Useful properties of edible physalis. Vegetable physalis: useful properties and contraindications

Physalis belongs to the nightshade family; South America is considered the birthplace of the herbaceous plant. The beneficial properties of physalis are multifaceted and have been studied many times. There are important aspects to be learned before using and using it. The product has a beneficial effect on all organs and systems of the body. However, with inept reception, it can cause significant harm to a person.

Physalis composition

The rich nutritional composition allows the plant to be used in the treatment and prevention of most ailments. Physalis contains a lot of glucose and fructose, so the fruits are an excellent source of carbohydrates.

In addition, the chemical list assumes the presence of such components as citric acid, saponin, vitamin B1, polyphenolic compounds and, of course, fizalin.

The fruits of the plant concentrate retinol, riboflavin, pyridoxine and other valuable substances. For this reason, physalis is often replaced by the usual multivitamin complexes. The composition contains a lot of vitamin B12, the fruits are recommended for intake by vegetarians, who often suffer from a deficiency of this substance.

The composition contains acids of the organic type. These include apple, lemon, wine, ferulic. Lycopene gives the fruit a bright, rich color. Also, this element is a natural antioxidant that is added to medicines against cancer.

Despite such an extensive list of substances and their beneficial properties, physalis can be used in dietary nutrition. Its caloric content is 56 Kcal, which is a relatively small value.

Physalis benefits

  1. With diabetes. Fruits help prevent and treat an existing disease, regardless of the stage of the disease. Incoming substances control blood glucose levels, so that sugar does not "jump". In addition, physalis in combination with medicines increases the effect of the latter. Thanks to this, the course of the disease is facilitated and its symptoms are reduced.
  2. With oncology. As mentioned above, many of the physalis chemical elements are added to cancer medicines. Antibacterial, antioxidant properties in combination with flavonoids remove free radicals and stop the effects of radiation therapy (with an already existing ailment). The tumor begins to self-destruct due to the fact that physalis blocks the supply of blood and oxygen to it.
  3. For the bones. Physalis contains a lot of calcium, thanks to this, fracture prevention and bone tissue compaction is carried out. With regular consumption, you will fill the voids in the bones, satisfy the body's daily need for vitamin K. This substance prevents the development of chronic ailments associated with the spine and the musculoskeletal system in general. Physalis strengthens nails, hair and teeth, eliminates bad breath.
  4. For the heart and blood. Fruits contain a lot of sodium, magnesium and potassium. These substances are responsible for the correct functioning of the heart muscle. Also, with the systematic consumption of physalis, blood circulation improves, blood vessels open and cleanse, red blood cells are produced at a doubled rate. Fruits regulate blood insulin levels, which is prized by diabetics. Physalis removes bad cholesterol and prevents it from being deposited in the form of plaques. This is the prevention of blood clots and atherosclerosis, heart attacks, stroke.
  5. For eyes. Beta-carotene is responsible for vision, so physalis should be consumed by people with eye diseases. To reduce the likelihood of cataract formation and premature aging of fiber, consume at least a few fruits per day. As a result, you can avoid such unpleasant ailments as lens clouding and macular degeneration.

Physalis benefits for men

  1. Overseas bright fruits are recommended for representatives of a strong half of the population. Physalis accumulates niacin, this substance is necessary for high-quality enzymatic processes.
  2. Physalis accelerates the absorption of food and helps nutrients to quickly enter the bloodstream. Fruits cleanse the liver, this is useful for men who have a craving for alcohol and tobacco.
  3. Men who regularly play sports should include a berry in their diet. It improves muscle gain and prevents fiber breakdown during sleep.
  4. Physalis is truly a male fetus. Regular use allows you to prevent ailments of the reproductive system and reduce the likelihood of impotence.
  5. Exotic fruits are recommended for couples who cannot conceive. Physalis enhances spermatogenesis and increases the ability to reproduce.

  1. Studies have shown that regular consumption of the product replenishes the deficiency of manganese and iron during the menstrual cycle in women.
  2. The consumption of physalis prevents the onset of muscle pain and headaches. Good mood returns, signs of depression disappear.
  3. Taking the product makes life much easier for the fair sex, preventing PMS symptoms.

Physalis benefits for weight loss

  1. Physalis is an ideal product for people who want to say goodbye to extra pounds. The unique composition helps to keep the body in good shape, while the fruits are low in calories.
  2. Dietary fiber stimulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, fiber forces the body to break down old fatty layers. Weight loss is natural and comfortable.

Physalis benefits for aging

  1. The benefits of the fruit are pronounced in the fight against free radicals. The product actively opposes the development of various types of oncology.
  2. The high percentage of copper in physalis improves the structure of the skin, making the epidermis smooth and velvety.
  3. The consumption of fruits helps to stop premature aging of tissues, eliminates age spots. In 100 gr. physalis contains 12% of the daily value of copper.

Physalis benefits for digestion

  1. Fruits are a storehouse of vegetable fiber. Systematic eating of berries significantly improves metabolism and eliminates most of the existing problems.
  2. Physalis has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, relieving a person from bloating, flatulence, spasms and constipation.
  3. Fruits prevent the development of colon cancer and gastric ulcer. Physalis also normalizes the synthesis of sugars, controls the level of glucose in the blood.

  1. The benefits of the unique composition of the berries can hardly be overestimated. The high iron content in physalis is actively involved in hematopoiesis and an increase in hemoglobin.
  2. Eating the fruit provides oxygen to the tissues. As a result of this process, regeneration at the cellular level is increased. The healing of habitual wounds is many times faster.

Physalis harm

Undoubtedly, physalis is valuable for the human body, but do not forget that the fruits can be harmful.

  1. It is forbidden to drink medicinal decoctions and infusions based on berries for a long time. The course of treatment should not exceed 10 days. Next, you need to take a break for the same period.
  2. If you have been diagnosed with serious chronic ailments, consult a treating specialist before consuming any product in any form.
  3. It is forbidden to take physalis for problems in the thyroid gland, acute form of stomach ulcers and gastritis. Failure to follow the recommendations can significantly harm the body.
  4. Consumption of the product during pregnancy and lactation is not recommended. Before taking it, you should make sure that you have an edible variety in front of you. Ornamental berries and fruits growing in uncultivated areas are potentially dangerous.

Physalis is a kind of plant. Undoubtedly, if taken correctly, the exotic berry will significantly improve health and overcome some diseases. If you are in doubt about whether to consume the fruit at all, consult a specialist. It is important to choose or grow only an edible Physalis variety, otherwise you can get severe poisoning.

Video: how is physalis useful?

Physalis Is a perennial plant of the Solanaceae family. Quite often you can hear a comparison of this product with tomatoes. This plant is also called earthen cranberry or emerald berry.... Physalis looks like a flower in the form of an orange Chinese lantern, inside there is a round fruit. It should be borne in mind that there are various types of this plant, among which many are simply not suitable for use. You can use only vegetable and strawberry physalis. The main plant species are poisonous and toxic.

Physalis has a sweet and sour taste with a slight unusual bitterness. This plant grows in Iraq, Bulgaria and Central Asia.

Beneficial features

After lengthy research, it was determined that this plant is not of any interest for official medicine. But folk recipes using physalis still exist. Most often it is used as a diuretic... More physalis has the ability to activate tissue epithelialization... In addition, there are recipes that allow you to use this plant for treatment, liver, jaundice, hemorrhoids, cystitis, etc. More physalis can be used for the external treatment of lichens and various wounds... Physalis is made from an ointment, which is used as pain reliever for rheumatism and gout.

Physalis has a hemostatic and choleretic effect... A decoction from the roots is advised to use to reduce cough, pain, and is also useful when setting menstruation... Physalis will also help reduce problems from senile constipation.

Cooking use

Physalis is used in any form: dried, pickled, boiled... They even make jams and preserves from it. This plant is not widely used, but it is still used in cooking. Physalis berries are used to spice up soups, salads and various side dishes. This product is widely used for the preparation of various pickles. Also one of the unusual options for making physalis is caviar. Well, the original taste of the jam will appeal to even the most demanding gourmets.

Boiled physalis berries are used as a filling for baking and make various decorations for desserts from it. They also make original sauces that help improve the taste of meat and fish dishes.

Physalis benefits and treatment

In folk medicine, physalis is used to treat many diseases. For example, due to its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, it is recommended for the treatment of kidney diseases, gout, as well as to get rid of pain and relieve inflammation of the joints.

In addition, the plant will help improve the condition of rheumatism and diseases of the respiratory system.

They use not only flowers and fruits, but also leaves and roots... Juice is also extracted from the plant, which is later used to treat various diseases. Physalis is often used as a multivitamin and dietary remedy. It helps patients with hypoacid gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers. In addition, physalis can be used for chronic cholecystitis and hypertension.

Physalis harm and contraindications

Limit the amount of physalis consumed by people who have high acidity of gastric juice... You can not use them with individual intolerance to the components of the product.

Physalis is a close relative of the tomato. In ancient times, physalis symbolized pregnancy: women who found out about their position presented its branch to their husbands as a sign that they would become fathers. Today this plant is widely used in cooking for desserts, salads and hot dishes. Will physalis harm pregnant women? How much can you consume?

Physalis benefits for pregnant women

Physalis can be very useful for expectant mothers:

  • A large amount of vitamin C in its composition increases the body's resistance to colds and accelerates the healing process in infectious diseases;
  • Nicotinic acid regulates cholesterol levels in the body;
  • B1 has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and stimulates brain activity;
  • A large amount of potassium serves as a good prophylaxis, which are especially frequent in the later stages;
  • The diuretic action also helps to reduce swelling;
  • Pectin - removes toxins and improves intestinal motility, contributing to the normalization of stool in a pregnant woman;
  • The orange color of the plant is provided by beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, which is essential for the normal development of the fetus.
  • Lycopene - improves digestion, strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • Vegetable fiber promotes better food digestion, has a laxative effect.

Physalis harm for expectant mothers

The harmful effects of physalis are associated with its ability to cause an allergic reaction. That is why physalis is recommended for pregnant women to use in small quantities and infrequently. If rashes or other manifestations of allergies occur, the use of this plant should be discontinued.

Important! If you haven't tasted physalis before pregnancy, postpone the tasting until lactation stops.

Since physalis has a diuretic effect, it should not be combined with similar drugs to avoid dehydration.

How to choose a quality physalis?

In order not to be mistaken in choosing high-quality fruits, follow the following recommendations:

  • Choose physalis in a closed dry shell;
  • A green shell means the immaturity of the fetus;
  • You need to store the fruit in the shell in a dark cool place for up to 2-3 weeks;
  • Store peeled physalis fruits only in the refrigerator.

Useful video

Physalis is an amazing plant that protects the human body. But its medicinal and beneficial properties have not yet been fully understood, and much remains to be discovered. But some time ago, everyone thought that it was a weed growing along the edge of the garden and serving only to decorate autumn bouquets.

The plant chooses for its growth the light forests of Bulgaria and Russia, it is found in the Baltic States and the Caucasus. The plant comes from South and Central America.

Useful properties of physalis

Physalis is a perennial plant that belongs to the nightshade family, grows to a height of 50 to 100 cm, creeping roots and strongly branching. Shoots are erect and foliage grows oppositely with slightly jagged edges.

Flower buds are located in the axils of the leaves and, when opened, grow into white or beige flowers. The peduncle's cup looks like a bell, inside which is a juicy orange fruit. The flowering of this plant lasts all summer, and the fruits ripen by August and September, which is due to the type of physalis. read here.

Physalis has always been a healing plant. With its help, they fight various ailments of a person:

  • diuretics;
  • hemostatic;
  • choleretic;
  • antiseptic;
  • pain relievers.

Diet products can be prepared from this plant. It can be used to prepare first and second courses, canned vegetables. Jam is made from it and healthy vitamin juices are prepared.

For medicinal purposes, all parts of the physalis are used. Roots accumulate a lot of alkaloids, leaves - carotenoids, berries - carbohydrates.

With the help of this plant, various diseases are treated, for example, rheumatism, gout, various diseases of the genitourinary system and many other different diseases.

  • Extracts and tinctures are drunk for urolithiasis, bronchitis and edema, rheumatism and bruises;
  • Fresh fruits and juice are used for dermatoses, gonorrhea and dysentery, for hypertensive crises;
  • With a strong cough and bronchitis, a decoction is prepared from the rhizome of the plant, it also helps in stopping menstruation;
  • In Central Asia, the berries of the plant are used to treat anemia, and it also helps the elderly who suffer from constipation. Tea is brewed from it, using the leaves and covers of the fruits;
  • In Tajikistan, juice and gruel from physalis leaves are boiled over low heat. This broth is combined with milk, and sore throats and stomatitis in children are treated.

Now medicine uses it as a dietary supplement and multivitamin solvents for people who are sick with gastritis, diabetes, cholecystitis. Such people are recommended to take fresh fruits in the amount of 10 pieces before meals for a quarter of an hour.

Today, a gel is produced from physalis fruits, which is used for inflammatory processes of the skin. It enhances skin regeneration and promotes wound healing.

Dangerous properties

Physalis is a very valuable low-calorie dietary product. But we must remember that all parts of the plant are poisonous and therefore cannot be taken without consulting a doctor. You also need to be sure that you are going to prepare food from a vegetable variety, and not from a decorative one. Since the decorative physalis is not eaten!

People who have an acidic stomach should take physalis-based medicines with caution. It is recommended to start with a couple of berries in order to understand how the stomach reacts to the fruit.

How to cultivate this plant? There is nothing difficult because he is from the nightshade family and its cultivation is similar to growing a tomato.

There are different types of this plant:

  • vegetable;
  • strawberry;
  • decorative.

Features of growing vegetable physalis

The plant has small seeds, they are tested for germination by pouring them into a bowl of salt water. All those seeds that float up can be thrown away, and those that have fallen to the bottom will be planted in prepared soil. To disinfect the earth, it must be spilled with a weak solution of potassium permanganate just before sowing the seeds.

The soil for planting seeds must be made loose and fertile. Therefore, we dig up the ridge set aside for planting and sprinkle it with ash and rotted humus. The place should be sunny, as physalis does not grow in the shade.

Physalis precursors can be any vegetable crops, except for nightshade crops. Since planting a plant will pick up those infections that have accumulated, for example, on tomatoes or eggplants. Although, if the size of the land is limited, then you can see that any sore can hardly cling to the physalis.

Vegetable physalis is usually grown by self-sowing, since it is not afraid of cold snaps. Therefore, it is good to sow it in the ground in the fall. At the same time, young shoots are strong and hardened than seedlings grown at home, which were sown at the end of winter.

Physalis, planted immediately in the ground, begins to bear fruit 14 days later than grown with the help of seedlings. Therefore, if a harvest is needed at the beginning of summer, then they are planted with the help of seedlings, and then physalis, planted before winter, takes effect.

Young plants grow very quickly, it takes a month for them to reach the age suitable for planting seedlings in ridges. Consequently, the sowing of seeds begins in mid-April, in order to transplant it to the ridge of your site after 25-30 days. It is planted a couple of weeks earlier than tomatoes, since the seedlings of the plant are not afraid of light spring frosts.

The seedlings themselves are planted in any way possible, like. First, they sow the seeds in a small bowl, when two true leaves grow, they are dived into separate small cups. Or, not saving space, they sow 2 seeds in a container so as not to disturb the root system of the plant with a dive.

The seedlings are watered well, but without fanaticism, otherwise the sprouts may get sick with a black leg. You can sow seeds directly on the ridge and, after abundant watering, cover the entire ridge with insulation, for example, greenhouse film.

Seedlings for the entire growth period must be fed a couple of times with infusion of a mullein diluted one to ten. Watering with infusion must be done carefully so as not to burn the leaves.

By mid-May, seedlings that have been properly cared for will have five or six true leaves and will be completely ready for planting on the ridges. But so that she does not die, on the very first day, she must be accustomed to open air, taking out to breathe it first for a couple of hours a day, putting it in the shade, and then for the whole day.

Physalis quickly grows in size, so it is planted in a checkerboard pattern with a step of 50 cm. It is watered abundantly only when planting seedlings, then watered if there are dry days in the region.

Actually, all care for physalis comes down to weeding and rare watering. During the ripening of the fruits, watering must be stopped so that they are not watery. The plant does not require grazing, since the more branches, the more fruits growing in the axils of the leaves.

Ripening begins from the lower tier of fruits. When ripe, if not cut off, they can fall to the ground. This does not spoil the appearance of the berries, you can pick them up and cook the dishes you like. The ripeness of the berry depends on the variety, therefore, when planting a certain variety, you need to familiarize yourself with the annotation of how the fruit will look in ripe state.

If the first cold snaps in the region come already in September, then the physalis bushes can be dug up along with the unripe fruits and hung in the barn until the fruits ripen.

Features of growing strawberry physalis

It is also called berry physalis or Florida. The berries are about the size of a pea, but very sweet on the palate. This type is recommended for those with diabetes. Up to 3 kg are harvested from one bush. fragrant berries.

The difference between planting strawberry and vegetable is that it is afraid of a cold snap and is planted on June 5-10, when return frosts pass. And so, the cultivation of seedlings and care completely coincides with the previously described method.

Features of growing decorative physalis

Decorative physalis

Physalis is edible and inedible - how to distinguish?

Decorative physalis has beautiful large lanterns and small berries inside. These berries taste bitter and are not suitable for cooking. For garden or apartment design, these Chinese lanterns are very suitable.

Edible physalis

Edible physalis looks much more modest than decorative. But they have a large fruit that resembles a small tomato.

Many different wonderful dishes can be prepared from the fruits. This American fruit fits easily into our everyday cuisine. Therefore, using your imagination, you can prepare various culinary masterpieces.

But in the technology of cooking physalis fruits there is a little trick. It is necessary to wash off the sticky plaque from the fetus. To get rid of plaque, you need to pour the fruits with boiling water for five minutes. After such processing, the bitterness of the fruit will go away.

Pickled physalis


  1. 1 kg - vegetable physalis.
  2. 50 gr. - spices.
  3. 50gr. - sugar.
  4. 2 tbsp - vinegar 9%.
  5. 3 large cloves of garlic.
  6. 1L. water.

We wash off the sticky bloom from the berries and lay in layers in a prepared container, sprinkling with spices. For spices, take various leaves: currants, parsley, dill. Prepare the brine - for this, pour sugar and vinegar into the water according to the recipe.

Bring to a boil and pour the brine into a jar with fruits for about half an hour. Then we pour this brine into a saucepan and boil it a second time. While it boils, finely chopped garlic is placed in the jars. When the brine boils, it is poured into a jar and rolled up.

Physalis jam


  1. 1 kg. physalis.
  2. 1 kg. Sahara.

Cut the fruit and add a glass of water. Bring to a boil, and as it warms up, add sugar. Next, we boil the resulting mass in a steam bath. And so we cook until the jam thickens. Then, if you wish, you can eat right away, or you can roll it up in sterilized jars.

Physalis jam with lemon video tutorial