The best PC cases review. What is the best computer case

To make the right decision and understand which computer case is best for you, you need to answer a few questions for yourself. It depends on which criteria it is important to take into account in the first place, which are of secondary importance, and which can be neglected.

Do system unit sizes matter?

Which computer case is better to choosein size, directly depends on the location of the system unit. If it will stand somewhere under the table or in the corner of the room on a separate bedside table, then the dimensions can be ignored. Spacious "box" - the key to good ventilation, efficient cooling and easy maintenance.

If the PC will be on the table, and a very large size is clearly undesirable, then you should look towards mATX, Mini-Tower or Mini-ITX cases. In such system units, there is enough space to accommodate an appropriate (Mini, Micro, Flex-ATX or ITX) motherboard with other components. But a full-fledged ATX motherboard cannot be installed in them.

Does design matter?

If the computer is planned to be pushed deeper under the table and forgotten, leaving it as a "freelance dust collector", then few people care about its appearance. In this case, beforehow to choose a pc case,You don't have to worry about the outside at all. Works - OK, does not overheat - fine, does not make noise - generally lovely. The main thing is that the dust does not suck, since it is deep under the table. And then it will fill up on the radiator for a year or two such a "boot" that at least make rifle wads out of it, and "hello, overheating." But more about dust below.

If the computer is in a conspicuous place, and this is not just an office “box” with basic stuffing, but a powerful gaming machine, I want the appearance to indicate this. Then the spent hundred thousand rubles is not so pitiful. In this case, you want to buy an unusual case with transparent windows, multi-colored LEDs on the fans, a front cover and other delights. Here the choice is a matter of taste, the main thing is that for the sake of beauty you do not have to sacrifice functionality.

Is good cooling required?

Which computer case to choose- depends on the heat dissipation of the components. Modern budget processors from the Intel Pentium and Celeron families are characterized by low power consumption, and as a result, heating. For them, any compact case is enough, the pieces of iron in it will not “suffocate”. And if PCI and PCI-Express devices (video card, sound card, TV tuner, video capture card, etc.) are not needed, you don't have to worry about cooling.

In the case of a gaming PC, consisting of a powerful processor, a powerful video card, a couple of tens of gigabytes of RAM, more attention should be paid to cooling. Compact ITX and MicroATX cases are not suitable for them: the parts inside will be too crowded. In addition, not a single powerful gaming video card will fit into a narrow-profile system unit. If there are two graphics cards, you have to forget about compactness altogether.

There is a myth that for a powerful gaming PC, the bottom location of the power supply is preferable. In fact, there is no practical difference in cooling efficiency. The only component that will benefit from this is the PSU itself, which will have to draw less hot air out. All examples of how the case with the lower location of the power supply shows lower temperatures are not due to the pluses of the layout, but to the dimensions. After all, as a rule, such cases differ in increased dimensions. And the price of low-block cases is more expensive, therefore, engineers are more concerned about optimizing the airflow inside.

Lattices, which they like to equip cases on all sides, are also not a definite plus. The cooling efficiency does not depend on the number of holes, but on the movement of the air flow inside the case. Abundant perforation can even harm, since with it the dust inside collects much faster.

Is a built-in power supply required?

Many computer cases come with a power supply. This practice is especially common in the budget segment, where device buyers seek to save money. After all, buying a case with a PSU for 3 thousand rubles is very attractive, especially against the background of the fact that the power supply unit of such power costs from 2 thousand. But in practice, "noname" PSUs that come with cases and are labeled as 400 or 500 W barely live up to the specifications on the label. At best, when operating at such power, they give voltage drops along the most loaded lines. At worst, reaching peak consumption leads to PC shutdowns or even the PSU (and with it a couple more pieces of iron) failing.

Buying a case with a power supply is worth it only if the computer will be a low-power budget and / or office one. If the total consumption of components along the +12 V line is no more than 200-250 W, then the built-in PSU will be enough. But if a gaming PC consumes more than 300 W at 12 volts, you should not buy a case with a block. After all, you still have to buy a separate PSU, and the complete one will remain “dead weight”.

The only exceptions are cases equipped with blocks Chieftek, FSP, Zalman, Cooler Master, Thermaltake, etc. These brands are of fairly high quality and the inscriptions on the labels usually correspond to reality.

Is the room dusty?

Dust is an insidious thing: in order to avoid it at all, you need to carefully clean it daily, and also not to keep items potentially accumulating it. Upholstered furniture with cloth upholstery, blankets and pillows, carpets - all this collects small particles. Therefore, a computer installed in the bedroom will draw dust anyway. Even cleaning once every few days will not completely get rid of it. And then powerful fans will collect dust inside the system unit, pulling it out of surrounding objects and air.

In such a situation, abundant perforation (it was mentioned above) is evil. The only way the fight against dust is the creation of excess pressure inside the case, by installing coolers "for blowing" from all possible parties. But this method is not a panacea: you also need to get fresh air from somewhere, without it the PC will “suffocate”, that is, it will always warm up.

You can, of course, buy the most isolated case (without extra holes), but it is only suitable for a low-power PC. A high-performance gaming machine in a tightly closed case requires a CBO for heat dissipation. At a minimum, powerful fans are needed to create a directional airflow inside. But then such a computer will roar like a fighter on takeoff.

If the floor in the room is linoleum, tile, parquet, laminate or other uncoated hard material, there is no upholstered furniture or it is leather, and cleaning is done frequently, then you can take any case. In such conditions, the threat of clogging with dust is much lower.

How many disks will be installed in the PC?

Which case to choose for a PC, directly depends on how many drives you plan to install in it. If this is the HDD + SSD tandem that has already become common practice, then any case will do. Even the smallest models are equipped with at least two drive bays. But for a home media center equipped with several capacious hard drives, not every small case is suitable. If there are more than 4 HDDs, you need to carefully look for a compatible case.

Where should the buttons and USB ports be so that they can be easily accessed?

The question of the location of buttons and interface connectors on the front panel only seems insignificant. In fact, it depends on him how convenient the use of these elements will be. If the PC is planned to be placed under the table, then too low located buttons and USB jacks will force you to reach for them, leaning over each time. If the system unit will stand on the table - on the contrary, the elements at the top become uncomfortable. Worst of all, when they are on the "roof".

For a PC located at the bottom, it is most preferable if both buttons and USB ports are located at the top of the panel (where a CD drive was located in the era of "hoary antiquity" and the kingdom of Pentiums). Not bad when they are on the corner or on the top cover (but only if there is enough space between it and the table). If you plan to frequently use the buttons, USB ports, and audio jacks on the front panel, then a cover on them is undesirable.

For those who place the PC on the table, a case with the bottom arrangement of all these elements will do. Then you do not have to reach up and forward with your hand every time you need to insert a USB flash drive or connect headphones.

What body material is best?

Before, how to choose a computer case, it is worth deciding on the material of the case. The most common options are steel and aluminum. There are also models with plexiglass elements, but they still have a metal base.

The steel case is more practical and reliable, but heavier. The exception is the cheapest Chinese "nonames", the material of which is not far from a tin can. Steel less than 0.5 mm thick is easily deformed. If the cover screws are unscrewed several times to disassemble or clean the PC, the thread will quickly stop holding them. Too much tightening also breaks it, forcing you to pick up bolts with a larger diameter.

Thick (about 1 mm or more) metal in cases is not common, but it is found on sale. Thick-walled models are recommended for those who can sometimes drive away anger on a PC. If at the most crucial moment the game freezes or crashes, the Internet disappears, the PC randomly reboots and you can’t resist the temptation to kick it, it’s better to take a durable case so that you don’t have to repair the computer from the consequences of such aggression.

Aluminum is a light and elegant metal, but not very practical. All the shortcomings of thin "Chinese foil" are inherent in it, to one degree or another. For scratches and deformations, sometimes it is not necessary to kick the system unit: it is enough to inadvertently touch it with your foot or the leg of a chair. Therefore, it makes little sense to put an aluminum case at the bottom: you can’t see a beautiful appearance anyway, but it will come to an unpresentable state faster. Yes, aluminum is much more expensive than steel.

How often do you have to "pick" the computer?

To understand which computer case is better to choose, you need to consider how often it will be opened and moved. For connoisseurs of the upgrade, who, out of a sporting interest, often complete the PC, install new parts and change old ones, it is advisable to take a look at models with special fasteners. Then you don't have to aim a screwdriver at small screws every time you need to remove or install a video card, hard drive, DVD / BD drive, fan, etc.

Classic screws are cheaper and simpler, but they will take longer to tinker with when assembling a PC. Cases with screw fastenings are recommended for office and home PCs, which are assembled once and for all.


To understand which case to choose for a PC and not miscalculate, you need to take into account the main and secondary criteria. When choosing, size, design, materials, cooling efficiency, a good power supply, dust protection, the number of drive bays, types of mounts, as well as the location of elements on the front panel are important when choosing. Given all these parameters, you can buy the best case for a particular situation.

A big fan of high-quality Chinese technology, a lover of clear screens. A supporter of healthy competition between manufacturers. He closely follows the news in the world of smartphones, processors, video cards and other hardware.

One of the most important parts of a computer is the case, that is, the system unit. Some users believe that this is just a piece of iron, into which you can poke a lot of useful gizmos, and the power of the computer will depend on the number of these gizmos. And for such users, it becomes unclear how expensive cases differ from cheap ones, except for the appearance.

However, the case is one of the indispensable parts when assembling a computer, because if you choose the wrong case, the computer may start to make noise (like a helicopter and in the future it will be called “helicopter”), or get warm so that it will be possible to heat food on it, Of course, this will affect your computer in an unfavorable way.

As a rule, cases are supplied assembled with power supplies. A lot depends on the power supply: whether the computer will work normally (without power surges and failures) or will turn off when you run several more powerful programs. But as a rule, we want to use everything at once. But these are not all the problems associated with computer power: if the power supply fails and burns out, then at the same time it can “kill” everything in the computer in a random order, which will not please you with expensive and unplanned repairs. The choice of case also affects the cooling of devices that do not have their own cooling, such as a hard drive or a laser disc drive.

The main types of personal computer cases

I hope that I was able to explain that a bad and cheap case is not always suitable for a computer. Let's move on to looking at corpora. There are 4 types of cases: MiniTower, MidiTower, BigfTower and Desktop.

  1. The first type of hull, MiniTower, is compact, convenient. But due to its compactness, it is impossible to shove full-fledged components into it more powerfully. Such a case is convenient to use in offices, but it is better not to purchase it for assembling a home computer.
  2. The second type of hull is MidiTower. This is the standard and most common hull variant that I think everyone has come across. All standard accessories for ordinary users will fit in it and there will even be room for several gadgets. This type is suitable for both office and home computers.
  3. Big Tower- the case, which we will consider the third. These are large and spacious enclosures that can accommodate any type of equipment imaginable. It is suitable for assembling high performance workstations. Even if you liked this case only from an aesthetic point of view, then it will do, because more is not less.
  4. Latest hull type— Desktop. These are system blocks that lie "on their side", saving space. This is achieved by placing the monitor directly on the system unit. It is comparable to the standard case type - MidiTower. In addition to lying on its side, it has no pros and cons.

Cases of non-standard shapes and layout

Currently, cases of various non-standard forms have begun to appear, for example: a car, a human body, a TV set, and many many others. All such enclosures are for an amateur and they cost much more or are made by users themselves, having certain skills.

Computer case manufacturers

On the Russian market several manufacturers of cases are provided, which one everyone decides for himself: Rolsen (RL), Microtech (LinkWorld), Codegen/JNC/PowerMan/GeoIT/Genius, InWin, Asus/Elan Vital/Acer Open, 3R System, Chieftec /Supermicro, Thermaltake.

  • Corps of the firm Rolsen (RL) famous among computer assemblers for having to use improvised tools (for example, a chisel, pliers) to “break out” metal plates designed to accommodate devices. The power supplies in these cases are bulky and unproductive. As a result, it is not recommended to take cases from this manufacturer.
  • Microtech (Linkworld). These cases are a little better than those from Rolsen (RL), the power supplies in them are also an order of magnitude better, but inferior to branded ones.
  • Codegen/JNC/PowerMan/GeoIT/Genius. These cases are quite good and most have horizontal power supplies. But the power supplies themselves are not very good, so if you purchase such a case, it is better to immediately change the power supply. But as a rule, you don’t want to change something in a new part, so I advise you to purchase from another manufacturer.
  • inwin. In my opinion this the best way among inexpensive and high-quality cases. But here the only thing that can be advised is not to take A-series cases (the power supply is installed vertically in them). The S-series cases have space for 80x80 fans, which is not always convenient. The best option is the J-series cases, where hard drives are blown by their own fan, there are stiffening racks, places for 92x92 fans, and USB and audio connectors are located in the front of the case, which greatly facilitates the use of devices and gadgets.
  • Asus/Elan Vital/Acer Open. These cases are pretty good in the middle class. They can be compared to InWin cases.
  • 3R System. The quality of the cases produced by this company is much better, but the price is higher than that of the two discussed above. For example, Air models have: 120 mm intake fans, 80 mm exhaust fans, an air filter, a three-channel thermometer, and multi-level fan speed control. In general, for a little overpaying you get an excellent case.
  • Chieftec/Supermicro. These cases are more expensive than all of the above, but it fully pays off with an excellent power supply and good ergonomics.
  • And the last manufacturer Thermaltake. This firm is the king of cases on the Russian market, but they also cost accordingly. But by purchasing such a case, you can be sure that you are not paying for a dummy.

Conclusion. If you want to choose a case for yourself, then you do not need to look for the cheapest or most expensive one. Look at the manufacturer's company, at the power supply, and, most importantly, at the aesthetic beauty. Do you like him.

  • 1. 10th place - DeepCool Tesseract BF Black
  • 2.AeroCool Aero-500
  • 3. Thermaltake Versa
  • 4. Cooler Master HAF X
  • 5. Zalman Z11
  • 6. Be Quiet! Silent Base 800
  • 7. Deep Cool Kendomen
  • 8. NZXT S340
  • 9. Fractal Design Define S
  • 10. Corsaire Carbide Series Clear 400C

Many inexperienced buyers, when choosing a computer case, often pay attention only to its appearance and focus solely on their sense of beauty, but such an approach is fraught with big problems during operation. In order to avoid such troubles among our readers, we are in a hurry to present the rating of the best cases of 2017-2018, which includes only those models that have already managed to positively establish themselves on the market and will not disappoint you in such important parameters as properly organized air flow or noise level.

Do not forget that case form factors are quite different from each other, and you will personally have to choose the right one based on the hardware that you plan to put in it, so do not rush to buy the shell you like for your PC, but carefully weigh everything pros and cons. Well, now let's turn to our top cases!

10th place - DeepCool Tesseract BF Black

Price: 2200 rubles.

Massive case, made in a conservative style. Dimensions allow this model to integrate a motherboard of any form factor, and therefore you will not be limited in choosing hardware for this case. The dimensions also helped the engineers to create a high-quality and thoughtful interior space with good airflow and more than enough slots for any accessories.

The top and front panel of the case are equipped with filters, and therefore you can choose the most convenient location for the motherboard inside. The power supply is located at the bottom, which has long been a good form in the production of cases, it will also have a positive effect on temperature. A solid budget option without frills, but including everything you need.

  1. AeroCool Aero-500

Price: about 2000 rubles.

Stylish strict case with wide customization options. Built-in filters and the ability to install several additional fans will allow you to maintain a suitable operating temperature, even if the filling is very powerful. The low price relative to the market should also be attributed to the pluses.

There are a number of nuances that you should be aware of when purchasing this model. If you're a fan of water cooling, then you may have problems integrating it - the back surface does not have enough work space. Additional fans can make the operation of the system unit more noisy than we would like. If you are willing to put up with such shortcomings - an excellent choice for its modest price.

  1. Thermaltake Versa

Price: 2200 rubles.

Made in an elegant design, this case is designed to use the most modern technical component. An incredible number of cooling elements will help you cope with the most resource-intensive builds, and the quality of the material will protect you from the noise generated.

The ergonomics of the case is simple and intuitive, and then a beginner can handle the installation of elements in it. If you want to assemble a solution that is less demanding on space, then perhaps this case will be redundant. But if you take the case for the future, the choice is wonderful.

  1. Cooler Master HAF X

Price: 12000 rubles.

And here is the case from the premium segment. Before us is no longer a budget plastic, but a magnificent steel design, but this immediately affects the weight - a fragile girl will no longer be able to lift such a model. A wonderful cooling system and aggressive red lighting make this model one of the best when choosing a case for a gaming computer.

There are a number of ergonomic inconveniences, leading to a rather tedious disassembly of the unit when connecting new devices, but if you plan to assemble it once and forget it, the option is almost ideal. You can buy on

  1. Zalman Z11

Price: 4000 rubles.

Case from the legendary manufacturer. The model is made of plastic and steel, which makes the appearance more expensive than purely plastic competitors, and the technical side is not satisfactory - everything that is required on site.

An advanced wire management system will help keep the interior space free of tangled cords, which will also improve air circulation. If you want to take a time-tested option - it is in front of you.

  1. Be Quiet! Silent Base 800

Price: 8200 rubles.

Practicality and efficiency in an elegant design short description this device. The manufacturing company is the market leader in terms of noise reduction, and therefore you can not worry about extra sounds. Available coolers with the possibility of adding additional ones will take care of the temperature inside.

The design allows for almost any manipulation with the extraction and integration of components without a screwdriver and other equipment. The material from which the model is made looks durable. If in the near future we do not see cardinal changes in the market of components, then this model can be enough for you for many years.

  1. DeepCool Kendomen

Price: 3000 rubles.

Perhaps the favorite in the value for money category. You will not find unique features here, but you will definitely get an elementary assembled case with thoughtful cooling and wiring system, fantastic expansion options and very quiet operation. The case is easy to clean, doesn't need to be twirled around every mess, and overall it's perfect for those who aren't a fan of the constant digging through hardware.

A calm but pleasant design is another bonus to the already excellent combination of functionality and a modest price.

  1. NZXT S340

Price: 4250 rubles.

An option similar to its predecessor with an excellent ratio of features and money that they ask for. It is worth noting the excellent configuration of the case - in the box you will find cable ties, additional fasteners and screws. The wires in this model can be hidden behind the back wall and not worry about the air circulation inside.

The case has no pronounced shortcomings and falls into the top three of our rating, which is a sign of quality against the background of such powerful competitors.

  1. Fractal Design Define S

Price: 4400 rubles.

Innovative approach to organization inner space in this case fully justifies itself. Quiet, not heated and does not look like a warehouse of ownerless wires, the case will perfectly fit into any interior.

The possibilities for adding components are almost limitless, the case will accommodate absolutely any modern solution. Some may find the design a little rustic and boring, but its inconspicuousness is more likely to become a plus with prolonged use. And you can use this case for a very long time.

  1. Corsaire Carbide Series Clear 400C

Price: 6500 rubles.

The leader of the rating and by right. The side panel opens with one touch so you don't need tools to get inside. Dust filters perform their functions with a bang, their cleaning, in turn, is simple and not time-consuming.

The design of the case fascinates both outside and inside. The ability to hide the wires allows you to enjoy the view of the internal components. Backlight makes the body look stylish spaceship. If you wanted to choose a good case, then in front of you, perhaps, the best option for an adequate price.

Despite the fact that in recent times there has been a trend towards miniaturization of the PC, caused by the advent of ever colder components, the preferred option for a gaming computer has been and remains tower designs, as a rule, the standard ("medium tower"). In such a case, you can assemble an SLI or CrossFireX configuration, place an ATX form factor motherboard (and in some even E-ATX), not be constrained by either the size of the video card or the power supply, as well as install a couple of drives and an overall processor cooler . What else does a productive gaming PC need?


Yes, such a case should be thought out in terms of cooling so that the components do not “suffocate” in it (in particular, the video card, as the hottest component of the system). Overheating is fraught with the appearance of various kinds of problems - from crashes to the desktop to the freezing of the computer. And usually this happens at the moment when the player is focused on the gameplay, or has not been saved in the game for a long time. Do we need it?

Considering that almost all “mid-towers” ​​on the market today, which are positioned for assembling a gaming PC, provide support for overall components, in most cases there will be no compatibility problems. Another thing is the cooling efficiency, and this is just about the main characteristic of an advanced PC. Moreover (strange, but true!) In most cases, the noise level plays a less important role.

But store shelves are still full of various models of gaming cases. And among all the variety that we are offered, it becomes problematic to choose a truly noteworthy case, especially for a beginner. In this article, we will try to weed out a significant number of various kinds of crafts and dwell on some worthy models. The main emphasis will be placed on the cooling capacity of the case, as well as the price / performance ratio.

Before proceeding to the consideration of the review participants, we will give some tips on what you should first of all focus on when choosing a case for a gaming PC. All of them, to one degree or another, relate to cooling, so they will be especially useful for beginners.

The hottest component in a gaming system is the graphics card, and cooling is what you have to worry about. Models with an air cooling system exist in two types: in the reference version, with the so-called "turbine" CO, and versions original design. Both the former and the latter have their advantages. The cooling systems installed on the reference solutions function in such a way that most of the air heated by the card is blown out of the system unit, and does not accumulate inside, as happens when using non-reference options. But the latter have a more efficient and quiet cooling system.

Most video cards sold in stores are non-reference options. And graphics accelerators of the reference design are usually bought either to replace the standard CO with a liquid one (such models are cheaper, and it’s easier to find a suitable water block), or to assemble an SLI or CrossFireX configuration. Let's dwell on this in more detail.

When installing several non-reference models into the system, the upper video card will heat up more than the lower one, since the first one will begin to take almost all the air heated from the lower one for cooling. And the temperature difference can reach 15-25 degrees Celsius. Of course, when using a microATX motherboard, it will be higher. Therefore, when planning a multi-GPU configuration, it is advisable to choose reference versions with "turbine" CO. And for a compact case, such a solution is preferable. In all other cases the best choice will be a video card of the original design with an efficient and quiet CO.

In addition, when choosing a system unit for a gaming PC, you should pay attention to its "hole". Simply put, it is better to stay on such a case, which will have a perforated front and a ventilation grill on the left side panel. Moreover, it is desirable to place the fan on the door for blowing out in order to speed up the release of heated air accumulated in the area of ​​the video cards as much as possible.

A well-known brand has in its assortment cases with the most competent, in my opinion, cooling system for a gaming PC. This line is called Raven and is probably well known to many readers. The engineers provided for blowing the internal space with a strong air flow, and the direction of the air flow is ideal - from bottom to top.

Now let's move on to some worthy models of cases designed for building a gaming PC.

Cooler Master Cosmos SE

The first participant, Cooler Master Cosmos SE, has already been reviewed in our laboratory, and if you wish, you can learn more about it by clicking on the link. This model is a younger and cheaper version of Cosmos II, which inherited a similar design, but differed in internal structure.

Cosmos SE received a one-volume internal structure, lost side panels in the form of car doors and some features, including the main features of Cosmos II. At the same time, he significantly dropped in price, although it still remains high - about 13,000 rubles.

Skate Cosmos SE - stylish design. It is because of him that you should pay attention to this model. True, in terms of functionality, it is unremarkable, so to speak, a standard, albeit an advanced one.

As a plus, we note support for a processor cooling system up to 175 mm high. As a result, you can assemble a gaming PC in this case without any problems, ensuring the cooling of the components at the proper level, and its design is able to decorate the interior.

Specifications for Cooler Master Cosmos SE.

Model nameCooler Master Cosmos SE
Construction typeMidi Tower
Case dimensions
(W x H x D), mm
Hull weight (net), kg 10.8
Housing materialSteel / Plastic / Aluminum
External 5.25" bays, pcs. 3
Internal 3.5" bays, pcs. 7
Internal 2.5" bays, pcs. 2
Expansion slots, pcs. 7
External ports2 x USB 3.0;
2 x USB 2.0;
HD Audio
Motherboard supportATX / microATX / Mini-ITX
Regular cooling systemFront fan:
2 x 120 mm (~1200 rpm, Blue LED, blowing);
Rear fan:
1 x 120 mm (~1200 rpm, blow);
Top Fan:
1 x 140 mm (~1200 rpm blowing)
CO extensionFront fan: 2 x 120 mm / 1 x 140 mm;
Rear fan: 1 x 120 mm;
Top fan: 1 x 140 / 120mm
276 (395 without HDD cage)

Cooler Master CM 690 III (693)


Next in line is the Cooler Master CM 690 III, one of the clearest examples of how gaming cases should be made. Nvidia itself took note of it, releasing a proprietary "black-and-green" edition.

In Cooler Master, this case is almost the only product in the range in the mid-price niche, which is one of the best in terms of price / performance ratio. It has great functionality and not exorbitant price. But the main advantage of the CM 690 III lies in the chic possibility of customizing CO.

We can confidently say that we have one of the best gaming cases for its niche of all time, it is perfect for assembling a productive gaming PC of not too large dimensions. Still in doubt? Check out his review in our lab.


Specifications Cooler Master CM 690 III.
Model nameCooler Master CM 693
Construction typeMidi Tower
Case dimensions
(W x H x D), mm
Hull weight (net), kg 8.7
Housing materialSteel / Plastic
External 5.25" bays, pcs. 3
Internal 3.5" bays, pcs. 7
Internal 2.5" bays, pcs. 10
Expansion slots, pcs. 7 + 1
External ports2 x USB 3.0;
2 x USB 2.0;
HD Audio (HDA/AC'97)
Motherboard supportATX / microATX
Regular cooling systemFront: 1 x 200 mm (~750 rpm);
Rear: 1 x 120 mm (~1100 rpm)
CO extensionFront: 1 x 200 / 180 mm or 2 x 140 / 120 mm;
Top: 1 x 200 mm or 2 x 140 / 120 mm;
Side: 1 x 200 / 180 mm or 2 x 120 mm;
Bottom: 1 x 120mm;
Rear: 1 x 120mm;
HDD cage: 1 x 120mm
Maximum video card length, mm 423
Maximum CPU cooler height, mm 171

Where is your computer's hardware stored? What prevents parts of one whole from falling apart into details? Computer cases vary in shape and color and constitute a huge market. Let the computer case do not perform tasks related to performance operating system computer directly, its structure can sometimes have the most direct impact on hardware. The right ergonomic case will provide good ventilation or additional cooling, and a compact one will not take up much space.

We already told you once that several major manufacturers announced at once computers in the form of a shoulder backpack with support for popular virtual reality headsets. In such a simple way, the problem of dangling wires connecting the VR helmet and PC was solved. As it turned out recently, such computers will be used not only for video games, but also in personnel training and even in the military sphere.

February 6, 2013, Hannover - Xilence, a specialist in cooling systems, power supplies and noise reduction solutions for PCs and laptops, introduces the first accessories for Interceptor series cases. Now both older and younger models - Interceptor Pro and Interceptor, can be equipped with a side panel with a transparent window.