Horoscope - Scorpio. Horoscope - Scorpio Horoscope for November 5 Scorpio

Scorpios in November 2017 need an emotional shake-up. Try to set aside at least one day in the last month of autumn and spend it at your leisure. Have you long dreamed of going to a beauty salon or throwing a party with a close circle of friends? Do it. Now is your star time! Do not limit yourself in pleasure, take some of your savings and spend them only on yourself. Refresh your wardrobe, change your image or go somewhere, it is important for you to change the environment, relax, forget about your daily affairs for a while.

In the first decade of November 2017, organize a holiday for yourself. New emotions, vivid impressions, interesting acquaintances - this is what Scorpios need now! This will help restore the spent energy, gain strength and bring the thirst back to life. There is very little left until the end of the year, and you still have so much to do. And if now you do not indulge yourself with the weekend and other pleasant little things, then all your efforts will not give any result, so break away from business and do whatever you want. You can lie on the couch all day, you can spend it with your family, or just read a book. What to actually do is up to you. The main thing is that this activity is enjoyable, helps to relax and forget about work and other fuss. During this period, radical changes await you, but many of the representatives of your zodiac sign are afraid to change anything in their lives. If you are one of them, then a calm and measured life with usual affairs and problems awaits you. But if suddenly you want to break this vicious circle, look at life from a different angle and enjoy it in all its diversity and versatility, then open up and boldly accept the changes that fate will bring you at the beginning of the month. Remember, you are not losing anything, you are only gaining. Life will become much more interesting and brighter, and you will finally experience all the charm of happiness and absolute carelessness. Scorpios love stability and firm ground under their feet, it is these qualities that prevent them from taking advantage of new opportunities and prospects. But, as the famous saying goes, he who does not take risks does not drink champagne. So Scorpios, if they prefer stability and refuse to change, then they will not see champagne.

In the second decade of November 2017, the stars advise all representatives of the Scorpio zodiac sign to let go of the situation and enjoy the pleasant surprises that fate will throw up. If you do decide to change your life, remember that there have always been, are and will be those who will not be too pleased with your well-being and an interesting eventful life. Their comments can be confusing or sow the seeds of doubt that you are doing the right thing. But remember that you can't cover everyone's mouth, and you shouldn't worry about someone's negative opinion, because life is beautiful, and your wings grow. Let these people live in their own closed world with their own prejudices, and only positive emotions and changes await you ahead. Scorpios have a lot of work to do in mid-November, which will require a lot of effort and fresh ideas. But in order to increase your productivity, you first of all need quality rest. The location of Mars will have a beneficial effect on the results of your labors, so you shouldn't worry about the successful outcome of a case or project, everything will definitely end successfully. Having accumulated strength and energy, you will easily and naturally deal with even the most difficult tasks and problems.

In the third decade of November 2017, the stars advise Scorpios to complete the bulk of the planned work. It is during this period, under the influence of Mercury, that your productivity will increase and you will be able to work miracles. At the very end of the month, Scorpios are better off doing work that requires concentration and concentration. Your creativity and fresh thoughts will help you achieve a great result that will help you gain credibility with colleagues and management. The love relationship of Scorpios in the final period of November will be filled with trust from both partners, understanding and support. You can safely share your plans for the future, ask for advice and seek support from your loved one, he will definitely provide you with all this. But you, in turn, should surround your life partner with attention and try to pay more attention to him so that he does not feel chill and indifference on your part. Scorpios, from among those who are already tired of chronic loneliness, need not worry. Most likely, you will have a meeting in not quite standard circumstances. A little curiosity will happen to you, and this person will lend you a helping hand and help you get out of an awkward situation. Perhaps you will lose your travel document, and he will pay for your fare or something like that. Be patient and wait. The stars advise the Scorpios to direct all their efforts to somehow diversify their lives and not be afraid of change, they all bring only happiness and joy into your life.

Scorpios are in for an amazing month when their wildest dreams can come true. The stars are on your side, because in Scorpio there are Venus - the planet of "little happiness" and Jupiter - the planet of "great happiness" at the same time. This is a rare combination that bestows good chances, pleasure and joy.

November 2017 provides an opportunity to solve the problems that stand in the way of your happiness. You can change a lot for the better in a relationship. Venus brings good luck, enhances your charm and the power of seduction, gives you an aura of sensuality and opens the gates of love. Jupiter empowers you, makes you optimistic and confident.

For those looking for love, this fall month will be one of the brightest times of the year. Perhaps a very attractive member of the opposite sex will appear in your environment. The chances are high, and soon this person will announce that they want to start a serious relationship with you.

Married and married Scorpios will perceive November as a severe test of their strength. Destiny will send you very attractive people and it won't be easy to overcome this temptation of passion. Nevertheless, you will remain faithful to your spouse, and this will give you the right to be proud of yourself.

However, the horoscope warns against love illusions. Your house of love is home to Neptune, the planet of fantasy, and in November 2017 it is very active. Be careful, otherwise its effects will push you on the wrong path. Do not change your ability to realistically assess circumstances and do not look at your lover through rose-colored glasses.

Scorpio career and financial horoscope for November 2017

The month will bring positive changes to the professional life of your sign representatives. In general, the situation is good, both for work and for finance. Lady Luck may smile at you! With the support of the Sun, Venus and Jupiter, you will strive for lofty goals and achieve remarkable success.

If you are engaged in creative activities, you have a reason to feel satisfied. Autumn is the best time to create new masterpieces, and you will prove it again.

Scorpio entrepreneurs will do well in business. You will be able to conclude lucrative contracts, make lucrative deals. Moreover, you are able to ingratiate yourself with people in power, which will be another advantage in your competitive struggle.

However, there is a possibility that you will not calculate your strength, or your expectations will turn out to be overestimated, to which the influence of Jupiter also inclines you. No unnecessary effort is required to achieve your goals; rather, it is preferable to act in moderation. Watch what is happening carefully, take advantage of opportunities, but do not try to speed things up. It is important to carefully analyze the facts, in no case to be short-sighted.

The financial situation in November 2017 is quite favorable for Scorpios, although it must be remembered that strict Saturn still remains in your house of money. Do not look for easy gains and rely only on what is earned by honest labor.


The state of health of Scorpios will be good, because in your sign there are two beneficial planets - Venus and Jupiter. Throughout the month, you are active and optimistic about life. It is unlikely that you will complain about your health. However, it would be nice to slow down the pace of life a little. Yes, you have a lot of things to do, but the body's resources are not unlimited, besides, the eternal striving for success can lead you not to the long-awaited victory, but to malaise.

Stop throwing money away! Set aside a certain amount, it will be very useful to you in the future.

In the last month of autumn, rare somersaults with business are possible. And on the positive and negative. Well, in terms of the consequences.

Representatives of the sign need to choose a position and defend it in front of their superiors. Never miss a new stage in your life (it starts around November 16)
There is a chance to show your abilities. But you have to fight.
Again, interesting trips are possible from 16 to 30. But even in them, do not let go of control over new acquaintances (for example, work colleagues).
Mark DR as calmly as possible. do not overwork.
And most importantly: the last month of autumn will bring a solution to difficult situations. You will find a solution to an extremely difficult question; Rejoice, cho!

  • Auspicious days - 1, 10, 15, 24, 25, 29, 30.
  • Unfavorable days - 3, 9, 12, 20, 21, 26.

Horoscope for November 2017 Scorpio woman


In the first decade of the month, you have an active Mars. This means that a difficult period is coming for your amorous affairs. You want active dates, but your sweetheart is against. You think he has stopped loving you. All wrong.
In the second decade of the month, you and your sweetheart cannot tear yourself away from each other.
Walk together. Go to museums. Communicate. Your sweetheart will become even closer to you than before.
Passion three cars? Yes please. November 21-30. Intimate life goes off with a bang. But you too. Be bold. It doesn't matter if you've had better lovers, don't put your partner down.
If you have a rest, then with friends (in the first half of the 11th month) away from home. Alternatively, it is possible with a cute couple.
But in the second half it is better to be at home. In the family. No crowds around.
In the second half of the month, income will improve (thanks to gifts for DR). Don't waste it all at once. Set aside. Or pay back urgent debts. The work compensates for all costs.
The peak of drive and activity in Scorpios is present from the 1st to the 15th. And immunity is on the rise.
But from 16 to 30, minor diseases are possible. Colds. For a week.

Love horoscope for November 2017 Scorpio

Representatives of the sign now want more entertainment. This means that a lot of costs will be required. Let your significant other do the finances.
In the area of \u200b\u200bNovember 15-16, do not try to sort things out. You still won't get your way. Never!
From November 1 to 15, it is good to strengthen the existing family-amorous ties.
Be considerate of your soul mate.
At the end of the month, you will still steer. And decide where you are going together.

Horoscope for November 2017 for Scorpio men

In the period from November 1 to November 15, your Scorpio is stormy, active, passionate. Calls you to visit. To friends. All your friends dry on it. Get jealous? So after all, you yourself are to the liking of his dudes. However, everything is playful. And calmly.
Any competitive sport from November 1st to November 15th can make Scorpio a champion.
But with the dough he has no fountain right now. Better not to bring up this topic. Will he speak himself? Support. And believe in it. He needs it.
He wants to rest and play with friends. You can play together. But don't win: Scorpio doesn't like this.

Career and finance horoscope for November 2017 Scorpio

The most fruitful time for work is the first and second ten days of the month of November. Don't miss any little things. Remember, there is information, there is authority at work.
You will have to convince this month. All my colleagues. But in the period from November 16 to 30, you can travel on business. And with great success.
You can move very steeply. Be trustworthy. But at the end of the month, be extremely careful in financial matters. And do not get fooled by (albeit very profitable) offers.

Scorpio financial horoscope for November 2017

You solved all troubles. In the month of October. Do whatever you think is necessary.
Don't try to make good friends. Remember that you already have influential acquaintances. And consult with them. Invest in yourself. You can buy additional courses, etc.

Health horoscope for the sign of Scorpio for November 2017

During the reign of Scorpio, it is necessary to control the state of the respiratory tract. Problems are likely. With complications. Infection, what?
Get used to gargling with chamomile, sage, and salt. Emotions must be controlled (otherwise the pressure will skyrocket).
Don't drink too much. Go in for sports. Eat more vitamins A and E. Useful herbal infusions. Melissa, mint.

09:56 / 05 nov. 2017

Find out what the stars have in store for you.

Get some rest. On this day, it is better not to undertake anything important, responsible and difficult. The more worries you have, the higher the probability of mistakes; you try very hard not to miss anything, but it turns out badly. You can count on helpers only in the simplest things, you need to do all the most important things yourself.

The beginning of the day is very difficult, at this time, troubles can arise literally out of the blue. But there is good news: you only need to hold out for a few hours, then the time will come for a change for the better, everything will work out. The closer the evening, the more you can trust your intuition, the more accurate its hints become.

This day is not suitable for work and other important matters, so you can just have a good rest and have fun. Some everyday issues still have to be solved, but relatives will help here, so these worries will not take much time. You can make small purchases and close deals - where it comes to money, your instinct does not let you down.

You do not give up what you have in mind, even if both people and circumstances are against you. Thanks to this perseverance, it is possible to complete even those cases that you considered almost hopeless. There will be no problem finding allies: people willingly help you, often completely disinterestedly.

Do not quarrel with others, even if it seems that this is what they expect from you. Keeping calm and friendly can be difficult at times, but you can handle it. Family disagreements are possible. Fortunately, they are not as serious as they seem at first glance, and a sense of humor often helps smooth things over.

The morning will be great, so it’s better not to put off things, especially important ones. The sooner you tackle them, the more likely you are to achieve great results. Success is possible even where you did not seriously count on them, and those around you have already failed.

It is better not to deal with complicated matters on this day, to puzzle over the riddles of the universe is also not worth it. You can solve some simple questions. There may be more household chores than usual, but you won't find them particularly tiring. But the study will be difficult.

A great day to change something in your life. You can start small, then you will get a taste, and even more complex will no longer seem unattainable. You quickly learn from your mistakes and from others you gain experience that will soon come in handy.

It takes discipline and care, as well as attention to detail and detail. Even if you are doing something that is not very important, it doesn't hurt to be serious. Try to get as much information as possible that may be useful; even unverified, dubious information is useful.

A very hectic day. You take literally everything with enthusiasm, you are not afraid of difficulties, difficult tasks and sharp moments. There will be a chance to cope with obstacles that previously seemed insurmountable. Success requires persistence, confidence and firmness; you have them, so there is nothing to worry about.

Unfavorable day for important and difficult matters. Entrust them to someone else, and relax yourself, try to recuperate, do something interesting. Do not quarrel with women: now you run the risk of seriously offending them and making enemies for yourself. Family disagreements are possible, it is difficult to agree on common plans.

It is difficult for you to become seriously interested in something. With everything that you undertake, you cope well, but simply because you know and can do a lot. I do not want to look for new solutions at all, as well as to use some experimental methods.

Use this day to relax. If you are already resting, extend your rest, do not rush to do new things. On this day, you do not have enough physical energy, but emotions can constantly remind of yourself. Do not be surprised if at times instead of a surge of strength you will be visited by fear. Choose caution over desperate behavior. April Aries may be the most dependent on their childhood habits, as well as on their recent style of relationships with their parents.

Horoscope for November 5, 2017 Taurus

This is not a day when you should change something cool. Until the evening, you will feel calm and confident. At the end of the day, unexpected anxiety caused by household chores is possible. For Taurus born in April, negative moods are dangerous during this period of the day. They should not succumb to sudden pessimism and a sense of loneliness, as well as make hasty tough decisions at night looking. If you have children, be sure to talk to them before bed: let them feel your love.

Horoscope for November 5, 2017 Gemini

Gemini should not flaunt their wit, observation and ingenuity. If you notice a weakness in someone, do not scoff at anyone. Talk less and take care of loved ones more often. Pets will be glad if you take on some of the household chores (for example, prepare lunch). At the end of the day, your thoughts may become quite playful and your overall mood may start to become more optimistic. This is an opportune moment for a new conversation with your marriage partner.

Horoscope for November 5, 2017 Cancer

Naturalness and receptivity on this day are the most attractive traits of a typical Cancer. This is a great time to express the best feelings that you have. You are also shown any activity that will help you unleash your deepest creativity. In matters of the heart, keep balance, a bad world in a love relationship will be better than a good quarrel. Do not accept the offer of a night walk: it will be fun for your companions, but it can become troublesome and tiring for you.

Horoscope for November 5, 2017 Leo

The day is suitable for disconnection from business worries and full immersion in the home atmosphere. What it will be depends not only on others, but also on you. Put aside thoughts about business, professional problems and financial difficulties, they should not influence your plans today. Late evening can be difficult for July Lions. At this time, eloquence, sociability and pedagogical talent shine brighter, but the risk of being at the mercy of negative emotions and forebodings will increase.

Horoscope for November 5, 2017 Virgo

Today, interlocutors are not too worried about your philosophical reflections. They are much more interested in how you actually feel. The team at this time is selected not according to intellectual inclinations, but according to everyday habits, musical preferences, common psychological traits. For Virgins born in August, these days will help to abandon excessive fussiness and talkativeness, to forget about domestic squabbles and national disagreements. A great time to reunite a family clan or a friendly company.

Horoscope for November 5, 2017 Libra

External grace and beauty are not enough today. No amount of small talk will bring satisfaction to Libra if there is no genuine warmth in the relationship. Strive not only for the perfection of the form, but also for the perfection of the content. When communicating with those who are dear to you, do not get carried away with standard compliments and stereotyped patterns of behavior: your ideal manners from the outside can look like indifference. To maintain the trust of a loved one, often demonstrate delicacy, tenderness, passion, empathy.

Horoscope for November 5, 2017 Scorpio

The character of any Scorpio today softens. Rigidity and uncompromising fade into the background, giving way to peacefulness and romantic fantasies. However, late evening hours can give your sign an unpleasant surprise. The most vulnerable in this regard are the October Scorpions. At the end of the day, their behavior can change dramatically under the influence of a gloomy mood, sudden fear, and poor health. You must continue to believe in yourself and not suffer from an inferiority complex.

Horoscope for November 5, 2017 Sagittarius

Streltsov has an opportunity to take a break from the role of guru and leader. Your privacy can become more important to you than external achievements. Direct your energy towards such goals as the protection of the territory, coziness, peace of mind. Take your needs and desires for granted, whether it's chores at home or having sex. Do not hold back your fantasies if their realization does not bring problems to loved ones and does not threaten you. At the end of the day, your sociability will increase, your curiosity will increase, excitement or spirit of creativity will visit you.

Horoscope for November 5, 2017 Capricorn

The day is conducive to spending time together. Think not only of the past, but also of the future. Do not withdraw into yourself. To make your relationship with others enjoyable, seek first of all emotional harmony. Many Capricorns at this time will find a real understanding friend among relatives. If you are married, let your spouse plan what you do together. However, remember that the idyll cannot last forever, and by the evening, try to complete the planned event.

Horoscope for November 5, 2017 Aquarius

In the morning, create an atmosphere of coziness around, and inside, maintain a soft spiritual mood. At this time of day, no one will demand anything from you in a rude manner. But the stars still advise you not to forget about a sense of duty, they recommend keeping promises and household chores. In the evening, all Aquarius (especially in January) should strengthen their self-control. Avoid motives such as disappointment, fear of the future, mistrust of a partner, rebellion against family traditions and marriage bonds.

Horoscope for November 5, 2017 Pisces

This day will start off great for many Pisces. If the day before you experienced a moment of spiritual happiness and emotional uplift, try to consolidate and remember these pleasant sensations: in the future they will help you out more than once in difficult times. Enjoy life and do not change your plans until evening approaches. Do not seek major changes in personal relationships, creativity, and parenting strategies. At the end of the day, changes can begin on their own, without your desire and direct participation.

Lunar calendar 5 november 2017

17-18 lunar day
Waning Moon in Taurus
A good day for active activities that require a lot of energy, to communicate with nature and build creative ideas. You should not live according to the plan: fate can present unexpected surprises. You can ask bold questions - chances are you will get honest, sincere answers.
Haircut - wait a little with a haircut: you risk impairing your eyesight.
Hair coloring - it is optimal to use tinted shampoos and hair gels.
Manicure, pedicure is a very good day.
Facials are a good day to cleanse your pores.
Body care is a very good day for epilation.

Birthday 5 November

Jacob, Nikolay, Vladimir, Alexander, Emelyan, Ignat, Maxim, Xenia.

Folk calendar November 5

Jacob's Day.
If a small hail (croup) falls on this day, then from Matryona (November 22), winter will return to its feet.
In the old days the peasants would break a piece of the "Kazan" (yesterday's) pie and scatter it across the field; it was believed that winter birds - tap dancers, bullfinches, waxwings, finches - would fly to the field and “calm down” the earth with their voices.

Signs November 5

If in bad weather the clouds at sunset are painted in a bright color, then expect bad weather to continue.
The first frosts usually last no more than three days.
South-west wind with low, slowly increasing atmospheric pressure and light rain - to the continuation of bad weather.