Fruits during pregnancy - useful and harmful. What fruits are most useful during pregnancy I want fruits and berries during pregnancy

Proper nutrition during pregnancy plays a key role in the harmonious development - first of the fetus, and then of the child. Fruits and berries in the diet are given a place of honor as a source of vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. All of them are useful in their own way, but there are fruits that make a particularly significant contribution to the menu of the expectant mother.

The nutritional value of fruits varies depending on the species. Their common characteristic feature is the high content of water, which is necessary for the hydration of the body.

The vitamins present in fruits affect not only the development of the fetus, but also the course of pregnancy and the health of the mother. Fruits and berries that pregnant women can safely consume include the following gifts of nature.

They are a rich source of soluble fiber. It regulates bowel function and prevents constipation during pregnancy. A large amount of soluble dietary fiber is found in the peel. Therefore, if the fruits are homemade or bought from familiar sellers, then it is better not to peel them.

Apples are also a source of B vitamins, which are essential for good skin condition, protein synthesis, and nervous system function. You should eat at least one apple or pear daily - for a change.

Useful berries

raspberry potion

Contains a lot of beta-carotene. In the body, it is transformed into vitamin A. Berry is a rich source of flavonoids. These substances contribute to maintaining health and have antiviral, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory properties.

When the temperature rises, drinking raspberry juice or infusion is especially useful for pregnant women, because they cannot take many medicines.

Vitamin clearing of strawberries

It is a rich source of vitamin C, beta-carotene, and anthocyanins, which exhibit antioxidant activity and scavenge cell-damaging free radicals from the body.

At the same time, strawberries can be quite a strong allergen. In order not to provoke an allergy, it is allowed to eat no more than 15 berries per day.

These are also needed

Grape protection for the heart

It contains a large number of flavonoids that protect against heart disease and ensure proper blood supply to the placenta.

It is a rich source of B vitamins and fiber that improves metabolism. Grapes contain a lot of carbohydrates, so you should not consume them in large quantities: a maximum of one cup per day.

Pregnant women with diabetes should be especially careful with grapes.

citrus freshness

Oranges, tangerines and grapefruits supply the body with a large amount of water, vitamins A, C, minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium. These fruits often cause allergies, so they should be eaten a little, but every day (for example, 2 tangerines, or 1 orange, or 2 grapefruits).

Banana for a smile

An excellent supplier of B vitamins, magnesium and potassium, which are responsible for the proper functioning of the nervous system. The lack of these compounds during pregnancy causes convulsions, hand tremors and nervousness.

In addition, they are a good source of folic acid, which prevents the development of fetal neural tube defects.

When eating these fruits, the body releases the hormone of happiness - serotonin. For women who constantly worry about themselves and their child, suffer from sudden mood swings, bananas will provide significant assistance. However, no more than two pieces should be consumed during the day.

Don't forget the quince

Quince stands out from other fruits with a high content of B vitamins and fruit acids. In addition, it almost never causes allergies.

Used as a natural and safe remedy for anemia, burns, high blood pressure and many other ailments.

Such a desirable peach

This fruit is especially popular with pregnant women. Doctors explain this phenomenon by a deficiency of beta-carotene, which is abundant in peaches.

The product also boasts a high concentration of nicotinic acid, vitamin C and potassium - substances that a future mother cannot do without.

But it is important to remember that peaches are usually high in pesticides, so you should not get carried away with them.

saving persimmon

In addition to magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iodine, this fruit is notable for its high content of carotene. It is needed not only for the formation of the nervous system of the unborn baby. But also to preserve the beauty of a pregnant woman. The fact is that carotene is responsible for the elasticity of the skin and prevents the appearance of stretch marks.

Good for the intestines and heart, and it is also rich in bound water and fiber, which prevent the appearance of edema.

Exotics in the diet

  1. Kiwifruit is a fruit rich in vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, and folic acid, which, among other things, protects against miscarriage.
  2. . Contains essential unsaturated fatty acids. Its advantages include the presence of folic acid, fiber, potassium, vitamin K. It is a good source of vegetable protein, which, together with animal proteins, is the basic building material for cells. The fruits also include B vitamins and magnesium, which help to endure stress and fight mood swings.

Attention! Despite the fact that useful substances are often “hidden” in the skin of fruits, pregnant women should avoid eating it: store-bought fruits are usually treated with chemicals so that the products do not rot, look beautiful and shine. However, the price of this "aesthetics" may be too high, so it's better not to risk it.

It is often said that a pregnant woman eats for two, this wording is not entirely successful, because many people have the impression that the expectant mother should eat twice as much. In fact, this is absolutely wrong, increased attention should be paid not to the quantity of food, but to its quality, composition and balance. A special place in the diet of a pregnant woman is occupied by fresh fruits, which, despite their obvious benefits, cannot be consumed haphazardly and unlimitedly. Let's figure out how much and what kind of fruits you need to eat so as not to harm yourself and your child.

Why fruits must be included in the diet of a pregnant woman?

For the full development of the fetus, the expectant mother should receive daily not only a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but also vitamins, as well as macro- and microelements. Of course, their deficiency can be replenished with the help of various multivitamin complexes for pregnant and lactating women, which are sold in sufficient quantities in any pharmacy. But is it worth it to resort to artificial additives, if at least part of the necessary substances can be obtained with food.

It is fruits that are the main source of most vitamins, so their volume in the diet of a pregnant woman can be up to 500g per day (and even more in summer). The main thing is not to focus on one thing. By making your menu as diverse as possible, you can achieve a much greater effect and reduce the risk of allergies, which, unfortunately, can appear even in women who have never suffered from it before pregnancy. This is due to the fact that during the period of expectation of the baby, the body of the expectant mother works in a completely different way, almost all processes change, including the hormonal background and the production of various enzymes.

In addition, fruits are a source of fiber (vegetable fibers), which has a positive effect on the digestive tract and helps to eliminate toxins from the body. But it is important not to overdo it, as this can, on the contrary, contribute to the beginning of the fermentation process in the intestines and increased gas formation, which is extremely undesirable, especially in the later stages.

In addition, fruits are rich in fructose and sucrose, which are easily absorbed by the body and provide the necessary energy boost, so they can be an excellent snack and a substitute for unwanted confectionery and flour products.

What fruits are good during pregnancy:

It is believed that the most useful are the usual fruits that grow in the region where the expectant mother lives. They are much less likely to cause allergic reactions, are better absorbed by the body and are practically not processed by special means for transportation and increasing the shelf life. The ideal option is fruits and berries from your own garden, as you can be 100% sure of their quality.

- apples and pears

This is an excellent source of vitamin C, which is necessary to strengthen the immune system (which is always weakened in pregnant women) and prevent various colds. Also, apples and pears contain a significant amount of iron, the deficiency of which leads to anemia and, as a result, the appearance of dizziness, weakness and increased fatigue.

Baked apples have a mild laxative effect, their bones contain iodine, which is necessary for every pregnant woman without exception throughout the entire period of gestation. The lack of this element causes malfunctions of the thyroid gland and hormonal imbalance.

With regular use of pears, potassium ions enter the body, which contribute to the proper functioning of the heart.

The optimal rate of consumption is 2-3 apples or pears per day.

- plums and apricots

Both of these fruits are well-known natural remedies for preventing constipation and improving bowel function. In addition, they reduce pressure, because due to the high content of potassium, they contribute to the removal of excess fluid from the body (and therefore help eliminate swelling).

Plums and apricots also contain vitamins A, C, B1 and P, iron, iodine and magnesium, which are necessary for the proper development of the fetus, especially in the early stages.

The optimal rate of consumption is 5-6 plums or apricots per day.

- bananas, persimmon, pomegranate

Bananas are an excellent source of energy, as they contain carbohydrates that are easily absorbed by the body and contain virtually no fat. They help in the fight against stress and depression, as they stimulate the production of serotonin. Vitamins B, C and E, which are part of the composition, have the best effect on the condition of the skin, making it even and elastic, and also preventing the appearance of acne (a problem that pregnant women often face due to the increased content of progesterone in their body).

In addition, bananas have a slight diuretic effect, thanks to which they help fight swelling and reduce pressure. The high content of potassium contributes to the normalization of the cardiovascular system.

The optimal consumption rate is 1-2 medium bananas per day.

Persimmon is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals, it helps to strengthen the immune system, has a beneficial effect on the development of the cardiovascular and nervous systems of the fetus, helps to remove excess fluid from the body (reduces pressure and relieves swelling). In addition, this fruit has a high nutritional value and contains a large amount of iodine, the need for which in a woman carrying a child doubles.

Expectant mothers suffering from diabetes or being overweight should be wary of persimmons. It is also worth keeping in mind its fixing effect (excessive consumption of this fruit can lead to constipation) and a high risk of allergies.

The optimal consumption rate is 1-2 persimmons per day.

Pomegranate is one of the best means for preventing and combating anemia, because the iron in its composition promotes the synthesis of hemoglobin. In addition, pomegranate is known for its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and even analgesic effects.

Pomegranate fruits and juice stimulate the digestive tract, but there is a downside - their excessive use increases the acidity of the stomach, which is not desirable in the later stages, when many women begin to suffer from heartburn.

The optimal rate of consumption is ½ pomegranate per day.

- lemons, tangerines, oranges

Citrus fruits contain a huge amount of vitamin C, which is not only indispensable for colds and their prevention, but is also a powerful antioxidant, slowing down the aging process and wear and tear of the body. Unfortunately, oranges and tangerines are among the most allergenic foods, so you should try them with great care. If an allergic reaction was observed before pregnancy, their use should be discarded. But lemons can be added to food calmly - this is practically the only citrus (at least of those that can be freely purchased in domestic stores) that does not cause allergies.

The optimal rate of consumption is no more than 1 orange or 2 tangerines per day.

It is also worth paying attention to pomelo, which has a much milder effect on the body, but also contains a sufficient amount of vitamin C, calcium and carotene.

The optimal rate of consumption is ½ pomelo per day.

When planning a menu during pregnancy, you should pay attention to several factors.

  • Firstly, all fruits must be fresh without visible damage, dark spots and dents. If the fruits began to deteriorate, or vice versa, they did not ripen, there will be no benefit from them, but they may well bring harm.
  • Secondly, vegetables and fruits that are brought from afar are often treated with various chemicals that allow them to be transported without compromising their appearance. It is better to choose local fruits and berries, and imported ones are recommended to be thoroughly washed and soaked before use.
  • Thirdly, pregnancy is not the best time to experiment and try new things. Exotic novelties during this period should not be introduced into the diet, no matter how useful they are considered, because the reaction to a new product in the body can be completely unpredictable.
  • Fourth, it is worth eliminating highly allergenic foods, such as strawberries or pineapples, from the diet. A favorite treat during pregnancy can cause a reaction, even if large amounts of these fruits did not cause any negative effects before.

Despite the fact that exotic fruits have already been mentioned above, papaya is worth noting separately. Its use during pregnancy is strictly prohibited even in those countries that are its homeland. The fact is that this fruit contains substances that promote uterine contraction, which can cause abortion or premature birth.


Fruits (as well as natural juices, compotes and fruit drinks) must be included in the diet of a pregnant woman, even if she additionally takes multivitamin complexes. Ideally, you should eat at least 3 or 4 different types daily, and the greatest effect can be achieved if they are consumed separately, not mixed in the form of a salad.

Specially for- Elena Kichak

The main concern of every expectant mother is the bearing and birth of a healthy baby. To do this, a woman, first of all, needs to carefully monitor her diet. An important place in the diet of a pregnant woman is occupied by fruits, which provide the body of mother and child with the necessary vitamins, micro and macro elements and other useful substances. But are all fruits good for pregnant women? Indeed, during the period of bearing a child, it is better to exclude certain foods from the diet or limit their use. So what fruits can be eaten by pregnant women, and which ones are better to refrain from?

Nutritionists note that a woman should consume an average of two cups of fruit per day. In this case, you need to know that you can not eat fruits immediately after eating, on a full stomach. This is due to the fact that fruits linger in the stomach for a very short time, then being absorbed in the intestines. And if the stomach is filled with food, the time they stay in the stomach increases. This leads to the fact that fruits not only lose their beneficial properties, but also begin to ferment. As a result, a person suffers from flatulence, indigestion and nausea. It is best to consume fruits 20-30 minutes before meals or 1.5-2 hours after.

Consider what fruits pregnant women are advised by doctors.

In our latitudes, one of the most useful fruits is called apples. It doesn't matter what kind they are. Apples contain many vitamins (group B, beta-carotene, C), trace elements (calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, sulfur), tannins, citric and malic acids, pectin substances. Often, the doctor recommends that a woman who is expecting a baby eat apples to increase her appetite and reduce the symptoms of toxicosis. As a diet food, to improve intestinal motility, a woman is prescribed baked apples.

plums very useful during pregnancy for the prevention and treatment of constipation, with renal failure and high blood pressure, circulatory disorders. Especially a lot of phosphorus and potassium in plums, in addition, they contain calcium, sodium and iron, vitamins C, E, beta-carotene, group B. Plums have a slight laxative and diuretic effect, improve digestion and intestinal motility.

A small amount of vitamins pear more than offset by the high content of trace elements, which makes these fruits useful for pregnant women. The pear contains a lot of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, pectin compounds and fiber. The use of pears during pregnancy improves the functioning of the intestines and the entire digestive system, circulatory system, and kidney function. These fruits have the ability to reduce body temperature, refreshing effect on the body.

Known to be high in vitamin C citrus fruits - lemons, tangerines, oranges and grapefruits. In addition, citrus fruits contain a lot of beta-carotene, B vitamins. Mandarins also contain vitamin P. A diet enriched with citrus fruits is a good prevention of colds and other infectious diseases. Also, these fruits contribute to the strengthening and greater elasticity of the walls of small blood vessels, improving the quality of redox processes in the body. However, keep in mind that citrus fruits are extremely allergenic. Therefore, during pregnancy, they are used very carefully, in small portions, and only if the woman has never had an allergy to citrus fruits before.

It is impossible not to mention bananas, which, although they are exotic for our places, have already firmly entered the diet. AT bananas contains an increased amount of starch, which makes them an excellent food for problems with the digestive system. Do not use unripe bananas, you need to choose only ripe ones with a strong aroma. Bananas boast the content of vitamin C, E, beta-carotene, group B.

Pomegranate often recommended to expectant mothers as a remedy for iron deficiency anemia. And all because of the high content of iron in pomegranate. In addition, this fruit contains vitamins B6, B12, C. Pomegranate has a choleretic, diuretic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Its use normalizes the activity of the stomach, stimulates appetite. It is best to drink pomegranate juice, which is useful to mix with beetroot and carrot juices.

What fruits are undesirable

It is not recommended to eat exotic fruits during pregnancy. According to studies, about 98% of the fruits that are imported into our country are oversaturated with pesticides. These chemicals have an extremely negative effect on the mother's body, the course of pregnancy and, especially, the growth and development of the fetus.

The intrauterine development of the child depends on the nutrition of a pregnant woman. The fetus receives all the necessary substances from the mother's blood, where they are delivered with food. One of the must-have foods during pregnancy are fruits. They contain almost the entire complex of vitamins, trace elements and minerals necessary for the health of the expectant mother and her baby. Proper use of fruits can make up for the lack of substances without resorting to vitamin therapy with synthetic drugs.


domestic fruits

Fruits for a pregnant woman will be useful those that grow in her place of residence. Although, if a woman has always eaten certain exotic fruits for food, during pregnancy they will not cause harm. The main thing is to take into account the content of nutrients and know when to stop, because an excess of vitamins is harmful, like their lack.


Apples are a versatile fruit during pregnancy. What useful substances make it indispensable for a future mother? Apples contain a record amount of iron needed during childbearing. Anemia is very dangerous, as it causes oxygen starvation of the fetus.

Vitamin C contained in apples is necessary to maintain immunity, which is also very important, since during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, a woman's immunity weakens. The seeds of apples contain iodine, so it is useful to eat them with seeds: this will make up for the iodine deficiency.

Apples normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood, cleansing blood vessels and preventing the appearance of cholesterol plaques. Lightly boiled or baked apples are a good laxative, gently acting on the intestines and generally improving the functioning of the digestive tract.


Like apples, pears contain a sufficient amount of iron, so they are recommended for dizziness, fatigue, drowsiness and other indirect signs of anemia. It contains a lot of fiber, which enhances intestinal motility, so you should not abuse pears, especially in the later stages. 1-2 pears a day is enough.

Potassium ions, necessary for the work of the heart, make pears indispensable for women who have experienced heart problems, because during pregnancy the load on the organ increases significantly. Doctors recommend that pregnant women eat at least one pear a day if they suffer from swelling and diuretic teas are prescribed. Thus, without drugs, you can maintain the level of potassium in the blood.


It has a choleretic effect, removes excess salt from the body, while the rich content of potassium does not harm the cardiovascular system. Thanks to a slight diuretic effect, plums cope with hypertension, and the presence of calcium makes them indispensable in the first half of pregnancy, when the baby's skeletal system is being laid. Contains pectin substances, which contributes to the removal of radioactive elements.

All useful substances contained in plums are destroyed by boiling, so they are recommended to be eaten raw or poured with hot boiled water. When using plums, you should follow the measure. You should not eat them daily in large quantities, since a pronounced laxative effect can cause uterine tone, which is especially dangerous in the later stages.


They are distinguished by a high content of vitamin C, which is necessary for strengthening the body, especially during an exacerbation of respiratory diseases. However, it is vitamin C that most often causes allergies. Therefore, oranges and tangerines should be eaten with great care. If it is difficult to do without citrus fruits, then it is better to give preference to pomelo.


It contains a large amount of potassium and calcium, so it is useful for use during pregnancy throughout its entire length. It has a beneficial effect on the development of the circulatory and nervous systems, the bone tissue of the fetus, normalizes the blood pressure of the mother.

In the second half of pregnancy, pomelo is recommended as a prevention of late toxicosis, as it normalizes metabolic processes, breaks down fats, helping to maintain a normal weight. Half a pomelo, eaten every other day, is able to remove toxins without harming the body of the mother and the unborn baby.

Pomelo, although it is affordable, does not belong to those growing in the place of residence. It does not act on the body as aggressively as oranges and tangerines, but it should be used carefully, starting with a few slices a day, not abused, limited to one. The fruit menu of a pregnant woman should be varied.

Video: The benefits of pomelo for the body


Another citrus fruit that is allowed during pregnancy. It should also be consumed carefully, limited to half in a few days. Grapefruit relieves nausea, so it is recommended for toxicosis. Contains a large amount of magnesium, which makes it useful in diseases of the cardiovascular system. With overstrain, nervousness and stress in the first half of pregnancy, grapefruit improves mood. It burns fat well, therefore it is indicated in the later stages if there is a problem of rapid weight gain.

Exotic fruits

Fruits brought from far away are stored, as a rule, for a long time. Long-term storage leads to the fact that some of the nutrients in the product break down, so there will be little benefit from overseas fruits. So that they are stored longer and do not deteriorate, they are treated with special compounds that cannot be called useful, especially for the body of a pregnant woman. These fruits are highly allergenic. Among other things, they are difficult to digest by an organism that is not accustomed to the exotic. A person who has never tried, for example, papaya or passion fruit, simply lacks the enzymes for their absorption.

If, nevertheless, the expectant mother really wants exotics, which is often in the first trimester of pregnancy, then you need to buy fresh, only brought fruits, it is advisable to soak them before use, and then rinse thoroughly under running water.


This fruit is rarely considered exotic by anyone, it has become so familiar to Russians. The body absorbs bananas well, as they are familiar to everyone since childhood. You can eat them during pregnancy without fear. However, bananas are very high in calories, so 1-2 pieces per day will be enough. It is an excellent source of energy without fat.

Beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. Improves mood and normalizes blood pressure. The use of bananas reduces the risk of preeclampsia, as they remove excess fluid without affecting the content of potassium and magnesium. In addition, the substances contained in the banana make the skin elastic, prevent the appearance of acne. In many pregnant women, an increase in the hormone progesterone leads to oily skin and acne.

However, with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, eating bananas in large quantities is not recommended, as they contribute to blood clotting. With rapid weight gain, it is also better to abandon bananas in favor of less high-calorie fruits.


Persimmon contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals that are important for the development of the fetus. Persimmon removes excess fluid, which is especially important in the last months of pregnancy. Helps strengthen immunity. It has a strengthening effect on the heart muscle, positively affects the development of the vascular and nervous systems of the embryo. The high content of iodine helps to prevent iodine deficiency, the consequences of which adversely affect the well-being of the mother and the prenatal state of the child.

A large amount of glucose contained in persimmon, and high allergenicity makes it necessary to reduce its use to 1-2 pieces per day. This is especially true for women with rapid weight gain and diabetes. In addition, persimmon is known for its astringent properties, so mothers who are prone to constipation should not use it. Constipation is highly undesirable, as it leads to intoxication of the body.


The fruit is known for its antibacterial properties that can neutralize pathogens. It has a positive effect on the circulatory system, increases the level of iron, is an excellent prevention of anemia. Strengthening effect on muscle tissue, including the muscles of the uterus.

Pomegranate and pomegranate juice in large quantities can provoke constipation, increase the acidity of the stomach, which is undesirable in the later stages, when women often suffer from heartburn.


Able to relieve an attack of nausea, recommended for toxicosis. It is quickly digested, relieves heartburn, reducing the acidity of the stomach. Removes toxins and reduces swelling, preventing their occurrence. It has a high content of folic acid, which is mandatory when planning pregnancy and in the first trimester, up to the 12th week. 1-2 fruits eaten can normalize bowel function, useful for constipation.

Peach is a highly allergenic fruit, so it should be used with caution, in limited quantities. It is not recommended for endocrine diseases, problems with the biliary tract and liver, since the disease worsens during pregnancy, the reaction can be unpredictable.


This fruit is brought to us from afar, so you need to buy it only if you are confident in the quality of the fruit. However, fresh mango can be called a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It contains vitamin E, which protects the fetus from negative effects, regulates hormonal levels, and folic acid, which is mandatory when planning pregnancy and in the first trimester. Folic acid deficiency increases the risk of developing neural tube defects in the fetus. 100 g of mango contains half the daily requirement of vitamin C.

A sufficient amount of beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the human body, makes mango useful for the development of the pulmonary, nervous, circulatory, bone systems of the fetus, as well as its eyes, kidneys, and heart. Vitamin A is also important for the woman herself, as it helps the body recover after childbirth.

Video: The value of folic acid during pregnancy. Foods Containing Vitamin B9

Fruits are useful because they supply a lot of necessary substances that are quite easily absorbed by the body. They contain useful fiber, which helps to improve digestion, which is very important during the period of bearing a child. However, when eating fruits, you should follow some recommendations:

  1. It is better to eat fruits not all together, but alternating them. So you can avoid the incompatibility of substances contained in different fruits, track the reaction of the body, if it occurs, to a particular fruit.
  2. Fruit should be consumed half an hour before meals. In the stomach, they are digested quickly enough, the absorption of nutrients occurs already in the intestines. If you eat fruits after eating, then the time they stay in the stomach increases, which leads to the breakdown of most of the nutrients. They themselves begin to wander during this time, resulting in bloating, flatulence and other unpleasant symptoms.
  3. Any fruit is a potential allergen, so during pregnancy it is worth introducing them into your diet carefully and little by little, monitoring the reaction. The fact is that the body of a woman during pregnancy is completely rebuilt, the organs under the influence of a changed hormonal background begin to work in a new way. The reaction even to familiar products can be unpredictable.
  4. You can’t eat fruits in large quantities, otherwise even harmless apples may cause a reaction: an allergy or various manifestations of the gastrointestinal tract - bloating, constipation, indigestion, flatulence.

Fruits must not contain pesticides and nitrates. Of course, tracking this can be quite difficult, so it's worth protecting yourself by peeling them. The peel contains a lot of vitamins and fiber, but harmful substances also settle there most of all. Therefore, if there is no confidence in the ecological purity of the fruit, then it is better to peel off the peel from them.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy is extremely important. Meat, eggs, and fish are great sources of protein and minerals, but the benefits of eating fresh vegetables shouldn't be ignored, for several reasons.

Why should these gifts of nature become an integral part of the daily diet of a pregnant woman? Which of them should a woman pay attention to if she cares about her health and that of her baby?

Vegetables are an important element of the daily menu during pregnancy. These are natural products needed to maintain health, which is subjected to difficult tests.

Vegetables are wonderful "suppliers" of fiber and pectin. These substances help the intestines work, eliminate constipation, which is so common in expectant mothers, and remove toxic metabolic products.

Vegetables are able to resist acidification of the body and heartburn. They have potassium - an element that helps to remove excess water, relieves swelling. Among other things, they supply easily digestible carbohydrates and vegetable protein.

These gifts of nature are best eaten raw, and those in need of heat treatment are best steamed.

Green is the color of hope and folic acid

Green vegetables deserve special mention. They are a very good source of vitamins A, E, K, C, B, rich in iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus. In other words, they have almost all the vitamins and minerals needed for pregnant women. By the way, the color of the gifts of nature says a lot about the components supplied to the body.

Green vegetables are high in folic acid. When a woman is expecting a child, the need for this substance increases by almost half. Folic acid prevents damage to the so-called neural tube in a child developing in the womb, takes part in the preservation of genetic material, in the transfer of hereditary characteristics to new generations of cells, regulates their division, and has a positive effect on the weight and growth of newborns.

This essential nutrient can be found in Brussels sprouts, spinach, lettuce, parsley, asparagus, peas, beans and beans, to name a few.

A few words about individual representatives of the group of green vegetables.


Broccoli should be included in the diet to get a double benefit in the form of not only folic acid, but also calcium. However, this is not all. This cruciferous plant also has fiber, antioxidants, iron and other nutrients that make it a super vegetable.

Green pea

Green peas are a storehouse of protein and vitamin K, which helps maintain healthy bones. A sufficient amount of protein helps to cope with the feeling of fatigue - a frequent companion of the "interesting position".

leafy vegetables

Leafy green vegetables are considered by many to be the best food to eat during pregnancy. Buy, or rather grow your own spinach, salads of different varieties and actively include them in your diet. They are rich in folic acid, calcium and other important nutrients such as magnesium, potassium, dietary fiber and iron. These substances protect the fetus from various birth defects, such as spina bifida.

Favorites in the diet of expectant mothers

Sweet potato

This tuber is not only rich in vitamin A, but also in potassium and fiber. Potassium prepares the mother for lactation, and fiber helps fight constipation, which often occurs during pregnancy.


When fresh, these vegetables are extremely beneficial for pregnant women. They prevent obesity and swelling, save from dehydration, constipation and hemorrhoids. Being a good source of potassium, cucumbers help maintain normal blood pressure in expectant mothers.


In small quantities, sweets will be useful in the diet of women who are carrying a child. They help to cope with high blood pressure during pregnancy and make up for the lack of calcium in the body.

Of course, you should not limit yourself to this list. The more varied vegetables there are on the menu of pregnant women, the less the threat of a shortage of substances important for expectant mothers.

Be sure to watch the video that discusses the food pyramid for pregnant women. Very informative.