Horoscope for October scales from martha. Love horoscope for Libra Man

The coming autumn time can be called positive and very favorable for the Libra representatives. The latter worked very hard, and now the moment has come to reap the rewards of gratitude. The horoscope for Libra for October promises a lot of interesting events, in which the representatives of the star constellation will not last participate.Of course, there is no need to hope only for the favor of the stars during this period, many stellar representatives will have to lay out their own strength in order to achieve positive trends in their own destiny.

Great success should be expected for those stellar representatives who were born in the first decade of the reign of the zodiacal constellation - Libra. Such people do not have to be afraid of failures and unexpected problems, even if they do arise, all of them are quickly resolved in a spontaneous way. All other representatives of the sign also shine bright luck, but they themselves will also have to make efforts to achieve maximum happiness.

The finance horoscope for October 2018 for Libra will strongly recommend the latter to fully pay off existing debts. People should not be allowed to remain distrustful due to the fact that the star representatives do not pay off their obligations within the previously agreed period. Along with returning debts, it is important for Libra to take care of their own well-being. Perhaps some stellar constellations will have to change their place of work or try to get training in a new profession. You should not be afraid of any changes, although the representatives of the sign have various changes and cause acute distrust. Everything that is sent by fate will certainly go for good.

Of course, fate can send Libra and small trials. For example, the latter will have to burn themselves several times on the actions of unscrupulous people. Trusting everyone in a row is strictly prohibited, especially if the opponent refers to new acquaintances. By the way, the month for Libra will be filled to the top with various acquaintances. With positive communication, representatives of the stellar constellation will find both good comrades and reliable partners. The only thing concerns the fact that Libra cannot immediately fall under the influence of new people, no matter how beautiful words they describe future joint actions.

If the representatives of the star constellation have a cherished dream, then it is necessary to move towards its resolution. At this moment, the stars are so supportive of Libra that the latter will not have to make special efforts to implement their own plans. It is important not to miss such a positive moment and have time to redo all the important things that are planned in your head. Do not forget about the priorities, as well as the desires of the family or loved ones; during this autumn period, Libra should not think only about himself.

As fatigue and apathy attack, it is important for Libra to be able to rest. Equestrian sports or a trip to the historical corners of our country are great as a pleasant and useful rest.

Beautiful representatives of a star sign should restrain their own emotions. Despite the fact that time is positively attuned to Libra, women can develop nervousness and feelings of displeasure with everyone and everything. Such behavior can easily provoke both family and professional conflicts, therefore, if ladies do not want to get negativity and disappointment in this life, you should moderate your own ardor and learn loyalty and indifference.

As fatigue from everything appears, women are advised to take care of their appearance. It is ideal to carry out cosmetic health procedures, and for some ladies it will be very useful to dramatically and radically change their hair color.

Horoscope for October 2018 for Libra man

The strongest half of the Libra representatives are also not very supportive of a romantic life, of course, there is no contradiction or nervousness in their souls, but they do not want to take on increased responsibility for now. Despite such influence of stars, men will not mind having fun and flirting on the side, but such behavior can always provoke the appearance of quite serious problems in their own family.

The health horoscope for Libra reminds men that timely treatment of active inflammatory processes helps to quickly get rid of possible negative consequences for the whole body.

October 2018 love horoscope for Libra

Vivid representatives of the sign do not need to obey the influence of negative mood. As you know, if Libra is dissatisfied with something, then they are able to charge all the people around them with their own negative.

The love horoscope for Libra for October 2018 reminds that the month is characterized by instability and slight windiness, and the soul of the representatives of the sign can fill with these qualities. Family members can have particular adverse effects from mental urges. But the lonely Libra cannot now count on something long-lasting and as permanent as possible.

October 2018 health horoscope for Libra

As a rule, most of the stellar representatives are characterized by poor health and a tendency to frequent respiratory infections. And October, just, is a period of danger and activation of various epidemics. To take care of their personal well-being, Libra needs to develop a plan for preventive measures in advance. Sports activities in the fresh ambient air, as well as active swimming in the pool, have an excellent effect on the body.

Closer to the end of the specified month, it is important to monitor your own body. If Libra has chronic diseases, then it is important to ensure that they do not actively manifest themselves in the month of changeable weather.

The financial horoscope for October 2018 for Libra

A fairly good month is prophesied to the representatives of the star constellation in terms of achieving career opportunities. Some Libra will sharply climb the career ladder, while they will not need to perform special reinforced actions. If a change of duty is planned ahead, then it is important to take such a step with maximum responsibility.

Libra's finances during this period are in a stable state, but the latter should not set themselves the goal of spending their wealth ahead. It is important to remember that the wasted money will always have to be earned again, but the representatives of the zodiac now have absolutely nowhere to expect material assistance.

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The end of the year for Libra will be very positive, both for health and for increasing their income. However, at the beginning of the month, they need to be more restrained, since partners can provoke Libra into open conflicts. But from December 8 to 22, they will have a very fruitful period, especially for communications, discussions of important issues, making plans for the future.

At the same time, the Libra's ability to conduct a dialogue, their diplomacy and charm can open the way for them to new fields of activity, to communicate with the broad masses of people or in high circles. At this time, they will be able to significantly strengthen their well-being, receive lucrative offers, gifts, awards, and also successfully realize themselves in scientific activities. And at the end of the month, it is better for them to change the rhythm of life and spend more time with loved ones.

  • Auspicious days for Libra in December 2017 - December 4, 8, 13, 18, 23, 27, 31.
  • Bad days for Libra in December 2017 - 2, 6, 10, 15, 20 December.

The Libra girl seeks to succeed in everything, striking with the efficiency of both home and colleagues. To implement all your ideas, you will have to show organizational skills, convince, negotiate. Try to act consistently and stick to your original plan. By the way, relatives can provide invaluable help, often ask them for advice.

Libra guy has high hopes for the upcoming astrological month. Chances are, you have a lot of business and family travel ahead of you. It is not easy to maintain such a rhythm of life; in the second decade of December, try to rest more often. spend more time with the woman you love. During the entire period, it is better to refrain from spontaneous decisions and steps. Always think about the consequences of your actions.

Love and family horoscope for December 2017 for Libra woman

  • December 1-10. Changes are likely in personal life. The existing relationship may seem insipid, you want passion. violent manifestation of feelings. If you are seriously interested in a new acquaintance, be prepared to take the initiative.
  • December 11-17. Your family will be your support these days. Thanks to the support of loved ones, long-standing everyday problems are easily solved. You can do interior renovation, renovation.
  • December 18-24. With the arrival of winter, you find yourself in the center of everyone's attention. It is possible that you will have a solid, wealthy fan.
  • December 25 to 31. The right time for a romantic trip. It will leave the most pleasant memories.

December 2017 health horoscope for Libra woman

  • December 1-10. An allergic reaction to medicines or cosmetics is possible. Be careful when purchasing unfamiliar drugs.
  • December 11-17. Watch your diet. So that the digestive system does not cause concern, include in the diet more fermented milk products, fresh fruits.
  • December 18-24. The period is favorable for all kinds of preventive procedures. surveys. Starting to visit a masseur, you will quickly feel a surge of vivacity.
  • December 25 to 31. The most vulnerable places are the spine, lower back, joints. Avoid unnecessary stress, in the morning do a set of simple stretching exercises.

December 2017 finance and work horoscope for Libra woman

  • December 1-10. Try to save money. If you think about making a major purchase, first study all the offers. Then you can make a purchase on very favorable terms.
  • December 11-17. There will be big expenses, but every ruble spent will go into business. The period will be especially successful for those. who works in public service.
  • December 18-24. Maintain an even relationship with colleagues, conflicts only distract from duties. If you don't pay enough attention to your work, you risk losing a large sum.
  • December 25 to 31. The efforts made do not always lead to quick and noticeable results. However, you are preparing a good foundation for the future and after a while, praise yourself for your foresight.

Love and family horoscope for December 2017 for Libra man

  • December 1-10. Although thoughts are focused on work, the sentimental mood still makes itself felt. Quite possible. a relationship with one of your attractive coworkers will grow into a love relationship.
  • December 11-17. The new novel is developing rapidly.
  • In stable couples, complete mutual understanding reigns - you will be able to once again make sure of the correctness of your choice.
  • December 18-24. Try to control your emotions. Having lost your head due to another hobby, you risk making a serious mistake. Be careful.
  • December 25 to 31. An unforgettable meeting can happen far from home, during a trip abroad. At the end of December, your relatives will need your help.

December 2017 health horoscope for the Libra man

  • December 1-10. The likelihood of colds is high. You should not endure discomfort on your legs - there is a danger of provoking complications.
  • December 11-17. To raise your tone, start doing gymnastics, go through physiotherapy procedures. Also, this period is favorable for a trip to the sanatorium.
  • December 18-24. Irregular diet, poor quality foods, as well as constant stress can cause problems with the digestive system, gastritis and even peptic ulcer disease.
  • December 25 to 31. Visit the city more often - this will help relieve nervous tension and accumulated fatigue. A deep sleep in the fresh air will be the best medicine for you.

December 2017 finance and work horoscope for the Libra man

  • December 1-10. Pay special attention to the execution of important documents. financial reporting. Inaccuracy in such a case will sooner or later lead to tangible losses.
  • December 11-17. Despite many minor disagreements, colleagues will support and cover you at a critical time. Controversial issues will be resolved in your favor. Promotion is not excluded.
  • December 18-24. You can go on a responsible business trip. Good luck accompanies you in negotiations, you will unexpectedly easily find a common language with potential partners.
  • December 25 to 31. The financial situation is generally stable. Delays in payments are possible for those. who cooperates with several enterprises at once. It is unlikely that this will noticeably affect your budget.

Enjoy your birthday. And at the same time that the Sun is in the sign of Libra. This is a time of success and good luck. Now you just need to appreciate every minute. Now you must love yourself. Then you can safely count on harmony.
It is very important that the representatives of the sign in the middle of autumn were bolder and more decisive. Determine which goals and objectives are more important, and solve them.
And by the way, the situation with the bubble in the middle of autumn will also be better.

Horoscope for October 2017 Libra woman


In the first ten days of October, the women of the sign will directly overshadow. The result is that you are on the same wavelength with the world. He does not like to communicate. If you want to save it - hammer on other muzhzhuk for now.
In the second decade in amorous affairs you have an idyll - complete dissolution in each other. And also the planets have subdued and common sense has been added to amorous affairs.
May the dear be faithful and faithful. And the gifts ... Well, to hell with them. With gifts.
In the third decade of October, the women of Libra are in confusion. And choy-that boyfriend is so indecisive. And finally, why do you need him? You are so cool and cool…. Well, decide for yourself. Well fiig knows. Fiig knows.
With work blockage in October. In the sense - her to a fig. And meetings. And negotiations. And finally. And xs how much your time and effort is needed for all this. But don't expect buns right away. Perhaps in the future. But not right now.

Women's health ahovo. Venus in a tense aspect. Immunity decreases and chronic diseases are exacerbated. Pay attention to your health and wellness.

Horoscope for October 2017 for Libra men

Your sweetheart will surprise you today. Either he has no life without friends, then he is ready to hide with you. Pts. strange. And Pts is unlikely. Was he drawn to experiments? Then it turns out that everything is real.
You won't get him to the gym in mid-fall anyway. Not a whip, not a carrot. Give him a sofa. Humble yourself.
With the loot, your Libra behaves as usual - in a devil-may-care manner. Likes to lend money, for example. Oddly enough, but this policy of his will turn into a decent financial gain.
And yet - he is not lazy, he is resting. He really needs it now. Take him to the theater, to a concert, to an exhibition. Amuse his intellect.

Love horoscope for October 2017 Libra

The amorous sphere of Libra blooms and smells. The relationship with the second half is now taking off. Finally, another natural honeymoon awaits you. H'm. Get ready, karoch,
Lonely representatives of the sign have a chance to find a soul mate. The main thing is to turn off the intelligence. Listen only to your feelings.

Libra financial horoscope for October 2017

Now is the time for Libra to get down to business. You have a fig of energy and strength. It's time to turn your enthusiasm and determination to the maximum. If you miss the ringing piastres in the treasury, do your best. Everything will pay off with interest.
And one more thing: in a team you will achieve more. But you need to support partners. Then you will move mountains together and you will be rich. Clear?

Auspicious days for money in October 2017 for the sign of Libra: October 3, 8, 11, 16, 21, 27, 30

Health horoscope for the sign of Libra October 2017

Libra's pain point is the kidneys and adrenal glands. And the loin. Take care of them. There is a problem? See a doctor immediately!
Now you cannot be either greasy or salty. Forget about calcium-rich foods too.
Less alcohol and more water! Then your kidneys will not remind of themselves for a long time!

The love horoscope for October 2017 Libra promises a lot of experiences, suffering and even tears. But, close friends will help you to survive all this, who will not only give wise advice, but also introduce you to an interesting person. Only Libra is not desirable to perceive him as an outlet, otherwise they will lose a reliable friend. In October 2017, you shouldn't create illusions and live with expectations. In order for Libra to radically change their personal life, they need to become more proactive.

Love horoscope for October 2017 for Libra women predicts a lot of signs of attention from the opposite sex. Chances are good that you will start a beautiful romance in October that will make you forget all your previous affections. In 2017, a certain wealthy gentleman will shower Libra with gifts, surprises and offers.

Love horoscope for October 2017 for Libra men advises to be more sociable and to make contact with an open smile. Moreover, before that you were in a gloomy state and discouraged that your personal life would not improve in any way. In October 2017, on the contrary, everything depends only on Libra. Any Lady will answer you “yes” if you courteous for her gallantly.

Libra family in October 2017

The horoscope predicts the unexpected arrival of relatives who will constantly creep into their lives and try to arrange according to their plan. The main thing is not to freak out and do not conflict with them, otherwise all the negativity will be reflected in your relationship with your spouse. October 2017 is not suitable for a long trip with the whole family. Therefore, Libras should limit themselves to outings in nature, in a cafe or visiting friends. At the end of the month, health problems of young children are possible. Find a good doctor or check your child at a clinic that close friends recommend.

Libra Horoscope October 2017
Finance horoscope, career for Libra in October 2017

Love horoscope for October for other zodiac signs:

Yellow Pig - the patron saint of the year favors Libra-workers in October 2019. During this period, you will be rewarded for all your efforts and responsibility in making decisions, says the horoscope for October 2019. Libra, it's time to reap the rewards of your past labors.


Fortune will smile at the representatives of the sign, whose activity is related to technology. This fully applies to both engineers and ordinary workers, so get ready for additional earnings and just bonuses from fate.

October promises to be very successful for Libra, who are all dedicated to science and creativity. Libra, like real magicians, will gush with creative ideas and ideas. Try not to scatter them left and right as before. You have already had to regret this more than once when a more diligent and painstaking colleague brought your idea to life. Bring all ideas to their logical conclusion, this is the only way you can achieve an excellent financial result, and what is even more important for the representatives of the sign - to amuse your professional ambitions.

Do not shelve cases that require immediate resolution. Intuition will tell you how to act in difficult cases, listen to her voice and do as he tells. Cold settlement is great, but not in October 2019.

A family

Libras will have to work a lot in order to avoid distance from each other with their half in October 2017, because during this period family relationships will become a source of positive and good mood for you. Find time for joint holidays or dinner on a date significant for both - advises the horoscope for October 2019. Libra, joint entertainment or hobbies will make your family stronger, and the relationship in it more friendly and trusting. Your enthusiasm for household chores will easily captivate household members, it's just a little: you yourself need to be truly involved in the process. Everything, whatever you undertake: reading, sports, travel, creativity will be accepted with a bang by your family. Life in October will develop in such a way that the interests of the family will inevitably come to the fore for you and nothing can bring Libra so much positive emotions as the time spent with the family.

In October 2019, an addition will occur in the Libra family, or representatives of the sign can learn about the desired and planned pregnancy.

Libra woman

In addition to ordinary work and family concerns, the Libra woman in October 2019 will be interested in updating her wardrobe and improving her own image. Many ladies will spend a lot of time on "tuning" and new things - says the horoscope for October 2019. Libra-woman, the stars advise you to give preference to wardrobe items in light colors when buying clothes. Beige, coffee, ash rose and mint will be ideal.

It will be difficult to keep up with the ladies belonging to this horoscope sign both at work and at home. They are full of energy and anything they can do. Well-groomed and well-bred children, a successful husband, perfect order in the house and in the suburban area: she has everything under control, and every little thing speaks of her striving for perfection.

Libra man

Horoscope for October 2019: Libra - a man will fight for his material well-being. The imbalance between small income and serious spending will seriously puzzle the usually thrifty and zealous representatives of the sign. The stars recommend saving even in small things. In the middle of autumn, resist the temptation and eliminate gambling and alcohol from your life. In the heat of the moment, you can drain everything that you managed to accumulate in the previous period. If you can avoid temptation, then safely hold out until winter: financial stability looms on the horizon and it is just a stone's throw away.

In October 2019, representatives of the zodiacal house may experience complications in relations with their parents. Calm down your pride, and go to the reconciliation process first, even if older relatives have inflicted an undeserved offense on you.

Libra Child

Libra Children are ruled by the influence of Mercury in October 2019. Unlike adults, his behavior will be formed exclusively under the mono-influence of this planet. During this period, little Libra is unlikely to be sweet and flexible. Endless pranks, and quite deliberate ones, little scandals out of the blue, quarrels with peers, poor academic performance - you just don't recognize your child. Do not despair, all this will soon be over as you emerge from the apogee of Mercury. But that doesn't mean that you have to wait with folded hands. The child must clearly understand what your reaction will be to any of his unseemly actions. Please be patient. October is a time of heart-to-heart talks, and if necessary, moral conversations.


Libra's health in October 2019 cannot be called strong, even at a stretch. This is partly due to a complete disregard for a healthy lifestyle, and the state of their affairs at work and at home often knocks the representatives of the sign out of the rut of psycho-emotional stability, making them nervous and indulging in gastronomic, and more often alcoholic sins. During this period of the year, Libra needs to say goodbye to their addictions and take the first steps towards proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Give up the habit of smoking and drinking coffee or strong tea on an empty stomach. Your stomach will stop bothering with pain and cramps. Cheer yourself up in the morning with a light jog or exercise. In the worst case, a shower with cool water will help you wake up and energize for the whole day. Libra is very hard to say goodbye to bad habits. A representative of the zodiac house can easily write an informative book with an expert opinion on how to quit smoking, but in practice he rarely succeeds in applying his own knowledge. But in fairness, it should be noted that having abandoned a destructive passion, Libra never returns to her.

Libra in October 2019 may be worried about the state of the broncho-pulmonary system. They may be alerted by coughing, apnea, shortness of breath. These alarming phenomena can be symptoms of serious medical conditions. Be sure to consult your doctor.

Horoscope for October 2019, Libra, listen to your intuition!
The Libra family may find out about the imminent addition.
Think about your lifestyle, it's time to give up bad habits.
Horoscope for November 2019, Libra.