly determined all parts. Of the details of the structure collected from the bag, it is proposed to collect any toy (taking into account the age of children and their psychophysical features). The prizes are selected non-random, they pumped on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe child's further game.

Game "Gate to a fairy tale."

The age of children is 4-5 years old. The game is held in a group room with a subgroup of children. The teacher says that today in the group all the details of the designer lego lost and need to try to collect them:

There is a constructor in the group of our

Lego, Lego - Beauty!

How to build we show

Although the flower, even a cat!

One, two, three, four, five!

We start looking for.

We are looking for small details,

We are looking for large details

We will collect "fairy tale"!

Children collect details of the constructor and bring them on the carpet in the center room. The teacher notes that these are only small particles, and from them, probably, you can make interesting toys. Asks what can work out of the designer. The teacher introduces a colorfully decorated gate, but warns children that they are very unstable, and he (teacher) does not know what to do. Children offer their own options, and the teacher agrees with them and offers to begin construction of supports from Lego designer. When the gate is fixed, the teacher admires the beauty of a fabulous gate, says that he could not guess so well fasten the gate (even if not everything turned out as it should, at the first stage of such games - the most important thing to give children the opportunity to believe in their strength ). It is proposed for children to come up with, whatever fabulous heroes wanted and could go under these gates. At the request of children, an independent game continues.

The game "An interesting find."

The age of children is 5-6 years old. The game can be held both in the group room and in the kindergarten. The game is carried out with a subgroup of children. The teacher hides the crafts in advance, made from the designer of Lego (crafts of an unusual form, unlike children familiar objects and toys) in different places of the group room (pleasure plot of kindergarten). Children are invited to find a hidden handicraft and come up with her name and appointment. The teacher does not voiced what exactly is hidden, but it suggests that these are some new items (crafts should really be made from this type of Lego designer, which was not previously introduced into the group). Children find crafts, independently come up with the name and purpose of toys. Children are invited to beat found crafts (the beat is not discussed, it is given for independent activities, if children want, they can play subgroups, couples, individually, can disassemble the toy and simulate a new one)


Construction schemes

The use of Lego contributes :

1) development in children of sensory representations, / since details of different shapes are used, painted in the main colors /;

2) the development and improvement of higher mental functions / memory, attention, thinking, focus on the development of such mental processes, as an analysis, synthesis, classification, generalization /

3) Training to the fingers of the hands of hands, which is very important for the development of shallow hands and in the future will help prepare a child's hand to the letter;

4) cohesion of the children's team, the formation of a sense of sympathy to each other, because Children learn to jointly solve problems, distribute roles, explaining to each other the importance of this constructive solution.

Methodical recommendations for teachers for organizing work with children on LEGO - Design 1. Coordinate the topics of LEGO classes - design with the theme work plan for kindergartens and school;
2. Organize LEGO classes - design in junior and medium groups: following the example, on cards with models, on your own, work with a large-sized designer.
3. Organize classes with LEGO - a designer in the older group, preparatory and first class: according to the instructions, modeling projects of projects in a drawing or illustration, work with a small designer begins;
4. Use Lego - a designer with children who are difficult to find friends for playing, active and shy;
5. Use Lego - designer, for independent games, with the purpose of self-inventing and playing various events;
6. Organize constructive activities for subgroups (no more than 6 people);
7. History individual features of children;
8.k each occupation to prepare a summary and a selection of didactic materials;
9. Not to give children all the details of the set, as children can spend a lot of time to search for small parts;
10.Used surprise moments and bright visibility at the beginning of the lesson to increase activity;
11. Use the LEGO-models built in the lesson - model in didactic, movable and scene-role-playing games And encourage children;
12.Ganize the exhibitions of children's work.

Game exercises and didactic games

using the LEGO designer in individual correctional work with autistic children

Prepared teacher-defectologist

Games, educational thinking.

1. Classification.

- "Wonderful bag".In the bag there are several details of the lego designer. a) The teacher shows the item to find. b) The teacher only calls the necessary part. c) the child needs to be addicted to determine from what details a model is made up.

- "Collect the model."Children collect model under the dictation of the teacher. When determining the mutual location of the parts, adverbs "top", "in the middle", "left", "right", "across" are used.

2.Time and memory.

-"What changed?". The teacher shows the children a model of 5-7 parts for some time. Then closes the model and changes the position 1-2 of the details in it or replaces 1-2 parts to others. After that, again shows the model and asks to tell what has changed.

- "Collect the model in memory." The teacher shows the children within a few seconds a model of 3-4 parts, and then removes it. Children collect a model over memory and compare with the sample.

- "Remember and post a number." A number of details are exhibited in compliance with any pattern. The teacher emphasizes that for better memorization it is necessary to understand the pattern with which the details are supplied in the sample. Children over a few seconds consider the sample and then set the same memory.

3.Prost orientation.

- "Collect the model in landmarks." The teacher dictates the guys to set the detail of a particular shape and color. The following positions are used: "Left Top Angle", "Left Lower Angle", "Right Top Angle", "Right Lower Angle", "Mid-Left side", "mid-right side", "Over", "under", " To the left of "," right from ".

- "Make a layout of educational, group and reception rooms." For the mutual location of the items in the room, a reference point is used, which does not match the child's position.


- "Lay out the second half of the pattern." The teacher lay out the first half of the pattern, and the children must, by observing symmetry, lay out the second half of the pattern.

- "Make a pattern." Children independently make up symmetric patterns - you can depict butterflies, flowers, etc.

5. Logic patterns.

- "What is superfluous?". The teacher shows the children a number of parts and asks to determine the extra element (each element consists of two parts of the designer).

- Care for the continuation of the series. The teacher shows the sequence of elements consisting of the details of the designer, and the child should continue it.

First stage - Each element of a series consists of one detail of the constructor, two features are used to compile patterns.

Second phase - Each element of a series consists of two parts of the designer, one characteristic is used to compile patterns.

Third stage - Each element of a series consists of two parts of the designer, and two features are used to form patterns.

- "Search for missing shape."The teacher represents the task of three horizontal and three vertical rows of figures from the details of the designer. The child is given a task with one missing figure, which and choose. The exercise cycle begins with the easiest tasks when the figures consist of one part and differ by one character. Then gradually tasks are complicated.

6. Combinatorics.

-"Traffic light". The teacher distributes to children with three colors with children and suggests to compete - who will make more different traffic lights, that is, it is required that bricks are yellow, red and green in various order. After identifying the winner, the teacher demonstrates six combinations of traffic lights and explains the system for which they should be made so as not to miss a single option.

- "Make Flags". The teacher distributes children of two colors with children and requests all possible flags from one red brick and two blue, from one red and three blue or two red two blue.


- "Hold similar" - Classification one property. The teacher shows the children a set of details and highlights a closed area with a thread. Then establishes the rule by which it is necessary to place the parts: for example, so that only red items or only bricks are inside the dedicated area.

Games, developing form perception.


Purpose: Learn children to recognize familiar details of the designer (cube, folder, triangle, cylinder, arch, tablet, timber) to the touch.

Game description: One of the children tie their eyes and suggest to guess to the touch form of the module.

Rules of the game:

1. Do not suggest and not to issue a general secret.

2. Do not interfere with the rejection, to solve the forms of the details yourself.

3. The gifue must conscientiously close the eyes and do not remove the dressings from the eyes until it calls the item.

4. Everyone patiently wait for their turn. Choose to guess the form of details of only one who does not violate the order and does not prevent children to play together.

"Parsley is not mistaken!"


Game description:As soon as Parsley puts on his cap, you need to approach the modules, choose any of them, raise it higher and ask: "Parsley, parsley, what in my hands?". If Parsley says that he does not see, go to him and put the item right in his hands, and say with everyone: "Parsley, Turning, that you have in my hands, and guess what module we gave you. Not mistaken, parsley! "

Rules of the game:

1. Observe complete silence so that Parsley is not mistaken and able to guess what he has in his hands.

2. You can not call the module and prompt parsley.

3. Carefully monitor the actions of parsley. Who is distracted and violated, that Parsley does not choose.

"Do you have or not?"

Purpose:Teach children learning familiar designer details to the touch.

Game description:The first child ties eyes, and offer to the touch to determine the form of the detail. The second child will have to find exactly the same item in shape.

Rules of the game:

1. Survey the item to the touch, both hands, turning from all sides.

2. You can unleash the eyes only after it called the item.

3. Select the item and ask if it has a partner, it is necessary in turn, which is installed using reading:

"Bring and show"

Purpose:Teach children to apply the techniques of visual examination of the form.

Game description: The educator shows a sample of the details and hides, and children should find the same one.

Rules of the game:

1. Make sure only those children who caused the tutor.

2. Before you look for the item, you need to consider a sample well and mentally imagine what you need to find.

Before you show the chosen detail, you need to check yourself.


1. Drying, change, we transform. - M.: Creative Center "Sphere", 2002.

2. Komarova, from Lego. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2006. - 120 s.

3. Kutsakova, and artistic work in kindergarten. - M.: Creative Center "Sphere", 2005.

Maria Kabanova

In our group, as in others, children love to build from the designer Lego.

Guys prefer designer Lego Other designers, and we are not against, because this designer encourages to work, equally, and the head, and the hands of the child.

Working with designer Lego allows children in the form of cognitive games Learn a lot of things important and develop the skills you need.

Elements Lego Designer can be used not only for design, but also in didactic games and exercises.

For children of our group, I prepared several didactic Games using Lego Designer.

1. "Colored turrets"

purpose: Fasten the names of colors; Develop interest, attention, speed, fine motor skills.

Children throwing a cube in turn. On the edges of the cube, there are colors pointing to the color of the cube you need to take the next to the building of the turret.

For games we use Little and big cubes Lego.

2. "Labyrinth".

purpose: Develop thinking, attention, coordination of movements.

Children independently build labyrinths, complicated and simple, on Lego plate. Or play the finished labyrinth built by the educator.

3. "We collect and consider"

purpose: fix the account and the composition of the number in the range of 9; Develop attention, thinking.

1 option.

Children call the number depicted in the column. Considering the cubes collect the turret from cubes as the number is depicted in this column.

Option 2.

The child, laying out the cubes on the card, considers them and picks up the figure that is necessary.

In our group, we while playing mathematical games Under the guidance of the teacher.

4. "Clear and put"

purpose: fix the bill and initial addition skills; Develop attention, thinking.

With the help of data cards, children are easily and with interests fold numbers within 10.

5. "Colored mats".

purpose: Continue to teach correlate shown on the card with construction; Develop attention, observation.

Looking for a card a child collects "mat"By observing the color alternation.

Also in our group there are cards for drawing up sample. Cards we buy ready-made or manufacture yourself. I try to replenish a card file regularly.

Children with pleasure playing data lego games-Constructor and your children, I am sure they will like. Thank you for attention!

Publications on the topic:

Didactic games. Games using matretory. Games using matretory. The games are aimed at securing understanding in objects of the specified parameters of the value (length, width, height,.

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Didactic Games using ICT Teacher-speech therapist GDOUOU kindergarten No. 9 of the Moscow District of St. Petersburg Unlimited Nelya Mikhailovna Theme: "Differentiation of sounds [s].

Didactic game - Lotto "Who loves is?" The goal. Learning to form a visional case of nouns names. Enchant dictionary.

Games using Lego designers. Constructive activities by me are carried out with children in an affordable game form from simple to complex. Referring that children are very easy to cope.

The use of the designer "Lego" in the development of the ability of the artistic vision of the world. NOD in the preparatory group Objective: to acquaint the scenery like a genre visual arts. Tasks: Educational: - to educate sensitivity to artwork;.

Consultation for teachers "Use the" Lego "designer in working with preschoolers" A person who is able to constructly think, quickly solve logical tasks, is most adapted to life, as it quickly finds.