Alexander Ardyshev, a former private in the Russian army, stood under the “banner of the Prophet” in the detachment of Movladi Khusain. Are the Vlasovites coming back? Ardyshev alexander nikolaevich traitor where he lives now

The first and second Chechen wars, otherwise known as the "First Chechen conflict" and "counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus" have become, perhaps, the bloodiest pages in the modern history of Russia. These military conflicts are striking in their brutality. They brought terror and explosions of houses with sleeping people to the territory of Russia. But, in the history of these wars, there were people who, perhaps, can be considered criminals no less terrible than terrorists. They are traitors.

Sergey Orel
He fought in the North Caucasus under a contract. In December 1995, he was captured by militants. They released him a year later and sent the rescued "Caucasian prisoner" to Grozny. And then the incredible happened: a Russian soldier, languishing in cruel captivity and happily freed, stole a Kalashnikov assault rifle, uniforms and personal belongings from the military prosecutor's office, stole a Ural truck and rushed off towards the militants. Here, in fact, it became clear that in captivity the Eagle did not live in poverty at all, but allowed himself to be recruited without much trouble. He converted to Islam, studied sapper business in one of the Khattab camps, and took part in hostilities. In 1998, with a fake passport in the name of Alexander Kozlov, he showed up in Moscow, where he controlled construction markets. The proceeds were transferred through special messengers to the Caucasus to support the "brothers in arms". This business ceased only when the secret services came out on the trail of Orel-Kozlov. The defector was tried and received a serious sentence.

Lemons and Klochkov
Privates Konstantin Limonov and Ruslan Klochkov in the fall of 1995 decided to somehow go for vodka. They left their checkpoint and went to the village of Katyr-Yurt, where they were tied up by the militants without any problems. Once in captivity, Limonov and Klochkov did not think for a long time and almost immediately agreed to become overseers in the federal prisoner of war camp. Limonov even took the name Kazbek for himself. They performed their duties very diligently, surpassing even the Chechens themselves in cruelty. One of the prisoners, for example, was smashed through the head with the butt. Another was thrown onto a red-hot oven. The third was beaten to death. Both participated in the execution of sixteen Russian soldiers who were condemned to death by Islamists. One of the militants personally set an example for them by cutting the throat of the first convict and then holding out a knife to the traitors. They complied with the order, and then finished off the agonizing soldiers from a machine gun. All this was recorded on video. When in 1997 federal troops cleared out the area where their gang was operating, Limonov and Klochkov tried to impersonate the released hostages and hoped that the most serious thing that threatened them was a term for desertion. However, the investigation made their "exploits" known to Russian justice.

Alexander Ardyshev - Seraji Dudayev
In 1995, the unit in which Ardyshev served was transferred to Chechnya. Alexander had very little to serve, just a few weeks. However, he decided to drastically change his life and deserted from the unit. It was in the village of Vedeno. By the way, one cannot say about Ardyshev that he betrayed his comrades, since he had no comrades. During his service, he was noted for the fact that he periodically stole things and money from his fellow soldiers, and there was not a single one among the soldiers of his unit who would treat Ardyshev as a friend. First, he got into the detachment of the field commander Mavladi Khusain, then fought under the command of Isa Madaev, then in the detachment of Khamzat Musayev. Ardyshev converted to Islam and became Seraji Dudayev. Seraji's new service began to guard the captives. The stories about how the yesterday's Russian soldier Alexander, and now the warrior of Islam Seraji, subjected his former colleagues to what bullying and torture is simply scary to read. He beat the prisoners, shot the unwanted on the orders of his superiors. One soldier, wounded and exhausted by bondage, was forced to learn the Koran by heart, and when he was wrong, he beat him. Once, for the amusement of the militants, he set fire to gunpowder on the unfortunate back. He was so confident in his impunity that he did not even hesitate to declare himself to the Russian side in his new guise. One day, he arrived in Vedeno with his commander Mavladi to settle the conflict between local residents and federal troops. Among the federals was his former boss, Colonel Kukharchuk. Ardyshev approached him to show off his new status and threatened him with violence.

When the military conflict ended, Seraji got his own house in Chechnya and began to serve in the border and customs service. And then in Moscow one of the Chechen bandits Sadulayev was convicted. His comrades and associates in Chechnya decided that the respected person should be exchanged. And exchanged for ... Alexander-Seraji. The deserter and the traitor were not at all interested in the new owners. To avoid unnecessary trouble, Seraji was given tea with sleeping pills, and when he passed out, he was handed over to the authorities of the Russian Federation. Surprisingly, when he found himself outside Chechnya, Seraji immediately remembered that he was Alexander and began to ask to return to the Russians and the Orthodox. He was sentenced to 9 years of strict regime.

Yuri Rybakov
This man, too, was by no means wounded and unconscious in captivity by the militants. He went over to them voluntarily in September 1999. After completing special training, he became a sniper. I must say that Rybakov was a well-aimed sniper. In just one month, he made 26 notches on the butt of his rifle - one for each "removed" soldier. Rybakov was taken to the village of Ulus-Kert, where federal troops surrounded the militants.

The first and second Chechen wars, otherwise known as the "First Chechen conflict" and "counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus" have become, perhaps, the bloodiest pages in the modern history of Russia. These military conflicts are striking in their brutality. They brought terror and explosions of houses with sleeping people to the territory of Russia. But, in the history of these wars, there were people who, perhaps, can be considered criminals more terrible than terrorists. They are traitors.

Alexander Ardyshev - Seraji Dudayev

In 1995, the unit in which Ardyshev served was transferred to Chechnya. Alexander had very little to serve, just a few weeks. However, he decided to drastically change his life and deserted from the unit. It was in the village of Vedeno. By the way, one cannot say about Ardyshev that he betrayed his comrades, since he had no comrades. During his service, he was noted for the fact that he periodically stole things and money from his fellow soldiers, and there was not a single one among the soldiers of his unit who would treat Ardyshev as a friend. First, he got into the detachment of the field commander Mavladi Khusain, then fought under the command of Isa Madaev, then in the detachment of Khamzat Musayev. Ardyshev converted to Islam and became Seraji Dudayev. Seraji's new service began to guard the captives. The stories about how the yesterday's Russian soldier Alexander, and now the warrior of Islam Seraji, subjected his former colleagues to what bullying and torture is simply scary to read. He beat the prisoners, shot the unwanted on the orders of his superiors. One soldier, wounded and exhausted by bondage, was forced to learn the Koran by heart, and when he was wrong, he beat him. Once, for the amusement of the militants, he set fire to gunpowder on the unfortunate back. He was so confident in his impunity that he did not even hesitate to declare himself to the Russian side in his new guise. One day, he arrived in Vedeno with his commander Mavladi to settle the conflict between local residents and federal troops. Among the federals was his former boss, Colonel Kukharchuk. Ardyshev approached him to show off his new status and threatened him with violence.

When the military conflict ended, Seraji got his own house in Chechnya and began to serve in the border and customs service. And then in Moscow one of the Chechen bandits Sadulayev was convicted. His comrades and associates in Chechnya decided that the respected person should be exchanged. And exchanged for ... Alexander-Serad zhi. The deserter and the traitor were not at all interested in the new owners. To avoid unnecessary trouble, Seraji was given tea with sleeping pills, and when he passed out, he was handed over to the authorities of the Russian Federation. Surprisingly, when he found himself outside Chechnya, Seraji immediately remembered that he was Alexander and began to ask to return to the Russians and the Orthodox. He was sentenced to 9 years of strict regime.

Sergey Orel

He fought in the North Caucasus under a contract. In December 1995, he was captured by militants. They released him a year later and sent the rescued "Caucasian prisoner" to Grozny. And then the incredible happened: a Russian soldier, languishing in cruel captivity and happily freed, stole a Kalashnikov assault rifle, uniforms and personal belongings from the military prosecutor's office, stole a Ural truck and rushed off towards the militants. Here, in fact, it became clear that in captivity the Eagle did not live in poverty at all, but allowed himself to be recruited without much trouble. He converted to Islam, studied sapper business in one of the Khattab camps, and took part in hostilities. In 1998, with a fake passport in the name of Alexander Kozlov, he showed up in Moscow, where he controlled construction markets. The proceeds were transferred through special messengers to the Caucasus to support the "brothers in arms". This business ceased only when the secret services came out on the trail of Orel-Kozlov. The defector was tried and received a serious sentence.

Lemons and Klochkov

Privates Konstantin Limonov and Ruslan Klochkov in the fall of 1995 decided to somehow go for vodka. They left their checkpoint and went to the village of Katyr-Yurt, where they were tied up by the militants without any problems. Once in captivity, Limonov and Klochkov did not think for a long time and almost immediately agreed to become overseers in the federal prisoner of war camp. Limonov even took the name Kazbek for himself. They performed their duties very diligently, surpassing even the Chechens themselves in cruelty. One of the prisoners, for example, was smashed through the head with the butt. Another was thrown onto a red-hot oven. The third was beaten to death. Both participated in the execution of sixteen Russian soldiers who were condemned to death by Islamists. One of the militants personally set an example for them by cutting the throat of the first convict and then holding out a knife to the traitors. They complied with the order, and then finished off the agonizing soldiers from a machine gun. All this was recorded on video. When in 1997 federal troops cleared out the area where their gang was operating, Limonov and Klochkov tried to impersonate the released hostages and hoped that the most serious thing that threatened them was a term for desertion. However, the investigation made their "exploits" known to Russian justice.

Yuri Rybakov

This man, too, was by no means wounded and unconscious in captivity by the militants. He went over to them voluntarily in September 1999. After completing special training, he became a sniper. I must say that Rybakov was a well-aimed sniper. In just one month, he made 26 notches on the butt of his rifle - one for each "removed" soldier. Rybakov was taken to the village of Ulus-Kert, where federal troops surrounded the militants.

Vasily Kalinkin - Wahid

This man served as a warrant officer in one of the units of Nizhny Tagil, and he was stealing on a large scale. And when he smelled of fried food, he ran away and joined the army of "free Ichkeria". Here he was sent to study at an intelligence school in one of the Arab countries. Kalinkin converted to Islam and began to be called Wahid. They took him to Volgograd, where the newly-minted spy came to reconnoitre and prepare acts of sabotage.

Alexander Ardyshev, Mikhail Zagvozdkin, Valery Lukyanov, Yuri Rybakov, Evgeny Titov, Vasily Kalinkin, Konstantin Limonov, Ruslan Klochkov ... Unfortunately, the list goes on. One thing unites them all - being Russian, they went into the service of the Chechen bandits, and they themselves became criminals. And although criminality has no religion or nationality (among the militants there are many mercenaries from almost all over the world), in my opinion, such henchmen of bandits deserve a separate discussion. Because betrayal has always been considered in Russia as one of the most serious sins that have no statute of limitations.

These people came to betrayal in different ways. Private Alexander Ardyshev deserted from a military unit during the first Chechen campaign. Having voluntarily joined the Movladi Khusain militant detachment, he became his personal bodyguard. Then he fought under the command of Isa Madaev, later in the detachment of Khamzat Musaev. The Russian militant carried out guard duty, guarded and escorted captured military personnel to economic work, participated in battles against federal troops.
A native of the Leningrad region, Mikhail Zagvozdkin and Valery Lukyanov from Volgograd came to Chechnya in the early 90s to work, contracting to build houses. But then they decided that being mercenaries was much more profitable and went to the bandits' assistants.
Yuri Rybakov is a native of the Maysky settlement of Kabardino-Balkaria. Having met Lema Yusupov from the village of Pervomaisky in the Chechen Republic, in September 1999 he joined a militant detachment, underwent special training and became a sniper.
Ensign Vasily Kalinkin, having deserted from a military unit in Nizhny Tagil, ended up serving in the "army of Ichkeria". After completing training at a sabotage school in one of the Arab countries (in addition to studying communications, they taught mine, the basics of conspiracy, the capture, retention and destruction of hostages), Kalinkin was sent by the owners to the Volgograd region to collect military information and conduct terrorist acts.
From Ufa resident Yevgeny Titov, the bandits took a subscription on cooperation after checking for involvement in the Russian special services. The future terrorist studied mine explosives in the detachment of the field commander Arsanov. And then he was "sent" to Volgograd to commit a sabotage and terrorist act.
Privates Konstantin Limonov and Ruslan Klochkov ended up with the militants when they had a month to go to the reserve. Having decided to mark this date, the fighters voluntarily left the checkpoint and went to get vodka in the village of Katyr-Yurt, where they were captured. In the concentration camp for the Russian servicemen, both became "kapo" - warders.
Maybe I show excessive emotionality when, talking about traitors, I call them henchmen of the executioners? The facts show that these scumbags simply do not deserve other definitions. For in their striving to curry favor with the owners, the mercenaries did the SUCH that when you learn about their "deeds", involuntarily goosebumps run through the skin.
Take the same Ardyshev. Once he beat a captured soldier Gorshkov for refusing to clean a militant's shoes. In October 1995, another prisoner, Lieutenant E., refused to wash the floors at Khusain's headquarters. Ardyshev defiantly sent a cartridge into the chamber and aimed at the officer, threatening to shoot him. In the spring of 1996, the traitor forced Private B. to memorize prayers from the Koran and read them out loud from memory. When the young man made mistakes, Ardyshev severely beat the soldier and threatened to kill him. Broke his nose, inflicted several traumatic brain injuries. Once the monster offered to watch his new comrades "how the Russian tankers are burning": ordered B. to lie down on the ground, pulled up his jacket, poured gunpowder from two cartridges on his back and raised fire ...
The first independent "case" of Evgeny Titov - a kind of aptitude test in Arsanov's detachment - was the murder of a man at gunpoint ... of a video camera. And already in Volgograd, the saboteur received detailed instructions on how to make an explosive device, when and where to activate it. Eugene "companions" did not deviate one iota from the instructions of the terrorists. The "hellish machine" went off on May 31, 2000, when Russian servicemen were passing by. Two soldiers were killed, sixteen were injured of varying degrees of severity.
In the classroom in the sabotage school, warrant officer Vasily Kalinkin confessed to the military counterintelligence officers, the "cadets" were not only told and shown how to kill people, but were also forced to do it. After completing their studies at the control lesson, they were tasked with destroying a nearby village. Each then killed more than ten residents - all indiscriminately: women, old people, children.
The sadism of Limonov and Klochkov did not know the limit. As if in between, Limonov broke the head of Major D. Another prisoner, Viktor B., who was drying his clothes, threw it on a hot stove. And when another prisoner did not obey the derisive order of a Chechen guard to entertain him with singing, Limonov and the guard beat the unfortunate man to death. In June 1996, near the village of Roshni-Chu, Limonov and Klochkov took part in the execution of sixteen Russian soldiers sentenced to death by a Sharia court. Having cut the throat of the first victim, Dzhambulat, who commanded the execution, handed the knife to the Russian henchmen. Klochkov turned out to be quicker - the scumbag exactly repeated the method of the "mentor". The executioners finished off the agonizing soldiers with machine guns.
If we are still talking about the victims of the geeks, then the 18-year-old sniper Yuri Rybakov “removed” 26 Russian servicemen in Chechnya in just one month. In the summer of 1995, Valery Lukyanov took part in an ambush on an army convoy in Grozny, finishing off wounded soldiers. In total, according to him, he then killed five soldiers. Mikhail Zagvozdkin admitted to the investigator that he had sent to the next world a total of about two dozen servicemen. He also installed landmines on the roads ...
In addition to the atrocities committed, the traitors are united by the fact that each of the traitors adopted a new religion, becoming a Muslim from an Orthodox Christian. This required the Russians to change the names given to them at birth. Without hesitation, they did it. So, Alexander Ardyshev became Seraji Dudaev, Vasily Kalinkin - Vakhid, Konstantin Limonov - Kazbek ...
Of course, in our country there is a law on freedom of religion, and it is a personal matter for every citizen to worship - Allah, Jesus or, as the song says, "a simple talisman." But here is a special case.
Hero of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General Gennady Troshev, in his book "My War (Notes of a Trench General)" testifies: "To save his life, a soldier-prisoner ... was offered to convert to Islam. And some agreed. Then the newly-minted "Muslims" in television interviews said that being a Muslim was good, that the (first) war in Chechnya was unrighteous ... They did not talk about only one nuance: the adoption of Islam was sprinkled with blood. In other words, before accepting Islam, the captive had to shoot or stab his fellow captive. So the adoption of Islam in those conditions was not only a religious issue. "
I think there are enough examples to show that the hands of the Russian henchmen of the Chechen executioners are not figuratively, but actually up to their elbows in blood.
And yet, to paraphrase a well-known saying, we can say: traitors are not born. They become - both for objective and subjective reasons.
So, it's not a secret for anyone that for more than seventy years atheism has been cultivated in our country, and this could not but make itself felt.
“I am not baptized,” Limonov explained to the court. - I didn’t know what faith was before. They (Chechen fighters. - Author's note) began to explain to me about theirs. And I believed ... "
The unpreparedness of the soldiers to conduct hostilities at the beginning of the first Chechen campaign, to the possibility of being captured by bandits, with medieval cruelty ready to remove the skin and scalps from living people, to chop off their heads - this is also one of the reasons for the transformation of ordinary Russian youths into traitors ...
In many ways it contributed to the decline in the morality of some young Russians and the de-ideologization of society. The official authorities seemed to disown the old, Soviet ideals, but they did not define the new ones. And a holy place, as you know, is never empty. Including in the human soul. So the cult of violence and worship of the golden calf, propagated in American action films, shown on all TV programs, filled the voids of the soul.
And to take the information war completely lost by the federal authorities in the first Chechen campaign. When in other times the central mass media made heroes of the militants, presenting them as a sort of Robin Hoods - fighters for justice and independence of Ichkeria from the "mother country" ?!
The point, of course, is in the non-humans themselves. Before they became henchmen to the Chechen executioners, each of them had a flaw. There was a wormhole in the soul, which, under certain conditions, grew to such a size that it absorbed the soul itself.
Private Alexander Ardyshev stole money and things from his colleagues. Yevgeny Titov, having gone to Chechnya, already had a criminal record. Yuri Rybakov, together with Lema Yusupov, traded in weapons. In Grozny alone, the "companions" purchased and then sold at higher prices 30 Kalashnikov assault rifles and a hand grenade launcher. According to military counterintelligence officers, Warrant Officer Kalinkin deserted from a military unit in Nizhny Tagil, because he was suspected by "competent authorities" of stealing components and assemblies of entrusted equipment.
At the same time, for example, Vasya Kalinkin grew up an orphan with his mother and father alive. They drank, but the neighbors took care of the boy. And the parents of Zagvozdkin and Lukyanov were deprived of parental rights, Mikhail and Valery were sent to an orphanage. Ardyshev and Limonov grew up in so-called incomplete families - without fathers ...
All this probably also played a role.
It seems that hardly any of the Russian traitors, taking a step on the side of the enemy in Chechnya, thought that in the end everyone would have to answer both according to Russian laws and the laws of morality. And even more so, none of them expected that the owners themselves would hand over their henchmen to the Russian "competent authorities" when there was no longer a need for thugs. But this is exactly what happened to most of them, which once again confirms the truth of the truth: the East is a delicate matter ...
After the signing of the Khasavyurt agreements, Ardyshev served in the Chechen border and customs service and had his own house. But at the end of May 1998, the "Muslim brothers" poured ... sleeping pills into his drink. And they exchanged for a certain Sadulayev, who was sentenced in Moscow by a court to 6 years in prison. Ardyshev woke up only in Mozdok. Unable to withstand such treachery of "brothers in faith", Alexander again decided to convert to Orthodoxy, was baptized right in the cell.
Konstantin Limonov and Ruslan Klochkov were also "surrendered" by the militants. In the fall of 1997, under the guise of freed hostages. True, after going through a check by the relevant competent authorities and even after serving several months in a pre-trial detention center, while the military prosecutor's office investigated the criminal case against them on the fact of desertion, both ... were released under an amnesty. Over time, they acquired an economy, families, children. The fanatics were arrested again only in October 2000 ...
After the militants left Grozny, Yuri Rybakov hid with Yusupov's relatives in Ulus-Kert. In early March 2000, when, before the special operation, the command of the United Group of Forces in the North Caucasus provided a corridor for women and children under 15 to leave the village, they gave the stranger to the Russian command ...
The guilt of many traitors has already been proven in court, they have been sentenced, non-humans are serving sentences. The same Ardyshev was sentenced to nine years in a maximum security penal colony, four of which he will spend in prison. Limonov and Klochkov were recognized as especially dangerous for society and deserving the death penalty, but in connection with the current moratorium, they were sentenced to 15 years in a maximum security penal colony with the first 10 years in prison.
Other henchmen of the Chechen executioners are still awaiting trial.
But by another - the highest court - according to the moral laws of our, human morality and conscience, they have been condemned for a long time. There are bonds, breaking which, a person ceases to be part of the people, the son of his Fatherland.

... Alexander Ardyshev was escorted into the army by the whole world, as it was customary in Russia from olden times. And the farewell was, and the accordion, and the orders of the old people. Who knew! .. The sight of the gloomy mountains and the panicky word "Chechnya" horrified the newly minted private Ardyshev. At the first opportunity, he deserted from his unit, taking a submachine gun. And he did not go home, but went straight to the militants. And they seemed invincible, and the money there, according to rumors, paid green. So the former private of the Russian army stood under the "banner of the Prophet" in the detachment of Movladi Khusain. Later, the traitor was transported to the detachments of other field commanders - Isa Madaev, Khamzat Musaev. Somehow Ardyshev did not really want to put his head under the bullets of his former colleagues, and therefore he was increasingly on guard duty and with special pleasure guarded and escorted the exhausted, wounded to work. unarmed prisoners. It was just here that the opportunity to curry favor with the new owners was just an unplowed field. The captured private Gorshkov was beaten half to death by Ardyshev just for refusing to clean the boots for the militants, and when Lieutenant Yemelyanov did not start cleaning the floors in Khusain's headquarters, Ardyshev cold-bloodedly sent a cartridge into the chamber ... In the spring of 1996, the traitor forced the wounded Private Batagov to read aloud prayers from the Quran. Ardyshev broke the guy's nose, inflicted several head injuries, and finally decided to put on an entertaining show for the assembled militants. He knocked the already half-dead soldier to the floor, lifted his jacket and began to pour gunpowder from cartridges on his back. It was announced to the public that “now I will show how Russian tankers are burning”. The bastard struck a match and brought it to the soldier's back ... Other lackeys were not inferior to Ardyshev in fanaticism. Konstantin Limonov and Ruslan Klochkov had a month left before being retired. Deciding to celebrate this significant day, they voluntarily left their checkpoint and went to fetch vodka in the neighboring village of Katyr-Yurt, where, of course, they were tied up like sheep. They did not choose in captivity for a long time - without hesitation, both became warders in an impromptu camp for Russian prisoners of war. The paws of these “capos” are up to the elbows in blood. Just like that, “out of boredom,” Limonov smashed Major Dudin's head with a rifle butt. Another prisoner, who “dared” to dry Viktor Barsagov's clothes, was thrown onto a red-hot stove. Viktor Berezin, who refused to please the ears of the Chechen guard with singing, was beaten to death by an obliging lackey in company with new associates. In June 1996, Limonov and Klochkov personally participated in the execution of sixteen Russian soldiers sentenced by a Sharia court. It happened near the village of Roshni-Chu. A certain Dzhambulat, who was in charge of the execution, cut the throat of the first victim and handed knives to the Russian “assistants”. They hastily rushed to carry out the executioner's order. Then the agonized soldiers were cold-bloodedly finished off from machine guns under the measured hum of a video camera. Mikhail Zagvozdkin, Valery Lukyanov, Vasily Kalinkin, Yuri Rybakov, Yevgeny Titov ... Unfortunately, this is not a complete list of the bastards that were captured and exposed by the FSB and military counterintelligence ... Russian names, Russian surnames. Everyone once wore Russian shoulder straps on their shoulders. Different paths led them to the bandits. It is noteworthy that none of them ended up with the bandits, being unconscious, wounded or shell-shocked. All are safe, healthy. And in order to remain so, each of them made his choice without hesitation. Rybakov, for example, became a particularly valuable person among the militants - a sniper. In January 1996 alone, the werewolf made 26 notches on the butt of his rifle. Yevgeny Titov from Ufa was sent to Volgograd to organize terrorist attacks, having previously forced him to write a receipt of cooperation and having taught himself about mine-blasting business. The "infernal machine" planted there on May 31, 2000, claimed the lives of two and crippled sixteen soldiers of the construction company. Lukyanov especially fell in love after the attack on the convoy to finish off the wounded Russian soldiers, and Zagvozdkin "found himself" in the installation of guided landmines on the routes of the federal troops. the path of the unlucky “wild goose” Vasily Kalinkin. When the sword of the military prosecutor's office flashed quite clearly over the stealing ensign of one of the military units in Nizhny Tagil, he immediately deserted and ... went to serve in the "army of free Ichkeria." Here he was recruited by the Chechen State Security Department and Western special services and went to study at a sabotage school in one of the Arab countries. Already a certified spy was tied up in the Volgograd region, where he was sent by the new masters to collect military information and organize sabotage and terrorist acts. You cannot be "a little" a traitor. This is a category of human abomination that requires a total fall into sin. One who has embarked on this path is psychologically ready to betray everything - the Motherland, comrades, his own mother and even Vera. So, all the werewolves exposed were no longer Orthodox, but devout Muslims. For example, Alexander Ardyshev became Seraji Dudayev (!), Kalinkin became Vakhid, Limonov became Kazbek. True, the newly converted serajs and Kazbeks really do not like to remember that for people like them, “the path to Allah” inevitably lay through a bloody dedication - personal participation in the execution of former co-religionists and fellow soldiers, which was certainly filmed on videotape. So, “just in case.” Yes, at the cost of monstrous crimes, traitors bargained for the right to life. True, for a false life. Paid for often with counterfeit dollars, filled with counterfeit new "associates", with the prospect of one day being easy, like a smoked cigarette, to be flipped out of it. Meanwhile, this happens to the overwhelming majority sooner or later. After the signing of the shameful Khasavyurt agreements, which actually recognized the defeat of Russia in the first Chechen war, Ardyshev-Dudayev was completely revived. He got his own house, even entered the Chechen "border and customs service" and did not serve until ... until the Chechen bandit Sadulayev was sentenced to six years in Moscow. It soon became clear that there was an opportunity to rescue a “respected person” from bondage. It didn't take long to think about who to exchange for: here it is, human garbage, next to it, without clan, without tribe. You can just kill someone like that, like a stray dog \u200b\u200bin a trash heap. In general, Ardyshev drank some tea, suddenly he was exhausted, and he fell asleep. The traitor came to his senses already in Mozdok and ... immediately asked to go back to the Orthodox Faith. Kazbek-Limonov with his sidekick Klochkov managed to "cut" under the released hostages in the fall of the ninety-seventh. They spent several months on a bunk "just" for desertion, and then an amnesty arrived. These not only built houses, but managed to get married and even give birth to children. The bloody secret, through the efforts of the Chekists, nevertheless became a reality in October 2000. The Ichkerian sniper Rybakov was “unlucky” when in the spring of last year Russian troops tightly sealed the militants in the village of Ulus-Kert. The werewolf tried to get lost in the convoy of civilians who went out along the provided corridor, but they themselves were issued with giblets.

These are petty traitors. I wonder if they are alive? Were they not "taken care of" in the colony? The question is - who are those who are in the middle between the main and the minor? There are many more of them ...