“I don’t work, my husband fully supports me and my daughter.” What it feels like to marry an Egyptian

In this post I will talk about how I married an Egyptian in 2012, as well as give detailed instructions on where to go and what documents are needed to get married with an Egyptian citizen today. If you are not interested in my personal life, then go straight to the end.

Instead of a preface: the manual I have prepared is not suitable for everyone, since the country has different "marriage rules" for foreign women from different countries, for Egyptians of different religions, and sometimes with the same initial data, people go through different paths, because different employees of the same the same organizations are guided by different rules for receiving / issuing certificates, depending on which foot they stood on today :)

First of all, if you really want to marry an Egyptian, you need to decide whether the desire is really very strong, and the situation is critical. At the slightest doubt, quit this venture and live in peace!

If you really want to, then listen to how it happens ..

My story of marriage to an Egyptian

We had a classic version: I am a girl from Russia, my fiancé is an Egyptian Muslim. We contacted the consulate, I interviewed all my acquaintances who had gone this way, and as a result, on their tip, I prepared the following list of documents:

  • Help from the registry office

That I am not married in the Russian Federation. However, many of our registry offices have no idea that such a certificate, in principle, can exist, and therefore refuse to issue it.

Another difficulty lies in the fact that in our country there is no single database for registry offices and it is quite logical that if you got married in the same registry office, this does not mean at all that all registry offices know about it. Guided by these conclusions, many registry office employees do not take responsibility for issuing certificates with deliberately unverifiable information. But sometimes you come across quite adequate and loyal registry office, where they will write to you what you want, just give the money .. in general, how lucky :)

  • Apostille must be affixed to the certificate.

This is such a tricky seal, which confirms that your reference is the most real and cool reference. And this apostille is placed ONLY in the main registry office in Moscow. And it costs a lot - in 2012 the price was 1,500 rubles.

But it is worth considering that the apostille is placed on documents intended not for all countries, but only for those that signed the Hague Convention in some shaggy year. Egypt then ignored this event, therefore, for certificates intended for Egypt, such a seal is not put in principle. And it is necessary!

  • A certificate from both parents that they are not against my marriage to an Egyptian citizen.

Take it wherever you want, but the main thing is to have it certified by a notary. Notaries, as a rule, first fall into a stupor, when asked to certify such a paper, and then certify at the highest tariff :)

  • Help from parents must be certified with an apostille. See n2.
  • If you suddenly do not have both or one of the parents, then you need an explanation of where they died, for example, or left and left you, a lonely thirty-year-old aunt to fend for themselves, or maybe they are on the wanted list .. Any certificates received for this purpose must be certified by a notary and an apostille :)
  • If you are a Christian, then you need certificate stating that you are a Christian.

No one knows exactly where such certificates are issued. Presumably in the church where you were baptized, but some priests do not understand how to issue such a certificate, because they either do not have an archive at all, or they have one, but only since 2000, or the archive was, but burned down ..

Or it’s just elementary that no one remembers where you were baptized, and our churches (like the registry offices) are not at all obliged to notify all the churches of Russia about the fact of the baptism of a particular person. Either your parents remember where you were baptized, but it was a long time ago, and then you lived in Kamchatka, and now in Moscow.

IMHO it is easier to be baptized anew and demand a document. Or pay the priest money so that he would write you a paper based on your words. (further to the notary and for the apostille :))

  • If you Muslim, then the same as in point 6, only you have to deal with the mosque. And given that in Islam there is no such thing as “baptism” at all, I don’t know how they get out there. The same theme with Judaism.
  • If you atheist or a follower of any other religion other than the ones listed above, then without options - either urgently be baptized / convert to Islam / Judaism, or forget about your Egyptian betrothed forever! Because there are no other religions in the world!

In parallel, my fiance was collecting this:

  • Police certificate stating that he is not on trial(This requirement is not entirely clear to me, because maybe I fell in love with a convict, why shouldn't I get married now or what?)
  • Certificate stating that he is not married(This requirement appeals to me, but it also seems illogical, given that I am going to get married in a Muslim country, where it is officially allowed to have 4 wives. Maybe I want with all my heart to become the third beloved wife! who do not understand at all how to write this, where to check this fact and why it is needed).
  • Registration certificate(yeah, given that there is no such thing as a residence permit in Egypt, of course it’s just one piece of cake :) And they don’t have registration either. There is a right of ownership of housing, but if, for example, the groom lives in an apartment with his parents, and the owner of the house is dad, then I do not really understand how the required certificate should look like. According to witnesses, probably ...)
  • Well passport of course (love this item)))

What have we done

We collected half of the required documents and with this set we decided to apply directly to the Russian consulate in Cairo, because the next step was just getting a certificate from the Consulate that my Motherland is not opposed to marrying me abroad. (Before that there was a preparatory stage :))

It turned out that I did not have apostilles on any piece of paper, and my husband had nothing at all except a passport. Imagine our surprise when it turned out that while we were running around in soap at the notaries, our Consulate canceled the requirements for half of the certificates due to the fact that they could not be obtained in principle, and now a certificate of the absence of an obstacle to registering my marriage is issued simply on the basis of our passports. No, well, okay ?!

Note that I didn’t come up with this out of my head about all the above references! It was Ahmed who went to our consulate, there was a list of necessary documents on the door, he took a picture of it on his phone (!! that is, you won’t carp that he has a bad memory!) And sent it to me.

And when we went to the consulate without his certificates, we just decided to clarify everything again and check if all my certificates were drawn up this way. And left from there immediately with permission! This is how it happens :)

So we became the happy owners of a permit to marry a foreigner.

The next step is to persuade the Egyptian side.

To do this, we went to a lawyer and concluded that we are like husband and wife, but at the same time we do not have the rights of husband and wife. It's hard for me to explain the whole deep meaning of this piece of paper, but roughly speaking, it gives you the right to sleep together. (From this moment you can start, gee-gee).

With this piece of paper, a bunch of photos, copies of passports and a certificate from the Russian consulate, we went to the visa center and applied for bride visa. We stood in line, of course :)) Paid approx. 80 dollars .. We waited a couple of months and at the end we got a visa for half a year. During this period, we had to have time to arrange everything that was left.

After receiving the bride visa, we went to the hospital, where we received information that we are not fools healthy :) In our hospital, for 20 pounds (3 dollars), they agreed to close their eyes to all our possible physical and mental disabilities :)) They did not take any tests from us, they issued certificates so simply, for money.

The official cost of such certificates is somewhere around $ 8 for Egyptians and $ 80 for foreigners. Well, and 20 pounds per foot for the issuer of certificates, so that the whole thing can be done in one day and without tests. They don't care about the health of the nation at all :)

Having received the certificates, we went to the post office and purchased stamps! Yeah, I'm not kidding :) For $ 9. Later I ran around with this brand like a chicken and an egg, it is such a small infection, and strove to get lost! But it came in handy only at the very end.

And then, finally, we went to Cairo again, found the Foreign Ministry there, in which we certified our ORFI contract(well, you remember, according to which we are husband and wife, but not husband and wife).

Then, if you are still a Christian, you need certify your certificate that you are a Christian, first at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and then at the main church in Cairo (the certificate must first be translated into Arabic, of course).

If you are marrying a Muslim, then consider yourself lucky - then the home stretch. And if for a Christian, then after you prove that you are not a camel, you are a real Christian with all the seals, you will need (attention!) - to be baptized in the local church! Because only Egyptian Christians are the most Christian Christians :)

And if you are a Muslim or if religion is not decisive for your peace of mind, then I strongly advise at the consulate to ask to write in the "marriage permit" that you profess Islam. This way you will save a lot of time, nerves and money for collecting / signing certificates of religion. Here everywhere, even at our consulate, Muslims are taken at their word and there is no need to prove anything.

Home stretch

First leg of the home stretch

Well, in this place we are already very close to the dream! Soon, very soon, you can put the ring on your ring finger! Soon, but not now :))

We made copies of the entire collection of certificates that we managed to collect over the past few months (several copies from each - you never know ?! :), added photocopies of passports, photocopies of visa pages, put all this stuff into one big folder, in the same place put 5 photos of each of us, did not forget the brand (!), and set off to storm the office with a romantic name Shara Akari(well, something like a registry office).

This institution is located wherever you think it is - very close to Tahrir Square, where all the significant events of the political life of Egypt take place. And while we were collecting documents in order to create a social unit, the people on Tahrir rebelled in order to overthrow the next regime! Tanks there, barricades, skirmishes ... you know.

The daily reports from the battlefield, of course, did not add optimism to me .. It was frankly scary to go there, but it was vital, because it was necessary to finish this whole song

  • before the expiration of the bride's visa, and
  • before the birth, which is coming in March.

And at a later date, it would be very difficult for me to take a trip to Cairo (5 hours by car one way), so we decided that the war was not a hindrance to our happiness. We will get married even under bullets :)))

On one forum, a girl who went through all this hell wrote me in great detail workarounds on how to get to the coveted Shara Akari, if suddenly demonstrations, tanks, etc. I drew a map with a scheme of retreat and rushed into battle :)))

Barricades at the entrance to our office

Second leg of the finish line

Shara Akari is a huge state institution-anthill, on the fourth floor of which foreigners are painted and bred. There was a dark darkness for the people.

Something like a cafeteria was organized in the lobby, where people could wait, drink tea and smoke mercilessly. This is what everyone was doing there. The smoke screen was such that it was not immediately possible to distinguish one's fiancé from someone else's :) The last thing that this whole event can be associated with is the solemn moment of the wedding, which, oddly enough, this event was ..

The waiting room in the office, the people are already small because the end of the slave. of the day

While I sat down at the table, my still future husband rushed to find out where we should give all our hard-won pieces of paper. I waited for him for about half an hour, and out of my Russian naivety I decided that probably my man could not break through to the offices, if I go, I will expose my belly to everyone, and I’m pregnant right away everywhere without a queue and will be allowed to pass!

Yeah, naive Chukotka.

Instead of letting me go everywhere at once, everyone began to look askance at me with suspicion and turn their backs on me, blocking the passage. And then, when I did find my man, and they let us into the office, the formidable uncle gave my Ahmed a real headwash on the topic: “How could you, cable, knock a girl out before the wedding !!!” :)

At first I did not understand - is he joking or what? Then, when I saw how my Ahmed lowered his eyes and began to apologize that he wouldn’t be like this anymore, I almost fell off my chair .. it was very uncomfortable to laugh, but it was simply impossible to hold back :) Ahmed solemnly vowed that it was for the first and last time, and in atonement for his guilt, he is ready to marry me .. that's right now !!! (let's hurry up already!)

Then the uncle looked at me and asked if I was really ready to marry this bastard man, after all that he had done? I was tempted to answer: “No, really! Give me all the certificates back, I will not go to marry this fool! :) But I gathered my will into a fist, and said that yes, I really want to get married!

Third leg of the home stretch

But our documents were not accepted that day. It turned out that the certificate from the consulate was missing three words "and was not." That's it. Well, that is, it says "and this madam is not married at the moment." But it is necessary "... not married AND WAS NOT"

And by the way, I was. But I thought that now I will say that I was, and they will answer me - let’s bring you from Russia a death certificate of your first spouse, certified by a notary, with an apostille from Moscow, translated at the consulate of the Russian Federation in Cairo and certified in Ministry of Foreign Affairs .. and then I fully realized why people become traitors!

Akhmed and I went to the consulate (we miraculously got on a working day 10 minutes before closing, the next appointment 3 days later), and there I looked the consul in the eyes and said - please add that I was not married. He says: "Definitely not?" I say: “There is nowhere more precisely! Was not".

And the next day we had a visit to Shara Akari, take 2.

This time the documents were accepted. But in total, it took us 4 hours to transfer all these papers from one office to another. The secret meaning of these movements is probably incomprehensible even to the employees of this organization. Because it looked like this:

- now you are in office number 4.

We go, there is a queue, we wait, we approach, we give the documents to the aunt at the table. She looks at the stack of documents long and intently, and says:

- okay, now you are in office number 8.

And why the devil did we show her the papers ?? She didn't even put a signature! She didn't even stupidly flip through our papers!

We come to office number 8 (queue, etc.)

- put the documents on the table and wait outside the door. All employees also follow us out of the office. We wait. The door to the office is open inside no one .. it turns out everyone went to pray / drink tea.

Considering that the working day is from 9 to 13, it is, of course, vital to spend half an hour “to pray”. Can't people work for 4 hours without a break ?! At least a couple of times you need to rest!

And they have recently computerized the process there. Therefore, what they used to quickly fill out by hand, now they type with one index finger on the computer .. they type in turn, because the finger gets tired :))

In general, we left there tortured to shreds, tired, hungry, stoned from all sides, but completely married!

Well, now, as promised -

Step-by-step plan for those looking to marry an Egyptian:

  1. Call the Consulate of the Russian Federation and clarify what documents you need to provide (most likely only a passport of the Russian Federation) to receive a certificate that you have no obstacles to getting married.
  2. At the Russian Consulate in Cairo, get a certificate, in the certificate, among other things, it is better to immediately write that you are not married, were not, and that you are a Muslim.
  3. To conclude an ORFI contract if you do not have one yet, although if you have been together for several years, then you probably already have one, so take it.
  4. According to ORFI, a certificate from the consulate and her husband's passport, apply for a bride visa in the local Gauzat (keep in mind that this visa is issued only once in a lifetime, so time has passed since that moment!)
  5. In a public hospital, get special certificates stating that you do not have any illnesses (given on the same day for a small bribe without tests)
  6. Buy a special stamp at the post office
  7. Assure your ORFI to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Cairo
  8. If you are a Christian, then at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, certify a certificate stating that you are a Christian
  9. Make a copy of everything you have, including passports and visa pages, put everything in one folder, add 5 photos of each of you and go to Shara Akari in Lazogli Square in Cairo.
  10. Here you will either be married or told what is missing :)

Every woman wants to get married more than anything else. And more than that, a woman wants to marry a foreigner; in the recent past it was considered very prestigious. Now, marriages between representatives of different states are quite frequent. But you need to know some pitfalls that may arise on the path to a happy family life, especially when the husband has Egyptian citizenship.

The scorching sun, good mood, romantic atmosphere on the most beautiful beach, you want to continue such resort romances outside of relaxation. Egypt can rightfully be called the country of resort romances. Persistent beauties are calling to return back to the land of pharaohs and pyramids, but not as a tourist, but as a legal wife. And Russian girls fly to a foreign country towards women's happiness. They are captivated by such emotional activity of the citizens of Egypt.

This is not surprising: the Egyptian mentality does not allow simply offering sex to a woman - this is so unacceptable in this country. Therefore, right after they met, compliments fly from the lips of the tanned handsome man, loud phrases sound akin to: "You are the best woman on the planet", "I have never met such, this is love at first sight." And then comes the coveted marriage proposal. Egyptians are very romantic men, there is almost no local man who would not have an affair with a tourist. Why it happens?

Firstly, the atmosphere itself is conducive to resort romances. Also, the notorious desire for physical satisfaction, since seducers, as a rule, work in large resort cities, and their wives are far from them. It is not possible to have a fleeting romance with a local girl - this is not allowed by religion, neither Egyptian women nor men. But this does not upset the Egyptians - after all, beauties from all over the world arrive at the resort every year, not spoiled by the compliments and promises of the local men.

How much does love cost.
In addition to passionate love, as a rule, a good dowry is attached, in other words, the Egyptians are not averse to receiving an expensive gift from tourists, which they do not skimp on, or to go to a restaurant at their expense. They themselves cannot afford it - there are no big salaries in Egypt.

You don't need much for this: it is enough to "shower" the girl with messages with promises of eternal love, and offers to come as soon as possible, because separation is unbearable for a lover without a memory of his heart. If you come across a better-off admirer, you can even get an apartment as a gift. Hearing that this will be a joint nest, where a devoted man will look forward to "the woman of his whole life" and raise many beautiful children.

Well, these are such trifles, to contribute a considerable amount for a love nest, especially since the rest can be paid by the "groom". And the apartment will be registered with the Egyptian, but it doesn't matter, because they will be together all their lives and nothing can destroy their love. If a more successful mistress comes across, then the "future husband" will be lucky enough to get a business, which, of course, will be recorded in his name. And he, in turn, will show off to his real wife a new car, an expensive watch, and show photographs of "his" business.

Of course, sometimes there are wealthy men who received all of the above thanks to their efforts, but this is rather an exception: mostly money that a man sends for a girl to buy , and flew to him, received by him by some rich foreign lady. And, of course, messages filled with promises of eternal love, marriage proposals do not stop. Well, how can you resist?

Egyptians are very religious about marriage. The conclusion of a marriage with an Egyptian begins with the conclusion of an orphi contract, which is drawn up in two copies - one for each party. This document is signed by the parties in the presence of two men, women can also be present at the signing, but then two women will be equated to one man. By the way, in Egypt, all transactions taking place in court require the presence of a lawyer.

However, this contract is not registered anywhere and, accordingly, does not impose any obligations on the newlyweds. This is the so-called "civil marriage" among the Egyptians. And, presumably, the husband of such contracts may have more than one thing. You can "dissolve" it simply by breaking it, if the marriage ends.

However, in Egypt, this document is required. Why? Everything is very simple: without an orfi - a contract, you cannot invite a woman to your home, and accordingly visit her, and what, even if you don’t even join hands - the man will be immediately taken away by the police. For Egyptian men, the Orffy contract - no matter how loud it sounds - is the only way to conduct any love relationship. In Egyptian houses there are men - concierges who check the existence of a contract. And in his absence, a couple will simply not be allowed into the building - after all, Egypt is a Muslim ... It is believed that those who can do this without the proverbial paperwork have ties to the police.

But an orphy contract can be legalized if there is a desire to enter into a legal marriage. This procedure is carried out in court in the presence of a lawyer, by placing a huge number of signatures and seals. After about three months, the newlyweds receive a paper that confirms that from now on they are husband and wife. Officially. With the help of this contract, the wife can receive a visa, first for six months, then for a year, and finally for five years. Later you can get a passport. After receiving this paper, it will be possible to purchase tickets at the prices provided to the Egyptians - for foreigners, they are much more expensive. However, orphy - the contract is legal only on the territory of Egypt. On the territory of other states, he will not have any force. There are two ways to resolve this issue - it is also to marry in the homeland of the bride, or in the embassy of that of which she is a subject.

At times, it seems that if the marriage is finally officially concluded, then all the most difficult is over. This, of course, is not the case. All questions related to money, when marrying an Egyptian, must be very carefully monitored. Many couples enter into a marriage contract. This contract is somewhat different from the contract that we know. No matter how it was concluded, upon divorce, all controversial issues will be resolved in accordance with Egyptian law.

But, Egyptian lawyers do not consider it necessary to explain this to his wife. Therefore, it would be nice to specify in the contract that the wife would be entitled to compensation in the event of a divorce. For this, a certain amount is put in the bank, on an open account, from which the husband pays tax. This money can be used even if it does not come to an extreme measure - a divorce. Since the Egyptian may well have more than one wife, you need to hedge yourself and open an account to which the amount of money prescribed in the contract will be transferred monthly.

Divorce is carried out in court, in the presence of a lawyer. In the event of a divorce, all property remains with the spouse to whom it belongs. In this case, it does not matter on whose funds they were purchased, or donated, the wife may not know that what was donated to her can be registered with the spouse. In order for the divorce process to end faster, it is better that it be carried out with the husband's application: it will be considered much faster than if the wife filed the application, a month in the first case, and at least six months in the second. A marriage in Egypt can also be invalidated if the party is incapacitated. But, alas, love fever does not apply to such a circumstance.

There are many pitfalls in a love union with an Egyptian citizen. And you need to know them, trying to connect your life with the Egyptian. Especially to our Russian girls who are so unconditionally believing, burning and passionate beauties.

Egypt is one of those places where you dream to visit from childhood, having learned from school that the pyramids are the only surviving wonder of the world, but not only they attract tourists from all over the world, but especially from Russia. The warm sea, the all-inclusive system and temperamental men - these are perhaps the main reasons for many young and not so women to go to this country of the sun and desert, and when the sun warmed their head, the mind is clouded with salt water vapor, and the lady plunges headlong into vacation, instincts do not sleep and work like a clock - find a man, get married, have children. This is where a great idea arises - why not marry an Egyptian.

I want to marry an Egyptian

Everything is simple here, for a start it would be nice to get acquainted with the traditions and customs of the country in which you are going to look for your faithful and save money for a trip, you can of course get acquainted via the Internet, but we will agree that "On the ground" will be more interesting and productive.

So, after several months of hard work and accumulating the necessary amount, you are finally in a luxury hotel, walk along the luxurious corridor of a five-star hotel, your suitcase is in the hands of, for example, Saira, you come to the room, he shows the air conditioner and a bath, you hand him tip, a snow-white smile stands out against the background of a dark, chocolate skin, he speaks English, fortunately you too, he sprinkles you with compliments, word for word and the rest begins with an unforgettable incident.

After that, as a rule, courtship and various romantic signs of attention follow, because the Egyptians are very temperamental and almost every man in this country is not averse to having an affair with a foreigner, but the Egyptians can look after like no one, but mostly with words, here you will receive numerous compliments, marriage proposals in different genres, promises of love to the grave and poems. Well, how can a simple Russian lady, who came from cold and unsmiling Russia, resist here?

How to Marry an Egyptian

According to Egyptian customs, and Egyptians are very sensitive to marriage from a religious point of view, marriage should start with an Orphi contract, which is in fact a temporary form of marriage in Egypt. To conclude an orphy contract, you will need to purchase a form, hire a lawyer and find two witnesses, by the way, the form alone costs 150 pounds. The conclusion of this kind of contract in Egypt is a widespread practice, as it allows you to have sex without violating the laws of morality, by the way, the groom can have as many such marriages, because the official confirmation of the marriage is only a form, which, if necessary, can be easily destroyed.

Official Egypt is against such procedures, since if a man leaves a girl, she can lose her family forever. Another thing is marriage with a foreigner. For a man, this form is the most acceptable, there is no need to worry about the ransom, no one gives camels, often content with a symbolic pound. But the social status grows at times, they look at the Egyptian with the Russian wife as a darling of fate.

For girls, everything goes like clockwork only as long as everything is fine and the wife is satisfied with this status of his woman, but as soon as he wants to marry officially, a new milestone of problems begins. The whole process is quite laborious and can take months, so what will need to be done:

1 - go to court, which recognizes the marriage as official. For this you need a passport, ORFI, 2 witnesses.
2 - change the visa from tourist to guest.
3 - certificate of the wife's parents of consent to marriage.
4 - will convert

Go to your country's consulate for more information
5 - after that we take 6 photos and with documents from the consulate, ORFI, contact the Ministry of Justice, which is located in Cairo on Lazoughly Square.

After these five steps, be prepared for what will become the issue of religion. most likely you will have to convert to Islam, but according to the law, if you profess Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, a Muslim can marry you, but the children will be Muslims. If you are a representative of any other religion or an atheist, then marriage is impossible. When applying for a visa, your Sair is obliged to introduce you to your relatives, according to tradition, the Arabs honor hospitality and only "madam" will address you.

How to marry an Egyptian in Russia

However, if you do not want to live in a foreign land, but are able to feed yourself and feel good at home, and oh, how the Egyptian fell in love and does not want to let go, then let him come! First you need to submit an application to the registry office, by the way, make sure that your chosen one is not married before, according to Russian law, marriage is impossible between persons who are in another official marriage. So what is needed in the registry office:

- joint statement
- passports
- if Sair was married, then certificates of dissolution of the previous marriage
- certificates from the place of residence of a foreign citizen and documents confirming the absence of obstacles to marriage

It is very important that all of the above documents must be translated into Russian, and the translation must not only be certified by a notary, but also apostilled. In addition, in accordance with Russian legislation, the laws and regulations of the state of which they are citizens are applied to each of those entering into marriage.

Marry an Egyptian. Personal experience

My story is very simple and banal, my friends and I were going on vacation to Turkey, and at the last moment we decided to go to Egypt, they say it's better there. The five-star hotel to which the ticket was bought was the last on the list, and there were only 10 of us on the bus, so we rode relaxed, not worrying about anything, not knowing that the guide-guide would become a very important part of my life in the future.

We arrived quite late, when the plane was landing, it was just getting dark. Sair greeted us as it should be with a smile, each gave a compliment, from which my wallet friends began to giggle and cover their mouths with their palms, I took it calmly, not paying attention to the annoying Arab. However, on the way, he began to like him more and more, jokingly cheerfully, he decorated the long road to the hotel, and so, we arrived, Sair helped to get a suitcase, helped get off the bus, kept repeating, spoke directly or hinted how he liked me and promised to come to hotel and find me tomorrow.

But when tomorrow came, early in the morning, having bathed in the cool water of the sea, we set off for. As soon as I was distracted or pondered, my friends began to giggle and ask if I was thinking about an Arab, they are having fun, women are all married, they are waiting for them at home, and at 27 I am still alone.

But the next day, no one came to the hotel to look for me, the staff was nice and when the young men found out that I was alone, they showed a certain interest, I already began to forget about the guide. He showed up on the third day. With flowers, all such a macho, then in the light of twilight I did not have time to consider how beautiful he was. Gave flowers, talked, invited me to a restaurant. In the evening I gathered for a long time, went, ate, we sit by the sea, says come to me, I thought, why not, if I always have time to leave. His apartment turned out to be a small and inconspicuous hole, when it came down to it, he left, refused, poverty confused him.

Then we walked a lot, talked, as it seemed to me in a friendly manner, however, upon arrival as a lady, it hit me straight, could not tear myself away from the phone, constant calls, skype, in the end he sends money, I go to him, meet my parents, I'm getting married ... I rent an apartment in Russia, it doesn't bother me with religion, whether I did the right thing - I don't think I can be judged, but I'm happy.

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Reviews of tourists 2014

  1. Laila:

    There are a lot of inconsistencies and inaccuracies. It seems that the author "heard the ringing, but does not know where he is." As for the ORFI-contract, it is not considered a marriage, and can only be useful because it gives the right to receive a 6-month visa, according to which you can enter into an official marriage. The courts are no longer legalizing ORFI. To conclude an official marriage with a foreign woman, there is a certain procedure, upon completion of which, the couple receives a marriage certificate in their hands. There are also inaccuracies about marriage in Russia. Egyptian documents are not apostilled at all. About "married" girlfriends pleased)))) Is it worth marrying an Egyptian or not, let each woman decide for herself.

  2. shalimar:

    Hi. I decided to connect my life with an Arab. We met for a long time. He is moderately handsome, intelligent, my age, all the time he swore that he was very honest. He introduced me to his parents, relatives, and came to Russia. In general, everything is good. I was in no hurry to formalize the relationship after the experience I had gained. We only had an Orphi marriage. It came down to the children. Arabs, girls, I will say, have very hot blood. They are even jealous of women and children of friends. Despite the fact that he did not have a penny behind his back and did not invest anything for the birth of a child, giving only promises he behaved at home like a full-fledged owner. It is not possible to catch on a lie, it can be twisted like that. Can look in the eyes and sing tales right there. After the baby was born, it got worse. You can't do anything without his knowledge. He tortured my eldest son. This is despite the fact that I took over the entire content of the "dad": the tickets for the flight, and meals, etc. And they do not eat like our men. And he didn't care where the food came from. Once I got funny and put food for him in a salad bowl under an Olivier that we are doing for the new year (can you imagine the volume). And what do you think - hiccupped but ate. And after that three more times. I crawled out of the kitchen at two o'clock in the morning. He loved the Jacuzzi very much - he soaked there 5 times a day. As I fall asleep - I tried to steal my phone. I took photos from my messages and sent them to myself. All the time I was trying to cook food in the Egyptian way)). I looked at this nightmare five times, cleaned the kitchen and ate. After that I tried to suppress these impulses. An insane amount of food goes along this path. If my family ate food that was in the refrigerator for five days, then they would run out of food at a time to prepare one dish in Egyptian. Egyptian cuisine is unbearable for the Russian stomach. It's all mixed, blended and fried in wild quantities of oil. Surprised that we Russians eat little and small portions. I also thought: how much money does your family need to earn in Egypt so that you can eat up, although I’m not like a poor girl? I didn't want to adapt to life in Russia. He believed that everyone should understand him and adapt to him. I once dressed in the mosque so that the poor neighbor's grandmother clutched at her heart when she collided with him at the door. He constantly sits on the Internet trying to make quick money for living in Egypt, and also talked with women. Then it turned out that on the very first flight to me on the plane, he loosened up his aunt at age and later, when he flew to me at my own expense, in between plane transfers in Moscow, he and this aunt were having fun in nearby hotels. It turns out that she sent money to him. And who knows how many such aunts he had. But there were a lot of oaths of love for me on his part. I bought him a train ticket (side, upper, reserved seat near the toilet) and set a condition: either he dumps off to his aunt or I call the migration service and he leaves for Egypt. He rushed at me and began to choke me. It got to the police. In front of the police, he waved our marriage contract. I want to warn the girls who call someone by invitation: 1. In the event of an attack or some other behavior, the invited person can be brought to justice, however, it is one thing if he is imprisoned in the Russian Federation, and another thing if he is conditionally convicted. And this frame, since it is registered at your address for the term of probation, will live with you, at least 6 years and only go to be celebrated. 2. You are fully responsible for it. If something happens to him or if he does something - to disentangle and pay you. 3. For the invitation, you sign a Letter of Guarantee, according to which you are obliged to provide him with money for subsistence, housing, medical care, etc. So, let's say, in my case, after the attack and the prospect of a suspended sentence, he threatened me to go to the police with a complaint that I did not let him go home and did not give him money and did not buy a return ticket (at that time it was worth about 100 thousand rubles) back to Egypt. I almost turned gray from blackmail. Thanks to our local police officer, we managed to get him to sign a waiver of my guarantee at the notary's office. Only then I sighed and bought, as his beloved aunt and he demanded, a ticket to Moscow. This is how it ended not pleasantly. But it is instructive. Our men, don't say it, is better. And the child is just wonderful. Sun. The only Arab monster is threatening to make DNA and sue him. It’s interesting - will it work or not? And one more thing: before contacting an Arab, look at the black list on the Internet in which the girls post photos with whom they have already dealt with. I will definitely hang mine there so that no one else falls for the tricks of this abnormal.

Egypt is one of those places on the map of the planet that many people have dreamed of since school. The gentle sea, southern sun, luxury hotels, all-inclusive system and, of course, temperamental men - these are the few reasons why young and not only women go to the Land of the Pyramids, and some, after all the resort adventures, even have a reasonable desire to go out married to an Egyptian. Read about the features and subtleties of this difficult case in our article.

The nuances of marriage with an Egyptian

According to custom, marriage in Egypt begins with the conclusion of an ORFI contract. In fact, this form of marriage is temporary. To register an ORFI marriage, you need to purchase a form for 150 pounds, find two witnesses and use the services of a lawyer. The conclusion of such contracts is a common thing here, as it allows you to live an intimate life without violating moral norms. An Arab may have several such marriages - the only official confirmation of them is the form, which, if desired, can be easily destroyed.

The Egyptian government is against the conclusion of ORFI contracts, since in the event of a break with the chosen one, the girl can permanently lose her family. However, marriage with a citizen of another state is a completely different matter, since in this case you can not think about the material component. But the status of the Arab will grow significantly, because the locals look at the Egyptian, who married a Russian girl, as a lucky one. Russian women will also look at a compatriot who has successfully married and left for Egypt to her rich and loving husband.

For a girl, everything goes smoothly only as long as she and her husband are satisfied with this state of affairs. As soon as he wants to formalize the marriage, a new round of problems begins. This process is lengthy - it can take months. A man and a woman who wants to marry an Egyptian must go to court, which must recognize the marriage as legal. This requires documents such as ORFI and an identity card, as well as two witnesses. Then the Russian woman needs to change her visa from a tourist to a guest or work visa. In addition, Egyptian laws require the consent of the girl's parents to marry. To complete the procedure, you must first contact the consulate, and then the Ministry of Justice. You need to have an ORFI, passport, documents issued at the consulate and 6 photographs with you.

Keep in mind that you will definitely be asked about your religion. Most likely you will have to accept Islam, but Egyptian laws also allow marriage with a Christian woman, however, children born in it will be Muslim by default. If you are an atheist, marriage cannot be concluded.

During the visa application process, your spouse must introduce you to his relatives. The Arabs respect hospitality very much and will only address you "madam". But keep in mind that the official religion of Egypt is Islam. If, after getting married and leaving for Egypt, you do not accept this faith, you can consider that you have no rights, since all family disagreements are resolved in accordance with Shariah.

Marriage with an Egyptian on the territory of Russia

If you are going to marry an Egyptian, but do not want to leave for a foreign country, you can get married in Russia. To do this, you need to submit an application to the civil registry office, but first make sure that your beloved is not married, because according to Russian law, marriage with a person who is already married is impossible. Documents that you will need at the registry office:

  • application for registration of marriage;
  • passports;
  • certificate or certificate of dissolution of the previous marriage, if any;
  • a certificate from the place of residence of a citizen of another state and documents confirming the absence of obstacles to marriage on the territory of the Russian Federation.

It is very important that all of the above documents must be translated into Russian and certified by a notary. They are also required to affix an apostille. In addition, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the laws and regulations of the state of which they are a citizen are applied to each of the spouses.

A few words about divorce

If you married an Egyptian, but in the process of living together it turned out that you corny “did not agree in character,” the divorce will take place through the courts. Moreover, if a divorce occurs on the initiative of an Arab, then the court will make a decision within a month. If a woman filed for divorce, the court will consider the case for at least six months. Everything acquired in marriage will remain to the person to whom the property is registered.

If you are over 40, then with all my heart I welcome your decision, most likely you will be smart enough not to formalize the relationship. Advice, what they say, yes love! Habib for your pleasure. My friend lives in Egypt with a Khabibka, who is younger than her son).

If you are at a tender age and intend to marry an Arab, then here are some practical tips (good advice is sometimes more expensive than money!):

1. Never Marry an Arab
2. Never Marry an Arab
3. Never Marry an Arab

This is, of course, a joke, but in every joke there is only a grain of a joke, as you know ...

If you are still firm in your desire, then you should understand that you are taking a lot of risks and should not forget about it for a minute. But I understand that it is absolutely impossible when they tell you something like: " Your father stole the stars and made them your eyes" or " I'm jealous even of the wind that touches your hair".

Are there many women in Russia who have heard similar things addressed to them from local men? Who can resist such a beautiful courtship?

If Arab men are strong in something, then it is undoubtedly in matters of seduction.

And our, Russian men, if weak in something, then in that they forget that a woman loves with her ears. And he loves beautiful courtship.

But let's go down from heaven to earth. At first, just the facts.

1. Marriage to a foreigner is an increase in the status of an Egyptian.

2. Moreover, it is beneficial: you do not need to make expensive premarital gifts. Some of our women themselves are willing to pay for anything for the sake of marriage with an Egyptian.

3. And this is another plus: enrichment. You will sell your home, invest everything in his business (you’ll think that it’s yours), close accounts at home and transfer money to him. Etc. When you have nothing left, a very ugly story begins. Conclusion: never disclose to the groom your true financial situation and do not try to chop off the ends in your homeland. It is better to rent an apartment, do not close the accounts. It is better to leave money for the education of children and any unforeseen event. Open a deposit and get interest from them. Don't tell your husband about this. Did he promise to support you? So let it be ...

4. Are you ready for the fact that all your life you will do only home? Most likely, her husband will not allow her to work. This is a downgrade. This tells about him that he himself is not able to feed his family, a shame. Even if you live badly, not every husband will let go of work. And without his permission, you simply will not be hired. No implementation at all!

5. Dress like before? You can't! This casts a shadow on your husband. Closed clothing. Without your husband's permission, you won't even be able to initiate conversations with anyone! Someone knows how to live like that. And you?

6. They will try to unleash you as soon as possible on children. The children are tying the mother. Through them you can influence it. Meanwhile, in the event of a divorce, the children will remain with their father. If you decide to have a child, you must understand that you GIVE it FOREVER to your husband's family. You yourself can live there or run away, but it will be possible to pick up the child only by cunning or crime.

7. By the way, the child will be a Muslim. You will most likely have to convert to Islam too. This is not necessary, just highly desirable. By the way, there are also Christians in Egypt, a small community.

8. Legalizing marriage in Egypt is another quest. Your loved one will tell you that orphy is enough - a kind of marriage contract concluded with a notary in the presence of two witnesses, but in reality everything is much more complicated. If you want your marriage to be recognized in Russia, then read here: http://kunstkamera.net/topic3276.html The entry is already quite old, always get the latest information from the consulate! I will write his phones below. To the credit of the consular staff, it will be said that they ardently discourage every girl from marrying an Egyptian, for they are tired of those who come running to them with children and ask for help. But neither they nor I amuse ourselves with the thought that this will help when there is such a song of songs in our ears ...

By the way, not a bad site: http://kunstkamera.net/
He specializes in marriage to Arabs. I recommend it sincerely. This is a forum for Egyptian wives and those who have suffered from hot Arab guys.

Useful articles of the Kunstkamera: http://kunstkamera.net/forum15.html
And then there is the Identification Board: http://kunstkamera.net/forum16.html Place your fiancé there and wait for answers. Maybe someone will recognize him and save you a lot of nerves. And in general, to read something like that is sobering.

You know, I rarely give such advice myself. All these blacklists of grooms can be harmful, such a negative from them! But in this case, I beg you, read them.
Arabs can be too dangerous ... Precisely because their religious law is more powerful than civil law. And this religion is very unfriendly to women ...

It’s one thing if you soaked it in with your mother’s milk, it doesn’t cause such protest. It's another matter when you grew up in a state where there was no religion at all, where you received a higher education and an idea of ​​gender equality.