Cultural map of Great Britain Research work. United Kingdom - Kingdom of Cultural Heritage

The relevance of the study is the main question, the answer to which you should know before the start of writing your work, as if the topic of your work is not relevant, then its lighting is simply meaningless and no one needs.

The relevance of the topic of research is the degree of its importance at the moment and in this situation to solve these problems, the question or tasks. The lighting of the relevance should not be verbose. It is not necessary to start its characteristic from afar.

What follows and from which one should not proceed with the disclosure of the relevance of the topic of research?

You can call two basic directions of its characteristics.

The first is associated with the unexpectedness of the chosen topic. In this case, the study is relevant precisely because certain aspects of the topic have not fully studied and the study is aimed at overcoming this gap.

The second direction of the characteristics of the relevance is associated with the possibility of solving a certain practical task based on the data obtained in the study. One of these directions is either the other together usually appear when it is characteristic of this element of the conceptual apparatus of scientific research.


Example 1. The current state of psychological science associated with the unexecution of a certain mental phenomenon or process.

Currently, in the psychology of speech and psycholinguistics, there are a large number of studies on these aspects of speech, as an ontogenetic (children's speech), communicative, rhetorical, neurophysiological, study of speech in the context of various social interactions, computer simulation of the individual characteristics of the speech process. These studies are characterized by great heterogeneity, based on various initial packages and bases. Of particular relevance, therefore, a holistic description of the recreation system is acquired in a single model, which allows to achieve the principal compatibility of various research areas within a single framework frame. Such a model was developed at the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

At the same time, it allows you to schedule the most relevant areas of research and concentrate scientific search on them.

Example 2. The introduction of the position of a practical psychologist to the education system has delivered the problem of high-quality training specialists to the highest school to solve psychological tasks in school.

One of these tasks is psychological diagnosis, including the study of the psychological characteristics of students and their groups in the educational process, as well as determining the causes of the difficulties of learning and behavior in order to provide psychological assistance. At the same time, mistakes in diagnostic practice may have the most negative consequences for the surveyed child, which increases. Requirements for the quality of psychological training of future specialists and highlights the question of finding the optimal ways to produce a psychological diagnosis.

Improving the diagnostic activity of a practical psychologist orients psychological science into a deep and detailed study of the peculiarities of the process of performing a psychological diagnosis during the decision of psychodiagnostic tasks.

Meanwhile, the content of the process of solving psychodiagnostic tasks has not yet been the subject of a special study, as it was in technical and medical diagnostics.

Example 3. The relevance of the problem. The relevance of this study is determined primarily by the state of modern ergonomics, in which a huge factual material about a person is accumulated as a leading link in the man-man system (score). This material requires systematization, generalizations, comprehension, structuring and presenting it as a single complex of knowledge about ergathe systems.

Ergonomic anthropology is one of the first directions of research in the field of ergonomic knowledge synthesis. It reflects one of the parties to morpho-psychological studies of a comprehensive and systemic nature that pretended at the junction of anthropology and psychology within the framework of ergonomics. "

The possibility of solving a certain practical task based on data obtained in the study.

P rymer 4. Relevance of the topic. The modern stage of the development of the professional world is characterized by the increased need for professionally mobile professionals who can successfully implement themselves in changing socio-economic conditions. However, the real practice of psychological counseling demonstrates that many people, even experiencing dissatisfaction with the profession, continue to work in it, as they consider to change the scope of employment in their own incompetence. At the same time, professional activity becomes ineffective, dissatisfaction arises not only by the profession, but I.zhiznyu in general.

In this regard, along with the traditional tasks of the psychology of labor with the need rise to the tasks of analyzing the reasons, conditions and patterns of conscious change of the profession and its understanding in the context of building and implementing a personal professional perspective. The concept of professional development is presented to study this problem. "

Example 5. The relevance of research. A special role in the training system of specialists belongs to the professional psychological selection of applicants as the initial stage of professional formation. An analysis of the practice of a trade intake in military universities suggests that this process is currently in many ways spontaneously: there is no uniform coordinated strategy of events, the selection is not considered as a holistic system, the psychological aspects of professional activity are not enough.

Example 6. "The relevance and formulation of the problem of research. The existing trend of the growth of crimes in Russia in recent years, the death of many police officers in the performance of official debt, all increasing demands in society to the problem of combating crime predetermine the need to significantly increase the level of combat, physical and moral. Psychological training personnel, searching for new, efficient ways to study.

The presence of a problem situation was repeatedly emphasized in solving the collegium of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, at the Minister of the Interior Minister with the faculty of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, where it was directly indicated that graduates of educational institutions are not always able to confront the criminal environment and have weak physical and psychological preparedness.

Prospects for the development of psychological training in the internal affairs bodies can only be determined on the basis of a scientifically based concept. However, in our opinion, such a concept in the Ministry of Internal Affairs today is not.

Example 7. The relevance of the problem. The transition of our economy from the planning and administrative methods of management to the market radically changed the economic, social, political and psychological situation in the country. This is undoubtedly requires substantial restructuring and strategy, and tactics, and management psychology.

List of most successful students in student research

1. Characteristics of the stages of love in the novel by Charlotic Bronte "Gen Air"

2. Queen Elizabeth I in history and cinematography: similarities and differences

3. In search of a RUSSK word (Russian borrowings and their distribution in English)

4. Means of expression Concepts tolerance in Belarusian and English

5. Slovency (Towning of Words) Joan Rowling in the literary fairy tale "Harry Potter"

6. Floral component in the composition of phraseological units

7. The phenomenon of industrial culture as a new concept of preservation of cultural heritage and as one of the tourist routes of Germany (on the example of the Ruhr region of the Earth North Rhine - Westphalia)

8. Comparative characteristics of Belarusian and German holidays (strides and day of three kings, Maslenitsa and Carnival, Ivan Kupala and Johannes day) and mythological characters (houses - in Belarus, Witch - in Germany)

9. Somatizm phraseologisms in Russian and French

List of unsuccessful topics of students

1. In the world of English idiom

2. Anglicizms in modern Russian

3. suffixation - method of word formation in the system of English noun

4. Study of difficulties in learning English

5. Composite words in English vocabulary and in works of English authors

6. Winged words in English

7. Main lexical and grammatical differences between the American and British English version

8. Neologisms in English

9. Comparison of phraseologism in German and Russian languages

10. Supplied friends of translator

11. Ensure the history, culture and traditions on the lifestyle of the British

12. Changes in German spelling

13.Timology of English words

14.Toising, their role and place in the system of modern German

15.Is of the history of German phraseological revolutions

16.Information and interpenetration of languages

The most typical errors

1. Compiler work

2. References work

3. Lack of research

4. No novelty

5. Missing the structure of the work of the requirements for scientific work. No conclusions

6. The results of the study filed in conclusion are generally accepted axioms.

7. The topic chosen for research is not relevant: studies of this topic on the NPK of the past years were presented more meaningfully

8. Research hypotheses do not have confirmations

Topics of research work in English

  • "What is hot with the younge generation?" "What is popular among young people?"
  • Golden Age in British history.
  • Nickname as a special kind of modern anthroponyms.
  • SECRETS OF GLOBAL COMMUNICATION (secretsGlobal communication).
  • Abbreviation in e-mail and on-line games.
  • Abbreviation in English Computer slang.
  • Alfred Great and his contribution to the development of English.
  • American English - new trends.
  • Americans and Russian eyes each other.
  • Analysis of printed media headers.
  • English vocabulary associated with the church and religion.
  • British and Russian sayings and proverbs are similar to the difference.
  • English and Russian proverbs and sayings, difficulties of their translation.
  • English lettering on clothes as an extralyinguistic factor affecting the culture of teenagers.
  • British wedding traditions.
  • English elements in the names of television and radio broadcasts.
  • English and Russian - are they so different?
  • English as a global communication language.
  • English calendar. What can tell the names of months and days of the week.
  • English as a reflection of the history and identity of the English people.
  • British in Russian.
  • English-speaking borrowings in modern journalism.
  • English-speaking borrowing in modern Russian.
  • English-speaking borrowings in modern Ukrainian.
  • English-speaking slogans in the Russian media.
  • Biography and creativity A. Milna.
  • Biography and creativity of William Shakespeare.
  • Biography and creativity Luisa Carrol.
  • The letters of the English alphabet. Their private life and life in the team.
  • Influence of British culture on Russian society.
  • The influence of the group "Beatles" on the music of the 20th century.
  • The influence of the education system of English-speaking countries on the education system in Russia.
  • The influence of the education system of English-speaking countries on the education system in Ukraine.
  • The effect of J. Bairon's creativity on Russian classical literature.
  • Where do words live? My favorite dictionary.
  • Globalization of English and its influence into Russian.
  • Monarchs in British history.
  • Animals in English proverbs and sayings and their Russian equivalents.
  • Borrowing words in English as a way of replenishing the dictionary.
  • Empire McDonalds and we.
  • Interpretation of the lexical unit "Inspiration" in Russian and English.
  • Using English in Internet communication Russian-speaking and ways to adapt it.
  • Stories about Winnie Poham A. Milna Translated B. Nodoka - Features of the translation of jokes.
  • Historical connections of Russia and the UK.
  • Historical connections of Ukraine and the UK.
  • History of English tea.
  • The history of the English vocabulary, which calls the plant.
  • The history of the English vocabulary associated with the monarchy.
  • Britain history in architecture.
  • The history of the development of Tower and Petropavlovsk Fortress.
  • The history of the development of numerical in English.
  • The history of the most famous songs of Russia and Britain (for example, "a Christmas tree" and "Happy Birthday") was born in the forest.
  • The history of Slavic borrowing in English.
  • The history of the ways of submission of passive action in English.
  • The history of the formation of degrees of comparing the English names of adjectives.
  • As Hefalump became a ilonopotam, and Mr. OWL has become an aunt owl (based on the translation of B. Sunshine stories about Winnie Poose).
  • Category of the number of noun in English and Russian.
  • Concept "time" in English. "
  • Cultural map of Great Britain.
  • Limerick as a genre of English poetry.
  • Linguistic aspect of the language of African Americans.
  • Linguity library analysis of the texts of modern Russian and English songs.
  • International Institute for the Protection of the Rights of the Child.
  • Can I become the English Queen?
  • Fashion in the UK: yesterday and today.
  • My pocket phrasebook.
  • Youth culture Emo-Kidz in Russia and Britain.
  • Primary school in Britain.
  • The newest British in modern Russian.
  • What are the inscriptions on student clothes of our school.
  • Clothing: Fashion and tradition.
  • Omonies in English and their specific features.
  • Online translators as a means of learning English.
  • Descriptive characteristics of the image of women in proverbs and the aphorisms of Russian and English languages.
  • Orphoepic standards in the history of the English language.
  • Features of the English slang in Australia and Canada.
  • Features of the intonation of English speech and literary translation on materials of lyrics.
  • Features of the translation of the stories A.P. Chekhov in English.
  • Caution! Talking clothes. (Analysis of inscriptions on T-shirts).
  • Distinctive features of houses in Britain.
  • Reflection of the culture of the English people in proverbs and sayings.
  • Reflection of traditions at the level of phraseology in English.
  • Negative offers in the history of English.
  • Political correctness as a language phenomenon in the United States.
  • Rights of the child in Russia and the UK.
  • Press - mirror of the world. Different there are mirrors.
  • Adventures Dorothy in Oz and Ellie in Wonderland.
  • Signs and superstitions of Great Britain and Russia.
  • Pressing case in the history of the English language.
  • The problem of synonyms when translated.
  • The problems of the youth and ways to solve them.
  • The origin of the English vocabulary, calling animals.
  • Ways to study English with the help of the Internet.
  • Differences between British and American English options.
  • Speech portrait of donkey in the cartoon "Shrek".
  • The role of English in the modern world.
  • The role of the Platagenets dynasty in the history of England.
  • Russian borrowing in English.
  • The most famous inventions of the British.
  • Sentimentalism as a direction in the English and Russian literature.
  • Syntactico-semantic analysis of components of comprehensive words in English.
  • Modern British slang.
  • Modern view of the work of William Blake.
  • Ways to educate English abbreviations in online correspondence. (Analysis of replicas in chat rooms)
  • Methods for the translation of sports terminology in English.
  • Methods of word formation of adjectives in English.
  • Comparative characteristics of the English speech genre "Jokes" and the Russian joke.
  • Comparative characteristics of two English options: British and American.
  • Comparative characteristics of holidays in the United States and the United Kingdom.
  • Mass media in the UK and the United States.
  • The structure of Russian folk fairy tales and the features of their translation into English.
  • The spheres of the functioning of English borrowing in Russian.
  • So different English.
  • Toponymy. The origin of geographical names in different regions of Great Britain.
  • Traditions and customs of Scotland and Wales. Comparative characteristics.
  • Food traditions in the UK and the USA.
  • The amazing world of sonnets W. Shakespeare.
  • Forms of handling in English.
  • Hip-hop culture and its influence on youth slang.
  • United Kingdom: symbols, names, discoveries.
  • We read "Harry Potter".
  • What can tell banknotes about their people.
  • Shakespeare - Who is he? The difficulties of transferring poetic works.
  • Scotland Robert Barisa.
  • Ecological context of the novel of Hermann Melville "Moby Dick".
  • Extreme sports and stress. Pros and cons.
  • Is the Bitles group of the most popular British group today.
  • Language as a means of storing cultural and historical information in the history of the British costume.

MOU "Persian secondary secondary school"

Volzhsky municipal district

Republic of Mari EL


"Holidays of Great Britain and USA"

Chernova Evelina,

Mironov Mikhail,

Sibagatulin Andrei,

Lapteva Svetlana,

learning 8A class

Project Manager:

Gavrilova Alevtina

Vladimirovna, teacher

of English language

from. Pomar, 2012.


1. Analysis of theoretical material. The role of holidays in the cultures of the country

2. Experimental part

2.1. Types of holidays, their classification.

Holidays of Great Britain and USA

2.2. Similarities and differences in cultural traditions

USA and Great Britain

3. Translation

4. Literature


Nowadays, many holidays, and they all have their own name. Their set in every country, for each country there are significant dates that are not different in any other, but there is also a common between many English-speaking countries. To understand the peoples of other countries, not enough knowledge only, you need to know the culture and history of this countries. So, the study of cultural traditions, in particular, the study of the features of the celebration of various festivals, customs adopted by the peoples of the UK countries and the United States today, you can talk about relevancethis topic: First, since the United States is a multinational country, and peoples live on its territory, which in addition to public holidays celebrate their national, (for example, the Americans of Irish origin celebrate St. Patrick's Day, as well as in the UK) you can talk about Strengthening interethnic cultural relations within the country. Secondly, the main public holidays of these countries existed in different timesBut so far they have not lost their meaning, since they are an integral part of each person's life.

Purpose This research work is an example of the general holidays of Great Britain and the United States to show similarities and differences in the cultural traditions and customs of these countries. Examine the features of holidays in these countries.

The goal is revealed through the following Research tasks:

- Examine their role in the cultural life of the country.

- identify similarities and differences in cultural traditions regarding common holidays.

- Explore the features of shared holidays and festivals in each of the two countries.

Objectstudying my work are cultural traditions and customs of Great Britain and the United States.

Working hypothesis:Getting Started, we suggested that there are similarities and differences in the cultural traditions of Great Britain and the United States.

Our research work consisted of the following steps:

1. Heating theoretical material.

2. Experimental part.

3. Analysis of the results obtained.

4. Formulate elections.

Practical significance Studies are that based on the results we received, we can distinguish the features of the shared holidays in each of the two countries.

1. Analysis of theoretical material.

The role of holidays in the cultural life of the country

At all times, different peoples were a special event, he was allocated among the other days and he was of particular importance in the life of the family, of the whole society, the country. For for long years In the festive culture, many memorable dates have been preserved, and there are many ways to celebrate one or another date. Despite the fact that all the holidays are in some extent diverse, many of them have something in common. Holidays have always existed in the culture of different nations, and now exist in the culture of different countries. Every day, on our planet, some holiday rattles. They are preparing for holidays, they remember them and do not forget. They create a festive atmosphere and collect people together. Famous Russian scientist I. Snegirev wrote about the concept of "holiday" as follows: "The word speech itself expresses abolition, freedom from everyday work, connected with fun and joy. Holiday is free time - a significant action taken by a method of committing solemn action; The latter is contained in the first. " There is such a concept as the "educational value of people's holidays." In the work of the works of F. Rabl M. Bakhtin noted: "The holiday is the primary and uncomfortable category of human culture. At the holiday of the door of the houses are open to guests in the limit - for all, for the whole world, on the holiday, all abundance (festive food, clothing, the decoration of the room) are preserved, of course, and the festive wishes of all goods (but almost with complete loss of ambivalence), festive toasts , festive games and ripping, festive cheerful laughter, jokes, dancing, etc. The holiday is not amenable to any utilitarian understanding (like rest, discharge, etc.). Holiday just frees from all utility and practicality; This is a temporary exit to the utopian world. It is impossible to tear off the holiday from the life of the body, earth, nature, space. On holiday and "The Sun plays the sky," no matter how "special festive weather" ... dressing up, thawing, masking are a necessary element of any holiday, since ensure the anonymity of participation in the festive act, help relieve social and psychological barriers. In the "Antiquity dictionary" the word holiday comes from the Latin "Dies Festus", "Fesia / Feria", which means "day free of work." Since ancient times it was believed that the task of the holiday is "to restore the impaired harmony between people and nature and eliminate the alienation of people from nature and society." The first stage of any holiday is a happy waiting, preparation for it. Then comes the holiday itself and, "alas" - the completion of the holiday. The experience of the holiday is long stored in the soul of man, being a source of "spiritual forces". One of the main reasons why we celebrate any events is to recall our ancestors and traits of past times. Celebrating something, we show our respect for people who played a role in the historical process of the country. We enrich our knowledge, learn a lot of new things from the history and culture of the country. Young people carefully listens to the stories of the elders about what and how they celebrated in their times, because traditions tend to change in some cases. I bring something new in the celebration of any memorable date, or borrowing any tradition from other peoples, we combine people with each other. Thus, other cultures are attached to the culture of the country in which they live, not forgetting about their own cultural traditions. The nation becomes more friendly, despite the difference in religion. In some cases, the exchange of cultural information occurs when the culture of another country penetrates the culture of one country, which is borrowed by any holiday and acquires modified features and traditions of the celebration.

2. Experimental part.

2.1. Types of holidays, their classification. Holidays of Great Britain and USA

"Holidays are such wonderful days in which, in accordance with one or another tradition, for example, folk or religious, it is customary to spend time having fun, arranging parties with feasts, solemn ceremonies. In a word - to allocate this day from a series of weekdays, any actions that contribute to the idle time, rest or attending honors and increased attention to any event. The holiday calendar may include as a weekend, if the holidays correspond to the sequence of the weekend in a month to which the holiday is appointed (usually these are professional holidays) and working days, if the holiday corresponds to a specific date. Also in the calendar of the holidays, religious holidays, international holidays, professional holidays, state official holidays, holidays are informal and personal holidays concerning only a particular person, his family, or a certain circle of faces, friends and acquaintances. The largest number of holidays falls on international holidays, popular and not very, each of which, in different countries has different priority and accordingly fame. " In the UK, there are officially 38 holidays: 5 of them Official state weekend: New Year's Day, Catholic (Good Friday), Spring Day in the UK, Holy Apostles Day, Peter and Paul, Catholic Christmas (Christmas) ; 12 of them are festivals, memorable dates, etc., which are of great importance for the country, but not holidays in the literal sense of the word, 21 - holidays marked in the country, but not having official weekends. You can also note the religious holidays, they are only 7 - this is a Catholic (passionate) Friday (Good Friday), Catholic Easter (Easter), the Day of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, Halloween - Eve of All Saints Day (Halloween, All Hallows Evening or Beggars Night ), All Saints Day (All Saints "Day, Guy Fawkes Day and Catholic Christmas (Christmas).

In the US, there is a total of 54 holidays: 7 - Official state weekend: New Year's Day, Martin Luther Luther King (Martin Luther King Day), President (Presidents "Day, Memorial Day in the USA, Independence Day (Independence Day ), Labor Day (Labor Day) and the National Day of Hunting and Fisheries in the United States (National Hunting and Fishing Day); 13 - festivals, memorable dates, etc., are of great importance for the country, but not holidays in the literal sense of this Words, 34 - holidays marked in the country, but not having official weekends. You can also note the religious holidays, they are only 6. What is the personal holidays, then these are natural birthdays, weddings anniversary and many others who are celebrated in a circle Families and friends or holidays relating to a certain group of people. We will consider only the main general and most popular holidays of these two countries. This is:

· Catholic Easter (Easter) - Sunday after the first full moon, after the day of the spring equinox.

· Monarch's birthday (Queen's Birthday) - the second Saturday of June.

2.2. Similarities and differences in the cultural traditions of the United States and Great Britain

The object of studying my work is the cultural traditions and customs of Great Britain and the United States. One of their main traditions of different states of the world is the celebration of its national holiday. For the US, this is Independence Day. And what is the national holiday in the UK? The United Kingdom is an island state, and when she has been influenced by the political and socio-economic development of other countries for a long time. Thanks to the flexible policy, Britain managed to prevent hostilities on its territory and, therefore, it was characterized by a high standard of living and well-being of the English people. The people of the United Kingdom did not need national self-affirmation and, they had no need to remind each year that they were British. True, during the existence of the British Empire, the day of the empire was celebrated, but he existed relatively long and weekend was only for teachers and schoolchildren. Later he was replaced by the Day of the Commonwealth (Commonwealth Day), which since 1996 is celebrated as a Birthday of the Monarch (Queen's Birthday). The national holiday is needed not only to strengthen and self-affirmation of the nation, but also for official purposes. So, for example, on this day abroad, ambassadors are made to arrange techniques in honor of the day of their country, they represent their homeland, speaking on television, etc. The main winter holiday is a new year (New Year's Day) for the UK can only be called the continuation of festive Christmas days. He is not so hot and not so widespread. While Americans love this holiday and celebrate it quite noisy since December 31. Rose Tournament (Tournament of Roses) and Pantomime Parade are associated with the celebration of the New Year. The origins of their traditions originated in the middle of the last century. The major cities of the United States are satisfied with parades, and in the UK, the main Christmas tree of the country is put on the Trafalgar Square of London. The new year in Britain is noted in accordance with local, national traditions and personal preferences. Someone prefers to celebrate him at parties with friends, someone loves to gather on Piccadilly squares or on Trafalgar, many are familiar with family traditions and therefore meet a new goal in the family of a festive table, while in the USA love to celebrate this holiday In clubs, restaurants, theaters. In both countries, people give each other gifts, wish happiness, however, in the UK such a tradition is not as widespread. The British are familiar with family traditions, so many of them meet a new year in a family circle for a festively covered table. As in England, a turkey is served at Christmas, so in Scotland for the New Year, Haggis is being prepared (Haggis) - a culinary emblem of this country. Write toast "Your Good Health!" - For your health! The most famous tradition of Britain is the tradition of the first guest. It is believed that after the clock is trying 12 times, if a man with dark hair appears on the threshold, then the year will be successful. Usually in England, the guest brings with me bread, a corner, pinch of salt, like symbols of food, heat and well-being. The first guest must be treated. Christmas Day is a hot beloved holiday of the British, but it is also widespread among the Americans. He is celebrated on December 25th. This is a Christian holiday, which is usually celebrated for several days. Preparing for this holiday Americans put a Christmas tree in the largest room at home and decorate her toys and candles, the first tradition appeared from the British. They began to decorate the house and giving a hanging plants as a gift - such as an ostolist, ivy and mistletoe. "Each of these plants is in its own way connected with the Divine Bene. Ivy personifies immortality. Ostroitist, evergreen shrub with glossy sharp leaves, is designed to unwab in a person faith in the best and hope. His brilliant red berries symbolize the blood of Jesus Christ. Removing mistletoe, as a holy plant, entered the custom still long before Christ. For example, Druids believed that it could cure many diseases and protects against evil char. From here, I went to the tradition of laying the branches of the mistletoe, passing with ribbon, above the entrance to the house. It was believed that a man had the right to kiss the girl who was inadvertently found himself under the mistletoe branch. This custom is kissing under the mistletoe during the Christmas and New Year holidays, has been preserved in the United States so far. " On this day, a custom appeared to give gifts, which was finally established in the Victorian England, before that gifts exchanged in the New Year or on the twelfth night (feast of the Epiphany). Given someone a gift, people usually say "Merry Christmas!" - "Merry Christmas!". In both countries, children hang stockings on the fireplace and are waiting for Santa Claus at night and put presents there. This custom also originated in Victorian England. "For him, there is such an explanation:" Christmas grandfather "traveled through the air and penetrated into the house through the smoke tube. Going into one of the houses, he dropped a few gold coins in the sock, which heated to dry over the hearth. Since then, in the Christmas Christmas Eve on the fireplace began to post socks and stockings in the hope that something falls there. " Valentine's Day celebration (St. Valentine's Day) February 14 in the UK began before in the United States. This day got its name on behalf of the Christian Martyr Valentina, who was sentenced to execution. The order prohibiting marriage was issued, but Valentine dismissed and secretly married lovers. In the UK, a special place on this day is settled in colors. As you know, there is a whole alphabet of colors, thanks to which you can express all your feelings. The British borrowed the tradition of the gift of flowers on this holiday from the French at the beginning of the 18th century, and the Americans at the beginning of the last century on Valentine's Day began to send marzipans to their beloved. Later, after the start of production of caramel on candy, they began to scatter the corresponding word holiday. Candies were red-white. Red meant passion, and white - the purity of love. But the Americans added another tradition to everyone: a week before the holiday, schoolchildren cut figures in the form of a heart from Paper-Masha, paint and make various inscriptions, and then give lonely, unhappy and sick people. The British also has a similar tradition: in addition to the gift they give each other Valentine - cards in the form of a heart. Now you can buy a wide variety of valentines, but the inscription remains unchanged on all postcards: "To You, With Love From Valentine" (with love from Valentine).

March 17 and in the United States, and in the UK there is a day of St. Patrick (St. Patrick's Day). This is the initial Irish holiday, which has British roots. Holy Patrick became so popular in the United States, where the Irish population is very large that the death day of this saint is noted in a nationwide scale. There are several legends about this holiday. According to one of them: "Patrick was born on March 17, 415 in Wales (Wales) in the family of the deacon of the local church. At the age of 16, he was captured by pirates, brought to Ireland, where he fell into the service to Milchu's leader. The young man was a shepherd. About the period of life, he later wrote: "I prayed to many times a day. Love for the Lord and fear of God more and more came to me, and my faith strengthened. " As the legend says, after six years he heard the voice of God: "" Soon you will return home. " "Look, your ship is waiting." Patrick fled from captivity and, thanks to prayers, was able to persuade the captain to take it to the ship. Later he met the French bishop of Hermanus (Saint-Germain), who helped him strengthen on the path of spiritual development. After the years of St. Patrick returned to Ireland as a missionary on behalf of the Pope Cellina I. In honor of him, the Mount Croagh Patrick is named, where he fastened for forty days and nights. It is on this mountain, as legend says, St. Patrick committed one of his miracles - commanded the snakes from all the Irish land to collect his feet, and then expelled them. According to the legend, one big and Snake Snake did not want to leave the Emerald Island. Holy had to resort to tricks. He built a big box and said the snake that she could not fit in it. The stubborn reptile was a sense of contradiction and began to argue with a missionary. As soon as the snake climbed into the box, the saint quickly covered him and threw it in the sea. " If on Valentine's Day, everything gets red shades, then on the day of St. Patrick everything is green. Green hats, costumes, green shaded, as a symbol of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. On the territory of the United States, this holiday is widely marked in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago and Atlanta, where the population of Irish is most great. By tradition in Britain on this day, costume parades are held with spiritual orchestras, it is believed that the Americans made this tradition. In America, every year there is a large street parade in New York, when the Irish marching on the main street of the city, symbolizing the triumph of the Catholic faith in this way, and in the festive morning in St. Patrick's Cathedral, the morning mass is held. Every year tens of thousands of pilgrims, many of which are on a barefoot leg, rise to the holy mountain "Croagh Patrick", a height of 765 m above sea level. Nowadays the day of St. Patrick is a holiday of spring and joy, which is not only noted in Ireland, Great Britain, but also far beyond their limits. April 1 in these countries is the day of laughter (Aprils Fools Day). If in Russia this day, as usual begins with a joke: "Wake up! I slept to work! "In the US, the media every year jokes for the sake of the sake of the list of the most stupid people of the country, warning that they are joking. Some believe that this day was previously celebrated in many countries as the Day of Spring Solstice, which was accompanied by jokes, cereals and merry tricks. But there is another version of the occurrence of the holiday: "Before in the 16th century Karl 9 reformed a calendar in France from Victorian to Gregorian, the new year was celebrated not on January 1st, but at the end of March. New Year's week began on March 25 and ended on April 1st. IN new Year holidays It is accepted not only at present, but also those distant times. The news at that time spread very slowly, and some did not receive news for several years. Some conservatively configured (and perhaps simply ignorant) people continued to celebrate the New Year on the old style on April 1. Others laughed and fucked them, they presented stupid gifts and called April Fools (April "s Fools). So it was the so-called fool's day. Then it turned into a tradition. In Scotland, this day is called cuckoo in the afternoon." Usually in the UK jokes are played by friends And acquaintances, but also the media also takes part. True there is one feature - the time of the drawing is limited - only until noon. Mother's Day (Mother's Day) in the UK and US is similar to March 8 in Russia. In the UK, the roots of this holiday go to Victorian times, When the children lived and worked in the distance from their parents, and they were allowed only once a year to visit them. On this day they did parents. Small gifts - bugistics of flowers and fresh eggs. In the USA "The origins of the Mother's Day celebration may be sought on spring holidays. which residents of ancient Greece were dedicated to the mother of the gods. Starting from 1600, the tradition of celebrating Maternal Sunday appeared in England. On this day, which I followed the fourth Sunday of the post, honored mothers. The history of this holiday has retained several curious facts. For example, at that time, many English poor worked in a servant from the rich. Since they often worked far from the family, they had to live in their homes of their employers. In maternal Sunday, they were given a day of rest, so that they go home and spent this day with mothers. The symbol of the holiday was special, maternal cake, which was presented by the mother as a sign of respect. After the spread of Christianity in Europe, holidays were held in honor of the mother of the Church - the symbol of spiritual power, which gives life and protection against danger. Over time, the Day of the Mother of the Church and Maternal Sunday began to celebrate as one holiday: people honored their mothers are also Easto as a church. In the United States, the mother's day was first publicly supported in 1872 by Julia Word Hove, the author of the Republican anthem. Calling to devote this day to the world, she organized mass rallies every year in honor of the Mother's Day in Boston. " In popularity, this holiday is in Americans in fifth place after St. Valentine's Day, fathers, Easter and Christmas Day. On this day, children bring gifts to their mothers and spend some time with it. And in the UK this day is quite calm. Women are resting, and men perform work around the house and prepare dinner. On this day, according to the tradition, it is customary to serve the SIMNEL Cake cake, decorated with 12 marzipan balls. Sometimes husbands lead their wives in restaurants, children give flowers and gifts, and if children are far from their parents, they will call their relatives or be sure to send a postcard, a letter or will be congratulated by e-mail. Another hot-beloved Many Holiday - Halloween - All Saints Day eve (Halloween, All Hallows Evening or Beggars Night). He is celebrated on October 31. It is said that this holiday is at least two thousand years. "The origins of this contradictory holiday takes from Celtic culture. Celts existed the "beginning of the year". There were four of them. Samine (Samhain) marked the arrival of winter and celebrated on October 31. In the VII century, Bonifami's father IV approved on November 1, all Saints Day, wanting to distract the English people from pagan customs. Later on November 2, it became day a day - when they remembered all the dead. However, traditions have been preserved in popular memory, and failed to defeat them to the end. " For another version, Mexicans brought their feature of Halloween celebrations to America. Now in the USA every year, children dressed in costumes and go home to collect candy. There is a whole code as to which candy to give children. Upon returning home, parents check what candy children brought. All the celebration ends at about 8 pm. On this day, it is also possible to push fear for people, even the media takes part in this. After all, Halloween in the United States is, "in fact, the All-American carnival, to which people are preparing costumes for a year." A tradition to cut festive lanterns from pumpkin and put the Americans inside the candle inside. Before that, they cut them out of rap, potatoes, and in England their beets. Recently, in the United States, the tradition of playing the Halloween symbol appeared on this day in bowling, but the rules remain the same - who shot down more than the balls he won. In April, Catholic Easter is celebrated in Britain and the United States. "Easter - a Christian holiday in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, celebrated catholic Church In the first full-haired resurrection after the spring equinox between March 22 and April 25th. Easter (Easter) is the most ancient and important holiday of the year. The name of the holiday dates back to the Jewish "Pesha": the Jewish Easter dedicated to the deliverance of Israel from Egyptian slavery was in the eyes of Christians a prototype of the redemption of mankind from sin through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the memory of which Christian Easter is dedicated. " On this day, religious services are held in churches. On this day, it is customary to wear new clothes as a symbol of spring offensive. Children around the house are looking for hidden eggs, which are painted in bright colors before. Eggstravaganza (Eggstravaganza) is also organized: a child who has found all eggs receives a prize. In the morning, children also ride boiled eggs from the mountain. Rolling from the mountain Egg symbolizes a stone left from the coffin of the Lord. Wins the one whose egg will be the first to reach the foot of the mountain. In the United States, where the holidays of Protestants and Catholics celebrate in the Gregorian calendar, there are no preference to some single religious tradition of Easter celebration. This day is customary to celebrate in the family circle. Many Americans have preserved tradition to paint Easter eggs and give children a candy gift. In Easter Monday, the President with children take part in the annual "Catania of Easter eggs" on the lawn of the White House. In Boston, the spelling dolls of the Prophet Moses are sold in honor of the holiday. Such fun costs 10 dollars. The doll teaches the owner with the words: "I am a way and truth and life; No one comes to his father as soon as through me. "


In England and America there are their interesting and varied cultural customs and traditions. Many traditions and customs fell out of the UK in the United States and acquired their features, but they still go to the past UK root. For many centuries, they managed to preserve and survive, as well as remain relevant in the modern world of high technologies. These customs and traditions still exist and attract many people interested in studying the history and culture of Great Britain and the United States. The study of the traditions of these countries makes it deeper to understand and explore the living conditions of people, their social status, the historical past of the country as a whole and its individual regions.


1. Pinagin Yu.N. United Kingdom: history, culture, lifestyle. - Perm: Publishing House Perm. University, 1996. - 296.

2. Satinova V.M. We read and talk about Britain and British. MN: WEE. Shk., 1997. - 255 p.

3. Traditions, customs and habits. M.: Infra-M, 2001. - 127 p.

4. N. N. M. N.M. Country studies: United Kingdom. - Rostov N / D.: Phoenix, 2005. - 368 p.

5. Mikhailov N.N. Mikhailov N.M. Lingvo-country studies of the USA - M.: Izadenta Center "Academy", 2008. - 228 p.

6. Konstantin Vasilyev History of Great Britain: the most necessary. Ed. Avalon, Azbuka Classic, 2004 (soft. Region, 128 p.)

7. Radovel V.A. Country studies: USA Phoenix, 2008, 313 p.

8. Leonovich O.A. Country studies Great Britain: Tutorial for universities Ed. 2nd, ed., Add. / 3rd - University CD, 2005, 256 p.

9. Golitsinsky Yu.B. United Kingdom - Caro, 2007 - 480 p.

10. Petrukhina MA USA - history and modernity: training manual. - Keeper, 2008, 480 p.

Gutova Victoria Alekseevna

Project Manager:

Titova Anna Mikhailovna


MBOU "Gymnasium №72 them. Academician V.P. Glushko" Krasnodar

In this research work in English and MHK I will try to identify common features in the culinary art of Russia and the UK. I plan to trace and display common features in the culinary art of both countries, study the technology of cooking English pudding and prepare it.

Also, the history of Russian-English relations will be investigated.

Many Russian schools are in close cooperation with the schools of countries studied. Cultural cooperation forms the importance of knowledge of the cultural studies of another country.

1. The history of the development of relations between Russia and the UK.
2. Features of English and Russian cuisine. Common features
3. Practical part. Technology preparation of English pudding.
Conclusion Bibliographic list


Today, many Russian schools are closely collaborated with schools of countries studied. Students conduct correspondence with the schoolchildren of other countries. Close cultural interaction forms the importance of knowledge of the culture of another country.

According to R. Henvi, cross-cultural literacy - comprehending the peculiarities of the culture and the people - its carrier at the level of consciousness, the differences between their and someone else's cultures: the readiness to understand them in the presence of tolerance; Manifestation of respect and tolerance to different habits, tastes, views, standards of life.

Relevance of work It is that cross-cultural competence is formed in the process of awareness of the need to study a foreign language, in the study of culture, traditions, holidays, national cuisine, the mentality of another country, in the process of independent knowledge and research methods.

As you know, the history of the relationship between England and Russia has more than four centuries, however, the most strong foundations for the cultural dialogue between the two countries were laid in the age of education, and if more precisely, during the reign of Peter I and Catherine II.

England and Russia had their reasons for the development of relations with each other. The most important reason was a profitable trade, and more precisely, the trade partner in the face of Russia. As for Russia, she also had certain reasons for rapprochement with England. Our country needed a reliable partner and partnership, especially with the West.

Problem To date, it is that a controversial question remains, is British borrowing of blessing for Russia?

Object of study - Relationship between Russia and the UK.

Subject of study - Common cultural traditions in the culinary art of Russia and the United Kingdom.

Purpose of the study - reveal the overall features in the culinary art of Russia and the UK.

Hypothesis - borrowing of English traditions affect the cultural life of Russia.


  • explore the history of the development of Russian-British relations;
  • trace and display common features in the culinary art of both countries;
  • explore and describe the technology of cooking English pudding;
  • implement a project in the preparation of one of the recipes of English dessert.

Research methods - study of literature and Internet sources; study of the formulation of the UK and Russia dishes; experiment.

Novelty of research It is to confirm the existence of the relationship between two cultures on the example of the study of the cuisine of two peoples, as well as applications in the study of cross-cultural component.

Research work


"All about the UK"

Datskova Julia Borisovna

g.O. Tolyatti, MBU School number 90, 10 B class

Scientific adviser:

Pilyugina Lyudmila Anatolyevna

English teacher of the Higher Category, MBU School number 90


      1. Introduction

      2. Main content

      1. General information about the countries in the UK

      2. Drawing up questions

      3. Design and creating lotto

      4. Organization of the game in the classroom

      5. Study of the level of knowledge of students to the game and after the quiz "All about the UK"

      6. Advantages of using a lotto when mastering and consolidating a country-friendly information

      1. Output

      2. Bibliography

      3. Appendix 1 (Questions for Cards)

      4. Appendix 2 (Questions for quiz)


The United Kingdom is a very beautiful country with a rich history and culture. She is known for his legends, legends, architectural monuments that immediately pop up in our imagination at any mention of this country. This is a country of people who have always differed in pupil and good nature, knowledge of the rules of etiquette and respect for their traditions. This is a country that gave the world of V. Shakespeare and Ch. Darwin, and an unforgettable magnificent fourth "The Beatles". This is the only country where monarchy and democracy coexist peacefully. Great Britain, time impact of centuries was considered the workshop of the world, so interest in it will never be faded.

Annually the United Kingdom attracts a huge number of tourists, including from our country. Each of us meets the culture of the country under study in the lessons of the English language, but in modern textbooks there is not enough country information, which is defined as problem our work.

Relevance Problems are due to the fact that it shows the practice of participation in competitions and competitions, issues related to the country causes the most significant difficulties, despite the fact that in school textbooks in English there are texts of a country name about the United Kingdom.

Nowadays, any information is in free access, but students are not always interesting to just read huge texts, since their content is not always absorbed and remains in memory for a long time. In this regard, we wondered how to make the process of assimilating information less laborious and more efficient.

Everyone knows that children better perceive information in a game form, and therefore we decided to create a desktop play-lotto "all about the UK".

Novelty This work lies in the fact that training games like those offered by us are not identified in the literature and Internet sources.

An objectour research is the history and culture of the country under study.
Thingresearch is the identification of the effectiveness (possibilities) of the use of lotto as a means of more efficient assimilation and consolidation of a country-friendly information.
Research Hypothesis -the lotto created by us contributes to more efficient assimilation and consolidation of a country-friendly information.

Purposethis work is frompozing didactic material In the form of lotto to study and consolidate information about the culture of the country under study.
In the process of research it is assumed to solve the following tasks:

  1. Examine information about countries that are part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. (Geographical features, symbols, attractions, famous people who have made to the treasure in the history and development of culture, members of the royal family)

  2. Choose the most significant information to draw up issues for lotto cards, which would reflect the history and culture of the UK, as well as choose the corresponding pictures.

  3. Design the lotto and describe the rules of the game in the form of instructions.

  4. To organize the game in the Lotto "All about the UK" in the classroom and compare the level of knowledge available to the game in the lotto and after.

  5. Describe the advantages of using a lotto when mastering a country-friendly information.

  1. Main content

1. Home Information about the United Kingdom of Great Britain

and Northern Ireland
Wikipedia reports that United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - Island state in the North-West of Europe. The United Kingdom is one of the largest countries of Europe, consisting of four "historical provinces: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The capital is the city of London, one of the largest cities in Europe and the most important global financial and economic center. The square of Great Britain is 243 809 km², of which sushi - 240,579 km², inland waters - 3230 km².

The southern coast is connected to continental Europe through the euro tunnel 50 km long (of which 38 km under water).

Population census in the UK occurs simultaneously in all its parts every ten years. According to the 2010 census, the general population of Great Britain amounted to 58,789,194 people.

The official language of Great Britain is English

Historically, the inhabitants of Great Britain are considered to be a mixture of various ethnic groups that settled in its territory until the XI century: Celts, Romans, Anglo-Saxes, Vikings and Normanov. Recent genetic studies have shown that more than 50 percent of British genes contain German y chromosomes, although other recent genetic analyzes indicate that approximately 75% of the most traceable ancestors of the modern British population arrived at the British Islands about 6,200 years ago.

United Kingdom - Unitary state with parliamentary monarchy. Queen Elizabeth II is the head of state of the United Kingdom and another fifteen independent countries of the Commonwealth

The United Kingdom has no constitution as a single document.

The culture of the United Kingdom is rich and diverse. Many factors influence it: the island nature of the state, the history of the country as one of the leaders of Western democracy and a noticeable military-political player, as well as the fact that the country has been formed as a result of the four separate states, each of which has retained its own traditions, habits and symbols. Thanks to the British Empire, the influence of British culture in turn is traced in the language, culture and legal system of many of the countries of the former colonies, including Australia, Canada, India, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa and the United States.

The term British literature belongs to both the Britain itself and the Isle of Maine, the Norman Islands, as well as the Literature of England, Wales and Scotland to their association. The bulk of British literature is written in English. In 2005, about 260,000 books were printed in the UK, and in 2006 the country was the leader in the number of published names in the world.

In the UK, various musical styles are popular, ranging from the local folk music of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland and ending with Hawi-Metal.

Major religions: Christianity, the most common religion - Islam.

The United Kingdom was formed as a result of the Union of Scotland and England. The Union agreement, signed in 1707, entailed the association of these two countries and the formation of the Kingdom of Great Britain.

Several interesting facts about the UK from books A.V. Sheremetyevoy "English. Strategy reference book and GD Tomakhin "London. Linguistic directory. "

  1. The date, which is considered the official birthday of the British Monarch, usually does not coincide with the one when he actually appeared. For example, Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II was born on April 21, but her official birthday is celebrated on the third Saturday of June.

  2. On any postage stamp should be the name of the countries released it in Latin letters. If the names are not found - it means that the British brand. She is released from such a duty as the first country in history, which used stamps.

  3. The motto on the coat of arms of Great Britain is written in French: "Dieu Et Mon Droit" ("God and my right"). The act of the English Parliament on the mandatory use of English in state courts was also written in French.

  4. In the XVII-XVIII centuries in England there was a position of the Royal Advisor of Ocean Bottles with Letters. All the rest, who opened the bottles on their own, relied on the death penalty.

  5. The House of Commons is the only place in Britain, where the English Queen cannot enter, as it is not a member of the Chamber.

  6. The London Metro is the oldest in the world. It was opened back in 1863. Londoners are affectionately called the pipe, in the form of most tunnels.

  7. The famous tower, which is usually called Big Ben, is actually a name in honor of St. Stephen. Big Ben is just a bell located on top.

  8. In the UK, the very first public zoo was opened

  9. Interesting information about the sights of the United Kingdom can be obtained absolutely free. Why? The fact is that in most museums you can look without any fee. There it is believed that visitors will donate as much as they do

  10. The rumor that in London forever raw, cold and overcast, has no reason. The precipitation in the form of rains falls here no more than in Rome or Sydney.

  11. The inhabitants of England consume more tea than in any other country of the world, which is explained by a large number of interruptions between meals.

  12. England is known as the country with the longest names of the cities. It may seem strange, but the city of Eli is the only short name of the city in England.

And it is only part of the amazing information about the UK. In fact, this country can be studied infinitely, but never know it to the end.

                  1. Questions for drawing a lotto.

After examining in detail the necessary information, we have compiled questions, in our opinion, the most accurately reflecting the history and culture of Great Britain and aimed at improving the motivation of students to further study information about this wonderful country. When drawing up issues, information was used from various sources. We tried to arrange questions so that all the cards were issues of different levels of complexity. The basic level questions are the level of the school program, i.e. Questions, answers to which almost everyone knows. For example:

  1. A Beautiful River Flowing Across London. (The Thames)

  2. The Capital of Northern Ireland. (Belfast)

  3. One of the Largest Churches in the World, An Architectural Masterpiece by Sir Christopher Wren. (St. Paul's Cathedral)
And questions of an increased level of difficulty are questions, the answers to which it was possible to find by studying certain literature.

For example:

  1. What Is the Official Date of Birth of Queen Elizabeth II? (6 June)

  2. The Name of the Police Headquarters and The Police Itself. (Scotland Yard)

  3. 10. The Largest and The Most Popular of the London Parks. (HYDE PARK)
(see Appendix 1)

3. Eatep Design Lotto

In order to create a lotto, we had to remember the rules of this game and adapt them a little under our lotto.

Lotto Games "All About United Kingdom"

  • 2-20 people can participate in the game individually / pair.

  • The presenter distributes card players whose fields need to close "chips" during the game.

  • The presenter reads questions on small "chips".

  • A player who has a picture on the card, symbolizing the answer to the question, raises his hand and answers the question.

  • If the player responds correctly, the master gives him a "chip" so that the player can close the cage on his card.

  • If the player answers not correctly or at all knows the answer to the question, then the presenter leaves the "chip".

  • Wins one who fastest all the cells on the card fill.
It introduced logical to split the card to such sections: attractions, famous people and members of the royal family, the countries that are part of the United Kingdom, their city and symbols.


(Scotland Yard)

(St. Paul's Cathedral)



The Ravens)



3 . Catherine Elizabeth Middleton.

7. The City.

5. Scotland Yard

2. St. Paul's cathedral

6. The Ravens.

8. Belfast.

4. Organization of quiz in class.
To determine the efficiency of the lotto use, we spent the quiz class. 10 people took part in the game. Before the game, we distributed to each participant a list of fifteen questions and asked to answer them. On average, each responded to 7-8 questions. (See Appendix 2)
After the survey, we obtained the following results:

Then we played in the lotto.

After the game, we asked the participants of the game to answer the same questions again. The diagram can be pointed out that the number of correct answers has increased:

After examining both diagrams, you can clearly see the positive trend. The guys coped with a large number of questions and noted that the lotto really helps better absorb the information. Perceiving information on a rumor, students improve the skills of auditing and speaking, and depending on the cards with pictures, develop visual memory.

And most importantly, this method of learning does not require tremendous effort.
5. Advantages of using the lotto when mastering and consolidating a country-friendly information.
The use of gaming techniques, such as lotto, contributes not only to the development of cognitive activity, but also makes the process of mastering the material more joyful, creative and collective. During the game, not only mental, but also emotional efforts are required. The atmosphere of passion and joy makes it possible to more accurately memorize information and allows each student to feel the situation of success. Thus, the language material is mastered unconsciously, in a relaxed form. This gaming technique not only allows you to form communicative competences through activities such as audience (children listened to the leading tasks), speaking (formulation of a response to the question), reading (the presenter reads tasks from cards). This fascinating board game can become an excellent addition to a free pastime in a family circle, when in an affordable, easily digestible form you can learn a lot about Misty Albion, improve language skills, develop organizational abilities.
III. conclusions

We have done a great job on creating a lotto "All about the UK". In the process of work, a lot of new and interesting things were learned about this amazing country, about its culture and customs. We did not always have everything worked, but in the end we got an interesting, exciting game, in which our classmates are played with pleasure and we ourselves. In the process of work on the project, we have processed many information from various sources. Tried to reflect the basic information about the UK. And most importantly, we were convinced - lotto, indeed, contributes to the expansion and consolidation of knowledge about the UK, which confirms the hypothesis nominated by us.

The practical value of this work is not only that the lotto created can be used in the lessons, in the circle of friends and family, by analogy, you can create a lotto as a means of studying any other language, especially since we have not revealed similar learning games.


  1. http.:// ru. wikipedia.. org./

  2. A.V Sheremetyeva "English. Public Handbook ", Lyceum Publishing House, 2010

  3. GD Thomakhin "London. Linguistic Directory, Moscow, Environment, 2000

  4. http.:// images. gandex. ru

  5. http.:// infox.. ru/ science./ past./2008/09/26/ lukporei.. phtml
    http.:// ru. wikipedia.. org./ wiki./ Korolevsky_Nomak_uels

  6. http.:// www.. personBio.. com./




Attachment 1

Questions for cards :

1. The Parliament Consists of These Two Houses.

The House of Commons and The House of Lords)

2. One of the Largest Churches in the world, An Architectural Masterpiece by Sir Christopher Wren.

(St. Paul's Cathedral)

3. The WiFe of Duke of Cambridge William, The Mother of George.


4. What is the officeial date of birth of Queen Elizabeth II?

5. The Name of the Police Headquarters and The Police Itself.

6. They Live In The Tower of London and Are Guedded by "Beefeaters".

7. The Commercial and Business Heart Of London.

8. The Capital of Northern Ireland.

9. A Beautiful River Flowing Across London.

10. The Largest and The Most Popular of the London Parks.

11. An English Singer of "Rolling In The Deep", "Someone Like You".


Queen Victoria)

13. A FAMOUS English Detective Writer, She Created Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple.

(Agatha Christie)

14. The National Flag of the United and Northern Ireland Is Called SO.

The Union Jack)

15. The Policemen Are usually Called SO.

16. The Name of the Biggest Bell in Westminster Palace in London Which Is From September 2012 Is Officially Called AS ELISABETH TOWER?

17. The Place in Westminster Abbey Where The Most Popular Writers, Poets and Musicians Are Buried.

The Poet's Corner)

18. The Geographical Center of The British Capital Where Nelson's Column Is Situated.

(Trafalgar Square)


21. A Gallery on Trafalgar Square Which CONTAINS A Wonderful Collection of Works from the British, French, Italian, Dutch and Spanish Schools from 13th to 19th Centuries.

The National Gallery)

22. A FAMOUS English and Irish Writer, Scientist and Aeologan (Theologian), He Wrote "The Chronicles of Narnia".

(Clive Staples Lewis)

23. The National Symbol of Wales.

The Daffodil and The Leek)


25. A Part of London Where Working -Class Families Live. There Are A Lot of Factories, Workshops and Docks There.

26. The Official Residence of British Prime Ministers.


27. A British Actor, Script Writer, Composer and A Director. He Starred in Black and White Silent Comedies. His 'Visit Card' Was a Blower Hat and a Walking Stick.

('Charlie' Chaplin)

28. A British Writer Which is Known AS An Author of the Novels about Harry Potter.

29. The Official London Residence of The Queen and The Royal Family.

(Buckingham Palace)

30. What is the name of the famous wax museum?


31. London's Distinctive Taxi.

(Black Taxi CAB)

32. IT's a Musical Instrument of Scotland Which Is Made Of Skin Of A Sheep.

33. A Part of London Where The Best Hotels, The Most Expensive Restaurants, Clubs, Theatres, Cinemas Are Located.

34. One of the Most Beautiful and Famous Bridges Across The Thames Designed by Horace Jones.

35. What is the Real Date of Birth of Queen Elizabeth II?

36. What Was The Job of Princess Diana Before She Married Prince Charles?

37. The Best Known National Museum of Antiquities and Ethnography.

(The British Museum)

38. An Irish Poet, Philosopher and A Public Figure. The Author of "Gulliver's Travels".


39. IT IS ALSO CALLED THE CITY OF WESTMINSTER; Is The Most Important Part of London, Where Parliament and Most Government Offices Are Located?

(Westminster Area)


41. The Oldest of All Major Tennis Tournaments.


The London Eye)

43. The First Lady in Politics, Who Became A Prime-Minister Of Great Britain. She Was Called AS "The Iron Lady".

(Margaret Thatcher)

44. A FAMOUS English Football Player. HE Played for "Manchester United", "Real Madrid" etc.

45. A British Rock Group, Which Was Very Popular In 1970. IT Became Famous Due To the Songs "We Will Rock You" and "We Are the Champions".


47. A Vehicle with Two Decks, One of the Symbols of Great Britain.

(Red Double-Decker Bus)

48. The National Symbol of Scotland.

The Purple Thistle)


50. A Gothic Church Designed by Sr. Christopher Wren. Here Are The Tombs of Monarchs and Famous People of the UK.

(Westminster abbey)

51. An English Physicist, Mathematician, Mechanic and An Astronomer. He Discovered The Law of Universal Gravitation.


53. An Irish Writer, Poet and A Philosopher, The Author of "The Portrait of Dorian Gray".

54. What Young Actor Starred in the Movie "Harry Potter"?

(Daniel Radcliffe)


(The Strait of the Russian Channel)

56. The Capital of Ship Building In 18-Th Century.


58. The Capital City of England and of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.


Winston Churchill)

60. What is the name the yound Son of Princess Diana?

61. A SCOTTISH WRITER AND A Doctor, The Author of the Genius Detective Sherlock Holmes.

Arthur Conan Doyle)


Robbie Williams)

63. The British Currency.

(Pound Sterling)

64. The Capital of Wales.

65. The Monument in The Center of Trafalgar Square.

(Nelson's Column)

66. This Tower Was Built by William The Conqueror AT The End of the 11-Th Century.

The Tower Of London)

67. A British Actress Who Became Famous After Starring In The Film 'Titanic'

68. A British Bacteriologist. HE Discovered Penicillin in 1929.


69. A FAMOUS British Poet and Play Writer Who Was Born on Stratford-On-Avon. The Author of 'Romeo and Juliet', 'Hamlet' and Many Others.

70. An English Writer and a Publicist WHO Wrote "Robinson Crusoe" in 1719.

71. What Mythical Monster Lives In Loch Ness?

Loch Ness's Monster)


73. Ancient Monuments in the South of England Famous for their Mystery.

74. The Gallery Of St. Paul's Cathedral Where Whisper Can Be Heard at a Great Distance.

The Whispering Gallery) o

75. An English Naturalist and A Traveller Who Is Best Known for His Theory of Evolution.

Charles Darwin

76. A FAMOUS Scottish Writer and a Poet. He Wrote "Treasure Island" in 1882.

Robert Luis Stevenson)

77. The First Englishman Who Sailed Around The World in 1577-1580.

78. This Kind of Sport Was Invented in England In 1880.

79. The Mythical Character of Irish Folklore WITH A POT OF GOLD.

80. IT's a Musical Instrument and An Official Symbol of Ireland.

Appendix 2.

Questions for quiz

  1. The Name of the Biggest Bell in Westminster Palace in London Which Is From September 2012 Officially Called As Elisabeth Tower (Big Ben)


  3. What is Official Date of Birth of Queen Elizabeth II? (6 June)

  4. What Was The Job of Princess Diana Before SHE Married Prince Charles? (Baby-Sitter)

  5. A Famous English Football Player. He Played for 'Manchester United', 'Real Madrid' and So ON. (David Beckham)

  6. One of The Most Beautiful and Famous Bridges Across The Thames Designed by Horace Jones (Towers Bridge)


  8. A British Rock Group Which Was Very Popular In 1970. IT Became Famous Due To the Songs "We Will Rock You" and "We Are The Champions" (Queen)

  9. A British Writer Which Is Known AS An Author of the Novels About Harry Potter (Joanne Rowling)

  10. A Scottish Writer and a Doctor, The Author of the Genius Detective Sherlock Holmes (Arthur Conan Doyle)

  11. The Capital City of England and of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (London)

  12. A British Actor, Script Writer, Composer and Director. He Starred in Black and White Silent Comedies. His 'Visit Card' Was A Bower Hat and A Walking Stick ('Charlie' Chaplin)

  13. The Offichial Residence of British Prime Ministers (Downing Street, 10)

  14. The First Lady in Politics Who Became A Prime-Minister Of Great Britain. She Was Called As 'The Iron Lady' (Margaret Thatcher)

  15. The WiFe of Duke Of Cambridge William, The Mother Of George (Catherine Elizabeth Middleton)

Municipal General Education

Secondary school with in-depth study

individual items №49 Belgorod

Toponymic map of England


A student has been performed

10 g of class MOU SOSH №49

g. Belgorod

Kadygrov Maxim Igorevich

Scientific adviser -


Belgorod, 2011.

England is one of the countries belonging to the UK. From the story, we know that this fertile country with endless agricultural land, despite its unpredictable climate, has always been a very attractive place for thousands of people. Romans, Saksa, Vikings and Normans won England and, of course, had an impact on her culture, architecture, life.

Rudyard Kipling, the famous English writer, said: "Saksa, Normans, Danes are all of us."

Currently, England is a rich, beautiful and mysterious country with large beautiful cities. And every city has its own name, its history. And what can tell us the names of the cities? How did the tongue change over the centuries? Who influenced the formation of modern English? Can we look into the history of England, having learned more about the emergence and change in the names that people gave the places of their settlements? As E. Mospelov said in his book "Tourist about geographic names", scientists have long paid attention to the durability of titles, many of which live with thousands of years. Peoples die out, languages \u200b\u200bdisappear, and the names continue to live, although they do not remain unchanged: over time, their sound changes, writing, and sometimes semantic meaning. And new generations are used by names, often not knowing the language on which they once were given nor their meanings.

Nowadays, geographical names are the subject of study of special science - toponymics.

As written in Wikipedia, "British toponymy is rich, difficult and difficult. Moreover, it is completely inaccurate and does not always succumb to the logic of experience. Many british names Were changed over the years of existence, since they were conquered by various groups of people speaking different languages \u200b\u200bwith similar words on sound, but with different values. In some cases, the names of cities are taken from extinct languages \u200b\u200band do not have an accurate known value. There are so many combinations of two separate languages \u200b\u200bfrom various periods of existence. "

We decided to try to find out who participated in the process of creating the names of the cities of England, who made a large contribution to the development of this amazing country and the formation of its language. After all, the school program, both in history, and in English does not imply detailed coverage of this topic.

We assume that Toponymic data of England can help in learning the process of forming an English language.

The purpose of our work - Creating a historical and toponymic map of England

Tasks : 1) consider toponymics as an object of our study;

2) study materials on toponymics in magazines and

special literature;

3) Compare the history of names with historical

4) Create a historical and toponymic map of England.

Turning to literature on the history of England, we learned that the first Celts appeared on the British Isles about 700 years BC. E.

In 43-45 years e. Romans captured England. Since then, Britain, as the Romans called this land, began to form as a territorial and political unit. British nomanization began. And the centers of nomanization became primarily the city. Christopher Daniel writes that the Romans in Britain did not exist as such as such.

In 410, Britain officially separated from the Roman Empire. After the departure of Romans, England captured Anglo-Saxons. As Christopher Daniel writes, "the invaders arrived from behind the sea brought with them not only new ideas and traditions, but also their own languages. Based on new settlements or occupying old, they gave them their names. Until now, on the map of the country, you can meet a significant number of vintage Anglo-Saxon names - entirely or as an integral part "During this period, England appeared -" Land of Angles ".

From 793, Vikings began to attack England. Scandinavian invasion was strengthened, then weakened, but in 865 they conquered East England

In 1066, Normans invaded in England. Wilhelm The conqueror crowned in Westminster Abbey.

"Normanov's ancestors were Vikings, settled in Western Europe. By the beginning of the conquest of England, they lived in a new location a little more than a century, but they managed to be taken over French, which soon became in Britain by the language of the royal yard and noble. In the courts, French in the modified form was in the go until the 16th century. The Anglo-Saxonian dialects went on the basis of a folk language, absorbing the features of the Cornian, Danish and classical Latin. From this hybrid, the Middle Anglean was subsequently formed. " (Robin Iglz 2008)

"For the first time in history, a situation was created, in which the German, in its origin, Anglo-Saxon Northern Europe It was forced to coexist with Romanesque language from Southern Europe, which was Norman French. " (Christopher Daniel 2008 :)

For research, we took from Encyclopedia - Wikipedia List of English cities, and also discharged cities from the Atlas of the World.

For research, we took the following cities:

Argleton, Banber, Bedford, Birmingham, Bolton, Brighton, Bristol, Bradford, Blechley, Winchester, Wolvergpton, Worcester, Gilford, Glastonbury, Dudley, Darlington, Dartford, Derby, Doncaster, Dorchester, Dover, Ipsuch, York, Cambridge, Canterbury, Colchester, Lymington, Lancaster, Leicester, Liverpool, London, Lowist, Luton, Manchester, Maidston, Newbury, Norwich, Northampton, Nottingham, Oxford, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Preston, Southampton, Salisbury, Tadaster, Talton, Watford, Whitby, Folkstone, Chester, Shepperton, Sheffield, Shrewsbury, Eilsbury.

From the book of Christopher Daniela "England. History of the country "We learned that suffixes

-Ster Testify O. roman The origin of the English cities.

Anglo-Square Names this:

"Tan" or "tone", denoting any settlement;

"Lea" (Over time, transformed into "Lee") - View or Polyana;

Word vic (wic) later hIV - Fair, market;

Word hAM ' - House, estate, village:

burg. - Castle, fortress.

Suffix - oL brought francian-speaking Normans.

Suffix - b. Characterized for scandinavians In Encyclopedia (Wikipedia) we found similar information

'The Anglo-Saxons Contributed Elements Such As - Ing-, - Ham-, - Ton, - Bury, - Stead, - Ford, and -ley. Scandinavian Place Names Such As - BY, Thorpe, and Toft Are Commonest In The Area Covered by The Daelaw, The North and East of England

Chester, - Caster, - Ceter, or Other Similar Elements, Indicate A Roman Fort or Settlement '.

That is, the Anglo-Saxons brought elements such as - iNG, - HAM, - TON, - BURY, - STAD, - FORD,and. -LEY. Scandinavian names such as - bY, THORPE, TOFT. In the south and west of England, the names of the settlements have occurred more from Anglo-Saxes and Celts.

Chester., - caster, -ceter, Or other similar elements mean Roman settlements.

So we can choose from the list of the city that got the names from roman. This is Winchester, Colchester, Chester, Manchester, Leicester, Lancaster, Dorchester, Doncaster, Worcester, Tadaster.

Anglo Saxons gave the names of the cities of Southamp tone, Northamp tone, Maid tone, Pres. tone, Tone toneLJ tone, Folks tone, Shepper tone, Bolton, Brighton, Wolvergempton, Darlington, Lyavington, using suffix -ton.

Suffix - lie Have the cities of Blechley, Dudley.

Suffix - hIV- Norwich (Norwich), IpoSvich.

Cities with suffix bury Canterbury, Salisbury, Shrewsbury, Glastonbury, Banber, Newbury, Eilsbury

Suffix ford. They have the cities of Bradford, Gilford, Watford, Dartford, Oxford, Bedford.

Cities with the word ' hAM ' -Notting, Birmingham (Notting hAM, Birming hAM)

The city of Bristol got a name from normanov

Name of the cities of Derby, Whitby with a characteristic suffix - b.occasionally happened scandinavians. Also from Scandinavians the name of the city of Lowestoft

By contacting the toponymic dictionary, we found more detailed information about the toponymy of English cities and found a confirmation of the selection of cities from the list.

Cities, at the base of which, judging by the names, participated celty- This is Winchester, Manchester, Canterbury, Dover, York.

Winchester (Winchester) has the original Celtic name Gwent - "place of trade, market." It is mentioned by Ptolem, II c. Like OUENTA, later as Uenta.

And only after the transformation into Roman fortification (lat. Castrum) is fixed by Uintancaestir, 730, WinTancaestir, 744

Thus, not only the Romans, but the Celts participated in the creation of the name of the city of Winchester.

Manchester (Manchester) is mentioned in the Roman Road Map as Mamucium. The name is a litinized form of the alleged source Celtic name with the value of "breasts", which is explained by the location of the village on the rounded hill, resembling the female breast form. Later, the other English was added to this title. CEASTER "City, Strengthening" (from Latin Castrum, "Strengthening, Ford, a small fortress"): MameCeaster, 923; MameCeastra, 1086g. ; Manchestra, 1330

And again, as we see, the Celts gave the original name in the city.

Canterbury (CANTERBURY) is mentioned in 754 as Canwarwburg - "fortified city of Kent residents", where CANT (Sovr. Kent) from Celt. Basics "Edge, Edge", i.e. "Primorskaya (extreme) Earth", Dr. English. Ware "Residents, People", Burg "Castle, Fortress, fortified city."

DUVR (mentioned in IVV as Dubris. Located in a fall in pa-de-kala. DUVR and called the Hydronism. At the heart of Hydronim Celtic Debram, Wellean DWFR (DUTR) - "Water, River".

York (York). Mentioned by Ptolem, II century, under the Celtic name Eboracon, which after the capture of the Romans acquires the Latin form of EBORACUM. The Angles, who mastered the city in the VII century, turned his name to Eoforwic, i.e. replaced - ACUM to the wic, village, and the foundation was rethought in Dr. English. Eofor "Caban". Scandinavians, in accordance with the norms of its language, turned the name in Iorwic, 962, later, IORK, from which English York.

Thus, in the territory of England, at the time of the conquest, its Romans already had settlements with certain names.

For greater clarity, we decided to mark the location of cities with different roots on a map of different colors, namely:

Blue - Celtic names

Red - Roman Names

Green - Anglo-Saxon Names

Orange - Scandinavian and Norman names

Severed roman Changed the names of some of these cities in accordance with the norms of the Latin language.

Winchester became known as Uintancaestir, 730, WinTancaestir, 744 initial name Manchester Mamucium. was changed to Mameceaster, 923G; MameCeastra, 1086g. ; Manchestra, 1330

Celtic name York EBORACON, was changed to EBORACUM.


Roman Latin names were also given by Lester, Lancaster, London.

Leicester (Leicester). Mentioned in 957 g as ligeraceaster - "Sellium on the Ligera River (Ligra, Legra), where CEASTER is dr. English. "City, Strengthening" (from Latin Castrum "Strengthening, Fort, a small fortress). The original hydronism was either the old name of the Sor River, on which there was a city, or the name of her influx.

That is, here we cannot assert that the Celts were founders of the city. Most likely the city's start put Romans.

Lancaster (Lancaster) is mentioned in 1086, as Loncastre - "Strengthening on R. Lon "(now r. Lun) Castrum Lat. "Strengthening, Fort, a small fortress"

That is, the name given by the Romans was changed over the centuries.

London (London) - comes from the older Roman Londinium (lat .. Londinium.).

The map shows that cities such as Winchester, Manchester, York are marked by two colors, since the Celts and Romans participated in their names.

Roman Latin names were also given by Lester, Lancaster, London.

Leicester (Leicester). Mentioned in 957 g as ligeraceaster - "Sellium on the Ligera River (Ligra, Legra), where CEASTER is dr. English. "City, Strengthening" (from Latin Castrum "Strengthening, Fort, a small fortress). The original hydronism was either the old name of the Sor River, on which there was a city, or the name of her influx. That is, here we cannot assert that the Celts were founders of the city. Most likely the city's start put Romans.

On this map, you can see the cities marked with green in the creation of which Anglo-Saxons, cities with red circles, founded by the Romans, as well as cities marked with blue and red, i.e. Celtic names changed by Romans

Scandinavians and Normans Also contributed to the toponymy of England.

Bristol (Bristol). In the XII in Bricstow and Bristou; Under the influence of francophone normanov The ending -ou has turned into -ol and in document 1200 g specified Bristoll.

Scandinavians made changes to the names of Cambridge, Nottingham, Derby

Cambridge (Cambridge) Name Grantabriec with the arrival of Scandinavians, in accordance with the norms of their language, changes in Grantebrige, Cantebrige, Cambrigge and, finally, acquires the modern English form of Cambridge - "Bridge over the river by whom. Under the influence of the changed name of the city, the name of the river changed - she officially got the name by whom. Here we can trace the participation and Romans, and Anglo-Saxons, and Scandinavians in education and changing the name of this famous city.

Derby (DERBY) Original village of Angles (Nothworth) - "Northern Farm". With the X century, the use of SCANDs. Diurby or Diuraby - "Village, where deer" or "Farm with a deer park" (by "Farm, Village")

Before us, the final version of our study. As you can see on the map, the cities mainly have not one color denoting their location, i.e., over the centuries, the names of these cities changed by different peoples.

The names of some cities have undergone a lot of changes, while turned into those that we have today.


Mamucium - Mameceaster - MameCeastra - Manchestra - Manchester.

Eboracon - Eboracum - Eoforwic - Iorwic - Iork - York.

Brigcstow - Bricstow - Bristou - Bristoll - Bristol

GrantAcasti - Grantabriec - Grantebrige - CANTEBRIGE- CAMBRIGGE - Cambridge.

Nothworth - Diurby (Diuraby) - Derby

Of the 55 cities considered by us in percentage, the impact on the change in the names of cities, and, consequently, the change in the language is presumably the following:

Celts -9%

Romans - 29%

Anglo Saxons - 60%

Normans - 2%

Scandinava -11%

Thus, it can be concluded that it is really in creating the names of the cities of England and the formation of modern English participated in the great set of people speaking different languages \u200b\u200band having a different culture. On the example of such cities like York, Cambridge, we can very clearly see the process of creating and changing the name of the city. We can say that toponymics of cities is a reflection of the history of the country and the history of language formation. How difficult is confusing, but the history of England is very interesting, so complex and interesting is the toponymy of its cities, the history of their occurrence, development, changes in the name over the centuries. And also interesting is the process of education and development of English. After conducting research, we can assume that modern English is the mixture of Celtic, Latin, Germanic, French. Despite the fact that the percentage of the contribution of the Romans is not very large, however, we can say, guided by this nation in the life and development of England, a huge and very positive role played.

Christopher Daniel in his book tells how the historian Tacitus describes Britain's Romanization Politics: "... the young people from noble families began to train free sciences, and those who Latin have recently inspired frankly dislike, warmly took up the study of Latin eloquence." (2008:

Celts did not create cities, only the names of individual settlements reached us. This is not surprising. Culture Celtic tribes has not been so developed

After the departure of the Romans, the Anglo-Saxons continued to develop the country, introducing, in turn, a new culture, changes in the language and new names to the cities. They had much more for this time than the Romans. Scandinavians, Normans did not affect the names of English cities in a radically, - they only made not very significant changes in the language, convenient to them for pronunciation.


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5. Nikonov Toponymic dictionary. - M.: Thought, 1966.- 509 p.

6. "Geographical names of the world. Toponymic Dictionary, Moscow "Russian dictionaries" 1998

7. "Tourist about geographic names", Profiizdat Publisher, Moscow, 1988

8. Robin Iglz "History of England" M; AST: Astrel, 2008

9. "What is Toponymik?" M.: Science, 1985

10. "Toponymik in the service of geography" Publisher "Thought", 1979