How long teeth are teething in children. How to survive the appearance of the first teeth in a child

From the first day of a baby's life, a young mother is interested in her development. One of the main questions is how many months girls are teething, because often mothers are frightened by the stories of other women about the unpleasant symptoms associated with this process.

The birth of a baby with teeth is extremely rare. In most cases, they need to wait several months. From how many months they will appear depends on several conditions:

  • genetic characteristics;
  • the amount of calcium in the diet;
  • the climate in which the child lives.

In warm countries and regions, babies' teeth appear earlier than children in the north. In girls, as a rule, teeth begin to climb earlier than in boys. Already at 6-7 months, some babies have their first incisors. The rest of the teeth crawl out over the next years - only by the age of 3, all appear. However, every boy at about the same age becomes the owner of a full dentition, it is just that their first teeth appear later and the whole process takes a shorter period of time.

Do not worry if the girl has not yet begun to grow teeth at six months. The time when teeth start to appear may be due to other factors not listed above. This does not mean that the child is lagging behind in development or has any deviations.

Larisa Kopylova

Dentist therapist

Mom needs to remember that every organism is individual and there are no standards. There are cases when healthy babies showed teeth only by a year.

Normally, children's teeth should erupt in the following sequence:

  • lower incisors - 6–10 months;
  • upper incisors - 1 year;
  • upper and lower molars - by one and a half years;
  • canines - by two and a half or three years;
  • rear molars - by 3 years.

Signs of the beginning of eruption and process features

Teething is rarely asymptomatic. Most often, you can find out about this event by the following symptoms:

  • swelling and discoloration of the gums;
  • increased salivation;
  • swelling of the cheeks;
  • frequent crying and irritability;
  • sour smell from the mouth.

In the video below, the pediatrician talks about the symptoms of teething:

The smell should not scare the mother, it does not at all indicate the lack of hygiene of the child's oral cavity. The fact is that when the first teeth climb, particles of the mucous membrane die off in order to open the tooth to the outside. As soon as the dentition comes out, the smell stops.

As soon as the teeth begin to cut, because of the pain and itching of the gums, the baby often bites surrounding objects, takes fingers and toys in her mouth.

The immunity of a child at the age of 6-12 months has not yet formed, therefore, some children have more serious symptoms, which are sometimes not associated with the process in question. However, when these signs appear, it is worth checking the baby's mouth once again, perhaps it is in the teeth. These are the following signs:

  • increased body temperature;
  • a rash on the surface of the gums (hollow red bubbles filled with liquid that disappear when a tooth appears);
    diarrhea (not associated with the appearance of teeth, due to the ingress of bacteria into the body due to foreign objects in the mouth);
  • deterioration in appetite, complete refusal to eat (due to soreness while eating);
  • runny nose;
  • frequent night awakenings, crying.

If such signs are transient, you should not worry, but if they do not pass for more than 3 days, you need to contact your doctor. It is advisable to call a specialist at home. Examination and the possible appointment of tests will help eliminate other causes of malaise and choose the best method to alleviate the child's condition when the dentition is erupting.

Teething stages. Examination of the baby's gums.

In some cases, the first teeth appear in violation of the timing, indirectly associated with malfunctions in the body. If the first tooth does not want to erupt even a couple of months later, it may be the result of an infectious disease, intestinal or metabolic dysfunction. Even if the pathologies were long and successfully eliminated, this could affect the appearance of teeth, although this does not affect the further development of the baby. But if the first teeth are cut 2-3 months ahead of schedule, doctors suspect endocrine disorders.

Larisa Kopylova

Dentist therapist

The first tooth outside the gum indicates an abnormal position of the dental axis. At a later age, you will need the help of an orthodontist. Only after a complete medical examination is it possible to speak with confidence about any pathologies.

If at the age of one year old the baby does not erupt the first teeth, you should seek the advice of a dentist. Often, children need simple help by massaging the gums. It so happens that dense gums make it difficult to erupt. And only in the rarest cases is adentia diagnosed - the absence of teeth.

Teething massage

Before the massage, you should thoroughly wash your hands or wear medical gloves. Next, gently massage the gums with your fingers in a circular motion. Do not press or rub the surface hard, all movements should be soft, smooth and light, otherwise there is a risk of damage to the gums and severe pain.

Between massage sessions, which can be performed several times a day, you can give your baby a teether. It is a small toy made of plastic or rubber, some of which are filled with water for a cooling effect. Teethers are sold in baby stores and pharmacies.

How to choose the right teether for a child is covered in detail in the video below:

Another way is to let the child chew on a napkin soaked in water and chilled in the refrigerator for a few minutes when teeth are getting out. It is useful to use a decoction of chamomile to relieve inflammation. A gel or water teether, as well as a pacifier can also be placed in the refrigerator.

Dental pain relief gels can help reduce the level of discomfort:

Any of these products are applied to the gums no more than once every 4-5 hours. Lidocaine and menthol, which are part of the composition, relieve pain and cool the oral cavity. At the same time, gels do not affect the rate of eruption.

Before buying a gel, it is better to consult a doctor, and after 1-2 use, carefully monitor the baby's condition. Sometimes, after the gels, an allergic reaction appears, which will quickly pass after it is canceled. It is advisable not to use the gel more than 5 times a day, so you can lubricate the gums with it if there is very strong discomfort.

Larisa Kopylova

Dentist therapist

The delicate skin of the face can be irritated by the effects of saliva, so when babies' teeth grow, you need to wipe it as often as possible and lubricate it with baby cream.

When the first teeth climb, it is necessary to remove all small and fragile objects from the child's reach. Otherwise, he can bite off, choke, get hurt by them. The toys he takes should be disinfected every day until the teeth erupt.

How to care for your first teeth

Even if the tooth is still in a single copy, it requires care. A special brush made of silicone is used for cleaning. Instead, you can take a regular gauze bandage and clean the child's mouth, including the gums and tongue. Brush your teeth in the morning after breakfast and in the evening before bedtime. From the age of 3, you need to stop using the silicone brush and switch to a regular baby brush with soft bristles, changing it every month. The paste should also be used from the age of three. This should be a baby product with a minimum of fluoride.

Gum massage brush made of durable and safe materials The brush gently removes food debris Particularly useful during the period of the appearance of the first teeth

If the child takes the initiative, have him brush his teeth under the supervision of an adult. If he resists, you need to persuade him or clean the baby's mouth on your own.

During the first months of life, your little one smiled with a toothless smile. And suddenly a small whitish bulge becomes visible on the gum. This means that the child's teeth begin to cut, first the first, and after two or three weeks the next one will follow. (By the age of three, the baby will have "acquired" all the baby teeth.)

The onset of the very moment when the child's first teeth begin to cut depends on several factors:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Baby food. Is the small body getting enough calcium?
  3. Climatic living conditions. Children living in hot climates tend to erupt their teeth earlier.
  4. The gender of the child. Girls cut their teeth earlier than boys (between 6 and 7 months) .

Pediatricians are unanimous about which teeth are cut first - these are the lower incisors... Although there are cases that first of all other teeth erupt, and there is nothing wrong with that, because each organism is absolutely individual.

Signs and Symptoms of Teething

The frequent question “how to find out / see / understand that a child is teething is a rhetorical question. According to the state and behavior of the baby, everything will become immediately visible:

  • there is redness and swelling of the gums, they itch and hurt;
  • salivation increases;
  • a sour smell from the mouth appears, due to the decomposition of particles of the mucous membrane;
  • cheeks swell;
  • the child pulls everything into his mouth and scratches the gums;
  • irritability and tearfulness appear.

Sometimes more alarming symptoms appear, because the child's immunity to this moment decreases. The baby has already used the immune protection that the mother gave, and is just beginning to be developed. Teething is a strong blow to the body and can be accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • a rash on the gums in the form of red bubbles that contain liquid, after the appearance of a tooth, the rash disappears;
  • the increase in temperature caused by gum disease should not last more than three days;
  • diarrhea is due to the presence of foreign objects in the child's mouth;
  • lack of appetite is caused by sore gums;
  • deterioration in sleep;
  • runny nose.

With a prolonged deterioration in the well-being of the child, during the period of teething, you need to call the attending physician to exclude other reasons. Perhaps the baby really got sick, since such symptoms are not directly related to teething.

Scheme and timing of eruption

  1. The first four teeth (upper and lower incisors) appear by 7-10 months.
  2. The next four incisors come out for the first birthday.
  3. The first molars from above and below will appear from a year to a year and a half.
  4. Fangs erupt in the second half of the second year of life.
  5. The second molars complete the row of deciduous teeth by the third year.

The scheme of eruption of milk teeth: 1) lower central incisors 6-7 months. 2) upper central incisors 8-9 months. 3) upper lateral incisors 9-11 months. 4) lower lateral incisors 11-13 months. 5) upper first molars 12-15 months. 6) lower first molars 12-15 months. 7) canines 18-20 months. second molars 20-30 months

The list shows that it is impossible to say the exact date of teething.

Most often, the first teeth begin to appear at about seven months, but this is not a postulate.

Late teething shouldn't be a cause for panic. It used to be considered late appearance of teeth a sign of rickets or calcium deficiency. Modern pediatricians consider delayed teething as normal for healthy children.

Some atypical timing of the appearance of teeth may be indirect symptoms of disorders in the child's body:

  • Teething two or more months later may be the result of an infectious disease, metabolic disorder or intestinal dysfunction.
  • eruption of the first tooth two months earlier may indicate endocrine disorders.
  • eruption outside the gum is the result of an incorrect position of the axis of the tooth.
  • the birth of a child with teeth occurs, although rarely; these teeth are removed so that it is convenient for mom to breastfeed.

However, only a complete thorough examination of the child will confirm the presence of certain violations.

If a one-year-old child has not begun to grow teeth, it is worth contacting a dentist. Most often, upon examination, the doctor will find swollen and reddened gums. You just need to stimulate the appearance of teeth with massage. In rare cases, a diagnosis is made - adentia, confirming the complete absence of tooth buds.

scheme of eruption of all milk teeth

How to help a child

In this difficult period, you need to know how to help the child, relieve his pain and discomfort. The methods are simple and developed over the years:

  • Massaging the gums will relieve pain. You have to run it with your finger, before you wash your hands thoroughly. Massage carefully so as not to injure the gum.
  • Give the baby a teether toy. The choice of such rubber, silicone or gel accessories is large and can be purchased at the pharmacy or children's store. (read).
  • Cold helps relieve itching and pain in the gums. You need to soak a soft cotton napkin in cool water, put it in the refrigerator and let your baby chew. You can use a decoction of chamomile instead of water, it will help relieve inflammation. You can also chill a gel teether or pacifier.

Old, proven methods can be supplemented with modern pharmaceuticals. Now in pharmacies there is a large selection of special gels and during painful sensations in a child, you can choose any one and lubricate the gums with it:

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

  • Dentinox;
  • Holisal;
  • Calgel;
  • Baby Doctor;
  • Kamistad;
  • Dentol-baby;
  • Pansoral.

Teething is a delicate process that requires parenting and care. Soreness and swelling of the gums, irritability, increased salivation, which can be accompanied by a wet cough and runny nose, increased stool frequency - these are the main troubles that the baby will have to go through if nothing is done. To alleviate the baby's condition during the teething period, we advise you to pay attention to - a completely natural preparation, which, thanks to the complex action of herbal components, helps to relieve all the main symptoms of teething in a child, helping parents and babies to overcome this period more calmly.

Dental gels do not interfere with the teething process itself. They only relieve pain, since such drugs include lidocaine and menthol. When using these funds, it is necessary to monitor the child's reaction, as they can cause an allergic reaction. The action of the gels lasts no more than 20 minutes, they can be applied no more than five times a day and no longer than three days.

If pain is severe, pain reliever can be used. Before giving the baby medicine, be sure to consult with your doctor.

Excessive salivation irritates the baby's delicate chin skin. It is necessary to constantly wipe the saliva and lubricate the skin with baby cream. During this period, all small and fragile objects must be removed from the child's environment. The kid pulls everything into his mouth and may injure himself, swallow an object or suffocate. All baby toys must be disinfected for the same reason.

First teeth care

The baby's first teeth require new responsibilities from the parents. Even one tooth already needs to be cleaned - this is both a necessity and the formation of a healthy habit of taking care of the cleanliness of teeth. To do this, buy a special silicone tip on the finger or use a bandage soaked in boiled water. The procedure is carried out regularly: after breakfast and in the evening, carefully rubbing the teeth, gums and tongue before going to bed.

The period when teeth are being cut are remembered by all parents. Behavioral changes and organ dysfunctions occur. Knowing the signs of teething can help your child cope with pain in time and avoid complications.

The first teeth appear at about 6 months of age. From the moment the first signs appear, and until the time of the appearance of the tooth, it can take 2 months.

The following symptoms will help to understand that the baby is teething:

  • before the teeth come out, the gums look inflamed, swollen;
  • salivation increases;
  • the child begins to pull all objects, toys into his mouth;
  • eats badly;
  • sleep becomes intermittent, often wakes up crying.

The teething behavior of a child also changes. The kid becomes capricious, excitable, often asks for pens.

Does not tolerate harsh sounds and bright light. There are sharp mood swings: from apathy to an increased desire to be paid attention to.

Signs of teething that resemble the onset of a cold and bowel problems:

  1. frequent regurgitation;
  2. the temperature rises to 38 degrees;
  3. upset stool (constipation or diarrhea);
  4. runny nose;
  5. cough;
  6. rash on the cheeks.

It is not necessary that all of these symptoms will be detected at once. Some babies may only have diarrhea, others just drool. When the upper teeth come in, the temperature often rises.

While the teeth are being cut, especially the upper ones, the gums are injured. Therefore, blood can be observed on it. She can change her breath.

Dangerous signs of illness

At the moment when the first teeth are being cut, the child's immunity decreases. The body weakens and becomes susceptible to germs and bacteria. Parents should identify the symptoms of the disease in time.

In order to understand whether a child has a cold or is just teething, it is important to know what symptoms are characteristic of both cases.

If the child's immunity is weak, then during the appearance of teeth, diseases of the oral cavity may occur.

  • Thrush. This is a fungal disease. Symptoms of the disease: the gums and tongue are covered with a white coating, itching appears, and loss of appetite occurs. The pain gets worse. It is necessary to contact a specialist.
  • Stomatitis. Symptoms: ulcers and wounds can be found in the oral cavity.
  • Caries. Appears on teeth that have weak enamel. Mandatory dental intervention is required.

Timing of eruption

In all children, the first teeth climb at different times. But already from the 1st month, growth begins inside the gums. The teeth may come out early - at 3 months, and may appear late - at 10-11 months. Most often, the first tooth can be seen at 6 months.

The early appearance of teeth in infants (3 months) is associated with the intake of vitamins and minerals during pregnancy. If the teeth appear before 3 months, the child needs to be examined. This can be the cause of endocrine diseases.

Normally, there should be at least 1 tooth by the year. In the case when the teeth do not come out for a long time, the child must be shown to the doctor to exclude developmental pathology.

Reasons why babies' teeth erupt late:

  • rickets;
  • weakened immunity;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • unbalanced nutrition, late complementary foods;
  • premature birth;
  • adentia - the absence of rudiments of milk teeth.

The scheme by which the upper teeth erupt in most children is as follows:

The teething pattern of the lower row in many children is as follows:

In some children, the pattern of the appearance of teeth changes, for example, the canines, not incisors, come out first. This is an individual feature that does not carry anything bad.

A dentist's consultation is necessary in the event that the pairing of teething is violated: one tooth from the pair appeared, and the other did not, while other teeth are being cut. This may indicate a congenital malformation.

Unpleasant symptoms and pain accompany the period when the canines climb. This is due to the fact that these teeth have sharp, wide and uneven edges.

The upper teeth are often accompanied by a runny nose. This is due to the spread of edema and inflammation of the nasal mucosa. By the age of 3, babies should have 20 milk teeth.

Preventive dental check-ups cannot be ignored. The first visit is at 1 year. Only a specialist can identify problems in the oral cavity in time.

Giving help

It is possible to alleviate the symptoms of teething with the help of increased attention and affection. You need to take the child in your arms more often, play with him, talk, read books. This makes the baby feel cared for and distracted.

Adults need to know what activities will help alleviate the condition:

Problems that arise with the first teeth

The color of the first teeth can tell about the health of the child.

  • If the base has a blackish tint, then this indicates the intake of iron preparations. This color can be observed in chronic inflammatory diseases.
  • A yellowish-brown tint indicates that the mother was taking antibiotics during pregnancy, or by the child himself during the appearance of teeth.
  • A yellowish-green tint indicates a blood disorder.
  • A red tint appears during congenital disorders of porphyrin pigment metabolism.

When teeth are being cut, parents can help the child. The main thing is to understand the signs in time and consult a doctor. Care and attention are the best medicines for your baby at this time!

  • Nurofen
  • Gels
  • Any mother is looking forward to the first tooth of her little one, so it is interesting for almost all parents to know in what sequence the milk teeth will erupt. In addition, knowledge of how teeth climb is also important for assessing the correct development of a baby, because, having noticed any violations, you can prevent dental problems in time.

    Timely erupted teeth are one of the indicators of the correct development of a child

    Teething rules

    1. Infant teeth usually appear in pairs. When a mother notices one new tooth in a baby, she needs to expect that his “brother” of the same name will appear in the near future. It happens that 2 or 4 teeth are cut at the same time in the crumbs.
    2. In most children, teeth first erupt on the lower jaw. For example, the lower central incisors appear first, and then the same teeth at the top. The same situation occurs with molars and canines, and only the lateral incisors climb differently (they are first cut at the top).
    3. The approximate number of teeth at a certain age is calculated on the basis of the following formula: "the age of the baby in months minus four." She suggests that On average, children have two teeth at 6 months of age, and all twenty teeth by 24 months of age.

    For the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky about the first teeth and all the problems arising from their appearance, see the video:


    Although teething is a physiological and natural process, it still burdens the child's body, causing discomfort and such manifestations:

    • Increased salivation.
    • Decreased appetite up to complete refusal of food.
    • The tendency to pull various objects into the mouth and gnaw them due to itching in the gums.
    • The appearance at the eruption site of swelling, redness and swelling.
    • Moodiness and irritability due to pain and itching.
    • Disturbed sleep.

    Restless sleep is a sure sign that soon the first tooth will come out of the crumbs.

    In some babies, others are added to such symptoms:

    • Increased body temperature (in most cases within + 37 + 37.5 ° C).
    • Runny nose and cough from excess saliva.
    • Slight liquefaction of feces.
    • Skin irritation on the chin and chest.

    When teething occurs, a subfebrile temperature may persist for several days.

    Which teeth appear first?

    The very first tooth that "hatches" in a baby is called an incisor. In most toddlers, it appears on the lower jaw, after which another incisor appears quite quickly nearby. These teeth have narrow crowns and are designed to bite off food. Most often, they erupt at the age of 6-8 months, although in some toddlers the first incisor begins to knock on the spoon at 3-4 months, and some mothers have to wait for the first tooth to appear only by the age of one year old.

    In most cases, the first teeth look like this.

    Teething sequence

    Although the order of appearance of milk teeth is only approximate and may differ for each individual child, parents should focus on the following sequence:

    • The first teeth in most children, as we noted above, are central incisors, called "units" for their position in the dentition.
    • Further they are supplemented lateral incisors, which are called "two".
    • After the incisors, it is time to emerge first molars, which in the dentition are "fours".
    • The next step is eruption of canines between lateral incisors and first molars so they are called "triplets".
    • The last among the milk teeth erupt are "fives", which dentists call second molars.

    The average time for the appearance of milk teeth in the table

    The process of eruption of each new milk tooth for different children is individual, however, if you look at the order and timing of the appearance of the first teeth in most children, you can see the average time frame for parents and pediatricians. Here is a table that shows the average time for the appearance of teeth, taking into account the sequence of their eruption:

    In most children, the last milk teeth "hatch" by the age of 2-2.5 years.

    When do baby teeth fall out?

    The average time for the loss of milk teeth will be as follows:

    • The central incisors begin to wobble and fall out at the age of 6-8.
    • The prolapse of the lateral incisors is observed in children 7-8 years old.
    • The period for the first molars to fall out is 9-11 years.
    • Canines most often fall out between the ages of 9 and 12.
    • Second molars stagger and fall out at 10-12 years of age.

    The orthodontist, Ph.D. Svetlana Nikolaevna Vakhney:

    The order of eruption of permanent teeth

    The first among the child's permanent teeth appear "sixes", that is, the teeth that are located in the dentition right after the second milk molars. They are called first molars, and milk molars are replaced by teeth called premolars. The first permanent molars erupt in children aged 6-7 years, and this happens, as a rule, before the first milk teeth fall out.

    • At the age of 6 or 7, central incisors appear on the lower jaw.
    • At the age of 7-8, the central incisors are cut in the child and in the upper jaw.
    • The lower "twos" are also cut at the age of 7-8 years.
    • The lateral incisors at the top are cut at 8-9 years of age.
    • Canines grow on the lower jaw at the age of 9-10 years.
    • Upper canines appear in children 11-12 years of age.
    • The appearance of the first premolars in the upper jaw is observed on average at 10-11 years.
    • The period for cutting the first lower premolars is 10-12 years.
    • The second premolars are cut at the top in children aged 10 to 12 years, and in the lower jaw at 11-12 years of age.
    • Second molars come out at the bottom at 11-13 years old.
    • The incision of the second molars in the upper jaw is noted at the age of 12-13.
    • Third molars in both the upper and lower jaw are cut at the age of over 17 years.

    Possible teething problems

    The main problems that occur during teething are the violation of the timing of their appearance, as well as in the wrong sequence. In addition, since the appearance of new teeth lowers the child's immunity, the baby may develop:

    • Caries
    • Stomatitis
    • Abscess (retropharyngeal)

    Why can eruption be delayed?

    If the baby has not yet had a single milk tooth by the age of one year old, it is worth showing the child to the doctor and find out the reasons for this situation. They can be:

    • The influence of a hereditary factor. If mom, dad or other close relatives erupted teeth later than average, then the crumbs will have the same situation.
    • Lack of calcium, which also provokes rickets.
    • Lack of hormones produced by the thyroid gland.
    • Digestion problems and absorption of nutrients.
    • Lack of tooth buds.
    • Premature baby.
    • The development of an infectious disease.

    Advice to parents on what to do and how to behave during teething is given by the Union of Pediatricians of Russia:

    Gaps between teeth

    Milk teeth appearing in a child under 3 years old can be located asymmetrically or with gaps between them. This is a variant of the norm if the entire dentition has not yet erupted. As soon as it is fully formed, due to active chewing, all the teeth will fall into place. Further, by the age of 6-7, when the change of milk teeth begins, gaps will again appear between the teeth, since the size of the permanent teeth is much larger. The appearance of such gaps should not bother parents.

    So how many months are boys teething? The birth of a child is the most joyful event in the family. It is followed by other touching moments: the first words, the first steps, the first teeth. If the first two events are always joyful, then along with the last one comes a fever and sleeplessness at night.

    Almost all parents believe that nothing can be done with painful manifestations during this period. You just need to endure and wait. Knowing when the period of the appearance of teeth begins, as well as its features, can significantly alleviate the symptoms for the child.

    The appearance of the first teeth

    From how many months do teeth begin to climb? Each baby is one and only. This applies not only to the attitude of parents and relatives towards him, but also to biological characteristics. The time when the first teeth appear depends on the following factors:

    1. Child's heredity. In a baby born to young parents, teeth begin to climb earlier than in a baby born in an age family.
    2. Baby food. Depending on the intake of essential trace elements (calcium, handicap) in the body with food, teeth will begin to erupt sooner or later.
    3. From the floor. Girls develop much faster than boys. Accordingly, their first tooth appears much earlier.
    4. Much depends on climatic conditions. In hot climates, the process can begin as early as two months of age.

    As a rule, the first tooth appears at 6-8 months, and the last pair of deciduous teeth at 2.5-3 years.

    As mentioned above, at the moment, medicine cannot offer a single scheme for determining when teeth begin to cut. All children are unique. When the first teeth are being cut, parents sound the alarm, because this process is accompanied by the child's nervousness. In this case, the baby can be either 4 or 7 months old. It is very important that a child has at least 2 milk teeth before a year.

    Don't expect the rest of the teeth to appear after the first. Naturally, after the first tooth, the rest will gradually grow, but this can take either one month or six months. The timing is purely individual.

    Remember that all children develop in different ways. Don't compare them with each other. If one child is developing faster than yours, this does not mean that your child is lagging behind in something, that he is sick. If something bothers you, just talk to your pediatrician.

    The milk kit includes 20 teeth. By counting the number of appearances, you can easily find out how many still appear. It is impossible to predict the time of the appearance of the first tooth, but it is very easy to determine which of them will appear first. This happens in a clear sequence.

    Here is a rough graph and sequence in which the teeth will appear:

    • the lower central incisors appear first, this occurs at about 6-8 months;
    • then the upper central incisors will erupt, at the age of 8-10 months;
    • after them the upper lateral incisors come out, at 9–12 months;
    • followed by the lower lateral incisors - at 11-14 months;
    • then the upper first molars - at 12-15 months;
    • after them, the lower first molars are cut almost immediately after the upper ones, i.e. at 12-15 months;
    • the penultimate fangs are cut at 18–22 months (first from above, then from below);
    • and the latter - upper and lower second molars - at 24–32 months.

    An interesting fact: this sequence is observed in all children, it is confirmed by pediatricians and fully reflects the real picture. But it is impossible to predict whether the right one or the left one will appear first.

    Atypical cases

    Many atypical teething times can be signs of some pathological processes:

    • if the first tooth appeared two months ahead of time, this may indicate a violation of the endocrine system;
    • if the teeth erupt two months later than the usual time, one must bear in mind the possibility of an infectious disease, metabolic disorder or dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • if a tooth does not erupt on the gum, then its axis is broken;
    • sometimes babies are born with teeth that are removed for easy breastfeeding.

    Even in these cases, do not panic ahead of time. Take a full course of examination with your child, which is guaranteed to reveal all the deviations present in him or, conversely, confirm their absence.

    How to determine that the baby's teeth have begun to erupt? Firstly, this can be determined by his behavior: the child becomes more and more restless, his behavior changes dramatically. Secondly, by external signs: the appearance on the gum of an easily noticeable hard red tubercle. But even without knowing about these two features, you will definitely not miss the beginning of this period. Regardless of what time the teeth begin to be cut, this process is accompanied by a vivid clinical picture.

    So, the main symptoms indicating that the baby is cutting a tooth:

    • the temperature rises markedly;
    • salivation increases;
    • gums turn red;
    • a runny nose or cough appears;
    • vomiting is possible;
    • diarrhea or constipation;
    • a rash appears on the cheeks.

    As already mentioned, there are changes in the usual behavior of the baby. These include:

    • the baby is uncomfortable, he is constantly capricious, his behavior almost completely changes, sudden attacks of hysteria are possible, the child does not sleep well;
    • when the teeth begin to cut, the crumb pulls everything into its mouth, gnaws at everything that comes under the arm: toys, rattles, small objects, etc.;
    • when the first teeth climb, the gums swell significantly, a tooth rudiment is visible in them;
    • sour breath appears;
    • the cheeks are slightly swollen;
    • the baby loses appetite.

    These symptoms disappear after the first tooth appears. But when the second begins to grow, they appear again. But don't let your guard down. For such a vivid clinical picture, which is observed when teeth climb, it is easy to miss the symptoms of some disease.

    Parents' actions

    Thinking about the child's future teeth should be started even during pregnancy, since their foundation is laid at 3-4 months. It is necessary to eat foods containing a lot of calcium more often: cottage cheese, liver, cabbage. Thanks to this, the baby's teeth will be strong enough.

    And then the period begins when teeth are climbing. For many, this time is associated with a real nightmare. But knowing all the behavioral signs and symptoms of teething, you can help your child get through this age stage as comfortably as possible. It is necessary to very closely monitor the condition of the baby in order to provide him with all possible assistance in time. What can be done:

    Periodically massage your baby's gums. To do this, you need to thoroughly wash your hands and gently stroke the gum in the place where the tooth is cut. This must be done as carefully as possible so as not to damage the gums.
    Use a teether toy. This is a special accessory made of rubber, silicone or gel. There are a great many of them on sale. They are sold both in pharmacies and in specialized stores.
    Use a cold compress to relieve pain. The simplest compress can be made from a cotton cloth dipped in clean cool water. Let your child play with her. Surely he will start chewing it. In addition to water, you can use chamomile broth, which relieves inflammation. You can also chill the teether or rubber teether a little by placing them in the refrigerator for a while.

    These were grandfather's methods, tried by generations. Today's medicine offers a number of remedies to alleviate unpleasant sensations for a child. Most are gels designed to be applied to the gums. They are completely safe and can be found in every pharmacy. Here are the most popular ones:

    • Dentinox;
    • Holisal;
    • Calgel;
    • Kamistad;
    • Panasoral.

    Gels do not affect the dental structure and its development in any way. They relieve discomfort due to the presence of lidocaine and menthol in their composition. In some cases, they cause an allergic reaction, so you need to monitor the baby's well-being. It is allowed to apply the gel for 3 days no more than 5 times. The duration of its therapeutic action is about 20 minutes.

    Attention! Since the child "tastes" everything, it is necessary to remove all small objects that he can reach, and the toys should be regularly disinfected.

    If a child has severe pain from time to time, then you can consult a doctor with a request to prescribe him an anesthetic.

    The emergence of teeth is a natural process. But parents are able to help their child to transfer it as easily as possible. Warmth and attention is the key to the well-being of the child.

    When the child's first teeth appear, the parents add to the hassle. Only the erupted teeth are easily susceptible to all negative influences, so they need to be looked after from the very first day.

    Most importantly, they need to be cleaned. Initially, a sterilized bandage or a special tip on the finger is used for this. Then gradually begin to apply a soft baby brush with a paste rich in calcium and low in fluoride. The brush should be changed every month. Parents should brush their child's teeth up to 2 years old, doing it very carefully so as not to damage the thin layer of tooth enamel. After two years, it is worth gradually teaching the baby to do it himself, but under the supervision of one of the parents.

    Fight tooth decay

    Since newly erupted teeth are very sensitive to all external influences, it is necessary to take the right measures in advance to prevent the development of caries. It's not that hard. You just need to follow a number of simple rules:

    1. Do not put to mouth or lick the pacifier or baby spoon. An adult's saliva contains a lot of bacteria that are harmless to us, but dangerous to a child.
    2. It is recommended to keep your sugar intake as low as possible. Give your child natural juices or water instead of sugary drinks. Don't give him sugary drinks at night.
    3. Gradually teach your baby to drink a little water after eating, and when he is still a little older - to rinse his mouth after eating.
    4. Have periodic oral examinations with your dentist. For the first time, it is recommended to do this at the age of two, and then visit this specialist at least once every six months.
    5. Try to avoid damaging your tooth enamel. Teeth deteriorate quickly without it. To do this, correctly form the child's daily diet. Include hard cheeses, dried apricots, natural green and black tea.
    6. Teach your child to brush their teeth after meals or just twice a day.

    Following these guidelines will help you avoid the development of tooth decay and keep your child's teeth healthy and beautiful. As you know, the correct functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract largely depends on the health of the teeth. Chewed food is much easier for the stomach to digest. In case of damage and even more loss of teeth, the quality of mechanical processing of food in the oral cavity is noticeably reduced, which, in turn, leads to an increase in the load on the entire gastrointestinal tract. Over time, this can lead to gastritis, peptic ulcers, or other diseases of the digestive system. Following these guidelines will keep your child healthy.