Primitive Amazon Tribes. Women tribes Amazona

We are accustomed to living in the world of information. However, how many non-exposed pages in the history and the faded trail on the planet! The secret of Amazons - brave freedom-loving women living without men - try to solve researchers, film creators, fans of exotic.

Who are the Amazons?

For the first time about attractive, but dangerous warriors of weak gender mentions Homer in the eighteenth century to our era. Then their life describe the ancient Greek historian Herodotus and Dramaturgors of Eschil, and after them the Roman chroniclers. According to the myths, Amazons have formed states that consist only of women. Presumably, it was the territory from the shores of the Black Sea to the Caucasus and further into the depths of Asia. From time to time they chose men from other nations to continue the kind. The fate of the child born depended on the floor - if it was a girl, her was brought up in the tribe, the boy was sent to his father or killed.

Since then, the legendary Amazon is a woman, masterfully owning weapons and an excellent rider who is not inferior to men. Her patron satellite - Artemis is a virgin, the eternally young goddess of hunting, capable of turning in anger to shout, released from Luke an arrow.


Until now, there are disputes about the origin of the word "Amazon" among researchers. Presumably, it was formed from the Iranian word Ha-Mazan - "Woman Warrior". Another option is from the word A Masso - "inviolable" (for men).

The most common is the Greek etymology of the word. It is interpreted as a "harmful", and according to the legend of the warrantle caught fire or cut off the dairy glands for ease of use of onions. This version, however, does not find confirmation in artistic images.

Ashaninka is one of the largest groups of the indigenous population in South America. Their descendants were people from extensive territories, from Brazil to Peru.

From colonial times they had a hard life: their people were held through enslavement, their lands were destroyed, and at the end of the 20th century they were drawn into bloody internal conflicts.

Nowadays, the next trouble comes to Arshaninka - an outstanding from native places more than 10,000 indigenous people due to the construction of the dam on the Peruvian River Rio Eni, current on the eastern slopes of South American Andes. This dam is part of the large hydropower project of Brazilian and Peruvian governments, which lead work without any consultation with indigenous peoples.

A small story about the tribe of Auchaninka, their homeland and survival in the jungle of Amazon. The story of "Avatar" on Earth. Photos Mike Goldwater.

Ashaninka is The largest tribe in South America. Their homeland covers a huge region, from the ridge of the River Zhurua? (The right influx of Amazon) to Peruvian Andov. Over the past hundred years, colonizers, rubber manufacturers, loggers, oil companies and Maoist militants invaded their land. Their history of oppression and theft of land is reflected in the life of tribal peoples around the world.

Wet tropical forests of Brazil along the river Envira:

Ashaninka Millennies lived in Peruvian Selve, where the foothills of the Andes are transferred to the tropical forests of Amazons, and the half-blood lifestyle ( nomads - You can say, people without a certain place of residence).

At the end of the 19th century, some had to run across the border in the acry - state in the north-west of Brazil, when the government of Peru lost huge rainforest arrays to foreign companies for rubber harvesting and creating coffee plantations. This led to the extrusion of a large amount of indigenous people from their lands. The so-called "rubber boom", which rolled through this part of the Amazon jungle, destroyed 90 percent of the indigenous population enslave, terrifying cruelty and diseases.

In the photo: a tribe girl located in the Brazilian Acri:

Today in Brazil are about 1,000 members of the Ashaninka tribe, living along the Amonia rivers, Breu and Envira. The main part of Arshaninka still lives in the territory of Peru, their number is estimated at 70,000 people.

In the photo: Arshaninka tribe village, located next to the Breu River, Brazil:

The Arshanink's tribes in Brazil managed to avoid the horrors of the Civil War, comprehended by Peruvian tribes in the 1980s - 90s. When the internal conflict and the terrorist organization of Peru began to flare up in Peru under the name "Shining Way" transferred to the armed partisan struggle, the indigenous peoples had to survive numerous killings, capturing, torture and execution.

Ashaninka experienced everything: enslavement during the "rubber boom", expulsion from their native territories and the atrocities of the Civil War, which unfolded in Peru since 1980.

In the photo: Arrow preparation for a hunter onion:

Tempered geographically, the various Tribes of the Arshaninka combine their lifestyle, language and faith. The life of Auchaninka is associated with their homeland -. Most of the time they spend on hunting in rainforests on tapirov, boars and monkeys.

Photo: Beginner Hunter:

In their territories, they grow different cultures: a batt (sweet potatoes), pepper, pumpkin, bananas and pineapples. Leading a semi-coursing lifestyle, Activeka periodically migrates from place to place, which allows rainforests to recover naturally.

Children of the Tribe Ashaninka learn independence - hunting and fishing - from the very early age. But not everything is so simple. The illegal deforestation of a mahogany and cedar since the 1980s began to deprive the Auchanink, located in the Brazilian state of acry, their native home - Tropical forest. These were difficult times of deprivation, poverty and new diseases that were not immunity.

The larger the onset of logging companies in indigenous peoples, the greater the likelihood that their children will no longer acquire skills that are transmitted from generation to generation. Ultimately, these skills and accumulated experience can simply be confused and disappear ...

Arshaninka paint their faces every day of paint made of plant seeds. Their makeup varies depending on the mood:

In the photo: there is ahead Canyon Eagle - Sacred place for Ashaninka. In their mythology, this is the place where the eagles collect dead, which will then reap the eagles ...

In 2011, 15 Ashanink communities from Peru and Brazil united to investigate the illegal activities of lumberjacks on the Brazilian side of the border. The results of a 5-day expedition with the location of the location of the illegal cutting of tropical forests were recorded presented by the Brazilian authorities.

A group of local boys make a bamboo stem comble:

In 2003, the Ashaninka tribe living in the Rio Valley of the Rio River Eni (the driers of the Amazon River) was officially provided with the rights to part of their original land. However, already in 2010, Brazilian and Peruvian government signed an agreement that allows Brazilian energy companies to build several large dams in Brazil, Peru and the Bolivian jungle of Amazon.

In the photo: Rio Valley Riot Eni, Peru:

The 2,000 megavatic hydroelectric power station on the Peruvian River Rio Eni can exhibit more than 10,000 indigenous people from their native places. In the construction of the dam, thousands of acres of rainforests will be destroyed and the village of Ashaninka, located above, will be flooded.

According to the project, the concrete walls of the dam on the Peruvian River Riot Eni will rise above the valley of 165 meters. "Riot Eni River is the soul and heart of our territory: it feeds our forests, animals, plants and, most importantly, our children," says the man from the Arshaninka tribe. "We will defend our right to live in this world and regard this invasion as a threat to the existence of our people. We will deal with the destruction of our forests. "

Work on the construction of the dam was conducted without any consultation with Arshaninka, which violates the UN Declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples. Now the construction of the dam has been suspended by the decree of the new president of Peru.

In the photo: Hunter:

This little victory of the indigenous people of Jungle Amazon demonstrated that they still can survive and resist many invasions from the outside. The whole history of Auchaninka is the largest tribe in South America - the struggle for the right to live in his native territory.

Aerial view of part of the river valley Rio Eni - Motherland Arshaninka in Peru:

Surprisingly, there are still the wildest Amazon and Africa tribes and Africa, who could still survive from the onset of ruthless civilization. We are engaged in Internet surfing here, we get over the conquest of thermonuclear energy and fly further into space, and these few prehistoric residues lead the same way of life that was familiar to them and our ancestors one hundred thousand years ago. In order to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere wildlife, just read the article and see pictures, you need to eat in Africa yourself, for example, by ordering safaris in Tanzania.

The wildest of the Amazon tribes

1. Pirach

The pirach tribe lives on the shores of the Maja River. Approximately 300 aborigines are collecting and hunting. He opened this tribe Catholic missionary Daniel Everett. He lived next to them for several years, after which he finally burned to God and became an atheist. The first contact with Pirach took place in 1977. Trying to convey to the Aboriginal Word of God, he began to study their language and quickly achieved in this success. But the stronger he immersed in primitive culture, the more surprised.
Pirach has a very strange language: there is no indirect speech, words denoting colors and numeral (all that more than two "many" for them). They did not create, as we, myths about the creation of the world, they do not have a calendar, but with all this, their intellect is not weaker than our. Pirakha did not think to private property, they have no stocks - they immediately eat caught prey or collected fruits, so they do not break their heads over the storage and planning of the future. We seek such views primitive, however, Everett came to a different conclusion. Living in one day and what nature gives the pirach to get rid of fears for the future and all kinds of worries that we burden our souls. So they are happier than us, so why should they gods?

Not always large ships can go through traditional channels and gateways. For example, in the mountainous area there may be a very large difference where it is easy ...

2. Sinta Larga

Brazil lives a wild tribe of Sinta Larga with a number of approximately 1500 people. Once it lived in the jungle of rubberos, but their mass of their cutting led to the fact that Sinta Larga moved to nomadic life. They are engaged in hunting, fishing and harvesting of nature. Sinta Larga Polygamus - men have several wives. For his life, a man gradually processes several names that characterize either its quality or events that have happened to him, there is also a secret name that only his mother and father know.
As soon as the tribe catch all the game near the village, and the depleted land will cease to bear fruit, then it is removed from the place and moves to a new place. During the move, the names of Sinta Largov are also changing, only the "secret" name remains unchanged. On the misfortune of this little tribe, civilized people found on their lands, occupying 21,000 square meters. km, richest stocks of gold, diamonds and tin. Of course, they could not even leave these wealth in the ground. However, Sinta Largy turned out to be a militant tribe, ready to defend themselves. So, in 2004, they killed 29 prospectors on their territory and did not suffer for it, except that they were driven to the reservation of 2.5 million hectares.

3. Coroba

A very militant tribe Corba lives closer to the origins of the Amazon River. They are in line basically hunting and raids for nearby tribes. Men and women participate in these raids, and their weapons are batons and poisoned darts. There is information that the tribe sometimes comes to cannibalism.

4. Amondava

Amondava's life living in the jungle has no idea about time, there is no such word, even in their language, as well as such concepts as "year", "month", etc. Linguists were discouraged by such a phenomenon and are trying to understand whether it is not characteristic And other tribes from the Amazon pool. Amoneva is therefore not mentioned by age, and an adult or changing their status in the tribe, Aboriginal simply takes a new name. Also no in the Language of Amondava and turnover, which the time process is described by spatial terms. We, for example, say "before that" (meaning not space, and time), "This incident is left behind", but in the language of Amondava there are no such designs.

We all have long been accustomed to such sports as football, hockey or boxing. And many themselves participate in competitions on similar sports. But there is also ...

5. Kayapo

In Brazil, in the eastern part of the Amazon basin, there is a tributary of Hegu, on the shores of which the Kayapo tribe lives. This is a very mysterious tribe of about 3,000 people engaged in ordinary for Aboriginal, fishing, hunting and collecting. Kayapo Large specialists in the field of knowledge healing properties Plants, some of them are used to treat tribesmen, and others - for witchcraft. Kayapo tribe shamans treat with herbs female infertility And improves the potency in men.
However, most of all, they were interested in researchers with their legends, which describes that heavenly wanderers led them in the distant past. Kayapo's first leader flew in a certain cocoon, invested swirl. Some attributes from modern rituals are consonant with these legends, for example, objects resembling aircraft and space safts. The legend says that the leader who came down from heaven lived for several years with a tribe, and then returned to the sky.

The wildest African tribes

6. Nuba

The Nuba African tribe has about 10,000 people. Nuba lands lie on the territory of Sudan. This is a separate community with its own language that does not enter into contacts with the outside world, therefore it has been cleaned from the impact of civilization. This tribe has a very remarkable makeup ritual. The women of the tribe shock their bodies with intricate patterns, pierce the lower lip and insert the quartz crystals into it.
Interesting and their marriage ritual associated with annual dances. During them, the girls point to favorites, putting them from behind the leg on the shoulder. An attenuation chosen one does not see the face of the girl, but can inhale her sweat. However, such a "intriguing" is not at all obliged to end the wedding, it is only the permission of the bridegroom secretly from the parents at night to wade into the house of her parents, where she lives. The presence of children is not the basis for recognizing the legality of the marriage. A man must live with pets until it builds his own hut. Only then the couple will be able to sleep together on legal grounds, but another year after the housewarm, the spouses cannot eat from one knife.

Football stadiums have long ceased to be simply places where matches are held on this sport. These architectural colosses began to personify countries ...

7. Mursi.

In women from the Mursi tribe, the visiting card became an exotic lower lip. It is cut in childhood in childhood, insert pieces of wood with time more and more. Finally, on a wedding day, Dabeblock is inserted into the displaceing lip - a plate of burned clay, the diameter of which can reach up to 30 cm.
Mursi is easy to drink and constantly carry the batons with them or the Kalashnikov machines that are not going to put into move. When the tape occurs inside the tribe, they often end with the death of the loser side. Bodies of Women Mursi usually look painful and flabby, with chopped breasts and sutural spins. They are almost deprived of the hair on the head, hiding this lack of incredibly lush headdresses, the material for which can serve everything that comes at hand: dried fruits, branches, pieces of coarse skin, someone's tails, swamp mollusks, dead insects and other Padals. Europeans are hard to stay next to Mursi because of their unbearable smell.

8. Hamer (Hamar)

In the eastern side of the African Valley, OMO lives the people of Hamer or Hamar, numbering approximately 35,000 - 50,000 people. According to the banks of the river, their villages are made up of huts with pointed roofs covered with straw or grass. Inside the hut is placed all the economy: beds, hearth, granari and headband for goats. But in the huts there are only two-three wives with children, and the head of the family is all the time either makes cattle, or protects the possessions of the tribe from the raids of other tribes.
Dates with wives occur very rarely, and in these rare moments and conception of children. But even returning to the family, the men, beating his wives with long twigs, are satisfied, and they go to the pit, resembling graves, and even put themselves to the state to the state of Easy Asphyxia. Apparently, such a semi-resistive state like them more than the proximity to the wives, and those, in truth, are not delighted with the "caress" of her husband and prefer to please each other. As soon as the girl has external sexual signs (about 12 years), it is considered ready for marriage. On the wedding day, the new husband firmly having fading the bride with a reed rod (the more scars on her body will remain - the stronger he loves), she puts on the neck of a silver collar who will wear a lifetime.

Each culture is inherent in their lifestyle, traditions and delicacies, in particular. The fact that for some people seems ordinary, others are perceived ...

9. Bushmen

In South Africa there is a group of tribes, cumulatively called Bushmen. These are people of low growth, wicked, with a narrow eye cut and swelling centuries. The color of their skin is difficult to determine, because in Calahari it is not customary to spend water on washing, but they are definitely a lighter neighboring tribes. The leading stray, half-starved Bushmen life believe in the afterlife. They have neither the leader of the tribe, nor Shaman, there is not even a hint of a public hierarchy. But the elder of the tribe enjoys the authority, although it does not have privileges and material advantage.
Bushmen surprise their cuisine, especially "Bushmen Rice" - Muravyov larvae. Young buds are considered the most beautiful in Africa. But it is worth it only to achieve puberty and give birth like their appearance Changes radically: the buttocks and the hips are sharply sprawling, and the stomach remains bloated. All this is a consequence by no means dietary food. To distinguish a pregnant bud from the rest of the abyll tribesmen, it is coated with ocher or ash. Yes, and men at Bushmen in 35 look like 80-year-old old men - the skin of them is everywhere saves and covered with deep wrinkles.

10. Masai

Masai tribe people are slender, high, they hitromedly braid hair. From other African tribes, they are distinguished by the manner hold. If most tribes easily come into contact with strangers, then having a congenital sense of dignity of Masai observe the distance. But these days they have become much more sociable, they agree even on video and photography.
Masayev about 670,000, they live in Tanzania and Kenya in East Africa, where they are engaged in cattle breeding. According to their beliefs, the gods trust the masons care and custody over all cows in the world. Childhood from Masayev, which is the most carefree period in their lives, ends by 14 years, concluded by the ritual of initiation. And it is both boys and girls. Dedication to girls is coming down to the terrible for Europeans custom of circumcision of the clitoris, but without him they cannot marry and do household. After such a procedure, they do not feel pleasure from proximity, so they will be loyal wives.
After the initiation, the boys turn into morals - young warriors. Their hair is failed ocher, and covered with a bandage, give a sharp spear, and the likeness of the sword hang on the belt. In this form, Moran should have a proudly raised head for several months.

On our planet there are still enough places in which wild tribes live, who do not want to come into contact with the outside world. They managed to preserve their uniqueness, distinctive way and culture for thousands of years. For their existence, they were enough for the gifts of generous nature.

website - let's dream together, will introduce you to the latest Amazon Indians.

Brazilian tribes

Anthropologists attract a rare opportunity to explore the life of our distant ancestors from the Stone Age. Among scientists there are disagreements regarding such tribes. Some believe that they need to install contacts. Others argue that this categorically impossible to do.

The weighty argument is the danger of their complete extinction. Since they lived in full insulation for a long time. The immune system does not have to deal with numerous diseases of modern civilization.

It is believed that there are currently about a hundred, completely isolated tribes. They live in, in Africa, in New Guinea and Numerous Islands of the Pacific Ocean.

Currently there are about a hundred, completely isolated tribes.

Corrupt - Wild tribe of cannibals

This Wild Brazilian tribe has recently discovered in 1996. Among all the Aboriginals are allocated by their extraordinary aggressiveness. For the habit of constantly carrying a combat battle, which they masterly own, they are called "demolitions of the heads."

Often attack the neighbors, and women are involved in such raids on a par with men. Obviously, these are descendants.

Captured can be energized. There is an assumption that the Indians Corbar practiced cannibalism. Even their children born with pathology or generic injury do not spare - immediately kill. The same fate awaits patients with tribesmen.

This tradition also existed in other peoples. It practiced aborigines in arid Australia and northern people - Eskimos.

More often killed girls, the role of men, like a miner, was more important. In Japan, at the birth of twins, they left alive only boys.

A distinctive feature from neighboring aborigines is a peculiar hairstyle. Bang in front and briefly terminated heads. Tattoos and drawings on the body are not practicing.

Basically engage in hunting on, sloths and birds. And also fishing and farming. In the tribe, the full equality of all members, both women and men. All emerging issues decide together. Family polygamy (polygamy).

The traditional dwelling of the Indian Corbar is a long structure made of palm leaves with several outputs. It can accommodate at the same time to hundreds of tribesmen. The inner partitions share the space of the house for several separate "rooms". It looks like a communal apartment with a hundred neighbors.

In the tribe, the full equality of all members, both women and men

Brazilian Indians: Sinta Larga

Once the number of this people reached more than five thousand people. Now there are about 1.5 thousand.

They were inhabited for this Indian tribe in the jungle, where rubber trees grew. And this "gave the right" to destroy the persons to destroy the aborigines, so as not to interfere with their fishery.

The war between the aborigine and rubber bread lasted decades. Their primitive weapons could not resist firearms. But the jungle was their native home for them, it gave the advantage of sudden attacks.

Then the diamond deposit was then discovered on these lands. And the period of "diamond fever" occurred. From all over the world, adventurers in search of good luck were rushing.

And the Indians themselves tried to engage in the prey of these precious stones. Conflicts with victims on both sides often arose between them and strangers.

In 2004, the Government of Brazil was able to negotiate with leaders for a certain amount. That the Indians climb their mines and refuse further from this profitable business.

The tribe of Sinta Larga lives with polygamy families. Girls married very early, in 8-10 years.

Girls married very early, in 8-10 years

Remember the name is

Men change the name for a few times. This is due to the occurring fateful events. But they have one permanent secret name that only the closest tribesmen know.

Indians are perfectly disassembled in plant poisons and use these knowledge on the hunt and when fishing. Able to imitate the voices of animals and thus melted animals. Before hunting, to attract good luck, a magical ritual is carried out. In addition to hunting and fishing are engaged in agriculture.

Wild tribe Amazon - Guarani

Before the arrival of Europeans in South America, the number of this nation was more than 400 thousand people. We lived in communities in the villages, in long houses from palm leaves, together for several families.

Food due to hunting and gathering in the jungle. Exchanged with their neighbors with their products of pottery, weaving and wood threads.

The first contacts with the Europeans took place in 1537. At that time, Guarani was a dominant nationality in Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay. But with the arrival of colonialists, they were waiting for sadly considering.

They were expelled from land owned by him. They were driven into highlighted reservations and deprived the rights of national self-determination. The flow of immigrants from Europe hurried to the liberated lands.

She began to flourish the slave trade. Tens of thousands of Garani Indians were in the slaves markets. Those who agreed to adopt Christianity provided firearms. It added even more aggressiveness. Guarani has always differed in high hostility. Blood conflicts began.

Currently, many tribes who have lived to our times prefer to live isolated. Minimize contacts with the outside world. Trying to protect the thousand-year, distinctive way of life.

The Guranian tribe lives isolated. Minimize contacts with the outside world.

Last Indians of Brazil

Fully ignore civilization fails. They began to cover the nakedness of clothing. Use the services of medicine. Many of them work in cities and have vehicles. Televisions appeared in the houses.

But some traditions remain unshakable. Marry issue in 13-15 years. To make marriages with strangers is prohibited. In the punishment threatens expulsion from the tribe.

Live in the villages. Guests are not very happy. Location can be achieved by the leaders of the leader. And if he accepts them, then you can get acquainted and communicate with the rest of the residents. But such permission is received not many.

Now on the lands, once belonging to the Indians, the forest will be cut down and oil refineries operate. They have to leave the hidden places.

Apparently soon only memories of people who survived for thousands of years, but those who died as a result of a meeting with modern civilization ...


It is also interesting:

New Guinea tribes: cows - Cannon-romance, who like to live in a tree houses Mafia and wild monkeys - the mysterious world of Brazil

  • Go:; South America

Aboriginal Amazonia

In the jungle Amazon found an unknown tribe of the Indians

The Brazilian authorities were able to confirm the fact that in the jungle, near the civilized border with Peru, a primitive tribe lives from a civilized world, about 200 people.

And about where Brazilian aborigines inhabited by scientists managed to learn carefully considering pictures from space. And then in the reservation of Vale to Yarari (Vale do Javari Reservation), large areas of the rainforest, separated from wood vegetation, were seen. From the air, expedition participants managed to photograph the dwellings and their Aboriginal themselves. Men of this tribe paint themselves in red, and the hair on the head is littered in front, leaving them long rear. However, attempts to enter into contact, representatives of modern civilization with Aboriginal did not undertake, fearing that it could harm primitive people.

Currently, a special government organization is engaged in Brazil in Brazil - National Indian Foundation (FUNAI). Its functions mainly include an attempt to protect the savages from outside interference and from all sorts of encroachments on the land occupied by the farmers, forest harvesters, as well as poachers, missionaries, and of course those deltsov who grows in the wild dishes of narcotic plants. In essence, the National Indian Foundation protects and protects the aborigines from any external intervention.

Part of the modern official policy of the Brazilian government is the detection and protection of isolated aboriginal groups in the Amazon jungle. It has now been detected by 68 divorced from civilization groups, and including in the reservation of Vale to Yarari, they are already fifteen. From the air, the participants of the expedition were able to photograph the dwellings and their Aboriginal themselves the last detected group. They live in large straw barracks without windows, wear primitive clothes, although many of them do not wear anything at all. On the areas separated from forest vegetation, vegetables and fruits are growing: it is mainly corn, beans and bananas.

In addition to the awarded Aboriginal Group, another 8 seats of possible habit of savages were detected from space, which employees of the Funai National Indian Foundation undertake to "put them on register" in the near future. For this, they are definitely flying there and everyone will take pictures. For this purpose, they will possibly use helicopters to see the primitive Indians and the features of their life.

Almost unknown science wild tribes of Amazon Indians seem to be in danger due to constant unwanted contacts with the outside world. These Indians are once representatives of a big tribe, previously was forced to leave deeper into the forest due to the permanent invasions in their settlement. In the past few years, these residents of Amazon had to often face with other tribes of aborigines. Therefore, the currently existing ethnic question is difficult to solve, and, unfortunately, it will soon be impossible to maintain these tribes are truly "wild" and protect them from all external contacts. And most wild settlements are concentrated on the border of Peru and Brazil, where there are more than 50 tribes that have never contacted either the outside world or other tribes. Scientists believe that wild tribes need to be saved "wild" so possible longer, although the aborigines are now being exposed to more risk, since on the Peruvian territory, the development of rainforest is gaining its turnover ...