Prepare a message on what anarchy is. "Anarchy is the mother of order" (On Nihilism and Anarchism)

A book for those who wish to be a Human

Anarchy or what it means to live as a human and humanly compiled and recorded by O. Dulfand 2013
INTRODUCTION The opinion that anarchy is lawlessness, absolute irresponsibility and permissiveness, selfishness, brought to the level of extreme misanthropy, denial of all and all laws inherent in human nature, in order to please the passions of their own perverted consciousness, was created and spread by `` those in power '' - those who are "in power", with "power". In fact, everything is exactly `` exactly the opposite '' - the above-described properties and qualities are just the belonging of all and all kinds of `` democracies '', no matter what signs they appear under and no matter what masks they hide behind (democracy, theocracy, absolutism (monarchy), dictatorship ... capitalism, socialism, fascism ... empire, kingdom, republic ... etc. etc.) ... seeming impunity for devilry) by those in power and are supported in every possible way by them (by all possible means) so that you and I somehow inadvertently do not come to our senses, waking up from the intoxication of inhumanity and godlessness, and would not want to regain power over ourselves , and having regained power - to return to Human dignity ... In fact, anarchy is the absolute responsibility of each and every person to himself for everything: - for a beginner `` anarchist '' - for all his reactions to everything that is in him and outside of it - thoughts, feelings, desires, decisions, sensations, passions, ... situations, circumstances, events, people, nature, the passage of time, laws and rules, life and death, as well as for agreeing with these reactions or fighting them; for the '' perfect '' anaRHist - for everything that He is and is Him. Not then anarchy, when we, completely mad with resentment, envy, anger, hostility, lust, hatred, drugs, alcohol, money (their presence or absence, which, however, is the same), imaginary or imaginary failures and victories (in the deceived after all, all concepts and ideas are the same deceitful, false ...) we rob, rape, slander, mothers, beat and kill, seduce and corrupt, making another even worse than ourselves; and in general we commit all possible and impossible meanness and disgusting, justifying ourselves with another lie, which once again were slipped to us by the same `` who are in power '', who perverted everything for themselves - words, ideas, religion (faith) , concepts, customs, laws, science, art, public opinion, morality ... Only when we begin to pay our attention not only to what Vasya said, but also to how we ourselves reacted to it and why actually it is, and not otherwise; not only that someone is right and someone is not, but also why we judge this way, and not in any other way, and in fact, according to what measure I condemn or justify; in short - only when one of us begins to notice that not only outside of him, but also in him there is a great multitude of things that he does not own and that exists as if by itself and according to its own laws; moreover - not only will he notice, but also thinking about it and starting to look for answers, he will understand that ‘’… every person is a lie… ’’; and not only understands, but also decides to rebel against this lie and destroy it in himself, regaining his autocracy - then only he will lay the foundation for anarchy ... (true for you is how your '' today's '' reality is perceived by you on the basis of your '' today's '' self-awareness) takes a certain form of a lie. Therefore, in order to at least have the opportunity to have a serious conversation about anything at all, we need to indicate if not the lie itself (and this requires looking at everything with TRUE eyes, which is practically impossible for us today), then at least that circle of delusions, in which our lies keep us. THE FIRST DELUSION - ‘LIFE’ ‘Every whole must be one, and every one must be whole. Let me explain: - a growing tree is a whole, one in its many roots, trunks, branches, leaves, fruits ... But an ax stuck into the trunk of this tree is not included in this unity and there is a violation of its (tree) integrity ... In turn, the ax , although it seems to us to be a single whole, but in fact it is not - it consists of several parts that differ both in purpose and in material (hatchet, blade, wedge; ash, steel ...). All these parts are artificially connected; and just as before the moment of connection, they were absolutely separate, so after connection they remain the same, which leads to the subsequent natural disintegration (separation) of both the entire ax and its individual parts in time (the butt burst, the wedge fell out, the hatchet broke ...) ... And from this point of view, what does what we used to call ‘life’ ’look like ?! If you depict ‘life’ ’in the form of a straight line - a segment, then the beginning of this segment will be birth, the end - death; and the distance between them is ‘life’ ’. Moreover, both birth and death are completely different from each other both in essence and in content; and our life (at least in our usual view) shouldn't be death - after all, with the arrival of death, `` life '' stops, but as long as you are `` alive '', it seems like you haven't died yet ... This means that each of these `` parts '' somewhere and somehow ends and immediately begins completely different; but then our `` life '' is neither single nor whole, and indeed it is not life itself, but there is just a meaningless heap of pieces and debris that have nothing in common with each other, which, in turn, is not a whole (since it is divided into pieces) cannot exist. The conclusion is that we have the most vague and contradictory ideas about our life, or, more precisely, we have no true concept or idea at all, and all our ‘’ knowledge ’’ is just a lie. Looking ahead (the topic is simply very important - what is ‘’ with you ‘is more important than life!’) Let us immediately define the correct concept - our today's ‘life’ is dying, that is, death stretched out in time. Moreover, ‘birth’ ’is the beginning of dying,‘ life ’’ is the length of dying, and ‘’ death ’’ is the end of dying (and that's it! died!). Death - translated from Russian into our colloquial jargon - is your measure, to be with measure / to have a measure /; to die - to measure, according to the measure taken by you ... Today's measure of most of us is the absence (disappearance) of God and Man. True Measure is God-manhood. So - depending on the choice of measure, each of us today, going through our own dying / disappearance /, receives either the absence of Truth in himself and himself in Truth (`` you are not everywhere and always ''; and this is the hell that lasts for you “forever”) - if the measure of his passing through his own death (dying) is “dying” itself and all his “want” and “I will not” will be based on him ... If the Measure for it, even if not from the very beginning, will become Truth, then its passage will become the Transformation of all his being (that is, both him and his life); - after all, he is passing not just some kind of ‘dying’ ’, but himself dying (dead), or, if you like, not born; then the false measure is replaced by the True one, disappearance - by birth (resurrection from the dead); then every step of your passage will be through death, but for the sake of canceling it; even if it is dying for now - but already bearing Himself resurrected in True birth ... THE SECOND DELUSION - SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS OR REALITY If you are asked to describe your sensations at the moment of your touching any surface (for example, glass) and you, having touched, describe this surface as cold, smooth, and hard; then this description will be true - the truth of your sense of self, but not the Truth ... Why? Yes, because '' hard '', '' smooth '' and '' cold '' - there is a description not of what you touched, but of how you felt yourself - the body (you are bodily) with the help of bodily feelings touching something that you have not the slightest idea (your tactile receptors on your fingers and palms somehow felt themselves, and when they felt, they sent a signal to your `` brain '', and your brain to the reaction of receptors reacted with his reaction ... and so on, but it's all just your body and in your body, but not at all what you `` touched '', because it is outside the body and not the `` body ''). By the way - if you - the body will have nothing to 'touch', then for you - bodily it will be a feeling of your complete absence. We touch our bodily things with all our senses; both known to us - by sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste - and unknown to us (we call them differently - foresight, intuition, faith ... - but this does not make them more understandable and known to us). The conclusion is that our entire reality with all its laws and rules is the reality of our present self-consciousness (mirage, illusion, feverish delirium ...), the measure of which is the absence of Truth and is the lie of our complete ignorance of ourselves. THE THIRD DELUSION - TIME The time for our false self-awareness - sense of self, or in other words - in our false reality - there is something that we feel as a kind of duration, extension, distance. Moreover, this duration can, according to our self-awareness, be completely different - time can '' stand '', '' drag '', '' fly '', '' rush '', '' disappear and appear '' ... But how do we already said in the previous chapter, our sense of self is not a sensation of something outside of us, but just of what is in us and we are ourselves. Hence - time is the length of myself (my self-awareness - self-awareness), which I feel / realize / in different ways, depending on my mental - bodily (mental) states, the measure of which is a lie ... Or, more simply, time is a distance in me from me and before me; which I feel (realize) as not myself (not me). THE FOURTH DELUSION - HISTORY We are presented with history as a kind of continuous process that has a beginning and further extension in time and space. Like, there was some kind of `` big bang '', which became the beginning of everything (what exploded, where and why - no one can explain of course), as a result of which the universe appeared (it is not clear how), in which then the `` solar system appeared '' (but she wanted to - and she appeared!), then on one of the `` planets '' suddenly (well, just by magic!) `` life '' appeared, which developed to the horror that the so-called `` scientists '' ( all their learning lies in the ability to pass off their crazy fantasies as absolute reality with the help of only they understandable words and abstract calculations ...) they call it `` human civilization ''; and now this horror ('' human civilization '') '' is progressing '' in its desire and ability to disfigure and destroy everything ... We habitually believe that there is a past, present and future; where the past is the time (history) that was before ours today; the present is what is now; and the future is what will be ‘’ tomorrow ’’ (that is, it comes after ‘’ now ’’); moreover, the present is the result of the past, and '' follows '' from it, and the future is the result of the '' present ''; and all together they are a continuous endless chain, each link of which is inseparably connected both with the previous link and with the next. Let's consider this statement too ... Take a certain point in the future ... Here it is approaching, approaching, approaching ... and suddenly it immediately becomes the past, and for a moment without lingering in our 'now' ... It turns out that we do not have 'now', but there is the “future”, which instantly becomes the “past”, bypassing the “now”, which is just an illusion, fiction, unreality. What is the past - this is the place where I ‘’ now ’’, ‘‘ today ’’ is no longer (I have already ‘left’ ’); and what is the future - this is the place where I ‘’ now ’’ do not yet ... It turns out that ‘history’ is a place where I am not (the place of my absence), and it does not matter at all whether I am gone or not yet; no - and that's it! Everyone can make a simple experiment - put two mirrors `` face to face '' at a short distance from each other and light a light between them - a match, a candle, a light bulb - and then, looking into any of the mirrors, he will see a row of mirrors lost in infinity , in each of which a light burns, endlessly reflected in the infinity of reflections ... This is the image and example of our today's perception, the measure of which is the lie of the absence of us True. Our usual past and future are just reflections of our True ‘Now’ ’, distorted and perverted by lies. FIFTH DELUSION - THE STATE If our reality is the lie of our ignorance of the True Ones and, accordingly, rejection of the Truth, then the `` state '' in this reality is a lie generated by a lie and, in turn, giving rise to an even greater lie ... In our reality there is for us the following concepts: - “country” is the place where I live; ‘Motherland’ ’9kind, kin, in translation from Russian - people of my kind, family, circle of close and distant relatives, etc.) - these are the people among whom and with whom I live; but the ‘state’ ’- although it tries to pretend to be a homeland and a country, it’s neither one nor the other; but there is a lie ruling in this country by this people ... So - provided that the country is the place where I `` live '', and the homeland is the people among whom and with whom I `` live '' in this country; - the state is a lie of our deadness, unbornness, dying in our godlessness and inhumanity, which rules us in our country. Or, in other words, the ‘state’ IS A LIE OF MY INHUMANITY, SEIZING POWER IN MY COUNTRY OVER MY PEOPLE; THE RESULT OF ITS / LIE / IS THE DESTRUCTION OF MY PEOPLE IN MY COUNTRY AND MY COUNTRY TOGETHER WITH MY PEOPLE. When I write `` my '', I mean the inhumanity of not only myself or some particular `` Vani '', `` Ahmed '', `` Solomon '' or `` Patrick '', but the inhumanity of everyone and everyone of people; when I write the word `` country '', I mean not only Russia or Serbia, Israel or Iraq, but the whole World (although this applies to each individual `` country '' in full measure) ... Therefore, it will be absolutely correct the meaning of the phrase - `` STATEHOOD '' IS A LIE OF OUR INHUMANITY, SEIZING POWER IN OUR WORLD, BOTH OURS, AND OUR ALL OUR WORLD AS A RESULT OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF EACH OF US THE LIE AS ALL OF US. We can regain power over ourselves and our world only in one and only way - by rejecting lies in any of its manifestations ... ) in this world, and according to the concepts of this world; but we receive the TRUE power - the power to be YOURSELF and to make your own choice of YOURSELF and YOURSELF. WITHOUT REFUSING A LIE, ANY CHOICE WILL BE FALSE. THE RESULT OF SUCH / FALSE / DECISION WILL BE / AND IS! / THE INFINITELY INCREASING ETERNAL DISAPPEARANCE OF EVERYTHING IN YOU AND YOU IN EVERYTHING THAT YOU WILL ‘EXPERIENCE’ ’ETERNAL. Lie reigns in two ways - from within our consciousness and outside. From within - and simply posing as us, our thoughts, feelings and concepts, and mingling with all our feelings, thoughts, sensations and realizations, distorting and perverting them; outside - through other people who, being deceived, like all of us, do deeds of lies (evil, inhumanity), succumbing to internal poison due to the weakness of will and character, or completely deliberately, recognizing the lie as their master and the only and desired goal. So, it is these people that we see, looking at the `` state '', it is they who are in power, those in power, it seems to us that everything depends on their decisions ... In fact, they are dolls, puppets in the hands of lies, who cannot not only for the whole country, but even for themselves to decide at least something ... In fact, the `` final '' decision consists of the decisions of each of us and the decision of any of us can be decisive not only for him, but also for a huge many people who recognized this decision as their own; the lie tries in every possible way to convince us of the opposite - and that we do not make decisions, and that nothing depends on our decisions; in those who, deluded and deceived, think that it is they who decide the fate of the world by virtue of their own exclusiveness, the lie up to the last second maintains belief in this, not giving them the opportunity to at least correct or change anything ... a bill, not to mention a `` bank account '', is not bread, not water, not air, not housing, not happiness, not joy, and indeed nothing of what is and is reality for us ... That is , we can say with absolute certainty that although `` money '' pretends to be the equivalent (presence) of everything, in fact, they are evidence of the absence (disappearance) of everything, both in you and in each and every person, by a measure to everything who have this `` world '' and its laws ... As for every sane person, nature is a self-fulfilling and self-healing source of everything (food, clothes ..., life) (and for a wise person behind nature is God, who created it), so for every idiot (a moron is one who, with his own fool awn; who considers it wisdom, cares and cherishes it) money is above everything (loot, money, money, bucks ...). In fact, behind the multi-colored pieces of paper stands what is called `` mammon '' in ancient books - deception, stupidity, false, disappearing wealth ... Mammon (mammon, mam) is such a state of a person when he voluntarily transfers his property of omnipotence (ownership , having everything, disposing of everyone) to someone or something, who (or what) he is not, that is, not himself. The result of such a state is the disappearance of a person (at one rate or another) in what he owned and the disappearance of what he possessed in the person himself (for a person, for a person). While money was still material (silver, gold, copper, nickel, paper ...), the process of `` mammothization '' was somehow restrained and regulated by `` natural '' factors (metal must be mined, a ship with gold could sink, pieces of paper could be stolen etc.) and hence a person. Electronic ‘money’ marked the stage when the last remnants of the former omnipotence disappeared from a person; he no longer owns anything (including himself!) and does not dispose of anything arbitrarily; - the maximum that he can count on in his current state is to be a petty servant on the Mamonov reservation, and ‘’ for bread and water ’’ ‘kill himself, people, the world’… The banking system is busy with only one thing - making money. Where the banking system comes to - fields and women stop giving birth, men disappear, and nature goes crazy, destroying what is still left ... SEVEN DELUSION - KNOWLEDGE ... No closed system can prove its truth (check itself for the truth of its statements, decisions and actions) on the basis of itself - this requires a certain value that is outside the given system and serves as a measure for this system (axiom). Each of today's people is a self-closed system (a system closed on itself); and everything that I perceive as external to myself - the world, heaven, earth and everything in the world, on earth, in the sky, including `` other '' people - are actually just aspects (various forms) my awareness of myself; - that is, being elements of this system itself, they are ‘inside’ it and, accordingly, cannot serve as a measure for this very system - a person; proceeding from this, any and all our ‘’ knowledge ’’ cannot be true and, therefore, it is false and there is a lie. Both our ‘’ knowledge ’’ and the system of teaching ‘knowledge’ ’, based on the concept of‘ ’knowledge’ ’presentation (teaching) from the outside, is a deception. Since every human being is such a closed system, then all knowledge is not outside of him, but in himself, he is himself, like all possible extent of himself as a mind (the concept of a `` body '' about himself), a limit (limits ) which is corporeality (materiality) in all its many manifestations (the material world, the world of matter) ... This means that every `` external '' teacher, himself being in fact one of the elements of the student's world (one of the manifestations of the student himself as a closed systems), does not introduce any `` external '' concepts for the student, taken from outside of him (the student), but in one way or another helps (or hinders) to become visible to the student for various extensions of himself, it does not matter - mental or bodily. The student himself, in addition to direct participation in ‘’ learning ’’, also decides for himself whether to agree to certain ‘’ discoveries ’’ or not. So, it is impossible to teach any of the people what is not in them; but you can give the fact that they have any form and any image (including distorting and perverting as in a distorting mirror) available to a given person (or a group of people). EIGHT ERROR - BODY OR IN ANOTHER - BODY We are all accustomed to the fact that everything in our world has its own border-limit (limitation) - earth, water, atmosphere, objects, molecules, atom, laws, life ... But for all that, earth, water, air, trees, birds, people, sky ... for us is a single, integral world, where water is absolutely not earth, and a bird is not air, although water on earth (and in the ground) is a bird in the air; the object (body) is absolutely not a molecule, of which, as we are convinced, it seems to be composed; molecules are not atoms at all, although they seem to be composed of them; well, people are not at all what they eat ... In fact, the world does not consist of people, trees, birds, etc .; neither bodies consist of molecules, and those, in turn, do not consist of atoms, and those of elementary particles, and those of ... These are '' just '' different unfolding (lengths) of our '' world '' within its inherent limits (restrictions). And our ‘world’ is our sense of self within the limits of our self-awareness; and the limit of our self-awareness, which determines our self-awareness, is our ‘now’ ’state of death) of unbornness), or, more simply, of corporeality (that is, when all my self-awareness is limited by the self-awareness of a separate body in its possible correlations with many other separate bodies). Blindness does not negate light and color - it simply does not know them; deafness does not cancel the singing of birds and the roar of a waterfall - she simply does not hear them ... So corporeality cannot cancel anything - it simply does not know anything except itself (and cannot know!); being a ‘thing in itself’ ’, it has itself as a measure of the All; being a lie, it lies about everything, pretending to be Everything. Likewise, the spiritual and the spiritual, she simply has other forms (states) of herself, differing from stone or `` meat '' only by the density of her `` matter '', so she weighs souls (in grams!), And her spirits always roofing felts women, roofing felts men, or even a mixture of a goat, a bat and a bear with leprosy, a connecting rod ... She is not at all embarrassed, asserts that you are just a piece of meat of one form or another, one size or another, endowed with her - corporeality with certain properties and qualities, and only it is your beginning and your absolute end ... NINTH DELUSION - WORLD All our life experience, which includes all our feelings, thoughts, sensations, touches ..., all our external and internal, all base and everything high, everything accepted and rejected; in short - everything! there is the passage of oneself by oneself and there is our world, containing the worlds of all other people as its own manifestations and, in turn, contained in each of these other worlds as a manifestation of themselves ... This `` our '' world is the limitation of the World The true absence of God and Man, which (absence), in turn, is our unbornness (deadness) and is a lie of our present self-consciousness. A lie is not the True World itself, which is the existence of God and Man, but our present self-consciousness and self-awareness, which is our present ‘world’, where we do not see when looking; listening - we do not hear; touching - we do not feel; without being born, we do not have true feelings; being dead (unborn), we know ourselves not in the throes of birth, but in grave decomposition ... This grave is myself, not wanting to be born, this grave is my world, hopeless, senseless and joyless, where everything always ends in worms ... DELUSION TEN - GOD? GODS ... GODS As in a bowl of wine, when poison is added to it, no matter where you drank, you would still take a sip of poison; so in our self-consciousness - all concepts and every and every concept are poisoned with the poison of godlessness. Already in the very choice (whether there is a God or not, he is it, she or they, which one to choose and what to do with him later ...) everything is false - it is impossible to choose something that does not exist for you at all, that is simply absent in your consciousness ... you godless everything is godless, everywhere, always and for everyone there is no God! You have the godless only the absence of God everywhere, always and in everyone ... Making a choice in yourself and from yours, you actually make a choice for yourself; and yourself, and not God's, false, and not True ... And then, denying yourself the chosen one (there is no God ...) or accepting (there is a God - he is such, such and such) you build a relationship with `` this '', completely not understanding what you did - not only did you call yourself not yourself (and the rule was cruel - said - and it became so), so you also did `` it '' by the measure of all yours; and now ‘’ it ’’ rules over you and yours ... One of the people who wants to be a Human, chooses Himself and His, rejecting himself and his; that is, realizing that everything that he knows as himself and his own (and even as not himself and not his own) is a lie of inhumanity and godlessness, he leaves all this for the sake of what he does not know - God himself and the True God. One of the people who desires changes (of themselves and theirs) only within the framework of themselves today, themselves and theirs having a measure to Everything, is an idolater and an idolater, no matter how he calls himself and no matter what rank, dignity and position he occupies; the same of people who, by the Measure of their changes, wants to have God and Man in spite of `` ... the forces, principles and authorities of this age ... '' anarchist and stands on the path to Humanity; the will of God is that everyone should become like Him (assimilation is the acquisition of similar properties and qualities of the one to whom he is likened with the preservation of his nature and Personality). By the way - the idol, imitating God, also wants everyone to be like him; Considering that he (the idol) is your absence (disappearance, non-existence), you can imagine what the fulfillment of his (that is, `` your '') desire ... autocracy and the power of God-likeness transforms himself and transforms his own, giving birth to God-manhood and himself being born as a Man of God ... PART TWO - TRUTH How many people, so many opinions ... We do not argue about the `` truth '' and do not prove it ... / just believe and trust her alone; but we are talking about Her not out of self-interest or out of self-conceit, but for the sake of the faith of those who want to know Her and become Her children ... And our faith has the experience of many, many people, whom the Truth has made Free as its basis ... GOD Only the Beginning itself can be Beginning ... God, who is the Beginning, Extension and Completion of both Himself and All that is in Him. He is the Creator of Everything, and Everything is his Creation. Apart from God (outside of him, apart from him) there is nothing, but Everything is in Him and is His. Outside of God there is no being (existence), for God Himself is Being. He is the Being of both Himself and the All in Himself. God is not only the Being of Himself, but also the Essence / content, meaning, nature ... / Himself. As an Essence - He is One (in the sense of quantity - one and only; in the sense of quality - one, whole, indivisible ...) - God; as Being, He is threefold - Beginning, Extension and Completion. Being is the Life of God in Himself by Himself. The One God, who has threefold Being, is the One God-Trinity, where the Beginning is all God, and not a part of God; Extension is all God, not a part of God; Completion is all God, not a part of God and all together (Beginning, Extension and Completion) they are all the same all One God-Trinity. We will not say anything more about God ... Not because we have nothing to say, but precisely because too much has been said about him; and any of our words will immediately evoke associations with this or that religious movement or confession ... Voluntarily or involuntarily, the reader will think that we are speaking on behalf of some and against others ... In fact, as we have already said, in all currently existing religions, religious confessions and just all sorts of `` near-religious '' movements, God is so substituted by human speculations and perversions of the godless mind that even among the `` highest '' of them, the beginning of their not having demonic obsession, but True illumination and even the Manifestation of God, separate God from the lies adhered to everything, it becomes more and more difficult ... Any true Word about God heard by a person immediately disappears in his head under a whole avalanche of all mental junk piled up there, from under which it is almost impossible to get anything ...
But what is impossible for man is possible for God ... Truth itself comes out to meet the one who seeks It; leads, instructs and protects a person, even when he, out of his insensibility, sees nothing, does not hear and does not notice ... Seek and you will find; knock and they will open it to you; ask - and it will be given to you ... MAN ... Man is created in the image and likeness of God ... In Himself as Being, God ‘moved’ ’(diminished ...) as an Essence, giving the opportunity to appear (create, create) a new being of a new essence. This new entity, which has received its personal (personal) being, is Man. For the creation of Man, God did not have any external (independent of him - God) reasons forcing him to perform this action; the only Cause of creation is God himself, and the only '' motive '' that prompted him to create Man is Love. Himself being an abundant Love (the one that is always greater than itself), God wanted someone else besides Him to be Loved (the one who is loved) and the Lover (the one who loves) ... P.S. ... Please do not confuse Love and lust, Love and narcissism, Love and consumerism (... I love cabbage pies, a mink coat and drive a ‘’ Merc ’’ ...); in short, I ask you not to confuse God-mankind with our current state of a numb, insensitive, decaying corpse ... The Man created by God is (in likeness to God) the One Being (Whole), in the image of God, having threefold existence (Himself in God and God in Himself) ... Man is all creation of God; but being (in likeness to God) an abundant being, he is always ‘greater’ than all creation; always being inseparable - non-merged (that is, when two, being inseparable, do not merge so that one of them swallows the other) is united with God and having him as a Measure for himself, infinitely grows in God and God. With his infinite Beginning, Extension, and Completion having God, Man himself is the beginning, extension and completion of all creation. The threefold being of Man is the being of Soul, Mind and Flesh; where the Soul is the beginning of Everything in Man and any and every beginning in Man; Mind is the extension of Everything in Man and any and every extension in Man; The flesh is the completion of Everything in Man and is every and every completion in Man. The very same ‘’ Everything ’’ is the creation of God and is the Man himself. The Soul is the whole Man, and not a part (piece) of Man; The mind is the whole Man, and not a part of the Man; The flesh is the whole Man, and not part of the Man; and all together they are One Whole Man. The Soul is not more and not less than Mind and Flesh, but at the same time it is absolutely not Mind and Flesh; Mind is not more and not less than Soul and Flesh, but at the same time it is absolutely not Soul and Flesh; Flesh is not less and not more than Soul and Mind, but at the same time it is absolutely neither Mind nor Soul ... Soul cannot be without Mind and Flesh, Mind cannot be without Soul and Flesh, Flesh cannot be without Soul and Mind. Only together are they Man; Separately, they ‘’ can be ’’ only in a lied non-being ... One (Whole) Man, as extension and limit, contains every and every Man (all Men), he himself is contained in every and every Man as a limit and extension. The One Man, himself being the beginning and completion of every and every Man, every and every Man, has for himself both a beginning and a consummation. Each and every Man, containing in himself every and every Man (all Men), is the One Whole Man; and all together they are the same One Whole Man ... The One Whole Man is an autocratic being and without his will nothing can happen in him or with him. The will of God is performed in Man only with his (Man's) permission (consent); in the same way, the will of Man is done in God only with the permission of God. As in the Divine-Human Being, everything happens only under the condition of the consent of the wills, so in the existence of the One Whole Man, everything happens only under the condition of the consent of the wills of all Man (of all Mankind) among themselves. As in the previous chapter, we interrupt the conversation here; and as in the previous chapter - not because there is nothing more to say ... Any `` truths '' without the experience of passing them by oneself and remain empty, meaningless sound ... We have cited here only those True statements, without which further narration would be just impossible. Still, the ‘’ rest ’’ you will be able to find out if you follow the path suggested to you ... ... Yes, still - do not try to immediately understand and explain everything with your present mind, the measure of which is inhumanity. The most that you will achieve in this case is to get lost even more in those false concepts with which your head is stuffed ... In short, the road will be mastered by the one walking ... CREATION The Creation of God is the true World and is the joint Existence (Event) of God and Man. And now let's digress a little, and try, if not to understand the principle on which the ‘’ view ’’ of the Man himself is based on Everything, then at least outline it; without this, further conversation will be extremely difficult. So, let's imagine some segment AB, where A and B are the edges (ends, boundaries, limits) of the segment, and the segment itself stretches ‘’ from the edge to the edge ’’. Neither ‘’ edges ’’ nor ‘length’ ’can be torn (separated) from each other; - you remove the edges - and instead of a segment you will get something endless (infinite), for which there is neither a name nor a definition; remove the length - you get a point that has neither shape nor size ... The segment itself (according to the mathematics textbook) can be divided (divided) into any number (from two to infinity) pieces - parts of different lengths (lengths), which will somehow correlates both with the `` whole '' segment itself, and with each other (it goes without saying that each of them will have their own boundaries); but all this is on one condition - the original segment itself should not disappear anywhere. (Although our ‘’ life ’’ experience speaks of something else - if you take and break up - divide the whole, then instead of it we will get a large or not very pile of fragments; but the whole just will not be ...). So - in fact (for a Man) the Whole (One) is divided so that the Whole disappears, and separate parts or pieces appear ... there is one and the same Whole, but within different boundaries - limits, in different ways limited and determined by the Man himself. So, the Whole is both a limit to Itself, and an extension of Itself; and any and every limit to Himself and any and every extension of Himself. Man is (by involvement with God) a Single Whole Being. Man is the entire Creation of God, but by being likened to God, he (Man) is ‘greater’ than the entire Creation. (To be '' more '' oneself means that in Man there is always a Measure that exceeds any of his 'now' state, according to which he can always be the Other. This Measure for Man is God. To be more than Creation means that Man , being the `` One '' of Creation, there is Fullness and Measure for it). Only on condition that the Man is One, the Creation is Whole. Man is One, provided that he is inseparable from God. Man is the ‘Head’ ’of all Creation, and Creation is all of his‘ Flesh ’. As the head is inseparable from the body, so the body is inseparable from the head. As the head has dominion over the body, so Man has dominion over creation; and how the head knows its body not as something separate from itself, but as ‘itself’ and experiences all the feelings and sensations of the body, both his own and the Man ‘knows’ ’all Creation with Himself and feels‘ ’Himself’ ’. WORLD Man is the True World and Everything in the True World is Human. The world is the place of Human life. The life of a Man is the being of a Man in Himself by Himself. The world is the being of Man in Himself by Himself; The measure of this being is God. The World of Man is the One Whole World, the Fullness of which is Man. Man is the One of the Whole World; The world is the Whole of this One. Being the Whole, the World is not divided into parts, pieces, zones, sectors, spaces, worlds, universes; but everywhere and always there is the same One Whole World; to us divided by Him is shown to us by our lying consciousness, the measure of which is a lie. Man ‘defines’ ’the World and there is a limit (limitation, boundaries) of this World (the world cannot be without a person, outside of a person and‘ more ’’ ’a person) and any and every limit in this World. Man is the entire Extension of this World, the extension of everything in this World and any and every extension of the World and in the World. The Soul of Man is the Beginning of the whole World (any and all) and is any and every beginning in the World. The Mind of a Man is the Extension of the entire World (any and all) and there is any and all extension in the World. The Flesh of Man is the Completion (not the ‘end’ ’, but the peak, the maximum possible height) of the whole World and everything in the World - any and all. Each and every limit limits the whole World, and not a part of the World; and in every and every limit the whole World / as a Whole /. Each and every limit is the whole World, not a part of the World and determines not a part of the World, but the whole World. /// Here we will again make a small digression. It is necessary in order to make the concept of ‘limit’ ’somehow clearer. Examples, of course, we will take from the world we are accustomed to, the world where, I remind you once again, the laws of our unbornness (inhumanity) operate. By the way, I remind you that there cannot be a limit without a length, just like a length without a limit. Take a tree - this is both a limit and an extension; limit (definition) - not a rock, not a ball, not a dog ... but a tree; length - trunk, branches, leaves, how we see it, feel it, use it; but at the same time leaves, trunk, wood, ash, yellow, dry ... in turn, there are particular limits (definitions) of the main limit ‘’ tree ’’; but they are also partial lengths of the main length - '' tree ''. Unclear? For our brains today - yes ... But not for our Real Mind ... In short, if you grow up, you will understand. ///. And at the end of this chapter - about dimensions…. In the True World, everything is not the same as with you and me ... Any and all extensions ('' distances '', lengths, masses, volumes ...) are the extension of the Man himself in Himself from Himself and to Himself filled with Himself. So Time in the True World is the distance from Man and to Man, which is Man himself. Moreover, in every moment ‘’ of time ’’ at once all Time and all other moments / Times / of this Time; and this moment itself, containing in itself all Time and all other moments, is itself at one moment in all other moments, both as a moment and as all Time. In every moment - all Time and all Times. Time is the extension of the One Whole Man, the limit of which is the Man himself, and Time is the whole multitude of the lengths of all People in the One Whole Man, the private limits of which are each of the Man, and the main Limit is the same One Whole Man. This is an absolute rule not only for Time, but also for each and every one of the lengths and limits. POWER ‘’… All power is from God… ’’. Not ‘any’ ’from God, but‘ power ’’ from God ... To dominate yourself and your own is a normal property / quality / of a Person. It is impossible to dominate something that is not ‘you’ and is not ‘your’. To dominate is to Be It, to Be in It, to have It in Himself as Himself and His ... Master, Master does not mean “master”, “director”, “administrator” (worldly kings, ministers, presidents, commanders , despots, "fathers of nations", etc. ...), who are just stewards, that is, absolute slaves of the existing "order", which they did not establish and which they cannot change even the smallest; they are just `` stupid '' performers (they would not be `` stupid '' - truly would rule ...) someone else's will, who agreed for a `` lentil stew '' (trinkets like `` ... avarice, popularity, pride ... '') to sell his birthright ... The Lord is the absolute Head and Law for Himself and His own, bearing absolute responsibility for Himself and His. Responsibility lies in the fact that everything, whatever you desire or do, is done in You and with You. As long as there is at least something in you that is not you and not yours, you are not a Master, but a slave; as long as you are not in Yourself and not in Yours - you are a slave; as long as for you there is ‘’ not your ’’ will, ‘’ not your ’’ law - you are a slave ... A True Man, being a True Master, is not a slave to God, but a Son, beloved and loving; A True Man does not rule over other Men, but being the Son of God, he knows all other Men as Sons of God and loves them as Brothers. Any of the people who does not love others (... a person should not hate people, but the inhumanity that is in them; for this, inhumanity must be separated from people ...), denies Himself in Sonship and renounces Autocracy in favor of godlessness and inhumanity ... Now we are all '' in refusal '', all slaves, all fatherless, not knowing their family-tribe ... But it is now that each of us can '' remember '' who he is; but having remembered, to want to return to the Father ... NOW Now is not Time, not Times, and not any of the moments of Time and Times (True). Now it is a state outside of Time and Times; extension, the limit of which is unbornness (man in God and God in man), and the measure is the absence of God and Man. This is not a theological treatise; and therefore we will not analyze in detail how and why we ended up in this state (we refer those interested to our text ‘COSMOGONIA’ ’). We simply state that our presence in this ‘now’ ’is an absolutely reliable fact, confirmed by the reality of each of us. .. The reality of finding us in this '' now '' (in fact, the very being!) Is characterized by the following properties, qualities and peculiarities: - we do not know ourselves (and we do not know '' ourselves '' '' today either; we do not Live (and do not even `` exist ''), but we `` go through '' our unbornness (disappearance, absence of a Human); we are subordinate to what we should have dominated; subordinated for the sake of our instruction and admonition, but instead of gaining mindlessly and passionately; we disappear without being born; not recognizing in ourselves and others the Man of God, we deny both God and Man; instead of sanctifying, we subject to a curse, and falling under the curse (our own!), in despair we accuse in this God ... Well, now in more detail ... Man as the One for us `` current '' is generally impossible; being outside of our concepts and sensations, he is inaccessible neither to our reason, nor to our perception; everything that we `` know '' or say about this, there are `` hazy visions in a hazy mirror '' of our delusional consciousness I ... Only by allowing God, as a pregnant wife, to bear and give birth to Himself, a person cognizes the One - Himself and the One - His ... Remaining the ‘present’ ’, we remain‘ ’a victim of an abortion’ ’, which they themselves made; a miscarriage, not wanting to be born, rejecting God as a Parent ... The Trinity of Man - Soul, Mind, Flesh - is also ‘not visible’ to us and is not understandable; more precisely, our unbornness, overshadowing the True, in itself obliquely and crookedly reflects Its (Trinity), clothed in the most incredible and ugly forms. So, `` now '', not being single and holistic, presents everything to us in the form of a multitude of sets, then uniting on the basis of some laws external to them, which do not originate from their properties and qualities into certain groups, associations, communities and objects (galaxies, molecules, peoples, heaven and earth, people, mountains, animals ...), then falling apart according to the same `` laws '' into parts, pieces, fragments, fragments that make up ... Moreover, the fact that in one case looks like decay and decomposition, in the other it is passed off as creation, appearance, formation (and vice versa). In the dividing and disintegrating (disappearing) '' now '' the Human Soul is displayed as some causes and beginnings, laws and rules of both the 'now' itself, and everything that is, happening and acting visibly or invisibly in it - events, processes, "mechanisms", arrangements, states, properties, qualities - everything possible and impossible; she (the Soul) in this display is not a Man, outside of Man (and outside of man, people), just a “soulless” law, a rule, a moment, fate, compulsion, like “now” itself, changeable and deceitful ... Mind A person is displayed in the `` now '' as the whole length, first of all, `` now '', and secondly, as the entire length of all these reasons, principles, laws and rules (all their action, all their actions), events, processes , properties, arrangements, reactions, feelings, sensations, images, thoughts, reasoning ... The Flesh of a Man is displayed in the first place, as the `` now '' itself - the material world, the world of `` substance '', where all these beginnings, rules ... etc. ... are embodied; secondly, as each and every result (completion) of the action of all principles, rules and laws, events, feelings, images, reasoning, decisions (realized and not so much), actions and inaction, both throughout the `` now '' and in every and every limit of this 'now'. The integrity of Man is reflected by the possibility of objects to have a certain form and content (stone, apple, planet, thought, body ...) and to preserve them for some time, and the ability (property) of Man to be different and different in `` now '' is presented as a limited plurality (plurality); it (they) is limited by the ‘’ now ’’ itself, which acts as both the main and private limits (restrictions) acting both ‘outside’ ’and‘ inside ’set. Let's give examples for a better understanding of this: - a lot of trees of many species, but at the same time a palm tree will not become a maple, and an oak will not grow from oat grain ...; there are many men and many women, but despite the fact that each of the men is a man, and each of the women is a woman, they all differ in appearance, age, upbringing, belonging to one or another nation, race, place of residence, state of health etc.; each of them can change the shape of the body (for a while) or change the shape of their ‘’ mind ’’; but it is impossible to replace your mind with a `` foreign '' mind, and if an individual of a certain sex, completely crazy, decides to change this sex, then only external signs can change `` it '', not affecting its inner essence (even if the changes are included in the genotype), which is one for all people - `` person '' - albeit with a small letter; '' man '' and '' woman '' are man's own manifestations, so that by abandoning one of them, you lose both, gaining nothing but devastation and dehumanization as it is impossible to refuse the essence, then the essence becomes simply invisible and inaccessible to the `` individual '' to one degree or another, and together with the essence, all its manifestations become inaccessible). Giving up masculinity does not acquire femininity; denying femininity, you do not become a man ... An individual who has renounced humanity is devastated; devastated - dies. So every pervert should be considered as having renounced humanity, and therefore not a person. Hence, one can (and should!) Be accepted back into the society of people only through repentance for what he has done ... however, we will talk about this in another part of our book. The Personality of a Man is displayed in the '' now '' '' by individuality '', when each '' individual '' defines itself as different ('' not like that '') from others, and not only by any external signs, but by some internal self-determination - `` I '' (which, in fact, is the display of the Personality distorted by the `` presentness ''). But if any and every Man, being the One Whole, contains in himself all other People (each and every One, Whole, Personal Man), then the `` individual '' knows every other individual (and all other individuals) only as existing outside himself , apart from herself (even a mother carrying a child knows him as being inside her body, but not inside her `` I ''). Being itself a body (in its current self-consciousness), it (an individual) and everything that inside (/ and inside) it knows as a set of bodies of one shape or another, size, color / etc. / ... possessing certain properties and qualities and related to her (individual) in one way or another; even ‘’ his ’’ thoughts, feelings, sensations, an individual can only know if they are corporeal - if ‘’ feelings ’’, then the feelings of the body; if thoughts, then clothed in bodily images; if sensations, then only that which is in the '' body '' or outside the '' body '', but necessarily '' through '' the body (through the body) and in no way except (without) the body ... As with '' your '' body , so with all `` other '' bodies, the individual has (and builds) only external relations, characterized by one property common to these relations - each and every `` body '' (even `` his '' own) has one or another the degree of external independence (or dependence) on a person - a person can cut down a tree, and a tree can fall on a person; but a person cannot change the species of a tree or turn it into a fish or a bird (a boat and an airplane do not count ...); in the same way, `` my '' body `` lives '' its own `` life '' - I can do something with it, but being an individual, I cannot control its internal processes (and I don’t control it!) me completely closed; Well, again, I can't turn it into a bear or a rat ... Now about that body (corporeality) that an individual sees and knows itself with - its properties, qualities, features ... The body of an individual has in itself all the lengths possible for a given individual '' and '' his '', the limit of which it is. This means that the body (corporeality) initially contains all the properties, qualities, laws, rules that are possible for a given individual, which determine the existence of both a given individual and the world in which it exists. It is impossible either to add to the physicality of a certain individual, nor to remove anything from the `` laid down '' without the disappearance of the world of the given individual and the given individual with its world and the appearance of another individual and another world ... into her physicality of the world and herself in this world. All possible lengths for a given individual are a person's idea (concept) of himself, limited by its (individual) corporeality. All possible limits) restrictions) of a given individual are the bodily embodiment of a person's concept of himself, limited by a given individuality (individual). The measure of both such an extension and such a limit (such limits and extensions) is the absence of God and Man. The body of an individual, which she knows as separate from the world (the body is not the world) and separate in the world (from other bodies) has an ‘mind’ ’, which is a person’s idea (concept) of himself, limited by the separateness of the body. Based on this, we can say that the '' mind '' is the concept of a separate body about itself, and the body is the embodiment of a separate mind; their measure is all the same absence of God and Man. Since a person does not know himself as the Whole, but sees himself as a separate individual among many other similar separate individuals, then the individual does not know the Integrity. She can neither know her own body (see, feel, perceive) as a whole, nor her own mind. Just as she / individual / can perceive her body only in fragments (parts, pieces), so her mind is available to her only in the form of fragments - thoughts, images, concepts that she connects into one or another chain (thinking). It's the same story with the ‘surrounding’ ’individual world ... P.S. / fragment, part ... is the whole mind or the whole body, limited by the perception of an individual, the measure of which (perception) is the absence of Integrity. Here is a brief summary of what we had to say about our current state ... Now we come to the question of ‘’ what to do ’’ and ‘’ how to do ’’; but '' why '' and '' why '' now, we hope, it is clear ... PART THREE - DOING The Goal, and the True Measure of this Goal is God. Why Faith? Because faith is the ‘knowledge’ of the unknowable; without this faith, your habitual feelings, thoughts, ideas, states ..., setting yourself and your own as a goal, will easily and simply whirl and get lost in yourself, as before they have always done it with success and continue to do it now ... Following the path of faith, you in the future, you will learn not only to believe '' in God '', but also to '' trust '' God. '' Trust '' lies in your acknowledgment that you are God's; that is, it is God who is your Creator and Creator, who has put Himself into you as the Measure / Standard / of all your properties and qualities, who has become your Power and Power, the infinite Peak of your ascent in Himself by Himself and to Himself ... He, being yours Love, Joy and Happiness, for your sake I became a man, passed all your nothingness - all your grief, troubles and sufferings, hardships and losses; all your powerlessness, lack of will and slavery; all your ignorance, delusions and despair; all your crimes and betrayals, anger and hatred ... - so that nowhere and never, at any point of your wandering / passing / through this ‘world’ ’you would not find yourself alone and disappear, disappearing in this loneliness of inhumanity; but everywhere and always, at any moment, grabbing hold of Him, your Beginning and Top, could be born a new Man. So, only by accepting ‘’ on faith ’this All, it will be possible for you to find Yourself (... everything is possible to the believer; the unbeliever is already doomed ...). To begin with, those concepts about God and Man, which are presented here, are quite enough; all the rest will be acquired as you progress through each Path ... We repeat once again - we are not going to arrange interfaith and interreligious squabbles here; our book is for those who are already ‘’ ready ’’, for whom this ‘world’ ’and everything in this‘ ’world’ ’’ ’... is worse than a bitter radish ...’ ’; ‘’… Throwing pearls in front of pigs… ’’ is the stupidest and most thankless occupation of all possible ... CONSIDERATION The only True Gift (from God) is the Gift of reasoning (… a glass toy for a fool will break the toy and cut himself ...). Without reasoning, whatever it is, people turn into a means of their own destruction. Therefore, we start with him and him in the hope that we will end with him and with him ... So, I'm ‘today’ ’dead (unborn). This means that I am ‘dead’ ’; all states, feelings, thoughts, decisions and actions are‘ dead ’’ - their origin is dead; length - dying; the result (completion) is death (non-existence, absence of oneself, experienced eternally ...). Whatever I touch (with my mind, feelings, hands, eyes ...), I do everything `` dead '', decomposing and filled with cadaveric poison, which in turn poisons everything, infecting with death ... ... And God forbid me to agree with the thought that supposedly I am not quite dead, that I am at least a little bit, but still (or already!) alive ...; and therefore there is something good in me, and even if sometimes, but I can do and more than that - I do good and beautiful (well, I just sow and sow it around!) ... You're dead! And you do not live, but you pass your deadness (yourself dead, absence of Yourself). And if earlier you went through it (deadness), not wanting to know anything except it and agreeing with it, you died senselessly and ineptly, now you can (and must - to Yourself!) At every and every moment of passing, at any and every point of inhumanity reject the lie of non-being and giving yourself and yours to God, to be born as a New Man in the New World (please do not confuse with `` reincarnation '', I am certainly not talking about this stupidity!). You are dead; but you're alive! Dead with your godlessness and inhumanity, but alive with God and Man ... ... You die, seducing, forcing and infecting with nothingness (absence of God and Man) in yourself and yourself (with every thought, feeling, desire, decision and action, the measure of which is lies of ignorance of Truth) all God's Creation, which is given by God to you for Power, and which is All You ... ... You are resurrected from death, giving God the opportunity to be born in you as a Man; in the Man who was born in you, you yourself are born as God ... P.S. I warn you once again - without knowledge of the Russian language, an accurate and complete understanding of this and similar phrases is impossible! ///… To know for real is not only to be able to pronounce something like ‘’ in Russian ’’, but to think in Russian and in Russian. Russian is not one of the many ‘national’ ’‘ ’fen’ ’, but there is‘ the royal language ’’ (‘’ language ’’ in Russian is the people). Rus-Ros - King of Kings; Russian - tsar, prince, lord, lord; he is a king because he is ‘adopted’ by the King — the One and True — and received his kingdom from the hands of the King as the Heir. So - Russian is not a sign of ‘nationality’, but a sign of a person's belonging to the True God-Mankind ...) ... Not the Russian who is ‘Russian’ according to his passport, but the one who walks under God… ///. … In you, dead (not born, dying) everything is of course, everything comes to its decay, decay, disappearance; for you unborn, there is only one thing left - to eternally ‘experience’ ’the disappearance of everything in yourself and of yourself in everything ... and You are in this eternal Renewal, eternally New and Other ... /// ... If a pregnant wife does not give birth in the time allotted to her, then the child will die inside her; if the child is not born, then the wife will die too ... /// You - the Human - are the Whole Whole World; but at the same time You are always infinitely ‘’ More ’’ of the Whole World ... You are one of the people - there is the whole world in which you are (whether you know it or not, it does not matter ...); but at the same time you are always infinitely ‘’ less ’’ of this ‘’ your ’’ world ... You are a Man, as the trinity of Soul, Mind and Flesh is the Whole World and Everything in this World; but as a Person participating in God, You are the One Head and the One Ruler of this World, and by the Measure you / both as the World and as the Head / is God. You are simultaneously in the World and outside the World. In the World You are the Fullness of the Whole World and Everything in the World; outside the World ('' more than the world '') You are the '' created '' by GOD; through adoption (by GOD) - the Son of God, in everything similar to the Father ... You are one of the people - being in your self-awareness-self-awareness as a separate body among many other separate bodies (objects, objects, individuals), in this self-awareness there is only a very small a particle of a huge world, from which you have access to a very small piece of its (world) length in space and time. Not only can you not be outside your `` world '', but also within that piece that seems to be available to you, you can not only be everywhere and always at once, but also just be where you want (and so whichever you want), as a `` place '' in space or in time can be occupied by `` not you ''; and you, as a separate individual, cannot violate or at least change the laws in this `` world '' ... You are a Man created in the image and likeness of God, being in God yourself, as in the infinity of You, you contain all God in You being His limit and limitation ... You are one of the people who, by measure for themselves, have the “absence of God and Man”, infinitely determined and limited by this “… absence…”. But God and everything connected with him is for you `` ... absent ... '' can only be known in the form of various forms of his (God) non-being (absence, disappearance) in you and around you (for you): - he is not `` here '' or `` there '', if he `` is '', then where you are not and when you are not (not with you, not for you, not with you and not with you, not in your time and not in your world, not on your planet and not in your dimension ...); you don’t see him, don’t hear him, don’t feel and don’t know and he ‘’… doesn’t hear, doesn’t see and doesn’t want to know… ’’ (in your ‘’ understanding ’’); ... other people from '' his '' name say something to you, demand something from you, offer something, threaten punishment and torment or seduce with promises and tricks ... The impossibility of the presence of God in you and for you naturally follows and the impossibility of being a Man (in you, around you, by you ..). You are a Man - you have everything and everyone in you as yourself and your own and you yourself are in everything and in everyone as belonging to everything and everyone. You are one of the people, you have everything and everyone outside of you, separate from yourself and independent of yourself; you yourself are in everything as separate in the separate and among the separate, and if there is at least something in common between you (the separate), it is separateness. So you're ‘today's’ ’dual. On the one hand, you are a Man created ‘’… in the image and likeness of God… ’’ with all his qualities and characteristics; on the other hand, you are one of a huge multitude (and one in a huge multitude) of people, humans, ‘superhumans’ ’and nonhumans (depending on your conceit and the opinion of other‘ ‘individuals’ ’”); a piece of meat of this or that size and shape, mixed with bones and liver, feeling something and wanting ... As a Human you are absolutely not known to yourself; like ‘’… a piece of meat… ’’ you don’t suit yourself (otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this little book! ); - if so, then continue reading; if everything is different, then what will be written next is not for you and not about you; do not bother your brains and do not waste time on all sorts of nonsense - you have more important goals - loot, career, buzz, drunken ... at worst - at least not die of hunger ... Well, you read? Then let's continue ... Are you familiar with agriculture? Imagine a field in which a peasant sows wheat ... and so - you are both a field, and wheat (grain) and a peasant at once. ///straightaway homework - try to read in Russian and understand (again in Russian!) The word ‘peasant’ ’; deadline - as God willing ... ///. As a field (‘earth’ ’) you can be black earth, clay, sand or stone; fertilized and weeded or completely overgrown with weeds; to be a steppe or foothills, permafrost or an oasis in the Kara-Kum desert ... What kind of land are you, such are the methods of its cultivation, such are fertilizers, sowing and harvesting dates, and what to sow - wheat or millet, rice or barley also depends on this ... Like a grain thrown into the ground, for a very long time it is invisible, inaudible and unknowable; and only then, quite unexpectedly, a weak, barely visible sprout appears, which both animals and people can trample; wash away the rains or kill frosts and droughts, eat locusts or livestock or wild animals that have climbed into an unguarded field; - and in you today (‘earth’ ’): - for a long time you can see nothing but‘ mud ’’, humus, manure and swarming insects and worms ...; and when a sprout appears, it seems that it won't even live a day ... But a seemingly weak sprout breaks stones and breaks through thick asphalt and ice; and snow is a warm blanket for him ... ... If the grain does not die, the ear does not grow ... You will not kill / not be confused with ‘kill’ / your current passions, desires, whims, concepts, goals, reactions, attitudes…, you will not see the sprout; if you do not see, you will trample, burn, kill ... /// kill - evaluate it differently, according to another Measure (measure); not to allow the previous measure to act, to oppose it in every possible way ... ///. You need to understand that the way you are / and everything around you and in yourself / today you see, feel, know, think, understand is temporary, transient, non-independent; he is allowed to be only for the sake of the birth of the True You ..., so that you do not suddenly end, disappear, do not disappear ... As a peasant, you must understand that no one else but yourself cultivates your field - others have their own fields ... ; even a mercenary will come to your field, firstly - for a fee, and secondly - only because you hired him; thirdly, you still manage and control him and his work; therefore, you are still responsible for the inappropriate result ... And there is no need to refer to the weather, nature, ‘‘ not such ’’ land, a crooked plow and a bad mare…; - the sun and the moon are for a reason - they are for you; wind and rain, warmth and cold, day and night, winter and summer - they are all in your power and it depends only on you what they are; Well, he did the plow himself, and he chose the mare himself ... TOTAL: Whatever goal you set yourself; whatever you are looking for; whatever you want (and whatever you need); - in fact, the only Goal you have (and in general only can be) only you yourself; you are looking only for Yourself, and nothing else (so that you do not imagine there and whatever you invent); you only lack yourself (no matter how deceived the ‘world’ ’and whatever’ ’enticements’ he slipped you instead of you) and only you get yourself; or rather, that your non-birth (absence) of You, which is the measure and standard for you and all yours. And even when you choose ‘God’ ’, you are actually choosing yourself (or yourself); - different `` gods '' and you are different ... /// We are talking about a TRUE GOD, ONE AND ONE, canceling (abolishing) all and all kinds of `` goddesses '', `` gods '', `` gods '' , '' deities '', '' deities '', etc. ..., which are just a lie of your unbornness; with HIM, you are TRUE and you are TRUE; with HIM, you are ONE and you are ONE; HIM has GOD and you are GOD; with HIS FATHER you are a SON; with HIS PARENT you are HIS CHILD; for HIM and for HIM, for the sake of us who became a MAN, and you / and each and every one of the people / are a MAN! ... /// Only the TRUE GOD is the CREATOR; HE creates a perfect CREATION; THE CHIEF, COMPLETE and RULE of which there is a MAN. HE (MAN), being the HEAD, COMPLETE and LORD of the perfect CREATION, is to him (CREATION) an absolute limit (limitation) (despite the fact that by MEASURE the MAN himself is GOD); CREATION, however, is the infinite extension of MAN. /// The principle of "Perfection" - ... perfect only then "perfect", when it can be anything and everything, including "imperfect", while remaining oneself (without losing its inner essence, essence ) ... What then does the concept of `` imperfection '' mean? - It means that ‘’ perfect ’’, being at the same time to itself and extension and limit (limitation), as extension, is always infinitely ‘’ more ’’ than it is - the limit; hence, as a limit, it (perfect) is always ‘’ imperfect ’’ (‘‘ less ’’) itself - extension. Example - Man is his own limit and extent ... Like the entire Creation of God (the World), he (Man) is an infinite extension of Himself; as the Head, Fullness, Ruler of this World (Creation of God), he is the limit and limitation of Himself (the World!). The world was created in the ... Image and likeness of God ... and as the image and likeness of God; hence - God himself, who created the World, (as the Creator, he is infinitely ‘’ larger than the World) serves for the World ‘‘ Infinite Extension ’’. A man, being an independent Person and an entity (as a Personality, he is absolutely different from all ‘’ other ’’ People; as an entity, he is not God, he is a Man), he ‘defines’ the World (Himself!). Since he is not God, but His (God) Creation, he is infinitely `` less '' than God, which means, as a limit, he is infinitely `` less '' of the World (Himself!), For which `` extension '' is God. It follows from this that Man is ‘perfect imperfection’ or ‘imperfect perfection’; that is, a perfect being, whose life is an endless growth of Himself in Himself by Himself from perfection to perfection ... (... I say again and again - not to be confused with '' reincarnation '', this disgusting lie, the product of slavish stupidity and despair! ). Further - the World, even limited to the state of ‘world’ ’by our unbornness, has not lost its perfection, but ideally corresponds to us, and we - to it; all connections, all processes and actions are perfect; and even if we redefine - we restrict Him to the state of ‘’ hell ’’, then this ‘’ ad ’’ will be ‘’ perfect ’’. In the ‘’… the end of times… ’’ will not disappear (‘‘ pass ’’) actually not the World itself, but that limitation is the limit by which we ‘’ defined it ’’. But just like the World, and the limit is you, then something will remain from ‘you’, but something ‘’ will pass ’’. And if you didn’t want to be a Human? Then, after all, only your nonexistence, unbornness, non-existence will remain, which you will `` experience '' as endlessly as the World is infinite ... and limits); at the same time, each of the Humans is a True Man: - containing in itself all other Humans, he himself is contained in each of those who are contained in him. Being for Them an absolute limit and infinite extent, He (Man) himself has them in Himself as absolute limits and infinite extensions of Himself. He, for the People contained in Him, is the main Limit, they are also for Him - private Limits (those that are subordinate / determined / to the Main). He, being contained in other People, has Them for Himself the main Limit, Himself being a particular limit for Them ... That is, this means that each and every Man is determined by others only to the extent that he himself allows it (determines); but he also defines others only to the extent (being in them) as they allow (determine) Him. The fact that you `` today '' do not see all this, do not hear, do not know and do not understand, means only that you cannot see, hear, know and understand this and do not want to, but not at all what all this is not ... You cannot, because the measure for all of you (all your feelings, sensations, concepts and self-awareness) is your unbornness (absence of God and Man); but you don't want to, because all your desires and wants are determined by your ‘corporeality’ (a state that is the result of your consent to unbornness and taking it as an absolute measure of ‘everything’). So, you are ‘corporeal’, you carry in you (invisibly, inaudible and unknowable for yourself and for others like you) God and Man. God - True One God - Trinity: - one essence, one will, three hypostases; where the Trinity is the Life of the One God in Himself by Himself; Man is the True Creation of God, the One Whole Being in the trinity of Soul, Mind and Flesh ... Together, the God-Man: - two essences, two wills, one hypostasis (Person). The question is one thing - will this `` Face '' be yours ... Until the Man is born in you (I say for both the `` believers '' and for the `` unbelievers ''), or rather, until you allow God to be born in you as a Human (you `` give birth '' to God, and God is born as a Human / I remind you - a phrase in Russian! /), until then God `` does not see you '', `` does not hear '', `` does not know '' ': - not because God is blind, deaf and dumb, but because `` You' 'simply does not exist! Instead of ‘You’ ’‘ ‘An egg’, not wanting fertilization, she’s busy only with her ‘’ now ’’ and doesn’t want to get out of this state, and without ‘’ compulsion ’’ simply will not be! That will not be, and that's it! For the sake of lustful (from the word '' lust '') pleasure I am ready for any perversion - even for masochism, even for bestiality! But just not to conceive, just not to carry, just not to give birth, especially not going to give birth, breastfeeding, changing diapers and generally showing at least some kind of care for the baby ... (I'll make a reservation - it's completely normal when she grows and develops; but when she came at the “childbearing” age, must be fertilized; otherwise, it is ejected out, becoming uncleanness ... / time of “purification” for women /). God sees, hears and knows only a Human, even the smallest, even a one-day embryo ... His desires are satisfied, God gratifies his feelings, God speaks to him and listens to him ... And until you `` conceive '', you just a little bit of `` organic matter '', a very small lump of mucus, which both `` lives '', and feels, and thinks so and as much as and how it is intended not for a Human, but for `` mucus '' ... Now you are one of ''of people''. What does this mean? And the fact that in your self-consciousness - self-awareness you are a kind of ‘body’ ’of a certain shape, gender, age, size, etc .; whose being '' takes place '' in some '' world '', which has its own laws, history, space, material forms ... This '' being '' is limited by time, place, social status, physiology, education, race, caste, '' personal '' properties, qualities, preferences ..., natural factors and one or another chain of events ..., your relationships with other people and their relationship to you ... well, etc. etc. This is the ‘generally recognized’ ’concept that is imposed on you from everywhere and in every way (both from the outside and from the inside ...). But if you move away from this ‘’ generally recognized ’’, the following will be revealed: You are not ‘body’ ’, but you are in‘ body ’’. In the `` body '' you are inseparable - non-merged (this means that you cannot separate from the `` body '' in this `` world '' - both the body, you and the world will disappear; neither merge with it / the body / absolutely / so that the body swallows you up and you disappear, or so that you `` swallow it up '' and it disappears / you cannot). So that all the talk about `` leaving '' the body (even if you are, even though the soul) or about the transition from body to body, or about the plurality of bodies (body in body - astral, mental, etc. etc.) let's leave the assholes ... '' Body '' (corporeality) for you is the limit (limitation), for him you are the length that it defines. Hence - you ‘’ pass ’not the body (corporeality), but yourself bodily. When you pass your entire bodily self, then corporeality, as a limit, is abolished by the infinity of God ('' abolish '' means that corporeality, as a limit, ceases to be a limitation for you and your / and yours - those who are with you '' ... one spirit ... '' /, but does not cease to be at all, remaining the limit of this `` world '' until it / the world / termination). That is, you can, having passed yourself bodily, remain in this world for some time (for the sake of ‘your’ ’), without being yourself limited either by the body or by the world; but since other people, who have not passed themselves bodily, know everything through corporeality and bodily, then you will still be `` in the body '' for them, in spite of your spirituality (... God is a Spirit ..., and he must be worshiped in Spirit and Truth ...). Likewise, your departure from this world will look to them either the disappearance of your ‘body’ ’or his‘ death ’and decay. I will repeat once again - how we got into this ‘’ state ’’, when, where and how - this is definitely not a question for beginners (as well as many other ‘interesting’ ’questions); do not look for answers to them ‘outside yourself’ ’; there is only one answer to all questions - You are the True One. It is possible to receive this answer only by growing up and according to the Measure of your growing up ... '' Time '' is '' distance '' (length) from You and to You filled by You (although corporeality reveals it and as not `` from you '', and “not to you”, and “not to you” ...). No physicality can abolish God-manhood - True Measure and Law. Therefore, you also have bodily every moment at once and all Time, and all Times (all Time in any possible limitations - ‘pieces’ ’Time). Or, in other words, every moment contains all Time and all other moments of Time and any (of any '' size '') possible extensions of Time (just like space, matter, and force ...), the limitation for which is your physicality. Some of them (extensions) will look for you `` bodily '' as extensions in you (thoughts, feelings, sensations, desires, images, concepts, ideas, states ...), some - as extensions outside of you: - events, situations , circumstances, people, information (... what you see, hear, touch, smell ...,), etc. And what you see as existing '' outside '' you, and what is as being '' inside '' you, in fact (as we have said more than once) is not '' is' 'anywhere (and is not' 'then'!), but there are only partial limits of your self-consciousness, the main limit for which, in turn, is 'corporeality'. It is according to this limit that your self-consciousness defines everything as being inside and outside of `` you '' (as well as any other `` object ''), close - far, low - high, heavy - light, visible - invisible, hard - soft, a piece is a whole ... and so on. etc. For all that, for you bodily, all these ‘’ definitions ’’ are the absolute reality of ‘’ your ’’ existence; and any attempt to '' violate '' the laws of this reality, or '' bypass '' them for you - '' bodies '' entails injury, torment (both bodily and '' mental ''), death ... Here is an example: - waking up in the morning, you know for sure that you are the one - this and that - that, you are so many years old, you have such and such a past and such and such today, you must such and such and you want this and this, you live there and there, this and that surrounds you; while your body ‘functions’ ’according to strictly defined laws, as well as the world in which‘ lives ’this body; according to the same laws, it (the body) '' appeared '' in this world, '' exists '' in it now and '' will disappear '' in it according to the same laws ... The reality in which you open '' in the morning '' eyes, absolutely complete; you are a constituent, integral ‘part’ ’in it; this reality changes only as a whole - when any '' part '' of a given reality changes, the whole reality changes; a change in the whole of reality entails a change in absolutely all of its constituents - ‘’ parts ’’. ‘Opening eyes’ is ‘the emergence’ ’of reality, in which‘ you ’appear at once; and the ‘emergence’ ’you is‘ the ‘emergence’ ’of your reality. So every '' morning '' is the appearance of you '' the other '' in the '' other '' world - this is for you bodily; for the anarchist, any and every '' morning '' (and '' in the morning '' can be any and every moment of your passage of your own '' corporeality '') can become the True Beginning (appearance, birth ...) of the True World of HIS - the True Man and the True birth (appearance) of HIS - the True Man in the True World ... So, today you are a `` body '' having a kind of self-consciousness, one of the manifestations of which is the so-called `` mind '' and there is a kind of self-awareness, one of the manifestations which is `` body '' (corporeality). The primary, of course, is self-consciousness, which gives rise to corporeality; corporeality, in turn, generates a corresponding self-consciousness, which again generates the corresponding corporeality (embodiment), which in turn generates ...; well, etc. etc. For the ‘bodily’ ’the initial moment (as well as the final) of this action (generation) is not available, since they (the initial and final moments) are outside the corporeality itself. For spiritual being and the Beginning and Completion is He Himself, therefore, knowing Himself, He knows both the Beginning of Himself and His Completion. Any (any) set is a division of the Whole. The division of the Whole is a set of definitions (limitations - limits) of this Whole itself (as an extension) by itself, as a limit. Any and all Whole is True if Unity (One) serves as its measure. Any and every Whole is untrue (which means that it cannot exist, be, continue ...) if it is itself by its measure. In this case, the whole '' collapses '' into itself (the '' black hole effect ''); the single extension disappears, the limits become separate (not belonging to one single extension) from each other and in themselves; having become separate, the limits turn into dimensions and in turn '' collapse '' into themselves; then everything is repeated over and over again with increasing force and speed; we call all this, with the filing of our scientists, ‘’ evolution ’’ and ‘life’ ’both of the universe itself and of everything in it; although in reality it is hell ... Man was created by GOD as a Whole, which has the freedom of choice. This choice is very simple - to be - or not to be (... so the ‘Prince of Denmark’ ’decided not just the‘ eternal ’’ question, but also the only ‘one’ ’question for all absolutely people ...). Only by making this choice does a person gain freedom. Freedom, however strange it may sound for some, is a lack of choice. '' Absolutely '' free is the one who decided to '' not be '' - nobody, never, nowhere and in any way (though I cannot imagine how this can be; but theoretically such a possibility exists ...) ... This '' freedom '' it is “absolute” - that is, it provides, as a condition for itself, “absolute” innocence to anything (and to whom!). This `` freedom '', like a lure, is being brandished by all the `` liberators '' of mankind, without specifying the truth that accepting this, you accept these just these nowhere, never, in any way, no, no one, with anyone, with anyone. ... and you become an absolute slave of this very “not to be”. ‘’ Absolutely ’‘ free who decided ’‘ BE ’’. Precisely ‘absolutely’, because only this freedom is actually FREEDOM (well, how can you ‘be free’, if you are NOT!) And there is Perfection itself. Each and every one of the people, passing himself and his own, makes his choice (even if he does not see it, does not know and does not understand!), And makes it always and everywhere (well, at least as long as it always and everywhere exists for him !). Having made a choice, he receives one or another freedom. Having received this or that freedom, he finds himself free in one way or another. Having found himself, he passes through the acquired, making his choice (confirming or refuting the previous and previous ones) ... Each and every one of the people, accepting God (as the Measure of Everything) also accepts the Man (as the Fullness of Everything). Having accepted a Person, he finds Himself, free ‘completely’ ’. Having found Himself free, he passes himself by Himself, confirming or refuting his previous choice ... Each and every one of people who does not accept God does not accept a Man either. Without accepting a Human, he does not acquire the True Himself. Not having found the True Self, he finds himself in the absence of himself (in non-being). Having found himself in nothingness, he gets himself and his ‘’ absolutely free ’’ from Everything and passes this ‘freedom’ ’, confirming or refuting his previous choice ... I remind you that freedom is a complete (or absolute) lack of choice. That is, when this is the only way, and nothing else; when, without thinking, without reasoning, all at once; when not at the level of decision-making, but at the level of an unconditioned reflex ... ... Without this insertion ‘about freedom’, our further narration would be flawed, insufficient. Now we can continue without fear that much of what we are going to talk about further will be misunderstood and not accepted due to a misunderstanding of the very essence of Freedom (freedom) ... So, a Man who has God by the Measure of Everything is a Single Whole; any and every human being is a whole, the measure of which is the absence of the One. Any and all of the people are free to make their choice; any and every Man is Free Absolutely. The division of Man is a manifestation of the entire Fullness of Unity in Man and Man; the division in each of the people (and each of the people) is a ‘collapse’ ’, the disintegration of an untrue‘ ’whole’ ’into a set that‘ ’is not he’ ’; there is a process of disappearance of Everything in a person (for a person!) and a person in ‘‘ everything ’’. Division in Man is the normal existence of Man in Everything and Everything in Man. Man is the One of the triplicity of Soul, Mind and Flesh; The Soul, Mind, Flesh is the division of the One, in which each of the members of the trinity is the Whole of Man and the Whole Man, and all together they are all the same Whole and still the same Whole ... The Soul is the Whole of Mind and Flesh, they are its natural limits (where there is no Mind and Flesh, there can be no Soul ...; or in another way - outside and without intelligent Flesh and the embodied Mind, the Soul cannot be!) and there is all the multitude of Its divisions. Mind is the Whole of Soul and Flesh, they are also its natural limits and there are all many of its divisions. Flesh is the Whole of Soul and Mind; they are also its natural limits and there are all many of its divisions. ///… Soul is extension, limited on the one hand by Mind, on the other - by Flesh; Mind is extension limited by Soul and Flesh; Flesh is extension, limited by Soul and Mind ... /// Soul, as the beginning of everything in Man, is primary. From it the Mind is born, as the entire extension of everything in the Man and the Flesh is expelled (emanated) (throughout the Mind), as the perfection (completion) of everything in the Man. Man is One Whole; and everything in it is One and Whole. One Soul, being One Whole set of One Whole Souls (... remember the statement that any segment can be '' divided '' into an infinite set of '' other '' segments / segments of another '' length '' /; and on the '' segment ' The 'Mind-Flesh', which is the '' multitude '' of the Soul, an infinite set of Minds corresponds to an infinite set of Flesh, and each embodied Mind and each intelligent Flesh corresponds to an intelligent, embodied Soul!) expels from Himself (through the Mind!) an infinite multitude of Unified Wholes `` Flesh '' ... In a person, as not born (dead), and therefore not accepting (rejecting) Unity, everything is Whole, but not Unity. His soul has a whole (not One!), Which is divided into many other `` wholes '', separate both from each other and from the original whole, which in turn are divided into another set, each member of which is divided into its own many separate things, etc. A person's mind is whole, but not One. It, this '' whole '' is divided into many separate '' wholes '', which in turn are divided ... The flesh of a person is a whole, which, not being One, is divided ... When the One Whole Person `` looks '', He sees Everything as One and Whole. This does not mean that divisions disappear for him and He ‘sees’ ’(for Him they are reality) only‘ ’primordial’ ”wholes. In his reality, one can see all, without exception, divisions; all extensions and limits, all beginnings and endings ... But they are visible as a Single Whole; that is, while each one remains itself, inseparable - non-merged (this is when the connected cannot be torn from each other, since in this case they will disappear; but also to `` push '' them into one another so that some of them disappear, too impossible), they are Wholes and constitute any and all Wholes, while themselves being One and constituting Oneness from Themselves. An example - for you and me a tree, although it grows ‘out of the earth’ ’, is not one whole (one) with the earth; we can pull it out of the ground (uproot), chop it, burn it; and the earth as it was and remains ... We can bury the tree in the earth, and it, having rotted, will cease to be, but the earth as it was and remained. The tree seems to be a whole. But we broke off a branch from it, sawed it into pieces (boards, bars) and its integrity disappeared, and it itself disappeared, it is no longer there; instead of him - a table, a bench, a window ... All the more, the wind, clouds, animals, machines (which we `` make '' from the same land) are all the more separate for us from both the tree and the earth ... For the One Man both the tree and the wind, both the earth and the animals ... there is a One Whole, in which each of the constituents is the same One and Whole. A tree doesn't just grow out of the ground; it is not only that it is inseparable from it (the earth) and is One with it; but it is simply impossible to uproot it from the ground, chop, burn or rot, burying it in the ground: - since it is, then it is, as is the earth, air, sun ... The tree is one Whole with the earth, the earth is one Whole with the air, everything together they are one Whole with the Sun and the planets; while the Sun and the planets are one Whole with the entire Universe ... As in our body - the eye is the eye, not the hand or the liver, and the ear is the ear, not the stomach or spine; but at the same time all together it is a whole body, a human body ... And God forbid, if any of this disappears, or the bones turn (become) into ‘meat’ ’, and the meat‘ ’ossifies’ ’. So, the True (One and Whole) Man sees Everything as One and Whole; while ‘’ seeing ’’ ‘All Whole,‘ sees ’’ in all even the smallest details both the Wholes (Unity) themselves and all possible connections and combinations of these Wholes and in these Unities. He sees Everything at once, simultaneously and always. Being All and the Fullness of All, He looks at Himself and His and knows All with Himself and His. This is not at all the case for an unborn (dying) person. He serves as a measure for him - separate from God; or rather, its separation from God (after all, what is separate from God-Being cannot be; hence, it cannot be `` apart from God ''; there can be separation itself, as a variant of freedom of choice / ... or not to be ... / and then only until the choice is finally confirmed /// (that is, there simply no longer exist other choices for this `` individual '', they simply no longer exist for this individual and cannot be due to the fact that she / individual / went through all possible / and impossible / options for her and confirmed her agreement with this / such / option of choice ...; it goes without saying that both `` extreme '' options / to be or not to be / exclusive: - being one ideal / to be /, the other - absolute / not to be / they both serve for the majority of people as the main / main / limits, and therefore, being present in each of the people, determine any and all of their choice, while remaining unattainable / ... infinitely attainable ... /; one of them / Being / is known for us (in one form or another and degree) as CHRIST, the other / n e be / - like the devil, satan, antichrist ...) ///. … He (any and all of people) is and he is not… He is not as a Man, but as a potency, a possibility of a Man; passes, accepting or denying not a Man as such, but his ability to Be a Man; not Being itself, but the possibility of Being. ///… to pass the Human. you need to be a Human; to go through Being, you need to have this Being ... ///. He who accepts the possibility of Being, acquires Being (passing it and confirming (or rejecting) his choice), and acquires not just Being, but Being a Man and a Human (although for a long time seeing this Being through the ‘glasses’ ’separation). The one who rejected the possibility (of Being) ‘obtains’ the absence of Being, which he knows as the disappearance of everything in him (for him, around him, him and with him ...) and him in everything ... He passes it, confirming or rejecting his choice. As we said, both of these options are extreme; it means that most of us make an ‘average’ ’choice: - something from‘ To be ’’, and something from ‘’ not to be ’’; having accomplished both themselves and the world, and in general, everything, everything has `` average '' ... So, any and every one of the people who are in this `` world '' is the `` opportunity '' of Man and sees and knows exactly this the possibility (or impossibility) of Being, of oneself - as a variant of this possibility (or impossibility) ... The very trinity of Soul, Mind and Flesh is visible (known) to them only through the prism of '' possibility '' ('' possibility '' provides for invariance ( multivariance) - perhaps this way and that ..., this way, and this way ... Moreover, choosing one of the options, you get (according to the law of separation) not a whole one, but a multitude of possibilities of a given whole); due to the individuality of choice / it is impossible, while you are not yet a Personality, to have and realize the entire completeness (One Wholeness) of the Whole World and Everything in the World / each of the people has only one of the options for the possibility of Being, which unfolds for him (dividing) into a certain set possible states (manifestations) of this variant ... Due to the lack of Unity, it is possible for us to see (know) only Flesh out of all the trinity of Soul, Mind and Flesh. By virtue of individuality (separateness, separation from each other) of each of us, it is possible for us to see not the entire ‘full’ ’Flesh of a Man, but only a certain‘ ’possibility’ ’Flesh, the limit of which is our‘ corporeality ’. Moreover, we see all the other `` possibilities '' of the Flesh only as a multitude of manifestations of our corporeality (our version of the `` possibility ''), of course without seeing and knowing neither the True Flesh of Man, let alone His Unity (in God and with God). We, being corporeal (limited by corporeality), cannot cancel it (corporeality) without going through it all and without making the final choice. ///… when we chose ‘’ corporeality ’’, we got ‘’ freedom ’’ to be like that; freedom, on the other hand, implies the absence of choice; the choice now we make within the ‘body’ ’and among the‘ bodily ’’… ///. So, for us corporeal, the trinity of Soul, Mind and Flesh is visible (and known) only within the framework (limits) of corporeality and '' through '' corporeality. Since corporeality 'provides' the absence of Unity, then both Soul and Mind are visible and known only as manifestations of the Flesh (its properties and qualities), while the Flesh itself is just a possibility of being of the Whole (one of the many options of many possibilities); moreover, this possibility is ‘’ an impossible possibility ’and is the possibility of self-consciousness of a person (any of people) only for the period of making a choice. At the end of this period (upon completion and final confirmation of his choice by a person), the choice of a person is verified by Truth (as by Measure); everything that was True in a person's choice becomes a perfect reality for him; everything absolute is absolute `` reality '', that is, the experience of perfect reality as its nonexistence ... Corporeality shows us the possibility of being of Everything (the vision of the Flesh through separateness and separate - from the Mind and Soul and in itself ...) as corporeal (material, material ) a world in which each of the people is a very small piece of matter, located among many other, larger or smaller `` pieces '' endowed with certain properties and qualities that look one way or another, located at certain places and distances from each other from a friend and consisting (or not!) in certain relationships between themselves ... This `` piece '' (person) has a concept about everything, which we call `` mind '' and feelings, thanks to which he somehow ( somewhere and once) he feels himself, and at the same time through feelings and somehow realizes ... All this corporeality teaches us both directly through feelings and through all kinds of `` teachers '' who clog our brains with all kinds of nonsense both in `` educational institutions '' and from screens TVs, and from the pages of the `` press '' (and `` they press '' well, just `` black ''!), via the Internet and simply through `` personal '' communication, where as `` teachers '' we act in including ourselves ... Maybe someone is satisfied with this "state of affairs"; we write for those who still want more ... LET'S SUMMARY ... The world is like this not because the Lord God created it that way; but such is because such a person sees him ... (Anthony the Great). Everything is not at all the same and not as you see; although what you see (and how) is your absolute reality ... Although your absolute reality is that you are a dirty and smelly piece of meat of one shape, size or weight, but in perfect reality you are completely different ... You are the Whole World, by the Measure (measure) of which you can choose either God or his absence. Now you see (know) a world in which there is no God; no, because you still did not let Him into yourself - both as a separate individual and as into everything, Everything, EVERYTHING ... ... '' the body '' '' consists '' of molecules, molecules '' are '' of atoms, atoms '' are '' of elementary particles ... and so on, etc.); moreover, you divide them into bad - good, good - evil, necessary - unnecessary; You ‘love’ something, you hate something, you desire something, but you are afraid and avoid something ... The anaRHist’s business is to learn to look at Everything Humanly - as the Whole and the One, having God and Man as the Measure of Everything. In you, as a Whole, all people, although you, as one of the people, see them outside of yourself and separate from yourself. You see all, without exception, people godless (you do not see God and Man in them, looking at Everything with godless, inhuman eyes ...), although you can idolize some of them, and consider some of them utter scoundrels and generally devilish offspring ... AnaRHist's business is to give all people (including yourself!) to God as the Measure of All; and to Man, as the Perfect Plenitude of All. You, as a Whole, have all the strength and all the might; no one and nothing can act apart from you and against your will. You know today Everything acting separately from you, in spite of you, not the way you wanted ...; even '' your '' body lives its own '' life '' and you have to '' coexist '' with it ... The business of the anarchist is to regain power over itself, passing '' oneself '' and '' one's own '' and taking this away ' `` myself '' and this is `` yours '' in the separate. You have the Whole - all dimensions and all limits are You and are Yours. Today you see and know them as what is not you and what is not yours; you have to overcome the lengths according to their limits. The lengths for you today are presented in three options- space, time and thoughts-feelings (images, thoughts, sensations, premonitions ...). Space you itself is an object, infinitely extended in itself, filled with many other objects, each of which in turn is spatial / has dimensions, (length, height, width) weight, volume ... / and itself `` consists '' of sets of sets; you, occupying one or another piece of space, are not space yourself, but are spatial - that is, determined spatially ... Time for you is an infinite extension, filled with events, people, objects ... (history), on which you occupy an infinitely small area, passing it, and not yourself ... Feelings and thoughts you seem to be `` yours '', but you are not subject to you, moreover, you are just their slave, slavishly and determined by them throughout their entire length ... You have the True - True knowledge. You have today - the lie of the absence of Truth, everything is perverted, distorted and defiled by the deception of inhumanity and godlessness ... Your today's mind is the absence of the Human Mind; your today's knowledge (even the most `` brilliant '') is the knowledge of godlessness and inhumanity, posing as an all-perfect knowledge of everything ... The anarchist's business is to go through all the `` wisdom '' '' ... of this century ... '' and become '' mad '' 'for the world, to find the TRUTH. AFTERWORD This book should not be read as a novel or as a scientific article; and in general it cannot be '' read ''. She is a mirror, and one must peer into it, finding, examining and studying oneself in it. You will have to peer as long as you want and allow yourself to recognize yourself and your ... End of the first book

The state can be defined as an organization that claims the supreme right to make decisions in a specific territory and to defend this monopoly by force. Etatists are people who either recognize this right for the state, or believe in the desirability of the state. Anarchy assumes the absence of the state; anarchists believe that states are undesirable and ethically unjustified. one

Misconceptions about anarchy

Anarchy is not chaos or barbarism: while anarchists are a very diverse group, and some of them probably support violent ways of solving problems, the vast majority of anarchists are convinced that anarchy promotes peace and cooperation, while statism does not. Most anarchists would agree that Hobbes was wrong in describing the natural state of society as "a war of all against all." 2 Why did these hypothetical "natural" people ignore the issue of security for so long that they ended up in a war of all against all? After all, probably at the dawn of time, people lived far enough from each other, and they had enough land so that they could not need such tough methods of maintaining security and resolving differences.

Hobbes's formula does not correspond well to a society in which there has never been a state, but it quite plausibly describes a society that survived the collapse of the early state along with the "services" that it previously monopolized. This misconception has been wandering from head to head since the time when Hobbes first popularized it: statists simply do not take it critically and ignore the anarchists' appeals to reason. 3 However, such a vacuum in the place of the former social structures could only arise due to the previous monopolization of courts and security services by the state: if these services were provided by several organizations that do not have a territorial monopoly, the collapse of one of them would not entail a lack of power or an outbreak of violence ... The remaining organizations would simply expand their sphere of influence, taking over the powers of the vanished one.

We are convinced that the natural state of society is terrible, but no one has the opportunity to check whether this is so by creating an independent country on their land. 4 This is very suspicious, because if anarchy were so bad, the state would be extremely interested in allowing people to experience its horrors in their own skin.

All the instructive examples like Somalia that supposedly demonstrate the horrors of anarchy can be easily explained as exacerbating the problems of statism: if the state's monopoly breaks down, the chaos that follows should not be seen as a consequence of freedom, because no one had the opportunity to create alternative institutions. At least as well, the problems can be interpreted as an inherent weakness of the monopoly itself. 5 It seems that the natural state of society argument is so tenacious because when people are afraid, they stop thinking. However, due to device features state, its collapse almost inevitably leads to chaos, does not mean that the problem is the absence of the state in itself.

Anarchist society should be thought of as a gradual society in which no people or organization can demand special rules for themselves. If we imagine the formation of society as a gradual build-up of its structures, the problem is solved, because at no stage does a power vacuum arise. Once two people begin to live so close that it forces them to somehow formalize the relationship, they can do it without becoming a master and servant and without making an everlasting covenant. As society grows informal structures may become more formal, but even then there is no reason for a violent territorial monopoly to emerge.

State injustice

It is impossible to reasonably justify the existence of the state. All attempts to do so include references to violence, special demands, or the manipulation of historical facts. These are the main mistakes of statists.

It is argued that the early states were established by the gods, and the king's privilege was to perform the rituals necessary to pacify them. 6 Medieval kings justified their superiority by sacred right received from God, and descent from the aristocrats of ancient Rome. The same absurd arguments are made to justify the existence of modern states. For example, we are told about a "social contract" that is based on "tacit consent" and applies to everyone who only happened to be born in a certain area, although in fact no one signed it. This imaginary contract was drawn up in a supposed "natural" society that also never existed. 7 Even if the gods are not mentioned in this story, in fact, it is no less mythological than Athena, which expresses devotion to Zeus.

Hardly anyone believes that there was once a natural society in which a social contract was drawn up, but the main lie of this myth is how it presents people's consent to the establishment of the state. This is not at all the agreement that we usually mean when we say this word. Social contract theory portrays the alternatives to statism as so unattractive that no one in their right mind would like them, and then proclaims that it is for this very reason that people agree to the rule of the state. Under consent it means something like passive submission. Following a similar logic, one can speak of consent to rape if the victim did not show active resistance for fear of the worst consequences. This reaction is learned helplessness. Even if it could be argued that all alternatives to statism are worse, this has nothing to do with people's consent to the state.

“You can always leave,” sooner or later the statists declare in a dispute. Well, first of all, it is not always true, moreover, this argument also brings us back to the problem of founding the state. If the state cannot substantiate its rights to power, then it is it that is abusing my trust and must “leave”. Declaring the possibility of avoiding state oppression is like telling a person whose house was occupied by soldiers as if it was done with his consent, because he can move to another house (which, as you might guess, is already occupied by another group of soldiers). The social contract myth simply masks the problem.

The lie that people agree to the state is associated with the lie that the state expresses the will of the people. All modern states claim this. If the state is headed by a dictator, he expresses the will of the people. If a state has a functioning electoral system, it is assumed that expression of will is carried out through a set of procedural rules. However, one entity can represent the interests of another only to the extent that their benefits are interrelated. Organization can not express the will of the people from whom it unilaterally receives funding in the form of taxes. The government would definitely suffer damage if all taxpayers died or became so poor that they could not support it. Thus, it can be argued that the government represents the interests of the people only to the extent that it is unable to completely rob them. of all.

What can be said about special requirements (special pleading) ? They talk about special requirements when two entities are empirically indistinguishable, but one of them, under one pretext or another, requires a special attitude - for example, if in some situations people are instructed to trust the authorities at their word, and in others to rely on evidence. Juggling special requirements is one of the statist's favorite games because they judge rights and actions by their names, even if there is no empirical difference between them.

Residents of such states are taught from an early age not to dispute the nature of the regime under which they were born, be it a dictatorship or a democracy, and to condemn those who unsuccessfully rebelled against it. However, it is not difficult to imagine alternative versions of history in which one of the unsuccessful uprisings ended in success or one of the successful ones failed. We have to admit that in this case other actions, if not diametrically opposite, would be considered heroic and treacherous. For example, if the American Revolution failed, the Continental Congress participants would today be considered dimwitted conspirators. If the confederation could defend itself, we would celebrate Jefferson Davis and Robert Lee as heroes, and Abraham Lincoln would be denounced as a tyrant.

The only one Objective assessment attempts to create states is their success. This criterion is applicable only retrospectively, so that from the point of view of real participants in the story, it is completely relative. All other excuses for a particular state situational and are initially tailored to the desired conclusions.

Even if abstract arguments in favor of a social contract could justify legislative, judicial and police monopoly, it does not follow that any modern state is legitimate. It is far from the fact that one nation and one people need a single ruling organization. It is quite possible to imagine a nation with two democratic governments, each of which collects the votes of the entire population, simultaneously holds elections, independently adopts laws and considers itself genuine... According to the standard theory of the state, this problem can be solved only through war, but then the winner would receive legitimacy. a posteriori... You might as well argue that the Boy Scout of America or Berkshire Hathaway should be the monopoly, and that the current governing organization is impostors. The fact that modern governments are most consistent with the idea of ​​the state does not in any way justify their existence ethically... This is similar to how adherents of different religions use abstract arguments to try to prove the existence of God, and then claim that only their own religion is correct.

The emergence of security and judicial decision-making organizations is not enough to be justified as a response to a corresponding need - it must also be shown that they arose and developed according to the same rules as all human organizations. Society cannot rely on rules that only apply retrospectively but this is what all statist concepts demand. The act of creating a state is empirically indistinguishable from the process of organizing a mafia group. If the attempt succeeds, it will be hailed as a great revolution, but if it fails, it will be branded as a rebellion, terrorist act, or conspiracy.

Imagine that the mafia has taken over the area with a network of racketeers. The mafia has a direct stake in protecting "charges" from other criminals, because it does not need competition. It needs successful companies on its territory in order to have someone to receive money from. Thus, most likely, the mafia will provide the population with some kind of security services. For people living in mafia-controlled territory, it would be rational to say that the current situation is preferable to the uncertainty that may follow changes, but this does not mean that they are not oppressed. Suppose now that the mafia is electing the next leader. Of course, none of the candidates will say that they plan to end racketeering or disband the group. It would be rational for people to vote for the candidate who seems the least tough, but that still would not justify the existence of a mafia organization; it would only allow people to slightly improve their situation by taking advantage of the minimal freedom of choice given to them.

Suppose now that the mafia began to spend part of the income from the racketeering on charity: building schools, shelters for the homeless, etc. After that, getting rid of the mafia would cause quite serious inconvenience for a while. Even if people recognize this trick, it will be difficult for them not to be led by the mafia. Indeed, if they are already built into the system, why not try to get the most out of it?

How is this situation different from a modern democratic state? Only in words: just change mafia on the state, ringleader on the the president, but racket- on the taxes, and everything will fall into place. The systematic use of special terminology is the very special requirements... All the measures taken by this hypothetical mafia group can be explained by its desire to gain a foothold in society, so why should we consider democracy and social programs to be beneficial and beneficial? Just because the state is behind them? These are special requirements and nothing more.

With private organizations like businesses, clubs or communes, this problem does not arise. Each of these organizations acts by its own rules, because each of its members makes a conscious decision to follow these rules for their own benefit. If the rules become disadvantageous to the members of the organization, they can refuse to participate in its work, and the organization will be reduced, and at the limit will be disbanded.

The only honest solution to the problem of special requirements is to recognize the fact that modern states won, and alternatives to them lost... In other words, "the winner is always right." A government organization is different from others in that it has power over them and that it has successfully defeated its competitors. However, the formula "power is right" is considered too unsightly and immoral, so statists use intellectual tricks to hide the fact that this is the very essence of their theory.

All modern states exist because a small group declared a new order for those times into law and used the existing power structures to impose this order on others. Even if many voted for this order, they themselves elections were imposed on them. It is inconceivable that anyone willingly wanted to submit to an outside order forever. And what about the people who didn't vote? Why on earth are they forced to submit to a long-standing decision to which they have nothing to do?

Why is it necessary to deal with this long-standing crime? Because if it is true that the state has no justification and is based on the criminal actions of an old group of robbers, then this crime continues. If the state does not have the right to own territory, every action it takes is an invasion of our lives. Tax and regulation are extortion. Deprivation of liberty and imprisonment are slavery. War is overkill.

In response to our natural aversion to violence and our intuitive understanding that it is harmful to society, statists appeal to guilt and fear. Without bothering with proof, they insist that we must fear all alternatives to statism because they are cruel and violent. Following some kind of perverted logic, we are convinced of the inevitability of this violence by the fact that people are supposedly evil by nature. They say that violence from the state is forced, because people need charismatic overlords to keep them in check. They say that the state is the payment for original sin. All this is nonsense, because the state is ruled by people, not angels, and the roots of the evil that is found in a person should be sought in the state itself and its attitude towards its subjects.

Turning to the discourse of violence, the state declares that its power is inevitable, that even if it did not exist, some other gang would rule instead of it. That with the same success we can leave everything "as it is". As already mentioned, submission to the oppressor is rational if a person is afraid of something more than the established order, but it is irrational to say that the oppressor is just and agree with his authority. Instead, we must honestly admit that the state is cruel, unjust and, despite all the handouts and privileges, is the enemy and invader.

It is impossible to defend the state without committing one of the three main mistakes of statists. Violence and threats of violence are the historical reasons why some states exist and others have disappeared. If someone is unwilling to justify violence generally, he should at least give empirical historical actions to create states that could be made a universal example for all mankind. However, there are no such examples. There is no empirical difference between a successful state founder, a rebel traitor, and a mafia boss. If you do not try to justify the existence of some states arbitrarily, it remains only to distort history.

Voluntary Society

I want to discuss another statist argument. Any claim that statism has no realistic alternative is due to a lack of imagination. It is impossible to imagine every alternative model of justice and crime prevention, but to argue that there are no other models is dogma, not a reasonable argument.

Evidence of the insincerity of statism is the fact that no theory of the state even includes the possibility of individual separatism. If statism is so important, why not test anarchy under controlled conditions? Surely there must be someone who can convince everyone that he will not become a serial killer if the threat of police violence does not hang over him, and who is ready to give up taxes and public services in order to test the theory of the necessity of the state. The fact that no one has ever allowed this confirms that the state cannot allow the testing of its dogmas.

I am not claiming to know exactly how to organize the delivery of the services that the government currently provides, but some very compelling business models already exist. 8 The bottom line is that the institutions that curb crime rampant may not be monopolists. In fact, they should not to be monopolists, because otherwise nothing will restrain the monopolists themselves. If, instead of hierarchy, society is organized like a network, everyone will have some power over the others from time to time.

Anarchism is the rejection of a certain idea, which does not imply the imposition of any kind of worldview or ideology. Anarchy is open enough to experiment with many different images life, while statism necessarily entails forcing certain groups to comply with certain rules. There are anarchists who like workers' cooperatives and anarchists who rely on individual initiative. There are religious anarchists and anarchists who do not believe in God. There are hippie anarchists and yuppie anarchists.

Unfortunately, the reality of power is more convincing to most people than the logical inferences from ethical arguments. People become anarchists because they trust the abstract idea of ​​justice more than the performances of those who claim to implement it, and their own skills of independent thinking about justice more than the ideology imposed by the authorities. They become anarchists when they realize that all the actions and even the very existence of the state are based on logical errors and fraud. To become an anarchist, it is enough to reject lies, delusion and violence as legal excuses for the status quo. Anarchism is not extremism, it is simply correct attitude to reality.

Daniel Krawisz

Many people commenting on the riot situation use the term "anarchy". We have also repeatedly heard the slogan “anarchy is the mother of order”. What events, in fact, truly characterizes this term and what is anarchy?

Anarchy is customary to mean a situation in human society, when state power is completely absent. This is confirmed by the translation of the word from Greek"Anarchy is anarchy." Historical examples of such societies include primitive existence and pirate communities.


The corresponding political ideology, anarchism, also developed from this term. This philosophy is based on freedom and is designed to eliminate all types of exploitation and coercion of one person by another, that is what anarchism is. The ideal of an anarchic society or state is the elimination of all forms of power. Building relationships based on mutual assistance, mutual benefit, brotherhood and self-interest.

In anarchism, there are many internal currents associated with different views on the forms of property, the racial-national question, commodity-economic relations. But, despite this, the following basic principles of anarchism are distinguished:

  • The absence of any form of power implies the impossibility of totalitarianism, uniformity, standardization in society.
  • The absence of coercion of one person to another is the impossibility of using the labor and abilities of a person against his will.
  • The principle of bottom-up initiative implies building the structure of society from the bottom up, when freely united groups can influence the solution of social issues and, at the same time, their personal ones.
  • Mutual assistance is actually the cooperation of a group of people united by a common goal and aimed at the same result
  • Diversity is the creation of a full life for every person, this principle contributes to the development of a situation with a lack of control over the individual.
  • Equality is equal access to all the benefits that society has, from material to humanitarian.
  • Brotherhood - characterizes all people as equal. In this case, the requests of some cannot be more valuable and significant than the requests of others.

Observing all these principles and combining them into ideology explains what anarchism is.

The ideology of anarchism by the time of its origin dates back to 300 BC. and originated in ancient Greek and ancient Chinese cultures. Given its historical roots, in the modern world, the Greek anarchist organizations are considered the strongest.

In modern society, not everyone knows what anarchy is and how to distinguish it from other directions. For most of us, this trend seems to be a form of protest, rebellion and permissiveness. However, in reality it has a broader meaning and often carries spiritual ideas.

Anarchy - what is it?

Not many of us know exactly what anarchy means. It is understood as the idea of ​​the absence of any power both over society and over a single one. It is not an ideology, but a philosophy and even a worldview. Such a concept is often called complete chaos, disorder and chaos. The adherents of the flow talk about him as about political system, in which everyone cooperates on an equal footing. They are sure that without power the state has the right to exist, they assure that there are many advantages in such a life.

Anarchy symbol

This trend has several symbols:

However, the most popular is the anarchy icon in the form of an A in a circle. In the initial version, the letter was inscribed in a circle, but after a while this symbol slightly changed its appearance... In the modern version, the letter goes beyond the circle. To which of the currents the anarchist would not belong, he knows the interpretation of this sign. Here A represents anarchy and O represents order.

Philosophy of anarchy

In the modern world, this term is commonly understood as a state of chaos and disorder in society. However, supporters of the form of government known throughout the world argue that this does not correspond to reality, since the word itself, translated from the Greek language, means absence and anarchy, but in no way opposition or opposition.

They were interested in her as a way of thinking in ancient Greek and ancient Chinese philosophical teachings, in Christianity and in some medieval sects. The alienating role of the state was criticized by Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Antiphon, Aristin and Zeno. The French politician Pierre-Joseph Proudhon understood this term as a measure of freedom, which recognizes exclusively the rule of law. He owns the self-explanatory statement anarchy is the mother of order.

Anarchy - signs

Determining this direction is not so difficult. Modern anarchy has the following characteristics:

  1. There is no power over human consciousness. This form of slavery is considered the most insidious.
  2. There is no power in the state.
  3. Society has no power over the individual.
  4. There is no power of a person over a person, which can be exercised with the help of coercion.

Types of anarchy

Anarchy in society has certain types:

  1. Anarcho-individualism- preaches the right of every person to dispose of themselves, which every person has from birth and does not depend on gender and social characteristics. The founder of this trend is the nihilist Max Stirner.
  2. Christian (Orthodox) anarchy- develops the philosophical ideas inherent in the teachings of Jesus Christ about the need to strive for the spiritual and social liberation of a person from any relationship based on violence and oppression.
  3. Anarcho-communism- preaches the establishment of such an order, which will be based on mutual assistance and solidarity of all people. Among the ideas of this direction are freedom, decentralization, equality and mutual assistance.

Anarchy - pros and cons

If we talk about this trend, one should not argue that it unambiguously bears negative or exclusively benefit for society. There are pluses to anarchy as well as minuses to anarchy. The desire to remain free and develop harmoniously as a person, to be an individual and not to experience oppression from the outside, is what every supporter of this trend wants. However, the danger of the direction can be called the fact that by such actions people are able to destroy the elements of the system, personal attitudes, principles, norms of behavior, religion and culture.

The difference between anarchy and anarchism

The question of what anarchy is and what are the differences between anarchy and anarchism often becomes relevant. The latter is a set of general principles and fundamental concepts that presuppose the elimination of political, economic, moral and spiritual power from public life. Under the concept of anarchy of power, it is customary to understand the idea of ​​the absence of power over society and the individual. Translated from Greek, this term means without power, domination and violence over society.

Consequences of anarchy

You can often hear that anarchy is a form of government. This is a political system where there is no government and everyone can do as they see fit. This type of relationship is observed even in the Garden of Eden. After the fall of man, the desire to belong was replaced by the desire to have, to possess, and selfless intentions to selfishness. Since that time, God has established a hierarchy of the husband's authority over his wife. This was the first form of human rule. Later, mankind learned what anarchy meant, living in the period of the Ikhrailev judges.

ANARCHY (Greek anarchia - anarchy) is a concept by which the state of society is designated, achievable as a result of the abolition of state power. Anarchism is a socio-political doctrine that aims to free the individual from the pressure of any authority and any form of economic, political and spiritual power. The striving for A. as a way of thinking is found among the Cynics and in early Christianity, as well as in the chiliastic sects of the Middle Ages. The integral theory of A. and anarchism arose in the works of the English writer W. Godwin, who formulated the concept of a "society without a state" in his book A Study of Political Justice (1793). The German thinker M. Stirner (essay "The One and His Property", 1845) defended an individualistic version of economic anarchism, reducing the social organization of society to a "union of egoists", the purpose of which would be the exchange of goods between independent producers on the basis of mutual respect for the "uniqueness" of each individual ... French philosopher P. J. Proudhon, seeking to theoretically substantiate the anarchist movement ("What is property?", 1840), put forward the thesis "Property is theft." Proceeding from the fact that the source of injustice in society is "unequal exchange" ("The System of Economic Contradictions, or the Philosophy of Poverty", 1846), Proudhon saw the necessary organization (without revolutionary violence) of a moneyless, equivalent exchange of products of labor (goods) between all members of society (at the same time by autonomous private producers) while financing their activities with the help of a "people's" (and not a state) bank at a minimum loan interest. This would ensure, according to Proudhon, the achievement of real independence of the individual from the state and the gradual withering away of the latter. Bakunin's "collectivist" anarchism (Statehood and Anarchy, 1873) postulated the idea that any state is an instrument for oppressing the masses and must be destroyed in a revolutionary way. Bakunin's social ideal was reduced to the arrangement of society as a "free federation" of peasant and workers' associations, collectively owning land and tools. Production and distribution, according to Bakunin, had to be collective in the context of taking into account the individual labor contribution of each person. In the communist version of anarchism, the Russian prince P.A. Kropotkin (" Modern science and anarchy ", 1920), based on the hypothetical" biosociological law of mutual assistance "formulated by him (" Mutual assistance as a factor of evolution ", 1907), assumed a transition to a federation of free communes with the preliminary destruction of the factors of separation of people: the state and the institution of private property. The most recent outbursts of anarchist aspirations can be attributed to some varieties of the "new left" movement in the West.