Shoulder nerve pinching treatment. Pinched nerve in the shoulder

A pinched brachial nerve is a compression of the nerve bundles of the ulnar or radial nerve in the shoulder joint. Due to the compression of the nerve, painful sensations appear, and the motor function of the limb may also be impaired.

Why is neuritis dangerous?

A distinction should be made between neuralgia and neuritis in the region of the brachial nerve. In neuralgia, pain is caused by inflammation of the surrounding tissue and is not dangerous. With neuritis, inflammation affects the nerve bundles, which leads to a violation of the nerve conduction.

In addition to severe pain, neuritis can lead to decreased sensitivity, the inability to perform small movements with the hand, and in severe cases, lead to complete immobility of the limb.

A pinched nerve can indicate a more serious condition, such as a curvature of the spine or misaligned intervertebral discs. Often, neuritis develops in old age and is associated with a malfunction of the cardiovascular apparatus or cancer.

Causes of occurrence

The disease develops when the nerve is compressed by muscle bundles, between muscle and bone, or when the joint is displaced. The direct causes of a pinched nerve are:

  1. Mechanical injuries - bruises, dislocations.
  2. Physical stress at work or during sports activities.
  3. Degenerative diseases of the articular-ligamentous apparatus: arthritis, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis.
  4. Complications after surgery or injections into the shoulder joint.
  5. Benign or malignant neoplasms in the back and neck.
  6. Diseases of the nervous system.

Indirectly, the occurrence of pathology is influenced by:

  • Diseases associated with metabolic disorders.
  • Diabetes.
  • Chronic poisoning.
  • Passive lifestyle.
  • Violation of cardiac activity.

Due to the compression of the nerve bundles, neuritis develops - an inflammatory process in the nerve tissues, which progresses over time.

Symptoms of a pinched nerve

Neuritis manifests itself in the form of one or more symptoms:

  • Pain - sharp or aching, it appears periodically or is constantly present.
  • Loss of sensation on the back of the hand and fingertips, as well as in the forearm.
  • Inability to make small movements with your fingers.
  • Feeling of coldness or tingling in the palm area.
  • Swelling of the shoulder joint.
  • Inability to move the arm, make extensor movements.
  • Involuntary twitching of muscles, especially after sleeping or sedentary work.

If one or more symptoms occur, you need to contact neurologist.


Diagnosis is carried out by a neurologist. To make a diagnosis, a study of the medical history is carried out, chronic diseases of the nerves and the musculoskeletal system are detected. Used such methods of hardware research as X-ray, computed or magnetic resonance imaging.


Treatment is carried out comprehensively, with the help of procedures and medicines. The first step in treatment is to relieve severe pain and suppress acute inflammation. For these purposes, apply:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of a number Diclofenac and Ibuprofen in the form of tablets or ointments for external use. The action of NSAIDs is aimed at suppressing the inflammatory process and reducing pain.
  2. Strong non-narcotic pain relievers - solution injections novocaine, ointment Apizartron aimed at relieving acute attacks of pain.
  3. Vitamin B injections- B vitamins take part in the formation of myelin, which is the basis of nerve bundles. The injections help restore the functionality of the nervous tissue and strengthen the immune system, weakened by inflammation.
  4. Sedatives, tranquilizers to normalize the state of the nervous system.

Treatment begins with pills and injections, gradually reducing the dose and transferring the patient to external agents, since pills have more side effects.

Physiotherapy helps to consolidate the effect of medications and accelerate recovery. The impact is aimed at eliminating edema, relieving spasms, restoring limb functionality.

With neuritis of the brachial nerve, the following are shown:

  1. UHF- warming up accelerates blood flow in the affected area, promotes lymph drainage and reduces pain caused by joint swelling.
  2. Electromyostimulation- relieves spasms and helps maintain skeletal muscle tone.
  3. Mud wraps, baths- remove pain in the limb.

During the rehabilitation period, a course of physiotherapy exercises is prescribed, which helps to develop the joint. The complex begins with a low load, which gradually increases.

Traditional therapy

As an aid, the means and methods offered by traditional medicine can be used:

  • Acupuncture will help restore the work of the nerve bundle by stimulating biologically active points.
  • Herbal decoctions based on medicinal herbs for ingestion will help reduce the intensity of the inflammatory reaction and strengthen the immune system.
  • Ointments based on propolis, mustard and animal fat have a warming effect, stimulate blood circulation through the capillaries, and remove edema from surrounding tissues.

Traditional therapy can help during the period of recovery and rehabilitation, but you should not give up the medicines and procedures prescribed by your doctor. If neuritis occurs, you cannot self-medicate - you need to contact a qualified specialist.

Possible complications

In the case of timely started treatment, the prognosis is favorable, however, if the disease progressed for a long time, paralysis of the limb, accompanied by muscle and skin atrophy, is possible.


To prevent neuritis, simple recommendations should be followed:

  1. Alternate sedentary and physical activity.
  2. Saturate the diet with vitamins, vitamins of group B are especially important.
  3. Exercise to strengthen muscles and ligaments.
  4. Regularly examined by a general practitioner to identify the first signs of pathology.

Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure - that is why it is so important to monitor your health and carefully follow all the doctor's prescriptions.

Those inexperienced in neurological diseases often confuse neuralgia with neuritis (inflammation that develops in the nerve itself). In fact, these are completely different diseases, and if you treat the pinched nerve coolly, do not begin to heal during the time - this can lead to its inflammation.

A variety of diseases can lead to this condition: metabolic disorders, bowel diseases, diabetes mellitus, alcohol abuse. For treatment to be effective, the physician must rule out these diseases.

Symptoms of the disease

A pinched nerve is accompanied by different pains of varying intensity. The pain can be dull, sharp, pulling, aching, burning, which can be constant, or manifest itself in the form of attacks. The patient has pale skin, muscle twitching, increased sweating.

Pinching is not a sudden illness. At first, for a while, muscle spasm is felt, which can be caused by physical exertion, injuries, various infections, hypothermia. When overstrained, the reflex mechanism of the muscles is triggered, forcing them to contract, thereby causing swelling, pinching and, as a result, pain syndrome. The pain can appear in the shoulder, forearm, along the entire length of the arm and be paroxysmal, accompanied by muscle weakness, tingling or even numbness of the fingers. In most cases, pinching in is one-sided.

A similar disease is accompanied by attacks of varying duration and intensity. If left untreated, attacks can become more frequent and painful. As a result - the onset of neuritis, which can cause impaired activity of the limbs, impaired sensitivity and complete paralysis.

Nerve entrapment in relation to other similar diseases is quite rare. A distinctive feature of which are: severe pain and impaired hand mobility. Not always pinching in the shoulder or in any part of the arm has serious causes, such as diseases of the musculoskeletal system, tumors of the nerve and surrounding tissues, and nervous disorders.

Pinching can cause awkward movement, falls, physical strain, prolonged stress on the elbow, arm injury, or postoperative scarring.

It is possible to pinch a nerve in a dream if before that there was an abuse of alcoholic and narcotic substances. Another reason can be a long fixed position, for example, if the hands are tied.

Symptoms of a pinched nerve in the shoulder joint are:

  • Tingling and numbness of the back of the shoulder, the back of the hand, forearm, fingers (level of the middle phalanges);
  • Partial or complete inability to flex the hand, complete or partial violation of flexion movements of the little finger or ring finger;
  • Thumb movement becomes difficult.

All of these dysfunctions make the hand look like a clawed paw. The back of the hand loses sensitivity. In the affected area, blood circulation is disturbed, pain appears, as a rule, radiating to the little finger. Numbness of the entire finger occurs as a result of pinching of a nerve on the finger, which then passes to the inner surface of the hand, palm, shoulder and forearm. If the problem touches the radial nerve, then partial or complete loss of flexion movements of the beginning of the forearm, hand, phalanges of the fingers is possible.

As a result, it damages the nerve endings and, as a rule, it injures a huge number of autonomic fibers responsible for the innervation of blood vessels. This turns into edema, the appearance of cyanosis on the back of the palm and the appearance of a feeling of cold, while there is usually no pain. If a pinched nerve in the shoulder joint is not treated in time, it can lead to the fact that the muscles either atrophy or limit their motor capabilities.

Diagnosing and treating a pinched shoulder joint

To make a diagnosis, the doctor uses special tests to get the correct picture. An x-ray is used, which can reveal a fracture or other injury. Treatment is prescribed only after finding out the causes of the disease.

In the case when the nerve is only injured (retained its integrity), then it is possible to limit itself to conservative treatment. With conservative treatment, the attending physician prescribes drugs designed to reduce edema, relieve inflammation, relieve muscle spasm, eliminate pain symptoms and create conditions for a favorable recovery of the damaged area. Physiotherapy procedures may also be prescribed.

There are many ways to treat pinched nerves in the shoulder joint, ranging from conservative methods to surgical intervention. If the pinching has led to a rupture of the nerve, then an operation is performed to stitch the damaged area. If it is the result of the development of a tumor, an operation is also performed.

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The pain of a pinched nerve is called neuralgia. It is treated with medicines and physiotherapy. In case of inflammation of the compressed vasodilator (neuritis, plexitis), surgery is possible.

Neuralgia, or pinched brachial nerve, is manifested by pain in the surrounding muscles. Without treatment, the condition is complicated by inflammation of the compressed fibers of the NS (nervous system) or the entire plexus, and the development of plexitis or neuritis can completely end in disability. It is important to start therapy in a timely manner in order to eliminate the pressure on the structures of the NA.

Pinched brachial nerve symptoms and neuralgia treatment

A pinched nerve (vasodilator) is the pressure of the surrounding tissues on its fibers, which disrupts the normal passage of impulses. It is accompanied only by pain syndrome without changes in the structure of the beam and muscles, so doctors use the term neuralgia.

Wedding night syndrome or honeymoon paralysis - this is the name of the disease in non-lonely men, provided that there are no other reasons for its development.

A nerve can be pinched in any part of the body, but more often it occurs in the area of ​​the shoulder, pelvic joints or the spine. Pain syndrome is equally expressed in neuralgia and its complications. In treatment, it is important to use decompression methods.

Causes of brachial neuralgia

More often, compression of the nerve provokes spasm and swelling of the muscles of the shoulder girdle. The process starts against the background of trauma, infectious diseases, hypothermia, physical overstrain. In the affected area, enlarged muscle fibers begin to pinch the nerve, irritating the endings and provoking pain. Another main reason for vasodilator compression is articular pathologies in the shoulder girdle area.

Against the background of cervicothoracic osteochondrosis, omarthrosis and arthritis, the nerve is infringed:

  • an enlarged capsule of the affected joint;
  • deformed bone;
  • narrowing of the lumen of the canal in which the roots and fibers of the NS lie.

Less often, neuralgia is caused by other pathological reasons: endocrine diseases, metabolic disorders, poisoning, neoplasms. During pregnancy, it is possible to pinch a nerve when wearing an incorrectly selected bandage.

Signs and diagnosis of brachial neuralgia

With neuralgia, pain is localized in the shoulder area and along the course of the pinched vasodilator. It can be burning, acute, strongly pronounced or dull, can radiate to the forearm, armpit, neck, trunk. Shooting often occurs. Soreness is constant or occurs in seizures at the time of movement, massage.

A pinched nerve in the shoulder joint is diagnosed by the following methods:

  • physical examination by a neurologist;
  • radiography;
  • tomography (MRI or PET ― CT);
  • laboratory tests of blood, urine, synovial fluid.

Doctors differentiate with neuritis and plexitis. Distinctive symptoms of brachial nerve entrapment are the absence of muscle atrophy, numbness, reflex disorders.

Therapeutic methods for brachial neuralgia

If the nerve is pinched, the shoulder should be kept at rest. Apply bandages that support the bandages. In the treatment, methods are used that eliminate the compression of the vasodilator and the symptoms of neuralgia.

Applied groups of drugs:

  • Diclofenac ointment, injections or tablets, other NSAIDs - to relieve inflammation;
  • Ketanov, antispasmodics, analgesics, novocaine blockade - pain relievers;
  • i / m injection of the drug Neurobion - a complex of B vitamins, accelerates the regeneration of nerve fibers.

Symptoms are also eliminated by electrophoresis, mud therapy, treatment of the diseased area with ozokerite and / or ultrasound, a magnetic field, and other physiotherapy procedures. A pinched nerve in the shoulder is eliminated with the help of exercise therapy, exercises in the pool, massage, acupuncture.

Characteristics of plexitis and methods of its treatment

"Plexitis" in medical terminology means inflammation of the entire plexus of nerves around the shoulder joint, or in the cervical, lumbar, or sacral spine. It is manifested by pain, dysfunction of the NA and upper limb, and other symptoms. It is more difficult to treat plexitis; in advanced situations, disability often occurs.

The cause of the shoulder plexitis

Often the brachial plexus becomes inflamed against the background of prolonged pinching of the nerve adjacent to the joint. The second reason is considered hypodynamia, performing work in an uncomfortable position, wearing tight bandages. Often, brachial plexitis occurs due to cervicothoracic arthrosis, omarthrosis, long-term use of crutches, wedding night syndrome.

The mechanism of development of plexitis

In the neurological stage, when the vasodilator is pinched, its fibers are irritated, neurons stop transmitting impulses. This triggers the corresponding biochemical reactions: cholinesterase can increase, peptide synthesis can increase.

Over time, the initially strangulated nerve becomes inflamed (neuritis develops), and then the process covers the entire brachial plexus or its individual trunks. At the paralytic stage of plexitis, muscle paresis is added to the pain and tissue hyperemia: a person's motor ability of the fingers or the entire hand is impaired.

Signs of shoulder plexitis

At the neurological stage of plexitis, pain in the shoulder area is constant, but it can also occur periodically. It is boring, burning and aching, often radiating to the forearm, trunk, neck. The soft tissues around the nerve plexus swell, the local temperature rises, and the skin turns red. In the paralytic stage, due to paresis, the mobility of the limb, sensitivity in the hand, fingers decreases, dystrophic changes in the muscles are revealed.

Diagnostic methods for plexitis

If there is no injury or joint diseases, they turn to a neurologist. He conducts an examination, analyzes complaints, directs for electrophysiological research of the functions of nerves and muscles. These are electromyography and electroneurography. To identify the causes and consequences of plexitis, X-ray and tomographic diagnostics are performed.

Plexitis therapy methods

Shoulder plexitis is treated in a complex way: with medicines, physiotherapy, they can be supplemented with folk remedies. Therapy methods eliminate the causes of nerve entrapment, relieve symptoms, restore the functions of the vasodilator, muscles, shoulder joint and other joints of the hand.

Drug therapy

To eliminate pain and other symptoms, the patient is given novocaine blockade, oral analgesics, intramuscular injections of B vitamins, local and systemic NSAIDs. In the paralytic stage, cholinesterase blockers, lidase, adenosine triphosphoric acid are additionally used. With infectious plexitis, antibiotics or antiviral medications are prescribed.

Exercise therapy and massage

Therapeutic exercises are carried out under the supervision of a specialist after the removal of acute symptoms. In exercise therapy, rotational and oscillatory movements in the shoulder and other joints are used, the reduction of the shoulder blades, the warm-up of the fingers and other exercises to strengthen the muscles and tendons.

The massage is done by a chiropractor if there is no pain for at least three days. The movements are aimed at intensive kneading of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, arms and back.


Physiotherapy is complemented by water treatments, mud applications, radon baths. To restore the conductivity of the vasodilator, neuroelectrostimulation and acupuncture are used. Inflammation and pain are eliminated by electrophoresis, treatment of the shoulder joint area with ultrasound, UHF, laser radiation, and a magnetic field.


Operations are performed when a nerve is compressed by a tumor, an aneurysm (bulge) of an artery, or deformed bone. The surgeon performs autoplasty, sympathectomy, decompression of the trunks or excision of neoplasms. In functional neurosurgery, a neurostimulator can be implanted.

Traditional medicine methods

At home, before going to bed, take a 15-minute general bath with a decoction of valerian, mint or sage. The water temperature should correspond to 37―37.5 º C. The procedure reduces the symptoms of inflammation, relieves muscle spasms.

Inside they use lapacho tea, herbal infusion of lingonberry leaves. Mud wraps, warm compresses, medical bile, ointments with mummy and propolis are applied to the area of ​​the joint and the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Preventing a pinched nerve

Prevention of pinched nerve - exclusion of possible causes of brachial neuralgia. You need to properly distribute physical activity, do gymnastics daily, sleep on an orthopedic mattress.

To prevent vitamin deficiency and metabolic disorders, you need to eat well. Hypothermia should not be allowed. It is advisable to conscientiously undergo routine medical examinations, to treat identified diseases.

Complications of a pinched nerve

A pinched nerve in the shoulder joint is often complicated by an inflammatory process (neuritis, plexitis). Lack of treatment for these diseases or neuralgia leads to a decrease in the muscle tone of the arm. Over time, dystrophy of muscle fibers develops, paralysis of the limb or shoulder girdle begins.


Infringement of the nerve in the shoulder often occurs due to hypothermia, physical inactivity, so it is undesirable to ignore morning exercises, strengthening the immune system and hardening the body. If there is pain of a neurological nature, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo treatment. This will prevent the development of plexitis, hand paralysis, and expensive therapy.

If the radial nerve is pinched, only a doctor can help. It does not hurt to first remember what preceded the onset of pain.

The reasons for the development of pathology

The mechanism of the formation of the painful state is simple - the muscles and tissues surrounding the radial nerve squeeze the nerve bundles. There are painful sensations along the movement of the nerve - neuralgia. The reasons for its appearance are varied:

  • Incorrect posture while sleeping. In the people, this condition is called the expression "lay down his hand."
  • A variation of the previous point, called the wedding night syndrome. During sleep, the spouse or partner presses the weight of his body on the limb, causing pinching of the nerve in the shoulder joint.
  • Excessive physical activity during work or sports.
  • Shoulder injuries of various origins. For example, rupture of the acromial joint.
  • Complications after surgery on the upper limb or poorly performed injections in this area.
  • Cancer neoplasms in the neck, shoulder or armpit. The growing tumor compresses the surrounding areas.
  • A number of diseases of the central nervous system (CNS).
  • Lead poisoning, which adversely affects the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Curvature of the spine, stoop, regardless of age.

Clinical picture

When the nerve of the shoulder joint is pinched, the symptoms resemble neuritis - an inflammatory process, and this is a much more serious pathology. Therefore, it is important to distinguish between neurological syndrome (neuralgia) and disease (neuritis).

But untimely or inadequate treatment leads to inflammatory processes - a simple infringement develops into neuritis. To avoid such a situation, you need to pay attention to the characteristic symptoms in time and go to the doctor.

Signs of a neurological problem manifest themselves in different ways in patients, but one thing remains in common - characteristic pain, which significantly reduces the quality of life. The nature of the pain also differs - it can be acute and paroxysmal, dull and aching, with varying degrees of intensity. The patient guesses that the cause of the severe pain is most likely a pinched nerve in the shoulder joint.

The attacks of pain are accompanied by increased sweating and muscle weakness. Sometimes there is a tingling sensation in the affected limb, a spasm develops, and unpleasant muscle twitching is felt. The skin in the place of the shoulder where the radial nerve is pinched may change its color. There are two options: the skin either turns pale, or persistent redness (hyperemia) is observed.

Pinching of the brachial nerve is a common pathology that can cause loss of sensitivity and immobility of the upper limb. In order to prevent such complications, it is necessary to identify and treat the disease in a timely manner.

The causes of the onset of the disease

A pinched nerve in the shoulder joint is often confused with nerve inflammation, but these are two different neurological pathologies that have similar symptoms. Although with untimely or inadequate treatment, pinching can end in an inflammatory process, in order to prevent this complication, it is necessary to pay attention to the first symptoms and seek qualified medical help.

According to the mechanism of the onset of the disease, pinching is the result of squeezing the nerve bundles by nearby muscles and bone tissues, which become edematous as a result of inflammation. There are many reasons for the development of this pathology, but most often these are:

  • an uncomfortable posture during sleep, which is popularly said to "lie down" the hand;
  • excessive physical activity while playing sports or lifting weights;
  • shoulder injuries of a different nature;
  • as a result of improperly performed or complicated surgical interventions or injections in the forearm or shoulder;
  • oncological neoplasms;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • with chronic lead poisoning.

Clinical manifestations

In order to effectively treat a pinched nerve, it is necessary at an early stage to consult a neurologist who will conduct an examination, collect an anamnesis of the disease, prescribe additional research methods, if necessary, and prescribe a course of adequate treatment.

The symptoms of this disease may differ in each patient, but absolutely all patients emit characteristic pain that disrupts the patient's quality of life. The pain can be of a different nature, it can be dull and aching, or, conversely, it can be acute and paroxysmal. In any case, the patient notices alarming symptoms and understands that a pinched nerve has occurred, which caused severe pain.

During bouts of pain, the patient experiences weakness and increased sweating. You may also experience a tingling sensation, muscle spasms and twitching that are not pleasant. At the site of the lesion, the skin can change its usual color. In some patients, the skin at the pinched point becomes pale, while others note persistent hyperemia.

In the morning and at night, patients notice the appearance of a symptom of "creeping creeps", which turns into complete numbness of the fingers. Most often, these are the thumb, index and middle fingers. The patient's bent arm is almost impossible to straighten.

This pathology does not pose a particular danger to the patient's later life, but in the absence of proper therapy, the pathological process can progress the flesh to complete loss of function and muscle atrophy.

Treatment features

The doctor determines the tactics of managing each patient individually. Before prescribing a therapeutic course, it is necessary to conduct a number of additional studies, the purpose of which is to exclude injury, fracture or neoplasm. In most cases, treatment is carried out conservatively, but in especially advanced situations, we can talk about surgical intervention. The need for an operation arises in the event of a violation of the integrity of the nerve.

Conservative therapy is aimed at:

Traditional medicine has proven itself quite effective in the treatment of pinched nerves. This and other methods will be discussed in more detail below.

In the place of the pinched nerve on the hand, as a result of the pathogenesis of the disease, the nearby tissues swell, which further aggravates the situation. To alleviate the patient's condition and improve trophism and innervation, it is necessary first of all to relieve swelling and spasm. For this purpose, decongestants (diuretics) are prescribed. These are Furosemide, Lasix, diuretic herbal preparations.

Of the antispasmodic drugs, it is advisable to use Spazmalgon, Tempalgin, Drotaverin. It is no less effective to prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that will not only relieve inflammation, but also eliminate pain. It is best to use Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Diclofenac, Olfen, Dicloberl for this purpose.

The duration of the treatment course and the required list of medications will be determined by the attending physician, taking into account the severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of each patient.

Physiotherapy to combat pinching

It is not possible to effectively treat pinched nerves without physical therapy and massage, which are aimed at relieving spasm, pain and swelling. From physiotherapeutic procedures, UHF, magnetic resonance therapy, acupuncture, electrical stimulation, warm therapeutic baths, wraps with mud or ozokerite are shown.

For the period of treatment, the patient is contraindicated in physical activity on the affected arm and hypothermia. You should carefully follow all the doctor's prescriptions in order to forever forget about such a disease as pinched nerve of the shoulder joint.

During the rehabilitation period, it is advisable to perform a set of physiotherapy exercises under the guidance of an experienced medical worker.

People's recipes will relieve pain

Traditional medicine knows many natural medicines to help get rid of pinching, but they are allowed to be used only after the approval of the attending physician. It should be noted that these are mainly decoctions, tinctures and liniments for external use on a sore arm.

To get rid of the hateful pain that accompanies any nerve pinching, a decoction of wormwood will help. For preparation, which, you will need 20 grams of dry wormwood herb, which is brewed in 300 ml of boiled water. The broth is infused for 2 hours, after which it is applied to the affected area of ​​the body with slow rubbing movements. Herbal baths will help relieve attacks of pain and relieve the patient's condition. A bath with a decoction of chamomile or sage with the addition of sea salt has proven itself well. For one procedure, you will need 1 liter of concentrated herbal decoction and 30-50 g of sea salt. Water temperature 38-390. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes. It is worth noting that with this pathology, coniferous baths can also be used.

Teas made on the basis of lingonberry leaves and berries, raspberries and strawberries will help to relieve swelling of tissues on the hand and inflammation. In addition to excellent taste, this drink will be an excellent diuretic.

Beekeeping products are also indispensable for inflammation and pinched nerves. You can make wraps from natural honey, but an application of propolis and olive oil will be much more effective. Alcohol tincture is prepared from 15 g of propolis and 50 ml of medical alcohol. Both ingredients are mixed and infused in a dark place for 10-14 days. After that, the finished tincture is filtered and mixed with olive oil in a ratio of 10 ml of alcoholic tincture, you need to take 50 ml of oil. This substance is applied to painful areas of the body in the form of a compress at night.

In addition to all of the above methods of treatment, it is necessary to carry out regular prevention of the disease. This is, first of all, playing sports, exercise therapy, getting rid of extra pounds. You also need to be especially careful when lifting weights, monitor your posture and constantly develop flexibility. After all, as you know, timely prevention is much more effective than treatment.