Drawing up a technological map of the organization of children's activities. Technological map of GCD (sample scheme) consultation on the topic

Technological maps of the preparation of dishes in kindergartens (preschool educational institutions) in Moscow according to the new SanPiN 2013:, the chemical composition and nutritional value of dishes, permitted dishes.

In this section you will find a new collection of recipes (reference book, recipe book), which contains technological charts (recipes) for preparing 178 dishes for kindergarten (DOE).

In preparing the collection, the official publication was used: Organization of meals in preschool educational institutions: Methodological guidelines for the city of Moscow. Designed by: Kon 'I.Ya. (GU Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences); Mosov A.V. (Office of Rospotrebnadzor in the city of Moscow, Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents, GU SCCH RAMS); Tobis V.I., (Moscow Foundation for Promotion of Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population); Tsapenko M.M. (Moscow Department of Education) and others.

The norms for the laying of products, semi-finished products (embedded dishes), gross and net, per 100 grams of the mass of the finished dish have been published. The recommended output of the dish for feeding children of both toddler age (1-3 years old) - nursery, and children 3-7 years old is indicated. The nutritional value and chemical composition of each dish is given, including the content of proteins (proteins, polypeptides), fats (triglycerides, lipids), carbohydrates (saccharides), calorie content (kcal), the content of vitamins: B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), C (ascorbic acid), minerals (trace elements, micronutrients): Ca (calcium), Fe (iron). The type of processing is indicated and a complete technological map (technology, recipe) of cooking is provided.

You can view these recipes both on our website and in the program, the demo version of which you can download for free on our website and install on your computer. This program contains all the technological maps published here, as well as a menu plan for 8-10, 12, 24 hours of keeping a child in a preschool educational institution and much more.

The recipes here are given per 100 grams of net ready meal. For your convenience, the program recalculates these masses for a specific dish output, for example, when a dish comes out 200 grams, the weight of the products is multiplied by 2. The program contains reports on the chemical composition both for the prospective (planned) menu and for the actual one for any period. There is also a menu-requirement, cumulative statements and other documentation on the organization of meals for preschoolers and accounting for products in the warehouse.

Dishes included in the diet can consist not only of simple products, but also of semi-finished products (previously prepared dishes), for example, pastries are made from dough, and soup is cooked in broth. In this case, a link to the recipe for the attached dish is provided here as part of the recipes. All our computer programs in the series calculate the complete bookmark, including all nested dishes (of any nesting depth), resulting in the final composition and weight of elementary products.

Nutritional value and chemical composition of used food are listed in the product guide.

All recipes presented on this site, you can keep and automatically enter into any program of the series Food, so as not to enter manually.

Radaykina Oksana Alexandrovna
Educational institution: MADOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 2", Saransk
Brief description of work:

Date of publication:2017-05-03 Technological map of GCD "Vegetables and Fruits" Radaykina Oksana Alexandrovna MADOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 2", Saransk Organization of GCD in the second junior group

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Technological map of GCD "Vegetables and Fruits"

Topic: "Vegetables and fruits".

Age group:second youngest.

purpose: development of the cognitive initiative of younger preschoolers in the process of social and communicative, speech, physical activity.


Learning tasks:

  • promote the development of the grammatical structure of speech;
  • to develop dialogical speech as a way of communication among younger preschoolers;
  • to form ideas about vegetables and fruits.

Developmental tasks:

  • develop the ability to use speech to express your thoughts, desires;
  • develop and maintain children's interest in joint and independent examination of vegetables and fruits with adults;
  • develop cognitive interest in the process of visual activity;
  • develop the ability to distinguish, name vegetables and fruits in appearance and shape;
  • to develop the creative activity of children in the process of creating a product of visual activity;
  • develop mental processes - figurative thinking, imagination (development of speech).

Educational tasks:

  • to cultivate a love for artistic creativity, for nature and the surrounding world.

Integration of areas:Speech, physical, social and communicative, artistic and aesthetic

Planned result:

During this lesson, children develop a steady cognitive interest in the process of organizing speech and physical activity.

Children can independently conduct game situations, look for answers to questions and make simple conclusions.

Children can use speech to express their thoughts and desires.

Children know how to empathize and come to the aid of each other, are friendly to others.

Form of carrying out:cognitive activity.

Basic concepts: carrots, cabbage, onions, tomatoes, potatoes, apples, pears, peaches.

Equipment and materials:


Dispensing:contour image of fruits and vegetables on paper, brushes, gouache, napkins.

Activity stages, classes

Children's actions

Caregiver actions

Necessary equipment

Time to stage


1. Introductory - organizational, motivational - incentive

Problem situation, motivation for activity

The guys enter the group and see a basket on the table with vegetables and fruits

drop in, take out and call

They focus their attention, get used to the game situation, consider and show interest in the character.

Answers questions.

Introduces the character into the game (plot situation).

Provides enough time to familiarize yourself with the character.

Individual appeal to each child according to his knowledge.

Emotionally engages in action, engages in listening.

Guys, let's see what's in this basket. Well done.

Encourages children to speak up. All named correctly

(apple, peach, tomato, onion, potato, cabbage, carrot, pear) and a letter from Bunny

3 minutes

Children's interest in upcoming activities.


Developing, cognitive, intellectual, practical, search activity

Guess riddles.

Play actively.

Consider the submitted materials.

Show speech activity and interest in the actions taking place.

Observe the action of the educator, perform actions according to the model.

Play actively.

Uses visual aids.

Involves in discussion, asks riddles that stimulate the thinking process and activate knowledge about vegetables and fruits.

Shows respect and encourages children to speak up.

Stimulates curiosity and interest in activities.

Encourages children to guess correctly.

Spends a physical minute:

Gray bunny sits

And wiggles his ears

Like this, like this

And wiggles his ears.

Bunny is cold to sit

You need to warm your paws

Like this, like this

You need to warm your paws.

Bunny is cold to stand

Bunny needs to jump

Like this, like this

Bunny must jump.

Organizes physical activities.

Shows the sequence of actions.

Encourages children to play activities.

Game "What are we going to cook soup from?"

Formulates a problem, proposes a solution. Involves in joint cognitive and speech activity.

Observes the children during the assignment.

Asks questions that stimulate thinking processes.

Encouraging children to work together.

Organizes, involves children in joint play activities, shows the sequence of actions.

Encourages children to play together.

Illustrations of vegetables and fruits.

dummies, illustrations of vegetables and fruits.

8 minutes

Activation of speech and thought processes of children during the period of guessing riddles.

Consolidation of knowledge about the signs of vegetables and fruits.

Active inclusion in joint activities and games with adults and children.

3.Finishing, reflexive - corrective

Monitoring and evaluating the results of activities, reflection, summing up

Show interest and engage in productive activities.

Get acquainted with materials for productive activities.

Master the sequence of actions.

Demonstrate the result of productive activity.

They clean up a place for themselves after visual activity.

Organizes and involves children in productive activities. Provides enough time to review the materials for productive activities. Shows the sequence of actions.

Encouragement to visual activity.

Encourages children to clean up a place after their visual activity.

Paper, brushes, gouache, napkins.

5 minutes

Ability to work according to the model, follow the sequence of actions.

Getting pleasure from joint activities with an adult.

Organization of an exhibition of creative works (vegetables, fruits) for children in a group and for parents

. .

Technological map for the lesson.

Topic: “Lesson on psychological preparation of children for school:“ Time travel ”.

Shcherbina Svetlana Nikolaevna

Introductory part :

1. Introductory conversation

2. Exercise "Rattles".

Attracting the attention of children, the emergence of interest, cognitive interest in the lesson.

The teacher gives the children the instruction for the lesson: "Today we will go back in time when you were still very young." The musical exercise "Rattles" is held.

Children, firmly holding hands, say magic words: “Let's hold hands together and smile at each other,“ Hello! ”- we say quietly, we want to travel! Children remember the time when they were little, then they carry out the task of the teacher.

Building a logical chain of reasoning.

Conscious and arbitrary construction of a speech utterance in oral form;

Ability to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication;

II Main part:

1. Temporary bridge of mysteries.

2. Search for magic stones.

3 travel through the sands of time

4.Phymuchkina Academy

5 star route to school

6. Tour of the school

7. Fun break

8. Magic trick

Learnpupils to follow the instructions of an adult offered orally.

Learn to find information about the properties of an object in experimental activity.

Continue to learn to navigate in space, to consolidate ideas about the seasons.

Develop attention, auditory and visual perception, thinking, speech. Continue fto form the ability to identify logical patterns on two grounds, to justify their choice. Develop the motivational readiness of children to study at school; skills of voluntary regulation of behavior. Expand the general outlook of the pupils.

To foster a sense of collectivism, a benevolent attitude towards each other.

The teacher invites children to guess riddles about the seasons that are on the stones.

The teacher offers to find stones with pictures.

The teacher conducts the exercise "Seasons", leads the children to the fact that winter, spring, summer, autumn is a year.

The educator says that treasures are buried in these sands, which the map will help us find, but for this it is necessary to complete a number of tasks: to solve the code by inserting the missing figures so that they do not repeat in the column and in the line, build a house in the sands of time from magic stones.

(On the stones there is an image of the seasons).

The teacher asks the question: Where have we got to? There are only questions around us: What? Where? How? Why? I understood. This is "Pochemuchkina Academy". Conducts experiments "Drowning, not sinking."

Physiotherapy is carried out:

Two claps over your head - one, two.

Two claps in front of you - one, two.

Hide two hands behind your back

And we will jump along the stars.

The teacher offers to make a virtual excursion to the school, asks the children the question: "What is school?", Presents the children with a slide presentation "Soon to school." The psychologist puts cards on the board after each slide (statements about school). After the end of the presentation, children are invited to make a choice of a card (external motive, educational motive, positional motive, play, social motive and mark).

The teacher invites the children to relax and play a game with a circle "Change the circle by two signs." The game is played in a chain.

Psychologist conducts trick with geometric shapes

Children who have guessed riddles receive a magic stone as a reward.

Children are looking for stones to music.

Children take turns, according to the sequence of the seasons, line up one after another.

Together with a teacher-psychologist, holding hands, to the music, they cross the temporary bridge and get into the desert, complete the teacher's tasks and find a map. Children are looking for treasure in the sand to the music, take out and put all the found objects in a chest, build a house from magic stones.

Children are engaged in research activities, experimenting with objects made of wood and metal.

Children jump on the stars to the music "Ledka-enka".

Children watch a slide presentation of school conversations and choose a card they like.

Each child in a chain changes the previous figure in two ways: color and shape.

Children closely monitor the actions of the psychologist.

selection of the most effective ways to solve problems, depending on specific conditions;

reflection of methods and conditions of action, control and assessment of the process and results of activity


analysis of objects in order to identify features

synthesis - making a whole from parts

selection of grounds and criteria for comparison, classification of objects;

possession of monologue and dialogical forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language, with the requirements of modern means of communication.

self-regulation as the ability to mobilize strength and energy, to volitional effort and overcoming obstacles.

planning - determining the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; drawing up a plan and sequence of actions.

III Final part:

Summing up the results of the lesson.

Manifestation to the ability to analyze, generalize, emotionally express their impressions.

Now a miracle has happened before your eyes. During our trip, you not only grew up, but also learned a lot of new and interesting things. And the most important miracle is the road of knowledge, which stretched from preschool childhood to the threshold of school. I wish that the valuable knowledge base that you already have and that you will still acquire will help you achieve new heights and success in life. Goodbye friends! The teacher listens to the answers of the children, is interested in their impressions of the trip.

Children listen to the teacher, share their impressions of the trip, express their opinion about the result achieved from the knowledge gained during the lesson.

building a logical chain of reasoning, analyzing the truth of statements;

the ability to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication;

Topic: "Travel to the Land of Knowledge".

Age group: senior group.

integrated gcd

Organization form: group, individual, steam room.

Integration of areas: "Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Social and communicative development", "Physical development".

1. Mathematics for preschoolers 5 - 6 years old. E.V. Kolesnikova, Moscow 2003

2. Cognitive - research activity as a direction of the preschooler's personality development. Experiments, experiments, games. N.V. Nishcheva, St. Petersburg 2015

3. Experimental - experimental activity in the preschool educational institution. Summaries of classes in different age groups. St. Petersburg 2015

4. Mathematics in kindergarten. V.P. Novikov, Moscow 2007.

Mathematics for preschoolers. T.I. Erofeeva, L.N. Pavlova, V.P. Novikov. Moscow 1997



MBDOU kindergarten of compensating type No. 263

Technological map (construct)

Integrated GCD

"Travel to the Land of Knowledge"

Based on FSES DO

Compiled by:

Shchipitsina N.L.

izhevsk 2015

Technological map (construct) of the integrated GCD

Topic: "Travel to the Land of Knowledge".

Age group: senior group.

Joint activity form:integrated gcd

Organization form: group, individual, steam room.

Integration of areas: "Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Social and communicative development", "Physical development".

Educational-methodical kit:

  1. Mathematics for preschoolers 5 - 6 years old. E.V. Kolesnikova, Moscow 2003.
  2. Cognitive - research activity as a direction of development of the personality of a preschooler. Experiments, experiments, games. N.V. Nishcheva, St. Petersburg 2015
  3. Experimental - experimental activity in the preschool educational institution. Summaries of classes in different age groups. St. Petersburg 2015
  4. Mathematics in kindergarten. V.P. Novikov, Moscow 2007.
  5. Mathematics for preschoolers. T.I. Erofeeva, L.N. Pavlova, V.P. Novikov. Moscow 1997


  • visual - doll Dunno, a cut picture of Pinocchio, toys - Dog, cat,2 glasses of the same size, cones of different sizes.
  • literary - poetry, riddles;
  • musical - cutting of children's music;
  • equipment - tinted water "mixture" in a jar, two identical glasses for each child, a map (diagram), a pencil (by the number of children), colored pencils and markers for each child, a card with missing numbers (by the number of children), comparison cards items (by the number of children), napkins.


To create conditions for the development of the cognitive initiative of preschoolers in the process of mastering elementary mathematical concepts in the process of experimental research.


  1. Learning tasks:

To acquaint children with the steps used to compare fluid measurements.

Strengthen the ability of children to compare groups of objects; master the signed-digital forms of the ratio of two numbers.

  1. Developmental tasks:
  • develop observation, the ability to notice the characteristic features of objects, reflect, generalize the results;
  • develop active speech (speech - proof, speech - argumentation) of children in the process of comparing the results of measuring the amount of fluid;
  • develop fine motor skills;
  • to enrich the children's vocabulary: a fragment, a medicine, a conventional measure;
  • develop the ability to agree on joint actions, present the result of research.
  1. Educational tasks:
  • foster interest in experimentation;
  • promote the manifestation of positive emotions, feelings of love for wildlife;
  • foster friendly relationships between peers in the process of jointly solving a cognitive task, form the ability to negotiate, help each other.

Tasks, taking into account the individual characteristics of the pupils:

  • Pay attention to Christina's indecision when working independently;
  • Pay attention to the position of the pencil in Vanya and Sasha's hand;
  • Entrust Roma and Ruslan with control over the correctness of the conclusions when comparing the results of liquid measurements.

Planned result:

Inquisitive, active

activity in cognitive, experimental and experimental activities, in conversation.

Emotionally responsive

a sense of rhythm in motion to music;

manifestation of an emotional attitude to wildlife.

Has mastered the means of communication and methods of interaction with adults and peers

the ability to interact with peers in the process of doing work;

the ability to listen carefully and actively discuss, ask questions and answer them within the limits of their knowledge and experience;

the ability to share their impressions with the teacher and children.

Capable of solving intellectual and personal problems

application of the acquired knowledge of REMP on experimental research activities in independent everyday life;

Mastering the universal prerequisites of educational activity

  • the ability to act with concentration for 15 - 25 minutes;

Activity progress:

Activity phase

Teacher activities

Children's activities

Planned result

Stage 1


Surprise moment

I see in a wide circle

All my friends stood up.

We will now go to the right, and now we will go to the left.

Let's gather in the center of the circle, and we'll all return to the place. Let's smile, wink and go greetings!

Guys, look how many guests we have, Let's say hello to them, walk up to the guests and touch their palms with our palms ...

Do the guests have warm palms? Our guests are kind and they shared their warmth with us.

A knock on the door.

Sorry, I'll see who's there.

Dunno: Hello guys. I have come to you for help. Znayka has prepared a test for me, I need to go to the land of Knowledge, but I cannot cope alone. Do you want to help me?

In order not to get lost, Znayka drew a map for me (shows the map).

Let's see what is shown on the map.

Interesting challenges await us at every stop. If we do everything correctly, Dunno will give us a part of the picture - a fragment from which at the end of our journey we can add a picture and find out who it isbest friend.

Are you ready to travel?

Look closely at the map, where do you think we should go first?

Creates a positive emotional attitude

Invites children to say hello to guests

Creates a problematic situation, shows his interest

Directs children to the right decision.

Perform movements in accordance with the words

Greet guests by sharing their warmth

Children express their opinion

Children discuss what they saw.

Children discuss options.

Children are in the mood for communication

Show trust in guests

Show interest in upcoming activities

Stage 2

Work on the topic

Problem situation

The station is called Tsifrograd. What do you think awaits us there?

Before you cards, enter the missing numbers.

We did it! Well done! Everybody tried, get a fragment of the picture!

Formulation of the problem.

Promotes individual work

Make assumptions.

The child chooses the way of interaction when completing the task: individually or in pairs.

Decide problem situation. If there is a difficulty, children turn to the teacher or to each other.

Ability to draw conclusions and reason

Mastering the symbolic - digital form of numbers.

Here's a snippet of the picture!

This station is "Entertaining Tasks".

Problem statement that promotes group work of children.

Reason, interact with peers in the process.

Enriching the collaboration experience.

Consolidation of the ability to compare groups of objects.

An entertaining task

6 goslings followed the goose in single file,

One fell behind, how many goslings were left with the goose?

Then two more goslings fell behind, how many are left?

The goose got worried, began to collect goslings.

I gathered everyone. How many goslings followed the goose in single file?

Well done! There you are fragment of the picture.

Encourages children to be attentive and correct

They listen attentively, place the chips.

Knowledge of ordinal counting.

Station "Chislandiya"

Everyone has a leaf on the table with some dots, what is it? It seems, I guessed, there are numbers here and if you connect them, starting with the number 1 and further, you get a picture. Let's try to decipher these drawings.

What wonderful drawings we got, but in my opinion, some figure is missing again, when we have time we will write it too.

Well done, we coped with the test, here's a fragment of the picture!

Stimulates children's interest.

Draws attention to the need to follow the sequence of numbers, otherwise it will not work.

They work on individual pieces of paper.

Rejoice at the result.

Getting positive emotions from the result.

Mastering the sign-digital form.

Musical warm-up

(with musical accompaniment)

You do you like to dance? We dance to the music. At the end of the music - listen carefully to the assignment.

We met with backs, palms, knees, little fingers, cheeks, foreheads.

Have a rest? Here Dunno gives you another fragment of the picture, he liked how you danced and listened carefully to the assignments.

Introduces children to the game, gives instructions, emotionally helps to relax

Praises children

Choosing partners, demonstrating physical activity, combining music and movement.

Ability to listen, complete tasks.

Have a sense of rhythm. Develop plastic

Strengthens the ability to navigate in space.

The need of children for communication has been fulfilled.

Experienced experimental


Guys, do you like experiments?

Dunno's puppy and kitten fell ill. The doctor came and poured the puppy "medicine" from the can, said that the kitten needs to pour the same amount. There are two glasses on the table, one containing the potion.

From the common (jar) container with the "mixture", using a spoon into the second glass for the kitten

pours a little? So many? (This is not enough) less is impossible, it will not help the kitten to recover.

Pours a lot, overflows. So many?

(It's a lot)

This is no longer harmful.

How to determine the same amount of potion as for a puppy?

That's right, you can't pour less or more. Should be the same.

The first glass will be our conditional measure, we will mark the level of the mixture with a felt-tip pen with a felt-tip pen, and a spoon will help us pour.

Get started on your own.

What does the same mean? The same amount, it means the same, no more and no less.

Involves children in experimental activities.

Creates a problematic situation.

Creates conditions for emotional responsiveness.

Draws the attention of children to the fact that the kitten needs the same amount of medicine.

Includes children in independent activities; provides activity time; provides materials; observes the children during the assignment.

Asks to explain the children, how did they determine the same number? If children find it difficult, it helps to draw a conclusion.

The child chooses the way of interaction when performing his work: individually or in pairs at will. Empirically determine the amount of "mixture" for a kitten.

Express their assumptions.

Make an inference.

Shows activity in the process of independent activity;

Ability to select the necessary materials for work;

Ability to make logical conclusions; Ability to follow the rules

Stage 3

Outcome of activity

Well done! And they did an excellent job with this task. Dunno hands you another fragment. Look, there are no unexplored places on our map, which means that our journey has come to an end. Let's remember where we visited, what did we do? What was difficult for you and what was easy?

Involves children in summing up, in reflection (introspection);

Share their impressions; express their own feelings about the work done; plan independent, (joint) activities; give an emotional response.

Ability to evaluate the result of their activities;

Ability to express feelings;

Ability to draw conclusions;

Ability to plan independent (joint) activities.

Folding the split picture

Guys, we completely forgot about the fragments of the picture. We need to collect it. What will we learn if we collect it correctly?

Invites you to fold a picture from fragments.

Fold the picture

Show an emotional attitude towards the result.

Cheat sheet for the teacher: "How to prepare and conduct GCD, create a technological map?"

Made up: Anufrieva Irina Viktorovna, senior educator of the Kindergarten "Kolokolchik"
r.p. Dukhovnitskoe of the Saratov region

This methodological development can be useful for educators, preschool education specialists.

I. Definition of the topic and leading concepts
1. Clearly define and formulate the topic (come up with an appropriate title).
2. Determine the place of the topic in the curriculum.
3. Determine the leading concepts on which this GCD is based (integration, types of activity, type, form).

II. Defining goals and objectives
Determine the target GCD - for yourself and for children, understand why this GCD is generally needed. Designate the teaching, developing and educating function of the GCD (trinity of tasks).

III. Planning training material
1. Pick up literature on the topic. Select from the available material only the one that serves the solution of the tasks in the simplest way.
2. Think seriously about motivation, problem situation.
3. Pick up interesting game tasks, the purpose of which is:
recognition of new material,
creative approach to the task.
4. Arrange the game tasks in accordance with the principle "from simple to difficult".

IV. Thinking over the "highlight" of the GCD
Each GCD should contain something that will cause surprise, amazement, delight, in a word, something that children will remember. It is important to take into account the age of the children, a technique that is suitable for the middle, but not suitable for the early or preparatory group.
It can be an interesting fact, an unexpected discovery, a beautiful experience, a non-standard approach to what is already known.

V. Grouping of the selected material
To do this, think over the sequence in which work with the selected material will be organized, how the change of activities will be carried out.
The main thing in grouping is the ability to find a form of organization of the lesson that will cause increased activity of children, and not passive perception of the new.

Vi. Planning control over the activities of children
Think over:
what to control
how to control
how to use control results.
Do not forget: the more often the work of everyone is monitored, the easier it is to see typical mistakes and difficulties, to show preschoolers the teacher's genuine interest in their work.

Vii. Equipment preparation
Make a list of the necessary teaching and visual aids, devices, TCO, ICT. Check if everything works.

After the teacher has conducted the GCD, it is necessary to conduct introspection since adequate, full reflection helps the teacher to sort out his feelings himself, to look impartially at his work and to take into account mistakes in preparation for the subsequent GCD.

Technological map as a new form of writing GCD
The GCD technological map is a description of the educational process in the form of a step-by-step, step-by-step sequence of actions with an indication of approximate means, tasks and expected results.
What is a technological map for? In daily work, it is unrealistic to draw up a technological map of an occupation, but when participating in professional competitions, the ability to design a technological map plays a very important role. The benefits of this skill are obvious, since the educator has to comprehend his own pedagogical activity, its effectiveness, actively use professional terminology, evaluate certain points in a new perspective - all this is of great importance for the teacher's professional growth.
Also, when the educator presents an open lesson, a technological map should be constructed.

When preparing the GCD, as a rule, we draw up a scenario (synopsis), but it does not always show the structure and interconnection of components. Most often, there is no practical understanding of their activities from the point of view of setting goals and achieving them by the most rational means, there is no clear result of all activities and each of its stages. All this happens when drawing up a technological map.

Development of a technological map.
The technological map should provide for all elements of educational activities and preparation for them. (I propose to consider an example of a technological judgment)
The abstract as such can be included in the technological map, but this is not necessary.

I present to you for a sample "Technological map of GCD" Bystrovoy A.G., educator, I qualification category, 13 years of experience, MBDOU No. 33, Angarsk, Irkutsk region.

The technological map presented to you does not contain an outline.

Abstract of GCD on the formation of a holistic picture of the world
Topic: "Travel to the country of Electricity"
Educational areas: cognitive - speech and communicative-personal.
Integration of activities:cognitive - research, communication, play.
Lexical topic: "Electrical devices"
Software content:
* To systematize and update knowledge on the topic: "Electrical devices".
* Expand children's understanding of the rules for handling electrical appliances.
* Stimulate cognitive activity and the desire for search activity.
* Develop the operations of mental activity.
* To activate and systematize the dictionary on the topic: "Electrical appliances".
* Exercise in the coordination of nouns with numbers.
* Fix the pronunciation of the sound [M].
* Strengthen the ability to respond with a full sentence.
* To activate dialogical and monologue forms of speech.
* To develop skills of safe behavior near electrical installations.
* To develop the communication skills of children, to form the ability to work in pairs, to bring up the ability to respect the interlocutor.
Material: projector, computer, screen, pictures with images of electrical appliances, flashlight with batteries, batteries and diodes according to the number of children, wire with knots, hoop, sets of split pictures for working in pairs, handouts for each child: pictures with silhouettes of electrical appliances, pencils, envelopes with visual reference points for assignments, cards with numbers 3 and 5, pictures-diagrams with the rules for using electricity, presentation: 3 video films, the game "The fourth is extra", a poster on safety.

Download Algorithm for preparing GCD, creating a technological map