What does it mean to bless a person. What does it mean to bless


blessing, blessings, pl. not, wed (church.).

1. Action on ch. bless-bless.

2. Religious and household wedding ceremony for Christians, consisting in the cross-shaped overshadowing of the bride and groom with the icon and bread by their parents before the wedding.

3. Thanks, praise ( books. outdated.). Blessing destiny.

With blessing (someone else to do something; colloquial joke.) - with permission, with full consent (taken from monastic use).

Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language


a curse

Orthodoxy. Dictionary-reference


1. The exclamation of the priest or bishop with whom the divine service begins. A distinction is made between liturgical exclamations ("Blessed is the Kingdom ..."; they also begin the rite of Baptism and the rite of the Wedding), the all-night vigil ("Glory to the Saints ...") and the usual ("Blessed is our God ..." - before the rest of the services).

2. Crossing the sign of the cross on believers, performed by a priest or bishop. The blessing is performed at certain moments of the divine service with the exclamation "Peace to all."

Phraseological Dictionary (Volkova)


With blessings (whose-n. what-n. to do; colloquial joke.) - with permission, with full consent [taken from monastic use].

I'll go home, with your blessing.

Bible Dictionary to the Russian Canonical Bible


blessing - glorification, exaltation of the Lord with words (1 Chron. 29:10; Luke 2:28; 2 Cor. 11:31; Rev. 5:13); invoking the help and mercy of God for people or objects (Ex. 32:29; Mat.14: 19; Luke 2:34); material or spiritual help (Prov. 10:22; Rom. 15:29; 2 Cor. 9: 5).

Orthodox encyclopedic dictionary


overshadowing someone with the sign of the cross.

Dictionary of Church Terms


1) The exclamation of the priest or bishop with whom the divine service begins. The exclamations differ: liturgical ("Blessed be the kingdom ..."; they also begin the rite of baptism and the rite of wedding), All-night vigil ("glory to the Saints ...") and the usual ("Blessed is our God ..."; before the rest of the services ).

2) The sign of the cross on believers, performed by a priest or bishop. The blessing is performed at certain moments of the service with the exclamation "Peace to all."

Orthodox encyclopedia


1) the blessing of the laity: the sign of the cross for the believers. It is performed at strictly defined moments of church services and is preceded by the exclamation "Peace to all." Both a priest and a bishop can bless the people;

2) the initial exclamation of a priest or bishop, after which the divine service begins. Such exclamations differ from each other depending on the nature of the service. For example, the priest begins the liturgy with the exclamation "Blessed be the kingdom.", And the all-night service with the exclamation of "Glory to the Saints." The usual exclamation begins with the words: "Blessed be our God."

Philosophical Dictionary (Comte-Sponville)



♦ Benediction

A kind word that can turn a word into good. It would be a mistake to believe too much in the power of a blessing, that is, to expect from it an immediate practical result - concrete help or protection. Kind words do not eliminate the need for good deeds.

The Bible: Thematic Dictionary


AND. Human blessings

1. Blessing sacred items


chalice of Holy Communion:

2. Blessing other people

father blesses his son:

Genesis 27: 1-40 Genesis 48: 15.16

the family blesses the leaving daughter:

Moses blesses the Israelites:

leaders bless people:

Ex 39:43; Joshua 22: 6.7 2 Samuel 6:18; 1Ki 8:14; 2 Chronicles 31: 8

priests bless people:

Numbers 6: 24-26 1 Sam. 2:20; 2Par 30:27

the prophet blesses the people:

Number 23: 11,25,26

the people bless the king:

blessing as a greeting:

Ruth 2: 4; 1Ki 15:13

children bless their mother:

Proverbs 31:28

commandment to bless enemies:

Luke 6:28; Rome 12:14

B. Blessings of God

1. What (whom) God blesses


day seven:

human labor:

Deu 28: 8.12

all of humanity:

selected people:

Genesis 9: 1; Genesis 24: 1; Deut 2: 7

god-fearing people:

Ps 1: 1-3; Proverbs 3:13 Proverbs 16:20

those who live according to His commandments:

Ps 40: 2,3; Proverbs 14:21 Mt 5: 3-11

house of the righteous:

nations other than Israel:

Genesis 39: 5; Is 19:25; Jer 4: 2

2. What the blessings of God bring

and. Blessings of Material Wealth Given to Us

general provisions:

Deut 7: 13,14; Deut 28: 2-14

peace and prosperity:

health, happiness and longevity:

children and a happy home:

rich harvest and food:

Ps 66: 6.7; Mal 3: 10-12 Acts 14:17

blessing rains:

b. Spiritual Blessings Given to Us

general provisions:

John 1: 16.17; Ephesians 1: 3

mercy and favor of the Lord:

forgiveness of sins:

Psalm 31: 1.2; Rome 4: 7.8

the rescue:

we are part of God's chosen people:

Rome 8: 16,17,33,34

eternal joy:

spiritual strength and peace:

The Lord is our Shepherd:

in. Blessing of Abraham

first given to Abram:

repeated to Abraham:

repeated to Isaac:

repeated to Jacob:

repeated to the descendants of David:

fulfilled in Christ for the Jews:

Acts 3: 24-26

fulfilled in Christ for the Gentiles:

3. Whom the Lord Blesses

fleeing sin:

trusting in the Lord:

whose sins are forgiven:

believing the Lord:

thinking about the poor:

chosen by the Lord:

living in the house of the Lord:

instructed by the Lord:

Moscow has the functions of a capital city.

Modern Moscow is the capital of the Russian Federation.
This means that Moscow is the seat of the highest bodies of state power in our country. Now it is the President of Russia, the Federal Assembly is the highest legislative body, consisting of the Federation Council and the State Duma. The Federation Council consists of heads of administrations and heads of local elected bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, elected locally. The State Duma consists of deputies elected by all residents of Russia according to party lists and majoritarian districts. The Russian government and the Constitutional Court are located in Moscow. Thus, Moscow is the center of control of Russia, and this is one of its main functions.

But Moscow is not only a control center, it is also the largest cultural center in Russia. The editorial offices of the largest mass media - television, radio, newspapers, magazines - are located in Moscow. TV programs from Moscow are watched by residents of all regions of Russia and the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Moscow has the largest concentration of art workers: writers, artists, actors, journalists, architects, composers, etc.

The largest scientific institutions of Russia are located here, as well as the Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow has long been “overcrowded” with scientific institutions, and they have gone beyond its borders: in the Moscow region there are more than two dozen specialized “cities of science”.

The largest banks of Russia are located in Moscow, through which 70% of the total money turnover of our country passes. The largest enterprises in Russia prefer to keep money in their accounts in Moscow banks. Many banks became owners of enterprises in different regions of Russia.

As for the economy of Moscow and the Moscow region, we can say that they have already passed into the post-industrial stage of development. In Moscow, mechanical engineering takes the first place, followed by light and food industries, which are almost equal in terms of production, and non-ferrous metallurgy is the fourth in importance. The Moscow region is more “textile” than “machine-building”. The prevalence of the textile industry is obvious here, and mechanical engineering plays a more modest role than in Moscow.

Based on materials: znanija.com

Cm … Synonym dictionary

BLESSING, blessings, pl. no, cf. (church.). 1. Action according to Ch. bless bless. 2. A religiously everyday wedding ceremony for Christians, consisting in the cross-shaped overshadowing of the bride and groom with an icon and bread by their parents before ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

BLESSING, I, cf. 1. see bless. 2. A request to God for grace and help. B. Lord. With God's blessing, start building the temple. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

blessing - (wrong blessing) ... Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

Blessing - Blessing ♦ Benediction A kind word that can turn a word into good. It would be a mistake to believe too much in the power of a blessing, that is, to expect from it an immediate practical result - concrete help or protection. Kind words don't ... ... Sponville's Philosophical Dictionary

- (tracing paper from Greek εὐλογία) a polysemantic term ... Wikipedia

BLESSING - [Heb. ; Greek εὐλογία; lat. benedictio], the desire or receipt of special favor from God for an individual or community of people through appropriate words or symbolic gestures; in relation to God, one of the constituent religions. ... ... Orthodox encyclopedia

Blessing - The very word "blessing" seems somewhat outdated, but its essence remains quite significant for every person. This is probably why we may well dream that we give, ask or receive a blessing. D. Loff ... ... Large universal dream book

Blessing - - this word denotes: blessing in the proper sense (Ephesus 1, 3); goodness (2 Cor. 9, 5); the abundance that comes from God's blessing (2 Cor. 9, 6); benefit to those in need; permission taken from an elder, for example, a deacon from ... ... Complete Orthodox Theological Encyclopedic Dictionary

blessing - A. Human blessings 1. Blessing of sacred objects of sacrifices: 1 Sam. 9:13 of the Chalice of Holy Communion: 1 Cor. 10:16 2. Blessing of other people a father blesses his son: Gen. 27: 1 40; Genesis 48: 15,16 the family blesses the leaving daughter: Genesis ... ... The Bible: Thematic Dictionary

blessing - to ask for a blessing action, causation to receive a blessing action, the recipient to take a blessing action, the recipient to ask a parental blessing action, causation Verb collocation of non-subject names


  • Blessing, Daniela Steele. They are all very different, these happy and unhappy married couples, but they are united by one desire - so that children's laughter finally sounded in the house. But not everyone is given such joy. They search in different ways ...

What does "bless" mean?

Every Christian asks for blessings from God, bishop or priest for important events in his life. But, on the other hand, believers ask for blessings even at a regular meeting with a clergyman. In addition, the concept of "blessing" is present in church worship. What is the biblical meaning of this word? Let's try to figure it out.

The blessing has many meanings. The first is a greeting. Only those who are equal to him in rank have the right to greet a priest by the hand; everyone else, even deacons, when they meet the priest, receive a blessing from him. To do this, you need to put your palms together, right over left, in order to receive the blessing hand in them and kiss it as a sign of respect for the holy order. The left hand only supports the right. We extend both hands out of great respect. And for nothing more! The addition of the palms has no mysterious meaning, no boat, no sides, grace does not "sink" into them, as some old women teach.

You can bless a priest not only when he is in church clothes, but also when in civilian clothes, not only in a church, but also on the street, in a public place. He does not cease to be a priest if he is not dressed in clothes of a spiritual cut.

In the same way, every layman says goodbye to a priest: he asks for blessing.

If several priests are standing side by side, and you want to be blessed by everyone, then first you need to go to the senior. If a bishop and priests are present, then you need to ask for blessings only from the archpastor, and greet the familiar priests with a slight bow. According to church etiquette, priests do not teach blessings in the presence of the saint, who for themselves is a source of blessing.

Cutting off your will

The second meaning of a priestly blessing is permission, permission, parting words. Before starting any responsible business, before traveling, in any difficult circumstances, we can ask the priest for advice and blessing.

You just need to follow an indispensable rule. If you are already determined to act according to the will of God, since you are looking for blessings (and this is certainly commendable), then you should not, as they say, “lead” the priest to the answer you want. In our own craftiness, we present the situation in such a way that only the desired answer will seem correct. And when the priest, constrained by our framework, gives it to us, we raise it as a banner, broadcasting it to everyone as the will of God, and in fact - our evil one. And we do self-will, covering it with a priestly blessing.

What is the right way to ask for a blessing?

If we want to take a blessing for something, that is, deliberately cut off our will in favor of the will of a spiritually experienced person, a priest, and deliberately act not as we want, but as it will be blessed, indicated, then we need to turn to God with determination and hope. to the priest, and only to one, without collecting opinions and not choosing. Regardless of whether what you have heard agrees or disagrees with your own opinion, you need to act upon this blessing.

But from such a blessing we must distinguish spiritual advice, when we, perplexed about something, consult with people who are spiritually more experienced, listen to their opinion - not as an indication, a blessing, but as a point of view. In this case, you can ask several priests. But you don't need to be cunning with yourself in the first place, and stay honest with God: if you took the blessing, but, frightened by the unpleasant, then ran afterwards for a softer decision, then this, of course, is dishonest and wrong. If you were looking for advice and were guided by the one that you considered more reasonable, then there is nothing to worry about.

Teaching the world

Finally, there are blessings during church services. The priest, saying: "Peace to all", "The blessing of the Lord on you ...", "The grace of our Lord ...", overshadows those praying with the sign of the cross. In response, we humbly bow our heads, without folding our hands - after all, it is impossible to kiss the blessing right hand.

If the priest overshadows us with sacred objects: a cross, the Gospel, a Chalice, an icon, we are first baptized into the shrine, and then we bow.

Bless God!

But have you ever wondered why in prayers, in the Holy Scriptures, there are such, for example, words: "Bless, my soul, the Lord"? The key to this is in the biblical, theological meaning of the word. For this, let us turn to our worship.

At the end of Vespers and Matins, the choir sings, addressing the Primate: "Bless." Following this, the ministering priest utters an exclamation: "Behold, blessed be Christ our God ...". By the way, here the priest calls God with the sacred Old Testament name Yahweh - Syy - Jehovah. The same name is written on the icons of Christ.

Priest Mikhail Zheltov, a lecturer at the Orthodox St. Tikhon University for the Humanities, notes: “You see how great boldness is in the Christian religion: in the Old Testament the high priest uttered this word only once a year, and in the New Testament every priest at the end of the service pronounces this proclamation: ! .. "Our word" bless "is often associated with a request to the priest:" Father, bless! " And the father blesses.

In fact, if we look at the patristic interpretations and the Bible itself, then the main meaning of the word "bless" is "to bless God." And the choir sings: “Bless!”, And the priest says: “Behold, the Lord is blessed” - blesses the Lord. This ancient tradition is observed here: do not bless us, the choir sings here, but “bless” means God.

And the priest blesses: "Behold, blessed be Christ our God," thereby confessing Christ as God. A blessing in the biblical sense of this word is a blessing of God. By blessing God, a person enters into a special spiritual relationship with Him, and this blessing is transferred to him. This is the biblical model. Following the blessing of God, God Himself blesses man.

When a priest or bishop is asked to give a blessing to someone, it is most often understood as follows: a priest blesses a person, and this means that God also blesses him. In fact, God blesses man through the fact that man himself first blesses God. This is the model used in the Bible.

Thus, when a priest is asked for a blessing, he, overshadowing the sign of the cross on the one asking, says a prayer, blessing God, and the Lord Himself gives the blessing to the one asking. Or does not give - God is free in His decision. And He has the right not to give blessings to those whom the priest blesses.

Dmitry Romanov

Bible Dictionary
  • rev. Optina elders
  • Brockhaus Bible Encyclopedia
  • Theological-liturgical dictionary
  • prot. Maxim Kozlov
  • prot.
  • St. Filaret
  • priest Konstantin Slepinin
  • priest Andrey Dudchenko
  • priest Andrey Dudchenko
  • prof.
  • Blessing
    1) the action of God, expressed in the relegation of special goodnesses, favors to (a group of people, family, kindred people, etc.);
    2) a sacred act performed () aimed at invoking Divine, Divine help;
    3) permission of the pastor, spiritual mentor to perform the intended action, deed, to choose the way of behavior of the ward;
    4) approval (example: parental blessing for the marriage of a son with such and such a bride);
    5) (God) praise God (see ex.).

    Forms of blessing:

    • the sign of the cross overshadowed by the pastor of the faithful during divine services;
    • receiving a blessing - a form of greeting when meeting with a clergyman;
    • praise of God (for example);
    • prayer wishes for prosperity, longevity to a person;
    • parental blessing - cross-shaped overshadowing of the icon (for example, the bride and groom by their parents before the wedding);
    • in church use, it means permission from the hierarchy.

    - I have heard that a blessing should be taken rarely, before a responsible matter, taking it extremely seriously. Please say a few words about blessing.

    - Blessing is the calling of grace for the works and life of a person; consecration, first of all, of the person himself. A blessing should be viewed as a sacred rite. At each liturgy, the entire nation receives a blessing from the ministering priest. What does he bless for? Not for a specific deed, but for the Christian life, for the fight against sin, for the willful striving for eternal salvation. As for the blessing for a specific deed, it is better to take it from your spiritual father, after you explain to him the essence of the matter.

    - Should we take a blessing for some business at the stage of making a decision or when we are already starting what we have planned?

    - There are two types of blessing: either we give the priest the right to decide whether it is necessary or not to undertake the planned deed, or we have already made our own decision and ask for the blessing as God's help in its execution. The sooner you take a blessing before starting a business, the better. If your intentions are not pleasing to God or not useful to you, then the blessing will prevent them from happening.

    - How to be? One priest blesses, the other does not. The question is related to work.

    - You made the mistake of taking a blessing from one priest and, apparently, being dissatisfied, went to another. I was the third. If you believe in the power of the priestly blessing, then you must do as the first priest said. I wish you success in your endeavors.