Technique breathing exercises for weight loss. Breathing exercises for weight loss - simple and fast

Olya Likchev

Beauty - like a gem: what it is easier, the more precious :)

29 Mar. 2016


Many people mistakenly think that reset the extra kilograms is possible in two ways: using physical exertion or power changes. Weight reduction is closely connected with the metabolic rate. Assist the breathing exercises for slimming belly will be able to help. Deep breathing enriches oxygen organs, burning fat cells. Performing special exercises in parallel, you will work problem areas, waist and stomach will get the desired relief.

Types of respiratory gymnastics for slimming belly

The more the lungs are designed, more intense our breathing, the more the adipose tissue is burned, due to the strengthening of oxidative and rehabilitation processes in the body. All breathing exercises contribute not only to the improvement of the body, reduce stress, but also help to lose weight. Most of these gymnastics are popular with women due to the ability to provoke slimming belly and sides.

Exercises Bodiflex

Such gymnastics allows you to lose weight with breathing, due to active access of oxygen to tissues and internal organs, in a complex with different exercises to individual muscle groups. Bodiflex for belly is a technique of breathing, during which carbon dioxide accumulates in cells, the arteries are expanding, preparing cells to the active influx of oxygen. The technique must be performed in the morning, after drinking a glass of warm water. After exercises, it is impossible to eat for two hours. During training, such processes occur:

  1. The volume of the stomach decreases.
  2. Fat is quickly burned.
  3. The immune system is maintained, because During the exercise, the intestine massage occurs, in which up to 90% of useful bacteria is preserved - human immunity controls.

Contraindications for the use of Bodiflex Practice:

  • headaches;
  • bleeding from the nose;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • heart problems.

The main stages of the respiratory program:

  1. Exhale all the air through the mouth.
  2. Sharply breathe air through the nose.
  3. Dramatically exhale through the mouth.
  4. Hold your breath, straighten your shoulders, make a breath and breathe in the nose.
  5. After the rapid exhalation of the mouth, the mouth is delayed by 10 seconds. At the same time pull the belly under the ribs as much as possible.
  6. Repeat 5 times.


This direction of respiratory gymnastics perfectly affects human condition. With the help of qigong it is possible to learn how to manage your breath, body, psyche and consciousness. This program has a large number of aspects of application. One of these is the balancing of metabolic processes in the body and the weight of the weight in the normal state. To achieve results, it is necessary to do the Gymnastics of Qigong every day. Here are some exercises for weight loss:

  1. Respiratory exercise for the abdomen "blow fire." It is necessary to put the palms on the stomach and focus on the exhalation of air so that the muscles of the press pressed against the spine. At this stage, breathing is delayed for 7 seconds and exhaled sharply. Produce 10 cycles. So the internal organs are massaged, leading them into a healthy state.
  2. Slow deep breath belly will help improve metabolism and lose weight.


A low-effective lifestyle, a constant lack of time contributes to a set of unattractive fat deposits on the sides. Yoga offers a twenty-minute complex of breathing exercises for slimming belly. These techniques need to be done in the morning on an empty stomach, in a sitting position, crossed legs:

  1. Udandyna Bandha. Make exhale, draw the stomach and squeeze it under ribs so that there is a vacuum pressure inside. Hold how much enough strength, then make a smooth breath. Repeat the exercise five times before the appearance of light sprouls on the forehead.
  2. Agnisar Dhauti Kriya. Make exhale, as in the previous exercise, fix for a few seconds and dramatically exhale. Repeat the inflation and blowing the abdomen 50 times, dividing into two approaches. This exercise contributes to the cleansing of the intestines and the tide of energy.
  3. Nauli (stomach rotation) is done in the standing position. To start this exercise, you need to lean forward, put on your knees, lower my head down. Make an exhale and pull the belly by pressing it under the ribs. It is possible to release the front part, feeling the inner muscles, make them rotate, first in one direction, then to another. It turns out the wave. Do before the appearance of the tide of the heat and light Spryans.

According to Strelnikova

The basis of respiratory gymnastics according to A. N. Strelnikova - a short breath that sends air to the entire depth of the lungs. With this system, a diaphragm is trained as a result - the tension of the abdominal muscles. Due to daily training, the peristalistic peristals of the gastrointestinal tract occurs, the appetite decreases and slimming occurs. Charging technique:

  1. Bend on the elbows of the hand raise at the shoulder level forward with palms. Squeezing the fingers into the fist, make a breath through the nose, short stages, as if smeared the air. With a free outflow of the palm of the palm. Caution should be concentrated only on inhalation. Its frequency must correspond about two times per second. One exercise includes 96 inhales.
  2. Put the hands bent at the elbows at the waist level, when the extension is idle down and do a sharp short breath. When lifting palms - exhale. Repeat 30 times.


This set of exercises is effective thanks to a special respiratory gymnastics. During its execution circulatory system It is actively saturated with oxygen, and physical exertion contributes to its entry to the problem zones. The result is a decrease in adipose tissue. Plus such gymnastics is that only 20 minutes a day is spent on its execution. For the month of daily workouts, a decrease in the volume of the waist is 10 cm. Main breathing exercises for fast slimming Belly:

  1. Calm breath, we consider to three and exhale in three short stages.
  2. Standing on straight legs, clamping the jagged muscles and inhale through the nose, while instructors advise to smile to enact more air.
  3. One breath in the nose in three stages and a sharp exhale.
  4. Repeat the complex 10 times.

Holotropic breathing

This type of gymnastics is a special complex of methods for the use of unusual states of consciousness. Includes conscious coherent breathing, under specially selected music. Holotropic practice makes it possible to heal at different levels, including to get rid of obesity and lose weight in the zone of the abdomen. Training features:

  1. Holotropic practice is not recommended to do it yourself.
  2. Classes are held in the presence of two coaches, men and women.
  3. Holotropic breathing are engaged in a group consisting of five or more people.
  4. Lying on the rug, it is necessary to breathe rhythmically, faster than always, accompanied by pleasant ethnic music.
  5. After the process, the group is engaged in drawing mandala.

Slimming breathing simulator

To learn to breathe with health benefits, you need to train the diaphragm with the help of a special simulator. This apparatus helped to lose weight by a large number of people. To achieve the desired effect in combating weight, it is necessary to breathe through this device three times a day for two minutes, be sure to eat. The respiratory simulator not only gives the load on the muscle of the press, but also trains the right diaphragmal breathing.

Tale about breathing exercises for slimming belly. About the eastern directions: qigong, Japanese exercises for slimming belly and Chinese. You will find out what Bodiflex and Oxicez, and much more. Go!

- Stop, lizard damned! - shouted Vanya, straining a diaphragm.

Zmey-Gorynych stopped spilling with plasma and stared at him in bewilderment.

"He himself said: today we will do" the breath of fire, "he reminded.

- I actually spoke about a friend, "Ivan admitted ...

Hi friends! While a man breathes - he lives. Without oxygen, no important process in our organism is required. I will tell you this time about breathing exercises for slimming belly, and share useful considerations, how to facilitate my life, working your head.

Tale about "porridge from the ax" and other little tricks

Wise people affect the diaphragm (muscular partition between chest and abdominal cavities) - the most important body of breathing. And then the truth! She must be involved in this process. And do it fully, and not fluttering like a rag in the wind.

I will start immediately from useful exercises that develop a diaphragmal breathing, available at home, and will surely bring benefits for weight loss.

  1. Marina Korpan offers Bodiflex. The basis of this method of weight loss - respiratory gymnastics and stretching muscles. The technique is as follows:

  • on the exhalation as much as possible draw the abdominal wall;
  • delay air seconds for eight;
  • in the breath protruding the belly to the limit;
  • exhale full mouth;
  • bend down by tightening;
  • repeat first.

An example of one cycle Bodiflex:

  • lay on his back;
  • the breathing exercise was done;
  • after the exhalation - broke off from the floor top torso and keep ten seconds;
  • i stretched my hands forward, the spring spring;
  • the exhale fell to the floor;
  • made everything from the beginning.

Not sickly such a load on the press is obtained. Another author advises to eat as little as possible and train his body on what "he is fed", even if he is hungry.

Cappan also offers an express method made up of its techniques.

  1. American Pham Grot offered to do the following:

  • once-two-three-four - breathed through the nose, blowing the womb;
  • for five accounts - keep air in yourself;
  • on eight of the same intervals - slowly produce from themselves;
  • repeated a row several times.

This is called the "Queen of the Beach". They say that the author is lost. Of course, with such exercises is required. If you eat everything in a row - no ways will help.

  1. Oxisizes look like a bodyflex, but it does not need to be delayed with breathing. But it is recommended for all exercises.

Cashing this type of training, you need to abandon the fatty and acute, as well as fried, there is no less than 4 times a day, it is certainly enriched and vitamins. It is clear that in such a limitation, the metabolism stabilizes and excess will begin to disappear.

  1. Tested and popular techniques in the doctors, Strelniki, designed to combat cold illness, and the total tone. And although in the original method there is no word about weight loss - this species is useful for the general stimulation of the body.

Receptions include squats, turns and slopes, in which the diaphragm starts hard. In combination with other types of gymnastics and refusal of excesses this method Give excellent results. Reviews of specialists and patients are evidence.

You can download the set of Strelnikova in pictures, or take advantage of the video below:

Respiratory exercises for slimming belly: Eastern directions

  1. Japanese exercises with roller.

  • Ventilation of the lungs is done when you are lying by laying under the back, at the level of the navel, carved roller towel, or another fixture. Very good is a lesson for your back and hands.
  1. Qigong - ancient gymnastics, which combines respiratory techniques and:

  • stretch marks;
  • holding the body in a static position;
  • whisa;
  • tightening.

At the same time, admission with "deep" breathing are required when the press is included in the process.

To achieve common harmony, everything is done under smooth, calm and pleasant music.

From known techniques can be called:

  • "Breathing of fire", based on deep outdiffs with the abdominal wall pulling, and passive breaths;
  • Slow and deep breathing with uniform inhales and exhalations.

Air, as in all other types of classes, is drawn only through the nose.

  1. Another type of Chinese gymnastics is Jianfay. It uses three receptions:

  • "Wave" - \u200b\u200binhalation of the chest (tighten the belly), exhale (chest draw), lying out;
  • "Frog" - sitting, elbows on his knees, hands adhesive, the forehead rests on this "castle" - smiled, led thoughts in order and breathe, observing the instructions, relaxing her belly, then the chest;
  • "Lotus" - sat in the "Buddha Pose", and are saturated with oxygen, relaxing and without thinking, easily and smooth.

As with any other occupations, do not forget about high-quality and healthy food. And for complete relaxation, and the struggle with you can use special tea: ginger, lemon and honey - the classic combination of the East.

Nonsense funny and not very

  1. Babies breathe with the tummy not because "so more correct", and because 9 months in the womb was obtained oxygen through the umbilical cord. Lights did not work. It is necessary to function well for this organ. Kids are forced to help their poorly developed diaphragm.
  1. By itself, the abdominal type of breathing will not help to lose weight. Opera vocalists sing a "belly", they have a strongly developed abdominal type, but they often come to be complete and even fat.
  1. Men are more familiar to work with the press, because they are adapted to the loads. Starting - and the stomach will be "breathing", you want, or not. But this does not mean that some of two ways are more correct.
  1. From the "feeling of hunger" do not get rid of the breaths and exhalations, but.


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Proven information

This article is based on scientific data written by experts and verified by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and cosmetologists seeks to be objective, unpredictable, honest and submit both sides of the argument.

Excess weight people are quite a lot, and most of them want to have good figure And excellent health. Respiratory gymnastics is a way to lose weight without much time and strength.

Miracles does not happen: so that extra kilograms leave, it is necessary to burn calories that come with food, and to recycle them both and various cosmetic procedures: taking or making effective wraps with different components ,. The respiratory gymnastics for weight loss is much easier than running or power loads. She can do both healthy people and those who have some diseases. Before starting to perform certain complexes, you need to consult with your doctor. Exercises are contraindicated or applied under the supervision of a doctor:

  • during the injuries of the spine;
  • bleeding;
  • diseases of cardiovascular and pulmonary systems;
  • during pregnancy and during feeding.

Effect of active breathing

Oxygen plays an important role in a healthy person: it is involved in the oxidation of various compounds, which ensures energy production. Over the years, the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere is slowly reduced by contamination ambient and climate change. The lifestyle of people is changing, they move less, breathing becomes shallow and frequent. Because of these factors, the amount of oxygen in the blood modern man Reduced. Related:

  • increased fatigue;
  • reducing the rate of exchange processes;
  • shortness of breath and frequent heartbeat during exercise;
  • reduced immunity.

Spend a small test: take the hours on which you can see seconds, exhale and measure the time you can delay your breath. Now make some quick deep breaths. War down so that the head does not spin. Exhale again, hold your breath and measure time to breathe. After active breathing, the result is 2, and sometimes 3-4 times more. This proves that deep breathing quickly saturates blood oxygen. Respiratory exercises for weight loss are integrated:

  • : Food is digested better, the fat is not postponed, the fatty tissue is cleaving faster;
  • increase energy generation;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • improve mood and sleep.

Thousands of people around the world have already got rid of excess fat with respiratory gymnastics. The effect of its use will be noticeable after 1-2 weeks. This is the minimum term. If you study for a long time, even for a year or several years, even disease disappear.

Types of respiratory gymnastics for weight loss

Popular Respiratory Gymnastics Complexes:

  • bodyflex;
  • gymnastics Strelnoye;
  • oxycayz;
  • qigong (Jianghefy);
  • pranayama.

Performing respiratory gym for weight loss takes from 2-3 to 15 minutes a day. While the exercises of the unfamiliar time will spend more, up to 40-60 minutes. The main thing is to correctly perform inhale and exhale. The effectiveness of the exercise depends on the technique.


Respiratory gymnastics for losing weight Bodiflex has been developed by Greg. After the birth of three children, the size of the clothing instead of 44 became 56. In 53, she was able to regain a wonderful figure. Childers engaged in respiratory gymnastics, which a young girl led, and classes lasted for 40-60 minutes. I had to come up with a set of exercise that does not take much time (and I don't have it) and will help you lose weight at any age.

Basis - aerobic breathing:

  • calm exhale through the mouth;
  • a sharp breath through the nose (as fully as possible, filling and chest, and stomach);
  • sharp exhalation through the mouth, with the help of aperture, that is, bottom is up;
  • respiratory delay and abdomen.

Respiratory gymnastics for weight loss - video from Childers Grieg:

On the exhalation you need to take a static position and hold it for a few seconds. Fat is actively burned in the muscle tension zone. Voltage is achieved due to stretching or powerful effort. The belly is drawn so much as possible. It is revealed by ribs. Such an unusual massage after a while will reduce the size of the stomach. The result - saturation happens faster.

To master the phased breathing is easy, and the complex of breathing exercises is drawn up taking into account individual characteristics. It is necessary for an empty stomach, otherwise all oxygen will go to digest food, and not for burning fat.

Posle on the delay of breathing can be taken any, even if it is not in the standard Bodiflex set. If a zone is strained, where there is an excess adhesive fabric, it means that the exercise is suitable. What is described in the complex is not necessarily suitable for everyone. Some poses will be unpleasant or uncomfortable, and they need to refuse them.

The complex includes 2 exercises on the face muscles tightening and from 2 to 5 exercises on the thoracic belt, waist, hips and feet.

Video with a complex of exercise Bodiflex

"Lion" and "ugly grimace" train the muscles of the face and chest. Performed 3-5 times. The result of classes - disappear sagging cheeks and a second chin.

"Diamond" and "Side Stretch" tighten the muscles of the hands and chest. Diamond perform 3-5 times, stretching 3 in each direction.

The respiratory belly is especially useful for women after pregnancy and childbirth. While the body has not restored completely, it is necessary to gently apply physical exercise. Two or three exercises 1-2 times a day on the abdominal muscles. Light exercises - "Dollar" and "Cat". Then you can make the "abdominal press", and "scissors".

Exercise "Dollar" - after the delay of breathing and pulling the belly to put one hand on the back of the head (bend), and to bend the other and put on the belt. It is so that the pose resembled $, that is, the upper part of the body to submit a fence towards the hand attached to the head, and the thigh is the opposite. Do 3 times in each direction. "Cat", "scissors" and "abdominal press" to do 3 times.

For - "Kretdolek", "Stretching of the fallen tendons", "Pulling the legs back", "Seico" and "Boat". Exercises to do 3 times in each direction, except for the poned stretching - it is simply 3 times.

The listed 13 exercises make up the complex.

Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova

The range of respiratory exercises in Strelnoye was originally developed in therapeutic purposes, to recover voice. It happened in the 30s, but still exercises are popular. Sharp short sighs are made with a squeezed chest.


Respiratory gymnastics Oxisis is very similar to Bodiflex. However, there are no harsh breaths and exhale, exercises are more gentle, therefore there are fewer contraindications.

Qigong (Jianghefy)

Jiangifa - to lose in Chinese fat. This is 3 respiratory exercises. The method is rather meditative. It is required not only to breathe correctly, but also tightened.


Solve the problem excess weight And with the use of yoga system exercises. Breathing and here helps to focus, send energy to the right direction And get rid of all too much.

General rules for performing respiratory gymnastics

To exercise respiratory gym for weight loss allowed the result:

  • do them regularly;
  • do not throw classes for a long time;
  • save a positive and calm attitude;
  • provide fresh air access during classes, perfect - perform respiratory gymnastics for weight loss in nature.

Under all the rules, health improves, and extra kilograms will disappear! In addition to gymnastics, treat yourself and enjoy life in all its manifestations!

Many dream of becoming slim and tightened. No need to dream - act right now! Try, breathe, learn different techniques, read reviews about respiratory gymnastics and get rid of excess fat. A beautiful figure will be a reward of each!

We all know that physical activity is needed for weight loss. But what to do to those who do not have time and opportunities for full-fledged training in gym? An alternative can be a respiratory gymnastics for weight loss, which does not require tremendous effort and is engaged in Alo time, but, nevertheless, it is really effective. How does it work, and how to breathe to lose weight? Let's try to figure out.

It is easy to breathe to lose weight. It seems like something strange to many, because it seems that there is no connection at all. Nevertheless, it is, and very close. The essence of respiratory gymnastics is to return to natural, natural breathing. Breast babies always breathe deeply, stomach, and they actively participate in the process takes a diaphragm. The lungs are fully filled with air, and completely exempted from it when exhaling. As we grow up, we lose this ability and breathing breasts. At the same time, the diaphragm and lower lung departments are used in this process extremely small, the air is not completely exhaled.

But the full saturation of the body is extremely important, in particular for weight loss. Due to the fact that the cells get enough oxygen in the body metabolism is accelerated, accordingly, fats are actively burned. Improve digestion, from the body slags and toxins are actively displayed. Oxygen contributes to the oxidation and splitting of fat. Another advantage that breathing exercises for weight loss is that they soothe reduce the production of stress hormonesSimultaneously increasing the production of happiness hormones. As a result, we are struggling with depression, we feel calmer and harmonious, getting rid of the need to eradicate stress.

Respiratory gymnastics is useful for the body as a whole and she It has the following advantages:

  • reduces the feeling of hunger;
  • stimulates digestion;
  • splits and oxidizes fat cells;
  • gives the body additional energy resources;
  • enhances the protective forces of the body;
  • contributes to the purification of the body from harmful substances;
  • soothes.

What is the name of the respiratory gymnastics for weight loss? It all depends on the technique. The most popular directions are the bodiflex and oxaysis. Learn about Bodiflex with Marina Corpan. Both are working on full breathing, but there are certain differences. To perform both complexes you need only 15 minutes. In the body inflexion, the essence of breathing delay by 8-10 seconds after committing deep exhalation. Exercises are made specifically on the delay. With Oxisise, short "devotions" and "Depths" are made. That is, breathing deeply, we make three little devothes, and, breathing deeply, - three short deposits.

Preparing for respiratory gymnastics

The respiratory gymnastics for weight loss will help come in just 15 minutes a day. It does not require the presence of a coach, special equipment and clothing.

Respiratory gymnastics have contraindications. It is not necessary to engage in pregnancy, elevated intracranial pressure, bronchial asthma, glaucoma, some diseases of the heart and blood vessels, after recent operations. If you have certain diseases, you will definitely be consulted with your doctor.

In how to properly do respiratory gymnastics for weight loss, it is important to take into account the following rules:

  • You need to do regularly. In the process of losing weight - every day, and when you already achieve the result, you can exercise three times a week to secure it.
  • Do not exercise immediately after meals. In general, the best time is the morning on an empty stomach. When you can drink water.
  • It is important to ensure a sufficient influx of oxygen. Carry out the room in which you will do. In the warm season I perfectly do gymnastics in the open space.

Start recommended from one exercise, with which you teach yourself to proper breathing.. Lie on your back, put your palm on the stomach, slowly and deeply inhale and exhale. In the breath, your diaphragm should smoothly descend downwards, towards the legs, and the abdomen - to inflate the maximum. On the outlet of the diaphragm moves up, to the head, and the stomach is drawn. It is important to maximize the stomach, the breasts should remain almost fixed. Inhale it is necessary exclusively through the nose, you can exhale through the mouth.

To begin with, it is enough to do the exercise for a minute, gradually increasing this time. If you are overwhelmed to breathe correctly, then weakness may occur, dizziness. Only by passing the preparatory stage and having mastered the basic principles of proper breathing, you can include in the complex and fully perform other exercises.

It is not necessary, not being prepared, proceeding to a full-fledged set of exercises. Otherwise, negative consequences are possible in the form of dizziness, hyperventilation of the lungs and even loss of consciousness. It is important to start a respiratory gym gradually. Even one exercise, fulfilled fully, will help you lose weight. Fat will begin to burn already at the preparatory stage.

How to lose weight with respiratory gymnastics: Exercises

Respiratory exercises for weight loss combine the basics of proper breathing with the working out of various muscle groups. This makes it possible to provide oxygen access to fat cells, in view of which they will begin to actively burn. The muscles will also strengthen that it will provide a decrease in centimeters in problem areas.

Marina Corpan system

Exercises developed by Marina Corpan will help notice explicit results after two weeks later. Woman is the author of the technique and books "How to remove the belly." At one time she was getting rid of excess weight, so all the principles of gymnastics were proved by her. The basic principles in this case are as follows:

  • Seamlessly inhale through the nose, then take another short breath, then long exhalation and two short. Try to maximize the stomach, leaving the breasts still. Repeat must be 2-3 times.
  • Inhale through the nose, and exhale through your mouth, deep and slowly. Exhausted, tighten the stomach to the back, inhaling - protrude it forward. Repeat exercise 3-4 times.
  • Inhales deeply, lower your head and pull the stomach strongly. Then, in exhalation, the maximum freight from the air and for a few seconds to hold the breath for a few seconds. Repeat three times.

Marina Korpan offers a wide list of exercises for different parts of the body. She also insists on the importance of proper nutrition, recommends avoiding oily, fried and salted. No need to adhere to strict diets and tough restrictions. Fit fractionally: small portions and often.

System Alexandra Strelnikova

It was developed in the middle of the last century. Strelnikova, being an opera singer, initially developed it to recover voice. A little later, it was revealed that this technique is useful for diseases of the heart and vessels, disorders of the nervous system, problems with respiratory organs, gynecological and urological diseases, and also it helps to lose weight.

The essence of the technique is that inhaling it is necessary through the nose, actively, noisy and quickly, and exhale, on the contrary, through the mouth, slowly and effortlessly. In this case, the chest on the breath should be shred, and not squeeze. Imceries are made on the breath.

The set of Strelnikova includes 11 exercises. It is recommended to start with the first three, adding to them gradually one new:

  • Take the standing position. Hands bent in the elbows, direct palms ahead. Spend four quick breaths, rhythmically squeezing palms in fists. After lowering your hands, take a break for four seconds and relaxively exhale. It is recommended to repeat the exercise 24 times.
  • Stand straight, press to the belly palm, compressed in fists. Inhaling the air, push your hands down and strain your shoulders. After return your hands to the place, relax and exhale. Repeat the exercise 8 times, then rest for four seconds.
  • Standing straight, devoting hands parallel to the floor. On the breath, lean forward and pull to the floor with your hands, not touching it. Exhausted, straighten not to the end. It is recommended to do exercises quickly - about 100 times per minute.

When you master these exercises, you can proceed to others. They are also recommended to perform with good access of fresh air.

Respiratory gymnastics for slimming belly and sides

  • put legs on the width;
  • bend a little knees;
  • help the palms in the hips are silent above the knees;
  • breathe deeply deeply and exhale;
  • then make a strong deep breath;
  • make a sharp breath, inflating belly;
  • deep breathe mouth, completely drawn the stomach, hold your breath;
  • when paused, keeping the belly drawn, place the elbow of the left hand on the knee of the legs on the same side;
  • straighten your foot and pull it out to be off, so that it does not break off from the ground;
  • stretch over your head straight hand, feeling the tension of the lateral muscles;
  • hold in this position for 10 seconds;
  • inhaling, go back to the original position, repeat the exercise for 3-5 times for each side.

Respiratory gymnastics for hips

Consider an effective exercise for slimming thighs:

  • The exercise is performed in the sitting position on the floor. Place your left foot on the right, bend them in your knees;
  • place the right palm on the left knee;
  • left hand over your back;
  • in this position, do an exhalation and breath, then a deep breath and a sharp exhalation, pulling the stomach very much on inhale;
  • in the process of pause, you need to pull the left knee and twist the body left;
  • turn the head and try to look back;
  • you must feel how the muscles of the thighs and the side muscles work;
  • you need to stay for 10 seconds, then breathe.

Repeat the exercise 3-5 times, then change the posture, and repeat it for the other side.

The effectiveness of respiratory gymnastics is confirmed by numerous good reviews about her. Remember that all benefits and efficiency lies precisely in proper breathing. If you hardly learn him yourself, you can consult with a specialist practicing breathing gymnastics, or watch video.

Respiratory gymnastics for weight loss: video exercises

Quick navigation on the article (part 1):

Breathing is life! Without it, none of your desires will not be realized, you will not be able to move. Similarly, no sufficient level of oxygen in the blood does not occur in our organism. To launch the mechanism of the active functioning of all organs and systems, it is necessary to saturate blood oxygen in full. That is why, with ordinary, surface respiration, natural regulation mechanisms cannot work, allowing to maintain normal weight over long years.

Fast navigation under the article (part 2):

Respiratory gymnastics helps:

  • faster burn fasteners from food;
  • accelerates metabolism;
  • useful substances are more likely to be in blood, and unnecessary - faster split and output;
  • clean the body from toxins and oxidation products, output slags from already existing fatty deposits that interfere with stocks of stocks if necessary.

Most Popular Respiratory Methods for Slimming

There are many types of respiratory gym for weight loss. Here are the main and most famous of them, which are already tested by time and have positive feedback:

Initially, you will spend on the development of each complex for about an hour a day, then, as you get acquainted and gaining skills, you will need for respiratory gymnastics for 15 minutes a day.

Will the respiratory gymnastics help to lose weight

Some people think that all these breathing exercises are needed to people with breathing problems, or those who rarely walk. "After all, I sleep with an open window, and I often come out on the street" or "I have no time to do this nonsense, it is better to pump muscles", or so: "The respiratory gymnastics during asthma is needed, and I am a healthy person" - Approximately such phrases often utter those who have never thought over the need for additional respiratory exercises personally for themselves. Let's check if the breathing gymnastics will help you.

To do this, you need to hold a small test:

  1. Place your right hand on the chest area, and place the left on the stomach.
  2. Make a few ordinary breaths and exhale.
  3. To better relax and make a test more reliable, close your eyes and pay attention to what hand is raised above - right or left?
  4. Remember the answer.

Test results

To see the test results Mouse over the mouse (or click on the phone screen) for 3 seconds:

Why respiratory gymnastics promotes weight loss

It would seem, so simple, breathe correctly, and overweight will leave. It seems incredible, but it really is. Here are some scientific facts for the benefit of the correct breathing:

  • the smallest vests that help to absorb useful substances from products, such as proteins, fats, amino acids, carbohydrates, minerals, start moving much more active in the presence of oxygen. These villi need oxygen much stronger than many types of tissues in the body;
  • with a lack of oxygen, if your breath is superficial, (which is inherent to most complete or prone to the completeness of people), VILLIN lose the ability to absorb useful substances by more than 70%;
  • with the ability to breathe correctly, especially during eating or shortly before, the VILROWS is much faster to absorb the necessary substances, while increasing the rate of metabolism three times;
  • with rapid processing of nutrients into energy, the body receives enough forces for activity, immediately spends energy, because it is not forced to make reserves in case of its lack.

Studies of scientists proved that:

  • coming with food harmful substances Only partially removed from the body. Some of them with blood flow rushes to vital organs, adrenal glands, thyroid gland etc.;
  • in order to protect organs and systems from a negative impact, the body seeks to put them, sending them to the repository, namely covering new layers of fat.
  • deep breathing contributes to maintenance optimal alkaline medium for fat oxidation and the fastest removal of toxins from the body;
  • the overwhelming number of people enjoy only a quarter of their lungs;
  • if you increase the amount of incoming oxygen, you can double the oxidation of the adipose tissue;
  • respiratory gymnastics for weight loss for 15 minutes a day will help calm nervous system, reduce the level of cortisol stress hormones twice.

We are in a hurry to delight you!

Just just a few times a day pay attention to how you breathe. Only a few deep breaths are capable of converting about 70% of toxins into gases. The respiratory gymnastics will help dramatically reduce (15 times!) The number of toxins received from food, and just exhale them.

Basic breathing gymnastics

If I managed to convince you, let's get to the respiratory gymnastics 15 minutes a day. To start you can smash a 15-minute training in three stages of 5 minutes.

Such gymnastics is tested by time, it really works, helps learn to breathe correctly in ordinary life.

You can do exercises anywhere, at any time of the day.

1 Deep breath.

So, focus on your own breath and make a quick and most full breath. Relax your stomach to fit as much air as possible.

2 Stomach pulling.

Delay the air in the lungs, tighten the abdominal muscles, so that the belly is drawn inside, and the ribs appeared. Hand you can hold your stomach to make it easier for you. Do not breathe about 10 seconds.

3 Tilt and straightening.

Bend forward, at the same time delaying the breath and straining the jagged muscles. Round the shoulders and straighten up. Hold your breath for another 10 seconds.

4 Exhalation.

Exhalation must be slow and smooth through a small hole, as if you exhale through a thin tube. Press and buttocks remain intense, and the neck and shoulders are relaxed.

5 Fully relax and make some familiar breaths and exhalations.

Then repeat again.

Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova

The respiratory gymnastics of Strelnikova has proven itself from the best side. She was invented by singer, A.N. Strelnikova back in 30-40 years of the last century. The singer lost his voice and in all ways sought to return it. In 1972, Strelnikova even patented its development and received a copyright certificate for the invention. "The method of treating disease loss-related diseases"

This gymnastics is characterized by its uniqueness and is the only one in the world that combines a short and sharp breath, simultaneously with the movement compressing the chest.

The technique is available to absolutely everyone, even children.

Features of the respiratory gymnastics

  1. You need to do it twice a day. In the morning before meals and in the evening 1-1.5 hours after meals. It is recommended to do 1.5 thousand inhalations accompanied by movements.
  2. These exercises will help to use all muscle groups without exception.
  3. Contribute to enhance the need for oxygen.
  4. During the respiratory gymnastics, the breathing of tissues is enhanced, oxygen is actively consumed by all organs and systems.
  5. A sharp breaths are irritated to the mucous membrane of the nose, on which there is a huge number of receptors, providing communication with all organs.
  6. This gymnastics heals many diseases, you can do it instead morning charging Or in order to remove tension and fatigue.
  7. During respiratory gymnastics, all parts of the body are physically trained. At the same time, due to the inflow of blood, an internal massage of organs, tissues, muscles, subcutaneous fatty fiber is carried out.
  8. Healing diseases against which classical medicine is powerless.

Several basic exercises of respiratory gymnastics

Do not attempt to somehow change the exercise, make it strictly in accordance with the description not to harm.

Exercise "Ladoshka"

Standing you need to show your palms to the imaginary viewer, lowering the elbows. Making an active sharp, but short breath, you need to squeeze the palms in the fists, as if there is enough something. Squeeze only the palms, attracting your fingers with an effort. I exhale do without effort, freely leaking air. Fists at the same time smoothly squeeze.

IMPORTANT: Making an active, noisy and sharp breath, let me exhale being passive.

Exercise Do in such a rhythm: 4 inhalation, 4 exhalation, rest 5 seconds - this is one stage;

Repeat in a row by:

  • 4 stages - 24 times;
  • 8 stages - 12 times;
  • 16 stages - 6 times;
  • 32 stages - 3 times.

Thus, you gradually reach 96 times for training, making the so-called Strelnikovskaya hundred.

Exercise "Ravers"

Standing right squeeze your hands in the fists and press to the belt. Noisy and sharp breath, during which fists sharply push to the floor, as if pushing out or repulse something. The fists are pressed with the push, the fingers are bred to the sides, and their hands stretch to the floor.

Exhalation passive, air leaves involuntarily. You can do exercises sitting or even lying if tired.

Make in a row 8 inhales and exhale, 5 seconds rest. Such approaches should be:

  • 8 inhapovy-high - 12 times;
  • 16 breaths - Idle - 6 times;
  • 32 breaths - High-tempered - 3 times.

Exercise "Pump"

Standing straight, hands down. Bend to the floor, the back round, the head hangs down. At the lowest point of inclination, make a sharp and noisy breath. Raised a little, exhale absolutely passively, let the air comes out itself through the nose or mouth.

1 Approach: 8 slopes with breath and exhalation, 5 seconds of the pause. Number of repetitions:

  • 8 approaches - 12 times;
  • 16 approaches - 6 times.
  • Normally exercise 96 times.

All these exercises will help not only lose weight, but also recover after many diseases.

Here you can see:

Strelnikova - video Complex of the exercise of respiratory gymnastics:

Video file MP4, 62 MB


The main advantages of respiratory gymnastics for weight loss is that:

  • you can compensate for exercise classes;
  • she can do any person, even such whose weight does not allow to actively move and perform cardio exercises;
  • absolutely does not require special conditions, you can do anywhere;
  • studies have shown that respiratory gymnastics for weight loss is capable burn 140% more excess fatthan cycling or jogging performed during the same time;
  • proper breathing exercises are able to continue to burn fat throughout the day;
  • exercises ensure the acceleration of metabolism;
  • performance of respiratory gymnastics is made much easier than power and cardion loads than active sports required for fat burning.

Conclusion of scientists:

  1. Permanent depression and stress that most residents of modern megacities and major cities are subject to instinctive respiratory delay and more superficial breaths, incomplete exhalation. About 90% of people breathe shallowly, filling only the upper third of the lungs.
  2. The oxygen content in the atmosphere is constantly decreasing due to environmental problemsWhat motivates to breathe much deeper than it was before. That is why in recent decades in the world there is a constant increase in the number of complete people (see the thick people of the world).
  3. The more fully the person, the more superficial breathing, (it is harder to breathe full of breasts), which means that fat cells do not get enough oxygen for oxidation of fat, all the time increases in volume.

Contraindications for execution

But, like all techniques, respiratory gymnastics also have contraindications. First of all, you must consult your attending physician.

  • with caution do exercises in the injuries of the spine;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • problems with light;
  • during the tooling of the fetus and breastfeeding.
  • when bleeding and injuries.

Exercises of respiratory gymnastics in Buteyko

Another remarkable type of respiratory impact on the weight is the respiratory gymnastics Buteyko. The essence of his method is to breathe too deep, on the contrary, harmful.

According to him, the deeper breath, the less oxygen is in the lungs. At the same time, the amount of carbon dioxide is significantly reduced.

His technique assumes to breathe so that the respiratory has not been heard at all. It is necessary to breathe so that there is no noticeable movements or chest, no abdomen. 2-3 seconds inhale, 3-4 seconds exhale. The less breathe, the better.

  • the method of Buteyko received the resolution of the Ministry of Health of the USSR, but in order to achieve this permission, the doctor had to prove the effectiveness and safety of the method of as many as 30 years;
  • this respiratory system is recognized worldwide;
  • respiratory gymnastics in Buteyko can cure 150 diseases or 95% of the most common diseases;
  • the exercises of respiratory gymnastics must be developed under the control of specially trained professionals, otherwise the body can harm;
  • classes with methodists Though at least 300 cu in two weeks of study), but it gives 100% effect.

Look at the video in which the explanation of the technique gives the author K.P. Butyko:

And here the second part of the lesson of the respiratory gymnastics Butyko:

Respiratory gymnastics Oxisais with Marina Corpan

The respiratory gymnastics developed by Marina Korpan () will allow you to lose in two weeks the correct executions up to 30cm in volumes.

You can make sure that by trying to perform breathing gymnastics and following the advice of M. Corpan, which encourages simultaneously to eat correctly, reducing the daily caloric content of up to 1600 kcal (see a 1200 kcal diet).

You need to measure volumes before starting training in six points:

  • hand volume in the biceps field;
  • thighs;
  • abdominal volume at three points: the navel zone, 5 cm higher and 3 cm below;
  • breast volume at the level of the armpits.

The course of gymnastics is two weeks. Measures produce twice: before the start of classes and at the end of the course. All six digits are folded, and then the initial one is subtracted from the final result. This will be the average value of lost volumes.

Should be engaged daily, on an empty stomach, making at least 30 respiratory cycles.

The basic principle of respiratory gymnastics for weight loss Cipp is to use a diaphragm respiratory. It is necessary to breathe nose and belly.

Basic technique Oxisais

Respiratory gymnastics Corp requires the initial development of the technique. Here step-by-step instruction Perform basic exercises:

  • Standing, tipping the pelvis down, screw the tailbone forward.
  • Do not rush through the nose, filling the abdomen.
  • Tighten your stomach.
  • Three times make short devothes, each time pulling up the belly is even stronger.
  • Exhale slowly through a small hole in the lips, even more pulling the belly.
  • Repeat four times, it will be one breathing cycle.

Additionally, Marina advises special exercises, while combining them with respiratory gymnastics and proper nutrition (see section "Proper nutrition"). The system resembles the exercise "Vacuum" to reduce the abdomen.

You can see in the video how to properly engage in respiratory gym with Marina Cappan:

Reviews of exercises with Marina Cappan

Reviews about respiratory gymnastics for weight loss will help everyone who wants to take a right decision. Here is what our readers say:

Inna, 34 years old, does not work.
After childbirth, I quickly recovered, my mother said, eat more, it is necessary for a child, as a result, for six months + 24kg! What was done, there was no time on the room. I began to breathe according to the Cappan technique, I found a video course and did, as soon as I could. He passed only 4 months and I am already easier at 12kg! I continue to breathe, however, it has become less, the baby has already grown.

Igor, 18 years old, technical school student.
Since childhood, he was ordered, to stop unreal with such a family, where they eat all the time. Diets are impossible. Yes, and the sport is difficult to do, because the weight is big, for 100kg. He began to perform respiratory gymnastics on Marina, I personally liked it very much, I learned and then began to breathe not only at home. The weight began to leave, appetite dropped. Lost already 11kg, I do only 3 months.

Bodiflex respiratory gymnastics

Another perfect way to lose weight was the respiratory gymnastics of Bodyflex. On our site there is another article (), about the possibility of combining bodyflex with diets. With it, you can:

  • easily lose weight;
  • get rid of cellulite;
  • improve the overall skin condition;
  • for 5-10 lessons to reduce the volumes of 3-4 cm.

Bodyflex execution technique

Stage 1. Diaphragm breathing. Active exhalation through the mouth, air literally pushed out of the chest, rounded lips. If you can't push a gram anymore, then stop.

Stage 2. Inhales the nose quickly and sharply. Fill the lungs to failure. Inhale should be noisy, and the lips are tightly clamped. Hold the air. The head is slightly raised.

3 stage. Crese dramatically, straining the stomach, as if the thickness of the abdominal muscles. The sound must resemble a whistle to the tire. Pushes the air as quickly as possible.

4 stage. Hold your breath. Tilt your head to the chest. Tighten your belly as much as possible so that he goes under the ribs. The stomach should be concave, as the ball burst. Consider up to 8, but as follows: 1-1-1, 2-2-2, 3-3-3 ... and so on. First you will be hard to hold out to 8, but as soon as you achieve this, you have mastered the exercise!

5 stage. After they learned up to 8, inhale through the nose. Do it with sound, allowing you to completely fill the lungs.

Video about how to learn to breathe on the Bodiflex system:

Gymnastics qigong for weight loss

The respiratory gymnastics of qigong for weight loss will help not only lose weight, but also restore the work of many organs and systems.

Eastern weight loss practices will allow:

  • dispersed metabolism ();
  • activate digestion organs for better nutrient assimilation;
  • restore all systems;
  • activates the work of the largest muscles, forcing them to shrink them.

Rules for performing gymnastics qigong

2 minutes before meals.

We will wake up the metabolism for this, two minutes before meals, when the table is already covered, you need to breathe deeply. The fact is that, as mentioned at the beginning of the article, oxygen activates the work of the peristaltics of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Put your hands on the bottom of the abdomen and make some slow deep breaths and exhale. Feel the maximum filling and empty of the abdomen from the air. Do within 90 seconds.
  • Now proceed to exhale, squeeze all the air, so that the belly is drawn to the spine.
  • Now accelerate the breaths and exhalations, continuing to alternate them within 30 seconds. Watch that you were comfortable, and do in such a pace as your preparation allows you.

2 minutes after meals:

To help the stomach faster digest food, supply it with additional energy.

  • Put both hands on the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach.
  • Study clockwise 50-100 times.
  • This exercise prolongs life!

The video shows how to do one of the exercises qigong:

Respiratory gymnastics "Jianfei"

Created in China Respiratory gymnastics for slimming "Jianfay", which is translated as "dropping fat", will help to quickly get rid of the excess weight, remove the volumes, tighten and dry the whole body.

It consists of three exercises, each of which can be done separately.

They are called:

  • "Wave",
  • "Frog",
  • "Lotus"

After the exercise "Wave" decreases appetite, it becomes much easier to do with small portions, weight loss occurs naturally. It is recommended to do, if you wish to eat something.

Exercise "Wave":

  • Going to the floor, feet bend in the knees.
  • One palm put on the chest, another on the stomach.
  • Inhale - we put the chest, pull the stomach, slightly helping your hands.
  • Exhalation - pull the chest, inflation the belly, as fully as possible.
  • Try to give rise to breasts and belly wave-like movements.
  • Make 40 inhales and exhale. You can do not only lying, but also sitting, and even when walking or riding a bike.
  • If even 60 inhales and exhalations do not pass a feeling of hunger, then this exercise does not fit you.

Exercise "Frog":

  • Sitting on a chair push the knees on the width of the shoulders.
  • Squeeze one brush in a fist, and another one fist clap. Relax, elbows put on your knees, and forehead on a fist, lead yourself to a state of full rest, cover your eyes.
  • Think of the beautiful, tear away all negative thoughts (see how to get rid of depression).
  • Frequently and deeply inhale the nose, directing the air to the abdomen, when the belly is filled, zerite for 2 seconds.
  • Slowly and smoothly exhale mouth, relaxing the abdomen area.
  • Continue such a breathing cycle: exhale, breathing, fading for 2 seconds .. while the belly is inflated and blown away, reminding the frog.
  • Exercise do about 15 minutes three times a day.

Exercise "Lotus":

Exercise "Lotus" is better to perform sitting on the floor, crossed and pursing his legs. Not everyone can sit in such a posture, it requires special training and flexibility of the joints. Therefore, you can do sitting and stretching forward legs or sitting on a chair. Pull out your arms and put them up with palms, one palm on another.

  • The first five minutes breathe deeply, consciously, silently. Belly and chest almost do not move.
  • Relax the second five minutes, breathe involuntarily, exhale a long, free, silent.
  • The last 10 minutes breathe exactly, naturally, try to bring thoughts in order. This is a kind of meditation, allowing to relax and relax.

This exercise will help to lose weight intensively. It stimulates:

  • metabolism;
  • circulation;
  • improves the work of the internal organs;
  • beneficial effect on skin color;
  • leads the body into tone;
  • it helps it easier to adapt to a new diet.

Respiratory gymnastics to reduce belly

One kind of exercise is the respiratory gymnastics for slimming belly.

There are many techniques to strengthen the abdominal muscles using respiratory gymnastics. Here are some simplest and affordable:

  • Make a deep breath, take up to four, exhale 4. Repeat 10 times.
  • Tighten your stomach and then breathe deeply. Through the lips tightly closed, exhale air. When inhaling and exhale you need to strain and relax the abdominal muscles. Do 20 times a day.
  • To strengthen the abdominal muscles. Sit down on a chair with a straight back. Knee placing at right angles by pressing the foot to the floor. Breathe belly, straining and relaxing the press. Make 10-40 times a day.
  • To lie on the floor, bent the legs in the knees and the cast of foot about the floor. One hand put on the chest, another on the stomach. Inhaling, pull the stomach and slightly push him with the palm. Exhausted, inflate the stomach, the release of the air gradually and pressing his hand on the chest.

Watch the video: Respiratory gymnastics for slimming belly

Vacuum to reduce belly

An excellent way to get rid of the speaker belly is the breathing exercise "Vacuum", which really strengthens the muscles.

At one time, such an exercise praised even Schwarzenegger himself, who wanted to remove the belly, without losing muscular mass (See Diet for Slimming Belly).

It is necessary to do it like this:

You can sit, stand or stand on all fours. The last method is the most convenient for beginners.

  • first breathe deeply;
  • now exhale the air, tightening the belly under the ribs;
  • inhale again;
  • exharge the air from the abdomen, at the same time saying the word: "Pahkhh", while so strongly draw the stomach, as possible;
  • you will see that all the stomach came to and looked like a burst ball;
  • hold your breath, counting to 15, and then, when you get used, you can bring up to 30 bills;
  • Repeat a minimum of 5 times, you can do several times a day.

One of the variations of Vacuum is the movement of the abdomen wave during breathing delay. It stimulates, massages all internal organs, strengthens the muscular corset. For a better effect, you can practice breathing gymnastics in the garden.