The first day of the new moon in March. The magic of numbers

Astrologers say: The New Moon, lasting from March 28 to March 31, 2017, can be a special period in your life - promise a real breakthrough, fulfill what you have long and persistently dreamed of. Or didn’t even dream ...

In 2017, there are some kind of Entry Points to a new destiny, and one of them is a new moon starting on March 28. So how to lure money, love and happiness on this day?

What is special about New Moon 2017

The uniqueness of this period is that the New Moon will happen in the sign of Aries, while in this sign there are 6 more planets in the sign of Fire. Such a powerful configuration of the planets is characterized by an incredibly powerful flow of energy. Let's use it!

Making a wish

On the March 2017 New Moon, the Moon is located between the Earth and the Sun, the dark side to the Earth, so it is not visible in the sky. The day after tomorrow a thin crescent of a young moon will appear - and all that time, especially today, it is important not just to make a wish, but to visualize, draw in your mind what you want to receive as a result. During this period, you are presented with extraordinary opportunities - it is important not to miss them, and then you will receive a generous reward.

Desires need to be written down (at least on a piece of paper, at least in an application on the phone).

There can be an unlimited number of points of desire: write down everything - from the smallest things to the cherished desires.

Write down desires clearly and with the wording "I have ...". Do not write the particle NOT ("I do not want to be in debt" - "I paid off the debt"), do not write in the future tense - indicate the desire as if it had already come true.

It is important to feel joy, delight, pleasure from a fulfilled desire, as if it were realized.

If the next day at least one of your wishes comes true, add a new one.

Important rituals for the March 2017 New Moon

Be sure to buy yourself something red that day - a trifle, an accessory, a food product in a red package.

Add a few sprigs of thyme to your tea - this is a masculine spice - and it will give you the courage to make big decisions.

Call, tell the important news to people if you held it for another - more appropriate time.

IMPORTANT.Be careful on the road and behind the wheel today and in the coming days.

Important words for the March 2017 New Moon

During this period, it is important to openly declare your desires regarding the material, but also the important things that you want to learn - this is the willingness to accept the flow of energy in order to become the Other - better, wiser, more perspicacious.

Let this period become the whole Period of Decision to operate. And for this it is worth admitting important things to yourself and preparing the ground for renewal. Make up your mind and be happy!

March 1, 20174 lunar day. The growing moon in Aries. Success awaits you in your creative activity. Much can happen by itself. For those who have debts, it is advisable to pay off today, then later you will not need to resort to loans. Try not to overwork yourself and spend as much time with your family as possible.

March 2, 20175 lunar day. The growing moon in Taurus. Energetically quite a contradictory and difficult day. Try to control yourself and maintain peace of mind. If today you disinterestedly help someone, then you yourself can count on support in difficult times for you. Be careful with your purchases: it could be wasted.

March 3, 20176 lunar day. The growing moon in Taurus. Today you can sign important legal documents, conclude contracts, and make transactions. Any financial and commercial activities are favorable. Make the most of your best shopping day of the month. Pay attention to all kinds of signs of fate.

March 4, 20177 lunar day. The growing moon in Gemini. This lunar day is good for thinking, meditation and working with your intuition: today we can hear an inner voice. It is important not to succumb to despondency, to be in a cheerful and positive state of mind. Perhaps people who play a big role in your life will remind you of themselves.

March 5, 20178 lunar day. The growing moon in Gemini. A day of hard work and great responsibility. Do not start new businesses - they will most likely drown in unnecessary troubles and take a lot of energy from you. The energies of the growing moon are urged to refuse to participate in the transmission of rumors and gossip. Try to see the good in every person and every event.

March 6, 20179 lunar day. Growing Moon in Cancer. Today is not a good day for undertakings, travel and travel, for marriage registration and business unions. Better not to start new business and not make important decisions at all. Only financial transactions involving cash are recommended.

March 7, 201710 lunar day. Growing Moon in Cancer. A very nice and harmonious day. You can not perform actions aimed at even the slightest destruction. One should not make global decisions, let them "mature". It is not forbidden to arrange a "lazy day", since any physical overstrain is highly undesirable.

March 8, 201711 lunar day. The growing moon in Leo. An energetically difficult day. Dedicate him to caring for your home. You should not start any business, make important, responsible decisions. Try to get rid of negative thoughts, do not communicate with unpleasant people. Perhaps, today you will get your old debts back.

March 9, 201712 lunar day. The growing moon in Leo. The day is good for traveling and traveling, for making new acquaintances and planning future affairs. This is not the best time for acquisitions, but a favorable period for receiving and processing information, for training.

March 10, 201713 lunar day. The growing moon in Leo. Today is the day of urgent matters: all the problems and tasks facing you require urgent solutions - you need to deal with them immediately, without putting them on the back burner. This is the time of active work, when you can solve twice as many tasks and questions as usual.

March 11, 201714th lunar day. The growing moon in Virgo. A day of studying traditions, contemplation and reflection. It is good to spend it with your family, relatives and friends. It is not favorable to go on trips and travel. Avoid rash words and actions. Aggression is contraindicated, as it can negatively affect the physical condition.

March 12, 201715-16 lunar day. Moon in Virgo. The full moon is at 17:52. On this day, important questions and matters that require accurate calculations should be postponed. It is very important to take good care of your health, pay special attention to food: chips and hamburgers, washed down with cola, can cause long-term malaise.

March 13, 201716 lunar day. Waning Moon in Libra. One of the best days for shopping, family and personal budgeting. You can educate yourself. If you spend this day in a good mood, it will stay with you for a long time. The word is silver and silence is gold, do not forget this.

March 14, 201717 lunar day. Waning Moon in Libra. The day of change is coming - today any business will be easy to start from the beginning, from scratch. Prepare for the fact that all plans may not be realized at all - or not at all as planned. Accept that history is happening here and now, and adjust as the events unfold.

March 15, 201718 lunar day. Waning Moon in Scorpio. Today, try to do even the most unloved work with pleasure, and the results will not be slow to show. A good day for signing important legal documents, concluding contracts. It is important not to violate the agreements reached earlier.

March 16, 201719 lunar day. Waning Moon in Scorpio. This is one of the critical days of the lunar month. Try to live it in peace and harmony. Irritability is increased, conflicts can easily arise. You should not plan, much less start new business. Don't trust dreams and prophecies. There is a possibility of food poisoning.

March 17, 201720 lunar day. Waning Moon in Scorpio. Today, the best things are successful, which are not personal to you. You should not take part in dubious projects. It is recommended to engage in strengthening relationships in the family and team. You can start construction, renovation, buy real estate.

March 18, 201721 lunar day. Waning Moon in Sagittarius. A creative, eventful day. It is best to spend it with your family - within the walls of your home or summer cottage. Don't start important things today. Don't make big purchases. Try to control your emotions and bring joy to the people around you. Purification is recommended - physical and spiritual.

March 19, 201721 lunar day. Waning Moon in Sagittarius. A peaceful, calm day, when you should not rush things - everything should go on as usual. One of the best moments for companionship and new acquaintances. A great time for spiritual development and self-improvement. It is good to participate in charity events, to make gifts.

March 20, 201722 lunar day. Waning Moon in Capricorn. The time of stabilization and calmness - it is better to postpone important matters and decision-making to another day. A favorable period for learning: it is useful to read books, engage in self-education. Visit a beauty salon: anti-aging treatments will have a wonderful effect.

March 21, 201723 lunar day. Waning Moon in Capricorn. A great time to establish business ties: the day is favorable for signing documents, concluding financial transactions. You can take other, no less serious steps to improve your standard of living.

March 22, 201724 lunar day. Waning Moon in Capricorn. Keep an eye on developments in your area of \u200b\u200binterest today. You should not accept presents and consider serious offers. Try to devote more time to analyzing your actions.

March 23, 201725 lunar day. Waning Moon in Aquarius. It is recommended to avoid stress and fuss. Proactive action is likely to get you nowhere. Better to relax with your family, do household chores. Your well-being reflects the degree of your spiritual well-being or distress.

March 24, 201726 lunar day. Waning Moon in Aquarius. Today it is not recommended to get behind the wheel, as well as to go on any trips and journeys - the day brings with it increased excitement and irritation. It is useful to be alone, to put your thoughts in order. It is very good to go to the park, take a walk in the fresh air.

March 25, 201727 lunar day. Waning Moon in Pisces. It is pointless to make plans on the waning moon - you still have to adjust them. It is recommended that you seriously think about your actions before committing any act. It is better to postpone a loan and large acquisitions to another day.

March 26, 201728 lunar day. Waning Moon in Pisces. Try to get rid of negative energy today. Some emotional instability is possible. One harsh word can spark a conflict or quarrel - you should be careful in what you say and do. If possible, be alone with yourself.

March 27, 201729 lunar day. Waning Moon in Aries. There is a high probability that you will make an important decision that will change a lot in your life. As the stars suggest, it's time to take a look at the past lunar month and analyze the current situation. A good day for training, travel and business trips.

March 28, 20171-2 lunar day. Moon in Aries. New Moon at 05:56. Recommendations of the previous lunar day apply. If you have been planning some important act for a long time and could not decide on it, today is ideal for its accomplishment.

March 29, 20173 lunar day. The growing moon in Leo. A day of activity and decisive action is favorable for any kind of communication, you can get a job. Make plans for the future, show justice, do not waste words. It will be good if your whole family gets together on this day. It is useful to be in nature, to take walks.

March 30, 20174 lunar day. The growing moon in Taurus. Success awaits you in any activity aimed at creation. Much can happen by itself. For those who have debts, it is advisable to pay off today, then later you will not need to resort to loans. Try not to overwork yourself and spend as much time with your family as possible.

March 31, 20175 lunar day. The growing moon in Gemini. Energetically quite a contradictory and difficult day. Try to control yourself and maintain peace of mind. If today you disinterestedly help someone, then you yourself can count on support in difficult times for you. Be careful with your purchases: it could be wasted.

Moon without a course (idle moon) in March 2017

  • March 2 5:18 - March 2 10:42
  • March 3 18:20 - March 4 13:05
  • March 6 11:22 - March 6 15:54
  • March 8 17:59 - March 8 19:45
  • 10 March 20:05 - 11 March 1:07
  • March 13 5:36 - March 13 8:28
  • March 15 13:05 - March 15 18:11
  • March 18 0:56 - March 18 6:00
  • March 20 13:37 - March 20 18:31
  • March 22 16:20 - March 23 5:28
  • March 25 8:56 - March 25 13:06
  • March 27 13:19 - March 27 17:11
  • March 29 15:07 - March 29 18:48

Last quarter in March 2017 - March 20, 2017 at 02:09:48; March 31, 2017 at 18:57:09.

Lunar calendar for March 2017

March 1, 2017, 4 lunar day. The growing moon in Aries. A fruitful day for developing contacts. The main thing is to avoid unnecessary emotions, not to show self-interest and neglect, and to refrain from drinking alcohol. Business trips, short trips will be successful.

March 2, 2017, 5 lunar day. The growing moon in Taurus. Strong day. Important cases will be resolved in the first half of it, but only if you clearly understand your goals. Everything started on this day must certainly be completed.

03 March 2017, 6 lunar day. The growing moon in Taurus. Day of increased emotionality and vulnerability. Try to fulfill all requests addressed to you. Do not be negative - the quarrel can be protracted. Avoid poor quality food and especially drinks. You can visit the dentist.

March 4, 2017, 7 lunar day. The growing moon in Gemini. The atmosphere of the day helps to strengthen relationships between loved ones. Its second half is good for dinners in a large family circle - today there are no obstacles for mutual understanding between fathers and children.

March 5, 2017, 8 lunar day. The growing moon in Gemini. Today it is good to start big things, go to a new job, meet new people, and acquire new knowledge. It's a great day for a haircut - if you want it to be lush.

March 6, 2017, 9 lunar day. Growing Moon in Cancer. The day indulges human pride: narcissism progresses, self-discipline falls. Do not succumb to flattery, talk less - otherwise emotional flaws can turn into gastritis and even an ulcer. Be careful while driving.

March 7, 2017, 10 lunar day. Growing Moon in Cancer. Today it is recommended to solve problems related to health promotion, improving lifestyle. Visit the right specialists, take a walk in the fresh air, revise your diet.

8 March 2017, 11 lunar day. The growing moon in Leo. The main condition for today's holiday is to maintain balance: the day carries many uncontrollable energies. Optimally direct them to home improvement. By the evening, the situation will improve.

March 9, 2017, 12 lunar day. The growing moon in Leo. A good creative day, conducive to making new acquaintances, fruitful communication with partners. Shopping will be successful: all things bought today will truly delight.

March 10, 2017, 13 lunar day. The growing moon in Leo. The events of this day, as in a mirror, reflect your essence. The more you rejoice, the more you can praise yourself. It would be nice to spend the day on vegetarian food. Be sure to include nuts, vegetable oil in the diet.

11 March 2017, 14 lunar day. The growing moon in Virgo. Stay at home today - alone or with your loved ones. Give up starchy foods and sweets. A simple food made from round vegetables is useful - cabbage, potatoes, beets.

12 March 2017, 15-16 lunar day. Moon in Virgo. The full moon is at 17:52. If you have not been able to decide on something for a long time, today is the time to do this. The result is likely to exceed your wildest expectations. On this day, go to light food, exclude meat.

March 13, 2017, 16 lunar day. Waning Moon in Libra. An active day, a time of decisive action and dramatic changes. A share of adventurism is acceptable. Collaboration, especially on the road, brings good results. Breathing practices and water procedures are helpful.

March 14, 2017, 17 lunar day. Waning Moon in Libra. Intellectual ability is especially strong today - take advantage of this if brainstorming is required. Master classes, open lessons and dissertations will be brilliantly held. Hips, sacrum are vulnerable - do not make sudden movements.

March 15, 2017, 18 lunar day. Waning Moon in Scorpio. Today is a period of abstinence, caution and accuracy. Do not start new businesses - they will be unprofitable. Take advice from your elders if necessary.

March 16, 2017, 19 lunar day. Waning Moon in Scorpio. Take stock of the work week and devote at least 15 minutes to what you have planned to do on Monday. Today it is recommended to start something that requires long and hard work. Vigorous exercise is helpful.

March 17, 2017, 20th lunar day. Waning Moon in Scorpio. Start your day slowly - it would be nice with cleansing procedures. Spend it in your usual household chores, do not overexert yourself. And in the evening, at your leisure, do what you really are interested in.

March 18, 2017, 21 lunar days. Waning Moon in Sagittarius. Connect your intuition: if today you have to meet with someone with whom you do not want to meet at all, reduce contacts with this person to nothing. Be selective in your communication. Beware of injury. Serve fish, potatoes, herbs to the table.

March 19, 2017, 21 lunar days. Waning Moon in Sagittarius. Day of collective affairs. If in any way your efforts have reached a dead end, unite with like-minded people - and you will see how productive the results of this meeting will be. Give up alcohol.

20 March 2017, 22 lunar day. Waning Moon in Capricorn. Don't make big decisions today. Make peace with those with whom you quarrel. Deal with those who are intractable. Watch your blood pressure and don't strain your eyes. Juice fasting and water treatments are recommended.

March 21, 2017, 23 lunar day. Waning Moon in Capricorn. Not an easy day when the strength accumulated in the lunar month is running out. Spend it as calmly as possible. Do not start anything and do not promise, finish everything that you did not have time for a month. Pay back your debts. Clean up your workplace.

March 22, 2017, 24 lunar day. Waning Moon in Capricorn. Spend the day in joy, purify your thoughts and feelings. Limit your activity. And in the late afternoon, think about what you would like to achieve in the near future.

March 23, 2017, 25 lunar day. Waning Moon in Aquarius. Today it is good to start a "new life" - to finally go in for sports, start mastering new knowledge. But don't overdo it in trying to get it all done right now. Traveling and traveling today and this coming weekend are not recommended.

March 24, 2017, 26 lunar day. Waning Moon in Aquarius. This day is suitable for active actions, implementation of plans. Be careful with emotions, do not get excited: the likelihood of quarrels, discord in relationships increases. Dedicate the evening to a quiet rest.

March 25, 2017, 27 lunar day. Waning Moon in Pisces. Dedicate the day to the improvement of your home and the surrounding area, today it is especially good to plant trees and flowers. Beware of colds. Include light, low-fat meals and herbal teas in your diet.

March 26, 2017, 28 lunar day. Waning Moon in Pisces. Today it is useful to show positive emotions and feelings, to give compliments and prepare surprises. Great time for big purchases, closing deals, business meetings and new jobs.

March 27, 2017, 29 lunar day. Waning Moon in Aries. Pay attention to dreams: problematic ones will indicate leaks in health. In the afternoon, creativity increases - take advantage of this for creative activities.

March 28, 2017, 1-2 lunar day. Moon in Aries. New Moon at 05:56. Today there is a risk to let loose on an unwanted topic. Hold your tongue tighter. It is useful to stay in the fresh air longer, even better - to arrange an easy jog or warm-up. It is undesirable to eat eggs and meat.

March 29, 2017, 3 lunar day. The growing moon in Leo. Shown in every sense is a fasting day. Don't start important things and don't waste money. Communicate only with nice people. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Try to spend the evening in a calm atmosphere.

March 30, 2017, 4 lunar day. The growing moon in Taurus. The week ends with an emotionally unstable day - take care of your and those around you. Today you should not believe dreams, especially heavy ones. Spend the evening with a close family circle. Reschedule all household chores until tomorrow.

March 31, 2017, 5 lunar day. The growing moon in Gemini. Happy family day. Fill it with positive emotions and harmony. Do not abuse alcohol: even if taken in good company, it can harm the body. It would be nice to visit the dentist.

Our lunar calendar will tell you the phase and position of the moon, the time of its rising and setting, as well as its transit through one or another sign of the zodiac. In addition, we offer you short tips for every day.

Please keep in mind that the calendar shows Moscow time, so if you live in a different time zone, then make the correction based on the time difference.

the date Moon day The beginning of a lunar day Moonset time Moon in sign and time of entry Moon phases Recommendations for the day
March 1 4 8:38 21:48 Moon in Aries Phase I, the moon is growing A good day for things that require responsibility for other people
2nd of March 5 9:02 23:09 Moon in Taurus, 10:18 Phase I, the moon is growing You should not transfer your savings to another bank, betray your principles, change something radically at home
March, 3rd 6 9:29 - Moon in Taurus Phase I, the moon is growing Be guided by your gut in all commercial transactions and purchases
4 march 7 10:00 0:29 Moon in Gemini, 12:27 Phase I, the moon is growing Do not gossip, brag, talk a lot and with clothes
the 5th of March 8 10:38 1:46 Moon in Gemini 1st quarter, 14:32 In any conversations carefully so as not to harm yourself and others
March, 6 9 11:24 2:56 Moon in Cancer, 15:02 Phase II, the moon is growing Before 15:02 beware of gossips, after - those who are too obsessively looking for your friendship
7 march 10 12:20 3:59 Moon in Cancer Phase II, the moon is growing Until 12:20, refrain from investment and any purchases. After - a great moment to visit the bank and select the most profitable deposit
March 8 11 13:24 4:51 Moon in Leo, 18:57 Phase II, the moon is growing In the morning and afternoon, observe your colleagues - their behavior can give you interesting thoughts. In the evening is a great moment for
9 martha 12 14:35 5:33 Moon in Leo Phase II, the moon is growing Use a creative approach to solving any problem. Show generosity to others
10 martha 13 15:48 6:07 Moon in Leo Phase II, the moon is growing There will be a chance to realize some
11 martha 14 17:03 6:35 Moon in Virgo, 1:05 Phase II, the moon is growing Until 5:03 pm in any business, be guided by past experience and take into account old mistakes. After - it's worth doing
12 martha 15 18:17 6:59 Moon in Virgo Full moon, 17:54 Beware of those who are always unhappy with everything. Avoid talking to prudes
13 martha 16 19:29 7:20 Moon in Libra, 8:44 Phase III, waning moon Until 19:29, you should not start new collaborations and make promises; and save your nerves. After - do relaxation: do breathing exercises,
14 martha 17 20:39 7:40 Moon in Libra Phase III, waning moon It is worth striving for harmony, maintaining peace of mind
15 martha 18 21:48 8:01 Moon in Scorpio, 17:11 Phase III, waning moon Until 17:11 there will be a chance to earn income through friendships. After - you can turn a risky business deal
16 martha 19 22:56 8:22 Moon in Scorpio Phase III, waning moon Others will demonstrate their true attitude towards you; draw conclusions
17 martha 20 - 8:45 Moon in Scorpio Phase III, waning moon and asocial individuals. Try not to get caught in the crowd
18 martha 20 0:01 9:12 Moon in Sagittarius, 5:59 Phase III, waning moon A great day for any trip and start a long journey
19 martha 21 1:03 9:43 Moon in Sagittarius Phase III, waning moon It is worth talking with friends, among them there may be like-minded people with whom a successful business alliance will then develop
20 martha 22 2:02 10:21 Moon in Capricorn, 18:32 4th quarter, 6:58 pm Until 18:32 is fine. After - it is worth saving your knees and refraining from communicating with dogmatic individuals
21 martha 23 2:55 11:07 Moon in Capricorn IV phase, waning moon You should not argue with the boss, ignore job responsibilities, start talking with the boss about promotion
22 martha 24 3:41 12:00 Moon in Capricorn IV phase, waning moon A great day to pursue careers and start long-term projects that require persistence and a clear, structured plan
23 martha 25 4:21 13:02 Moon in Aquarius, 5:01 IV phase, waning moon Find or at least for the evening promenade
24 martha 26 4:56 14:10 Moon in Aquarius IV phase, waning moon During the day, you should not show maximalism. In the evening, you can chat with friends, but do not brag in front of them and do not impose your opinion on them.
25 martha 27 5:25 15:23 Moon in Pisces, 14:25 IV phase, waning moon A good day for activities that you enjoy
26 martha 28 5:52 16:41 Moon in Pisces IV phase, waning moon A day of passive rest and contemplation. Watch a good movie, flip through reproduction albums
27 martha 29 6:16 18:02 Moon in Aries, 18:36 IV phase, waning moon You shouldn't start anything new and make any plans. Beware of Energy Vampires
28 martha 1/2 5:59/6:39 19:24 Moon in Aries New Moon, 5:59 The generosity shown today will return to you a hundredfold
29 martha 3 7:03 20:48 Moon in Taurus, 20:08 Phase I, the moon is growing A great day to start short term projects. It is worth putting documents and papers in order
30 martha 4 7:30 22:12 Moon in Taurus Phase I, the moon is growing Chat with relatives
  • From 6 to 11 March 2017 - The moon is growing.
  • March 13-19, 2017 - Waning Moon.
  • March 21-27, 2017 - Waning Moon.
  • From March 29 to March 31, 2017 - The moon is growing.
  • Bad days in March 2017

    During the entry of the Moon into the next phase, you should not start new business, be in a crowd, negotiate something with others and conflict. In addition, these days, chronic diseases are exacerbated, and the risk of mistakes, injury and nervous breakdowns increases. Take care of yourself.

    • March 5, 2017 - 1st quarter.
    • March 12, 2017 - Full Moon.
    • March 20, 2017 - 4th quarter.
    • March 28, 2017 - New Moon.

    Some things in life are the same. The cyclical nature of time and the interconnection of all living and inanimate beings in the world is so obvious that since ancient times it has interested people in order to learn how to retell the future with the help of such knowledge and feel a connection with the whole world. Thanks to the experience of many generations and modern technology, we have the opportunity to trace the closest, and, therefore, the most significant celestial body - the Moon.

    Moon phases in March 2017

    It should be noted that the lunar calendar presented below is compiled taking into account all the main processes, the influence of the Zodiac and the days of the week, each of which has its own power that affects the processes on our planet.

    Lunar calendar for March 2017 - table

    Below we will tell you about the most energetically significant periods of the lunar cycle: new and full moons, which will be in March 2017 (see the lunar calendar).

    New Moon and Full Moon in March 2017

    Moon in the first quarter - March 5, 2017... A wonderful time to take action. Almost all long-term endeavors started on this lunar day will have a great chance of success.
    Full Moon - 12 March 2017... The most powerful phase of all. At this time, feelings, desires, illnesses and fears become more acute. You should prepare for this day in advance: stock up on the necessary medications, if necessary, protect yourself from unnecessary stress and use less equipment.
    Moon in the last quarter - March 20, 2017... At this time, it is best to complete the work that has been started and start generating new ideas, but so far only on paper, without direct implementation.
    New Moon - March 28, 2017. On this lunar day, the heavenly body sends a certain energy impulse to the Earth, which gives strength and infects with a positive mood.

    Auspicious lunar days

    March 3 (Fri) - Growing Moon in Taurus. Feel free to plan the most important meetings, conclude contracts and do not worry about anything. Taurus - a symbol of financial stability - will save you from troubles.
    March 4 (Sat) - Growing Moon in Gemini. Complete relaxation will be appropriate on this day. Put everything aside for later, go to a cafe or meet with friends. Be sure to end the day with soothing treatments: bath, massage, quiet sleep.
    March 15 (Wed) - Waning Moon in Scorpio. The best time for dating and even getting married (see for a wedding).
    March 19 (Sun) - Waning Moon in Sagittarius. On this day, it is good to devote yourself to land work or at least ennoble your home with indoor plants.
    March 23 (Thu) - Waning Moon in Aquarius. Do not enter into transactions related to land real estate. But adding funds to another business will bring you a lot of wealth.
    March 25 (Sat) - Waning Moon in Pisces. On this day, it is best to do self-education. Sign up for courses, find an interesting educational book for yourself, or just chat with smart people - today everything will go for the future.