Power diet for a massset. How to make a diet for a set of muscle mass

Set muscular mass - An important task, first of all, for those who are engaged in fitness and bodybuilding. Beginners, because of their inexperience, believe that becoming the owner of a beautiful body will be able only if you train for several hours a day. But do not hurry. Some of the exhausting exercises will not help get the desired result. It is important to eat right. How to do it, tell me in this article.

On the eve of the summer, young people and girls try to bring themselves in shape: remove excess fat deposits, surprise friends, acquaintances (and quite unfamiliar) a beautiful slender figure. Relief torso is more beautiful than a slender body with protruding clavicles, but not everyone knows how to buy it. Although there are those who are confident that everything knows. Without having proper education and experience, these people develop for themselves a set of exercises, create heavy loads, take a little time to restore. As a result, either thrown by halfway, and without reaching the desired result, or achieve their own, but very slowly and often with injuries. Not each of us boasts good knowledge in the field of anatomy. It is not enough to know the name of the muscles (biceps, triceps, the widest muscles of the back, etc.), you need to remember where they are located, how to create a load for them, but it does not stretch and not "break". In this case, without the help of an experienced coach (instructor) can not do.

There are people for whom a set of muscle mass relevant at any time of the year. These are bodybuilders. Many are hearing the following information: the one who is engaged in weightlifting regularly "consumes" protein cocktails, because without them to "pump up" the muscles are not so simple. Most main component In such cocktails - protein, construction material For fabrics, bones, joints. That's just do not forget about other micro and macroelements. The body needs vitamins (even if a person does not engage in sports), antioxidants, amino acids. And get them better during meals, from natural vegetables, fruits, meat, fermented milk products, cereals.

Diet for a set of muscle mass

The golden rule for each athlete who decided to conquer the ladies of a well-folded figure - consume more than spending. Do not fear that excess fat deposits will appear. A set of muscle mass is a big stress for the body, and if you eat bad, then instead of positive changes, the reverse process will occur. Violation of metabolism has not yet benefited anyone, so it is important to know how many calories are necessary for normal metabolism. Having learned the figure, you will understand how much you have to consume beyond this measure. Calculations can be made according to the following formula:

weight (kg) x 30 \u003d number of calories (kcal)

In this case, as a rule, it is enough to "eat" at 500 kcal more. But do not forget about the individual features of each athlete. If the ectomomorph (prone to thin) will not be damaged and 1000 kcal, then for endomorph (prone to completeness) more than 500 kcal is a bust, which will make himself felt the growth of adipose tissue, and not muscular. To compile menu, it is important to know the calorie content in a separate product. This information is drawn from the special table of BJU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates). It is not difficult to find it: on the Internet it is in free access.

The diet should be made in such a way that the average daily consumption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates was in the following proportions:

    proteins - 20% -30%;

    fats - 10% -20%;

    carbohydrates - 50% -60%.

If it is difficult to remember this percentage, understand another truth: fats should be a bit, protein - no more than 2 grams per 1 kg of weight, and carbohydrates - 2 times more than protein.

Why do you need protein?

Two types of protein are separated: vegetable and animal. Both are necessary for a person, but if we are talking about a set of muscle mass, it is preferable to increase the consumption of animal protein of animal origin. It is contained in meat, milk, eggs, cottage cheese, fish. There are a lot of vegetable protein in nuts, it is both in cereals (croups). However, some athletes, constituting the diet, do not take it into account for the simple reason that they usually use it in small quantities (less than the required norm).

What is the use of carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates are also divided into two types: simple and complex. The first is contained in sweets (chocolate, sweet duff), quickly absorbed by the body, but can cause an increase in blood sugar levels and often cause excess weight. They are needed when they need to quickly charge the energy (for example, immediately after intensive workout). The second is contained in cereals (rank, rice), are absorbed slower, but are a source of energy for a long time. The athlete, however,, as well as everyone else, should limit the consumption of simple carbohydrates and "lean" on carbohydrates complex. Most part daily norm Carbohydrates need to "eat" after sleep or workout, because at these moments the body is particularly acutely experiencing the need for energy replenishment.

It is important to eat several times a day (from 5 to 6), and not hungry for more than three hours. Get ready for the fact that you first have to weigh the product, fix all your calculations on paper (calories, quantity of products), but later the need for it will disappear by itself. Bodybuilders will need additionally special sports nutrition, for example, carbohydrate-protein mixtures.

Muscular Mass Diet for Men

How to make a menu athlete who decided to become a relief torso owner? Newbie independently with this task may not cope. It is better not to risk and seek help to professionals. The same who intends to do everything by himself, we advise you to use daily:

    meat (500 g);

As for the last ingredient - water - it should be at least 1.5 liters. Without sufficient water consumption, it is hardly possible to achieve high results. Will it be possible to increase the muscular mass of vegetarian or someone who sits on a vegetable diet? Here opinions differ. Some experts believe that only vegetables will not help and such a diet should be excluded. Others are confident in the invaluable benefits of vegetables and cereals. Rich in fiber and vitamins, they will help to achieve the desired effect. There is no consensus and whether to use men to use low-fat dairy products or they only come in girls who seek to lose weight.

The menu can be compiled independently or use the "recipes". There are several options, then we give one of them. It is left for those who need to consume 3,000 kcal daily.


    corn porridge on milk (100 grams of dry cereals);

    butter (1 teaspoon);

    eggs-glazing eggs from 1 eggs and 2 proteins;

    milk (200 ml);

    toast from grain bread.


    any nuts (30 grams);

    pear (1 piece);

    sweets (marmalade, marshmallow - no more than 100 grams).


    pearl porridge on water (100 grams of dry cereals);

    goulash from beef (200 grams);

    vegetable salad (150 grams);

    slice of rye bread.

Afternoon person:

the same dishes and products as for lunch (in the same quantity), but without bread


    chicken breast (200 grams);

    rice (100 grams);

    canned vegetables (150 grams).

Before bedtime:

    low-fat cottage cheese (150 grams):

    glass of ripper.

Among the girls are less wishing to do heavy athletics, but fitness is quite popular. And in that, and in another case, the need arises to increase the volume of muscle cells. And despite the fact that the general rules are the same as for men (fractional food, training), there are nuances on which it is worth focusing.

For a set of muscle mass, you need to gain weight, but do not overdo it: "pumping" needs muscles, not a tummy. And if men need to consume 500 kcal more, then women are enough 300 kcal. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be in the following proportions:

    proteins - 40%;

    carbohydrates - 40%;

It is also necessary to eat 5-6 times a day, while the daily rate must be eaten until 16:00. Note, men daily require 2 grams of protein on every kilogram of weight, women are enough 1-1.2 grams.

Do not forget about training, including in the gym. No need to be afraid of them. Rods and work with Gary will not make a girl with a husband like that exercise The level of testosterone (male hormone) will not be higher. They will help to emphasize the muscles. Some ladies visit gymTo increase breast volume. It is also unlikely to succeed. A woman, like men, there are breast muscles, but her breast consists of dairy glands and adipose tissue. So, the increase in breast muscles will not allow to change the size of the chest. However, to pump the muscles of the buttocks will succeed. The main thing is not to be lazy. If there is no proper experience, you should not risk and try to independently make a training program for yourself. Trust your health professionals.

The result achieved will help keep sports nutrition, carbohydrate-protein cocktails or heiners. They need to drink 20 minutes before training or in the first 20 minutes after. Ready mix You can buy in a specialized store or cook at home. To do this, you will need:

    cottage cheese (200 grams);

    milk (150 ml);

  • small oat groats (2store spoons).

The ingredients mix in the blender and get a useful heiner.

The menu for each day can be made on your own or, again, seek help from a specialist. Below will give an example.


    oatmeal on milk (70 grams of dry cereals);

    ginger tea.


    chicken breast (150 grams);

    grech (100 grams of dry cereals);

    a fresh vegetable salad;

    glass of water.


    mintai (100 grams);

    white rice (100 grams);

    tomato sauce;

    glass of water.


    degreased cottage cheese (200 grams);

The ladies for a set of muscle mass required to consume products more than usual. If over time, under all the conditions described above, the weight does not increase, this may occur for various reasons. One of them is insufficient food intake. It is thinking that he eats more, but in reality it turns out otherwise. Another reason is a violation of metabolism, a hormonal failure, which often happens in women after childbirth. In the latter case, you should contact the endocrinologist. Girls should not be confused by weight loss and bringing muscles into tone. It is impossible to pump muscles (for example, the muscles of the buttocks) and at the same time lose weight. It will increase, but not at the expense of fatty deposits.

Training I. proper nutrition Help muscle fibers to increase in the amount, however, the body takes time to restore. And for this you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day, it is necessary to eat and not give yourself a big load in the gym. Only so it will be possible to create a beautiful body without drops of excess fat. Otherwise, there is a risk of purchasing a bouquet of diseases. One of them is a disease of the nervous system. If you decide to become the owner of a slim-tightened figure, do not wear themselves with excessive physical exertion.

So, an increase in muscle mass is a complex process that can bring a tangible result only in the presence of special knowledge and experience. Do not do and without the power of will. Men and women need to adhere to certain principles, but there are several other physical exertion and nutrition. If you wish to achieve the ultimate goal, it is possible to each, but it is important not to overdo it. Do not forget to consult with a specialist before you independently control this process. The reward will be envious of the sights of passersby. But you just need to take and do, but do it right. Remember the main rule - do not harm.

The problem of weight gain is very relevant among young people. The research results indicate that body weight deficit occurs in 15-17% of the population to 35 years. This complex mass collection technique is designed for girls and women who suffer from excessive thin and on men of different ages that muscles tend to grow and have an athletic figure.

The massset program is calculated for 10 weeks. For convenience, the course is divided into 5 stages of 2 weeks, each of which has its own characteristics - nutritionals and exercise. This article is step-by-step instructionswhich will help intensively and safely increase muscle mass. After you go through the whole course, you can repeat it, setting up the load during workouts.

The purpose of the program - increase body weight due to muscle growth, not adipose tissue. As a bonus of men receive volumetric embossed muscles, and women are harmoniously developed, tightened by a figure.

Program elements:

  • proper nutrition - you will have to change the diet, count calories and weigh portions;
  • physical activity - it is necessary to perform a complex of exercise 3 times a week;
  • day Mode - It is required to highlight enough time for sleep and rest.
Each component of the program ensures the effectiveness of the other two, and only the execution of all elements guarantees you the desired muscle gain.
Somatotype Signs
Endomorph "Wide bone", a squat rounded body, developed hips, a tendency to completeness, a high percentage of fat in the body. For this somatotype, the issue of weight gain is not relevant. They have a slowdown set of substances and such people have to try hard to not gain extra kilograms. Wrist circumference in men is over 20 cm, in women more than 18.5 cm.
Mesomorph Severe noticeable and strong muscles. Beautiful massive muscles, shoulders wider thighs. People with such type of physique are easily gaining weight with proper nutrition and regular workouts. Wrist circumference in men 16-20 cm, in women 16-18.5 cm.
Ektomorph Lucky physique, relatively long limbs, narrow elongated muscles, low subcutaneous fat percentage. It is in such people that there are problems with a mass deficit. They are heavier than others gives her set. The metabolism is very active - calories are burned without physical effort, so enhanced powerful nutrition. Experienced trainers advise ectomomorphs first gain 20% of the planned weight, and only then begin active training 3 times a week. Wrist circumference in men up to 17.5 cm, in women up to 16 cm.

Even if you are an ectomorph and nature you have a thin body, this program can help you. It involves natural mechanisms for formation of muscle tissue, which are common to all types of physique.
Determine what mass you want to dial. The exact figure will serve as a good motivation towards the goal. For calculation, use normal weight tables and an online body mass calculator. From the perfect mass (for your growth), take the lot you have now. The resulting difference and will be a mass that should be dial.
This rule does not concern men, purposefully engaged in the development of their muscle mass. Their ultimate goal can be 2 or 3 times higher, the difference between the ideal and real weight.


Proper nutrition is 70% of success In the mass set. Without it, no training will not work, as the muscles are not what the material for growth will be taken. Food should be healthy and useful. Otherwise, the fat deposition and serious metabolic disorders are threatened, which are further manifested by numerous diseases: kidney and joints suffer, the risk of cancer increases.

Advantages of this diet is that it is good for health and can become a power system on long years. It was based on the recommendations of nutritionists and experience of professional athletes.

Basic rule - Consume more protein and complex carbohydrates in the form of a porridge, less fatty and sweet. The proportion of vegetables and fruits rich in fiber should be up to 30%. Excess fiber disrupts protein absorption.

Product quality and method of cooking. Prefer natural food, fish, eggs, milk. It is preferable to buy them on the market in farmers and private traders. The same applies to vegetables and fruits. In this case, by increasing the amount of products consumed, you will not receive a double portion of industrial antibiotics, nitrates and hormones that manufacturers often abuse.

It is necessary to give preference to dishes prepared for a pair, boiled and stew. Also recommended baking in foil or sleeve.

  1. How to enter a diet? If your current nutrition is significantly less than the volume of food that is necessary for a mass set, then you will need an adaptation period. He can take 1-2 weeks. During this time, digestive glands will learn to allocate the required amount of enzymes for digesting and assimilation. Otherwise, the body will not be able to cope with a large number of food, which threatens indigestion. To begin with, add 1 meal (second breakfast) in the morning hours, which will increase calorie by 15%. If you cope with this load well, then in 2 days, enter the afternoon snack 2-3 hours before dinner, etc.
  2. What should be the power mode? Consume 70% of food to 17 hours. On the evening, leave easily loyable protein dishes that are not delayed in the stomach at night (eggs, fish, chicken breasts, cottage cheese and fermented food)
  3. What is the optimal number of meals? 5-7 per day. Each portion of food has an anabolic effect 3-4 hours. During this period, the active synthesis of protein and the formation of muscle fibers occurs. Therefore, food must come with this frequency throughout the day.
  4. What amount of calories needs to receive daily? 45 kcal per 1 kg of weight - the required minimum for a set of body weight. In this case, the body receives a little more energy than spending on life processes, everyday activity and additional physical exertion. For example, with a weight of 65 kg, the energy value of the diet is calculated in this way: 65x45 \u003d 2925 kcal. People with high metabolism and those who are engaged in severe physical labor should increase the calorie content of the diet for another 10-15%. If after a month of reinforced power supply in weight is not, then calorie content increases to 50-55 kcal per kg.
  5. What should be the ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats?Proper ratio - 50:35:15. It is important to strictly observe this proportion, since each of the components performs its function.
  • Proteins are building material for creating new cells. They also provide mechanical, chemical and immune defense, as part of enzymes catalyze chemical reactionsproviding the vital activity of each cell and the whole organism as an integer. In addition, proteins are carriers of genetic information necessary to form new cell cells.
  • Carbohydrates Provide the body with energy to absorb proteins. They also provoke an insulin emission, which is the strongest anabolic hormone responsible for the increase in muscle mass.
  • Fat. We are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous and hormonal system and as a source of energy, therefore are also an indispensable component of nutrition.
Some mistakenly believe that the more the protein will be eaten, the faster and better will be better. This is not so. The extra protein (over 2.5 g per kg of body weight) has a negative effect on the body: activates the penetration processes in the intestine, negatively affects the kidneys, liver and vessels, increases the risk of heart disease.
  1. How much is fluid consumed? The required amount is 3 liters, including water contained in drinks, liquid dishes and fruits. 1.5 liters of water should be consumed in its pure form. With the set of mass, metabolic processes are activated. There is a splitting of compounds and the decay of old cells. Liquid is needed to remove toxins released with these reactions.
  2. When can I eat before and after training? Full food intake is allowed 2 hours before and 30-40 minutes after workout. However, this does not concern light snack. Modern studies have established that cocktails based on whey Protein (pure protein) before training contributes to the growth of muscle mass. A few minutes after training, the body should receive "light" proteins and carbohydrates. It can be heiners or low-fat cottage cheese with jam.
  3. Why do not have simple carbohydrates for a mass set? Simple (fast) carbohydrates are flour, confectionery, sugar and chocolate. Already 2 weeks of diets with a high content of rapid carbohydrates lead to the deposition of subcutaneous fat, body allergization. The risk of asthma, neurodermit and allergic rashes increases. The immune system is oppressed, which threatens frequent colds and infectious diseases. Simple carbohydrates in small quantities are allowed immediately after training. They cause a short-term increase in blood glucose, followed by an anabolic hormone splash. This hormone enhances the formation of glycogen in the muscles and speeds up the recovery of cells.
  4. What kind side effects Does this diet? This diet is a balanced nutrition. You can stick to it for a long time, without any negative consequences. but enhanced nutrition without intensive physical exertion is the way to obesity. Therefore, as soon as you achieve the desired weight or stop regular training, you must cancel additional protein snacks and eat 3-4 times a day. It is advisable to consume 30-35 kcal per kg of weight per day.
  5. How to improve digestion? Take enzyme preparations that improve food digestion and ensure the best assimilation of the protein (pancreatin, festal, mesim). They are absolutely harmless, do not cause addiction. There is no danger that your body will seek independently producing enzymes.
  6. Should I use sports nutrition? Sometimes, with a mass set, nutritional supplements containing pure protein or protein in combination with carbohydrates are used. They can be used as an additional source of protein during snacks, as well as before and after training. However, there is no sharp necessity in these expensive products. Their counterparts can be prepared at home, which we will talk about in the following articles.
  7. Is it necessary to take vitamin complexes? Definitely yes. In modern conditions, fruits and vegetables are not contained by the required number of vitamins. In addition, this diet does not provide for eating them in large quantities, since the excess of fiber prevents the assimilation of the protein. However, vitamins are activated by anabolism, and their deficit inhibits weight gain. Conclusion - the body should receive vitamins additionally. At the early stage of the program, you can stop your choice on the Real, Undest or others. vitamin complexes with a small amount of components. More information about this in the following articles.

Mass Diet

As the basis of the nutrition system, the table number 17 on Pevznera is taken. This diet with increased energy value (large calorie) by increasing the number of proteins, vitamins and minerals. However, in this variation, the amount of fats is reduced by 40%, which allows the diet to adhere to a long time, without the risk of fat deposits in subcutaneous tissue, in vessels and around the internal organs.

Diet. The diet is divided into 6 meals: full breakfast, lunch, dinner and 3 snacks.

Main characteristics:

  • proteins 110-130 g;
  • fats 50-60 g;
  • carbohydrates 400-450 g;
  • calorie about 3000 kcal.
List of recommended products
  • Bread - rye or grain, with bran, rootless. Norma up to 200 g per day.
  • Bouillons are rich in extractive substances for stimulation of appetite - meat, fish, mushroom and soups based on them.
  • Meat of different species, excluding fatty varieties.
  • Fish of any varieties and seafood.
  • Eggs. At the early stage, diet use eggs with yolks. They contain vitamins, trace elements and fatty acids that provide a successful start of the weight gain.
  • Low and medium fatty dairy products. Cream and sour cream for refueling dishes.
  • Fats - unrefined vegetable, butter (in small quantity).
  • Cereals and bean, muesli.
  • Pasta made of solid wheat varieties.
  • Vegetables are raw and in culinary processing.
  • Fruits and berries in any form.
  • Sweets - jam, jam, honey, chocolate, cookie, jelly.
  • Drinks - tea, coffee, cocoa on milk, compotes, juices, decoction of rosehip + water in pure form 1.5 liters.
Limit or exclude from the diet
  • Fatty meat varieties - fat pork, lamb, goose, duck.
  • Semolina and grinding rice.
  • Margarine and culinary fats.
  • Smoked and fried on oil or deep dishes (it is allowed to roast on the grill).
  • Confectionery with cream, bread and duff, candy.
  • Canned industrial production.
  • Sausages and other smoked foods.
  • Products containing food dyes, flavors, taste amplifiers, preservatives.
  • Roasted sweet drinks.
From the first day of the program, you will need:
  • handbook for determining calorie products;
  • electronic scales for weighing portions;
  • fresh and high-quality products;
  • a small supply of theoretical knowledge that will make your way conscious and motivated.

Examples of the menu for those who want to dial a lot

Breakfast 450 kcal
  1. Curd cheesecakes with honey 130 g, milk rice porridge 250 g, tea with lemon 200g.
  2. Cottage cheese casserole with raisins 120 g, porridge milk millet 250 g, coffee with milk 150 g
  3. Cottage cheese with sour cream and honey and nuts 200, egg skeyka 2 pcs, tea with sugar and lemon 200 g.
Second breakfast 420-450 kcal
  1. Omelet from 2 eggs with cream and cheese, berry jelly 120
  2. Porridge buckwheat with milk 200 g, boiled chicken fillet sandwich or ham 140 g, tea sugar 200 g.
  3. Meat Pate 100 g with grain bread 70 g, tomato or cucumber 70 g, vegetable juice 180
Lunch 800-850 kcal
  1. Salad of cucumbers and tomato with egg, pea soup on a meat broth 200 ml, potato stew with meat (meat100g 200 g of vegetables). Juice fruit 180 g
  2. Salad of vegetables and squid 100 g, soup from fresh cabbage 200 ml, Goulash Beef 150 g with Macarona 200 g. Tomato juice 180 g.
  3. Vinaigrette with vegetable oil 75 g, Herring 50 g, noodles on chicken broth 200, potato casserole with boiled meat 250 g. Juice Apple 180
Afternooner 350-400 kcal
  1. Egg Ski 1 pcs, oil sandwich and caviar 50 g. Vegetable juice 180
  2. Baked apples stuffed with cottage cheese with honey 200 g. Tea with milk and sugar 200 g.
  3. Potato zrazy with mushrooms 200. Tea with sugar and lemon 200 g.
Dinner 400-450 kcal
  1. Baked in foil fish 150 g with vegetables 150 g, cabbage salad 200 g. Drink from chicory 200 g.
  2. Grilled steak (chicken breast, beef) 150 g, stewed potatoes 200 g, salad from various vegetables 100 g. Decommick
  3. Omelet from 2 eggs stuffed with boiled chicken meat 150 g, a salad of cucumbers and tomato refilled by yogurt 150 g, fruit salad of fresh or canned fruit 100. Compote from dried fruits 200.
Late dinner 300-350 kcal
  1. Kefir, Ryazhenka, drinking yogurt 180 g, banana 1 pc.
  2. Hepatic Pate 70 g, buckwheat porridge with oil 150 g. Compote 180
  3. Curd pudding with dried apricots 150 g, nuts. Milk 1% 200 g
Individual approach. Do not forget that each person has its own individual metabolism. You may need some time on experiments. For example, some need meat to replace the fish or transfer the last meal closer to the night. Consider that almost every person has intolerance to certain products, they can cause allergies or digestive disorders. Therefore, if you do not perceive lactose contained in dairy products, or chicken protein, they should be excluded from their diet. The same applies to sports nutrition foods.

Physical activity

Physical activity helps to distribute additional calories obtained with intensive nutrition in the muscles, and not in fatty tissue under the skin and around the internal organs.

Trainers allocate 3 directions on which difficulties may occur when a mass set

  • Avoid fat deposits. Enhanced nutrition leads to the fact that calories that did not spend on the work of the muscles and the formation of muscle tissue turn into fat deposits. That this does not happen, regular training is needed 3 times a week. Exercise examples are described below.
  • Avoid addiction When training no longer lead to muscle growth. The reason for adaptation is a protective mechanism that allows you to adapt to new living conditions. Unfortunately, he works against people swing muscles. An organism for 4-8 weeks adapts to exercises, as a result, significantly decreases anabolic effectproviding weight gain. In our technique taken into account this featureSo you will be offered 5 training options with a gradual increase in loads, which will ensure stable muscle growth.
  • Overcome the genetic threshold. At the initial stage, the massset is stable, but then the increase is suspended, despite the diet and training. Case in genetics. Perhaps you have achieved your optimal weight. To overcome the threshold, the Drop Sets method is effective. You perform a large number of repetitions with a large working weight. Next, the weight is reduced by 20-30% and perform another maximum number of repetitions at a slow pace.

Key issues arising at the start of the program

  1. How do muscles grow? The growth of muscles provide two types of stress. If they act in a pair, then the muscles increase in volume.
  • Mechanical stress. Significant efforts lead to the fact that individual muscle fibers are broken. Microscopic foci of inflammation is formed around them, metabolism is activated and blood supply is improved. Floating, these micrographs lead to an increase in muscle volume. Mechanical stress occurs when exercises with a large working weight (the weight of the projectile with which the exercise is performed).
  • Metabolic stress - With long-term training in the muscles, the products of anaerobic metabolism (lactic acid) are accumulated. In order to neutralize them and bring them out of the body into the muscles, an increased amount of oxygen flows and their power is improved. Sign of what muscle is experiencing a metabolic stress - burning. It occurs with a long repetition of the exercise at a slow pace. Running chemical recovery processes stimulates muscle growth.

  • Power training. Especially squatting I. deadlift.
  • Balanced nutrition - meat, seafood, greens, fruits, vegetables.
  • Compliance with the regime of the day. Non-shock and exhaustion reduce testosterone levels.
  • Fighting with stress. Strong emotions increase the level of cortisol hormone, which suppresses the secretion of testosterone.
  • Refusal of alcohol and nicotine. They worsen blood circulation and suppress the work of the endocrine glands.
  • Reception of vitamins A, E, D. Their deficit inhibits testosterone production.
  • Rest in the fresh air. Relaxation reduces the level of cortisol. And sunlight increases the level of vitamin D and stimulates the work of the ovaries responsible for testosterone synthesis.
Unfortunately, with age, the natural method of testosterone is reduced. Therefore, to increase its level, you have to use drugs.
  • Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, ginseng tinctures and eleuterococcus, zinc and selenium - together and individually increase the level of testosterone. These substances are sold at the pharmacy and are part of various bodies.

Complex of exercises in the 1st and 2nd week of training

The program is designed for 3 workouts per week. There should be at least 48 hours between hikes to the gym. Recommended mode: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, but you can change it at your discretion.

Workout Basis - Clusters. These are sets from a certain number of repetitions that allow longer to load the target muscles. For this purpose, the exercises are performed by cycles. Therefore, in the program you will see an alternation of exercises.

Important!Perform all exercises without jerks at a slow pace. So you achieve the necessary mechanical stress in the muscles and use all muscle fibers. The result is a high level of protein synthesis required for muscle growth.

Start every workout with a workout. The first 5-10 minutes spend on the heating of the muscles to come to them oxygen and nutrients. This will reduce the risk of injury and stretching, will help tune in power trainingAnd also will cause emission of adrenaline, which makes classes more efficient. For warm-up, cardiotrymen and complex exercises that use the maximum number of muscles will be suitable. Mandatory element - rotation in all joints of the spine, arms and legs.

First training

  1. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders 4 * (4 * 2).Total 32 squats . Basic exercise for the development of muscles buttocks and hips.
cluster (alternation of approaches and short-term recreation)
2 squats with a barbell. Put the bar - rest of 15 seconds.
2 squats + rest 15 sec.
2 squats + rest 15 sec.
2 squats + rest 15 sec.
Rest 1-2 minutes
2 Repeat cluster
Rest 1-2 minutes
3 Repeat cluster
Rest 1-2 minutes
4 Repeat cluster
Rest 1-2 minutes

  1. Rod rod in the slope 4 * (4 * 2). Exercise is designed to strengthen the muscles of the back, especially the broadest.

1 cluster
2 times the rod rod in the slope + holiday 15 seconds.
2 times the rod rod in the slope + holiday 15 seconds.
2 times the rod rod in the slope + holiday 15 seconds.
Rest 1-2 minutes
2 Repeat cluster
Rest 1-2 minutes
3 Repeat cluster
Rest 1-2 minutes
4 Repeat cluster
Rest 1-2 minutes

  1. Rods Lyzhima (3*6).

Provides an increase in the front beam of deltoid muscles, triceps, large and small breast muscles. For novice athletes, the option is more suitable when the rod is lowered in the lower position of the breasts.

1st approach

  1. Rod rise to biceps in standing position (3*6).

Helps to increase the biceps and the shoulder of the forearm.
1st approach

  1. Rods Lyzhima (3*6)
2nd approach
6 times the yum rods lying + rest 1-2 minutes

  1. Rod rise on biceps standing (3*6)
2nd approach
6 times lifting rods on biceps standing + rest 1-2 minutes

  1. Rods Lyzhima (3*6)
3rd approach
6 times the yum rods lying + rest 1-2 minutes

  1. Rod rise on biceps standing(3*6)
3rd approach
6 times lifting rods on biceps standing + rest 1-2 minutes
Enables a large group of muscles: trapezoid, front and side bundles of the deltoid muscle.

1st approach

  1. Normal Ghr.(3 * Max.) Better than other exercises trains the muscles of the back surface of the hip ("biceps" of thighs), semi-dry and calf. You can not do without an assistant who has to press the mysteries of your feet to the floor. Implementation technique: Become on your knees. Hands bent in the elbows, palms at the level of shoulders. Slowly, without jerks, go face down. Return to the starting position.
1st approach
  1. High thrust (power traction) with floor bar (3*5)
2nd approach

5 times high rod with floor bar + rest 1-2 minutes

2nd approach

Perform the maximum number of times + rest 1-2 minutes

  1. High thrust (power traction) with floor bar(3*5)
3rd approach

5 times high rod with floor bar + rest 1-2 minutes

  1. Normal Ghr. (3 * Max.)
3rd approach

Perform the maximum number of times + rest 1-2 minutes

1st approach

2nd approach
20 times the rise on socks + rest 15 sec.

3rd approach
20 times the rise on socks + rest 1-2 minutes
1st approach

2nd approach
Maximum number of repetitions + holiday 15 sec.

3rd approach
Maximum number of repetitions + rest 1-2 minutes.

Second training

1st approach
  1. Schrah standing with dumbbells (3 * 8) train top trapezoidal Muscles improve posture and especially useful if you have a sitting job.
1st approach
  1. (4*6)
2nd approach
6 times crawling + rest 1-2 minutes
2nd approach
8 lifts shoulders + rest 1-2 minutes
  1. Ranged traction from the knee level (4*6)
3rd approach
6 times crawling + rest 1-2 minutes
  1. Schrah standing with dumbbells (3*8)
3rd approach
8 lifts shoulders + rest 1-2 minutes
  1. Ranged traction from the knee level (4*6)
4th approach
6 times crawling + rest 1-2 minutes

1st approach
5 Pozimov + Rest 1-2 minutes
  1. Pressing from Fitbol (3 * 8). Complete option of pushups. If at the top point you divor the blades to the side of the spine, then work in the front gear muscle (Serratus Anterior), which is located on the side wall of the chest.
1st approach

  1. Rods are lying near a narrow grip (3*5)
2nd approach
5 Pozimov + Rest 1-2 minutes
  1. Pressing from Fitbol (3*8)
2nd approach
8 pushups + rest 1-2 minutes

  1. Rods are lying near a narrow grip (3*5)
3rd approach
5 Pozimov + Rest 1-2 minutes

3rd approach
8 pushups + rest 1-2 minutes
  1. (3 * 8). Develops muscles of the lower back, buttocks and hips. Feet in the poverty position. It is important that the thigh bent legs was parallel to the floor.
1st approach
  1. Tightening the chest with a wide grovewhen the distance between the 50-80 brushes (3 * max.) Exercise helps to increase the volume of the widest muscles of the back, deltoid and gear muscles, the lower and middle parts of the trapezoid muscles, as well as biceps and forearms, rear muscle bundles.
1st approach
2nd approach
8 Nuts with a barbell + rest 1-2 minutes

  1. Tightening your chest with a wide grip(3 * Max.)
2nd approach
Maximum values \u200b\u200bof pull-ups + rest 1-2 minutes
  1. The simplest split-crown with a rod on his back (3*8)
3rd approach
8 Nuts with a barbell + rest 1-2 minutes

3rd approach
Maximum values \u200b\u200bof pull-ups + rest 1-2 minutes

1st approach
15 lifts + rest 15 sec.
2nd approach
15 lifts + rest 15 sec.
3rd approach
15 lifts + rest 1-2 minutes

1st approach

2nd approach
Maximum number of twists + rest 15 sec.

3rd approach
Maximum twisting + rest 1-2 minutes.

Third training

1 cluster
2 press + holiday 15 seconds.
2 press + holiday 15 seconds.
2 press + holiday 15 seconds.
2 press + rest 1-2 minutes
Rest 1-2 minutes
2 Repeat cluster
Rest 1-2 minutes
3 Repeat cluster
Rest 1-2 minutes
4 Repeat cluster
Rest 1-2 minutes
  1. Papplying back grip with burdens 4*(4*2).

In a narrow grip, you increase the load on the biceps and the lower beams of the widest muscles, and with a wide - on the widest muscles of the back. If physical strength does not allow an exercise with an additional cargo fixed on the belt, then perform conventional pull-ups.

1 cluster
2 pull-ups + rest 15 sec.
2 pull-ups + rest 15 sec.
2 pull-ups + rest 15 sec.
Rest 1-2 minutes
2 Repeat cluster
Rest 1-2 minutes
3 Repeat cluster
Rest 1-2 minutes
4 Repeat cluster
Rest 1-2 minutes

Provides the growth of biceps of hips and buttocks, as well as straight and oblique muscles of the abdomen.

1st approach
10 rod lifting + rest 1-2 minutes

  1. (3*6)
Provides the development of deltoid muscles and triceps. The indirect load is obtained by the muscles of the ICR, hips and buttocks. Please note that the support of the grid rod serves the chest, and not the front bunches of deltoid muscles.

1st approach

  1. (3*10)
2nd approach
  1. Svunning with a barbell standing with a barbell (bench with breasts with hope at the top point) (3*6)
2nd approach
6 Rod Pozimov + Rest 1-2 minutes.
  1. Romanian rod rod with a barbell (3*10)
3rd approach
10 rod lifting + rest 1-2 minutes.
  1. Svunny Human Station Stand (bench press with breasts with hope at the top point) (3*6)
3rd approach
6 Rod Rods + Rest 1-2 minutes
  1. (3*6).

The main burden falls on the muscles of the pelvis of the hips and the lower back, most of the muscles of the body are also involved.

1st approach

  1. (3 * 12) Works mainly the two-headed shoulder muscle.
1st approach
  1. Squats with a barbell on trapezoid muscles(3*6)
2nd approach
6 squats + rest 1-2 minutes.
2nd approach
12 lifts + rest 1-2 minutes.
  1. Squats with a barbell on trapezoid muscles (3*6)
3rd approach
6 squats + rest 1-2 minutes.
  1. Rod lifts on biceps sitting (3*12)
3rd approach
12 lifts + rest 1-2 minutes.
  1. Rises on socks sitting (with back support) (3 * 30) Work on an increase in the cambaloid and calf muscles on the simulator, providing support for the back.
1st approach
30 lifts + rest 15 sec.
2nd approach
30 lifts + rest 15 sec.
3rd approach
30 lifts + holidays 1-2 minutes.
  1. Side hyperextensions (twisting) with burden (3*12).

To enhance the load on oblique and intercostal muscles use dumbbells or drive from the rod. For novice athletes, there is enough additional weight in 5 kg.

1st approach
2nd approach
12 twists + rest 15 sec.
3rd approach
12 twists + rest 1-2 minutes.
After each workout, you will feel strong weakness and strengthening appetite. These signs indicate that the training has been successful and muscle growth processes are launched.

Safety in exercise

  • Engage with insuring partner.
  • Before training, make a workout involving all the joints and muscle groups.
  • Keep moderate pace. So you better work out the muscles.
  • Do not jerk. In this case, the joints of the limbs and intervertebral compounds may suffer (especially in the lumbar department).
  • Listen to the instructions of the coach, especially regarding the exercise technique. Minor deviations from the technique, such as spin deflection, diluted elbows or knee bending can lead to serious injury.
  • Do not rush to do exercises, at a level with experienced athletes. They provide security powerful muscles and strong tendons, you will acquire such protection in a few months.

Program for beginners

If you have a significant mass deficit, then the first 2-3 weeks dedicate the set of kilograms. During this period, gradually increase the number of products consumed and physical activity. It is enough 5-7 minutes of gymnastics 2 times a day and walking outdoors for 60 minutes. After you added 1-2 kg, you can start training.

If before that you did not work regularly, then you will not fit the program drawn up for experienced athletes. Exercises with a significant working weight (dumbbells and barbell) will be exhaustive for you. All additional calories will be burned during classes, and weight gain will be too slow.
In this case, a simplified workout option is suitable, which you can do at home. The mode is the same - 3 workouts per week with breaks at 72 hours.

Each training includes:

  • Pressing from floor 3 sets with a maximum number of repetitions.
  • Tightening 3 sets with a maximum number of repetitions.
  • Figures back 3 sets of 10 repetitions.
  • Hyperextension 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.
  • Twisting 3 sets with a maximum number of repetitions.
Between the sets, take a break for 2-3 minutes.

Daily regime

Why is it needed?

Your body loves to live on schedule. If you stick to right regime The day, it always leads to an improvement in the work of the nervous system, to strengthen the immunity and normalization of body weight.

It is desirable that everything happened at the same time. The constancy stabilizes the biorhythms of the body, which directly affects the production of hormones involved in the mass set. Power on the clock normalizes metabolism and maintains a high level of anabolism. A sufficient vacation protects the nervous system from stress, which regulates all the processes flowing into the human body. Overwork and exhaustion of CNS often causes weight loss on the nervous soil.
Ideally, you have to spend:

  • 8 hours to work or study;
  • 8 hours on vacation and home affairs;
  • 8 hours for sleep.
About the benefits of rest and sleep ...

The increase in muscle mass takes place not during the workout, but when restoring the muscles during the rest. Therefore, the muscles should be able to recover. This period takes 48-72 hours. Based on this, 2-3 holidays should be followed by training.

IN free time Avoid intense and long-term exercise: cycling, fast walking, volleyball, basketball. They strengthen the stress in the muscles and slow them to recover.

It is necessary to dive for at least 8-10 hours. per day. And it is desirable to go to 23 hours. In this case, for a period of sleep, the active production of growth hormone, muscles are more efficiently restored and increase their mass. Non-shoo worsens the synthesis of anabolic hormones and increases the products of cortisol. This substance reduces the rate of formation of muscle tissue, and strengthens catabolism. It has been proven that a dream for less than 6 hours a day depletes the nervous system, which worsens the innervation of muscles and leads to weight loss.

Full night Son.extremely important, especially on days after training. In a dream, testosterone and insulin synthesis occurs, without which it is impossible to gain muscle mass. Also, 90% of the growth hormone - somatotropin is secreted during sleep between 23:00 and 01:00. This substance in young people provides the growth of bones, and in adulthood is responsible for protein synthesis and increases the ratio of muscle tissue to fat.

Is the daytime sleep?Sleeping in daytime clock is not so useful for a set of mass, as it does not cause the desired hormonal response. The fact is that hormones are synthesized in the 3rd and 4th phase of sleep, which are usually not achieved during a day rest.

When to train more efficiently?

Training timetable largely depends on your work schedule and biorhythms. Some prefer to go to the room in the morning, when fewer visitors. This makes it possible not to stand in line for projectiles, it is better to concentrate on the exercises and quickly spend training. However, sports doctors believe that the muscles in the morning did not completely woke up, so it is not fully working. This problem can be circumvented with intensive charging.

Evening workouts have their advantages. So some motivates the presence in the hall of numerous visitors, especially the opposite sex. In addition, after the late workout, the muscles get a full-fledged rest during night sleep.

As you can see the choice of time - the case is individual. The main thing is to do persistently and with pleasure, then the workout will definitely give the desired result.

In order to go to the weight enhancement program for 3-4 weeks click on the link:

To increase the volume of muscles, it is not enough to train regularly. Food helps to gain muscle mass, distinguishes increased volume, quality and variety of diet. Intensive, regular, methodically correct training with insufficient receipt do not result.

Food rules for increasing muscles

For muscle growth, it is necessary that consumption, carbohydrates, fats exceeded the energy consumption of the energy.

Proteins are important for tissue growth. With their lack, there is no set of muscle mass, increase strength. Quality protein Contain meat, fish, bird, eggs, dairy products. The daily need for protein is 1.3g per 1 kg of body weight. When practicing sports, the need increases to 2-4g to 1 kg body weight.

Carbohydrates are a source of energy, they are necessary for the absorption of protein food. Simple varieties of carbohydrates are absorbed quickly (sugar, fruit), complex carbohydrates burn slowly (vegetables, cereals, legumes, nuts). The recommended proportion of simple carbohydrates should be 35%, complex - 65%.

Fats are necessary for the production of some hormones when typing muscular mass, they give energy during long-term physical exertion. Useful organism Fat contain dairy products, vegetable oils. The optimal is the receipt of 65-70% of animal fats and 30-35% of fats of plant origin.

At the beginning of classes with traditional 3-4 one-time nutrition, the muscle growth can be 3-5kg per month. But after a while, the growth is suspended. Often, the reason is the lack of food - after all the body weight increased, and therefore there are more protein building materials for further growth of muscles, more energy in the form of carbohydrates and fats.

The human body is physiologically not able to assimilate more than 30g protein. The increase in the volume of portions will cause the stomach stretching, overeating and bloating in the stomach. To leave acceptable portions, you will have to increase the number of meals, gradually bringing it to 5-6 times a day.

The program must comply with the intensity of training for a set of muscle mass. First of all, it is worth an increase in the flow of protein to 2g to 1kg body weight, which will necessarily increase the calorie content of the diet.

The optimal is the diet, in which one part of the proteins account for three parts of carbohydrates. It is allowed to use carbohydrates with a high glycemic index (honey, ice cream).

The organism assimilated carbohydrates turn into glycogen, it is contained in the liver and muscles. During the training, glycogen reserves are intensively spent. When they end, the body begins to receive energy, splitting muscle protein molecules, which is why the musculature loses in volume.

To avoid this, within 30 minutes after training, it is worth accepting carbohydrates at the rate of 1.5g carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight - for example, drink natural fruit juice. After another 2 hours, eat carbohydrates - for example, pasta. This measure increases the accumulation rate of glycogen in the muscles, helps them quickly restore. With intensive classes, sports is recommended to use from 6 to 10 g of carbohydrates per kg of body weight every day.

Muscular weight set contributes to the reimbursement of fluid losses along with then. Before and after training it is necessary to weigh. On each lost kilogram after the exercise is complete, it is necessary to drink up to 1.5l fluid, which speeds up the recovery process.

During sleep, the body receives energy by destroying the cells of the muscles. The transition from sleep to wakeful in the morning increases energy consumption. So that the workout last day was not in vain, the body needs a dense breakfast.

Diet to increase muscle mass

In addition to sufficient admission of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the diet must contain vitamins and trace elements. In a natural and easily digestible form, their most in vegetables and fruits.

  • Vitamin A. strengthens the bones, teeth, improves the condition of the skin. It contains carrots, tomatoes, fish, liver.
  • Vitamins of Group V. are necessary for the processes of metabolism, the rapid restoration of tissues after workouts. It is contained in fish, cereal, nuts, legumes, leaf green vegetables, corn.
  • Vitamin C. Participates in the synthesis of new fabrics, hormones, strengthens blood vessels, contributes to a speedy healing. Its a lot in citrus, apples, strawberries, cabbage.
  • Vitamin D. Strengthens bones, teeth. Contained in vegetable fats fishing fat, eggs.

In the diet for a set of muscle mass you need to include trace elements:

  • Calcium. Strengthens muscles, needed for the strength of bone tissue. Calcium a lot in milk, cheese, cabbage.
  • Potassium. Regulates the balance of fluid in the body, supports heart rhythm, coordinates musculature reductions. It is contained in potatoes, grain, fruit.
  • Iron. It is necessary to maintain the level of hemoglobin transporting oxygen into the cells. It is contained in meat, liver, eggs, nuts, legumes.
  • Phosphorus. Strengthens bone tissue. Its a lot in meat, fish, eggs, nuts.
  • Magnesium. We are necessary for the synthesis of enzymes, better absorption of carbohydrates, proteins, is important for muscle contractions. It is contained in vegetables, corn, apples, nuts.

Nutrition for a set of muscle mass must contain:

  • dairy products - milk, cheese, cottage cheese, containing a mass of protein;
  • protein products - low-fat meat, fish, providing the body with the necessary amino acids;
  • fruits, vegetables - source of vitamins and minerals;
  • products from flour and cereals are a source of carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins.

In addition, in the diet, there should be enough products rich in fiber. Its a lot in the croups, legumes, nuts, fruits.

How to eat before training

To gain muscle mass, it is important to stick to uncomplicated power rules. The closer the workout time, the less carbohydrates and calories should contain food. For example, after a light breakfast, you can build up muscles in an hour, after a hearty lunch - no earlier than four hours.

If 30-60 minutes will have short-term exercise stress, you should not use easily digestible carbohydrates - sugar, honey, juice, compote, jam. Glucose around half an hour begins to accumulate in the liver in the form of glycogen, and insulin reduces its level in the blood during training. As a result, the liver does not give glucose muscles for about an hour, which worsens the intensity of musculature cuts.

And vice versa, if there is a long exercise - a running jogging, a ski or a bicycle race - simple carbohydrates can be used immediately before training. Glucose will be gradually absorbed from the intestine and spend the work of musculatures.

In order to do not want to do not want to in the toilet with a set of muscle mass, you should not use food-rich foods with food fibers. Also worth abandoning products that contribute to gas formation (peas, cabbage, beans, onions).

Salted food detains liquid in the body, which is why the abdomen is felt. As a result, the stomach begins to sign the diaphragm that during classes makes it difficult to work with the heart and light.

Why in the menu requires fatty products

Many modern nutrition systems for a set of muscle mass are called to limit the use of fat.

Partly this measure is justified. Fat calorie food, but compared to carbohydrates, it is long asleeping, which causes lethargy.

Some athletes for the rapid increase in muscles take steroids and therefore are forced to stick to the diet almost without fat content in order to make it easier for the liver. In reality, the diet without fatty products is not a rule of bodybuilding.

There are oily foods and need, especially at a young age. Fat receipt is necessary for the flow of exchange reactions in the body.

Vegetable fats increase the elasticity of the walls of the vessels. They are important for the exchange of vitamins of the group B required when typing muscle mass, contribute to the absorption of calcium, rich in vitamin E.

The deficiency of plant fats negatively affects the reproductive function, slows down the growth processes, worsens the contractile ability of the heart muscle.

Only abuse of fatty products, especially when they combine with carbohydrates, violates the metabolism, leads to the formation of fatty deposits. The situation exacerbates the refusal to inclusion in the infection diet, the use of steroids, which, like fat, increase the load on the liver.

At middle age, it is worth cutting the calorie content of the diet, the content in the menu of fatty products. In any case, you should not turn a reasonable precaution in a phobia if only because the usual protein products are sausages, cheese - also contain quite a lot of fat.

Part of animal fats can be replaced by vegetable oil, nuts, fish, seeds. One-piece milk is replaced by innocent, use low-fat varieties of cheese.

Periodically it is worth controlling the level of cholesterol in the blood. And if it remains normal, it is not worth changing something in the diet for a set of muscle mass.

If the cholesterol level turned out to be elevated, it does not mean that it is necessary to exclude fatty foods from the diet. For example, cholesterol levels increase liver disease.

To gain muscle mass, you need to burn fat

If the volume of fat deposits is quite large, it is worth working on incineration of unnecessary fat deposits. It is important that fat cells are destroyed throughout the body, and not in the place that is being worked out during training.

For burning fat, aerobic exercises are suitable at a good pace for twenty minutes three times a week: exercise bike, treadmill, rowing simulator. Useful every day for 45-60 minutes, reduce the daily diet for 200-300Calories.

If fat deposits have ceased to decrease, it is worth increasing the pace of hiking, a little more reduced the number of calories.

When the volume of fat deposits becomes acceptable, you can reduce aerobic exercises, increase the calorie content of the diet, start a set of muscle mass by performing power exercises.

Accounting Calories to increase muscles

It should be prepared for the fact that an increase in the volume of muscles is almost always accompanied by an increase in fat deposits. As a rule, a set of three parts of muscle mass is associated with the formation of one part of the fat.

To increase the muscles, it is necessary to follow the formation of fat, take measures in a timely manner. To do this, you will need to start a diary and record the calorie content of food used during the day.

If fat deposits in the field began to grow, you need to adjust the training program towards greater intensity, reduce the calorie content of the diet by 10%. With a greater cutting calorie, there is a risk of stopping a set of muscle mass.

In order to turn the most high-quality nutrition into the muscles, you will have to train and at the same time give a sufficient vacation. From a fat layer that appeared when typing muscular mass, then it is possible to get rid of relief exercises and muscle drawing.

Menu Muscular Menu

Diet to increase the volume of muscles does not require special efforts. It is worth incorporated into the diet of milk, fish, eggs, cereals, fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, more coarse fiberglass.

Approximate diet for a set of muscle mass:

  • Breakfast: fried eggs and cheese, rice or buckwheat porridge, 200-300g cottage cheese, a couple of milk glasses.
  • The second breakfast: a piece of 200g beef with bread from coarse grinding flour, a glass of milk.
  • Lunch: a piece of beef with boiled potatoes or pasta, fruit, a glass of milk.
  • Second lunch: 200 g of cottage cheese, raisins, fruit.
  • Dinner: Chicken Meat, Pasta or Potatoes, Fruits, Nuts, Milk.
  • A couple of hours before sleep: 20g cheese, a glass of kefir.
Changed: 21.02.2019

1. Hydrolyzed serum protein isolate

2. Oatmeal
3-5 tablespoons of dry oatmeal boiling water, add a pinch of salt, honey or even a little jam to taste. Cut and wait fifteen minutes for porridge so that the porridge. You can crumble fruits and nuts into porridge.

3. Omelet from 5 proteins and 1 yolk
Gently bumping eggs, add a tablespoon of ten percent sour cream and intelligently all this with low fatty milk. You can add a slightly chopped tomato to the mixture for taste. Allone to mix and put it in the microwave for 8-10 minutes at the maximum temperature. When the omelet will be ready, sprinkling it with grated cheese and arugula.

4. Multivitamins - 1 serving

5. Omega-3 - 2-3 g

Lunch. 11.00 - 11.30

1. Protein fritters with cottage cheese
40 g kefir, 150-200 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 1 egg, pinch of salt, 1 tbsp. l. sugar ,? h. l. Soda, 50 g of serum protein, 250 g of flour, olive oil

Burnt egg with salt, sugar and cottage cheese, add kefir, protein, soda and stir up to homogeneous mass. Now all this must be kneading: add flour, gradually stirring until you get the dough comparable by consistency with a thick sour cream. Do not forget about olive oil. To check: the finished dough should not be spread in a frying pan. Now put the dough to walk a little in the refrigerator, the hour will chase monsters on the console, after which the boosters have a huge bunch of goodies.

2. Fast protein

3. Powder amino acids - 1 serving

Dinner. 15.00 - 15.30

1. Beef on grill
500 g beef for steak, 1 tbsp. l. Olive oil, 1 garlic teeth (clean and distribute), 1 tbsp. l. Black pepper

It is good with a grill and almost formally lining with an oil grid. In a small bowl, mix olive oil with pepper and sodium the resulting mixture of the steak. With pleasure, put meat on the grill grill and the Zhar for about 20 minutes - to the desired degree of readiness. So that the meat does not work too dry, do not turn it too often. On the garnish journaling of the half-class boiled rice or buckwheat.

2. Omega-3 - 2-3 g

3. Multivitamins - 1 serving

4. Fast protein - 30-40 g for 2-3 glasses of water, milk or kefir

5. Powder amino acids - 1 serving

Pre-traveler snack. 18.00 - 18.20

1. Salad with beef.
150 g of boiled beef, 5 cherry tomatoes or 1 medium tomato, 3-4 quail eggs, bunch of lettuce leaf sauce: 1 tsp. Olive oil, 1 tsp. Apple or balsamic vinegar, 1 tsp. mustard, 2 garlic cloves, salt, pepper

Boiled beef shorten straw, lettuce leaves mercilessly pick up straight hands. For the sauce, mix the oil, vinegar, mustard, add garlic squeezed through garlic, and spark. Stir the leaves of lettuce, meat and refueling. Cherry tomatoes and quail eggs cut into two parts. Put on a plate of lettuce and meat on the plate, on top of drinking tomatoes and eggs.

2. Powder VSA - 5-10 g

3. Powder glutamine - 5-10 g

4. Heiner - ½ portion

5. Fast protein -? Portions

During training

1. Powder BCA + glutamine. 5-10 g of the other on 2-4 glasses of water. Let's drink salvo or Tsei little to the middle of the classes. To keep in mind that this drink should not be replaced by conventional water that you need to drink during training.

Immediately after training

1. Wind cutlets
2 cups of beef minced meat, 1 cup of fine chopped cabbage or zucchini, 2 carrots, 2 bulbs, 6 tbsp. l. semolina cereals, black ground pepper, salt

Jarently grinding all vegetables on a meat grinder. A young cabbage can be chopped with a knife, but a rough, which inhabit inhabit supermarkets, and grind. Add mince, semolina, salt and pepper. Sloptles Cutlets and throw them in the oven, heated to a temperature of 180-200 degrees. Be finished!

2. Fast protein -? Portions

3. Heiner -? Portions

4. Powder VSA - 5-10 g

5. Powder glutamine - 5-10 g


1. Salmon in sour cream sauce
500 g salmon, 2 twigs of dill, 3-4 tbsp. l. sour cream (10%), paprika powder or ready seasoning for fish, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil

Five fish and apply fillet stripes at 2.5-4 cm wide, removing the skin if it is. Sprinkle with spices and salt. Put salmon on a heated frying pan with one tablespoon of oil, fried on all sides on medium heat - about 2-3 minutes. to side. Over the fish very carefully, otherwise it will crumble. In the process of cooking, a frying pan can be covered with a lid, if there are concerns that the fish will not have time to prepare from the inside. Mix the crushed dill and sour cream and lubricate this mixture every piece, the remains of sour cream can then be simply postponed. When sour cream boils, flourish fish. Wrecks again - you can shoot. Cons with fresh or stewed vegetables, potato puree or rice.

2. Slow protein - 30-40 g for 2-3 glasses of water, milk, juice or kefir

3. Multivitamins - 1 serving

4. Omega-3 - 2-3 g

Note Men "s Health: If you feel that such a volume of food your stomach simply does not have time to recycle, - advise with a gastroenterologist. He will recommend how to cope with this problem.

In general, the right thing and most importantly healthy Power supply for a set of mass should have such a percentage of fat and protein and carbohydrates:

  • Carbohydrates - 50-60%
  • proteins - 20-30%
  • fats - 10-20%

This is the proportion of optimal for health and rapid growth of muscle strength and mass. To properly draw up this proportion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, you should know and distinguish that there is a protein, and what is carbohydrates.

Because In this article, the minimum of theory, and max. Practice, I will tell in brief:


  • Long carbohydrates - ,.
  • Slightly faster carbohydrates - oatmeal, potatoes ,.
  • Very fast carbohydrates - any dried fruits, sugar, honey, etc.


From ordinary food products:, meat, fish, bird, milk, kefir.

From sports nutrition:

  • Whey protein or amino acids are absorbed very quickly.
  • Casein protein - digested for a long time.

P.S. Sport. This is essentially not needed, because it is a sense of it, as from a goat of milk, everyone has long known that the basis of all the basics is the usual proper nutrition, and the sport. This is only an additive (the role of a special playing), but Bubla stands .. it is better to save and buy a normal full-fledged meal. It is so, by the way.

In general, I use (and you will need to use) Such foods:

  1. Buckwheat and rice as the main source of carbohydrates (energy), lately We are only a saccha in the morning, from morning to evening.
  2. Meat, cottage cheese, eggs, milk As the main source of protein (building material). I eat everything, without exception.
  3. Vegetables(cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, etc.) + fruits (bananas, pears, apples, in general, what will happen) \u003d This item is optional (i.e., there is no possibility to eat it in winter, so we use, for example, salt cabbage or salt cucumbers or tomato juice, in general, orders) will be Norms (for no choice).

For you, I took a picture of everything that I myself eat (these are the most foods that we talked above), in general, see below:

Left ordinary water (liter 4-5, enough for a maximum of two days, because you need to drink a lot, without water, the growth of the muscles is not possible), behind the Brister (ahah, purely for a variety, do not take it into account at all), to the right of the Breakchik, the main source of energy \u003d buckwheel ( It may be rice), so it turned out that I had only buckwheat. The construction material goes further, i.e. Protein, there is a whey protein (which I use very rarely), next to frozen meat (beef, chicken there I have, in general, mixture), alas, it is frozen, cook tomorrow \u003d\u003e (here, by the way, the photo is already ready meat) :

Also, there are eggs on my table (where without them, there are a lot of eggs), the milk goes to the right of eggs (kefir 1%, the milk is 2.5%, cottage cheese 0%), also there are vitamins in tablets called Alphabet (these are my favorite, ordinary pharmacy), at the top above the milk there is a cabbage and salty cucumbers (i.e. I have (when I was filled it all) was winter, there were no ordinary tomatoes, green cabbage and fresh cucumbers), and on The windowsill fruits (there are apples, oranges, pears, tangerines, all that was \u003d)).

Okay, dealt with what we will eat daily day after day. Now, let's figure out how we will be it (a specific example, as I eat, and this is how you will need to eat; The time and number of food, of course, is selected independently, but the essence is still the same).

When and what to eat? (Specifically and clearly)

P.S. I repeat (the time of food receptions and the number of food adjusts to itself, I simply laid out how I eat on the mass (and that, as I used to eat, right now a portion of food increased), but you Understand: Time and Number of food is not a dogma, it adjusts to itself, under your schedule of the day, for your type of physique, body weight, etc.). Generally:

Lifting 9.00 - Immediately after the awakening, I drink a cup of water (if there are amino acids, I will definitely drink them in the morning after awakening). It is impossible to immediately normally, for the body (incl. Stomach) has not yet woke up. It is necessary to wait 20-30 minutes, after which you can boot normally.

9.30 - breakfast (200 grams of buckwheat or rice + 30 grams of any protein (2 eggs or 30 grams of serum protein with milk or chicken breast).

11.30 - Snack 50 gr. Rice or buckwheat + 50 gr. Meat + vegetables

14.00 - Lunch (100-200 gr. Buckwheat or rice) + 100 gr. Meat (for example, chicken breasts) + vegetables.

16.00 - Snack (50 gr. Rice or buckwheat) + 3 boiled eggs + vegetables.

I took the cutlets instead of boiled eggs.

30 minutes before training, i.e. 17.00 Drink 30 grams of serum protein or heiner (if you have it, and if not, it does not matter, a special role, to be honest, no). I don't drink a shit, as for me, everything is without.

Training at 17.30-18.15 (training time - 40-45 minutes)

18.15 (after training immediately) - eat simple carbohydrates + fast squirrels (From simple carbohydrates, this is any sweet, such as snickers, chocolate, banana or some sweet juice drink, in general, anything + protein, in the form of amino acids (if any), and if not, then just solo something out of simple Carbohydrates, for example, Snickers, a banana or anything there (this is the only meal of food, where you can pamper yourself with something delicious, in the rest of the time it is impossible, therefore, see yourself), you should also know that in principle, after training You can not eat anything at all (I mean there is no protein-carbohydrate window, which lasts alleged 15-30 minutes, it's all nonsense, the advertising washing of the brain for earning the sale of sports. The office on the suckers), in general, you can just go home and Already there to eat normally (I personally do it, after half an hour after the work is eating and standards myself with a chughai), but in any case, see yourself.

19.00 - Dzhin. (100 gr. Rice or buckwheat) + 150 gr. Meat + 2 boiled eggs + vegetables.

I decided to take instead of eggs, the same cutlets + for a variety Bistrel 🙂

Immediately after dinner, drink 5 grams of creatine (if you have it) (I recommend you to stir it with sweet juice). If not, not trouble, do not worry 😀

21.00 - Snack (50 grams of buckwheat or rice + 50-100 grams of meat or 3 boiled eggs + vegetables).

I took the cutlets again instead of boiled eggs)) (Just the eggs on that week were, but there are practically no meat, now the balloons themselves).

23.00 - snack (before bed) - 200 grams of cottage cheese or "night" protein 1 portion: i.e. 30 gr.

I am a 200 grams lodge (pack) 0% of cottage cheese and pour kefir (2.5%), only I can eat. Without a kefir, it does not go at all (too dry).

Water must be drunk in half an hour before meals and after half an hour after the meal of each meal, per day you need to drink at least 3 liters of water !!! Without water - the growth of the muscles is not possible, do not think that it is jokes .. I'm in full. Water is very important.

That's it. Nothing is difficult here, in fact, no. Maybe at first glance (at first) it will seem, oh God, how much you need to eat, sho cow Ble # eat and eat and eat, and live when, or something else in such a spirit.

In this case, remember, no one forks you, do not want? Please go further jog in the hall, lifts to biceps, nor a horseman without reaching, staying the same meb ** as you are now, well, and who needs a real result - mercy please.

That and in general, I eat so I don't even remember how many years, and I live normally, I combine everything and have time to get used to it. We are all people, I often break, eat everything I want, in addition to this. In general, all the chiki-buffs, there would be a desire, and everything will be there.

For dessert - video: You may have to do with the soul of explanatory recommendations from Alexander Schukin:

Sincerely, administrator.