Exercise technique for triceps. The best exercises and training program to pump triceps

Triceps - muscle, extensible hand. Together with the biceps, it forms a face relief from the shoulder to the elbow (anatomically this part is called shoulder). Since the extensor of the hand is 2/3 of its volume, it makes sense to shock exercises for triceps.

It is difficult to choose the most effective exercise on the triceps, because each of them contributes to the development of the three-headed muscles.

Types of triceps exercises

What is a triceps and how to pump it - a question that worries many novice athletes. If you really want to roll up, the basics of the anatomy will be useful to you in the first place. This will help more correctly perform exercises and better navigate in its feelings.

It is known that by increasing the volume of the extensor (actually, triceps), the hand becomes much more massive. If you do as the most newbies love - aiming exclusively biceps, you will have a small tubercle on the spot of the bent, but in general the hand will seem fine.

By the way, the force of triceps significantly exceeds the strength of the biceps (2-3 times), so it is easier to download it.

Speaking about how to quickly pump triceps, first of all it is worth deciding that the word "quickly" means for you. If it is months - you think right. If you dream to pump it in a week, maybe it's time to stop believing in fairy tales?

Below will be the most effective exercises on triceps that will make your hand powerful and pumped.

  • The basic exercises on triceps increase its mass and are heavy themselves: it is push-ups from the bars with burdens, reverse pushups and the bench rods with a narrow grip.
  • French bench is difficult to attribute to basic exercises, but it is well suited for training triceps on the ground. Through the use of different vultures, the French bench rod helps to rode the entire triceps. Probably, this is one of the best insulated exercises for triceps.
  • The rest of the exercises are designed to create a relief based on the existing mass - this is, for example, working with dumbbells ,.

By the way, a truly basic exercise, in which the extensor of the hand works - it is beaten lying. Of course, it is aimed at working out the chest muscles, but also a tricepe for a decent part of the load. In this exercise, large weights are used. You will not be able to take the same weight in the gym with a narrow grip or French gym. As a rule, working weights in these exercises differ in 2-3 times.

All exercises for triceps listed does not make sense, we will analyze only some of them. Those who really help to pump up this muscle.

Complex of exercises on hand extensors

Let's start with the fact that we consider exercises for triceps in the gym. It is very the best way Training triceps!

Rush lying

This basic exercise, pumps the chest, shoulders, triceps. Usually, the bench is lying on the same day when we swing triceps. It is convenient, in contrast to the spin-biceps spin scheme.

Yes, this is not the best exercise for triceps, since the target muscular group is chest here. But without it, hands will not grow. There is also an inverse dependence - weak hands strongly spoil the results in this exercise.

In addition to the classic bench, lying to pump up a huge three-chapter muscle, you need to make a number of specialized exercises.

Narrow grove

The best tricepers exercises should well load exactly the three-headed muscle and not strain the rest. This is the ideal. In practice, everything is not so rosy.

For example, a narrow grip is definitely very effective, but it strongly overloads the shoulders. If athlete has any shoulder injury, it will not be able to perform this press.

The dates of narrow grogging is carried out in such a way that the elbows are pressed against the body, and the rod fell on the middle of the chest. If you lower the bar on the bottom of the breast - the front bunches of delptoids will be overworked. If the middle of the chest is above the bottom point, the wrists are very flex.

French press

Exercise without any training program for triceps. It is isolated if you do this exercise correctly.

You need to lie on a horizontal bench and stably put your feet on the floor. Next, take the rod convenient for you grip and take her a little over your head. From this situation you can start work. Hands from the shoulder to the elbow are not perpendicular to the floor. You will led the elbows behind the head a little further so that the arms slightly devoted from the vertical.

Lower the rod to the head itself, then instord your hands.

If at this time you feel (hear) Clicks emanating from your elbows or have pain in the joints, try to take another neck or refuse this exercise.

Inverse pushups

This is one of the most effective exercises on triceps, like push-ups from Bruusyev.

You need to find focus on legs and hands (go shops). In principle, your legs can be put on the floor, but it will simplify the execution of the exercise.

Place your hands behind yourself on one shop, put your feet on the other. It is necessary to take such a position so that the support should be behind your back and did not interfere with you move up and down. Put the pancakes on your knees (we choose weight so that 10 pushups give you hard, and 11-12 times you could no longer do). Flex your hands and go down to a straight angle in the elbows, then return to its original position.

Swing triceps high quality, without jerks. If you do such a push up with a jerk - or pancakes from the knees will fly, or get the shoulder injury. In general, the triceps training should be carried out qualitatively.

Extension of hands on the block

Stand in the block frame near the upper block, on which the straight ridge hung in advance. Grab it with a straight grip, lean over it on top to fix the weight below not at the expense of hands, but by your weight. Elbows press to the housing - this position does not include the widest muscles of the back.

Make an extension of hands 8-12 times in the way.

Push-ups from Bruusyev

When we do not know how to pump triceps without iron, bars come to the rescue.

If you are physically trained in the physical plan and will be pressed without extra weight - you will not see outwardly notable results. You need to add at least 5-10 kg and gradually develop the power in order for the muscular tissue after it began to grow.

So, how to swing triceps on the bars. The initial position is such - the legs hang in the air, please spit them, the legs can be crushed. Straighten, do not need to bend forward, elbows bring to the case.

Move smoothly up and down, like a shuttle, trying not to swing and not bend forward or backwards.

Feels like you should feel that the load applies to triceps and a little front of delptoids.

Work in a partial amplitude in the upper positions, make sure that your shoulders are fixed, that is, did not go down and did not rise. If it starts to occur - the breast muscles and trapezoids begin to train.

Operation of triceps dumbbells

A good option is French bench with dumbbells. This is a convenient exercise for a triceps, if you do not have a bar, but there are dumbbells. In addition, you can turn the brush as you want, and not be dependent on the shape of the grid.

You can do this exercise from one dumbbell, grabbing it with both hands. This is a comfortable and moving grip. The dumbbell turns a bit during the movement of your hands due to gravity. This element can be performed both sitting and lying. Do not confuse it with Pullovier - there are not silent hands.

The dumbbells from behind the head often put the latest in the training program. He is isolated loading triceps, forcing it to fill in blood.

This exercise does not make sense to do with big weights, you need to choose a tangible weight and work efficiently, trying to ensure the maximum amplitude of the reduction of the three-headed muscles.

Another interesting option is the extension of the hands from the dumbbells in the slope. In this exercise you need to lean, take your hand from dumbbells back and deploy her elbow up. Try to keep the elbow parallel to the floor. If you do not work, you can not have anything terrible, work as you can.


The most home exercise option. If you press the elbows to the body and slowly pressing, triceps and the whole body are well strengthened. Due to the low speed of the movement, you will stay longer in a tense condition (in the same essence of this exercise as "Planck"). Plus, the shock load will go to your triceps.

For complication of pushups, you can use movable spinning stops.

Changing the angle of the body changes the load on triceps. If the head is above my legs, then press it easier. If, on the contrary, it is harder. The most extreme version of the pushups is down your head clean on your hands (push-ups in the horizon). But this is already the highest pilot, which relates more to gymnastics than to pumping muscles.

If you can squeeze at least once by pressing the elbow to the case, it means that you already have initial physical training.

Schedule training

If the muscle group is large, then the shock load is better to give it every 7-8 days. For muscle such as triceps, it is permissible to give the load more often - you can make 2 heavy workouts per week and one easy. Or 1 heavy, 1 light. Training triceps once a week for muscle growth will be not enough.

  • When you make any exercise for triceps, pay attention to the feelings - you should feel that you work. If you are squeezed on the bars, and the next day you have a chest muscle and not at all - to review your technique. Press up so that triceps are tired. If the muscle after performing the exercise is mowing, burns, gets tired - it means that you are swinging it.
  • If you have begun to hurt elbows, pay attention to the technique, change the vultures, tap the elbows for the exercise time. Try it all before throwing training. We offer a course of additives, strengthening joints that contain chondroitin and glucosamine. In the end, reduce weight weights and look, whether pain will disappear.

On the isolated extension of the hands (French bench, extension of the hands on the block), pay attention to the position of your elbows - the further elbows from the case, the less the load on the triceps. You will feel it.

Press your elbows - you will immediately understand if this weighing weight is great for you. In this secret of such presss. Therefore, always watch your elbows yourself or ask someone to look after you. Compliance with technology will help you to pump a big triceps and not get injured.

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The stronger you stretch the triceps - for example, when lowering the rod or dumbbells during execution, the more intense the long and medial beams work. If the focus of the exercise is done precisely on a constant reduction in triceps, as in, the extensions of the hands on the upper block or, then the lateral beam will work stronger.

In all multi-sural basic movements, the load lies also on the front bunches of deltoid muscles and breast muscles. Also, the press fulfills static work in almost all exercises on triceps.

  • Correct working weight and define the repetition range. For massive triceps, combine in your training graph as a power work (8-12 repetitions) and pamping (15-20 repetitions). But remember that the exercise will be ineffective if you do not feel the work of the muscles. You must feel in each repetition, as triceps are reduced and stretched.
  • Smoothly increase the weight of additional burden when performing pushups on the bars. This is one of the most traumatic exercises for elbow joints. It is better to put this exercise closer to the final part of the workout and work with a relatively low weight.
  • During the execution of French cubs, it is fundamentally important to concentrate on tension of triceps during a negative phase of movement (when lowering). It should be in 2, or even 3 times longer than the rise of the projectile up. All the benefits of this exercise lies precisely in this. In other movements you will not be able to strongly stretch the medial head. Although the focus on the negative phase should be done in all the exercises on this muscular group.
  • Minimize the chipper (housing star) when performing hand extensions on the top block. The routine deprives this exercise of any meaning and removes the entire load with the trial muscles of the shoulder.
  • Use all available ways to increase the intensity of training. Triceps is a relatively small muscular group: if you want to see noticeable progress, you need to exhaust it by the full program. Make partial repetitions after reaching the failure, ask the partner to help you make a couple of additional repetitions, "seek" a small weight after every heavy approach - all works fine on triceps. But at the same time do not overdo it. This muscle also works actively during breast training and delt. Too many triceps exercises as a result can lead to overtraining and lack of growth.
  • Cut the time between the approaches with benefits: stretch triceps. The more flexible your muscles, the more comfortable you will do the exercises in the full amplitude. It will also improve pamping and neuromuscular communication, tensile fascia and reduce the likelihood of injury.
  • Experiment with your split program. Triceps can be trained with breasts, back, shoulders or biceps. Select the option that you most suitable, or alternately alternate variations.
  • Breaks between approaches should not exceed 1-1.5 minutes. So blood flow in working muscles will be maximal, and the muscles will not have time to cool after intensive load. Perhaps the only exception is a heavy bench press of a narrow grip, where a larger stay is allowed for recovery.
  • If you train your hands on a separate day, work in supersets - first swing triceps, and then proceed to the biceps. Triceps is a more voluminous and strong muscle, it needs more heavy load for growth. Therefore, it is advisable to first load it until you are full of strength. In addition, while you make biceps, triceps will rest, thanks to which you can reduce the time of rest.

Top Exercises for Triceps Studies

The more intense will be your workouts, the more prerequisites for the growth of triceps you will create. Together with blood in a working muscular group, everyone needs for hypertrophy.

However, this does not mean that hand training should last a few hours for which you have time to make 10 or more exercises. For the full study of all 3 triceps bundles, 3-4 exercises are quite enough, which will take a maximum of 30-40 minutes. We will analyze the most effective exercises and their features.

Rods are lying near a narrow grip

This exercise refers to the basic for the muscles of the triceps. Do not perceive its name too literally: the distance between your brushes should be only a bit already the width of your shoulders. This will provide a full-fledged triceps reduction and will save from discomfort in brushes, shoulders and elbows.

Throughout the approach, it is important to keep elbows as close as possible to the body, then the efficiency of this exercise will increase. If you are hard to hold the bar in the smooth position, make a narrow grip in a set. This will make an exercise more isolated, as it will reduce the load on the muscle-stabilizers.

French press

This is one of the best exercises for pumping triceps. It allows you to emphasize the load on the reduction of a long and medial beam, namely they set the visual "massiveness" of the hands. To do this, lower the shell as low as possible and make a small pause at the bottom.

Remember that this embodiment of the exercise is essential and requires a good stretching, so you need to adequately regard our strength and do not remove with working scales. Large weights (about 50 kg) also with the guarantee "kill" your elbows. therefore this exercise You need to put the second or third in your program and do the most technically as possible.

Most often, French will be done lying with a barbell on a horizontal bench:

After performing the exercise, lying, omitting the barbell is best for the head, closer to the back of the head. In the initial position, the hands should not be perpendicular to the body, and at a small angle are tilted toward the head. Thus, even in this position (and throughout the approach), the triceps will be tense and we will be able to reduce the weight of the safety projectile at the expense of this.

The use of dumbbells allows you to slightly reduce the load on the ligaments and the tendons of the elbow joint, although the movement becomes a bit more complicated. However, at the expense of a narrower grip, you can lower the dumbbells even lower and stronger stretch the triceps:

A good option for a variety is to perform French bench sitting on a bench or standing. You must not forget not to breed the elbows strongly to the sides, but try to keep them on the same level throughout the set:

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Also in this group you can attribute extension with one dumbbell with two hands due to the head. The exercise is similar to French press sitting, however, throw and keep a large dumbbell will be harder.

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The variation of the last movement is the extension of one hand with the dumbbell due to the head. This exercise is more likely to make girls:

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Push ups on the bars

This is a multi-lane exercise, in which the load is distributed between the breast muscles and triceps. To load the three-headed shoulder muscle, keep the body direct throughout the approach. No tilt forward or rounding the spine in the thoracic department. Elbows hold close to the case, and do not dive to the sides, otherwise the entire load will shift to the bottom department of the breast muscles. It will be fine if the distance between the bars is only a little wider shoulders.

It is not necessary to descend as much as possible, it will only lead to discomfort in the shoulder joints and ligaments. Go down until the straight angle is formed between the forearm and top hands. When you easily be able to work 3-4 approaches with our own weight, performing at least 15 repetitions, use additional burden.

Extension on the block

This is an isolated exercise for the local study of the lateral head of the triceps. Although it is the smallest part of the muscle, it needs to be given at least time than the rest, since it is exactly the "horseshoe" form of a triceps. Usually, this exercise finish the hand workout.

To ensure the maximum influx of blood into the three-headed shoulder muscle, work with a slight weight, without helping yourself the case. Do not forget about the focus on the negative phase of movement. At the time of the complete extension of the elbow joint, the triceps is as much as possible for 1-2 seconds. The number of repetitions is not less than 12. Elbows press to ribs over the entire approach.

To "hook" as much as possible muscular fibers, Use all the handles available in your gym and vary grip from wide to narrow (from workout to training, and not on the same). Also, this exercise on triceps can be done in the crossover.

The most common option is the extension with the rope:

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Also popular is a straight handle that allows you to take a little more weight:

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Another interesting option is the extension of one hand with a reverse grip:

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Push ups

Triceps perfectly turns on to work at runtime with a narrow handmaker. This is the perfect exercise for domestic training. To load the lateral beam of a triceps even more stronger, expand your hands with your fingers to each other. The elbows will be directed in different directions, but in this case it will only strengthen the peak reduction. Also from time to time it is worth performing Pliometric pushups (with cotton), they greatly develop the explosive power of your triceps.

This can also include reverse pushups from the bench or any other elevation:

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This exercise is similar to the usual bench of dumbbells on the horizontal shop. The difference is that the grip here is neutral, that is, the palms look at each other, and not towards the legs. When lowering the dumbbells, try to keep your elbows as close as possible to the body, and not to place on the parties. It does not need to contact the shells, keep them a little distance from each other.

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This exercise is a hand lead back with dumbbell when the athlete itself is in the slope. Kickback can be performed by one dumbbell alternately either immediately with two.

  1. Increased working scales. The method is fundamentally important for basic exercises, but also for insulation it is desirable to smoothly increase the weight used - of course, not to the detriment of the technique. This is done like this: you made 3 approaches of the press lying a narrow grip with a weight of 80 kg of 10 repetitions. In the next training session, try working with a weighing of 82.5 kg. Most likely, making 10 repetitions in all approaches will not work, but will be released about 10-8-6. Continue to work with this weight until you can perform 10-10-10. After that, increase the working weight for another 2.5 kg.
  2. Increase the number of repetitions. Suppose you were able to make 3 approaches French press with a barbell in a strict technique of 12 repetitions. The weight in this case does not play the role. In the next training session, try to make 13 repetitions without disturbing techniques and without increasing the resting time between approaches. The next time - 14, then - 15. After that, a little increase the weight of the rod, go down to 12 repetitions again and repeat everything first.
  3. Increase the number of approaches. When you can easily work out 3 approaches in any exercise for pumping triceps, make another approach. The number of repetitions and rest time remains unchanged. An increase in the training volume (within reasonable limits) is a powerful stimulus to increase.
  4. Adding new exercises. This technique is suitable only to experienced athletes. If you feel that the three-four exercises are not enough to pump triceps, add another exercise to your program. Start with light insulation, if it is not enough - complete the hand workout by French hand lying with a barbell or push-ups from the bars with extra weight. Holy feeling the next day is provided.
  5. Reducing the time of rest between approaches. At first it will be difficult, but with experience your muscles will become rushing: you will not lose productivity using the minimum rest time. The blood flow of the muscles will be much stronger.
  6. Increase the number of workouts. This option will help athletes whose muscles of the hands are stubbornly do not want to grow. The stagnation has a lot of reasons, but in most cases the more frequent and intensive training successfully solves the problem. Train triceps twice a week: the first time with the breast, the second is together with the biceps. You can make a lighter workout in supersets to achieve maximum pamping. It should help you pump your hands.

Training program

In any gym, there is everything you need for a full-fledged triceps training. Specific equipment is not required. A dumbbell row, animal benches, different necks, a set of discs and a block simulator for extensions will be found even in the old basement.

To evenly load all three beams and create prerequisites for muscle growth, we recommend using the following scheme:

To fully train triceps at home will be a little more complicated, since the choice of exercise is reduced. You can only need a rod, a set of disks and collapsible dumbbells. Also, they can also be homely bars, they are comfortably attached and do not occupy a lot of space.

You can swing triceps at home as follows:

During recruit muscular mass (and on drying too) triceps most often pump out in one day with breasts:

Another excellent option is the day of the hands when the triceps is combined with the biceps:

The next 15 exercises for triceps for men (with accompanying videos) are aimed at the development of triceps, large muscles on the back of the shoulder. In fact, they can be used in their workouts and girls, the difference will be imprisoned only in working scales and drawing up a training program.

Select any exercise to view the corresponding video. At the end of the article you will find 3 tricepers training programs, as well as links to articles about other muscles. Exercises that will be discussed are grouped in the following order:

  • Stand exercises;
  • Exercises with dumbbells;
  • Exercises in a block simulator;
  • Exercises using their own weight;
  • Exercises in other simulators.

Tricep Exercises with Bar

Rods with bent vulture (EZ-vulture)

The bench press on the triceps is a good exercise for a set of muscle mass, which can be performed both sitting and standing. If you have problems with the lower back, then preferably sitting position. This exercise works out all parts of the triceps and is executed as a rule with an EZ-vulture, although the usual neck is also suitable. For a larger accent on triceps, use grip close to the middle. Do not be taken too narrow enough - it can give a load on elbows. Reduce the working weight, if you can not perform an exercise, without setting the elbows to the sides.

Hand extension with EZ-vulture lying

Hand extension with EZ-vulture is one of the most simple exercise on triceps to increase muscles and strength. This exercise is working on all triceps muscles, but it is especially effective for working on its faithful part. Due to a certain position of the elbows in this exercise, too large weight or improper execution technique can lead to their injury. If you are experiencing pain in the elbows, then keep your shoulders at an angle to the body, and not perpendicular to him, and also do not let the elbows unfold to the sides during the exercise. Small movements of elbows are considered normal and permissible. Normal and permissible are the small movements of elbows.

Beast lying a narrow grip

The press is lying a narrow grip is one of the main exercises for the development of triceps. The muscles of the breast are also involved in it, which should be considered when you enable this exercise in the training program. It should be performed with as close as possible, but it may be an inconvenient position. Therefore, any position of the hands already the width of the shoulders will be quite sufficient. Than already grip, the greater the load falls on triceps and less on the breast muscles.

Exercises on triceps with dumbbells

Extension of hands on trice with dumbbells

Extension of hands with dumbbells is one of the simplest exercises on the triceps that is best done with a small working weight. This exercise is working on all triceps muscles, although it is especially effective for working on its upper part. Due to a certain position of the elbows in this exercise, too large weight or improper execution technique can lead to their injury. Since the extension of hands with dumbbells is an exercise for studying muscle shape, it should be performed slowly and carefully with full amplitude of movements. The advantage of using dumbbells in this exercise instead of a rod with an EZ-vulture is that there are hands moving out here independently of each other.

Extension of hands with dumbbell across the body in the lying position

Hand extension with dumbbell across the body in the lying position - another simple exercise for working on triceps, which is best done with a slight weight. This exercise works out all the muscles of the triceps, although it is especially effective for working on its upper part. Due to a certain position of the elbows in this exercise, too large weight or improper execution technique can lead to their injury. Since this exercise serves to study muscle shape, it should be performed slowly and carefully with full amplitude of movements. Changing the movements of the hands (across the body, and not up-down) in a special way to work the muscles of the triceps. And the ability to perform an exercise with one hand allows you to focus on the technique and is really good to pump the muscles of the triceps.

Hand head back with dumbbell

Hand collapse back with dumbbell is a good exercise for the development of the top of the triceps. It should be done with a slight weight, and it is also necessary to monitor the position of the shoulder at the starting position throughout the exercise. Although this exercise is usually performed by one hand while the other supports the position of the body, it can be performed by two hands at the same time. People suffering from rags in the lower back should be careful when performing this exercise and not to perform it with two hands at the same time. Moving body weight on a free hand, you reduce the load on the lower back.

Extension of hands with dumbbell due to head

The extension of hands with dumbbell due to the head is one of the fundamental exercises on a triceps for a set of muscle mass. It can be performed both sitting and standing. For those who have problems with the lower back, it will be preferable to a seitant position. The exercise is aimed at working out all the muscles of the triceps. Performing such a dumbbell, you make an insulating exercise using a narrow grip. Reduce the working weight if you can not exercise, without setting the elbows to the side, and then continue the exercise.

Extension of hands with dumbbell due to head

This exercise is a variation of hand extensions with dumbbells. While the latter is usually used to build weight and strength, extension of hands with a dumbbell because of the head is one of the best exercises to work on the development of muscles and giving them the form. Exercise with one hand gives 2 important advantages. The first is an enlarged amplitude of movements. You raise the dumbbell almost because of the shoulder. The second advantage is that the hands work independently of each other.

Extension of hands on a triceps in a block simulator

Extension of hands on the top block

The extension of the hands on the upper block on the triceps is one of the main exercises for a mass set. The exercise can be performed with the grinds of different shapes attached to the cable of the block simulator. If you are using a straight neck, then there will be enough grip, the more the load will fall on the outer side of the triceps. Using too narrow grip can cause pain in wrists or forearms. If this happens, then take more wider grip. Hand extension on the upper unit can also be performed with a V-shaped neck. Such a vulture puts the elbows to the position at which the load on the wrists and forearm decreases.

Hand extension on the top block with rope

The extension of the hands on the rope block is one of the main exercises for the development of the mass. Performing this exercise with the help of a rope uses a larger amount of muscle stabilizers, since you must control the movement of the rope during the exercise. You can also breed your hands to the side at the bottom phase of the exercise. Either instead you can divert them back. In this case, the lateral heads of the triceps will be involved more than when performing ordinary extensions.

Extension of one hand on the top block inverse grogging

The extension of one hand on the reverse grip block is a variation of the usual extension of the hands on the top block. Depending on the repetition range, this exercise can serve to work on force, shape and development of triceps. Exercise is performed by one hand. Reverse grip allows you to work on the muscles of the forearm in addition to triceps. Training every hand separately, you will avoid uneven muscle development of each of them.

Triceps Exercises using Own Weight

Push ups on the bars

Pressing on the bars are one of the exercises that allows you to train both breast muscles and triceps depending on the position of the arms and legs. The closer the hands to each other, the more triceps, and, accordingly, the larger the distance between their hands, the more active the muscles of the bottom of the chest work. If you lean forward (and the legs will be slightly back), then reduce the load on the chest muscles. Pressing on the bars are one of the best exercises because it can be performed using the weight of your own body, which allows you to watch the progress in the number of repetitions you perform.

Inverse pushups are one of the most universal exercises for strength and mass. Inverse pushups are also performed using body weight and develop triceps in the same way as a narrow grip. Plus exercises in what can be done almost anywhere in the gym (or outside it). When performing the exercise, the hands should be put either on the width of the shoulders, or a little already. Too narrow handling of hands behind the back will give a load on wrists and elbows without any payload for triceps. In this exercise, a much smaller load to bed on the muscles of the chest, compared with push-ups on the bars.

Exercises in triceps simulators

Extension of hands in a load-loading simulator

This exercise is one of the extension options and allows you to develop the strength and volume of triceps. You may prefer this exercise extension of hands with EZ-vulture, because the simulator allows you to keep elbows on a special platform. The ability to take a stable position makes this exercise safe for people suffering from pain in elbows or back. In some halls, this simulator can be equipped with a back, which should be adjusted so that it allows elbows to be in the correct position.

Exercise in the simulator imitating push-ups on the bars

The main function of the triceps is the straightening of the hand and the aerobic turns of the hand and the sides.

Triceps - This is a tragging shoulder muscle and the most important muscle for an athlete, first of all - Bodybuilder! All major press and traction exercises are made with it. In many ways, due to its strength and endurance, you can determine the "training" of a person as a whole.

In terms of triceps, much more biceps, so if you wish to have big and trained hands - swing triceps first! There are many different complexes that are capable of developing triceps power and increase it in volume. For the fastest results, of course, the most efficient exercise on triceps is required. Tell them!

For the best results, make at least 2 separate exercises on triceps, a week. Also, do not forget to change the number of approaches and repetitions every month to achieve better results.

  1. French bench lying on the bench (or extension of hands).

This exercise involves all three heads of the muscles of triceps and it stretches well, which is not unwell for growth!

It is better to take a barbell with EZ-rod with a vulture. Having stretched over her head, bend them only in the elbows. Move should only forearm, kicking back. Exercise perfume slowly, without jerks, then reach the best results!

2. Right on the book block (straightening hands).

Beautiful exercise to increase triceps endurance! Take the cable V-shaped with a narrow grip. Elbows press to the body, slightly bend your legs and do not be a big tilt forward. Sleep your hands until the bottom of straightening is at the bottom. At the same time, the hands should not be fused, tightly press them with the body in the elbow zone.

Here the main thing is not to take too much weight, then your hands will begin to catch and the effect will not. Weight should be such that you can make 12-15 straightening approach.

3. Rush lying in a narrow grip.

Here you need to take a barbell with the weight so that you can make 12-15 repetitions. Hands need to be kept behind the neck not ordinary grip, but a little already shoulders. At the same time, the elbows expand strictly along the body, then the triceps is used to fully. Squeeze the rod to the full hand straightening. In addition to triceps, there is a narrow grogue, the breast muscles and the front delta are wonderful!

4. Push up from a bench for a triceps.

Especially this exercise is valued due to its impact on triceps. Thanks to such pushups, the middle and rear bundle of the muscles are "swept", due to which an impressive type of hand is achieved. Also, this exercise pumps the breast muscles and the front delta! The figure shows the technique. In fact, the main thing is to keep the elbows strictly back and make smooth bending of the hands in the elbows, dropping, as low as possible.

Greetings to you dear friends, Alexander White with you. Today, in our sporting blog Sportivs it will be about basic triceps exercises. Here are warm times on the approach, short T-shirts and T-shirts come to the change of down jackets, so that your hands stand out against the rest of the rest must be processed correctly, today we will look at the basis of the triceps training.

Basic concepts

The first thing that rushes into the eyes is powerful, beautiful torso and. It's not a secret that the girls love strong and sports men and the first thing attracts attention, are hands that are divided into biceps, triceps and brochalis (muscles between triceps and biceps. Triceps is about 60-70% of the whole hand, and therefore thanks to it The hand seems visually big.

Conditionally and anatomically triceps is divided into 3 beams that allow you to perform the basic function - the extension of the elbow.

  • The first beam is medial or medium. It is the shortest, located on the outside of the hand.
  • The second beam is lateral, it is attached to the medial beam.
  • And the last, the third is long.

To pump a large and massive triceps, you must learn to turn off the secondary muscle groups from work. If you swing triceps, then the main load should go on this three-chapted muscle, and not on some more. Also follow the uniform pumping of triceps, as it is divided into 3 beam.

Device Exercises for Triceps

The most efficient exercises are the following that can be combined into one complex:

1. Narrow enough. Everyone knows the exercise of the press lying - it is the most important in class in the gym. Time is a narrow grove, this is a prototype, but his entire essence is that the exercise is performed by a narrow grip, thus turns off his chest and delta, and the maximum load takes a triceps, which is exactly what we need. One of the best exercises for a set of muscular masses of hands.

2.. Thanks to this exercise, triceps is experiencing excellent load, it will help to pump massive hands.

During the execution of pushups, you must pay attention to the following factors:

  • at the top point for the most maximum reduction, the hands must be completely straightened;
  • when performing pushups press elbows to the torso, so you will give necessary load your long head;
  • keep track of the location of the case, it is important when performing not to lean.

3.. Many of him consider the best exercise on triceps. It is not basic, but thanks to this exercise perfectly pumps the outer part of the triceps.

4. Extension on the block inverse grogging. With the help of a variety of grip and handles, you can load all three beams. There is an alternative in the form of French press on the rope. In most gyms There is a large number of nozzles on the block, so I recommend regularly changing the handles in order to shock your triceps.

5. Inverse pushups. Performed both at home and in the hall. For women, this exercise will also have a positive effect. Men can be squeezed with burdens, women without.

The main essence is that you are located back to a bench and legs put on the second, support shop.

1. Train biceps and triceps together in one workout, so you pour the whole hand with blood, it is the main growth factor.

2. Never forget about the training of other large muscle groups. There is an opinion that there will never be big hands, if you do not, in fact, it is. Thanks to the squats, about 80% of the entire body loads, which will later affect excellent conditions for growth.

While you train triceps, you have only triceps, so you also need to do other basic exercises in which other muscle fibers will be lit.

3. Do not swing triceps too often. Muscular group need 48 hours for full recovery. The optimal condition for growth will be 1 triceps per week.

4. Do not read. If you do exercises not qualitatively, the load from the triceps is reduced, which prevents your progress.

5. Do not ignore training with dumbbells. You can perform French bench dumbbells, which will also be effective. The main goal is to pump a triceps so that you feel that it is that this muscle group is reduced, and not what otherwise.

6. Do not forget about warm-up approaches. Due to the thorough warm-up, you warm up joints and bundles, which will prevent and stretching.

Dear friends, today we reviewed with you such a topic as a tricepery training. I described the most effective exercises, thanks to which you can achieve massive hands, we reviewed the Tips to help pump triceps and avoid negative errors. I recommend to watch a fascinating video in which you will learn a lot of new things. See you later.