Why is edible physalis useful? The benefits and harms of edible physalis fruits

Physalis - what is it: a fruit, a berry or a vegetable? Despite the fact that many are visually familiar with this adorable plant, not everyone can answer this question. So let's start in order. Physalis is a perennial plant belonging to the Solanaceae family, thermophilic, it can be found in unshaded forests, ravines, on forest edges. There are also annual species. For use in food, it is grown in the Caucasus, Asia, Europe, in particular in Russia.


It is believed that, like a member of the nightshade family - tomato, physalis was brought to us from South America. How true this is is not known. They began to cultivate it for consumption not so long ago, although in old Russian villages they have been eating nightshade for a long time. In addition to its use in food, the medicinal properties of physalis have been well known since antiquity.

Physalis fruit looks like medium-sized cherry tomatoes of red, yellow or orange color, which are located in small sheaths, formed from accrete sepals, reminiscent of a miniature Chinese lantern. The plant bears the Greek name, formed from the word "fiza", translated as "bubble".

So physalis - what is it: a berry or a vegetable? From the point of view of biology, it is a berry, and in cooking it is most often used as a vegetable. Although for the preparation of preserves and jams it is used as a berry. It all depends on the type of plant and on the degree of sugar content.


Most people are familiar with physalis as an ornamental plant that has an original look and serves as a decoration for any garden plot. The plant begins to bloom in May, the fruits ripen in August-September. Physalis branches, covered with small green carved leaves, strewn with heart-shaped bright red or orange "lanterns" look great. Decorative physalis is not suitable for food, since it is not edible, has a bitter taste and is poisonous.


How to recognize that it is food physalis, and not decorative? The latter, as a rule, has a rather bright color, in contrast to food. There are many types of edible physalis, but in Russia, most often they grow gluten-fruited vegetable (Mexican tomato) with a sour taste, or another species called pubescent strawberry (berry), it is quite sweet. For those who liked physalis, what it is is not so important. Much less common is Peruvian physalis, which has a spicy flavor. Other rare varieties are grown by specialists and amateurs.


To get to know the plant better, you need to find out what kind of “fruit” physalis is, what useful components it contains. Its fruits have a number of valuable substances that a person needs for a healthy diet. In laboratory studies, it was found that they contain: ascorbic acid, vitamin A, B vitamins, a group of minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, phosphorus).

Physalis contains a substance belonging to the group of carotenoids called lycopene - a natural pigment with which the fruits of plants acquire a bright red or orange color. This is an amazing substance with antioxidant properties, the main purpose of which is to fight free radicals. It helps in the prevention of malignant tumors and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

In addition, the fruits contain pectin and a number of other gelling substances, organic acids (citric, tartaric, malic). The seeds contain a fatty oil.

Beneficial features

Like all fruits, physalis has useful and dangerous properties. When used raw, it acts as an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and pain reliever. Berries are used as a urinary and choleretic agent, they have hemostatic properties. Acceptance of physalis fruits in the presence of kidney stones and gallbladder leads to their withdrawal. The use of physalis is also shown for the deposition of salts.

Traditional medicine in many countries uses the beneficial properties of physalis in the treatment of certain diseases. First of all, it should be noted that the content of a large number of useful elements in a plant leads to an increase in immunity, a strengthening of the immune system and a decrease in the risk of a huge number of diseases.

Diseases that can be treated with physalis

An increase in immunity is, first of all, an increase in the body's ability to resist various diseases. In order to increase immunity, you need to eat 10 berries every day or drink a tablespoon of physalis juice. I would like to note once again that physalis is a good antiseptic and anesthetic.

As a result of the fact that the calorie content of the product is only 55 kcal per 100 grams, it is used in dietary nutrition. It is a great multivitamin. The product is recommended for use in diabetes mellitus, duodenal and stomach ulcers, hypertension, cholecystitis, hepatitis.

It also has a beneficial effect on the female body. Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties help with diseases of the genitourinary organs: cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, inflammatory processes in the female genital organs.


Physalis has useful properties and contraindications, the latter include individual intolerance. It is expressed in an allergic reaction of the body to the consumption of the product, provoking the appearance of a rash on the body, itching, and peeling of the skin. With a more acute reaction, edema may appear, difficulty breathing, which can lead to Quincke's edema. Therefore, the consumption of physalis should be started gradually, at the first appearance of allergies, take antihistamines and consult a doctor.

Physalis: growing, planting

It will not be difficult to grow physalis on your personal plot. This is an unpretentious and hardy plant. If you follow all agronomic rules, then in August you can taste the first fruits.

Physalis seeds are very small, they are sown in March. The initial planting is carried out in special cassettes, after the first shoots have appeared and the number of leaves per sprout has reached 3, a pick is carried out into special peat pots with humus. This is done in order to give the plant more space and nourishment for further growth. In addition, elementary culling is carried out, in which the healthiest and most viable plants are selected. In this case, the temperature should be from +18 to +20 degrees. Watering plentiful, after three days.

Seedlings are planted in open ground that have reached the age of 40-55 days. This usually occurs in mid-May. If the weather is cool, then planting goes under a film covering, in this case, watering should not be abundant, since Physalis does not like dampness.

Plant care

During growth, plant feeding is necessary, which is made with complex fertilizers for vegetables. At the time of the appearance of the ovary, the pinching of the top of the plant is carried out. They do not need to be grown-up like tomatoes. As they ripen, the fruits can be plucked. The ripe fruit is yellow or greenish-yellow in color. The tastiest fruits are those that ripen on the bush.

Physalis recipes and uses

Physalis is somewhat similar to tomatoes. It can be eaten raw, added to salads, made into sauces for meat or fish dishes. There are many recipes for making jam, jams from this berry. It is salted and canned. The imagination of the culinary experts has no boundaries. Here are some recipes for cooking with the addition of physalis.

Apples and physalis sauce for pork chops

To make the sauce, we need one glass of physalis, 2 large apples, a tablespoon of lemon juice, ½ cup of apple juice, half a teaspoon of coriander, curry, a teaspoon of honey, a pinch of salt and black pepper.

Apples cut into pieces are fried in butter together with physalis until golden brown. Apple juice is added and simmered over low heat, then everything is crushed until smooth in a blender. Add honey, spices and simmer for another 5 minutes. This sauce is served with cooked pork chops.

Physalis jam

You will need 1 kilogram of physalis and 1.2 kilograms of sugar. Well washed and dried physalis is prepared for boiling. For this, each berry is pricked with a sharp toothpick. Sugar syrup is prepared at the rate of 0.5 liters of water per 0.5 kg of granulated sugar. It is brewed for 5-7 minutes. The berry is poured with hot syrup and left for 5-6 hours. After that, it is put on a slow fire and covered with parts of the remaining sugar. Brew until a viscous syrup is obtained. Folds out into clean and dry cans.

Traditional medicine specialists use a huge number of various plant cultures for the preparation of medicinal compositions that can help in the treatment and prevention of many diseases. From the point of view of folk healers, each plant has a certain healing value. Such a rather popular culture as vegetable physalis also possesses interesting qualities (not to be confused with the ordinary physalis plant "Chinese lanterns" - it is not edible). This plant belongs to the nightshade, and now it can be found in the backyards of many gardeners or purchased in a hypermarket. Consider today the garden physalis and its beneficial properties in a little more detail.

Physalis garden (food, Mexican, berry, glucose) can reach one meter in height. Its juicy, tasty fruits look like spherical orange or red berries, they are located inside a swollen bubble-shaped calyx. Its edible forms include: pubescent, Florida and Peruvian physalis. It is recommended to grow the Peruvian variety of the plant in our country in greenhouses. By the size of the fruit, vegetable physalis are large-fruited or small-fruited. For example, the variety "Marmalade" or, in the second case, the varieties "Kolokolchik", "Strawberry", "Raisin".

What is the composition of the physalis plant?

The beneficial properties of physalis are due to its varied and balanced chemical composition. So they are a source of significant amounts of sugars, tannins and bitter elements. The berries of this culture also contain non-toxic alkaloids, pectins, carotene, ascorbic acid, phytoncides and proteins. Among other things, they contain quite a lot of minerals, various vitamins, dyes and acids, including citric, tartaric, amber and apple.

As for the roots of physalis, there are quite a few different alkaloids in them, represented by tropine, pseudotropin, tegloidin and cuskgygrin. The leaves of the plant are the source of many steroids, namely capesterol, sitosterol, cholesterol, stigmasterol and isofucosterol. Also in the foliage there are quite a lot of carotenoids, including beta and alpha carotene, physoxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin, etc. The green mass of physalis contains some more flavonoids and phenol carboxylic acids.

What are the beneficial properties of the physalis plant?

Pain relievers

What are the health benefits of physalis?

Traditional medicine experts actively use physalis as a diuretic. In addition, such healers claim that this culture is capable of activating the processes of tissue epithelization. Physalis has good analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. The combination of all these properties makes it possible to use this plant in the correction of kidney stone disease, as well as gout and articular rheumatism. There is evidence that the use of physalis may be advisable in the elimination of deforming arthrosis. Traditional medicine experts advise using this plant in the treatment of liver ailments, including jaundice, it also makes sense to use it in the treatment of cystitis, hemorrhoids, hemorrhages and painful sensations in the digestive tract.

External use of physalis helps to eliminate various wounds and lichens.

The broth obtained from the roots of this culture helps to optimize the endocrine system and improve the menstrual cycle.

Physalis berries are an excellent remedy for patients with chronic cholecystitis, hypoacid gastritis and gastric ulcer. With diabetes mellitus, you can also eat physalis. The benefits of such a product will be for epileptics and hypertensive patients. It is believed that the systematic consumption of the fruits of this culture helps to optimize blood pressure and improve the activity of the endocrine system. Also, such a food supplement will be useful for various forms of dermatosis, ulcers and sores on the skin. Eating physalis fruits helps prevent the development of anemia, avoid age-related changes in digestion and problems in the activity of the respiratory system.

Physalis-based decoctions can be used to treat a wide variety of ailments, which are accompanied by the appearance of a cough. However, it is recommended to take them at the very beginning of the development of the disease, until a significant amount of mucus is formed in the bronchi.

Physalis berries are also great at cleansing the body of toxins and free radicals. Therefore, they will be an excellent find for residents of large cities. In addition, experts have come to the conclusion that the systematic consumption of such fruits helps to prevent the development of many cancers.

Several recipes

Combine dried physalis fruits in the amount of a couple of tablespoons with half a liter of boiling water. Boil such a product over a low heat fire for five minutes. The resulting product should be filtered and taken in half a glass four times a day.

Combine the crushed fruits of this plant in the amount of one hundred grams with one liter of high-quality red dry wine. Send the resulting infusion mixture to a dark place, and do not forget to shake it from time to time. A strained drink should be taken in fifty grams shortly before a meal in order to correct nephritis and kidney ailments.

Combine a couple of tablespoons of chopped plant materials with half a liter of boiling water, boil for five minutes, and then leave for another hour. It is recommended to take a filtered drink in a third of a glass up to five times a day. This medicine will help eliminate rheumatism, bladder disease, kidney ailments and fever.

Physalis berry pulp must be combined with melted fat, observing a ratio of 1: 4. Such a composition should be used for rubbing, making lotions and compresses for the correction of muscular-articular rheumatism.

Keep in mind that all ground parts of physalis can be harmful to health in case of an overdose.

Physalis contraindications, harm

Physalis fruits are eaten only by pouring boiling water in advance. So the sticky plaque is washed off, which, if not done, will lead to an upset stomach.

Since the ground parts of physalis, except for the fruit, are poisonous, their use in recipes should be strictly in accordance with the dosage. The bract is also poisonous. Therefore, it needs to be cleaned before using the fruit in physalis. Fetal contraindications are the same as in tomato. Namely, it should not be eaten with high acidity of the patient's gastric juice.

Physalis is an annual or perennial plant of the Solanaceae family with a characteristic easily recognizable type of berries, which are round in shape and placed in boxes of bright orange flowers. There are different types of physalis, but they are all very useful for the body. Poisonous physalis is often confused with the inedible parts of this plant - in particular, the sepal, which looks like a Chinese paper lantern and surrounds the physalis berry, is inedible and poisonous. Dangerous alkaloids are also found in the roots of this plant.

Is it possible to poison physalis

Like other members of the nightshade family, physalis contains substances that, in large quantities, can cause negative reactions... What are these substances, edible physalis or not?

Tomatoes and potatoes, for example, which are also the nightshade family, contain solanine, while eggplants contain solanine-M. Physalis contains a substance called physalin.

Physaline is a non-toxic alkaloid and carotenoid found in high amounts in physalis. It gives the berry a bitter taste and orange-red color.

As well as the content of solanine in potatoes and tomatoes, the content of fizaline in the physalis berry depends on the main factor - the degree of ripening of the fruit. The more ripe the fruit, the less bitterness and the more suitable the berry is for eating. Therefore, when asked whether physalis is poisonous or not, the answer mainly lies in the way it is used. Indeed, with skillful use, you can also use the leaves and roots of this plant, which in their usual form can be dangerous, but contain valuable medicinal properties that can be extracted.

There are also different varieties of physalis, which are mainly divided into decorative and edible:

  • decorative "Chinese lanterns" have a small shape and a bright orange color. They are widely known in Russia as a decorative element that confectioners use to decorate cakes and other products. This berry has a bitter taste, although it is fully ripe. This variety is not edible due to bitterness, but there is no scientific evidence of its toxicity;
  • edible varieties have larger fruits, and ripe berries can vary in color from yellow to red. There are many varieties of such fruits that have a pleasant sweet and sour taste. Popular pineapple, strawberry, vegetable physalis, as well as other varieties.

However, it should be remembered that any type of physalis is best consumed ripe, as green fruits can lead to minor digestive upset. It is very simple to distinguish a ripe fruit: the sepal surrounding the berry, as soon as it is ripe, dries up and bursts. This is the main sign of the readiness of the berry for food. Physalis makes very tasty jams, preserves, it is dried, boiled, pickled, salted, added to seasonings and eaten raw.

Physalis ordinary grows easily in central Russia, it can be stored in the winter - for this you should not peel the berries from the boxes in which they ripen. Physalis (common) decorative has small round fruits 1-2 cm in size and a box covering the berry with a beautiful triangle.

Like berries of other varieties of physalis, common physalis has a sticky film on the surface of the berry, which tastes bitter. It is difficult to wash off with water and has a waxy texture. The berries of decorative physalis, due to their small size, contain a more concentrated substance physalin, which gives the fruit a bitter taste. Other toxic compounds are also present in decorative physalis.... Because of these properties, the fruit is not recommended to be eaten.

The so-called vegetable physalis, or Mexican, is the most common type of edible physalis, although not the only one. Edible Physalis is available in various varieties and is an edible plant species.... Due to the larger size and selection with various plants, different varieties were obtained - the "Sugar Miracle", "Plum Jam" and many others are widely known. Very tasty dishes are obtained from such berries, and in the form of jam, such a berry looks more like a fig, and in savory dishes it goes well with vegetables, which makes physalis an excellent ingredient for a salad or side dish.

Physalis poisoning is possible only with improper use of this fruit - it cannot be eaten unripe.

To distinguish edible physalis from inedible, in addition to signs of ripening, you can also taste: the inedible fruit will have an unpleasant bitterness. It is also imperative to rinse the fruit before cooking, preferably in hot water. The berry has a sticky, wax-like bloom that gives bitterness - and it must be washed off with water.

Why is physalis useful?

Bright juicy fruits have a number of advantages - a sour taste, which perfectly quenches thirst, and a lot of useful properties for any occasion. Edible physalis is useful for the body, as it has the richest nutritional composition: it contains a considerable amount of organic acids - ascorbic, succinic, malic, tartaric, citric. Contains pectin useful for bone tissue, a large amount of carotene, protein. This Berry is a source of bioflavonoids, it contains minerals necessary for health and a complex of important vitamins. It has an antioxidant effect.

The plant is used in folk medicine and homeopathy as a diuretic, choleretic, hemostatic, antiseptic and analgesic. Effective for rheumatism, diseases of the respiratory tract and urinary system.

To maintain a rich composition, berries are taken raw. For medicinal purposes, juices are made from them, decoctions, tinctures are made. For treatment, plant roots and leaves are also used, since they contain a large amount of useful substances.

The beneficial properties of the fruit are also indispensable for anemia, hypertension, for the treatment of painful menstruation, rheumatism, dermatosis. Modern medicine uses this remedy as a multivitamin and dietary complex capable of giving the body the necessary trace elements and providing it with adequate nutrition.

A decoction of fruits in complex therapy is used to treat urolithiasis... Berry juice is used for wounds, they have a regenerating property and are suitable for the treatment of other skin lesions - lichen, gout.

The vitamin and mineral composition of physalis is as follows:

  • vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B6, B12, PP;
  • trace elements magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium and zinc.

Thus, regular use of physalis will provide the body with the necessary substances that determine its normal functioning, and, therefore, immunity and general well-being will improve.

Growing and care

Although physalis is originally a South American plant, its production is possible in central Russia. We grow both decorative and edible species of this plant.

This plant is very picky about temperature and loves a lot of sun and low humidity.
... However, this plant cannot be called fastidious - with proper care, it can grow up to a meter in height, and provide a winter cellar with a variety of dishes - both sweet and salty, as caviar or pickles.

Growing and caring for edible physalis does not require special knowledge. It is enough to purchase and plant seeds, fertilize the soil and take care of the content of limestone in its composition. Here are some secrets of planting on your site:

  • the seeds should not be stained with the ground - then the plant will not hurt;
  • do not plant different varieties in the same soil - they can interbreed with each other and bear deformed fruits;
  • grows poorly on waterlogged and acidic soil and is often sick;
  • loves a large amount of ash and humus;
  • seeds should be germinated after disinfection, placed in a damp cloth;
  • seedlings, before planting in open ground, prefers a cool temperature - ideally about 17 degrees Celsius, frequent ventilation is necessary;
  • frequent watering is needed only during the growing period, when the plant has grown, watering should be reduced.

Physalis will be very useful at any time of the year and, in addition to the gastronomic variety, it will help to cope with vitamin deficiency, strengthen the immune system, and berries also remove toxins and heavy metals from the body due to the unique elements that make up the composition.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications to use can also be extensive - this is a berry intolerance, and an allergy to one or more chemicals in its composition - for example, to a carotenoid. The content of organic acids in the composition can adversely affect stomach diseases associated with high acidity - in this case, there may be heartburn. Despite the fact that this berry is successfully used to treat gastritis, normalize the acid-base balance in the gastrointestinal tract and other types of diseases of the stomach and intestines, it should be used with caution in people with high acidity.

Physalis can be both useful when used in small quantities, and become a culprit for poisoning when consumed excessively. The positive effect on the body is beyond doubt, however, only those varieties should be used for food that, during the selection process, were bred specifically for their safe use in food. The low content of toxic and unhealthy compounds in their composition became possible due to the artificial breeding of crops by selecting forms and types of plants. When using wild-growing plant species for food, poisoning is not excluded, up to severe conditions... In addition, one should not forget that in the process of ripening, the amount of fizaline decreases sharply, which increases safety in ripe fruits and potential harm in unripe ones.


It is possible to distinguish edible physalis from inedible ones by taste - the pulp of the fruit should not have a strongly pronounced bitter taste, but a slight bitterness may be present. The main taste of the fruit is sweet and sour, pleasant fresh, aroma with hints of strawberries and other berries.... The bitterness from the pulp should not be confused with the waxy film around the berry, which also has a bitter taste and is characteristic of edible and inedible varieties. The berries must be rinsed with plenty of water to remove the film. Moreover, if you wash the berries in hot water, although this is an effective method, you can notice a changed taste to a more sour one.

Only ripe fruits are used for food., which are ripe to orange or red (depending on the variety) and their boll is completely dry. The poisonous elements of the plant - roots, leaves and inflorescences - should not be used for food, since there are many dangerous compounds in the inedible part of the plant.

Are you familiar with physalis? For most, this plant is just an unusual landscape decoration of a garden plot, and only a few know that physalis belongs to vegetable crops and is a relative of tomato, and therefore can well be used as an edible product. The most important thing in this case is to consider how to eat it correctly so that an unusual physalis dish does not harm the body.

What is physalis and how is it useful?

As already mentioned, physalis is a plant of the nightshade family, the same one to which the beloved tomato belongs to many. Indeed, physalis fruits look very much like small tomatoes, but they still have a completely different taste and composition. Unlike tomatoes, the fruits of this plant "hide" in a shell of sepals that grow together and resemble a small Chinese lantern. It is for such a bizarre appearance that gardeners love this vegetable crop.

However, it must be borne in mind that not every physalis (it is also called earthen cranberry, emerald berry, bubble and dog cherry) is suitable for eating: only a vegetable or strawberry type of plant is suitable for this purpose. Ornamental types of physalis are not only inedible, but can also cause some harm if used as an ingredient in certain dishes.

Physalis, whose beneficial properties were closely examined at the beginning of the twentieth century, has not yet become widespread, but, as it turns out, it is completely in vain: the fruits of the plant contain a huge amount of useful substances, but at the same time are very low in calories - only 32 kcal per 100 g of the product, which makes them an indispensable product in a healthy diet. The vegetable culture contains valuable organic acids: citric, succinic malic and others. The plant also contains substances lycopene and pectin, known for their excellent antioxidant properties. Fiber, contained in large quantities in pemphigus fruits, has a positive effect on digestion, and trace elements such as magnesium, zinc, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, vitamins A and E have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body.

Vegetable and strawberry physalis is useful not only as a food ingredient, but also for the preparation of medicinal products. This plant has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and diuretic properties. In folk medicine, it is used to treat cystitis, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, hypertension, cough, and many other diseases.

What a plant can be harmful

Like any plant, physalis can cause certain harm to the body if you do not follow the rules for collecting, preparing and eating its fruits and do not take into account possible contraindications to the use of vegetables for food and medicinal purposes.

The dangerous properties of physalis are associated primarily with the toxicity of its inedible parts, in particular, the very cups in which the fruits are hidden. If vegetables are planned to be used as a culinary ingredient, they should be thoroughly cleaned and washed, otherwise you can get poisoned and cause serious harm to the gastrointestinal tract. It is also important to remember that in the ornamental varieties of physalis, all parts of the plant, including the fruits, are poisonous, so before eating a vegetable crop you need to make sure that you have an edible plant in front of you.

If physalis is used to prepare a remedy, it is necessary to strictly observe the recipe and in no case exceed the dosage and duration of the medication. Healing decoctions and infusions from the bladderwort should not be taken simultaneously with other diuretics in order to avoid dehydration.

If you intend to use physalis, the benefits of which are well known to you, for nutritional or medicinal purposes, be sure to pay attention to the contraindications. These include:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • individual intolerance;
  • gastritis with high acidity, stomach ulcer;
  • diabetes.

Contraindications to the use of a vegetable crop do not include some chronic diseases of the internal organs, but despite this, it is not recommended to include the fruits of the plant in your diet or to be treated with folk remedies from earthy cranberries without first consulting your doctor.

How is physalis?

If you have taken into account all the contraindications and are sure that the physalis fruits will not harm your body, you can safely include this useful product in your menu, because with proper preparation, you can get a dish with an amazingly delicious taste.

In fact, there are a lot of options for using physalis in cooking. The fruits of the plant are eaten fresh, dried and boiled, added to soups and salads, baked, made from them desserts, sauces for main courses and drinks. An important point: in order to rid the edible parts of physalis from bitterness, they must be rinsed with boiling water before cooking.

We bring to your attention an interesting recipe that will definitely not leave you indifferent and will allow you to appreciate the wonderful taste of physalis.

Vegetable stew with physalis... One serving will need 250 g of vegetable fruits, 100 g of fresh carrots, onions, a little parsley, celery, parsnips, taken in equal amounts, 1-2 cloves of garlic, a bunch of dill, olive oil, salt and pepper. Physalis berries are peeled and scalded with boiling water, mixed with chopped carrots, onions and herbs and fried in olive oil. Then add finely chopped garlic, dill, salt and pepper to taste and fry for another 1 minute. Serve chilled.

Once you have discovered the unusual taste of physalis, you will definitely want to add this vegetable culture to your diet and you will be absolutely right: if used correctly, the fruits of earthen cranberries will not only bring gastronomic pleasure, but also bring a lot of benefits to the body.

Beautiful orange physalis lanterns are known to many: their unusual appearance and bright color attract attention. But besides decorative, inedible, there is also vegetable and berry physalis. Unfortunately, physalis suitable for eating, whose beneficial properties are highly valued in Mexico, Bulgaria, Iran, is not so popular among our population. But this delicious and unusually beautiful berry is a representative of the same nightshade family as our beloved one.

Before you eat physalis berries, make sure it is an edible variety. In the decorative species, not only the leaves, stems and lanterns are poisonous, but also the fruits.

Berry composition

The ground parts of this tall herbaceous plant, except for berries, are poisonous. The reason is the highly toxic alkaloids they contain. By the way, because of them, the plant is popularly called sleepy grass.

The fruits also contain alkaloids, but not very much. They contain much more various sugars, organic acids (citric, sinapic, coffee, ferulic and others),.

The berries contain various macro- and microelements (potassium, iron, calcium and others), tannins, vitamins C and A (, carotenoids).

They owe their bright color to lycopene. It is a powerful antioxidant and is believed to have anti-tumor properties.

Useful properties of non-decorative species

The berry, which is exotic for us, is characterized by hemostatic, antibacterial, and analgesic properties. It is used as a diuretic and choleretic, fortifying agent. With its regular use in food, the work of the gastrointestinal tract improves, blood pressure normalizes.

Its low energy value (approximately 30 kcal per 100 g) means that Physalis is suitable for dietary nutrition.

Without harm, you can only eat fully ripe physalis fruits, unripe berries are poisonous.

Indications for use

Due to the chemical composition of physalis, its beneficial properties are such that in some diseases and conditions it is especially useful to include orange berries and dishes from them in the diet.

  • Physalis must be included in the diet of older people. Fresh fruits have a tonic effect. They also help against constipation, anemia, hypertension, articular rheumatism, gout - frequent companions of old age.
  • For emaciated, weakened people, physalis is not only tasty, but also a necessary remedy as a source of vitamins.
  • For kidney and bladder stones, cystitis, and other problems with the excretory system, orange fruits are useful fresh and dried as a diuretic.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, biliary tract - a reason to try physalis. Fresh and dried fruits, as well as juice, broth, compote from them will bring benefits.
  • In the complex treatment of hepatitis A, these drinks also play a role. They also help with diarrhea of ​​various origins.
  • Pectin contained in berries, like apple pectin, removes radionuclides and heavy metal salts from the body. This is necessary for people living in an unfavorable environmental environment or working in hazardous industries.
  • Improper diet, tendency to obesity, obesity are also reasons to feast on these berries or a decoction of them.

In addition to the fact that physalis fruits help to remove toxins from the body, the pectin contained in them binds and removes excess cholesterol. And due to their low calorie content, an abundance of vitamins and other useful substances, they are the best fit for a dietary menu.

  • Even in ancient times, physalis was used to treat the respiratory system. With bronchitis, bronchial asthma, prolonged cough, and other problems with the upper respiratory tract, healers prescribed to drink a decoction or infusion of physalis. And with a sore throat, it is useful to drink milk, but not simple, but the one in which the crushed berries were cooked.
  • It is known that physalis was recommended by ancient healers for diseases of the endocrine system. Physalis should be included in the diet for patients with diabetes, in which so much attention is paid to nutrition. Low-calorie, rich in pectin and other nutrients, it can help them too.
  • Physalis also copes well with dermatitis, ulcers and inflammatory manifestations on the skin, bruises. It also helps with deprivation that is difficult to treat.

Means for external use are prepared from parts of the plant: from berries - ointment, from decoction of roots - ointment for compresses and baths. Oil-infused flashlights also help heal damaged tissues. The effect will be even better if berries are included in the diet for the duration of the treatment.

  • A decoction of the roots of this plant is useful to take to normalize the menstrual cycle in women. Physalis roots can be bought at a pharmacy, or you can prepare yourself. This should be done in the fall, as well as picking berries. At this time of the year, they have the highest concentration of nutrients.


Contraindications, even if there are not so many, this plant also has.

  • Physalis, especially fresh, should be eaten with caution if the stomach is acidic.
  • In childhood (up to three years), these berries are also not recommended. At an older age, they are introduced into the diet, but gradually, starting from 2-3 pieces per day.
  • They should also be treated with caution during pregnancy.
  • Except for the fruit, all the ground parts of the plant are poisonous. Therefore, you should not contact with them pregnant and breastfeeding, as well as small children.

Ways of use, recipes for folk remedies

Physalis is eaten in any form. True, the fruits of vegetable physalis are tasteless without heat treatment. And although in Mexico they are put raw in salads, in our country they are most often pickled. It tastes very similar to ordinary canned tomatoes.

They are also added to various soups, they make preparations for the winter. Boiled or baked, they are used as side dishes, seasoning for main courses, and sauces with a specific taste are prepared from them.

Before cooking, fresh berries of vegetable physalis must be doused with boiling water or blanched. This is done to wash off a specific bitter plaque from them.

It is better to eat berry physalis fresh. Its fruits are surprisingly aromatic, and the taste resembles, depending on the variety, other fruits: pineapple, strawberries,. Jams, confitures, marshmallows are made from it, juices, compotes and boils are boiled.

From berry physalis can be made, no less useful and tasty than the usual. To do this, the berries are dried in the sun, in an oven, oven or special dryer.
The beneficial qualities of berries are preserved during heat treatment, so food, which includes physalis dishes, can be called at least useful.

But using these berries for medicinal purposes, you need to observe the dosage and remember about the regularity.

  • It is recommended to eat a dozen fresh small fruits or up to 8 large ones 15-30 minutes before meals.
  • With increased acidity of gastric juice, the number of berries should be reduced by 2 times, and they should be eaten right before eating.

Physalis can serve well not only as a healthy food product. On its basis, various medicinal ointments, tinctures, rinses, compresses are made.

  • A remedy that will help with angina, stomatitis, barking cough. Boil milk with gruel from fresh physalis fruits over low heat. 4 tablespoons several times a day - and the disease will recede.
  • Ointment with healing, regenerating, antibacterial properties. Dry the fruits and then burn them. Mix the resulting ash with any vegetable oil and lubricate the affected areas.
  • Another ointment recipe: crush a few physalis berries, add 2 tablespoons of olive oil to them and leave for 3 weeks. After this time, strain, store in the refrigerator. Smear the affected areas with inflammatory processes of the skin, rheumatism and other pains.

There are many such recipes in those countries where physalis is popular. It is a pity that we know little about its benefits and harms to health. This plant deserves more than just being a decorative element in the garden.