What are the pills from diabetes name called. Sugar diabetes - symptoms, first signs, causes, treatment, nutrition and complications of diabetes

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Choosing the necessary medicine with a second type diabetes is a very important and responsible step. At the moment, more than 40 is represented in the pharmaceutical market. chemical formulas Sugarpports and a huge number of their trade names.

But do not be upset. In fact, the number of truly useful and high-quality medicines is not as large and will be discussed below.

What are the drugs from diabetes?

All medicines for diabetes of the second type are divided into:

  1. Those that increase cell sensitivity to insulin (sensitizers).
  2. Means stimulating the release of hormone from the pancreas (secreties). At the moment, many doctors actively attribute this group of tablets to their patients, which is not worth doing. They have their influence, forcing B-cells to work on the grain of possibilities. It is very soon developing their exhaustion, and a 2nd-type disease goes into the 1st. There is absolute insulin insufficiency.
  3. Medications that slow down the process of suction of carbohydrates from the intestine (alpha-glucosidase inhibitors).
  4. New drugs.

Best preparation with type 2 diabetes

There are groups of funds that are useful, more efficient and safe for patients and those that negatively affect their health.

The best medicines From diabetes, which are almost always prescribed to the patient - it is Biguenides. They enter the group of medicines, which increase the susceptibility of all tissues to the action of the hormone. "Golden" standard remains.

The most popular its trade names:

  • . It has a quick, but short-term action;
  • . It has a gradual and longer effect.

The main advantages of these drugs are the following:

  1. Beautiful hypoglycemic action.
  2. Good patients tolerant.
  3. Almost a complete absence of adverse reactions, with the exception of digestive disorders. Often develops meteorism (gas formation in the intestine).
  4. Reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes, thanks to the influence of lipid exchange.
  5. Do not lead to an increase in human body mass.
  6. Affordable price.

Available in 500 mg tablets. Starting dose 1 g in 2 receptions twice a day half an hour before meals.

Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors are a very interesting group of medicines, which slows down the process of suction of carbohydrates from the intestine. Chief Representative - Akarboz. Commercial name - glucobay. In tablets 50-100 mg for three-time consumption before meals. Well combined with metformin.

What drugs should avoid?

Often, doctors attribute medications with type 2 diabetes, which stimulate the release of endogenous insulin from B-cells. This approach harms the patient's health than helping him.

The reason is, the fact that the pancreas is already working 2 times stronger than the usual due to the tissue resistance to the action of the hormone. Increasing its activity, the doctor only accelerates the process of exhaustion of the body and the development of complete insulin deficiency.

Sulfonylurea derivatives:

  • Glyibenklamide. 1 tab. twice a day after meals;
  • Glicvidon. 1 pill once a day;
  • Glypemirid. 1 tablet once a day.

They are allowed to be used as short-term therapy to quickly reduce glycemia. However, it is worth avoiding the long-term use of these drugs.

A similar situation with meglitinides (Novongorm, Starlix). They quickly deplete the pancreas and do not carry anything good for the patient's body.

New drugs from diabetes

Every time many are waiting with hope, is there a new medicine during diabetes? Treatment of diabetes drugs forces scientists to seek fresh chemical compounds.

Such are:

  • Dipeptidylpeptidase-4 inhibitors (DPP-4):
    • Yanuvia;
    • Galvus;
    • Ongrü;
  • Glucagon-like peptide-1 agonists (GPP-1):
    • Bauteta;
    • Vickotosis.

The first subgroup of medicines contributes to an increase in the number of incremental substances that activate their own insulin production, but without exhaustion of B cells. Thus, a good hypoglycemic effect is achieved.

Sold in tablets at 25, 50, 100 mg. The daily dose is 100 mg in 1 reception, regardless of food. These medicines are increasingly used in everyday practice due to the convenience of consumption and absence side Effects.

GPP-1 agonists have a pronounced property to regulate the fat exchange. They help the patient to lose weight, thereby increasing the susceptibility of the body tissues to the effects of insulin hormone. Produced like a syringe knob for subcutaneous injections. The starting dose is 0.6 mg. After a week of such treatment, it can be raised to 1.2 mg under the control of the doctor.

The choice of the right medicine should be carried out extremely carefully and taking into account all the individual characteristics of each patient. Sometimes it is necessary to even conduct additionally insulin therapy with a 2nd type diabetes. In any case, a wide selection of drugs ensures reliable control of glycemia for any patient, which simply cannot but rejoice.

List of complications

If you respond in time to change the state and begin treatment, it is possible to avoid irreversible damage in the internal organs. Otherwise, the process of the destruction of the body will be difficult to reverse.

In this case, harmful substances accumulate in it. This acetone and ketone bodies that have a negative impact on the brain. In view of this diabetics, it is recommended to carefully monitor the sugar level.

Complications can be chronic and sharp.

Different types of diabetes can cause various types of complications.

With a disease of 1 type, insulin is produced, but in insufficient quantity. There are cases when the body simply does not "recognize" their insulin.

Because of this, extremely dangerous conditions are developing:

  1. Nephropathy. This defeat of the kidneys, in which the organs can no longer perform their work. If it is not diagnosed in time, the patient may die.
  2. Cataract or full loss of vision.
  3. Angina, heart attack, ischemic heart disease.
  4. Stomatitis and periodontalosis.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus can cause more serious complications:

  • Violates metabolism at the cellular level. This leads to the accumulation of ketone bodies that cause the most dangerous state for diabetics - ketoacidosis.
  • The process of transmission of nerve impulses is disturbed, as a result of which muscle tissue is atrophy.
  • Changes in eye vessels deprive a person the opportunity to see.
  • Renal failure is developing. The patient is increasingly needed by hemodialysis (blood purification without kidney participation). In the most difficult cases, bodies transplantation may be required.
  • Immunity is weakened. Because of this diabetics, others suffer from colds, influenza, ARVI, ORZ, lung inflammation, bronchitis, etc.

Prevention of mortality

Sugar level

For example, death from hypoglycemia most often occurs when drinking alcohol. Patients in a state of intoxication rarely notice signs of sugar lowering. As a result, they fall into anyone dying.

Ketoacidosis is a dangerous complication of diabetes. Ketone bodies and acetone accumulate in the tissues of the body and poison it. But with constant control, it is quite realistic to prevent ketoacidosis. With a minor increase in the number of ketone bodies, a person feels weakness.

To prevent ketoacidosis should be kept under control of sugar and periodically check the presence of acetone in the urine using special strips. With the deterioration of the state, contact doctors to assign supporting therapy.

If the background of diabetes developed renal failure, the patient requires dialysis. Refusal to this procedure leads to a fatal outcome. You can escape if transplanting donor kidney. It is not always possible to diagnose nephropathy in a timely manner: the symptoms of the disease are manifested only in the later stages.

One of the causes of death in diabetes is neuropathy. About its progression testifies:

  • feeling of numbness of limbs;
  • "Pinching" in the fingers;
  • convulsions;
  • muscle weakness;
  • enuresis;
  • dizziness;
  • muscle pain.

The spinal cord controls all movements, but due to the high sugar, the operation of the peripheral nervous system is disturbed. The mascles and organs begin: it increases 4 times the likelihood of death.

HyperSmolar Coma is a rare diagnosis. Patients violates speech, convulsions appear, the muscle paralysis arises. Hypersmolar coma develops with dehydration. Privileged medical care can save the patient.

About late states

The presented category of complications is formed over several years of the development of the disease. The criticality of such consequences is that they gradually aggravate the overall condition of the patient. At the same time, even correct and proper treatment, it is not always possible to be a guarantee of protecting the body from them. Therefore, such diseases deserve separate attention not only by specialists, but also from diabetics itself.

Most often it is formed when the second type diabetes was formed, but in general, for patients with 20-year-old and more experience, the risk of such pathology is approaching 100%. Over time, the defeat of the retina eye leads to a complete loss of vision.

Further, experts pay attention to angiopathy, which is formed quickly (in comparison with other late consequences). Angiopathy is characterized by violation of the degree of permeability of vessels, which over time are increasingly subtle and brittle

The natural physiological response to this is a tendency to form the blood clots and atherosclerosis, which is practically impossible to heal. Sometimes sugar diabetes in pregnancy leads.

No less complex status is a polyneuropathy. It is characterized by a loss of the optimal degree of susceptibility in the field of stop and lower extremities in general. As the disease develops, a person ceases to feel not only touch, but also warm. It can manifest itself synchronously in the area of \u200b\u200bboth the upper and lower extremities. Sometimes children face with it, also likely to appear in pregnant women.

The primary symptoms are numbness and burning in the field of legs or hands, which turn out to be much more intense overnight. Such a reduced degree of sensitivity is the cause of the formation of a significant number of injuries, injuries and other more serious damage having a high risk to preserve human vital activity.

Diabetic stop - this is another of the consequences of diabetes

It is often quite often an influence of increased sugar during pregnancy, but I would like to pay attention to the following features:

it is typical to the formation of ulcers, purulent injections and even necrotic, namely dying, regions; Given this, diabetics should pay special attention to not just personal hygiene, but also the state of the lower limbs. Very correctly choosing shoes - at least, so that it does not handle legs; It is strongly recommended to use special socks without gum, which are too much squeezed legs

From the diabetic foot, you can die, if you do not care at all. The development of gangrenes may begin, which will lead to blood infection, which is why quite often diabetics, especially in age, face the need to amputate limb. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to treat sugar diabetes and monitor the state of limbs, skin cover and other structures.

Sad statistics

It is possible to deal with diabetes mellitus, if you identify the main causes of death.

Death in patients occurs not only as a result of a heart attack. Other pathologies of vessels and heart muscles are also given to death.

  • atherosclerotic lesion of brain vessels;
  • hypertension at which pressure jumps are very intense;
  • worsening blood circulation in brain vessels.

If diabetics does not listen to the doctors, but to continue smoking, ignores the need for physical activity, experiencing constant stress, then the probability of death increases.

An experimental way was found that diabetes itself negatively affects myocardium. As a result of the progression of the disease, the elasticity of the heart muscle is reduced.

But when registering death, as a rule, a direct reason is indicated. If diabetics died of a heart attack, then this reason will be indicated in medical examination. About diabetes there will be no word.

Expert comment:

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Today, sugar diabetes is the third in the world of mortality among the population. Untimely examination, not fulfilling the recommendations of doctors, conscious attitude towards their health status, plus a frantic rhythm of life with inability to relax correctly and reluctance healthy image Life - all this effect on the quality of health. Affects life expectancy. There are complications to death, not engaged in which diabetics have their progression and defeat of all organ systems. Complications are called increased level Glucose, which in the organism of diabetics causes intoxication. The whole organism is poisoning with the accumulation of poisonous substances in it.

In the soil of intoxication, numerous disorders of the body functions are developing. At CD, the accumulation of acetone and ketone bodies, very toxic for the brain (ketoacidosis) occurs. Mortality from ketoacidosis will not be real with good self-control and timely treatment. Maintaining the normal glucose level is the primary task of diabetics. It used to be that diabetes mellitus is an incurable deadive disease. Today you can fight him. The main thing is to the timely diagnosis and identification of all side effects and complications, since it is precisely complications at the SD lead to the death of a patient.

When diabetics sugar are elevated, complications develop faster. With SD 1 type, the main complications are expressed by the defeat of the peripheral nervous system and the circulatory system in the kidneys, eyes, legs.

The most common complications for SD 1 type:

Nephropathy: the most dangerous consequence of kidney damage. At a running stage may cause the patient's death; Full loss of vision, cataract; Myocardial infarction, ischemia, angina. Frequent deaths; Diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, periodontalosis).

When in the body of insulin is produced, but in insufficient quantities, or the body does not recognize its own insulin, and the glucose in the blood accumulates, both at the type of type 2, complications also occur.

Complications for SD 2 type:

A violation of cellular metabolism, in which a high level of ketone bodies may cause one of the most dangerous and fatal states of the patient with diabetic ketoacidosis; Atrophing of muscles due to bad transmission of nerve impulses - neuropathy; Pathology of eye vessels with a possible full loss of vision - retinopathy; Violation of osmosis, cellular exchange processes - hyperosmolar state; Pathology of vessels - macrovascular angiopathy, microvascular angiopathy;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003dziboe2-lh6o - Did you die from diabetes?

How can I extend the life of diabetics

Why is the daily control of glucose? What can happen with sharp sugar jumps? These questions constantly ask doctors people suffering from diabetes. Is it possible to die from sugar diabetes? You can die from his consequences, if not engaged in prevention and treatment. It is possible to extend life, but it requires certain efforts from the patient. If you put the disease on samonek, all complications will lead to a rapid fading of the body.

For life to be comfortable, it is necessary to perform certain requirements:

  • Keep blood sugar control;
  • Take only those drugs that appointed the attending physician;
  • Avoid nerve overvoltages;
  • Observe the power and routine of the day.

Other causes of fatal outcome

Chronic sugar diabetes complications are also deadly:

Stomach pain can be a symptom of ketoacidosis.

  • Ketoacidosis - progresses against the background of a complete or partial absence of insulin. The process of developing a ketoacidotic state takes from several days to weeks, in a few hours at high intoxication, signs appear gradually, worried:
    • Weakness, noise in the ears, the smell of acetone, nausea, pain in the stomach.
    • Loss of appetite, vision, pain in the field of heart, shortness of breath, in a brown tongue.
    • The patient flows into someone.
  • Lacacidosis is the rare and most difficult type of complication. Progresses suddenly against the background of the state of shock, high intoxication, cardiac or renal failure. Accompanied by the following signs:
    • drowsiness;
    • the state of nonsense;
    • nausea;
    • pale skin;
    • pain in muscles;
    • frequent pulse;
    • loss of consciousness.

Chronic states

The answer to the question than is dangerous diabetes, are chronic complications and consequences. We are talking about the phased total damage to the vessels, kidneys, skin cover and other structures, for example, the nervous system. All this is formed only if not to treat diabetes on time, applying correct means for this.

Type 2 diabetes, as well as the condition at the first disease variety, may be associated with the fact that due to the dysfunction of the vessels, the body fabrics are faced with a scan of oxygen.

Speaking about the kidneys, which also suffer, if the type 2 diabetes 2 has not been treated, it is necessary to pay attention to the development of chronic renal failure. As noted earlier, chronic states are associated with lesions of the skin, for example, with the occurrence of trophic ulcers

They, in turn, may turn out to be the source of infectious lesions and other infections, which is very dangerous for both the child and for an adult.

The defeat of the nervous system is developing, which is expressed not only in the loss of a normal degree of susceptibility, but also in permanent weakness. Very often, diabetics contain constant painful painful sensations, sometimes accompanying diabetes of pregnant women.

A few words about prevention

Many are wondering if it is possible to eliminate the development of complications due to prevention. Of course, it should be supported by adequate treatment, but in general, precisely prevention avoids the most critical consequences

Speaking about this, experts pay attention to the complete elimination of the influence of alcohol and nicotine. It is necessary to move as much as possible to exclude the diabetic syndrome in the future

In addition, it will be necessary to reset the extra kilogram, to carry out insulin therapy, if there is a need for this. The status check should also be carried out by an endocrinologist. When complying with the above rules, critical consequences can be avoided.

Thus, diabetes mellitus is definitely a very dangerous state, which in the absence of correct treatment can provoke a variety of complications and consequences. That is why this ailment that increases blood sugar should be treated as early as possible and, if necessary, supporting therapy should not be interrupted throughout life.

How to live with diabetes long and happily

1 type is developing, as a rule, in childhood or adolescence. Parents of such children are shocked, trying to find healers or magic herbs that will help heal from this ailment. Unfortunately, currently there are no drugs that are healing. To understand this, it is necessary to simply imagine: the immune system "killed" the cells of the pancreas, and the organ no longer sends insulin.

Symbols I. folk remedies It will not help to restore the body and make him allocate a vital hormone again. Parents should understand that the disease does not need to fight, you need to learn to live.

The first time after the diagnosis in the head of the parents and the child itself will be a huge amount of information:

  • calculation of bread units and a glycemic index;
  • the correct calculation of insulin dosages;
  • correct and incorrect carbohydrates.

Do not be afraid of all this. In order for adults and the child it is easier, the whole family must pass the school of diabetes.

And then at home to conduct a strict diary of a self-control, which will indicate:

  • every meal;
  • injections made;
  • indicators of blood sugar;
  • indicators of acetone in the urine.

Video from Dr. Komarovsky about diabetes in children:

Parents in no way should close their child in the house: to ban him to meet with friends, walk, go to school. For convenience in the family it is necessary to have printed bread units and a glycemic index. In addition, you can purchase special kitchen scales, with which you can easily calculate the amount of hehe in the dish.

Each time with increasing or decreasing glucose, the child must remember those sensations he experienced. For example, with high Sahara, a head can sick or disperse in the mouth. And with low sugar there is a sweating, trembling in hand, feeling hunger. Memorization of these sensations will help the child in the future to determine its exemplary sugar without a glucometer.

A child with diabetes must receive support from parents. They should help the child together to solve the questions that have arisen. Relatives, friends and acquaintances, school teachers - everyone should be aware of the presence of a child.

This is necessary in order for an emergency situation, for example, a decrease in blood sugar, people could help him.

A man with a CD should live a full life:

  • go to school;
  • have friends;
  • walk;
  • do sport.

Only in this case, he will be able to develop normally and live.

Diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus is made by older people, so their priority is to reduce body weight, refusal of bad habits, proper nutrition.

Compliance with all rules allows for a long time to compensate for diabetes mellitus only by taking tableted preparations. Otherwise, insulin is appointed faster, complications are developing rapidly. The life of a person with a CD depends only from himself and his relatives. Diabetes is not a sentence, it is a lifestyle.

Can I have children

Usually, these questions are defined by patients with the first type. Illness in childhood or in adolescence, the patients themselves and their relatives are not hoping for a full-fledged life.

Men, having experience of more than 10 years, often complains of a reduction in potency, lack of spermatozoa in the secreted secretion. This is due to the fact that high sugars affect the nerve endings, which entails a violation of the blood supply to the genital organs.

The next question is whether a born baby from parents with diabetes is sick with this ailment. There is no accurate answer to this question. The child itself is not transmitted. He is given a predisposition to it.

In other words, under the influence of some involving factors in a child, diabetes is possible. It is believed that the risk of developing the disease is higher if a father is sick diabetes.

Women with severe disease is often broken menstrual cycle. This means that it becomes pregnant is very difficult. Violation of the hormonal background leads to infertility. But if a patient with compensated illness, get pregnant easily.

The course of pregnancy in patients with diabetes is complex. A woman needs constant control of blood sugar and acetone in the urine. Depending on the trimester of pregnancy, the dose of insulin is changing.

In the first trimester it decreases, then sharply rises several times and the end of pregnancy dosage again falls. Pregnant must keep his sugar on the same level. High rates lead to a diabetic fetopathy of the fetus.

Children from mom with diabetes are born with a large weight, often their organs functionally immature, the pathology of the cardiovascular system is detected. To prevent the birth of a sick child, a woman needs to plan a pregnancy, all the time is observed by an endocrinologist and a gynecologist. Several times for 9 months a woman should be hospitalized into an endocrinological department for adjusting doses of insulin.

Rhodewousization in patients with women is carried out with the help of cesarean sections. Natural childbirth patients are not allowed due to the danger of hemorrhage into the retina in the waiting period.

You still seem to cure diabetes impossible

Judging by the fact that you are currently reading these lines - the victory in the fight against the high level of blood sugar is not yet on your side ...

And you already thought about inpatient treatment? It is understandable, because diabetes is a very dangerous disease, which in late treatment can end with death. The constant thirst, stripped urination, the fuzzy of vision ... All these symptoms are familiar with you not at the break.

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Etodiabet.ru »All about diabetes» Important information about diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most common tendencies towards an increase in morbidity and diseases of the statistics of disease. Syptoms of diabetes appear not in one day, the process flows chronically, with increasing and aggravation of endocrine and exchange disorders. True, the debut of type I diabetes is significantly different from early stage second.

Among the entire endocrine pathology, Diabetes confidently holds the championship and is more than 60% of all cases. In addition, disappointing statistics show that 1/10 of the "diabetics" - children.

The probability of acquiring the disease increases with age and, thus, each tenth of the years the number of the group doubles. This is due to an increase in life expectancy, improving the methods of early diagnosis, a decrease in physical activity and an increase in the number of people overweight.

Types of diabetes

Many have heard of such a disease as unacceptable diabetes. So that the reader subsequently does not confuse illness, having a "diabetes" name, will probably use the clarification of their differences.

Unshair diabetes

Nonacharic diabetes is an endocrine disease resulting from neuroinfection, inflammatory diseases, tumors, intoxication and due to insufficiency, and sometimes the complete disappearance of ADG-Vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone).

This explains the clinical picture of the disease:

  • The constant dryness of the mucous oily cavity, an incredible thirst (a person can drink up to 50 liters of water in 24 hours, stretching the stomach to large sizes);
  • Allocating a huge number of non-confidential light urine with low specific weight (1000-1003);
  • Catastrophic weight loss, weakness, reduction of physical activity, disorders of the digestive system;
  • Characteristic change in skin ("parchment" skin);
  • Atrophy muscular fibers, weakness of the muscular apparatus;
  • Development of dehydration syndrome in the absence of fluid flow for more than 4 hours.

The disease in terms of complete cure has an unfavorable forecast, efficiency is significantly reduced.

Brief Anatomy and Physiology

The unpaired organ - pancreas performs a mixed secretory function. Its exogenous part carries out external secretion, producing enzymes involved in the digestive system. The endocrine part to which the mission of the internal secretion is entrusted, is engaged in the development of various hormones, including - insulin and glucagon. They are key to ensuring the constancy of sugar in the human body.

The endocrine department of the gland is the islands of Langerhans, consisting of:

  1. A-cells that occupy a quarter of the entire islands space and are considered a place of glucagon products;
  2. C-cells occupying up to 60% of the cell population, synthesizing and accumulating insulin, the molecule of which is a polypeptide of two circuits, carrying in a certain sequence 51 amino acid. The sequence of amino acid residues for each fauna representative, however, in relation to the structural structure of insulins to a person, pigs are closest, why their pancreas primarily serves as an object of use to obtain insulin on an industrial scale;
  3. D-cells producing somatostatin;
  4. Cells producing other polypeptides.

Thus, the conclusion suggests: Damage to the pancreas and the islands of Langerhans, in particular, is the main mechanism that is inhibiting insulin production and the development of the pathological process.

Types and special forms of the disease

The lack of insulin leads to a violation of the constancy of sugar (3.3 - 5.5 mmol / l) and contributes to the formation of a heterogeneous disease, called diabetes (SD):

  • Full absence of insulin (absolute deficit) forms insulin-dependent The pathological process that belongs to type I diabetes (ISD);
  • The lack of insulin (relative deficit), which starts a violation of carbohydrate metabolism in the initial stage, slowly, but correctly leads to development insulin-dependent diabetes (anrine), which is called type II diabetes.

Due to the violation in the organism of glucose utilization, and, consequently, its hearing of blood serum (hyperglycemia), which, in principle, is the manifestation of the disease, with time signs of diabetes begin to appear, that is, the total disorder of metabolic processes at all levels. Significant changes in hormonal metabolic interaction are ultimately drawn into the pathological process all functional systems of the human body, which once again indicates the systemic nature of the disease. How fast will the formation of the disease, depends on the degree of insulin deficiency, which, as a result, determines the types of diabetes.

In addition to the first and second type diabetes, special types of this disease are distinguished:

  1. Secondary diabetesarising from the result of acute and chronic inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), malignant neoplasms in the parenchyma gland, liver cirrhosis. A number of endocrine disorders accompanied by excessive development of insulin antagonists (acromegaly, Cushing's disease, pheochromocytoma, disease thyroid gland) lead to the development of secondary SD. Many drugs used for a long time are diabetened: diuretics, some hypotensive agents and hormones, oral contraceptives, etc.;
  2. Diabetes in pregnant women (gestational),conditioned peculiar influence of mother hormones, child and placenta. The pancreas of the fetus, producing its own insulin begins to inhibit insulin products with the mother's iron, resulting in pregnancy and this special form is formed. However, with proper control gestational diabetes Usually disappears after delivery. Subsequently, in some cases (up to 40%) in women with a similar pregnancy history, this fact may threaten the development of type II diabetes (for 6-8 years).

Why does the "sweet" disease occur?

"Sweet" disease forms a rather "different" group of patients, so it becomes apparent that IED and its insulin-dependent "fellow" genetically occurred differently. There are evidence of the connection of insulin-dependent diabetes with the genetic structures of the HLA system (the main complex of histocompatibility), in particular, with some genes of the D-region loci. For an inventory, this relationship is not seen.

For the development of diabetes mellitus of the type of one genetic predisposition, the pathogenetic mechanism is launched provoking factors:

  • Congenital inferiority of Langerhans Islands;
  • Adverse effect of the external environment;
  • Stress, nervous loads;
  • Card and brain injuries;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Infectious processes of viral origin (flu, "pig", cytomegalovirus infection, cokes);
  • A tendency to continuously overeating to excess fat deposits;
  • Abuse of confectionery products (sweet tooth risks more).

Before losing the causes of type II diabetes mellitus, it would be advisable to dwell on a very controversial question: who suffers more often - men or women?

It has been established that at present the disease in the territory Russian Federation More often formed in women, although in the 19th century the SD was a "privilege" of male. By the way, in some countries of the south-east of Asia, the presence of this disease in men is considered predominant.

The predisposing conditions for the development of type II diabetes can be attributed:

  • Changes in the structural structure of the pancreas as a result of inflammatory processes, as well as the appearance of cyst, tumors, hemorrhages;
  • Age after 40 years;
  • Excess weight (most chief factor risk in relation to the anode!);
  • Vascular diseases caused by atherosclerotic process and arterial hypertension;
  • In women, pregnancy and the birth of a child with a high body weight (more than 4 kg);
  • The presence of relatives suffering from the SD;
  • Strong psycho-emotional tension (adrenal hypersulation).

The causes of the occurrence of various types of diabetes in some cases coincide (stress, obesity, the influence of external factors), but the beginning of the process in diabetes first and second type is different, besides, ORD - the diet of children and young age, and insulin-independent prefers the older generation people.

Why do you want to drink?

Characteristic symptoms of diabetes, regardless of shape and type, can be represented as follows:

Thus, the general signs of diabetes can be characteristic of any form of the disease, however, in order not to confuse the reader, it should still be noted the traits inherent in one way or another type.

Sugar diabetes type I - "Privilege" of young

IGMS is distinguished by sharp (weeks or months) on the beginning.Signs of type I diabetes mellitus are pronounced and manifests a typical clinical symptoms for this disease:

  • Sharp drop in weight;
  • Unnatural thirst, a person just can't get drunk, although he tries to do this (polydipsy);
  • A large amount of urine released (polyuria);
  • Significant excess of glucose concentrations and ketone bodies in blood serum (ketoacidosis). In the initial stage, when the patient may still not know about his problems, the development of a diabetic (ketoacidotic, hyperglycemic) coma - state, extremely dangerous for life, so insulin therapy is assigned as early as possible (only will be suspected diabetes).

In most cases, after applying insulin, exchange processes are compensated, The need for the body in insulin is sharply on the decline, temporary "recovery" occurs. However, this short state of remission should not relax a patient nor a doctor, because after some time a period of time, the disease will again remind himself. The need for insulin as the duration of the disease increases, it may increase, but, mainly, in the absence of ketoacidosis, it will not exceed 0.8-1.0 units / kg.

Signs indicating the development of late complications of diabetes (retinopathy, nephropathy) may appear in 5-10 years. The main reasons for lethal exodus referred to:

  1. Terminal renal failure, which is a consequence of diabetic glomerulosclerosis;
  2. Cardiovascular disorders, as complications of the main disease that happens somewhat less than kidney.

Disease or age-related changes? (type II diabetes)

The PR is developing for many months and even years. Arriving problems, a person carries to various professionals (dermatologist, gynecologist, neurologist ...). Patient and does not suspect that different diseases in his opinion: fuunculese, skin itching, fungal lesions, pain in lower limbs - Signs of type II diabetes mellitus. Often, anger is found on a pure chance (annual dispensarization) or due to violations that the patients themselves refer to age changes: "Evidence fell", "something wrong with the kidneys", "the legs do not obey at all." ... Patients get used to their state, and diabetes continues to slowly develop, hitting all the systems, and first of all - the vessels, while the person will not "fall" from stroke or infarction.

The anode is characterized by a stable slow flow, as a rule, without showing tendency to ketoacidosis.

The treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus usually begins with the restriction of power-friendly (refined) carbohydrates and applying (if necessary) of drugs of medicines. Insulin is appointed if the development of the disease reached the stage of severe complications or the immunity of oral preparations occurs.

The main cause of death in patients with an ART recognized cardiovascular pathology, which caused diabetes. As a rule, it is either.

Video: 3 early signs of diabetes

Sugar diabetes treatment

The basis of therapeutic measures aimed at compensation for diabetes, represent three main principles:

  • Reimbursement of insulin lack;
  • Regulation of endocrine and exchange disorders;
  • Prevention of diabetes, its complications and their timely treatment.

The implementation of these principles is carried out, based on the 5 main positions:

  1. Power with diabetes mellitus, the "first violin" party is assigned;
  2. The system of exercise, adequate and individually selected, is followed by a diet;
  3. Medicinal preparations that reduce sugar are mainly used to treat type 2 diabetes;
  4. Insulin therapy is prescribed, if necessary, under anger, but is the main in the case of type 1 diabetes;
  5. Patient training for self-control (blood collection skills from finger, use of the glucometer, the introduction of insulin without assistance).

Laboratory control standing above these positions indicates the degree of compensation after the following:

IndicatorsGood degree of compensationSatisfactoryBad
Glucose level on an empty stomach (mmol / l)4,4 – 6,1 6,2 – 7,8 Ø 7,8.
Sugar content in serum 2 hours after meals (mmol / l)5,5 – 8,0 8,1-10,0 Ø 10.0
Percentage of glycolized hemoglobin (HBA1,%) 8,0 – 9,5 Ø 10.0
General cholesterol in serum (mmol / l) 5,2 – 6,5 Ø 6.5
Level of triglycerides (mmol / l) 1,7 – 2,2 Ø 2,2

An important role of a diet in the treatment of anger

Nutrition for diabetes mellitus is a very well-known, even far from sugar diabetes, Table number 9. Being in the hospital about any disease, then it is possible to hear about a special nutrition, which is always in separate saucepans, differs from the rest of the diets and issued After a certain password is pronounced: "I have a ninth table." What does all of this mean? What is the difference between this mysterious diet from all others?

It should not be mistaken, looking after the diabetics belonging to the "kishash" that they are deprived of all the joys of life. Diet with diabetes mellitus is not so much different from the supply of healthy people, the desired amount of carbohydrates (60%), fats (24%), proteins (16%) patients get.

Nutrition for diabetes mellitus is to replace refined sugars in products for slowly cleaved carbohydrates. Sugar sold in the store for all and confectionery based on it is falling into the discharge of prohibited food. Meanwhile, the trading network, in addition to diabetic bread, on which we often stumble, choosing bilbo-bunny products, ensures such people with sugar substitutes (fructose), sweets, cookies, waffles and many other sweets that contribute to the production of "Hormones of happiness" (endorphins).

As for the balance of nutrition, everything is strictly here: diabetics must necessarily use the required amount of vitamins and pectins, which should be at least 40 grams. per day.

Video: doctor about dialing during diabetes

Strictly individual physical activity

The physical activity for each patient is selected by an individually attending physician, while the following positions are taken into account:

  • Age;
  • Symptoms of diabetes;
  • The severity of the pathological process;
  • Availability or lack of complications.

The physical activity prescribed by the doctor and the "ward" performed should contribute to the "combustion" of carbohydrates and fats, not attracting insulin to participate. Its dose, which is necessary to compensate for exchange disorders, it falls noticeably that it should not be forgotten because, dealing with the prevention of increasing, you can get an undesirable effect. Adequate physical activity reduces glucose, the inserted dose of insulin splits the remaining, and as a result - a decrease in sugar levels below the permissible values \u200b\u200b(hypoglycemia).

In this way, the dosage of insulin and physical exertion requires very close attention and careful calculation, To complement each other, together do not step over the lower limit of normal laboratory indicators.

Video: Gymnastics complex during diabetes

And maybe folk remedies try?

Treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus is often accompanied by the search for the patients with the patients of folk remedies capable of slowing down the process and as possible to delay the time of receiving dosage forms. You can understand a person, because I don't want to feel my inferiority, condemning myself on the dependence on the tablets or (which is even worse) from the constant injections of insulin.

Without looking at the fact that our distant ancestors practically did not know about such a disease, folk remedies for the treatment of diabetes exist, but we should not forget that Infusions and decoctions made from various plants are an auxiliary means. The use of domestic drugs from diabetes does not eliminate the patient from compliance with the diet, control of blood sugar, visits to the doctor and fulfill all its recommendations.

To combat this pathology at home, quite well-known folk remedies go to the move:

  1. Bark and leaves of white silky;
  2. Grains and shell oats;
  3. Walnut partitions;
  4. Bay leaf;
  5. Cinnamon;
  6. Acorns;
  7. Nettle;
  8. Dandelion.

When diet and folk remedies do not help ...

The so-called preparations of first generation, widely known at the end of the last century (Burban, Oranwolve, Butamide, etc.), remained in memories, and they had a new generation drugs (Dionill, Maninic, MiniDiab, Glurerenm), which are 3 main groups Drugs from diabetes manufactured by the pharmaceutical industry.

What remedy is suitable for some kind of patient - decides the endocrinologist, For representatives of each group, in addition to the main indication - diabetes, have a lot of contraindications and side effects. And so that patients are not engaged in self-medication and did not undertake to apply these drugs from diabetes at their discretion, we will result in several visual examples.

Sulfonylmochevine derivatives

Currently, derivatives of sulfonylurea of \u200b\u200bthe second generation, acting from 10 hours before the day are appointed. Typically, patients take them 2 times a day for half an hour before meals.

These drugs are absolutely contraindicated in the following cases:

In addition, the use of drugs of this group may threaten the development of allergic reactions that are manifested:

  1. Skin itch and urticaria, sometimes reaching quinque to swell;
  2. Disorders of the function of the digestive system;
  3. Changes from blood (reducing platelet levels and leukocytes);
  4. It is possible a violation of the functional abilities of the liver (jaundice due to cholestasis).

Sugarizing means of the Biguanide family

Biguenides (guanidine derivatives) are actively used to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus, often adding sulfonamide to them. They are very rational for the use of obesity patients, however, to persons with lesions of liver, kidney and cardiovascular pathology, their purpose is dramatically limited, moving to more gentle drugs of the same group of the type of metformin BMS or α-glucoside inhibitors (glucobay) Carbohydrates in the small intestine.

The use of guanidine derivatives is very limited and in other cases, which is associated with their "harmful" abilities (lactate accumulation in tissues leading to lactatacidosis).

Absolute contraindications to the use of Biguanins consider:

  • Ore (type diabetes mellitus);
  • Significant weight loss;
  • Infectious processes, regardless of localization;
  • Surgical interventions;
  • Pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding period;
  • Comatous states;
  • Hepatic and renal pathology;
  • Oxygen starvation;
  • (2-4 degrees) with impaired view and kidney function;
  • and necrotic processes;
  • Blood impairment in the lower limbs due to various vascular pathology.

Treatment of insulin

From the above, it becomes obvious that the use of insulin is the main treatment of type 1 diabetes, all emergency conditions and severe complications of diabetes. The InZD requires the purpose of this therapy only in cases of insulin complex forms, when the correction by other means does not give proper effect.

Modern insulins, called monocompeant, represent two groups:

  1. Monocompetent pharmacological forms of a person's insulin substance (semi-synthetic or DNA recombinant), which, undoubtedly, have a significant advantage over pork origin preparations. They practically do not have any contraindications and side effects;
  2. Monocompetent insulins derived from pancreas of pigs. These drugs compared to human insuls require an increase in dose of the drug by approximately 15%.

Diabetes is dangerous complications

Due to the fact that diabetes is accompanied by the defeat of many organs and tissues, its manifestations can be found in almost all organism systems. Complications of diabetes are considered:


The prevention measures of diabetes are constructed, based on the causes of it causing. In this case, it is advisable to talk about the prevention of atherosclerosis, including the fight against excess weight, harmful habits and food addictions.

Prevention of sugar diabetes complications is to prevent the development of pathological conditions arising from diabetes itself. Correction of glucose in serum, compliance with the power mode, adequate physical activity, fulfillment of the doctor's recommendation will help to push the consequences of this rather formidable disease.

Video: Telephone about diabetes

Video: Diabetes Lecture

Sugar diabetes mellitus 2 type tablets are possible. If it is difficult to lead to the norm of glucose in the blood through a diet or therapeutic physical education, they come to the rescue. Learn to use tablets to maintain glucose at the required level with the best effect for general well-being - the main task of diabetics.

Tablet classification

Insulin-independent patients are recommended to use different types of tablets that are divided into groups. Tablets are used mainly with a sustainable high blood glucose content. Miscellaneous views have a different effect on the body, so it is important to know when and what kind of need to be used.

Developing additional insulin

Class of sulfonylmochina preparations . Well-proven pills of the 4th generation. They contribute to a decrease in the likelihood of the appearance of blood clots in small vessels, restore the pancreas cells that produce insulin, which reduce blood glucose levels, maintain normal liver operation. These include:

  1. "Diabeton". Helps the pancreas produce insulin. Reduces time from meals before developing insulin. Promotes blood patency in small vessels, a decrease in blood cholesterol, protein in urine.
  2. "Maninyl". Improves the work of the liver for glucose processing, helps to increase the susceptibility of the body to insulin.
  3. "Minidiab". Enhances the production of hormone in the pancreas, increases susceptibility to it, improves insulin release, stimulates the absorption of glucose muscles and liver, breaks fat in the tissues.
  4. "Glurerenm". It is characterized by the ability to protect the biliary passes and tissues surrounding the pancreas, from inflammatory processes, stimulates insulin production and improves its effects in the cells of the body.
  5. "Amaril". Promotes the release of the pancreas insulin, improves the response of fatty tissues to its effect, favorably affects the high-quality absorption of glucose by the body, reduces thrombosis in capillaries, contributes to the withdrawal of cholesterol from the blood, helps the restoration of tissues and cells of the digestive gland.

Do not miss our new article, where we compare that better maninyl or diabeton with diabetes mellitus.

Increase influence insulin

Biguanid class . The pills do not directly affect the pancreas directly on the pancreas, they contribute to the intestinal glucose absorption, increase the susceptibility of cells to insulin, do not help the release of the hormone, maintain the presence of carbohydrate in the blood at a natural level. Representatives of tablets:

  1. "Metformin". Improves the quality and properties of human blood through regulation and reduction of sugar levels, contributes to improving insulin release, favorably affects the absorption of glucose in the body.
  2. "SIOFOR". It has the same properties as the previous pills. Actively struggling with obesity. Assign for obese people with overweight.
  3. Improves the exchange of substances upset with diabetes mellitus, contributes to the slowdown in the reaction of the decomposition of carbohydrates in the body, reduces subcutaneous fat deposits.

Insulina potentiators class . Tablets of this group have an impact on the cells of the body, increasing the productivity of insulin in the liver and the remaining tissues. They contribute to the intensification of the body to the absorption of glucose, fatty acids and cholesterol in the blood, increase the susceptibility of the body to insulin. Tableted row represents:

  1. "Rosiglitazone". Reduces the amount of circulation hormone in the blood decreases, suppresses the formation of an excessive concentration of glucose in the liver, increases susceptibility to insulin in cells that can accumulate fatty deposits, skeletal muscles, liver.
  2. "Pioglitazone". The influence of insulin on protein and fat exchange in the peripheral cells of the body, reduces the yield of glucose from the liver, reduces the amount of hemoglobin in the patient's blood, increases the consumption of insulin-dependent glucose.

Glucose suction adjustment

Class of inhibitors . Tablets of this type perform the function of alignment and reduction in blood levels of sugar and starch. Increase the digestion of carbohydrates in the intestine. Contribute to a decrease in body weight due to stabilization of carbohydrate digestibility, slowing down the dysfrevity in the cardiovascular system. Take such tablets is recommended when strictly observed diet. These drugs include:

  1. "Akarbaza". Tablets made from bacteria enzymes have a direct effect on glucose and saccharosis of the small intestine, decompose starch. Reduce appetite and, as a result, decreases the deposition of fats in the cells of the body.
  2. "Glucobay". Lowering the amount of blood sugar after meals. It is recommended to take in combination with a diabetic diet.
  3. "Galvus". Active stimulator of the island apparatus of the pancreas. During the use of this drug, its function of developing insulin is improved.

Class of clay. Such tablets are used to streamline and restore biosynthesis in the pancreas. Unlike sulfonylurea-based tablets, the components of the clay do not penetrate the cell, do not participate in cell synthesis. It is used simultaneously with other drugs that actively affect the amount of monosaccharide in the patient's blood. Their representatives:

  1. "Novongorm". The high-speed drug of the 4th generation, minimizes the amount of hormone in the blood, improves the operation of the cells of the digestive gland to develop insulin. The greater the preserved cells, the higher the efficiency of this gland.
  2. Starlix. Well restores insulin production for a quarter of an hour after meals. Supports the necessary hormone concentration for 4 hours, helps to reduce the presence of monosaccharide in the blood.

Combined Sugarpporting Tablets

Covering simultaneously several problems with "sweet" diseases are carried out by combined pills. They overnight affect the level of insulin hormone produced and conducive to a decrease in the weight of the patient. Among the combined tablets, the following can be distinguished:

  1. "Glibet". The combination of sulfonylurea to produce their own insulin and the effects of the Biguanide on fat and muscle liver tissue makes it possible to reduce the quantitative composition of each of the two ingredients simultaneously, which reduces the ability to disrupt the functioning of the pancreas and manifestation of side effects.
  2. "Glucovans". The tablet includes 2 ingredients: metformin and gliburide. In such a combination, both drugs have a beneficial effect on the well-being of the patient.
  3. "Gear Compounds". Resumes and corrects fat and carbohydrate exchange in the body. Improves the functioning of the liver.
  4. "Mukoz composites." Eliminates the island process in the pancreas and dults the development of the insufficiency of this body.
  5. "Momordik composites." It leads to a stable state of the production of hormone in the body and restores the tissues of the pancreas.

Chinese tablets with type 2 diabetes

Chinese medicine is famous for its irreconcilable attitude to chemical drugs. Medicase preparations for the treatment of diabetes are created from natural plants.

Chinese-made tablets stimulate the restoration of the insulin function of the patient's body. It is worth noting such:

  1. "San Tszyu Tytay".Release form - capsules. It is recommended to take with fatigue, weight loss, exhausting. Regulates blood glucose levels, supports damaged pancreas, strengthens the kidneys.
  2. Cordyceps.In the early stages of diabetes, it helps to improve the metabolism in the body, normalizes the weight of the body, stabilizes the work of the pancreas.
  3. "Fitness 999".Improves the metabolism at the cellular level, it exceeds slags and cholesterol from the body, strengthens the walls of vessels and capillaries, stabilizes blood pressure, provides safe weight loss in diabetes mellitus.

The use of any tablets, even the most "harmless", with diabetes is recommended only after consulting with the attending physician.

When do sugar-anti-sugar pills prescribe?

At the first signs of improving sugar, it is recommended to streamline the patient's nutrition by strictly comply with the diet. An increase in physical exertion also leads to a decrease in blood sugar in the initial stage of the disease. But if these events do not give a positive result or are insufficient, the doctor may prescribe the use of tablets that reduce the amount of blood sugar.

Under the excess weight of the patient, the treatment starts with a group of biguanide groups dosed by small portions.

In normal weight, tablets from the sulfonylurea group are used. Dosage increases as needed, depending on the occurrence of the disease. During the use of drugs, it is recommended to strengthen observations of secondary manifestations. If such is discovered, the immediate consultation of the doctor is shown.

It is impossible to engage in the self-treatment of diabetes. This can lead to irreversible processes. Therefore, it is so important to be correct to treat sugar diabetes mellitus.

Side effects

All the above-mentioned drugs can cause unwanted organism reactions due to the intolerance to this or that component of the received preparation. They arise, as a rule, under overdose, allergizing the organism of the patient, from poor quality tablets (incorrect manufacturing technology, storage time), when weakening immune protection. Clinically, it can manifest itself:

  • liver failure;
  • an increase in the level of hepatic enzymes, which leads to a violation of the liver;
  • nausea, diarrhea;
  • feeling of the taste of metal in the mouth;
  • the appearance of itching and rash on the skin;
  • reduce blood sugar levels;
  • increasing its own weight.

To the application of the group biagunids There are the following contraindications. Tablets "SIOFOR" is not recommended to take women on demolitions, chronic alcoholics, predisposed to the disease of the diabetic foot, patients with low blood sugar.

Tablets "Glucophage" are not prescribed to patients suffering from cardiac, renal and liver failure, suffering from infarction, severe infections having increased sensitivity.

There are contraindications in which it is not recommended to use tablets that affect glucose sufficiency. "Akarboza", "Glucobay" and others inhibitors In some cases, it may adversely affect the overall condition of the body. Side effects may occur during pregnancy, in nursing mothers, with cirrhosis of the liver, chronic intestinal diseases, kidney pathologies.

"Novongorm", "Starlix" and other pancreatic stimulants It is not recommended to apply with type 1, pregnancy and breastfeeding diabetes, severe liver and kidney diseases. Children under 18 and older people after 75, too, need to refrain from their application.

Rarely after reception there is nausea, diarrhea, allergic rash on the skin.


Types of drugs

Medications used in insulin-dependent diabetes therapy are divided into 4 groups:

  • stimulating insulin synthesis in the pancreas;
  • increasing insulin susceptibility;
  • pills with combined composition;
  • tablets of the new generation.

A number of drugs, the action that is based on stimulating the activities of the pancreas is considered outdated and dangerous for health, so most doctors refused to apply the tablets of this dosage group.

Perennial studies have shown that the long-term intake of such drugs leads to the depletion of the pancreas and may cause the development of an insulin-dependent form of the disease. The reception of such drugs first improves the patient's well-being due to improving insulin production, but over time provokes the development of complications.

The most popular drugs are drugs that increase cell sensitivity to insulin and improving glucose susceptibility with muscle tissue. The most popular drug of this group, known to each diabetics, is metformin. The medicine does not harm the body and helps minimize the risk of developing complications. Combined drugs include medicines based on metformin and sulfamilmochevine. Such drugs have a number of contraindications and can cause the development of hypoglycemia and a set of excess weight. These drugs are selected by the doctor individually for each patient and require accurate compliance with the reception scheme.

Preparations from diabetes 2 types of new generation are inhibitors of DPP-4 and GPP-1 receptor agonists. Preparations of these medicinal groups do not reduce glucose concentration in blood plasma, therefore, they are used as an aid to treatment, in addition to metformines. Tablets provide a decrease in appetite, normalize the processes occurring in the gastrointestinal tract, and help efficiently reduce weight when the diet is observed.

Immediately after meals in the body, a number of processes are launched to normalize the level of glucose levels, cholesterol, and contributing to the effective absorption of nutrients entering the body with food. Drugs of the DPP-4 inhibitors group with diabetes help the normalization of these processes and the development of intrescans. Thus, the reception of drugs ensures the production of own insulin by the body, but only with increasing the level of glucose.

In contrast to drugs that stimulate the work of the pancreas for constant insulin production, DPP-4 inhibitors contribute to the increased production of this hormone in need, that is, only when the blood plasma level is increased.

Treatment with these drugs provides:

  • decrease in blood sugar concentration on an empty stomach;
  • warning to increase glucose levels immediately after meals;
  • normalization of the level of glycated hemoglobin;
  • normalization of the function of cells responsible for insulin production.

Preparations do not contribute to the weight gain, so they can be taken even to patients with obesity. Popular new medicines:

  • tablets Janowiya;
  • preparation Gallus;
  • medicine ongrusa.

These drugs are available only in tablets. The drug reception scheme is selected by a doctor, usually assign a reception of just one tablet a day after meals. The DPP-4 enzyme when taking the Yanowiya medicinal product is blocked for a day. The drug is produced in various dosages. Yanuvia can be taken when treating metformin, as well as insulin injections.

The medicine does not affect the mass of the patient's body. This is considered both the advantage and disadvantage. The weight gain does not occur when taking tablets, but also reduce the mass of the patient's body is also not observed.

The action of the Tablets Gallus and Ongrus is no different from the effectiveness of treatment with Tablets Janowy. The choice of the drug is carried out by the attending physician individually for each patient, based on the features of the disease. There are no side effects of these drugs.

Combined Tablets with Metform

What tablets from type 2 diabetes mellitus take and a list of new generation of drugs - it should be recognized by a doctor. The appointment of any new medication from diabetes must be approved by an endocrinologist. New preparations for the treatment of sugar diabetes of the second type are presented in combination with metformin - these are drugs for Yanumet and Galvuses.

The drug Janumeumet is a combination of metformin and Janowiya, and Galvusmet is Metformin and Gallus.

These drugs are produced in various dosages - 500, 850 or 1000 mg of metformin and 50 mg of Janowi or Givus. The dosage of the drug is selected by the doctor, depending on the required amount of metformin to ensure the expected therapeutic effect.

The advantage of combined drugs is a convenient form of release, thanks to which the patient must take only one medicine, instead of two. Such drugs have a double effect - normalize insulin production with increasing glucose levels, and also improve the susceptibility of the organism cells to glucose. Such drugs do not have side effects.

Contraindications for treatment with Yanumen or Galivus are the same as in the treatment of metformines. It is advisable to prescribe such drugs in the following cases:

  • low Metform Monotherapy Efficiency;
  • low diet efficiency;
  • the presence of excess weight.

Independent treatment with a drug without consulting a doctor is not recommended.

Drugs do not directly affect blood sugar concentration, but contribute to the control of appetite and help more efficiently adhere to the recommended diet.

Two drugs are presented in pharmacies - this is Baet and Vitoza. Despite the statements that these drugs lower glucose concentration, Metformin copes with this task better. In addition, the value of metformin is significantly lower than the cost of drugs of the new generation. Bauteta and Vitosa have a very minor effect on sugar, but they effectively warn over and help control the appetite. These drugs are prescribed patients with existence of excess weight, which is difficult to adhere to a balanced low-carbon diet.

The diet is the basis of the treatment of the acquired form of diabetes caused by disruption of metabolism. If you thoroughly adhere to the recommended power scheme, you can monitor blood sugar levels without receiving medicines. However, not all patients are disciplined enough to abandon forbidden foods. Often, the disregard of the diet and the lack of physical exertion lead to the development of complications. Avoid this helps the use of drugs of Baet and Vitosa.

GPP-1 is a hormone, which is synthesized by the stomach in response to food intake. It affects insulin production, and also provides the digestion process. Natural hormone is generated briefly and ceases to act a few minutes later. The synthetic analogue of this hormone, which comes when taking the drugs of Baet and Vitoza, affects the body from several hours to days.

Preparations are available in a syringe knob, in tablets these drugs are still not available. The injection of drugs is carried out similarly to insulin injections. Bauteta acts within 4-6 hours, so you need to do two injections - in the morning and in the evening an hour before meals. An hour after the injection, the active substance begins to act. As a result, during meals, the feeling of saturation comes faster, which avoids overeating.

Vitosa costs more, but it is considered more effective tool To control the appetite. This drug is the last achievement of pharmacology to control appetite in diabetics. The injection of the drug is made only once a day.

The use of these drugs allows to get rid of overeating and dependence on carbohydrate meals. Such preparations for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus do not replace the diet. Their use allows you to quickly improve the overall condition of the patient and reduces weight. On the use of drugs should be consulted with a doctor.


Suitable to the logical conclusion of 2016 brought a lot of interesting things. There was no and without happy pharmaceutical "finds", which give the hope of painful incurable chronic diseases, in particular, diabetes.

"Sweet" disease

In the body of patients with diabetes, unfortunately, irreversible processes occur. Most often (in 90% of cases), the pancreas cannot produce hormone insulin in sufficient quantities or the body is not able to effectively use it, as a result of which the blood glucose level increases and the type of type 2 diabetes is developing.

Let me remind you that insulin is a key that opens the way with food glucose into the bloodstream. The type 2 diabetes may appear at any age, and it often proceeds hidden over the years. According to statistics, each second patient does not recognize the serious changes in its body, which significantly worsens the disease forecast.

It is much less likely to register the type 1 diabetes, in which the pancreatic cells generally stop synthesize insulin, and then the patient requires regular introduction of hormone from the outside.

Diabetes and 1st, and 2nd Type, left on Samotek, is extremely dangerous: it takes one life every 6 seconds. Moreover, the hyperglycemia itself becomes deadly, as a rule, that is, an increase in blood sugar levels, and its long-term consequences.

Terrible complications

So, not so terrible diabetes, how many illnesses that he "starts". We list the most common.

  • Cardiovascular diseases, including ischemic heart disease, the natural consequence of which the catastrophe is becoming a myocardial infarction and stroke.
  • Kidney disease, or diabetic nephropathywhich develops due to damage to kidney vessels. By the way, good control of the level of glucose in the blood is much reduced by the likelihood of this complication.
  • Diabetic neuropathy - defeat of the nervous system, leading to disruption of digestion, sexual dysfunction, decrease or even loss of sensitivity in the limbs. Due to reduced sensitivity, patients may not notice small injuries, which is fraught with the development of chronic infection and may end the limb amputation.
  • Diabetic Retinopathy- Eye damage, leading to a decrease in vision, up to full blindness.

Each of the listed diseases can cause disability or even fatal outcome, and even the cordial and cordical pathologies are considered to be the case. It is this diagnosis in most cases that causes the death of diabetics. Control of arterial hypertension, ischemic heart disease, cholesterol levels in one row with the need for adequate compensation for the glycemia itself.

Even when perfect Development Events - correct treatment, diet observance, etc. - the risk of perishing from infarction or stroke in diabetics is much higher than that of people who do not suffer from hyperglycemia. However, new hypoglycemic drugs intended for the treatment of type 2 diabetes can finally turn the vector at a more favorable side and much improve the prognosis of the disease.

Typically, drugs for the treatment of insulin-dependent diabetes are produced in the form of tablets for intake. This unlocked rule went to non-existence with the advent of injection drugs that stimulate insulin secretion, such as Liraglutide. He was created by scientists of the world-famous Danish company, which is engaged in the production of drugs for the treatment of diabetes, "Novo Nordisk". The drug under the trademark of Saxend (in the Russian Federation - Vitosa) appeared in Europe a year ago. It was approved as a means for treating diabetes in obesity patients with body mass index (growth2 / weight) above 30.

The positive property of the Liraglutide, separating it among many other hypoglycemic drugs, is the ability to reduce body weight - extremely rare quality for sugar-based drugs. Often medications for treating diabetes contribute to weight gain, and this trend is a serious problem, because obesity is an additional risk factor. Studies have shown: Against the background of the treatment with Liraglutide, the body mass of patients with diabetes decreased by more than 9%, which can be related to peculiar records of drugs that reduce blood sugar levels. However, a beneficial effect on the weight is not the only advantage of Liraglutide.

The study completed in 2016 with the participation of more than 9,000 patients who took Liraglutid for almost 4 years have shown that treatment with this drug not only helps to normalize blood glucose levels, but also reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The inspired employees "Novo Nordisk" did not stop at the achieved and in 2016 presented another innovative sacharosyncing agent - semagluded.

With hope for the future

Semaglutide It is too early to search in pharmacological reference books: this drug is still clinical trials, but even on this, "pre-sale" stage, he managed to produce a lot of noise in the peace scientist. A new representative of parenteral sugar drugs surprised everyone with its ability to significantly reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular complications from diabetics. According to a study conducted with the participation of more than 3,000 patients, treatment with semagludes throughout for only 2 years reduces the risk of myocardial infarction or stroke by as much as 26%!

Reducing the likelihood of the development of terrible cardiovascular disasters, with most diabetics, almost a quarter, is a huge achievement that can save thousands of lives. By the way, the semaglutide, as well as Liraglutide, is introduced subcutaneously, and to obtain a result of a fairly single introduction in drugs per week. Such impressive results research work Scientists allow bolder to look into the future to millions of patients, strengthening them in confidence: Diabetes is not a sentence.

Marina Pozdeev

Photo istockphoto.com

Products on the topic: Liraglutid


Mechanism of the work of dosage forms

Oral pills from diabetes type 2 It can be divided into two groups depending on their impact on the operation of the organs:

  1. Tableled forms that stimulate pancreatic islands to the secretion of the hormone, causing its growth and reducing the amount of glucose in the blood.
  2. Anti-hyperglycemic medicines that are applied either from the very beginning or at the later stages of the disease in combination with other means. They cause a decrease in glucose products with liver, activate anaerobic exchange and have no effect on the production of beta cells of the pancreas.
  3. Inhibiting enzymes - preparations of the new generationwhich decompose in the intestines, thereby reduce the degree of glucose absorption.

The main types and characteristics of dosage forms

Medicines for the treatment of pathology are quite diverse and differ in the patient's body:

  • Biagudines - reduce sugar production in the liver.
  • Sulfonylurevines - reduce glycemia, stimulate the secretion of peptide hormone.
  • Alpha-glucosidase inhibitor - affect the absorption of glucose in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Thiazolidindions (glitazones) - stimulate the increased sensitivity of adipose tissue, liver and muscle hormone, are used in combination with other forms, have many side effects.
  • Dipeptidylpeptidaz-4 or DPP-4 inhibitors are prescribed to reduce sugar.
  • Glucose regulators - stimulate pancreatic beta cells to the production of hormone.

Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors

Inhibitors of α-glucosidase, sometimes called glucose blockers, are antidiabetic preparations that help reduce the level of glycemia during meals.

Do not have direct influence on the secretion of beta cells or the sensitivity to the hormone; Instead, they slow down the process of digestion, especially the absorption of carbohydrates.

IN listmedicaee group includes:

  • Akarbossa;
  • Glucobay.

Used as the only method of treatment, but in some cases can be accepted in combination with sulfonylurea.


Presented drugs operate in two directions:

Are often appointed in the initial stage of the disease, if there is not enough to control the glycemia healthy nutrition and physical activity. These include:

  • Methofamma;
  • Diaformin.


Preparations are a class of pill that control glycemia in patients, stimulating the production of pancreatic islets in the pancreas.

Below is presented scroll Medications of this group:

  • Amaryl;
  • Diabeton;
  • Glybety;
  • Ortar;
  • Glurerenm.

Sulfonylurevine derivatives are associated with the protein channel in the pancreas, which causes a sequence of events in these cells, leading to an increase in the amount of insulin.

Suitable for patients with hypoglycemia (sugar concentration more than 6.5 mmol / l) and contraindicated for elderly Patients who, in time, significantly reduced the ability to produce insulin.

Today on the market appeared new medicines from diabetes type 2which have an improved formula.

Comparison of drugs

Everyone medicine It has its shortcomings and advantages, however, the provision of their action on a particular patient's body is quite individual.

Inhibitory properties to α-glucosidase enzymes successfully cope with the control over blood sugar after meals, and, therefore, help reduce the level of HBA1C, especially when using them in combination with another form of therapy. They also reduce appetite, which to reduce the likelihood of increasing body weight to zero, in contrast to sulfamed substances and thiazolidindion.

The main advantage of sulfonylurea is their influence on the production of bata cells of pancreatic islands, which helps to reduce the amount of sugar. Glucose regulators work similarly with sulfonylurea derivatives, but their validity is much less.

DPP-4 is prescribed, as a rule, when metformin and sulfamed groups are no longer helped.

However, it should be remembered that the drugs are not a replacement of a healthy diet and physical activity - it is still necessary to follow all components of diabetic treatment to the glycemia.


Types of drugs from type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is called insulin-dependent, since with the development of the disease, the hormone, which reduces the level of sugar, is produced by the pancreas. The whole problem is to recognize insulin by peripheral cells, which have been broken by the work of receptors. Basically, such pathology develops from the older generation from 40 years old, especially in people with overweight and heredity.

To date, new drugs are produced in the world, helping to normalize glucose concentration and freeing the patient from diabetes symptoms. Below is a list of basic types of drugs:

  1. Increased cell susceptibility to hormone: thiazolidindions (diagnosed, Piozolrid), Biguenides (metformin, glucophage).
  2. New drugs that began to create from the 2000s: DPP-4 inhibitors (Yanuvia, Ongrusi), GPP-1 receptor agonists (Bauteta, Viktosis), alpha-glucosidase inhibitors (glucobay).
  3. Stimulating insulin production: derivatives of sulfonylurea (maninyl, glureranm, diabeton), meglitinides (Starlix, Novongorm).

It should be noted that derivatives of sulfonylurea and meglitinides negatively affect the operation of the pancreas, depleting it. In patients taking such drugs, there is a risk of transition of the second form of the disease in the first.

All drugs listed above relate to new generation preparations and are used to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages that will be disclosed a little later.

Features of diabetes treatment

After a person detects two main symptoms of the disease - the unattricible thirst and frequent urination, he will have to urgently turn to the therapist, which will send it to the appropriate diagnosis.

When surrendering the analysis, a fence of capillary or venous blood is carried out and, having obtained results exceeding the boundary values \u200b\u200bof 5.5 and 6.1 mmol / l, respectively, we can talk about the development of prediabette or diabetes.

Then, to determine the type of pathology, analysis is carried out on the level of C-peptide and GAD antibodies. If the patient has discovered the second type of diabetes, the doctor's treatment is developed, which includes:

  • special diet;
  • physical exercise;
  • constant control of the level of glucose;
  • reception of sugar anticipants.

At the same time, at the initial stage of development of the disease, the patient can do the right nutrition, active recreation and control of sugar. Every 2-3 months, he is obliged to take tests in a medical facility, so the doctor can determine how efficient treatment. If the patient's condition is deteriorating, the doctor will have to assign him a pill from diabetes with hypoglycemic effect.

If the patient suffers to obesity, then the doctor will most likely prescribe drugs with active substance - metformin. Application this means It will help reduce body weight and glucose levels. If the patient has no such problem, the doctor discharges medicines that enhance the sensitivity and developing insulin by the pancreas. It should also be taken into account associated pathology with diabetes. For example, if the patient has kidney problems, then the doctor needs to choose such drugs that will be output by other bodies.

As you can see, each diabetic requires a special approach in the treatment of the disease. Therefore, only the attending physician will be able to appoint optimally suitable drugs and calculate their dosage. There should be no self-medication, each drug has contraindications and side effects that can lead to serious irreversible consequences.

Preparations for increasing cell sensitivity

Thiazolidindions were open more recently and only in recent years began to be used as hypoglycemic drugs. This type of funds does not affect the pancreas for the production of insulin, it affects the susceptibility of cells and tissues to the sucroning hormone.

In addition to reducing the level of glycemia, increasing the sensitivity of receptors, thiazolidindions favorably affect the lipid profile. The hypoglycemic effect of these drugs is 0.5-2%. Therefore, they can be used both with monotherapy and comprehensively with insulin, metformine and sulfonylurea derivatives.

Thiazolidinediones include such drugs as Piorarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrian. Their advantage is that they practically do not cause hypoglycemia. This group of drugs consider the most promising when combating insulin resistance.

The representative of the Biguanids is the substance metformin. It is precisely it is the active component of drugs of this group. It began to be used in medical practice since 1994. To date, such medicines are the most popular when appointing them to patients with diabetes. Metformin reduces glucose from the liver into blood and increases the sensitivity of peripheral tissues to the insulin produced. In the pharmacist pharmacist can offer a sufficiently large amount of analogs preparations, because they contain everything main component - Metformin, the difference consists only in the auxiliary substances. These include bagthome, glyformin, glucophage, forman, syphorn, metformin 850 and others.

Among the positive aspects of the action of metformin, it is possible to distinguish the low probability of the offensive of hypoglycemia, the prevention of atherosclerosis, weight loss and the possibility of a combination with insulin and other sugar-imaging agents. In some cases, unwanted consequences and disadvantages of metformin are possible, for example:

  1. Violations in the work of the digestive tract at the beginning of therapy (nausea, vomiting, bloating, diarrhea, lack of appetite).
  2. The impossibility of using the drug for diseases of the liver, respiratory tract, cardiac and renal failure.
  3. Small risk of developing milk coma.

In addition, it is possible when conducting long-term therapy, the emergence of problems with the lack of vitamin B12.

New drugs

DPP-4 inhibitors are a new generation preparations, they began to be applied since 2006. Such medications themselves do not affect the formation of insulin. They are able to protect the glucagon-like polypeptide 1 (GPP-1), produced by the intestine, from the destruction of DPP-4 enzyme.

Hence the name of these medicines. GPP-1 provokes insulin production that reduces the sugar level in the human body. In addition, GPP-1 does not allow glucagon to develop, which, in turn, prevents insulin to provide its action.

A positive point is that such drugs do not provoke hypoglycemia, because they cease to influence after stabilizing the sugar content. They do not increase body weight and apply practically with all drugs. The exception is the injection agonists of the GPP-1 receptors, insulin (only Galvus can be prescribed). Medicines can cause adverse reactions associated with abdominal pains, it is also not desirable to apply them in the pathologies of the liver or kidney. Today, drugs such as Saxagliptin (Ongrya), Sitagliptin (Janowy) and Wildagliptein (Gallus) are common.

GPP-1 receptor agonist is a hormone that does not only give the pancreas signals about insulin production, but also reduces appetite and restores damaged beta cells. Since the GPP-1 after meals is destroyed for 2 minutes, it cannot fully influence insulin. Therefore, there are analogues of Vitos and Bauteta, which are produced in the form of injections. It should be borne by the fact that the last drug is valid for only a few hours, and Vitoza is a whole day.

Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors prevent the conversion of carbohydrates into glucose. Such drugs are most useful in cases where after eating diabetics there is an increase in glucose concentration. Diabetic agents can be used in a complex with any hypoglycemic drugs. Significant negative consequences during the intake of alpha-glucosidase inhibitors are the problems with digestion - flatulence, diarrhea. Therefore, they cannot be used in intestinal diseases. Integrated use with metformine is also undesirable, because it can cause the symptoms of the disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.

The main representatives of such drugs are glucobay and diastabol.

Insulin Development Stimulators

The hypoglycemic effect of sulfonylurea derivatives was accidentally identified during World War II when they were used to combat infections. These drugs affect beta cells located in the pancreas that synthesize insulin. Such drugs for the treatment of diabetes resume the production of hormone, and also improve the sensitivity of cells and tissues to it.

At the same time, medicines have some disadvantages: an increase in body weight, hypoglycemia (rapid reduction in sugar levels below normal), overvoltage and depletion of beta cells. As a result, in some diabetics, the disease passes in 1 type requiring compulsory insulin therapy. In a pharmacy, you can purchase any of the four classes of sulfonylurea derivatives, for example:

  • glyibenklamide (Maninyl);
  • glyclaside (MV diabeton, glydiab mV);
  • glicvidon (glurerenm);
  • glymepiride (Amaryl, Glemaz).

Meglitinides stimulate the production of hormone with pancreas. Many doctors recommend using them with patients who increase blood sugar content after eating. These drugs need to be used three times a day before the main dishes. The use of them together with sulfonylurea derivatives will be meaningless because they have the same action. In the pharmacy point, you can purchase products for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus, which are divided into two classes: repaglinides (Novongam) and Nateglinide (Starlix).

Reviews of many patients indicate that the newcomers not only reduces sugar levels after taking food, but also reduces its empty stomach. In this case, the hypoglycemic effect in such drugs varies from 0.7 to 1.5%. In this regard, they are often used with other drugs, except sulfonylurea.

Among the advantages of meglitinids, it is possible to distinguish the fact that they do not increase the weight and at least cause the attacks of hypoglycemia. Unwanted effects when using drugs can be disorders of digestion, sinusitis, headaches, infections of the upper respiratory tract. Among the disadvantages, it is possible to highlight the high cost of drugs, multiple reception during the day and low sugar-imaging effect.

As you can see, drugs that reduce the level of sugar are at the moment abundantly. But each of them acts in different ways to the patient's body. Therefore, in the treatment of diabetes 2 types, consult with the doctor must be required. It is he who can choose the drug with the highest possible effect and the least harm to the body of diabetics. The video in this article will answer questions about the emergence and treatment of SD.


Features of the use of medicines

For the ailment, gradual development is characteristic. Initially, its symptoms are expressed quite weak. Therefore, unfortunately, many turn to doctors when complications arise. If the disease is ignored for a long time, the deterioration of the state may be rapid.

The basis of diabetes treatment is the use of drugs. Preparations from diabetes are several groups.

Conducted therapy should:

  1. Intensify insulin production.
  2. Increase tissue sensitivity to hormone.
  3. Inhibit the absorption of glucose and lower gluconeogenesis, that is, its synthesis.
  4. Adjust lipid fractions in the blood.

In short, with the help of treatment, a long-term metabolic control should be installed and prevent complications.

The main group of drugs in type 2 diabetes consists of:

  1. Drugs, thanks to which, the pancreas better produces insulin. We are talking about sulfonylurevine preparations that have a similar chemical structure and differ in generations. Also recently appeared new drugs "Novongorm" and "Starlix".
  2. Biguanids whose goal to increase cell susceptibility to hormone. The two most famous - on the basis of metformin (SIOFOR, Glucophage). They are prescribed to people with overweight, as they contribute to its decrease.
  3. Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors. Slow glucose suction. Often used medication "Glucobay".
  4. Sensitizers (potentiators). Thanks to them, the responsiveness of the tissues to the hormone rises. Impact on cell receptors is performed often with the help of "acts".

In a separate group there are hypotensive drugs appointed with type 2 diabetes mellitus. They arise the need when complications of vascular character appear. Blood pressure is usually adjustable with thiazide diuretics, as well as calcium channel blockers (calcium antagonists).

Tablets increasing insulin sensitivity

Among the medicines should be allocated thiazolidindions and biguenides. Each group has its advantages.

Such medicines from type 2 diabetes, like thiazolidindions, are used for:

  • minimize the risk of exacerbation of problems with vessels;
  • stabilization of sugar;
  • protection of beta cells of the pancreas;
  • preventive and therapeutic purposes.

Unfortunately, there are also disadvantages.

Therapy with thiazolidindionov can lead to:

  • the appearance of unnecessary kilograms;
  • swelling of the lower extremities;
  • osteoporosis.

To achieve more or less normal results, the means must be taken for a long time. In addition, their use has limitations.

To the list of patients who are prohibited similar drugs, pregnant and nursing, as well as people suffering from:

  • chronic liver ailments;
  • heart failure;
  • ischemic heart disease.

It is impossible to simultaneously combine insulin and thiazolidindions.

A good therapeutic effect is observed from the use of biguenides.

In particular:

  • there is an improvement in blood composition, while the amount of cholesterol decreases;
  • hypoglycemia disappears;
  • the risk of infarction in patients suffering from excess weight falls to the minimum marks.

Biguanids do not cause obesity. Although, when using them, the patient may complain to the feeling of discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.

Among contraindications:

  • liver failure;
  • abuse alcohol;
  • cheating a child.

Doctors prefer to use the following drugs for treatment: "SIOFOR", "Glucophage", "Methofamma".

Preparations stimulating hormone synthesis

The intensification of the pancreas activity is performed using sulfonylurea and meglitinide derivatives. The first option is medicines whose action is felt almost immediately. Thanks to them, vascular complications arise less often. Typically, "Diabeton MV", "Maninyl". In some cases, therapy derivatives of sulfonylurea is prohibited.

This concerns:

  • patients with renal failure or ketoacidosis;
  • pregnant women;
  • women nursing breasts.

Although the medicine gives rapid results, it is not excluded:

  • hypoglycemia;
  • development of resistance;
  • excess weight.

As for meglitinides, with their help, you can keep sugar figures on the desired level. They are also characterized by quick impact. Most often appointed "Novongorm", "Starlix".

Disadvantages are also available. First, the body weight may increase. Secondly, it has not yet been proven that with prolonged use, the effectiveness of meglitinides is preserved.

All of the above medicines can provoke infarction, strokes and glycemic to whom. Therefore, recently, most doctors refuse to replace these funds by replacing them with new generation drugs.

SIOFOR and Glucophage

For diabetics, these preparations are created on the basis of metformin. If the diagnosis of the second type diabetes will occur at an early stage, if the patient's nutrition is low-carb, and it will regularly take Metformin, then additional drugs, as well as the injection of the hormone, will not be needed.

Siofor is shown not only for diabetics, but also for all who have disorders of systolic and diastolic pressure. Tablets help to normalize the female cycle and restore the reproductive function.

Patients after 65, as well as those who face daily with excessive physical exertion, SIOFOR should be prescribed carefully (no acidosis is excluded, which is accompanied by an increase in acidity).

To strengthen the action of Siofor, new drugs are recommended - agonists of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptors (GPP-1) and dipeptidase-4 inhibitors (DPP-4).

In the first case, the drug is referred to, which contains a hormone, lowering appetite and stimulating insulin production. Available in the form of a syringe handle. Injections should be done in one hour before meals. Per day is just one procedure.

The second option is a type of medicine, which contains an enzyme, destructively acting on GPP-1. Recommended dose - 1 tablet throughout the day.

Positive characteristics of "glucophage":

  1. Reducing the absorption of carbohydrates in the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Lowering glucose products with liver.
  3. Increase sensitivity to insulin.
  4. Improving the removal of sugar cells.

In a small number of patients from the reception of metformin, negative manifestations are possible:

  • nausea;
  • metal taste in the oral cavity;

  • urges to vomiting;
  • intestinal colic;
  • excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines;
  • diarrhea.

To avoid similar reactions, prolonged action preparations for type 2 diabetes are created, which are not called side effects. We are talking about "glucophage Long".

The reception of the capsules is carried out once throughout the day. As a result, Metformin comes gradually and for a long time. The initial jump-shaped increase in the concentration of the substance is absent.

It should be done separately about cases when "SIOFOR", and "glucophage" are contraindicated.

To refrain from treatment with these tools.

  • Renal failure, as well as hepatic.
  • Hypoxia cardiovascular system or respiratory.
  • Infarct, angina, violations of heart rhythm.
  • Problems with cerebral circulation.
  • Depression and stressful state.
  • Severe infection.

  • Injuries.
  • The deficiency of iron and folic acid.
  • Alcoholism.
  • Pregnancy.

In the postoperative period, such funds are also prohibited.

Combined tools

Usually, with diabetes 2 types, treatment is provided with the help of one drug. But when the therapy did not bring the desired result, it is necessary to additionally use other medicines. Often the selected medication cannot solve all the problems that arise. Therefore, it is replaced by a combined means.

It is possible to treat similar medicines without the risk of any side effects. Most often doctors are resorted to the combination of thiazolidindions and metformin, as well as sulfonylurea derivatives and the same metformin.

The combined diabetic drug is designed to prevent the further development of hyperinsulinemia. As a result, the need for insulin therapy disappears.

Popular tool - "Glibet". It appropriate when the treatment conducted was not effective.

However, from "glibhet" should be refused if there are:

  • problems with the functioning of the liver;
  • renal failure.

Other medicines pick up pregnant and nursing.

"Glibet" sometimes causes side manifestations in the form:

  • stool disorders;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • rash on the skin and itching.

The medicine should be taken strictly to appoint a specialist.


Type 2 diabetes

Numerous studies have been proven that the timely and correct control of the disease can prevent the majority of complications. Science has been proven that glycemic control reduces and practically negates the risk of appearance of both micro and macroangiopathy. Control of glycemia and constant maintenance arterial pressure Reduces the risk of developing ischemic diseases and cerebrovascular. The main goal in diabetes mellitus is to identify and compensate for incorrect carbohydrate exchange processes. Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely heal such a disease, but it is possible to control them with the help of drugs of a new generation from type 2 diabetes and lead an active lifestyle.

Drug control over type 2 diabetes

If sugar is found in the blood and the disappointing diagnosis is diagnosed - diabetes, the first thing to be done is to radically change your lifestyle. A program will be required to reduce weight, increase physical activity. Only so you can achieve a positive effect from treatment. But the main goal is to reduce sugar in the body for the long term, and still it is necessary to resort to medicines. Naturally, there is no common program for receiving medicines, the patient's body of each individual.

Experts say that the first thing a specialist who has given a diagnosis of sugar diabetes is to be prescribed to the patient metformin. This is the initial stage of treating medications (if there are no contraindications). The drug will have a beneficial effect on the level of sugar will help, pay weight, and also has a small list of side effects (an important factor!) And a low cost.

Preparations for the treatment of diabetes

There are many drugs from type 2 diabetes mellitus. They are classified into groups:

  • Biguanides.
  • Preparations of sulfonylurea.
  • Thiazolidindions (glitazones).
  • Prandial regulators (clay).
  • Inhibitors of α-glucosidase.
  • Increateimimetics.
  • DipeptidylPepsis inhibitor - IV.


Some biguenides are quite widely used in modern medicine, although they began to be used to combat diabetes more than half a century ago. But some of them are hopelessly outdated and does not apply now. So, the phenformin is not used and the butoofing due to the occurrence of side effect - lactate-acidosis. The only drug that preserved its importance for modern therapy is metformin.

Metformin has a diverse effect on the human body, contributing to a decrease in sugar:

  • in a pair with insulin, reduces the production of glucose liver, increasing the sensitivity of hepatocytes. Along the way increases the synthesis of glycogen and reduces glycogenolysis;
  • enhances the effect of insulin, increasing the number of receptors;
  • contributes to the improvement of the process of glucose output from the body;
  • practically reducing the "no" absorption of glucose in the intestine, smoothes the aggravation of glycemia. Such an effect is due to a decrease in the intestinal cleaning rate and motility of the small intestine;
  • improving the glucose utilization process in the human body.

So, the action of metformmin is directed not so much to eliminate the true cause of diabetes me, how much to block the further increase in sugar levels. Also, it is impossible not to note the beneficial effect of the drug to reduce the risk of thrombosis and good tolerability by its patients.

Therapy Meetform begins with small doses (500 mg one or twice a day) while eating. If during the week the drug is absorbed by the patient's organism well, without negative effects, then the dose is doubled.

Posted on Metformin, it is impossible to say that the drug is ousted, heal himself and went to the background in modern medicine. He was and remains a "chopstick", who saved many lives from insidious disease. But pay tribute to the new generation drugs from type 2 diabetes is necessary.

Preparations of sulfonylmochevines

The action of these drugs is based on intensifying the secretion of insulin (Fig. 1). The tablet has an impact on the pancreas, closing the ATP-sensitive potassium channels of the cell membrane and opening calcium channels (Ca2 +). It is important that this drug interacts only with pancreas receptors, closing its potassium channels. The ATFK channels are both in the heart muscle, and in neurons, and in the epithelium, and their closure could lead to irreversible consequences for the body.

Treatment usually begins with the maximum low dosage, increasing once a week to achieve the desired level of blood sugar levels.

Side effects of group of sulfonylurea preparations:

  • balance impairment in blood;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • weight gain;
  • intestinal disorder;
  • itching and rash on skin cover;
  • hepatotoxicity.

An example of drugs of this group:

  • Euglyone;
  • Glimpiride;
  • Glipisid;
  • Glicvidon, etc.

Thiazolidions (glitazones)

This group of drugs has an impact on the receptors and is ranked as a new generation sugar drugs. The receptors with which the medicine interacts is in the majority of fat and muscle tissue cells. Increased sensitivity to insulin in these tissues and liver is caused by an increase in the expression of a huge number of genes encoding proteins responsible for the livelihood of fatty acids and glucose.

In the Russian Federation are registered and allowed to use 2 drugs from the above group:

  • Rosiglitazone;
  • Pioglitazone.

Such drugs are not suitable for patients with type 2 diabetes, if there is a heart failure of 3-4 class and there is an increase in hepatic transamizan 3 or more times. It is forbidden to use during pregnancy and during lactation.

Numerous studies have been proven that thiazolidions (glitazones) are very effective for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. For therapy using Rosiglitazone every day (4 mg for the first week and 8 mg further, if no side effects were observed), the level of glycemia decreased by 1-2 MMOLL / L and 2-3 mmol / l, respectively.

Prandial regulators (clay)

These are short-acting drugs that reduce blood sugar due to a sharp stimulation of insulin production. Prandial regulators allow control over the level of glycemia immediately after meals.

As well as sulfonylurea preparations, prandial regulators have an impact on the pancreas, closing the ATFK-sensitive cells of the cell membrane and opening calcium channels (Ca2 +). Entering calcium β-cells and contributes to insulin production. The difference is that groups of drugs affect the various parts of the β-cell surface.

In Russia, the following drug preparations are registered:

  • Nateglinide;
  • Repaglinide.

Inhibitors α-glucosidase

This group includes drugs that have sugaining influence due to the displacement of food carbohydrates by blocking the binding centers of enzymes responsible for sucking unwanted with carbohydrate diabetes.

In Russia, only one inhibitor is recognized - Akarboz. Under the influence of this medicine, the amount of carbohydrates does not decrease, but their processing slows down, thereby preventing a sharp jump in the sugar level.

The drug has a beneficial effect on the pancreas, performing part of its functions, thereby protects it from exhaustion.

The results of the studies of the acarbosis as the type of type 2 diabetes mellitus prevention were truly shiny. In the focus group with a disturbed glucose sensitivity, the risk of developing the disease has decreased by more than a third, by 37%!

Increateimetics (agonists of glucagon-like polypeptide receptors-1)

The first drug recognized by the World Medical Community - Exnyatid. Increteins are hormones of the gastrointestinal tract, precisely with their functions and the action of drugs from diabetes is connected. During meals, many hormones are formed responsible for the release of gastric juice, the functioning of the gallbladder and the suction of nutrients. Acting on hormonal levelExenatide stimulates insulin production and slows down the secretion of glucagon, thereby maintaining normal blood sugar levels.

Exenatid therapy begins with 5 μg 2 times a day for an hour. A month later, the dose can be increased twice. After the start of receiving such a medication from type 2 diabetes in most cases, nausea is observed, passing two or three weeks later.

DipeptidylPepsis inhibitor - IV

The newest drug that appeared on the pharmaceutical market recently has the name "Sitagliptin". The pharmacological effect of the drug is very similar to the action of the exnanyide, considered slightly above, is based on the hormones of the gastrointestinal tract. But the drug is not a type of incrementalimetics! The stimulation of an insulin response occurs simultaneously with a decrease in the production of glucagon while increasing the level of glucose in the patient's blood.

Sitagliptin was repeatedly investigated, and the global medical scientific community came to the following conclusions:

  • The drug contributes to a significant decrease in glucose level in an empty stomach plasma.
  • Promotes a significant decrease in plasma glucose level after meals.
  • Moves to normal levels of glycated hemoglobin.
  • Improves β-cell functionality.

The undoubted advantage of the drug is also that it does not affect a mass body, therefore can be safely applied even patients with obesity. The effect of the drug lastively, the recommended reception frequency is 1 time per day.


Modern pharmaceutical market Pestrite with all sorts of sugar-based drugs. But experts in one voice say that if a strict diet and maximum doses of sugar-reducing drugs do not bring the expected result and glycemia does not retreat, it is necessary to begin insulin therapy. Insulines in collaboration with the new generation drugs discussed above make it possible to establish complete control over the blood sugar level of patient with diabetes type 2. Do not do without insulin therapy, if for any reason diabetics the operation is shown.

Modern insulins
Short action insulins (6-8 hours):

  • Insun Rapid;
  • Humulin regular;
  • Aktrapid nm.

Insulines of ultravotor action (3-4 hours):

  • Humalog;
  • Alida;
  • New Arch.

Insulins of average duration of action (12-16 hours):

  • Humulin NPH;
  • Insun Basal.

Long-term insulins (16-29 hours):

  • Lantus;
  • Leewemir.

Insulins of combined action:

  • Humulin MZ;
  • Humalog mix;
  • Mikstard NM;
  • Insun Comb.

Therapy for maintaining the normal level of sugar in the blood is selected for each patient individual, taking into account the risk of side effects and perception by the body of a particular group of drugs. As soon as diabetes mellitus 2, metformin is assigned. If you cannot achieve a normal level of glycemia, new drugs are selected for the same group or combined therapy.

Believe carefully to your health!