How to grow persimmons from the seed and in the open field. Persimmon: growing from a seed at home How to plant a persimmon seed

Persimmon is a healthy and well-known fruit with a bright orange color and juicy pulp. It has many useful substances, especially famous for iodine. Persimmon is considered a tropical tree, deciduous about 7.5 meters high. The width of the tree can also reach 7.5 meters. The leaves of the trees give it a plentiful massive appearance. Persimmon has a large tap root, and this is aging in rather extreme conditions. If the tree can withstand drought, then the fruits are of poor quality.

To achieve a good harvest, persimmon requires abundant watering. And how can one grow such beauty at home, preserve all the conditions for the survival of the plant and achieve fruiting. This question worries many plant lovers, because it is believed that it is impossible to grow such exotic from a stone in our lane. But they are mistaken, this plant, and even the fruit of the tree, endures very severe frost.

seed planting process

  1. Fresh seeds must be thoroughly washed, planted in a pot of earth, to a depth of half the index finger. Pour abundantly and cover with a film, thereby creating a greenhouse effect. The pot for seed germination should be small. It must be placed in a warm, bright place. The film must be opened once a day and let the earth "breathe" for about 1-1.5 hours, watered as the earth dries. It is impossible to fill in, otherwise the seed will simply rot and will not give a result. It is advisable to plant 3-4 seeds in order to choose a stronger sprout from all.
  2. After a couple of weeks, the bone will begin to sprout. The first sprout often appears with a bone at the tip. You need to carefully release the plant from it, otherwise it may dry out. Remove the film, the greenhouse effect is no longer required. It will not be superfluous to turn on special lighting at night and direct it directly to the plant.
  3. The seed continues to germinate fairly quickly. The root is strengthened and actively grows. This important point should not be missed, as the plant becomes cramped in a small pot, and it requires a transplant to a larger volume.

If the leaves start to turn yellow and the plant stops growing, this is the first sign that the plant is starting to die and the roots don't have enough room to grow. In order for lateral shoots to grow, and a tree to form from a seedling, pinch the top at a level of 30–50 cm.
If you want to plant a persimmon in a summer cottage, then the landing site should be sufficiently protected from the winds. The soil should contain humus and be sandy, optimal for growing this plant. Salt soils have a very bad effect on the plant and lead to their death. Mature plants easily tolerate temperature changes, which is typical of our climate. Young trees need to be wrapped up for the winter. In summer, persimmons especially need good lighting. But you need to be very careful not to sunburn the leaves, the plant must be gradually accustomed to the sun. Persimmon needs feeding. Organic and mineral fertilizers have a beneficial effect on persimmon, feeding is carried out depending on the growing season. If the plant is not planted in the ground, but remains in a pot, then at the beginning of October the plant is removed into a room with a temperature of +3 - 5 C, a cellar-type room is ideal. The soil is sprinkled with wet sawdust. So that the soil does not dry out during the winter, the sawdust must be sprayed occasionally. At the end of winter, the persimmon is transplanted into a container with a diameter of 3-4 cm larger than the pot where it grew earlier. Persimmon transplantation after three years is carried out no more than once a year.

persimmon fruits

After 5 years, if the plant is grafted and all conditions of care have been met, then the persimmon begins to bear fruit. An ungrafted tree gives fruit only for the 7th year. In some years, persimmons can pollinate especially well, excessive pollination leads to plant overload and the tree can throw them off altogether. It is necessary to prune the fruits, leaving one for each fruiting shoot. This manipulation will allow you to get a good harvest with full-sized tasty fruits. Necessarily
once a year, the plant is pruned, dry shoots growing inside the crown or down, as well as dry branches, are removed. This will begin to increase fruiting and improve the access of abundant light deep into the crown, this will most likely ensure the healthy development of the tree. Persimmon blooms in late spring and early summer, sometimes later, here the persimmon variety plays a role. The fruits ripen towards the end of autumn, not earlier than October, even when the leaves fall, the persimmon will continue to hang on the tree. A particularly important point should be given to harvesting.

Persimmon fruits are firmly attached to the branches, during assembly it is possible to damage the fragile pulp of the fruit, so that this does not happen, it is best to use a pruner. If some fruits are damaged, then they should be eaten immediately, otherwise the persimmon will begin to rot. The tree must necessarily undergo wintering, it is in a cold room up to +5 degrees for two or three months, thereby resting from flowering. There are about two hundred species of persimmon, and of course, not all of them can take root in our latitudes.

For central Russia, frost-resistant varieties are suitable that do not require storage in warm places:

  • Caucasian persimmon - this species can withstand frosts down to -23 degrees C, the root system - up to -11 degrees C;
  • Persimmon virginskaya - winters in conditions of soil freezing, frost resistance up to -35 degrees C.
  • Persimmon Nikitskaya burgundy - frost resistance -25 degrees C. Derived from the Rossiyanka variety, but unlike it, it can grow at lower temperatures.

But still it is better to cover the trees for the winter. Tree branches are pulled to the trunk and create the effect of a closed umbrella, wrapped with a bag or roofing material on top. As an additional shelter, the soil can be overlaid with spruce branches, and as soon as the first real snow falls, try to build a snowdrift.

This is how a fragrant exotic fruit can be grown from a seed. Do not be afraid at first glance of the complex requirements of the plant. Just a little effort and you will be proud that you were able to grow such an exotic. Try it and you will surely succeed!

Persimmon is a magical fruit, a piece of orange heat that warms the soul in chilly November. Its juicy flesh melts quickly in the mouth, revealing several oblong brown seeds. Looking at them, one can imagine a ten-meter tree on which, like Chinese lanterns, ripe fruits hang. Or you can not imagine, but take a pot of earth and plant seeds. The proposed article introduces the reader to the cultivation of persimmons on the windowsill and the intricacies of tree care.

Persimmon rose - how to care

Persimmon seeds take 10-15 days to germinate. When a sprout appears, the polyethylene is removed for good and the soil around it is very carefully loosened with a stick to improve the breathing of the young root. On the cotyledon leaves of the seedling, the leaves of the bursting stone often remain. If the strength of the plant itself is not enough to drop them, you have to help: remove with tweezers or a needle.

Advice. To remove the remnants of the bone that are too tight, you need to wrap them with a piece of wet bandage. Swollen with water, they themselves will easily fall off.

In the future, growing persimmons in a room involves such care measures as:

  • watering as needed without waterlogging;
  • loosening the drying soil crust;
  • spraying twice a day;
  • moderate top dressing, from spring to September, twice a month.

A fast growing persimmon is transplanted into a larger pot. In the first years of the tree's life, this is done every spring.

Formation and wintering of persimmon

Upon reaching a height of 35-50 cm, the main shoot is pinched to force it to branch. Lateral shoots will develop from the upper buds in the amount of 2-3, sometimes 4 pieces, they are also pinched at the desired length. Thus, a harmonious rounded crown is formed, as in the photo.

In southern regions with long hot summers, persimmons can be planted in the garden, choosing a well-lit place for it without the danger of cold winds. In the north - leave at home, exposing from May to August on the balcony. For relocation to fresh air, an evening of a cloudy day is chosen.

Attention! Tender leaves of room persimmon in the early days on the balcony should be slightly shaded from the sun to avoid burns.

The wintering of the tree takes place in the cool. When the persimmon sheds its leaves, it is transferred to the coldest room in the house: an unheated loggia, a canopy, a cellar. The temperature should be constant and kept at 3-5 degrees above zero. Wet sawdust is placed on the soil around the stem with a layer of 3-4 cm and periodically sprayed.

Will indoor persimmon bear fruit

For fruiting, the plant is created conditions of moderate restriction, a balance between stressful and favorable factors - only in this case, the subtropical culture deigns to bloom at home. The main thing is not to overfeed the persimmon, especially with nitrogen, which stimulates the growth of green mass and slows down the transition to reproduction.

The tree blooms for 3-4 years of life. Some varieties (Sidles, Costata) develop fruit without pollination and naturally seedless. Others (Gailey, Maru) require pollination. The most common cultivar, Kinglet, can bear fruit without pollination, but in this case, they will be more tart and less tasty.

Growing persimmons at home does not require special manipulations: patience, attentiveness and care are all that a guest from the subtropics needs. And even if it never blooms, a compact tree with bright leaves, grown with its own hands from a stone, will always delight with its pleasant greenery.

How to grow persimmons at home: video

Ebony tree - a long-liver, persimmon, has other names - date plum, wild date, heart fruit. Can persimmon from the stone be a pot culture? At home, the cultivation of exotic is possible, but is associated with the observance of a number of conditions. A tropical plant requires a special microclimate throughout the year. In winter, the plant sheds leaves, requires rest and low temperatures. The fruits of the home tree are useful. Self-pollinated varieties Hachia and Giro - to help the gardener.

How can I get planting material

More often at home growing persimmons are obtained from the stone. It is important to choose a fruit from a self-pollinating variety. The berry must be ripe, without damage. It is impossible to take a frozen fruit, the seeds are no longer viable. If there are leaves with mold next to the fruit, the seed should be discarded. In order for the persimmon to ripen in warmth, you can hold it by the radiator.

The removed seeds must be kept for 2 days in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Only sunken bones are suitable for sowing. Next, treat the seeds with a growth stimulator, stratify for 2 months at +5 0 C, after a week hold by the radiator. Before sowing seeds, file hard ribs with sandpaper.

In parallel, you can sow a persimmon seed simply:

  • eat the fruit and take out the seeds;
  • immediately plant to a depth of 1.5 cm in a pot with loose soil, cover, put in a warm place;
  • occasionally irrigate the surface, ventilate, the sprout should appear within two weeks.

You can buy a ready-grown seedling in a nursery, it will not be cheap. You can graft your own seedling from fruit-bearing house trees.

Requirements for sowing persimmons, seedling care

The soil for sowing seeds should be light and lean. A mixture of sand will do in equal proportions. At home, persimmon seeds are germinated in a small container, covered from above from evaporation. It is impossible to use a battery as a heat source - the earth will dry out quickly. You need to build a mini-greenhouse. Seedlings are difficult to get rid of the halves of the seeds, you should help by moistening with a spray bottle and placing the pot in a polyethylene shell overnight. As soon as the shoots give the first real leaves, they need to be planted, or leave one, the most powerful seedling. Transfer the plant to prepared soil:

  • meadow humus;
  • peat;
  • river sand.

To give the composition useful properties, you can add EM-1 Baikal to it, but only 2 weeks before planting.

At home, persimmons can be grown from seed without transplantation for up to 3 months. The seedling grows quickly, filling a small container with roots. Each next pot should be 3-4 cm larger than the previous one. No more - the free land will turn sour. From the moment the lateral branches are formed, the tree should be pinched so that the branches bush and the crown turns out to be spherical.

Growing a persimmon from a stone as an ornamental plant is available from any fruit. But you can only get a crop from a grafted plant. Plant a persimmon with a small cutting from a fruiting self-fertile tree. Such a scion can be taken in a botanical garden, in a nursery or from good friends. It is important that the tree is healthy. If vaccinated on an annual seedling, fruiting can be expected in 5 years.

Agrotechnics of homemade tomato tree - persimmons

Growing a persimmon at home is associated with creating "tropical" conditions for the plant. It means:

  1. A potted plant needs a lot of diffused light, in spring and autumn with additional illumination for 2-3 hours. Persimmon does not tolerate direct sunlight; on a clear summer day, the window should be covered with gauze.
  2. In summer, the plant loves fresh air, but without wind, shaded.
  3. You need to water the tree in small portions, without creating stagnation and dirt in the box.
  4. Daily spraying on the leaves is a must.
  5. During the rest period, the tree sheds its leaves and can be stored at temperatures up to -15 0 . Usually enough +5 -10 degrees in the dark underground, with periodic moistening of the earth clod.
  6. During the growing season, moderate top dressing, transplanting or updating the top layer of the substrate are required.

Care at home for persimmon from the stone to obtain a fruitful tree is associated with maintaining a balance of stressful conditions with favorable ones. This is how trees are forced to bear fruit in unusual conditions for them. Limited doses of fertilizers do not allow the vegetative mass to grow, otherwise the roots will not cope. But, and the absence of a draft is comfortable for persimmons. Regular crown formation inhibits the growth of the ground part and helps the roots.

How to water a persimmon is a special science. If the tree stands in a bright room with an elevated temperature, the leaves dry out. It is necessary to water the plant with warm water more often, but do not create dirt in which there is no air, the roots suffocate. Everything needs moderation. Watering cannot replace daily spraying, creating fog in the crown. Spraying on the leaves is carried out several times a day in hot weather. To increase humidity, place an aquarium, a saucer or a tray with pebbles and wet moss near it.

How to grow a persimmon from a stone - video in 3 parts

Persimmon is a tasty and healthy fruit that ripens in late autumn. To treat yourself to a juicy berry, it is not necessary to buy it in the store. How to grow persimmon at home, we will find out in this article.


More than a thousand species of this plant of the Eben family are known. These are deciduous or evergreen trees and shrubs with edible fruits. Trees are long-lived, living up to five hundred years. The persimmon has a wide, spreading crown, usually spherical. The leaves are simple, alternate, oval, juicy green.

The plant blooms in May, and bears fruit closer to November. The fruit is bright orange in color, round or heart-shaped, with a firm skin and juicy fleshy flesh. The taste is slightly tart, but as it ripens it becomes sweeter, and the astringent shades are smoothed out. Inside the berry contains about ten seeds.

The plant is common in warm climates: the south of Europe, the Caucasus, China, Japan, the territory of South and North America, Australia.

The plant is not demanding on the composition of the soil, but loves sunlight and warmth. For its powerful root system, a regular supply of moisture is necessary, otherwise the lack will affect the quality of the crop. With careful care, an adult tree will please with a harvest - about 80 kg of sunny fruits.

Did you know? From the wood of the wild-growing persimmon variety D.lotus in the Caucasus, dishes and musical instruments are made, it is used as a building material.

Selection and preparation of seeds for planting

For cultivation in mid-latitudes, it is best to choose the Caucasian persimmon variety: it is resistant to low temperatures and less whimsical than tropical species. The best source of seeds will be a berry that is fully ripe on the tree. But you can also use purchased fruits - the main thing is that they are soft and the skin is spotless. Further sequence of actions:

  1. After selecting the seeds from the pulp, rinse and dry them.
  2. Leave the planting material in a solution of potassium permanganate for a day to disinfect it. Discard the bones that float to the surface immediately - they will not give a harvest.
  3. Before stratification, too hard edges of the bones should be grinded off to make it easier for them to “peck”. Do this with fine grit sandpaper.
  4. Treat them with growth stimulants (for example, epin, or you can use aloe juice) and place them in damp gauze under a film for a month and a half, on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. The air temperature here corresponds to + 4-5 ° С.

Did you know? According to one of the versions of linguist historians, the name "persimmon" was given to the fruit by the Persians. The fact is that the dried pulp of a fruit growing in the Caucasus tastes like a date fruit. In Farsi, the word "hormalu" means "date plum". Later, the word was shortened and transformed into the current name of the fruit.

Rules for planting seeds

Seedlings begin to germinate at the end of winter, in early spring.

Seedling germination process:

  1. Prepare medium sized pots. The best soil is a mixture of peat and sand, use vermiculite as drainage.
  2. The seed is placed on the edge, placed at a depth equal to its length - up to 2 cm.
  3. Sprinkle the bone with soil, cover the pot with a film.
  4. While waiting for seedlings, regularly spray the surface of the soil.
  5. Germination temperature - +22°C. You can put the containers on the windowsill near the radiator.
  6. During germination, the condensate accumulated on the film must be removed, and the plant itself must be ventilated to prevent rot.
  7. Germinating, seedlings rest against the film and shed the seed coat. If this does not happen, remove them yourself with tweezers.
  8. In general, shoots appear within a month. The pot is placed in a sunny place, but not under direct rays.
  9. For good growth, seedlings are fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizer, you can purchase the product in the store.

Video: how to plant a persimmon seed

Important! If the bone cannot be removed, it should be steamed out: moistened with warm water and left overnight wrapped in a plastic bag. After that, she will easily leave.

Care and transplant

Strengthened seedlings from a common pot are transplanted into separate containers after about ten days. Drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot, soil is covered. Young shoots are covered with a glass cap to prevent freezing. In this case, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the sprouts and remove condensate.


Persimmon is a southern plant, so it needs moisture regularly, and spraying foliage is also important for it. Watering is carried out with water at room temperature, while it is necessary not to flood the plant, the soil should remain slightly moist. In order not to over-moisten the roots and prevent the soil from drying out, use a mulch, such as small sawdust.

Winter watering is needed no more than twice a season. To prevent the soil from drying out, spray sparingly.

top dressing

When top dressing, it is undesirable to use organic matter that is heavy for the plant (compost or humus). Gardeners recommend alternating mineral fertilizers with natural ones, for example, aloe juice diluted with boiled water or water in which chicken eggs were boiled.

Complexes for flowering plants, enriched with minerals, are best suited. It is not worth overdoing it with fertilizers, twice a month is enough, the presence of phosphorus and potassium in the complex is important, which will give the tree strength for subsequent fruiting.

Important to remember:

  1. Top dressing is not carried out on dry soil.
  2. Fertilize the seedling during the entire growing season.
  3. In winter, feeding is not carried out.


The place for the container is chosen illuminated, but not in direct sunlight.

Young seedlings are accustomed to the light gradually: on a cloudy day they are taken out to the balcony, if the weather permits. First for a couple of hours, then gradually for the whole day.

They put it on a sunny windowsill, provided that the glass is shaded with a frosted film, otherwise the foliage will get burned.

Important! Given the southern origin of the culture, during the short daylight hours, it is provided with artificial lighting: two hours in the morning and in the evening.

In winter, a pot of persimmons is taken out into a room with diffused light. It is not recommended to completely exclude lighting, as the plant may wither.


The comfortable temperature of the content is + 20-22 ° С, an adult, strengthened plant feels great even at +15 ° С. The main condition is the absence of drafts.

In winter, the pot must be taken out to a cool room: the plant has a dormant period. Temperature not lower than +5 °C is recommended. The trunk circle is covered with sawdust for this time.

Trimming and pinching

When grown at home, the crown begins to form and thin out when the plant reaches a height of 40–50 cm. The shoot is pinched so that it branches well. When branched shoots reach a height of 20–40 cm, they are also pinched. Such a procedure will accelerate the flowering of the crop: it usually occurs in the third or fourth year of life.

When the tree reaches a height of one and a half meters, its crown is shaped into a ball, shortening the side shoots to the required length.

With further growth, the crown is regularly thinned out to prevent thickening.
Pruning persimmon crown


To achieve fruiting, persimmons need to be grafted. To accelerate the formation of fruit buds, grafting is carried out by banding:

  1. A strong, healthy shoot is chosen and a ring of bark is cut at its base perpendicular to the growth of the shoot.
  2. The ring is turned over and grafted onto the cut site with the outer side.
  3. The cut point must be wrapped with a good layer of cling film to avoid moisture loss and infection of the wound.

After some time, the tree will grow a ring of fresh bark, which will mean the success of the operation. During the procedure, the growth of the shoot slows down, the plant receives a signal to lay the fruit bud. Usually persimmon, planted from the seed, begins to bear fruit in the seventh year. To speed up the process, a stalk of a fruit-bearing tree is grafted onto it.


Persimmon forms an extensive root system, so a large pot size is highly undesirable for it. A young tree is transplanted into a new container annually, increasing its size by three to four centimeters.

When the plant reaches five years, transplantation is carried out every two years.
Transplanting persimmons into a new container Persimmons are transplanted into open ground in the southern regions in spring, in May. The place must be protected from the wind. The hole is made 60x60 cm in size, the distance between several seedlings should be 1-2 meters.

In cold regions, it is recommended to grow the plant as a potted crop, you can take it out to the garden or on the balcony in the warm season, plant it in a pot in the garden in order to be able to transfer it to the house for the winter. A harsh winter, despite frost resistance, persimmon may not endure, especially a young tree up to five years old.

Video: how to transplant a seedling

Diseases and pests

When growing at home, persimmon practically does not get sick, but excesses are possible in the open field. Of the possible diseases, the most dangerous are:

  • powdery mildew;
  • bacterial cancer;
  • gray rot;
  • root rot;
  • black spot;
  • scab.

The cause of the disease is most often high humidity, which is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and fungi. Birds and insects can transfer fungal spores or other microorganisms from infected trees to healthy ones. Bacteria can get on a nearby healthy tree with the help of wind. A common cause of the development of fungal diseases is a lack of light (dense crown) and an excess of fertilizers, especially nitrogenous ones.

To prevent diseases, the following actions are carried out:

  • cut off in a timely manner;
  • take the tree out into the fresh air;
  • provide the necessary lighting;
  • monitor watering (moderate).

Preventive spraying with Bordeaux mixture (1%) is also carried out, before and after flowering. Bordeaux liquid can be replaced with any copper-containing drug.

For treatment, the following drugs are used:

  • "Topaz" and "Horus" - before flowering;
  • "Fitosporin", "Actofit", "Bikol", "Impact", "Topsin" - before and after flowering.

Shoots that are severely affected by the disease are best removed and burned.

In open ground conditions, persimmons can be chosen by scale insects, scale insects, false scale and Mediterranean fly, ticks.

Insecticides are more effective in killing insects, and acaricides are more effective against ticks.

The following drugs are popular:

  • "Confidor-extra";
  • "Akarin".

Processing is carried out before bud break and after the flowering period, before the appearance of fruits. Treatment is carried out in warm, but not hot weather, in the absence of wind and rain.

Growing persimmon requires patience and attention. Compliance with all the rules of agricultural technology will soon bring results: the Ebenovs have beautiful flowering, and almost everyone knows about the taste and benefits of the fruit.

Many people are happy to try to grow some kind of fruit from the stone. I just want to put it in a pot of earth and look forward to the result. It is very interesting. But attempts are not always successful. But by following the basic rules, the chances increase.

In order to grow a persimmon from a seed for planting, it is necessary to prepare several seeds, better than different fruits. This increases the likelihood that one of them will definitely grow. After all, a frozen fruit with lifeless seeds can get caught. For example, if you leave a dozen seeds for germination, you can get up to 8 good seedlings, from which you can choose stronger plants that turn into fruit-bearing trees.

The result depends on the landing material. You should buy ripe fruits. Do not take frozen or overripe fruits, which are often found on street stalls. The fruit must have an intact skin. It is better to take not quite ripe fruit, which will successfully ripen at home in the warmth.

The stone should be taken only from a ripe and soft fruit. They are carefully separated from the fruit, washed and dried. Prepared bones are washed with running water. It is better to disinfect the seeds before planting. This will protect them from diseases and pests. Bones for two or three days are placed in a slightly colored solution of potassium permanganate. If the seed is unsuitable for germination, it will float to the surface. You can simply soak the bones in warm water for several hours.

At the first stage stratification should stimulate the growth of the future seedling. To do this, it is necessary to treat the bones with an epin solution or a special bioregulator, which can be bought at a specialized store. If not, then you can use aloe juice. It is squeezed onto a napkin and persimmon seeds are wrapped in it. Then a wet napkin is placed on the top shelf of the refrigerator for 1.5 months. Throughout this period, it is necessary to moisten the napkin with water, maintaining a constant humidity. This will harden future seeds.

At the second stage scarification should be extremely careful and cautious. The main task at this stage is to destroy the covering layer of the seed. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the core. The procedure can be done with a small sandpaper. She carefully handles the bone on the sides and top. Scarification can be dispensed with, but it helps speed up the germination process.

Third stage includes mail preparation. Here they follow the rule that is suitable for all seeds. The soil should be light, well pass air and moisture. The usual universal fertile soil is quite suitable. You can add vermiculite to it. At the bottom of the pot, be sure to pour a little expanded clay as drainage. Do not forget about the hole at the bottom of the pot.

The main task of the fourth period- Plant a bone. This is done simply. Bones are placed on the surface, sprinkled with a layer of soil 1 centimeter high. The earth is lightly watered, moistening it. After that, the container where the bones were planted is placed in a dark and warm place, creating greenhouse conditions. To do this, the container should be covered with something. A cap, a piece of glass or plastic is suitable as a material. The easiest and most affordable option is to place the pot in a plastic bag.

The above manipulations are best done in early spring, since persimmon is a winter fruit. For successful seed germination, the plant needs to create favorable conditions by providing the appropriate temperature. Do not forget about proper care. The bottom of the container must be heated, make sure that the plant is shaded. In the heating season, the sprout can be put on a battery. It is also necessary to maintain constant soil moisture. Condensation must be systematically removed from glass and plastic. Periodically, you need to ventilate the plant, make sure that mold does not appear. Drafts should be avoided, as persimmons love warmth.

The whole process of seed germination takes about a month. It is very important not to miss the moment when the bones hatch. They should not rest against the film. They are immediately released from the shell of the bone, which is located on the sprout itself. Not all bones can germinate. Hatch the most viable sprouts. This happens in about 10-15 days. If during these days the sprouts did not hatch, then you should not wait any longer, there will be no result. It's better to start over.

After seed germination, the plant is easy to care for. The container with the sprout is placed in the light. It should be bright, but the direct rays of the sun should not fall. It happens that the bone remains at the end of the sprout. It must be carefully removed with a knife, tweezers, needle or scissors. If this is not done, the plant will disappear. When the bone sits very firmly, it is sprayed with warm water, wrapped in a bag and placed in a warm place all night. It will steam out, and it will not be difficult to remove it.

Sprouts should be watered periodically. It is good to feed them with a nitrogen-containing fertilizer. If the plant is not fertilized, then the young tree may die and the leaves turn yellow.
Persimmon sprouts sprout quickly. If several sprouts have hatched, they need to be planted in separate spacious containers when permanent leaves appear. When the seedling gets stronger, the root system and leaves develop, it is transplanted to a permanent place. For these purposes, a small pot, about 10 centimeters in height, is suitable. If the container is too large, the soil will oxidize and the roots will rot. In order for the plant to be healthy and strong, to grow well, the earth and the pot must be of high quality.

If there is a fear that the plant will die from hypothermia, then at first the sprouts can be covered with glass jars. From time to time they need to be opened, ventilated and sprayed. The plant will harden and get used to environmental conditions.

Considering all the stages of growing persimmon at home, we can say that there is nothing complicated about it. It will take about 4 months and a young full-fledged plant will appear that will attract guests. And you can boast that you have grown a persimmon from a seed. In any case, you can try. It's simple and affordable if you follow the rules. But in order for the plant to grow full-fledged, it needs to be well looked after. But you can read in our separate article.