Piglet has gray diarrhea. What to give piglets for diarrhea? Treatment of diarrhea with alternative methods

Diarrhea in pigs and pigs is a dangerous condition that requires immediate response and treatment. Negligence in the appearance of diarrhea can result in the death of the entire brood. For what reasons does the disease develop, how to cure it, which methods are most effective?

Diarrhea in young piglets is a dangerous phenomenon that, without proper treatment, can develop into more serious disorders.

There are many reasons for the development of diarrhea in pigs. The main factors include:

Small pigs are also susceptible to this condition. Their immune system is still imperfect, so babies react to stimuli or violation of conditions of detention.

In newborn piglets

Loose stools immediately after birth are rare, but cannot be ruled out. This happens when the uterus is infected, she came into contact with the infection late, and the cubs have not yet developed immunity. Sometimes piglets become infected while still in the womb. Treatment should be started immediately, otherwise the entire brood may be lost. In parallel with the piglets, it is important to treat an adult animal.

Diarrhea in newborn piglets is rare and is caused by an infection in the sow.


The development of diarrhea in suckling piglets is also possible, its appearance is due to several reasons.

  • Loose stools may indicate the presence of mastitis in the pig.... Sometimes there are no obvious symptoms of the disease, but the structure of milk changes, which affects the state of the droppings. If the drugs do not work properly, the sow needs to be treated as well.
  • Sometimes the female goes into hunt, this also affects the composition of milk... Sexual attraction develops about 5 or 10 days after farrowing. At this time, the pig lies a little, worries, walks around the barn, rummages in the hay. When the uterus has a lot of milk, this will not affect the offspring, but if milk production is low, babies often have stool disorder.
  • If the pig produces little milk, this is a serious reason for the occurrence of diarrhea in the droppings: this is how the body of suckers reacts to lack of nutrition and nutrients... Moreover, in lean piglets, diarrhea is often associated with starting complementary foods.
  • Another cause of diarrhea is a cold room... If farrowing took place in winter, a thick bed of straw should be laid on the floor, and additional heating with a lamp should be arranged.
  • When the sow is overfed, the piglets receive milk in excess, and diarrhea also develops from overeating.... To avoid a dangerous situation, the nutrition of the dairy mother is normalized.

Diarrhea in breastfed piglets can be caused by a variety of causes, including low air temperatures.

The pig breeder must remember that diarrhea is a threat to the life of the piglet, even when it is non-infectious. And the younger the age, the more dangerous the condition. Timely treatment gives a better chance of saving the animal.

In adults

Older pigs become active, they are released outside, so there are more reasons for the development of diarrhea.

  • Stressful situations often also cause diarrhea in a piglet, these include weaning from the mother or transfer to another room, a sharp change in nutrition.
  • On walks, the risk of infection of the animal with helminths increases, since pigs like to dig in the ground.
  • Dyspepsia (indigestion) is caused by insufficiently chopped food, because the pig's stomach is not able to cope with its large elements. This results in diarrhea.
  • Overheating in the sun sometimes also ends with diarrhea.
  • Piggies are not always picky about food, they often gnaw and swallow inedible objects, so small stones, rags, sawdust become the culprits of diarrhea. This is especially dangerous for young animals, threatens to damage the integrity of the walls of the gastrointestinal mucosa, causes poisoning, and interferes with normal digestive processes. Therefore, it is so important to ensure that there are no foreign objects in the pigsty and on the walking area.
  • Piglets can vilify after eating freshly cut grass, therefore, it must be wilted before giving it.

Diarrhea in adults is often caused by poor diet or infection of pigs with infectious diseases.

The condition of each individual should be monitored constantly, when signs of diarrhea appear, the cause should be found out. With additional symptoms, treatment is started immediately, without waiting for the veterinarian.

Do not paint the doors and wooden parts of the pigsty with varnish and paints, piglets can gnaw them. As a result, poisoning with paints and varnishes is possible.


It is not difficult to determine the development of diarrhea, an attentive owner will immediately see that not everything is in order with the health of his wards.

  • Stools in healthy adult pigs and small pigs are usually of medium consistency. When diarrhea occurs, the stool becomes liquid and flows out uncontrollably.
  • Defecation occurs more often than usual, repeated 5 times or more per day.
  • The animal's tail is damp.
  • In this state, the pigs quickly weaken, become lethargic, lie more on their side, the appetite decreases or disappears altogether.

Sometimes, according to some signs, you can approximately determine the cause that caused the violation of the stool.

  • Very thin, watery stool indicates serious intestinal disturbances.
  • The presence of foam and putrid odor is evidence of a bacterial infection.
  • Fatty stools are most likely digestive problems, as indicated by the gray color of the feces.
  • A green or yellow color signals: the food did not have time to be completely processed in the small intestine, but passed through its departments too quickly. The speculation confirms a sour or musty smell.
  • Light colored stool means that the problem is not enough bile produced.
  • Black color and blotches of red in the stool are a sign of bleeding in the digestive organs.

The color and consistency of feces can often determine the cause of diarrhea.

When the feces are liquid, but no more than 2 times a day, the disease has not entered a severe stage and it is easier to cure it. If defecation occurs more than 5 times, the problem is already serious.

Is there vomiting, fever, discharge from the eyes and ears, no appetite, and dry skin? You can talk about poisoning or infection, sometimes helminthic invasion manifests itself this way.


Diarrhea is dangerous for pigs. First of all, it causes dehydration of the body, and for small pigs it threatens death. It is known: the lower the weight, the sooner there is a lack of fluid. Sometimes after 12 hours the animal cannot be saved. What to do when the piglet has loose stools?

At the first sign of a disorder, diarrhea should be treated immediately. This is the main rule of all pig breeders!

First of all, it is important to restore the water balance, the medicine is given immediately, without waiting for the aggravation of the situation.

  • The drug "Regidron" is suitable. The medicine bag is dissolved in a liter of water and given with a spoon or syringe. A single dose is usually 10 mg per kilogram of piglet weight. If there are no funds in the first-aid kit, prepare the solution yourself: add a spoonful of sugar and salt to a glass of water.
  • You can give potassium chloride, the remedy is used on an empty stomach three times a day, 10 mg.
  • In the absence of potassium chloride, it is allowed to use a 0.9% sodium chloride solution, the drug is also sold in a pharmacy. But it is undesirable to use it more than 100 g per day, since excess salt can also harm the pig.

For the treatment of piglets from diarrhea, you can use the drug "Regidron".

It is imperative to call a veterinarian to establish an accurate diagnosis, and until he comes, the animal should be watered regularly.

You can alternate pharmacy products with infusions of medicinal herbs, this method well protects against moisture loss.

If piglets have diarrhea, how to treat it at home? What to choose from medications?

  • "Akolan". The drug fights well against infectious intestinal diseases, it is given with water, 1 g per 10 kg of body weight after 12 hours for 5 days.
  • "Brovaseptol". Antibacterial preparation in powder form, used for diarrhea. The medicine does not dissolve well in liquid, so it is mixed into the feed. The daily dose is 1 g for every 10 kg of pig weight. Treatment usually lasts 3 to 5 days until symptoms disappear completely. If necessary, the veterinarian can prescribe intramuscular injections of this drug.
  • "Brovaf". An effective antibiotic for gastroinfections, its action extends to a wide range of bacteria. It must be given orally, for each animal per day it is calculated 0.5 g per 10 kg of weight. Apply twice, in the morning and in the evening, with a course of at least 5 days, if necessary, the treatment is extended for another 2 days.
  • Biovit. It is a dark brown powder, it contains chlortetracycline, proteins, minerals, B vitamins, especially a lot of cyanocobalamin (B12). The daily dose of the drug depends on the age of the piglet. From 5 to 10 days it is 0.75 g, up to a month it doubles, from a month to two give 3 g. Subsequently, up to six months, the dosage rises to 7.5 g.
  • "Amoxicillin". An antibiotic from a number of penicillins, intended for injection.

In especially difficult cases, Akloan can be used to treat pigs.

It is good when the owner has all the necessary drugs for the treatment of pig diseases in his first-aid kit.

It is important to follow a strict diet during treatment. On the first day, animals should not be fed at all, but only given water. So the intestines will be cleared faster, and the mucous membrane will be restored. The next day, it is allowed to cook rice porridge, you can give egg white to bind the stool, high-quality feed, but the amount of food should not exceed half the usual volume.

Ideally, treatment should be given after an accurate laboratory diagnosis of the disease, but when diarrhea is in small piglets, you cannot pull. Medicines are applied immediately after the first signs of diarrhea.

Vietnamese pigs

Vietnamese piglets have diarrhea for the same reasons as normal ones. But the complexity of treatment is that the digestive tract is slightly different in structure, so some veterinarians do not always know how to cope with the problem. For diarrhea caused by salmonella or intoxication from poor-quality feed, apply:

  • immune serum with antibiotics "Tetracycline" or "Levomycetin" per kilogram from 30 to 40 mg;
  • macrolide antibiotic "Farmazin50" in injections;
  • with a bacterial infection, you can give "Trichopol" 10 mg per kilogram of weight;
  • additionally use "Furazolidone" (0, 003 g of the drug per kilogram).

Treatment for diarrhea in Vietnamese pigs depends on the cause.

In this case, it is better to trust a specialist, and cleanliness and high-quality food will help prevent the development of diseases.

Folk remedies

Diarrhea of \u200b\u200ba non-infectious nature can be treated well with folk methods.

  • For drinking from diarrhea, infusions of calendula, chamomile, sea buckthorn, nettle, oak bark are suitable... A decoction of medicinal herbs is prepared according to the usual recipe: 20 g of raw materials are steamed in half a liter of water.
  • Extraction from needles on water and alcohol is also used, you can buy it at the pharmacy... The amount of medicine is 2 ml three times a day. The solution is poured into the throat of the animal with an ordinary syringe.
  • You can restore the electrolyte balance with water and lemon juice..
  • It is good to give rice water, it is an effective remedy for diarrhea, has the property of enveloping the walls of the stomach and intestines, protecting it. Decoctions of flax and oatmeal seeds are also suitable.
  • To avoid diarrhea, piglets are given water with a weak solution of potassium permanganate immediately after birth.

A decoction of calendula helps to normalize the digestive system of the animal.

Using folk methods, you should know that non-infectious diarrhea also requires a quick response. The condition weakens the immune system and turns into an infectious form, therefore, if relief does not come, drug treatment should be started.


It has already been said that at the first sign of diarrhea treatment in piglets or adult pigs should be started immediately, since the disease causes suffering to the animal, often leads to death. Therefore, it is easier to prevent the development of pathology, and this is quite within the power of a caring owner. What is required for this:

  • it is important to follow the diet and feed the animals by the hour;
  • the diet should be balanced in composition, contain all the necessary trace elements and vitamins for the normal growth and functioning of the body;
  • iron preparations ("Ferrodex", "Ferroglyukin") are pierced at five days of age as a prevention of the development of anemia and diarrhea.
  • It is recommended to give fish oil, as well as products containing essential vitamins, for example, "Tetravit". This will give the growing body an opportunity to strengthen its immune system and painlessly switch to new feed, to resist infection.
  • Carrots, peas, milk, green feed will help to fill the lack of vitamin A.
  • The type of food and the composition of the feed must not be drastically changed. New components are introduced gradually, in small doses.
  • Piglets need to grind the feed well.
  • The pig breeder needs to keep food fresh. Moldy and spoiled feed should not be given, pigs are very sensitive to food quality.
  • The pigsty should be clean, warm and dry.
  • Dishes from which animals eat must be washed periodically.
  • Piglets and adult pigs need to be given anthelmintic drugs.

To avoid diarrhea, piglets should be fed a balanced diet.

The health and life of his pets depends on how responsibly the owner will treat the recommendations.


  • Diarrhea in pigs is a dangerous condition that occurs due to infection or a violation of the feeding and maintenance regime.
  • Signs of the disease are determined by the frequency of bowel movements, the consistency of feces, the general condition of the animal.
  • When a piglet develops diarrhea, it is important to prevent dehydration of the body, to start timely treatment.
  • Drug therapy is used.
  • With a non-infectious form, it is allowed to use alternative methods of treatment.
  • To avoid the development of diarrhea in piglets, preventive measures must be followed.

Piglet diarrhea is a problem that pet owners often face. The rapid loss of fluid against the background of gastrointestinal disorders can be fatal. Therefore, with severe weakness, frequent bowel movements, liquid feces in an animal, you should immediately consult a specialist and begin treatment. For therapeutic purposes, doctors recommend rehydration solutions, antibacterials, and herbal teas.


The weak and fragile organism of a small brood requires special attention and care. There are many causes of diarrhea in a piglet:

  • Violation of metabolic processes against the background of malnutrition, the introduction of new food, malnutrition. Diarrhea often occurs when piglets are weaned from mother's milk and a sudden transition to compound feed. Metabolic disorders are possible with insufficient intake of vitamins A, D, calcium and phosphorus, which are necessary for the healthy functioning of the digestive tract and the endocrine system.
  • Unsanitary conditions, high humidity, inappropriate temperature conditions in the room in which the brood lives, create favorable conditions for the development of bacteria and fungi.
  • Untimely and poor quality care of piglets.
  • Infection. The penetration of bacterial or viral flora into the body occurs with food (rotten waste), water, mother's milk, as well as during intrauterine development from a sick sow.
  • Poisoning of piglets with chemical detergents, gasoline, paints, plant fertilizers and other toxic substances that lead to intestinal disruption.
  • Various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract of various nature, helminthic invasions.
  • Long-term exposure of a small organism to high ambient temperatures.


Diarrhea in piglets is easy to diagnose, since the disease has severe symptoms. This is a loose stool, the discharge of which occurs uncontrollably and quite often, more than 5 times a day. During diarrhea, piglets have moist skin under the tail.

Along with diarrhea, water and nutrients necessary for life are flushed out of the body. Against this background, there is a rapid deterioration in the general condition of the brood: the animals become weak, lethargic, drowsy. The appetite decreases or disappears completely, as a result of which the piglets can lose weight in case of diarrhea.

Self-help differential diagnosis

Diarrhea in small pigs by density, smell, color and other physiological characteristics of the separated biological material can be independently differentiated.

Watery stool is a sign of serious disorders in the digestive tract, which are often congenital. Foamy feces with the smell of rotten apples indicate fermentation processes in the body, which are of an infectious nature, usually bacterial.

Gray and greasy stools indicate a malfunctioning stomach or pancreas. If, as a result of emptying, the discharge is white, this is a sign of hepatic pathologies.

Read also: Causes of diarrhea in chinchilla

Green or yellow stool with a sour odor indicates a violation of intestinal motility. If piglets have diarrhea accompanied by the separation of blood clots, blood streaks or black feces, this is a symptom of internal gastrointestinal bleeding. The darker the biological material, the higher the problem is.

Diarrhea in piglets depending on their age

Diarrhea has its own characteristics and causes depending on the age of the pigs.

In newborns

During the neonatal period, piglets vilify most often. This is due to the lack of formation of immunity and high vulnerability to infectious agents of the external environment.

Often, infection occurs from the mother during intrauterine development, when bacteria and viruses penetrate the fetal membrane. Loose stools are noted immediately after birth. Often, infection occurs through breast milk.

An important role in the neonatal period is played by the nutrition of the sow, on which the quality and composition of milk depends. Therefore, it is important to ensure an adequate intake of vitamins and minerals with food. All feed must be of high quality with a good shelf life.

In piglets of the first month of life, diarrhea of \u200b\u200ban infectious nature is dangerous, since there is a high risk of infection of other individuals. During this period, the probability of death exceeds 60%.


In suckling piglets, diarrhea is associated with the following factors:

  • Sow mastitis, which leads to a change in the quality characteristics of milk. In this case, the mother needs treatment. The brood is undergoing symptomatic therapy.
  • Lack of milk leads to a lack of nutrients and upset stools.
  • Sow hunting. After a week in the mother's blood, the level of prolactin, a hormone responsible for milk production, may decrease. A decrease in its concentration also leads to an increase in sexual desire: the sow becomes restless.
  • The increased fat content of milk significantly liquefies the stool of piglets. To normalize the composition, it is necessary to choose a special diet for the mother.
  • Coldness in the room.

Have grown up

Diarrhea in pigs older than 2 months is much less common than in newborns and suckers, which is associated with the end of the formation of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and the strengthening of immunity. During this period, diarrhea is associated with:

  • exposure to high temperatures on the body of piglets, as a result of which intestinal motility is impaired;
  • poisoning with poor quality food;
  • adaptation to new roughage.

How to treat diarrhea in piglets at home?

If the piglets are diarrhea, it is necessary to immediately take the first measures to prevent dehydration and call a veterinarian who diagnoses the cause of the diarrhea and prescribes the necessary therapy.

Read also: Treatment of diarrhea in calves at home: how to treat and what to do for diarrhea in calves

Expert opinion

Dubas Andrey Leonidovich

Leading physician therapist of the veterinary clinic Dr. Bugaev

At the first sign, it is necessary to prevent dehydration by oral administration of special solutions:

  • Rehydron is offered to animals in a volume of 200 ml / 10 kg body weight 5 times / day. A bag of powder is diluted in 1 liter of warm water. You can replace the purchased solution with one prepared yourself: dissolve 1 tsp of sugar and salt in a glass of water.
  • Potassium chloride is administered on an empty stomach before meals three times a day with a single dose of 10 mg.
  • A 0.9% sodium chloride solution can be used if urgent care is needed for an animal. The daily dosage for a piglet is 100 g.

For the treatment of diarrhea in small pigs of an infectious nature, veterinarians prescribe drugs with an antibacterial effect. Oral medications are recommended to be mixed with dry food or dissolved in water.

  • Brovaseptol - powdered antibiotic is prescribed in a dosage of 1 g / 10 kg of body weight. The duration of therapy is from 3 to 5 days. With severe diarrhea, Brovaseptol is administered intramuscularly.
  • Acolan it is prescribed for loose stools in a volume of 1 g per 10 kg of individual weight. Frequency of admission - twice / day every 12 hours. The duration of the therapeutic course is 5 days.
  • Brovaform - a broad-spectrum antibiotic for oral administration. It is prescribed 1 g per 20 kg of pig weight twice for 5 days.
  • Amoxicillin - a representative of penicillins. It is prescribed in the form of powder or injections. The dosage is based on the severity of the clinical picture and, as a rule, is 20 mg / kg of body weight during the day. The daily dosage is divided into 3 doses and should not exceed 1 g.
  • Biovit for piglets it is a medicine with chlortetracycline, proteins, minerals and B vitamins, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the stomach and intestines. In the first month of life, 0.75 g per day is prescribed. From 2 to 6 months of life, therapeutic dosages are increased to 3 g per day. After 6 months, the drug is prescribed in the amount of 7.5 g.

Vietnamese piglets

In representatives of this type, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is somewhat different from other breeds, and therefore diarrhea in small pigs is treated with other drugs:

  • Tetracycline or Levomycetin, which are prescribed at a dosage of 35 mg / kg of animal weight;
  • Pharmazin 50 mg is intended for intramuscular administration;
  • Furazolidone is prescribed on the basis of proportions of 3 mg per kilogram of animal weight.

How to treat diarrhea in piglets at home with folk remedies?

Treatment with folk remedies is possible if the diarrhea is of a non-infectious nature. For rehydration, it is possible to use extracts of chamomile, calendula, sea buckthorn, nettle, oak bark. Herbs can be used alone or mixed. To prepare infusions, you need to pour 2 tbsp. l chopped plants 500 ml of water and insist for 2-3 hours under a lid at room temperature.

Infusions are poured into the oral cavity 3 times / day before each feeding. A single volume is based on the proportions: 10 ml of solution for each kilogram of body weight of the piglet.

To normalize stool and restore intestinal motility, it is recommended to use rice, oatmeal or linseed broth. For cooking, you need to pour 5 tbsp. l chopped cereals or seeds 500-600 ml of water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for half an hour. Refrigerate and offer half a glass every 2-3 hours.

Almost every livestock breeder is periodically faced with such a problem as diarrhea in piglets. Intestinal disorder is not an independent disease. This is a symptom indicating the presence of an ailment of an infectious nature, nutritional defects, or some kind of malfunction in the body.

However, conditions of this kind should be taken very seriously, as they can pose an immediate threat to animal life.

Causes of diarrhea in young animals of different age groups

As practice shows, in newborn piglets and so-called "suckers" diarrhea is relatively rare... The bodies of these babies are still in the process of adapting to their environment; most organs are not fully functional. Feeding exclusively on mother's milk, cubs receive from sows not only food, but also substances that help to improve the functioning of the immune and digestive systems. Therefore, if the pig is healthy and actively lactating, the babies feel great.

Diarrhea in suckers may occur for one of the following reasons:

The timing of weaning piglets from the mother depends on the intensity of lactation, the health of the sow, and a number of other signs. Different breeds weaning can occur when young animals reach the age of 1 to 3 months... At this point, babies are at increased risk of developing diarrhea due to the complete transition to "adult" food.

Piglets need to be taught to new food gradually, introducing different foods into the diet individually and in small portions.

Piglets aged over 3 months, completely switched to the main food, diarrhea occurs in the case of:

  • receiving improperly prepared feed... "Adult" food intended for young animals must be chopped up. It is clear that from one apple or carrot, eaten whole, there will be no harm to the baby, but, basically, vegetables are given to young pigs finely chopped, which facilitates digestion. In addition, care must be taken to ensure that uncooked kitchen waste or expired dairy products do not enter the piglets' diet;
  • eating food too quickly... Young pigs of all breeds are highly mobile. Having played enough, the piglets rush to the feeding troughs and eat the feed so greedily that they put an extra burden on their digestive system. To avoid trouble, experienced pig breeders give the babies water or decoctions of herbs before each feeding. This method allows you to slightly dull the feeling of hunger. After drinking, the piglets eat more calmly;
  • overfeeding or underfeeding... Pigs do not know how to control their feeding behavior. Owners should feed the piglets as much food as needed for one feeding each time. Overeating threatens babies with digestive problems, and malnutrition is fraught with the development of vitamin deficiencies and mineral deficiencies, which can also provoke diarrhea;
  • poor sanitary condition premises and inventory. If litter is not changed in the pigsty, manure is rarely removed, feeders and drinkers are irregularly washed, piglets sooner or later become victims of helminthic infestations (ascariasis) or diseases such as salmonellosis, colibacillosis, enteroviral gastroenteritis, etc., one of the symptoms of which is diarrhea ... Young animals can also pick up the infection on the walk, where adults, not entirely healthy pigs grazed;
  • poisoning... Piglets often gnaw on wooden trays or floors in pigsties. In this case, there is a risk of chemical poisoning (paint residues, detergents, etc.). On a walk, babies can swallow pebbles, sawdust, pieces of cloth or plastic. Eating plants or their seeds that cause diarrhea is also possible.

Diagnostics and first aid

Often, only a specialist can find out the real cause of diarrhea in young pigs. This does not mean that solving the problem should be postponed until a full diagnosis is made. In this situation, it is necessary to fight the symptom itself, since abundant loose stools necessarily leads to dehydration of the body, which often becomes the cause of the death of the animal. If the owners do not know how to treat diarrhea in piglets at home, babies in severe cases can die even within a day.

To prevent dehydration and restore water-salt balance, you can give piglets for diarrhea the following proven and relatively safe products:

Means Preparation and dosage
Rice "talker" A kilogram of cereal is boiled in 10 liters of water, filtered and the resulting broth is fed to a sick animal, 100 ml 4 times a day. The mucous fluid envelops the walls of the stomach and intestines well, contains the nutrients necessary for the animal. Flaxseed decoction has a similar effect.
Decoctions or infusions of medicinal plants with astringent, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effects For the preparation of preparations, chicory root and grass, oak bark, chamomile herb, dioecious nettle, string, yarrow are most often used. Vitamin infusions made from the leaves of berry plants (raspberries, strawberries and blackberries) and rose hips are very useful. Astringents should be drunk no more than three times a day, always before meals, at the rate of 5 ml per 1 kg of pig weight
Salt solutions Use ready-made pharmaceutical preparations (saline, Ringer-Locke's solution, potassium chloride solution) or products sold in powder form (for example, rehydron). If pharmaceutical preparations are not available, it is easy to replace them with a 1% solution of table salt prepared by yourself (5 g of salt per 500 ml of boiled water). When using such products, it is important to remember that an overdose of salts can greatly harm animals. Therefore, giving solutions of this type for drinking or in the form of injections is best agreed with a veterinarian.
Adsorbents Such "human" products as activated carbon and smecta are safe for pigs.
Alcoholic infusion of pine needles It can be bought at a pharmacy and given to a sick baby with a syringe (without a needle) or a teaspoon of 2 ml 3 times a day
Corn oil Give in the morning, on an empty stomach, 1 tablespoon each
Roasted barley The washed barley grains are fried in a dry frying pan until dark golden in color and poured into the feeder so that the sick pigs eat their fill (the grain must be changed every day, otherwise it damp). Of course, the product is only suitable for babies who already know how to eat solid food.

On the following days, give half the amount of finely chopped feed, dividing this dose into 5-6 feedings. At the same time, you can include in the baby's diet liquid porridge on water (preferably not from whole grains, but from bran), high-quality hay, some apples and carrots, and such products as beets and cabbage should be excluded.

Drug treatment

Piglets with diarrhea must be shown to a specialist. It is especially worthwhile to be wary if there is:

  • loose white stools, indicating possible liver damage;
  • frothy, offensive stool, characteristic of bacterial infections. In this case, the animals are in a fever, some areas of their skin acquire a bluish tint;
  • the addition of vomiting and temporary temperature jumps to diarrhea, which happens with viral infections;
  • chocolate colored stools, which appears with gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • cough that began 2-3 weeks before diarrhea, which is characteristic of helminthic invasions.

If the baby has at least one of these symptoms, or his diarrhea does not subside within 2 days, despite the use of folk remedies, the farmer or the owner of the courtyard should call a veterinarian who can determine the cause of the malaise and prescribe adequate treatment with antibiotics or sulfa drugs. Some of these medications are available over the counter in pharmacies, but giving them to pigs on their own is very dangerous. Without knowing the correct dosage and not understanding which of the "human" drugs are suitable for animals, you can aggravate the problem and make the ward's recovery process very difficult.


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Graduated from MGRI named after I. Ordzhonikidze. His main specialty is a mining engineer-geophysicist, which means a person with an analytical mindset and diverse interests. I have my own house in the village (respectively, experience in truck farming, gardening, mushroom growing, as well as fiddling with pets and poultry). Freelancer, perfectionist and "bore" in relation to his duties. Hand-made lover, creator of exclusive jewelry made of stones and beads. A passionate admirer of the printed word and an anxious observer of everything that lives and breathes.

One of the most convenient methods to prepare a grown crop of vegetables, fruits and berries is freezing. Some people believe that freezing leads to a loss of the nutritional and beneficial properties of plant foods. As a result of the research, scientists have found that there is practically no decrease in nutritional value when frozen.

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Both humus and compost are rightfully the basis of organic farming. Their presence in the soil significantly increases the yield and improves the taste of vegetables and fruits. They are very similar in properties and appearance, but they should not be confused. Humus - rotted manure or bird droppings. Compost - rotted organic residues of various origins (spoiled food from the kitchen, tops, weeds, thin twigs). Humus is considered a better quality fertilizer, compost is more readily available.

From varietal tomatoes, you can get "your" seeds for sowing next year (if you really like the variety). And it is useless to do it with hybrid ones: the seeds will turn out, but they will carry the hereditary material not of the plant from which they were taken, but of its numerous "ancestors".

Humus - rotted manure or bird droppings. It is prepared as follows: manure is piled up in a heap or pile, sandwiching it with sawdust, peat and garden soil. The collar is covered with a film to stabilize the temperature and humidity (this is necessary to increase the activity of microorganisms). The fertilizer "ripens" within 2-5 years - depending on external conditions and the composition of the feedstock. The output is a loose homogeneous mass with a pleasant smell of fresh earth.

It is believed that some vegetables and fruits (cucumbers, stalk celery, all varieties of cabbage, peppers, apples) have a "negative calorie content", that is, digesting more calories than they contain. In fact, the digestive process uses only 10-20% of the calories from food.

Tomatoes have no natural protection against late blight. If late blight attacks, any tomatoes (and potatoes too) die, no matter what is said in the description of varieties ("varieties resistant to late blight" is just a marketing ploy).

All pets are susceptible to various diseases, which a caring owner should tirelessly fight against. Diarrhea in pigs is not a rare disease, but it requires special attention. After all, an animal in a matter of days can weaken so much that a person's negligence can lead to his early death. And this means that it is worth choosing the most adequate methods of treatment that can bring a quick effect.

Causes of diarrhea in pigs

Unfortunately, pigs are not the cleanest animals. Therefore, the causes of diarrhea in pigs are often so commonplace that there is no need to talk about them, since dirt is at the forefront. But, it is worthwhile to study more closely, as a result of which diarrhea may appear in these pets and how to deal with them.

  • Dirty water taken from an unknown source.
  • Food from the table.
  • Infections.
  • Irritation of the mucous membrane with food.
  • Toxic drugs.
  • Eating non-digestible items.

If the main problem is errors in nutrition and the use of unknown food, then it will be possible to cope with diarrhea in two to three days. If the causes of diarrhea in pigs lie in an infectious nature, then it will be much more difficult to cope with the problem and you cannot do without the use of special drugs. Of particular danger are toxic substances that could get in the way of a pet. They can be poisoned instantly and then, against the background of diarrhea, the animal develops severe vomiting. If decisive action is not taken in a timely manner, then the animal cannot be saved.

Pig diarrhea with blood

It should be noted that some types of diarrhea in pets are particularly difficult. If there is diarrhea in pigs with blood and some mucus impurities, then dysentery will be the correct diagnosis. Several microorganisms are involved in its development at once, so it is initially problematic to identify them. Most often, the carriers of dysentery are sick individuals or carrier pigs. The causative agent of the disease can appear even after five months. Especially favorable nature for the spread of the disease in pigsties with poor sanitary conditions, with high crowding of domestic animals or when keeping pigs together with cattle.

Diarrhea in pigs with blood is especially dangerous for young animals. Piglets of the first six months of life are not yet strong enough and there is a significant mortality among them. No more than 10 percent of piglets survive the disease. Adult pigs are more resilient and have a more than 60 percent chance of surviving the disease.

Pig diarrhea: treatment

If pigs have diarrhea, treatment should be followed immediately. The success of the event will depend on this. The first thing a person should do in order to help a sick individual is to separate it from the herd and isolate it, while providing a good heated straw bedding. Reduce food intake to a minimum.

After taking all the precautions for the development of the disease, it is worth starting drug treatment. Veterinarians provide the following drugs for quality treatment of pig diarrhea.

  • Biovit. Designed for the treatment of diarrhea in young animals. The dose is calculated based on the age and weight of the piglet.
  • "Brovaseptol". It is based on fastening elements. It is added to the feed for five days.
  • "Brovaform". The medication can be mixed in both food and water. Two kilograms of powder are added to one ton of feed, and one kilogram of the preparation is added per ton of water.

In any case, when diarrhea is observed in pigs, the veterinarian should prescribe treatment, since initially without understanding the cause of the disease, you can significantly harm the animal.

The pig has diarrhea. What to do?

There are many popular methods to help cope if a pig has diarrhea. Experience and traditional methods of treating diarrhea in humans will tell you what to do in this case. Even a seemingly standard rice water will help in getting rid of the problem, since it not only envelops the walls of the stomach, but also helps to strengthen bowel movements. Decoctions of string, chamomile and calendula with sea buckthorn perfectly disinfect the body and help fight the infectious nature of the disease.

A solution of sodium chloride, or simply ordinary table salt, will also have the desired effect, since it will help retention of fluid in the body. But, it must be remembered that it is very harmful to give even an adult individual more than 100 grams of spice.

How to stop pig diarrhea?

Nobody can cope with this problem at one moment. Therefore, farmers, while taking medications, resort to folk methods. This combination gives an optimal result. If young piglets have a problem very often, then it is worth more closely monitoring their nutrition. In this case, reflecting on the question: "How to stop diarrhea in a pig?" it will not be superfluous to prepare her the right food. Indeed, often, eating fresh green grass from the site, pigs develop diarrhea. Therefore, in order to avoid diarrhea, the grass should first be mowed and then dried. In this case, you can forget about diarrhea.

Pig diarrhea is frequent. And you need to learn to deal with it in a timely manner. You do not need to have special skills in treatment. Having listened once to the advice of experts, you can learn to provide first aid to your pets and be sure that diarrhea in pigs will not lead to disastrous results.

Nowadays, many farmers are raising piglets. This is a pretty lucrative business that should be taken very seriously. Boars need to create all the necessary conditions for comfortable living, otherwise they can get sick, and this can lead to the extinction of the entire herd. Piglet diarrhea is a common problem faced by many herders. Diarrhea should be treated immediately, as it can be caused by a variety of diseases that in most cases lead to the death of the animal. When the first signs appear, you should immediately call a veterinarian.

general information

Breeding pets comes with a lot of hassle. Both young and adult individuals need proper care, therefore it is very important to create good conditions.If the feeding regime is not followed, the barn is not cleaned on time and the optimal temperature in the room is not observed, the risk of developing various infectious diseases in animals increases, which can lead to the extinction of the entire livestock. If the piglet is in this case, you will find out further. The first step is to provide him with proper care and try to establish the cause of the manifestation of the disease.

Causes of diarrhea

Diarrhea in piglets can manifest itself as a result of many reasons, the main ones being:

Proper feeding of piglets deserves special attention, since not all products and feed can be given to them. What the livestock ration should consist of will be discussed further.

A few words about the diet

Diarrhea in piglets (how to treat this disease, you will learn later) can be prevented if you choose the right diet for them. The thing is that pigs are distinguished by their omnivorousness and great appetite, so they eat absolutely everything with great pleasure.

Start answering the question: "How to feed the piglets?" it is necessary with consideration of what to give is strictly prohibited. Any food that is heavy for the stomach, foods containing hazardous substances, as well as rotten food should be excluded from the diet. In addition, it is necessary to closely monitor that no foreign objects, such as pieces of cloth, pebbles, wood chips and others, get into the food, as they can damage the gastrointestinal tract and cause internal bleeding.

Causes of serious diseases

Severe diseases include diseases of the internal organs and poisoning caused by the use of animals of various toxic and dangerous substances, which can not only cause diarrhea in a piglet, but also lead to its death. As a rule, the cause of these diseases is that the owner left unattended toxic substances such as gasoline, kerosene, household chemicals or paint that were swallowed by the piglet. This can lead to disruption of the normal functioning of the digestive system and liver disease.


If you find diarrhea in piglets, treatment of which should be started as soon as possible, then this indicates a problem with the intestines. The following symptoms will help you diagnose the disease yourself:

  • the appearance of diarrhea indicates problems with the intestines;
  • foamy discharge is a sign of infectious diseases;
  • if the piglet's diarrhea is green or yellow, then this indicates poor digestibility of food in the small intestine;
  • light-colored discharge occurs with various liver diseases;
  • black or red stool is a sign of internal bleeding;
  • if the intensity of the bowel movements is not too high, then the problem of diarrhea in piglets, which you will learn later to treat, is intestinal inflammation, and too frequent loose stools indicate more serious problems;
  • if there is a putrid odor, it is necessary to check the animal for the presence of intestinal infections;
  • a sour smell indicates a malfunctioning of the digestive system.

If the symptoms listed above are accompanied by vomiting, fever and discharge from the eyes, then most likely the animal has food poisoning, which is also very common due to the stomach's too high sensitivity to food. This is why it is very important to take a responsible approach to the question of what to feed your piglets.

Home treatment of diarrhea in newborn piglets

The mortality rate of small piglets due to diarrhea is very high, since too frequent bowel movements lead to dehydration, and the animal simply dies. There are often cases when complete dehydration occurs just 12 hours after the disease. Therefore, if you notice that the pig has loose stools, treatment should be started immediately. The first step is to provide the animal with plenty of clean water to drink in order to normalize the water balance. Saline solution is very effective for diarrhea in pigs, for the preparation of which you will need one tablespoon of salt and sugar per 200 ml of water.

Medication for diarrhea

For diarrhea, veterinarians prescribe various medications to piglets that have anti-infectious effects and prevent dehydration. The most common remedies are Akolan and Amoxicillin. A good remedy is Brovaf, a new oral antibiotic with a very powerful and effective action.

It should be noted that any medications should be given only in combination with a strict diet. To speed up the healing process and normalize metabolic processes, on the first day of illness, it is necessary to provide livestock with a large amount of drink. As for feeding, it should be stopped for one day in order to reduce the load on the intestines. On the second day, small meals are allowed.

Treatment of diarrhea with alternative methods

Various medicinal decoctions, for example, chamomile or nettle, help to cope with diarrhea in piglets very well. They perfectly remove toxic substances from the body and cleanse it. A decoction of oak bark and hay infusion, which are given to the pig several times a day before each feeding, helps to cope well with diarrhea.

If the diarrhea persists for several days, then you can start giving the animal a decoction of chicory root, which will require 50 grams of root per liter of water.

If you are giving your piglet Brovafom, a potent new drug, rice water is a great addition to it. To cook it, take half a kilogram of rice, pour five liters of water and cook until the cereal is fully cooked. This broth protects the intestines very well, enveloping it and thus creating a protective barrier.

Normalization of metabolic processes

In most cases, diarrhea is associated with metabolic disorders, which occurs due to improper feeding or various diseases of the digestive system. Therefore, in order to speed up the recovery process of the piglet, it is very important to restore the intestinal microflora and normalize metabolic processes. This can only be achieved by choosing the right nutrition for the animal. To provide small piglets with all the vitamins they need, they should be fed fish oil regularly.

At an early age, piglets should be fed with special combined feeds, which contain many vitamins and other nutrients that the animal needs for normal growth and good health. This is the only way you can strengthen the piglet's immunity and reduce the likelihood of developing various diseases in him.

To compensate for the vitamin A deficiency, milk, legumes, nettles and carrots should be added to the pig's diet. Natural food can also be replaced with various vitamin preparations, which are given to the animal once a day after feeding. It is also important to provide the animal with plenty of iron, the daily requirement of which is 10 mg. Its deficiency can not only cause diarrhea, but also anemia.

Preventive actions

You already know that diarrhea is a great threat to the life of a piglet and needs timely treatment. However, the disease is easier not to cure, but to prevent its manifestation, so it is important to follow some preventive measures.

  1. Adhere to a meal plan.
  2. The diet should consist of foods and feeds rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.
  3. It is not recommended to abruptly make a complete change of diet. Change to other foods gradually and in small amounts so that the animal will normally adapt to the new food.
  4. When feeding small pigs, it is recommended to chop the food.
  5. Keep food and water fresh.
  6. Keep the barn clean.
  7. Maintain the optimal microclimate in the room where the pigs are kept. The air should be warm and not too humid.

Not only health, but also the life of animals depends on the conditions of keeping piglets, so if you are engaged in breeding livestock, then pay attention to such important points.