Smoked pork lard benefits and harms. Pork lard: composition, benefits and harms for the body and health, liver, what vitamins are there, what is the acid? Pork lard and skins: useful properties and contraindications for the body of women and men, during pregnancy

Lard is considered a traditional product not only of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus, but also of many European countries. There are reasons to consider Italy as the homeland of this product, where it has been used in food for several thousand years. Many people believe that salted bacon can not bring us any benefit besides pleasure. Some even call it harmful, since lard is nothing more than pure animal fat.

Only lard is used for consumption. For its salting, a large amount of coarse table salt is needed, sometimes lard is rubbed with chopped, which gives it a great taste and aroma. If there are streaks of meat in lard, then in our country it is called brisket, and in Western countries it is called bacon.

Moderate consumption of lard is not harmful to health.

Most scientists who have studied the composition of fat and the effect on the body of the substances included in it have come to the conclusion that this product can be useful, but only if it is used very moderately and in the absence of certain diseases.

Animal fat is 97% saturated with fatty acids, which are a source of energy for the body, they are necessary for the synthesis of hormones, including testosterone, and the normal assimilation of many substances. However, it also contains useful unsaturated fatty acids, most of which are linoleic acid.

Salted lard has a pronounced choleretic effect and stimulates the production of pancreatic juice, so a small piece at the beginning of the meal will have a positive effect on digestion.

The benefits of using a small amount of this product are evidenced by the fact that during the Soviet Union, a piece of lard (50 g) was included in the daily menu of members of the CPSU Central Committee. Doctors who monitored the health of the country's top officials believed that fat was useful for brain activity.

The harm of fat

Of course, much more can be said about the dangers of salted lard than about its benefits, however, it should be understood that this is relevant only if it is abused. It is not recommended for an adult to consume more than 30 g of lard per day.

The harm of salted lard is primarily associated with its fat content and calorie content. 100 g of this product with a meat layer contains about 770 kcal, and in a "pure" product there are more than 840 kcal, so it is not recommended to use it if fat and carbohydrate metabolism is disturbed. Regular abuse of lard can lead to obesity, high blood cholesterol levels and development.

When fat is abused, the level of fat in the blood rises, this leads to a decrease in insulin production, and as a result, to an increase in sugar levels. That is why in diabetes mellitus, bacon can be used rarely and in very small quantities.

The use of salted lard can adversely affect the course of cardiovascular disease. Fatty foods can raise cholesterol levels, and salt can raise blood pressure.

September 16, 2018

Even our ancestors from ancient times began to eat lard. The benefits and harms of this product have already been studied by scientists. Of course, there are his supporters, and there are opponents. Lard is a unique product that has a number of medicinal properties. We discuss it in detail in today's article.

Basically, the inhabitants of our country eat lard, the benefits and harms of which are not known to everyone. First of all, it should be noted that lard is a natural source of fat. Yes, the nutritional value of such a product is quite high and varies from 750 to 850 kilocalories per 10 g of the product. But fat is quickly broken down and transformed into energy. Therefore, one should not be afraid of the appearance of fatty subcutaneous deposits.

Especially males love to eat lard. The benefits and harms for a man's body, exactly as for women, are associated with the component composition. Pork fat is rich in a number of vitamin complexes, mineral, micro- and macroelements:

  • D-vitamin;
  • retinol;
  • nicotinic acid;
  • F and E-vitamins;
  • calcium;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • zinc;
  • antioxidants;
  • B-vitamins;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus.

Almost all experts unanimously declare the value of lard. The benefits and harms of this product to the woman's body are obvious, just look at its component composition.

On a note! Treating experts say that the use of lard helps to improve well-being and relieve pain on critical days. Also, this product is an excellent prophylactic agent for the appearance of malignant and benign neoplasms in women.

As practice shows, salted pork fat is most often found in our menu. The benefits and harms of this product will be similar to fresh lard. Just keep in mind that it contains salt, so if you have problems with joints or the gastrointestinal tract, you should exclude salted fat, the harm and benefits of which have a fine line.

What is the value of fresh and melted lard? The harm and benefits of such a delicacy are associated with its amazing, one might say healing, component composition.

The useful properties of lard include the following:

  • relief of pain in joint tissues;
  • treating eczema;
  • promoting the treatment of mastitis;
  • easing toothache;
  • getting rid of headaches of varying intensity;
  • restoration of hormonal balance;
  • prevention and treatment of cardiovascular pathologies;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • heel spurs treatment;
  • improvement of well-being in renal and hepatic pathologies.

Many gourmets love fried bacon. The benefits and harms of the product in this form are not so obvious. Firstly, during heat treatment, some of the nutrients evaporate. Secondly, when frying, fat is released, the fat becomes dry, which means that a certain part of natural fat is lost.

As for the contraindications to the use of lard, they certainly exist. First of all, people with high cholesterol levels will have to exclude this treat from the diet. Otherwise, it is fraught with the appearance of plaques and the development of a number of pathologies on the part of the cardiovascular system.

  • atherosclerosis;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • pathologies of the heart muscle;
  • gallstone disease;
  • renal pathologies;
  • obesity.

Important! Experts advise to eat lard in large quantities after undergoing surgical interventions. So the body will recover faster.

Another favorite delicacy of many people is smoked bacon. The harm of smoked bacon is associated with the technology of preparing such a treat. If the manufacturer adds liquid smoke or other substances to improve the taste of the product, then its benefit tends to zero.

There is also interior lard, the benefits and harms of which have also been studied by scientists for a long time. This product is white in color and has a crumbly structure. And this fat envelops the internal organs of the pig. It is used to prepare a number of traditional medicines. This fat can be used externally as an ointment for the treatment of dermatological diseases.

Otherwise, the beneficial qualities and contraindications to the inclusion of interior fat in the diet will be similar to the pork product that we are used to eating.

Fat tail fat: benefits and harms

They eat not only lard, but also lamb. It also has the richest component composition. Such fat is distinguished by its high cost, like fat tail fat.

Fat tail fat has a number of medicinal properties:

  • easy digestibility;
  • normalization of cholesterol levels;
  • restoration of hormonal balance;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • promoting the full assimilation of vitamins.

On a note! The fat tail fat helps to increase male potency and the treatment of female infertility.

But not everyone can taste fat tail fat. Such a product is contraindicated for people suffering from pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular, an increased level of acidity.

In the presence of ailments of the kidneys, liver or cardiovascular system, it is also better to refuse the use of such fat. It can be consumed in a minimal amount, but only after agreement with a specialized doctor.

Bear fat has long been considered a health food. It has an amazing composition, and also has a number of medicinal properties.

Bear fat (fat) helps fight a number of pathologies and ailments, including:

  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • skin diseases;
  • lowered immunity;
  • exhaustion;
  • inflammatory processes on the mucous membranes;
  • hepatic pathologies;
  • diseases of the digestive tract.

Many amazing medicines are made from bear fat. But you need to use them only after testing for an allergic reaction. In case of individual intolerance, such a product will have to be abandoned.

Important! Bear fat should not be given to children under the age of three, as well as to women during gestation and breastfeeding.

An absolute contraindication to the inclusion of bear fat in the diet is an exacerbation of the disease of the biliary tract.

For a long time, there has been a dispute between scientists about the benefits of such a food product as lard. The benefits and harms to the body are the focus of attention. But for many centuries, not a single feast was complete without him. Used as a snack, fried and stewed in lard. Back then, salted or pickled lard was a great way to preserve meat. Traditional medicine has been using the product since ancient times to treat many ailments, both internally and externally.

Lard is a source of animal fats, which are so essential for the functioning of all human organs. However, there are also opponents of fat, arguing about its harmful effects. So what are the benefits of lard and its harm?

The composition and calorie content of fat

The fat contains many useful components that help this product to be absorbed faster. It contains 88% fatty saturated and unsaturated acids: palmitic, linolenic, stearic. It includes vitamins of group B, C, E, D, A, which are so necessary for a person. The fat contains proteins, minerals and trace elements: iron, zinc, phosphorus, selenium and many others. It contains lecithin, which has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and cell membranes, strengthens and makes them elastic.

Many girls and women are afraid to eat lard. Caloric content per 100 grams of it can reach 855 kcal. However, it is much safer and healthier than margarine or butter. How many calories are in salted lard? It is the champion in calorie content, it ranges from 770 to 880 kcal. The least nutritional value of boiled bacon is up to 500.

Useful properties of lard

Pork lard is in many ways superior to the much-praised butter, which is why nutritionists recommend including it in your diet, but in limited quantities. . The product helps a person to recover from serious illness or stress and has the same effect as drugs. In addition, the undoubted advantage is the absence of side effects. . The benefits of fat for the human body are very high and consist in the following aspects:

  1. Lard contains biologically active substances and acids that affect hormonal levels. Hormones, in turn, affect the proper functioning of the liver, kidneys or brain, genitals.
  2. The product contains arachidonic acid, which reduces inflammation. It improves the functioning of the brain and heart, blood composition, helps to remove cholesterol plaques.
  3. It is used for colds, bronchitis (internally and externally).
  4. Pork lard is considered an excellent warming agent and is often used to rub the joints, back, chest and legs.

Lard raises immunity, contains selenium, which is so necessary for the heart and blood vessels. The element is an antioxidant and protects against various damages and is "masculine", as it increases potency. It removes harmful substances, toxins and toxins from the body.

Despite its high fat content, it helps to get rid of cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels. Protects against the onset of cancer. Vitamins A and E in the composition strengthen hair and nails, have a beneficial effect on the appearance of the skin. Lard is recommended to use for diseases of the lungs, joints, heart disease and blood vessels.

It is useful to eat lard before exams or other mental work, as it increases intellectual activity. Salted fat prevents intoxication, getting into the stomach, envelops its walls and interferes with the absorption of alcohol.

In cosmetology, the product is used to rejuvenate and protect the skin from frost, sun and wind.

The use of fat for various diseases

The benefits of lard for a woman's body are in the treatment of mastitis with this product. They rub their breasts and wrap them up at night. The effect is immediate: pain and inflammation are reduced.

With weeping eczema, apply the product to the affected areas. Scratches and wounds on the body will help to heal a mass of ghee and beeswax. In the early stages of varicose veins, the benefits of lard are used to prevent the development of this disease. It is used as a complementary treatment. To do this, unsalted fat is cut into thin slices and applied to problem areas, fixing with bandages. It is periodically changed within one day. The course is one week. Pieces can also be used with a heel spur to relieve pain.

The benefits of fat for the human body are also manifested in dental diseases. It relieves inflammation and severe pain. To do this, put a small piece between the aching tooth and the gum for twenty minutes.

Slimming fat

Many are sure that they know the answer to the question of whether it is possible to eat fat while losing weight. The answer, however, is surprising: it is included in some weight loss programs. And the result from the application is very striking. The method consists of eating a small piece of bacon for breakfast. It helps to speed up the burning of existing fat stores. Lard, the benefits and harms of which at the same time lie in its high fat content, is a metabolic accelerator. Having tried this method, you can find a slender figure without unnecessary sacrifices and strict restrictions. You need to eat it for ten days, then take a break for twenty and repeat the course again.

The negative effects of lard

The harm of lard lies in its high calorie content and fat content. After all, 100 grams of the product replenish the daily rate of animal fats in the body. And the daily diet often contains many other foods with fats, so it can easily cause excess weight or obesity of internal organs, the development of atherosclerosis. Promote the deposition and increase of subcutaneous fat.

Remember that fat exacerbates pancreatitis and cholecystitis. If you have any liver problems, consult your doctor before consuming this fatty product.

How to use lard properly

In order for lard to benefit the body, it should be consumed in limited quantities - no more than 12 grams per day or 100 per week. However, it is better not to eat it every day, but only on rare occasions. It should not be consumed stale, but must be stored in the refrigerator. If the product turns yellow, it is better to throw it away. This shade indicates the oxidation of valuable substances and the loss of most of the vitamins and minerals.

When buying, pay attention to the appearance. It should be beautiful and soft, without streaks and fibers, then you will get an environmentally friendly and healthy product.

Make a choice in favor of salted or pickled lard, and it is better to refuse smoked, fried or boiled lard altogether. With enhanced heat treatment, all valuable substances evaporate. And smoked and fried foods are completely harmful to humans.

It is better to eat lard in the first half of the day - in the morning. Then you will receive not only benefits, but also a charge of vivacity for the whole day. Such use will positively affect the work of digestion, increase the flow of bile and help get rid of harmful substances. It is best to combine lard with garlic, so its negative effect is reduced, and only the benefits remain.

The benefits and harms of pork fat, the health benefits of which were discussed in this article, should be consumed in limited quantities. If you are obese or have health problems, consult your doctor. Store properly and give preference only to trusted sellers, then you can get all the benefits of this product.

Watch a video on how to salt lard properly:

Lard is one of the most ancient and respected food products among the representatives of the Slavic peoples. In addition, it is a valuable source of animal fats, which are simply irreplaceable for the human body.

Despite its long history, today many consumers question the beneficial properties of fat, believing that it can harm the figure and worsen the condition of internal organs.

Lard is a popular food product among the Slavs.

Is this judgment correct? What do scientists say about the benefits and dangers of fat for the body?

Features of the composition

Lard is a thick layer of adipose tissue under the skin of animals, which serves as a place for the deposition of a huge amount of biologically active components, including many essential amino acids, antioxidants and fat-soluble vitamins.

The benefits and harms of lard for the body are determined precisely by its unique composition, as well as the method of preparation and the amount in which this food product is consumed daily.

Salo has a unique composition

So, the composition of lard includes:

  • fat-soluble vitamins, including A, D, E;
  • essential amino acids, namely linolenic, stearic, palmitic and others;
  • unsaturated and saturated fatty acids;
  • most of the known trace elements, in particular zinc, sodium, calcium and selenium.

Speaking about how many carbohydrates are in fat, it should be noted that this product contains only proteins and fats, therefore it is not dangerous for diabetics. The protein in lard is only 1.4 g.

The calorie content of salted lard is 760-810 kcal per 100 grams of the product, which is a fairly high figure, especially for obese people.

Beneficial features

How is fat useful for the body? Vitamins in fat have a positive effect on a huge number of metabolic processes occurring in the human body, improve the condition of the skin and their color. Due to the content of essential amino acids, the food product increases the level of immunity and promotes the development of an antiviral response.

Also, these biologically active substances have a beneficial effect on the function of internal organs, normalize blood composition, cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol deposits.

Lecithin, which is found in fat in large quantities, affects the elasticity of the vascular wall and makes it stronger. The product as a whole has a positive effect on the digestive function, stimulates the outflow of bile and cleanses the liver from toxins. Lard provides sufficient hormone production and stabilizes the adrenal glands. It stimulates brain activity, improves memory and motor coordination.

You will learn more about the benefits of lard from the video:

Answering the question whether fat is useful for the body, it will not be superfluous to remember that it is this natural product that has been actively used by folk healers for more than one century in the treatment of the following ailments:

  • with eczematous skin lesions of allergic origin, as well as infectious eczema;
  • with inflammation of the mammary glands;
  • if necessary, getting rid of a toothache;
  • Toothache will help and. Indeed, the plant contains many compounds that can significantly improve the condition of the internal organs and systems of the human body.

  • to improve the mobility of joints and their recovery after injuries;
  • with varicose veins;
  • with atherosclerosis of the main and small vessels, the condition can be improved by fat and cholesterol decreases;
  • You can also help to normalize cholesterol levels. Its oleic acid helps reduce bad blood cholesterol.

  • as an effective folk remedy for heel spurs;
  • with a hangover (lard and vodka are a great combination during holiday feasts, since animal fat significantly slows down the absorption of alcohol in the stomach and improves a person's well-being after drinking alcohol);
  • To remove the hangover syndrome and will help. Lingonberry contains vitamins C, A, B1, B2, PP, fructose, sucrose, tannins, malic and citric acids, carotene, lycopene and manganese in high concentrations.

  • With hemorrhoids, this recipe helps: fresh fat and onions in proportions of 3: 1, grind and freeze in the form of rectal suppositories (medical syringes without needles will help - an ideal form for homemade suppositories). Suppositories are used at night, the course of treatment is 7-10 days.

You will learn more about the use of lard in traditional medicine from the video:

What is good for women?

For women, fat will be useful in the following cases:

  • promotes skin rejuvenation throughout the body, smoothes wrinkles and improves the color of the epithelial integument;
  • makes it possible to get an even and beautiful tan, prevents burning of the skin in the sun (before visiting the beach, it is recommended to lubricate the skin with a small slice of fat);
  • allows singers to restore their voices and eliminate the initial manifestations of laryngitis.

Laryngitis can also be cured with. To do this, you just need to rinse your mouth with raw vegetable juice.

The benefits of lard for men

Lard is also useful for men, because it:

  • normalizes the hormonal background of a man;
  • pacifies male fervor by stimulating the production of serotonin, which tames the riot of the main male hormone testosterone;
  • increases libido.

Cooking options

Smoked bacon

Currently, this food product is consumed not only in salted and raw form. Many lovers of animal fat prefer to see it smoked on their table, that is, such that it has undergone a specific heat treatment on a fire or in the oven. But is it good to eat smoked bacon?

Smoked bacon retains all the nutrients

In fact, answering the question, what is the use of smoked lard, it should be remembered that this product has a huge number of positive effects that persist after heat treatment. The calorie content of smoked lard also practically does not differ from the raw analogue and is about 700-740 kcal per 100 g of the finished dish. Sometimes the bitterness is felt from smoked bacon.

Isn't it dangerous to health and why is smoked lard bitter? An unpleasant bitter taste in the finished product appears when the conditions for pickling or smoking it are violated.

It is best to do this on fruit trees and in clean tanks, wherever the lard pulls on foreign and unpleasant odors.

Is smoked bacon harmful to the body? No more than other food products for which the smoking method has been chosen. This dish is forbidden to be consumed by people suffering from intestinal diseases, impaired bile outflow, obesity, and the like. It is also important to remember the shelf life of smoked lard, which is no more than 21-28 days in the refrigerator, while canned lard can last a little longer - about 3 months.

Lard in onion skins

Often netizens are interested in the most delicious recipe for lard in onion skins. What is it and how to prepare it? Indeed, this dish has a pronounced taste, therefore it deserves special attention.

Lard in onion skins can be easily cooked at home:

  • To do this, you need to take the peritoneum of a piglet with layers, at least 4 cm wide and several handfuls of onion husks;
  • The husk should be boiled in water for a quarter of an hour, adding salt, allspice and bay leaf;
  • Then add the pork product itself to the marinade and cook for at least 35 minutes;
  • After turning off the fire, the bacon must be left in the water for a few more minutes, until it cools completely;
  • After that, take it out, rub it with paprika and garlic, keep it under pressure for 3 hours in the refrigerator.

You will find a detailed recipe in the video:

Salted lard

But the most common way to consume the product is its salty version. To prepare it, you just need to rub the pieces of pork fat with salt and place them in a jar in the refrigerator.

But before you store salted lard in the refrigerator, you should make sure that it is really safe for health.

Probable harm

Can pregnant women eat salted lard? The expectant mother should ask her gynecologist about this. It is better for some women who are preparing for motherhood to avoid salty foods in general, others are allowed in small quantities, since there is always a risk of developing edema of the extremities associated with the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the vessels of the small pelvis.

Fat should not be eaten by patients of the gastroenterology department, especially those who suffer from chronic cholecystitis and pancreatitis.

How to make the right choice?

How to choose fat on the market?

To purchase a really high-quality piece of a product, you need to use simple rules:

  • buy lard in a store or market from a trusted seller;
  • lard should be white, but not yellow or gray;
  • lard should not smell unpleasant.

You will learn more secrets of choosing high-quality lard from the video:

Lard is one of the most nutritious and popular food products that deserves attention from each of us.

In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the human body if consumed in moderation and not violated storage conditions.

Similar materials

Lard is a favorite product of the Slavs. And not only them. It would seem, what is so attractive about him? Solid fat, cholesterol ... Is lard good at all? Is it tasty? Meanwhile, this fatty product is an ingredient in many dishes that adorn the table in many countries from time immemorial. Lard is especially popular in Ukraine. And even is the national symbol of the country. This fat has turned from a meat element into a stand-alone product with many hidden possibilities. Is lard useful for humans, we will tell in this article.

Salce: composition

If, in the main, the use of fats harms the body, then the question of whether lard is healthy, naturally suggests itself a negative answer. Only, it turns out that the amazing human body is tuned to a lower production of cholesterol in the blood if the consumption of fat exceeds the norm. The brain itself regulates and controls the distribution of substances throughout the body, and if it is unable to cope with some types of fat, then in the case of pork fat, the situation is somewhat different. It is assimilated 100%. Monounsaturated oleic acid protects the cell walls of the liver and kidneys from lipid oxidation, and also interferes with the development of atherosclerosis. Fatty acids in the fat help to remove harmful toxins from the human body, strengthen the thin tissues of cells in organs such as the liver, heart, and kidneys. The composition of lard is as follows:

  1. Arachidonic acid from the category of fatty acids with four double bonds in the molecular dimension. Replenishes the synthesis of prostaglandins in the body in the brain and liver. It is especially useful for the liver, participates in the structure of cells.
  2. Fat-soluble vitamins D, F, A, E.
  3. Antioxidants
  4. Complex of microelements.
  5. Other valuable acids.

Quality or quantity

With all the listed advantages of the product, only a moderate intake of lard is useful, and irrational consumption brings an excess of body fat. Is lard healthy? This topic has been debated for a long time. And modern dietetics eliminates all fats from the menu of a healthy person, with the exception of natural, which includes fat, a natural producer of hormones that increase testosterone levels in the blood. The presence of selenium in pork fat makes the product very valuable in today's environmentally unstable conditions. Selenium is a chemical fragment of group 16 in the periodic table, its stable allotropic form is necessary for the human body.

Lard - a patient "cleaner" of the liver, plays an important role in the elimination of carcinogens, due to the consumption of pork fat, the risk of cancer is significantly reduced. Based only on these facts, we can conclude whether lard is useful. Indeed, the arachidonic acid contained in this product very successfully activates cellular activity in the body.

Lard properties

First, do not forget about the nutritional value of pork fat. A small bite is enough to fill you up, which means lard is a great snack for a quick snack. In combination with garlic, its beneficial properties are doubled due to the high content of carbohydrates in the first and macro- and microelements in the second, plus the general possession of selenium. Gourmets recommend enhancing the taste of lard with garlic and rye bread. Is it useful lard, we have already found out above. But together with garlic, its positive qualities are doubled.

Secondly, salce has many medicinal and medicinal properties, which is surprising for a seemingly simple product. Nature has concentrated in it all the substances that are so necessary to feed the human body.

An interesting fact: on the basis of lard, creams and preparations for the skin of the face are being developed. The miraculous effect is due to the well-thought-out concept of the combined properties of natural fat and essential oils and extracts.

Of course, lard is a unique product. And there are a lot of contradictions in it. Is lard healthy? Undoubtedly. But only, however, greasy fat, and not intramuscular fat, which includes bacon or lard with skin and meat. And bacon is the favorite ingredient in scrambled eggs among the British, therefore, all the qualities of true lard are not known to them or not appreciated.

Types of cooking lard

Lard is salted and smoked to prolong its shelf life and give it a special taste. But is salted pork lard only healthy in comparison with smoked and natural? With proper salting, it does not lose its qualities, and smoked is soaked in a special marinade when it is cooked, which completely deprives it of nutrients.

Meat product

Lard is animal fat that forms under the skin in the abdomen. Triglycerides and fatty acid residues contained in it, together form a nutritional reserve that helps the overall functionality of the animal's body. In its natural form, it is useful only in small quantities, salted lard usually contains a lot of salt, which prevents the removal of fluid from the body. Salt is said to be white death. And don't forget about it. So, whether salted lard is useful is not an easy question.


Excessive fat consumption builds up fat deposits in the skin folds of a person. Is pork fat useful? Let's try to figure it out. The body forms a similar nutritional reserve. Fat should not be consumed on an empty stomach, the increased fat content of the product will create an imbalance in the pancreas. It is categorically contraindicated to eat fat for people who have problems with the gallbladder.

Ukrainians fry bacon with skin and feast on cracklings, this is a very tasty dish. However, after such processing, it loses all its wonderful properties, turning into a clot of cholesterol, which the human body cannot cope with. This does not raise the question of whether fat is good for the body. But in combination with alcoholic beverages, it is very useful, because it neutralizes toxins and carcinogens in the stomach and liver. Thinly sliced ​​bacon for a snack is quickly absorbed, preventing harmful substances from being absorbed into the walls of organs, a person is more slowly intoxicated.

Is lard good for women? It has been proven that in pork lard there is much less organic compound, which bears the frightening name of "cholesterol", than, for example, in butter. Hence, the health benefits of lard far outweigh the disadvantages.

Storage methods

Lard is known for its ability to be stored for a long time, however, like any other product, it is subject to the influence of time. The storage conditions of the product include cold and dark places. If you need to stock up on a product for future use, salting bacon will help. It is done as follows: the lard is salted and rubbed with pepper, wrapped in paper and frozen. So lard can be stored for a whole year without losing its taste and freshness.

Also, greasy cuts are canned and pickled. Preservation is similar to salting, only the fat with the skin is cut into thin plates and, after salting, is rolled into jars. It is not recommended to store it for more than two years in order to avoid damage. Smoking is a very ancient and laborious way to preserve fat in adverse conditions. It is marinated in appropriate marinades and smoked in fire smoke. For smoking it is necessary to take only stone fruit wood.

Let's sum up

Is boiled bacon good for you? The answer is yes. During cooking, the properties are not lost, but the taste, of course, is not for everybody's taste. Is salted lard good for you? Probably 50 to 50. However, the question itself is not quite right. Any natural product will not harm our body. If only you use it correctly and in moderation. Therefore, you need to ask not about whether lard is good for you. Salted or boiled, it doesn't matter. And about how much you can eat so that the body can get the whole set of nutrients that are contained in this product.

On a note:

  • the types of lard also depend on the breed of pigs, the best are obtained from selected breeds;
  • if the fat is longitudinally less than 4 cm wide, then the pig was young, thick, hard and yellow fat indicates the old age of the pig;
  • the quality of lard depends entirely on what the pigs were fed with: it's like milk from a cow is sour from the bad grass they eat;
  • Salt from a sow is much tastier and smells better than from a wild boar;
  • hybrid pig breeds provide 80% fat;
  • helps with burns, the healing properties of fat are unique and universal;
  • used as a compress;
  • with chronic and acute pneumonia, with toothache;
  • used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract.