Why it is impossible to shave the intimate area of ​​girls. Is it necessary and is it necessary for a girl, a woman to shave the intimate bikini area? To shave or not to shave a bikini area for a girl, a woman: pros and cons? What do gynecologists say about bikini shaving? What are the disadvantages of such a procedure

Shaving the intimate area is everyone's personal business. Some do it for reasons of hygiene, others for an aesthetic purpose. In addition, the traditions of hair removal or not hair removal manifest themselves depending on the state and culture. Nevertheless, on the territory of our country, intimate hairstyles in beauty salons are very popular, but is it advisable? What are the best care methods to use? And if you shave, is it harmful to shave an intimate place? Let's sort it out in order.

Do I need to shave an intimate place?

If we consider the question of the need to shave from the point of view of nature and nature, then we can draw a simple conclusion: if the hair grows "there", it means that someone needs it. Hairiness in the intimate area during puberty is a secondary sex characteristic: it determines the preferences in choosing a sexual partner, but has nothing to do with the reproductive process, and does not affect it. In addition, the hairline has several very useful functions:

Thermal. Pubic hair provides thermoregulation of the genitals at different times of the year
Protective. They prevent the penetration of pathogenic microflora. This function is especially important for maintaining women's health.
Sexy. The pheromones produced by the body are "securely retained by the vegetation" and make the individual more attractive and interesting to the opposite sex.

For these reasons, doctors strongly advise against removing the hairline in the groin. The maximum that is allowed is a haircut. This is where salon haircuts in the bikini area become appropriate. Firstly, it is aesthetically pleasing, and secondly, it is absolutely harmless. Moreover, a well-groomed intimate place gives a person a sense of confidence and sexuality, which is important for maintaining a healthy level of sexual life.

Another positive point in this matter is the observance of hygiene standards. Indeed, a fairly large number of bacteria, dirt and products of the sebaceous glands accumulate on the hair in any part of the body. Therefore, it is worth looking for the "golden mean". And if you nevertheless decided to "cleanly" shave your intimate area, you need to correctly, or rather - individually select the method of shaving.

What is the best way to shave an intimate place?

Modern cosmetology offers many options for removing unwanted vegetation. However, each of them causes a lot of controversy regarding safety and effectiveness. Let's consider them separately:

Epilation. A similar procedure involves the complete removal of the hairline along with the bulb. The most common are several of its types: laser and photoepilation, as well as getting rid of hair with wax and sugar. The advantages of this method include efficiency: you will get smooth skin, as they say: "without a knot, without a hitch," but there are also disadvantages. Firstly, this is a rather expensive procedure, secondly, it is not a completely safe event, and thirdly, it is quite painful. You need to contact a master who really understands this matter and will not injure you in the form of any damage to the skin.

Depilation. This method is also very popular. The essence of the method is to remove the visible part of the "vegetation". Most often, special depilatory creams are used, which are applied to the required area, and after a while they are removed using a special spatula. The result will be felt for a long time. But there is also a "reverse side of the coin": most of these creams include allergic substances in the form of fragrances, parabens and other components. Therefore, depilatory products must be selected with great care.

Regular shaving. This is the most popular hair removal procedure. In addition, such manipulations can be independently carried out at home. Cheap, fast, quite effective - these are the main advantages of shaving. The disadvantages include the possibility of cuts, inflammation and infection of the genitals with various pathogenic organisms. True, in order to calmly use the razor and avoid negative consequences, you just need to "learn the technique."

How to shave an intimate place correctly?

Correct shaving is the key to good results and no negative consequences. In view of the fact that this procedure is rightfully recognized as the most popular, we will describe how best and most correctly to carry it out:

Avoid using disposable machines. Get yourself a regular "dangerous" razor: it is easier to clean, you can change the blades, and the effect is better.
Steam your skin well before removing hair. This will help prevent abrasions and cuts.
Use special shaving creams or gels, not regular soaps. Firstly, they soften better, and secondly, they effectively moisturize the skin after the procedure. The only point is to monitor the degree of allergenicity of such cosmetics. It is better to choose creams for sensitive skin.
Never be in a hurry, razor shaving does not tolerate sudden movements.
After completing all procedures, wash the intimate area with soap, but be sure to moisturize it after.
Taking care of yourself regularly and observing basic hygiene is a necessary thing, but to shave or not to shave - decide at your discretion.

Shaving intimate hair became popular only fifteen years ago. Such a hobby for young people then took on a truly large-scale character, since all the fair sex strove to beauty salons to get rid of unnecessary hair. They were not interested in the question of how and for how long, the most important thing was smooth skin in the intimate area. Some girls did it for themselves, while others wanted to surprise and please their guys. But after a couple of years, a lot of news clips appeared on the Internet on the topic of why you can't shave your intimate area. But they did not become an obstacle to the growing popularity of such a procedure. Today we will decide whether it is worth doing intimate depilation, and whether it is harmful to health.


It is certainly not worthwhile to categorically prohibit shaving delicate areas, since this will only force young people to go against the existing rules. Without understanding this problem, you really can not understand why it is impossible to shave the intimate area, and what it threatens.


According to research results, shaving the intimate area too often can lead to the development of a rather serious illness. The fact is that as a result of shaving the hairs, general irritation of the skin begins, as a result of which it becomes more sensitive and less protected. It is during this period that the girl runs the risk of contracting the so-called molluscum contagiosum, which will only worsen irritation and sensitivity. Another reason why you shouldn't shave your intimate area is because frequent shaving causes an increase in the rate of hair growth. That is, getting rid of them, you only contribute to their even greater growth. But for some girls, such a shave is already becoming a habit, since they consider it more hygienic and beautiful, and this, of course, is the truth. Many girls are not interested in the question itself, but in the person who raised the problem of why it is impossible to shave the intimate area, because such a ban is at least stupid and unfounded. After all, not many will like it when a girl from under a bikini can see dense vegetation. Even if it looks more natural for some, however, the majority will categorically disagree to contemplate such a picture.

Useful Tips

So, how to shave your intimate area to avoid irritation or illness? First of all, before the procedure, you need to take a hot bath so that the pores open up and hair removal is not so painful. The choice of depilation method is of your choice. You can use wax strips that remove hair for several weeks, or a good depilatory. For those who want to save a little, a regular razor is also suitable, with which you can even make yourself a kind of "hairstyle". We only note that shaving the intimate area should not be done too often, otherwise the hair will grow very quickly, and the skin will be irritated every time. Carry out the procedure wisely, then everything will be fine and beautiful!

Today we decided to devote our article to the question, which is quite relevant for both men and women: is it necessary to shave an intimate place ?! From the moment of puberty, boys and girls begin to grow hair where it was not before - in the genital area. Then young people begin to think about shaving an intimate place, and how to do it correctly, so as not to cut yourself and avoid complications in the form of irritation.

Destruction of myths

When a young man or a girl asks for advice on whether to shave an intimate place, they often hear the answer: “Of course not! Once you start doing this, your hair will grow much faster. " This is a fairly common opinion, although it is erroneous. Whether you shave off your hair or leave it, the rate of its growth will not change at all. After all, they have no sensitivity and cannot transmit a signal to the brain about what is happening to them.

The second point that needs to be debunked is that the hair becomes thicker and coarser. This is also not true. Yes, it does, but not because of shaving, but during the natural aging process. In simple terms, hair gets thicker with age.

The third myth: shaving is the root cause Of course it is not. Think for yourself, if this were true, then men who shave stubble on their chins would have to spend a third of their lives actively fighting nasty ingrown hairs. In fact, such an unfortunate incident happens to those who do not carefully look after their intimate place. This needs to be paid more attention. If you answered yes to the question of whether you need to shave your intimate place and started the process, then get ready to take care of a spicy hairstyle. First you need to scrub the surface of the skin, wash it with hot (within reasonable limits - you do not need burns) water and wipe it with a towel. Then apply foam or and start the process. At the end of the procedure, treat the pubic area with a cooling cream.

Does a man need to shave an intimate place?

Why not? Sure! Many men do this and do not regret it at all. It is not so hot in summer, nothing pricks or tickles. Many men ask their partners for this for the first time, after which they begin to turn it into a daily ritual.

Things to Consider Before Shaving

If you are 100% determined to clean up the pubic area, be prepared for the fact that depilation will have to be done every other day, and perhaps even every day, so that the skin remains smooth as silk. You also have to buy a good machine and replacement cartridges with blades, special gel, scrub and lotions.

an intimate place with a machine tool?

Step 1. Trim long hair with scissors to avoid blunting the razor. In addition, it will make the process easier and more painless.

Step 2. Take a hot bath or shower to steam your skin. Use an exfoliating scrub when washing your intimate area.

Step 3. Spread some gel (or foam) over your pubis and start shaving. Never use soap or shower gel - they are not good for this! When shaving, pull back the skin slightly and apply gentle pressure with the shaver. Try not to put in a lot of effort to avoid cutting yourself.

Step 4. After the procedure, rinse off the remaining gel with warm water, wipe the pubic area with a towel and apply a cooling gel after shaving or This will help keep the skin soft and relieve irritation.

Who doesn't remove hair in the bikini area? Such a person is difficult to find, especially if it is a woman! However, there is a long-term dispute between doctors and fashionistas about the potential dangers of this occupation. Today we will consider the question of why it is impossible to shave the intimate area. And also what is the alternative way to get rid of unwanted vegetation on the body.

French dermatologists were among the first to sound the alarm. In Nice, they decided to conduct appropriate research. According to the results of a survey of 30 patients who became infected, it turned out that all victims removed hair in the bikini area.

These two facts were tied in one chain, after which the world learned about the terrible consequences of such care for their bodies. Doctors explain their categorical nature by the elementary rules of hygiene: during mechanical action on the skin, scratches, cuts are formed, and subsequently skin irritation begins. These measures can also lead to a number of skin diseases and infection with the virus. This is the opinion of scientists.

How to shave your hair in the intimate area

No matter how hard dermatologists try to scare us, women will not stop caring for their intimate place, because for the beginning of a stable relationship with a beloved man, this zone plays one of the important roles. With your neatness and grooming, you can win over a gentleman. And, conversely, negligence of the intimate zone can ruin the whole "appetite" and impression of you. No matter how wonderful a person you are, the memories of the eerie thickets on your body will haunt your former fan for a long time.

Therefore, we will not go to extremes, but simply learn how to properly remove hair from our body. To reduce the risk of irritation and occurrence when shaving, follow these 5 rules:

  1. Choose male. Female counterparts and disposable substitutes are designed for the treatment of smooth surfaces, that is, they are not at all adapted to the bends and depressions of our pelvic area.
  2. Use a gel or a gel that lathers well.
  3. Shave in the direction of hair growth, otherwise you will cut off the skin and provoke ingrown hairs.
  4. After depilation, apply a menthol, chamomile or calendula moisturizer. These are antiseptics that will relieve irritation.
  5. Choose a comfortable position when getting rid of hair, use a mirror.

Why you can't shave your intimate area: once again about doctors

Doctors attribute depilation to provocation of infection with the human papillomavirus, molluscum contagiosum and the possibility of blood poisoning. All this is due to the fact that the skin slowly heals after mechanical action, remains irritated for a long time, therefore, with low immunity at this moment, you can catch any virus.

Why you can't shave your intimate area: women's opinion

Shave or not shave? That is the question! Of course, most women will remain adherents of machine tools, because this method is the simplest, fastest, most painless and accessible to everyone, without exception. For those who want to get rid of their hair once and for all, laser hair removal is suitable.

It's nice that scientists have not yet identified contraindications against this method. However, the big disadvantage of this procedure is the painful sensation during its implementation and the high price. How to take care of your body is everyone's personal business, we are sure that you will choose the best option for yourself. However, before the intimate area, we advise you to choose the right after-shave skin care products that slow down hair growth. And don't forget to replace your machine with a man's one.

To be beautiful is simply, the main thing is not to harm your health. Compliance with the rules that we have indicated will make the epilation procedure much more pleasant and your skin more attractive.

More recently, beauty was in naturalness. Now modern styling products, cosmetics, hair straighteners help girls than they were given by nature. The same goes for the bikini area. If earlier only a few shaved this area, now everything is exactly the opposite. There are only a few of the fair sex left who prefer naturalness, while the rest are trying to remove vegetation in the intimate area. All girls are massively struggling with hair, not knowing why you can't shave. Let's try to figure it out.

Causes of irritation

Firstly, it is not recommended to do this for those who have very delicate and sensitive skin. In this case, you need to choose the most suitable product so as not to experience discomfort in the bikini area. Irritation can also appear from an incorrectly selected machine. If your skin hasn't responded well to a disposable razor, try another one with softening strips and replaceable attachments, or an electric shaver. Male looms are well suited for these purposes, since they do an excellent job of uneven skin and less injure it. Also, do not forget to use special emollients when shaving. should be chosen according to the type of skin. If you compare it with a cream, then cosmetologists are advised to stay on the second.

Possibility to cut yourself

Why can't you shave your bikini area even if your skin is not irritable? It is not recommended to remove vegetation in this area due to the fact that you could inadvertently cut yourself. A dull blade or inaccurate movement can lead to wounds that take a long time to heal, germs and dirt can enter them, which can lead to inflammation.

Before you shave your bikini area, you need to steam the skin first. To do this, you need to stand in a hot shower or steam in a hot bath. In 5 minutes, the skin will be smoothed out and the hair will be softened. Be extremely careful when shaving, as cuts in this area take a long time to heal. But if the cuts could not be avoided, then treat them with cotton wool dipped in hydrogen peroxide. After hair removal, use special nourishing and soothing agents.

The likelihood of contracting infections

Information about why you can not shave the bikini area became known only recently. French doctors said that shaving a bikini can lead to very dire consequences. Shaving and injuring the skin and creating favorable conditions for the life of pathogenic organisms. Scientists examined both sexes; after depilation, all were diagnosed with micro-damage to the skin: ingrown hair, scars, warts and folliculitis. In such conditions, it develops well. In contact with such a person, a healthy person can very quickly pick up this infection. You can get infected both through common household items and sexually. People who are immunocompromised are the easiest to get infected. Worst of all, it is almost impossible to detect this disease. After learning why you can't shave your bikini area, try to be more attentive to your health.