Palm extract. Palm sabal: benefits and harms, contraindications

Even tribes of Indians were treated with black berries of the sabal palm in North America. They used its fruits for food. Official medicine has been successfully using the healing properties of this plant for about two centuries. In total, there are 16 species of these palms, all belong to the palm family, the genus of monocotyledonous plants. They are both tall-stemmed trees, growing up to 30 meters in height, and low-growing ones with an underground trunk.

In many countries, sabal is a popular ornamental plant used in indoor floriculture. Sabal palm extract is a part of many homeopathic remedies for the treatment of prostatitis and the normalization of the prostate gland.

Description of the plant

Tall palms of this family grow up to 30 meters and have a trunk with a diameter of more than 60 cm, undersized representatives of the genus have an underground trunk that grows at an angle downward and then rises above the ground.

Fan-shaped evergreen sabal are split into feathers (segments) almost to the base of the plate. The segments have bifid ends. They are often grooved, with long white filaments at the corners. Smooth, without thorns, grooved leaf petiole, with a short axis and triangular edges, directed upwards. The rod-shaped petiole continues in the leaf blade. Sometimes it reaches the apex, bending the plate, and forms a median ridge.

Sabal palm forms paniculate inflorescences up to 60 cm long, with small (up to 5 mm in diameter) bisexual flowers with a pleasant aroma. The perianth consists of six petals with three sepals and three petals. The calyx is goblet, the corolla is tubular at the base.

Sabal are black or dark blue globular drupes with fleshy pericarp. Seeds are round and shiny, slightly compressed.


The sabal palm is widespread in the southeastern United States (Arkansas, Florida, Texas). Prefers pine forests or coastlines. Representatives of the family are much less common on the islands of the Caribbean Sea and the Yucatan Peninsula. The life span of this species exceeds 700 years. The plant is resistant to fire, drought, insect attacks.

Chemical composition

Creeping sulfur (sabal palm) is rich in phytosterols, polysaccharides, fatty acids. In addition, it contains essential oils, sitosterol, enzymes, plant sterols, tannins, carotene, starch, etc.

The composition of the oil obtained from the drupes of sabal contains laurel, myristicic and oleic acids. Caprylic, caproic and palmitic acids are presented in small quantities. The oil emits a characteristic odor due to the presence of ethyl esters in the fruit.

Today, the sabal palm fruit extract is well studied. The benefits and harms of this substance are explained by its composition, which includes:

  • ethyl, methyl esters;
  • fatty acid;
  • campesterol;
  • stigmasterol;
  • carotenoids;
  • lupeol;
  • flavonoids;
  • cycloartenol.

This drug is harmful to children and pregnant women; it can be used with caution by people suffering from stomach ulcers and gastritis. At high dosages, it can cause vomiting, nausea, dizziness, indigestion, diarrhea. It rarely causes allergic reactions.

The water extract of the fruit of the sabal palm contains polysaccharide fractions, which have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects.

Indications for use

Sabal fruits have sedative, anti-inflammatory, tonic, antiseptic properties. The extract is prescribed as an adjuvant for the treatment of a number of diseases:

  • difficulty urinating;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • impotence;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • prostatitis;
  • endocrine system;
  • bladder;
  • uterine inflammation;
  • polycystic ovary;
  • inflammation of the lungs and bronchi;
  • abnormal body hair growth;
  • colds.

Useful properties of sabal palm for men

The fruits of this species of the family are a powerful aphrodisiac, which is still of interest to doctors today. In the course of experiments, it was proven that the active components of sabal reduce the symptoms of enlarged prostate. The fruit extract of this variety of palm blocks the receptors for DHP (dihydrotestosterone), which slows down the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, which is responsible for the enlargement of the prostate.

According to the results of clinical studies, which were conducted in Germany, England and the USA, sabal palm extract eliminates the manifestations of BPH in almost 90% of cases recorded. In addition, the anti-inflammatory properties of the plant, the ability to reduce edema of the prostate tissue and improve the permeability of blood vessels have been confirmed. It is important that when taking medications based on serenoa, no changes in hormonal levels were noted.

Palm fruits are actively used in many countries of the world for the manufacture of medicines: "ProstOptima", "Prostamol Uno", "Prostasabal", "Prostagut". They help men solve the following problems:

  • treatment of prostate gland and adenoma;
  • genitourinary system;
  • impotence;
  • decrease in the frequent urge to urinate;
  • development of prostatitis after forty years;
  • baldness prevention.

Useful properties of palm for the female body

The sabal palm tree has a beneficial effect on the function of the endocrine system. For women, the use of drugs based on it is justified for polycystic ovary disease. It has been scientifically proven that the use of Saw Palmetto can block estrogen hormone receptors. In this case, the hormonal background is not disturbed. Sabal palm extract is able to solve many problems in the female body:

  • inflammatory processes in the uterus;
  • increased lactation;
  • polycystic ovary disease;
  • excess body hair growth;
  • urinary incontinence.

Use in cosmetology

The extract and extracts from this palm tree are widely used in cosmetology due to their pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties. Preparations based on sabal are effective in the treatment of acne and acne, normalize the function of the sebaceous glands, after which the skin becomes less oily, puffiness disappears, pores are noticeably narrowed.

Sabal palm extract has another important quality for women - it activates the production of collagen, thereby increasing the elasticity of the skin, eliminating dryness, giving elasticity, moisturizing the skin. With the help of the extract, you can reduce the risk of pigmentation, including age.

The extract from the fruit of the palm tree is capable of absorbing ultraviolet rays, which is why it is used in the manufacture of natural sunscreens.

Hair treatment

The extract has been successfully used in solving the problem of hair loss. There are two ways. In the first case, the composition interferes with the formation of dihydrotestosterone, since it inhibits the production of an enzyme that promotes the conversion of testosterone to DHT.

In the second case, the uptake of DHT by hair follicles is halved. Usually, a two-month course of treatment with palm extract is sufficient to restore hair growth.

Sabal palm extract perfectly copes with the problem that worries many women - stretch marks on the skin. Scientists from the German pharmaceutical company BASF have shown that the extract synthesizes elastin and collagen in the affected areas.

Palm sabal (sabal) or creeping saw palmetto - a native of the United States, as well as Mexico, Cuba and some other countries. The plant prefers the coast of the seas and rivers, but can grow in swamps or savannahs. Scientists call this dwarf palm sabal serrulata, which means small-sawed sabal.

The plant has a herbaceous creeping stem, tough complex leaves, like a fan with twenty to thirty segments. The petioles of the palm are covered with sharp teeth, because of which it is also called a saw.

The sabal palm has small white-yellow flowers with a pleasant smell, gathered in long panicles. The fruits of the plant are small, several centimeters long, oval in shape. When ripe, the fruits become blue-black, smooth and slightly oily. In some photos, they resemble olives. They are used in medicinal purposes, dried or processed fresh. The American Indians have long used them for food and also as a medicine and tonic.

Young leaves and buds of sabal are also eaten. Wood is used in construction, and fabrics are made from leaf fibers. The indigenous population treats diseases of the bladder, impotence, and enlargement of the prostate gland with sabal. Thanks to these healing properties, European medicine also became interested in the plant.

To date, about sixteen species of this plant are known, and some sources number as many as twenty. For decorative purposes, they are most often engaged in the cultivation of small sabal, it is very compact and beautiful.

For a long time, the growth of the trunk occurs in the soil, only a fan of leaves peeps out. However, over time, the sabal also has an outer trunk, sometimes reaching two and a half meters.

The other most common types of sabal are mauritic and palm-shaped. These are rather tall trees, reaching twelve to twenty meters in natural conditions.

How to care for sabal

  • For this type, light and warm, but not too hot rooms are suitable.
  • It is advisable that the temperature for the palm tree does not go beyond fifteen to twenty degrees Celsius.
  • In summer, it is good to take the plant out to fresh air.
  • A pot for a tree needs a wide and deep one, since for a long time not only the root, but also the trunk will be placed in it and grow.
  • The soil should consist of sod land, leaf and humus in equal proportions, plus some sand. As the sabal grows, it is worth increasing the amount of turf, and you can also use a special purchased soil for a palm tree.
  • In spring and summer, water the tree abundantly, but not too often (once every four days). In winter and autumn, sabal needs less water, it can be watered once a week, but the plant cannot be overdried.
  • In summer, the tree needs to be sprayed, in winter it is not necessary, it is enough to wash it thoroughly once a month.
  • In the warm season, the palm needs to be fed with special palm fertilizers.
  • The tree needs to be turned towards the light in different areas so that the leaves grow evenly on it.
  • At first, young palms are transplanted every year, and as they grow, every two or three years.

Healing properties

This plant is used in traditional medicine, folk medicine and homeopathy. Thanks to the healing substances contained in the fruits of the palm tree, it is good remedy against edema and inflammation, has an excellent androgenic effect. It is important that the plant extracts are safe and do not lead to side effects and hormonal changes do not affect the pituitary gland and hypothalamus.

Sabal palm for men is considered a miraculous medicine. Preparations based on plant extracts treat urinary disorders, prostate diseases, sexual dysfunctions, alcohol addiction and other diseases. Also, sabal extracts are taken for the prevention of various diseases, including age-related ones.

Palm sabal for women serves as a healing remedy for endocrine dysfunction, abnormal hair growth, problems with the uterus and insufficient development of the mammary glands, as well as for polycystic ovaries.

Creeping hay, saw palmetto, sabal, with saw palmetto, sawtooth palmetto - all this is she, a dwarf palm (lat. Serenoa repens, Serenoa Serrulata, Sabal Serrulata). Even the Indians in North America were treated with black berries of the plant. Its fruits were eaten, and the male population intuitively chose this means for sexual stimulation. Official medicine has been using the properties of the dwarf palm for 200 years. It is part of many medicines and food additives.

The first settlers of America noted the amazing vitality of those animals that ate the fruits of the bush. Soon they themselves began to use them as a tonic, to improve digestion, when coughing. Today, dwarf palm preparations help men by eliminating the enlargement of the prostate gland, activating sperm synthesis. Women have their own interest in such a tool. It lowers testosterone levels, rejuvenates the skin and.

Low shrub 2–4 m. The trunk is horizontal, branched and creeping; the cambium is completely absent. The leaves are fan-shaped (divided into 17–30 segments) on long, spiny, serrate-toothed petioles (up to 1.5 m) covered with hard, sharp teeth.

Flowers - up to 5 mm in diameter. Fragrant, yellowish-white, in dense panicle inflorescences up to 60 cm long at the tops of the stems. Fruit - about 3 cm long, drupe. The shape is ovate-elongated. When ripe, it changes color from green to bluish-black. The seed is hard, ovoid, ripens inside the fruit.

Dwarf palms are found throughout Texas up to South Carolina. Its lifespan is over 700 years. The plant is very resistant to drought, fire, insect attacks.

Collection and procurement of medicinal raw materials

Drupes, the size of an olive, are brown or dark red in color and are considered mature and suitable for harvesting. After picking the berries, they are dried in special dryers, but mostly just laid out in one layer in the sun. When the raw materials are well dried, they are stored in paper bags or bags for no more than three years.

Harvesters of the blue-black sabal fruit are in great danger not only from the Texas rattlesnakes (poisonous snakes), but also from the plant itself. With razor-sharp leaf stalks, it inflicts long-lasting cuts on people.

Saw Palmetto fruits are rich in polysaccharides, phytosterols, acids (fatty, laurel, myristicic, oleic), nylon and caprylic are present in small amounts. A number of useful substances have been found in the berries of a dwarf palm:

  • plant sterols;
  • sitosterol;
  • enzymes;
  • essential oils;
  • carotene;
  • tannins;
  • starch.

The fruit extract is rich in flavonoids, ethyl and methyl esters, β-sitosterol 3-О-β-glycoside, campesterol and stigmasterol lupeol, cycloartenol and carotenoids, 24-methylene-cycloartenol.

Useful properties and indications for use

Dwarf palm fruits have anti-inflammatory, sedative, antiseptic, restorative properties. The extract is recommended as an adjuvant for the treatment of a number of diseases:

  • genitourinary system;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • prostatitis;
  • disorders of the reproductive function of men;
  • bladder;
  • endocrine system;
  • uterine inflammation;
  • abnormal hair growth;
  • bronchitis and pneumonia;
  • colds.

The extract is also considered a natural sunscreen. Preparations with extracts of a unique plant even out skin color, prevent the appearance of pigmentation and eliminate acne, actively participate in stimulating collagen production.

Preparations from herbal extract of sabal are made from the berries of the plant. Raw materials are transported to Europe, and there pharmaceutical companies make extracts and tablets from them. Products are sold worldwide as a dietary supplement. A biologically active preparation of complex action is prescribed strictly individually on the recommendation of a doctor.


Medicine uses Saw Palmetto as an aid. Contained in preparations: Prostate-Plas, Mail Active Complex, Fameil Active Complex, also known as "Prostavit", "Permixon", "ProstOptima", "Prostamol". Men should also think about the fact that the plant is many times superior (in 90% of cases it is cured) in its therapeutic action, which urologists like to prescribe so much. They would pay close attention to herbs and thus help their patients more.

Within one month of using the fruit extract, symptoms of obstructed urine flow or frequent trips to the toilet at night are eliminated. An enzyme that causes enlargement of the prostate gland is blocked.

Science has proven another property of the palm tree - sexual rejuvenation. In Florida, for example, it has been recognized as a sexual stimulant for centuries. Dwarf palm preparations are available at health food stores and pharmacies. The extract capsules are taken as directed.

The effectiveness of the use of dwarf palm for blocking estrogen receptors has been scientifically proven. At the same time, the level of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones is not disturbed. For women, it will be a pleasant bonus that the use of the extract also enlarges the breast, accelerates hair growth, and rejuvenates the skin.


The drug is prohibited for children and pregnant women; it is prescribed with caution to patients with gastritis and stomach ulcers. At high doses, it can cause dizziness, vomiting, nausea, indigestion. Sometimes diarrhea occurs or. Allergic reactions are rare.

"Sabal" - capsules with an extract of the serrata plant

Longer life for men and women is a great achievement of modern medicine. However, this positive phenomenon also has a downside. A large number of elderly people are faced with diseases that are not common among young people. After 40 years, more than 50% of men can get prostate adenoma. After 80 years, almost all men are faced with this disease. No one can consider himself insured against this disease. Older women are more susceptible to various inflammations of the genitourinary system.

Its fan-shaped leaves have sharp cutting edges that give the plant its name. Dense clumps of palm toes can form an impenetrable thicket. The abundant 2cm berries are picked from the wild in the fall and dried for medicinal use.

They also serve as a food source for deer, bears and wild pigs. Florida's native tribes relied on saw palmetto berries for food; However, Europeans often disliked the taste. It is used primarily for its activity in benign prostatic hyperplasia. The mechanism of action of the finger is unknown. However, lipophilic extracts are more common, standardized to 85% -95% fatty acids in soft native extract or 25% fatty acids in dry extract. Typical doses of standardized extracts range from 100 to 400 mg given twice daily for benign prostatic hypertrophy.

Can these troubles be prevented without exposing the body to chemicals? Vivasan company offers to buy capsules "Sabal" - a natural and safe remedy for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system.

The basis of the action of capsules in a gelatinous shell is the oil extract of the fruits of an exotic plant from the subtropical regions of America, sabal palm.

Contraindications have not yet been determined. There is no information on safety and efficacy during pregnancy and lactation. Increased blood thinning with warfarin has been reported with saw palmetto. However, it could be caused by something other than saw palmetto.

Due to well-documented hormone blocking activity, avoid taking with any hormone therapy, including oral contraception and substitution hormone therapy... Medical History A 76-year-old gentleman came into the office complaining of dribbling after urinating and poor urine flow for several years. On rectal examination, a moderately enlarged prostate with a rubbery consistency was found. Prostagutt, an extract of saw palmetto from Germany, has been prescribed. After two months, his urinary symptoms disappeared completely.

Dwarf palm Sabal

In the wild, sabal grows in South Carolina, Florida. In our country, it is grown on the Black Sea coast and bred as an ornamental home culture. Of particular value are olive-like fruits. The extremely high-calorie "berries" contain more sugar than sugar cane. Sabal oil softens mucous membranes, improves digestion, increases muscle mass and fat reserves. But they are appreciated not only for their nutritional value.

He continued this treatment until his death at 83 from heart failure. It is a low, shrub plant that belongs to the palm tree family and grows along the Atlantic coast from Florida to North Carolina. A short chest develops from a creeping root stalk producing palm leaves with a green-white coating on the shingles. Olive, dark purple-black berries grow in bunches. These berries taste sweet and then cause a sharp burning sensation in the mouth.

The palm family is very important in the tropics for food and building materials. It was used by Indians for urogenital conditions and later for lung and skin diseases by naturopaths, homeopaths and anthroposophic physicians. It stimulates urine flow and excretion uric acid... It works on the bladder neck, prostate and testes. Five drops of the mother's berry tincture, taken several times a day, has been helpful in hypertrophy of the prostate, prostate, decreased sexual strength, and inflammation of the testicles.

The fruits of this plant have amazing strength, they are able to suppress the development of prostate adenoma in men and have a beneficial effect on the endocrine regulation system in women, therefore they are often used for polycystic ovary disease and abnormal hair growth on the female body.

The composition of sabal extract is a set of the most valuable fatty acids and phytosterols. Biologically active ingredients eliminate the very cause of the development of prostate adenoma and relieve symptoms of inflammation and edema. At the same time, the plant extract "Sabal" does not in any way affect the level of hormones, the work of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.

In women, it has been used for inflammation of the ovaries, tilted uterus, urethritis, mastitis, dysmenorrhea, bladder, bladder hydration, soreness and heaviness in the uterus, dysuria, delayed menstruation, and chest pain. It has also been used for bronchitis, stubborn cough, and eczema. Studies in Europe have confirmed the value of palmetto berry extract, and the results were less post-voiding residual urine, fewer nighttime bath visits, and stronger flow. The dose in these studies is 160 mg. twice a day.

The extract also reduces swelling and stimulates the immune system. Benign prostatic hypertrophy and bladder weakness are an expression of the etheric strength of the bladder and the sucking process between bladder and kidneys gradually decrease with age. The earthly forces gain momentum, and the etheric forces in the lower organism are depleted. The result is swelling, cooling, and inflammation. In women, this corresponds to a feeling of heaviness in the uterus.

Long before the appearance of fashion for plastic surgeons, "black berries", as the North American Indians called the fruit of the palm, was a way of modeling the body for women. The young squaw appreciated the sabal fruit for its stimulating effect on weight gain, especially in the chest area. Fearless red-skinned warriors preferred to marry larger girls.

How can we understand the effectiveness of saw palmetto? Let's take a look at a plant and try to understand its existence. Finding "active ingredients" is interesting, but for a deeper understanding we should strive to get a comprehensive picture of the plant. When this picture lives in us, then we know why this plant works in a person in a healing way.

Palm fruit extract for women

Palms are a subgroup of monocots. Unlike dicotyledons, they only have one germination leaf. Monocots connect only superficially to the Earth. They do not have deep taps, they strive from the earth to the sun, receiving the light-ether. In palm trees, the stem is the main organ. Palm trees are "sun" trees that connect with the forces of the periphery. This intense interaction between cosmic and earthly forces comes to a climax in the tropics. We might call them carbon plants because of their toughness and hardness.

The experience of Indian healers using the fruits of the sabal palm tree was introduced to homeopathy by Dr. Mullen, who established that this herbal remedy acts not only on the body, but also on the psyche of women. Then the beneficial effect of sabal extract on the male genital area was established.

Who should take the herbal medicine "Sabal" from Vivasan

  • Men with benign prostate adenoma, accompanied by urinary disorders.
  • For the prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • For any urinary tract infections.
  • To restore the sexual functions of men.
  • People suffering from physical inactivity.
  • For any kind of inflammation in the uterus.
  • To normalize cholesterol levels and prevent atherosclerotic vascular changes.
  • With excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.

The instructions for the drug stipulate that the product should not be taken during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in case of individual intolerance to the sabal oil extract. Naturally, consultation with your doctor is required.

Indeed, they provide building materials for the Home and hundreds of tools. The astral impulse does not penetrate deeply into these plants, so we do not find any poisonous substances on the palms. This is not a family of medicinal plants at all, with one exception: sabal serrulata. He deviates from this characteristic. More northerly, like a dwarf form, from its creeping roots, and the effect of burning on the mucous membrane in the mouth is unusual, as well as the tiled petioles. This sun plant is stretched into the terrestrial sphere and can be intermediate from the light ether, hence its effect on the lungs and its overall effect on the body as a result of this stimulated lung function. intensified, any cough becomes weaker, and the mucous membrane is secreted.

The remedy for Vivasan at the manufacturer's price, judging by the reviews of experts, is well tolerated, combined with antibiotics and uroanoseptics, so it can be taken for a long time. It is advisable to take a break after a month's course, and resume treatment after 3-4 weeks. Gelatin capsules should be taken with water, taking Sabal before meals three times a day.

According to Rudolf Steiner, the male genital organs are a kind of auxiliary digestion, just as the uterus is a kind of heart at the lower pole. The berries work on the metabolic limb system. We can then begin to realize that Sabal Serralata berry extract works in a healing manner in the hypertrophied prostate and inflamed bladder, as well as in the heavy sensation of the uterus. It strengthens the etheric body in this area.

Dwarf palm effect

Is it surprising that some animals eat sabal serrulata berries prior to mating? It is native to the coastal regions of the southern United States. Many Indian tribes were the first to use this plant as a medicine. Traditional use of herbs in the United States has shown that when it comes down to it, this herb works best in people with depleted vitality and impaired fertility. Many clinical herbalists point out that this herb is not beneficial for people who already have healthy fertility and overall vitality.

A natural and safe preparation with sabal fruit extract - a proven remedy to fight common male diseases!

Packaged: 60 capsules.

An innovative product, an exclusive formula for the full functioning of the prostate gland. Efficacy provided by standardized berry extracts (8: 1) palm trees sabal (90% sterols and free fatty acids), bark (4: 1) african plum (25% sterols) and root (25: 1) stinging nettle ... The product is manufactured using a patented technology (Timed Release ™ (TR) Technology) providing the effect of prolonged action.
The product is made from environmentally friendly raw materials, in compliance with all GMP and TÜV standards, using technology that allows you to preserve all its useful properties.

The berry of this plant is similar to olive oil and is considered an “edible” herb. Edible herbs are nutritious, non-toxic, and can be taken over a long period of time in significant amounts. Other food herbs include dandelion, ginger, and nettle. It is also important to note that food herbs take time, usually many months, to be effective.

These are plants that deeply nourish and provide the most long-term health benefits. Many of these activities can directly or indirectly support the proper function of the reproductive system and the general health of the body. People with high stress, poor immune function, poor lifestyle and dietary habits have shown to respond well to this herb. This herb is classified as an adaptogen, antiandrogenic, anti-inflammatory, sedative, urinary antiseptic, immune amphoter.

Product description

New, unique product of Enrich Eurasia - Sanoprost TR created exclusively for men - with the aim of maintaining their health and improving the quality of life. With age, many men experience enlargement of the prostate gland - benign hyperplasia (BPH)... Because the prostate gland is located around the urethra, enlarging it makes it difficult to urinate. BPH symptoms: weakening of the urine stream, difficulty starting urination, feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, frequent urge to urinate, urge to urinate at night. These symptoms often make life unbearable! In the United States, doctors annually detect benign prostatic hyperplasia in 10 million men, 50% of men aged 50 and almost 90% of men aged 70-80 years and older suffer from this disease, many decide to have surgery. BPH is an age-related benign tumor caused by the accelerated growth of prostate cells.
Part Sanoprost TR includes extracts of herbs well known in folk medicine, growing in different parts of the world: sabal palm, African plum and stinging nettle... For centuries, extracts of these herbs have been used to treat diseases of the genitourinary system. When developing a new drug, the latest technological way production, providing the effect of prolonged action. Thus, Sanoprost TR - a unique combination of traditional medicine traditions and the latest advances in technology, thanks to which natural bioactive substances enter the body, which are absorbed in a programmed mode that is most favorable for the body

It simply means that it normalizes reproductive function. Remember that this only applies to those who are reproductively impaired.

Poor dietary and lifestyle habits, combined with high stress levels, can lead to low sperm count.

Improved immune system function

Signs of this in men include impotence, low sperm count, and hormonal imbalances. In many case studies, regardless of what the problem was when the Saw Palmetto was used, all men reported being "better tuned".

Sabal palm Sabal palm has been used for centuries to enhance male sexual performance, increase sperm production, and even fight hair loss. It also has antiseptic properties and is used as a diuretic. But sabal is most effective in relieving symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The extract is made from berries dwarf palm Saw Palmetto (Serenoa Repens), which contains phytosterols - substances that slow down the growth of prostate cells. Many studies have shown that the use of this extract helps to reduce the size of the prostate gland and improve urinary function after a month of use. Despite the fact that sabal palm extract does not alter hormonal balance, clinical trials confirm that its mechanism of action is the same as that of a well-known medicinal product widely used in the treatment of BPH.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Saw Palmetto alone cannot solve stress problems, others must also be realized. Testosterone, present in excess levels as found in some women, is converted to the more potent dihydrotestosterone by the enzyme 5 alpha reductase. Excessive levels of estrogen can cause excessive proliferation of endometrial cells. It then blocks the follicle and creates a cyst of sebum, keratin, and bacteria. The irritation causes the cyst to rupture, then an acute inflammatory response, then an abscess, and then a longer healing process that causes scarring.

  • This can cause uterine hypertrophy, also known as endometrial hyperplasia.
  • The endometrium is the innermost layer of the uterus.
It is suggested to be used within 6 weeks, taking into account any improvements during this time.

Scientific review: Sabal palm improves the function of the prostate gland by reducing metabolism and weakening the action of male hormones - steroids. Sabal palm extract has been shown to decrease the activity of 5-alpha reductase, which promotes the conversion of testosterone to dehydrotestterone (DHT), a more active form. Since in men with hyperplasia, the level of dehydrotestterone is increased, inhibition of 5-alpha reductase activity reduces the level of dehydrotestterone, and, accordingly, reduces the symptoms of hyperplasia caused by urethral compression. Additional scientific studies have shown that sabal palm extract also has anti-inflammatory effects. In a large study of 1000 patients over 50 years of age, sabal palm extract showed similar results as finasteride (Proscar), the drug most widely used in the treatment of prostatic hyperplasia. In another 12-week study, 1334 patients received sabal palm extract, 80% of patients characterized the results of the drug as good and excellent. Another study of 40 men with prostatic hyperplasia who took sabal extract for 60 days showed the following results: 25% of patients received good results, and 75% received excellent results in reducing BPH symptoms. A double study of 27 patients showed 43% improvement in men receiving sabal palm extract, as opposed to 15% receiving placebo. Many other studies have also shown a significant improvement in the speed and completeness of urination, an improvement in the quality of life. Clinical trials have confirmed the most effective dose of the drug - 160 mg twice a day, or 320 mg once a day lipophilic extract of palm sabal, containing from 80 to 90% sterols and free fatty acids. A six-month study showed that a daily dose of 480 mg was not more effective.
Dosage: One tablet of Sanoprost TR contains 160 mg of standardized sabal palm extract, with a recommended daily dose of 320 mg (2 tablets per day). Most studies have shown this to be the most effective dose.

If improvements are noted, this can be continued for many months for best results. After about 6 months, stopping the use of this herb will help understand how the body functions on its own. Liquid extract daily. The part of the plant used is a berry. These berries contain many chemical compounds that have important balancing effects on the body. The berry was thought to taste similar to a strong sweet, slightly vanilla aroma, and then, like a very strong blue cheese, end with a tobacco or pepper flavor.

Scientific review: Numerous scientific studies have shown that 100 mg of African plum bark extract per day relieves symptoms of prostatic hyperplasia. In one of the experiments conducted in Europe, participated 85 men aged 50 to 75 years with mild symptoms of prostatic hyperplasia. After 2 months of treatment with African plum bark extract, the following results were demonstrated: 32% of the participants confirmed a decrease in the frequency of urination at night, 31% - an improvement in the quality of life. In general, before taking the bark extract, 2/3 of men went up to urinate 3 or more times per night, after the treatment this number decreased to 1 time or stopped. This improvement continued after the patient stopped taking African plum bark extract. Several men reported increased sexual activity. In Europe, African plum bark extract is used in the form of a standardized lipophilic extract (13% sterol). The dose of African plum bark extract for those with mild to moderate prostatic hyperplasia is 50 to 100 mg twice a day. And an additional double study showed that a dose of 100 mg once a day was equal in effectiveness to 50 mg of the extract twice a day.
Dosage: Sanoprost TR uses the most effective dose of African plum bark extract (25% sterols) - 50 mg per tablet, or 100 mg (2 tablets) in the recommended daily dose.

When ripe, but not aged, the berry should be dark purple-black and is considered the most effective. Because of its pungency, this plant is most often consumed either in a water-alcohol extract or as a capsule. It is a relatively easily harvested plant, making it a sustainable choice as a dietary supplement. An important note about quality: The powdered berry in the capsules should have a strong odor and a pungent aromatic taste. The liquid extract should have a strong aromatic flavor. If the product you purchased does not have these qualities, it may not be as effective.

Scientific overview: The burning sensation that nettle leaves cause is associated with the release of several chemicals: formic acid, histamine, serotanin, and choline. Nettle leaves also contain many minerals, chlorophyll, amino acids, lecithin, carotenoids, flavonoids, sterols, tannins and vitamins. The root of the plant contains various chemicals such as slopolethin, sterol, fatty acids, polysaccharides, and isolectins. Nettle lectins have shown significant antiviral properties (capable of fighting HIV and upper respiratory tract viruses). Other chemicals (flavonoids in the leaves and lyctins in the root) exhibit significant immunostimulating properties. The latest research has proven the benefits of using nettle for inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis) and prostatic hyperplasia. In more than 20 clinical trials to date, nettle root (alone or in combination with other herbs) has been shown to reduce symptoms of prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis. While the anti-inflammatory properties of nettle are used in the treatment of prostatitis (the same as in the treatment of arthritis and rhinitis), a completely different mechanism is used in the treatment of prostatic hyperplasia - the effect on the hormonal level. Studies of prostatic hyperplasia show that nettle root extract slows down certain chemical and hormonal processes in the body. In these clinical trials, nettle root extract has been shown to inhibit the conversion of testosterone to DHT (by inhibiting the enzymes required for this conversion). It sounds very complicated, but in fact, most complex intracellular processes cause the growth of new prostate cells, and nettle root extract stops this process. The results of these studies are great news for millions of men suffering from prostatic hyperplasia. Numerous clinical trials, both in animals and humans, have confirmed the effect of using nettle: for example, in one of the trials, it was demonstrated that nettle root extract slowed down the growth of prostate cells by 30% within 5 days; another experiment in mice reduced prostatic hyperplasia by 51.4% (suggesting the use of nettle root extract as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent). In another study, 134 men took 300 mg of nettle root extract (along with 25 mg of African plum bark) for 28 days, which resulted in decreased frequency and increased volume of urine during urination. Another double study involving 543 patients used a combination of nettle root extract and sabal palm extract. As a result, the average urine volume during urination increased, the frequency of urination decreased, and other symptoms of prostatic hyperplasia also decreased. It has been shown that the combination of the two drugs produces more effective results.
Dosage: The content of nettle root in Sanoprost TR is 120 mg of extract (25: 1) in one tablet, or 240 mg in the daily recommended dose (one tablet 2 times a day), which is equivalent to 6 g of raw nettle root powder - a dose that recognized as the most effective in various clinical trials.
Long-acting effect Sanoprost TRmade using a new patented technology providing a prolonged effect. In the production of tablets, a special type of natural fiber is used, which, under the influence of gastric juice, forms a mass of jelly-like consistency, which allows the ingredients to be absorbed gradually, as happens with natural food. This jelly-like consistency prolongs the passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract, which contributes to a more complete absorption of the drug.

In contact with

Many exotic plants have long been used for therapeutic purposes in different parts of the world. Preparations based on them have long gained popularity abroad, and go on sale in retail outlets in our country. However, many of these products are not in demand among consumers, due to insufficient awareness of their properties, indications for use and effectiveness in general. One of the amazing drugs of this type is sabal palm fruit extract, we will discuss its use for women and men in a little more detail.

Sabal palm extract can be purchased in capsule or liquid form. You can find on sale such a drug from different manufacturers.

Palm fruit extract for women

This drug contains a significant amount of fatty acids, represented by lauric, myristic and oleic fatty acids. Also, such a drug is a source of the mass of phytosterols. Thanks to this composition, it has a rather powerful anti-edema, anti-inflammatory and androgenic effect (helps to normalize hormonal levels). In addition, this extract has vasoprotective properties - it helps to reduce vascular permeability.

There is evidence that the use of sabal palm fruit extract has a positive effect on the endocrine function of women, harmonizing it. This property allows it to be used for the treatment of hair growth anomalies and polycystic ovary disease. In addition, treatment with this drug helps to block estrogen receptors. And an important plus at the same time that the sabal palm fruit extract does not at all violate the amount of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormone in the blood.

This drug is commonly used to treat hirsutism in women. With a similar disease, the fair sex has excess hair growth.

And the use of sabal palm fruit extract has an antiandrogenic effect, reducing the effects of dihydrotestosterone. The same qualities help to cope with some forms of acne.

Dwarf palm fruit extract has the property of absorbing ultraviolet radiation, therefore it becomes an excellent natural filter for sun protection. Its use allows you to restrain melanogenesis, prevents aging pigmentation and helps to even out skin color.

There is evidence that such a drug helps to cope with migraines, including long-standing and chronic ones. Its use helps to normalize libido in women.

Palm fruit extract for men

For the stronger sex, this drug is also very useful. It is actively used in the prevention and treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia, this condition is also known as prostate adenoma.

As we have already found out, this drug reduces the effects of DHT. And, as you know, it is this hormone androgen that activates the growth of prostate tissues (has a stimulating effect on cell proliferation). When using sabal palm fruit extract, the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone is disrupted, which helps to stop the pathogenic growth of the cells of this organ.

The presence of a number of biologically active components in the palm fruit has a positive effect on male reproductive function, eliminating swelling and inflammatory processes in the prostate gland, which constantly accompany its hyperplasia.

There is evidence that the use of such an extract also helps to alleviate difficulty urinating by reducing the severity and frequency of the urge to urinate.

Manufacturers of sabal palm fruit extract claim that such a remedy also helps in the treatment of infectious lesions of the genitourinary tract. It should be used to improve potency and prevent sexual dysfunction. In addition, this drug is good at preventing atherosclerosis and contributes to its treatment.

Additional Information

To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is usually advised to take one or two capsules of sabal palm fruit extract three times a day. Drink the product with water. If you purchased the extract in liquid form, drink it seven to ten drops three times a day, dissolving in a little water.
The capsules are best taken with a meal, and the liquid is best taken immediately before meals.

Before using the drug, it will not be superfluous to consult a doctor. It should be noted that sabal palm fruit extract can be combined with the use of other medicines - antibiotics, NSAIDs, etc.

Sabal fruit extract has practically no contraindications. It cannot be used during the period of gestation and at the stage breastfeeding... In addition, it is worth noting that the extract can cause reactions of individual intolerance, which should also be considered as a contraindication to its use.

Among the possible side effects that can be observed with the use of sabal palm fruit extract, there are some disorders in the activity of the digestive tract, nausea and abdominal pain.