Cranberries: properties, benefits and harms of the ruby ​​berry. Calorie content and field of application of cranberries: who is it useful, and who is harmful


And due to its antibacterial properties, cranberries are used for preparation for inflamed, excessively sweating facial skin. Follow the link.

In addition, drinking cranberry juice daily will get rid of low-density bad cholesterol and increase high-density good cholesterol levels.

Cranberries are also useful for capillaries. Daily use of cranberry drinks will strengthen blood vessels, prevent the formation of capillary "stars" on the legs, face, arms and other parts of the body.

Useful properties of cranberries in medicine.

Not so long ago, another remarkable property of cranberries was discovered, the value of which can hardly be overestimated.

These microorganisms cause a number of serious diseases in humans, such as pyelonephritis, gastroenteritis, etc.

Moreover, cranberries can defeat the disease even where conventional antibiotics are ineffective.

It has been scientifically proven that a special substance contained in cranberry juice changes the shape of the E. coli bacterium, turning it from a stick into a ball. As a result, the process of attachment of the pathogenic bacteria to the epithelial cells becomes more difficult. The viability of the bacteria decreases and its introduction into the body becomes difficult.

Cranberries have been successfully used in traditional medicine for a long time for the treatment and prevention of the following diseases:

  • Cranberry juice is drunk for infectious diseases of the urinary tract, as well as for the prevention of education and the bladder.
  • Cranberry drinks help seriously ill people to raise their vitality and whet their appetite.
  • Cranberries contain iron, which is easily absorbed by the body and promotes good blood formation and the formation of hemoglobin.
  • The presence of citric acid in cranberries enhances the absorption of antibiotics. Therefore, to increase the effectiveness of antibiotic treatment, cranberry juice is included in the diet of patients.
  • Cranberry juice is included in the composition of ointments for the treatment of skin diseases.
  • Cranberry juice is used as a vitamin remedy in purulent surgery, pediatrics and gynecology.
  • Cranberry slows down the growth and development of anthrax bacillus, staphylococcus, E. coli.

Cranberries are also widely used in folk medicine.

For a long time, cranberries have been used to treat blood pressure. Cranberry juice is useful for low stomach acidity, as well as for fever and rheumatic diseases. For colds, sore throats and coughs, cranberry juice with honey is effective.

In recent years, scientists have been studying what is cranberry good for? for cancer patients and come to the conclusion that this miracle berry inhibits the development of cancer cells.

A substance, quercetin, has been found in cranberries, which protects human DNA and prevents the growth of cancer cells in the prostate, colon and mammary gland. Therefore, cranberries are a product that can be attributed to. About this in the article at this link.

Cranberries are also used in cosmetology for the preparation of various creams. At home, you can prepare sweating facial skin.

Cranberries for children and expectant mothers.

Cranberries contain a large amount of flavonoids - substances that are identical in properties to antioxidants.

Flavonoids increase the elasticity and strength of blood vessels and contribute to better absorption of vitamin C. Therefore, cranberries are so essential for. In addition, cranberries will perfectly fill the body's need for vitamins. Especially at the beginning of pregnancy.

Cranberries have a positive effect on the development of mental abilities in children. Therefore, it must be included in the student's diet. After all, this berry is considered a "smart" product.

It has long been proven that free radicals bring tangible harm to our body: they impair memory, harm the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, as well as the musculoskeletal system. Antioxidants, abundant in cranberries, block the action of free radicals and contribute to normal functioning and improved memory.

Therefore, if you want to grow a genius, then consume cranberries during pregnancy and include them in your baby's diet.

How to collect and store cranberries?

Nowadays, cranberries and their products can be easily found in the store. But you need to know that cranberries have three harvest dates. And its taste and shelf life depend on these terms.

  • Autumn September collection. The berry harvested in September is usually hard and sour, but ripens well during storage - it becomes sweeter and softer. Such cranberries contain the greatest amount of vitamins and can be stored all winter if filled with spring water.
  • Late autumn harvest. Touched by the first autumn frosts, the berry is tasty and sweetish. It is advisable not to thaw it, but to keep it frozen. Otherwise, it will quickly deteriorate.
  • Spring collection. Cranberries harvested after freshly melted snow are the sweetest. But such a berry contains less ascorbic acid and quickly deteriorates.

It is convenient to store cranberries frozen. Arrange the berries in bulk in the freezer, and then pour into a bag. You can also dry the berry, soak it or make jam. Fresh cranberries can be stored for 2-4 months, which is very convenient.

Cranberries are a wonderful product, the daily use of which will provide invaluable benefits for our body.

Cranberry (crane)- These are the sour berries of a low-growing plant that grows in swampy areas. These berries are not just edible, they are very useful for the vitamins, trace elements and other biologically active substances they contain. Therefore, cranberries are considered the best natural tonic for various diseases. Let's take a closer look at the beneficial properties of cranberries for the body. What provides the medicinal effect of berries, and how best to take this natural medicine.


A wide range of useful properties of cranberries is determined by its rich vitamin composition and biologically active substances. The berries of the plant contain acids, sugars, flavonoids, pectins and trace elements.


  • vitamin C (more than in citrus fruits and strawberries) - an immunity vitamin;
  • group B (B1, B2, B5, B6 and PP) - vitamins of metabolic processes, ensure the assimilation of fats, carbohydrates, proteins;
  • vitamin K - for blood coagulation (clotting).

In addition, all vitamins are antioxidants, they counteract free radicals that destroy the body from the inside.

Macro and microelements
More than others in the composition of berries potassium (8.5 mg per 100 g), phosphorus (1.3 mg) and calcium (100 g of berries contain 8 mg of it). The average amount is iron (0.3 mg), copper, manganese and molybdenum (on average, 0.2-0.3 mg each). Even less iodine, silver, boron, zinc, chromium and titanium. This berry contains almost the entire table of Dmitry Mendeleev.

Microscopic inclusions of necessary elements provide the body with the necessary substances. So, for normal life, 0.1 mg of silver is needed daily, up to 0.15 mg of iodine, up to 450 mg of potassium, up to 500 mg of magnesium.

Pectins are substances that bind toxins and remove them from the human body. They protect us from poisoning by external poisons or products of our own vital activity.

Flavonoids cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol deposits, and thus normalize blood flow, improve tissue nutrition and treat inflammation. They improve the permeability of the vascular walls, which means the amount of nutrients entering the bloodstream.

There are more than ten of them in cranberries: lemon, oxalic, amber, benzoic, cinchona and others. They provide nutrition to muscle tissue. So ursolic and oleanolic acids nourish the muscles of the heart, citric acid cleanses the digestive cavities, oxalic acid provides metabolism.

Water and calories
As with any raw berry, cranberries contain most of the water. It contains 89% of liquid, and only the remaining 11% is divided into sugars (almost 4%), proteins (0.5%), fats (0.2%) and other components.

The calorie content of cranberries is only 26 kcal from 100 g. For dried fruits, the calorie content is higher - 310 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, for dietary low-calorie nutrition, for weight loss, it is recommended to take raw berries, the calorie content of which is 10 times less.

Healing properties

Cranberries are a storehouse of elements and vitamins. This determines its medicinal and prophylactic properties. Cranberry juice has a bactericidal and stimulating effect, heals inflammation and cough, restores blood vessels, and raises immunity. Let us list in which diseases the benefits of berries are most fully manifested:

Digestive diseases
The vitamins and pectins contained in cranberries enhance the secretion of gastric juice, activate digestion and remove stagnant processes. Thus, the body gets rid of the causes that cause inflammation (stagnation of food and its slow movement through the intestines). The work of the stomach, liver and intestines returns to normal, appetite and vital activity are restored.

The stimulating properties of cranberries are also shown to increase the production of bile. Thus, the bile ducts are cleared, the inflammation of the biliary tract is treated.

Likewise, cranberries restore the functioning of the pancreas, but for this you need to consume the berries for several months.

In addition, cranberry concentrate has high antibacterial properties. Experiments confirm that concentrated cranberry juice reduces the number of pathogenic bacteria in spoiled food (salmonella, E.coli). Thus, the addition of cranberry juice to water can be used to disinfect water, purify it from pathogens.

It is important to know: cranberry treatment is contraindicated in case of increased acidity of gastric juice. Also, use the remedy with caution for ulcers, erosions of the stomach and duodenum.

Infections and inflammations

Cranberry juice reduces fever, stimulates the secretion of sweat and urine. In addition to bactericidal properties, the components of the berry remove toxins.

The anti-inflammatory properties of cranberries are used in various systems of the human body:

  • Dentistry (treatment of gum inflammation by drinking juice and rinsing the mouth with cranberry juice).
  • Urogenital system (prevents infection and accelerates the treatment of inflammatory diseases). Cranberry shows beneficial properties for men and women alike (in gynecology and urology). Juice - used for flushing and douching.
  • Respiratory tract infections. Cranberry juice with honey is effective in treating cough (stimulates expectoration and reduces inflammation). Also, the use of berries improves the standing of patients with tuberculosis.

Colds and immunity
Cranberries tend to lower temperatures. It is safe to reduce fever without side effects.

Regular consumption of cranberry juice during winter supports immunity, protects against colds and viral diseases.

Vessels and heart
The healing properties of cranberries are manifested in the restoration of the elasticity of blood vessels. Phenols provide a beneficial effect on the state of blood vessels. They dissolve "low density" cholesterol (the one that forms plaques and deposits on the walls of blood vessels) and form "high density" cholesterol (the one that our body needs for the formation of cell membranes, cell renewal). So cranberry improves the elasticity of blood vessels, reduces blood pressure (which also depends on the state of blood vessels), counteracts atherosclerosis, thrombosis, prevents heart attacks and strokes.

The blood pressure-lowering properties of cranberries are used to treat hypertension. The acids contained help relieve muscle spasms. This is important for the normal functioning of the heart, blood supply to the brain and other internal organs. With a decrease in vascular spasm, blood pressure decreases.

Musculoskeletal system
Stimulating blood flow, proper tissue nutrition reduces joint swelling, relieves pain in arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism. With prolonged use, it treats joint inflammation.
Kidney disease

The berries of the plant are characterized by bactericidal and diuretic effects. Thus, they help in the treatment of kidney inflammation and bladder diseases. The bactericidal effect helps to cope with infections of the genital organs (the components of cranberries limit the growth of pathogenic bacteria).

Cranberries have the reputation of being a "miracle berry" that counteracts the growth of cancer cells. The antioxidant effect of the vitamin group limits tumor growth and protects DNA.

Resveratrol is found in berries - a substance that inhibits the development of tumor cells. Berries also contain quercetin, a component that stops the growth of cancer cells in the mammary gland and colon.

Another name for cranberries - "berry of youth" - confirms its beneficial effect on the appearance. Improving the general condition of the body affects the health of the skin, reducing acne, pustules and acne. And also on the shine of the hair and the improvement of the appearance of nails. You can enhance the cosmetic effect with external masks, lotions based on cranberry juice.

Cranberries during pregnancy
For the full development of the child, vitamins and minerals are needed. Cranberry is a unique berry that carries the necessary components for the development of a baby in the womb. The stimulating properties of berries help to avoid edema, bactericidal - to prevent cystitis, thrush.

Recipes and Applications

For treatment and prevention, you can eat raw berries, mix them with honey, make juice or drink from them - fruit drink.

Dried cranberries
Drying is a traditional harvesting of berries. However, dried cranberries retain only a part of their biologically active components. Before drying, the cranberries are blanched (doused with hot steam or kept in boiling water for 1-2 minutes). This process is associated with a large number of enzymes that cause the cranberry juice to ferment during drying. Blanching makes the enzymes inactive, and the process of drying the berries eliminates fermentation.

Due to heat treatment, the berries lose some of their biologically active substances, which means that the medicinal properties of dried cranberries become worse.
Cranberry juice with honey

This is the best cough remedy for bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia. To obtain juice, the berries are crushed in a mortar (this is preferable) or ground in a meat grinder (this method is worse, since the juice flowing from the berries is oxidized on a metal surface). Crushed or chopped berries are rubbed through a sieve. The resulting juice is mixed with honey in equal proportions. The resulting tasty product is stored in the refrigerator. Drink 1 spoon (dessert - for children, dining room - for adults) before meals (10-15 minutes) three times a day.


If crushed berries are poured with water, stand for up to 30 minutes. and drain the solution through a sieve, you get a drink called fruit drink. The amount of nutrients in it is less than in juice. However, it also improves the condition of the sick body and reduces inflammation.

The second recipe for making fruit drinks uses cake without juice. It is also poured with water and infused for 30-40 minutes. Drain the water, add sugar (honey) and drink with pleasure.

The properties of cranberry fruit drink depend on the content of useful components in it. If natural juice is added to the fruit drink, it improves the condition of blood vessels, reduces pressure and inflammation. If the fruit drink is prepared only from oil cake, its medicinal properties are much less - microelement and vitamin support of the body, as well as a very tasty drink.

Let's sum up
The benefits of cranberries are manifested in almost all organs and systems of a person. This bactericidal agent treats various inflammations, improves the condition of blood vessels, stimulates blood flow and the secretion of other fluids in the human body (bile, gastric juice, urine). Therefore, for most people, cranberries are essential for maintaining immunity and preventing inflammation.

The well-known sour, relative of lingonberry, which grows in different parts of the world, as a rule, in swampy areas. There are many varieties of this berry: all of them are edible and are a source of vitamins and other useful substances, a favorite delicacy for people and an indispensable ingredient in cooking.

Calories, vitamins and minerals

Cranberries are a low-calorie product, but the number of calories in fresh and dried berries is very different (which is understandable, because when dried, moisture leaves the fruits, which is why they repeatedly lose weight).

So, if 100 g of fresh berries contain only 25 Kcal, then the same mass of dried product accounts for more than 300 Kcal. This is worth remembering for those who, intending to lose weight, gnaw dried cranberries all day.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates in cranberries are contained in the ratio 0,5: 0,2: 3,7.

A distinctive feature of the composition of cranberries is a large amount pectins... In addition, the berries contain sugars, anthocyanins, catechins, betaine, organic acids - citric, malic, oxalic, ursolic, chlorogenic, succinic, oleander and others.

Did you know? The sour taste is the hallmark of cranberries. Translated from Greek, its name means nothing more than "sour". The shape and red color of the fruits of this evergreen shrub were associated with some peoples with the blood that heroes shed in the fight against the forces of evil.

The main vitamin of cranberry is, of course, ascorbic acid. In terms of the amount of vitamin C, these fruits may well compete with citrus fruits. The berries are dominated by vitamin E, vitamins of group B (1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9), vitamin K1 - phylloquinone.
The mineral composition includes potassium, phosphorus, calcium, as well as others necessary for living organisms the elements- sodium, magnesium, copper, manganese, iron, molybdenum, iodine, zinc. There is a small amount of nickel, silver, tin, cobalt, chromium, titanium, boron and other "representatives" of the periodic table in these fruits.

The benefits of cranberry berries

The beneficial properties of cranberries for the body are determined by its unique composition. So, cranberry:

  • improve appetite and, by increasing the production of gastric and pancreatic juice, they activate the digestive system, due to which they are indicated for low acidity and some diseases of the pancreas;
  • have a beneficial effect on genitourinary system, have a diuretic effect, contribute to the suppression of the development of pathogenic bacteria, therefore, are indicated for renal disorders;
  • endowed with the property stop inflammatory processes and even prevent the development of malignant neoplasms (especially in the intestines, mammary glands and prostate);
  • balance cholesterol levels in the blood, has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, stimulates the work of the heart, relieves headaches, is a good prevention of atherosclerosis and strokes;
  • refresh and invigorate, quench thirst and have antipyretic properties, due to which they are indicated for respiratory viral diseases, influenza;
  • kill harmful flora in the body, they have an anthelmintic effect (experiments show that even spoiled minced meat, to which cranberry concentrate was added, subsequently turned out to be edible and did not cause stomach upsets).
Cranberry juice will bring huge benefit with urinary tract infections, gastritis, cardiovascular diseases, colds, coughs and even inflammation of the oral cavity.

This healing elixir is also endowed with the ability to disinfect wounds and heal burns, as well as increase the effectiveness of antibiotics.

Important! Frozen cranberries contain much less ascorbic acid than fresh cranberries, but they are quite capable of helping to cope with spring vitamin deficiency and strengthen immunity during this period.

Cranberries during pregnancy

A separate topic is the role of cranberries in the life of expectant mothers. As you know, any viral and other acute diseases during pregnancy are especially dangerous, and taking antibiotics during this period can be no less harmful than the infection itself.

On the other hand, the female body experiences additional stress while carrying a baby and therefore is especially at risk of being infected by viruses. Further, the kidneys and genitourinary organs are the body systems that are particularly affected during pregnancy.
Cranberry with its bactericidal, anti-inflammatory properties, which are manifested both in the general effect on the body, and, in particular, in relation to the genitourinary system, during pregnancy simply irreplaceable!

But that's not all. Eating cranberries will help the expectant mother get rid of varicose veins that often occur during this period, since this berry has a very beneficial effect on the work of blood vessels. The same property of cranberries ensures the normalization of blood circulation in the placenta region, and, therefore, will help the fetus develop normally.

Normalization of metabolic processes, assistance in assimilation of the necessary for the body mineral substances- another argument in favor of the fact that pregnant women can not only use cranberries, but also need to be used, because there is no reason to doubt or worry about this.

Cranberry Healing Recipes

Important! Never add honey to hot drinks - it not only kills the beneficial properties of the product, but also turns it into poison! Put honey in warm cranberry infusion, and if you prefer to drink it hot, use a bit of honey.

You can use cranberries, already grated with sugar, as a "tea leaves", and also eat the berries in their pure form, if you are not embarrassed by its sour taste.

With a cold

Cranberries for colds, flu and respiratory infections accompanied by fever do not just give the body a loading dose necessary in this condition vitamin C, but also has a diaphoretic effect, prevents dehydration, which is especially dangerous at elevated body temperature.
For the treatment of fruits, it is recommended to use in such ways:

  • pour crushed cranberries with hot water and insist, as indicated in the previous section, drink in large quantities throughout the day;
  • prepare cranberry juice: chop the fruits with a blender, discard on cheesecloth, squeeze the juice. Pour the cake with hot water, bring to a boil and cool. Then strain and mix with juice. Add sugar or honey if desired;
  • pure cranberry juice with the addition of honey is also an excellent anti-cold remedy.

With angina

Cranberry juice, prepared in the above way, helps very well with angina.

Did you know? Angina is a bacterial disease: it is caused by streptococci and other microbes that enter the mucous membrane of the throat. That is why, unlike the flu and other viral infections, tonsillitis does not go away on its own, and for its treatment it is necessary to take antibiotics prescribed by a doctor. Unfortunately, cranberries alone cannot solve the problem with angina.

Nevertheless, cranberries will come in handy with this unpleasant disease, because they have the property of enhancing the effect of antibacterial drugs.

With hypertension

Cranberries are also indicated for high blood pressure. How to brew cranberries was described above.
In addition, to lower blood pressure will help taking cranberry juice- pure or mixed with the same amount of freshly squeezed red beet juice.

On the basis of cranberries, there are more complex recipes used for hypertension.

Traditional medicine gives such a recommendation: you need to beat a kilogram of ice cream or fresh berries with a glass with a blender, add half a liter to the mixture and drink one tablespoon three times a day.

Did you know? If you squeezed juice from fresh cranberries, do not throw away the remaining cake, as it is a good way to expand blood vessels and normalize the work of your heart. On the basis of such pomace, you can prepare compote, or you can just chew it like medicine.

With cystitis

Klukovka helps a lot with symptoms of such an unpleasant and painful condition as cystitis.

The secret is that it has the ability to push out pathogenic microbes from the walls of the bladder and, thus, stop the inflammatory process. The best way to heal is cranberry juice freshly squeezed out: a glass half an hour before meals twice a day - and you're fine!

With joint diseases

Cranberry for joint pain relief is taken with a prescription similar to the one used to treat hypertension.

We mix freshly squeezed cranberry and garlic juice in the ratio 5: 2, we insist for 24 hours, stirring from time to time.

Add honey (twice the volume of berries), mix again and take a teaspoon three times a day 15 minutes before meals.

How is it used in cosmetology

Such a useful product and cosmetology did not ignore. It is not surprising, because the sour berry has a beneficial effect on the entire body.
From the cranberry effect, the skin becomes more elastic and taut, acquires youth, velvety and pleasant color. Also, the berry will help get rid of flaking and dryness, remove unhealthy shine and redness, and even eliminate such an unpleasant phenomenon as acne. Cranberries are very beneficial for hair (especially oily type).

To prepare cranberry lotion for oily skin, grate a whole one, fill it with vodka (250 ml), put it in a dark place and forget it for a week.

After this period, filter, add a glass of freshly squeezed cranberry juice, 100 ml of boiled water cooled to room temperature, and a tablespoon of glycerin to the liquid.
We mix all the components well. This lotion is used to rub the skin on the face every day before going to bed.

Based on red berries, you can cook face mask... Grind the fruits in a blender or in a mortar and apply the resulting substance to the already cleansed skin of the face.

Leave it for a quarter of an hour, then wash it off gently with warm water. We repeat the procedure three times a week for a month.

A simpler mask can be made by simply moistening gauze with freshly squeezed cranberry juice and applying it to your face for 15 minutes. We wash off the mask with warm boiled water and apply a moisturizer.

Important! In the presence of acne, the exposure time of the mask is increased to an hour, however, in this case, cranberry juice must be mixed with boiled water, gradually increasing the amount of juice in the solution from 1: 3 to 1: 1.

Cranberries in cooking: what to cook, how to prepare and store

Cranberries are used not only in folk medicine and cosmetology, but also in cooking: due to its sour taste, it is applicable not only in desserts and cocktails, but also in salads and main courses- both meat and fish, including various seafood.

There is no need to talk about all kinds of jams, marmalades, marmalades, jellies, fruit drinks, compotes and kvass, liqueurs and liqueurs.

The product can be used as a culinary ingredient fresh, frozen, dried, soaked and even pickled. Berry creates unique compositions in an ensemble with citrus fruits and, and even.

Did you know? Z It is extremely simple to prepare and preserve the berry. In addition to the usual freezing and drying, the following option is also suitable: we pour clean fruits into sterile jars or even well-washed plastic bottles, fill with boiled water,cooled down to room temperature,cork thoroughly - and that's it! The necessary preservatives are contained in the fruits themselves, so no boiling or special additives are required here. However, it is advisable to store such a product in a cellar, refrigerator or other cool place.

- classics of the genre. The berry not only adds a piquant sourness to the product and increases the dose of vitamin C contained in it, but, being an excellent preservative, helps it to be stored better, preventing fermentation and souring.
The berry can be added to ready-made oatmeal, giving the product even more benefits and enriching the taste.

The baked bird will sparkle with completely unique notes if you serve it with cranberry sauce. To prepare the sauce, put 0.5 kg of fresh cranberries in a saucepan, two sweet and sour apples cut into slices, half a glass of powdered sugar, a pinch (or stick) of cinnamon and a little water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and boil until thickened. Bon Appetit!

Possible contraindications

Like any potent remedy, cranberries can bring not only benefits, but also harm. The red color of the berry indicates that it is capable of causing allergies (in addition, many suffer from ascorbic acid intolerance).

Important! Despite the benefits of the berry, during pregnancy and even during breastfeeding, it is better to limit yourself to the use of cranberries; it is also not recommended to give it to babies before they reach the age of three.

For gout and urolithiasis, these berries should be consumed in moderation, but gastritis and ulcers against the background of increased acidity in the stage of exacerbation are a direct contraindication for the use of the fruits of this shrub.

In order to avoid the harmful effects of the product on the walls of the stomach, it is better for such people (even in remission) to use the berry after a hearty meal.

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402 times already

An evergreen creeping shrub that grows mainly in swampy areas - cranberries produce dark red fruits.

Cranberries ripen in April-October.

The berries are quite difficult to pick.

Ruby balls are abundantly scattered in the place where the plant grows.

The beneficial properties of cranberries allow you to use it year-round as jelly, jam, compotes, etc.

Composition, calorie content and use of cranberries

The spherical berry is rich in fiber, pectins, organic acids. Cranberries are useful for the body with their vitamin composition. It contains vitamins A, B, C, K.

In addition, cranberries contain trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of the human body: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, etc.

The calorie content of cranberries is low and amounts to 27 kcal per 100 G product.

Cranberries are a delicious and healthy berry, which has found its application not only in cooking, but also as a remedy.

1. With mental or hard physical work, they use a cranberry drink made from berries, rose hips and honey.

2. Cranberries are useful for the body with their ability to cleanse from toxins, normalize bowel function.

To do this, use a mixture of cranberry and beet juice(in equal proportions). They drink the drink three times a day for several sips.

A mixture of juices is used for persistent constipation, hypertension, cerebral vasospasm.

3. To cure a cold or inflammation of the upper respiratory tract will help cranberry juice with aloe juice.

In addition to this composition, use healing balm, consisting of cranberries, lemon juice, onions, aloe, beets with added sugar, honey, alcohol (all in equal amounts).

The medicinal mixture is stored in the refrigerator. Drink it three times a day, just a couple of large spoons.

4. Cranberry juice is used by athletes after intense training. However, they do not drink it in pure form, but dilute it with water. Compound enriches the brain with oxygen, relieves vascular spasms, restores strength.

5. Cranberries are good for health and are an excellent means of preventing diseases of the genitourinary system. Normalizes metabolism, protects the body from infections, daily use of small amounts of cranberry juice (100 ml three times a day).

6. Cranberry widely used by diabetics... To maintain a stable state, it is necessary to prepare a drink every day from 2-3 tablespoons of berries crushed in mashed potatoes, filled with a glass of hot water (not boiling water!). The composition is taken several times a day, 2 large spoons.

7. Daily use (2-3 times a day) of cranberry juice in a quarter of a glass effectively helps with some inflammatory gynecological processes.

8. Due to the beneficial properties of cranberries, they are used with tuberculosis... The disease is treated with cranberry juice with the addition of honey. In addition, you can use berries grated with liquid honey, adding a little flaxseed oil to the composition.

9. For problems with blood pressure, vascular diseases, as well as gastritis, colitis, metabolic disorders, use a healing composition, which is prepared as follows: pour a spoonful of plant leaves and berries (10 g) with boiling water in a thermos (1 glass). The composition is insisted for 4 hours, filtered, diluted with boiled water and drunk during the day in three doses.

10. Cranberries are good for the body suffering from diarrhea. In this case, the berries and leaves of the plant are mixed (in equal proportions). Then 2 large tablespoons of the mixture are poured with water (2 glasses). It is important that it is not boiling water. It is enough to use just hot water. The composition is placed on the stove for cooking. After 10 minutes, the container with the healing broth is removed, cooled, filtered. Drink half a glass at least 4 times a day.

11. Cranberries are also used as an antiseptic. An infusion of 1 spoonful of berries and a glass of boiling water is used for gargling and washing open wounds.

12. The berry is indispensable for shortness of breath. The disease can be easily treated if you consume cranberry infusion (1 spoonful of berries in a glass of boiling water) with the addition of honey.

13. A drink that is prepared simply helps to get rid of high pressure: knead the berries (2 glasses), add sugar (half a glass) and water (1 glass) to them.

The composition is placed on the stove and not boiled, but only brought to a boil. Then it is filtered and diluted with water. Drink as a tasty and healthy drink.

14. Cranberries are good for health during colds... In this case, cranberry hot tea is used. First, the berries are lightly rubbed with a spoon, then they are covered with sugar and hot tea (green or black) is poured. The drink saturates the body with vitamins, quenches thirst, relieves fatigue, and gives vitality.

15. For radiation sickness and some inflammatory diseases, cranberry juice with the addition of honey is used as an additional therapy. The medicine is taken in courses 1 or 2 times a year. The first week they drink the healing composition half a glass 3 times a day, the second - the same amount, but already 2 times a day, the third - half a glass only 1 time a day.

16. Cranberry juice is used as a natural mild antipyretic agent for fever.

17. A composition of cranberry and beet juices with the addition of honey and vodka (in equal proportions) helps to get rid of sore throat and other inflammatory diseases of the throat. The mixture is infused in a dark place for 3 days, after which they drink a large spoonful before meals.

18. Useful properties of cranberries make them irreplaceable with bedsores... The composition, which has an antiseptic and drying effect, is prepared from freshly squeezed cranberry juice (20 ml), lanolin (40 g), petroleum jelly (40 g).

19. Cranberries are widely used in cosmetology... With its help, medical masks are made. The berries are crushed into a gruel and applied to the skin of the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. The mask is left for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with water.

20. Cranberries are also used for cooking, confectionery. It is added to sauerkraut, sauces, and is used as a seasoning for meat dishes.

Extremely tasty and healthy cranberry kvass... It is prepared from cranberries (1 kg), sugar (1 kg), yeast (25 g), water (9 l). To begin with, the berries are washed, then grated through a colander, water and sugar are added. Everything is put on fire and boiled, after which it is cooled and filtered. Yeast is separately diluted with warm water and combined with a drink.

The composition is mixed and placed in a warm place to infuse (day). Then everything is poured into a clean container, raisins are added and stored in the refrigerator. In a couple of days, the healing kvass is ready!

Cranberries: what are the benefits for the body?

Cranberries are the most useful berry for the prevention and treatment of colds. But not only. The list of its valuable properties is very long:

She is able to resist the creation and spread of cancers.

Cranberries contain antioxidants that fight the signs of aging.

Cranberries are an excellent remedy for sore throat.

Due to the high content of flavonoids, cranberry improves vascular elasticity.

Berries are the best multivitamin remedy. Moreover, it is 100% natural.

Cranberry improves appetite, fights constipation, enhances the production of gastric juice, has bactericidal and diuretic properties.

Cranberries are beneficial for health by their ability to lower cholesterol levels and prevent the formation of plaque and blood clots in blood vessels.

It is indispensable for colds, fever, diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Cranberry relieves headaches, heartburn. She is able to enhance the effect of antibiotics.

Berries are a real storehouse of biologically active substances and mineral salts.

Cranberries: what is the harm to health?

Cranberries are certainly healthy, but they also have their own contraindications. Berries are prohibited for use with gastritis with high acidity, liver disease (in acute form).

Cranberry undesirable for ulcers(especially pure juice), as well as with weak tooth enamel.

If you use cranberries thoughtlessly, then they are more likely to do harm than good. Even the most valuable product should be used with care.

With existing chronic diseases, you need to consult a doctor about the use of a miracle berry.

Cranberries for children: good or bad?

Cranberries are good for children. It improves appetite, strengthens the defenses. The berry helps to get rid of a persistent dry cough. When combined with honey or sugar, cranberries are good for colds and flu. A useful and tasty medicine fills the child's body with vitamins and microelements, improves digestion, relieves constipation.

Children are given cranberries in any form. You can sprinkle it on the usual dishes or prepare juice, fruit drink, infusion, jelly from berries.

For very young children, it is best to give cranberries in the form of compote and jelly. In addition, cranberry sweets, which are prepared from 1 glass of powdered sugar, two egg whites, a kilogram of cranberries and half a glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice, are suitable for babies under one year old.

To begin with, the berries are washed, dried, then whisk the powder with proteins, add lemon juice and mix. After that, a single berry (it is pre-dipped in boiling water) is dipped in the composition, dried and placed in a jar for storage.

Cranberries are indispensable for childhood colds and sore throats, itching and eczema. In the latter case, sore spots are smeared with a mixture of berry juice and petroleum jelly.

Cranberries are allowed (in the absence of a tendency to allergies) for children from 6 months. Babies under 2 years old are given only thermally processed berries, and older children can be given cranberries in any form.

This tasty and healthy berry has a lot of useful properties. The low calorie content of cranberries makes it possible to use it in a variety of diets.

Kissels and compotes, jams and mousses, an addition to ice cream and pie - cranberries are good in any quality for both adults and children.

Cranberries are an invaluable treasure in the forest pantry. The richest chemical composition of this berry gave it a second, popular name - "sour doctor". Everyone knows how great the benefits of cranberries are for the body. But in order for this berry not to cause harm, it is advisable to know well its properties, then in which case it should be used, and to whom it is contraindicated.

General information

Cranberry is a low-growing evergreen shrub of the heather family. It grows in peat bogs and swamps. The plant blooms in late spring or early summer, and bears fruit from September.

Low shoots of cranberries reach thirty centimeters. Fruits are small, round, dark red in color, from 8 mm (in wild) to 2 cm (in some cultivars) in diameter.

In Russia, as a rule, the berries are harvested by hand, although this is a rather troublesome process. And in Canada, the USA, Belarus, Poland, the industrial method of collecting cranberries is widespread. This is done in autumn, spring and even in winter.

It is generally accepted that the "snowy" berry harvested in early spring is the sweetest. But in the autumn harvest, harvested after the first frost, the benefits of cranberries are most clearly manifested. At this time, the berry is the juiciest and tastiest.

Calorie content

The energy value of cranberries is low. In a berry grown on plantations, it is 26 kcal, and in a wild one - 35.4 kcal (per 100 grams). Quick-frozen cranberries contain 15.2 kcal. But the berry, mashed with sugar, is already much more nutritious - almost 272 kcal. The energy index of dried cranberries is 308 kcal.

The share of carbohydrates in the indicated amount of fresh berries accounts for almost 4 g. Proteins contain less than half a gram, and fats and even 0.2 g. On average, 2 g is for fiber, 0.3 g for ash. Fresh cranberries are 90% water.

Useful material

The complex of valuable substances on which the unique benefits of cranberries are based is truly impressive. It is a storehouse of vitamins (C, K, A, many of the B group). Berries have a high potassium content. Cranberries are also rich in other macronutrients (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium). It also contains iron, iodine, manganese and copper.

Organic acids (citric, oxalic, cinchona, malic, benzoic and others) are present in large quantities in cranberries. And also phenolic compounds that provide protection from radiation and prevent cancer.

The benefits of cranberries for the body, experiencing the harmful effects of radioactive substances, as well as salts of heavy metals, is due to the high content of pectin in it. Its important quality is the ability to bind and remove compounds of lead, cesium, cobalt. Therefore, it is advisable to include cranberries in the diet of people engaged in harmful production.

The benefits of cranberries

Since ancient times, in winter, cranberries have served as an important source of vitamins. She was treated for scurvy, as well as various viral and colds. The benefits of cranberries as a natural antibiotic have long been recognized by official medicine.

Eating raw berries in food will help prevent hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Amino acids in its composition support blood vessels, helping them to become more elastic.

There is an opinion that the benefits of cranberries are invaluable for people hereditarily prone to cancer (primarily stomach cancer). Since this berry helps prevent disease.

Fresh and frozen cranberry compresses can help relieve headaches. They are also used to make ointments that accelerate the healing of wounds and burns.

Cranberry juice is an excellent remedy for kidney stones. It is also applied to areas of the skin affected by herpes or fungus. Rubbing your face in the morning with cranberry juice frozen in ice cubes, you can achieve an excellent rejuvenating and toning effect.

Precautions and contraindications

Cranberries should be used with extreme caution by people prone to allergies. Intolerance to any substance in its composition is not excluded.

Nursing mothers, as well as children who have not yet turned three years old, are prohibited from eating cranberries.

This berry can significantly harm people who have high levels of gastric acidity. The same goes for those who suffer from ulcers. The acids found in abundance in cranberries can damage stomach tissues. The benefits and harms of cranberries in this situation, however, can be balanced - it is enough to grind the berries with sugar. Then they will retain their healing qualities, but they will not cause trouble for the body.

Do not consume whole cranberry juice. It is advisable to dilute it with water, adding honey or sugar to taste. It is also not advised to eat cranberries on an empty stomach - it is best to end the meal with it. After eating berries, it will be useful to rinse your mouth with water to avoid acid damage to the tooth enamel.

The benefits and harms of cranberries during pregnancy

Moderate consumption of cranberries during pregnancy will help prevent or eliminate many of the health problems that lie in wait for a woman at this time.

During the period of childbearing, the expectant mother very often encounters diseases of the genitourinary system and kidneys. Drinking drinks based on cranberry juice blocks the spread of bacteria and has a detrimental effect on many strains of microorganisms. And also resists cystitis, urethritis and pyelonephritis.

The undoubted benefit of cranberries for a woman preparing to become a mother lies in its ability to strengthen the immune system, normalize uterine placental blood circulation, and prevent fetal growth arrest.

Also, drinks from this berry improve tissue reactions in the body of a pregnant woman. As a result, dropsy and edema can be avoided.

The benefits of cranberries during pregnancy are also associated with the antioxidants that make up its composition. These berries have a positive effect on memory and the activity of the central nervous system, and minimize the risk of postpartum depression.

However, you should know that cranberries should not be consumed by women with diseases of the digestive system, as well as expectant mothers taking sulfonic drugs.

Dried cranberries

It is interesting to know that the benefits of dried cranberries are no less than freshly harvested ones. Therefore, this method of harvesting these berries is popular and widely applicable.

First, the berries should be sorted out, rinsed, and then soaked for several minutes over hot steam (or blanched in boiling water).

Then they need to be scattered on a wide surface (wooden or covered with linen cloth) and left to air dry in the shade or in a well-ventilated area. You can also use an oven, a special fruit dryer, or a microwave oven for this purpose.

Finished berries do not stick together into lumps and stop staining fingers with juice. They are scattered in cloth bags and stored for up to three years.

Cranberry juice

A healthy and tasty drink, cranberry juice, can be prepared according to this recipe:

  • You should take a glass of fresh (or frozen) cranberries, a third of a glass of sugar and one and a half liters of water.
  • Defrost the berries if necessary and squeeze out the juice, which is set aside for now.
  • Cover the cake with sugar and add water. It needs to be boiled over low heat for no more than a couple of minutes, then cooled.
  • Mix the broth with cranberry juice.

You can also make jam, kvass, jelly, pie filling and even sweets from cranberries. In any form, it will additionally serve as a medicine for the body.