What does a man expect from a woman he loves? Should I wait for a man? Bright things will win a woman's heart

It's no secret that men are different from women. It is hardly news to anyone that men and women have different priorities in relationships. What do women expect from men? There are exactly as many answers to this question as there are types of women in nature: young, not very young, full, thin, talkative, silent, beautiful and not very.

Meanwhile, with all the variety of variables, one component of the ideal relationship remains constant, regardless of the participants. A distinctive feature of all men is that they build relationships with discretion and even caution. Women treat this serious matter more scrupulously. When choosing a life partner, they not only make a huge list of requirements for him, but are also ready to make a lot of efforts to turn a man into the ideal of their dreams. But, despite the female talkativeness and passion for sorting out relationships, it is often difficult for men to understand what exactly women need for complete happiness.

So what do women want? Just be happy! But they just don't talk about it directly. If you learn to speak to a woman in her language, learn to be silent when you want to answer, hug when you want to leave, tell the truth, even if it hurts, be a man in whom she can be sure, and love her like yourself, you will no longer ask what women want. They will ask you about your desires and fulfill them with joy!

Here are just some of the things that women especially appreciate in men:

High appreciation of others. A woman needs to know that her man is of genuine interest to other women. Women are especially attracted to men with a slight scandalous flair and a slightly dubious reputation. Therefore, a man with a companion (especially a beautiful one) arouses much more interest in women than a man who walks by himself. Paradoxically, it's a fact: the simplest (and tried and true) way to seduce a woman is to make her jealous. Female rivalry is a great thing!

Thoroughness. A woman needs stability, order, confidence in the future. She needs a man she can rely on. If you say you'll be home by 9pm, be home by 9pm. Are you late? Call and let them know you'll be late. Men often find it difficult to understand the difference between support and total control. Building a strong relationship foundation and stability does not mean that unpredictability has disappeared in your relationship and you are tied hand and foot. Love should not be a crutch for you, but a support. A strong bond in which reliability is synonymous with trust.

Reliability. Women want to feel protected by a man. They need to know that everything will be fine. This does not mean that a man should be a tall bodybuilder or have a million dollar bank account. It is enough to be able to calm a woman down, take care of her needs and sometimes tell her what she wants to hear - that everything will definitely be fine.

Love. Love a woman more than anything. Show your love. Prove your love every day, every hour, every minute and every second of every minute of every hour of every day. Become love itself and when solving any problem, ask yourself: “What would love do?”. Then there will be no place for fear in your life.

Gratitude. Women really expect expressions of gratitude and compliments. They just don't show it. Therefore, men, compliment women more often, give them the opportunity to feel beautiful and desirable - but you should not cultivate a sense of irreplaceability in women. Do not get too carried away and do not run after a woman, scaring her away with statements that "without her you have no life." It just looks pathetic and repulsive.

Honesty. A woman can forgive almost everything, but she will never forgive lies and deliberate deceit. Once she caught you in a lie, she will never be able to trust you again. Women regard lying as a sign of disrespect. Tell a woman the truth, no matter how unpleasant she may be - and your relationship will get a second chance.

Tenderness. Hug her in the morning, hug her before leaving for work, send sweet emails throughout the day, and hug her ten more times when you get home. A woman should feel loved and desired.

Sense of humor. Women don't like bores. Smile more, joke more, don't take life too seriously! Be a player! This attitude of a woman is valued much higher than unshakable seriousness - even if it is accompanied by beauty and wealth.

Women appreciate purposeful men. It is not necessary to have a lot of money and a fancy car now, but it is necessary to strive for it. Women love fulfilled and self-sufficient men.

So, to summarize: women dream of understanding, happiness, respect and expect honesty from men. Let's not forget that a woman also needs change, as priorities and goals in life change over time. Why can't men understand women? Yes, because it is a masterpiece of nature, which every day becomes more and more perfect!

07/6/2018 at 11:36 am Johnny · 12 350

10 things every man expects from his woman

A man, like a woman, has a certain vision of an ideal partner, if you like, a half. A woman should be able to give a man something that he is deprived of due to his natural characteristics and social role, namely: emotionality, sensuality, beauty and care. And even though your boyfriend has not made a clear list of preferences, but, believe me, he has an understanding of what kind of woman he deserves.

Of course, it also happens that a person's expectations are too high, or he himself does not meet what he requires from a partner. But still, a wise woman, the keeper of the hearth, must be ready to accept healthy criticism, work on relationships and follow the advice of her beloved man.

Consider what kind of character traits and actions a man expects from a girl, which can really give him comfort and happiness in a relationship.

10. Support

Everyone claims this action on the part of a loved one, but for some reason modern girls have become more selfish and demanding. They ask for the attention and participation of a man in their affairs, the solution of their conflicts and financial problems. But as soon as difficulties arise for a young man, she immediately “folds her paws” and bleats innocently: “well, you’re a man, you can handle it yourself, you’re the stronger sex.” But no, dear ones, the guy also expects a kind word, affection and care from his beloved girl. If you are not able to help him physically, financially or ideologically in resolving the issue, then at least support his plan of action, direct his thoughts in the right direction, inspire.

9. Give the opportunity to be alone

Logic men are often introverts. They are forced, wearing a mask, to perform social roles at work, whether they are clerks or managers. At home, in a “safe haven”, every guy wants to feel nirvana and peace. But, as often happens, instead of a delicious dinner and a quiet rest for the brain, a man receives a mountain of demands and tantrums, an influx of information about holidays and shoes, broken sideburns and naughty children. Dear women, remember one simple psychological rule that can save your relationship - after coming home from work (any work activity), a man needs complete peace of mind for at least 1 hour, and preferably until the moment when he himself comes up and asks: “how was your day” . Remember that a man's critical thinking is revealed precisely in solitude, in his so-called "shell". If you want actions and ideas from your loved one, let him “brain” fruitfully.

8. Uplifting mood

Women are so interestingly arranged that in order to solve problems, you need to collectively get together and discuss them. If a friend was abandoned, then the girls around should moan and find fault with the unlucky boyfriend. If she broke her nail, then a friend, out of solidarity, will twist her “face” and say “as I understand you, it hurts soooo much.” For men, it's the exact opposite! If they have problems or illnesses, then you do not need to sit next to them and suffer, moan, regret, wring your hands in sorrow. The best help for a man is to raise his mood and morale, which a woman can provide with silent participation, words of reassurance, kisses and hugs. Sometimes one smile is enough to cheer up a loved one and give him confidence that all his work is not in vain.

7. Mindfulness

Many men draw the image of an ideal partner in that she sensitively absorbs the information they have laid out, learns, accepts criticism, laughs at his jokes and wants to know in detail about his affairs during the day. If you are one of those "princesses" who require attention and gifts only for yourself, then forget about meeting a good man. Guys also love tokens and small gifts (even if not related to financial investments), spontaneous dates and delicious dinners according to their preferences, even compliments. Show your loved one elementary signs of attention, and your family foundation will never collapse.

6. Cheerfulness

Melancholic and eternally gloomy partners attract only men of the “protectors” type, who always need to save the “lost soul”, satisfy her whims and change life for the better. But this is an unhealthy pattern of behavior, leading without fail to breaks and divorces. A real woman is a male rear, a faithful companion who will always please him with optimism and love of life. Even when a logical man, having analyzed the world around him, falls into depression or an oppressed state, his beloved must inspire him to the best aspects of life. For example, you can organize leisure activities according to common interests, hit on an adventurous trip, indulge like children on a sunny day. Sometimes just one favorite dish, cooked in a good mood, can work wonders with a gloomy boy.

5. Jealousy

It's not so much about tantrums and checking browser history, but about attention. For many men, unfortunately, the perception of reality is distorted, therefore, in order to understand that they are loved, they need attacks of jealousy from the other half. If your man is this type, you can periodically indulge his stories about how much attention he gets. For example, you can assent: “yes, it’s not surprising, because you are so beautiful to me. I'm proud that I got you." In jealousy, it is important not to go too far, for example, not to limit the space and time of a person, not to control his views and thoughts, not to select gadgets for another hysteria. This is the key to a destructive relationship.

4. Show that you need him

Every man wants a woman to act and verbally demonstrate the need for him alone. It’s hard for a guy to be with someone who is all independent, has her own business and housing, rich parents, and pumped up a bitsak in the gym so that she opens all the banks herself. Even if everything is so, and you really are an independent young lady, then try to be compliant and soft at least next to your loved one. Do not use his mind, skills and power abilities in situations where this is possible.

3. Understanding if he makes a mistake

One of the biggest fears of a man is that his beloved will leave if he suddenly "loses his wings." Layoffs, illness and depression happen to everyone. Life coils bring lessons against which your man can stumble and hit the bumps. It is extremely important at such moments to be on his side and not kick for the slightest fault. Believe me, a man has a highly developed thinking, and he is able to understand from the first time where he has done wrong to you. Wait - and he will ask for forgiveness or correct himself in the future. But poking your nose into a puddle is an extremely unhealthy technique for destroying a loved one.

2. Trust

Despite the pleasure derived from your slight jealousy, every man secretly wants to be trusted. If you can calmly wait while your beloved is hanging out on a fishing trip, corporate party or birthday party, where you were not invited, then you can be considered an understanding and wise woman. You should not climb into pockets and social networks - if a man betrays, then it will be heard in his words, seen in everyday actions. A woman has a naturally developed intuition, so there is no need to undermine trust in the family without objective reasons, but only on the basis of your paranoid fantasies.

1. Sincerity

In addition to honesty, a man expects complete openness and sincerity about his woman. And this means that in a relationship there should be no omissions, hidden background of events and inaccuracies. If you have already undertaken to repent of your beloved sins, then open your soul to the end - only in this way is complete psychological liberation possible for both you and him. Hidden and said falsely will emerge in the soul in the form of psychotrauma, against which neuroses and natural hysteria develop. And all emotional quarrels are fraught with a slow and sure killing of even the brightest feelings.

Of course, due to the natural differences between men and women, the latter sometimes have to adapt to new forms of perception of the world. Guys rely on reason and logic, and women on feelings, so achieving mutual understanding requires effort and worldly wisdom. It is these small tips that will help to “open the curtain” on the world of the opposite sex.

According to many women, men only want sex. Yes, sex is really important for them, but, according to psychologists, their desires are not limited to this. What do men really want from women? Everyone thinks about it sooner or later. Because having figured out this difficult issue, you can improve relations with your loved one, avoiding misunderstanding, resentment and quarrels, and most importantly, parting.

So what do men want from women?

  • Man wants love

Every person wants to be loved. This is a completely natural need. Therefore, men also want to love and be loved. The question is, what kind of love do they need?

A man expects love from a girl without conditions, so that she loves him for who he is. A woman, as a rule, noticing shortcomings in her chosen one, desperately tries to change him and remake him for herself. That's what men don't accept.

Many women forget that to love means to be able to accept both the advantages and disadvantages of a loved one. After all, ideal people do not exist.

  • A man wants warmth and comfort

Any man is pleased when the house is clean, comfortable and smells delicious. However, everyone has their own concept of comfort. Someone wants a woman to walk around the house in a dressing gown and slippers, for someone it is communication with her beloved in front of the TV, etc. But most of all, men want peace of mind and a harmonious relationship with a woman.

In addition, they need female care and attention. After all, any man after a hard day's work wants to come home and have a mental rest with his beloved, than to listen to her reproaches.

  • A man wants personal space

Every person from time to time needs to be alone with their thoughts, dreams or experiences. Therefore, a man wants a woman who will allow him to have personal space. For example, such a place for privacy can be a personal office or walking with a dog, going to the gym.

In addition, a man wants a woman not to limit his communication with friends. Communicating with other men, they feel more energetic and free.

  • Men want their women to be attractive.

Despite the fact that all men are owners by nature and expect their woman to be faithful, they like it when other representatives of the stronger sex pay attention to her.

When a man sees that other men like his woman, he is filled with a sense of pride in his companion. The man becomes more attentive to her and begins to appreciate the woman more for choosing him. Therefore, a woman should be more cheerful, friendly, take care of herself and be able to maintain a conversation in society. But at the same time, you should not play on his feelings of jealousy so that the man does not begin to suspect his companion of infidelity.

A woman needs a different effect. When a man sees that his woman attracts the attention of other admirers, this stimulates him to keep himself in shape and tone.

  • A man wants sex from a woman

Men, by their nature, need regular sex, and it is extremely important for them that a woman not only perform intimate duties, but also be satisfied herself. In addition, a woman should praise him more often as a partner. This gives a man additional self-confidence, and he understands that he is loved and appreciated. Only a woman who truly sincerely loves is capable of this.

  • A man wants a woman to become a reliable friend for him

It is great if a couple is connected by the similarity of interests and outlooks on life. Therefore, a woman should have or create a hobby that she can share with a man.

Undoubtedly, male and female interests differ, but still it is not uncommon for both of them to enjoy doing yoga, relaxing in nature, cooking or fishing.

But before you start thinking about what new hobbies to master, you should learn the basics of proper communication with a man:

  1. The main thing that a man appreciates in communicating with a woman is the ability to listen to him, hear and be interested in his affairs.
  2. All men want their relationships with women to be filled with happiness, understanding and respect.
  3. He wants the woman to be balanced and not throw tantrums.

If a woman can satisfy at least most of the male preferences, then it is quite possible to develop a long and harmonious relationship with her beloved man.

What do men want? We don't understand their logic. They say that they appreciate kindness and complaisance in women, and they themselves go after obstinate bitches. They are looking for a selfless woman, but they fall in love with such a “party girl”, whose love is measured by the ability of a man to fill her life with Gucci, Maserati, Tiffany. They dream of linking their fate with a woman who is able to understand and forgive, and marry a narcissistic egoist. So where is the truth, and what do men look for in women?

“Look, observe, listen to men, but do not believe what seems obvious in their behavior. Read between the lines!" psychologists advise. A man wants to see next to him a woman who is flexible, but not weak-willed; selfless, but knowing its value; understanding, but having her own opinion. In the male "rider" there is a list of basic needs, the fulfillment of which will allow you to find that very middle ground and give a man exactly what he expects from a relationship:


For men, it always comes first. One cannot argue with this and appeal to the voice of reason, not instincts. It can only be accepted and reconciled. The man is looking for pleasure. And a woman for a man is always a source of pleasure: aesthetic, sensual, bodily. This is their nature, just like women have a genetic need for a man - a provider and protector who can provide a well-fed and safe life for her and their children. To give a man a beautiful night is the pleasant duty of a woman. A satisfied man is a submissive man. A true woman will make intimate relationships an anchor, a drug, an addiction, and a man will return to her again and again for another “dose”. But why come back if you can not leave?


The ability to give a man quality sex should always come with fidelity. Otherwise, even the most high-class romantic will be devalued by a man and reduced to the primitive satisfaction of the “basic instinct”. The explanation for this is also worth looking for in male nature. When a man receives sexual pleasure from a woman, he believes that now she belongs only to him, and wants to be sure that no one else will receive this pleasure from her. Therefore, men are often very jealous and aggressive about their woman's flirting with other "males". Attention to them, smiles, deep necklines and even expensive lingerie, they can subconsciously regard as elements of a love game. Men rarely understand all these subtleties of female sexuality, and even a harmless smile at the compliment of a strange man can be a reason to doubt the fidelity of his woman.

Respect and recognition

Many relationships do not work out or fall apart due to a lack of respect for a man. Women may underestimate respect in relationships, mistakenly believing that it is already implied: “I live with him, so I respect him.” Recognition of men's merits to the family, children, work, society is an unspoken women's duty. You will not respect and appreciate what a man does, he can go looking for respect elsewhere, and not only from another woman. For example, he can devote himself more to work or linger with friends who respect and recognize his success, whatever it is - business, hobbies, recreation, etc. Therefore, everything in him must be respected: time, resources, talents, abilities. And most importantly, do not be silent about it. Speak sincerely, but let it be not only words, but also actions. For example, if you learn to rationally treat the money he has earned, he will understand without words that you respect his work, time and health. Respect breeds respect. It's so simple that many don't even see it as a solution to relationship problems. And very in vain!

Gratitude and admiration

Many women find it difficult to understand, but gratitude is no less important than bed. She will not be in a relationship with a man, he will go to look for her on the side. Unfortunately, the ability to thank and admire, as a rule, is characteristic of fresh relationships. Years lived together make any work a duty. A man builds a house, plants a tree and raises a son, but this should not be taken for granted as his duty. This approach is fundamentally wrong! Men, like children, should be praised for eating porridge (especially if it didn’t work out today), thanked for their obedience (took out the trash, bought a chandelier, took the mother-in-law to the country) and admired their successes (painted the fence, defended a dissertation, earned a million). There is no greater motivation for a man than sincere gratitude and admiration. This is real magic. Check it out!

Care and attention

The main thing here is to figure out what is a concern for your man. Each of them has their own individual concepts of the manifestation of female care and attention. It is enough for someone that the beloved woman brews coffee every morning and does not forget to throw a pinch of salt there, as a man loves; someone will not be able to live without the daily replacement of handkerchiefs in the color of the shirt in the breast pocket of a work suit; and for some of the men, perhaps the highest degree of concern will be the provision of a family by a woman while he is on maternity leave with a child. One way or another, but strict observance of these daily rituals, traditions or ordinary routine actions turn relationships into love.


Even the most courageous, successful, strong and brutal man needs support. When he creates a relationship with a woman, he hopes that she, in the literal sense of these words worn out by filmmakers, will be with him "in sorrow and in joy, in wealth and in poverty, in sickness and in health." He will connect his life with that woman who, even if the whole world takes up arms against him, will stand behind him and give him cartridges. You will be able to be useful for a man, inspire him with faith in his own strength, provide support when he needs it like air, and he will do everything and even more for you and your relationship.

Family values

The family for most men is the engine of their achievements. A man, unlike a woman, is more realized in the outside world - he builds a career, achieves financial independence and recognition by society. At a certain stage in his life, when he lays the "foundation", he does not need a family. It's distracting. But how much does he need personally for himself? No. New achievements begin to lose their meaning, and external realization no longer gives him the former fullness of a sense of life. Statistics do not lie when they say that married men live longer. They have someone to live for. In children, wife, living together, they find deep meaning and the realization of their ancient instincts. Engage a man in family values, show the benefits of family life, make him dependent on your love, and he will stay with you forever.

Many women consider the male part of humanity to be narrowly focused beings who, apart from sex, are not interested in anything in a relationship. Of course, intimacy is an integral part for both sexes, but, in psychology, it is believed that this is not all that men want.

Sooner or later, any woman begins to think about this, especially when there is tension in the relationship. Namely, having studied the question of what men want in a relationship, it is possible to prevent the onset of conflicts related to resentment and misunderstanding in time, and most importantly, this will help prevent parting. So what is important for a man?

A man wants to love and be loved

Any person needs love, and this desire is quite natural. But you should understand what men want from a woman, and what kind of love is in question.

The stronger sex needs to be loved, exactly as he really is, that is, without conditions. Very often, a woman, noticing any shortcomings in her beloved, begins to stubbornly eradicate them, and remake a person to fit her beliefs. Such a statement of the question, the stronger sex, is extremely unacceptable.

It is important for women to remember that the psychology of relationships is built in such a way that love, in this case, consists in the ability to accept both the merits of the chosen one and his shortcomings. Remember, perfect people don't exist.

Warmth and comfort

Any man will experience a comfortable state if the house is always cozy, clean, and pleasant smells come from the kitchen. But, as for comfort, opinions can be divided. Some husbands like it if their beloved is dressed at home (slippers and a bathrobe), some are satisfied with communication in front of the TV screen, with delicious food, etc. But most of all, spiritual comfort and harmony in relations with his wife are valued.

Also, important factors that men want from their beloved women are: attention and care. A man will be happy to return home after a working day, if he is waiting for a moral rest, in the presence of his beloved woman, and not listening to reproaches and discontent.

Personal space

For any person, a situation arises when he needs to retire in order to soberly assess any situation, overcome his feelings, convey his innermost dreams or thoughts. Therefore, a woman should allow her chosen one to have personal space. As an example, a man can retire in a separate room, either walking the dog or visiting the gym.

Also, for a man, it is very important that there is no restriction in communicating with friends. Do not tell him: “I want to be with you”, but let your beloved one sometimes meet his old friends without you. In a male society, he will be able to escape from family everyday life, feel more free and recharged with positive energy, which will affect the future atmosphere in your home.

Another important aspect that must be taken into account is that men are terribly afraid if their freedom is restricted in any way. The girl needs to get rid of desire, control the life of her chosen one: stop calling him many times during the day, asking the question “Where are you?” I will come”, etc.

Since the stronger sex hates to build his life according to the schedule, preferring to give it over to chance and spontaneity, then never ask him about your future as a couple, and exclude the word "marriage" from your vocabulary. When the time comes, your chosen one will offer you a heart and a hand, provided that he is sincerely in love. If this does not happen for a long time, then you should not waste your life on him. He just uses you, does not want to legitimize the relationship, and lives like a cat: well-fed, warmed, treated kindly, and at any moment, he can change the "mistress" if something goes wrong.

A lady shouldn't make the first move

Although there are many discussions on this topic, according to surveys of a large number of men, it can be concluded that it is important for them to win a beautiful lady, since the stronger sex, by nature, is a hunter. Therefore, a girl should not make an attempt to impose herself on a guy, and thus get to know each other. This will lead to the fact that she will constantly think that she is not interested, and only went on about her initiative. The guy, in turn, will not appreciate this relationship, because he got it for free, without any effort on his part. Do you want such a relationship? So, behave in such a way that the man does not suspect anything, and is sure that your relationship has begun, only because he so wanted to.

Attractiveness of a woman

Although the representatives of the stronger sex, in their psychology, are owners, requiring their chosen one to be faithful, they enjoy it when other men cast interested glances at their beloved.

At the moment when the "owner" sees that others like his chosen one, he will be overwhelmed with a sense of pride, because only he managed to win the heart of a beautiful lady. Also, a man will appreciate his beloved more, become more attentive to her, just for the fact that she chose him.

Based on the foregoing, a lady should be well-groomed, cheerful, have a sense of humor, should be able to keep up a conversation and be friendly, especially with friends and acquaintances of her beloved.

But whether we like it or not, we should not cross the line and try to play with a feeling of jealousy. The stronger sex, by its nature, in this case, nothing else will come to mind, except to suspect, and in the future to accuse his woman of infidelity. And this can already lead to conflicts and rupture of relations.

So, heed this advice, and be sure that your chosen one is enough to be aware of the fact that his beloved may have fans. This, as a rule, will stimulate him to keep himself in good shape, and take care of his physical form.

Desire for sex

The nature of a man cannot be changed. He needs regular sex, and nothing can be done about it. At the same time, it is very important that sex with a loved one is not in the form of a performance of duties, but brings satisfaction to both partners. It is also important that the ladies often praise and admire their partner after sex. Thanks to this, a man will feel confident in himself, and know that he is appreciated and loved. But, it should be noted that only a woman who feels sincere love for her chosen one is capable of this.

A woman is like a friend

If in a couple, views on life are similar, and there are common interests, then this is fine. In case of minor shortcomings in this regard, the lady should take care to choose a hobby that will be interesting to do with her beloved.

Undoubtedly, the difference in male and female interests is great. But, despite this, you can find an activity that will be to the liking of two. For example, it can be: tourism and outdoor recreation, yoga or in the gym, fishing, etc.

But, first, a woman must learn the basics of communication with the male:

  • the most important thing is the ability to listen, as well as hear what a man is talking about, and show interest in his affairs;
  • any man dreams of a relationship full of happiness, love, respect and understanding;
  • the stronger sex does not tolerate hysterical and unbalanced persons.

If a woman manages to get closer to satisfying at least a small part of male preferences, then she can count on a positive and harmonious development of relations with her chosen one.