Crimes of Ukrainian nationalists during the war. Bandera atrocities (impressionable do not open)

The most interesting documents were published a blogger, testifying to the atrocities of Ukrainian nationalists from the OUN-UPA against Poles in the 1940s. Truthful evidence, what is always trying to not notice European and American politicians and officials supporting the Kiev junta, in fact, the time of the descendants of those fascifying Ukrainian radicals, 70 years ago in the bold of Eastern Europe. See, and who can, show it to Europeans and Americans - whom they led to power in Kiev and who are ready to provide military assistance! This is madness…

And of course, the most inexplicable absurd is that Poland, as the country most affected by the OUN-UPA, is now openly supported by the descendants of Ukrainian radicals, the most who less than a century ago suffered and destroyed thousands of Poles - women, children and old people! Does the historical memory of the Polish people no longer work or healed national wounds after a terrible tragedy, for just some 70 years!?

In the foreground, children are Yanush Belavsky, 3 years old, the son of Adeli; Roman Belarus, 5 years old, Son Cheslam, as well as Jadvig Belavsk, 18 years old and others. These listed Polish sacrifices are the result of a massacre committed by the OUN - UPA.

Lipniki (Lipniki), bang Kostopol, Voivodia Lutsk. March 26, 1943.
Blowing to identify and funeral corpses of Poles - victims of a massacre committed by the OUN - UPA. Behind the fence there is a Keryzh Skalsky, who saved life thanks to the existing firearm (visible in the photo).

Two-handed saw - good, but long. Ax faster. In the picture - a Polish family in Maziev (Lukov), the Polish family in Maziev (Lukov), February 1944, in the far corner on the pillow, lies. From here it is bad.

And lie there - chopped human fingers. Before his death, Bandera tortured their victims.

Lipniki (Lipniki), bang Kostopol, Voivodia Lutsk. March 26, 1943.
The central fragment of the brotherly grave of Poles - the victims of the Ukrainian massacre, performed by the OUN - UPA (OUN - UPA), - before the funeral near the people's house.

Katharinovka (Katarzynówka), Bang Lutsk, Lutsk region. 7/8 of May 1943.
In terms of three children: Two sons of Peter Mekala and Anelsels from Gubdvski - Yanush (3 years old) with broken limbs and Marek (2 years), swapped bayonets, and in the middle there is a daughter Stanislav Stephanica and Mary from Boyardchuk - Stasya (5 years old) Cut and open tummy and interns outside, as well as broken limbs.

Vladin Polynopol (Władynopol), an area, vow Vladimir, Voivodship Lutsk. 1943.
In the photo of the killed adult woman by the name Chiier and two children - the Polish victims of the Bandera terror, attacked in the House of the OUN - UPA (OUN - UPA).
Demonstration of photos indicated by W - 3326, thanks to the archive.

One of the two Glurst's families in the podlyyrkov is tortured by OUN - UPA on August 16, 1943. In the photo, a family of four people - spouses and two children. The victims of the eyes of the eye, struck the heads on the head, caught the palms, tried to cut the top and lower limbsAs well as brushes, brushing wounds are applied throughout the body, etc.

Callows (Podjarków), Bobrka hang, Voivodeship Lviv. August 16, 1943.
Klegshinsk, a member of the Polish family in the podlyyrkov - the victim of the attack of the OUN - UPA. The result of the strike of the attacker who tried to cut off his right hand and the ear, as well as the caused to the flour - the round wound rod on the left shoulder, a wide wound on the forearm of the right hand, probably from its moxibustion.

Callows (Podjarków), Bobrka hang, Voivodeship Lviv. August 16, 1943.
The view inside the house of the Polish family of Klemynski in the podlyokov after the attack of the terrorists of the OK - UPA on August 16, 1943. The photographs are visible to the ropes, called Banderovtsy "Crepuls", used for the sophisticated cause of torment and suffering from Polish victims.

January 22, 1944, a woman with 2 children were killed in the village (Polish Family Popel)

Lipniki (Lipniki), Costa Costa Costa, Lutsk region. March 26, 1943. View before the funeral. The Polish victims of the night massacre made to the People's House, performed by the OUN - UPA.

Ostrówki and the Wola Ostrowiecka (Wola Ostrowiecka), lomomal, Vojovsky Vojovka. August 1992.
The result of the exhumation of the victims of mass massacre of the Poles held on August 17 - 22, 1992, located in the villages of Ostroves and the will of the Ostovetka, performed by the OUN terrorists - UPA (OUN - UPA). Ukrainian sources from Kiev from 1988 report the total number of victims in the two listed villages - 2.000 Poles.
Photo: Dziennik Lubelski, Magazyn, Nr. 169, WYD. A., 28 - 30 VIII 1992, s. 9, ZA: VHS - PRODUKCJA OTV Lublin, 1992.

Gurna Blovy (Błożew Górna), Vochitovil, Voivodship Lviv. November 10, 1943.
On the eve of November 11 - the People's Holiday of Independence - UPA attacked 14 Poles, in particular, on the family dry, applying various cruelty. In terms of the murdered Maria Grabovska (Vir. Surname Sukhai) 25 years old with a daughter of Christina 3 years old. The mother was a pinch of the bayonet, and the daughter had a broken jaw and a trite of the tummy.
Photo published due to sister sacrifices - Helen Kobzhitsky.

Latach (Latacz), bang the rings, Voivodeship Tarnopol. December 14, 1943.
One of the Polish families - Stanislav Karpyaka in the village of Latach, killed by a gang of the UPA from twelve people. Six people died: Maria Karpyak - wife, 42 years; Joseph Karpyak - Son, 23 years; Vladislav Karpyak - Son, 18 years old; Sigmunt or Zbignev Karpyak - Son, 6 years old; Sophia Karpyak - Daughter, 8 years old and Chernitsky's genera (Carpyak) - 20 years. Chernyksky's zbignev - a two-way wounded child, was hospitalized in the ripples. Visible in the picture Stanislav Karpyak, escaped, because there was no.

Polovtsy (Połowce), the region, vaulting chorts, Ternopil's Voivodeship. January 16 - 17, 1944.
Forest near the yagling, called Roshach. The process of identifying 26 corpses of Polish residents of the village of Polovtsy, killed the UPA. Known names and surnames of victims. The occupation German authorities have officially established that the sacrifices were divided by doggings, they were brutally tortured and tied. Persons were bloody due to circumcision of noses, ears, neck cutting, knocking out eyes and suffocation with the help of rods, so-called Arkanov.

Easy (Buszcze), Berezhany Borean, Ternopil's Voivodeship. January 22, 1944.
On the plan, one of the victims of the mass massacre - Stanislav Kuzuiv 16 years old, tortured UPA. We see the spinning belly, as well as the wounds - wide and round smaller. At a critical day, Bandera burned several Polish yards and at least 37 Poles killed cruelly, including 7 women and 3-little children. 13 people were injured.

Haupki (Chałupki), Vyselki village Barzhovice, Bang Lviv, Voivodeship Lviv. February 27 - 28, 1944.
Fragment of Polish courtyards in Haupoki burned by the terrorists of the UPA after the murder of 24 inhabitants and robbery of movable property.

Magdalówka (Magdalówka), Bang the scallet, Ternopil's Voivodeship.
Catagina Gorvath from Hablov, 55 years old, Mother of the Roman Catholic Xendza Yana Gorutha.
View from 1951 after a plastic surgery. The terrorists of the UPA almost completely cut off her nose, as well as the upper lip, knocked out most of the teeth, the left eye and seriously damaged the right eye. In that, the tragic March night of 1944, another members of this Polish family were killed in a cruel death, and their property attackers kidnapped, for example, clothes, bed linen and towels.

Bilgoray (Biłgoraj), Lyubelskoye Voivodship. February - March 1944.
A view of the burned town of Bilgoray burned in 1944. The result of the share of extermination carried out by CC-Galine.
Photographer is unknown. The photo designated W - 1231 is represented by the archive.

We see the risk stomach and inside outside, and also hanging on the skin brush, - the result of attempts to cut off. Case OUN - UPA (OUN - UPA).

Bełżec (Bełżec), an area, vault Rava Rusk, Voivodeship Lviv. June 16, 1944.
An adult woman with visible, more than a deciment meter wound on the buttock, as a result of a strong impact of a sharp gun, as well as with small round wounds on the body, testifying to torture applied. Nearby small child With visible damage to the face.

Fragment of the execution of the execution in the forest. Polish child among adult victims killed by Bandera. Condisched by a disheveled baby head.

Lubycha Krölewska (Lubycza Królewska), an area, vault Rawa, Voivodeship Lviv. June 16, 1944.
Forest fragment at the railway track near Lubichi Krollian, where the terrorists of the UPA cunning were detained by a passenger train of Belzhets - Rava Ruska - Lviv and shot at least 47 passengers - Polish men, women and children. Previously mocked for live people, as later over the dead. Violence - blows were used, beating the rifles with rifles, and a pregnant woman knocked off bayonets to the ground. Desecrated the dead bodies. We assigned personal documents of the victims, hours, money and other valuable items. Known names and surnames of most victims.

Lyubych Krölewska (Lubycza Królewska), a forest area, BVA Rusk, Voivodship Lviv. June 16, 1944.
Forest fragment - execution places. On Earth lie Polish victims killed by Bandera. On the central plan, a nude woman attached to the tree is visible.

Forest fragment - the place of execution of Polish passengers killed by Ukrainian chauvinists.

Lubycha Królevska (Lubycza Królewska), Burn Rawa Ruska, Voivodeship Lviv. June 16, 1944.
Forest fragment - execution places. Polish women killed by Bandera

Chortkov (CzORTKów), Voivodeship Ternopil.
Two, most likely Polish victims of the Bandera terror. There are no more detailed data on the names and the names of victims, nationality, place and death circumstances.

- ZD From Poland: "In those who flew, were catching up and killed on the horses and killed. 08/30/1943 In the village of Poleno Starosta appointed 8 Poles to work in Germany. Ukrainian partisans-Bandera took them to the forest of Kobyl, where they used to be Soviet camps And they dismissed alive in the well, in which after that they threw a grenade. "

- Ch. B. From the USA: in the pastry, it was called the village, the Bandera laughed four of the family of Melnik Petrushevsky, and 17 years old Adolafin was pulled by a rocky rural road until she died. "

- E.B. From Poland: "After kokyubsky's murder in Belozerka, near Kremeza, Bandera went to the farm to G_iuzihovsky. Seventeen-year-old Regina jumped out the window, the bandits killed the daughter-in-law and her three-year-old son, whom she kept on her hands. Then they set fire to the hut and left."

- A.L. From Poland: "30.08 1943, the UPA attacked such villages and killed them:

1. Cute. 138 people, including 63 children.

2. Yankovitsy. 79 people, including 18 children.

3. Extender. 439 people, including 141 children.

4. Will island. 529 people among them are 220 children.

5. Chmikov Colonia - 240 people, among them 50 children.

- M.B. From the USA: "fired, cut the knives, burned."

- TM From Poland: "Okashka hung, and before that burned his hair on his head."

- M.P. From the USA: "Surrounded by the village, set fire to and killed running away."

- F.K. From the UK: "We took with my daughter to the national team near the church. There were about 15 people - women and children. Sotnika Golovachuk and brother began to knit hands and legs of barbed wire. Sister began to pray out loud, Sotnik Golovachuk began to beat her face and trample legs ".

- FB From Canada: "Bandera came to our courtyard, they caught our father and the ax cut off his head, our sister punctured the bayonet. Mother, seeing all this died of heartbroken."

- Yu.V. From the UK: "Brother's wife was Ukrainian and for married to the 18 Bandera Poles raised. From this shock she never cured, her brother did not regret her and she was drowned in the Dniester."

"V.S. from Canada:" In the village of Bushkovitsa, eight Polish families drove into Stodol, there all their axes were killed and set fire to Stodla. "

- Yu.x from Poland: "In March 1944, Bandera was attacked by the village of Guta Shklyan, among them the name Diduh from the villages of the streets. They killed five people. Shooted, finished off. Yu. Horosttsky, they crawled in half. Raped young .

- TR From Poland: "The village of Osmigovichi. 11. 07. 43. During the service of God, Bandera was attacked, they killed praying, a week after that they were attacked by our village. Little children disastened to the well, and those who are more closed in the basement and piled His. One Bandeman, Holding baby Behind the legs, hit his head about the wall. The mother of this child shouted, punched her bayonet. "

A separate, very important section in the history of evidence of the mass destruction of Poles, conducted by the OUN-UPA on Volyn, is the book of Yu. Tourovsky and V. Semashko "The atrocities of Ukrainian nationalists committed against the Polish population of Volyn 1939-1945". The named book is distinguished by objectivity. It is not impregnated with hatred, although describes the martyrdom of thousands of Poles. This book should not read people with weak nerves. It contains on 166 pages of small font and describe the methods of mass killings of men, women, children. Here are just some fragments from this book.

- On July 16, 1942 in Klevan, Ukrainian nationalists committed a provocation, prepared an anti-leaflet in Polish. As a result, the Germans shot several dozen Poles.

November 13, 1942 insults, Polish village near Lutsk. The Ukrainian police under the team of the Nationalist of the Sachkovsky, former teacher, attacked the village because of cooperation with the Soviet partisans. Women, children and old people beat one dollars, they were killed there, and then burned. 17 people were taken to Kleman and shot there.

- November 1942, Solly Tel Varka. Ukrainian nationalists tortured Yana Zelinsky, putting it connected to the fire.

- November 9, 1943, Polish village Parosist in the Sarna district. The gang of Ukrainian nationalists, pretending to the Soviet partisans, misled the inhabitants of the village, who were treated for a gang during the day. In the evening, the gangsters surrounded all at home and killed the Polish population in them. 173 people were killed. Only two were saved, which were littered with corpses, and a 6-year-old boy who pretended to be killed. The later inspection of the dead showed the exceptional cruelty of the executioner. Breast babies were nailed to the tables of kitchen knives, soldered the skin with several people, women raped, some have been cropped their chest, many had cropped ears, noses, eye pumps, cropped heads. After the massacre staged a drink from the local elderly. After the care of the executioners among the scattered bottles of the Goh itself and the residues of food, they found a one-year-old child, nailed to the table, and he stuck in his mouth abdicted by someone from the gangsters a piece of sauer cucumber.

- On March 11, 1943, the Ukrainian village of Mostolishing near the Cove. Ukrainian nationalists tortured the Pole of the Teacher, as well as several Ukrainian families who resisted the destruction of Poles.

- March 22, 1943, village Radovichi Kovelsky district. A gang of Ukrainian nationalists, disguised into German uniforms, demanding the issuance of weapons, tortured the Father and the two Brothers Lesnevskiy.

- March 1943 Zagormen, Dubnensky district. Ukrainian nationalists were painted by the management of the economy, and when he escaped, the executioners became his bayonets, and then knocked to the ground, "so as not to get up."

March 1943. In the Okolitsa Guta of the Stepan Kostopolsky district, Ukrainian nationalists were painted by deception 18 Polish girls, who were killed after rape. The bodies of the girls folded into one row and put the tape with the inscription: "Lyask (Polka) should die."

- March 1943, the village of Bridges, the Kostopolsky district Paul and Stanislav Bednoshev had wives of Ukrainians. Both were tortured by Ukrainian nationalists. They also killed his wife alone. The second Natalka, was saved.

March 1943, Banasovka village, Lutsk district. Banda, Ukrainian nationalists suffered 24 Poles, their bodies were thrown into the well.

- March 1943, the settlement of Antonovka, the Sarannsky district. Jusef Eismont drove to the mill. The owner of the mill, the Ukrainian, warned him about danger. When he returned from the mill, the Ukrainian nationalists attacked him, tied to the pillar, they smeared their eyes, and then lived with a saw.

- On July 11, 1943, the village of Biskupichi, Vladimir Volynsky district, Ukrainian nationalists learned the mass murder, the inhabitants of the residents in the school. At the same time, brutally killed the family of Vladimir Yaskula. The executioners broke into the hut when everyone slept. Parents killed the tops, and five children were laid there, laid out of the mattresses and set fire to straw.

July 11, 1943, inhabited by Prichchelev near Vladimir Volynsky. Ukrainian Glembitsky killed his wife Polka, two children and his wife's parents.

July 12, 1943. Colony Mary Will near Vladimir Volynsky about 15.00, it was surrounded by Ukrainian nationalists and began to kill Poles, using firearms, axes, forks knives, drumpups died about 200 people (45 famils). Part of people, about 30 people, threw in a spear and killed them there. Who escaped, he was caught up and killed. During this slaughter, the Ukrainians ordered Vladislav Didukha to kill the wife of Polka and two children. When he did not fulfill the order, they killed him and the family. Eighteen children aged 3 to 12 years old who hid in the field, executioners flew, planted on the cart, brought to the village of a honest cross and they were killed there, pierced to forks, struck the tops. The action was led by Klavnyatsky ...

- August 30, 1943, Polish village of Kuta Lomomla district. Early in the morning, the village was surrounded by Sagittarius UPA and Ukrainian peasants mainly from the village of Lesnaya, and the mass massage of the Polish population was killed in the huts, in the courtyards, in hundreds, using forks, axes. Pavel Prlandchuk, the Pole, who tried to protect his mother, put on a bench, cut their arms and legs, leaving a martyrdom.

- August 30, 1943, the Polish village of Ostrodov near Lomomla. The village was surrounded by a dense ring. Ukrainian emissary entered the village, offering to fold the weapon. Most men gathered at school in which they were closed. Then they took five people per garden, where they were killed by a blow on the head and threw the pits into digs. The bodies folded with layers, speaking the earth. Women and children were collected in the church, ordered them to lie on the floor, after which they were shooting in turn. 483 people died, including 146 children.

Member of the UPA Danilo Shumuk leads in his book the story of the Ubscan: "In the evening we came out again to these very farms, organized ten souls under the mask of the red partisans and drove in the direction of the trough ... We drove, sang" Katyusha "and from time to time they swear - Russian ... "

- 15.03.42, village Kosice. Ukrainian police together with the Germans killed 145 Poles, 19 Ukrainians, 7 Jews, 9 Soviet prisoners;

- On the night of 21.03.43, two Ukrainians killed in Shiske - Ishovka and Kravchuk, who helped Poles;

- April 1943, Belozerka. The same bandits killed Ukrainian Tatiana Mikolik for the fact that she had with the Pole of the child;

- 5.05.43, Klepauchev. Killed Ukrainian Peter Trohimchuk with his wife-Polyacham;

- 30.08.43, Cute. Brutants killed the Ukrainian family of Vladimir Krasovsky with two young children;

- August 1943, Yanovka. Bandera killed a Polish child and two Ukrainian children, as they were brought up in polish family;

- August 1943, Antolin. Ukrainian Mikhail Mishcheuk, who had a wife-pool, received an order to kill her and a one-year-old child. Due to the refusal of his wife and child killed neighbors.

"Member of the Wire Guide (OHU Bandeps - B.P.) Make Pyban (Nikolai Lebe) demanded from the main KoManda of UPA (there is from Tapaca Byluba-borot - B.P.) ... OCCMUM WCCsManic Meprumopia from the NACENE .. . "

* Lekcandp GPITNOKO: "APMIA 6EPS", Y Z6iPTsi "Tydi, DE 6II Sea", LOPON, 1989, C. 405.

"Already during the negotiations (between N. LEBEM and T. BYLBOY-UNDER - B.P.), instead of carrying out a share in a jointly drawn line, OUN military departments (Bands - B.P.) ... began to destroy Shamefully Polish civilian population and other national minorities ... No party has a monopoly on the Ukrainian people ... Did the true revolutionary-holder be obeyed by the party line, which begins to build a state with cutting national minorities or meaningless burning of their dwellings? Ukraine has more terrible enemies than Poles ... What are you fighting for? For Ukraine or your OUN? For the Ukrainian state or for the dictatorship in that state? For the Ukrainian people or only for their batch? "


"One who shied out of them (ohh bands - b.p.) Installations about mobilization, that was shot with his family and burned his house ..."

* Make a piece of paper: "NACTYPAX I VIDCTYPAX", ChIKAGO, 1961, Software: "Tidy, DE BIA Sea", Kiït, 1992, c. 174.

"The CB began mass purge among the population and in the UPA departments. For the smallest gum, and even for personal scores, the population caught death. In the departments, Schidnyaki was most affected (people from Eastern Ukraine-conducted perpetrators ... In general, Sat with its activities - it was the most black page of the history of those years ... The security of the security was organized on German manner. Most SB commanders were the former cadets of the German police in Zakopany (since 1939-40). They were predominantly Galichan. "

* TAM ZH, CC. 144,145

"The order came to destroy the entire unconfigured element, and now the persecution of all who seemed to be a barbecue suspicious. The prosecutors were Bandera Static, and no one. That is, the elimination of "enemies" was carried out exclusively according to the party principle ... Stanny cut the list of "suspicious" and passed the Sat ... marked by cross - should be eliminated ... But the most terrible tragedy was played out with the captive Red Army, which thousands lived and worked in The villages of Volyni ... Bandera invented such a method. Came at night to the house, took the prisoner and stated that they were Soviet partisans and ordered, so that he walked with them ... these were destroyed ... "

* O. Shailyak: "B IM" I NPAVDI ", PA:" Tydi, De Bii Sea ", Loord, 1989, CC. 398,399

The witness of the events of the time on Volyn, the Ukrainian Gospel Pastor, so evaluates the activity of the OAH-UPA-SB: "It came to the fact that people (YKPain peasants - B.P.) were rejoiced that somewhere near the Germans ... broke the rebels (UPA - B.P.). Bands, besides, collected from the population tribute ... 3A Any resistance of the peasants of the Kalarel Sat, who was now as horror as the NKVD or Gestapo. "


Olow in the opportunity after the liberation of the Soviet Army of Western Ukraine put the population of that region in a hopeless position: on the one hand, the legal Soviet government has consisted of men to the army, on the other side of the UPA, prohibited under the fear of death to join the ranks of the Soviet Army. Many cases are known when the UPA-CB is brutally destroyed conscripts and their families - parents, brothers, sisters.

* CETP. APXIV MIN. CPCP, f. 134, OP. 172182, n. 12, LL. 70-85

In terms of terror OUH-UPA-CB, the population of Western Ukraine could not, not risking his life, not to assist the UPA, at least in the form of a glass of water or milk, and, on the other hand, the dominant Stalinist terror applied for such actions of cruel repression in the form of deprivation Freedom, links to Siberia, deportations.

The woman of the Belarusian-Lithuanian origin was a witness as a deserter from the UPA, which "ne who knew how to kill", the SB grabbed, tormented him, broke his arms and legs, cut off his tongue, cut her ears and nose, and finally killed. This Ukrainian was 18 years old.

OUN - UPA against Ukrainians:

According to the consolidated data of Soviet archives, for 1944-1956, as a result of the actions of the UPA and the Armed Underground, the OUN died: 2 deputies of the Supreme Council of the Ukrainian SSR, 1 Chapter of the Regional Executive Committee, 40 chapters of the Gor- and Rain Executives, 1454 heads of rural and settlement councils, 1235 other Soviet workers , 5 secretaries of urban and 30 district committees of the Communist Party of the Ukrainian SSR, 216 other employees of party bodies, 205 Komsomol workers, 314 heads of collective farms, 676 workers, 1931 representative of the intelligentsia including 50 priests, 15,355 peasants and collective farmers, old men, housewives - 860.

And such atrocities in the account "Heroes of Ukraine"!

We read and absorb. It is to convey to the consciousness of our children. We need to learn to adversely interpret the detailed terrible truth about the atrocities of the Heroes-Bandera Zvarnich-Khorushevsk nation.
Detailed materials About the struggle of the "heroes of the nation" on this land with a civilian population can be easily burned in any search engine.

This is our proud story.

"... Usvtsy on the day of the anniversary of the UPA decided to present their" general "an unusual gift - 5 goals cut off from the Poles. He was pleasantly surprised both by the gift itself and the resourcefulness of his subordinates.
Such "zeal" was confused even at the sights of Germans. The General Commissioner of Volyn and Podolya Obergrouppenführer Shena asked Metropolitan Polycarp Sikorskoy to urnate his "flock" on May 28, 1943: "National Bandits (italics" show their activities also in attacks on unarmed Poles. According to our calculations, today 15 thousand Polesov! The colonies of Yanov Valley do not exist. "

In the "Chronicle of the SS of the Rifle Division" Galica ", which she led her military stop, there is the following entry:" 03/20.44: There is a volyn, which is probably already in Galicia, the Ukrainian doctor who praises that with his clutch 300 Shower Poles. He is considered a hero. "

The Poles issued dozens of foliants of such a genocide facts, none of whom Bandera did not refute. The stories about such acts of the army of the Kariovoiy will not get more than a common notebook. Yes, and that still should be reinforced by significant evidence.

And not byte the Poles and examples of mercy on the part of Ukrainians. For example, in Virga Kostopolsky district, Frantka Dzhecan, carrying his 5-year-old daughter, was mortally wounded by the Bandera bullet. The same bullet pinned a nursery leg. For 10 days, the child was under the killed mother, feeding with grains from spikelets. Savior girl Ukrainian teacher.

At the same time, he probably knew how he threated a similar attitude towards "strangers." After all, in the same county, Bandera offered two Ukrainian children only because they were brought up in the Polish family, and a three-year-old Stasika Pavlyuk smashed their heads about the wall, holding him behind the legs.

Of course, terrible revenge was waiting for those Ukrainians who were treated to Soviet soldiers without hostility. District conductor Oun Ivan Rubnyuk ("Proud") recalled how "the rural girl of the village of 17, and even less brought from the village of Khmyzovo at night. Her wines was that she, together with other village girls, went to dancing, when the military of the Red Army stood in the village. A cube (Combrigs of the UPA Tool District "Tours") saw a girl and asked for Varnaka (conductor of the Kovel district) permission to personally interrogate it. He demanded that she confesses to "walked" with soldiers. The girl life was that it was not. "And now I will check it," the cube grinned, pine stick sharpening with a knife. In a moment, he jumped to the captive and sharp ended began to stick between his legs until the pine number was driven into the genital organ of the girl. "

In one of the nights, the gangsters broke into the Ukrainian village of Lozova and for an hour and a half killed over 100 of its inhabitants. In the family of Dyagun, Bandera gave three children. The very small, four-year-old Vladik, cut off his arms and legs. In the family of Makuh, the killers caught two children - a three-year-old Ivasik and a ten-month Joseph. The ten-month child, having seen a man, was delighted and laughed with a handle to him, showing her four teeth. But the ruthless gangster kicked the baby's head with a knife, and his brother Ivasik agitated his head.

From the village of Volkovya to one of the nights, Bandera led a whole family to the forest. Long mocked unfortunate people. Then, seeing that the wife of the head of the family was pregnant, cut her stomach, pulled out the fruit from him, and instead they saw a live rabbit instead.

"They exceeded their atrocities even German Sadists. They are trying our people, our peasants ... Do not we know that they cut small children, break about the stone walls of their heads so that the brain flies out of them. Scary brutal murders are the actions of these mad wolves, "Yaroslav Galan appeared. With such anger, the Banderovtsev's atrocity was also represented by the OUN Melnik, and the UPA Bulby-Borovets, and the Government of the West-Ukrainian People's Republic in exile, and the Union of Hetman-Holders, settled in Canada.

Let be late, but still repent of their crimes and some Bandera. So in January 2004, an elderly woman came to the editorial office and passed the package from his girlfriend recently recently. The guest of the editorial office explained that she performs the last will of the natives of the Volyn Region, active in the past Bandera, who rethought his life by the end of his life and decided to reappear the irreparable sin to his confession.

"I, Vdovichenko Nadezhda Timofeevna, a native of Volyni ... I and my family, please forgive us all posthumously, because when people will read this letter, I will not be no longer (a girlfriend will fulfill my order).
We had five of our parents, we were all interpreted Bandera: Brother Stepan, Anna's sister, I, sisters Olya and Nina. We all went in the banders, in the afternoon I slept around the huts, and at night we went and went on the villages. We were given the tasks to choke those who covered the prisoners of the Russians and the prisoners themselves. Men were engaged in this, and we, women, moved clothes, took the cows and pigs from the dead people, cut the cattle, all recycled, were inspired and stacked in the barrels. Once in one night, 84 people strangled in the village of Romanov. Senior people and old people stood, and the children are small behind the legs - once, hit the head of the door - and ready, and on WHO. We regret our men that they are firmly warm overnight, but the day will come to the next night - to another village. There were people who hid. If a man hid, taken for women ...
Others were removed on the droplets: Kovalchuk Tilimon's wife did not recognize for a long time, where he, and did not want to open, but she was threatened, and she was forced to open. They said: "Tell me where the husband, and we will not be throne." She admitted that in a stack of straw, he was pulled out, beat, beat, while they scored. And two children, steps and Olya, the good children were, 14 and 12 years old ... Younger drove into two parts, and Yanka's mother had no longer had to choke, her heart rupture happened. In the detachments they took young healthy guys to choke people. So, from the droplets two brothers Levchukiv, Nikolai and Stepan, did not want to choke, ran home. We sentenced them to execution. When I went behind them, my father says: "We take the sons - and I go." Kalina, wife, also says: "Take your husband - and I go." They brought their meters for 400 and Nadia asks: "Let's go to Kolya,", and Kolya says: Nadia, do not ask, no one has searched for Bandera and you will not score. " Kolya killed. Nadia was killed, the father was killed, and Stepan were alive, two weeks were drove in the hut in one underwear - a shirt and pants, beat iron shompologs to admit, where the family, but he was hard, did not admit it, and the last evening he broke it He was asked to the toilet, one led him, and there was a strong blizzard, the toilet was from straw, and Stepan broke through the straw and ran away from our hands. All the data was given to the fields of countrymen Peter Rimarchuk, Zabsky and bump.
... In the new settlers of the Rivne region there was one Komsomol Motor. We took her away to the rippons to the old Zabsky and let's get out of the living heart. Old Saviron in one hand held a clock, and in another heart to check how much the heart would be fighting in her hand. And when the Russians came, then the sons wanted to put a monument to him, they say, fought for Ukraine.
A Jew came with a child, ran out of the ghetto, stopped her, scored and buried in the forest. ONE OUR BANDER WILL WIDE ON PLASS GIRLS. They gave him an order to remove them, and he told that he dropped into the stream. Their mother came running, crying, asks, did not see if I say, I say that there is no, go to seek, go over the stream, I and mother there. We were given an order: Jews, Poles, Russian prisoners and those who hide them, to strangle everyone without mercy. Strank Severin's family, and his daughter was married in another village. I arrived in Romanov, but there are no parents, she began to cry and let things refuse. Bandera came, clothes were taken away, and the daughter lived in the same box closed and buried. And there are two of her small children left at home. And if the children came with her mother, they were used in that box. It was still in our village of Kubluk. He was sent to cats, Kieversky district, to work. He worked for a week and what - cut off the head of the Kubechuk, and the daughter took the neighboring guy. Bandera ordered to kill Sonya's daughter, and Vasily said: "We go to the woods for firewood." We went, brought Vasily Sonya Dead, and people said that the tree was killed.
Timofey lived in our village. Old-old grandfather, what he said, so it will be, there was a prophet from God. When the Germans came, they immediately reported that there was such a village, and the Germans immediately went to the old to say that he would be with them ... And he says to them: "I will not tell you anything, because you will kill me " The negotiator promised that the finger would not be touched. Then grandfather they say: "You will reach Moscow to Moscow, but you will run away from there, as you can." The Germans did not touch him, but when the old prophet said Banders that he suffered the people of Ukraine would not do anything, then Bandera came, beat until they scored.
Now I will describe about my family. Brother Stepan was the passioned Bandera, but I did not lag behind him, went everywhere with banders, although I was married. When the Russians came, arrest began, taken out people. Our family too. Olya agreed at the station, and they were released, but Bandera came, took and strangled it. The father was left with his mother and her sister Nina in Russia. Mother old. Nina flatly refused to go to Russia, then the bosses offered her to work as secretary. But Nina said that he did not want the Soviet feather in his hands. She went to meet again: "If you do not want to do anything, then wrinkle that you will give out bands, and we let you go home. Nina, without thinking for a long time, signed, and they were released. Nina did not come home, as Bandera had already been waited, gathered a meeting of guys and girls and judged Nina: Look, they say, who will raise your hand, will be like that. Until today, I do not know where to do it.
All his life was a heavy stone in the heart, I believed Bandeirs. I could sell any person if someone says something on bands. And they, the popyan, let them be cursed and God, and people forever. How many people were identified by innocent, and now they want to marry them to defenders of Ukraine. And who were they fought with? With its neighbors, the dunning dunning. How much blood on their hands, how many boxes with alive burdens. People were exported, but they now do not want to go back to that Bandera.
I beg you tearfully, people, forgive me my sins "(the newspaper" Soviet Lugansk ", January 2004, N 1) ..."

135 Torture and atrocities used by terrorists of the OUN - UPA to the civilian population

Ringing a large and thick nail into the scalp skull.
Slim from the head of the hair with the skin (scalping).
Applying a strike of an ax with a skull of the head.
Applying a strike with an ax on the forehead.
Cutting on the forehead "Eagle".
Locking the bayonet in the head of the head.
Knocking one eye.
Knocking out two eyes.
Circumcision of the nose.
Circumcision of one ear.
Circumcision of both ears.
Piercing children with stakes through.
Punching a pointed thick wire through the ear to ear.
Cutting lips.
Cutting throat.
Cutting the throat and pulling through the hole of the language outward.
Cutting the throat and invest in the hole of the piece.
Knocking out teeth.
Romanian jaws.
Breaking the mouth from the ear to ear.
Strong the mouths of the packles during the transportation of still living victims.
Cutting neck with a knife or sickle.

Vertical destroying head ax.
Folding the head back.
Screaming the head, putting in vice and tightening the screw.
Cut with sickle head.
Cut slicing oblique.
Head cut ax.
Apply the strike with an ax in the neck.
Applying brine wounds.
Cutting and tightening the narrow skin strips from the back.
Applying other chopped wounds on the back.
Bottop strikes in the back.
Breakfast breaks frother chest cell.
Stripping with a knife or a bayonet in the heart or near the heart.
Applying brine wounds in a knife or bayonet.
Cutting with breasts with sickle.
Cutting breasts and sprinkling wound salt.
Sick-off with a sickle of genitals of male victims.
Peeling torso in half a carpenter saw.
Applying the wound wounds of the belly with a knife or bayonet.
Pose of belly pregnant woman bayonet.
Cutting the abdomen and pulling out the gum in adults.
Cutting the abdomen woman with pregnancy on a large term and investing instead of a reset fetus, such as a live cat and stomach.
Cutting abdomen and infusion inward boiling water - boiling water.
Cutting the abdomen and investing inwards its stones, as well as throwing into the river.
Cutting pregnant women belly and rash inside the broken glass.
Embossing lived from groin to stop.
The investment in the groin is the vagina of the fascinated iron.
Insert in vagina pine cones Forward the side of the top.
Insertion into the vagina of a pointed cola and propheting it to the throat, waiting.
Cutting to women in front of the body with a garden knife from the vagina to the neck and leaving the insides outside.
Hanging victims for inside.
Inserting a glass bottle into the vagina and breaking it.
Inserting a glass bottle into an anal hole and breaking it.
Cutting the abdomen and rash inward feed, the so-called fodder flour, for hungry pigs, which this feed was pulled together with intestines and other internals.
Cut off with an ax of one hand.
Cutting with an ax with both hands.
Punching palm with a knife.
Cut with a knife with fingers on hand.
Cut palm.
Cutting the inside of the palm on the hot coal coal plate.
Cutting heel.
Cutting the foot above the bone heel.
Breaking a blunt tool of hands bones in several places.
Breaking a stupid tool of leg bones in several places.
Peeling the body, covered on both sides by boards, in half a carpenter saw.
Peeling torso in half a special saw.
Dipping with saw of both legs.
Sprinkling knitted legs with hot corner.
Nailing hands to the table, and stop to the floor.
Bringing in the church on the cross and legs with nails.
Application of blows with an ax in the back of the victims pre-laid on the floor.
Applying blows with an ax throughout the body.
Destroying the whole body with an ax.
Live legs and hands in the so-called stray.
Burning a knife to the table of a little child, who later hung on it.
Cutting a child with a knife on pieces and scattering them around.
Pariable belly to children.
Bringing a little baby boy with a bayonet to the table.
Hanging male baby boy behind genitals on a door handle.
Knocking out the legs of the child's legs.
Knocking out the joints of the hands of the child.
Child rejection by throwing various rags on him.
Throwing young children live in a deep well.
Throwing a child in a flame of fire burning building.
Bringing the baby head, taking it behind the legs and hitting the wall or oven.
Hanging a monk for the legs near the department in the church.
Landing a child on count.
Hanging on the tree of women upside down and mockery over it - slicing the chest and tongue, dissection of the abdomen, eye spacing, as well as slicing with knives of body pieces.
Bringing a small child with nails to the door.
Hanging on a tree head up.
Hanging on a tree legs up.
Hanging on a tree legs up and the head of the head is light lit down under the head of the campfire.
Dropping from the rock down.
Cleaning in the river.
Cleaning discharge into a deep well.
Cleaning in the well and throwing victim by stones.
Attaching with forks, and after the root of pieces of body on the bore.
Throwing in the forest glade of an adult in a fire flame, around which Ukrainian girls sang and danced under the sounds of harmony.
Locking the Cola in the belly through and strengthening it in the ground.
Binding a person to a tree and shooting in it as a target.
Election of frost naked or underwear.
Single twisted with a rope, tightened on the neck, - arcane.
Street along the street with a rope, tightened on the neck.
Binding the feet of a woman to two trees, as well as the hands above the head and cutting the abdomen from the crotch to the chest.
Breaking the body with chains.
Fitting on the ground of a tied to the cart.
Drawing on the Mother Earth with three children tied to the hardened horse, in such a way that one leg is tied to the chain to WHO, and to the other leg of the mother - one leg of the oldest child, and the youngest child is tied to the other leg of the elder child And the leg of the youngest child is tied to the other leg of the youngest child.
Punching the body through the trunk of Karabina.
Stepping victim barbed wire.
Stringing a barbed wire at the same time two victims.
Stringing a barbed wire at the same time several victims.
Periodic tightening the body of barbed wire and every few hours watering the victim with cold water in order to come into themselves and feeling pain and suffering.
Installing the victim in a standing position in the ground on the neck and leaving it in such a position.
Installing into the ground live on the neck and cut off the head of the scythe.
Breaking the body in half with horses.
Breaking the body in half tying victims to two naught trees and subsequently their release.
Throwing adults in a flame fire burning building.
The ignition of the victim is predefined kerosene.
Looking around the sacrifice of straw and their ignition, thus making a torch of Nero.
Winning knife in the back and leaving it in the sacrifice body.
Baby sitting on a pitchfork and throwing it into a fire flame.
Cutting skin blades from face.
Driving between Röbeber Oak Stoles.
Hanging on barbed wire.
Locking from the body of the skin and pouring the wound ink, as well as pouring it with boiling water.
Attaching the body to the support and throwing knives into it.
Binding - the hands of a barbed wire.
Applying mortal shovel blows.
Hand feeding to the housing threshold.
Body drawing on the ground behind the legs bound by the rope.

"Ukrainians fought in different uniforms, there were a lot and those who had the courage to start the liberation struggle under their own flags." (Viktor Yushchenko,

Publication prepared by the All-Ukrainian Association
"Union of Peaceful Forces" Batkivshchyna "
New newspaper №45 (12.1995) - №6 (2.1996)

Today, our newspaper is starting to acquaint readers with fragments of the book Victor Polishchuk "Gorky True. ONU-UPA crimes (Ukrainian confession)" published in Toronto. This book is largely unusual. And above all, the personality of the author and his position. Victor Varfolomeevich Polishchuk was born in 1925 at Volyn, in the territory belonging to 1939. Poland. Comes from the ethnically mixed family (father - Ukrainian, Mother - Polka), which great many lived on Volyn. By religion - Orthodox. In September 1939, when Soviet troops were entered into Western Ukraine, Father V. Polishchuk was arrested by Encaledists. Until now, nothing about his fate is not known. Victor Polishchuk and his mother and sisters were deported to Northern Kazakhstan. In 1944-46 He worked in Vasilkovsky Zernovo Dnepropetrovsk region. In 1946 he left Poland, where he received a higher legal education. From 1981 he lives in Canada, owns his own publishing company. He has scientific degrees of candidate of law firm and doctor political science, author of a number of scientific and journalistic work. The book "Gorky True" tells about the events of the Second World War in Western Ukraine: mass murders of the organization of Ukrainian nationalists and the Ukrainian rebel army of the Peaceful Polish population, as well as Ukrainians who helped them. V.Polichik was collected a huge amount of documented facts about the atrocities of fighters for the "Ukrainian idea". It is impossible not to pay tribute to the courage of this person. His aspiration to remind the bitter lessons of history, prevent the revival of Ukrainian nationalism, in which he sees a terrible evil, caused the hatred of Bandera of various generations and the Ukrainian diaspora in Canada and the United States, for the most part, according to the author, controlled by the OUN. Far from the realities of modern Ukraine V. Polishchuk sincerely can not understand how historians still branded Bandera, today justify her, as literature figures, once shed poetic tears over the victims of nationalist criminals, now they are chasing their executioners. The Ukrainian people are not infected with nationalism, says V. Polishchuk in his book. Nationalism is striving to revive, put in Ukraine. In response to the accusation of antipatriotism, he notices: "I do not blame my people, but I cleanse from that bad, which is an OUN-UPA."

In memory of the victims of the OUN-UPA, this work is dedicated.

On the crimes of the Ukrainian Rebel Army

The one who does not remember the lessons of history is doomed to survive them again. Ukrainian rebel army is a good or bad lesson for Ukrainians? To make it in textbooks as an example of heroism and glory or us to be ashamed for the activities of the UPA, repent?

Victims of UPA. Lomomom. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe island near Lomomla, in Ukraine, there is an exhumation of the remains of Poles, shot on April 30, 1943. On that day, more than 1,700 Poles died in the crackdowns: an expulsion. Will island, Yanovic and Cute. Their remains will be transferred to the Polish cemetery in fishing near Yagodina ("Gazeta", Toronto, August 24-25, 1992).

"Before the war, I graduated from 9 classes. When the Germans took the young people to Germany, they took me. But I was lucky to escape, and I entered the partisans. I got to the partisan association M.Shukaeva, which passed with battles on the reasons from Chernigov to Czechoslovakia. That is through Zhytomyr region, Rovnashchina, Ternopil region, Lviv, Carpathia ... So with Bandera (Oun, UPA) had to meet more than once and not two. And not at the table, but in battles ... God forbid They are in hand! They mocked the worst of the Germans. Cut on the chest or on the forehead of the star, twisted their hands, legs, tied to death. And how many of them burned the Polish villages and cut out "sacred knives" Poles! How many peaceful people who employees, teachers confused after the war ! That's what was their struggle for free Ukraine ("Robіtnich Gazeta", Kyiv, September 29, 1992).

Conference "Ukrainian Rebel Army and the National Liberation Fight in Ukraine 1940-1950.", Which took place in Kiev in August 1992, recommends President of Ukraine: "The conference raises the issue that the legislative bodies of the new Ukraine recognized the OUN, UPA, UGOR (Ukrainian Main Liberation Rada) The most consistent fighters for the independence of Ukraine, and the fighters of the Ukrainian rebel army - the warring party. " ("New Shans"; Toronto, September 26, 1992)

M. Zelenchuk, Chairman of the All-Ukrainian Brotherhood of the UPA in Sofia Square 26.08. 1992 demanded: "To recognize the struggle of the Upa as a fair liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people for their independent state" ("Gomin Ukraine", Toronto, September 16, 1992) ...

So what is a UPA? .. Was this an army that brought the glory to Ukraine?

Evidence of the crimes of the UPA.

If you describe all the atrocities of the UPA against the Polish and Ukrainian people, about which there is evidence, it would be necessary to publish a separate book, leading only facts without comment on hundreds of pages with small fonts. I myself gathered more than a hundred signed by specific people, indicating the address. But first I will give personal evidence.

In the summer of 1943, my aunt for Mother Anastasia Vitkovskaya went with a neighbor-Ukrainian day in the village of Tarakanov, located three kilometers from Dubno. They spoke Polish, since the aunt, an illiterate woman, originally from Lublinsk, could not learn the Ukrainian language. They went to change something on bread, as the aunt had six children. Nor she, nor the uncle, Anton Vitkovsky, also a person completely illiterate, not only did not interfere in any policy, but did not have any idea about her. And her, as well as a neighbor-Ukrainian, killed Bandera from the UPA or self-confined bush departments (they included armed frequently forks, the knives of local peasants, subordinate to the OUN-UPA) just for talking in Polish. They killed brutally axles and threw the roadside ditch. I told me another aunt - Sabina, who was married to Ukrainian Vasily Zagorovsky.

My wife's parents lived before the war in Polesie. Her father is Czech, and Mother - Polka. In the family they spoke Polish. When at the beginning of 1943, the massacres of Poles began in South Polesie, the whole family ran away to the parents of the Father in the village of Ughodek near Dermani.

Once a familiar Ukrainian told the test that the UPA is preparing to destroy his family. They ran into the Kremenets. Someone heard the conversation of this young Ukrainian with the father of my wife. His, suspecting "treason", hung in the center of the village and climbed the tablet on the chest: "So it will be with all the traitors." Having resolved not allowed to shoot within a few days.

Two facts that took place in different places in different time. They are united by one: authorship of the OUN-UPA, the unfortunateness of the murders. My father had a brother, Yarochtei, who lived in with. Lipa Dubensky district. For the fact that he openly branded UPA, he was killed by a shot in her mouth. Uncle Yarokheti was an ordinary little peasant.

There is no possibility in one book to tell about all the individual massacres of the Poles and Ukrainians committed by the OUN-UPA, so I will limit it only by some.

Very close to me man M.S. He said: "On March 24, 1944, the banderovtsy attacked our huts in the frosty night, all the buildings were poured. We lived in the village of Polyanovice (Tsykiv) Zborovsky county (the author called the old administrative division - ed.) Ternopil region. My father, Pole, married In Ukrainka. We lived with Ukrainians from neighboring villages in the world. We heard about the murders on Volyn, but first did not think that we could kill us. Somewhere in February 1944, Bandera (we did not understand who in the UPA who are in Another group was all called Bandera, as they themselves sorry "the leader" Bandera) set the demand for redemption before our village. Peasants gathered money and gave the Bandera. But it did not help. At night, all men, that is, father, younger brother and I, As in other nights, they slept in shelter under the shopping buildings. Mother (Ukrainian) with two my sisters and the sister of the Father, who married a Ukrainian from under Kharkov, spent the night in the hut. Immediately after midnight we felt the smell of smoke and guessed, that the UPA set fire to Ma I jumped out of the cellar, raising the Lyard. For me, running away, shot, but did not fall. Father also tried to get out of the cellar, but could not - burned down. My younger brother suffocated from smoke. Mother running out of a burning house wounded, but she was saved. A seven-year-old sister also ran away, although he was wounded in the knee. The sister of the father was killed, which was injured in her hand, as a result, the hand had to amputate. The second 13-year-old sister, flewing, came to the eyes of Bandera, who punched her chest bayonet, and she died on the spot. The same night Bandera burned and killed our neighbors - Beloskursky and Baranovsky and others from our small village "...

T. G. Gluffyolazov writes (Poland): "We lived in the Polish village of Girl, the county of Sarna. In June or July 1943, Bandera came to the horses before dinner. Surrounded at home, they set fire to them, but those who ran away, They killed by axes, bayonets ... UPA did not fight with the Germans. Before the war, we did not have hostages between Ukrainians and Poles. "

E.B. From the USA: "We lived in the village of Radohovka. In March 1943, Midnight was set fire to the house of Yakan Yakarek. In those who flew out, shot. Only the son of Yang, the rest died: Yakov Yanush, his wife, mother, son Yanush , Daughter is a dream, the second daughter with an infant. The victims of the Bandera were thrown into the well. My mother was killed in May of the same year - she went to the village, and she was shot.

Before the war, we lived in consent to the war ...

3. From Poland, G. Valch: "Nikolayevka village on Volyni. The attack of Bandera was 24.04.1943 at dawn. Bandera entered our hut and began to torture, Kolya bayonets. Brought straw and set fire up. I was also struck by the bayonet, and I lost consciousness , falling on aunt. When the flame got to me, I came to myself and jumped out the window. Bandera no longer had. My moan heard a neighbor-Ukrainian Spiridon, he listed me to another Ukrainian - a sadness, who took me to the hospital on a horse. As a result of the attack, 14 people were killed, among them there was a pregnant woman "...

GK From the USA: "On July 14, 1943, 300 people were tortured in Kladna. Bened them, they ordered themselves, they say, they will be searched. In Lyryuchi, began to shoot. Witness - Antek Polulia. Bandera from Weldows: Andrei Shpakin, Semen Koval, Volodya Disc , Oleshkova - Pavel Romankuk. Calling Pop, who said: "We will shy knives to cut the wheat cutle."

V.V. From Great Britain, it reports that on 12.07.1943 in the village of Zagai, Bandera killed - and then the list of 165 surnames, among them the chest children, pregnant women, old men. He says that before the war with the Ukrainians there were normal relations, hostility began when Hitler began to promise free Ukraine. "

GD From Poland: "On Tuesday, July 14, 1943, in the village of Selec Vladimir-Volynsky district, Ukrainians killed two elderly people - Jusef Vitkovsky and his wife Stephenia. They were shot in their own hut, which was then set on fire. After noon, the same axes killed two Mikhalovich's elderly and their 7-year granddaughter, her husband and wife of Gronovich, the housekeeper of Xendz by the name of Zofya. In the murders, Ivan Shostachuk took part in the murders, which before the war was in the Polish army in the corporal and changed his religion to the Roman Catholic. His younger brother Vladislav, Orthodox, warned the family of Moreself and Mikhalkovich. In the gang was Ukrainian - Yuhno, who killed Polyakov, and his father saved the seven of Styrichki. Before the war, relations with the Ukrainians were good, they began to deteriorate in early 1943, when agitators began to arrive from Lviv and Staniwashchin which rebuilded Ukrainian youth, promising free Ukraine. Not everyone succumbed to the philantal, in particular, they were not amensed senior people in age. The teacher began School of Maya Sokoliv, the wife of the head of the school, which was sent from the Soviet Union, Russian, together with her husband, mother and one-year-old son, Slavik dropped in the well. From the family of Morlaevsky, Bandera killed their parents, the daughter-in-law of Irene (19 years old) and the son of Jusef (20 years). All other than Irena were killed near the forest. Irene took the leaders of the gang in the hut, kept her in the basement, raped, and then thrown into the well. Irena was pregnant. Mixed families also killed. "

POISON. From Canada: "On our village of Vohsov Ternopil region, which is over the river in the groove, Bandera attacked on the night of December 28, 1944. About 800 people suffered. The first group of Bandera after the sign of the rocket Bila window and laid out the door, the second group killed, and the third robble , after which they set fire to the house ... "

V.M. From Canada: "Slabruy village, Vladimir-Volyn region. On August 29, 1943, Sunday came the news that Bandera kill: Father ordered me to hide. When they entered our courtyard, there was my mother, which was immediately shot from the gun. Father I saw it and, having come out, said: "What do you need, because I didn't do anything bad for you?" Bandera hit him with an ax in his head. Father fell, then the gangster also fired. The mother was killed immediately, and sister on the third day."

E.P. From Poland sent an extract from the paraffial book of the village of Bridges the Great near Zhovkva, in which 20 killed is indicated. In the village of Rokytna to Verbnoe (Catholic) Sunday, 16 people were killed by axis, and three people: Casimir Vititsky, Palamar, his wife and the child were drowning in the hole.

K.i From the UK: "Germanovka. The attack took place in September 1943 at dawn. They attacked me close neighbors - Costatsky. Hudola and dirty. We broke me and robbed. February 14, 1944 was a wedding of my cousin, not far from me, on Our street. Young worked in the post office and invited his boss, and when he drove, the Bandera killed him with a shot. The shooting began, threw grenades. All wedding guests were killed, the musicians were also killed, among them were killed. There were several Ukrainians. Among the guests there were also several Ukrainians, they were also killed. 26 people were killed. One Ukrainian, a neighbor, allowed me to sleep in his hut, but once, coming from the church, said that he could not hide me further, because the priest Said: "Brothers and sisters, it's time when we can repay Poles, Zhidam and Communists." And my neighbor worked in the state farm, so he was considered a communist. The surname of this ass Voloshin. there was one Polish-Ukrainian family, as well as everyone Poles, destroyed. Before the war, a joint life with the Ukrainians was good, the host came, as the UPA began to organize. At the end of November 1944, a leaf was nailed on the gate, which it was written, so that I would have been removed from the village at that three days, and then kill and burn. I left everything and ran away. "

And so on and so forth. I repeat: there is no possibility to publish all the facts. I did not have the opportunity to get information from Ukraine, in particular from Volyn and Galicia relatively tortured by the Bandera Ukrainians. When I applied to Ukraine, my letters were not answered or dismissed relative to the essence of the matter. I can not understand - or there are still afraid of Bandera or already afraid of them again. If I lived in Ukraine, I would have taken such information. I consider it necessary, while some more witnesses of these atrocities are still alive, create a joint Polish-Ukrainian, and maybe the Polish-Ukrainian-Jewish Commission or the Committee to receive facts from direct witnesses of the murders. So that you can connect this data from those that already exist, and print a document at least a small circulation so that such a book is in scientific institutions in Poland and Ukraine, in libraries. Those who live in Poland and Ukraine should take care of this ...

On August 30, 1943, Cuppes, the Polish village in a Lomomlomla district, in the morning was surrounded by the "Sagittarius" of the UPA and the Ukrainian peasants, mainly from the village of Lesniki, who arranged a mass massacre of Poles. Killed everyone, including women, children, old people. Killed in the huts, in the courtyards, in the economic premises, using axes, forks, shrimp, and on the runaway shot. Full families threw into wells, falling asleep their land. Pavel Berrichka, the Pole, who jumped out of shelter to protect the mother, caught, put on the shop, cut off his arms and legs and left so that she suffered longer. Brutants suffered there with the Ukrainian family of Vladimir Krasovsky with two children. From 282 residents of the village killed 138 people, including 63 children.

In the will of Ostrovka on the same day, 529 killed from 806 residents, including 220 children (the author quotes the data from the book of Polish authors of Y.Turovsky and V. Semashko about the atrocities of the OUN-UPA - ed.).

In the book of Torovsky and Semashko on 166 pages of small font, the names of the villages are listed, called the number of residents, the number of killed, methods of murder, the number of killed children, the help of Ukrainians. The authors each time appeal to sources of information. The description of the evils of the OUN-UPA has the form of a calendar, begins from September 1939 and ends with July 1945. The authors are distinguished by objectivity, many times describe the assistance that Ukrainians have provided the Poles, they write about the murders of Ukrainians. They calculated that from the hands of Ukrainian nationalists in 1939-1945 only for Volyn 60-70 thousand Poles, which was about 20% of the then Polish population of this region.

Against the background of these facts, a long-term campaign is striking, which is conducted by the Ukrainian diaspora in the West, aimed at defending Ivan Demyanyuk (the sadist supervisor in one of the Hitler's concentration camps, the process of which was held in Israel - Ed.). Many million dollars were spent on this action. Since allegedly this process is directed against all Ukrainians, then why the Ukrainian nationalist diaspora, which has such political and financial opportunities ... does not attract Alexander Korman to judicial responsibility (author of the book on the crimes of Bandera, published in London - Ed.) For his, as She believes fake statements about the atrocities of Ukrainian nationalists, why does not attract the priest of Waclav Shetelnitsky, Bishop of Vinzent Urban for their allegations that the OUN-UPA brutally suffered tens of thousands of peaceful Polish people. Now there are all the possibilities of such an involvement of the court in Poland, in which there are many Ukrainian lawyers. At the same time, it is possible to bring the publishers to justice, to seek the decision of the court on the cessation of the spread of books ... but do not make any Ukrainian nationalists in this direction. And the authors of the books, I think I would be happy to appear before the court, bring the evidence of the truth what they wrote. And the court, establishing the facts of the murder of the Poles, would recognize the OUN-UPA's guilt simultaneously. This is afraid of Ukrainian nationalists. And the authors did not disabled the Ukrainian people in any way, did not stain his honor. All of them say: they killed, the Ukrainian nationalists, OUN-UPA, "NATIGAL" (battalion formed by Nazis from Nationalists - Ed.), SS Division "Galicia", etc.

That is why Ukrainian nationalists are silent. The people say: "Knife knows, whose salo ate." They will not make anything to come to the trial ... the book of Y.Turovsky and V. Semashko must acquire former members of the UPA. Maybe in them after reading the conscience will wake up? Maybe someone will remember those terrible years, then "heroism", that shed blood defenseless. In the book - the names of the localities, the names of the victims, in some cases the names of criminals.

Since 1946, I am convinced that UPA, Bandera and other nationalists killed Poles and unsupported by their Ukrainians ...

Soon I learned about how they killed Ukrainians, whom the Soviet government sent to Western Ukraine, often against their will. So far, Polish authors wrote about these terrible killings, and Soviet, including Ukrainian. However, the latter wrote in conditions of harsh censorship. Yes, and not very interested in the murder of Poles. They did not really believe. Did not believed the Poles, since they are Poles. I did not believe the communists, since they are the Communists. But how not to believe when so much evidence presented by alive witnesses.

Although the ideology of Ukrainian nationalism, as the German National Socialism, is far from Christian ideals, Ukrainian nationalists love to contact God, rest on the Greek Catholic Church, which is subordinate to Pope, like Polish. Therefore, we read what the Catholic priest Waclav Shetelnitsky writes about the crimes of the OUN-UPA. There will be only fragments from his published books published in 1992. If he does not believe, then to whom to believe then at all?

"... in 1943 and at the beginning of 1944 were held very often (in Terebobovel Paraffin - V.P.) The funeral of the victims of the murders who made Bandera. In particular, the population shocked the murder of 11 Poleban Pole Plebanovka, 2 km from Terebed, committed late in the evening. 11/24/1943, a Jew was hiding on a brick factory in Plebanovka. In some way, the Ukrainian police had learned about this, which turned to the local Pole Yuhnevich, demanding that he brought the Jew from the cache. When Yukhnevich entered the territory The plant, the policeman shot him up. Bandera ripped by two cargo cars with redeemed headlights on the street. Zofei Khshanovskaya .., I went to the village on foot. After some time, a cry was heard from Plebanovka. I saw it and heard Polyashevsky Polyshevsky, a resident of Terebed. That night he was with Ukrainians duty on the railway. He warned him: "If you want to live, I remember - you saw nothing and did not hear."

Bandera died in groups of village, included in some huts and there were tied there. Tops, Yana Ghalu, Yana Krukovsky, was killed by the knives ... (Next listing - V.P.). On the day of the funeral, then Vicaria from Terebovyi arrived: Xendz Peter Lewandovsky, the author of this message, which sent prayers over the bodies of those killed. We were before us there was a terrible picture of human remains chopped by knives chopped by axes, with severed legs and hands ...

A few kilometers from Terebovili was located the village of Bavoriv, \u200b\u200bin which the shepherds were Xendsee Karol Program and Ludwik Rutin. Organization of Ukrainian nationalists in Smolyanztsa at the meeting 28.10.1943 issued a death sentence to these priests and the organist Tishenev for the fact that they took part in the funeral of the Poles, tortured by members of this organization. The execution of the sentence took place 2.11.43. At about 18.00, the killer band broke into the church. The organists were shot at the spot, Xendza Progika stretched out of the room. Xendz Rutin ran through the window, they threw a grenade into it, but she did not bother. Xendz Procik began shouting, he was pierced by a bayonet, tied up and taken to the forest. The body did not find it. "

From the author's data, it is known that on January 21, 1945, Bandera killed Xondza Wojciech Rogowski from Parafii in Maidan near Kopedian. On February 10, Xendza Yana Valnich buried, brutally murdered - before the murder murdered over him, they ordered to dance before death. Killed him shot in his mouth. He was from Parafius in Kotsyubans ... The author writes that 19.03.1989 in Wroclaw in the Church of Christ-Tsar, a memorial party took place on the night of 19.03.1944 by the Poles of Verbovets. After the memoriality of Antoni Gomulkevich, the witness of the events, said: "Already 45 years have passed after those tragic events in our village, which is located between Terebed, Chortkov and Buchach ... For a long time, our relations with Ukrainians have been normal, as usual between neighbors. There were each other, helped in different works, and mixed Polish-Ukrainian families were commonplace.

In the meantime, in the first days of July 1941, the Ukrainian police, which was called "Shutsmans," took the pretext of interrogation of the first Pole from the recovery, twenty-alerted Mazea Belsky. Above him mocked, and he died of beatings. Then, during an attack on the neighboring Mogilnitsa, Leon Sonotsky, Stanislav Gutz, as well as the family of Malinovsky, Mazurov, Yanitsky, and others. In the neighboring village of Lyaskovtsy, destroying Jews, Shutsmans and Bandera took over the Polish population. Based on the sentence of the Band's chief in Lyascovts, Nikolai transverse martyrdom died in the paraffial house of Grekocatolic Parafii Bronislav Grushetsky, Michael Grushetsky, Nikolai Friedrich, Peter Osseynsky, Vladislav Osseynsky and Kazimier Snowballs. Each undressed, tied off barbed wire and scored to death. Even before the death, it was driven into the heads of the nails, cut off the ax or cut off the saw and legs and pierced the belly with the bayonet ... Tested for "Samostіin" ... On May 18, 1944, eleven o'clock in the evening approaches. From Lyascovtsov, in the direction of the recovery, the rocket was shot ... We guessed that it would soon begin ... And now the first houses of Polish residents tanned. Bandera donated the houses of gasoline and set fire. People ran away. In the open space, they became victims of Bandera. Those that hid, suffocated from smoke ... in the morning the shooting of the smallex. From the fields began to come those who survived. They talked about the death of their loved ones (hereinafter referred to as the list of families who died from the hands of Ontans - Ed.). We gathered today in the Church of Christ-Tsar in Wroclaw to take part in a memorialist in the forty-fifth anniversary of the burning of the Polish part of our recovery and killing the Ukrainian nationalists of our mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, friends and acquaintances. We came here without hate ... We, Poles from the Ternopil Earth, do not want to take revenge. Even now, after the tragedy, there was not a single case of ignition from the Poles, which were alive. Immediately after the tragedy, the Chief of the Germans arrived at the crime scene. They sent the automata towards the Ukrainian population and asked the bare-lived Winster Sadlik, to shoot in Ukrainians. He answered: "No, do not shoot!"

This fact will be the answer to those abroad in different newspapers, more and more often writes that the Podolia and Volyn destroyed by the Poles of Ukrainians and Volyni ... Xendz Zugenius Butra from the Verbovets saved only because he was warned by a local Grequocatolic priest. He managed to go to Budzanov. "

In the eyes of Polyakov - Oun, Up, Bandera are synonyms. Vladimir Mazur, Deputy Chairman of the Wire of the OUN-B on the Great Veneer in honor of the UPA in Kiev on Sofia Square on August 9, 1992. He said: "In the 20th century, the UPA, more than any other Ukrainian institution or formation contributed to education in the Ukrainian people National consciousness, national dignity and national pride ... UPA and OUN declared the whole world that the Ukrainian nation lives and she is the only one is the owner on his native land, with the right given to her by God, on its own national state. "

And not a word about the murder of Poles. The historian Miroslav Prokop, an active figure of the OUN, which published on the twenty pages of the "short-term study" Study "Ukrainian Antonycistian. Underground 1941-1944" ... is not mentioned about the murders of Poles on Volyn and Galicia in the publications of 1992 on the occasion of 50- The anniversary of the UPA, at the scientific conference dedicated to this date.

In confirmation of the evidence of the murders of the Peaceful Polish population at Volyn, I will give absolutely objective sources - Czech authors, in the past of Volyn residents. My friend Czech, Colonel, for my question: "Is it true that Ukrainians killed Poles on Volyn?" - replied: "They were killed. But not all Ukrainians. There were such that did not approve of the murders, but were silent, since the terror of the OUN-UPA reigned. Many Ukrainians paid the lives for the resistance of the OUN-UPA. UPA, the OUN Security Service has suffered the Ukrainian population of Volyn. "This Czech indicated a number of facts to the help of Ukrainians Poles in the form of a warning about the planned attacks. Pointing to Vasil from the Kozakova Valley, which is not far from Bull, who said in the Bolsheviks: "The Germans will come - there will be free Ukraine." And as Bandera began to exterminate the Polish population, then the same Vasil said: "So we will not build Ukraine." It was heard people. Two days later, his body was found in a wire with a wire on her neck, they found it there for 24-25 years old ...

The Book of "Volyn Czechs" was hit by the book "Volyn Czech" by Jusef Foicati four other authors. Describing the years of German occupation, the authors write: "When the Russians left, the Bandera began - it was the same fascism only in a nationalist Ukrainian form ... For the feast of Peter and Paul, on June 29, 1943, passed through Vataga village unfamiliar people with axes. Tomorrow, we learned that at night they attacked the Polish colony of Zagai and all its inhabitants were brutally killed ... In the village of Racin ... In 1943, Ukrainian nationalists killed the Polish Cattle Golyukovskaya ... In 1942, Bandera began to kill Polish citizens of Volyni. ..

Bandera burned Polish villages: Marius, fiction, Maryanovka and part of the Skurchev. And here is another Czech book of the author of Waclav Lirts "Past, closed time", which also describes the life of Chekhov on Volyn. Here, by the way it is said. "When the Red Army retreated in June 1941, Ukrainians began to broadcast bills among themselves. On a boyar, the chairman of the village council and his 14-year-old son were killed. Several Ukrainians were shot their own ... together with the Germans, the Ukrainian nationalists who were killed home Poland occupied by the Germans, where they held special training at school in Krakow. In the Red Mountain, they staged something like a national court over Soviet activists in 1939-1941. A female manifested with such a force that the mother did not defend her daughter or son, son - Father, brother - brother.

After a week (in July 1941. - V.P.) came after the front troops of Gestapo and together with him Ukrainian nationalists, prepared at school in Krakow: One of them was a soldier of Polish troops Dmitro Novosad from the Red Mountain ... together They disarmed the police disarmed with the Germans, put them in the car, taken to the forest, and there they were shooting. The cars also took from the Ludvikovka young Poles like a job in Germany and shot in the forest. Without a court, the Polish intellectuals were shot in Mlinov - 41 Poles and 20 Jews. So the Ukrainian police, "Shutsmans" under the leadership of Dmitra Novosada began to operate ... During 1941-42. The Ukrainian police, together with Gestapo, arranged several pogroms in the vicinity.

During the winter of 1942 to 1943, it reached single, then the massacres of the Poles, before Easter, threw the cry: "Remove the Poles and Jews from Ukraine", that is, to drive them out or drive ...

Bandera extremists said: "Treka Krovi around Kolіna, the cure has come in Vilna Ukraine." In late 1942 or in early 1943, unknown persons killed Ukrainian Nikolai Dombrovsky in Turkish mountain. He was not a communist, but it was a smart man, a logically thoughtful, kind buddy of Chekhov. He bravely expressed his views that did not coincide with the official ideology of the Bandera underground. He was neither the first nor the last. Bandera terror was invented by the voices of the mind. Bandera focused on arson and murder - whole Polish families, later than the whole villages. Spring in 1943 passed in solid fires. Night, rural villages. Poles, expelled from their villages in the city, joined the Germans, to the police and Mstili Ukrainians. Ukrainians ran into the forest. Several Ukrainians were killed. Bandera killed in the vicinity of several Chekhov, mostly Catholics or from families mixed with Poles. Polish departments attacked at night on the families of active Ukrainian nationalists ... in the winter of 1943 in the evening on the road from Dzhinitsy Bandera attacked the cart with Polish women from Karolini, who went to the wormer to spend the night in the withers, hoping that there was not so dangerous. Shooted by the wife of Yuzfassansky and another woman. At the end of 1943, they attacked Melnik, Pole Stets, who had a Ukrainian wife, also killed her five-year-old daughter. Under the winter of 1942 was in Mlinov the pogrom of Jews. They went to death as Otar Sheep, without resisting. Many were fled, hiding at Polyakov, Chekhov, in some cases of Ukrainians. The occupiers and the Ukrainian police threatened death to those who hid the Jews, arranged on them in the forests and the villages of the hunt. In the estate of Vladimir Vostrich, Frankova caught a 14-year-old Jewish boy, chased already to Caroline and shot. In the forest "Graphin", 14 Jews were shot near Frankova, who were hidden in the bunker ... In the Czech forest near Frankova, four boys aged 12-14 years old were shot. The head of the Mliniovsky Politsaev- "Schuzmanov" Dmitry Novosad became a bunching - ensign. He pursued: "I destroyed the entire Polish intelligentsia in Mlinov. 869 Jews shot himself. I gave myself a word that a thousand" ...

The London Polish Publisher publishes the memories of the witnesses of the Bandera kill treated by Jeditz. On the 41st page, a small font is filed about a hundred testimony, which is impossible not to cry. The author also publishes letters of Ukrainians. In one of them it is written: "I want to explain that 10.10.1944. Bandera destroyed 55 Ukrainians, not Poles, with the exception of several Roman Catholics. Killed those who went to work in collective farms, as Bandera wanted hunger to temper the Bolsheviks. The trouble is that the children of rural rich were in the forest like Bandera, and rural poor could not survive, so it was forced to go to work in the collective farm. It was the struggle of the Bandera, members of the UPA, for the Lost in favor of the farm Morga Earth, and not For Ukraine. "

P. Falkovskaya writes from Brazil: "There was a village between Lutsk and Rivnoy ... In 1942-43, Bandera was tortured 18 people from relatives of her husband ... Tested, tied languages. The 86-year-old blacksmith cut alive on pieces ... One Ukrainian had a polka wife, so Bandera ordered his brother to kill him. The family ran out of Kotov in his finchings, Bandera attacked them, between them that brother was also killed the whole family - Ukrainian's father, Music Polka and Children. In The village of Zverev Bandera killed a whole family, then the Poles found a living breast child who sucked the chest of the killed mother.

It will be justified if I will also give at least some evidence that occur on the other side. I got into my hands the Bandera magazine "to Zbroї" No. 6 (19) for August-September 1950 in it there is a lot of interesting things in the heading "from the hostilities of the UPA and an armed underground under the Moscow-Bolshevik occupation." Here are some facts. 01.01.47 in p. Caliniv (Rn Sambor, Drogobitsky region) OUN militants eliminated the Lieutenant of Melnikov MTD, plotted in the village. 02.01.47 in p. Glasun (Rn Kalush, Stanislavskaya oblast.) The rebels of the Lynx department confiscated grain and flour on the state mill. 06.01.47. In the expense (district of Galich, Stanislavskaya oblast.) The rebels destroyed the first secretary of the district party ... 08.01.47 in p. Borshi destroyed the Selra, the lists of "voters" burned. 10.01.47 rebels under whom. honeycomb C. destroyed in with. Frying 4 Mwdist. 21.01.47 in p. Ugrinov Dol The rebels of the department "Cranes" destroyed 3 Mwdist and one wounded. 23.03.47 in p. High rise ... The rebels eliminated the sent parties - Chairman of the village council, who tried to organize a collective farm in the village.

But another release "to Zbroї": "02.04.48. The rebels burned the bridge of the narrow-chain between the villages of Savior - Luga. 02 04.48. In the forest near the city of Berekhov, the underground workers shot two parties, destroyed the club's room, set fire to the collective farm ... destroyed Telephone line ... shot the organizer of the collective farm ... eliminated the mechanics of the Dolinsky Avocabuse ... they destroyed the film ends ... killed the head of the peat peat ... punished death through the secretary of the Primary Komsomol organization's secretary.

In the summer of 1948, the rebels conducted mass actions against collective farms in the Volyn region ... eliminated the Bolshevik activists' service ... "

And so on, and so on on 8 pages of the journal. From the above shows what the UPA was engaged after the war. This continued until 1950 and now noisy that the Bolsheviks were taken to the Siberia of each tenth inhabitant of Western Ukraine. The peaceful peasants should be answered for their affairs. The activity of Bandera was a crime against the civilian population of Western Ukraine ... I also want to turn to the works of the Ukrainian writers known today (many of which have changed their views on 180 degrees - ed.). Here I found the poem of Dmitra Pavlychko from his collection "Bistrina", Kiev, 1959 with. 138, in which there are lines:

Budeş, Ukraine,

Dovgo Pam "Yatati ...




Dermantski Krinitzі!

What is this "Dermanski Krinitzі"? Writes about it Juri Melnichuk in the book "Virvanne Serce", Kiev, 1966, p. 147-157.

"Bandera gang" Khalcha "in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Ostrog area briefly dealt with the family of Ivan Raevsky. He himself knitted his hands, they had a loop from the phone cable, hit the butt on the head, hung, and for loyalty I decided to pierce your heart for loyalty ...

Bandera in December 1943. In the village of Danidovtsy Ostrozhsky district shot a family of pots, the corpses were thrown into the well ...

In the village of Bokyami, the Demidovsky district in one of the September nights of 1944, 12 local residents were brought to a well. Among them were Larisa Rutkovskaya, born in 1940 ... During the mass reprisals above the residents of the village of Verbovsky district, Bandera laughed and threw 12 people in a well ...

In the village of Rokytnyansky district, Bandera hung Tatyana Korzh, and they strangle her husband and children ... To check the traces of his crime, they threw the corpses into the Goryn River ... "

"In the village of Small Midda of the Stepan District ... they killed the old mother and son ... In the family, Alexei Roment was tortured his wife and four children. They cut off their hands and legs, the stroths strolls. These are so much describes Olga Romanese, which the bandits also cruelly tormented She has a tongue and she is now a mute. Boris Harchuk in the book "Word about Derman" ", Kiev, 1959, p.7-11 writes:" The bloodstairs threw Mary alive into a dark well, where she had thrown her husband. Not one Maria, which when - Brela live water From this crinic ... and young children, and the old mothers threw Bandy to Krinitsa, falling asleep with her sharp stones ... Crinque became crinic death. "

Such descriptions - with the names of the village, with the names, dates of the crimes in Ukrainian literature ...

This is what happened in Western Ukraine, in particular, on Volyn, in Dermani, from where the Ulas Smychuk - editor of Volyn newspaper during the occupation, the one that "did not see" these atrocities, for the ideology of Ukrainian nationalism did not allow him. I have not seen these atrocities Ulas Samchuk, and today they do not want to remember them on Volyn. Moreover, in the report at the conference in Lutsk on October 8-10, 1992, L. Stepanov and L. Stepanova say that "Memomy of Ulasa Samchuk is a historical source" ("Macely and Pobeda Volinі". Tezi Dopordi, Lututk, 1992) . These theses were the named authors in Lutsk Personal Institute. So, probably, there are now future teachers: "There was no OUN-UPA crime, after all, the Ulass Summy did not write about them ... For more information About almost hopeless in the position of Ukrainians in Western Ukraine during the war and after it there may be a story M. Nazarkevich in the "New Days", a monthly leaving in Toronto. The author of the author after the window of the war was forced to hide from Bandera, as he "did not want to go killing, wanted to have a clean conscience." He hid from Bandera, and at that time the NKVD suspected that he was in the UPA, and his mother was tormented to say where the Son. Not just was Ukrainians.

From evident certificates and other materials, this course of events on Volyn and Galicia in 1941-45 can be reproduced.

- OUN, prepared in advance, at the same time with the promotion of German troops to the east organized its helps the Germans, the police; - OUN sent his emissaries to Volyn, which propaganda and terror forced many Ukrainian peasants Volyn to take part in the robbeles and cruel killings of the Polish civilian population; - Ukrainian police participated in the destruction of the Jewish and Polish population of Western Ukraine;

Part of the Ukrainian population did not participate in the murders, helped Jews and Poles; Ukrainians who refused to participate in murders, most often destroyed;

- The murders were cruel, they were aimed at the destruction of the Polish population in Western Ukraine;

- the destruction has not passed the mixed Polish-Ukrainian families;

- the destruction had organized, pre-planned character;

- The geography of people's geography is also indicated on the organization and planning of destruction: it began from the north-east of Western Ukraine, moved to the southwest, ending in Galicia; ..

- The murder of Polyakov occurred only in those territories of Ukraine, where the effect of the OUN was. This is evidenced by the facts that the Poles ran into Zhytomyrchina, trying to find and find salvation from Ukrainians;

- The murder of Poles was the case of not Ukrainians as members of the nation, but oo as Ukrainian criminal ideology and politics.

Meanwhile, in Ukraine, the OUN-UPA rehabilitation campaign is in full swing, about the recognition of her "heroism". This campaign was connected (probably heavenly) some Ukrainian historians, a film was made about the "heroism" of the UPA, the question of the mass destruction of Poles is systematically silent. Levko Lukyanenko, Ambassador of Ukraine in Canada (the Former - Ed.), Speaking on the occasion of the anniversary of the UPA in Hamilton (Canada), said: "We have long applied different fables in Ukraine. With the advent of democracy, with the ability to speak and distribute our truth. The people were able to discover and re-read these glorious pages of Ukrainian history. On behalf of the people and the destination of Ukraine (L. Kravichuk - Ed.) I welcome the UPA fighters in Canada and proud of your contribution to the fight for national independence. " Can really be proud of what an OUN-UPA did in the village of finch and dozen others?! ..

"People! Knish! Moscow, Poland, Madyri, Liquid - Tset, Wheel. Nisch ІХ! Lyakhiv, Livіv, Komunіst Distribution without merciful! .." (from the appeal Stepan Bandera distributed in Lviv from June 30, 1941 on this day Ounites were adopted "Act of the proclaiming of the Ukrainian Power").

"Nakhtygalovevtsy" (fighters of the Natigal battalion) were removed from the houses of the Communists and Poles, whom they just hung on the pillars and balconies ... When the arrested came out of the corridor, he got a blow to a hammer in the temple. The arrested fell, and the Ukrainian, armed with a Karabin with a bayonet, pierced the heart and the stomach of the one who fell. Others immediately delayed the body and threw the large cart ... Ukrainian soldiers of the Natigal battalion, residents of Lviv called "Ptashniki" because of the signs that were on their cars and motorcycles. "Ptashniki" were in German clothing and with German military signs. They talked in Ukrainian, and there were blue-yellow bows on the handles, they did not communicate with the Poles at all, except that they took part in their executions ... We were brought to Londsky's street ... We were about 500 Jews together Ukrainians killed almost all ... "

Professor Casimir Barteran says: "I was also at the Archbishop of Sheptitsky, but he also replied that he could not do anything. In general, these terrible events were not wild, drunk soldiers. I got the impression that everything was done organized."

These were quotes from the book O. Korman, published in 1990 in London. If the author's fiction described here, if it is slander, then the corresponding OUN figures, in particular the OUN-B, should attract the author to responsibility for "insulting the nation's honor". However, this is not done. It can be seen, not in their interests to betray these facts ...

His historian, known for its objectivity, Rishard Tehretsky wrote an extensive reader for the work of David Kagan about Lviv Ghetto. In it, Rishard Tezdezky writes: "The participation of extreme nationalists in the search, arrests and murders of the Jews (in Lviv) was the cause of the first appeal of Rabbi Levin to Metropolitan Sheptitsky, a well-known attitude towards believers. Metropolitan ... promised to proclaim the pastoral message, warning Ukrainians In order not to make murders, but at the same time acknowledged that he is powerless about the actions of the Nazis ... At the end of July, Ukrainian nationalists, mostly peasants from the neighbor, with the participation of the Ukrainian police, inspired by the Nazis, which were 2-3 in each group, Jews made pogroms. It was an inspired share throughout Eastern Galicia ... All men who were caught during the shares, immediately killed bayonets or shot. Kagan drew, however, the fact that most of the Ukrainian intelligentsia had nothing to do with these shares . Rabbi Kagan wrote: "I am fulfilled by greater respect for a part of the spiritual estate (Ukrainian Priests - V.P.), Ukrainian monks who were dangerous, saving Jewish children. Unfortunately, these were exceptions. Pastoral messages did not reach the consciousness of young Ukrainians. "

Directions of propaganda - who is the enemy?

OUN painted an enemy image before Ukrainians. Who was it? They were the "occupiers", "Zaymanzі", "go", "Zuraniki". Such a definition of "enemies" of the Ukrainian people we find in official documents of the OUN, ranging from the decrees I Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists. In the eyes of OUN, the invaders were not only representatives of Polish power, but also the so-called "colonists" in Western Ukraine, as well as all other Poles, regardless of when and under what circumstances they found themselves in Western Ukraine. All the same, it was "Zait". The dictionary of the Ukrainian language under the "zayoid" understands the man who came from somewhere, not local. Alien considered everyone who was not a Ukrainian, and a stranger - an enemy. This is a very primitive approach. During the time of Kievan Rus, the princes gave their daughters to marry the border. Yes, and the princes of Rurikovichi themselves were not "tutuchni", that is, by local Ukrainians, they came from Scandinavia. The development of means of transport led to mass migration of the population. People were mixed with each other, became relatives. Who then consider the enemy then? My father who took the polem in his wife? And her cousins \u200b\u200bwere Orthodox, they considered themselves Ukrainians - hope and Polina.

Does the enemies consider the children and grandchildren of my tortured Bandera aunt-pools, which today live in Ukraine - Adam, Roman, Peter, Regina and their children? But my wife's aunt considers himself Russian, as her mother was Russian, and father - Czech. The mother of the famous Ukrainian director Lesya Kurbas was a pool. So the jester Kurbas is also an enemy? ..

I wonder what the ideologists of the OUN were told if the Indians created an organization that set themselves the task with fire and iron to expel all the "alien" from Canada and the United States, and among them also Ukrainians who settled on this continent or arrived after I and II World Wars? ..

Do not deepen into the nuances, it can be said that the Poles settled in Western Ukraine more than 500 years ago. They were among the Zaporizhia Cossacks. On the territory of Ukraine, the Germans were settled, the Czechs, many Jews lived.

The racial approach "cleansing the territory" used by the OUN was a crime. He was a consequence of OUN software installations.

Against whom the OUN-UPA fought

Today, when the OUN screams to the whole power that she fought on two fronts - against the Nazis and against the Bolsheviks, the question arises: against whom she really fought? Until now, some say that the OUN-UPA fought exclusively against the Bolsheviks, cooperating with the Germans - this was approved by Soviet historians, those who follow the Owan Propaganda, argue that the OUN-UPA fought at the same time on two fronts - against the Germans and Bolsheviks. Moreover, Ukrainian nationalist historical historians, as a rule, are making the struggle of the OUN-UPA against the Poles. As a result of the disinformation activities of Ukrainian nationalist historians, as well as the propaganda of all three Fractions of the OUN, a false image of the Action of the OUN-UPA is created.

On this topic ... Dr. Vladimir Kubiyovich expressed himself, the head of the UTSC (Ukrainian Central Committee - a legal organization operating during the fascist occupation, one of the creators of the division of OS "Galicin"): "We in the UTSC called on our people to withstand in their posts In the committees, do not provoke the Germans and remember that the anti-German action helps the Bolsheviks. " Nationalist historian Peter Mirchuk, the author of the book on the history of the OUN-UPA, writes: "Naturally, the UPA departments avoided large fights with the German army. UPA strikes were aimed primarily against the German administration and against the German police."

Polish historian T.A.olshansky writes: "It goes without saying that the UPA was not engaged in sabotage on railwaysah, did not conduct actions supporting the actions of the Red Army, also avoided the possibilities of direct battles with the Wehrmacht, attacked the institutions of the occupiers, its police and auxiliary formations ... "

The OUN-UPA had enough common sense to realize its strength in comparison with the forces of Germany and the USSR in the war. In that war, more than a five millionth German army with an almost five millionth Soviet army collided. And OUN counted about 40 thousand. And then, probably, with self-confined bushes. "One warcar of UPA-approx with a rifle, more often with an ax, forks or stick, without public supply, against 250 armed modern equipment of the Wehrmacht's soldiers and the Red Army.

There was no "War" UPA against the Germans, there were also war against the Bolsheviks. This does not mean that the UPA did not have clashes with small German units or with red partisans. Their cause and purpose was the consolidation of a certain territory for the OUN-UPA or obtaining the necessary weapons and ammunition.

OUN-UPA first counted on the victory of Germany with which it was absolutely bonded by the hope of building the Ukrainian state, these hopes were associated with the "fraternal" fascist ideology than with the strategy of Hitler's Germany and after the Stalingrad defeat of the 6th Army Paulus OUN began to count on mutual destruction of two warring parties as well as on the third world War. It was at the time of the collision of the Western allies from the USSR OUN-UPA prepared a "clean", freed from the Poles territory, so that there were even thoughts about the accession of Western Ukraine to Poland ...

There is no facts in the literature that would prove the shares of the UPA against the Germans in order to destroy them. There is no information regarding such sabotage as a boss of railways, the destruction of the military echelons heading to the east ...

Mikola Swan - Chief Architect Kill

Such an architect was. He had his residence in Lviv and from there led the shares. His activity was strictly challenged. It was a Mikola Swan - the Security Chief of the OUN. UPA headquarters received such combat missions from the Swan in June 1943:

- Immediately and as soon as possible to complete the share of total purification of the Ukrainian territory from the Polish population;

- consistently destroy the inner enemy, that is, all the democrats from the Flag of UNR (Ukrainian People's Republic) and other political groups;

Also mercilessly destroyed those of their who did not agree with the methods of M. Swan. Thus, Taras Bulba-Borovets, one of the organizers of the UPA, writes that when his negotiations with the Swan ended unsuccessfully, he delivered all the headquarters death sentences and ordered the Sat of these sentences to fulfill with all ways. Everyone who rented our warriors breeding auge On their side, and those who refused - on the spot were shot. "

And the nationalist of a major caliber Zinovy \u200b\u200bKnush writes just "Swan - Palach Volyni." Now the swan lives in the USA. And in 1992 he traveled to Ukraine, participated in scientific conferences, meetings on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the UPA.

Murder methods - the number of victims

In joining the topic of the methods of destruction of the population, it is advisable to use the motives from the underground writings of the APT of the time. "In the dugouts, in the shade of trees, the rebels cleaned the rifles and the sabers were called. And how night the mother sheltered the darkness of the village and the city, they went out on their shelters. And she crossed the whistle whister the bullets, someone cried the last time and happing her blood, said peace. "

After reading these lines, I made a mark "That's the whole truth about the UPA." And in front of my eyes drawn a picture of my close-old man. Night on March 24, 1944. Everyone is asleep. After midnight flashed at home. One of the sons jumped out of the cache, it fell, but he ran away. His father burned down on the fire of his own house. The other son could not get out of the cache and suffocated in smoke. Mother, running, was injured bullet. Seven-year-old daughter, running around, stumbled upon Ubsvitsa. He punctured her chest bayonet. The girl screamed the last time and waving his blood, she said goodbye to life. Night calm cut the whistle bullets.

And it worked up the army. The army that was hiding in the afternoon in the afternoon, and at night went on his unclean fishing. Why did this strong army stayed in the afternoon in his asylums? Why didn't you fight openly taken against the Germans and Bolsheviks? She, apparently, was easier at night, how to put, go out, burn Polish villages, and running away to kill shots, bayonets.

Reading the materials sent by witnesses of the murders can be durable in the Christian faith, in that God created God.

In Ukrainian nationalism there is no place for such Christian virtues, like good, mercy, love for neighbor, nobility, respect for human dignity, pity. But the hate dominates, bloodthirstness, disregard for human life.

It hurts me, Ukrainar, write about the methods of murders used by the OUN-UPA. But it is impossible to be silent about it. To warp the subsequent generations. Yes, and the current youth from the Ukrainian National Assembly - Ukrainian National Self Defense.

So strengthen your nerves reader. Only a small part of the examples I will give here. All of them are supported by documents.

- ZD From Poland: "In those who flew, were catching up and killed on the horses and killed. 08/30/1943 In the village of Poleno Starosta appointed 8 Poles to work in Germany. Ukrainian partisans-Bandera took them to the forest of Kobyl, where they used to be Soviet camps And they dismissed alive in the well, in which after that they threw a grenade. "

- Ch. B. From the USA: in the pastry, it was called the village, the Bandera laughed four of the family of Melnik Petrushevsky, and 17 years old Adolafin was pulled by a rocky rural road until she died. "

- E.B. From Poland: "After kokyubsky's murder in Belozerka, near Kremeza, Bandera went to the farm to G_iuzihovsky. Seventeen-year-old Regina jumped out the window, the bandits killed the daughter-in-law and her three-year-old son, whom she kept on her hands. Then they set fire to the hut and left."

- A.L. From Poland: "30.08 1943, the UPA attacked such villages and killed them:

1. Cute. 138 people, including 63 children.

2. Yankovitsy. 79 people, including 18 children.

3. Extender. 439 people, including 141 children.

4. Will island. 529 people among them are 220 children.

5. Chmikov Colonia - 240 people, among them 50 children.

- M.B. From the USA: "fired, cut the knives, burned."

- TM From Poland: "Okashka hung, and before that burned his hair on his head."

- M.P. From the USA: "Surrounded by the village, set fire to and killed running away."

- F.K. From the UK: "We took with my daughter to the national team near the church. There were about 15 people - women and children. Sotnika Golovachuk and brother began to knit hands and legs of barbed wire. Sister began to pray out loud, Sotnik Golovachuk began to beat her face and trample legs ".

- FB From Canada: "Bandera came to our courtyard, they caught our father and the ax cut off his head, our sister punctured the bayonet. Mother, seeing all this died of heartbroken."

- Yu.V. From the UK: "Brother's wife was Ukrainian and for married to the 18 Bandera Poles raised. From this shock she never cured, her brother did not regret her and she was drowned in the Dniester."

"V.S. from Canada:" In the village of Bushkovitsa, eight Polish families drove into Stodol, there all their axes were killed and set fire to Stodla. "

- Yu.x from Poland: "In March 1944, Bandera was attacked by the village of Guta Shklyan, among them the name Diduh from the villages of the streets. They killed five people. Shooted, finished off. Yu. Horosttsky, they crawled in half. Raped young .

- TR From Poland: "The village of Osmigovichi. 11. 07. 43. During the service of God, Bandera was attacked, they killed praying, a week after that they were attacked by our village. Little children disastened to the well, and those who are more closed in the basement and piled His. One Bandera, holding a breast child behind the legs, hit his head about the wall. The mother of this child shouted, pierced her bayonet. "

A separate, very important section in the history of evidence of the mass destruction of Poles, conducted by the OUN-UPA on Volyn, is the book of Yu. Tourovsky and V. Semashko "The atrocities of Ukrainian nationalists committed against the Polish population of Volyn 1939-1945". The named book is distinguished by objectivity. It is not impregnated with hatred, although describes the martyrdom of thousands of Poles. This book should not read people with weak nerves. It contains on 166 pages of small font and describe the methods of mass killings of men, women, children. Here are just some fragments from this book.

- On July 16, 1942 in Klevan, Ukrainian nationalists committed a provocation, prepared an anti-leaflet in Polish. As a result, the Germans shot several dozen Poles.

November 13, 1942 insults, Polish village near Lutsk. The Ukrainian police under the team of the Nationalist of the Sachkovsky, former teacher, attacked the village because of cooperation with the Soviet partisans. Women, children and old people beat one dollars, they were killed there, and then burned. 17 people were taken to Kleman and shot there.

- November 1942, Solly Tel Varka. Ukrainian nationalists tortured Yana Zelinsky, putting it connected to the fire.

- November 9, 1943, Polish village Parosist in the Sarna district. The gang of Ukrainian nationalists, pretending to the Soviet partisans, misled the inhabitants of the village, who were treated for a gang during the day. In the evening, the gangsters surrounded all at home and killed the Polish population in them. 173 people were killed. Only two were saved, which were littered with corpses, and a 6-year-old boy who pretended to be killed. The later inspection of the dead showed the exceptional cruelty of the executioner. Breast babies were nailed to the tables of kitchen knives, soldered the skin with several people, women raped, some have been cropped their chest, many had cropped ears, noses, eye pumps, cropped heads. After the massacre staged a drink from the local elderly. After the care of the executioners among the scattered bottles of the Goh itself and the residues of food, they found a one-year-old child, nailed to the table, and he stuck in his mouth abdicted by someone from the gangsters a piece of sauer cucumber.

- On March 11, 1943, the Ukrainian village of Mostolishing near the Cove. Ukrainian nationalists tortured the Pole of the Teacher, as well as several Ukrainian families who resisted the destruction of Poles.

- March 22, 1943, village Radovichi Kovelsky district. A gang of Ukrainian nationalists, disguised into German uniforms, demanding the issuance of weapons, tortured the Father and the two Brothers Lesnevskiy.

- March 1943 Zagormen, Dubnensky district. Ukrainian nationalists were painted by the management of the economy, and when he escaped, the executioners became his bayonets, and then knocked to the ground, "so as not to get up."

March 1943. In the Okolitsa Guta of the Stepan Kostopolsky district, Ukrainian nationalists were painted by deception 18 Polish girls, who were killed after rape. The bodies of the girls folded into one row and put the tape with the inscription: "Lyask (Polka) should die."

- March 1943, the village of Bridges, the Kostopolsky district Paul and Stanislav Bednoshev had wives of Ukrainians. Both were tortured by Ukrainian nationalists. They also killed his wife alone. The second Natalka, was saved.

March 1943, Banasovka village, Lutsk district. Banda, Ukrainian nationalists suffered 24 Poles, their bodies were thrown into the well.

- March 1943, the settlement of Antonovka, the Sarannsky district. Jusef Eismont drove to the mill. The owner of the mill, the Ukrainian, warned him about danger. When he returned from the mill, the Ukrainian nationalists attacked him, tied to the pillar, they smeared their eyes, and then lived with a saw.

- On July 11, 1943, the village of Biskupichi, Vladimir Volynsky district, Ukrainian nationalists learned the mass murder, the inhabitants of the residents in the school. At the same time, brutally killed the family of Vladimir Yaskula. The executioners broke into the hut when everyone slept. Parents killed the tops, and five children were laid there, laid out of the mattresses and set fire to straw.

July 11, 1943, inhabited by Prichchelev near Vladimir Volynsky. Ukrainian Glembitsky killed his wife Polka, two children and his wife's parents.

July 12, 1943. Colony Mary Will near Vladimir Volynsky about 15.00, it was surrounded by Ukrainian nationalists and began to kill Poles, using firearms, axes, forks knives, drumpups died about 200 people (45 famils). Part of people, about 30 people, threw in a spear and killed them there. Who escaped, he was caught up and killed. During this slaughter, the Ukrainians ordered Vladislav Didukha to kill the wife of Polka and two children. When he did not fulfill the order, they killed him and the family. Eighteen children aged 3 to 12 years old who hid in the field, executioners flew, planted on the cart, brought to the village of a honest cross and they were killed there, pierced to forks, struck the tops. The action was led by Klavnyatsky ...

- August 30, 1943, Polish village of Kuta Lomomla district. Early in the morning, the village was surrounded by Sagittarius UPA and Ukrainian peasants mainly from the village of Lesnaya, and the mass massage of the Polish population was killed in the huts, in the courtyards, in hundreds, using forks, axes. Pavel Prlandchuk, the Pole, who tried to protect his mother, put on a bench, cut their arms and legs, leaving a martyrdom.

- August 30, 1943, the Polish village of Ostrodov near Lomomla. The village was surrounded by a dense ring. Ukrainian emissary entered the village, offering to fold the weapon. Most men gathered at school in which they were closed. Then they took five people per garden, where they were killed by a blow on the head and threw the pits into digs. The bodies folded with layers, speaking the earth. Women and children were collected in the church, ordered them to lie on the floor, after which they were shooting in turn. 483 people died, including 146 children.

And it is 166 pages! And it is only on Volyn. And there will be Galina! Let the leaders of all three OUD factions come to the court on the authors of this book!

Member of the UPA Danilo Shumuk leads in his book the story of the Ubscan: "In the evening we came out again to these very farms, organized ten souls under the mask of the red partisans and drove in the direction of the trough ... We drove, sang" Katyusha "and from time to time they swear - Russian ... "

And now Ounovtsy argue that the red partisans killed Poles, disguised under the UPA.

My familiar Czech writes: "I then worked in a local hospital. Somehow I brought a two-year-old boy with severed hands and crawled eyes. The body of the unfortunate child was covered with bruises. The child did not even cry and did not call his parents. The child's parents were killed."

Attracts the fact that the attack on Polish villages were often held before large religious holidays.

Stop! Enough these terrible descriptions! Thinking about them, I can not understand the psyche of criminals. Those who cut off their arms and legs scolded their eyes, cut the belly from women, - as they look into their eyes, looking at their handles and legs. Do you stand in front of them the images of the perfect 50 years ago? Can they sleep calmly, holding a knife in their hands, ax? Do not feel warm in their hands the blood of their victims?

In Malay, there is the word "Amok", which means a kind of madness - a person's desire to kill. The reasons for "amoc" have not yet been studied. But the "Amok" performers of the OUN-UPA directives were caused solely by the influence of criminal propaganda, the criminal ideology of the OUN. All this flowed from Time Wvo. In 1929 published in 1929, the brochure says:

"Does blood require? - We give the sea of \u200b\u200bblood! Is the terror? - We will do it hello! .. Do not be killed, rob and upload. There are no ethics in the fight!"

With the question of murder methods, the theme of the number of OUN-UPA victims is associated. No one is able to establish the number of the Jews who destroyed by the Nazis with the help of the Ukrainian Auxiliary Police of Jews. I didn't find literature that would convincingly and exhaustively pointed out the number of OUN-UPA victims. The truth that concerns the killed OUN-UPA Ukrainians should be explored by historians who live in Ukraine ... But ... But now the Ukrainians historians appeared, who set themselves the task of "scientifically" to justify, even praise the OUN-UPA.

Honest historians will be extremely difficult. In Ukraine, especially on Western, the fear of OUN reuses again - in front of the Ukrainian National Assembly, before the Ukrainian national self-defense. People in Western Ukraine still remember the OUN-UPA ...

Y.Turovsky and V. Semashko call the figure of 70 thousand killed on Volyn Poles, which is about 20% of the then Polish population of the region. Moreover, they emphasize that their materials covers only 1/3 of all victims of the Volyn pogrom.

Other sources are also called figures 100 and 200 thousand killed.

The terrible consequences of the atrocities of the OUN-UPA. I want these terrible years to be repeated. However, I see that the OUN in Ukraine begins to revive. I see danger. Therefore, I can not be silent ...

Help Ukrainians Poles

From the letters that I received from my respondents, it turns out that many of them do not identify Bandera or Bulbovets from the UPA with the Ukrainian people. The big percentage of respondents answer the question - whether Ukrainians helped Poles, affirmatively. Here are just a few examples:

- V.M. From Canada: My Father about the planned attack warned a familiar Ukrainian. We managed to escape to the Kremenets, and his, this Ukrainian, Bandera hung in the middle of the village and attached the inscription on his chest: "for treason."

- G.Kh. From Poland: Local Ukrainians after the UPA attack took the wounded Poles to the hospital ...

- Yu.K. From Poland: Klimchuk, a resident of Lopatina, knowing that he threatens death for helping the Poles, hid us at night in her hut, when our hut surrounded the gang of the UPA ...

- G. I. from the UK: a neighbor-Ukrainian was so brave that he allowed me to sleep in his hut, although they were so closely.

- Ya.P. From Poland: All winter 1944/45 Almost every night our family left the hut, hiding at the neighboring Ukrainians ...

From the book of Yu.Turovsky and V. Semashko:

- Ukrainian jamb hide the cotton from the Yaglin family and helped him;

- Many Ukrainians in Moshaty Mezhirich and the King protested against murders, helped persecuted;

- killed (Bandera) also two Ukrainians who warned Poles about the danger;

- Troy Children Yana Krsheka saved the old Ukrainian, but the next day they were taken by her strength and drowned in the well. The daughter of Apolonia hid Ukrainian music.

- 15.03.42, village Kosice. Ukrainian police together with the Germans killed 145 Poles, 19 Ukrainians, 7 Jews, 9 Soviet prisoners;

- On the night of 21.03.43, two Ukrainians killed in Shiske - Ishovka and Kravchuk, who helped Poles;

- April 1943, Belozerka. The same bandits killed Ukrainian Tatiana Mikolik for the fact that she had with the Pole of the child;

- 5.05.43, Klepauchev. Killed Ukrainian Peter Trohimchuk with his wife-Polyacham;

- 30.08.43, Cute. Brutants killed the Ukrainian family of Vladimir Krasovsky with two young children;

- August 1943, Yanovka. Bandera killed a Polish child and two Ukrainian children, as they brought up in the Polish family;

- August 1943, Antolin. Ukrainian Mikhail Mishcheuk, who had a wife-pool, received an order to kill her and a one-year-old child. Due to the refusal of his wife and child killed neighbors.

They killed according to the postulate: "Who is not with us, the one against us." So after all taught D. Dontsov. After all, "nation is above all." And man? And God? And universal, christian values? But were they in the doctrine and practice of the Ukrainian nationalism of the OUN-UPA? No, there was no place in this system ...

Collision of OUN with East of Ukraine

I have always been an opponent of the division of Ukrainians on "Zakhіdnyakiv" and "Skіdnyakiv". For some reason, it seems to me that this terminology meets the requirements of the first, because then they, "Zahdniki", as if half of the people, and this is not true. However, here I will stick to this terminology due to the topic.

First of all, it should be remembered that the OUN before the war has never expanded its influences east of Zurbach. The task of planning the ideology of nationalism received "hiking groups" OUN-B and OUN-M. The first to understand the immunity of the ideas of the OUN, members of the "hiking groups" of the OUN-M, who managed to consolidate in Kiev before the OUN-b. Among them were such prominent figures of the OUN-M, as the O.olzich and Olena Telig, the souls are susceptible, because there were poets. "Skіdnyaki", as I conventionally call them here, knew in practice, which means totalitarianism, monoparty, leader ...

Cleaner clashes with Schidnyakov felt the OUN-B, since it was she who had more than all his emissaries on Volyn. Though he destroyed the OUN-B wounded from the Red Army, but some "Skіdnyakiv" fell into the UPA. As they did not hide with their thoughts, hitting the paws of the UPA or other OUN structures, still the "leaders" realized that with their nationalist slogans then Zurbach would not go. However, as long as they made such conclusions, a lot of "Skidnyakiv" died on the hands of the OUN-UPA, in particular Sat OUN. This is written by the Gospel Christian from Volyn Mikhail Sovetvnik: "... There were cases when the prisoners, as long as they had strength, flew away. Then they went around the villages, began to work with the peasants, but many of them were killed, but not from the Germans. , and from our unreasonable and crazy party members (meaning OUN managers), who have considered every prisoner from the big Ukraine to be a communist. There was a case when several former prisoners who worked for the peasants went to the Bolshevik partisans. After that, the Bandera Sat has won the former prisoners And he took them with them. They were taken to the forest and shot there, suspecting that they would sooner or later go to the Soviet partisans. Killed innocent Ukrainians from big Ukraine. "

After reading these lines, some Ukrainian women from the big Ukraine will remember how they waited for their husbands, having received the notice of "disappeared" from the military registration and enlistment office. And he disappeared from the bullet Sat OUN, then the OUN-UPA ...

ONN Security Service

The Bolsheviks had their CC, SD Nazis, and the OUN - security service - Sat OUN. It was a body with very large powers who were overlooked to monitor the political reliability of members of the organization and the entire population, to the use of repression, mainly executions (murders) of "trains", Ukrainian and others who were not in favor of Ukrainian nationalists. About the correctness of this definition, such Ukrainian authors say:

Gregory Stettayuk: "Bandera in the UP needed official elders. They found out that the Orthodox bishop Manuel had the rank of captain, therefore," offered "the transition to him in the UPA. The bishop explained that he was given such a rank as a Capellan priest, and in military affairs He does not understand. Sat I caught him, made a court over him as over a deserter-traitor. At the beginning they shot, and then hung. "

"... Bandera Sat without stopping, it throws people to the wells, it stiflesters ... Sat cleared the territory from Melnikov residents, Studdists, Schіdnyakiv. The intelligentsia, the clergy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church destroyed ... somewhere in early May 1944, one person passed through Volvoc and he wanted to look at the well. Called people, and they pulled out the corpses of eight people who could already be found. Among these sacrifice, Alexander's father recognized the Father on a wooden leg. He brought the fatal from Sat. .. Peter and sister was in Clone, hid from Sat. Without the slightest explanations, they are removing the rest of the family from the hut and about the huts of them all shoot ... Sat walks by Volyn villages, killing the right and left all those who dared not to submit ... Nadia Schobhuk met with the honored UPA "Zozuli", got acquainted from him, but he took an abortion. "Zozulu" reported on such a disregard of Sat - "She killed his child." The sentence was issued immediately - to shoot! "

But thoughts about Sat OUN Danil Shumuk, who from the end of the war to half the 1980s. Sent a sentence for the ownership of the OUN-UPA. He was a teacher of politics in Udtovsky schools. The author often sets out his thoughts in the form of dialogues.

Talking about the arrests perfect Sat, the woman says: - ... These are terrible people, worse than the Gestapo and NKVD.

- 16 families were completely disappeared in this village (Ukrainians - V.P.) ...

- I fulfill orders. And that's it. Clear?

- You peak the fate of people - to live them or not to live, and to which it is. You kill children. Do you understand what killing children? And further about this business:

- What happened to the district security referent? - asked Mitla. I told them everything from the very beginning. About the fact that 16 families are eliminated without trial and investigations along with young children, and about their conversation with the district referential of the Chumac ...

- Tips will soon take all Volyn, so what would you like to leave them a ready-made agent network? (said Krylch - V.P.) - While there is an opportunity, we must eat everything with the root, on what the Soviet power can be entrenched, "Mitla said. The author, Danil Shumuk, was a teacher in the UPA, in an underground school. Once he had to teach in a special school for the district referents of Sat. This is what characterization it gives them: "There were 56 young, beautiful and healthy lobs in school. All of them were well dressed and satisfied with themselves. I had the opportunity to look at whom the organization instructed to decide - to live or not live or other people. It was like Deliberately selected the most stupid people. Among the 56, the Material was all right among the 56, and they understood what we were talking about (the author taught politics), and the rest ... they were simply unable to think ... I continue to quote D. Shumuk.

For a tour, driving the village Dominople covered, notes that the village seemed to extinct, doors and windows were open everywhere, and people were not visible anywhere.

What happened in Domincons? - I ask.

Three days ago, Dominopol was eliminated, - a rapnery answered gloomily.

- How did you eliminate? People eliminated? - I asked.

- Yes, people! - Heavily bent, replied the bunk.

- What are you talking about? - asked Brova.

"Yes, they told one another as Lyakhov beat in Dominloopol," Raven replied.

- What is this civilian pistols near the belt? - I asked.

- These are the stakes from the security service, "Raven replied, these are good lines, they placed the Poles better than others. This one, - Raven nodded at the Countrystry Breet, - 27 drowned.

"So tell us how it was with these Poles - I said.

- For about twelve hours, we surrounded Dominopopoi ... There was not a single Live Lyach left for the morning, "Raven said smugly ...

What you do with Poles does not fit into any framework. Here recently, the Pole teacher was tortured in the litter and thrown into the well ... And it was made her former students ...

Evangelsk Christian Mikhail infestation from Volyni writes: "Most of all I remember the Bandera Sat. These two letters people were afraid no less than the NKVD or Gestapo, since someone got into their hands, they didn't leave alive. His cruelty was explained by the fact that now War, a revolution that requires a fierce hand, solid power. But it was not an excuse, as sadists were always sadists, during the war during the world. "

How much you need to be inhuman, so that now in Ukraine resurrect the OUN-UPA, to praise the "heroes" of the UPA and Sat ...

The threat of the revival of Ukrainian nationalism

Canadian American Nationalist Reality

I'm going to go to Canada, I did not have the idea that Ukrainians were divided into communists and nationalists, and they were again divided into Bandera and Melnikovers, Catholics and Orthodox, "Zahidnyakov" and "Schidnyakiv". I did not know that in Canada among Ukrainians there are no or almost no democratically thinking people. Now I know that they are, but those who I learned in almost twelve years, or I heard about, you can recalculate on my fingers.

First of all, I was struck by the low language culture of Ukrainians. Not only in spoken language, not only in performances, but also in writing. I am fully responsible that more than 90% of editors who consider themselves journalists, people with higher education, those who have completed the Ukrainian academic gymnasium in Lviv, even writers - do not know the Ukrainian literary language. And they have courage to criticize to some extent Russified 11-Tomny Dictionary of Ukrainian - one of the achievements of Ukrainian linguistics! And as a raisin on a huge village of Bescumber in the US, Dr. Peter Odakchenko and another two or three people who are perfectly known to the Ukrainian literary language; in Canada - Dr. Yar Slavutich and two more to three people; in Europe - dr. Igor Kachurovsky and two or three people. That's all! Even prof. Yuri Shevelev, the famous Language, in published texts allow language errors, writes, for example, "Canadian" instead of "Canadian", not understanding the semantics of the word "Dilok", etc.

And Professor, Doctor of Ukrainian Linguistics Dmitry Kislitsa released the book "Sviti Svitiy" (Toronto, 1987) with a huge number of rough linguistic errors ...

Milnographed books are produced here under the auspices of the Ukrainian Free Academy of Sciences, under the auspices of the Institute of Research Volyn and other respected institutions. For the level of the language on which books often published here, not to mention the newspapers, the fourth grade student of the elementary school would be put in Ukraine.

With great regret, I argue that the language culture of the Ukrainian diaspora lags behind at least several decades from the language culture of Polish emigration. I will give another example. Writer dr. Alexander Y. Kopach, speaking for the derucilization of the Ukrainian language, herself in a short note allows Rusisms: "strip" instead of the Ukrainian "Smug". In the same note, there are such language errors: "Life" instead of "alive", "Suffinny" instead of "Sukupniy", "Sweet Bagato Tishych" in place "Instead of" Swelling Bakhatok Tishych Rockіv "...

I was looking for the reason for this situation, I was looking for an answer - why is the Ukrainian literary language alien to the Ukrainian diaspora? And he came to the conclusion that, according to the theory of the OUN, the Ukrainian literary language in Ukraine - Russified. Therefore, he did not get here. Here is a mandatory Galician dialect, in which more rusisms than in Ukraine distributed in Ukraine (air, victim, ambassading, surrounding, viscos, for example, walker and many, many others). Ukrainian nationalist diaspora itself voluntarily marked out of modern Ukrainian literature, fearing its influence on the diaspora. Here is one of the evidence. Somehow, I, editing for the Canadian-Ukrainian foundation of the arts, one of the dictionaries met with the love of Duzhevskaya, which seems to have been engaged in Ukrainian literature in the free Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. In the conversation, I said. "When I am very tired, I take some of the works of Mikhail Stelmach and, reading, enjoying his beautiful language." On this love Delzhevskaya: "And who is this - Mikhail Stells?" I'm numb ...

Several years ago, I wrote an extensive study on the topic of language, published it in the "New Days" in Toronto, but besides a few cursive letters, there was no reaction at the level of discussion. For a year, I also conducted a weekly radio, conversations on the topics of language culture and also - no positive reaction.

Evidence of the Language Bability of the Ukrainian Diaspora is the publication in the "New Days" Articles of Stepan Genica-Berezovsky "Mova about Mov", in which the author shows an example of total illiteracy. This is the Stepan Genic-Berezovsky, who, as a telecommunicator, says: "Sema Godina", "Osk", "Tret", "Vitati" instead of "Vіtati". Horror! Shame!

I seem to know the Ukrainian, Polish and Russian literary languages, listen to the transfer from Montreal in Polish, Ukrainian and Russian and argue that Polish and Russian radio programs are conducted in a literary language, and Ukrainian are only attempts to speak in a literary language. I believe that wines for such a fortune lies on the OUN, which did not recognize the Ukrainian language in Ukraine, which Galician dialect raised higher than a literary language. I wrote so much here about the language of the Ukrainian diaspora, to show that it remained at the level of Galicia of the 1930s. And at this level, the whole way of her thinking remained. The combination of the qualities of the Ukrainian diaspora, in which the Galician nationalistic element dominates is, leads to an absurd conclusion: Diaspora, managing from afar, goes towards the accession of all Ukraine to Galicia!

The second thing struck me is the absolute lack of self-criticism in the Ukrainian diaspora, the reluctance to look at the facts by other, non-nationalist eyes. The Ukrainian diaspora is inherent in the staff of thinking, schematism, an inosphet of attempts to rethink the past ... She looked at everything through nationalist glasses. Only the differences that these were glasses of different nationalist production: Bandera or Melnikovsky ...

Section 2.

Expansion of Ukrainian nationalism to Ukraine

My erroneous conclusion was that I considered Ukrainian nationalism to die. I even said in my conversations with Poles in Canada: "... There are still ten, twenty years old, and the Ukrainian nationalism will not be, his latest media will die." It was my greatest mistake in life. Ukrainian nationalism has been preserved in the West, his remnants of all the time of Trelie in Ukraine. During the Gorbachev perestroika in the USSR, the expansion of Ukrainian nationalism to Ukraine has been restored.

The first emissary came there from the OUN-3, and with them prof. Taras Gunchak. Instructions in this direction gave him back in 1987. OUN-3 leader Anatole Kaminsky during a conference in New York. Then he said: "... We need to concentrate, first of all, as follows: 1) Create a headquarters for analyzing the current state of Ukraine and the Soviet Union to identify specific goals and develop practical ways of influence on all parties to life ... best for this Suitable "Prolog", subject to the strengthening of its device. " And "Prolog" is Taras Guchk. He began to ride often to Ukraine, settled there as a teacher at the university and began to promote the ideas of the OUN, Dontsovsky integral nationalism. In an interview to "Democratic Ukraine", "as if justifying it, he says that he personally does not share the views of Dontsova:" He was right only in the 30s. "It's a pity that the journalist did not ask:" And in the 40s, when OUN -Op tortured hundreds of thousands of civilians? ".

But, knowing the activities of Taras Gunchak, I have no doubt that he approves the activities of the UPA, because his chief and mentor was Nikolai Lebed (Head of the Security Service of the OUN), one of the founders of the "shorthosses", in which Taras Gunchak was the chief editor. Soon the OUN-Z translated the "short-term" in Kiev. It is easier to promote the OUN-UPA. It is so easier to prepare the ground for the capture of power.

I was always interested - on whose money I drove Taras Guchkak from comrades to Ukraine, whose money organized a publisher there, whose money they live, leaving warm teaching positions in the United States? After all, the OUN-Z does not have a wide database of membership that would finance this activity. And the money from the sky does not fall.

The second moved to Ukraine, the OUN-M, who also transferred his body from Paris "Ukrainian." In Ukraine, the OUN-M organizes various kinds of conference, the purpose of which is the rehabilitation of the ooon and the preparation of the soil for capturing at a convenient moment of power. To this end, the magazine "Rosubudov National" opened in Kiev, which repeats the name of the OUN authority at the beginning of its activities. The founders of this magazine were Nikolai Plavyuk, the leader of the OUN-M and Levko Lukyanenko, who was the Ambassador of Ukraine in Canada. And again I am interested in where the money from the creation of the magazine? Is it really from the personal income of Nikolai Floating and Levka Lukyanenko?

The latter went to Ukraine OUN-B, but she began to act more actively and rudely. Immediately began to organize regional conferences of their supporters. The All-Ukrainian Conference also took place, the participants of which turned 29.03.1992 to the President of Ukraine and the Supreme Council with the requirements:

1) recognize at the state level the liberation struggle of the OUN-UPA armed struggle of one of the warring parties, and its members of this struggle.

2) to provide them with the social laws of the participants of the war 1941-1945.

Similar requirements were formulated by regional conferences of Ukrainian nationalists. Participants of the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists (KUN) Podolskin Territory required:

restoration of the good name of the OUN-UPA as a political and military force that resistantly carried the gravity of the fight against oppression native region; Recognition of the struggle of the Ukrainian people in 40-50. Under the leadership of the OUN national liberation movement against the occupiers.

As can be seen, and here OUN identifies himself with all Ukrainian people. A sign of what this noise is, this bustle of recognition at the state level of the OUN-UPA, which continues from 1991 or is the audacity of the OUN-B, to which the political power of Ukraine is favorable, or this is a sign of the weakness of this power. From the propaganda of OUN moved to action. Parties appeared with obviously nationalistic programs. The congress of the Christian-Democratic Party repeats the requirements of the President at the address of the President and the Supreme Council:

"... Apply to you with a request to recognize the fight of the OUN-UPA as a national liberation. UPA veterans rehabilitate and equalize in rights with veterans of the Great Patriotic War and armed forces. "

In the Scientific and Theoretical Conference "The role of nationalism in the process of state-building in Ukraine", organized by the OUN-M, is attended by the head of the socio-psychological service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Gen. V.Mulva. In his speech, he declares: "And I want to assure that in the armed forces there are those who are ready at the right moment to raise another banner - not a white, capitent, but a banner that all over the world means the struggle to the end: freedom or death. And The color of this banner is red-black (flag of nationalists - ed.).

Hint expressive. And it indicates an international context. Does there really have a new fascist international? And said gene. V.Mulva - this is not the propaganda of the Glory of Stretko, it is already a threat to Ukraine. From the power of Ukrainian nationalism, which fed its nest in the Armed Forces of Ukraine ...

Due to the activities of Emissarov OUN in Ukraine, some print authorities began to play in the nationalist dud. The word "patriotism" disappeared from the Ukrainian political lexicon, the word "nationalism" was replaced. This is not a random substitution of these two concepts. All forces are connected to the deception of the people. Poet Rostislav Bratun, who decades "Layal" on the OUN, in an interview with Robіtnichiy Gazeti, says: "Nationalism is the highest form of patriotism." Many can suspect that they really do not know the essence of Ukrainian nationalism, but this cannot be said about Rostislava Bratun. He knows perfectly what he says. And consciously, acting criminally, replaces the concept of "patriotism" "nationalism."

It is unlikely that you can wonder the purely nationalist Lviv newspaper "For Vіlna Ukraine". The ideas of Ukrainian nationalism are distributed by such publications as "Literary Ukraine", "Young Ukraine", magazine "Ukraine". The latter is funded by the same person who financed the campaign of Stepan Khmary (a member of the Secretariat Kun) in Crimea. Dmitro Pavlychko, whom I have considered the conscience of the Ukrainian people for many years, writes the text of the march of the troops of Ukraine, in which there are words about the continuity of the traditions of the UPA in the Ukrainian troops. Former President Leonid Kravchuk, speaking of the creation of the UPA, claims: "This date should be noted as historical, like this someone or dislike" ...

Emissarov OUN activities brings results. Armed Forces of Ukraine, having such a head of the socio-psychological service as a gene. V.Mulva, through his press clearly spread the ideas of Ukrainian nationalism. As Lviv Correspondent newspaper Viktor Drozd writes, the newspaper of the Carpathian Military District "Armia Ukraine" to the 50th anniversary of the UPA published materials that are simply tracing Onti's ideas, and even put the map of Ukrainian ethnic lands, which should be part of the Ukrainian state.

The expansion of Ukrainian nationalism strengthened to more politicians to Canada, the United States, Australia, where they were treated on banquets and outside the banquets, from where gifts were held.

It was (and there) and another form of expansion. Here, "Lіterturna Ukraine" complained about his pages to financial difficulties, and the OUN-B "Gomin Ukraine" authority immediately responded, held a collection of money and by September 30, 1992 sent 14 thousand dollars by "literary Ukrainian". "L_teursna Ukraine" immediately called "Gomіn Ukraine" "fraternal weekly."

Dangers from Ukrainian nationalism do not see some Kiev newspapers and magazines. Their Scriptures, as well as the support of the OUN-UPA, such as Dmitro Pavlychko, Ivan Drache, closed the mouth of those Ukrainians who were injured from Bandera, lost their loved ones. People began to be afraid of OUN, as and 50 years ago ...

The editors of "L_Teaturino Ukraine", "Young Ukraine" are not that they do not see threats from the side, they do not want to see her. I paid attention to this, wrote letters to Ukrainian intellectuals, but still did not receive a response. Only for example, I will give a fragment of one of my letters to Kiev.

Chief Editor "Lіterature Ukraine", Kiev.

"I am a permanent reader of" L_Teratovo Ukraine ". I wrote it out when I still lived in Poland 10 years ago, but I then did not read it with such interest, as now ... I am an opponent of all totalitarianism, including the left - Bolshevik, and the right - fascist, consequently, and the Ukrainian (Dontsov integral) nationalism. I am concerned about the materials in the Ukrainian press, which rehabilitate the OUN, UPA, their "leaders". I was struck by the information that in Ternopil the main street of Lenin We renamed Stepan Bandera's street. It was necessary to replace Lenin's street, say, Ivan Franco Street, Lesia Ukrainka, Vladimir Vinnichenko, Mikhail Grushevsky. After all, Stepan Bandera is the head of the most radical Wing of the OUN, which created the UPA, the organization that needs to be ashamed of Ukrainians for many. years. And, pay attention, I say "UPA", and not members of the UPA, since there were many honest Ukrainians in this organization, which in one way or another.

But why am I writing to you? The reason for this is an interview with Dmitr Shchogrin. I am not against an interview with the Bandera himself, if it were alive, but I am against the distribution in the materials published by you misinformation. I do not know the reasons for the appearance of an interview in such a form with Dmitr Shchogrin, but I suspect that this happened because of the inability to take interviews. The one who does this should be sure to know about the person with whom he talks about his activities, glances ...

Why do I say so? Now look: "It is impossible to argue that during World War II, part of Ukrainians were collaborators, as it is not true." These are the words of prof. Dame Strogrina. It would be necessary to ask a question: "did Oksana Logvinenko, who talked with a professor, does not know the stories, does not know the facts?" Isn't it heard of Dun - a squad of Ukrainian nationalists who went along with the German fascists in the USSR in June 1941? Does not know about the battalions of "Roland" and "Natigal"? Finally, does not know about the SS division "Galina"?

So, maybe the truth, these military parts were not collaborators? In political literature, the collaborators are not called those who cooperate on the same level, since then it is allies, collaborators are servants, a lower category, those that, changing the interests of their people, fulfill the tasks of their lord. And did not follow the question of prof. Dm. Stogrina: "So who were these parts? Isn't the collaborators?" You, I think, see the "scientific relations" of such professors as DM. Shrink. He himself says that in the US you can "buy" a department of yourself at the university and spread "sciences", similar to it. A little more, and it will be that only the UPA fought for the interests of the Ukrainian people.

In this regard, I send you a copy of the part of the article about Ukraine in the "British Encyclopedia". From the presented it is clear that during the Second World War, Ukraine was represented only by the ONN-UPA departments. And, as can be seen from the article, without a doubt prepared by such "scientists," as Dnith Plegor, there were no million Ukrainians who were in the fight against Hitler's Germany, there were no million Ukrainians soldier, there were no Ukrainians officers, generals, Marshals, There were no millions of orphans, widows suffering from mothers. There was no, since they fought against those who organized the Ounov departments, who fought with the Germans. And further. But this school for officers organized in Zakopane, Polish city, what was it? (The fascists trained Ukrainian nationalists here for conducting combat and subversive actions against the Red Army - Ed.). Is the underground organization against the Germans? And the Ukrainian "Auxiliary Police"? My letter comes down to one: Do not disseminate disinformation by materials that some people from the diaspora fit you. Do not support totalitarianism. I was forever remembered the words of the great Ukrainian, General Peter Grigorenko, which he said at a scientific conference at the University of Mac Workshop in Hamilton: "I would not want to wait for such Ukraine, which is the Ukrainian nationalist idea ..."

In Canadian Bandera Gazeta "Gomіn Ukraine" I saw a selection article under the heading "Shevchenko's Two Chuven" (Taras Chuprinka - Commander of the UPA, previously served in the battalion

"Natigal" - ed.). I do not know how for whom, but for me it is the profanation of Taras Shevchenko, his life, love for their people, to Ukraine. His if he lived in the Bolshevik Ukraine, he would have tortured hedges, and if he lived under the authority of the nationalists "in the name of the National Idea," there would have tortured the executioners from Sat, at the head of which the founder of the "shorthosses" - Myakola swan ...

Victor Polishchuk. "

I repeat: I have not received an answer to this letter nor many other answers. My voice was a voice of blatant in the desert.

Ukraine floods nationalist propaganda, nationalist ideology.

From propaganda - to action. Such is the logic of developing events. And now the first nationalistic flower has appeared. Even in Roach (Lviv, most active), it came to the split. To the top there is a new nationalist leader - Valentin Moroz, who declares:

"... salvation in the nationalist revolution. We still carry out the cargo of colonial dependence, and nationalism - just that dynamite that will finally undermine and bury this system. Resources of democratic revival exhausted, turning to dictatorship, and we cannot with this Complete. The nationalist plane is already in the air. It is impossible to delay it, you can only knock down. Ruh will raise its authority, only relying on the nationalist movement. "

Valentin Moroz is not a citizen of Ukraine, he is a citizen of Canada. But him, contrary to the Charter of the Roha, was elected co-chairman of the Lviv Regional Council of Ruha. This, his people dispersed the general meeting of the Ruha under the leadership of Vyacheslav Chernovil, breaking the windows, applying physical strength. The same Valentine Frost in an interview for the Ukrainian TV program in Toronto on November 14, 1992 did not want to answer a few times a repeated question: "So, do you want to take power?" A well-known case, if his "lobster" had an intention to reach power by a democratic way, then he would say V. Miroz, and his departure from the answer means one thing: the power will take strength, as it should be the Ukrainian nationalists. In an interview, V. Miroz also said: "Bandera is Shevchenko XX century." This is the same if Goebbels said: "Hitler is Christ the XX century."

Exports of Ukrainian nationalism from the west to Ukraine, as we see, gives the first fruits. And the state figures of Ukraine and so far, probably do not understand that there is no real Ukrainian "lobby" either in the United States or in Canada. The power structures of the West thoroughly know about the essence of Ukrainian nationalism in its absolutely negative sense.

Some figures in Ukraine are hoping for the economic assistance of the Ukrainian diaspora. They are mistaken, such an opportunity does not exist if you take the needs of Ukraine. Not only the Ukrainian diaspora capital is not able to help Ukraine, but it will not help her multimillion allocations of the West. Western Germany has spent $ 50 billion for three years to rise in Eastern Germany's economy after its reunion with Germany, and this did not give the expected result. And Ukraine is not Eastern Germany and in the population, and territory. And the labor discipline is lower in it in comparison with East Germany. West, if it helps, then exclusively in your own interests. This is understandable. Ukraine should count on its potential, the wisdom and the diligence of its people, for the wisdom of its own, not imported nationalist elite.

Fake fake prophets in sheep skins should be watched. They have only one on the mind: take power! Rostislav Ogirko clearly asks: "Who should take power?". The very question of the issue is "to take power", and not to whom the people will trust it, it is alarming, as it shares Ukrainian nationalism.

The author replies: "In our history, such an original form of unification of the people in the context of a cruel war for survival was UPA." Next, the author calls for the creation of the People's Front of Ukraine, created on the sample of the UPA. So power - in the hands of the OUN.

And the OUN acts. OUN-3 is valid, so to speak, on intellectual Niva. Oun-M in Ukraine was transformed into the Ukrainian Republican Party. When the OUN-B sorted out this when she failed to subjugate the URP, a split occurred. Explicit Bandera led by Stepan Khmara was separated from the URP. OUN-B did not limit itself to the organization of "scientific" and "theoretical" conferences, it has already found the methods of real creation of their structures. Already arise the organization of this party in the field. In Ukraine, the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists (Kun) is already available - the Bandera party. In Borschev, District Conferences of Roha and Urals took place in Borschev. At the conferences it was decided to dissolve the Rohukhov and Urpov cells and to create a regional organization of the Congress of Ukrainian nationalists on their base. In the adopted statement-addressing to all conscious Ukrainians it is stated that its participants see the need to move their organization to nationalist beginnings ... People can only be united on the principles of Ukrainian nationalism.

Some Ukrainian "scientists" also joined the planting in Ukraine of nationalism. I write "scientists" in quotes, because a real scientist will never go to cheap propaganda. An example is such a primitive, but as if the "scientific" propaganda is published in the respected journal "Vitchyzna" article by Viktor Koval under the meaningful name "under the red-black banners". The article is written on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the UPA. In the article, many absurdities, distortion of historical facts ... The author justifies the OUN-UPA for the murder of Ukrainians: "Millions of pages are written about the cruelty of Bandera. But this cruelty was only aimed against those whom the OUD considered the nation's traitors." And it writes a man with a scholars, a historian, that is, a specialist of humanitarian sciences. V. Koval emphasizes "OUN-UPA heroism." The whole article is poechair at the address of the OUN-UPA.

Is it really not here real threat for Ukraine? After all, the OUN, despite the Declarations of Democratic, Totalitarian, Hisradist Type, that is, a fascist organization, it is a threat of war for the "ethnic Ukrainian lands", for the "expansion of the territory of the state". This is a sea of \u200b\u200bblood, not the sea - the ocean of blood. This is a threat not only for Ukraine, but also for the other Europe, the whole world!

Does this threat sees the Ukrainian elite if the President of Ukraine sees it? To build a legal state, you need to throw out the ideological ballast based on crimes, you should get rid of the badges.

It is in order to warn people of the world that my homeland is, this book is written.

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1. Volyn massacre - March-July 1943

Ethnopolitical conflict, accompanied by the massive destruction of the Ukrainian rebel army-ooon (b) of the ethnic Polish civilian population and, at a smaller scale, civilians of other nationalities, including Ukrainians, in the territory of Volyn, until September 1939, which was under the control of Poland, started in March 1943 and reached a peak in July of the same year.
In the course of the "Map" conducted in Poland, it was established that as a result of the Action of the UPA-OUN (b) and the Sat OUTR (b), in which part of the local Ukrainian population and sometimes the detachments of the Ukrainian nationalists of other currents, the number of those who died on Volyn Poles amounted to at least 36,543 - 36,750 people who have been installed names and places of death. In addition, the same study was found from 13,500 to more than 23,000 Poles, the circumstances of the death of which were not clarified.
In general, historians are solidiner that at least 30-40 thousand Poles became victims of the massacre, probabilistic estimates of some experts increase these figures to 50-60 thousand, and, taking into account other territories, the number of victims among Polish people reached 75-100 thousand In the course of the discussion on the number of victims from the Polish side, there were estimates from 30 to 80 thousand

2. Lviv Pogrom - July 1941

Jewish pogrom in Lvov July 1941. In the pogrom, Ukrainian nationalists from OUN Stepan Bandera took part in the pogrom, as well as the German administration. In the course of the pogrom local Jews were caught, beaten, subjected to bullying on the streets of the city, and then shot. The victims of the pogrom became several thousand Jews.
July 1 in the city began a large-scale pogrom. Jews were caught and arrested, beat and humiliated. In particular, they were forced to clean the streets, for example, one Jew forced to remove the horse manure from the streets with their hat. Women beat sticks and various objects, undressed devils and chased through the streets, some raped. Bedi also pregnant women.
Then, part of the Jews sent to prisons to exhumate the corpses of the shifted prisoners, during their work they were also beaten and humiliated. One of the Jews, Kurt Levin, especially remembered the Ukrainian, dressed in a beautiful embroidery. He beat the Jews with an iron stick, cutting off slices, ears and knocking her eyes. Then he took a club and struck his head to one Jew, the brains of the victim fell on the face and clothes of Levin.

3. Shots in Babi Yaru - 1941

Babi Yar received worldwide fame as a place of massive executions of the civilian population, mainly Jews, Gypsies, Kyiv Karaites, as well as Soviet prisoners of war, carried out by German occupying troops and Ukrainian collaborators in 1941.
In total, over a hundred (or hundred and fifty) thousand people were shot. According to other researchers in Babi Yar, only the Jews were shot by about a hundred and fifty thousand people (residents of Kiev and other cities of Ukraine). 29 people saved from Babi Yara.

4. Liquidation of the Rivne Jewish Ghetto - July 1942
At the beginning nazi occupation Half of the population of the city amounted to Jews. In 1941, between November 6-8, 23,000 Jews were shot in the pine forest. The remaining 5000 were cozy in the ghetto and killed by Ukrainian collobaricationists in July 1942.

In accordance with the principle of collective punishment, 149 residents of Khatyn were burned alive or shot for the possible provision of residents of the village of partisans. In the punitive operation, "118th Schuzmyshft Batalion", compiled mainly from ethnic Ukrainians, participated. The battalion includes Ukrainian nationalists from a loose bukovinsky curene, associated with the OUN (M).
Commanded a battalion former Polish Major Syvsky, Head of Staff - Former Senior Lieutenant of the Red Army Grigory Vasura, a platoon commander - a former lieutenant of the Red Army Vasily Melesko.

6. Murder of Lviv Professors - July 1941

Mass murders of representatives of the Polish intelligentsia Lviv (about 45 Polish scientists and teachers, in the Maocommall University, members of their families and guests), held in July 1941 in Lviv by German occupying troops with the participation of punitive parts of the OUN and UPA

7. Tragedy of Yanova Valley - April 1943
The first mass destruction of the Polish civilian population in the initial period of the "Volyn Rabby", committed on April 22-23, 1943 in the village of Yanovaya Valley of the General District of Volyn-Podolia Reichskyissariat Ukraine by the detachments of the 1st group of the UPA under the command of I. Litvinchuk ("Oak" ). In the village of Yanovaya Valley (now - the basalt Kostopilsky district of the Rivne region) were destroyed by almost all residents of the Poles.

8. Massacre in Lipniki - March 1943

On the night of March 26, 1943, Zapa's gang under the Litvinchuk-Oak team attacked the village of Lipniki (Koppil district of the Rivne region). In the village at that time there were about 700 people, mostly women and children. There were almost no men. Of these, a small detachment of self-defense was created by 21 people. They created a small detachment of self-defense, however, the forces were too unequal. The first to the village approached the militants of oak, and the crowd of Ukrainian peasants came behind them from neighboring villages with a pitchfork and axes. They knew that in Lipniki, there were practically no strength for the essay and therefore boldly went to kill.
Watchless self-defense noted the approach of Ukrainian gangs and filed a signal. In view of the inequality of forces, women and children were ordered to leave the village to the forest. However, the case was at night, many could not move so quickly. About 100 women and children were surrounded by the Ukrainian Nazis in the amelioration RBU, a few more dozen people were caught in the village. A wild massacre of head cut, the murder of children in the eyes of mothers began. The Ukrainian Nazis of the UPA was brutally killed 179 people, including 51 children. By nationality among the victims there were 174 Poles; 4 Jews who were hidden in Lipniki from the Holocaust, and one Russian woman.

9. Punitive operations in Slovakia - September 1944

On September 28, 1944, the combat-ready parts of the SS Galicic Division were transferred to suppress the Slovak Rebellion (KG Beyersdorff). By mid-October 1944, all parts of the division acting in the combat teams of Wittenmayer were transferred there, and Wildner (KG Wildner).
During his stay in Slovakia, in submission of the division, for some time the so-called SS brigade "Dirlelevger" was known for his military crimes. Division's divisions together with this brigade participated in a number of operations against Slovak partisans and supporting their local population. Only fragmentary documentation on the behavior of the servicemen of the division itself during the suppression of the uprising is preserved; Slovak historian Jan Korcek gives detailed data on nine cases of war crimes, it is known that at the raid on the village of Merdsna, 80 out of 120 houses were burned and four civilians were killed, in the village of Nizhina Beauz, five. The head of the Wolf Dietrich Whake division headquarters wrote in memoirs about individual "annoying incidents" in relation to civilians.

10. Extermination of Jews in Chimunice - October 1941

The Ukrainian police participated in the elimination of the Jewish population in Chimun (500 people, October 16, 1941)

11. Massacre in Dubno - October 1942

From April 4, 1942, Jewish ghetto was created in Dubno. On May 27, 1942, about 3,800 Jews were killed on the outskirts of the city. In a few months, Ukrainian punishers staged another massacre. On October 5, 1942, 5 thousand Jews were shot in Dubno. October 24, 1942. The latest prisoners of ghetto were destroyed.

12. Tragedy of Guita Penyotsk - February 1944

Mass destruction of the civilian population (ethnic Poles and those covered by them by the Jews) in the village of Guta Penyatskaya (Governor-General, now - Brodovsky district, Ukraine). On February 28, 1944, the staff of the 4th Police Regiment of the SS Volunteer Division "Galicia" under the command of Nurmbannfürera SS Siegfried Banz with the participation of the UPU and the Ukrainian Police units. Of the more than a thousand inhabitants of Polyatska, no more than 50 people survived. More than 500 inhabitants were burned alive in the church and their own homes. The settlement was fully burned, only the cores of the stone buildings and the church remained. After the war, the settlement was not restored, a memorable sign was established on the site of the death of civilians, which disappeared in the 1990s. In 2005, the memorial was opened.

13. Ethnic cleansing Central and Western Ukraine at the beginning of German occupation - 1941

According to the research, the police and detachments organized by local OUTER leaders (b) operated at the end of June-August 1941 in many places in the territory of Volyn, Rivne, Zhytomyr, Kiev, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, as well as some other regions. On this territory, the police created by the OUN (b) performed a supporting role in mass executions conducted by the Nazis, as well as in less mass and single murders of prisoners of war and locally inhabitants.

14. The burning of Belarusian villages in the Polotsk district - March 1943

The 50th Ukrainian Security Battalion participated in the Anti-Partisan operation on the territory of Belarus "Winter Magic" (it. Winterzauber) in the triangle Sebezh - Osveya - Polotsk, held in February - March 1943. During this operation, 158 settlements were looted and burned, in According to the areas, the villages are burned out with people: Ambrazueevo, Anicovo, Bun, Gernoski, Kalyuta, Konstantinovo, Porpal, Sokolovo.

15. The slaughterhouse in the Polish monastery near the village of Phalain - March 1944

The 4th regiment of the SS division "Galica", consisting of ethnic Ukrainians, with the assistance of the UPA squad, arranged a slaughterhouse in the Dominican monastery of the village of Pam. More than 250 Poles were destroyed [

16. Massive murders and ethnic cleansing in the post-war years - 1945-53

The victory of the USSR over Nazi Germany did not become the end of the fight against Hitler's minions in Ukraine. A few years old, the parts of the NKVD and RKKA were track and destroyed the adversity from the UPA series, which in the meantime continued their atrocities. In 1944-53, 30676 Soviet citizens were killed as a result of ACS, including servicemen - 6476, representatives of power -2732, party employees - 251, Komsomol workers 207, collective farmers - 15669, workers - 676, representatives of the intelligentsia - 1931, children, old people, housewives - 860.

In Ukraine, 5 million 300 thousand peaceful citizens died on the hands of the fascists, 2 million 300 thousand worm-bodied Ukrainian and Ukrainians in Germany.
850 thousand Jews, 220 thousand Poles, more than 400 thousand Soviet prisoners of war and another 500 thousand peaceful Ukrainians died from the hands of punishers. 20 thousand soldiers and officers of the Soviet Army and law enforcement agencies were killed, about 4 - 5 thousand of their own "warriors" of UPA, not enough "active and national conscious".

On June 30, 1941, a battalion "Natigal", bursting at dawn along with the German advanced parts, under the command of R. Shukhevich, in the first days, destroyed more than 3 thousand Lviv-Polyakov, including 70 scientists with a world-famous name. And during the week, the Battalion "Natigal" R. Shukhevich brutally destroyed about 7 thousand civilians, in particular children, women, old people. In the courtyard of the Svyaturasky Cathedral, Metropolitan Andrei Sheptitsky held worship in honor of "the invincible German army and its main leader Adolf Hitler." From the blessing of the head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and began the massive destruction of the civilians of Ukraine by Bandera, Nakhtygalevtsy, Usvitz and Voyakov of the SS Division "Galica".

Created with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War Agent Assaver, a member of the Chernivtsi regional wire of the OUN Winovsky Bukowinsky Konut (about 500 people) on September 22, 1941 arrived in Kiev, where from September 28 he took part in the mass murder of innocent people of different nationalities in Babi Yar. Then 350 thousand people were deprived of life, including 160 thousand Jews, of which 50 thousand children! And it was not just participated, but was the chief performer of this bloody parting. For these atrocities and cannibalism, for diligence in the service of Fashizm Voinovsky was awarded the title of Major SS.
Among the 1500 punishers in Babi Yar was 1200 policemen from the OUN and only 300 Germans!

In early 1942, the Natigal battalion was reformed in the 201th Police Battalion of the SS and headed by Captain Shukhevich, directed to Belarus to the fight against partisans. This Nakhtygalevians erased the Belarusian village of Khatyn, the Volyn village of Corbelis, which killed and burned over 2,800 civilians, mostly children, women, old people and patients.
On February 9, 1943, Bandera from Petra Netovich's gang under the guilt of Soviet partisans entered the Polish village of Parosley near Vladimir Rovno region. The peasants who had previously provided the partisans help, welcomed guests. Widow, having enjoyed, the gangsters began to rape women and girls. Before the murder, they were cut the chest, noses and ears. Then they began to torment the rest of the villagers. Men before death deprived the genital organs. Finished the ax shock on the head.

Two adolescents, Gorshkevich's brothers, who were trying to call for the rescue of real partisans, cut the belly, cut off his legs and hands, abundantly covered the wounds of salt, leaving the semi-intensive dying in the field. In total, 173 people were brutally tortured in this village, including 43 children.
In one of the houses on the table among the squirrels and the bad bottles of Samogon lay a dead year old child, the bare body of which was brittle to the boards of the table. In his mouth, his monsters stuck abused sauer cucumber.
March 1943 in the Guta of the Guta of Stepanan, Gmina Stepan, Costa Kostopol, Ukrainian nationalists were painted with deception 18 Polish girls, who were killed after rape. The girls were laid next to the girls, and they laid a ribbon with the inscription: "There should be a little lying."

On March 7, 1943, the Bandera grazens grabbed several Polish children, who close them in the near forest to the pasture of Lutsk.
On May 5, 1943 in Lipniki (Kostopol County), Usztsov, a three-year-old Stasika Pavlyuk broke his head about the wall, holding him behind the legs.
On June 8, 1943, in the village of Dervanov's worker (county), Usztsov, in the absence of the parents' house, they joined the three children of armored personnel: Vladislav 14 years old, Elena 10 years and Heinrich 12 years.
On July 11, 1943, Bandera was attacked by Osmigovichi during the service of God and killed believers. A week later, they attacked our village ... Little children disassembled to the well, and they closed the biggest to the basement and poured it. One Bandera, holding a baby behind the legs, hit his head about the wall. The mother of that baby oral until she broke through the bayonet.
On July 11, 1943, Biskupichi village, Gmina Miking, County Vladimir-Volynsky. Ukrainian nationalists committed a massive murder, bent the inhabitants in the school building. At the same time, brutally killed the family of Vladislav Yaskula. The executioners broke into the house when everyone slept. Parents and five children killed the axes, put everyone together, put the straw from the mattresses and set it on fire.
On July 11, in Kalusov (Vladimir County) during a massacre, the Ustvtsy merged off the two-month-old child of Joseph Fi, broke him behind the legs, and the parts of the Taurus put on the table.

On July 12, 1943, the colony of Maria Will, Gmina Miking, County Vladimir-Volynsky. About 15.00, the Ukrainian nationalists surrounded it and began to be blinked by the Poles, applying firearms, axes, knives, forks and sticks. About 200 people died (45 families). Part of people, about 30 people, alive thrown into the well and killed their stones there. Who fled, those catching up and finished. During this massacre, the Diduhu was ordered to kill the woman and the polka and two children. When he did not fulfill the order, they killed him, his wife and two children. Eighteen children aged 3 to 12 years old who hid on the bread fields, the criminals flew, planted on a grocery cart, brought an honest cross in the village and they killed there, pierced to forks, struck the tops. The share was led by Kvassnitsky.
August 29-30 1943 by order of the commander of the so-called Military District Oleg Oleg
the territories of the Kovel, the Lomomlogo and Turin regions of the Volyn region several hundred people of the UPA under the rigor of Steelmashchuk Yuri cut out all the Polish population. All their property they plundered, and the farms burned. In total, in these areas for 29 and 30 August 1943, Bandera cut out and shot more than 15 thousand people, among which there were many elderly people, women and children

They drove the entire population in one place around, surrounded him and started a massacre. After not a single living person remained, there were big holes, they dumped all the corpses in them and fall asleep the earth. To hide the traces of this terrible action, we burned fires on the graves. So they completely destroyed dozens of small villages and farms ... "
In mid-September 1943, about 3 thousand inhabitants of Polish nationality were killed by the UPA gangs in the Gorokhovsky and former Saint-virk regions of the Volyn region. It is characteristic that one of the groups of the UPA was led by the priest of the autocephalous church, which was in the OUN, which led the sins to his flue for the democracy of the atrocities. People put on the ground with rows, face down, and then shot them. Putting up once again people for execution, Bandera shot at a 3-4-year-old boy. The bullet demolished the top of his skull. The child rose, began to shout and run in one, then in the other side with an open pulsating brain. Bandera continued to shoot, and the baby ran until the next bullet calmed him down ...
November 11, 1943, by order of the Lydak commander, one hundred (company. Avt.) Head of the non-Polyvsky goes to the elimination of the Polish colony of Shaghevat. The whole colony is burned, 10 Poles killed ... Announced 45 horses ...

In the autumn of 1943, the warriors of the "Army of Immortal" killed dozens of Polish children in the village of Lozaya Ternopil County. In the alley, they "decorated" the trunk of each tree in the corpse of the child killed before that.
According to Western researcher, Alexander Kormman, the corpses nailed to the trees in such a way that the visibility of "wreath" was created.
Yu.H. From Poland: "In March 1944, on our village, Guta Shkland, Gmina Lopatin, attacked Bandera, among them there was one by the name Diduh from the village of Nesadadov. Five people killed, cut in half. Raped minority. "
March 16, 1944 Stanislavshchyna: The group "L" and the group "Garquos" in the number of 30 persons destroyed 25 Poles ...
On March 19, 1944, the group "L" and the countable milk in the number of 23 persons held a share in p. Zelenivka (Tovmachina). 13 farms burned, 16 Poles killed.

On March 28, 1944, the Sulima Group in the number of 30 persons destroyed 18 Poles ...
On March 29, 1944, the group seeds eliminated 12 Poles and burned 18 farms ...
April 1, 1944 Ternopilshchina: killed in p. White 19 Poles, burned 11 farms

April 2, 1944 Ternopolshchyna: Milk nine Poles, two Jews who were in the service of the Poles ...
On April 5, 1944, the district group of Zaliznyaka conducted a share in the thresholds and Yablintsi. Six houses burned down, 16 Poles destroyed ...
On April 5, 1944, Holmshchyna: Galaid and Tigers Groups conducted a liquidation action against colonies: lubanok, lupity, halted, grongs ... In addition, the Self-Defense Group "Fox" destroyed the colony Marysin and Radkiv, and the group "Eagle" - Polish colonies in Riplyn. Several dozen Polish warriors were killed and a lot of civilians. "

On April 9, 1944, the Nebula group liquidated in p. Polykomy 25 Poles ...
On April 11, 1944, the Dovbush group eliminated 81 Poles in Rafaille.
April 14, 1944 Ternopolchina: 38 Poles killed ...
April 15, 1944 in p. Fat killed 66 Poles, 23 farms burned ...
On April 16, 1944, the Dovbush group eliminated in p. Green 20 Poles ... ".
27Applél 1944 District milk was eliminated in the village of Ulacko-Hellkevichi 55 men and five women Poles. At the same time, about 100 farms were burned ... and then in this report in detail, with accounting accuracy, figures are indicated, more precisely, detailed statements about the number of liquidated Poles by the Panel group: "Threads - 3 (seats), Love-Komeitsa - 3 (places. ) ..., Love - 10 (Beige.) ..., Hard - 15 (women, places.) And 44 (Emb.) ..., Zabir - 30 (places. And unfortunate), Rivers - 15 ( places. And unfortunate). "
On April 17, 1944, Khovkovschyna: the group of UPA (thunder) and Dovbush's milk destroyed the Polish stanish stronghold. At the same time, about 80 men Poles are eliminated.
On April 19, 1944, a lubility: the group of UPA "Avengers" destroyed the Polish village Rutka, the village was burned and liquidated 80 Poles ...
From April 30, 1944 - at 12.5.1944 g c. Glybovichi killed 42 poles; Near the village: Thoughts - 22, Place - 36, Zarubina - 27, Beach - 18, Nedilysk - 19, Rubnik -19, Galina - 80, Zhabokrug - 40 Poles. All stocks carried out a county milk with the help of Eagles "Eagles"
In the summer of 1944, Hundred Igor came across the Wardube Forest on the Gypsy camp, which fled from the persecution of the Nazis. Bandits of them robbed and brutally killed. Cut the saws, stood up, cut the pieces into pieces. A total of 140 gypsies were destroyed, including 67 children.

From the village of Volkovya to one of the nights, Bandera led a whole family to the forest. Long mocked unfortunate people. Seeing that the wife of the head of the family was pregnant, cut her stomach, pulled out fruit from him, and instead they saw a live rabbit.
In one of the nights, the gangsters broke into the Ukrainian village of Lozovaya. For 1.5 hours, over 100 peaceful peasants killed. In the hut Nastya Dyagun, a gangster burst with an ax in his hands and threw her three sons. The very small, four-year-old Vladik, cut off his arms and legs. In the hut Makuhi, the killer caught two children of three-year-old Ivasik and a ten-month Joseph. The ten-month child, having seen a man, was delighted and laughed with a handle to him, showing her four toys. But the ruthless gangster kicked the baby's head with a knife, and his brother Ivasik agitated his head.
After the departure of the "Army of the Immortal" warrior from the village of Kuzi's peasant in the bed on the bed, dead bodies were found on the floor and on the stove. On the walls and ceiling frozen splashes human brain and blood. The Bandera Ax broke away the lives of six in any other children: the older of them was 9 years old, and the youngest 3 years.

Ch.B. From the USA: "On the Pomesa, the so-called village, Bandera muted four of the family of Melnik Petrushevsky, while the 17-year-old Adolfin was pulled by a rocky rural road until she died."
FB From Canada: "Bandera came to our courtyard, grabbed our father and cut off his head with an ax, our sister punctured a stake. Mom, seeing this, died of heartbroken. "
Yu.V. From the UK: "My brother's wife was Ukrainian. For married to the Pole, 18 Bandera raped her. From this shock she no longer came out ... drowned in the Dniester. "
At night, from the village of Khmyzovo, a rural girl of seventeen years was brought to the forest, and even less. Her wines was that she, together with other village girls, went to dancing, when the military of the Red Army stood in the village. "Cube" saw a girl and asked for "Varnak" permission to personally interrogate it. He demanded that she confesses to "walked" with soldiers. The girl life was that it was not. "And I will check it now," the "cube" grinned, pine stick sharpening with a knife. In a moment, he jumped to the prisoner and the sharp end of the stick began to poke her between his legs until the pine number was driven into the sexual body of the girl.
The same young girl Motus Panasyuk Bandera was tormented for a long time, and then pulled out his heart from her breast.
A terrible, martyr's death died thousands of Ukrainians.

Screwdrived R.shukhevich from the SAT led a merciless struggle with Soviet partisans and underground workers. In confirmation we give another document from the Rivne Archive:
"21.10.43 ... Crashed 7 Bolshevik intelligence officers who walked from Kamenz-Podolsky in Polesie. After the investigation, evidence was obtained that these are Bolshevik scouts, and they
destroyed ... 28.10.43. In the village of Bogdanovka Koretsky district destroyed a sign teacher ... In the village of Trostyanets burned 1 house and the family alive was thrown into the fire ... rate. 10/31.43, Chief R. 1 V. Zima.
Nurse Yashchenko D.P. - Soon we witnessed how Ounites cut out the premissions of the whole hospital, which at first left the rear as before - without worrying. They cut out the wounded on the body of the stars, cut off the ears, languages, genitals. Mood over the defenseless liberators of their land from the fascists as they wanted. And now we are told that these so-called "patriots" of Ukraine fought only with "punishers" of the NKVD. All this lies! What are they patriots?! This is a mad beast.
Polyzay from the village of Ratno of the Volyn region A. Cottles during the service of the Germans personally shot about hundreds of civilians. He took part in the destruction of the population of the village of Kooteris, who received the name of the "Ukrainian Lidice". Later went to the UPA. In the police and the UPA was known under the nickname Dorosh.
Roman Shukhevich: "... Oun Maє Dіyati So, whine Usi Hto Vnav Radyanczka Vlad, Buli Znishcheni. Do not be fucked, and physically sinning! It's not safely afraid, shho people to curse us for Jorstock. High IZ 40 Milionіv Ukrainian inhabited Half - Nikhogo Scary Nemnya Majoє ... ".

Bandera, who improved the skill of the executioners in the divisions of the German police and the forces of the SS, literally sophisticated in art to torment the defenseless people. An example was Chupp (R.shukhevich), in every way encouraged such classes.
When the whole world heal wounds, inflicted by mankind, the most terrible of all previous wars, Shukhevich's thugs in the West Ukrainian lands were deprived of life more than 80 thousand people. The prevailing majority of the victims were distant from the politics of civilian professions. A significant percentage among those killed from the hands of nationalist killers amounted to innocent children and old men.
In the village of Svatovo, the four girls of the teachers, who were tortured by the girlfriend Shukhevich. For the fact that they were from the Soviet Donbass!

Raisa Borzilo, teacher, p. Pervomaisk. Before the execution of nationalists, she was accused of propaganda of the Soviet building at school. Bandera to her hollow eyes alive, cut off the tongue, then threw a loop from the wire and dragged in the field.
Thousands can be brought similar examples.
This is what one of the organizers of the genocide on the lands of the Western Ukraine commander of the Panel of UPA Fedor Vorobets, after his detention by law enforcement agencies:
"... I do not deny that under my leadership a large number of atrocities were committed against ... civilian population, not to mention the mass destruction of the OUN-UPA participants suspected of cooperation with the authorities of Soviet power ... Suffice to say that in one Sarnen Nadraimon, in areas: Sarnénsky, Bereznovsky, Klesovsky, Roktinyansky, Dubrovsky, Vysotsky and other areas of the Rivne region and in two districts of the Pin region of the Belarusian SSR subordinate to me with gangs and militants SB, according to the reports received by me, in one 1945 six thousand Soviet citizens ... "
(Criminal case F. Vorobtsa. It is kept in the management of the SBU in the Volyn region).

The result was held on August 17 - 22, 1992, the exhumation of the victims of mass massacre of the Poles, located in the villages of the islet and the oxlets, performed by the OUN monsters - the UPA - the total number of victims in the two listed villages of 2.000 Poles.
In accordance with the norms of the International Tribunal, such acts qualify as war crimes and crimes against humanity, and as not having a statute of limitations !!!
The actions of Banderovtsev can not be called differently as genocide against humanity and whether it is worth reminding that the hands of the gangsters from the UPA, the blood of hundreds of thousands of Jews, Gypsies, Polyakov, Belarusians and Russians, killed in the establishment of a "new world order" in Ukraine. In many Polish, Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian cities, monuments should be established by the victims of the Bandera Genocide! It is necessary to publish the book "Memory of the victims of the genocide who died from the hands of Ukrainian nationalists and Bandera."

The chief organizer of the Genocide of Poles and Jews became Chuprinka (R.Shukhevich), who published a special order, who said:
"To the odds treat the same way as to the Poles and Gypsies: to destroy mercilessly, do not regret anyone ... We take care of doctors, pharmacists, chemists, nurses; Contain them under guard ... Jews used to dig bunkers and the construction of fortifications, at the end of work without publicity eliminating ... "
(Prus E. Holokost Po Banderowsku. Wroclaw, 1995).

(Prus E. Holokost Po Banderowsku. Wroclaw, 1995).

The souls of innocently dead shine about the fair court over the brutal murderers - Ukrainian nationalists from the composition of the OUN-UPA!
OUN -UP crimes do not have the statute of limitations.