Why do Egyptians want to marry Russians? How to Marry an Egyptian? Marriage between an Egyptian and a Russian.

Launch blog about life in Egypt! The author is Antonina Bodyagina, who married an Egyptian and now lives in Sharm el-Sheikh.

I am an ordinary Russian girl, and now I live in the hot country of Egypt. And I don't just live, I married an Egyptian. The story is quite banal - I came to rest and learn diving. By the end of the training, I finally noticed that the instructor is a young and very nice guy. Upon returning home, there was communication on social networks and on Skype. Well, here I am and the wife of an Egyptian.

My decision to leave was shocking for all my acquaintances. Well, how could it be otherwise: a fairly well-paid job, your own apartment, a car, a lot of hobbies, friends and family. And then they rained down - where are you going, okay Europe, and this is Egypt. Yes, he is a Muslim, he will beat you and generally close you at home, put on a hijab and you will die there.


Of course, the Russian person (however, everyone has it) has developed their own stereotypes about certain countries and faiths. Knowing something superficially, we like to put a stigma. I went through all this on my own experience. In general, I’ll tell you, it’s not pleasant to hear from people who do not know anything about Muslims, conclusions that are based on the fact that somewhere someone said something. I will gradually dispel well-known myths and beliefs.

First and the most important question is that I should not and will not change my faith. The Qur'an clearly states that marriage with a Christian woman is possible, and Christianity is recognized as a faith. I, unfortunately, did not read the Koran myself, but my husband says that there is even a mention of Jesus there. Faiths are very similar, as if they were written from one fact, but just by different people - and therefore in different words. I'm talking about our Orthodox faith, the real one.

Second- if I do not change my faith, then they will not wear the hijab on me. According to the Koran, it is necessary to close your body from prying eyes, and, by the way, this is the decision of a woman for the most part. The main thing is that a woman should not provoke other men to sin. And if it goes, then according to our real Slavic tradition, it is so too. But! Still, it's not very decent to wear mini-mini and with a deep neckline, traditions are strong in the country. And if you respect your husband, then the skirts are longer, the neckline is smaller 🙂 But, by the way, isn't it in Russia?))) In addition, believe me, here the “greasy” looks are much more “greasy” than in Russia. Even women who come to rest, I recommend that they dress not frankly, then there will be no harassment on the streets. The harassment is quite logical - if you grew up somewhere in the village and saw women whose only faces are visible, and even sometimes their faces are closed, and there are so many half-naked girls! Yes, the local men blow their heads, they start thinking in a different place! 🙂

Third- no one closes me at home, you can go anywhere. Of course, at first I spent a lot of time at home, but there was already my choice: I, like an animal, hid and slept after the noisy and fast Russia. I moved in the hottest season, and it was impossible to be outside during the day, I only went out for a walk with the dog. Now I am more accustomed and accustomed, and I can walk and travel wherever I want.

Sharm el-Sheikh and its districts:

I live in the city of Sharm El Sheikh, it is a resort town, built exactly as a resort. That is, there are only solid hotels, and around there are residential areas for workers, as well as for foreigners who want to live in their own homes. But, by the way, in Sharm el-Sheikh it is impossible to register real estate in ownership - only rent! Keep this in mind !!! Realtors can tell you anything, besides - if the realtor is Russian - this does not mean that you can trust, they cheat well, it is even easier for them.

Sharm is divided into several districts - Hadaba, Nabq, Naama Bay and the airport area, Hai en Nur and El Maya. There is a more detailed division, but usually only these names are heard.

The most famous area is Naama Bay- the unofficial center of Sharma. Life is in full swing here - there are casinos, nightclubs and restaurants, and various tourist centers, diving training, etc. Recently, a huge shopping center, Genena City, was opened there - there are shops and cafes with restaurants, a bowling alley (small, only 3 or 4 lanes, but there is a children's one), an ice rink, etc. It is planned to open a cinema - with the possibility of viewing in several languages.

El Maya Is an area with a port, famous for the so-called Old Market and its sandy beaches.

Hadaba- this area where I live is considered to be quite warm in winter (much warmer than Nabq). There are both hotels and residential areas. There are many foreigners. The area is relatively nice, clean (although I still get a shock from the concept of cleanliness). Mostly foreigners, divers, etc. live here.

Hai en Noor- a residential area, mostly Egyptians live in it, I'm not used to this area yet. But on the other hand, fruits and vegetables are cheaper there))))

Airport Area- this is the area of ​​business centers and hotels near the airport - it includes SOHO - a beautiful walking street - with shops, restaurants, a singing fountain and a bunch of sculptures. There is a bowlin and an ice rink. Basically - a good place to spend your leisure time.

Nabq- the most distant area. Now it is actively developing, much cheaper, for example, in the Chabad area, but getting from there to work, for example, if you work as a diver or on Naama Bay, is very problematic! Highly! For example, from El Maya to Nabq is about 40 minutes, if without stops and with a good speed by car! It must be borne in mind that in winter this area, due to its geographical location, is much colder than, for example, Hadaba. There is a stronger wind in Nabq, which does not allow swimming in the sea in winter.

In Sharm El Sheikh there are no high-rise buildings, not at all. All houses, as a rule, are built no higher than 2-3 storeys. There are hotels in which the main building has many floors, but this only means that it goes down - below the ground line. For example, it is being built on a slope to the sea. It turns out that the main building looks 2-3 storey from the shore, and has 5-7 storeys down.

Almost all residential complexes are 2-storey (+ floor below ground level), villas and townhouses. You can also often find housing on the roof - an apartment on the roof. It should be borne in mind that such housing is not legal, and you cannot buy such an apartment, for example, even on a lease basis. I read about cases of similar fraud. We ourselves, upon my arrival, lived in such an apartment - the exit to the roof from which opened up a wonderful view of the sea, but other shortcomings crossed out the view of the sea as a virtue, and we moved to a large apartment, which I am very pleased with.

So that's it. Now I have been living in Egypt for over half a year and I love it. No, it's not ideal here, and there are reasons to rage, to be in shock, but I try to live in a positive way, although sometimes the longing for my family makes me shrink.

Well, about life in Egypt from the inside - not a tourist one - I will write to you as I learn the information.

People ask about personal things, about work, about our life on Egyptian soil. I perfectly understand that I want to know as much as possible.) For this, my creative guys and I write articles about Egypt on our sites. But there is one question that is repeated regularly. It's personal, it's about lyuboff. Well then. let's talk

As for me, I am happy with the "personal" as an elephant. I do not regret moving at all. But this is my story, and not for everyone. I have many friends in Hurghada who married Egyptians and howls like a wolf. Believe it or not, the reasons are exactly the same as in Russia. There is no money, he cheats, beats, drinks ... everything is the same, only in addition to jealousy (our guys here think that only a pig is not jealous).

The girls are worried about how they will be here ... and the suitors are calling. First, find out who he calls you. Wife, orifi wife or just a friend. If the wife (with all the documents), then the intentions are serious (I would have brought it to the end), if Orfi, then it is already worse, this is a piece of paper permission to have sex, but with a happy coincidence, it may be the first step to marriage. And last but not least ... girlfriend. Remember. In Egypt, as in any Islamic state, there is no such concept - boyfriend and girlfriend. If you are "rubbed in" about this, then this is simply disrespect shown in a rude form. There are no "modern" Egyptians, there are serious young (and not young) people, but there are gigolos and just lovers of easy relationships.

As for the second wives ... well, think for yourself. For me, this is tantamount to dividing a heart in half, and a woman's ... This is something generally unacceptable (if you love). This is a constant pain ... But everyone has a different way. If you need security and at the same time respect, and feelings are sideways ... why not ... to each his own.

About the treatment of my wife. Everything here is like everywhere else in the world. There are gorgeous men, and there are freaks. Your task is to understand who is who at the earliest stage. We girls have good intuition and she does not cheat. If in doubt, then take advice ... do not cut it hot ... If your man covers up rudeness or cruelty with Islam, then he is simply disingenuous.
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) who said:

"The best of you is the one who is kind to his family, and I treat my family better than any of you."

So that's it.

But not everything depends on the man. You can also enrage the kitten. You must understand WHERE you are eating.
- You can't walk in revealing clothes here
- You can't have male friends
- You can't drink alcohol
- You cannot run away into the "darkness of the night" in case of a quarrel
If your husband tells you how to behave in Egyptian society, then listen. There will definitely not be anything bad.

Also, advice from personal observations. Be careful! Do not teach your husband to drink (only on holidays or Fridays). Then curse yourself. Egyptians have no immunity to alcohol. Almost like the Chukchi. Make him a passive alcoholic with all the consequences, one spit. If you see such impulses, then nip in the bud. Better remind of Islam. A believing husband is the best husband.

One more point. Our girls sometimes fall in love with cleaners. In short, those guys who are very low on the social ladder. Think a hundred thousand times before coming to his wife. They often do not have an education (something to talk about with him), even a school one, and most importantly, there is no (and may not appear) the means to support you at the proper level. Look at it soberly, especially if you are already over ... twenties and you are used to comfort.

Well, what else ... I wish you family happiness and love! Respect and compassion for each other. The language of hearts is the same for all nationalities. If you have any questions, write in the comments.

If you are over 40, then with all my heart I welcome your decision, most likely you will be smart enough not to formalize the relationship. Advice, what they say, yes love! Habib for your pleasure. My friend lives in Egypt with a Khabibka, who is younger than her son).

If you are at a tender age and intend to marry an Arab, then here are some practical tips (good advice is sometimes more expensive than money!):

1. Never Marry an Arab
2. Never Marry an Arab
3. Never Marry an Arab

This is, of course, a joke, but in every joke there is only a grain of a joke, as you know ...

If you are still firm in your desire, then you should understand that you are taking a lot of risks and should not forget about it for a minute. But I understand that it is absolutely impossible when they tell you something like: " Your father stole the stars and made them your eyes" or " I'm jealous even of the wind that touches your hair".

Are there many women in Russia who have heard similar things addressed to them from local men? Who can resist such a beautiful courtship?

If Arab men are strong in something, then it is undoubtedly in matters of seduction.

And our, Russian men, if weak in something, then in that they forget that a woman loves with her ears. And he loves beautiful courtship.

But let's go down from heaven to earth. At first, just the facts.

1. Marriage to a foreigner is an increase in the status of an Egyptian.

2. Moreover, it is beneficial: you do not need to make expensive premarital gifts. Some of our women themselves are willing to pay for anything for the sake of marriage with an Egyptian.

3. And this is another plus: enrichment. You will sell your home, invest everything in his business (you’ll think that it’s yours), close accounts at home and transfer money to him. Etc. When you have nothing left, a very ugly story begins. Conclusion: never disclose to the groom your true financial situation and do not try to chop off the ends in your homeland. It is better to rent an apartment, do not close the accounts. It is better to leave money for the education of children and any unforeseen event. Open a deposit and get interest from them. Don't tell your husband about this. Did he promise to support you? So let it be ...

4. Are you ready for the fact that all your life you will do only home? Most likely, her husband will not allow her to work. This is a downgrade. This tells about him that he himself is not able to feed his family, a shame. Even if you live badly, not every husband will let go of work. And without his permission, you simply will not be hired. No implementation at all!

5. Dress like before? You can't! This casts a shadow on your husband. Closed clothing. Without your husband's permission, you won't even be able to initiate conversations with anyone! Someone knows how to live like that. And you?

6. They will try to unleash you as soon as possible on children. The children are tying the mother. Through them you can influence it. Meanwhile, in the event of a divorce, the children will remain with their father. If you decide to have a child, you must understand that you GIVE it FOREVER to your husband's family. You yourself can live there or run away, but it will be possible to pick up the child only by cunning or crime.

7. By the way, the child will be a Muslim. You will most likely have to convert to Islam too. This is not necessary, just highly desirable. By the way, there are also Christians in Egypt, a small community.

8. Legalizing marriage in Egypt is another quest. Your loved one will tell you that orphy is enough - a kind of marriage contract concluded with a notary in the presence of two witnesses, but in reality everything is much more complicated. If you want your marriage to be recognized in Russia, then read here: http://kunstkamera.net/topic3276.html The entry is already quite old, always get the latest information from the consulate! I will write his phones below. To the credit of the consular staff, it will be said that they ardently discourage every girl from marrying an Egyptian, for they are tired of those who come running to them with children and ask for help. But neither they nor I amuse ourselves with the thought that this will help when there is such a song of songs in our ears ...

By the way, not a bad site: http://kunstkamera.net/
He specializes in marriage to Arabs. I recommend it sincerely. This is a forum for Egyptian wives and those who have suffered from hot Arab guys.

Useful articles of the Kunstkamera: http://kunstkamera.net/forum15.html
And then there is the Identification Board: http://kunstkamera.net/forum16.html Place your fiancé there and wait for answers. Maybe someone will recognize him and save you a lot of nerves. And in general, to read something like that is sobering.

You know, I rarely give such advice myself. All these blacklists of grooms can be harmful, such a negative from them! But in this case, I beg you, read them.
Arabs can be too dangerous ... Precisely because their religious law is more powerful than civil law. And this religion is very unfriendly to women ...

It’s one thing if you soaked it in with your mother’s milk, it doesn’t cause such protest. It's another matter when you grew up in a state where there was no religion at all, where you received a higher education and an idea of ​​gender equality.

Egypt is one of those places on the map of the planet that many people have dreamed of since school. The gentle sea, southern sun, luxury hotels, all-inclusive system and, of course, temperamental men - these are the few reasons why young and not only women go to the Land of the Pyramids, and some, after all the resort adventures, even have a reasonable desire to go out married to an Egyptian. Read about the features and subtleties of this difficult case in our article.

The nuances of marriage with an Egyptian

According to custom, marriage in Egypt begins with the conclusion of an ORFI contract. In fact, this form of marriage is temporary. To register an ORFI marriage, you need to purchase a form for 150 pounds, find two witnesses and use the services of a lawyer. The conclusion of such contracts is a common thing here, as it allows you to live an intimate life without violating moral norms. An Arab may have several such marriages - the only official confirmation of them is the form, which, if desired, can be easily destroyed.

The Egyptian government is against the conclusion of ORFI contracts, since in the event of a break with the chosen one, the girl can permanently lose her family. However, marriage with a citizen of another state is a completely different matter, since in this case you can not think about the material component. But the status of the Arab will grow significantly, because the locals look at the Egyptian, who married a Russian girl, as a lucky one. Russian women will also look at a compatriot who has successfully married and left for Egypt to her rich and loving husband.

For a girl, everything goes smoothly only as long as she and her husband are satisfied with this state of affairs. As soon as he wants to formalize the marriage, a new round of problems begins. This process is lengthy - it can take months. A man and a woman who wants to marry an Egyptian must go to court, which must recognize the marriage as legal. This requires documents such as ORFI and an identity card, as well as two witnesses. Then the Russian woman needs to change her visa from a tourist to a guest or work visa. In addition, Egyptian laws require the consent of the girl's parents to marry. To complete the procedure, you must first contact the consulate, and then the Ministry of Justice. You need to have an ORFI, passport, documents issued at the consulate and 6 photographs with you.

Keep in mind that you will definitely be asked about your religion. Most likely you will have to accept Islam, but Egyptian laws also allow marriage with a Christian woman, however, children born in it will be Muslim by default. If you are an atheist, marriage cannot be concluded.

During the visa application process, your spouse must introduce you to his relatives. The Arabs respect hospitality very much and will only address you "madam". But keep in mind that the official religion of Egypt is Islam. If, after getting married and leaving for Egypt, you do not accept this faith, you can consider that you have no rights, since all family disagreements are resolved in accordance with Shariah.

Marriage with an Egyptian on the territory of Russia

If you are going to marry an Egyptian, but do not want to leave for a foreign country, you can get married in Russia. To do this, you need to submit an application to the civil registry office, but first make sure that your beloved is not married, because according to Russian law, marriage with a person who is already married is impossible. Documents that you will need at the registry office:

  • application for registration of marriage;
  • passports;
  • certificate or certificate of dissolution of the previous marriage, if any;
  • a certificate from the place of residence of a citizen of another state and documents confirming the absence of obstacles to marriage on the territory of the Russian Federation.

It is very important that all of the above documents must be translated into Russian and certified by a notary. They are also required to affix an apostille. In addition, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the laws and regulations of the state of which they are a citizen are applied to each of the spouses.

A few words about divorce

If you married an Egyptian, but in the process of living together it turned out that you corny “did not agree in character,” the divorce will take place through the courts. Moreover, if a divorce occurs on the initiative of an Arab, then the court will make a decision within a month. If a woman filed for divorce, the court will consider the case for at least six months. Everything acquired in marriage will remain to the person to whom the property is registered.

Many residents of Egyptian resorts have faced a situation when an Egyptian acquaintance asks to find him a Russian wife. I'm not even talking about the thousands of Egyptians who already live with Russian wives. And sometimes, even if the marriage did not work out and it came to divorce, the man again goes in search of a Russian life partner, not even considering the option of marrying an Egyptian woman. Why do Egyptians want to marry Russians? - consider this issue in more detail!

the beauty

Men - they are men in Africa, and whatever they say about the mentality, character and other "virtual" advantages of Russian women, the Egyptians always put our physical beauty in the first place.

First of all, it is white skin. Well, the swarthy Egyptians like the milky shade of our skin, and that's it. And if a woman also has blonde hair, then even if she doesn't even care about extra pounds, birthmarks, crooked legs and a snub nose, she is still one step ahead of all Egyptian brides.

Besides the fact that we are light, we also love to take care of ourselves. We do fashionable haircuts, manicure, and look after the beauty of the skin. The option "not visible under the scarf" is definitely not about us. And even if a Russian wife puts on a hijab after the wedding, she still will not allow herself to put a headscarf on her dirty head. We just got used to it.

And of course, many Egyptian men cannot believe that Russian women who have given birth manage to maintain a girlish figure! And all because for us childbirth is not a reason to quit sports or get drunk on cake. We still have to compete with the army of Egyptian brides.


Many Egyptians admit that living with an Egyptian wife ... how to put it ... is not fun. To describe their women, they even use a special word: "nikadeya", which means "a dull, always sick whiner."

I don’t want to denigrate the Egyptians, but to be honest, this is the true truth. They constantly complain about their health, life, children, neighbors.

After the wedding, Egyptians, as a rule, quit their jobs and stay at home, artificially narrowing their interests to cooking and cleaning. “Hanging out with my husband in the club” is somehow not at all about Egyptian wives.

And every first person has health problems, especially if she needs something from her husband. All you hear from the Egyptians is that his wife is "taabena" ("sick"). Now her head is splitting, now she feels nauseous, now she has an allergy, now she is just a general malaise.

Once pregnant, some ladies go straight to bed for 9 months. And after giving birth, another 2 months come to their senses.

In general, living with them is not fun. Whether it's Russian wives - and you can talk about whatever you want, and laugh, and her head does not hurt :)


Oh, Russian wives do not like this topic, but what to do is also a true truth. We are as accessible as compared to Egyptians, as Egyptians are sick compared to us.

We love sex before the wedding and do not see anything shameful in it (and after the wedding we also love it, too). If a decent Egyptian bride before the wedding night is "no, no", then we are generally easy. Well, okay, someone else observes the rule of 10 dates (on the first 10 dates "no, no," and if a man does not run away, then he is worthy of our love), and even then not all of them.

It is much cheaper to marry us than to the Egyptians, and this is also our availability.

According to Egyptian tradition, in order for the bride's family to consent to the marriage, the man must at least give a decent ransom for his wife and provide her with housing. We agree to paradise in a hut!

We don’t need to ask our parents' permission to marry, we haven’t heard anything about the ransom (well, only a fairy tale about 20 camels, but why do we need his camels), a rented apartment will suit us, plus we’re not going to give up our work - we need to help family budget.

Some Russian wives like to prove that living with us in the end still turns out to be more expensive, since we have to buy tickets to our homeland, and we choose only private schools for children, etc., but frankly speaking, more expensive is a relative concept.

A family that demands an apartment, a car and a cheap ransom for a bride is also unlikely to agree to a public school for a child. Egyptian women from a respectable society like to dress in expensive shops, and to drive in cars, and to relax in hotels (which is no cheaper than our flight home to my mother in a free apartment).

So it turns out that it is actually cheaper to marry us. Although this does not mean that we are worse. It's just that we are prettier, more fun, plus cheaper - three in one :)

Why don't Egyptians want to marry Russians?

In fairness, it should be said that some Egyptians are categorically against marriage with Russian girls for one single reason - faith. For many Egyptians, it is very important that their children are brought up in Islamic culture, and no amount of beauty and accessibility of Slavic women can compete with Egyptian religiosity.

The only exception for them would be a Russian woman who converted to Islam. And not for show, but for real - she put on a hijab, learned the Koran, learned to pray and intends to raise children as true Muslims.

A man who was lucky to meet such a Russian woman on his way can be called a real lucky one, because he became the owner of a "super wife" :)

Why do Russian women marry Egyptians?

And here in 99% of cases there is only one reason - love!

After all, we are women, for the most part we do not care what he has in his pockets, who are his relatives, what color is his skin, and what faith he professes. If he is kind, gentle and caring, and if a spark ran between us, we will follow him to the end of the world :)

Why do you think many foreigners (not only Egyptians) gladly marry Russian women? Write your opinion in the comments and do not hesitate to ask any questions on the blog or social networks.