Boyko indisputable actor biography. Conflict on the soil of Maidan and the world at any cost

Boyko Yuri is actually an American actor who played the appropriate character in the film "indisputable". This is the most real master of martial arts. Boyko Yuri in the film is considered a professional by his business. And the reason why daily workouts. Boyko Yuri is not afraid to fight one against several people, realizing that it is possible to become stronger only by constantly increasing the combat potential. There is something in the nature of this person. For many guys, Boyko Yuri became a real idol.


"Egyptians, Greeks, the Chinese and Americans brought the battle to whole science. I enhanced it and put on a new level! " - The statement of the king of prison battle without rules Yuri Boyko. This character of the film "The indisputable" took the news in the news in many sports teams, as well as on other resources dedicated to self-improvement. Who is he? And why many years after the entry of the trilogy, his name is also mentioned in the male audience?

Yuri Boyko: Biography of Boys

The first time Yuri Boyko appears before us near the numerous icons, praying to the victory in the next battle. It immediately attracts attention to his person. After all, a few seconds, the fighter removes his hood, and a severe person appears in front of us with numerous scars, mogaws and tattoos. The combination of extraordinary cruelty, hatred and piety - all this allows you to firmly strengthen the Yuri in the minds of each viewer. It is unlikely that one who will not appreciate the Harizm of this man, who, being in the most hectic place of the country (and where there is planets there), does not lose its image. On the contrary, the hero is constantly improving it.


Most of his life Yuri Boyko, whose fighting biography will be given in this article, is in a Russian prison Black hills, where the most dangerous criminals of the country are contained. Gray walls and non-ending snow outside the windows is the atmosphere of Yuri. The walls of the prison have long got drunk, and water is constantly dripping from the ceiling. I downloaded the hub, looking at which you understand, in what sad state you are.

However, Yuri did not think to give up. In a short time, he forced himself to respect himself the whole prison, ranging from the zeks and ending with the bosses. He has free movement in her walls. On the way, he is trying not to come across nor prisoners nor the guards. Every day, he stubbornly trains in a specially reserved hall, which became his personal camera.

During the walk, the fighter constantly visits the prison church, after conducting a lot of time in prayers. His retinue persecuted at the entrance and waiting for him. And once a week, the one who was still with a peaceful species standing at the icons and read prayers, severely beating the next fighter sent by his soul. In this case, the outcome of the fight sometimes ends with death for the enemy of Yuri.

Foy style

Even if we assume that Yuri Boyko is a fighter without rules, it will not be possible to say something about his extraordinary style of battle. After all, in the ring, he demonstrates both the usual battle in the rack and a variety of chances in the parter. In addition, in its style there are numerous elements from tricking - an extreme sport concluding in a variety of jumps (flip, etc.). Many say: "Boxer Yuri Boyko." In fact, it is not. Yuri Boyko - Fighter, rather, mixed style.

In his training sessions, a man uses at least three people who scatter from his blows, like the bowlingkends. Different kicks with legs, hands, shots in jumping and being in the parquet - all this is coming on his sparring partners and on opponents.

First Boy

In the first battle, Yuri fights the champion another prison of strict regime - Galichem. The fight takes long, but colorfully. Boyko literally plays with an opponent, demonstrating his fighting potential. Multiple blows and tricks that he performs in the ring do not leave anyone bored in the hall. In addition, it is worth considering that each of his fight is accompanied by a tote. Many bets enroll on it, and only a few, hoping for a major case, put minor amounts on his opponents whose coefficients are excavated. After all, it is obvious who will win.

Yuri brutally beat his opponent, not leaving him the slightest chance of victory. A few minutes later, Galich lies defeated.


Having lost hope to play your money, bookmakers (if you can call them) begin to develop a way to defeat the champion. To do this, the battle of the main character against the boxing champion in the heavyweight Weighing Chambers, who heard about Yuri Boyko. According to the bookmaker, the outcome of the battle must satisfy their requests and help return the money lost earlier.

No matter how sad, the battle justifies the expectation of bookmakers, and Yuri loses him. It is possible that the American is not immediately, because at first he endured a number of failures. But at the end of the battle, he managed to take a loaf in the capture and break his leg.


After the fight with the American fighter, Yuri has to go a long rehabilitation. An open fracture of the leg does not grow long, so the fighter for some time becomes a conventional chrome inhabitant of black hills. In addition, if earlier he had huge privileges in his prison, now his position would not have envied the prison rat. His spacious hall was replaced by the rotten room of the toilet and other unpleasant places of black hills, which until some time was being tolerated by Yuri Boyko. The best thing he can still do is wait. He refuses several times in early liberation, which would lead anyone in serious despair, but not him.

Every evening, Boyko develops his foot with a special simulator, which he himself smeared from the rope, buckets and arms of the prison bed. Every evening he never ceases to read prayers. And in one day, heaglely demands from the boss to put it into the ring. However, this is refused to him, in view of the presence of a new champion on it.

Skikekov fight

Sakes appeases with a massive clumsy bear before us, ruthlessly beating his opponents with rustic squeezed blows. In his style there are neither kicks, nor seizures. It practically does not work in the parter. However, at the same time, he manages to become a champion, although it is not for long.

As soon as Boyko goes to the ring, he immediately inflicts a series of blows on Sykovka, deriving it from equilibrium. After that, the blow in the jump literally embroods the opponent Yuri with the ring. Thus, Boyko again returns itself the status of the champion of fighting without the rules of the prison black hills.

Tournament in Georgian prison

In Gorgon - a strict regime prison located on the territory of Georgia, a tournament on prison battles without rules is held, where the strongest fighters come from all over the world.

It also turns out and Boyko. On the border, he changes the convoy from Russian to Georgian, and then Yuri falls into the Walls of Prison. At the very beginning, all participants of the tournament are demonstrated.

There are only eight of them, and they arrived from different parts of the world. This is the Croatian fighter, and Greek, as well as fighters from France and North Korea. Attracts the fighter in the style of Capoeira - Silva. But the American Boxer Turbo is caught most of all. And it is not surprising, because he reminds him of Chembers - that very, after which Yuri had to rehabilitate for a long time.

Gorgon champion is a member of the Columbia Cartel - Dolor. In addition, he turns out to be a drug addict, stimulating stimulants every day, which allows him to reach heights in the ring.

Unequal chances

However, the leadership of the prison is already all calculated, and a series of battles will pass with an outcome already predained by them. To achieve their goals, they send fighters for grueling work on the mining of stone every day. It is based on the fact that exhausted prisoners will not be able to fully train, and, it means, to defeat the dollar, which is at this time on a high mountain under an umbrella and reads a book.

However, if the rest of the fighters gradually breaks, it is not a barrier to training. Every evening it worries shots, strips iron. Everything else, the American Boxer Turbo is joined. It begins to disturb the bosses, and they develop new plans.

Friendship with turbo

After several conflict situations, Yuri and Turbo become comrades and train together. They develop new techniques based on those that provide them with the prison authority to urge them. But all this turns out to them nipoch. Stone gorge, where they are obliged to crush the stone, becomes a gym for them, in which they come up with new and new exercises. Training take place both for strength and speed. With the help of huge cobblestones, they work out attacks, throwing them over the distance, and the hammer helps to work out

And it does not go without the leadership of the prison. And it is not surprising, because the dollar has a lot of money, and the Colombian fighter can not be allowed. Therefore, prison supervisors beat Turbo, which does not give him the opportunity to continue to fight in the tournament.

It also becomes known that all the losers fighters do not reach the house, but are shifted on the outskirts of the city. Understanding that his American friend will not be able to participate in the tournament, Yuri helps him run. Naturally, it does not come off with Him from the hands, and the bosses beat Yuri, after which she throws into the ring to Dollora.

Fights without rules. Yuriy Boyko. Final duel

Dollar, being under the action of stimulating drugs, shows an extraordinary dexterity in his techniques. It has a huge speed, endurance and literally does not feel the blows of Yuri. Various blows in jumps, blows with hands and legs, violate Yuri in Ringgua. One of them throws a Russian fighter beyond its limits. In addition, his old wound opens. Blood is blocked out of his legs.

The benefit that there is a swambling with a wet rag. This allows Yuri to make himself a dressing and climb again. Once in the ring, the fighter changes with dollar places. Remembering who is the true champion in prison battles, the hall supports the Boyca with his cries.

A minute later, Dollar is in a deplorable state and from the last strength rushes to Yuri, trying to hit him. What Boyko makes Consturdar, breaking the Colombian leg.

To freedom!

After the victory of the Russian fighter, the leadership considers his victory for the unfair main prize - freedom. Yuri is sent to the suburb, where he expects shot. But at the most unexpected moment, Turbo appears and helps to deal with the warders. Thus, the protagonist is on freedom. In general, the film ends on the note "Yuri Boyko - the best fighter of the world."

"News" continues a series of publications called "What, if". With experts and analysts, we are discussing what the future is waiting for the country and us with you if the Presidential Belav will raise one or another candidate for May Day 2019. We have already written that there will be, if the president is Peter Poroshenko, also discussed the likely steps of Yulia Tymoshenko, associated with the most different aspects of the life of society - from the public administration and the device to economyopolytics, evolution in international relations and war / world in the Donbas. Now it's time to find out what is waiting for the country in case the president will be a candidate from the opposition block and southeast Yuri Boyko.

It is necessary to immediately make a reservation, at the moment Boyko is not a consolidated candidate from politicalsil focused on the conventional voters of the southeast. Although he is the most rating candidate (according to the social group the rating, in August, he enjoys support for 6.4% of Ukrainians or 8.9% of the identified voters), nuances are possible - in different time Other popular politicians of the opposite were stated about their ambitions - Mikhail Dobkin, Alexander Vilkul, Vadim Novinsky. " The fact is that there is a discussion inside about now - whether to unite with the project "For Life", which is under the jurisdiction of Viktor Medvedchuk. The dialogue is only part of the ON, close to Sergey Levochka - Yuri Boyko, "Akhmetovskaya" same part outside of these processes"," approves political scientist Alexey Yakinin. Nevertheless, we accept how the fact that Yuri Boyko is the only candidate from the "Southeast Party", which may apply for the presidential post, based on the social skins. " And the real alternative to Boyko in about not yet - the rest of the candidates are traded, take the sight for parliamentary elections"," counts political analyst Alexander Golmedilova.

Constitution and decentralization

So, if Yuri Boyko becomes president, whether large-scale changes in the state device, or Ukraine and will remain a presidential-parliamentary (de facto) republic? There are several opinions on this.

Boyko himself promised a "revision of the Constitution", especially in terms of decentralization and movement of powers to the regions (the formation of a budgetary, tax, social, cultural policy "on their own"). " But all the conversations about the change in the constitution, which are conducted in OB, are not connected with Boyko, but with his opponents from the group Akhmetova-Kolesnikov- Approves our interlocutor close to about. - It is because of the inconsistency of the position of the position of the party until he presented its consolidated program - the turbulence is strong". BUT politexpert Evgeny Findash Sees in this case a way out in a decrease in the presidential powers, which will offer Boyko and which will lead to a decrease in confrontation within the opposite itself. " Moreover, this will happen purely by virtue of the heterogeneity of the opposition block: "Akhmetovskaya" part does not want to give the reign of the reign of the reign of firstash-levokna. And vice versa. Therefore, under the shummes of screams about the return of regionals and revenge all parties will urge to reduce the powers of the president's unwiddown"," Falindash predicts. This means the expansion of the powers of the Parliament, in particular, its even greater control of the Cabinet, and the president is likely to deprive the direct influence on the power bodies - the GPU, the army.

Changes are possible and in terms of overwriting relations along the Center "Center-Regions". Decentralization will continue - the truth is how much it will be a weighted process, to say it is still difficult. On the one hand, the Party of Regions, from which Boyko occurs, being in power, real decentralization did not conduct. " And now they repeat these slogans to like the voter, because decentralization is fashionable"," Falindash believes.

On the other hand, the need for reproving relations has already been overriser. " Decentralization will be with a bolko or without it. But "Zhepely" the nationalists, federalization in its pure form will not happen: the day after Yuri Boyko becomes president, it, like other former "regions", will become ukrainian nationalist - predicts polittechnologist Andrey Zolotarev. - This is a purely Ukrainian phenomenon - remember Leonid Kuchma! - It is he who cannot understand Russians".

Split in society

The main challenge that will arise before the former "regions" formulated one of the deputies from the BPP. " You understand, for what reason myself is afraid of becoming president? In front of him, the new Maidan will grow immediately, and he will have to decide what to do with it"," says our interlocutor.

However, the methods of measuring "degrees" in society in the event that Boyko wins, no: according to sociologist, Director KMIS Vladimir PaniottoThe corresponding methodology that existed in the USSR did not develop during independence. " The question of the confrontation of opponents / supporters of Maidan will inevitably rise. However, society in Apathia, the best way out of the current situation, the most active part of it sees in emigration or temporary migration - and I do not think that significant social ferments like new protests shares like, "said" Westm " political scientist Denis Gaevsky. - Especially considering how much Maidan's electorate is disappointed in the current political elites".

By the way, it was the cessation of emigration to be one of the main social challenges of any president. " The demographic situation as a whole is a catastrophic, officially working less and less, the nation makes up, retirees are increasingly growing imbalance, and there is no ready-made answers to these questions, I'm not afraid, I'm afraid of other candidates", - concluded Gaevsky.

Some other social initiatives, however, are designed to reduce the degree of confrontation in society - for example, the return of displaced the right of voting and ban for the state to intervene in religious affairs.


The restoration of relations with the uncompripable part of the Donbass (cut-off today thanks to the blockads of 2016 will be quite expected to the president of the Boyko (cut-off today thanks to the "non-subsidizing" pseudo-published. " Despite the fact that Boyko is a representative of the "gas" part about, and not "mineral", he listens to the opinion of colleagues. You can wait for the restoration of the disturbed chains of "coal-coke metal" in the East, and, more importantly, there will be no extra noise to gain momentum. Economic cooperation and trade with the Russian Federation- Zolotarev argues. - In terms of gas likely to restore the "gasket" like Rosukrenergo with Russians, or the idea of \u200b\u200ba consortium with Europeans on the management of GTS will be reborn". By the way, the recent people from Jury Miroshnichenko already stated that the creation of a gas transmission consortium with the participation of Ukraine, Russia and the European Union could" prevent the appearance of southern and northern flows".

The privatization process continues. The oligarchs who will raise their head will get the opportunity to redeem those production facilities that are on sale of which is of interest. Turboatom and Odessa shipping (coupled with UkrSpirt, the state-owned corporation and other monopolies) will remain in state property and will turn new "beneficiaries" from among those approximate to power. " Also, you can also wait for the revision of the Association Agreement with the EU - those measures that the EU now introduces against Ukrainian metallurgists, by the way, there are already a contrary to the provisions of this document, and this may become a formal cause- Denis Gaevsky is convinced. - In addition, the revision insist pointing oligarchs close to agriculture, the same burner says that the document provides Ukraine too little benefits, unlike Europeans. "Refusal of reduced customs rates can return to Ukraine to Ukraine, the fame of the" assembly shop "and the transport corridor - today to produce anything in Ukraine is unprofitable. Why open assembly lines, if you can enter the goods on reduced or completely reset rates? You can wait for an increase in the transit of goods through Ukraine to the East - transit disputes with the Russian Federation will be easier to resolve ".

It can also be assumed that social policy Boyko will notice populist initiatives. Today on the site about the leaders carefully bake about social garants for Chernobyl residents (Boyko), salary arrears (Natalia Royal), the abolition of the Medanery of Ulyana Suprun (Sumy Deputy from about Alexander Strelchenko). Also in theses - embargo on increasing public utilities and support of the Ukrainian manufacturer, reducing taxes and tariffs for the sake of revitalizing industry. " But in the current models of the dying "market capitalism", a few social benefits will be able to maintain. With all the desire to loosen the socially responsible nature of the state, without a cardinal change of the economic model, this will not be able to: free medicine, education - he will just do it not for what"," Zolotarev argues.

Donbass and the West.

The chances of reconciliation with the Donbass under the President Boyko will be many times more than with other candidates. The other day, he turned to the ambassadors of the "big seven" countries regarding the protection of the election rights of internal immigrants - and this rhetoric will dominate. The main theses of Boyko: "The world is above all", "direct negotiations with the Kremlin and militants of the so-called introduction to the region of the peacekeeping mission).

In addition, in its electoral base, Boyko, most likely, enrolls Ukrainians living in Donetsk / Lugansk, and therefore movements designed to return the region will be more than in the case of President Petro Poroshenko and Yulia Tymoshenko. Already today, they are talking about the need for direct negotiations between Kiev and the "leaders" of unrecognized republics (repeating the de facto theses of the Russian Federation). " However, the issue of negotiations will be decided not at this level, but by dialogue the superpower- Evgeny Findash reminds. - Some tactical questions can be solved by direct negotiations in Kiev with Donetsk, and this is possible".

Direct changes in foreign policy are possible - however, it is possible not to wait for direct turn towards the Russian Federation, since the Ukrainian oligarchs (namely, considering the use of the "President" - a job, will increase weight in domestic political processes) is not interested in entering the Russian Federation and to Ukraine. " The United States and the EU still, by and large, who will become the next president - the main thing is that there were no geopolitical "surprises", "says Andrei Zolotarev. - Boyko does not agree to just give Ukraine into the hands of the Russian Federation - and considering how often Levochkin is trying to like Americans, - in words they will say "yes", in fact they will not really hurry to help multinational corporations and Russians".

Yuri Anatolyevich Boyko Born on October 9, 1958 in Gorlovka Donetsk region. In 1981 he graduated from the Moscow Chemical Technology Institute. Mendeleev in the specialty "Engineer", "Chemist-technologist". The second higher education was received in 2001 in the East-Ukrainian University ("Engineer-Economist").

From master to minister

The work path of Boyko began in 1981-1999 on the Rubezhnaya Chemical Plant "Zarya", where the path from the master to the director of the plant passed. From 1999 to 2001, he held the position of Chairman of the Board of Lisichansknefteorgsintez OJSC (Lisichansky Refinery). From June to August 2001, he headed the state enterprise "Ukrvs Usborpt". In parallel, he was the responsibilities of the Chairman of the Board, and later it was the chairman of the Board of CJSC "Transnational Financial and Industrial Oil Company Ukrtatnaft, created on the basis of the Kremenchug Oil Refinery. In January 2002, on the recommendation of the Ex-Vice-Prime Minister Oleg Dubin, Yuri Boyko took the post of Chairman of the Board of Naftogaz of Ukraine. From July 2003 to March 2005, he holds the post of the first fuel and energy minister. In 2006-2007, works by the Minister of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine in the Government of Viktor Yanukovych. Repeated this post on March 11, 2010 in the government of Nikolai Azarov, and on December 24, 2012, the Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine was appointed.

Migration to parliament

With public politics, Boyko has been connected back since 2001, when Sergey Tigipko "Labor Ukraine" took part in the party. After 3 years, he was personally headed by the Republican Party of Ukraine, which in the 2006 parliamentary elections entered the opposition block "not so" (created on the basis of SDPU (O) \u200b\u200bViktor Medvedchuk). But the 3 percent barrier block did not overcome.

Since 2007, Boyko joined the Party of Regions, where next year he became the deputy head and leader of the Kiev partoblorganization. Together with the party, he won the parliamentary elections of 2007 and in the Verkhovna Rada became Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada on the fuel and energy complex, nuclear policy and nuclear safety.

On March 26, 2014, Yuri Boyko filed documents to the CEC for registration with the presidential candidate of Ukraine. His election program contained items on the provision of the status of state, using the experience of Southeast Asian countries from the point of view of simplifying and automating public services, close economic integration with the European Union and the development of trade and production relations with Russia and the countries of the Customs Union. However, Boyko was an outsider of the presidential election of 2014.

In September 2014, he headed the political force "Opposition Block", and on the parliamentary elections on October 26, 2014 - its electoral list. She passed to parliament and formed a faction in the Verkhovna Rada VIII convocation, which was headed by Boyko.

Fight for a place on a pipe

During his stay as head of Naftogaz and the Minister of Energy, Boyko repeatedly became the object of criticism of the opposition. For example, in 2006-2007, Yulia Tymoshenko accused him of the interests of the company Dmitry Firtash Rosukrenergo, which at that time became a monopoly importer of natural gas to Ukraine. According to her version, "Neftegaz" took unprofitable loans, has huge debts, signed "wrong" documents and "passed" RosukRenergo Ukrainian gas storages at a ridiculous price. Boyko also did not remain in debt and systematically reminded Tymoshenko "The gasoline crisis" of 2005, and also criticized Alexei Ivchenko, the ex-head of "Neftegaz" in the governments of Tymoshenko and Ehanurova, for bringing the company to bankruptcy and ripped gas agreementswith Moscow and Ashgabat.

The second loud scandal, to which it was directly involved in Boyko broke out in 2011: Then the Chernomorneftegaz Ministry of Energy acquired the Singapore production drilling platform is not directly from the Keppel plant, but through the mediator - the British company Highway Investments Processing - for $ 400 million, more expensive than the manufacturer . The second tower was also bought not directly. This gave the reason to journalists in investigatives to suspect corruption in transactions, and the incident itself was mentioned in the media as "Boyko Towers." True, on September 15, 2016, the General Prosecutor's Office Ukraine officially stated that the consequence of the facts of signing on behalf of Yuri Boyko documents to conduct the purchases of these steps.

Apartments, houses, cars and money

In the declaration for 2016, Yuri Boyko pointed to an apartment of 220.3 sq. M in Russia, 9 land plots in the Kiev region, an apartment in Kiev with an area of \u200b\u200b257 sq.m., a house in the Kiev region with an area of \u200b\u200b444.8 sq. M., Apartment in Lugansk region and office in Kiev. Also, the politician introduced in the E-Declaration of 2 Mersedes-Benz and VAZ-2101. In addition, according to the E-declaration on the bank accounts of the Boyko family, $ 31,385, 32,141,53 hryvnia, 6,714,409 rubles, as well as 25 thousand dollars, 15 thousand euros and 300 thousand hryvnia in cash.

Boyko Yuri Anatolyevich was born on October 9, 1958 in Gorlovka, Donetsk region. Growing the parents one, he studied at the Gorlovian secondary school number 4.

Engaged in music, played a violin. Yuri Boyko prefers not to spread about their parents.

In 1981 he graduated from the Moscow Chemical Technology Institute. Mendeleeva. From 1981 to 1999, he worked as director of the Zarya plant, which produced explosives for the military industry.

Then he was appointed head of Losena in Lugansk - one of the largest refineries, where he worked until April 2001.

After that, he moved to Kiev and in August 2001 he became the executive director of Ukrtheneft, a joint Ukrainian-Tatar oil company.

In 2001, he received a diploma of an economy-economist in the Rubezhnaya branch of the East Ukrainian State University.

On December 24, 2012, the Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 728/2012 appointed Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine.

March 26, 2014 filed documents to the Central Election Commission for registration with presidential candidates of Ukraine.

Since November 2014, People's Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine VIII convocation.

On November 20, 2018, Yuri Boyko was excluded "for betraying the interests of voters" from the faction of the opposition block in the Verkhovna Rada. Place Boyko, who headed the faction in Rada, took Vadim Novinsky.

July 21, 2019 Yuri Boyko was elected to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine 9 convocation on the list of the "Opposition Platform - For Life" party, 1 in the list.

Family and tie

Family and tie
A family

Family Boyko

Wife - Vera Dmitrievna. Spouses raise 3 sons - Anatoly, Yuri and Nicholas and 3 daughters - Yaroslav, Ulyana and Maria. Senior Son - Anatoly graduated from the Kiev Polytechnic Institute. In 2006, Yuri Boyko, either in his daughter, or in a relative (niece) attributed, scandalously glorified by his friendship with President Yanukovych Viktor Fedorovich, Alain Berezovskaya (real surname Boyko). As it turned out several years later, Alena Berezovskaya still has a real father - Alexander Zelmanovich Boyko - Chairman of the Supervisory Board of OJSC Dneprovagonrestroy, President of the South Industrial Investment Group Corporation, a member of the Board of Trustees of the Dnepropetrovsk Jewish Community, Chairman of the International Foundation Zalman, Technical Candidate Sciences, Honored Railwayman of the Republic of Belarus, Academician of the International Academy of Information, etc., and the like. Close family binding Alena Boyko-Berezovskaya to Yuri Boyko arose in connection with the participation of Alena (as a student of the pedagogical university) in Vanco International Ltd. She, together with the other three young students, acted as the founders of the structure with the authorized capital of $ 12 million, applying to seize in the Black Sea offshore shelf of the oil and gas field on the territory of about 13 thousand square meters. km.

Close touch

In the company Firtsha

  • Firtash Dmitry Vasilyevich, Kum, Co-founder Rosukrenergo, Ukrainian Oligarch, Nearest Comanor Seeds Mogilevich
  • Yanukovych Viktor Fedorovich, President of Ukraine since 2010.
  • Levochkin Sergey Vladimirovich, head of the administration of Viktor Yanukovych.
  • Tabachnik Dmitry Vladimirovich, Minister of Education and Science, Youth and Sports.
  • Oleg Viktorovich Dububin, former Chairman of the Board of Na Neftegaz of Ukraine.
  • Tretyakov Alexander Yuryevich, the former first assistant to President Yushchenko.
  • Khoroshkovsky Valery Ivanovich, Head of the Security Service of Ukraine, Media Signat.
  • Azarov Nikolai Yanovich, Prime Minister of Ukraine.
  • Borodin Konstantin Vasilyevich, Director of the Department of Gas, Oil and Oil Recycling Industry of Mintopenergo. Borodin over the years oversaw all communications Boyko with the media.
  • Roman Zhukovsky, Head of the General Service for the Socio-Economic Development of the Presidential Administration. Temporary administrator of the bank "Nadra", owned by a businessman, co-owner of Rosukrenergo Dmitry Firtash, Valentina Zhukovskaya has been working - the mother of Roman Zhukovsky.
  • Victor Majko, deputy head of the Foreign Ministry. Before that, he was five years old, from 2005 he led the Ukrainian diploration in Turkmenistan. It was during his work in Ashgabat, from January 1, 2006, Turkmen ceased to sell gas NAF Naftogaz directly - the supply of Turkmen gas was carried out under the control of Rosukrenergo.
  • Oleg Terletsky, Director of the Department of Property Relations and Property Reform.
  • Gaisin Karim Alzgeyereyevich, First Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of Sat of Ukraine in Kiev and Kiev region.
  • Herman Anna Nikolaevna, Kuma Wife Yuri Boyko, Faith, Deputy Administration of Yanukovych.
Kumanya Herman Anna Nikolaevna Firtash Dmitry Vasilyevich
Dangerous ties List:
  • Tymoshenko Yulia Vladimirovna, Prime Minister of Ukraine in 2005, 2007-2010, leader in "Batkivshchyna". In early February 2008, the prime minister called the agreement signed in 2004 by the head of the "Neftegaz" with Rosukrenergo, an example of the "bad corruption" and accused Yuri Boyko in all sorts of mortal sins. With its conclusions, "Neftegaz" took unprofitable loans, has huge debts, signed "incorrect" documents, "passed" Rosukrenergo Ukrainian gas storages at a ridiculous price. As a result, the SNOMA instructed the law enforcement agencies to investigate the fact of possible corruption actions when signing an agreement with Rue.
  • Turchinov Alexander Valentinovich, head of the SBU in 2005, First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine in 2007-2010, First Deputy Chairman in "Batkivshchyna". (Accused of crime against Rosukrenergo).

Private bussiness

Political credo

On April 23, 2005, at the I (founding) congress of the Republican Party of Ukraine (RPU), it was unanimously (all 500 delegates "for") elected head of the Council of the RPU. At the congress, he proposed to introduce the election of the chairmen of the State Blades of Ukraine and to hold referendums on Ukraine's accession to NATO, the European Union and the Unified Economic Space (EEA), as well as by the status of the Russian language. In 2006, he was running to parliament V convocation on the list of the "opposition block not so!", Created on the basis of the SDPU (O) \u200b\u200b(the leader was Viktor Medvedchuk, the ex-head of the Presidential Administration Leonid Kuchma). The block did not score a sufficient number of votes of voters.


In 1999-2001 - Chairman of the Board of Lisichansknefteorgsintez OJSC (Losnos). Thereafter - cEO GP "Ukrviews", Chairman of the Board of CJSC "Transnational Financial and Industrial Oil Company" Ukrtatnaft ". From February 2002 to March 2005 - the head of Naftogaz of Ukraine. Yuri Boyko says that the then Deputy Prime Minister Oleg Dubina recommended him to this position. "We had similar life positions, in addition, a good business relationship was associated with him," says Yuri Anatolyevich ("Facts", June 24, 2005). Having headed Nack, Boyko picked up his team managers. At the key position of the department responsible for the purchase of Turkmen gas and pay for them, Igor Braginsky remained. Working with Braginsky, Vladimir Belogorlov answered the transportation of Turkmen gas. Braginsky, a close companion of Baka, began a career in the gas business during the "republic" and "Intergaza", and is considered a professional in this area. Since the team Boyko successfully coped with the task of managing the "Neftegolaz", on November 16, 2002, President Kuchma dismissed the government of Anatoly Kinach under the pretext that it could not cope with the financing of the field of education and science. Minister of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine: 2006-2007, since March 2010.

Criminal case

In 2005, the then head of the SBU, Alexander Turchinov, stated that his department investigates a criminal case on the fact of the application of billions of billion losses due to the fraudulent scheme of the supply of Turkmen gas through the mediation of the fictitious company EURAL TG, coordinated with Naftogaz of Ukraine and Gazprom. At the same time, Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko accused the former leadership of Naftogaz of Ukraine in involvement in history with the "disappearance" of 8 billion cubic meters. M gas "Gazprom" in the winter of 2004-2005. Yuri Boyko, of course, denied his involvement in this criminal scheme. As you know, the criminal case failed to implement. Viktor Yushchenko, then also president of Ukraine, rushing to resign the Cabinet of Cabinet of Julia Tymoshenko. The ex-head of the SBU and the colleague Tymoshenko, Alexander Turchinov in an interview with one of the TV channels, commenting on the data of WikiLeaks, said:

"We had separate information, investigated the issue of Rosukrenergo and corruption in the gas market ... As soon as we started real investigations, interrogations, investigative actions, I had a conflict with Yushchenko, who ended with the resignation of our government (in 2005) and resign me from Positions of the SBU, "he said.

In May 2007, the All-Ukrainian Association of Regional Gas distribution companies announced that the Ministry of Fuel and Energy, headed by Yuri Boyko, wants to bring regional gas distribution companies (Oblgazz) to bankruptcy in the interests of Rosukrenergo or Ukrgaz-Energo.


Rosukrenergo AG (Rosukrenergo AG, Rue) is a natural gas resale company on the territory of Ukraine, as well as Eastern and Central Europe. The authorized capital of the joint venture is 35,000 dollars, registered in the canton of Tsug in 2004. Registered in Switzerland as a joint venture of two financial organizations - Gazprombank Groups (which owns 50% of the joint venture through Switzerland, AROSGAS Holding AG) and Centragas Holding Company, the actual co-owners of which are citizens of Ukraine Dmitry Firtash (90%) and Ivan Fursin (10%).

In May 2005, the US Department of Justice completed an investigation into Rosukrenergo. Among his owners, the Americans called Yuri Boyku and the Russian entrepreneur Seeds Mogilevich. This is confirmed by Wikileaks documents, which were published in Ukraine. Boyko in a pair with Firtasha - Millenniks "Red Done" (according to the classification of Western special services) Mogilevich's villages. In October 2006, Yulia Tymoshenko on the air "1 + 1" demonstrated documents that testify to the involvement of Boyko to the creation of Rosukrenergo - an intermediary, which sells Russian gas in Ukraine. They got journalists. "Ukrainian truth" managed to find the indisputable evidence of close and in the literal sense of very trusting relations between Yuri Boyko with one of the co-owners Rosukrenergo - Dmitry Firty not in the archives of the Swiss Cantons, and not in the database of Cypriot banks, but in the usual electronic archive of the notary of Ukraine. On December 13, 2005, one of Kiev notaries brought his signature to the general power of attorney of the following content:

I, Citizen Firtash Dmitry Vasilyevich on the basis of an oral prior agreement Commissioning to a citizen Boyko Yuri Anatolyevich to be my representative in the bodies of the notary of Ukraine, insurance companies, credit (banking) institutions of Ukraine, their branches, in all local government registration authorities, of Ukraine's land resources or in any other government agencies, institutions, enterprises or organizations, regardless of their submission and forms of ownership with all the necessary powers on management and disposal issues by all the property owned by me, both driven and immovable, of which it would not consist and wherever it does not It was. To do this, he is provided with the right: to be on the conditions and for the price at its discretion all the agreements permitted by law, contract and other legal relations ...

Under the document next to the signature of the notary there is an autograph Dmitry Firtash.

Business communication between Dima and Yura began in 2003

The personal relations of the co-owner of Rosukrenergo and the Minister of Fuel and Energy "Ukrainian Pravda" told their overall familiar:

Business communication between Dima and Yura began in 2003, when EURAL TRANS GAS changed "ITER". Boyko then headed Naftogaz. Each month they agreed on the volume of supplies, the acts of reconciliation were signed, and in the early 2000s, when Ukraine often broke the schedule of payment of gas, they coordinate and the schedules of payments, "the source told, - then, apparently, their official relations turned into human. For example, I know that Yura and his wife had a friend at home, invited them to himself.

"I have never been among the founders, and for me the news that Rosukrenergo is a joint-stock company," says Boyko ("NTN", January 25, 2006). In addition to the purely business relationship, Firtsha is associated with the new minister in the case of related relationships: the Boyko and the former wife of the Gas Oligarch Marina Kalinovskaya together baptized children. And in 2005, Boyko was the official representative of Firtash on the process of gap of a marriage with Kalinovskaya. Firtash even discharged a Boyko Power of Attorney for managing its assets.

Hero of Ukraine

According to the "Ukrainian Pravda", at one time, heading Naftogaz, who was Boyko developed the entire scheme of the mediator's company and was part of the Coordination Council of Roa. In August 2004, "For a complete settlement of the debt of Ukraine for gas in front of the Russian Federation" Yuri Boyko was awarded the title of "Hero of Ukraine" and the Order "Power". Also for the full repayment of Ukrainian debt for gas was awarded the Order of Turkmenistan.

Inukovych appointed Minister Boyko caused protest

The newly appointed Minister of Energy Yuri Boyko has a very ambiguous reputation. The EU is concerned about the possible return to the sphere of gas trade between Ukraine and Russia intermediaries and refusal to reforms in the Gas sector of Ukraine - writes Roman Oleschik in the British The Financial Times. New President Of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych fell under a squall of critics after the coalition government formed last week was delivered at the head of the energy sector, which includes a very important transit of gas from Russia to the European Union, conflicting businessman and politics. The appointment of Yuri Boyko Minister of Energy caused a storm of protests from the opposition leaders. They condemned this step, which considers the seizure of control over the energy policy by a group of businessmen related to Rosukrenergo-registered trading company, which until last year played a key role in the gas transit.



The former "regional" and the current leader of the "Opozing Block" Yury Boyko built a huge wooden house near Kiev in Kiev in the best traditions of Russian folk fairy tales.

"Emailyland some. You can withdraw a boyko from the Russian world, but how to bring the Russian world from Boyko? This branch of Russian folk fairy tale Near Kiev is already almost completed, the estate owner of Yuri Boyko, "journalists wrote.

Corruption scandals

2011, May

From the knowledge of the Minister for Fuel and Energy, Yuri Boyko, Machination with the state procurement by 150 million dollars was committed. This conclusion came journalists of the edition of the ZN, following the fate of the tender for the purchase of a sea drill plant.

The publication claims that the drill unit that could be bought for $ 248.5 million. Chernomorneftegaz ultimately acquired for $ 400 million. "150 million margins on one purchase!", - Publications say.

Only two firms participated in the tender, the management of which is mentioned by the same director: Latvian entrepreneur Eric Vanagels,


As a result of the newspaper "Mirror of the Week held by journalists. Ukraine »Investigations are known that Ukraine, having bought a drilling rig for $ 400 million, overpaid 150 million dollars for it. And on the basis of the results of the investigation, it becomes clear that it happened not because of the governments of officials, but quite consciously.

reference: Funds for floating drilling rigs for "Chernomorneftegaz" were listed in Trasta Komercbanka Bank. "Ukrainian truth" managed to find out that Trasta Komercbanka Bank is a joint business of a citizen of Latvia Igor Buimyrs and groups of unnamers, most likely, Ukrainian beneficiaries of the Rosukrenergo group, where their shares are divided into an approximate proportion of 50% by 50%. Directly the buoymaster owns 43% of the shares of the bank. Another 9.31% belongs to the Briton Charles Three Roger (Charles Edward Treherne), which, as of March 2011, was the deputy head of the Supervisory Board of the Austrian company Centragas, which owned 50% in Rosukrenergo. Until recent three-year, he even entered the Supervisory Board of the Bank, and now is an adviser to the head of the board. That is, it has been integrated into Trasta Komercbank for a long time. The remaining shares of Trasta Komercbanka Bank are sprayed between companies from Latvia, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Cyprus, which very systemically hid their belonging. The final beneficiaries of Centragas, to which three-weeks are involved, are citizens of Ukraine

Yuri Anatolyevich Boykoborn in the city of Gorlovka Donetsk region on October 9, 1958.


It has two higher education. In 1981 he graduated from the Moscow Chemical Technology Institute of NAMEELEEV (Engineer, Chemist Technologist), and in 2001 - Eastern Ukrainian University (Economist Engineer).


  • From 1981 to 1999 Passed the way from the master of the production site to the general director of the Chemicalsavod dawn in the frontier. From 1999 to 2001 He was the general director of JSC Lisichansknefteorgsintez (Lisichensky refinery). From August 2001 to February 2002 - Chairman of the Board of JSC Ukrtatnafta (Kremenchug Refinery).
  • January 31, 2002 was appointed Chairman of the Board of Naftogaz of Ukraine. From July 2003 to March 2005, he holds the post of the first deputy minister of fuel and energy - Chairman of the Board of the oil and gas of Ukraine.
  • Boyko was Chairman of the Republican Party of Ukraine (RPU). In 2006, it was running into parliament V convocation on the list of the opposition block not so!, Created on the basis of the SDPU (O) \u200b\u200b(the leader was Viktor Medvedchuk, the ex-head of the Presidential Administration Leonid Kuchma). The block did not score a sufficient number of votes of voters. Nevertheless, Mr. Boyko still turned out to be in winning: on August 4, 2006 he was appointed Minister of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine in the Government in.
  • At the early parliamentary election 2007, it was in the passage of the list of the Party of Regions. To do this, I had to abandon the authority of the head of the RPU and pass the partbiler.
  • After the formation of a coalition in the composition of the block and the block, our Ukraine - People's Self-defense left the post of Minister. I was replaced by Yuri sold, received a portfolio by the quota of BYUT.
  • Since March 2010, the Minister of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine in the Government of Nikolai Azarov. On December 9, Mintopenergo and Minuglev were reorganized, and Boyko headed the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry.
  • On December 24, 2012, the Decree of President Viktor Yanukovych was appointed by the Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine.
  • On February 27, 2014, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine dismissed Boyko from the Deputy Prime Minister.
  • In the fall of 2014, at the early parliamentary elections, Boyko passed the first number on the list of the party's opposition block. In Rada, he headed the fraction of the opposition block.

About Person:

In August 2004, "for the complete settlement of the debt of Ukraine for gas in front of the Russian Federation" Boyko was awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine and the Order of the "Power". Also for the full repayment of Ukrainian debt for gas was awarded the Order of Turkmenistan. Repeatedly in various domestic competitions and ratings was recognized as the best manager, the best anti-crisis manager, a businessman of the year.

A family:

Politician is married, raising six children.

Compromat and rumors:

On December 4, 2015, self-lifting drilling rigs "Peter Godova" and "Ukraine" were relocated by the authorities of the Russian Federation from the zone of the Odessa gas field closer to the Crimea Peninsula, which was joined by the Russian Federation in the spring of 2014. Later, the Pechersk District Court of Kiev imposed arrest on these installations.

July 19, 2015 it became known that the Ministry of Internal Affairs opened another criminal case on theft money In the amount of about $ 60 million upon procurement in March 2011, the "Chernomorneftegaz" tugs for transportation of drilling rigs for oil and gas production on the shelf of the Black Sea.

On June 18, 2014, the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine began a pre-trial investigation into the fact of coverage by unspecified persons who operated on behalf of Gao Chernomorneftegaz officials, public funds in the amount of $ 400 million under the guise of purchases of oil and gas in the Black Sea shelf. The indicated criminal offense qualified under Part 5 of Article 191 (the supply of property by the official position by the official position committed in particularly large sizes or organized by the Group) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

In 2011, during the work of Yuri Boyko in the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine, the Chernomorneftegaz minister acquired the Singapore production drilling platform not directly from the Keppel plant, but through the mediator - the British company Highway Investments Processing - for $ 400 million, more expensive than the manufacturer. The second tower was also bought not directly. This gave a reason for the media to suspect corruption in transactions, the incident itself was mentioned in the media as "Boyko's tower."

Particularly tough frictions have a Boyko with the ex-head of the Government of Julia Tymoshenko. So, in early February 2008, at that time, the prime minister called agreements signed in 2004 by the head of oil and gas with Rue, an example of the "bad corruption" and accused Boyko in all sorts of mortal sins. According to her, oil and gas took unprofitable loans, has huge debts, signed "wrong" documents, "passed Rosukrenergo Ukrainian gas storages at a ridiculous price. As a result, the SNOMA instructed the law enforcement agencies to investigate the fact of possible corruption actions when signing an agreement with Rue. In turn, the former minister tirelessly says that there is nothing criminal in the gas pipe supply scheme with the participation of Rue, and today it is due to the more-less "democratic" fuel price of non-alternative. And also accuses the new leadership of Neftegaz and the Cabinet of Ministers in the unauthorized selection of "foreign" gas from repositories and in the next exacerbation of relations with Russian Gazprom. Even earlier, after dismissal from the post of head of the oil and gas, Boyko acted as an active criticism of Tymoshenko's governments and Yuri Yekhanurov and the new leadership of the NAC for the "destabilization of the fuel and energy complex". Very loud accusations sounded during the "gasoline crisis" of the spring of 2005, gas negotiations with the Russian Federation and Turkmenistan, parliamentary elections 2006. Alexey Ivchenko criticized, the head of the oil and gas in the governments of Tymoshenko and Yekhanurova, for bringing the company to the verge of bankruptcy, and for the break of gas agreements with Moscow and Ashgabat.

In May 2007, the All-Ukrainian Association of Regional Gas distribution companies declared that the Ministry of Fuel and Energy, headed by Yuri Boyko, wants to bring regional gas distribution companies (Oblgaz) to bankruptcy in the interests of Rosukrenergo or Ukrgaz-Energo. Yuri Boyko said he opposes the privatization of oblasts. According to him, the gas market in Ukraine is quite liberalized and further privatization in this market is inexpedient.

The former son-in-law Igor Franchuk in October 2006, when his relations with Yuri Boyko aggravated, said: the Minister of Fuel and Energy owns the Crimean Industrial Enterprises. True, Franchuk did not specify what structures are we talking about. But in the media they called the Crimean Society Plant and Titan Guck. According to some information, Yuri Boyko is involved in the "Working Newspaper" and to a number of other media.

In October 2006, Yulia Tymoshenko on the air "1 + 1" demonstrated documents that allegedly testify to the involvement of Boyko to the creation of Rosukrenergo AG - an intermediary, which sells Russian gas in Ukraine. Yulia Vladimirovna said Rosukrenergo is an exclusively private company. "It private company Created by a job officer Yuri Boyko. And in all normal civilized countries, when a person creates a company in state positions in state position, it is called corruption, "the leader of BYUT (" 1 + 1 ", October 26, 2006). Yuri Anatolyevich has not confirmed, but also not denied his participation in RosukRenergo. "I have never been among the founders, and for me the news that RosukRenergo is a joint-stock company," says Boyko ("NTN", January 25, 2006).

Yuri Boyko not once accused of lobbying the interests of Russian oil companies. In particular, the "Tyumen Oil Company". Probustly, Yuri Anatolyevich has good relations with representatives of the Russian oil complex since more times when he led the Linos Om. Boyko is called one of the initiators of filling in the Odessa-Brody pipeline Russian oil.

In May 2005, the US Department of Justice completed the investigation on RosukRenergo. Among his owners, the Americans called Yuri Boyku and the Russian entrepreneur Seeds Mogilevich.

In 2005, the then head of the SBU said that his department investigates a criminal case on the fact of the application of billionaire damages due to the fraudulent scheme of the supply of Turkmen gas through the mediation of the EURAL TG fictitious company, agreed with Naftogaz and Gazprom. At the same time, Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko accused the former leadership of Naftogaz of Ukraine in involvement in history with "disappearance" of 8 billion cubic meters. M gas "Gazprom" in the winter of 2004-2005. Yuri Boyko immediately denied his involvement in this scheme. At the same time, his one-party states stated that the authorities, therefore, trying to return to the structure of the structures that were previously working with Pavel Lazarenko. After the resignation of Turchinov from the post of head of the SBU, this case was no longer mentioned.