Why cucumbers are sick on the garden. "Ambulance" for cucumbers: prevention and treatment of diseases

Cucumbers, like many garden crops, are susceptible to diseases during the entire period of their development. The diseases of the cucumbers cause strong harm to the plants themselves, reduce yield, so it is impossible to leave the plants. To know how to treat them, you need to be able to correctly determine the disease according to the signs inherent in it. Consider the most common diseases of the cucumber plants and methods to combat them.

Symptoms of DiseaseThe first signs of the disease can manifest themselves at seedlings. At adult cucumbers, the anthrand stains most often amaze the leaves on which they are yellow and brown, angular rounded, inhomogeneous in size (from 20 to 30 mm). Usually they are located throughout the leaf, and the pink color mushrooms are formed between their veins. Spots can merge together. From this sheet in this place bursts.

On the stems, stiffs and fruits are visible depressed copper-brown (rusty) stains. The mushroom penetrates the tissue to a depth of 3-4 mm. In wet weather, the affected parts of the plant are covered with pink pads.

When appearsIn different periods of vegetation.
As appearsThe mushroom causative agent of anthrand, in the form of sclerocytes or pseudopicnide, remains wintering on plant residues, and in greenhouses - on supports, glass or film. The source of this infection can be seeds collected from patients with anthracnose cucumbers. This disease of cucumbers is distributed at elevated air temperature and high humidity, with dropping dew and past rain or insects.
Where appearsEverywhere, but more often in greenhouse conditions and on large areas of the cucumbers in the area.
ResultThe quality of products falls, the taste qualities of Zelents are reduced due to lowering sugars and acids, the harvest can be 50% or more.
Measures of strugglePreventive measures: treatment of cucumbers "Phytosporin-M". The treatment of animance cucumbers is carried out with a solution of burgundy fluid. You can also spray cucumbers with cinb preparation (processing in the greenhouse is prohibited).

Signs of the diseaseWhen developing a disease on young cucumbers, even before their flowering, the root neck appears a brown ring and they die.

On the stems of adult plants are notable for oblong spots crushed dry gray. On the affected area, cracks with droplets of light brown liquid and black dots appear.

Next, the disease goes to nodes, leafy plates, cutters, mustache. On the leaves of the stains are large, gray-brown with yellowish border (sometimes black dots appear). Fruits dries out and black and the rest of the fruit and then the rest of the mass.

When appearsUsually, the oskokhithosis of cucumbers manifests itself in the period when mass fruiting is going.
As appearsThe fungus is a long time in the soil and on the remnants of the plants previously growing here in an anabiosis state. It spreads through the air, through contact with unacceptable residues, sometimes located on seeds.
Where appearsIn greenhouses.
Result of damage to the diseaseThe cucumbers affected by ascohithios are usually dying, and those that remain fruit badly.
How to fightPreventive measures: plant stable varieties, use seeds only from proven producers or riff them before sowing, disinfect or disappear soil and process the greenhouse formalin. When leaving, do not water the cucumbers with cold water, avoid sharp change shifts.

When infected, spray patients with a plant with 1% burglar liquid or a mixed solution of copper sulfate and a carbamide (5 and 10 g per 10 liters of water).

Symptoms of DiseaseThe first signs of bacterial fading of cucumber - small light green specks on the lower leaves. After that, the leaflets begin to fade, shank on the cutters and dry out, while the stalks remain angry. On the surface of the stems you can see unreastery watery spots, the affected fabric in this place dries out and cracks. The peel in the fruit becomes places of the depressed, having failed.
When appearsDuring flowering and fruiting.
Causes of appearanceThe infection of bacterial wilt is transferred to the sucking and leaf-raging insects and through mechanical injuries during pausing, the seafront. Infected seeds.
Where appearsIn the open and protected soil.
The result of the defeat of infectionBeing in high humidity and elevated temperatures, the cucumber plants are faded after 3-5 days after infection.
Measures of struggleIn the fight against bacterial diseases, cucumbers help:
  • seed treatment;
  • pre-claimed and post-harvest disinfection of greenhouses, inventory, soils by fungicides, such as "Hom";
  • processing of plants insecticides to control insect pests;
  • treatment of seedlings by biological preparations, adult plants - drugs like pharmium.

Signs of the diseaseBacteriosis cucumbers affects seedlies, leaves and fruits. At the seeds, it is manifested in the form of watery spots, subsequently drying and raging (most often the seedlings die).

On the leaves of more adult plants, you can first notice dark green oily spots of angular shape. After they become grayish brown, the affected fabric dries and crumbs, the leaf becomes jerking.

Rounded ulcers are formed on Zells and Cubes.

At what stage of plant development appearsThe whole period of development, but in particular spring and autumn.
As appearsBacteria are inside and on the surface of infected seeds, on plant residues, in the soil. Distribution promotes wet and warm weather, water drops on the plant.
Where is foundMost often, the disease is found under film shelters, in greenhouses, but may hit the cucumbers and in the open soil.
Result of the diseaseBecause of this disease, greenhouse cucumbers can lose almost half of the crop or not at the fact that the fruits are made in small and tasteless.
What and how to deal
  • Collect seeds exclusively with healthy plants, riding them before sowing;
  • disinfect greenhouse and inventory;
  • to air the greenhouse after irrigated;
  • plant a variety and hybrids resistant to this infection;
  • when infected with the cucumber plants with burgue liquid or copper chlorocation suspension.

White Rot

Symptoms of manifestation of diseaseAmazes all parts of the cucumber plant. Places of damage softened, become slippery and covered with a mushroom in the form of white Naleawhere black point-sclerotes appear in the future.
When the disease appearsThroughout the growing season.
Why appearsInvalid care for the cucumber plants: the thickening of landings and later removal of old yellowed leaves. The spread of white rot is promoted by the coolness (sharp decrease in temperature to 14-16 ° C) and increased humidity. Weak ventilation greenhouse.
Where appearsThe rot from the cucumbers is common in the greenhouses, but can also meet in plants growing on the beds in the open ground.
What harm bringsThe leaves dry out, and the plant begins to fade.
Measures of struggle
  • Soil disinfection with the drug "Hom";
  • watering the boarding hole by mangartan;
  • removal of strongly affected parts of cucumber plants.

As the disease is manifestedThe fading of the lower leaves, the edges of others are made in watery, some of their sites become pale green or yellowish. With a verticilellic fading of cucumbers, the vessels of cuffs and leaves are losing the tour, and the leaves are hanging down. Stem vessels on a cut look yellowed.
When plants are sickDuring flowering
Causes of appearanceRaw soil and seeds, as the mushroom has a winter in the ground and is on the seeds. At t below 20 ° C, it develops quickly, with increasing this indicator - slowly.
Where the disease appearsIn greenhouses, especially when using cultivation of cucumbers on hydroponics.
ResultThe death of affected bushes.
How to fight
  • Disinfection the soil and structural elements of the greenhouse;
  • maintain a temperature in it not below 20 ° C;
  • highly affected plants remove.

Symptoms of the diseaseIn most cases, the disease affects young radlets, which are covered with small watery spots, rapidly increasing to 5 mm in diameter. The skin cracks and rapid drops appear on the surface. With increasing wet stains, black and green velvety flask are covered. Fruits become curves.

Coupleriosa cucumber also affects stalks and leaves, but less often. On the leaves there is a network of small brownish specks, which gradually dry and openings are obtained in their place. On the stems you can detect dry ulcers.

Disease appearance timeSummer months
As appearsA sharp decrease in temperature to 16-18 ° C and relative air humidity 85%.
Wheress is distributedMore often in greenhouses, covered with film, less often - in glass.
HarmfulEmpting stems and fruits, the unsuitability of Zelentsov in food (rot and not stored).
Methods of struggle
  • Planting sustainable varieties;
  • maintenance of optimal temperature and ventilating greenhouses;
  • before the start of fruiting, spraying cucumbers bordrian liquid.

Symptoms of DiseaseMisifies the tips of the roots, they are black, become drums, damping leaves and nutrient stems. The root neck will be drilled: brown spots are formed on the stem near the soil surface.
When manifestsAt the stage of seedlings and during the growing season of adult plants.
How cucumbers are sickWhen landing into heavy or cold soil and from a strong blowing into it, with high soil moisture, after watering with cold water.
Where appearsIn greenhouses, which falls with the manure when fertilizing the beds. The pathogen is maintained in the ground and on the remains of the previous culture.
HarmfulThe consequences of the root rot from the cucumbers: they stop, due to lack of water and nutrients, they are yellowed primarily upper sheets, and the veins remain green.
How to fightCut from the affected cucumber land, treat the upper roots and stem with chalk, ash, coal, pour the deepening sand either peat. In the fall to treat the greenhouse with chlorine lime, burn herbal residues, to disinfect the soil.

Signs of illnessOn young leaves, small light green spots are formed, later yellowing. They become wrinkled, in bloating appear on them. Yellow spots are noticeable on Zelents, they are sometimes deformed.
Period of manifestationWith the beginning of the vegetation of cucumbers and throughout its entire.
How plants are infectedThe pathogen is in the soil, inside the seeds, on the remains of plants. The ordinary cucumber mosaic virus is transmitted when leaving the culture with an infected plant juice. Dramed and some other pests insects.
Where is foundOn greenhouse cucumbers and on plants of open soil.
ResultDue to the bad work of the sheet apparatus, yield is reduced.
How to deal with the disease
  • compliance with crop rotation;
  • the destruction of the web tick and tool;
  • cuccar treatment with copper vigor;
  • if individual bushes are sick, they are best removed.

As manifestThe first signs of the disease: first on the top, and then on the bottom of the leafy plates, a whitish flare appears in the form of single rounded specks. Then they merge, the leaves are wither and dry.
What timeMost often fruiting plants are affected.
How cucumbers are infectedFlashing of the disease falls on cool, cloudy weather, in the open soil, plants that test moisture deficit are much more likely to hurt. The pathogen is on weeds and in the soil.
Wheress is distributedBoth in greenhouses and open beds.
HarmfulOn sick plants, leaves dry out early. Small fruits are formed.
Methods of getting rid of the diseaseFight S. muced dew On the cucumbers comes down to:
  • treatment of greenhouse;
  • maintaining humidity and temperature at the optimal level;
  • when the first appearance of white spots on the leaves of cucumbers are removed;
  • it also helps the processing of cucumbers with copper sulfate or sulfur preparations;
  • use fungicides.

SignsSigns of false pulse dew on cucumbers are angular shape of oily small light yellow stains, which can be seen on the top of the cucumbers leaves. On the underside in places of the spots is formed a grayish purple raid. Then the affects are raging, dry and start crumble.
When manifestsBasically in the second half of July, sometimes in the first and even in June.
What promotes spreadingHigh humidity, cold water for watering, dew, fog, sharp temperature differences.
What cucumbers are infectedThe pathogen is located on the remnants of patients with plants, transferred to the wind.
HarmfulWith a massive defeat of the peristosposition of cucumbers in the greenhouse, all plants may be destroyed in a very short time.
How to fightTo break all the contaminated leaflets, the rest spray at the bottom side of the bright pink solution of manganese and pollinate on the wet surface of sainted ash.

SymptomsOn the fruits, starting from the tops, brown swinging spots appear, which are very quickly covered with a gray fluffy bloom. On the stems you can see sliding gray spots, most often about the sinuses of the leaves.
What time does it appearOn adult plants.
Causes of occurrenceReducing the temperature at night, watering cold water, bad ventilation and population thickening.
Where cucumbers are infectedIn the conditions of greenhouses and on open-type beds, storage facilities.
Result of the diseaseDeterioration in the development of cucumber plants and reduced yield.
Measures of struggle
  • Comply with the landing scheme, do not thread plants;
  • clip the paddles, and the affected places sprinkle ashes (with copper vitrios) or coal;
  • when watering, try not to fall on the plants themselves;
  • to avoine greenhouse.

SymptomsThe tops of the shoots fade and turn into daytime hours, they restore at night. The fading is accompanied by a rotten of the roar of the stem.
Period of the appearance of the diseaseAppears on young plants when they bloom and fruit.
As a disease appearsPathogens penetrate the cucumber bushes from the soil through the roots, and forms the fungne inside the vessels of the plants.
Where plants are infectedMore often in greenhouse conditions, in beds - less often.
HarmfulUp to 60% of Zelentsov yields, plants can also die.
How to fightTo combat fusarious fading of cucumbers, the soil and seeds, the tool, the replacement of the soil, the ventilation of the greenhouse are used. In the fall burned the remnants, the crop rotation is observed.

Biological preparations for protection against diseases

To protect cucumbers from diseases, you can use biological agents that protect plants from diseases well. For example, Triphodermin is used in infecting root, gray and white rot, pulse dew, bacteriosis, fading. It is used for pre-sowing processing of seeds, the roots of seedlings, bring into the wells, spray bushes.

Another drug for processing cucumbers in the greenhouse - Planizes - can be used against spotted, mildew, black legs, bacteriosis, gray rot. In its solution, seeds are also soaked, bring into ground when landing, make preventive spraying.

It is also possible to use the preparation of phytoosporin-M for prophylactic treatments from root rot, pulse dew, black legs, pastes.

Prevention measures to protect cucumbers from diseases

So that the cucumbers remained healthy, did not hurt, successfully developed, and, most importantly, gave a wonderful harvest, it is necessary to prevent the appearance of diseases. The work on the prevention of cucumber diseases includes:

  1. Compliance with crop rotation: can not be placed cucumbers in pumpkin cultures.
  2. Removal and disposal of the remains of the preceding culture plants that may be sick.
  3. Use resistant to certain diseases of cucumber varieties.
  4. Drying seeds in solutions of fungicidal preparations.
  5. Warming up or disinfection of soil, tool for the processing of land and plants, indoor space Greenhouses.
  6. Maintain the required level of humidity and temperature in greenhouses and greenhouses.

All this should help protect cucumbers from various diseases that lurk them in the greenhouse or in the open soil.

Opinion expert

Maria Vlasova


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Diseases of cucumbers should not put a vegetable farm in a dead end. Many of them, if they were noticed on time, are well cured. But for this you need to know how and why they appear, which can be expected in the future and how to help their plants.

Causes of diseases on cucumbers

  • It does not hinder the thorough disinfection of the Earth and the processing of the material by tripides (5 g per 1 kg).
  • A deep rigging of the beds, the scrupulous destruction of plant residues, the systematic introduction of potassium fertilizers will also not be superfluous for prevention.
  • In order for the diseases of the cucumbers of the photo of which in the article, they did not prevent rooting and growth, it is worth preferred to sustainable varieties.
  • To prevent the appearance of the fusariasis, it is necessary to regularly venture the greenhouse and shake or drank the soil before sowing or disembarking seedlings. In addition, it is recommended to sterilize with alcohol tools before work - used knives and garter material).
  • Pretty effectively sharing of such drugs:

Due to illness, the cucumbers in the greenhouse are tied up and develop badly, they often acquire a mosaic color and deform, but most often faded. The mosaic virus adversely affects the entire plant as a whole, the growth slows down. The stalks of the affected plant are often cracking.

Viral diseases of cucumbers

When plants are fading from root rot, it is necessary to use double doses of alin-b and gamiir preparations (40 Table. Per 100 m2 of each biopreparation). With a strong fading, it is necessary to carry out under the root of chemical pesticides according to the following scheme: Previkur (15-20 ml per 10 liter of water), after 3-5 days, watering the preparation of phytolavin, VRK (15-20 ml per 10 liter of water).

Cucumber is a plant of a tropical climate, very sensitive to temperature drops and does not tolerate freezing. At temperatures below +15 degrees, it ceases to grow and is in a state where the accumulated nutrients per day are fully spent at night only to maintain basic life processes. With long-term depression of seedlings at temperatures below +10 degrees, the vital processes stop and it dies. High temperatures are also unfavorable. Upon exceeding +30 degrees, the formation of the formation of substances accumulating energy for growth occurs. Since in both cases there is not enough energy, the tissues become sensitive to many infections. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the optimal temperature of air and soil + 22 ... + 28 degrees

Bacterial diseases of cucumbers

Most infections are transferred to insects, so it is important to monitor their distribution and in time to take prevention measures. Greenish plaque and yellow spots - signs of perionosporiosis

For landing, high-quality and disgraced seeds are suitable. They should be purchased from proven producers or to harvest independently, as well as additionally handle by the protectors (Grandsyl and Grandsyl Ultra).

If there are visible damage in plants, the fusariosis is already incurable. It is necessary to immediately destroy the affected plants to prevent the spread of the fungus. Phytolavin-300, 20 g + Fundazole, 15-20 g per 10 liters of water.

There are no effective methods of confrontation with mosaic diseases. It remains to take preventive measures, paying attention to the varieties and hybrids, resistant to mosaic. For the prevention of the disease, only composed or sterilized substrates are used.

Fungal diseases of cucumbers and their treatment

After applying the Phytolavin preparation, the destruction of both pathogenic organisms and useful microflora occurs, so it is necessary to carry out irrigated by alin-b and gamiir biopreparations (20 tables. Per 100 m2 of each biopreparation).

Soil in the greenhouse is capable of accumulating the enormous number of pathogens of disease. The disinfection of the soil is perhaps the most difficult, expensive stage in the prevention and protection measures and the protection of the future harvest, but the measures for the preparation of the soil pay off by reducing pesticide treatments during turnover and by increasing overall yields. Mushroom disease manifested with high humidity, Often after long precipitation. The disease is manifested in 3-5 days after contamination by disputes. A white plaque appears on cucumbers only on the top of the leaves. They gradually wrinkle and then dry out, seedlings stop in growth and dies.

White mosaic is a variety of green. The biological features of the virus are the same, the difference is that there are extensive white areas on the fruits, and a mosaic appears along the vessels of the leaves.

Soil moisture.

Cucumbers pests - Bakhchy TlThe destroying whole fields is not unprecedented with a greenish flare and yellow spots on the top of the foliage. It has a property to throw on the entire surface of the cucumbers and infect plant growing in the immediate vicinity.

Seeds are dried exclusively in a warm ground. At a depth of 10 cm, the temperature should be at least 12 degrees Celsius. Http://youtu.be/5_gcf41svsm

Phytolavin-300, 20 g + Collecto super, 15-20 g per 10 liters of water.

In the case of relatively not strong infection, it is necessary to cut patients, and limit the spread of the disease of the cucumber mosaic, spraying with low-fat milk. However, in the event of a strong infection, the plant should be destroyed. Preventive measures should be started before the first signs of the disease: spraying on the leaf with a mixture of alin-b + gamiir biological preparations (10-20 Table + 10-20 Table. On 10 liters of water).

For the disinfection of the soil before planting, it is possible to water the soil with a solution of the following drugs: pharmiumiode-3 (100 ml per 10 liter of water) or 5-10% hydrogen peroxide (0.5-1 l per 10 liters of water). Consumption of the working solution of drugs - 1-2 l / m2.

To combat this disease, preparations containing sulfur, for example, quadris or colloid sulfur are used. Processing is carried out prophylactically every 2 weeks and stop 14 days before harvest. Viral diseases are often transmitted by seeds. It is possible to neutralize the virus to heating dry seeds before sowing at a temperature of + 50 degrees for three days, and then a day at +70 degrees. If a plant is observed by a virus, then it is immediately pulled out with the root, and the soil is poured boiling water. To exclude infection from weeds, they are destroyed around the cucumber landing at a distance of at least 10 m.

Low soil moisture does not allow to obtain nutrients, as they fall through the roots only in a dissolved form. Despite the fact that the formation of cucumbers is needed a fairly high amount of water in the soil, its overvoltage is adversely affected by roots. Water, squeezing air from the soil, leads to oxygen starvation of the roots. Infectious diseases of cucumbers are mainly active in water, therefore roots that are in stress due to lack of air are also affected by defeat. It is necessary to maintain the optimal moisture content of the soil, which is determined by either a special device - waterometer, at the level of 75-85% of the maximum, or "on the eye" - the soil in the hands does not scatter when compression and does not smear with fingers in rubbing.

Small pests of cucumbers, ruthlessly destroying wounds, flowers and leaves, is far from the wonder for experienced gardens, especially in the rainy seasons. To destroy them, you need to take care of the correct turning of the landings on the site, to carry out the dumping and disinfection of the soil and diligently get rid of weeds.


Cucumber diseases in the greenhouse - how to warn and experiencing

False powdery dew, as they also call peronosporosis, is capable of rapidly propagating due to frequent fogs, a large amount of dew, too cool watering and temperature drops.

Treatment of greenhouse after harvest

The soil is required to break off and how to fit.

A fungal disease, the causative agent of which is a Mushroom Cladosporium Cucumerinum Ellis & Arthur. Favorable conditions for the development of the disease are watering cucumbers in a greenhouse with cold water, high humidity of air and soil, reduced temperatures and drafts.

To combat the gray rot, it is necessary to sprinkle the affected sections with a mixture of copper mood and wood ash.

Puffy dew quickly applies to cool cloudy weather. Spores are spread with wind or water during watering.

The ascientress of ascohophutosis primarily affects weakened plants, therefore, for the prevention, it is effective to effectively carry out plants with epin growth regulators (2 ml of 10 l water), EcoGel (100 ml per 10 liter of water), starting with the cultivation of seedlings.

After the soil disinfection, it is necessary to fill the space of the useful soil microflora free from the pathogenic microorganisms.

Preparation of seed cucumbers for sowing

Peronosporosis or false milder dew cucumbers.

Corner spotting leaves

Growing seedlings

Air humidity.

When the TLA has already attacked the landing, it will help to spray them with a born herbal infusion (1 kg insists in 10 liters of liquid during the day) or ash suspension (10 l of water, 50 g of soap chips, 200 g of ash).

Pernosporosis of cucumbers treatment of which experts are recommended to be carried out with a milky-iodine solution (10 drops by 10 L) or urea (1 g per 1 liter), will not be an interference to produce beautiful ripe fruits. The main thing is not to forget about the disinfection of seeds, warming the soil and obligatory feeding.

From the beds you need to remove the remains of last year's plants, since they may contain insect larvae and viral bacteria.

Preparation of soil before planting seedlings

This disease is manifested in the form of oblong dry yasers with a grayish-olive rode covering the stems. Light brown spots appear on the leaves, later they are covered with a weak brown bloom. The fruits are stronger than all. Initially, oily depots appear on them, then the olive flare is developing, various ulcers of incorrect shape are formed.

The fungal disease, the causative agent of which is Mushroom Botritis (Botrytis Cinerea Pers). The disputes mainly spread through the air, and can also spread with water splashes.

A fungal disease manifested in the form of a white plaque on the leaves. Over time, the amount of plaque increases until the sheet does not cover, as a result, the photosynthesis is disturbed, the sheet turns yellow and dry out.

With the appearance of obvious signs of diseases, in addition to the use of biological products, it is effective to perform a spraying of strides (15-20 ml per 10 liter of water), or a quadris (5 ml on 10 liters of water).

1-3 days before the seedling, the drug trico, the joint venture is made at the rate of 30 g per 500 m2. The drug is introduced by spraying or watering the soil (using drip irrigation), followed by the soil treatment with a manual cultivator or a fiberboard (if a greenhouse is large) to a depth of 15-20 cm. The drug is rapidly distributed over the capillars throughout the range of beds.

Prevention of cucumber diseases and their protection during vegetation

The most malicious disease, as the defeat goes lightning and enough effective tools There is no struggle. The disputes of this mushroom have flagellas that pierce even thin aluminum foil. For infection, drip-liquid moisture is necessary. Optimal conditions for infection +18 degrees and 100% relative humidity. Peronosporosis of cucumbers manifests itself in the form of a whites with a purple tint on both sides of the sheet, which is a distinctive feature from pulse dew. Fruits become not completely painted and tasteless. The leaves will quickly boil, crops are completely dying.

. Caused by bacteria that penetrate the dust of the leaves or damage to the coating fabrics. Other plants of the pumpkin family are also affected, which may be infection reserves. Basically, the source of infection is seeds in which bacteria can be maintained about 2 years, and in the soil they die quickly. Incubation period up to 10 days. It is transferred to the bacteria with air masses and arms, when caring for the beds. The manifestation of the disease begins with the lower leaves, the angular brown spots are formed on the leaves of cucumbers from the top and the oily yellowish flare from the bottom of the sheet. The affected fruits have small round ulcers. Leaves gradually dry, landing completely dies.

For grinding cucumbers, an increased humidity of the surrounding air is needed within 75-85%. Measured by the device hygrometer. With relative humidity below 60%, there is a strong evaporation of moisture from the leaves, which is spent a lot of energy, the cucumbers begin to grow slower, immunity weakens. If air humidity is within 100%, then with sharp fluctuations in the temperature, dropping drops of drip moisture are possible, which is a "gate" for most infections.

Weather tick breeding in hot weather

Antraznosis is expressed in yellow-brown stains

It is important to observe the turnover of crops and landings (should be alternating with legumes), regularly spinning cucumbers, unhealthy plants in a timely manner, to carry out treatment from pests.

To combat colaporiosis, it is necessary to suspend the watering for several days, regularly ventilate the greenhouse, and spray the cucumber costs 1% solution of burglar fluid, can be used by "oxych" - 20 g per 10 liters of water.

Biopreparations for the prevention, treatment of cucumbers, their properties

The development of this disease contributes bad ventilation, increased humidity, a sharp decrease in temperature, watering with cold rainwater.

The spores of the fungus can be distributed both by wind and water during watering. With a strong degree of infection, disputes can stay on weeds either in the ground.

To combat the gray rot, they make a misses of the struck stems with a mixture of rustle with chalk (diluted to the consistency of sour cream) in a 1: 2 ratio.

The active growth of the Trichoderma soil mushroom helps to fill the free space, not leaving the opportunity to develop soil causative agents of plant diseases.

Until recently, it was only possible to raise the cucumbers of the early ripening. Currently, the cultivation of stable or tolerant varieties allows you to get a crop even in the open soil. In greenhouses, the cucumbers are less susceptible to the disease in preventive treatment with copper preparations and alternating drugs of various chemical groups, for example, strides, Ridomil Gold, Bravo. Processing is stopped 30 days before harvest.

Major diseases of cucumbers

Root rotes - prevention and treatment

To combat bacterial disease, it is necessary to use antibiotics, but not specifically developed for this drugs. Perhaps a single use of penicillin at a concentration of 1 million units. on 10 liters of water when the first signs of the disease appears.

Mineral nutrition

It is equipped on the lower sides of the leaves and, the thin cobweb, is powered by juice, which can cause significant damage to all plantations. Hot weather is ideal for tick reproduction.

Inscoholitis Prevention and Gray Rotary Cucumber

Yellow-brown spotting on foliage and pink raid on the other parts of the bushes is most often due to anthrax that develops to a greater extent during excessive humidity. At first, the culture appears barely noticeable mucus, however, in places of its concentration, small ulcers are almost always formed, which lead to the destruction of the bush.

Do not forget that the diseases of cucumbers in the greenhouse and their treatment requires a solid approach. In greenhouses, as in open gardens, the frequency and norms of fertilizer application are of great importance. It is not recommended to exceed the composition of the elements: urea (6-12g), superphosphate (approximately 10 g), potassium chloride (approximately 8 g) and ammonia nitrate (no more than 6-7 g) by 10 l water. Http://youtu.be/xjxae6scuiw.

The disease is manifested in the form of brown spots on the leaves, rotting the stems, and waving brown spots appear on the fruits. With high humidity, the affected areas are covered with a gray fluffy bloom, which contains a mushroom disputes that can be distributed with a draft, infecting neighboring plants.

Prevention, treatment of malievous and false mildew

This disease occurs due to the accumulation of infection, when cucumbers were grown in the same place for many years. Another cause of the disease can be increased humidity in the greenhouse.

The use of biopreparations before the first signs of diseases appear to maximize the beginning of the damage of plants.

Preventive measures to protect cucumber from major fungal, bacterial diseases begin with seedlings.

We hope that the information stated in the article will help to avoid many diseases of cucumbers and get a high harvest.

Gray rot.


Treatment of patients with cucumbers in greenhouse

. Facing the main elements of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium should be carried out once a week in fruiting. When an overlapping nitrogen, plants are running and they are subject to infection. With low nitrogen content weakens growth, which reduces immunity.

For prophylaxis, it should properly irrigate the earth. To spread most insects, moisture becomes favorable, but for a tick is suitable exceptionally dry ground. With the destruction of the colonies, garlic or onion infusions (10 liters of water and 200 g of husk can cope. Spray bushes need 4 times a season.

The virus is transmitted to the sowing material and remaining in the ground, affected by plants, and rainy weather and humidity create favorable conditions for pathogenic bacteria.

  • The most dangerous for plants is the processing of incorrect means and fertilizer is incorrectly selected drugs, so it is important to determine the disease in external signs and know preventive and therapeutic methods.
  • The fungal disease, the causative agent of which is the COLLETTRICHUM ORBICULARE Mushroom. His disputes can spread with wind, irrigation water, can be transferred insects either on garden inventory.
  • For prophylaxis, it is recommended to plant cucumbers at enough distance from each other, avoid water from entering the leaves when watering and regularly ventilated the greenhouse.

Mosaic disease

To combat pulmonary dew, it is necessary to remove the affected leaves and spray cucumber with a cow's solution: 1 l liquid cowboat mixed with 1 tbsp. l. Urea, mix well and thoroughly strain.

Spraying plants with a mixture of alin-b + gamiir biological preparations (10-20 table. + 10-20 Table. On 10 liters of water) + 10 g per 10 liters of urea + EcoGel, BP (100 ml on 10 liters of water) or Narcissus in ( 50 ml on 10 liters of water) is not only a good prophylactic means, but can also be used to treat the disease when the first signs appear.

The seedling landing for a permanent place is the strongest stress for plants caused by a sharp change of conditions. Any stress leads to a decrease in its own immunity of plants - at this point they are most vulnerable, being infected with pathogenic microorganisms.

The main sources of any diseases of cucumbers in the greenhouse can be seeds, soil, film, greenhouse designs. It is impossible to ensure full protection of plants without measures of prevention, the integrated use of biological and chemical means of protection. In this article, we will get acquainted with biological preparations that will protect our cucumbers in a greenhouse from diseases, soil processing rules, seeds, greenhouses to protect plants from diseases.

Caused by bacteria, under cool conditions. All overhead parts are affected, brown areas and a thick gray raid on cucumbers appear. The disease will spread pretty quickly. The period from infection to the manifestation of symptoms is 3-5 days.

Genetic stability.

Puffy dew

Brown larvae leafs

To prevent cucumber disease in the greenhouse and in the plots it is necessary to sit down only the proven seeds in a fairly heated and processed soil. Sowing material is better to acquire from acquaintances, official agricultural companies or to harvest independently. When the anthracnose has already manifested itself, the treatment of cucumbers from diseases by folk remedies is helped:

White rot cucumbers appears on the stem

The development of this disease contributes to the increased humidity and lack of nutrients in the soil. It begins with lesion of the leaves, light-brown spots are formed on them with a border color. Spots appear on the shoots, which over time expand and deepen, forming depressed places, then they focus on a dark purple or brown rim. At the fruits of cucumbers appear deep ulcers with pink mucus.

To combat the gray rot, the affected areas are sprinkled or simply wood ashes, or a mixture of copper sulphate (1 tsp. L.) And wood ash (1 st). After that, they ventilate the greenhouse.

Even for spraying cucumbers in a greenhouse, a weak solution of manganese can be used - 1.5 g per 10 liters of water.

False powdery dew or peridosporosis

Of the chemicals against pulse dew, the processing of quadris preparations (5 g per 10 liters of water). Topaz (5 g per 10 liters of water), Tiovit Jet (20-30 g per 10 liters of water).

To prevent infection, the lifting of immunity is recommended during landing or after it watering plants with a mixture of alin-b + gamiir preparations (2 Table + 2 Table. At 10 liters of water) at the flow rate of the working solution 10 liters per 10 m2.

On the health of plants and the prevention of any diseases of cucumbers in the greenhouse in the future season, it is necessary to take care in advance - when eliminating plants in the previous turn.

To cope with the disease, it is obscured by watering, well ventilate a greenhouse, the affected parts are lubricated by the pasty mass, cooked from the drug Rusurl or Eupanen multi.

The absence of such genes makes seedlings susceptible to the disease, therefore it is recommended to use modern varieties of cucumbers, genetically resistant to common diseases.

Root rot in plants

The microscopic insect moves and lives no more than a day in the air, but he has time to postpone the voracious larvae on the deciduous part of the cucumber. They suck juices from the culture, which leads to the development of a sage fungus.

A mixture of lime milk and copper sulfate;

Most often, the cucumbers of the leaf disease are hit, covering their shoots, antennae, bloomrs and ovary. With white rot, plants are completely covered with mucus and bloom. Infection develops especially quickly in greenhouses with thickened plantings, high humidity and stagnant air.

In dry weather, cracks appear on the affected areas, and with high humidity, the stems are rotting and premounced. With a strong development of the disease, the entire above-ground part of the plant die.

Another option to combat this disease is a compression with a fungicide. It will take it for her preparation: 300-340 g of glue of CMC, 30-40 g of Fongicide and 10 liters of water. The mixture must be brought to a paste-like state by adding the gross chalk into it.

This is a fungal disease that affects the main leaves. It manifests itself in the form of yellow spots on top on the sheet, with time, stains are racing. From the bottom side of the sheet of gray-violet color. Over time, the leaves are withering, dry and fall.

A quadris (5 g per 10 liters of water) can be used against a false mildew (peronosponosis) in the summer-autumn period), the Order of Energy (20 g per 10 liters of water).

  1. With drip irrigation of the norms of the drugs Alin-b and Gamiir - 20 Table. per 100 m2.
  2. Before the removal of old spiders, which are carriers of a whole "bouquet" of diseases, pests, it is necessary to perform their spraying with a mixture of fungicides, disinfecting drugs, insecticides (for example, Bayleton + pharmium-3 + accomplish) or use for disinfection of the Climate checkers or " FAS "At the rate of 1 checker for 10-20 m3 greenhouses.

Gray Gnill Disease

The most common and malicious diseases cause spioning imperfect mushrooms. The cucumber has very tender covered fabrics, so it is easily affected by various types of this infection. To prevent infection from plant residues, the cucumber cannot be grown two years in a row in one place.

The presence of infection.

Neutralize the whitebird is difficult because of her fertility. Insect dissemination methods themselves are not so complex, it is enough to regularly flush the larvae from the bushes and carry out the tillage of the soil with the subsequent introduction of peat or humoring into it. The spraying of inta-Vir will help get rid of the colonies already gathered on the leaves.

Solution of chlorine lime (up to 40 g per 10 liters of water).

To get rid of white rot, you need permanent temperature control, landing breaks and timely weeds. The affected parts of the bushes should be carefully cut off, and the wounds are swollen ashes or haired lime. With this disease, the cucumbers in the greenhouse or the garden disinfection is needed (1-2% by a manganese solution or a spectacular infusion), and with a strong infection, its complete replacement is 10-15 cm in depth. Cultures should also be performed with a special solution (10 liters of water, 2 g of copper sulphate and 10 g of urea).

For prophylaxis, it is necessary to observe the moisture mode in the greenhouse, not allow harsh temperature drops. If possible, it is necessary to use the calcined land. And as prevention, it is possible to spray cucumbers in the greenhouse by the drugs "Oxychom", "Kuppex" or copper chlorokis.

If none of the methods helped, the affected areas need to cut and burn.

The development of this disease contributes to increased humidity and sharp temperature differences, watering cucumbers with cold water.

White rot (sclerotinia)

Modern plant protection system in greenhouses is impossible to submit without the use of biological products: their biological efficiency when using the recommended technology is high. Proper use of drugs can be an alternative to the use of chemical protection. In favor of the use of biological products in the plant protection system, such important qualities can be attributed as high efficiency in the absence of "addiction" to the action of biological products in causative agents of cucumbers.

The effectiveness of biological preparations will increase if an EcoGel, BP immunomoduer is added to them (100 ml per 100 m2) or Narcissus H (100-120 ml per 100 m2).

A question may arise: why to carry out the processing of the ridges of cucumbers, which are emitted anyway?

Root rot

For the manifestation of the disease, a source of infection is needed. They may be the following:

Ants are breeding the TRU on the cucumber foliage

Fusariosis fungal disease

Dark brown and olive spots - sign

The consequences of the root rot


Stems of cucumbers affected by white rot. It is necessary to cut, partially removing and healthy fabrics.

To successfully grow cucumbers in a greenhouse, preventing the development of disease, it is necessary to take into account some factors that lead to the weakening of plants, as a result of which they become more susceptible to bacterial, fungal and viral infections. The most common diseases in cucumbers and methods for their treatment and prevention should be considered. Upon learning of the most effective preparations, it can be solved than spraying the cucumber to prevent the spread of diseases.

Olive spottedness (Claporiosa)

In 25-30 days after the landing, it is necessary to repeat the introduction of eco-boosters or Narcissa N, increasing the norm of Alino-B and Gamaira to 30 Table. per 100 m2.

Liquidation treatment is necessary for the destruction of the selection of diseases, pests, which in the next turnover or season will find the way to "fly" to the greenhouses for new landings.

. They cause mushrooms, which are everywhere in the soil, feeding out non-living plant residues, healthy seedlings do not affect. There are only at the time of weakening plants, mainly due to the low temperature of the soil below +16 degrees. The root loses the living root hairs, is covered with a brown raid, fade leaves and stem.

Plant remains last year. It is necessary to observe crop rotation or stuff the soil of the greenhouse;

Anthracnose or Median

These are pests that make millions of underground tunnels and contributing to the appearance of aphids on the leaves and stems.

Many considered diseases of cucumbers and their treatment concerned damage to foliage and stem, from which the plant itself also died. Clap pipeline damages basically the fruits themselves. Small, but numerous watery-type spots, which grow rapidly and solidify, leading to cracking of the peel of vegetable and his death.

The disease is dangerous for the korea system, since it dies away part of the rhizome, and the stem itself becomes drumming, and the plant dies simply in front of her eyes. Cold weather, heavy and too wet soil and low-quality seeds lead to the appearance of root rot. Almost all diseases of the cucumbers of an infectious nature are dangerous in that the causative agent can be long enough on the beds, in greenhouses or not removed plants residues.

In the case of infection, it is necessary to carefully remove the areas affected by the disease. The spraying of cucumbers in the greenhouse is carried out by fungicides (Copper Copper, "Kuppecat", Sandofan M8, "Oxych", "Acrobat MC" and similar preparations) 2-3 times with an interval of 10-20 days.

A fungal disease, whose causative agent is a mushroom SCLEROTINIA SCLEROTIORUM. The source of infection - the soil in which the disputes of this mushroom live quite a long time.

To combat peronosporosis, it is necessary to remove the leaves affected by the disease, suspend watering. Soil spray wood ash, and plants spray with a solution "Topaz" in the ratio: 1 ampoule on 10 liters of water. Fungicide "Oxychom" is suitable: 10 liters of water 2 tablets.


Cucumber diseases Photo, description and treatment in the greenhouse, in the open soil

In order to prevent the disease in cucumbers in the greenhouse, you need to make air humidity, temperature and the presence of nutrients in the soil.

  • The subsequent introduction in 25-30 days is carried out with the consumption of biological preparations of 30-40 Table. per 100 m2. Such a sequence of introduction will help support the high immunity of plants, will create a permanent presence of a useful bacterial culture in the corouked zone.
  • After removal of old plants, it is necessary to carefully clean the greenhouse from weeds, plant residues and process structures and a long-term film by the Pharmiiod-3 disinfectant preparation (100-200 ml per 10 liters of water).
  • Buying seeds, you can see that some of them are already processed and painted in a bright signal color. This is done to destroy part of the infection on the surface of the seeds, and give a noticeable color, which simplifies sowing, as becoming more noticeable. Usually covered with a shell containing fungicide Tiram, which suppresses mushrooms that cause root rot.

Wild weeds that are carriers. They need to be destroyed;

Cucumber diseases Photos and their treatment: Prevention

It's easy to fight with them: With the help of sweet bait (syrup) and dusting of the earth, ash or lime. Noticing the nests of ants, you can quote them with boiling water, switch or pour kerosene abundantly (used oil is also used).

This ailment is called another olive spottedness, which can spread straight through the air, infecting areas with cucumbers at irrigation events or during rains.

  • If you have noticed that the root rot of the cucumbers began with the mulching of clean sand bushes, peat, chalk (limestone) or sawdust. Already infected - you should ruthlessly cut off and carry the soil disinfection with dry chlorine lime in the amount of up to 200 g per sq.m. It is desirable to use warm irrigation water.
  • Growing cucumbers is a rather troublesome. Compliance with the following conditions:
  • The development of the disease begins on the root part of the stem, watery wet spots are formed there, over time they are covered with white appaped fungal. Next is affected by the upper tiers of plants. White rot causes the death and fading of plants, rotting the fruit.
  • After collecting the latter harvest, it is necessary to process with a solution of copper sulfate, dissolving 3 tbsp. l. In 10 liters of water. The cucumbers must be ached abundantly, and after 24 hours to remove and burn together with the roots.
  • The main causes of cucumber diseases in the greenhouse may be several:
  • Alin-B (in tablets) is a bacterial preparation for long-term action, biological fungicide. Effective against root rot, fading various nature, ascohitosis, anthrax, powdery dew, other mushroom diseases of cucumbers.
  • Treatment of semi-cucumber plants, disinfection of structures, stripping from plant residues will save significant funds that can be spent for plant treatment next season.

Cucumber diseases Photos of leaves and fruits: Treatment and prevention

If the disease began to manifest itself, it is necessary to increase the temperature of the soil, watering warm water with the addition of manganese to weakly pink. Stems, fitted with support, laid on the ground and sprinkled with soil, for the formation of additional roots.

White Rot

Infection inside and on the surface of the seed. It is necessary to warm the seeds and process with fungicides before sowing;

Slugs damage mainly leaves, but can enjoy fruits

Preventive treatment of cucumbers from diseases is carried out by a 15% suspension of the Bordeaux mixture. However, the problem may not be solved completely. If the funds do not help, and the contaminated cucumbers of the disease are constantly appearing by air transmitted by reducing humidity and the choice of the most stable varieties.

Root rot

Puffy dew cucumbers

Selection of a suitable area;

For the prevention of infection with fungus, it is necessary to observe the optimal moisture and temperature mode in the greenhouse. Since the spores of the fungus can be in the soil, if possible, it is necessary to use the calcined land, and when the seedlings fall into the wells, you need to add a potassium manganese-solid, dissolving 5 g of 10 liters of water.

Puffy dew

The improved root rot is promoted by the increased humidity in the greenhouse, watering cold water, planting seedlings into the cold soil.

Increased air humidity;

Gamiir (in tablets) - bacterial preparation of long-term action, biological bactericide. Effective against bacterial rot, some species of phyto-pathogenic fungi.

Very often, the source of infections that quickly apply to the soil are non-separated seeds. The consequences of the development of some seed infections can manifest itself in the process of growing and developing cucumbers: fading plants, spots on the leaves, fruits, the overall loss of crop.

  • White rot or sclerotiniosis.
  • Rains containing pathogenic disease disputes, so it is better to grow in a film or glass greenhouse;

Insects are afraid of daylight, so they are chosen to enjoy fresh greens and the flesh of fruits at night. The dark litter and characteristic shiny traces of slugs also do not contribute to improving the quality of the harvest.


Cucumber Diseases Photo Leaves Treatment from Fusariosis

It is this disease of the cucumbers is considered the most common. Its signs are noticeable not only on sheets (small spots of white color, gradually covering the entire surface), but also on stalks with sweets. The disease stains the screens completely into the brown color, they dry and disappear.

Preparation of seedlings and sowing material;

To combat white rot, with a non-mounted damage, it is necessary to mix chalk and manganese with the addition of water and process the accuracy of the affected sections. With a strong lesion, it is necessary to remove the affected areas, it is desirable to capture a part of a healthy area. Affected stems and places to sprinkle with lime. But if the plant is very sick, it will be better to remove it together with the soil layer in order to avoid infection of neighboring plants.


The fungal disease, the causative agent of which is Pythium de Baryanum Hesse mushroom. The source of infection is disputes that can spread through air, with water splashes, as well as by transferring insects.

Lack of nutrients in the soil;

Glocladin (in tablets) - microbiological fungicide against the pathogens of root rot. It has high efficiency against fusariasis, which are well evolving in a rich organic soil.

In the creation of the barrier and countering the development of pathogens, high efficiency shows the riffling of cucumber seeds by biological preparations of Alin-b + Gamiir (5 Table. + 5 Table. Per 1 liter of water).

  • Highly infectious dangerous disease, which is manifested in the form of white flakes with black dots on all parts of the plant. They appear mucous soft stains. Overhead parts are faded and dying for 3-5 days. Effective drugs currently do not exist. With the appearance of this disease, cucumbers in a greenhouse, it is closed on quarantine with the destruction of all plant residues and treatment of the soil by steam or its replacement.
  • Contaminated by the seedlings. They must be immediately removed and disinfected primer.


Destroy the pests will help regular leakage of sites and their pollination of ash or chalk. You can still try to decompose special shelters in which the slugs will find asylum, and gather them during the day. Also recommended to treat cucumber beds to the metaldehyde agent.

This disease can be massive, and distributed by foci on the gardens and in greenhouses without proper heating. Fungal diseases of cucumbers are striking planting various moments their growth. The problem of fusariosis is that the contamination may not appear externally until the plant entry into the phase of fruiting when they begin to drop and die.

The reasons for the appearance of pulse dew are almost the same as those that cause other diseases of the cucumbers with the photo - temperature fluctuations, excessive moisture, excess weeds and the neglence of plantations. Cold irrigation water, drafts and strong wind can also lead to its development.

Careful care during the period of active growth.

Cucumber Diseases Photo Leaves Treatment from Fusariosis

When combating white rot, it is also recommended to use such drugs like "Rolver SP" and "EUPARA Multi JV" produced by Bayer.

The development of the fungus contributes to the seedlings of seedlings in cold soil, sharp fluctuations in temperature and humidity in a greenhouse, watering cucumbers with cold water.

Consistent temperature differences, including watering cold water.

  • Trikhotsin, SP (Triphodermin) (Powder) is a microbiological fungicide, created on the basis of the soil antagonist of the genus of the genus Trichoderma. The drug impedes the development, spreading pathogens of root rot.
  • Healthy, severe seedlings - a very important stage for the formation of a good crop of cucumbers.
  • Anthracnose. Ascohithosis. ClapPoriosis.

Pests cucumbers with photos and their treatment. Methods of struggle

After studying the causes of the disease, we turn to their description and measures to combat.

Bahch wane

Treatment of various diseases of cucumbers and pest control - the process is not from the lungs, but a serious approach to all activities and timely prevention will significantly simplify it and get a great harvest.

Fusarious fading of cucumber treatment of which does not bring due results, it is necessary to prevent at the landing stage. You can avoid infection:

If the mildewing dew on cucumbers, measures to combat it will be conducive to the affected parts of the stem and disinfection of the soil. Recommended processing:

Cobed tick

As a result, all the works may be vain if the cucumbers are attacked by pests or get sick. In this case, the entire harvest can be destroyed. That is why it is always necessary to apply prophylactic measures during the cultivation.

Measures to combat fusarium: watering warm water, disinfection of the soil, the introduction of tripides in the wells when planting seedlings.

It starts to spread from the root zone, as a result, the lower leaves turn yellow, then dry off the whole of the beach, the roots are covered with brown spots, rotate and dying, as a result, the plant fits completely.


The development of mosaic disease contributes to sharp fluctuations in temperature, lack of light and moisture in the soil.

All biopreparations after dissolving in water can be made through drip irrigation systems, any types of sprayers. In the working solution, the biological preparations are compatible with mineral fertilizers for extractive feeding, rostegulators, humats, insecticides. The shelf life of biological products is 2-3 years.

Since there are causative agents of plant diseases in any substrate, to create conditions of normal starting development before sowing a seed pot of 300-800 ml near the seed (2-3 cm) it is necessary to make 1 tablet of glyocladine - biofungicide based on triphoderma fungus. Simultaneously with the growth of the root will begin to grow "Cellites" Mycelium Mushroom, which will gradually fill the entire volume of a seaside pot and displaced the pathogens of the disease.


These mushroom diseases have similar symptoms, mainly brown spots appear on cucumbers. The affected leaf fabric is chosen and holes appear. On the fruits there are affected areas of brown color. The plant over time loses the leaves and dies. The disputes of these mushrooms winter on plant residues and are transferred from infected plants on healthy wind. These diseases have an incubation period and begin to manifest themselves for 3-7 days from the moment of infection.

A feature of these diseases is the presence of a living carrier host. Outdoor viruses live quite shortly, but they are easy to transfer during harvest or formation along with juice. It differs from other diseases by changing the color of the leaves of individual sections in the form of a mosaic. The leaf at the same time is deformed, shrivened, and the manifestation is asymmetrically, which distinguishes them from the signs of the overaffect of the use of growth stimulants, which manifest almost also, but symmetrically. Consider the manifestation of the most common viral diseases.

In most cases, infections can be avoided by observing safety measures when landing, proper fertilizer and watering. Follow the recommendations of professional gardeners and collect a rich harvest.


Drank seeds;

Ground gray up to 30 g for every 10 sq.m. garden;

Long before the disembarkation, it is necessary to think about how to treat cucumbers from diseases and invasions of pests, since most diseases are not treated and it is easier to prevent them.


Fungal disease caused by fusarium genus fungi. Its source are seeds and soil. The development of the disease contributes to sudden temperature differences, increased humidity and lack of soil power. Most of all are susceptible to the diseases weakened plants.

Diseases of cucumbers Cucumbers disease Folk remedies

In the greenhouses, you can create optimal conditions for growing vegetables: the necessary temperature regime, the correct ventilation, the perfect level of humidity, illumination, soil saturation by trace elements. But in such conditions, the plants are sick. Most often, the diseases of the cucumbers in the greenhouse causes a breakdown and fruits of various diseases and pests, violation of the agricultural norms of culture culture, the use of small areas of greenhouses for planting plants that are required different conditions Care.

Healthy greenhouse cucumber

  1. Soil infection: the soil in the greenhouse should be updated every 3 years, removing the upper layer of 25-30 cm and replacing the mixture of the earth, peat, sand. If possible, conduct crop rotation and plant culture to the previous place no earlier than in 2-3 years.
  2. Wrong watering: excessive or insufficient, cold water, in the heat and in bright sun, right on the plant, and not under the bush.
  3. Precooling or excessive heating of culture: cold nights (below + 15 ° C), sultry days (day temperatures above + 25-30 ° C).
  4. Wrong ventilation mode: draft or stagnation of air in the greenhouse.
  5. The lack of nutrients in the ground: soil depletion, insufficient making mineral, organic feeding.
  6. The oversight of nitrogen in the ground under the vines.

Diseases of greenhouse cucumbers and their pathogens

If proper care And the strict observance of all agrotechnical conditions, the cucumbers in the greenhouse begin to root - the leaves are yellow and dry, and the fruits are deformed - it means they are infected with the disease (fungal, bacterial, viral) or exposed to pests.

Diseases (fungi, viruses) and pests are able to inflict significantly damage to crop, up to its full loss.

Regular examination of leaves

The main diseases of cucumbers in the greenhouse are:

  • Rotted: white, gray, root.
  • Anthracnose.
  • Peronosporosis (false malievous dew).
  • Spitness (Claporiosa, bacteriosis).
  • Fusarious fading of cucumbers.
  • Viral diseases (green, white mosaic).

Puffy dew and its prevention

Puffy dew is the most common disease of the cucumbers in the greenhouse. Activation of its pathogen - the fungus of Erysiphe Cichoracearum and SPHAEROTHECA FULIGINEA - contribute to the cooling and heating of air in the greenhouse, moisture fluctuations. The culprits are infected plants (weeds, plant residues), the disputes of the seedling fungus can be infected through infected soil. Losses of crop from pulse dew in greenhouse can reach 100%.

Puffy dew on cucumbers

The disease is manifested as a whitish-grayish spraying on the outside of the real leaves of cucumber weaves (spots in appearance as accurate flour), then a whitish shade appears on the back side of the sheet plate. A bush dries and dies.

  • careful purification of soil from plant residues;
  • timely removal of infected leaves and plants;
  • use of hybrid-resistant pathogens.

For the struggle, the method of irrigation of the busts with a solution of urea (1 l) and liquid cowber (1 l) or a weak solution of manganese (some crystals are stirred in 10 liters of water to obtain a pink shade). After removal of infected leaves, the vacuum can be treated with a soda-soap solution (4 g of calcined soda, 4 g of soap, 1 liter of water), irrigate twice, interval 7 days.

Peronosporosis or false torment dew

Perseudoperonospora Cubensis Rostowz is performed by PSeudoperonospora Cubensis Rostowz. The main causes of infection is the wrong irrigation - cold water, sharp drops of temperature regime, increased (85% and above) humidity. Infected with perico seedlings disproportionately pulls out, launching small, curves. The leaves of an adult plant from the outside are covered with yellow stains in the form of a polygon, from an internal - grayish-purple shade, withering and falling.

False mild dew

The plants affected by the fungus should be removed from the soil and burn, and the upper layer of the soil (25-30 cm) is immediately replaced. The disputes of the pathogen perfectly tolerate wintering in a greenhouse, with increasing moisture, they actively multiply and affect healthy cucumbers.

As preventive work, you can irrigate the soil in the greenhouse decoction of the Pijmas.

  1. About 30 g of grass (dried or fresh 300 g) pour boiling water (about 10 liters), not boiling, let it brew about a day.
  2. The resulting decoction boil around one hour and a half, cool, spray on the greenhouse.
  3. You can sprinkle the earth around the roots of the bushes of rolling fruit trees, in the winter treat the soil burgundy liquid.

Treatment of sick weekest lies in their spraying by combined fungicides, an aqueous solution of fresh lime and copper sulfate (100 g of each substance on the water bucket).

Antraznosis (Median) and the fight against it

The causative agent of the disease is the CollectoTrichum Lagnarium fungus, he infects the cucumbers already at the seedlings stage. In the greenhouse bushes, the disease is manifested in the form of yellowish, brown spots of a rounded shape on the outside of the sheet closer to its edge. The affected leaf plate cloth falls out, forming numerous holes.

Sometimes stains can merge, as a result of lesions, the leaf is torn. If the plant does not heal in time, the disease can hit and fruits. They appear depressed deep into 3-5 mm brown spots, their seeds cannot be used for seedlings.

Antraznosis (Median) on the leaves

A plant is infected through soil and organic residues, therefore it is especially important to remove the cucumber shoulders in time. As prevention of the disease, it is recommended to replace the upper layer of soil and dry the seeds before landing into the soil

To combat Medica, 1% burglar liquid is used, which spray contaminated leaves. With the root form of the Medica, this solution is poured under the root. Experienced garders recommend sprinkling affected areas with crowded coal and lime.

Rot and their types

Like a malicious dew, rot - the diseases of cucumbers in the greenhouse, which are caused by fungi. There are views of rotes: white, gray, root. The symptom of infection of cucumbers root rot is the yellowing and fading of the leaves, while the stem from the root cracks and yellowels. Sutting off the seedlings to the greenhouse, it is recommended not to deepen into the ground the stem, not to dip it, do not sprinkle soil - so you can save the bushes from the disease.

Gnili Cucumbers - Views

For the treatment of root rot, a solution of copper mood and honey is used (1 tsp., 3 st. L., 0.5 liters of water). They lubricate the stem cucumber to a height of up to 12 cm. The plant died from rotten should urgently remove from the greenhouse, and the hole and the soil around necessarily to pour the copper sulfate solution.

Root rot cucumbers

Sometimes in thickened landings on cucumbers you can see gray sliding stains - it spreads gray rot. Bad ventilation greenhouses, excessive watering, cold water provokes disease. Finding such stains on one plant, you need to check all the others, process or remove contaminated and adjust the humidity of the air. The treatment of sulfur roti lies in the sprinkle of the affected places with a mixture of copper mood and wood ash (1 tsp. K 1 Art.).

Increased humidity can also activate white rot - with this disease, the roots, the leaves, the fruits of vegetables are covered with a white bloom resembling wool structure. With the development of the disease, the flare turns into a mucus.

White rot in running form

Infected with white rot parts of the cucumber vine should be cut off, and slices spray with lime either with copper vitrios. The soil after removing the diseased plants should be treated with a weak solution of manganese.

Scribes and her danger

Clapporiosa (bright spot) can destroy the entire crop of cucumbers in a few days. Infected plants and fruits are covered with brown spots, from which the fluid is composed, they are not suitable for food. The disease is developing in greenhouse conditions with excessive humidity.

For treatment, all bushes should be examined, remove the diseased, stop watering for 5-6 days, open the doors and windows of the greenhouse and arrange a total ventilation. It is necessary to install the optimal temperature regime for cucumbers: +25? Happy, +23? With Night. Spray the vacuum is recommended with a solution of 1% burglar fluid.

Brown spotting cucumbers

Bacteriosis (the angular spot of sheet plates) extends to the greenhouse conditions of high temperature and humidity. First, spots appear on the leaves that "grow" and are connected to each other. Fabrics of the sheet plate die, disappear and only accommodation remain on the sheet. When spreading the disease, the plant dies. In case of late treatment, 50-70% harvest may die. The degree of disease of other plants in the greenhouse is very high.

The prevention of bacteriosis is to use high-quality seed material, drank seeds before falling into the ground. After detecting the cucumber and removal of cuccoer disease and their removal from the greenhouse, frame, the frame should be disinfected with lime.

Dangerous fusarious fading

Fusarious wilt is a dangerous plant disease, which is caused by a fungus, striking fibrous bundles of cucumber vine. At the same time, the flow of nutrients to the tissues of the plant ceases, and it quickly fades and dies at any stage of growth.

Due to the rapid development, this disease of the cucumbers is not treated, so it is important to prevent it in a timely manner not only in greenhouses, but also on open beds. As prevention, it is possible to treat the soil after harvesting with a solution of manganese.

Fusarious fading of cucumbers

Viral diseases of cucumbers

Green and white mosaic - viral diseases of cucumbers in the greenhouse. It is more dangerous to infection with green mosaic - it is striking the leaves and fruits that get a motley mosaic color. With a white mosaic disease, white and yellowish lanes are formed on the fruits.

Viral diseases are practically not treated. Young shoots are recommended to transplant to a new place, old - just remove. Infected fruits can not be eaten and give pet. From such a crop will have to get rid of the method of destruction.

Green mosaic on cucumbers

Dangerous pests of cucumbers

The cultivation of cucumbers does not require much costs and hassle, the main thing to protect the plants from pathogens of diseases and pests that live in the ground. The main pests of cucumbers in the greenhouse:

  • putin tick;
  • whitehouse whiteflink;
  • slugs;
  • medveda;
  • larvae beetles.

TLL on cucumbers: how to distinguish

The simplest and eco-friendly way to get rid of thephids - irrigation and wash the sheet plates with a solution of soap. You can irrigate the screens of the infusion of garlic, Luke's husks, cleanliness.

TLL on the cucumber sheet

Drying and fading of cucumbers in a greenhouse can be caused by a web tick, which envelops the entire bush with a shallow cob, preventing the penetration of oxygen and sunlight to the tissues of the cucumber vine. Thus, the process of photosynthesis is disturbed, the plant is fused. In addition, the web tick, like other pests of cucumbers in the greenhouse, feeds on juices from leaves and stem, stopping the further development of the cucumber vacuum.

Treatment from a web tick should be immediate, otherwise the whole planting can die. First, it is necessary to remove the leaves infected with tick and irrigate the bush with soap solution. If more than 50% of the green mass is infected, it is recommended to remove the patient plant from the greenhouse, burn it.

You can use other folk methods: put the jar with a chopped garlic or a holted turpentine to a bush, wrapped a bush with a film and leave for a couple of hours. The processing of the plant from the tick should be carried out twice or three times with an interval of 2-3 days: at high air temperature, the insect is multiplied with an accelerated pace, the larvae of the tick will get over 3 days and the probability of re-infection is large.

Couple tick on cucumbers

White white bottle

The insect is striking the leaf plate of the cucumber vine, sucking nutritious juices. The sheet is black, swept and dies. Most often, the last one is in the lower part of the sheet plate. To get rid of it and save the plant, flush the leaves with soap solution, then rinse with clean water. Considering that the insect does not winter in the ground, most often the pest gets into the greenhouse along with an infected sediment. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully inspect all plants before falling into the ground.

With minor planting infection, it is possible to irrigate the bushes of the infusion of garlic or dandelion. 100g garlic needs to rub on a shallow grater or chop, pour 0.5 liters of water and leave in a dark place for 5 days. Then 5 ml garlic infusion dilute 1l water and irrigating infected areas.

Bellenka on the leaves of cucumbers

Pests seedlings of cucumbers

The pests of cucumbers in the greenhouse attack and damage not only the formed cucumber shoulders and fruits, but also recently planted seedlings. Medveda, larvae oglkunov feeds eat young faster roots. Seedling dries and dies.

Among the folk methods of struggle with the bear there is such: to fill in the moves aqueous mixture of black pepper or a vinegar solution.

The slugs eat the green mass of escapes, leading to its drying. As the main method of struggle with slugs, they are advised to leave for the night in beds cut potatoes with minor recesses. In the morning, they are thrown out of the greenhouses together with slugs.

For the operational treatment of diseases of cucumbers in a greenhouse, it is necessary to learn how to determine their pathogens, the photo will help this.

For the prevention of disease, it is important to organize the right temperature and ventilation, maintain the optimal level of humidity, to replace the soil and disinfection in a timely manner.

Photo gallery of diseases of cucumbers

Diseases of cucumbers. Part 1 with photo

Diseases of cucumbers. Part 2

I planted in the greenhouse Favorite varieties of cucumbers, already the fruits began to appear on them. And suddenly in July, he noticed that some bush leaves were covered with convex spots of brown color. It turned out to be alternariasis!

Fortunately, he was in the initial stage, I was able to cure infected plants with the help of a bordeaux liquid and a decrease in the percentage of air humidity in the greenhouse.

My harvest and did not have time to suffer! In this article, I will list you the common diseases of the cucumbers, I will tell you how to cure them, as in the future to prevent the appearance of these diseases, show visual photos.

It develops very slowly, so this disease can not immediately notice. At first, small convex stains of dark color appear on leaves, which for a month and a half gradually cover the entire sheet. Typically, those bushes that grow the door of the greenhouse are the first.

Alternariasis is massively distributed due to the increased humidity of the room and the high air temperature, from +30 o C. Cucumbers growing on open soil, they are amazed much less often. If you do not start treatment in time, then you can forget about the crop.

Fortunately, it's very easy to get rid of this disease. It is enough every two weeks to spray sick and healthy bushes "burgundy liquid" or "oxychloride". Or choose seeds in advance, more resistant to various diseases.


He is striking not only the cucumbers, but almost all the greens, as he lives not only in the seeds, but also in the ground. It is capable not only to destroy, but also to deform half of the crop, if you do not sleep on time.

Initially, small yazens appear on the trunks, then the stems become very brittle, they can be easily broken with their fingers. And the color of greenery becomes paler, brown-yellow stains appear on the leaves, which themselves turn into holes. And the fruits cover almost in front of growing pink stains.

The appearance of this fungus is easier to warn than get rid of it. Each autumn dried plants must be burned, especially infected. It is recommended to observe crop rotation.

The contaminated bushes are separated by 1% solution of "burglar liquid" by the root, it can be replaced by "copper oxychloride". On one bush enough floor-liter fluid. The main thing is that the drug does not get on parts of plants.

White Rot

In open soil, it is practically not found, but in greenhouses or greenhouses it can be found. It develops immediately on all bushes, struggling at the same time stems, roots, fruits. White rotting overlaps his bush access to moisture, and it starts to start.

Therefore, the cucumbers die almost instantly, covered with a white fluffy bloom and becoming soft and rot. The fungus lives everywhere: on the shoes of the garden, in garden tools, in the air. Infected plants need to be removed as quickly as possible so that they do not have time to infect their neighbors.

This disease is not appropriate. So that the white rot does not apply, it is enough to make in the soil around the "Triphodermin" stem. It is even better to choose for landing resistant to white variety.


If the greenhouse is practically not ventilated, it is very humid and hot, then the likelihood is high that the cucumbers will pick up the Claporiosa, known in the people as olive spotting.

Young cucumbers are first covered by numerous yellow spots, which then change their color to olive, this is finally losing their commodity look. To make sure that it is definition right, it is enough to inspect the cucumber leaf, if they saw a web on his underside, then this is a fungus.

If the bushes are closely close to each other, then the likelihood is that they will all be brought in a short time. The neglected case is impossible to cure, but if it was found in the initial stage, it is necessary to process all the cucumbers "potatocide" or "borodoskoy mixture", and the affected stems and leaves are deleted.

Handle every ten days. After harvesting, pull out and burn bushes, disinfected the entire greenhouse.

Root rot

They are amazed only by plants with a weak immunity. Therefore, before landing, it is necessary to process not only the soil, but also seeds. Water with only warm water. The fact that the cucumbers are infected with the root rot, you can see the root neck of the brown.

After that, the stem is thinning, the leaves become sluggish, yellow and fall, and the patient a bustice is very easy to pull out of the ground, since his roots rotted. If the disease noted at the initial stage, you can save bushes, just sprinkling the neck of the earth so that new roots formed on it later.

So that the cucumbers are not infected with the root rot, the soil should be treated with sterilizers before planting, and seeds three weeks before landing are treated in the TIMER preparation to increase immunity.

Puffy dew

It is them most affected by cucumbers growing in greenhouses or greenhouses. If you do not sleep on time, then at best, only half of the crop can be mistaken. He first manifests itself in the form of a light white plaque on the leaves, which, increasing, begins to darken. The leaves are slowly deformed and fall.

Puffy dew does not affect the fruits, but due to the poor condition of the coastal, they cannot continue to develop properly and begin to wither, lose their taste. Therefore, in order not to lose the entire harvest, in the greenhouse you need to remove weeds on time, especially the e-country and plantain.

Watch that at night the temperature in the greenhouse does not fall below +17 o C, and during the day it did not rise above +30 ° C, as well as unwanted to allow high humidity. Preparations will help to get rid of pulse dews: "Barothet", "Tovit", "Jet", "Quadris". They sick plants spray every 12 days.

After processing, the assembled crop need to be thoroughly rinsed. So that the plants are not infected, they spray them with any growth stimulant.


It appears both in greenhouses, greenhouses and on open earth. Usually the peak of its development takes place in July. He is first taken for mildewing dew. It begins with the appearance of light yellow spots on the upper side of the leaves, and on the underside these stains are already with a gray bloom.

Soon, these specks merge into one large, this is finally chopping the whole leaf, and even the whole bush. If the fruits have already managed to mature, they infected with this fungus become pale green and tasteless. From the infected plant, it is impossible to completely remove this fungus, but it is possible to reduce its destructive properties with the help of the drug "Planiz".

Before that, you need to remove all the affected parts and reduce the humidity in the greenhouse so that the fungus cannot continue to develop. The same drug can periodically process all cucumbers as prevention.


They are affected only fruit plants. For a very short time, it can destroy almost all the crop of cucumbers. First, black spots appear on the fruits or leaves, after which the fabrics die, and the cucumbers become externally ugly and nasty taste.

This fungus goes to plants from the soil, where he lives. Therefore, before planting, it is necessary to disinfect the earth or pour the fresh layer on top. Infected greenery is broken, burned as far away from the garden. In order not to be this disease, everything is processed by any anti-grib.

Gray Gnil

It may not always be dangerous for the plant, it all depends on the composition of the soil and immunity of the cucumber variety. If you create a normal air humidity in the greenhouse, then gray rot does not have time to destroy everything. If the air temperature falls below +16 o C, and the moisture increases sharply, the development of gray rot will be difficult to stop.

Each spring and autumn need to handle a greenhouse, greenhouse. Sprouts so that they do not become infected with gray rot, they are treated with "Epuren", and the young seedlings for prevention are sprayed with "Treghodermin".

Black Rot

One of the dangerous diseases from which it is difficult to get rid of. The fungus hides in the ground and wakes up during the ripening of fruits. It is practically not striking seedlings. In order to intercept the disease on time, it should be remembered that it first appears on the stem in the form of green specks, which change their color to brown, then on white.

From the stem, the fungus passes to the leaves in the form of brown spots, after which the fabric is thinning and partially falls off. The fruit is primarily affected by the top, then it gradually begins to decompose, covered with white.

To get rid of this fungus, it is necessary to reduce the humidity of the air in the greenhouse and ensure that there is no sharp temperature drops. Saplings water only warm water. And the design of the greenhouse each autumn and spring to be treated with formalin solution.

Infected leaves are sprayed with a solution of "burglar liquid" every two weeks. If stalks are amazed, they are sprinkled with copper-chalk powder.

Black mold

It is striking only the leaves that begin to be covered with a black rode and brown spots of different shapes, after which they fall. Fruits This disease does not affect, but they are more worse due to dieting green. There are no drugs from this disease, it remains only to remove the infected parts and burn them, or even the whole bushes.

Before boarding the seeds of cucumbers, in order to avoid infection with a black mold is etched. And bushes spray fungicides with copper in the composition.

Diseases of cucumbers wave a dachnik at every step. It is not necessary to relax, because the care of cucumbers is not limited to only their planting and growing. In order for the harvest of cucumbers is good, you will have to lie down, spending a lot of time and physical effort to ensure proper care, prevention of possible diseases, to combat diseases and pests.

Puffy dew

What features you can determine the disease

It is considered to be torrential dew with one of the most common diseases that affects different cultures, including cucumbers. The disease "beats" on the leaves of the plant. Stems and sweets are subject to infection so often, quite rarely - the fruits of cucumber. If a small white spot is seen in the upper part of the cucumber - this is a malicious dew.

The stain is incremented in size, covering the entire sheet first, and then the entire plant is entirely. Gradually, the disease negatively acts on the entire plant. It can be seen how the common bush "suffers" when the leaf of the brown should fall from it. Puffy dew, slowly kills the plant. If it grows in an infected form, it will lead to a decrease in the quality of fruits, and the cucumbers will grow much less. Why does the disease appear?

Causes of malievable dew

  • increased moisture;
  • planting cucumbers without proper care;
  • the presence of weeds on the beds;
  • systematic differences in temperature indicators;
  • when watered with cold water;
  • winds, drafts;
  • if the gardening of the cucumbers is carried out on the same place.

The disease remains in the ground, on plantains, weeds, and on infected plants, which in the garden remained wintering.

The development of pulse dew cucumber also contributes sharp temperature differences, severe humidity and dew loss.

How to deal with mildew dewing on cucumbers

For all the years a large number of all sorts of ways to eliminate this disease have been developed.
It is necessary to plant only strong and stable cucumber varieties, as well as its hybrids. If the site's owner saw the first signs of the disease, the infectious parts of the plant should be cut and disinfected, or burn.

In the event that the disease is progressing, the cucumber bush should be treated with sulfur hammer (take 30 g per 10kv.m. landing).

You can make a solution of sulfur colloid: 30 grams of 0.3% sulfur on 1 bucket of water.

Effective event: sprinkle a plant with a cowboy.

In order for the next year the plant does not ill, it is necessary, necessarily, remove all the remains of the plants. Pumping beds must be definitely deeply.

Symptoms of appearance

On the reverse side of the sheet, the gray row with a lilac shade is visible.
And on the front of the sheet, light-green spots with a yellowish tint, oil consistency appear. Their form can be round or triangular.

After time, the stains increase in size and go to the surface of all the leaves of cucumbers.
Infected leaves acquire a brown-burgundy shade. They will become brittle. The leaves, in the end, crumble, and the stalks are taken away.

Such a disease, as false mildew, differs from a simple tone and in the nature of the spots that are formed. When it is simple mildness, the leaves as if someone sprinkled with flour. White spots have a small size. If false mildness, the leaves of the cucumbers seemed from the drops of dews burned with sunbeams. And the first disease, and the second is harmful to the cucumbers. Without treatment, they will die.

Causes of the propagation of false torment

The emergence of this disease may be due to the fact that a certain kind of fungi living in the ground begins to reproduce actively. In the soil they live for about 6 years.
Factors that beneficially affect the growth of fungi:

  • Too large air humidity;
  • Rainy season;
  • Fogs;
  • Dew;
  • Incorrectly selected landing site of cucumbers (shadow side);
  • None natural air circulation.

False mildness on cucumbers develops perfectly when it is very often sharply reduced and the temperature rises. It may happen and day, and at night. The air is completely saturated with water vapors with a difference more than 10 degrees. Then, with 100% humidity, dew appears on the leaves. It is important, with the onset of the night, to cover the cucumbers, or to provide them with heating.

Peronosporosis of cucumbers or false mildew is one of the widespread diseases of this vegetable. It is just a disease that can lead to the death of the plant.

Methods of struggle

In order for false torment, "did not occupy" cucumbers, preventive measures need to be carried out. It is necessary to obtain a healthy and whole crop. Folk remedies To combat this disease, it is suitable in order to eliminate the first symptoms and extensive lesions when the marrow is already formed. Chemicals are used only until the ripening of fruits.

Preventive measures to prevent this disease

It is much easier to prevent the appearance of a disease than to spend strength and time, trying to save the cucumbers, or even lose the crop. To do not happen, such measures should be performed:

  1. Watering to exercise only in the morning clock. Water should be warm. This is necessary in order to in the evening, the level of humidity has decreased.
  2. It is necessary to maintain the temperature at one level, without sharp jumps. In the daytime, the suitable temperature is +25 degrees, in the night - + 18- +21.
  3. It is necessary every season to change the places of planting cucumbers.
  4. Greenhouse needs to be used as often.

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One of the preventive measures to combat this fungus is the selection of those varieties that are resistant to false torment. It is worth choosing cucumber hybrids that are resistant to it:

  • Delpina F1;
  • Vista F1;
  • Annie F1.

If you give preference, nevertheless, varietal plants, then after collecting seeds, they need to soak to disinfect in a solution of manganese (dark color).

Application of special means

The use of biochemical preparations and chemicals is recommended at that time when seeds are prepared for sowing. It is so easier than to take measures to destroy false torment, and lose the crop. Efficiency proved the following drugs: Phytosporin-M, Adin-B and Gamiir;

IN preventive purposesSo that there is no false malievable dew, it is necessary to make a solution of a fungicide. Then put the seeds of cucumbers by 1.5 - 2 hours. After that, the seeds get, washed under water. Dried. They are ready for their emergence in the open soil, or on seedlings. 1 kg of seeds are consumed by half a liter of fluid.

At that time, when the stem is intensively growing, to prevent the appearance of false mildew, it is advisable to spray the bushes with an effective drug, with a certain frequency. For example, one of these:

  • Gamiir. Every 14 days. Consisted 10 liters on ar.
  • Vitaplan After 21 days. 3 l is consumed. on ar.
  • Profit Gold. After 7 days (or 14). It is consumed 5 liters per hundred.
  • Phytosporin-m. After 10-14 days. Consisted 10 liters on ar.
  • Proton Extra. After 10 days. Consumption 10l per hundred.

Important! "] After the drugs were applied to prevent false torment on the cucumbers, their condition can deteriorate sharply. To maintain them in a viable state, it is worth conducting tests by selecting 2-3 bushs. In the event that it did not feel bad during the day, you can spray this preparation throughout the area.

When the cucumbers do not give a crop every year, and the wines of everything is simple or false torment, then it makes sense to use chemicals and during the barriers, and when the plant gives fruit. Vintage, days 7 (at least) will not be collected, as the cucumbers, after processing, will be unsuitable for food. But, all the remaining time can be collected and eat delicious cucumbers.

Folk ways to treat false mildew

Hundreds of years, people came up with all sorts of ways to combat false torment. These knowledge was transmitted from generation to generation. Here are some recipes:

  • Garlic decoction. In 1 bucket with water placed 75 grams of garlic, finely chopped. You can use arrows. A decoction that cooled, sprayed bushes.
  • Milk and iodine solution. Water - 9 l, milk (0% fat) - 1 liter. 10 drops of iodine (alcohol solution of 5% concentration) are added. Spray cucumbers.
  • Ash tea. Brewed in 3 liters boiling water 0.5 liters. ash. Tea that has cooled, adjust to 10l volume.

For spraying from this disease, any time of day and any frequency is suitable. If the plant fell ill - it is worth splashing more often. To achieve maximum effect, the weather should be, if possible, windless. Also splashed plants for the purpose of prevention. Harm this procedure will not bring.

Signs of white rot on cucumbers

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In areas subjected to infection, it appears from lush white flakes. This is a mushroom mycelium, which, with time, begins to increase in size. The fabrics of the stem zones become soft, acquire a watery structure. The process of the delivery of water and the nutrient components contained in it are violated. As a result, the plant fades and dies.

Over time, mycelium in some places becomes dense and dark. This suggests that the scleromial stage of the mushroom began. When the fruit of cucumber will touch the infected area of \u200b\u200bthe fungus, they are very quickly infected.

White rot, cucumber is found almost everywhere where cucumbers are grown. Especially often the gardeners face it in a closed soil.

How to deal with white rot

Key agrotechnical ways to combat white grinding cucumber is a constant shift of landing sites. It is also important to all the remaining particles of plants after harvesting to burn. For 100% effect achievement, the various remaining parts of the plants are removed simultaneously with the upper layer of soil (2 or 3 cm). As soon as it became clear that the young stems began to rot, they immediately need to be removed. It is also important to delete the soil layer with them.

For cucumbers in greenhouses! "] It is important to maintain the optimal wet and thermal regime in the greenhouses. So that the moisture is not too high in the greenhouses, regular ventilation will help to avoid it.

The cucumbers love the evening watering and warm water.
If the white rot attacked the tissue of cucumber, for efficient sprinkles apply chalk, ashes, thicker coal. Many gardeners do this: they smear the contaminated zones with a certain composition of pink color. For its preparation you need to mix manganese, chalk and water.

If you can see that the plots are strongly amazed, they are cut together with a healthy cloth, which is near. Greenhouses and soil must be subjected through intervals, careful disinfection.
The use of extracurricular feeding cucumbers can serve a good service. To perform them, it is necessary:

Recipe for extractive feeding from white rot. "] Dilute 10g urea and 2 g of copper sulfate, 1 g of zinc sulfate in a 10 liter water bucket.

Watering the young cucumbers with a 0.1% solution of "Planning" will be very useful during the growing season. It will not hurt to apply the Tenhodermin tool, and also to deceive the cucumber stems with aqueous solution from Rouralle and Sumilax.

Symptoms of Disease

The fact that the plant is sick, testifies the brown color in which the root neck and cucumber roots are painted. The lower leaves begin to shrust, and all other leaves are withering in summer daysWhen a lot of sun. Take a painful look, and gradually falling the flowers on the contaminated plants. Zelentsy will not continue their development.

The disease by this time amazes almost completely the entire root system. Dark-brown shade acquire roots. Their structure becomes loose. Fits the outer layer of stems.

The sick cucumbers quickly lose their external healthy appearance, and dry. There is another symptom that the rot is destroying cucumbers with great power. This is the fact that the stem is loosened down. It is easily separated from the patients with brown-burgundy roots.

If the soil has acidity in the pH 5-6 area, most of the pathogens of diseases rapidly develop their activity. They develop well at a temperature of + 5- + 45 degrees. Each type of viruses prefers its temperature to manifest activity. The pithium virus loves the temperature from 12 to 24 degrees. For virus, phytoophulas need a temperature regime for more than 7 degrees so that it showed the maximum activity, and formed malicious disputes.

The humidity level of the soil is a factor affecting the level of development of almost all diseases. When the summer houses often and intensively water the cucumbers, in greenhouse conditions, the soil moisture is strongly increased, and the amount of oxygen, the necessary roots for their normal life, decreases. This is the reason that the root system becomes weak and vulnerable when the plant is striking phytopathogens.

During the disease "Root rot" at cucumbers in the greenhouses, stem

Ways to eliminate root rot

The fact that the leaves have become sluggish (as a result of the fact that the roots rot), the bundle of the stem near the base, and the gradual fission of the root system is the manifestation of the symptoms of a serious disease. Often, the reason for the lack of resistance to this pathogen is that the plants were planted in the soil with a violation of certain rules.

How to warn these troubles:

  1. Observe the principle of crop rotation (not to plant the cucumbers on the same place for the next season).
  2. When the process of disembarking the cucumber seedlings is carried out, it is not injected into a strong depth. It is enough to 1 cm depth.
  3. The height from the leaves of seedlings to the soil should be at least 3 cm.
  4. Watering cucumbers are carried out only for warm water. The plant itself must try not to hurt.
  5. When feeding and mulching occurs, you need to not overdo it using humus. Stem in contact with soil needs oxygen, respectively, it is necessary to ensure its free access.
  6. It is necessary to constantly observe the level of humidity of the soil so that it does not exceed 85%. The temperature of the soil must be at the mark from +20 to +26 degrees.
  7. It is impossible to saline soil, since this factor greatly weakens the roots of the plant.
  8. It is advisable to choose fertilizer without chlorine. It is worth using organic fertilizers who have passed composting at least 6 months.
  9. As soon as the subsidence noticed that the leaves of the cucumber began to fade, it means that the landing was not done as well as it should be done correctly. It is necessary to take a garden blade, and carefully remove the ground from the cucumber stalks. It is important not to touch the root, who is shallow.

Recipe for cucumbers' feeding "] The resulting cracks are treated with such a composition: half-liter of water, 1 tsp. Copper sulfate, 3 tbsp. Wood chopped ash. Another option: fall asleep in the place of the bundle of ash, finely chopped to the powder state activated carbon or chalk (dry).

If, after all procedures, the bush did not recover, it should be squeezed and burned. The place where the patient plant grew, it is necessary to handle, pouring a mixture of copper mood.

In order to prepare containers with a nutrient solution, a humid, delicate, as well as peat soil in a proportion of 1: 1: 1 is used. It is advisable to use composed mixtures sterilized by the biological way no less than 2 years. A good result gives a cassette technology with mineral cork. It will avoid plant infection through the soil.

Forget forever about the problems with pressure!

At most modern drugs from hypertension do not treat, but only temporarily reduce high pressure. It is already good, but patients are forced to take drugs until the end of the life, exposing their health load and danger. To correct the situation, a drug was developed, which treats a disease, and not symptoms.

It is worth considering the labeling of the latest sterile mats. These methods prevent the plants to be subjected to diseases. If the same soil is constantly used, this will lead to the fact that a variety of pathogenic organisms will be accumulated in it.

If the cucumbers rot the root system, they can be saved if you use another way. It will help when the cracks on the stems are small, and the lower leaves just started to fade.

Actions: With the help of a sharp knife, the lower, faded leaves are cut. Further waiting for the places of cutting to dry. Remove the plant with support and put on the ground. After that, the places where the leaves were cut, the earth is falling asleep.

The last step: raise the plant and tie it to the support again. If such a procedure is carried out, on the part that the earth was sprinkled, young roots will appear, and the "second breathing" will open at the plant.

Video: Why yellow leaves in seedlings cucumbers

Alina Sokolova, especially for

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