Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence. Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence Description state of the environment

, (how), (how), (how).

Remember::, (how) _and (how).

, (like) _and ().

^ Practical part

Place punctuation marks, determine the type of subordinate clauses and the type of their subordination:

  1. At the same time, talking, she smoked mercilessly, tried to resemble Faina Ranevskaya from the movie "Wedding" and hid from the head who drove smokers and in a stern voice said that "a medical worker cannot afford such outrageous behavior."

  2. In the evening, as soon as the darkness hid the picture of the world and the tremors of the waves began to be felt stronger and sharper, the passengers scattered about the cabins.

  3. If he were a little bigger, he would have heard that grandma's hands smell of smoke (V. Belov).

  4. The girl frowned, then smiled and showed that she was ready to endure courageously, so long as not to burden anyone with herself.

  5. Fedor understood his words, so if nothing comes of it, he will have to answer for his act to the fullest extent.

  6. Katerina could not understand why after school she had to go to collect waste paper and why she and her sister had to memorize the duties of the orderly in the company.

  7. If you listen carefully, you can hear distant rumbles that indicate the approach of a thunderstorm.

  8. A florist from Tallinn said that Victoria has a perfect sense of harmony and can make any bouquets.

  9. Fyodor understood that when the two jumped out of the entrance, he would end up.

  10. When he finally went out into the street, the last fog that lasted until lunchtime cleared away.

  11. She did not remember how she climbed up the hill from the river, how she entered the orphaned house, how she sat down on the steps

  12. All the time it seemed to him that he was already late, that the concert would be over now.
Test No. 1

  1. Stone paths (1) winding lines (2) which (3) symbolize the flow of energy (4) take on a special meaning in the Japanese garden.
1) 1, 3 2) 1, 4 3) 2, 3, 4 4) 2, 4

  1. Thinking (1) provides a person's ability to respond correctly to a new situation (2) to resolve (3) which (4) there is no ready-made recipe.
1) 1, 3 2) 2 3) 3 4) 2, 4

  1. Sometimes (1) in experiments, problems are used (2) logical structure (3) of which (4) has no analogs in real life.
1) 1, 3 2) 2 3) 3 4) 2, 4

  1. Each writer is a psychologist (1) whose tasks (2) (3) include understanding the motives of the hero's actions and opening his soul.
1) 1; 2) 2; 3) 2, 3; 4) 1, 3

  1. In the competition, the musicians had to play (1) Prokofiev's piano piece (2) the last part (3) of which (4) is considered very difficult to perform.
1) 1, 2, 4; 2) 2; 3) 2, 3; 4) 2, 4

  1. Our attention (1) was attracted by a slender turret (2) on the top of which (3) a blue flag fluttered.
1) 1, 2, 3 2) 2, 3 3) 3 4) 2

  1. The prose of Maupassant, Bunin (1) and especially Chekhov (2) whose stories number in the hundreds (3) in some qualities (4) is similar to the works of lyric poets.
1) 1, 3 2) 2, 4 3) 3 4) 2, 3

  1. The State Tretyakov Gallery, which was founded by the Moscow merchant Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov, is now recognized as a museum of Russian art of world significance.
1)1,4 2)2 3)1,3 4)2,4

  1. In Kiev, on a high mountain on the banks of the Dnieper, a monument was erected (1) to Prince Vladimir (2) during the reign (3) of which (4) the baptism of Rus took place.
1)1,2 2)2 3)3,4 4)1,2,3,4

  1. Enter a sentence with a punctuation error.
1) There are great ones, next to whom everyone seems small, but truly great is the one with whom everyone feels great.

2) The colonel opened the case and took out two identical swords, the blades of which flashed in the sun with rays of white fire.

3) The sandy bottom is completely dotted with small fragments of stones, between which tangled algae swayed weakly in time with the barely noticeable movements of the sea.

4) None of us knew which way to go, so we decided to wait for dawn, when it would be possible to orient ourselves on the map.
Test number 2

In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in their place in the sentence must be commas?

  1. Snow covered the tanks (1) and (2) when the tankers got out of the tower to breathe (3) it instantly covered their hot faces (4) as if trying to cool them down.
1) 1, 3 2) 2, 3 3) 1, 4 4) 1, 2, 3, 4

  1. In the evening it started to rain (1) and (2) while we were driving along the country road (3) the horses barely stepped over (4) as if they had lost their last strength.
1) 1, 3 2) 2, 3 3) 3, 4 4) 1, 2, 3, 4

  1. A belated lightning flashed directly overhead (1) and (2) while it was shining (3) I saw (4) some white dot flickering on the shore.
1) 1, 3, 4 2) 1, 2, 3, 4 3) 2, 4 4) 1, 3

  1. Everyone loved me (1) and (2) although I was immensely naughty (3) everything was forgiven me (4) no matter what I did.
1) 1, 3, 4 2) 2, 3 3) 1, 2, 4 4) 1, 2, 3, 4

  1. We know that St. Petersburg is sometimes called the Northern Palmyra, but (1) if you ask (2) what kind of Palmyra it is, with which Petersburg is compared (3), then (4) not everyone will be able to answer this question.
1) 1, 2, 3 2) 2, 4 3) 1, 3 4) 2, 3

  1. The brother said with a laugh that he (1) if he was lucky in anything (2) then now he would be unlucky in something else (3) so (4) that it became worse than before (5) he was lucky.
1) 1, 2, 4 2) 2, 3, 5 3) 1, 3, 5 4) 1, 2, 3, 4

  1. A real poet cannot be judged by one poem (1) because (2) because (3) no matter how perfect it is (4) its meaning is fully revealed only in the context of that book with internal unity (5) which contains all the poet's lyrics ...
1) 1, 2, 3, 5 2) 2, 4, 5 3) 1, 3, 4, 5 4) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  1. The area (2) where we lived (2) was far from the river (3) and (4) to get to the beach (5) we had to drag across the city in a crowded tram.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 2) 2, 4, 5 3) 1, 3, 4 4) 1, 2, 3, 5

  1. At night, a forest was brought to the river (1) and (2) when white fog covered the banks (3) all eight companies laid boards (4) on the wreckage of bridges.
1)1,3,4 2)1,4 3)2,3 4)1,2,3

  1. The entrance door suddenly opened (1) and a strong young man (2) jumped out into the street, who (3) if Alexei hadn't had time to step aside at the last moment (4), he would certainly have run into him.
1)1,2,3,4 2)2,3 3)1,4 4)2,4

Arrange punctuation marks:

By the time a frightening cloud with smoking edges appeared from afar and covered the pine forest and the wind blew, Ivan felt that he was exhausted and realizing that he could not cope with the statement he did not begin to lift the scattered sheets and began to cry softly and bitterly.

The good-natured paramedic Praskovya Fyodorovna visited the poet during a thunderstorm and was alarmed seeing that he was crying and closed the curtain so that the lightning would not frighten the patient, lifted the leaves from the floor and ran with them for the doctor. He came and made an injection in Ivan's hand and assured him that he would no longer cry, that now everything would pass, everything would change and everything would be forgotten.

The doctor was right. Soon the forest beyond the river became the same. It loomed to the last tree under the sky, cleared to full blue and the river calmed down. The melancholy began to leave Ivan immediately after the injection and now the poet lay calmly and looked at the rainbow spread across the sky.

This continued until the evening and he did not even notice how the rainbow melted and how the sky became sad and faded, how the forest turned black.

The house of sorrow fell asleep. In the quiet corridors, opaque white lamps went out and instead of them faint blue nightlights were lit and, less and less, the cautious steps of the paramedics were heard outside the doors. (M.A.Bulgakov)

Test No. 10


A colon in a complex non-union sentence is placed in the following cases:

1) The second simple sentence explains the meaning of the first. Before the second sentence, you can put the words namely, that is.

^ The weather was terrible: the wind was howling, sleet was falling in flakes ...

2) The second simple sentence complements the content of the first (additional relations). Before the second sentence, you can insert union what.

^ It is clear to everyone: we need to continue the work begun. I looked out the window: the stars were flaring up in the cloudless sky. (and saw that)

3) The second simple sentence indicates the reason for what the first sentence says (causal relationship). A causal union can be inserted before the second sentence because.

We must return home: it’s too late.
^ A dash in a complex non-union sentence is placed in the following cases:

1. The first sentence contains the meaning of a time or condition. Before the first part, you can put unions when, if.

^ The wind blew - everything trembled, came to life and laughed (MG) In a hurry - you will make people laugh (proverb).

2. The second sentence contains a consequence, a result, a conclusion. Words can be inserted between parts therefore, then, as a result.

^ I would be inpilots go - let them teach me (Mayakovsky).

3. The second sentence of a complex non-union sentence expresses opposition. You can insert the unions a, but between simple sentences.

^ I would be glad to serve - it is sickening to serve (Griboyedov).

4. The second sentence contains a comparison. Between simple sentences, you can put alliances like, like.

^ Speaks the word - the nightingale sings (Lermontov).

5. The second simple sentence contains an unexpected join, an indication of a quick change of events. Before the second sentence, you can insert words suddenly, and unexpectedly, and suddenly, and immediately:

^ The cheese fell out - with it there was a cheat (Krylov).

Practical part

Test number 1

Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence

  1. Indicate the sentence number, in which a colon is put in place of the gap.
1) The wind blew_ everything trembled, came to life and rustled.

2) The rain passed_ the trees rustled in the forest.

3) I looked out the window_ in the cloudless sky the stars flared up.

4) Praises are enticing_ how not to wish them?

  1. Indicate the number of the sentence in which a dash is put in place of the pass.
1) Know_ he's a dangerous person.

2) Do you like to ride_ love and carry sleds.

3) I warn you in advance_ there will be no amenities on the way.

4) I'll definitely tell you_ you have talent.

  1. In which sentence is a dash in place of the pass?
1) Do not promise a crane in the sky_ give a tit in your hand.

2) Trust_ is always the most expensive gift.

3) So I would like to know_ where else will fate bring?

  1. In which sentence should you put a colon (no punctuation marks in sentences)?
1) My fire shines in the fog, sparks go out on the fly.

2) I had a cast-iron teapot with me, my only joy when traveling around the Caucasus.

3) The sea, the port, the city, the mountain, everything turned into a dull darkness, gusty from the wind.

4) People behaved differently, some looked around restlessly, others seemed to have frozen.

  1. In which sentence should a dash be placed in place of the pass?
1) I trust those who love_ they are generous.

2) The earth is round_ there is no secret on it.

3) I love the fun art of nature_ flowers, butterflies, tropical plants, waterfalls, fountains.

4) I hear I_ a titmouse is ringing among the yellowing fields.

  1. Please provide a complete and correct explanation of the punctuation in the sentence.
The snow was deep (1) but hard (2) the skis did not fail.

1) The proposal is complex and consists of two parts. A comma (2) is placed between the parts of a complex sentence.

2) The proposal is complex, non-union. A dash (2) is placed between the parts of the sentence. In the first part, there are homogeneous definitions between which a comma is placed (1).

3) The sentence is complex, non-union, a colon is put between the parts of the sentence. In the first part, there are homogeneous definitions between which a comma is placed.

4) The proposal is complex, non-union. Dash (1) is placed between the parts of the sentence, since the content of one is opposed to the other. The comma (2) separates the qualifying term of the sentence.

  1. Which sentence is a complex non-union?
1) Before a thunderstorm in the forest it is so good, as if everything around is smoked with fragrant fumes.

2) The sky cleared from the sunset, the sun came out.

3) Neither the sun can I see the light, nor there is no space for my roots.

4) Warming is expected according to the latest meteorological data.

  1. Enter the correct statement about the offer.
The strange old man spoke in a very drawn-out manner; the sound of his voice also amazed me.

1) The sentence is complex;

2) The proposal is complex;

3) Non-union complex proposal;

4) The sentence is simple, complicated by homogeneous predicates, he spoke and amazed.

  1. How to explain the setting of a dash in a sentence?
The huge dome of the sash opened - and the sky for eternity looked into the tower.

2) The proposal is simple and incomplete.

3) The second part of the compound sentence contains an indication of an abrupt change in events.

4) The second part of the compound sentence contains a corollary.

  1. Explain the use of the colon in this sentence.
Don't dig holes for another: you yourself will fall into it.

1) The second part of the non-union complex sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first part.

2) The second part of the non-union complex sentence explains, reveals the content of the first part.

3) The first part of the non-union complex sentence is opposed to the second part.

4) The first part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the conditions for performing the action indicated in the second part.
Test number 2

  1. Which sentence should not have a dash? (No punctuation marks are placed.)
1) The Netherlands is a state in northwest Europe often called Holland.

2) In the east, the country borders with Germany in the south with Belgium.

3) In the Middle Ages, it was believed that Bordeaux steel was the most reliable in the world.

4) One of the most striking signs of our distance from the people is that we have almost completely stopped singing in chorus.

Pleshcheyevo lakes near Pereslavl-Zalessky have two shores that are completely different in their outlines: one is ancient, high, indented by ravines and streams, the other is low, gentle, swampy near the water.

1) The second part of the non-union complex sentence explains, reveals the content of the first part.

2) The first part of the non-union complex sentence indicates the condition for the accomplishment of what is said in the second part.

3) The first part of the non-union complex sentence indicates the time of the accomplishment of what is said in the second part.

4) The second part of the non-union complex sentence is contrasted in the content of the first part.

  1. What is the punctuation mark and why is it put in place of the parentheses in the sentence:
It is "good" to compose poetry and it is "right" to compose them () different things.

1) Colon is put: the second part of the sentence explains the content of the first part.

2) A colon is put: for homogeneous terms with a generalizing word.

3) A dash is put: for homogeneous terms with a generalizing word.

4) A dash is put: between the subject and the predicate, the expressed noun with the adjective.

  1. How do you explain the use of the colon in this sentence?
People are divided into two kinds: some first think, and then they say and do, while others first say and do, and then think.

1) The generalizing word stands before the homogeneous members of the sentence.

2) The second part of the non-union complex sentence explains, reveals the content of what is said in the first part.

3) The second part of the non-union complex sentence indicates the condition of what is said in the first part.

4) The second part of the non-union complex sentence indicates a consequence of what is said in the first part.

  1. In which example is the second dash missing?
1) “Here everyone can fool around as he wants, live and die an eccentric,” wrote the poet KN Batyushkov in 1811, describing the then Moscow.

2) "I came here," Shubin began, because I was very sad at home. "

3) The Netherlands is a state in the north-west of Europe, often called Holland.

4) In the east, the country borders on Germany, in the south - on Belgium.

  1. Please provide the correct explanation for punctuation in this sentence.
I tried to get a taxi () it wasn’t it.

1) A colon is put, the second part of a non-union sentence has a causal meaning.

2) A dash is put, the content of the second part is opposed to the content of the first.

3) A dash is put, the second part has the meaning of the output.

4) A colon is put, the second part specifies the content of the first.

  1. How do you explain the use of the colon in this sentence?
The portrait recreates the appearance of a human individuality: together with the external resemblance, the artist captures the spiritual world of the person depicted.

2) The second part of the non-union complex sentence explains, reveals the content of what is said in the first part.

3) The second part of the non-union complex sentence is opposed to the first part.

4) The first part of the non-union complex sentence indicates the time of the accomplishment of what is said in the second part.

  1. How do you explain the use of the colon in this sentence?
Glass is increasingly entering our life: it is in household items and in the columns of the subway, it protects our apartments from the cold and turns into an elastic fabric that serves people.

1) The generalizing word stands before the homogeneous members of the sentence.

3) The first part of the non-union complex sentence indicates the condition of what is said in the second part.

4) The first part of the non-union complex sentence indicates the time of what is said in the second part.

  1. How do you explain the use of the colon in this sentence?
Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky excites the audience: the composer, with the skill of a psychologist, penetrates into the complex and contradictory inner world of a person and reveals the spiritual and emotional life of people by means of his art.

1) The first part of the non-union complex sentence indicates the time of the accomplishment of what is said in the second part.

2) The second part of the non-union complex sentence is contrasted in the content of the first part.

3) The second part of the non-union complex sentence indicates the condition of what is said in the first part.

4) The second part of the non-union complex sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first part.

  1. How to explain the setting of the dash in this sentence?
If you need help with construction or some kind of tool - please do not hesitate to contact me.

1) The first part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the time or condition of what is said in the second part.

2) The second part of the non-union complex sentence reveals the content of what is said in the first part.

3) The second part of the non-union complex sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first part.

4) The second part of the non-union complex sentence is contrasted in the content of the first part.

Appendix 2

Main goals Russian language courses in high school are as follows:

  • consolidate and expand students' knowledge of the text, while improving the skills of constructing texts;

  • to ensure further mastery of functional styles of speech with a simultaneous expansion of students' knowledge about styles, their features, rules of use;

  • correctly and deliberately select the necessary language means for the design of the statement;

  • improve what is written;

  • ensure the preparation of students for the tasks of increased difficulty in the USE.

Definition of the topic and main idea

The topic is the subject of speech, what is said in the text, the question that needs to be disclosed in the statement: “Resolution of the topic, the answer to the problem, to the question posed - this is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work” - this is how N.G. Leontiev

The ability to correctly define a topic and idea is the primary condition for a correct and full understanding of a particular statement. Analyzing the text, highlighting in it various structural elements (paragraphs, sentences, words, word forms), explaining their semantic and emotional function, we understand the ideological content of the text deeper and more fully.

Determining the topic usually does not cause difficulties, but not everyone is able to understand what the author of a particular text wanted to say, so you need to re-read the text several times, remember that the text is characterized by semantic integrity.

Semantic integrity the text consists in the unity of the subject of speech - the theme of the statement. Any text contains information. I.R.Galperin proposes to distinguish two types of information: factual and conceptual.

Actual - description of facts, events, place of action and time of occurrence of this action, reasoning of the author, movement of the plot.

Conceptual - it is an expression of the system of views of the author of the main idea, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work.

These two kinds of information - what is said and what is said - are called the theme and the main idea.

In some journalistic texts, the main idea can be expressed directly, directly by the author's statement or by a character's remark.

But most often the main idea is not formulated "in black and white", it only follows from the system of images, and in order to understand it, it is necessary not only to "read" into the text; but also analyze it.

The famous writer S. Antonov very accurately revealed the essence of the idea in a work of fiction: “It is clear, of course, that the attitude to the depicted, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe thing is not some kind of appendage that exists besides the image, it is not a comment placed outside brackets or even behind a gilded frame, in the title.

No, the idea of \u200b\u200ba thing lives within the image. If the artist is deeply excited, the idea, the attitude of the creator, his author's commentary inspire the image, penetrate into all the elements, appear in every stroke of the brush, and these strokes will be individual, like fingerprints. "


The integrity of the text implies that the statement should be based on semantic unity, a "semantic program" that can be conveyed through keywords and formulated in an ideological and thematic (content) plan.

IN Gorelov and KF Sedov in the textbook "Fundamentals of Psycholinguistics" highlight some of the defining characteristics of keywords:

  • repeatability in the text;

  • the ability of a sign to fold information expressed in a whole text;

  • correlation of two content levels of the text: actually factual and conceptual.
All these signs are ambiguous, since they are not always present in all keywords at the same time and are not always required at all. In addition, among scientists there is still no common view on the categorical features of keywords.

In school practice, keywords are considered words that have the greatest meaning for the embodiment of the author's thought, determining the semantic and emotional background of the text (i.e., both conceptual-logical and evaluative or expressive words).

Conceptual and logical keywords are associated with the name of the main images, objects (objects, phenomena, actions) or concepts of the text and concisely convey the theme-rhematic (theme - given, rhema - new in a speech situation) movement of objective information in a given text. Such keywords, as noted by many authors, help to more accurately define the topic of the text.

Evaluative or expressive (subjective) keywords express the author's assessment prevailing in the text - sensory (sensory-evaluative), emotional (emotional-evaluative), rational (rational-evaluative). Such keywords are most helpful in understanding the author's position, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe text.

In many texts, especially fictional ones, conceptual-logical and expressive functions are often combined in one word or phrase; therefore, strict delimitation of the named types of keywords is far from necessary and not always available. However, understanding these functions and highlighting them is necessary for a more accurate comprehension of the ideological and thematic grain of the text, its meaningful design.

So, we see that the keywords considered in a certain system really give the key to understanding the text and express its integrity. Therefore, in order to sufficiently comprehend the ideological and thematic grain of the text, it is necessary to learn how to accurately identify the keywords in it. Conversely, to create text, you need to be able to choose appropriate keywords.

N.I. Zhinkin noted: “When understanding a read or heard text, the process starts from the words perceived by the reader or listener; when composing your own text, the process is reversed - from the subject of presentation to the words. "

This means that only thoughtful work with the word, the ability to hear and understand what has been said will reveal to us the full depth and complexity of the author's thought.

Exercise 1.

I’m reading a book. Without a book, I (not) think of n .. life n .. work. Each read (n, nn) \u200b\u200bth kgina nepr..ssenno gives impetus..k for the work of thoughts leaves a mark in the soul. This is one of the forms of a conversation with an intelligent person when new thoughts are born, very important ones, etc. that clarify some of the issues over which you are tormented both as a writer and as a person. Because reading for me (not) is simply practical. For me, a writer is an interlocutor, whether in a dispute, in agreement .. with whom, etc., my thoughts become clear, again .. are born and deepened.

(F. Abramov)

  1. What does the text say?

  2. Highlight keywords.

  3. What a feeling the words in this text are filled with.

  4. What is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe author.

  5. Write the cliché text.
"The book is a sorceress."

“The book has transformed the world” - these are the words of the famous scientist Morozov. And indeed, how many proverbs, poems, sayings are devoted to _______________________________________________.

But strangely enough, everyone who addresses this topic finds his ___________ words to express (boundless, deep, faithful, ardent) love and devotion to ________________________________________.

Exercise 2.

  1. "_________________________________________?" - these questions are posed by the author (he is looking for an answer to these questions) in his text.

  2. In his text, the author puts ( in 1; acute, topical, important, urgent.) problem -________________________________.

  3. "_________________________________________" - this is how the main idea of \u200b\u200bthis text can be formulated.

  4. At first glance, this ingenuous story lacks deep meaning ... But behind this simplicity lies the author's sincere and deep feeling, thanks to which the story acquires amazing artistic power (but this seemingly simple story contains a picture of a huge generalizing power).

  5. ______________! How much has been written about this! But the author gives a new sound to this seemingly hackneyed theme.

  6. The author tells (shows us; reveals to us; immerses us) about (in) _________________

  7. _________________________________ - this appeal, addressed to the heart of the reader, sounds in the text.

  8. The author does not denounce, criticize, or ridicule, he patiently asks us to take care of what our fathers gave us.

  9. You do not immediately understand that this is not just a picturesque picture, but a passionate appeal to our soul, to our conscience.

Indicate speech clichés that can be used to formulate

A) topics _____________________________________________

B) main idea _____________________________________

Exercise 3.

Read the text. Insert missing letters and missing punctuation marks.

The land on which we grow up ... forms the basis of all beginnings and all concepts. (What is the main word in the first sentence? Underline it). We are tightly connected (n, nn) \u200b\u200bwe are with the land that has lifted us up ... and if for some reason this connection is broken (t, t), then to the soul of lies ... li (t, t) sy t..zhky stone for there is no (n ..) what is more terrible than homesickness. (Explain the meaning of the metaphor “the land that has nurtured us.” What associations does it generate in our minds? How does the native land relate? What ideological meaning does the hyperbolic phrase “no (n ..) what is worse ...?”

Reflecting in this way (not) freely think ... about whether we always (whether) we relate ... cordially to what surrounds us and understand .. what to burn ... (not) always ... (What a new turn in the development of the topic What is the function of the antithesis “always” - not always? ”What authorial feeling does the introductory word express?).

You can’t think as a consumer that there’s a new morning and the earth will be just as beautiful. after all, it depends only on us..t preserving..consideration of its primordial (n, nn) \u200b\u200boh beauty. (What is the author's thought in the last paragraph? Underline the word (s) emotionally and lexically connected with the word “beauty.” In whose hands is the fate of beauty?).

Using speech cliches, formulate the main theme and main idea of \u200b\u200bthis text.

Ways and means of communication of sentences in the text

The connectedness of the text is the third important feature of the text, it is a category that characterizes the peculiarities of the connection within a speech work of its elements; sentences, paragraphs, superphrasal unity, etc.

So the connectedness of the text is the result of the connection of sentences.

Each subsequent sentence repeats part of the information from the previous one and contains a new one.

Duplicate or known information is called theme , new - remy .

New information develops and enriches thought, repetition ensures the coherence of the statement.

The connection of sentences can be sequential, or chain, when new information (rema) of the first sentence becomes a repetition (theme) of the second.

T 2 (\u003d P 1) P 2

T 3 (\u003d P 2) P 3

For instance: ^ I wondered more than once at the shrewd insolence of the crows. They, as it were, jokingly tricked me more than once (A. Platonov).

Along with the sequential one, there is a parallel connection of sentences in the text: the relatively known information of the first sentence passes through a number of others and unites them, being a cross-cutting theme, and a new one arises and develops in parallel to it in the same sentences.

For instance: ^ I love guests. I like to laugh.

I really like to stand behind the car when it snorts, sniff gasoline.

I like a lot of things. (V. Dragunsky)

With parallel communication, sentences (except for the first one) can be swapped, and one of the sentences can even be excluded.

Often, there is no cross-cutting theme when maintaining a parallel connection of sentences. The connection of the text is carried out due to the general task of the utterance. The proposals do not highlight known and new information. Each sentence carries new information, they are combined by word order, the same kind of tense verb forms, and others. This construction of the text is usually used to describe nature.

For instance: The snow was melting all around - amicably, but quietly; water oozed everywhere; a soundless wind roamed in the loose air. The same even, milky color poured over the earth and the sky; there was no fog - but there was no light either.

(I.S. Turgenev)

Means of communication

Linguistic means of connectivity of sentences in the text can be lexical means :

words of one thematic group - Winter ... frost ... snow ... drifts ... frost ...

lexical repetition - Fate Pushkin - and a separatefate andfate folk.

synonyms (including contextual ones) - Pastsailed glades ...Ran away ravines ...

antonyms (including contextual) - ANDwe hate we, andlove we are random. Without sacrificing anything normalice norlove. (M.Lermontov)

descriptive turnover - There was a knock overheadwoodpecker . Forest doctor examined the diseased tree.

morphological agents:

conjunctions, allied words, particles - He said that after the confessions in court, he could not do that. After all, an appeal for pardon requires an admission of guilt. But he does not admit his guilt and cannot write constant words.

pronouns (personal, demonstrative) - ^ Poets like Akhmatova are simply born. They come into the world with an already unique structure of the soul.

adverbs - Today the ring has been broken in many places. Until the forty-first year, it was solid, with three gates (V. Peskov).

the unity of the tense forms of the verb - ^ Suddenly there will be dead silence.

Nothing will knock, nothing will move.

The wind will not move a leaf.

degrees of comparison - Tanyusha was good.

It was not more beautiful in the village.

syntactic means:

word order \u003d intonation - I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about her.

syntactic parallelism - But embers rang in the fireplace.

^ Lights burned out outside the window.

parceling - He has a very memorable face. Thin. Strong-willed. Clever.

incomplete sentences - What we were talking about? About different things.

A special group of linguistic means of communication between parts of the text are clichés ... They are used in particular:

    1. in reasoning about the content of the text:

  1. text ... dedicated to consideration of the issue (problem, topic) ...

  2. the text is written on a current topic ...

  3. the text raises an actual problem ...

  4. the text raises a question (topic, problem) ...

  5. the text sets out the views of the author on ...

  6. the author solves the problem, touches on the problem, talks about ...

  7. the author managed to convince, prove, convincingly show ...

  8. everything in the narration (story, essay) of the author helps to understand (realize, make sure, believe) ...

  9. i would especially like to note (say, emphasize, highlight) ...

  10. finally, one can also note (add, emphasize) ...;

    1. in analysis, linguistic means:

  1. to convince him that he is right, the author uses ...

  2. the text is characterized by the following means of expression ...

  3. in the text the author uses such linguistic means of expression ...;

    1. when expressing your own position and its argumentation:

  1. close to me ( not close) thoughts (position, ideas, beliefs) of the author ...

  2. i share the opinion (position, beliefs, thoughts, ideas) of the author ...

  3. i want to argue with the statement (thought, idea of \u200b\u200bthe author) ...

  4. not in everything, as it seems to me, the author is right ...

  5. i cannot agree with the author in everything ...

  6. despite the persuasiveness of the author's arguments (words, opinions), I cannot agree with him ...

  7. the position (opinion, words) of the author makes one think ...
When working with clichés, it is necessary to emphasize the following:

  • these clichés are semantically empty speech turns, these are bundles that help an inexperienced author to combine sentences into a single speech work; using them at first, it is necessary with the acquisition of experience in writing such texts, if possible, get rid of them or reduce them to a minimum;

  • speech clichés of the third group must be used with introductory constructions (in my opinion, it seems to me, probably, unfortunately, etc.), which make it possible to soften the possible negative attitude of the student to the opinion, the position of the author, to eliminate the incorrect statement of the student in relation to the author of the text.
Training exercises

Exercise 1.

Choose from the proposed clichés that are appropriate in meaning and include them in this text in place of the gaps.

Cliche. ^ The text raises a question; the text is written on a relevant topic; the text contains the views of the author;

………… about the role of beauty in the life of every person and society as a whole. Sukhomlinsky ………… .. a topic in our time. Indeed, beauty is the joy of our life, deeply human. …………: a person from other living beings is distinguished by the ability to comprehend beauty, this ability made a person a person, therefore, it is necessary to take care of beauty, which gives us the joy of life.

Exercise 2.

Indicate the means of communication between sentences A and B.

  1. A) Having accidentally learned that his daughter wanted to print a selection of poems in a Moscow magazine, her father demanded that she take a pseudonym and not dishonor the glorious name. B) The daughter obeyed, and Anna Akhmatova entered Russian literature instead of Anna Gorenko.
a) union; b) antonym; c) lexical repetition; d) pronoun.

  1. A) Poets like Akhmatova are simply born. B) They come into the world with an already established diction and a unique structure of the soul.
a) union; b) lexical repetition; c) synonym; d) personal pronoun.

  1. A) It is not a secret for anyone that health is established from childhood. B) Therefore, the correct education of the young generation is of great importance.
a) introductory word; b) union; c) antonym; d) pronoun.

Exercise 3.

Insert the missing letters and place the missing punctuation marks.

One fall I was on a boat ride down the Prorva. It was noon. A low sun hung in the south. His slanting light fell on the dark water and bounced back from it. The streaks of solar reflections from the waves raised by the oars ran rhythmically along the banks, rising from the water and extinguishing in the tops of the trees.

The streaks of light penetrated into the thick of grasses and bushes and for an instant the shores flashed with hundreds of colors, as if a sunbeam was striking the ro (s, ss) spikes of multi-colored ore. The light revealed now black bl .. stalks of grass with dried orange berries, or fiery caps of fly agarics (as if) splashes (n, nn) \u200b\u200bchalked, or ingots of caked oak leaves and red backs of ladybugs.

(K. Paustovsky)

  1. What grammatical means are used to communicate between sentences?

  2. Write down the words of the thematic group shine. What is its role in the text?
Exercise 4.

Find the main point in the text below. Explain why the text is divided into paragraphs (to do this, trace what thought is revealed in each of them). What linguistic means are used to link between paragraphs?

We must protect the language from clogging, remembering that the words we use now - with the addition of a certain number of new ones - will serve for many centuries after us to express ideas and thoughts unknown to us, to create new poetic creations that defy our foresight.

^ And we should be deeply grateful to the previous generations who brought this heritage to us - figurative, capacious, intelligent language.

It already contains all the elements of art: harmonious syntactic architecture, music of the word, and verbal painting.

(S.Ya. Marshak)

Determining the type of text.

At this stage, theoretical material on the definition of types of speech is of particular importance, since students in the middle level of education received a general idea of \u200b\u200bstorytelling, description and reasoning.

The main goal: educational and training exercises to determine the compositional characteristics characteristic of different types of speech - to improve the speech competence of students.

Any text has a composition, i.e. built according to a certain plan-scheme:

    1. Peace at rest

    2. World in motion

    3. The world in causal relationships.
In the first case, the statement is realized in the form of a description, in the second, narration, and in the third, reasoning.

The essence description text lies in the fact that the object (its part or phenomenon) needs to be characterized, reported about its signs. Thus, a description is a verbal depiction of a phenomenon of reality by listing its characteristic features, selected by the author depending on the purpose of the statement (to convey information, convince (dissuade), entertain, etc.). This type of speech serves to recreate the world of objects and establish connections between them.

The development of thought occurs due to the fact that each next sentence adds new signs to what has been said. This is how the description of both animate and inanimate object is constructed.

From the point of view of the object of description, the following types are distinguished: everyday, portrait, interior, landscape, scientific and technical, description of the state of affairs, actions and work processes, terrain, description of a sculptural work or painting, description based on personal impressions, etc.

Razumovskaya has a variety of descriptions:



Description of the state of the environment

human condition

Depending on the functional style, there are scientific description-precise, logically consistent; artistic- subjective, lyrical, not always complete; business- precise, dry.

From a linguistic point of view, the differences should be noted:

  1. lexical filling (depending on the genre);

  2. enumeration structure of information presentation;

  3. almost complete lack of dynamics;

  4. an abundance of adjectives of different categories;

  5. use of perfect and imperfective verbs, etc.

In a non-union complex sentence, a dash between parts is usually placed in cases where the main part of the statement (corresponding sometimes to the main part of a complex sentence) is contained in the second part of a complex sentence, and the first part (corresponding to a subordinate clause) has a subordinate meaning, indicating a time or condition committing the action referred to in the second part, sometimes a reason, concession, etc. [For the conditions for setting a colon in a non-union complex sentence, see § 44,]

Wed: Impossible to get out: pouring rain outside- the main content is contained in the first part, in the second the reason is indicated; It's pouring rain outside - it's impossible to get out- the reason is indicated in the first part, in the second there is a consequence, a conclusion, which is the basis of the statement;

The youth left: the evening got bored- ‘I left because: it became boring’; The youth left - it got bored at the evening- ‘Gone, so it got boring’.

With equal semantic relations between the parts of the sentence, they have the meaning of comparison, opposition, etc.

1. In a non-union complex sentence that breaks up into two parts, a dash is placed before the second part, if it contains an unexpected addition, an indication of a quick change of events: A week has passed, another - suddenly a carriage drives into my yard(P.); The cheese fell out - with it there was a cheat(Cr.); Ivan Ivanovich went to the gate, rattled the latch - a dog barking rose from within(G.); Give him only a knife and let him go on the main road - he will stab him, he will stab him for a penny(G.); You walk by a tree - it does not move, it luxuriates (T.); Suddenly men with axes appeared - the forest rang, groaned, cracked(N.); Ignat pulled the trigger - the gun misfired(Ch.); A ray of sun will fall on the grass - the grass will flash with emerald and pearls(M.G.); The wind blew - everything trembled, came to life and laughed(M.G.); The blizzard was already very close to the fire - suddenly a horse neigh resounded in the darkness(F.); Walking along a dead street at noon - you won't meet a person(W); The sun did not have time to warm the earth - the whole sky began to hum(Bub.) [Cf. with the union proposal: Before I had time to pay off my old coachman, Dunya returned with a samovar(P.)].

2. Before the second part of a non-union complex sentence, a dash is put if it expresses opposition in relation to the content of the first part (between the parts you can insert a unionbut or a) : I would be glad to serve - it is sickening to serve(Gr.); Chin followed him - he suddenly left the service (Gr.); Sits down to sew - does not know how to take a needle; she is scolded - she is silent to herself(P.); A week passed, a month - he did not return to his home(P.); I grab the belt - no pistol(L.); I began to call the owner - they are silent; I knock - they are silent(L.); Until ten o'clock we dived through the reeds and through the forest - there is no beast (L.); The oak holds on - the reed has fallen to the ground(Cr.); He painfully ran his eyes along the ceiling, wanted to leave the place, to run - his legs did not obey(Hound.); At that time, you already meet in France a class of people who, with a general loss, gains: the nobility is deprived of rights - they aggravate theirs; the people are dying of hunger - they are full; people arm themselves and go to smash enemies - they profitably supply cloth, food(Hertz.); I have been serving for sixteen years - this has not happened to me(L. T.); Mowed a mile - mowed a penny(M.G.); The Falcon soars up - clinging to the ground(M.G.); Pika took on the embroidery - the threads were tangled and torn; sat down to play checkers - lost (F.); In Andersen's fairy tales, not only flowers, winds, trees acquire the gift of speech - the home world of things and toys comes to life in them.(Paust.); Mishka's bag was not stolen - the last hope was stolen(Nev.); This was not a tired, sick soldier coming from the front - it was a builder(Hump.); He is a guest - I am the host(Bagr.); The battle has not begun by our will - we will end it with our glory(Ac.); Not wounds, not a sick lung tormented him - the consciousness of uselessness irritated him(Paul.); I'm for a candle - a candle in the stove(Chuk.); The brave win, the coward die(Last); Summer in store - winter eats(Last); I was not - I will go; Knock, do not knock - they will not open; Cry, do not cry - you cannot turn back the lost; I will die - I will not say.

3. Before the second part of a non-union complex sentence, a dash is put if it contains a consequence, result or conclusion from what is said in the first part (words can be inserted between the parts therefore, then, etc.): I'm dying - I have nothing to lie to(T.); You will part the wet bush - you will be overwhelmed with the accumulated warm smell of the night(T.); There was no way to leave unnoticed - he went out openly, as if he was going into the yard, and slipped into the garden(F.); I would go to the pilots - let them teach me(M.); Taking matches and a lighter from his pocket at the same time, Krainev lit the cords - they flashed(Dad.); Our home is for us to protect; They put a samovar in the senz - the smell of smoke spreads around; During the night, everyone rested - you can again take up the interrupted work; The key is lost - break the door.

Notes: 1. If the meaning of the consequence is not emphasized intonationally, then instead of a dash between the parts of a non-union complex sentence, a comma is put: ... I i will interrogate him carefully, he will not even notice(Ch.); Man is not a needle, we will find(Ch.).

2. In the works of classic writers, instead of a dash in the case under consideration, there is a colon: There was nothing to do: Marya Ivanovna got into the carriage and drove to the palace(P.); We drove from behind: no one saw(L.); A light rain sows in the morning: it's impossible to get out(T.); Worries, griefs, failures tormented the poor priest to the extreme: he became distrustful, bitter(Ven.).

4. Before the second part of a non-union complex sentence, a dash is put if the first part indicates the time of the action, which is mentioned in the second part (at the beginning of the first part, you can add a unionwhen) : Win - build a stone house(A. T.); I drove here - the rye was starting to turn yellow. Now I'm leaving - people eat this rye(Prishv.); Ahead was making his way, giving the command with a careful movement of his hand: if he raised his hand above his head, everyone immediately stopped and froze; stretches out his hand to the side with an inclination to the ground - everyone at the same second quickly and silently lay down; wave his hand forward - everyone moved forward; show back - everyone slowly backed away(Cat.); They plow arable land - don't wave their hands(Last).

5. A dash is placed in front of the second part of a non-union complex sentence, if the first part indicates the condition for performing an action, which is mentioned in the second part (at the beginning of the first part, you can add a unionif a ): If it will rain, there will be fungi; there will be fungi - there will be a body(P.); A well done man will pass - she will dignify, a girl will pass - she will become sad, and guslars will pass - they will sing a song(L.) - the values \u200b\u200bof the condition and time are combined; What will be needed - tell Pavel or Tatiana (T.); Invented - done(T.); Lost you completely - we will not cry for you (Ch.); ... A sin will happen - do not ask for mercy(Ch.); Believe it by eye - you will measure it crookedly(M.G.); They will not give - steal!(M.G.); …The less you know the better you sleep(M.G.); They will swear - do not be afraid(Ch.); I like to draw - draw for health, no one forbids(Pan.); Ordered - you're lucky(A. T.) Wed in proverbs: Gruzdev called himself get in the body; Do you like to ride - love to carry sledges; If you miss the fire, you will not extinguish it; Took up the tug - do not say that it is not hefty; To be afraid of wolves - do not go to the forest; If you regret the stripe, you will return the strap; To plow deeper - to see more bread; To be afraid of death is not to live in the worldand etc.

Note. If the second part of a non-union complex sentence of this type begins with a particle like this, then after the first part with the value of the condition, a comma is placed instead of a dash: Give everyone for vodka,so i will have to starve myself soon(P.); Watch so you will get out of patience!(Cr.); Take everything to heart,so you will soon get into consumption(Sharp).

6. Before the second part of a non-union complex sentence, a dash is put if it contains a comparison with what is said in the first part (before the second part, you can add a unionlike or like) : ... He looks - he will give(N.).

7. Before the second part of a non-union complex sentence, a dash is put if it (often an incomplete sentence) has an explanatory meaning (a union can be inserted before itwhat), and the first part does not contain an intonation warning about the subsequent presentation of any fact: The sheep says - she slept all night(Cr.); Sometimes I think I have to run away(M.G.); ... He hears - behind the elderberry bushes the girl laughs(M.G.); The silence was so complete and gloomy, and the sky was so stuffy that it seemed to the boy that if only one sharp sound could be heard, something terrible would happen in nature.(Cat.); Yesterday at the neighboring winter hut they said that a bear lifted a man(Arb.); I hear - groans again(Paust.); Traffic has been paused, hopefully not for long; Someone scratches, it seemed to me - a mouse; But I see - she does not listen to me; They write that we must come - they will meet; They knew there would be a storm; Leave me alone, don't you see - I'm busy.[Cf. § 44, paragraph 3.]

8. Dash is placed before pronouns so, so, so,beginners are a connecting sentence that is part of a non-union complex sentence:An order is an order- So he was raised by the front(Thief.); Crooked streets, small wooden houses -such was a significant part of Moscow at the beginning of the XX century. Go ahead or die- such is the partisan detachment had a choice;

These sentences express judgments, the subject of which is named in the first part, and the predicate forms the second part. If the logical relationship between the two parts is of a different nature, then a comma and a dash are placed between them: Environmental pollution threatens life on Earth - it cannot continue this way(Gas.). [Cm. § 46, paragraph 2.]

9. If the second part of a non-union compound sentence is connecting a sentence, a dash is put in front of it (it is possible to insert the word this, which is sometimes found in the sentence itself): Not a single image on the wall is a bad sign(L.); You don't have a soul, you have self-esteem instead of a soul - that's what I'll tell you(Al.); Inga was excited, Levshin watched her too closely - it caught Klebe's eyes(Fed.); Big water is coming - this is the most interesting(Hump.); He always liked to chat - I knew that very well.(Kav.); They will part, they have already parted - this thought stunned both(Gran.).

Note. Often, if there is a word before the adjoining sentence, a comma and a dash are placed between the parts of the non-union complex sentence: The Russian intelligentsia grew and developed under absolutely brutal conditions -this is undeniable (M.G.). [Cm. § 46, paragraph 1.]

A comma and a dash can also be placed before an adjoining clause containing an additional remark: The village of Pervomaisky was the oldest mining settlement in the area - from it, in fact, the city began(F.).

See: Ivanchikova E. A: On the development of the syntax of the Russian language in the Soviet era // Development of the syntax of the modern Russian language. M., 1966 (some examples were borrowed from there).

Test on the topic: "Punctuation".


Each test task contains a condition (question) and four possible answers to it, among which only one is correct.

Punctuation marks in a complex sentence.

Exercise 1

Note the sentence number, in which a colon is put in place of the gap.

1) The wind blew_ everything trembled, came to life and rustled.
2) The rain passed_ the trees rustled in the forest.
3) I looked out the window_ in the cloudless sky the stars flared up.
4) Praises are enticing_ how not to wish them?

Assignment 2

Note the number of the sentence, in which a dash is put in place of the pass

1) Know_ he's a dangerous person.
2) Do you like to ride_ love and carry sleds.
3) I warn you in advance_ there will be no amenities on the way.
4) I'll definitely tell you_ you have talent.

Assignment 3

In which sentence is a dash in place of the pass?

1) Do not promise a crane in the sky_ give a tit in your hand.
2) Trust_ is always the most expensive gift.
3) So I would like to know_ where else will fate bring?
4) I advise you to read and study the classics_ of Pushkin, Turgenev, Tolstoy.

Assignment 4

In which sentence should you put a colon (no punctuation marks in sentences)?

1) My fire shines in the fog, sparks go out on the fly.
2) I had a cast-iron teapot with me, my only joy when traveling around the Caucasus.
3) The sea, the port, the city, the mountain, everything turned into a dull darkness, gusty from the wind.
4) People behaved differently, some looked around uneasily, others as if froze.

Assignment 5

In which sentence should a dash be placed in place of the pass?

1) I trust those who love_ they are generous.
2) The earth is round_ you can't hide a secret on it.
3) I love the fun art of nature_ flowers, butterflies, tropical plants, waterfalls, fountains.
4) I hear a tit is ringing in the middle of the yellowing fields.

Assignment 6

Now (1) when the cars turned towards the pass (2) the sea was left behind.

1) The proposal is complex, subordinate. A comma (2) is placed between parts of a complex sentence.
2) The proposal is complex, complicated. The clause is separated by commas (1) and (2).
3) The sentence is simple, it has a specifying circumstance of time, which is separated by commas (1) and (2).
4) The proposal is simple, complicated by homogeneous terms, between which a comma is placed (2).

Assignment 7

Please provide a complete and correct explanation of punctuation in the sentence.

Sonechka wrote (1) that the mood was heavy (2) but that he should not worry about them.

1) The sentence is complex, subordinate, and consists of three parts. Commas (1) and (2) are placed between parts of a complex sentence.
2) The sentence is complex, consists of two parts, a comma is placed between the parts of the complex sentence.
3) The sentence is complex, consists of two parts, the comma (1) is placed between the parts of the complex sentence. The comma (2) is placed between the homogeneous members that are in the clause.
4) The proposal is complex and consists of two parts. Commas (1) and (2) separate the explanatory clause on both sides, which is located inside the main one.

Assignment 8

Please provide a complete and correct explanation of punctuation in the sentence.

The snow was deep (1) but hard (2) the skis did not fail.

1) The proposal is complex and consists of two parts. A comma (2) is placed between the parts of a complex sentence.
2) The proposal is complex, non-union. A dash (2) is placed between the parts of the sentence. In the first part, there are homogeneous definitions between which a comma is placed (1).
3) The sentence is complex, non-union, a colon is put between the parts of the sentence. In the first part, there are homogeneous definitions between which a comma is placed.
4) The proposal is complex, non-union. Dash (1) is placed between the parts of the sentence, since the content of one is opposed to the other. The comma (2) separates the qualifying term of the sentence.

Assignment 9

put comma.

1) When the thunderstorm started, the game stopped_ and the children rushed to run home.
2) In such a storm, the wolf does not prowl_ and the bear does not crawl out of the den.
3) From a long sitting, his legs became numb and his back hurt.
4) The air is light and clear_ and the river is frozen.

Assignment 10

not put.

1) The sun was unbearable_ and a warm wind blew.
2) Who among us was not young_ and who was not carried away?
3) The strange old man spoke in a very drawn-out_ the sounds of his voice also amazed me.
4) In the house, all the windows were closed_ the door was thrown wide open.

Assignment 11

Mark the number of the offer in which at the place of the passput comma.

1) She told him that if he was sick, then he needed to be treated.
2) He is irritable when he is healthy and when he is ill.
3) A thunderstorm was approaching, and_ when clouds covered the sky, it became dark as at dusk.
4) Jacob got up early in the morning, when the sun was not so hot_ and a cheerful freshness blew from the sea.

Assignment 12

Note the number of the sentence, in which there is a comma in the spacenot put.

1) In order to repulse, to throw away the enemy's shaft, the city endured such trials that it had never known in its two hundred and forty years of existence.
2) A guide remained by the fire, who, while the travelers were hunting, prepared dinner.
3) Pushkin did not hide the fact that if he had been in Petersburg during the uprising, he would have been with the Decembrists.
4) The moon shone right in his face_ and I saw terrible grimaces that appeared every now and then on his face.

Task 13

1) It became completely dark all around - the moon went behind the clouds.
2) I looked out the window: the stars were flaring up in the cloudless sky.
3) It was unbearable heat - the streets were deserted.
4) Our task is not to repel the attack, but to destroy the core of the army.

Task 14

Note the number of misspelled sentences.

1) After breakfast, the sightseers went to the sea, which, although there was no wind, made a resounding noise and splash.
2) As night was approaching, we stayed in a village, which was fifteen kilometers from the railway.
3) In the life of every person, there are cases that are never forgotten later, and for a long time determine his biography.
4) Some books were sent to me, but I don't know which ones.

Task 15

Please note the misspelled sentence number.

1) The enemy decided that there were no defenders here, and climbed higher up the mountain.
2) In the evening, when it calmed down a bit, we went to the pier to see how the steamer would come.
3) Late in the evening a long whistle sounded and a steam locomotive appeared shining with lights.
4) The river was not yet frozen and its leaden waves were sadly black on the monotonous banks.

Task 16

Chaadaev, without any outside reasoning, simply compared (1) what (2) what is in Russia (3) with what (4) what is in Europe (5), and this just shocked the most.

1) 2, 3, 4;
2) 2, 4, 5;
3) 1, 3, 5;
4) 2, 3, 4, 5.

Task 17

Which answer shows the correct comma placement in the sentence?

1) 1, 2, 4;
2) 1, 4;
3) 1, 3, 4;
4) 1, 2, 3, 4.

Task 18

Which answer shows the correct comma placement in the sentence?

I'm pretty sure (1) that this lord has something very funny (2) that he is ashamed of (3) that secretly tortures him (4) and (5) why he writes his books so viciously.

1) 1, 2, 3, 4;
2) 2, 3, 4, 5;
3) 1, 2, 3;
4) 1, 3, 4.

Task 19

Which answer shows the correct placement of punctuation marks in a sentence?

Tamed and specially trained golden eagles catch hares on the hunt (1) break the backs of foxes (2) and (3) if you train foxes from an early age (4) even a wolf is stopped.

1) 1, 2;
2) 1, 3, 4;
3) 1, 2, 3;
4) 1, 2, 3, 4.

Task 20

Which answer shows the correct comma placement in the sentence?

I love the forests near Moscow (1) and (2) when they rustle merrily in the summer breeze (3) and (4) when they (5) are snowy (6) calmly sleep under the cold light of the moon.

1) 1, 3;
2) 2, 4, 5;
3) 1, 3, 5;
4) 3, 5, 6.

Answers to the test on the topic "Punctuation marks in a complex sentence."










































In a non-union complex sentence it is put;

A comma if the parts are small and closely related in meaning (The bell rang, the train started, the station was left behind.);

A semicolon, if parts or one of them are widespread (The guys, tired of the road, settled down by the fire; water boiled, cooked pots were pounding.);

Colon if second part

a) reveals the content of the first (\u003d namely) (His face took on a strange expression: it expressed either surprise or gloating.);

b) reveals the reason because); (We decided not to go to the evening: we were in a bad mood.);

c) complements (- what) (I feel: someone is sneaking behind me.)

Dash if pointed to

a) time (\u003d when) (Morning comes - let's start our journey.);

b) condition (- if) (If the weather is good, we will go to the country house.);

c) consequence, conclusion (- therefore) (The book is like water - the road will break through everywhere.);

d) a quick change of events (Another wave of the oar - we are at the goal.);

e) opposition (You will lose conscience - you cannot buy another (Proverb).)

Indicate non-union sentences in which a dash is placed between parts.

a) ... grabbed an ax came out a nose grabbed another lips came out ... (N. Gogol)

b) The senior sergeant was silent, it is not necessary to prevent the commander from making a decision (L. Sobolev).

c) The picture was wonderful, near the lights, a round reddish reflection trembled and seemed to freeze, resting against the darkness ... (I. Turgenev)

d) Cheese fell out with him was the cheat (Proverb).

Indicate non-union sentences in which a colon is placed between parts.

a) And suddenly I hear someone's whisper.

b) The wind blew everything came to life.

c) The brave win, the cowardly die (Proverb).

d) He had a ready answer for everything, you need to do this and nothing else.

3. Specify non-union complex sentences in which a semicolon is placed.

a) The boy listened over the lake there was the same dead silence as in the forest.

b) The night in the forest, as always, crawled from below from under the roots of trees from the frozen clouds, the sunset blush has not faded away on the road, you can barely make out your own boots (V. Tendryakov).

c) The clear sky blue is warmer and brighter the sun became the time of evil blizzards and storms again passed for a long time (A. Pleshcheev)

d) During the morning and mid-afternoon, Olenin was all immersed in arithmetic calculations, how many miles he traveled until the first station (JI. Tolstoy)

4. Indicate sentences in which punctuation errors were made.

a) The wind blew, everything trembled around, came to life, laughed (M. Gorky).

b) Varvara listened - the noise of the evening train came (A. Chekhov).

c) You touch the bush with your shoulder - suddenly silver dew will sprinkle on your face from the leaves (I. Nikitin).

d) Suddenly, behind us in the ravine, there was a noise: someone was going down to the source (I.S.Turgenev).


  1. § 207. Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence

Depending on the meaning, semantic relations between simple sentences in non-union complex sentences, the following punctuation marks are used: comma, semicolon, colon, dash. To check the meaning of a non-union complex sentence, you can use synonymous constructions of complex or complex sentences.

Comma in a non-union complex sentence, it is put in the event that simple sentences are connected by enumeration relations (simultaneity and sequence). You can insert the union and between simple sentences.

Wed: The snowstorm did not subside, the sky did not clear up (Pushkin). - The blizzard did not subside and the sky did not clear up; The train went quickly, its lights soon disappeared, after a minute there was no more noise (Chekhov). - The train went quickly, and its lights soon disappeared, and after a minute there was no more noise.

Semicolon in a non-union complex sentence, it is put in the event that simple sentences are connected by enumeration relations, but are distant from each other in meaning or are significantly widespread:

To the left was a deep gorge; / 1 behind him and in front of us, the dark blue peaks of the mountains, dug with layers of snow, were drawn on the pale sky, still preserving the last reflection of the dawn / 2 (Lermontov).

Colon in non-unioncomplex

1. The second simple sentence clarifies the meaning of the first (explanatory relationship). Before the second sentence, you can put the words namely, that is.

Wed: A terrible thought flashed in my mind: I imagined it in the hands of robbers (Pushkin). - A terrible thought flashed through my mind, namely: I imagined it in the hands of the robbers.


A colon is mandatory if there are words in the first sentence of a non-union complex sentence so, such, such, one and the like, the specific content of which is disclosed in the second sentence.

My custom is: signed, so off your shoulders (Griboyedov); I can only tell you one thing: you can't sit back. (Chekhov).

2. The second simple sentence complements the content of the first (additional relations). Before the second sentence, you can insert the union what.

Wed: I knew that the blow of fate would not bypass me (Lermontov). - I knew that the blow of fate would not bypass me.


Sometimes there are verbs in the first sentence look out, look around, listen and etc.; phrases raise your eyes, raise your head and others, warning about further presentation. In this case, between the parts of a non-union sentence, you can insert not just a union that, but a combination of words: and saw that; and heard that; and felt that etc.

Wed: I looked out of the wagon: everything there was darkness and whirlwind (Pushkin). - I looked out of the wagon and saw that everything was darkness and whirlwind; He thought, sniffed: it smells like honey (Chekhov). - He thought, sniffed and felt that smells like honey.

3. The second simple sentence indicates the reason for what the first sentence says (causal relationship). Before the second sentence, you can insert a causal union because.

Wed: Now everyone is in the house had a stern expression: the earthquake was not good (Tynyanov). - Now everyone in the house had a stern expression, because the earthquake was not good; The birds were not heard: they do not sing during the heat (Turgenev). - The birds were not heard because they do not sing in the heat.

Dash in non-unioncomplexa proposal is placed in the following cases:

1. The second simple sentence contains an unexpected join, an indication of a quick change of events. You can insert words before the second sentence and suddenly, and unexpectedly, and suddenly, and immediately:

The cheese fell out - there was a cheat with him (Krylov). - The cheese fell out, and suddenly there was a cheat with it; The wind blew - everything trembled, came to life, laughed (M. Gorky). - The wind blew, and at once everything trembled, came to life, laughed.

2. The second sentence of a complex non-union sentence expresses opposition. You can insert the unions a, but between simple sentences.

Wed: I would be glad to serve - it is sickening to serve (Griboyedov). - I would be glad to serve, but to serve is sickening; He is a guest - I am the host (Bagritsky). - He is a guest and I am the host.

3. The second sentence contains a consequence, result, conclusion. You can insert words between parts therefore, then, as a result.

Wed: I'm dying - I have nothing to lie to (Turgenev). - I am dying, so I have nothing to lie to; I would go to the pilots - let them teach me (Mayakovsky). - I would become a pilot, so let them teach me.

Note. If the meaning of the consequence is not expressed intonationally, a comma is placed instead of a dash, for example: Man is not a needle, we will find (Chekhov).

4. The first sentence contains the meaning of a time or condition. Before the first part, you can put unions when, if.

Wed: Cats squabble - freedom for mice (proverb). - When cats bite, mice have freedom; If it will rain, there will be fungi (Pushkin). - If it rains, there will be fungi.

Note If the second sentence in a non-uniona complex sentence begins with a particle, so a comma is placed instead of a dash, for example: Give everyone vodka, so soon you yourself will have to starve (Pushkin).

5. The second sentence contains a comparison. Between simple sentences, you can put alliances like, like.

Wed: Speaks the word - the nightingale sings (Lermontov). - Speaks a word, as if a nightingale sings.

6. The second sentence in a complex non-union sentence has a connecting meaning and begins with the words so, so, so:

An order is an order - that's how he was brought up (Vorobyov).

The second sentence has an adjoining meaning and you can put the word this in front of it (sometimes this word is in the sentence itself):

Plan for parsing a non-union complex sentence

  1. Indicate the type of complex sentence (non-union complex sentence).
  2. Indicate how many parts a non-union complex sentence consists of (highlight grammatical bases).
  3. Indicate the meaning (semantic relationship) between the parts of a non-union sentence. Justify the setting of the punctuation mark (comma, semicolon, colon, dash).
  4. Build a diagram of a non-union complex sentence.

Sample parsing

The oak holds on - the reed has fallen to the ground (Krylov).

Unionless complex sentence; consists of two simple parts: 1) the oak keeps; 2) the reed fell to the ground; grammatical basics: 1) the oak keeps; 2) the reed fell... The second sentence contains opposition (between the parts you can insert the union a: The oak is holding on, but the reed has fallen to the ground). Therefore, a dash is placed between the parts of a complex non-union sentence.

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