The most efficient heating furnace. How to choose a furnace for a bath - which of them are better and what they differ from each other

When choosing a stove for a bath, the buyer should pay attention to the characteristics such as the area that the device is capable of providing heat, the material used in the production of construction, as well as energy efficiency. With a limited budget, you can stay on the middle-class models, which are far from poorly coping with their tasks, well, if finances allow you to choose a premium grade furnace, then it is better to stop your choice on the last version, because such devices have high characteristics in all indicators. The ranking of furnaces for baths on firewood includes the best models of the middle and premium class.

Opens the ranging of furnaces for baths on firewood. The device is a classic of a Russian furnace, which is made of high quality material. Two-stage vaporization is available due to the heater, dividious on the open and closed. To prevent a large amount of fluid to the heater, the funnel is specifically provided with a valve representing a dispenser. This option is ideal for an area from 8 to 18 cubic meters. The manufacturer guarantees quite a long service life of its unit by increasing the furnace in the area where it takes the greatest pressure.

Panorama refers to the middle, but decent class of firewood. The chip of this unit is the protection of the user from infrared rays due to the special screen produced from three-layer high-quality and durable steel. The furnace is additionally equipped with a heat exchanger intended for remote tank. This allows you to solve several tasks at once: an increase in the volume of accumulated hot liquid and the lack of boiling it directly into the steam room.

It will be an excellent choice of sauna on firewood. The design provides a huge number of stones that provide excellent heat returns for a long time upon completion of heating. At the same time, the same stones are a kind of protection against strong thermal radiation and protect against excessive overheating. You can not worry about the effectiveness of burning, as the tab in this design is completely uniformly. It was not without minuses in this device: a large number of external stones does not allow for maintaining a great steam.

Karelia-5 "Onega" It is a cast-iron furnace, which is more suitable for the sauna rather than for a bath. The design refers to the middle class, but endowed with excellent functional characteristics. As you know, the cast iron has a property very quickly to heat up, giving up for all the time warm. The advantage of the device overshadows the possibility of heating oven only from the steam room, which is not entirely convenient for the user, and also serves as an additional source of infrared radiation. In addition, the design does not have a tank for heating, which requires constant hot water supply of the bath.

An excellent option that was specially created for a classic bath. The device is intended for use only after the brick is placed, which will require additional costs. However, this has a huge number of advantages, among which the production of soft heat due to brick finishes, excellent heat transfer and preservation of dryness and high temperatures more than a day, the absence of burns about the hot metal. The furnace is not only very convenient for use, but also is provided with good functionality. It provides warmth not only a steam room, but the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe bath is up to 16 cubic meters. To adjust the burning of the furnace is provided with a special valve.

Refers to Premium Class furnaces intended for Russian baths. The device will additionally take on top of the trim brick. One of the main advantages of the design is high inertia and a special flue system. The walls of the unit are made of cast iron with a thickness of 6 centimeters, which allows you to quickly and for a long time to give heat into the room. Firewood here will not burn in idle mode, since the high-efficiency fireboxes. The manufacturer assures that the model is capable of operating at least three decades.

This option is more suitable for the sauna than for the Russian bath, but it can comfortably be used in that and more. Kamenka has two parts of the heater - the inner and outer, the first of them is designed for vaporization with a bookmark to 35 kilograms. Thermal stove power is capable of providing high temperature rates with an area of \u200b\u200b10 to 20 cubic meters. The device is able to provide uniformized premises for a long time after the operation is completed.

One of the best options for true fans of the real Slavic bath on firewood. This design provides a classic screen version - from bricks. The unit is provided with an inner stone in 85 kilograms of stones, and also has a built-in steam generator, at the expense of which the user gets easy steam. After the heating of the accumulated heat is complete enough for the natural drying of the room. The furnace is additionally equipped with a special fastening for the heat exchanger.

Refers to the best fireboxs for the Russian bath on firewood. Outside, the design is finished with talcochloride, which allows to operate the unit immediately after its installation. This option is also perfect for a sauna due to the rich functionality of this model. The ability to adjust the temperature is one of the main advantages of the furnace. The furnace provides a lung steam supply, while creating optimal humidity in the room. But unfortunately, it was not without minus: the design is not able to provide simultaneous heating of the steam room and the entire bath.

Completes the ranking of the best stoves for baths on firewood. The firebox is included in the list of premium models. Accordingly, the device has a similar price tag. If you are really a supporter of a true Russian bath, then better option On the market you just do not find. Ensuring permanent temperature indicators and regular supply of a light pair - that's what is needed for a good wage. The design involves additional brick finishes. The manufacturer, and the users themselves argue that this device does not have and cannot be flaws.

Choosing a stove for a bath is a matter of responsible. From its species, forms, such as the use of fuel directly depends not only by fire safety steam room, but also the softness of heat, the saturation of the steam and the heating rate of the steam.

What are the parameters to watch when choosing a furnace?

In general, if we allocate some specific criteria for choosing a bath furnace, then the most important one of them is: the furnace should have sufficient thermal power and is desirable - a wide dynamic range of regulating this power.

But what can be called sufficient thermal power? It all depends on the size of the steam. Usually for warming up and this room up to 50 degrees, and the adjacent rooms will need about half an hour, and in the winter - about one hour. Every time, the extracts also depends on whether the sauna skeleton, or it is a log house.

Here is a simple example of calculating the required stove power: consumption for heating with a total area of \u200b\u200b22 sq.m. (Paul, walls, ceiling) will be 4 kW. If you take into account the heating of still the stove itself, its stones, the tank with water, then this figure should be multiplied by 3 more, which will be 12 kW. It is for the wage, crushed by clapboard. But if its walls are a naked log house, then you will have to multiply by 1.5, which will give an 18 kW. If you need to warm up and adjacent premises, then another x2, which will give 26 kW. But, if you do not regret the time for heating, then this sufficient power can be completely reduced by one and a half times.

As for the dynamic range, it will be enough for a bath furnace 1:10 - then it will be able to provide 2 kW equally well, and 29 kW. It is easiest that it is realized in gas and electrical furnaces, with firewood - a little more difficult.

  • by regulating the fuel supplied for a certain period of time;
  • air volume restriction;
  • emission of excess heat into the environment.

Concerning wood stovesThe first way for them is complicated - all because of the inertia of burning. But the second is much more efficient, if we think good the special designs of the dampers, ashniks, etc. But in the third way, you will have to literally hang a steam room, opening the doors to the street.

But how to find out the thermal power of the furnace if it is not specified in the manufacturer's passport? It is easier to do this with a roulette - to calculate the inner volume of the stove. Its power is proportional to the volume of the furnace, and it can even be calculated according to such a formula:

Power furnace \u003d 0.5 x V (the volume of firebox in liters)

In general, the standard furnace with a flip volume of 30 liters usually has a capacity of 15-18 kW.

Why is the dynamic range so important? Yes, because the furnace warms up fairly fast, the thermal regime was stable, but the overheating was then not happened. In wood stoves, according to experts, this range is 1: 5.

Comparison of microcarmatics testimony in various types of bath

In addition to good thermal power, the bath furnace must also answer such standards:

  • The furnace should have a good and heat accumulator, and the steam generator - in order to make it easy to create the right mode and turn the steam room into a dry Finnish sauna or a real Russian bath.
  • The furnaces should be thought out of the means of regulating convection.
  • There should be no significant surfaces on the furnace, the temperature of which is above 150? C.

The size of the fireboxes and the oven itself is an individual, but the heat exchanger register will definitely prevent too much.

AND the best furnaces For the baths that are issued today, possess all listed items.

Additional but important parameters

In addition to the performance of the furnace, when it is elected, it will not be superfluous to pay attention to such details:

1. Production material

From the quality of bricks, steel or cast iron furnaces and wall thicknesses of its firebox completely depends on its service life. But what other furnaces are better in terms of manufacturing material? Today, modern chromium steel units are considered the most durable, which have the greatest reliability of the design and the production of "clean air" - chemically inert material is not oxidized in them, and therefore oxygen in the room does not burn out. It is such steel that is used by the domestic producers "Thermophore" and "Feringer", Swedish Tylo and Finnish companies Kastor, Harvia and Helo.

If we talk about how to choose a furnace to a bath of steel, then the most qualitative of them are the Finnish companies. Their assembly, the processing of the seams and the metal welding itself is deservedly considered exemplary.

But the furnaces with a real cast-iron furnace today - already rare, although the cast iron is actually an excellent material. It is still the only option in the modern market - "Sudarushka M", manufactured by the Russian factory inzhkomcentre.

As for the brick stoves for the bath, it is worth noting that their laying in Russia at all times was real art. Even at the time, the secrets of the construction of a brick furnace knew far from many, and today there is a real burning and with fire with fire. You can, of course, guided by our site, fold such a furnace. But it is better to familiarize himself in advance with its minuses - it is hard for it hard, it is heated for a long time, and even before the start of construction, it is necessary to take care of a qualitatively separate foundation - and the zero cycle is just considered in construction the most difficult and costly. In addition, to obtain a couple on such a furnace, too, it is necessary to spill with water, and the wet brick smells not particularly fragrant. That is why, if the package design initially assumed only a brick oven, you can go in this way: to purchase modern compact metallic - wood or electric - and equip it in the form of a beautiful screen decorative brick Most of different colors.

2. Location of fireboxes and type of fuel

Today, stoves are produced only with two firebox options - extended, for mounting in the wall opening, and normal. The first option is used so that the furnace can be coated from the adjacent room - it is much better in terms of the microclimate of the steam and its fire safety.

As for the type of fuel, the firewood is not the only option for modern bath furnaces. Oddly enough, even looking at the warnings of particularly meticulous specialists, more comfortable gas and electric structures are increasingly in fashion. The main thing is that the result of their firebox is completely independent of the quality of the existing firewood or the skill of the depletion. On the other hand, installation gas furnace can only be carried out by specialists and for special resolution, but electric, on the contrary, is much more simple in installation than a hard structure brick masonry With a serious foundation.

3. Para Source

The answer to the question of which stove is to choose for the bath, it also depends on such a factor as steam produced by it. For a real Russian bath, a really high-quality dry couple is needed - this is its most important recognizable attribute. But far from all stoves-Kamenka are able to produce it exactly like that - modern models in their design is still closer to the sauna furnaces. But there is a way out: in extreme cases, you can additionally purchase an electric steam generator for a bath - that's all the solution to the problem.

Advanced developments from famous manufacturers of furnaces

Related records:

2014-03-03 01:12:47

Hello everyone \u003d) I also bought a new oven to the bathhouse. Before that I had an old, pretty shaped old stone stove. I really wanted to buy something new. I chose a very long time, each type has its advantages and disadvantages. As a result, consulting with friends, chose an electric metal oven. Manufacturer, if that, Harvia is one of the most popular companies))) Well, in general, the impressions were exceptionally positive. The furnace was not so expensive, as I assumed, but the quality of this was not worse :)) The oven is very powerful, calmly heats the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe bath (and I have a rather big one). With the installation, at first could not figure out, unfortunately, they gave me it in a sweeping form. I had to connect friends. But in the end, everything was safely collected and installed. On the very first day I decided to check the oven for performance. All perfectly! The room warmed quickly. Two days after the installation, I decided to escape the bath and was pleasantly surprised. Before that, I thought that such a heat, as before, would not be from this furnace, it turns out, I was wrong)) Excellent product for a decent price! I recommend everything from the furnace from Harvia :) They did not let me down))

2015-11-09 14:26:48

And for me the best stoves are wood. Bought in May the stove of Dobrynya firm king oven. The stove was just a bomb - I have a big bath, warms well, and the temperature holds for a long time. I ordered a thickness of 10mm (according to the standard they are made of 8mm), overpaid only 2 or 3 thousand. Now every trip to the cottage is looking forward to growing kind and get into the bath))

The facilities of the steam are sharply different from the microclimate of other premises. It is difficult to say which furnaces are better for the bath, the choice depends on the structure of the structure and the preferences of the owner. Air humidity in paired different types varies from 0 to 100%, the temperature is from 30 to 150 ° C.

  • Ensuring a sufficient level of heating of stones (200-700 ° C). Water falling on them should turn into light steam.
  • Creating an optimal temperature mode. It is better to adhere to 40-45 ° C at the floor and 90-100 ° C under the ceiling.
  • The safe derivation of carbon monoxide and other combustion products is required.
  • Uniform combustion of fuel in the furnace and heat distribution in the bath.
  • Safety for the body, protection against fire. It is better to exclude excessive infrared radiation.
  • Invalid contact of the surface of the housing with flammable substances, materials and so on.

When choosing a heating equipment, some parameters of the device for the sauna and a bath should be taken into account:

The answer to the question of which stove to put into the bath is obvious - the Kamenka is best suited. The heat accumulator is dense rounded cobblestones of different sizes. Stones are heated to high temperatures, after which a long time is given warmly. An open beep characterizes wet steam, fast heating and air cooling. Closed stones are more powerful, cobblestones are better, they can not be burned about them. But they are heated longer and cooled, they can only be used to create a dry sauna conditions.

Main types of bathing stoves

1. Metal playgrounds.

Move from steel, cast iron or their combinations. Cast iron structures are durable and reliable, quickly reach considerable temperatures. The walls of steel aggregates are thinner and less heat-resistant, they can be deformed from excessive heat loads. Solid manufacturers make stainless steel stainless steel stainless steel containing 13% chromium. It is better to make the choice of a metal bath oven, based on the size of the room, it will not work for spacious public pairs. Relatively brick stoves are metallic cheaper, mobile, heat-resistant, compact, multifunctional. Their installation of less time consuming and complicated.

The efficiency of such furnaces is higher, the air warms up better and faster, for this reason the room is installed low humidity and high temperature. Metal stuff brick, withstands heavy loads. There are a number of disadvantages: fast cooling, low fire safety, the risk of thermal impact.

2. Woods.

For extractors, solid wood breeds are suitable, briquettes from sawdust. Professionals converge that wood ovens are the best for use in the bath. These advantages include: independence from electricity, economical fuel, long-term maintenance optimal temperature, crackling and live fire create a special atmosphere. Cons of wood chambers: fire hazard, the need for regular cleaning and rocking of chimney, non-autonomity.

3. Electric bath ovens.

The least troublesome in operation and care, but the most expensive. The heating part is a tan of ceramics or metal, electrical safety requirements are presented to all elements. Double hull reduces the risk of burns. If we compare wood and electric stoves for the bath, the latter are most compact as possible, it is better automated, deprived of chimney, while stones are heated to the same high temperatures, and in less time. Difficulties occur during interruptions in the power supply and the absence of good ventilation.

4. Gas furnace.

It is turned off when people enter the steam room. The equipment works on a natural or balloon gas. The design includes chimney. Gas heaters, as well as electrical, compact, environmentally friendly, easy to operate and maintain. But when using it, the air in the bath is heated for a long time. Gas will cost more wood and cheaper electricity.

Often the question arises, which oven is better for the bath: with remote furnace or inner. Laying firewood from the pre-banker is advisable in a small steam room if you wish to keep this room clean. Minus diagrams - expensive tunnel laying, lack of control from the inside.

Avoid bunchings in the dispute about which bass oven is better: brick or iron, always defend the first option. Such a choice is due to the tribute to tradition, environmentally friendly, the ability to delay heat, strength and uniform heating. Metal units for the bath is better in the speed of heating, the level of control, the possibility of automation and ease of installation.

Overview of models of popular manufacturers

1. Ermak. Popularity uses wood options 12, 16, 20, 24, 30, 50 with a precipitating tunnel. Demand is explained by changeable functionality. There is an addition to the design by one or more options: heat exchanger, a mesh-hem or hinged Baku. The numbers suggest how to choose a stove for a bath. For example, Ermak-12 is suitable for a wage 12 m3, its cost: 8,500 - 13,000 rubles.

2. Thermophore. The bust of Tunguska for a bath, produced in two sizes (16 m3 and 24 m3), has a large distribution, which has different configuration and appearance. Stainless steel is better in terms of weight and heat exchange efficiency. The cast iron grate is well withstanding a strong heat. It is possible to connect the heat exchanger. Specialized stores are sold for 12,000 - 23 000 rubles.

3. Teplodar. Reliable representatives of the Rus line for the bath give control over the temperature balance and humidity. Design attracts absence of corners. All models are equipped with a convection and ventilated brake of a large container, self-reserved door. Load stones on chimney collector reduced. The water heating tank can be delivered beyond the wage. The cost varies from 7,000 - 30,000 rubles.

4. Breneran produces the best furnaces in the ranking for a surrounding bath (Breneran-Premium AOT-12 and others). Products are famous for a reasonable price, unpretentiousness in maintenance and high quality. Copyright is made of cast iron, so that they do not burn, options are developed with a closed and open stone. The cost ranges from 10,000 to 52,000 rubles.

Feringer. It is proved that the MINI lamel in stone better than other models copes with the creation of the conditions of the Russian bath or sauna. Several types of facing material are offered. The system of blowing the furnace allows you to quickly dry and heat the steam room. The package includes: door with heat-resistant glass, steam gun, phytocontainer. You can purchase a device for 54,000 rubles.

Or a country cottage has long ceased to surprise neighbors. The basis of the bath and her heart - the oven, traditional, isolated from brick or modern metal. Many presented on the market different species and subspecies of furnaces intended for installation in the bath.

The cost varies depending on the complexity of the structure, such as fuel and power. The best bath furnaces are quickly heated and do not cool down long, maintaining a constant temperature, and economically spend fuel.

Bath furnaces

All furnaces can be represented as a certain classification, it will facilitate the choice when buying. Despite the fact that their main function is to ensure the bathhouse with a sufficient level of heat and high-quality steam, they perform it in different ways.

The model range is represented by the following main types:

  • Used fuel: gas, electric and wood;
  • By the type of heating of stones: direct and indirect;
  • By material manufacturing: brick and metal;
  • The temperature of the outer walls: cold and hot;
  • Wood chambers differ in the type of firebox mode and are permanent and periodic;
  • Another option for those who want to turn the furnace, being in the next room is a design with a remote furnace.

Note! Brick can be not the most suitable option, a competent specialist is needed for its proper and safe operation. Folding the stove-stove with compliance with all the rules and rules with your own hands is quite difficult.

Choosing a furnace according to the type of fuel: wood

Traditionally, the furnace treated firewood - it was the most affordable type of fuel at that time. Its feature is the ability to use it in the absence of a gas pipeline and electricity.

Constructive - chimney, ash cloth, grate and furnace. Material for manufacture is more often brick, less than metal.

Which bath stove is better to function, depends on many factors. First of all, it is its capacity relative to the area of \u200b\u200bsteam room and surrounding rooms. All wood furnaces, regardless of the manufacturing material, have common elements in the design, without which they cannot work.

Details that provide the full functioning of the system:

  • Grate - an oxygen in the furnace is carried out through it to ensure the combustion process;
  • Flooring office - The place where firewood is laid. Its volume affects performance. Than it is more, the higher its power;
  • Kamenka - it is responsible for the degree of heated stones and heat resistance. The best furnaces for the bath can accommodate from 4 to 7 kg of stones on one cubic meter of the room;
  • Asolnik - ash accumulates there. It is located under the grate and is a metal pull-out drawer.

These components are united for all firewood stoves.

Types of brick stoves

The advantages of a brick wood furnace:

  • He holds heat for a long time, about 10 hours;
  • It is safer from the point of view of fire;
  • In winter, even the next day in the bath, plus temperature;
  • The brick stove is able to heat several rooms at the bath at once. The price of such a stone will be somewhat higher.

Note! Not every brick is suitable for a furnace - only full-length use. Another can crack.

What better the stove in the bath to establish depends on personal wishes.

But all brick stove divided into:

  • Built "in white" - Heating is carried out from the metal plate, it takes about 12 hours. They hold warmly very long, leaving the room clean. Necessarily the presence of chimney;
  • Built "Gray", as in the first case there is chimney. But periodically, soot accumulates inside and therefore it is necessary to wait for the full combustion of firewood, before entering the bathing procedures;
  • The most rare species is "in black" The chimney is not expected at all in the room a lot of soot and soot.

Types of metal stoves

It has its own distinctive features. They must be taken into account when choosing - have, made by casting and assembled from various nodes.

What is the best stove in the bathing metal or cast iron, can be solved, only becoming acquainted with their differences and shafts:

  • The main metal for the manufacture is steel - stainless or heat-resistant. The walls are made of thin plates, they are quickly heated, but it is not enough to accumulate warmly;
  • Stainless steel structures serve longer and do not interact with oxygen, that is, less susceptible to destruction;
  • Due to the thin walls, the furnace quickly warms the room;
  • Metal have a small weight, so heat is supported only at the expense of the heater.

Cast iron stoves for baths are significantly superior to metallic in many indicators. First of all, at the expense of high weight, they have a good power supply and are capable of maintaining a certain temperature in the steam room for a long time.

Their main advantage is compact size. It is important that the best furnace for the bath from the cast iron is quickly heated as steel and has a long cooler, like a brick.

Permanent and periodic furnaces

The furnaces are divided into two subspecies by type of heating - constant and periodic action. The first as fuel is used gas, electricity, liquid or briquettes.

They are equipped with automatic temperatures. They can be dried throughout the entire period of the bath procedure. Stones are heated to 300-350 degrees.

Periodic designs - wood. In the bath it is impossible to bathe until it finally will not stick, otherwise you can choose carbon monoxide.

Stones here have uneven heating. The bottom is 1,100 degrees, and from above about 500. What a bunk is better for large buildings in the design stage.

Gas and electric bath ovens

Another option, instructions are always attached to it.

For her, certain features are characterized:

  • No manipulations with firewood and, therefore, do not need chimney;
  • No need to fear carbon monoxide;
  • Fully safe;
  • Will hold such level Temperatures so much time as needed.

From random burns a reliable steel framework protects. There are models made of grid into which stones are stacked.

Gas oven:

  • Almost completely excluded the possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning;
  • Fast heating of the surface and room;
  • Ability to adjust the temperature.

Such a furnace is suitable for those who do not like hurry in bath procedures. It does not matter what is the best stove for the bath, the main thing is that they meet the security requirements.


The variety of types of bath furnaces allows you to choose the one that fully arranges according to the main characteristics, will be durable and safe. However, they all fulfill one goal - provide a bath with high-quality steam. The video in this article will tell about what of which will be better.

We will not be mistaken if we say that the furnace is the main attribute of the bath. She is:

  • Heates a bathroom;
  • Heats water;
  • Makes it possible to get useful couples;
  • Drains steaming.

In the modern market, you can buy bath ovens with different designs, a variety of forms and different prices. We will conduct a small overview of popular models.

Beautiful and functional oven Ermak

This heating furnace appeared on the market in 2007, however, is already in great demand. Suitable for both Russian baths (steam room), and for the Finnish sauna (dry). The furnace is valued for:

  • Beautiful design;
  • Ease of installation;
  • Functionality.

Ermak bathing stoves are able to maintain heat for up to 10 hours. Products are often used to heat large cottages and heating of warehouses or garages.

Equipped with a premium tunnel, Ermak furnaces make it possible to trample from the adjacent room. The casing convector protects the equipment from infrared radiation, and the handle of the furnace door can self-cooling.

The most compact from the furnaces (Ermak 12) is just more than 9.000 rubles, and the most expensive, Ermak 30 ps / 2k, over 26 thousand.

Inexpensive model of Varvara

10 years in the market there are furnaces of Varvara. The lineup of these stoves is quite wide. They allow you to coat from the steam room (usually installed in the range of 10-30 m 3) and the pre-bankers, come with a tank without it.

Conducted constructive changes made in 2012 made it possible to improve the appearance of products. Judging by consumer reviews, the quality of the goods fully corresponds to its price, which fluctuates in the range of 9 - 22 thousand rubles.

Russian Bath with Vesuvi

This product is designed for those who are an amateur and supporter of the classic Russian bath. The design of such stylish furnaces, and their design is unique and competently thoughtful.

Vesuviy furnaces use up to 60 kg of stones. They, heating up to 400 degrees, are capable of maintaining the desired temperature level in the bath.

Vesuviwood Furnaces:

  • Made from high-strength structural steel;
  • Equipped with a spacious heater;
    Possess high efficiency;
  • Comply with quality standards.

The "Classic" model costs from 17 to 39 thousand rubles, Scythia - 9 - 41 thousand, and "Rusic" - 12.500 - 33,000 thousand. The cost of models "Elite" reaches 50 thousand.

Hot Balca with Ovus

This is another oven for connoisseurs of the Russian bath. Available as inexpensive models (cost about 7 thousand) and furnaces ("Panorama options" can do consumers from 20 to 30 thousand), leading in the segment of elite products.

However, all the kilns of Russia are distinguished by reliability. The unique design of the furnace makes it possible to observe the necessary balance of air humidity and its temperature.

Furnaces of this line are distinguished:

  • Lack of sharp corners in design;
  • Self-cooling door;
  • Code of convection and ventilated heater;
  • Minimum stones load on chimney collector;

The tank intended for water heating can be mounted in two versions. In the first case, it is installed on the base of the chimney, and in the second - it is taken out to the adjacent room, because a universal register heat exchanger is applied.

Cylindrical oven heat

The furnace of these furnaces has the form of a cylinder (considered the most optimal for the bath) and is made of a strong pipe used for the main oil pipelines.

The wall thickness is in the range of 8 - 15 millimeters. Heat furnaces can be operated up to 25 years.

The advantages of these furnaces:

  • Intensive heating of stones, efficiency at fuel consumption;
  • High heat transfer. Maximum per hour, the parch room heats up to 100 degrees;
  • Simplicity of design;
  • A large operational period, due to the thickness of the walls and the cylindrical form of the furnace;
  • The possibility of firebox from the parch premises, the defendant and from the street;
  • The tanks made of stainless steel are optimally selected by the ovens and can quickly dismantle.

An option "Extra-400" costs 8 thousand, and the "Super 1000" model is 45 thousand.

Economical heating Bath with Tunga

Tunguska furnaces are made in two sizes (16 and 24 m 3), have a different complete set and different external execution.

All equipment elements are made of heat-resistant stainless steel (13% chromium). All internal details of the product are protected from corrosion.

The presence of chromium contributes to effective heat exchange. Thanks to the two-dimensional wall thickness, the oven, rather quickly rapidly, gives heat into the room.

Powerful heating in these furnaces is possible at the expense of the cast-iron grate, which is made of expensive cast iron.

Tunguska furnaces have two colors: terracotta and anthracite. To heat the water, the device can also be equipped with a built-in heat exchanger.

The cost of products - 12 - 20 thousand.

Volcano - a steam room in 40 minutes

Furnaces of stoves Volcano are performed from carbon steel and without welded seams. Therefore, the equipment is reliable and economical not only for the bath, but also for the sauna.

The doors are made of high heat resistance glass capable of withstanding 760-degree temperatures.

Thanks to the special double cover, the volcano case is not very heated, and the furnace itself has a powerful traction. The chimney and the furnace are surprisingly easily cleaned.

The optimized combustion scheme of fuel allows its economically to spend it, but it does not prevent the equipment to heat the steam room in 40 minutes, which indicates the high efficiency of the furnaces.

Volcano models are usually used for small and medium "Parims".

Pricing policy 9-13 thousand.

Feringer - oven tested

Feringer's furnaces began to release since 1999. "Homeland" equipment is Voronezh. Possess your own chimney and accessories.

To increase the efficiency of the furnace and give the opportunity to exorculate the combustible gases (completely) in the furnace, the burning passes from top to bottom.

To do this, an rally box and grate is removed. The second feature of this brand is clean glasses of the door. In the door of the furnace there is a special chamber through which air is supplied.

The bunny furnace furnace is made without welds from heat-resistant steel with chromium content.

Feringer's operational service life - up to 10 years.

The model "Baby" will cost the buyer at 11.500 rubles, and the model "Lamet Maxi" - 90 thousand.

Finnish quality from Castor

This furnace began producing 80 years ago in Finland. Castor manufactures low-power models, and products that are able to warm large society saunas in area.

Practically, each product of this brand is a technological masterpiece.

The model range of Finnish overseas is too wide, so every buyer can find in the proposed assortment then the product he needs.

Prices begin from 15 thousand (model KL-16) and end up at 60 thousand (KSIS-37 JK).

Cast iron stove braneran

Since 1993, this product is known in Russia. True, before these furnaces were called Bulleryan, but since 2005 the name has changed. The manufacturer provides a guarantee for products for 2 and a half years.

Modern models of Breneran do not go beyond, because metal coopers were replaced with cast-iron elements.

Unpretentious maintenance, high quality and enough reasonable price Products make them popular in the people. Some details of the furnaces are made in Germany.

The cost fluctuates in the range of 10 - 42 thousand.

We hope that this article in which ten trademarks are briefly described will help readers to do. right choice When buying this product.