WORLD OF WARCRAFT series. Universe "Varcraft"

The action of Warcraft "A takes place in the fantastic worlds of Azeroth and Dranor. In the beginning it was assumed that the first consists only of the eastern kingdoms of Lordaron and Azeroth. But the re-invasion of the flaming legion made residents of Azeroth to put on a map of long-forgotten kingdoms of their world, including the birthplace of mysterious night elves Kalimdor (as the empty south and rich forests of the ash-valley in the north). In search of the source of non-residential people, Lordaron and the night elves of Qualethals were in the snowy desert of the icy fell - the habitat of the king of the Lichli Life. In other words, Azeroth's land is very diverse and serve as a house. For many races: people, orcs, dwarfs, elves, trolls and dragons. Below is the chronology of the Warcraft Universe since the creation of Azeroth by Titans until World of Warcraft appears:

Prehistoric times

Far past:

The universe is created. In the next after her birthday, the Millennium Titans are pushed by worlds, leading to the form of a shapeless infinity of the Great Freaky Darkness. The most powerful of Titans Sargeras protects the myriad of their creations. However, Sargeras affects the influence of evil entities from the bottomless emptiness and decides to destroy the works of the fellow. To achieve this goal, he subordinates Eredara and Natreyma. Over time, Eredar and Natreym are also visited by servants, enslaving different creatures, for example, Vladyk Hell. The army of Sargeras, known now as a flaming legion, steps on the path of destruction, destroying every world discovered.

Millions of years ago:
By winning and sharpening in an unknown prison of the antecred gods of the primitive world of Azeroth, Titans establish order in it. Then they continue to work on the physical properties of Azeroth.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago:
Titans create forms of life, which will continue to populate Azeroth. First, dragons appear, then caldorerai, people, dwarfs and other creatures.

Night elves (Caldorerai) wake up and base the Great Society in the heart of Kalimdora. They are played with primitive magic and inadvertently spread it throughout Azeroth.

Brothers Malfurion and Illidan rage storm appear on the world.

Thoranda is born in the wind whisper.

The demonic glowing legion attracted by the experiments of Caldorev Energy as a result of experiments, begins a massive invasion of Kalimdor to exhaust the natural reserves of magic. Night elves are unable to infamore fierce demons independently, combine with ancient dragons. Following this collision is so apocalyptic that most of the sushi of the Kalimdora falls apart in pieces and goes under water. Fearing the return of the Legion, the night elves give more vow to never use magic again.

For his crime in front of the night elves, Illidan sharpened into the chamber deep underground.

Alexstase Giving Life, Maligos Weaving Spells, Noszdorm Eternal and Isker Dreamer, all together known as four types of dragons, combine their magical forces and create a demon of the demon - with a large force of the artifact, with which you can control the dragons and fight the burning legion . Naltarion Guardian Earth (later known as the wing of death) did not participate in the creation of the Demon's soul, as a result of which he retained his strength, becoming the most powerful of the dragons.

Alekskus, Isores and Nosvlum help the night elves become a strong race in case of returning the Legion. Alexstrusa places the magical acorn to the new well of eternity, from which the mighty world tree of Nordrasil grows. Isorea binds a world tree with an emerald dream and concludes a contract with Druids Caldorev. Nozdrum imposes on Nordrasil Spell: while this oak is worth it, the night elves will be immortal.

A small group of night elves, unwillingly stop experiments with magic, sent from Kalimdora. Traveling through the newly formed eastern lands, they base the Kingdom of Celtalas and begin to call themselves with the highest elves. They are constantly attacking gangs of local trolls.

In Lorderone, people base the empire of the Aratator.

Higher elves, being on the verge of defeat in the incessant war with trolls, are looking for help from the people of Aratator. In exchange for military support, they agree to teach people magic. The combined army succeeds in the destruction of most trolls in Lorderone.

Due to human negligence in the use of magic, the agents of the glowing legion again find the way in Azeroth. The Order of the Tiris Fal is based. The powerful Guards of the Tiris Falat are obliged to lead the war against the agents of the Legion, the unknown to the simple population.

Because of internal disagreements and expansion of the borders of the Empire of the Aratator disintegrates into seven autonomous states: Alterak, Azeroth, Dalaran, Gilnis, Kul-Tiras, Lorderon and Stromgard.

Egwin, Azeroth's Guard, appears.

Guardian Egwin wins in the duel of Sargeras, the Lord of the Burning Legion. The evil spirit of Sargeras connects with the soul of her unborn son.

Muradin bronze beard appears on the light.

Kaen is born bloody hoof.

Kiljaden, Assistant Sargeras, concludes a deal with a roughness, the leader of the orcs from Daeanor. In exchange for submission to the Legion of the orc (especially Brazul), they will acquire great strength and the opportunity to conquer new worlds.

Exculted from Azeroth, the burning legion continues with the help of Brogue subordinates the clans of the orcs from the world of Dranor. Once the noble clans of the orc-shamans begin to unite, turning into a fierce horde.

Guldan is born.

The Horde is defeated by Dreneiam and other Races in the world of Dianor. This massacre temporarily quenches the bloodthirsty of the orcs, but soon the clans begin to conflict among themselves.

Antonidas is born.

Anduin Lothar appears.

Uther bearing light appears.

Guldan, showing an outstanding ability to magic orcs, becomes a student of Bride.

Egowin gives birth to a son, the mediv, who is destined to become the last of the guards. Celtuzad is born.

Prince Llein Azerothsky appears on the world.

Under the leadership of Kiljaheden Guldan begins to study the magic of demons. Cadgar appears.

Nezhul, repenting in his decision to help subordinate the orcs Legion, violates the perspective with Kiljeen. The demon swars out to take revenge on Shaman and offers Guldan to continue the case started by Nezhul. Guldan immediately agrees and forms to control the Horde, the Council of Darkness, which begins to search in the bottomless wasteland new, not yet conquered by the Ord of the world.

On the day of the twelveth anniversary, the medilicu opens all the power of the guard, which is why he flows into anyone. A hellscream thunder (Hellscream) is born.

Prince Llein reaches the age of ascension. Medivc leaves coma. Despite its strength, he is actually subordinated to Sargeras. Medivci is sent to the Karazhagan Tower to continue their studies.

Medivch is first associated with Guldan and Darkness Board.

Medivs and Guldan come to the fatal agreement: Medivch will open the portal between Azeroth and Drieder and will show Guldan Sargeras's grave; In turn, the Horde will conquer human states and will remove the enemies of the mediv. None of the parties aware that this is an agreement on Kiljaheden's hand.

Medivs, twisted by the Spirit of Sargeras, opens the portal of Darkness, and the Horde invades Azeroth. The orcs attack the tower of the hurricane wind, but can not destroy the fortress. Horde leaders begin to conflict among themselves.

Prince Llein sits on the throne, becoming new king of Azeroth. Realizing that the Horde requires a new leader to combine clans (and providing Guldan even greater power), the Council of Darkness appoints the leader of the Horde Black hand Destroyer.

Egwin, feeling the effect of Sargeras on her son, opposes the mediv. However, Magus is expelled from Karazhan. Egwin informs King Llean on the involvement of the mediv to the appearance of Orcs in Azeroth and his dark strength. In the inevitability of war with the Horde, mobilization begins in Azeroth. Prince Artas, son and heir to King Terenas Lordronsky appear on the world. Thrall is born, the son of Darutan.

Magician Cadgar arrives to the mediv in Karashaman. Sent by Kirin Torok, he becomes a student of mediv and spying in favor of Dalaran. Darutan, the leader of the clan of the ice wolf, secretly meets with the orgrum hammer of fate to discuss the actions of Guldan and his destructive to Horde the board. After the meeting, Assassines Guldan kill Dartan and his companion, leaving little tralal alone in the deaf more often. A group of hunter people led by Lieutenant by Edojas Blackmur finds trawl and takes him with him into the fortress Darnhold. Blackmore makes a slave and gladiator from the little orc. Jaina Praudmur appears on the light.


Medivc killed by its best friend Lord Loter and his own student Kadgar. Guldan, having fallen into Mediv, at the time of his death, fell into an unconscious state. Having lost the leader in the face of the sorcerer, the black hand was not resistant to the orgrum of the molot of fate.

Garona halfk kills King Lyne. The tower of the hurricane wind is captured by the Horde.

The future of Medivcha reincarnation returns to Karazhean and takes the magical energy of the tower. Medivch plans to use this energy in the fight against the flaming legion when he returns. His mission was brought to the end, and the medilies returns in 617 and begins to prepare for the fight with the Legion.

After five years of the exhausting war, the Horde finally conquers the states of Azeroth and Cusmodan and proclaims the black cliff's spire with their base. Lord Lothar takes refugees in Lorderon's northern lands. Once there, he convinces the rulers of seven states to unite in the fight against the horde. Separate states of the Aratorian Empire are again becoming a Lorderon Alliance.

Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness

The Hammer of the Fate, the leader of the Horde, sends his powerful fleet to the shores of Lorderon. The abandoning horde gets to the heart of Lorderon and successfully destroys the ancient Kingdom of the highest elves of Celtalas.

Alliance's forces counterattack, but Lord Lothar is killed during the siege of the spire of a black cliff. The death of his favorite commander, the warriors of the Alliance crawl around the spire and push the Horde to the threshold of the portal of darkness.

The portal of darkness is destroyed, the horde is crushed.

Escross the crap crawler uses the Demon's soul to get control of the red dragons and use them to implement the plans of the Horde.

Orcs - apostates are surrounded and bent into camp for an interned.


Unzos, sorcerer from the clan dragon's womb, continues to use AlexStress and the whole flock of red dragons. With their help, he puts point blows to the alliance forces, and then retreats Batol on his base again. Nobros controls Alekstaza with the help of the Demon Soul Artifact. Kirin Thor is taking the last attempt to neutralize the threat from the orcs: Magu Ronin, the Elven Hunt of the Verize and Dwarf Folstad of the Hanging to destroy the Demon's soul, thereby freeing the dragons. They successfully cope with the task, not only destroying the last large clan of the orcs in Azeroth, but also upset the plans of the Dragon Wing of Death, who hoped with the help of the artifact to defeat their fellow and declare Azerosis with their possessions.


Old Orc-Shaman Bride Splitters the clans remaining on Diano and reopens the portal of darkness. He orders to steal several artifacts from Azeroth, which will allow him to open numerous portals in Dranore. The alliance sends their troops through the portal to the darkness headed by magician Kadgar. The goal is to break the plans of the brief. Two armies are fighting on the expanses of the world Dranor for months.

By emphasizing the strength of the stolen artifacts, briefly opens several portals in Diano. But before he managed to spend the orcs through them, the energy of artifacts comes out from under the control of the shaman and begins to destroy the material of the world Dranor. The heroes of the Alliance, conscious, that will be trapped, the portal of darkness is destroyed, so that Azero does not destroy the swelling element.

The world of Dianor bursts into parts. His remains will be known as an alien.

Bridheld and other orcs from the Dark Moon clan caught Kiljeen at the time of the exit to the bottomless wasteland. Bridheld turned into a king of the Lithon, was concluded in the ice cube and abandoned back to Azeroth, in the northern fault glaciers. The sorcerers of Brazul stumbled and turned into a personal, fully subordinate to his Iron War.

As the new camps for the orcs open, it becomes restless in the alliance. Only a few scattered clans escaped the wrath of people and worst a miserable existence in the harsh conditions of wildlife.

Sphey War: Nerzhulova Undead is trying to protect his bases in the northern fault from the warriors of the Mysterious Empire Azyel-Nerz. Spider-like nonwaitans are eventually broken by the countless fighters of the king of the Lithon and the Lords of Horror. Finally, the nonsense can call the ice continent.

History of Tralla: Clans leader

Thrall, young Orc, treated with people as a slave and gladitor, makes escape and takes the search for her stolen heritage. Thrall successfully combines several clans of the orcs-lacks and raises them to the uprising against the local authorities of the Alliance.

With a hoping threat to the appearance of a new Horde, the Alliance becomes less and less cohesive. The voltage between the leaders of state is growing. Thrall becomes the new leader of the Horde and helps tribesmen to turn to the abandoned culture of shamans. The inspired horde is finally getting rid of the last traces of the demonic influence of the Legion. In the Alliance, the civil war is rapidly, when a new, unprecedented enemy appears - the flaming legion returned ...


The driven by the mysterious prophet, Thrall sends the Horde across the sea in the land of Kalimdora.

The Prophet goes to Lorderon to prevent the King of Terenas about the chief chute and the approach of the Legion. But the king refuses to take something, believing that the internal affairs of the Alliance are much greater importance.

Nezhul, the Lord of Negotia, begins to infect his plague of Lorderona. Noble Paladin Artas, becoming a witness to the damage of his homeland, decides to fasten the account and goes to the northern rode. Getting into the icy desert of the roof of the world, he obeys the will of Bride. Becoming the Death Knight, Artas returns to Lordaron, kills the King of Terenas and betrays the Kingdom of Pole.

The army of undead completely destroys the Kingdom of the Night Elves Celtalas, including its capital - a silver moon. At this time, Arthas, using the energy of the solar well, resurrect the wizard of the Celtusion in the appearance of lyric. The Celtuzad Hill towards Dalaran calls in Azeroth Archimond Democratic - one of the two assistants of Sargeras - who continues to empty Dalaran with its demonic spells.

The Burning Legion begins his invasion of Azeroth with the conquest of Lordaron and Celtalas, killing most of the surviving inhabitants of these lands. In Kalimdore, the Horde is divided: Thrall follows the prophet, while the thunder's hellish cry and his clan of combat songs are based on a new settlement. They are inappropriate to make themselves enemies in the face of the night elves, because the forests of the ash-valleys are defiled.

As a result of the cunning mahynods of the manemorot of the destroyer and the thyakhondrus of the overall, the clan of combat song kills the price, one of the main defenders of the ash valley and the world tree.

Lorderon Gajna Praudmur and the devotees of the Jaina Praudmur and the people devoted to her agree with the trawl to save thunder from the bloody pamper of Mannorota.

Thunder Hell Creek dies in the battle with Menturn. But before his death, he managed to kill the demon and release himself and the Horde from the curse of the flaming legion.

Hoping to defeat the night elves and absorb the magic of global wood, the flaming legion invades the ash valley.

Tyranda frees an Illidan from prison.

Submitting to Arthas and the King of Lithon, Illidan steals the Skull Guldan, thanks to which turns into a hybrid of the night elf and a demon. Having absorbed by the energy of the artifact, Illidan kills the Tihondrus and prevents the execution of Archimond plans. Furion drives out of his unpredictable brother from Kalimdor, and Illidan in anger leaves.

The leaders of the night elves of Furion and Torad are called a real magical storm in Kalimdore, while Thrall and Jaine desperately reflect the attack of Archimond. Finally, breaking through defense, the demon rushes to the world tree to absorb his magic, but it turns out to be destroyed by the forces of the spellcasters and the tree itself.

The Prophet turns out to be the medilist - magician, once opened the portal of Darkness. He came to convey the Brazda of the Board of Azeroth to the truce people, orcs and night elves. Azeroth began to slowly reborn.

Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne

The southern part of the Kalimdor of the orcs settled on the desert land of the southern part of Kalimdor. This terrain was so named Trall, the leader of the orcs, in honor of his heroically fellow in the battle of his father.

The group of surviving Lordamers, led by the Jaina Praudmur, also settle in the emptiness, erecting the Quartermore on one of the islets.

The remnants of the highest elves decide to revenge the undead and Legion for the loss of their homeland during the invasion. In accordance with this intention, they call themselves bloody elves.

Arthasa is the vision of the icy throne of Bride in the northern fault, since the king of the Lithon orders him immediately return to the snowy continent.

Illidan is Kiljaheden treacherous and orders to destroy the ice throne, as the Lord of Demons realized that the king of the Lithon betrayed him. To achieve this goal, Illidan raises an ancient race of Naga from the sea and floats to the broken islands of the vortex. Naga is the descendants of the Highbodes Queen Azshara, and now they are unofficial to follow Illidan. In the area of \u200b\u200bbroken islands there is the legendary grave of Sargeras. Illidan claims to be a demonic artifact of Sargeras's eye inside it, with the help of which he plans to end with a beach, from afar destroying the ice crown glacier. Arriving to the ruined Dalaran, he tries to implement his plan. However, Malfurion, Tyranda and the rulers of the Maya Dark song destroy the eyes before the spell could be completed. I realized that I could not kill the bridheld from afar, Illidan decides to flee from Azeroth. It opens the spatial portal in Alien and leaves. However, the aspiring of Maev, seeking to grab a traitor, follows him. Furion with Torad is returned to Kalimdor.

Kiel and his devotees of the bloody elves are suitable for the basis of the Great Marshal Gardenos and expect instructions. During the execution of several minor assignments of Garodyos, the bloody elves stumble upon the Nag group under the superior of your lady. Your offers your help to bloody elves, because they have a common enemy - undead. However, Garodyos does not approve of such a union and sharpes the elves in prison as traitors.

Waiting for the execution of Kiel and his elves are freed from the Dalaran Daluran Dastae your Lady, and both races run in alien through the very portal who used Archimond to penetrate into Azeroth.

Arriving in Alien, Naga and bloody elves save Illidan from the Mayeva army and talk with their leader. Illydan decides to destroy the Lord of Hell Masteridone and take possession of a stranger to hide from the wrath of Kiljaheden. While the army of Illidan (with the help of surviving Dreneev) performs this task, they cannot hide from Kiljaheden. The demon orders Illidan to return to the northern rode and destroy the ice throne or take a chance to experience the consequences of treason to the lord of demons.

Since the power of the king of the personal decreased, the horror lord group establishes control over most of the Beach in Lordarone and is trying to overthrow the Artas king. While they destroy the capital of Lorderon, Arthas runs from the city and goes to the north to the rim to protect the king of the Lichnoe from Illidan's troops.

Silvanas The Wind of the Wind, the former Ranger General of the Celtalas Army, becomes a dark ranger of undead. In connection with the weakening of the bridal, Silvanas again becomes independent and seeks to leave his mark in history. Now, by bowing one of the lords of horror to his side, it is able to overthrow the other two and completely free from the influence of Beach. The named after themselves "abandoned," Silvanas and her associates were hidden in the places of Lordaron, thinking about their actions against King Arthas and Beach.

To the aid of Arthas, who had reached the northern fault and trying to get to the ice throne earlier than Illidan, the Vladyka of the Cyrpov named Anbarak. Overcoming many dangers in the gloomy dungeons Azyel Nerub, the Death Knight successfully gets to the Snow Crown Glacier. Crushing the army of Illidan and recall the dungeon, Arthas occurs face to face with Illidan. Arthas obsesses the top and enters the glacier. Immediately after the liberation of the king, the body of Arthas was captured by the former prisoner. Two evil entities connected. By recreation at the top of the glacier, they think about their next step.

Meanwhile, in Orgrimmar, the city of Orgrimmar Moknatal, known as Resksar, unites with the trawl and the Horde to protect the Daartara, because The army of people begins to break their borders. Confident that these armies will be placed in the Jaina Fortress on the Temorsk Island, Thrall sends a Recaxar with the confusion of a wizard, hoping that he will be able to explain the behavior of people invading their possessions.

Ancient and powerful druids unite their strength in order to grow on the island of Calidar, which is not far from the North Coast of Kalimdora, a new world tree. They call him Teldrasil, which means in their language "Crown of Earth". On the branches of Teldrasil, the night elves arrange at home. They reappear their own world, planting trees and launching smooth rivers, drowned in an endless night, which descended on the elven lands from the beginning of time. The night elves flock into Kalimdor as in the sanctuary, and the forests of the ash valley are cleaned of the last traces of the Demonic Legion.

Year of Edition of the first book: 2006

World of Warcraft books have gained wide fame due to the computer game of the same name. Fantasy The world is captivated by many people around the world and soon began to appear the books of WORLD OF WARKRAFT, and the release of the film based on the game in 2016, attracted attention to her even more people. As a result, this interjavator collection all over the world has become one of the most reading series of books.

World of Warcraft Worlds

The Book of Books Warcraft unfolds in the worlds of the united chaotic funnel, called sword cheerlets. As in, the action of books covers the time interval of 10 thousand years. The first race referred to the Books of Warcraft is titans. These gods with iron leather began the creation of all living on the planets and trying to protect these worlds from demonic creatures. But one of Titans - Sargeras, dismantled in the Titans. He creates his own army - a flaming legion, and decides to destroy all the created worlds.

In the Books series, Warcraft reads you can read about events unfolding in different Mirah. But most of them occur in the world of Azeroth. This world is home to people, elves, dwarves, dwarves, Nag, Pandaren, trolls, dragons, goblins and taurenes. All these races settled on four continents and the islands adjacent to them. In addition, Nagi live in the underwater town of Malestor's whirlpool.

Also in the books of the Varcraft series, you can read about the events unfolded in the world of the Welcome. This world has become a homeland for Orcs, Ogrov, Dtenorm Giants, Arakko, Gunnov and Drasev. Previously, it was a blooming world, but under the influence of the flaming legion, it turned into a desert. This is exactly one of the reasons for the resettlement of the orcs into the world of Azeroth. In addition, the Books of Warcraft are mentioned by the Argus, Karest, Spot and Some Others.

Books Varcraft on the site top books

Interest in the Books series WORD OF VARDKRAFT is so great that they ranked high in the summer of the summer 2016. In addition, they provided themselves with a high position among. And given the growing interest, this burst is far from one time. After all, the Book Warcraft buy an increasing number of readers. Therefore, for sure and in our subsequent ratings, the books of the Warcraft series will occupy a worthy position.

Chronology of Books Warcraft

Due to the fact that the books of the series are written by different authors in different time Books Varcraft in order to find quite difficult. After all, there are many stories, mang and comics complementing individual books or their prehistory. In order to simplify you the chronology of reading books Varcraft, we give the official version of the chronology of books from Blizzard.

Varcraft book series in order:

War of the ancients:

  1. Source of eternity
  2. Demon's Soul
  3. Split

The main series:

  • Lord of clans
  • Last Guardian
  • Blood and Honor

Chronicles of War:

  1. Cycle hatred
  2. Sunrise Horde
  3. Flows of darkness
  4. On the other side of the dark portal
  5. Dragon Night
  6. The elevation of the king - lich
  7. The rage of the storm
  8. Split. Prelude to cataclysm
  9. Thrall. Twilight aspects
  10. Wolf heart
  11. Jaina Praudmur. Fear of war
  12. Dawn aspects
  13. Vol'jin. Shadows of Horde
  14. War crimes

Books Varcraft on the film:

Not artistic books Warcraft:

Warcraft. Chronicles. Encyclopedia

Christie Golden


The lunar light was washed by the trone hall of the stormard, which is why the royal throne of white stone seemed to be bluled with his own radiance, and the gold lions sitting at his foot turned into a silver festival with a dead eye. Cold dairy light shone on the edges of the woven along the walls of the weapon, and the shadows of the corners, where the pale the moon's pale fingers did not appear, seemed to be lakes of an impenetrable gloom. In this ultimate radiance, a person with a rich imagination could well imagine that decorative armor, frozen, as hour, were not so empty.

The celebration of the moon broke the light of the only lamp, discarding warm, reddish glare on the decisive face of the boy. He kept in his hands the toy cut out of the tree. The first was a soldier closed in the painted version of the Armor, the darkness of the whole silenceway. The second is a touching creature: green, with boys and an ax half of the growth of her wooden opponent.

Other soldiers and monsters were scattered across the floor. Most of the toy monster still standing. Most of the soldiers were defeated.

When the door opened, the room was lighter. The boy turned out, dissatisfied with what he was prevented, and looked at the fast angry glance, before returning to his game.

"The prince does not hide," the boy thought. "He goes, where he wishes when one wants to be." These are no hurrying. "

Man approached him. In the dim light of the lamp, his hair did not seem so gray, and the scar, disseminating his face from the chin to the eye, is so ugly as in the daylight. He looked at the scene played by the boy.

How is the battle going?

"As if he does not see. As if I do not remember. "

At first, the boy silently looked at the little green figures, and then angrily said:

Each orc deserves death. When I become a king, I will be like Lothar, and I'll get all over!

Lothar - soldier, - a man answered without a shadow of an anger. "He fights, because this consists of his debt." And you will be king. Your duty will be to conclude a fair world. Don't you think that wars are enough with us?

The boy did not answer anything. "Fair World". "Enough wars."

It is impossible.

I hate them! He shouted.

I know, a man answered calmly. The fact that he did not condemn the outbreak of a boy, slightly cooled his young interlocutor.

But the war is not always the right decision. You should understand that not all orcs are evil, even if it seems that way.

The boy frowned and looked at the man with a skeptical look. Cadgar was very wise, but what he was talking about seemed to the prince incredible.

You know, - continued Cadgar - that the orcs came from another world, which is very far from our.

Raising her hand, he moved his fingers, and a reddish-orange ball had on his palm. Now the boy looked with interest. He liked to watch Kadgar creates his magic. The ball began to rotate, surrounded by a crackling greenish energies.

Their world was dying, "Kadgar continued. - It was absorbed in dark magic, known as the firm.

Prince's eyes expanded when a strange emerald flicker began to absorb brown, as if covered with dust world.

The orcs were forced to run. If they were left ... it would also be killed.

The prince was not a pity orcs and their dying world. He grunted tightly in his fingers a toy orc figure.

So, these green monsters invaded our world!

Not all orcs were green when they came to Azeroth. But you did not know about it.

The prince chose to keep silent to disagree in his ignorance, but now it covered curiosity.

Only those who were poisoned by the bad thing - continued his story Kadgar. - She changed them. But once we met an orc, who managed to resist her. Those who almost managed to stop the war forever. His called ... Durotan.

* * *

There were no needs in the air chambers. As it was implied from the name, these were the controversies of the air - consisting of it and in it are located.

The strangers could be astounded by this spectacle, admire His beauty and at the same time terrible, and wondering how the Council of the six could have to sit here without worrying about their own security. But the strangers never penetrated here and will not imbued forever - here, in the amethyst Citadel Kirin-Torah.

Like the magic itself, the hall was intended only for the magicians themselves.

Blue sky and white clouds that served as a ceiling and walls, laid gold and purple stone floor. In addition, a symbol was laid on the floor - stylized, staring eye. The boy who set foot in the hall and now standing in his center, thought that today this symbol is especially appropriate.

He was eleven. Not too high growth, with brown hair and eyes, changing the color from blue to green, depending on the lighting. And yet it was on this boy in the White Tunik that the attention of all members of the Kirin Torah Council was now focused.

They stood up much higher, on a circular platform, and were closed in purple mantles with an embroidered symbol - thus looked at the floor now. And the members of the Council, and the eyes embroidered on their versions looked at the child from top to bottom, as he himself could look hassled on the insect. However, the boy did not confuse their attention. Rather, he experienced curiosity, and, bombing, boldly looked at the magicians.

One of the members of the Council is a tall, skinny old man with a beard, white, like the magic itself, current on the walls of this tower, met with a boy's glance and slightly nodded to him. Then he spoke, and his sonorous voice would rule themselves across the huge hall.

There is a theory according to which each star in the sky is a separate world, "the Archmag Antonidas proclaimed. - And each of these worlds is populated by their own inhabitants. What will our novice tell me?

The novice did not slow down with the answer.

None of the world compares with Azeroth, - he said. - The beauty of Azeroth, his life power and abundance are unique.

And who can you trust care about such a treasure?

The one who can call for the power of magic to protect our world. Guide.


By the subtle lips of Antonidas slid the lightest hint of a smile. The novice wondered: was it worth changing tone on a little more smarmer? But, we honest, he memorized all this long ago.

All forces? - continued Antonidas.

No, "the novice responded quickly. - Dark forces are forbidden. Dark forces - the mirror is bad.

He understood that the tambourity, as written, and bit his lip. It will be bad if the magicians decide that he does not perceive the read seriously.

Dark forces, "he repeated, this time more solemnly," pervert the initial goals of the one who resorts to them.

And what lesson do we remove from this?

Magic is dangerous, and it should not trust those who have not passed the appropriate training. No races nor people nor the dwarves, nor the gnomes nor the elves, except the devoted to Kirin Torah, should not use magic.

"All this is only for us," thought the novice, observing the stream of silver-white liquid in the walls and the ceiling of the air hall. "Not because we are greedy, but because we know how to treat it."

The boy looked attentively at Antonidas and noticed that the arms shoulders relaxed. They ended up with the first part, and he did not contradict anywhere. Okay.

Aged magician smiled a little, graciously looking at the novice.

We feel your strength, Mediv, "he said. - We admire your target and thirst for knowledge. And we test and check these qualities as possible - but, unfortunately, we will not get an answer to the most important question until it is too late.

Mediv strained. Too late? What did Antonidas talk about?

Guardian life requires such victims, where you can not imagine. However, we ask now - you, the boy - forever take on this burden.

"Well, it began," Mediv thought.

Are you ready to start a comprehensive preparation for the day when you become the dominion of Karazhan?

Ready, - without hesitation answered the novice.

Then prove it!

This creature was generated by shadows inaccessible magic of light. From the fragment of darkness, it quickly turned into material, black, like a night, distorted something, towering over the boy. Mediv instinctively accepted a combat rack - the reaction that he was driven into it so long that the boy immediately began to act, let him go and found surprise. The creature opened the mouth, seated with fangs in length with the forearm of Mediva, and made a series of sounds from which he had a belly. So far, the creature hung over him, the boy noticed that the aliens had no true depth, no clear outlines, which made him even more frightening. It was a creature from nightmares, and her ghostly paws were crowned with razor-sharp claws.

Anyone who once plunged into the Magic World of WORLD OF WARCRAFT, sooner or later will begin to notice that the world of the game is somewhat less than the whole world of the Warcraft Universe.

It would seem - why? In the game you can spend thousands of hours, explore hundreds of kilometers of territories on different planets, perform thousands of tasks and countless times to pass the dungeons and destroy the most dangerous opponents and villains ...

However, the more you get acquainted with the world of military craft, the more you realize that there is a lot of reference to the plot of previous games. There are enough white spots in history, which even in such an incredible online game is very difficult to close. After that, many people start meeting books Warcraft.. For two decades of the existence of Azeroth, dozens of books and stories came out, as we will not get lost and we will now tell.

In what order read books and stories about Warcraft?

At the time of writing this article in the world of our wonderful game, almost hundred artistic works have already gained, among which are full novels, small stories and stories, comics and manga. There is even a wonderful movie! So pass to K. view of WORLD OF WARCRAF books in chronological order.

The time frame selected periods regarding the WOW game.

Before World of Warcraft events

The books under consideration and stories tell about the older times when demons appeared from inclusions of emptiness, the ancient gods took their own will, and mighty Titans peered. The period captures times to the very first games, Warcraft 1-2 and partially Warcraft 3.

encyclopedia Warcraft: Chronicles. Volume 1.

World of Warcraft: Chronicle (Chris Metzen)
in chronology: # 1 / level of importance: lEGENDARY)

To exit additions Legion., Blizzard decided that the main conflict between the peoples of Azeroth and the Flawing Legion should be embedded in details on the older times, when even elves on the planet did not exist. Old gods, Titanan Pantheon, the birth of life and the cosmology of the Warcraft Universe are the main themes of the first volume of the encyclopedia.

All that once was known only in myths and legends now gained a meaningful expression through the hands of the main ideologist of Warcraft - Chris Metsena.

What I want to say about this book is a stunning edition. Solid cover, beautiful illustrations - such a book will become a gorgeous gift for any fan of Varcraft. There are details about the world that you will never find - not in the game, not in other books. In addition, there are amazing illustrations from Paul Six and Joseph Lacraua.

  • Is it worth reading: Yes! Damn, take - yes! Be sure to, this book the community of the game was waiting since the release of the very first game!
  • Should I buy: Yes! For such a pleasant edition, with such high-quality illustrations, no money is not sorry. The most favorable prices: here / here / then

comic Warcraft. Saga (Chris Metzen)

Warcraft. Saga.
on chronology: # 3 / level of importance: rare (rare)

Tiny (only 8 pages together with the cover) Comic about the creation of a flaming legion. Information is fitted in several clouds of text. A little about the work of titans for the transformation of worlds, about the fall of Sargeras and the creation of a countless army of demons.

In fact, any player knows many times more and anything new to you will reveal this comic, moreover, a lot has been discovered in more detail and changed in the latest chronicles. The only thing curious is beautiful arts.

story death from heaven (Robert Brooks)

Death From Above.
by chronology: # 4 / level of importance: you can skip (Common)

Admit that one of the most incomprehensible factions of the supplement Mists of Pandaria. She became a race of reasonable Bogomolov - Claxi. Dark gloomy location, located at the very end in the quest chain (many players were pumped up to 90 levels without even reaching this zone), unpleasant and arrogant insects, long and tedious daily quests and chic amber scorpion as a Mount. Remember? Only Mount and pain from Dilikov? Do not blame, we understand.

Brooks's story will take you over twelve thousand years before the discovery of the Dark Portal, long before the creation of the Alliance and Horde. In Pandaria, at this time the war was raged between the empire and the race of the Bogomolov. The main character - Kil'uk, warrior and leader of modern clusters. It was he who became the he who herald of his people and concluded the union between the Alliance, the Horde against Garrosh, who fell under the influence of the ancient God of Yasharaj.

In fact, the story will not suit all: fade and tangled names, references to the quests of Pandaria - the text is very hard to perceive, but there are curious moments about the military traditions of the Bogomolov and Slavery of the Pandaren.

video legend about Shaohao

in chronology: # 5 / level of importance: you can skip (Common)

A series of videos about myths and legends of the time of the early Pandaria. Do I need to watch? If you missed the addon about Panda, then it is necessary.

the book-trilogy war of the ancient (Richard Knaak)

Warcraft: War of the Ancients
in chronology: # 6 / level of importance: legendary (Legendary)

In ancient days, everyone has been known what happened in the kingdom of elves. The leader of Azshara was influenced by Sargeras and opened the path of the devices of the Burning Legion in Azeroth.

But in order to further reveal the history of the conflict between the fallen titanium and the inhabitants of our beloved Planet, Blizzard, together with Richard Knahak, sent three unlucky heroes into the past and created a temporary anomaly. They launched a story on a new channel.

manga First Guardian (Louise Simonson)

The First Guardian (enters the book Warcraft. Legends. Volume 5.)
in chronology: # 7 / level of importance: rare (Rare)

Excellent manga, which will return you to the shores of Lake Lebor, where the handful of maid-hermites from the first state of people founded the settlement, where magic was not affected by illegal and controlled. Here, people studied the science of witchcraft and sorcerence, not afraid for the persecution by the authorities. So founded the Great City of Dalaran.

But life in this city was not calm - more and more magicians attracted the attention of the demons, for which the city shone the beacon in inclusions of emptiness. To protect your city and Azeroth, Mages created the Guardian of the Guardians of the Tiris Fale.

manga became a warrior (Christie Golden)

A Warrior Made (enters the Warcraft book. Legends. Volume 5.)
in chronology: # 8 / level of importance: you can skip (Common)

One of the most mothers warcraft authors took up for a unique job - she told about the life of a fight. The amazing history of becoming a weak girl (albeit orcs) in the strongest warrior of the clan of frosty wolves. If you are interested in the history of Mother Tralla - it is necessary to read. On the other hand, there is nothing very interesting there, and those things that affect the modern Warcraft not. You can skip if you are not an orc lover.

book Birth Horde (Christie Golden)

Rise of the Horde
in chronology: # 9 / level of importance: Epic (EPIC)

Once in a peaceful dramet ... Although ... This planet has always been the inadequate of war and battles. Empire of the Ogrov, the city of Drasev and numerous clans of the orcs. All this was boiled in the boiler of constant skirmishes, before the arrival of the emissary of the flaming legion.

The book "Birth of the Horde" will postpone the oldest past when one of the generals of the demons - Kil'Jeden subordinated to his authorities of the orcs and created the enraged crowd of murderers thrumped by thirst for blood.

First, the fires were laid, looted the city of Drasev, and once former hunters, shamans and warriors moved to a new world wanting to destroy everyone ... They went to Azeroth through a dark portal.

book Durotan (Christie Golden)

in chronology: # 10 / level of importance: you can skip (Common)

To the output of the film, there is a need to tell more about the main character, but also dying some inconsistencies that have arisen when transferring Azeroth to large screens.

Now the film and the Warcraft Universe are in different planes and the canon the film is not considered. Honestly, you can skip.

graphic Roman Cover Brotherhood (Chris Metzen)

in chronology: # 11 / level of importance: you can skip (Common)

Returning back to the film. The bonds of Brotherhood - a graphic novel (then you mean a cool comic) about Lotara, Llain and Mediva and their dubious adventures and adventures to the glory of the Alliance. I, without a branch of conscience, missed because I don't really like comics.

movie Varcraft (Blizzard Entertainment, Legendary Pictures)

in chronology: # 12 / level of importance: legendary (Legendary)

The events of the film describe the day when Chernukoruk, resorting to magic, opens the portal in Azeroth. Saving from the destroying for the whole man of the catastrophe, the orphan race follows the leader and penetrates the world. People are not going to put up with aggression, and along with Orcs in Azeroth comes war. The main focus is made on Durotan and Anduin Lothar, the story also fleecely affects the events related to the media.

In any case, the creators of the film regarding the canonical plot would not go to what concessions would not go - Movie Varcraft ... Damn! This is a movie in Warcraft! We promised it since 2006! What could be better for a fan?

in chronology: # 13 / level of importance: you can skip (Common)

Fully repeats the events of the film - leaving Drenor Orcs, their confrontation with people, the story of Durotan and Anduin.

in chronology: # 14 / Import level: Epic (EPIC)

The book describes the story of a mediv, which would be destined to become the great keeper of the Order of the Tiris Fale and fight against the Burning Legion, if they had not selected Darkness. The fierce struggle of goodness with evil unfold inside the mediv, permanently changing the fate of Azeroth.

Tides of Darkness
in chronology: # 15 / level of importance: epic (EPIC)

The story of the narrative covers the formation of the horde and the alliance, thanks to the increasing number of races entering the war between the orcs and people. After the death of the black man, the leader of the orcs becomes orgrims. Soon the horde finds the allies in the face of trolls.

In people, things are not worse - Anduin Lothar goes to Lorderon, where he gets the support of King Terenas. Soon the army of night elves and dwarves join the Alliance.

The book tells about the confrontation of the two worlds, fleetingly affects the history of Cho Galla, familiar with the reader with Andyin and the famous Paladin Turalyon.

in chronology: # 16 / level of importance: Epic (EPIC)

The center of events turns out to be a new invasion of orcs through a dark portal, Outdoor Shaman Ner'zul. Cadgar, together with the Turalon, who assumed the command forces by the Alliance, are in the fortress of the guards of the void, which the orcs storm.

Cadgar begins to guess that the invasion occurred not to the job. Soon black dragons appear on the side of the orcs, which further complicates the situation. Ner'zul must stop, and for this alliance will have to penetrate Dratenor to prevent Shaman to destroy two worlds at once.

Day of the Dragon (Dragon Day)
in chronology: # 17 / level of importance: epic (EPIC)

The plot is being built on the journey of Maga-Buntar Ronin, which the Kirin Torah Council sends Batol to the task. Inside the mountain is Orochy Clan led by non-eared, owner of the Demon's soul. Ronina has to reveal a large-scale conspiracy, and unite with the oldest creatures of air and fire.

Special attention is paid to the death agent, which in the meantime is hidden under the guise of an aristocrat to penetrate the highest royal cast and erase Azero from the face of the Earth.

in chronology: # 18 / level of importance: epic (EPIC)

The novel is fully dedicated to the history of Tralla, who tried the role of the Rab, Gladiator and Shaman on himself, was a long way, ultimately becoming a great leader. He was grown by man, thanks to which he took over many human knowledge. Alien among his, Thrall was supposed to get rid of the shackles of slavery to revive the ancient orc of tradition.

in chronology: # 19 / level of importance: Epic (EPIC)

Tyrion never belonged to Orcs with respect, considering them with frozen creatures. Paladin devoted his whole life to the struggle on the side of mankind. However, one case made him doubt his own principles and think about who is actually a monster.

Rise of the Lich King
in chronology: # 20 / level of importance: epic (EPIC)

The history of the Crown Prince Lorederon Arthas Mentil, before he turned into a ruthless lich king. Arthas was a faithful paladin, a student of Uter, a knight of silver dâ. The invasion of the plague has become a big threat to the Motherland of the Prince, forced Arthas to go in search of salvation.

Arthas Menetil made a series of terrible actions, which led him as a result of uniting his own soul with the Spirit of Shaman Ner'zul. Thus, a king-lich appeared - a powerful and majestic creature, ascending on the ice throne and the plans for the destruction of all Azeroth.

Road to Damnation
in chronology: # 21 / level of importance: interesting (Uncommon)

A story about creating a cult of damnities, who introduces the reader with Kel'Tuzad and explains what Naxramas is.


It is worth noting that the global plot to which Blizzard came in the latest add-ons, there was no in the original WOW. There was a set of quests, there was a world and several leitmotifs. Therefore, the chronology is not strict about the game.

in chronology: # 22 / Level of importance: Rare (Rare)

The history of the insechanger is a blade located in the hands of the Supreme Lord Mogruin. In the future, this name will be called not only the sword, but also its owner. Events occur at the time when the plague of non-resident's attacks in the attacks Lorderon.

manga Warcraft.Legends

Warcraft. Legends.
in chronology: # 23 / level of importance: interesting (Uncommon)

Five volumes, each of which contains several short stories about the inhabitants of Azeroth. Stories are not related to each other, but occur at about the same time interval.

in chronology: # 24 / level of importance: interesting (Uncommon)

Maligos, a representative of the ancient kind of blue dragons, notices a surge of the energy of the solar well, which seemed to be lost after the third war. Kalesgos, having accepted the human appearance, goes to search for a well. In his way there are serious rivals. To survive and fulfill its destination, Kalesgos is forced to take the help of the beautiful girl of Anvina.

in chronology: # 25 / Import level: Epic (EPIC)

Burning Legion is defeated. Kalimdor was divided between the people of the Temorandra and orcs Durotar. Their representatives, Jane Praudmur and the Trol's leader, concluded a conditional world, which will last long. In two races, hatred is still burning to each other, and the leaders are trying to do everything to prevent a new bloody war.

Jaina Paudmur explores the frequent attacks on Durotar lands in search of the perpetrators. She is waiting for a shocking discovery, the truth that is capable of changing the world of Azeroth.

in chronology: # 26 / level of importance: you can skip (Common)

Memories of the night elf about how and why the scarab wall appeared in Silitus. Information is not enough, it is better to read the chronicles.

World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade

The world of the game expanded outside his native Azeroth. The native World of Orcs, destroyed by the war of the flaming legion reopened the gates to his wounded land. The blades spoke again, again reconciled the hearts, again the war ... In the distant warranty, in the native Kalimdore and the eastern kingdoms.

in chronology: # 27 / Level of importance: Rare (Rare)

When the war with the orcs ended, many Drasenei were subjected to a destructive impact of the firm and got the name "broken". In the center of the story of the story it turns out Nobundo - a broken expenter, who received a special gift from the very ordinary and wishing to return the confidence of his people.

in chronology: # 28 / level of importance: interesting (Uncommon)

The main character of the story is the Elven Priestess Liadrine. The story tells about the invasion of the screens in Kel'talas, after which Liadrine becomes the leader of the Order of the Blood Elf.

world of Warcraft Comic Series (Walter Simonson)

In chronology: # 29 / level of importance: rare (Rare)

The story of a person who has come to himself without memories on the shores of Durotar. Noticing his martial skill, Orochy Shaman Regar accepts a person in the team of gladiators. Remember the past and learn yourself to help him with three allies, together with whom the warrior will have to overcome many obstacles.

in chronology: # 30 / level of importance: legendary (Legendary)

The book fully reveals the story of one of the greatest creatures in the world of WORLD OF WARCRAFT - Illidan rage of the storm. This is the history of the wizard, which made all the forces to stop the invasion of the world of the Demons of the Burning Legion. In order to make the conceived, Illidan had to penetrate the ranks of the demons. His people found such an act with a true betrayal, forever sharpening the hero in the dungeon isolated.

The invasion of the Legion was the reason why Ilidan was freed from the conclusion, since only he could confront demons. Having received freedom, Illidan's rage, the storm collects a real army from his faithful comrades. However, the guardian of the Maya Song of Shadows together with Guards consider all the hero's plans only by the desire to gain unprecedented power. They go to the walled, and are going to stop the wizard in any possible way.

in chronology: # 31 / level of importance: interesting (Uncommon)

Manga consists of two volumes, the first is called "Dragons of the Changes", and the second "nexus". In the center of events there are external lands, where a new dark portal was recently opened, because of which a bloody war broke out between the warriors of Azeroth and the demons of the flaming legion. In this part of Draenor, some ghostly essences, imaginary void dragons begin to appear.

in chronology: # 32 / Import level: Epic (EPIC)

In the makeblock of Batol there were no time terrible things. Once the orcs enslaved the children of the Queen of the Dragon Alekstrasy to take advantage of them in the battle against people. At that time, the heroes were able to defeat the evil and save the little dragons, but on Mount forever left the curse.

The book is devoted to the return of an ancient evil, which felt in Mount Grim Batol Red Dragon Coriovascular. It intends to fight him only with its own forces, however, it will soon find out that not only the dragon leads to a mighty grief. And events that will soon occur can affect all Azeroth, becoming the beginning of a new dark era.

in chronology: # 33 / level of importance: interesting (Uncommon)

The history and reflection of Lord Kel'talas, Lor'temaara Theron, who became regent after the betrayal and death of Kel'thas.

World of Warcraft Events: Wrath of the Lich King

War with the plenty in full swing. Hordes of undeads flooded Nordskol. The legions of the dead, enslaved non-residenting beetles, the ancient peoples of the North came together in the battle with the united troops of Azeroth in the territory of the unknown and ancient continent.

in chronology: # 34 / Importivity: interesting (Uncommon)

The story of Tassarian - brave knight, who managed to overcome the power of King Lich, freed from her shackles. Tassarian bravely fights against the army of the King of the Dead, but still can not conquer the confidence of living beings.

in chronology: # 35 / The level of importance: interesting (Uncommon)

Manga tells about Asodan Falamar - the young man, who, despite his father's will, fled in Dalaran to learn magic and become a great magician.

in chronology: # 36 / Import level: interesting (Uncommon)

History Garross hellish cry, a story about his adventures and exploits, about friendship with Trall. The narration of how Orc has become a leader.

in chronology: # 37 / Import level: Epic (EPIC)

Green dragons are one of the most mysterious creatures in Azeroth. Emerald sleep, his nightmares and secrets, visits only by Druidam, immersing the immersion of centuries. They supported the fragile equilibrium of nature in Azeroth, while maintaining the balance and peace.

An end comes to peaceful dreams. The zone of the emerald nightmare is growing too rapidly, filling the whole dream. The nightmare covers green dragons, after which they are awakened by losing the mind and distorting the body. To break out from the horror of sleep for druids it becomes almost impossible.

All living in Azeroth feels the approach of dark times. It touched even the most great and ancient druid, Malfurion's rage storm. To stop the endless nightmare and defeat the enemies of nature, it was decided by anything to find and rescue the chief druid.

And then it becomes clear why he is called the rage of a storm.

in chronology: # 38 / Importivity: interesting (Uncommon)

The actions of the story unfold in the dwarf, covering the history of Gelbar Meggakrut - the main mechanic and the king of the gnomes.

in chronology: # 39 / Import level: interesting (Uncommon)

The narration of the meeting of the Earth's ministers - shamans from the nomadic tribe of the Taurenes. Shamans are excited about the appearance of Ragnarosa Lord of Fire, caused by a spell of Tourssan ...

WORLD OF WARCRAFT: Cataclysm Events

Azeroth was attacked by one of the worst dragon-destroyers in history. The cunning death agent one only by his appearance forever changed the outlines of the continents and the nowak hundreds of thousands of living beings ...

in chronology: # 40 / Import level: Epic (EPIC)

Many centuries have passed since the Great Shamans learned to communicate with the world of spirits, to cope with their help with natural elements, bringing harmony to the world of Azeroth. Suddenly, the connection with the world of perfume starts to drop and disappear. One of the first to notice Thrall. After going to search for answers, why the elements suddenly stopped responding to the call of Shamans, Thrall does not notice how the orpe of the people. Resources are depleted, hostility of the night elves grows.

Varian Rinn is preparing a bloody campaign, designed to make a decisive step in the hosts of the Horde and the Alliance. Even his own son does not support King Stormgrad, trying to find another solution to the conflict.

The tension between the main races of Azeroth is growing every day, while the behavior of the spirits of the elements turns into global problemwhich can pay the whole world into real chaos and cataclysm.

in chronology: # 41 / Importivity: interesting (Uncommon)

In the center of the story, Stalgorn dvuhs are rendered, namely three great leaders. The clans of the bronze-breeds, thunder hammer and black gland must find a compromise on which the fate of the ancient city depends.

in chronology: # 42 / level of importance: legendary (Legendary)

The story of the Supreme Priestess of Elune, about the tests that fell on her head with the arrival of the cataclysm, and about the relationship of Tyranda Rust of Wind with Malfurion's rage.

I am afraid that all books associated with Illidan and Sargeras will receive the status of the legend. This is how - in no way the fundamental motive of the entire Universe of Warcraft.

in chronology: # 43 / level of importance: you can skip (Common)

The story is written on behalf of a trading prince, who in a comic key reveals the reader the secret of his success. Pretty Satirny Sgorie, but Goblins ... who likes the goblins?

in chronology: # 44 / The level of importance: interesting (Uncommon)

In search of the stolen powerful artifact, the magician meets with his son, which is accused of murder. At the same time, the righteous priest studies the cult of wolf. Their paths agree that the priest and the magician together survive amazing events and learned that actually lies behind the dark riders and a wild cult.

in chronology: # 45 / Importivity: interesting (Uncommon)

Readers are transferred to Gilneas - the city, reliably hidden from the outside world behind the rigorous walls, according to which a series of mysterious and terrible killings took place. In search of truth, a well-known detective is sent. Detective will appear more than he was looking for. Having plunged into the Puchin of the past, he learns terrible things that relate to the fate of all Gilneas.

in chronology: # 46 / The level of importance: interesting (Uncommon)

The story of a very young Genna Sedogriva, the path that he had to go through, to once become a great leader.

in chronology: # 47 / Level of importance: Epic (EPIC)

Azeroth will move the cataclysm, but the relationship between the Horde and the Alliance became even worse. Forwarding resources and food forces the Horde to break into the possession of the night elves - the ash forest. Garrosh Hell Creek is going with all the cruelty to deal with the defenders of the forest so that the orcs could capture completely capture this territory.

In the ranks of the alliance not all smoothly. There are disputes on whether it is worth incorporated into the Union of Gilneas Wagen. Varin Rynn with distrust relates to this idea, while holding offense at Genna Sedogriva and his people for a long isolation from the rest of the world.

The oldest night elves, considered to be immortal, begin to die from old age. Disputes are being conducted on returning to them highborne, whose reckless use of magic has once resulted in many destruction. Soon, several killed highborns are found on the outskirts of Darnas. To stop the riots, Malfurion, the rage of the storm and Tyranda rustle of the wind is forced to ask for help to the guardian of the Maya Song of Shadows.

Is it enough forces to stop the Alliance to stop Garrosha and protect from the seizure of an ash forest?

in chronology: # 48 / level of importance: legendary (Legendary)

Silvana Winder to be in the world of the dead and meet there with endless darkness. The future queen of those who rejected learns what the king is capable of, and makes one fateful agreement.

It should be noted that this story received the status legendary not because he is a sample of literary skill. He is worthy. This story is the beginning of one of the critical moments in Azeroth, which occurred after the fall of the King Lich. Silvana made a decision, after which the conquering campaign began to be renounced. They increase their strength, strengthen the defense, are actively fighting with the alliance. In Legion, their leader headed all the horde. In the new addition of Battle for Azeroth, it will also be the main acting person. It is in this story that the causes of its greatness are shown.

in chronology: # 49 / Import level: interesting (Uncommon)

The history of the leader of the Tauren, Bayne bloody hoofs, which makes every effort to save the father's heritage. He has to go through many tests and combine nomad tribes.

in chronology: # 50 / level of importance: interesting (Uncommon)

The main characters of the story are the leader of a black spear and his best friend. Young trolls will have to undergo the test of the Spirits of Loa, so that Vol'jin has become a full-fledged dark hunter.

in chronology: # 51 / Importivity: interesting (Uncommon)

The prophet orders attend various maintenance during the cataclysm. A army becomes one of these knowledge, where the Horde and the Alliance fight together and they are joined by Naar.

in chronology: # 52 / Import level: interesting (Uncommon)

Events occur shortly after the mowers attack. The reader meets closer with the Rinn - King of Stormgrad and Father. The story also affects Anduina Rinna and Jaina Praudmur.

in chronology: # 53 / Import level: Epic (EPIC)

The twilight hour approaches. Attempts to warn about it were not crowned with success. Dragon flocks have to be united to fight evil and save Azeros from an imminent death. Experience sees many prerequisites for what is happening, immersed in the kingdom of emerald sleep. She feels who should become a major hero in this story.

This is not a dragon. But he wishes to protect Azeroth with all his heart. He is surprisingly different from his relatives - does not want to be the main thing, to take command, destroy and conquer the earth. It was him that he was destined to solve the great secret and save Azeroth.

This is the story of Tralla - the only one in its kind Shaman, who kept in the heart of the aspiration of dragon kinds, hesitating between the two worlds. Unique.

in chronology: # 54 / level of importance: interesting (Uncommon)

To stop the mowers and prevent the destruction of all Azeroth, dragon aspects are forced to assemble the Council, which will solve the further fate of the whole world.


The mysterious continent, hidden in the depths of the seas of Azeroth, pays a gloomy past and at least a messy future ... Events of the supplement occur in about a year after the end of the Events of Cataclysm. Now that deathshit is defeated, the Horde and Alliance again continued the war. However, they opened a new continent of Pandaria and a new Ras of Pandaren.

in chronology: # 55 / Import level: Epic (EPIC)

The cataclysm is completed, and Azeri gradually leads to order. Thrall is no longer a leader of the horde, His place is occupied by Garrosh Hell Creek. Jaina Praudmur, as before, tries to create peace in the relationship between the Horde and the Alliance, but with the advent of Garrosha it becomes almost impossible. Nova comes, open Warwhere the wizard will have time and forever make your choice, change the worldview and firmly occupy one of the parties.

in chronology: # 56 / Import level: Epic (EPIC)

The Epoch of the Dragons is over, the obscurity is afraid, the keepers are looking for a new goal. The main hero of the story becomes Kalesgos, the most young aspect. Near the heart of Nordskol, Kalesgos finds a mysterious artifact, thanks to which it is immersed in the times of the Pododarokon and finds out the story of the distant past ancient aspects.

An amazing discovery will show how events actually developed, as a result of which the dawn aspects occurred.

in chronology: # 57 / level of importance: you can skip (Common)

A collection of small stories about Whether Whether Lie Porter, located on the Great Turtle. Talks in detail about travel trains.

in chronology: # 58 / level of importance: interesting (Uncommon)

In the center of events, again, a young brown porter. Another young one, she wants to leave their homeland and go to search for adventures, meet with the dangers that Azero pay in themselves, and find the famous Uncle Chen.

in chronology: # 59 / level of importance: you can skip (Common)

The story is dedicated to the young Warma-Pandaren. He is called the "tenth". After trying to kidnap the wallet of the Shado Pan's wallet, the monks offer the tenth to go through a few tests, after which young Paretaren would be able to become one of the obedients of the monastery.

in chronology: # 60 / level of importance: interesting (Uncommon)

Ancient and mysterious artifact turns out to be a wandering island. Chen Stunny Porter, together with his young niece whether whether they go to a dangerous journey in search of Pandaria, but on the approaches to it are in the center of the war.

in chronology: # 61 / Import level: interesting (Uncommon)

In the center of events, the servant of the Sun of the Dezko - Tauren, who headed for the Eternal Dol in search of calm. However, the once quiet harbor from the legend becomes a place where the bloody war will be broken down. It is the december who is destined to return the world and peace that the world and peace, but the price of this may be prohibitively high.

in chronology: # 62 / Importivity: interesting (Uncommon)

Garrosh Hell Creek orders his subjects carefully examine Pandaria to find something that may be useful to achieve greater greatness. Two goblin find an ancient dungeon on the northern coast, which can bring them a generous praise of the leader. To penetrate inside the goblines, the history of history keeper will need.

in chronology: # 63 / Import level: interesting (Uncommon)

The place of action becomes the training platform of the Order of the Cloud Snake, where the Nenarok will raise the ORK Kolaz from the Dragon Pasta clan. He perceives it as a chance to conquer heaven, that's just everything turns out to be not so simple, and the laws of the Order of the cloud snake differ significantly from the laws of his native clan.

book Vol'jin: Shadow Horde

in chronology: # 64 / Import level: Epic (EPIC)

Vol'jin is the chief of the tribe of a dark spear, a brave troll, which at one time passed the test of Spirits Loa and became a dark hunter. Possessing an incredible cunning and sharp mind, Vol'jin was the faithful ally of Tralla. The troll's life threaten the shadows of the hordes, forcing them to run to the lost continent to hide in the remote Mountain Monastery of Pandaria from the members of his own fraction.

The famous Pandarer Chen Lust Porter helps a dark hunter, but the troll does not succeed anyway. Pandaria is attacked by the ancient tribe of the Zandalari, and the Visi's vision of the past is increasingly visiting the vision of the past. The leader of the Black spear clan is a serious verification of loyalty, and not only the salvation or death of his people depends on his decision, but also the fate of the whole horde.

in chronology: # 65 / level of importance: you can skip (Common)

Water element rages. A certain warrior of the Alliance threatens an inevitable death in the waves of the ocean, but several Pandaren-fish gallows have time to save a person. In life, Pareteren adore two things - fishing and fearful stories, so on the road to the shore of the warrior of the Alliance just do not have to miss.

in chronology: # 66 / Importivity: interesting (Uncommon)

Marades and Lial are the brave heroes of the Alliance, who are accompanied by the Pandaria of the military criminal. They commemorate the group consisting of the minions of the leader Garros. The battle promises to break out in the Valley of the Four Winds, where many centuries have been working for farmers who are not going to stand aside.

in chronology: # 67 / level of importance: you can skip (Common)

The main acting persons in this story are three mason-bricklayers from different clans. To task the Council of Three Molots, they are forced to unite and find mutual understanding. What will be stronger - an ancient enmity between clans or the need to fulfill an important order?

in chronology: # 68 / Import level: Epic (EPIC)

Garrosh's hellish cry had no idea that one day would be the most cursed orc in Azeroth. His enemies had to unite and attach a lot of effort to complete the siege of the Orgrimmar and put the end of the Cyrania garrose above the Horde.

All the most famous leaders arrive in Pandaria to accomplish the court over the former leader. However, each of them is not sinless. At the trial, the voltage, distrust and dislike for each other increases with each second. It can turn into a real catastrophe, and at the same time, all Azeret expects a sentence, which is about to make garrot hello cry.

World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor

in chronology: # 69 / Import level: interesting (Uncommon)

Fenris Wolf's brother - son of the leader of northern wolves. He is full of courage and most of all wants to show himself. Despite the words of the Father that the family should stand in the first place, Fenris follows the dream and leads a real double life. Under the cover of the night, he turns into a skilled warrior to hunt together with the neighboring clan of the Gromoborcers, killing hazardous creatures with him.

in chronology: # 70 / level of importance: epic (EPIC)

War in Dtenor flared up long before the discovery of the dark portal. The confrontation of harsh rods of clans with each other, with despotic restrictions and noble drains. The series of clips worth seeing to see the historical events and the reasons for which many legendary names have become known.

komiks Chernukov (Robert Brooks)

in chronology: # 71 / Importivity: interesting (Uncommon)

The history of the orc black tub - an unsurpassed tactic capable of seeing the weak place of any opponent. Many times, Chernukoruk skillfully defeated his enemies, but now there is an unbearable task in front of him - the salvation of the Black Mountain clan from ruthless flaps, which is several times superior.

Tricks and mind tactics are not enough, and to survive him you have to take help from the face of unexpected allies. True, the price will have to pay for salvation may seem too high.

in chronology: # 72 / level of importance: rare (RARE)

The story is a continuation of the "war crimes" and the beginning of "Warlords of Draenor". Garrosh returns to the past and tries to convince the bulgarian to abandon the blood of mannorota to create an iron horde.

in chronology: # 73 / Importivity: interesting (Uncommon)

Events occur immediately after the story of the Hell Creek. Warlock Gul'dan believes that the Orcs should obey the glowing legion, and only with the help of their demons of the tribesmen will acquire power. The warlock is full of energy, because they drive the thirst for power.

His opinion does not share a stranger, dressed in a long raincoat with a hood. He appeared in a gul'dana bet to pass the orc a kind of message.

in chronology: # 74 / Importivity: interesting (Uncommon)

The story of how the leader of the orders, Emperor Mar'Gok, becomes part of the Iron Horde to protect his clan. The once majestic empire of the supreme hammer was enslaved by the combined forces of the orc of the leaders of the Draenor.

in chronology: # 75 / Import level: interesting (Uncommon)

The reader finds out the story of Arakko from the peaks of Arak, their mysterious and dark secrets and hard fate.

wORLD OF WARCRAFT: Legion Events

Crowds of mighty creatures of the flaming legion go to the war on Azeroth. IN last battle For the fate of our world, you need to collect all possible forces: from the best warriors of the Horde and the Alliance to the most vile traitors ... Every blade will be important in this last battle!

in chronology: # 76 / level of importance: legendary (Legendary)

Attempts by the Warlock Gul'dana infect Iron Horde were not crowned with success. The burning legion is dissatisfied with the failure of the orc, but gives him the last chance to redeem the blame. The warlock ordered to find the tomb of Sargeras, but the desire to obey the demons again he has no. Meanwhile, the Supreme Mag Cadgar seals Gul'dana, and soon they both find themselves on the split islands.

I met this work quite recently, but I can already say exactly that such a flow in the form of audio appetable is an excellent find for Warcraft. Votes of actors, effects, presenter - everything is fine.

comic Stone Heart (Matt Burns)

Magni. Fault Lines.
in chronology: # 77 / Importivity: interesting (Uncommon)

Four years ago, Magnogo Bronzemodorod, the leader of the Dvorphs of Stalgorn, passed through a dangerous ritual of unity with the ground, to save the capital of the kingdom from the attack of the mowers. However, this turned to him a very big misfortune. For years of magnes, it was locked inside the diamond monolith, no one knew whether the king was alive, whether the wise ruler will come back and the great warrior to life. During these years, the magnesia was recognized as the dead, and the authorities over the kingdom moved to the Council of Three Molotov. But one day ... Diamond monolithic split and magnesium returned ...

comic Krutogorier: Divided Mountain (Robert Brooks)

Mountain Divided
in chronology: # 78 / Importivity: interesting (Uncommon)

For centuries, the most powerful weapons were protected by the Krutogory tribes. His very existence guaranteed the world to the tribes of Tauren and Drogbarov, but when it was time to apply it against the offensive of the Halomba of the Burning Legion between them there was a bloody conflict.

in chronology: # 79 / Importivity: interesting (Uncommon)

Events occur in the capital of the nightborn, the city of Suramar, where the Warlock Gul'dan comes. He offers elves a choice - either they will allow him to make a sip from the night well to gain their power, or the demons of the burning legion will completely destroy ancient city. Master of Alisanda must make a decision on which the life of her people depends - to trust the enemy or pursue the life of all the tribesmen?

in chronology: # 80 / level of importance: interesting (Uncommon)

History of Natanos of Gnitosta, the faithful Silvanian's cumier. The consequence of its choice and loyalty becomes many tests. The story covers the past Natanos, a series of decisions taken by the hero, which ended up with its latest reincarnation. Actions occur right before the first attack of the flaming legion.

in chronology: # 81 / level of importance: legendary (Legendary)

The history of the paladin of General Turalion and the allery by Voshrokryla, whose disappearance is not at all connected with the end of the war - it is rather an omname of a new, even greater disaster. In the fight against the glowing legion, the general and captain of the trackers enter the army of light. In front of the heroes, an ominous homeland of demons - Argus opens.

The terrible war with the demons of the glowing legion bent in Azeroth, share allery and turalion, but both hero continue to desperately look for the opportunity to keep the offensive of Sargeras, because his appearance can cause the death of all living things that is in Azeroth.

comic Anduin: Son of Wolf (Robert Brooks)

in chronology: # 82 / Importivity level: Epic (EPIC)

A stunning comic about the development of Anduina's character of the Son of the Alliance League. Long ago, he took the path of a peaceful minister of light, trying to translate military conflicts into peaceful dialogue and mutual respect. On this path, he was waiting for many obstacles and failures, but there were advances. He did a lot so that Azero met the attack of the burning legion in a single front.

In addition, in the comic, a stunning frame that throws us in the distant future of World of Warcraft. Surprisingly, a strong thing!

wORLD OF WARCRAFT EVENTS: Battle for Azeroth

The defeat of the fallen Titan of Sargeras and the expulsion of the Burning Legion turned around at all the peaceful and calm era of prosperity, but a fierce fight between the Horde and the Alliance on the blood of the dying Azeroth.

Before the storm (Christie Golden)

Before The Storm
in chronology: # 83 / Import level: Epic (EPIC)

The general forces of the Horde and the Alliance won over the demonic glowing legion, but deeply in the depths of the world ripen an unprecedented catastrophe. Sargeras's sword was fatally injured in the heart of the heart - this was the last atrocity of the fallen titanium.