What was the goal of the stolz. Stolz and Oblomov: relationship (based on the novel "Oblomov")

Stolts Andrey Ivanovich - one of the main characters in the book by I.A.Goncharov, Oblomov's friend, his complete opposite, a business man with an active life position. His father is a Russianized German who manages an estate near Oblomovka, and his mother is a Russian noblewoman. While the mother tried to raise her son as a decent, noble and well-mannered young man, the father brought up willpower, rigidity, the ability to stand up for oneself and cope with emerging difficulties. Thanks to this dual education, Stolz's character was formed. Unlike Oblomov, he managed not only to earn money, be aware of what was happening, travel, but also was able to multiply the inherited capital.

Stolz's drawback was the lack of spiritual softness and subtlety of nature, which were clearly visible in his friend. In his soul there was no place for a dream, as well as for everything mysterious. He was just a callous pedant, mechanically performing daily tasks and achieving goals. It was he who introduced Oblomov to Olga Ilyinskaya, trying to awaken at least some interest and activity in a friend. However, the relationship between the young does not work out, and Stolz himself decides to marry the girl, despite the fact that he cannot always understand Olga's aspirations and romanticism. He never succeeds in changing his friend's lifestyle, and he resigns himself to this. The only thing he can do for Oblomov is to take up his illegitimate son and provide him with a decent future.


SHTOLZ is the central character in the novel by IAGoncharov "Oblomov" (1848-1859). Literary sources of the image of Sh. Are Gogol's Konstantzhonglo and the merchant Murazov (the second volume of "Dead Souls"), Peter Aduev ("An Ordinary History"). Later Sh. Goncharov developed the type in the image of Tushin ("Break").

Sh. Is the antipode of Oblomov, a positive type of practitioner. In the image of Sh., According to Goncharov's idea, such opposite qualities as, on the one hand, sobriety, prudence, efficiency, knowledge of people as a materialist-practitioner, should have been harmoniously combined; on the other - spiritual subtlety, aesthetic sensitivity, high spiritual aspirations, poetry. The image of S. is thus created by these two mutually exclusive elements: the first comes from his father, a pedantic, stern, rude German (“my father put him on a spring cart with him, gave the reins and ordered him to be taken to the factory, then to the fields, then to the city , to merchants, in public places "); the second - from the mother, Russian, poetic and sentimental nature (“she rushed to cut Andryusha's nails, curl curls, sew graceful collars and shirt fronts<...>, sang to him about flowers, about the poetry of life<...> dreamed with him of a high role ... "). Mother was afraid that Sh., Under the influence of his father, would become a rude burgher, but Sh .'s Russian entourage (“There was Oblomovka nearby: there is an eternal holiday!”), As well as the princely castle in Verkhlev with portraits of pampered and proud nobles “in brocade, velvet and lace ". "On the one hand Oblomovka, on the other, the princely castle, with a wide expanse of lordly life, met with the German element, and neither a good bursh, nor even a philistine came out of Andrey."

Sh., In contrast to Oblomov, pushes the way in life himself. No wonder Sh. Is a native of the bourgeois class (his father left Germany, wandered around Switzerland and settled in Russia, becoming the manager of the estate). Sh. Graduated brilliantly from university, served with success, and retired to pursue his own business; makes a house and money. He is a member of a trading company that sends goods overseas; as an agent of the company, Sh. travels to Belgium, England, throughout Russia. The image of Sh. Is built on the basis of the idea of \u200b\u200bbalance, harmonious correspondence of the physical and spiritual, reason and feeling, suffering and pleasure. Sh .'s ideal is measure and harmony in work, life, rest, love. Sh .'s portrait contrasts with Oblomov's: “He is all made up of bones, muscles and nerves, like a blood English horse. He is thin, he has almost no cheeks at all, that is, bone and muscle, but not a sign of fat roundness ... "The ideal of Sh .'s life is incessant and meaningful work, it is" the image, content, element and purpose of life. " Sh. Defended this ideal in a dispute with Oblomov, calling the latter's utopian ideal "Oblomovism" and considering it harmful in all spheres of life.

Unlike Oblomov, Sh. Withstands the test of love. He meets Olga Ilyinskaya's ideal: Sh. Combines masculinity, loyalty, moral purity, universal knowledge and practical acumen, allowing him to emerge victorious in all life trials. Sh. Marries Olga Ilyinskaya, and Goncharov tries in their active, full of work and beauty alliance to represent an ideal family, a true ideal that Oblomov does not succeed in: “we worked together, dined, went to the fields, studied music<...> as Oblomov dreamed ... Only there was no slumber, despondency, they spent their days without boredom and without apathy; there was no sluggish look, no word; the conversation did not end with them, it was often hot. " In friendship with Oblomov, Sh. Also proved to be at his best: he replaced the rogue manager, destroyed the intrigues of Tarantyev and Mukhoyarov, who tricked Oblomov into signing a fake loan letter.

The image of Sh., According to Goncharov, was supposed to embody a new positive type of Russian progressive figure (“How many Stolts should appear under Russian names!”), Combining both the best Westernizing tendencies and Russian breadth, scope, and spiritual depth. Type Sh. Was supposed to turn Russia on the path of European civilization, to give it its proper dignity and weight among the European powers. Finally, Sh .'s efficiency does not come into conflict with morality; the latter, on the contrary, complements efficiency and gives it inner power and strength.

Contrary to Goncharov's intention, Utopian features are palpable in the image of Sh. The rationality and rationalism inherent in the image of Sh. Damage artistry. Goncharov himself was not completely satisfied with the image, believing that Sh. Was "weak, pale", that "the idea peeps out of him too nakedly." Chekhov expressed himself more sharply: “Stolz does not inspire any confidence in me. The author says that this is a great guy, but I do not believe. This is a blowing beast who thinks of herself very well and is pleased with herself. It is half composed, three-quarters stilted ”(letter from 1889). The failure of the image of Sh. May be explained by the fact that Sh. Is not artistically shown in the large-scale activities in which he is successfully engaged.

Lit .: see the article "BROKEN".


Literary heroes. - Academician. 2009 .


See what "STOLZ" is in other dictionaries:

    - (German Stoltz, Swedish Stoltz) German and Swedish surnames. Notable carriers: Stolz, Gösta (1904 1963) Swedish chess player, grandmaster (1954), six-time champion of Sweden (1927 1953). Stolz, Teresa (1834 1902) soprano, one ... ... Wikipedia

    Dealer Dictionary of Russian synonyms. shtolz noun, number of synonyms: 1 business man (58) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    Stolz - Stolz, eh, creator. n. eat (lit. character; businessman) ... Russian spelling dictionary

    - (Stoltz) Rosina (real name and fam. Quiz Noel, Noel) (13 II 1815, Paris 30, according to other data 28 VII 1903, ibid.) French. singer (mezzo soprano). She studied singing in muses. School of A. E. Shoron (School of Classical and Sacred Music) in Paris ... Musical encyclopedia

    - (Stolz) Robert Elizabeth (25 VIII 1880, Graz 27 VI 1975, West Berlin) Austr. composer and conductor. Pupil of R. Fuchs (Vienna) and E. Humperdink (Berlin). Since 1898 he has been a conductor of a number of tons, incl. Theater an der Wien (Vienna), toured in Europe ... ... Musical encyclopedia

    - (Stolz) Teresa (real name and surname Terezina Stolcova, Stolzovb) (2 VI 1834, Kostelec, Czech Republic 23 VIII 1902, Milan) Czech. singer (drama soprano). She came from a family of musicians and singers. In 1849 51 studied at the Prague Conservatory under J. B. ... ... Musical encyclopedia

    STOLZ Teresa (real name and surname Terezina Stolcova; Stolzova) (1834 1902), Czech singer, dramatic soprano, one of the brightest opera stars of the second half of the 19th century. Pupil of the Italian opera school, student of L. Ricci and F. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    STOLTZ Eric (b. 1961), American film actor. He made his debut in 1982 in the title role in the film by P. Bogdanovich (see Peter BOGDANOVICH) "The Mask". Has the gift of conveying subtext with the help of sparse details and gestures. In the 1990s. became known as ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (b. 1961) American film actor. He made his debut in 1982 in the title role in the film by P. Bogdanovich Musk. Has the gift of conveying subtext with the help of sparse details and gestures. In the 1990s. became known as one of the members of the so-called. clan Tarantino, ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Stolz) (1880 1975), Austrian composer, conductor. From 1940 he lived in the USA, worked in Hollywood, in 1946 he returned to Vienna. He became famous as the author of operettas (over 60). The first European author of foxtrot. Over 2000 songs (mainly for cabaret), ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


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The characterization of Stolz - one of the main characters of the famous novel by Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov "Oblomov" - can be perceived ambiguously. This person is the bearer of a common mentality that is new to Russia. Probably, the classic wanted to initially create in his appearance a domestic analogue of the image of Jane Eyre.

Stolz's origin

Andrei Ivanovich Stolts is the son of a clerk. His father Ivan Bogdanovich came to Russia from Germany. Before that, he tried to find it. In Russia, he got a job managing the farm, where he scrupulously and skillfully managed the estate, kept records. He raised his son rather severely. He worked for him from a young age, was a "personal driver" - he drove a spring cart when his father drove to the city, to the fields, to the factory, to the merchants. The elder Stolz encouraged his son when he fought with the boys. Teaching science in the village of Verkhlevo for the children of landowners, he gave a solid foundation to his Andryusha. Stolz's mother was Russian, so Russian became his native language, and by faith he was Orthodox.

Of course, Stolz with Oblomov, who does not know how to organize his life, will clearly not be in favor of the latter.


The young German graduated brilliantly from the institute. Made a career in the service. Goncharov tells in snatches of phrases from other people. In particular, we learn about the rank of Andrei Stolz from the phrase that in the service he "passed for the court". Turning to the table of ranks, we find that the “court councilor” is the chairman of the court court, equal in rank to the lieutenant colonel. Thus, Andrei Stolts is a lawyer by training and earned a colonel's pension. The novel "Oblomov" tells us this. Stolz's characterization shows the predominance of a business vein in his character.

After retirement, the thirty-year-old man took up commercial activities in a trading company. And here he had good career prospects. At work, he was entrusted with responsible missions related to business trips to Europe and the development of new company projects. The novel's business description of Stolz is solid and promising. For a couple of years of work in a trading company, he has already managed to profitably invest 40 thousand rubles of his father's capital and turn it into 300 thousand rubles. For him, the prospect of making a million dollar fortune is real.

Close people

Stolz has a spirit of camaraderie and cooperation. He spends time and energy to snatch his friend Oblomov from the web of laziness, trying to arrange his life by introducing him to a wonderful girl Olga Ilyinskaya. Only when Oblomov refused to continue his acquaintance with her, Stolz, who considered what kind of treasure Olga was, began to look after her. Fraudsters who tried to completely ruin the careless Ilya Ilyich Oblomov had to deal with him in the end - tough, shrewd. He also utters a word that has become a household name - "Oblomovism". After the illness and death of Ilya Ilyich, the Stoltsy spouses take up his son Andryusha for education.

Conclusions on the image of Stolz

At the same time, it should be recognized that the author's characterization of Stolz is the only flaw in the plot of the novel, as Goncharov himself confirmed. According to the plan, Andrei Ivanovich was supposed to turn out to be an ideal person of the future, organically combining pragmatism with his father's genes, and inherited from his mother - artistic taste, aristocracy. In reality, the type of bourgeoisie emerging in Russia turned out: active, purposeful, unable to dream. Chekhov was critical of him, agreeing with the negative characterization that flashed in the novel - "a blowing beast". Anton Pavlovich debunked Stolz in the press as a man of the future, Nikolai Alexandrovich Dobrolyubov agreed with him. Obviously, Goncharov's characterization of Stolz went too far with rationality and adherence to rational thinking. These qualities in a normal, living person should not be hypertrophied to such an extent.

Actions, deeds

Stolz was German only on his father's side, his mother was Russian. He spoke Russian and professed the Orthodox faith. He learned the Russian language from his mother, from books, in games with village boys. He knew German from his father and from books. Andrei Stolts grew up and was brought up in the village of Verkhlevo, where his father was a manager.At the age of eight, he had already read the works of German authors, biblical verses, taught Krylov's fables and read sacred history.

In your free time from schoolhe ran away with the boys to destroy birds' nests. More than once it happened that courtyard people brought Andrey home without boots, with a torn dress and a broken nose.

When he grew uphis father began to take him with him to the factory, then to the fields, and from the age of fourteen Andrei went to the city on his father's instructions alone.The mother did not like this upbringing. She was afraid that her son would turn into the same German burgher from which his father came. In her son, she saw the ideal of a gentleman - "a white, well-built boy ... with a clean face, with a clear and brisk look ..." Therefore, each time,when Andrei returned from factories and fields in dirty clothes and with a wolfish appetite, she rushed to wash him, change his clothes, told him about the poetry of life, sang about flowers, taught him to listen to the sounds of music.

Andrey studied well, andhis father made him a tutor in his little boarding school and, in perfect German, gave him a salary of ten rubles a month.

When Andrei graduated from the university and lived at home for three months, his father said that "he had nothing more to do in Verkhlev, that even Oblomov was sent to Petersburg, which, therefore, should be his time." Mother was no longer in the world, and there was no one to object to the father's decision... On the day of his departure, Stolz gave his son one hundred rubles.

You will go on horseback to the provincial town, ”he said. - There, get three hundred and fifty rubles from Kalinnikov, and leave the horse with him. If he is not there, sell the horse; there is a fair soon:will give four hundred rubles and not a hunter.It will take you forty rubles to get to Moscow, seventy-five rubles from there to Petersburg; will remain enough. Then - as you want.You did business with me, so you know that I have some capital; but don't count on him before my deathYou are well educated: all careers are open to you; you can serve, trade, even compose,perhaps - I don't know what you will choose, what you feel more eager for ...

Yes, I'll see if it’s possible all of a sudden, ”said Andrey.

The father burst out laughing with all his might and began to pat his son on the shoulder so that the horse could not stand it. Andrey is nothing.

Well, if you don't have the skill, you will not be able to find your way yourself, you will need to consult, ask - go to Reingold: he will teach. He has a four-story house. I'll tell you the address ...

Don’t, don’t tell, - objected Andrey, - I’ll go to him wheni will have a four-story house, and now I can do without it ...

Again rubbing on the shoulder.

Andrey jumped onto the horse. Two bags were tied by the saddle: one contained an oilcloth cloak, and one could see thick boots lined with nails and several shirts made of Verkhlevsky linen — things bought and taken at the insistence of his father; in the other lay an elegant tailcoat of thin cloth, a shaggy coat, a dozen thin shirts and boots, ordered in Moscow, in memory of mother's instructions ...

Father and son looked at each other in silence, “as if they had pierced each other through", And said goodbye. The neighbors crowded nearby, surprised and indignant, discussed such a farewell, one woman could not stand it and cried: “Father you, svetik! Poor orphan! You have no dear mother, there is no one to bless you ... Let me at least cross you, my handsome man! .. ”Andrey jumped off the horse, hugged the old woman, then he wanted to goand suddenly he began to cry - in her words he heard the voice of his mother.He hugged the woman tightly, jumped on his horse and disappeared into the dust.

“He served, retired, went about his business and actually made a house and money” - he was involved in some company that sent goods abroad.

Itincessantly in motion:if society needs to send an agent to Belgium or England, they send him; you need to write a project or adapt a new idea to the case - they choose it. Meanwhile, he travels to the light and reads: when he has time - God knows.

He had no unnecessary movements.If he sat, he sat calmly, if he acted, then he used as much facial expressions as was necessary ...

He walked steadily, briskly;lived on budgettrying to spend every day like every ruble ...It seems that he controlled both sorrows and joys, like the movement of hands, like the steps of your feet or how you dealt with bad and good weather ...

Simple, that is a direct, real outlook on life - that was his constant task ...

Ithe stubbornly walked along the chosen road, and no one saw that he was painfully thinking about anything or hurting his soul. To everything that he did not meet, he found the necessary reception, andput persistence above all in achieving the goal... Himselfhe walked towards his goal, “bravely stepping over all obstacles,” and could abandon it only if a wall appeared ahead or an abyss opened up.

Characteristics of the hero

STOLZ is the central character in the novel by IAGoncharov "Oblomov" (1848-1859). Literary sources of the image of Sh. Are Gogol's Konstantzhonglo and the merchant Murazov (the second volume of "Dead Souls"), Peter Aduev ("An Ordinary History"). Later Sh. Goncharov developed the type in the image of Tushin ("Break"). Sh. Is the antipode of Oblomov, a positive type of practitioner. In the image of Sh., According to Goncharov's plan, such opposite qualities as, on the one hand, sobriety, prudence, efficiency, knowledge of people as a materialist-practitioner, should have been harmoniously combined; on the other - spiritual subtlety, aesthetic sensitivity, high spiritual aspirations, poetry. The image of S. is thus created by these two mutually exclusive elements: the first comes from his father, a pedantic, stern, rude German (“my father put him on a spring cart with him, gave the reins and ordered him to be taken to the factory, then to the fields, then to the city , to merchants, in public places "); the second - from mother, Russian, poetic and sentimental nature ("she rushed to cut Andryusha's nails, curl curls, sew elegant collars and shirt-fronts, sang to him about flowers, about the poetry of life, dreamed of a high role with him ..."). Mother was afraid that Sh., Under the influence of his father, would become a rude burgher, but Sh .'s Russian entourage (“There was Oblomovka nearby: there is an eternal holiday!”), As well as the princely castle in Verkhlev with portraits of pampered and proud nobles “in brocade, velvet and lace ". "On the one hand Oblomovka, on the other, the princely castle, with a wide expanse of lordly life, met with the German element, and neither a good bursh, nor even a philistine came out of Andrey." Sh., In contrast to Oblomov, pushes the way in life himself. No wonder Sh. Is a native of the bourgeois class (his father left Germany, wandered around Switzerland and settled in Russia, becoming the manager of the estate). Sh. Graduated brilliantly from university, served with success, and retired to pursue his own business; makes a house and money. He is a member of a trading company that sends goods overseas; as an agent of the company, Sh. travels to Belgium, England, throughout Russia. The image of Sh. Is built on the basis of the idea of \u200b\u200bbalance, harmonious correspondence of the physical and spiritual, reason and feeling, suffering and pleasure. Sh .'s ideal is measure and harmony in work, life, rest, love. Sh .'s portrait contrasts with Oblomov's: “He is all made up of bones, muscles and nerves, like a blood English horse. He is thin, he has almost no cheeks at all, that is, bone and muscle, but not a sign of fat roundness ... ”The ideal of life of Sh. - incessant and meaningful work, it is "the image, content, element and purpose of life." Sh. Defended this ideal in a dispute with Oblomov, calling the latter's utopian ideal "Oblomovism" and considering it harmful in all spheres of life. Unlike Oblomov, Sh. Withstands the test of love. He meets Olga Ilyinskaya's ideal: Sh. Combines masculinity, loyalty, moral purity, universal knowledge and practical acumen, allowing him to emerge victorious in all life's trials. Sh. Marries Olga Ilyinskaya, and Goncharov tries in their active, full of work and beauty alliance to represent an ideal family, a true ideal that Oblomov does not succeed in: “we worked together, dined, went to the fields, studied music as Oblomov dreamed … Only there was no slumber, despondency, they spent their days without boredom and without apathy; there was no dull look, no word; the conversation did not end with them, it was often hot. " In friendship with Oblomov, Sh. Also proved to be at his best: he replaced the rogue manager, destroyed the intrigues of Tarantyev and Mukhoyarov, who tricked Oblomov into signing a fake loan letter. The image of Sh., According to Goncharov, was supposed to embody a new positive type of Russian progressive figure (“How many Stolts should appear under Russian names!”), Combining both the best Westernizing tendencies and Russian breadth, scope, and spiritual depth. Type Sh. Was supposed to turn Russia on the path of European civilization, to give it its proper dignity and weight among the European powers. Finally, Sh .'s efficiency does not come into conflict with morality; the latter, on the contrary, complements efficiency and gives it inner power and strength. Contrary to Goncharov's intention, Utopian features are palpable in the image of Sh. The rationality and rationalism inherent in the image of Sh. Is detrimental to artistry. Goncharov himself was not quite happy with the image, believing that Sh. Was "weak, pale", that "the idea peeps out of him too nakedly." Chekhov expressed himself more sharply: “Stolz does not inspire any confidence in me. The author says that this is a great guy, but I do not believe. This is a blowing beast who thinks of herself very well and is pleased with herself. It is half composed, three-quarters stilted ”(letter from 1889). The failure of the image of Sh. May be explained by the fact that Sh. Is not artistically shown in the large-scale activities in which he is successfully engaged.