How to cure urethritis. Urethritis: causes, symptoms, treatment, complications

Inflammation of the urethra is equally common in men and women. But in men, the symptoms of urethritis appear faster, while in women they may be completely absent. The inflammatory process rarely "comes" alone, usually, it is complicated by infectious pathologies of the genitourinary organs.

general information

Pathology means inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urethra and its glands. The nature of the inflammatory process is most often infectious, less often traumatic (catheter installation). The disease does not threaten a person's life, but manifests itself in symptoms that bring discomfort. Inflammation of the urethra is a dangerous process for health, especially for women.

How can you get urethritis? The most important cause of infection is sexual intercourse. But hypothermia, urolithiasis, radiation factors are also dangerous. The first signs of the disease do not always make themselves felt early, this is the insidiousness of pathology. The person is unaware of the presence of the disease and continues to infect his partner.

Possible consequences: the inflammatory process of the urethra can reach the bladder, prostate, pelvic organs. In women, inflammation of the bladder, violation of microflora are dangerous by the development of infertility.

Disease classification

The disease develops due to the introduction of various microorganisms into the urethra.

The disease is quite diverse and is subdivided into several types. Inflammation of the external opening of the urinary canal occurs under the influence of several reasons. Based on them, a certain classification of urethritis has developed. The manifestation of symptoms and the choice of the necessary treatment depend on the correctness of the definition of the type of pathology.

Causes of urethritis

Urethritis are:

  • Infectious. There are several types of this group. Each species that falls into the category of infectious urethritis is caused by its own pathogen. There are mixed types that provoke several types of infections at once. Types of urethritis are divided into:
    • Specific urethritis. Its occurrence will be caused by sexually transmitted infections: Trichomonas, gonorrhea, chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma and others. Mushrooms of the genus Candida (thrush) will cause the candidal type. Urological problems during menopause cause an atrophic type of disease. Each separate form of the disease has characteristics characteristic only of it, requires individual therapy.
    • Non-specific. This form is caused by nonspecific pathogens: Escherichia coli, streptococcus, staphylococcus. In a healthy body, the presence of such a pathogen will not harm a person. But after an infectious disease with weakened immunity, such a flora causes complications (streptococcal type).

According to the course of the disease and the degree of severity

According to the clinical picture of the course, the disease is subdivided into:

  • Fresh:
    • acute (during this period it is necessary to start treatment, the transition of the disease to the second stage is dangerous);
    • subacute;
    • torpid urethritis.
  • Chronic (the inflammatory process persists for more than 2 months). In terms of severity, chronic urethritis proceeds:
    • with exacerbation;
    • without aggravation.

Other common classifications

The above types of disease can be supplemented with two more types of pathology:

  • Primary form. This is an independent disease, the urethra itself is inflamed.
  • Secondary form. This is a complication that appeared as a result of a previous illness. It is dangerous, because the infection enters the urethra, usually from the vagina, prostate or bladder.

Given the above information, the processes that cause inflammation of the urethra can be subdivided:

  • Venereal. In turn, venereal urethritis during the sexual route of infection includes gonorrheal and non-gonorrheal.
  • Non-veneral.

Typical symptoms

In most cases, the body temperature rises during illness.

It is not easy to identify urethritis by symptoms. All the usual inflammatory signs, such as fever with urethritis, deterioration in well-being, may be absent. One person tolerates inflammation in the urethra easily, while another person gets the same disease more severely. The inflammatory process in the urethra may not manifest itself immediately after infection. The incubation period, from infection to onset of symptoms, can last from a couple of hours to several months.

Symptoms of infectious forms

The main signs that appear with inflammation of the urethra are as follows:

  • It hurts and burns during urination.
  • Nonspecific discharge from the urogenital canal with an unpleasant odor (the amount and appearance of the discharge depends on the type of infection).
  • Repeated urge to urinate.
  • The bladder does not empty completely.
  • Urine with urethritis changes the physical qualities: transparency and color (there may be blood in the urine).
  • The shape and color of the urethra are changing.
  • In men, with an erection, painful sensations occur.
  • In the results of urine analysis, a high level of leukocytes.

Symptoms of non-infectious forms

With all types of urethritis, urine has a specific unpleasant odor.

Signs of nonspecific urethral inflammation are similar. True, at the first stage, there are no secretions. Then purulent discharge of green color joins. They are accompanied by an unpleasant odor. The reasons why the canal is inflamed affect the manifestation of symptoms. In some people, they may be absent or the manifestation is so insignificant that they do not pay attention to it.


For any form of inflammatory process in the urethra, the initial diagnosis can be carried out according to the patient's description of the clinical picture. The most important thing is diagnostics. This allows you to identify urethritis, and then take the necessary measures to eliminate the cause. Without laboratory research, it is impossible to determine a specific species and select the necessary treatment. A person's complaints of a burning sensation, the appearance of cramps when going to the toilet indicate an inflammatory process, but the doctor differentiates the first symptoms from other diseases. In addition to clinical examination information, the standard diagnosis of urethritis includes laboratory data. To do this, you need to go through the following methods:

  • Analysis of a smear from the urethra. Microscopic analysis allows you to identify Trichomonas, fungi.
  • Analysis of a small portion of the first urine sample (urine with blood). Pay attention to leukocytes, in a healthy body there should not be more than 5 of them in the field of view.
  • PCR. An analysis such as polymer chain reaction is used if bacteria have not been identified before.
  • To assess the physical condition of the urinary tract, cytoscopy is performed. Through a special device, which is inserted into the urethra, its walls and the degree of scarring are clearly visible.
  • An ultrasound scan is performed to obtain a complete picture of the appearance of the organs of the genitourinary system.
  • Bacteriological analysis of urine allows you to determine the pathogen and its response to drugs.

Many people have a question: which doctor treats inflammation, who to contact? Since we are talking about inflammation of the urinary canal, which is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms that are not associated with a genital infection, you need to make an appointment with a urologist.

Typical treatment

General treatments

Antibiotic therapy is carried out in order to eliminate the infection.

How to treat urethritis correctly, we will help you figure it out. The course of treatment is individual in each case. As far as the treatment is correctly selected, the inflammation will go away so quickly. It is impossible to immediately answer the question of how much urethritis is treated. Indeed, in each organism, the reaction of bacteria, infections to the same drug is completely different. The main method of treatment - pharmacotherapy, consists in the appointment of antibiotic therapy. It is antibiotics that eliminate the infection determined by culture. Antiseptic treatment is carried out in parallel with antibacterial.

Features of the treatment of gonorrheal, bacterial type

Antibiotic therapy of the cephalosporin group acts quickly and gives excellent results in the gonorrheal type of the disease. The selection of bacterial-type agents depends on the pathogen and the presence of complications. They can use "Erythromycin", "Tetracycline", "Olettrin". To ensure a long-term therapeutic effect (when an ulcer is observed in the canal itself), Bitsilin is used, but it is taken in a short course. Additionally, drip administration is used for treatment with a solution of collargol, silver nitrate. The partner is encouraged to undergo similar treatment.

With a complicated inflammatory process (purulent urethritis, desquamative urethritis), effective treatment is provided by several drugs at once. As a rule, these are "Gentamicin" and "Azithromycin". For preventive purposes, it is recommended to take antifungal agents ("Nystatin", "Levorin") and vitamin preparations in order to improve the immune defense.

Features of therapy of mycoplasma, ureaplasma, gardnerella type

Treatment of the disease requires an integrated medical approach.

Pathologies caused by ureaplasma are combined into one group: ureaplasmic urethritis, gardnese, mycoplasma. Every disease is sexually transmitted. It is quite difficult to cure such forms. For this, a potent drug is used. Diseases of the urethra are treated using lincosamines, fluoroquinolones and a tetracycline antibiotic. In the tetracycline group, the best result is shown by Doxycycline, and in the macrolide group, Clarithromycin. Even if the urethritis has passed and the symptoms do not bother, it is necessary to retake the tests 3 times. Only then can we talk about complete recovery.

An inflammatory process that develops in the urethra due to factors of an infectious or non-infectious origin. It develops in both sexes, however, in sexually mature men it is diagnosed more often, because, due to anatomical features, it is felt more acutely, which forces them to seek medical help. In women, the manifestations of urethritis are less pronounced; in certain cases, the disease is not neglected.

Causes of urethritis include infection with pathogenic microorganisms (in the predominant number of cases) or the development of inflammation in the urethra due to allergies or trauma. In the latter case, there is a non-infectious urethritis, which can become the basis for the development of an infectious lesion. The group of infectious urethritis includes specific urethritis (such as gonorrheal, Trichomonas) and nonspecific (such as chlamydial, mycoplasma).

Specific infectious urethritis are those in which sexually transmitted microorganisms are involved - usually gonococcus and Trichomonas. A wide variety of microorganisms are related to the development of nonspecific urethritis - staphylococci, enterococci, pneumococci, streptococci, Proteus, Escherichia coli, mycoplasma, chlamydia, yeast fungi, viruses and their various combinations at the same time.

It is important in the etiology of the disease to determine the factors that determine the ways of penetration of the infection into the body and form its level of susceptibility:

  • violation of hygiene standards;
  • promiscuous sex;
  • prolonged and overly active sexual intercourse;
  • sexual intercourse during menstruation;
  • sexual intercourse in a state of strong alcoholic intoxication;
  • decreased immunity and protective properties of the body;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • hypothermia;
  • narrowing of the urethra (for example, due to tumors of the urethra or urolithiasis);
  • development of local allergic reactions;
  • Irritation of the urethra with chemicals (such as spermicides)
  • trauma to the urethra (eg, foreign bodies, urinary catheter).

In medical practice, primary and secondary urethritis are distinguished:

  • primary begins exclusively with inflammation in the urethra;
  • the secondary basically contains a focus of inflammation somewhat distant from the urethra - whether it be bacterial diseases of the pelvic organs (prostatitis, vaginitis) or pneumonia or tonsillitis with such a distant spread of infection.

Primary urethritis is considered more common.

There are also anterior and posterior urethritis:

  • anterior - inflammation affects the anterior urethra to the external sphincter;
  • posterior - inflammation develops in the posterior urethra.

Symptoms of urethritis differs in diversity and depends on the nature of the onset and nature of the inflammatory response. It is noteworthy that, depending on the origin, urethritis can appear both after a few hours and several weeks after infection:

  • the incubation period of allergic urethritis is the shortest - a few hours;
  • nonspecific bacterial urethritis appears after 3-6 days, under certain circumstances and after 6-10 weeks;
  • gonorrheal urethritis reports itself 4-7 days after infection, sometimes the incubation period can be 4-6 weeks;
  • Trichomonas urethritis appears after 10 days;
  • viral, mycoplasma and chlamydial urethritis appear with the first symptoms after a few months.

The clinical picture of urethritis is determined by the form of its course - acute or chronic. Traditionally, chronic urethritis is a complicated form of acute, the development of which is more typical for Trichomonas, chlamydial, mycoplasma infections. Chronic urethritis reminds of itself:

  • slight itching;
  • slight burning sensation along the urethra;
  • insignificant discharge from the urethra - mucopurulent, in the amount of a few drops;
  • adhesion of the sponges of the urethra.

Acute anterior urethritis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • itching and burning along the hanging part of the urethra;
  • gluing the external opening of the urethra in the morning;
  • the sponges of the urethra are swollen;
  • soreness when urinating;
  • abundant mucopurulent or purulent discharge from the external opening of the urethra (may differ depending on the type of pathogen);
  • discharge can form yellowish crusts on the glans penis;
  • the general condition is often satisfactory.

In acute posterior urethritis, along with local symptoms, a noticeable worsening of general symptoms comes to the fore:

  • weakness;
  • weakness;
  • increased body temperature;
  • painful and frequent, with scanty urination;
  • sometimes at the end of urination, blood is released from the external opening of the urethra;
  • painful erections are sometimes observed.

How is urethritis treated?

Urethritis treatment is determined to a greater extent by its causative agent, as well as the presence of concomitant diseases, which no less require attention.

Treatment of gonorrheal urethritis suggests the need to use cephalosporins, better than the second and third generation, fluoroquinolones, macrolides. Modern medical developments show that gonococci are often resistant to penicillin, and therefore its use is minimized. Local treatment is carried out by instillations into the urethra of medicinal solutions, and the predominance of cicatricial-sclerotic processes and solid infiltration determines the need for bougienage of the urethra and inductotherapy. Internal optical urethrotomy is used to form urethral strictures, which are usually well-shaped and located at the hanging part of the urethra.

Treatment of chlamydial and mycoplasma urethritis can occur through the use of etiotropic, pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy. It is advisable to prescribe antibiotics - azithromycins, josamycins, tetracyclines. Urologists note a tangible and soon-coming therapeutic effect from the use of fluoroquinolones - ofloxacin or pefloxacin.

Trichomonas urethritis treatment necessitates the use of metronidazole in accordance with the scheme determined by the doctor; in some cases, a repeated course of the drug is appropriate. If urethritis becomes chronic, it is advisable to increase single doses of metronidazole and the frequency of its administration. In addition, instillation of medicinal solutions into the urethra will be appropriate.

Treatment of bacterial urethritis it is impossible without the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics in combination with immunostimulating therapy.

Treatment of candidomycotic urethritis requires the appointment of broad-spectrum antifungal drugs (nystatin or levorin), it is important to ensure a prolonged effect. It is advisable to supplement the effect of drugs with the action of vitamin therapy and immunomodulators.

Immunostimulating therapy is strictly recommended as part of the treatment of urethritis, regardless of the type of its causative agent. The specific drug and its dosage are determined by the attending physician in each individual case, and Viferon, Likopid, Timalin, Timogen, Immunal are popular today.

What diseases can it be associated with

In women, the concentration of infection in the urethra creates a fertile ground for the development of an infectious process in the vagina, and in men, it can lead to inflammation of the prostate gland, bladder, and scrotal organs:

  • (vaginitis) - an inflammatory process that develops in the vaginal mucosa, the causative agent of which is usually chlamydia, Trichomonas, mycoplasma, streptococcus, staphylococcus and similar microorganisms or their association;
  • - an inflammatory process localized in the prostate gland, one of the causes of which may be infection;
  • epididymitis - an inflammatory process affecting the epididymis and manifested by hyperemia, swelling and swelling of the scrotum;
  • orchitis - inflammation of the male testicle, which usually develops as a complication of gonorrhea, mumps, flu.

Male diseases in their distribution can cause and.

(inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urinary bladder) and a violation of the microflora of the vagina () are the most associated diseases with urethritis among women.

The presence in the urethra region or narrowing of the urethra due to the passage of a stone through it can contribute to the compression of the urethra, and therefore the development of urethritis.

Secondary urethritis becomes a consequence of the spread of infection throughout the body from inflammation of the pelvic organs, and also, which is rare, however, occurs.

Treatment of urethritis at home

Urethritis treatment occurs mainly at home, but it should not involve self-medication. At the first symptoms of the disease, it is important to contact a qualified specialist, go through the necessary diagnostic procedure and follow the course of drugs prescribed by the doctor. It is strictly contraindicated to change the course on your own. It is important to note that the main element of treatment is antibiotic therapy, the course of which is important to complete until the end, and not until the first noticeable improvement in the condition. Otherwise, there is a high probability of the development of resistance of the pathogenic microorganism to the previously used drug and its ineffectiveness with further use.

During the period of treatment of urethritis, urologists recommend observing a certain regimen - in nutrition and in the organization of the day in general. It is necessary to observe significant dietary restrictions - to give up spicy, irritating mucous food, alcohol, caffeine, to focus on fruits and vegetables as sources of vitamins, to consume a lot of fluids to provide a diuretic effect.

An additional course of tableted vitamins and immunomodulators will not be superfluous.

What drugs to treat urethritis?

The use of drugs should be carried out exclusively in accordance with the prescription issued by the attending physician, however, depending on the causative agent of the disease, the list may be something like this:

Bacterial urethritis

  • immunostimulating therapy (,)
  • azithromycin (,)
  • aminoglycosides
  • josamycin ()
  • clindamycin ()
  • ofloxacin (Ofloxin, Tarivid)
  • pefloxacin (Abaktal)
  • tetracycline
  • cephalosporins

Gonorrheal urethritis

  • immunostimulating therapy (Gonovaccine, Timalin)
  • macrolides
  • penicillin
  • fluoroquinolones
  • cephalosporins

Candidomycotic urethritis

  • Diflucan (150-400 mg orally once a day)
  • (inside 0.25 g 2 times a day for a week)
  • Nystatin or (by mouth 1,000,000 U 3 times a day or 500,000 U 6 times a day for two weeks)

Mycoplasma urethritis

  • azithromycin (,)
  • josamycin ()
  • lincosamides - clindamycin ()
  • pefloxacin (Abaktal)


Trichomonas urethritis

  • instillation into the urethra - solutions of protargol, collargol,
  • metronidazole or (a course of 0.25 g three times a day for the first 4 days, then 0.25 g twice a day), possibly in several courses
  • new generation drugs -,

Chlamydial urethritis

  • immunostimulating therapy (, Timogen, Immunal,)
  • azithromycin (,)
  • josamycin ()
  • lincosamides - clindamycin ()
  • fluoroquinolones - ofloxacin (,)
  • pefloxacin (Abaktal)
  • tetracyclines

Treatment of urethritis with alternative methods

Urethritis treatment folk remedies should not be used as part of self-medication, but rather be an adjunct to traditional drug therapy and be used on the recommendation of the attending physician. At a minimum, the doctor will recommend taking diuretic drinks (cranberry juice or fruit drink, blackcurrant juice), and it is useful to diversify the diet with beets, celery, carrots, green vegetables, salads.

From folk recipes, preference is given to drugs that have a diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect:

  • infusion of dried cornflowers- 1 tsp of dried flowers of cornflowers, brew with a glass of boiling water, insist for an hour, strain, take 2 tablespoons three times a day. before eating;
  • infusion of black currant leaves- 1.5 tbsp. boil dried currant leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for 45 minutes, strain, take 1/3 cup three times a day before meals;
  • infusion of parsley- Grind 80 grams of parsley and pour milk to the top, put in a preheated oven until the milk has evaporated; take 2 tbsp. hourly throughout the day;
  • linden blossom decoction- 2 tbsp. pour lime inflorescences with 2 cups of hot water and simmer for 10 minutes, cool, strain; take at night;
  • infusion of wheatgrass rhizomes- 4 tsp Pour chopped rhizomes of creeping wheatgrass with a glass of cold water, leave for 12 hours in a cool place, strain; pour the squeezed liquid into a glass of boiling water, strain after 10 minutes and combine with the first infusion; take 0.5 cups 4 times a day.

The necessary effect is provided by the collection of the following medicinal herbs in equal proportions:

  • horsetail, St. John's wort, wheatgrass rhizomes, sage, caraway seeds, cuff leaves;
  • meadowsweet, ivy budra grass, tansy flowers, knotweed watch leaves, shepherd's bag;
  • motherwort dye madder root, heather grass, black poplar buds, immortelle flowers, fennel fruits.

2 tbsp collection must be brewed in ½ liter of boiling water, boil for about 5-7 minutes, filter after it cools down. Take 2 tbsp. three times a day. In acute urethritis, herbal treatment is carried out for a month, then additional two-month courses are carried out with two-week breaks. With chronic urethritis, taking medicinal herbs can last for years.

Treatment of urethritis during pregnancy

Urethritis treatment in pregnant women, it should be carried out exclusively under the guidance of specialists from related fields of medicine. Prescribing drugs is based on the ratio of benefits to the mother and risks to the fetus.

The goal of treatment for any type of urethritis is certainly to restore the properties of the walls of the urethra, restore the microflora of the vagina and enhance the protective functions of the immune system. Treatment of infectious urethritis should take place in a hospital under the constant supervision of qualified specialists. Here, the most conservative antibiotics are selected, which will affect the development of the fetus as little as possible. Also, local drugs and a course of immunotherapy are prescribed.

Non-infectious urethritis can be treated at home, in this case, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

In this case, folk methods are especially popular, however, they should also be discussed with a doctor, and not used as part of self-medication.

Which doctors should you contact if you have urethritis

Urethritis- a group of diseases most often of an infectious nature, which determines the subtleties of diagnostic procedures. The examination begins with a detailed history of the disease - it is important to establish some of the nuances of the patient's sexual life, the presence of certain diseases in the past, and with such a treatment regimen and the results of dispensary observation.

The material for laboratory examinations is the discharge and scraping from the urethra of the urethra. In the chronic form of gonorrheal urethritis, chlamydial urethritis, the secretion of the prostate gland and ejaculate in men are examined, and the suspicion of Trichomonas determines the need to take a smear from the vagina in women. From the methods of laboratory examination, preference is given to bacterioscopic and bacteriological, immunomicrobiological (direct and indirect immunofluorescence) and molecular biological (polymerase chain reaction) methods. In addition to the polymerase chain reaction, the culture method is used to diagnose Trichomonas, and the detection of vaginal Trichomonas in a patient is a direct indication for immediate treatment. The most reliable method is sowing the pathological material on artificial nutrient media, and its value increases in the case of a chronic process. Liquid culture media are used to diagnose mycoplasma infection.

Microscopy of the material taken from the lesion is performed with a special spatula, which allows obtaining the required amount of substrate from the mucous membrane of the canal by actively scraping it. From the obtained material, preparations for research are produced in a colored and unpainted state. In laboratory diagnostics, among other things, fluorescence microscopy is performed, which allows for qualitative and quantitative identification of the pathogen.

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The information is for educational purposes only. Do not self-medicate; for all questions regarding the definition of the disease and methods of treatment, contact your doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of the information posted on the portal.

Urethritis is an inflammatory process that affects the mucous membrane of the urethra. This pathology is one of the most common inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

Depending on the etiology of the development of inflammation, all urethritis is usually divided into infectious and non-infectious. The overwhelming number of urethral inflammations is associated with the action of an infectious agent (as a rule, these are bacterial urethritis), less often the disease is caused by trauma, allergic reactions, exposure to chemical factors, etc.

This article discusses what urethritis is in men, symptoms and treatment of the disease, as well as methods for its prevention.

The onset of urethritis is accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the urethra. The clinical signs of urethritis in men are burning pains that intensify during urination, false urge to urinate, mucous membranes, the appearance of pathological discharge, etc.

In the absence of timely therapy, acute urethritis in men can take on a chronic course, which is much less treatable, accompanied by frequent relapses and complications such as the development of urethral strictures (its cicatricial narrowing), sexual dysfunction, phimosis, balanitis, balanoposthitis, etc.

It should also be borne in mind that bacterial urethritis in men may be accompanied by the addition of an ascending infection (prostatitis, inflammation of the kidneys, bladder, etc.).

Causes of urethritis in men

The reasons for the development of mucosal inflammation can be:

  • infections;
  • violation of personal hygiene rules (the most common cause of urethritis in boys);
  • trauma;
  • allergic reactions;
  • autoimmune or endocrine pathologies, etc.

The predisposing factors contributing to the development of urethritis in men are:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • hypothermia;
  • decreased immunity;
  • unprotected sex;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • the presence of genital infections.

Viral, fungal and bacterial urethritis in men

The leading causes of the development of urethritis are infectious agents. Non-infectious urethritis are less common and can be associated with allergic reactions, autoimmune pathologies, endocrine diseases, trauma (traumatic urethritis in men often develops after diagnostic or medical medical procedures - cystoscopy, urethral catheterization, etc.), mechanical damage to the urethra (urolithiasis , oxalaturia).

In this regard, infectious urethritis in men is divided into specific (gonorrheal urethritis in men, tuberculous, Trichomonas urethritis) and nonspecific. Nonspecific urethritis can be:

  • bacterial (ureaplasmic urethritis in men, mycoplasma, gardnerella, etc.);
  • viral (herpetic urethritis, candidiasis of the urethra);
  • mycotic (candidal urethritis);
  • mixed (chlamydial urethritis in men, combined with Trichomonas, etc.);
  • transient (often accompanied by the development of an ascending infection in the form of prostatitis).

Transient urethritis, as a rule, are accompanied by a fulminant course and are caused by chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, gardnerella, herpes viruses of the second type (viral urethritis in men of a transient nature is quite rare).

It should be noted that urethritis in men can be caused both by conditionally pathogenic microflora (bacteria normally present in the microflora of the genital tract) and by sexually transmitted microorganisms.

The most common causes of urethritis in men are chlamydia and neisseria gonorrhea. Moreover, in patients with gonorrheal urethritis, in the overwhelming majority of cases, chlamydia is also found. In this regard, when gonorrheal urethritis is detected, it is advisable to prescribe anti-chlamydial drugs.

Non-gonorrheal, non-chlamydial urethritis is usually caused by Trichomonas or mycoplasmas. Genital mycoplasmas are detected in about 30 percent of patients with urethritis and in 10% of patients without symptoms of urethritis (mycoplasma carriage).

Carriage of Trichomonas in men occurs in 25-30% of cases. Trichomonas can inhabit the mucous membranes of the urethra, prostate and seminal vesicles.

Other bacterial urethritis is most often caused by Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Serration, Proteus, Providence, Staphylococcus aureus, rarely streptococcus.

Staphylococcal urethritis is often accompanied by layering of other pathogenic microflora. Such microbial associations lead to lingering recurrent urethritis and are difficult to treat.

The most common cause of viral urethritis in men is a virus:

  • herpes simplex of the second type;
  • causing genital warts.

Infection with these viruses occurs during unprotected sexual intercourse. In this case, infection can occur from a patient without clinical signs of the disease (asymptomatic carriage).

After the end of the acute phase of the inflammatory process, the transition of the virus to a latent form is noted.

After suffering a viral urethritis, relapses are observed in about eighty percent of patients.

Candidal urethritis in men develops much less frequently than in women, as a rule, against the background of endocrine pathologies (fungal urethritis often develops in patients with diabetes mellitus) or immunodeficiency states. The cause of the development of candidal urethritis is a fungus of the genus Candida. Unlike women, in whom candidal urethritis can develop against the background of prolonged antibiotic therapy, in men, candidal urethritis most often occurs after unprotected sexual intercourse.

Gardnerella urethritis in men rarely develops and is usually combined with chlamydial, ureaplasmic, mycoplasma, fungal, etc. infection.

Symptoms of urethritis in men

Depending on the duration of the disease, urethritis is divided into acute and chronic. An inflammatory process lasting less than 2 months is called acute urethritis, more than two months - chronic.

Acute urethritis in men

The disease can be manifested by the appearance of:

  • streaks of blood in semen and urine;
  • cloudy urine with long, whitish filaments or sediment;
  • discharge from the urethra of a mucous or purulent nature;
  • yellowish crusts on the head of the penis;
  • redness and swelling of the glans penis;
  • redness and swelling of the sponges of the urethra;
  • pain and burning sensation in the urethra, aggravated during urination;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • pain and itching in the groin;
  • fever (rare);
  • pain during intercourse;
  • decreased sex drive;
  • painful erection.

Chronic urethritis in men

The manifestations of chronic inflammation practically do not differ from the symptoms of acute. In chronic inflammation, less abundant discharge is noted, but the appearance of cloudy urine, often with a sharp unpleasant odor, is characteristic.

Low back pain may occur, as well as decreased sex drive and erectile dysfunction. With the addition of cicatricial narrowing of the urethra, urinary retention is noted.

Candidal urethritis in men

Candidal urethritis is accompanied by the appearance of cheesy plaques or films on the head of the penis, thick mucous discharge with cheesy flakes.

There is also severe itching and burning of the urethra, flushing of the head of the penis and other symptoms of acute inflammation.

Effective drugs for the treatment of urethritis in men

Urethritis therapy is carried out in a comprehensive manner and is prescribed by the attending physician. Depending on the cause of the inflammation, etiotropic and pathogenetic therapy is prescribed.

To prevent re-infection with viral, fungal and bacterial urethritis, all treatment should be carried out simultaneously with the treatment of the sexual partner.

Medicines for urethritis in men are prescribed taking into account the causative agent of the disease, as well as the severity of the patient's condition, the duration of inflammation and the presence of an ascending infection.

All drug treatment of urethritis in men is carried out only after receiving tests for the pathogen and its sensitivity to the drugs used.

It is also recommended to eliminate the accompanying factors contributing to the development of urethritis (alcohol abuse, metabolic disorders such as oxaluria, uraturia, phosphaturia, etc.), an increase in the volume of fluid consumed (2-2.5 liters), taking multivitamin preparations, immunomodulators and immunostimulants (according to indications).

Antibiotics for urethritis in men are prescribed after receiving tests. For urethritis caused by coccal flora, it is recommended to use drugs of the penicillin series and cephalosporins. With a gram flora, from urethritis, prescribe tablets. If necessary, drugs, macrolides or.

  • Nitrofurans (furazolidone) are often used to treat Trichomonas urethritis.
  • For mixed infections, combinations of nitroimidazoles (,) with fluoroquinolones () may be recommended.
  • For the treatment of staphylococcal urethritis, not only antibiotics can be used, but also staphylococcal toxoids and staphylococcal immunoglobulins.
  • With the development of Reiter's syndrome (chlamydial urethritis), glucocorticoids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and drugs to improve microcirculation are prescribed.
  • For herpetic urethritis, drugs and valacyclovir are prescribed. Ointment with acyclovir for urethritis in men is prescribed only in combination with systemic anti-herpes therapy.
  • With candidal urethritis, antifungal agents are prescribed (,).
  • According to the indications, immunomodulatory and immunostimulating agents (viferon) are prescribed.
  • For chronic urethritis, prostate extracts (prostatilen) may be prescribed.
  • According to the indications, symptomatic therapy is carried out and physiotherapy treatment is prescribed.

Treatment of urethritis in men with folk remedies

Treatment of urethritis in men at home is carried out after consultation with the attending physician, receiving test results and selecting medications. In uncomplicated forms of the disease (without the addition of an ascending infection), hospitalization is not indicated.

Folk remedies can only be used in combination with drug therapy.

Washing with a solution of calendula, chamomile and oak bark is effective. Additionally, as a fortifying agent, it can be recommended: taking fresh juice or infusion of cranberries, infusions of berries and currant leaves, cornflower flowers, immortelle, etc.

To increase the body's natural resistance to infection, a course of multivitamin preparations is recommended.

Article prepared
infectious disease doctor Chernenko A.L.

Urethritis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urethra (urethra) caused by bacterial microorganisms. The prevalence of the disease is the same in both men and women. Often the disease proceeds against the background of an inflammatory process in the bladder, but both diseases have their own characteristics.

A characteristic difference between urethritis and cystitis is pain during urination, its nature and the moment of occurrence. With cystitis, pain occurs after the emptying of the bladder, since the inflamed walls of the organ are in contact. With urethritis, painful sensations last throughout the entire process of urination. It is important for a urologist to be able to recognize both diseases in order to carry out correct and adequate treatment.

The reasons for the development of urethritis and symptoms of the disease

Inflammation of the urethra can be caused by various pathogens. Each type of urethritis has its own symptoms and characteristics of the course.

Candidal urethritis

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urethra is provoked by fungi of the genus Candida, which are the normal microflora of the woman's vagina. The disease develops for a long time, about 2-3 weeks. The pathological spread of a fungal disease can be triggered by prolonged use of antibiotics or antibacterial drugs, which have a suppressive effect on the woman's immune system. This form of acute inflammatory disease often spills over into a chronic one. The main symptoms of candidal urethritis are:

  • Itching in the urethra;
  • White discharge, sour-smelling, cheesy.

Allergic urethritis

The urethra becomes inflamed due to exposure to various chemicals, foods, or pharmaceuticals. An allergic reaction can cause severe edema not only of the mucous membrane, but also of the underlying membranes of the urethra, completely blocking the output of urine. This form of inflammation can lead to the development of a bacterial infection in the urethra.

Bacterial urethritis

Pathological bacterial microorganisms that enter the urinary tract of a woman cause a nonspecific inflammatory process. Typically, the causative agents are staphylococci, gonococci and other coccal microorganisms, which under normal conditions can represent the normal microflora of the body. Bacteria acquire pathological properties only under certain conditions - weakening of immunity or injury to the mucous membrane of the urinary organs.

Trichomonas urethritis

A similar form of the inflammatory process of the urethra is transmitted during intercourse. 2-3 weeks after intercourse, the first symptoms of the disease appear:

  • severe itching, burning;
  • frothy discharge.

In the absence of the necessary treatment, the disease flows into a chronic form, and the symptoms gradually disappear.

In addition to the main reasons, the development of inflammation in the urethra can provoke stress, trauma to the mucous membrane, severe hypothermia and other pathologies of the urinary system. Common symptoms for all types of urethritis usually include:

  • redness of the genitals, especially areas around the external opening of the urethra;
  • burning, itching and painful sensations during urination;
  • unnatural vaginal discharge.

In the acute stage of the disease, increased body temperature, signs of intoxication of the body (chills, headaches, weakness) are added to the general manifestations.

Treatment principles for urethral inflammation

  1. Treatment is prescribed based on the results of laboratory tests and analyzes that identify the cause or causative agent of the pathological process.
  2. Topical agents must be combined with antibacterial or antifungal agents for greater effectiveness.
  3. In the course of treatment, alcohol, smoking and sex should be completely excluded, and physical activity should be reduced.
  4. After satisfactory treatment results, it is imperative to carry out a number of preventive measures to prevent the development of complications and relapse.

Medication for urethritis

After examination and carrying out all the necessary diagnostic measures, the urologist prescribes treatment. It includes:

  • Antimicrobial agents to which the pathogen is sensitive;
  • Medicines to improve the functioning of the immune system;
  • Topical antiseptic preparations;
  • Physiotherapy procedures;
  • A therapeutic diet that excludes foods that negatively affect the urinary system.

In addition, many urologists advise using traditional methods of treating urethritis, herbal remedies.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of urethritis

Traditional medicine recipes make it possible to exclude the risks of developing serious complications of urethritis in women, provided that the treatment was carried out in a timely manner. Before using one of the proposed recipes, an allergy test must be performed. A small amount of the chosen product should be applied to the inner surface of the forearm and left for 3-5 hours. If redness, rash or itching appears at the site of application, then it is better to refuse to use this method of treatment. This allergy test is only suitable for external use.

Douching, baths, applications

The main treatment for urethritis is douching with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This solution is an effective antiseptic, prevents the development of complications. It is better to carry out such douching 1-2 times a day. In one liter of warm water, it is necessary to dissolve 1-2 crystals of potassium permanganate to obtain a pale pink solution.

With the help of chamomile flowers, both douching and sessile baths can be carried out. Decoctions of this medicinal plant have an anti-inflammatory effect, promotes healing of damaged mucous membranes of the urethra. The temperature of the water in the bath should not exceed 400C, so as not to injure the mucous membrane even more.

For local applications, a remedy made from wild rosemary herb mixed with a small amount of vegetable oil is used. The mixture must be infused in a dark, warm place for about a day. It is necessary to use the product in a slightly warm form, applying to the mucous membrane of the urethra as an application for 15-20 minutes.

Herbal infusions and decoctions

For the complex treatment of urethritis, in addition to external agents, herbal preparations for internal use are used.

Infusion of linden flowers helps to get rid of burning and painful sensations when urinating. For half a liter of boiling water, about 1.5-2 tablespoons of the dry mixture are required. The infusion must be brewed for about 10 minutes, filtered and cooled. You need to take a glass half an hour before meals.

Currant leaves help the body fight infection, strengthen the immune system, relieve painful symptoms and itching. A strong decoction is prepared from two tablespoons of dried leaves and 400 ml of boiling water, which must be taken every day, 200 ml.

Inflammatory diseases of the urinary system can often cause serious complications in women. Thrush, inflammation of the pelvic organs greatly weaken women's health and can lead to reproductive disorders and even infertility.

Urethritis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the canal of the urinary system (on the wall of the urethra). Often this ailment is observed in a strong half of humanity, while in women, urethritis proceeds along with cystitis. If you do not resort to treatment in time, this can lead to more serious consequences. We will talk about how to treat urethritis at home in our article.

Causes of the disease

Before starting the treatment of urethritis, you should understand the causes of its occurrence.

  1. Sexual contact with a person who is infected with a sexually transmitted disease.
  2. Failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene.
  3. Frequent sex life.
  4. Improper and irregular nutrition.
  5. Injuries to the mucous membrane of the urinary tract (inaccurate medical examinations, passage of stones through the urethra).
  6. Increased physical activity.
  7. Eating spicy foods.
  8. Decreased immunity.
  9. Alcohol abuse.
  10. Hypothermia.
  11. Violation of the drinking regime.
  12. Chronic inflammatory processes.

Urethritis symptoms

  1. Feeling of unbearable burning and incessant itching during urinary intercourse.
  2. Discharge of a watery and purulent character from the urethra in men.
  3. Greenish, bloody and yellow-white discharge with a putrid odor in women.
  4. Sharp pain during urination.
  5. Cuts in the lower abdomen in women.

Remember: if men do not resort to treatment in time, then this threatens the occurrence of prostatitis, pyelonephritis, impotence and infertility.

  1. In the perineal region, women experience redness and peeling.
  2. Clear urine with purulent impurities.
  3. Frequent, possibly deceiving, urge to urinate.
  4. In severe forms of the disease, skin lesions are observed.

Treatment of the disease at home. Is it possible to?

In addition to medical treatment, recovery is often observed after using several alternative methods.

Remember: diet should be followed before starting treatment. To do this, give up salty and spicy foods. Eliminate all irritants and allergens, food additives and preservatives from your diet. For a while, forget about pastries and sweets, alcohol and smoking, strong coffee and tea. An important factor in the treatment is sufficient water intake - not less than 1.5 liters per day.

Linden broth

To get rid of burning and stinging, prepare a linden decoction. To do this, take 40 g of linden and fill it with half a liter of hot water. Insist 10 minutes, covered with a lid, strain thoroughly. Drink 250 ml 2 hours after dinner.

An effective remedy for urethritis for women

Take 100 g of chopped parsley and fill it with milk (preferably homemade) so that it completely covers the plant. Place the mixture in the microwave until the milk has completely evaporated. Take the resulting product 40 g every 50-60 minutes throughout the day.

Black currant leaves

How to cure urethritis with this remedy? Take 60 g of leaves and fill them with 500 ml of water. The broth is infused for half an hour. Drink half a glass every 4 hours (excluding nighttime). Infusions of black currant leaves are known for their ability to heal almost all ailments of the genitourinary system.

Cornflower flowers

Take dry cornflower blue flowers (1 tsp). Pour 250 ml of freshly boiled water over them. Insist for 50-60 minutes. It should be taken every 4 hours (except at night), 20 ml.

Herbal tea No. 1 (calamus root and peppermint)

Buy calamus root, peppermint, and dioecious nettle from the pharmacy. Take 1 tsp. each product and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Insist 20 minutes. Take 1 glass in the morning and in the evening.

Important: during treatment, it is important to use those drugs that have anti-inflammatory, diuretic and antimicrobial effects.

Herbal collection number 2 (Rosehip, juniper and elderberry flowers)

Rosehip, juniper, elderberry flowers, horsetail mix, taking 1.5 tsp. of each remedy. Pour 450 ml of freshly boiled water and leave for a quarter of an hour. Drink 1 glass 2 times a day on an empty stomach and before bed.

Herbal collection number 3 (Dandelion, parsley, anise and juniper fruits)

Mix the dandelion, parsley, anise, juniper fruits, steel root, taking 10 g of each product. Pour 1.5 liters of boiling water. Insist for half an hour. Consume a glass in the morning and before bed.

Herbal collection number 4 (lingonberry, millennial, St. John's wort and juniper berries)

Take lingonberries, millennials, St. John's wort, and juniper berries. For this product, we need 20 g of each ingredient. Pour the mixture with half a liter of boiling water and leave for 8-9 hours. Consume 5 times a day.

Herbal collection No. 5 (St. John's wort, horsetail, wheatgrass, caraway seeds and sage)

In the same amount (1 tsp each), take St. John's wort, horsetail, wheatgrass, caraway seeds and sage. Pour in a liter of boiling water. Insist for 60 minutes. Strain through cheesecloth. Drink half a glass 2-3 times a day.

Herbal collection number 6 (celandine herb, steel root, etc.)

Herbs of celandine, steel root, coriander fruit, hop seed fruits, bud tea shoots are taken in 10 g each. The mixture is poured with 1 liter of freshly boiled water. Drink 4 times a day for half a glass.

Herbal collection No. 7 (meadowsweet, knotweed, watch, shepherd's bag, etc.)

Take meadowsweet, knotweed, watch, shepherd's bag, ivy budra grass, tansy flowers 5 g each. Pour the mixture with a liter of boiling water. Strain. Insist for 60 minutes.

Herbal collection number 8 (fennel fruits, motherwort and black poplar buds)

Fennel fruits, motherwort, black poplar buds, rhizome of dye madder, immortelle flowers, heather grass are taken in an amount of 5 g. Poured with 1 liter of boiling water and infused for about 60 minutes. Strained and consumed 3 times a day for half a glass.

Important: in case of exacerbation of urethritis and acute forms of the disease, courses on the use of herbal collections should continue for a month. This is followed by a 2-week break. After the specified time, the course is repeated and has been going on for 2 months. Another break is taken. In chronic forms of urethritis, treatment can last from one year to several years.

Marshmallow root decoction

Marshmallow root (2 tsp), pour 500 ml of boiling water. Insist at least 10 hours. Drink half a glass on an empty stomach and at night.

Wheatgrass root

Pour the ground wheatgrass root (20 g) with 250 ml of cool water. Insist for 12 hours. Strain. Do not discard the remaining mass, but pour it over again, only 250 ml of boiling water. Insist 10 minutes. Mix both infusions and drink 4 times a day for half a glass.

Carrot and cranberry juice

These products, or rather the juice from them, are incredibly effective. They are able to fight various forms of urethritis. Therefore, do not forget to consume half a glass of freshly squeezed cranberry and carrot juice at least once a day.

Currant berries

The berries from this plant are an excellent anti-inflammatory and diuretic. This is very important when treating any type of urethritis. Prepare decoctions, compotes, infusions from currant, and also eat it raw. This will cure urethritis not only in men, but also in children and pregnant women.

Remember: for urethritis, eat celery, carrots, beets, cranberries, parsley, lingonberries. These products are able to overcome the disease.

Prevention of urethritis

Given that the main cause of urethritis is infection through sexual intercourse, then simultaneously with treatment, you should take care of the rules of hygiene of sexual life. Try to have a regular sexual partner. If casual relationships do occur, use barrier contraceptives. Condoms are the most effective option.

If you are sexually active, try to visit a venereologist at least once every 6 months. This will significantly reduce the likelihood of a disease.

Do not forget about the basic rules of personal hygiene. Do not use cosmetic soaps, lotions, colognes, or other products that cause inflammation in the urethra.

The maintenance of immunity is also important. Eat vitamins and foods, eat right, drink plenty of water, exclude spicy, salty and fatty foods from the diet.

Avoid hypothermia to avoid urethritis. After all, the most minimal hypothermia contributes to the onset of this disease.

Do not overload yourself with physical activity. This factor is one of the most important in the prevention of urethritis.