Methods for educating preschoolers. Teaching and educating children - methods for the development of preschool children

The teaching method is a system of sequential interrelated ways of work of the teacher and the children being taught, which are aimed at achieving didactic tasks. Each method consists of certain techniques of the teacher and the trainees. The method of teaching, in contrast to the method, is aimed at solving a narrower learning task... The combination of techniques forms a teaching method. The more varied the techniques, the more meaningful and effective the method in which they are included. The choice of a teaching method depends, first of all, on the purpose and content of the upcoming lesson. The teacher gives preference to one method or another, based on the equipment of the pedagogical process.

Traditionally, teaching methods are classified according to the source from which children acquire knowledge, skills and abilities, according to the means by which these knowledge, skills and abilities are presented. In preschool pedagogy, a classification has been adopted, which is based on the basic forms of thinking that determine the nature of the ways children act in the learning process. These forms include visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking. Since children of preschool age acquire knowledge in the process of direct perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality and from the teacher's messages (explanations, stories), as well as in direct practical activity (design, modeling, drawing, etc.), they are allocated in connection with these main methods of teaching preschoolers are: practical - experiments and experimentation, exercise and modeling, visual - observation and demonstration, verbal - conversation, story, reading art. literature, play methods - a didactic game, an imaginary situation in its expanded form.

Consider the classification of methods and techniques for teaching preschool children.

Visual methods and techniques - their use corresponds to the didactic principle of visualization and is associated with the peculiarities of children's thinking.

Observation is a purposeful, systematic perception by a child of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, in which perception, thinking and speech actively interact. With the help of this method, the educator directs the child's perception to highlight the main, essential features in objects and phenomena, to establish cause-and-effect relationships and dependencies between objects and phenomena. Various types of observation are used in teaching children:

I) a recognizing character, with the help of which knowledge is formed about the properties and qualities of objects and phenomena (shape, color, size, etc.);

2) for the change and transformation of objects (growth and development of plants and animals, etc.) - provides knowledge about the processes, objects of the surrounding world;

3) of a reproductive nature, when the state of the object is established according to individual characteristics, in part - a picture of the whole phenomenon.

The demonstration method includes various techniques:

a) showing objects is one of the most common teaching methods: children examine doll furniture and clothes, dishes, household items, tools, equipment for drawing, modeling, applications, etc.;

b) showing a sample - one of the techniques that are used when teaching visual activity, design. A sample can be a drawing, applique, craft;

c) showing the way of action - used in the classroom for the development of movements, musical, performance, etc., it must be accurate, expressive, divided into parts; can be complete or partial;

d) demonstration of pictures, illustrations helps children to imagine those aspects and properties of the studied objects and phenomena that they cannot directly perceive.

The use of TCO - in teaching preschoolers, the demonstration of transparencies, filmstrips, films is used. IN recent times computers are used. This method allows you to show children those phenomena of life, direct acquaintance with which is impossible; makes the educational process more attractive.

Verbal methods and techniques - their effectiveness largely depends on the culture of speech of the teacher himself, on its imagery, emotional expressiveness, and accessibility for children's understanding. Verbal methods are used in close connection with a word, an explanation. With the development of visual-figurative thinking in older preschool children, demonstration is replaced by explanation, and the teacher often uses the method of explanation, storytelling, conversation, reading.

Explanation is used in the process of observing phenomena and examining objects, pictures, during exercises, etc.; with its help, the direct perceptions of children are clarified; should be expressive, emotional, accessible to children. A story is a lively, imaginative, emotional presentation of events that contains factual material. One of the most emotional teaching methods. The narrator has the ability to communicate freely with children, to notice and take into account their reactions.

The teacher's story: should be a model of literary correct, figurative and expressive speech.

A children's story can be a retelling of fairy tales, literary works, stories based on pictures, objects, from children's experience, creative stories.

Reading expands, enriches children's knowledge of the environment, forms children's ability to perceive and understand fiction.

Practical methods are associated with the application of knowledge in practical activities, mastering skills and abilities through exercises.

Game methods - didactic games, games-dramatization, outdoor games, episodic game techniques (riddles, exercises-imitations, game actions, etc.).

Teaching methods can be divided into three generalized groups: passive methods; active methods; interactive methods. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Recently, a new classification of methods has been developed. The authors of the classification are: Lerner I.Ya., Skatkin M.N. it includes the following teaching methods: informative-receptive; reproductive; research; heuristic; method of problem presentation of material.

The upbringing and education of children in preschool age is a rather difficult and responsible process. At this stage of development, the child is developing a personality, which leads to the subsequent formation of his character, habits and abilities. Often parents are concerned about the question of what means and methods of upbringing preschoolers can be used to prepare for school.

Preschool children are the most susceptible to parenting

Features of preschool age

The development of children from birth to enrollment in schoolchildren occurs in stages. Initially, the child is in his own little world. He is interested in the taste of the surrounding objects, tries to recognize various aromas, takes the first steps and begins to pronounce words.

  1. The youngest - children from three to four years old. At this time, the birth of one's own "I" occurs. The child already knows what he and those around him belong to. He develops coordination of movements and fine motor skills.
  2. Medium - children from four to five years old. The period is marked by the appearance of mental actions with specific concepts. The child develops self-awareness and character begins to form. Complex motor functions are also being developed.
  3. Senior - children from five to seven years old. At this age, the preschooler begins to think hard, recognize his responsibilities and rights, control emotions and behavior. The child is agile and agile and easy to learn.

3 periods of preschool age

The next stage of formation is the school. How the child will show himself in the team, how interesting the learning will be for him, what will become important during this period - in many respects everything depends on preschool preparation.

Key neoplasms of preschool age

Advice to parents: the formation of the child's psyche takes place from three to four years and it is very important at this moment to be an example for the baby. The further establishment of purposefulness, independence and personality depends on the actions of the parents.

Methods for raising a preschooler

Educational actions are forms of general educational process combined with training. The upbringing of children under six is \u200b\u200bpresent in social relations in the family and in preschool institutions.

The directional educational methodology includes four categories of education:

  • personality formation - establishing views, judgments and assessing situations that have arisen;
  • organization of actions - communication, relationships, gaining experience;
  • self-assessment of behavior, self-control and analysis of their actions;
  • motivation and motivation for activity.

Forms of parenting

Various methods and forms of upbringing are used to effectively prepare a child for a new stage in his life. Encouragement, persuasion, punishment, and exercise are key ways to influence your baby's mind, feelings, and will to develop the necessary positive qualities.

The effectiveness of the process of upbringing and teaching a preschooler is achieved through the complex use of all forms of organizing pedagogical actions.


This method is aimed at correcting the child's behavior. With it, you can teach a preschooler to distinguish between good and bad actions and understand what is allowed and what is not. Encouragement strengthens the positive aspects of behavior and motivates people to do good things.

Children under six are receptive to praise. Words of approval give them confidence in themselves and their abilities. The child tries to be better in order to gain approval and actively develops by completing various tasks.

Encouraging Toddlers Is Very Important

Forms of encouragement are always based on the individual characteristics of the child. Sometimes a smile or words of encouragement are the best reward for your little one. Often there can be a toy or a gift for a good deed. You can celebrate the achievements of the kid with a trip to the country or a trip to the cinema.

The encouragement must be compatible with the demands. The preschooler must know what is expected of him and how to act. To instill in him desire with early age Brushing your teeth or cleaning up your toys should often be encouraged and encouraged.

Advice to parents: the child must deserve any encouragement by his actions. You should not praise him at every step, otherwise the baby will not be able to distinguish which actions are correct and important.

Encouraging children to help them develop fully

The most significant is encouragement, when the preschooler himself realizes the consequences of his act.


Modern methods of education often exclude harsh forms of influence on children. But sometimes you can't do without them. Punishment should in no way harm the health of the baby and be used only for specific misconduct. This method can be useful only if you have the right approach to it:

  • cannot be punished for long-standing misconduct;
  • not scold the child for preventive purposes, for violation of discipline in the future;
  • punishment should not cause panic;
  • it is unacceptable to show your displeasure after the baby has already been forgiven;

Punishment for a child shouldn't be scary

In no case should you confuse punishment with humiliation, which will only harm the preschooler's own dignity. Parents should be judicious, reserved, as cruelty or punishment in a public place can lead to hatred and anger.

Advice to parents: Punishment should be avoided when the child is sick, upon waking up or before bed. No need to punish misconduct with food.

Physical punishment is not acceptable

The child must always understand what he is being punished for. Parents are obliged to explain his guilt and the consequences of the bad deed.


This method of teaching and raising children requires the most effort. The actions of the parents should be directed towards the feelings and consciousness of the child. An example of a good deed has a tremendous influence in persuasion.

To achieve the desired result from this educational form, a number of rules should be applied that are followed when communicating with a preschooler:

  • explain to the child based on certain examples and indicate specific reasons;
  • the conversation should be conducted in a language understandable to the baby;
  • beliefs are based only taking into account all the individual character traits of the child;
  • the conversation must have the correct logical chain;
  • verbal analysis of actions should be carried out, explaining all the dark and light sides of the actions of the preschooler;
  • when talking, you must always follow all ethical and moral standards.

Persuasion is one of the means of education

Although this method of education is quite complex, it is still a good helper for making changes in the behavior and thinking of the baby.

An exercise

This method is based on the child's reinforcement of the correct actions necessary for life. Exercise consists of regular repetition, reinforcement and improvement of acquired skills.

The exercise is not a mechanical repetition of actions and for its implementation it is necessary:

  • combine repetition with examples of correct behavior;
  • evoke positive emotions in the child with the next fixation of a certain action;
  • reinforce skills in different circumstances and in different situations;
  • give a positive assessment to all the achievements of the preschooler;
  • encourage the manifestation of initiative and independence during the fixation process.

Exercise with children should be regular

The exercises are carried out as periodically repetitive actions to build resilience and the ability to overcome difficulties, which is so necessary for school education.

This educational form attracts children to an organized social process, which serves as the basis for the development of habits, skills, diligence and patience.

Correct social behavior in children is formed by combining all the techniques and methods of upbringing in preschool age.

Means and methods of mental education

The mental education of a preschool child will greatly facilitate his transition to school life. To do this, you should develop children's curiosity and thinking from an early age.

It is also necessary to regularly develop speech, train memory and attention.

Mental development is the main task of parents

First of all, a preschooler at six years old should be able to:

  • accurately repeat movements and copy patterns;
  • decorate with appropriate colors and pictures and clearly outline the contours;
  • recite small poems learned by heart and retell the contents of a book read to him;
  • distinguish between the shapes of objects and their relative number - more, less;
  • know all the necessary information about yourself - place of residence, name, surname and patronymic.
  • understand the seasons and time of day.

IN preschool education much depends on the parents, who can use different teaching aids to prepare for school. Popular operating techniques are:

  • developing games that form various skills and knowledge in children;
  • communication, reading books and presentation of all information about the surrounding objects.

Educational games are a means of mental development

You can assign the baby to a preschool educational institution or take them to classes with professionals, where they will prepare for school according to the developed method.

Advice to parents: the correct development of the child takes place in families where harmony and interconnection rule. It is necessary not only to always speak out loud your thoughts and express your feelings, but also to be able to listen.

Means and methods of physical education of a preschooler

For the general development of a preschool child, physical education is of no small importance. Children during this period are the most mobile. Correctly directed activity leads to the formation of endurance and initiation into a healthy lifestyle.

The physical form of education of children under seven years old consists in the use of some methods:

  • recovery - exercise, hardening, procedures for the prevention of scoliosis and flat feet;
  • acquisition of motor skills - swimming, running, jumping, climbing;
  • the formation of endurance, speed and agility.

Physical education composition - description

There are simple ways to get your child involved in physical activity:

  • joint sports and the implementation of all health procedures with the whole family;
  • purchase of sports equipment - horizontal bar, jump rope, wall bars, balls;
  • determination of the child in special sports sections.

Physical education helps preschoolers develop:

  • positive character traits - organization, restraint, endurance;
  • the basic foundations of morality - responsibility, mutual respect, justice, relationships in a team;
  • volitional qualities - overcoming difficulties, determination, courage, endurance.

Physical education is an important form of education and upbringing that prepares a child for later life.

Physical education is an important element of development

The upbringing and education of a preschool child includes a set of all the necessary methods and means aimed at the formation of positive individual qualities of a preschooler, which will allow him to easily adapt in a team. But all educational work will not bring the desired result without love, care and patience.

Today there is a huge selection of methods of teaching and upbringing of children, which differ significantly from each other. Some authors believe that it is necessary to teach reading from birth, others advise not to rush until the age of seven. Someone focuses on physical development, while others - on intellectual or creative.

Some skeptics are generally convinced that early development is a common fashion, forcing parents to spend more money on the education of their baby. Let's see what educational methods are considered the most effective in our time.

Let us warn you right away that we are not campaigning for any one technique and are not saying which one is better. The fact is that each baby is individual, develops at its own pace, mastering new skills step by step. Therefore, you need to choose pedagogical methods, focusing only on the characteristics of your child.

Pedagogy of Maria Montessori

Perhaps the most common educational method is the Maria Montessori school. It is based on three simple principles: self-development, self-education and self-study.

The task of parents and educators is to help children realize their individuality, to teach them to interact with objects. Hence the main motto of the method: "Help me do it myself."

IN educational institutionsthere is no division by age - younger and older preschoolers study in one group.

The Montessori class is divided into five main areas (practical, sensory, linguistic, mathematical and space), consisting of a special didactic material.

Among the advantages of the method is the absence of compulsion to study. However, some critics believe that it undermines the educational authority by turning the teacher into an outside observer.

Professor Suzuki Academy of Music

The Japanese violinist and teacher Shinichi Suzuki considered it his goal to raise from a child not a musician, but a decent and noble person.

If children fall in love with good music, they will begin to reach for beauty in all areas of life.

"The birth of talent" - this is the name of the method of Professor Suzuki. Its essence lies in three main points.

  1. All people have musical abilities. It's just that someone in childhood was able to instill a love for music and instruments, and in someone they could not see these inclinations.
  2. The main component of the technique is a sincere love for kids and a desire to help them. A teacher who is indifferent to children will never succeed in implementing this method.
  3. The system cannot work without the active participation of family members. Therefore, the author recommended that parents regularly attend music lessons, additionally study with their child at home, and even better - learn to play an instrument in order to understand all the subtleties of the technique.

Glen Doman's parenting system

The American scientist, in fact, is the ancestor of the idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping children from the cradle. Glen Doman assured that the potential of little children is truly limitless, so they can be taught anything. By the way, some of the Nobel Prize winners in childhood studied using this method.

To teach a child to read, mathematics, it is necessary to follow a single principle. During the day, the kid is shown cards on which whole words, dots, animals, plants, historical figures, etc. are shown. At the same time, an adult must clearly pronounce the name of what is present in the pictures.

Opponents point to a number of significant disadvantages of the method:

  • passivity of mastering skills;
  • about the huge amount of didactic material and the workload of the mother;
  • denial of ordinary games and toys.

Believe in your child

Belgian actress Cecile Lupan, carried away by ideas early development, successfully implemented them on my daughters. Her personalized approach was based on Glen Doman's method, but the author completely reworked it and added her own personal nuances.

Cecile has developed a strictly individual method of education, taking into account children's inclinations and interest in certain activities.

Its program includes courses in the study of music, history, geography and other fields of knowledge for children of early and preschool age.

For example, you can stimulate vision through mirrors, color and black-and-white pictures, grimaces.

Learning to read should be started only after the baby starts talking. It is necessary to write the name of the item and hang it in strictly defined places - for example, attach the word "shelf" to the shelf.

In general, Cecile Lupan's work "Believe in your child" is worth reading at least as an invaluable experience of a loving mother.

Zaitsev's magic cubes

The Russian scientist Nikolai Zaitsev became very famous for the cubes, which are used by thousands and thousands of educators and parents.

However, this technique also includes musical and noise toys, various cards, puzzles, building kits, and much more.

The essence of the method is as follows - learning affects all types of children's perception: auditory and visual memory, thinking, tactile sensations. The main principle of Zaitsev's technique is that teaching a child to read and count must be fun, in a game, and not at a desk.

Didactic material consists of cubes of different sizes and colors, on whose edges are depicted warehouses - consonant and vowel letters; consonant and soft or hard signs; one letter. Warehouse cubes are filled with:

  • metal objects (voiced letters);
  • wooden objects (muffled sounds);
  • bells (vowel sounds).

The followers of Nikolai Zaitsev consider his method to be the most progressive and practical to use. Whether this is so is up to you.

Nikitin-style education

The Nikitin spouses' technique is based on creativity, naturalness and closeness to natural sources.

Parents should not force their children, but only help to understand difficult situations.

The principles of upbringing according to this method are unique in their own way for Russian pedagogy.

  • Children's freedom cannot be limited. The child should do as much as he wants, combining exercise with other activities. Something new can be offered after the baby himself shows interest in it.
  • Children should not be prompted. If the baby can complete any task on his own, then he must do it himself. Work with him, not for him.
  • It is necessary to combine the intellectual and physical development of the child. That is why this technique is perfect for physically weakened babies.
  • Encourage children to work together - girls can help mom with housework, and boys can help dad. Such activities are very effective way communication, which sometimes adults do not have enough time.

In addition to the above principles and ideas, the Nikitins have developed unusual educational toys for children of all ages: "Unicub", "Fold a square", "Fold a pattern", etc.

It's late after three

The author of the methodology, Masaru Ibuki, has a very interesting fate, which, in many respects, determined his discoveries in the field of pedagogy. The Sony president turned to early parenting after his son became seriously ill and became seriously retarded.

By developing his own teaching methods, Masaru restored his health and level mental development his child and passed on his experience to Japanese teachers and parents.

The main task of the technique is to provide the child with a developing environment and free information. At the same time, the kid listens to classical music and plays the violin not with the aim of becoming a great violinist. The most important thing is to develop in the crumbs endless abilities and a desire to learn in early childhood.

Summing up, it is worth saying that in any method of education, a thinking parent will be able to find interesting ways of teaching and supplement their own developments with them. In addition, do not forget that every baby is a person with his own preferences, abilities and desires.

The educational system includes many different programs that are aimed at the correct development and upbringing of every preschool child. This period of children's life is characterized by activity, curiosity, imitation and rapid assimilation of new information and skills. Moreover, there are three stages of development, each of which has certain characteristics. Thus, teaching methods, programs and technologies are of essential importance, as they allow for a high-quality educational process. The learning process also takes into account not only the age of children, but also the individual characteristics of development, the purpose of the program, diagnostics of the effectiveness of education and other important points.

Features and types of techniques

There are a wide variety of methods available to effective development and parenting. Each technology has certain characteristics, and a special system is used to classify methods. Thus, there are three groups that combine teaching methods that are similar in characteristics. Such a system makes it easy to choose the best option for teaching a child in kindergarten... This scheme is necessary during preschool age, since at this time children require special attention.

Preschool age is divided into several periods: junior, middle and senior. There are corresponding groups in kindergarten, which allows you to choose the optimal educational program depending on age characteristics... Each period has characteristic features that are expressed in the following:

  • The younger age is distinguished by active movement, the desire for independence without taking into account the possibilities and perseverance. Children during this period are capricious if they cannot achieve the goal, solve the problem. At the same time, thinking does not develop actively enough, because the baby seeks to get what was conceived, but does not take into account actions, opportunities and other circumstances;
  • Middle-aged children show active curiosity, act more thoughtfully, but focus on pronounced actions and are in constant motion. At the same time, logical activity is activated, thinking develops;
  • At an older age, children actively learn about the world around them, learn new information, thinking is formed and psychological development occurs. At this age, preparation for school is carried out, children learn new knowledge, skills and develop creativity.

Each period of baby's development requires a special approach. That is why special methods, programs and systems are used when working with children. This approach allows for a high-quality educational process, taking into account age characteristics, goals and other important points. At the same time, the main goal of all methods is harmonious upbringing, laying the right foundations and forming the right images.

Various methods are aimed at achieving the necessary goals, which are determined by the age and level of development of the child. In the learning process in kindergarten, a variety of methods are used that have specific goals. For example, there are educational programs that contribute to the development of a child's creative abilities, physical development or exploring the surrounding space and nature. In each case, training uses various materials, visual aids and other elements. This approach allows you to transfer knowledge to children in the most understandable and accessible way, ensuring high-quality assimilation of information.

The classification of the methods used when working with children in kindergarten is carried out according to certain parameters. There are three large main groups:

  • Visual ways and methods of teaching;
  • Verbal techniques;
  • Practical techniques.

For the qualitative development of the child during the preschool age, a set of activities is used, which includes all types of methods. At the same time, for each age group, a special program is applied that takes into account the peculiarities of raising children. Such a system is effective, and also allows to ensure a high level of quality of education and development of the child.

The childcare institution actively uses the methods and techniques established by the general education system. A visual way of teaching involves demonstrativeness, the use of various visual aids and materials. Illustrations, films, behavior - all this is used to educate children and achieve the necessary goal. For instance, effective method are films about nature and animals, as well as a teacher's demonstration of a skill. In the latter case, it is possible to effectively teach the child to draw, explaining and showing a consistent image of an object, landscape or phenomenon. For example, the teacher consistently demonstrates the drawing, and the children repeat all the movements. This method is effective because the baby imitates the adult. In this case, the transfer of knowledge and skills is particularly easy, but there are certain important points. The verbal technique method is a variety of conversations, stories, instructions that have a specific topic and structure. With the help of words, emotions are transmitted, the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story is highlighted, and then the children and teachers summarize, discuss new information. Also, this method includes explanatory conversations, the topic of which can be various circumstances. For example, a teacher or adult can explain to a child the rules of behavior on the road or in other places. In any case, the important point is the emotionality of the story or conversation, the most understandable explanation of the essential points of the topic. Thus, preschool education of children requires a special approach, regardless of the methods used. Practical methods of teaching and upbringing, development are distinguished by their diversity. This class includes various games, training activities and exercises. In this case, a visual, practical and verbal method can be combined. For example, when a teacher explains the rules physical exercise, demonstrates their implementation, and the children repeat all the movements. This method can be used to develop creative skills, when organizing parties and other events.

Each method is aimed at achieving a specific goal. At the same time, it is important to choose the optimal program that will stimulate the development and upbringing of children at any period of preschool age. The example set by adults, educators and parents is also important. This is due to the fact that children imitate the older generation in many actions. That is why it is necessary to choose the right curriculum in kindergarten, as well as provide a comfortable atmosphere for the development of the child.

Personality structure and methods of development

Proper preschool education of children involves taking into account all the necessary aspects. In this case, various techniques are used, the classification of which is also carried out depending on the components of the personality structure. This feature is important, as it allows you to make the process of training, development, upbringing more correct, high-quality and effective.

The personality type structure includes several components. In the learning process, which is aimed at developing these qualities, such methods and programs are used, the purpose of which is expressed in the full and correct development of consciousness, as well as methods that serve to form the positive behavior of the child in society. Techniques are also used that are designed for psychological development and the formation, stimulation of feelings.

This classification involves the use of visual, verbal and practical teaching methods. At the same time, the structure of the methods is well thought out, meeting all the requirements. The use of the optimal methodology of preschool education ensures the development of personal qualities, individual characteristics and skills. The classification of methods for the development of children, depending on the structure of the personality, is carried out in kindergartens. This approach allows you to ensure a comfortable and correct formation of all the necessary qualities, to stimulate the optimal development of the child and to make the preschool education of children of higher quality. In this case, various forms of activity are used, for example, a combination of stimulation, the formation of positive behavior and the development of consciousness. Educational program takes into account all the features and includes well-thought-out methods of education, training and development.

The basis of many techniques includes the development of hand motor skills in children. This process is necessary, since many receptors are concentrated in the fingers, which send impulses to the brain, contributing to the development of speech. In this case, the movements of the hands become coordinated. In the process of actions, the hands activate the parts of the brain that are responsible for the development of coherent speech. For this purpose, various techniques of any type are used, for example, sculpting, drawing, working with figures or a constructor.

There are many playful, creative, active activities that contribute to the development of fine motor skills of hands, the formation of speech. In this case, various materials, objects and elements are used. Play techniques are effectively used in a kindergarten, which contributes to the development of correct speech, logical thinking and thoughtfulness of actions. As a result of such activities, the child masters various materials, learns a lot of new and interesting things, learns to create and develops individual abilities. When using each technique, the participation of the teacher, the interaction of an adult and a child is important.

The educational program and preschool education of children assume a full and comprehensive approach to child development. This takes into account the age of the baby, since the preschool period is divided into three stages. Younger children 3-4 years old are quite active and strive for independence, but they do not take into account their capabilities. In this case, techniques are needed that do not suppress such a desire, but only direct the baby's actions in the right direction.

The middle and older age periods are distinguished by more thoughtful actions, the development of logical thinking, curiosity, creative and other skills. For this, techniques are used that require a search for a solution, the implementation of thoughtful actions, and organization. Effective play activities, puzzles and mosaics, role and story games... In the process of such activities and games, it is important for a child to comply with the rules, a positive example of an adult and stimulate the development of personality.

The full-fledged preschool education of children requires the use of methods that have different goals. The main objectives of the training are as follows:

  • Development of correct speech;
  • Formation of mathematical concepts;
  • Laying the foundations for a healthy lifestyle, explaining the benefits of physical activity and proper nutrition;
  • Acquaintance with the surrounding world, nature, art;
  • Development of creativity, skills and abilities;
  • Mental and moral education children.

Each goal of the techniques requires a different approach. Moreover, one event can be aimed at solving several problems. For example, some creative techniques help develop logic, speech, imagination, and fine motor skills in the hands. Thus, preschool education of children is a complex process aimed at solving many problems.

Correct early childhood education is an important process. In this case, various methods are used: games, conversations, stories, discussions, physical activities, organizing holidays in kindergarten and much more. Each method has certain characteristics, structure and purpose. The main task of all methods is the optimal development of the child and the formation of the personality. Thus, early childhood education is a structured and effective process that includes many different methods.

Education methods - ways of interrelated activities of adults and children aimed at achieving the educational goal. With the help of upbringing methods, the behavior of children is corrected, personality traits are formed, the experience of their activities, communication, attitudes towards oneself and the environment is enriched. The effectiveness of the methods increases when they are used in different situations of the educational process in a preschool educational institution, in different types children's activities, as well as if they are applied by the teacher in unity and constantly vary.

The variability of the methods is giveneducational methods, which are an organic part of the method are separate action teacher inside specific method... For example, the methods of punishment methods - punishment delayed in time, punishment by collective condemnation, a disapproving look from an adult, deprivation of a favorite occupation.

The effectiveness of education also depends on the knowledge of the laws of education and their consideration. In preschool pedagogy, a whole complex of methods of educating preschoolers is revealed. There are severalclassifications of educational methods.

The first of them divides all methods of education according to the source of influence on the personality: visual, verbal, practical. The second classification is based on the structure of human activity (including the child). This classification was proposed by Yu.K. Babansky. It reflects the meaning of the activity approach to the upbringing and development of a child. Its essence lies in the fact that the upbringing and development of a personality can be effectively carried out in the process of including it in a variety of activities and relationships with others. Stand out4 groups of educational methods:

methods of formation of personality consciousness;

methods of organizing activities and forming the experience of social behavior;

methods of stimulating the behavior and activities of pupils;

methods of control and analysis of the effectiveness of the educational process.

Methods of upbringing preschoolers in preschoolers and families (with a focus on the classification of upbringing methods by Yu.K. Babansky)

Methods for the formation of personality consciousness

Aimed at the formation of children's knowledge about the norms and rules of behavior, communication, activities in society, their awareness by children, their inclusion in the picture of the preschooler's world.

1. Verbal methods: ethical conversations, story, explanation, persuasion, reading literature, analysis of the actions of the heroes of books, cartoons, adults and children in life situations.

2. Visual methods: observation of the behavior of adults and children, demonstration of film and video materials, life situations, examples of behavior and communication of adults, consideration of slides, pictures, illustrations with educational content, theatricalization of life and fairy-tale situations, the actions of heroes.

Methods of organizing activities and forming the experience of behavior

Aimed at the formation of personal experience of preschoolers in the field of practical behavior and activities in society.

1. Accustoming (forming a habit to act in a certain way).

2. Exercise (repeated repetition of an action to consolidate it, develop skills).

3. Educational situations, which are based on conflict - the struggle between the norm and the child's inner motives.

4. Game methods: games-dramatization, role-playing games, playing around life situations and options for behavior in them.

Methods to stimulate activity and behavior Aimed at stimulating socially accepted manifestations of the child's personality. The preschooler needs the support and approval of an adult; this is the most powerful stimulus for his upbringing and development.

1. Encouragement (approval, tactile contact, praise, encouraging glance, gesture, advance trust, presentation of awards, medals, tokens).

2. Condemnation (disapproving glance, remark, deprivation of the promised reward, restriction in activity, prohibition, method of natural consequences).

3. Creation of a situation of success, approval, support of an adult for the child.

4. Competitive methods.

Methods for monitoring and analyzing the effectiveness of the educational process

Aimed at analyzing and evaluating the results of the educational process; diagnostics of the level of education of preschoolers; comparison of the goals, the results achieved.

1. Observation of the behavior, nature of communication and activities of the child.

2. Special situations diagnosing the level of education of the child. (If you had a magic wand, what would you do?)

3. Conversations with children and parents.

4. Questioning of preschool educational institutions specialists, parents.

5. Playing with problematic life situations, which are based on moral choice.

6. Sociometry with clarification of the relationship between good breeding and success, the child's place in the group.

7. Specially developed methods for assessing the development of personal qualities, character traits, personality orientation, its properties, abilities, skills.