And many others are best. And much more

P. I. Yunatskevich, V. A. Kulganov

How to get out of neurosis?

Practical advice from a psychologist.

How to learn to resist the disease even before its manifestation? How to create

"market" system of relations. To receive the long-awaited payment or

tiny profit, there is a lot to learn:

Understand the nature of the processes taking place in society;

To be able to distribute responsibility and energy in work and family;

Know economics and marketing, information technology;

Be able to plan and predict the development of their activities and

personal life;

Monitor your health, exercise on time

disease prevention. And to get sick, it is enough:

Stop rationally distributing responsibility and power in personal

Shift everything onto your spouse (roommate) or drag yourself (yourself)

on yourself the burden of worries and troubles;

Work multiple jobs, wear and tear;

Stop monitoring your health;

Conflict with others;

Constantly express your opinion, offending others;

Do not prevent early signs of disease.

work capacity, analytical skills and sociability.\u003e

The result is an illness that will have to be paid for:

Job loss;

The loss of a spouse (cohabitant or cohabitant, lover or


By looking for a cheap "good" specialist who "for free" will worsen

health status;

Seeking help from psychics and wizards for an illusion


Buying an illusion, self-deception.

seriously and for a long time.\u003e

Signs of a potential lover to get sick with neurosis:

Begins to break, destroy relationships with others, between

colleagues and clients, managers and representatives of other firms;

Difficulty making decisions in difficult, changeable situations,

unclear and difficult to express his thoughts.

To get completely sick, you need:

Stop thinking about developing your professional capabilities;

Inadequately evaluate yourself and your behavior;

Think only about your enrichment at any cost.

condition for those who want to lose their head.\u003e

Psychiatrist, candidate of medical sciences S. F. Alyapka; analyzing

of his patients - entrepreneurs who have temporarily lost their heads - highlighted

abilities and skills that people must have in order to effectively

survive modern conditions Here are some of them:

Having clear personal goals;

Having reasonable personal values;

Knowledge of modern approaches to the people around them;

Understanding of complex, volatile and contradictory situations and skill

find a way out of them,

The ability to solve emerging problems and make decisions in

extreme situations.

In addition, entrepreneurs must have the ability to

innovation, constructive thinking, creation of original ideas and

projects, as well as be able to quickly master new professions and develop oneself

in different directions.

region, a man loyal to his boss.\u003e

So many qualities must be combined in one person for him to survive

in the modern market. Is it possible? Yes, and help is needed

call on modern practical psychology and pedagogy, which

combine the achievements of all branches of psychological and pedagogical knowledge, not

necessary to solve complex professional problems.

To survive and not lose my head from overload, I must have

high psychological culture, which is an integral part

general human culture.

For this you need:

Understand yourself;

Get to know another person;

Be able to communicate with people;

Be able to regulate your behavior.

In our book, we offer advice from practical psychologists,

worked in the military pedagogical and medical systems that you

can be used in your work and life.

It has already been proven that the success of any enterprise is 85% dependent on desire

people to work, as well as from their relationships and ability to communicate.

To be successful in business, you need:

Want to do business;

Be able to do business;

Show and tell everyone how you can do business;

Twirl, twirl and twirl again;

It is good to present the result of your work to others.

You won't be able to multiply.\u003e

These questions are within the purview of psychology. Anyone needs

practical psychology: the ability to use the knowledge of psychological

disciplines in their activities and in various situations.

To effectively master knowledge, including

psychological, was high, you need to come to an understanding of their need.

The learning process (better immediately combined with practice) should become

an internal need. Positive motivation for learning is important.

What will the lack of psychological knowledge give me?

1. I will be too self-confident person.

2. It will seem to me that I know everything.

3. I will hate those people who advise me.

4. I am unable to make profitable and promising decisions.

5. I will acquire the diagnosis "neurosis".

6. I will lose my fulcrum.

7. I will become a toy in the wrong hands.

What will psychological knowledge give me?

1. They contribute to the formation of friendly relations between


2. A set of rules of conduct in which it is successfully systematized

information provided.

3. Despite the insufficient development of theoretical provisions and

level can be traced without disclosing deep fundamental foundations

effective methods of relationships and behavior in modern conditions.

In the acquisition of psychological knowledge, like any other,

efficiency increases significantly in the presence of a system of assimilation


We form our internal systems of knowledge and values. How much

are these systems sound, rational and efficient? We can immediately say that

here they are deformed. This is due to the centuries-old differentiation of knowledge

and skills, which have sharply increased in recent years. Professional "pride"

and narrow specialization lead to the "identification" of the individual with his

area of \u200b\u200bactivity and knowledge, as if forcing everything to look from this

your point of view.

You can offer one of the options for the knowledge system (including

psychological and directly connected with them knowledge), allowing

facilitate and accelerate the mastery of them. Learning should be the key

basic principles of prevention of neurotic conditions and survival.

In a world with an open, self-developing market system, one can

trace three stages of development:

1) from the end of the 19th century to 1935, the main factor was

material incentives, but at the same time, serious attention was paid

organization systems, labor safety, personnel training;

2) from 1935 to 1960, the doctrine of "human

relations ", the founder of which is E. Mayo, who put forward

first place is moral stimulation and the role of informal leaders;

3) stress management, advisory activities, selection,

placement of personnel and other factors, the development of which began in the second

stage, the third stage (since 1960) was widely developed, where the main

self-realization of the worker and his health became.

At all three stages of development of practical psychological knowledge

there is a simple pragmatic idea:

An easy attitude to your health is harmful to yourself. The less

the better we are to ourselves, the worse our health is.


An acute shortage of psychological, psycho-hygienic and

worldview knowledge that allows you to understand yourself, other people, your

place and role in the world, contributes to the deterioration of their mental health.

It is difficult to survive in modern conditions without psychological knowledge.

However, their presence is not yet a guarantee of mental health.

Another major nodal issue may be to consider the basics

a holistic approach to the "person - market - person" system. It is necessary

remember that all areas are equally important:

The human need for human relations to himself;

The market basis of human relationships with the goal of extraction

Wundt opened the first psychological laboratory. Way of development

scientific psychology was not simple, it reflects the diversity and complexity

practice, as well as the life of people. Early developments in psychology

were of a purely theoretical nature, but then, especially in connection with

development of production and technology, practical



Group relationships;

Behavior motivation;

Back-up capabilities, etc.

In the middle of the 20th century, there is an active process of differentiation

psychology into numerous branches - age, medical,

engineering, social, pedagogical, space, sports,

psychology of creativity, etc.

Psychology, developing and as a theoretical science, is getting closer and closer

to practice. And there is a need to integrate knowledge from its various

areas to solve the vital problems of specific people. it

leads to the emergence of a new direction in psychological science -

practical psychology.

What is the essence and features of practical psychology?

Well-known psychologists Yu.M. Zabrodin and V.V. Novikov note that

the difference between theoretical (research) and scientific and practical

psychology consists primarily in the subject and object of study. Scientific

practical psychology always deals with a real object in which

there is everything: both the personal structure and the system of mental processes,

properties, functions, and the system of functional and other mental states

with its own dynamics.

Understanding the nature of a real object when working with a practical

the psychologist should rely not only on a certain subject

a concept that exists in psychological science (or its field), but also

to the reality in which this real object is included - a person.

Consequently, the focus of practical psychology is


- real, alive, with all its features, included in the real

sphere of life (professional, domestic and personal);

Filled with various life problems that can

to please and torment.

The task of psychology and psychologists is to help a person understand himself,

in their difficult problems and find a rational way out of the prevailing

situations without significant neuropsychic stress and breakdowns.

mental anguish. Healing evasion - suffering and constant pain.\u003e

The acquisition of neurosis is one of the consequences of the modern rapid

life of an emotionally labile person. Friends and girlfriends advice will help

actively acquire this trouble if your loved ones themselves have

this disease. You probably know this. However, meeting with the sick

friends makes you happy. But this is temporary. Soon you yourself will start to please them.

Prevention of neurosis is an important task for a modern person.

Psychological advice will help to actively prevent this


This is the essence of practical psychology, which we understand as

integration of knowledge and methods from various fields of psychology with the aim

solving problems that a person has in various areas of his

life activity.

There is no sick person who does not want to become healthy, and too few

people who want to lead a healthy lifestyle.


What is neurosis?

The concept of neurosis was introduced into medicine in 1776 by Cullen. It

replaced naive ideas of humoral pathology about vapores

(pairs) as the cause of the disease and made it possible to link a number of pathological

states with a disorder of nervous activity that caused them. In this way,

for its time this concept was progressive.

At present, various authors put into the concept of "neurosis"

neurotic conditions and are the main cause of disorders of the nervous


Neuroses - diseases of the nervous system with an unknown

pathological basis, that is, without organic lesions,

opened by modern methods.

neuropathology - adheres to this view. But such a definition

neuroses, based only on a negative sign, which also depends on

the level of development of research technology is insufficient.

K.M.Bykov (1955) understood neurosis as any functional

violation, regardless of its cause.

Some experts refer to neuroses as all reversible disorders.

nervous activity of both psychogenic and somatogenic etiology, not

accompanied by gross mental disorders.

Neuroses in this understanding cease to be a nosological group and

turn into an etiologically heterogeneous group, united by

The most reliable and true method to get rid of any bad habit. Shichko's method Vadim Lapshichev

... And many, many others ...

And many, many others ...

Another "awakening" - Alexey, an electrician, he was brought to me by acquaintances after major troubles at work and in the family. And here is the second month of recording:

With the transition to a sober lifestyle, relations with relatives and at work have improved significantly.

The mood is good, I notice that I started humming and whistling more often.

It can be very scary to remember which path I was rolling, what this drug ethanol could do to me. After all, against his will, he imperceptibly takes away from people everything that is light and human.

Dima is a young man who works as a driver. He served in the army, started a family, got carried away with a new job, building a house. But "green" put everything at risk of decay and death. Still, the truth of sober thoughts wins even here in a few weeks.

I was in the company of drinkers, I felt calm. He behaved like a teetotaler.

The attitude towards drunkards and alcoholics is suicidal, what could be a different opinion.

Anatoly is a builder, a handyman of all trades, a father of a family, good-natured and flexible. But "intoxicated" only miraculously did not end up behind bars or in a hospital.

And here is the second month of sobriety:

On both working days I was in contact with drunks, but only at work. Drinks were offered only in a humorous manner. Also jokingly, but firmly, I refused them.

Attitude towards drunks and alcoholics? This is a difficult question, because day by day I am more and more negative about them, and I have to work with them. Again, if colleagues were sober today, they would soon resolve work issues. And since no - every now and then got up. How to treat them, of course, is bad.

Recently, people who find out that I have quit drinking, although they are wary of me, are still better every day. I would not like to lose all this over a glass of vodka.

The sight of drunks annoys and scares me. You imagine yourself in all your "glory" and you feel ashamed.

The mood is good, there are many plans and ideas for the house and the country. I am in control, completely in control. Satisfied with his behavior.

I will give more examples of the reasoning of my listeners, freed from the alcohol shackles, which left the drunken habit for many years in the past.

Our population is intensely getting drunk, because as a result of drunkenness, brains atrophy, and a brainless people is easier to rule.

For the first time in twenty years, I celebrated the New Year “dry”, in a new way, in a healthy way, in a sober way, with my family. In the afternoon we walked around the festive city. I went to the Christmas tree with my daughter.

I think that sobriety, complete principled sobriety is a great dignity of a person, and one who possesses such dignity can be proud of it.

Such sober thoughts can now compose more than one book, where the awakened consciousness shines, which brought people a great victory over themselves.

"Why all these numerous examples?" - you ask. Of course, they are not placed here in order to boast: what a fine fellow I am, how well I cure people! They are there for you to see: people of various professions and ages, with different backgrounds, sometimes the most difficult, starting to work according to the Shichko method, will certainly reach their goal, stop drinking, and they begin a new, interesting and joyful life.

Perhaps this is the most important thing, on which the emphasis should be placed - they not only stopped using ethanol, they began to consume the joy of life in huge doses instead!

And so it will be with you.

Just work.

Read on, be inspired by their examples, take advantage of their experience.

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book The Strangeness of Our Body - 2 by Stephen Juan

From the book Cancer, leukemia and other considered incurable diseases that are treated with natural remedies author Rudolf Breuss

From the book Dry curative fasting - myths and reality author Sergei Ivanovich Filonov


From the book The newest book of facts. Volume 1 author Anatoly Pavlovich Kondrashov

author Anatoly Pavlovich Kondrashov

From the book The newest book of facts. Volume 1. Astronomy and astrophysics. Geography and other earth sciences. Biology and medicine author Anatoly Pavlovich Kondrashov

From the book of Jnana Yoga author William Walker Atkinson

From the book Diseases of the spine. Complete reference author author unknown

From the book Positive Weight Loss. The most important secret of success author Ekaterina Valerievna Mirimanova

From the book My baby will be born happy author Anastasia Takki

From the book you just eat the wrong author Mikhail Alekseevich Gavrilov

From the book Food Corporation. The whole truth about what we eat author Mikhail Gavrilov

From the book The most reliable and true method of getting rid of any bad habit. Shichko method author Vadim Lapshichev

From the book Black Corn. A revolutionary product for all diseases author Irina Alexandrovna Filippova

From the book FAQ author Anatoly Protopopov

Russian-English translation AND MANY OTHERS

Modern studies have shown that sage, cloves, rosemary, and thyme, to name but a few, prevent peroxide development.

Zimmerman M., Vedeneeva K .. Russian-English scientific and technical dictionary of the translator. Russian-English scientific dictionary for translators. 2012

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  • OTHERS - Others
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  • OTHERS - others
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  • OTHER - pl. skl. as adj. others the rest he never thinks of others ...
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  • MANY - many z many
  • OTHERS - others oother others
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  • SOME - 1st place; undefined; as noun 1) some, some, some, others This bird feeds on worms and according to some, on ...
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The Holy Church reads the Gospel of Luke. Chapter 8, Art. 13.

1. After this He went through the cities and villages, preaching and preaching the Kingdom of God, and with Him twelve,

2.and some women whom He healed from evil spirits and diseases: Mary, called Magdalene, out of whom came seven demons,

3. and John, wife of Khuza, the steward of Herod, and Susanna, and many others, who served Him with their property.

(Luke 8: 1 - 3)

Our Lord Jesus Christ began his ministry in synagogues, where the wisdom of Holy Scripture was studied, where He could expect to meet receptive and responsive listeners to preach the Kingdom of God. But instead of hospitality, the Lord met resistance; instead of attentive listeners - the scribes and Pharisees, who openly and coldly watched Him in order to find a pretext for accusing him of blasphemy. The synagogues were no longer open to Him as they had previously, and so the Lord headed in cities and towns, preaching and preaching the Kingdom of God (Luke 8: 1).

The whole life of the Savior is the preaching of the Good News to the world. In this feat, the Lord knows no weariness. The Good News of the Kingdom of God is the joy that the Lord came to give to all people. He moves from place to place, doing good everywhere, desiring to deliver everyone from the darkness of ignorance, thereby setting an example for His disciples who will have to go through all the peoples of the earth, as He went through the cities of Israel. It should be noted that the Lord is not limited only to cities, but also goes to villages, to ordinary village people.

There were twelve disciples with the Lord, who, as Blessed Theophylact notes, “did not teach, did not preach, but themselves learned from Him and were edified by His deeds and His words,” that is, were called to learn to preach. The women also accompanied Christ, who served Him with their possessionsas Luke points out. Three names are noted by the evangelist in today's passage: Mary Magdalene, Joanna, wife of Huza, and Susanna. And if we do not really know anything about Susanna, then the names of Mary from Magdala and John tell us more.

Mary Magdalene is a woman with a heart full of gratitude towards the Lord for driving seven demons out of her. After her healing, Mary Magdalene did not leave her Savior, everywhere accompanying Him and serving Him with love. For her love and devotion, she was rewarded with the vision of the Risen Savior as the first among the disciples of Christ.

Among these women was also Joanna, the wife of Khuza, the steward of King Herod. The king had a lot of property and income, and the steward was in control of his financial affairs. In the Roman Empire, even in those areas ruled by proconsuls appointed by the senate, the Roman emperor had his own steward to oversee his interests. The steward was the most trusted and important dignitary of the court. And so we find together Mary from a small village of Magdala, and John, the wife of a court dignitary. Such different people turn out to be close and serve Christ, which once again proves that in the face of God all people are equal and for the Lord any person is important. After all, when Christ is in the center of life, then all service becomes possible.

It is also important to note that the Lord did not call these women to follow Him, but they themselves followed Him as the One Purpose of their regenerated life, as the Eternal Truth, as their Savior and the Son of God, choosing poverty for Christ's sake and with Christ. They themselves left their homes, businesses, property, families and followed the Lord, rejoicing that at least in some way they could be useful to Him and His followers. Their help was practical: since women were not supposed to preach, they selflessly served with their labor.

Saint Theophan the Recluse notes: “The Lord preaches, the wives serve Him from their own property, and thus, as it were, are accomplices in the sermon itself. Not everyone is given to preach the Gospel, but everyone can contribute to its spread and be partners in this first work on earth ... "

How important it is, dear brothers and sisters, not to forget that the main work is not always performed by the person in the foreground. And indeed, if you think about it, we could have failed a lot if not for the selfless support and tireless concern of people close to us, expressed in good deeds towards us, in the desire to work for our benefit. These actions are a reflection of true love: not the slightest exaltation, but only modesty and willingness to serve! Each of us has our own "possessions" - these are qualities of the soul and talents, with the help of which we can serve people, serve the Lord, because serving our neighbor through the manifestation of kindness and mercy is the best preaching! God help us in this!

Hieromonk Pimen (Shevchenko)