Lee helps trouble when gouging. Power treatment with blades with urinary acid

Blemarin is a drug used with both for the purpose of prevention and as treatment. This combined drug relating to so-called citrate mixtures includes sodium citrate, potassium bicarbonate and citric acid.

Selected concentrations of these substances, each of which is also sold separately, contribute to the dissolution of stones with a minimum side Effects. Refers to pharmacological group Combined tools that prevent the formation and contributing to the dissolution of the concrections. Begleman is not an antibiotic, released without a recipe - there are many reviews on the Internet about this preparation.

pH urine with urolithiasis and bribar

The effect of flipper is based on the effect on the acid-alkaline balance of urine and the capabilities of self-control, so the attached materials are not inferior in importance to the pills themselves.

The pH level may indicate: an acidic medium (below 5.5), neutral medium (5-7), an alkaline medium (above 7). Depending on the medium, those or other stones are formed, and vice versa - depending on the change of the medium, the stones are dissolved.

Blemarine includes substances that change pH to the side of the oxide with respect to the current acid state, which leads to the dissolution of the stones formed in the acidic medium.

Who is the drug show?

Blemarmen is shown for use in the following states:

It should be borne in mind that the briemaker helps only with urencular and is not prescribed at.

Medicines of this type are considered the safest.

Consider lower how specialists and patients speak about the medicine.

Opinion on the use of medicinal tools of doctors and patients

In various forums, you can read the points of view of specialists and the reviews of patients who took Blemarn:

The doctor, to whom I went, for a long time and stubbornly discharged, but helped not especially. He came across Bleple and bought himself. Of the minuses - expensive, but they turn into advantages, because the price includes to determine urine acidity. According to analyzes on before and after the reception, there was a change almost to normal (it was 100 units above the upper limit of the norm).


The instruction says that it helps not from all types of stones - I did not know my type, but the doctor prescribed and for a month the stone decreased and came out. Of the minuses - it is necessary to monitor the acidity of urine when taking a blear and, in my opinion, for the acidity of the oral cavity. I found the output - drink through the tube from juice.


The price is high, but the packaging is a big and many additions - comfortable tubes, a calendar diary, indicators. I like such things, treatment comes out interesting and adhere to the recommendations easily when you can conduct self-examination and see the result. Therefore, the price is justified (I found the cheapest option - just more expensive than thousands), despite the simple composition. Simple but efficient! After a monthly reception was diagnosed: everything that was more than 3 mm was not found.


I have trouble dissolved urate stones, was appointed by a doctor. The pains were when leaving - but I think there would be much more when the stones would go out as were. I cut it with the courses prophylactically, since the body is inclined to the formation of stones on constant.


Did not help from stone. But more than a thousand rubles paid for problems with the stomach. The composition is strange, there is almost nothing but acid - for what kind of money?


Too sophisticated scheme, you need to keep a diary, I even have a minimal dose (less than 1/4 tablets) acidity went up increased. Strips must be cut into four parts, otherwise they are not enough. And with a stone did not help in the end.


My story with Blemarn continued the whole youth, the stone became more, then less, reached the age of one and a half centimeters, but did not dissolve. For about 10 years he has taken courses for half a year, the stone is oxalate. Too expensive for useless medication.


Begleman saw, and from urates he helped. But apparently because it did not particularly follow the pH, some others were formed, where more. As far as I understood, you need to be very strictly followed by these borders that are specified. Because with a decrease, the medium is obtained in which the stones of the same type are formed, but also when the environment is also exceeded, only the other type. If it is impossible to follow the indicators, it is worth we to weigh, drink it at all or not to drink.


How to take the drug: Instructions for use

A diary calendar is attached to the medicine and indicator paper. Depending on the acidity indicators, the patient itself regulates the amount of the received medication.

The use of the means is maintaining within 6.6-6.8 pH. If it is possible to hold these boundaries, then the selected dosage reaches the maximum effect. If the indicators are higher, you should reduce the dose.

Measurement is performed before the next drug intake, the color of the indicator is compared with the scale for 2 minutes.

Usually, the average dose of drug intake is a dose of 3 tablets per day (it can reach 6).

Blemarmen is produced in the only dosage and shape: "effervested" capsules, which should be dissolved in liquid before use, including in fruit juices, tea, mineral water (alkaline). The medicine should be used after meals.

Reviews of Blemarin it is recommended to use a tube to avoid pH change in the oral cavity. In addition, the course of treatment is advised, if necessary, cut strips, otherwise their quantity may not be enough for the entire reception course.

Children's age up to 12 years is a contraindication for taking the drug due to a small number of clinical studies on the effect on the body and possible side effects at this age. Begleman can potentially be appointed by a doctor if a child has a urolithiasis if the appropriate medical monitoring of the child's health is carried out.

Special instructions: diet and drink mode

When taking a flipper, it is necessary to observe a diet with a reduced content of protein products (refusal of meat, fish), as well as drinking mode with a large amount of liquid (due to the output of stones).

The tablet can be dissolved in mineral water, and, according to reviews, it allows you to avoid pain in the stomach. However, it should be borne in mind that not any mineral water has the desired composition.

When taking a flipper, you can use alkaline water:

It is impossible to use mineral water that reduces pH urine:

  • Naphtua;
  • Narzan Dolomit;
  • Arzni.

What is important to remember before taking medication: contraindications and side effects

Begleman on statistics rarely gives side effects by virtue of the simplicity of the composition and possibility of a constant self-control of the drug.

The main side effects that may occur when taking the drug:

It should be borne in mind that adhere to pH control, using the attached indicator paper, is strictly necessary. Failure to comply with the rules of self-control will lead to the ineffectiveness of the drug or the formation of stones in the event that the acid-alkaline medium of urine will be as a result of the reception to emerge for the recommended borders in both one and the other way.

Contraindications to the use of the drug are:

  • metabolic alkalosis;
  • renal failure in the acute stage;
  • heart failure;
  • established infection with microorganisms splitting urea;
  • pH urine above 7;
  • strict abolving diet with severe arterial hypertension.

During the preparation of the drug, it should be borne in mind that it consists of significant doses of sodium and potassium. In this regard, when admission, it is recommended to comply with a diet controlling the receipt of these substances (including salts) from other sources, and not vitamin complexes With these minerals.

Approximate price in rubles

Prices for Blemarmen in pharmacies vary from 1150 to 1300 rubles for 80 tablets (the only form of release).

Gout - a disease associated with a metabolic disorder leading to an increase in the content of uric acid in the blood, deposition of uric acid crystals in tissues and developing in connection with this inflammation in the joints and other organs and tissues.

Uric acid - Product of protein metabolism in the human body. Normally, it is excreted by the kidneys, in a small number of intestinal. The reasons for increasing uric acid in the blood can be both excessive products in the liver and insufficient elimination. A number of people with an elevated content of uric acid begin to form its crystals, which are deposited in the tissues, leading to the development of inflammation. Most often, the crystals are deposited in the body of the joints, as well as in the kidneys, heart, stomach, intestines, and even in the chambers of the eye.

Gout - This is primarily a disease of young men (40-50 years old). After 50-60 years, the level of uric acid and the frequency of gout occurs in women. Approximately 20% suffering from gout, the disease is family character. The development of the gout contributes to the violation of the diet: the predominance of food products rich in purines, mainly meat, alcohol use, especially beer, receiving for a long time of a number of drugs: salicylates, thiazid row diuretics, vitamin B12, riboxin, abuse of laxative, operations, injuries. The main clinical manifestation of the gout is an acute attack of arthritis. The frequency and duration of gouty attacks, especially in the absence of adequate treatment, gradually increase. Long before the lesions of the joints may occur with gubric nephropathy. The reason for the development of kidney stones when goug is elevated level Uric acid and sour medium in the urine, increased removal of uric acid. The violation of the kidney function is most often the cause of the death of patients with gout.

Main approaches to the treatment of gout.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory preparations (NSAIDs) are used to relieve gouty arthritis attacks. The preparations of the first line of therapy of acute attacks of gout belongs to colchicine (Kolkhikum) - Extract of the Lugovy Saffron Bulb. In contraindications to the use of NSAIDs and Kolkhikum, glucocortyroids are used. To correct the concentration of uric acid in the blood, allopurinol is widely used.

With the inclination of patients with gout to stone and the formation of uranium nephropathy, the sluggish chronic inflammation often develops, which leads to a decrease in the excretory function of the kidneys, the renal function contributes to the decline of the renal function and the reception of patients with NSAIDs and analgesics to relieve acute attacks of arthritis. In this regard, when prescribing patients with gout of adequate certified therapy, it is necessary to take into account the availability high risk Damage to the kidneys and use drugs in combination therapy, contributing to the prevention of the formation of uricular and mixed stones or dissolving them.

Application in patients with gas mixtures (preparation) contributing to urine latch and resorbing stones is important, especially, according to the staff of the RMNA Rumatology Research Institute (Barskova V.G., Eliseev M.S.), at the beginning of treatment with Allopurinol. It is important to note that the results of the study in 30 patients with the nephrolithiasis conducted in the State Rumatology Institute of Rumatology, showed that it favorably influenced in addition to regulating the pH of urine and on the metabolism of uric acid, leading to an increase in the excretion of uric acid by the kidneys, and to a decrease in uric acid in blood. A distinctive feature is the optimal ratio of citric acid and its salts and low sodium content, due to which, with a minimum effect on the acid-alkaline equilibrium, a high rate of dissolution of the urencular stones is achieved.

Investigation of the use of the drug Blematin in the treatment of patients with gout

Objectives and research methods

The purpose of the study was to study the impact of a short course of use of a buffer citrate mixture on the metabolism of the uric acid in patients with gas with nephrolithiasis.

An open study included 30 patients with gout, of which 26 men and 4 women surveyed at the Rheuman Rheumatology Institute. The age of patients was from 25 to 77 years. In 24 patients, a chronic course of arthritis was noted, in the rest - a recurrent course, the intergreacy period of the disease. 24 patients had subcutaneous tufasi. The obligatory criterion of inclusion in the study was the presence of congregations in the kidneys according to the results of the ultrasound.

Treatment held before the study began was unchanged for at least 2 months. The dose of allopurinol, hypotensive and sugar drugs has not changed during the entire study. Of the 24 patients with the chronic flow of arthritis 8 constantly accepted NSAIDs in medium therapeutic doses. From patients who constantly accepted allopurinol, the NSAIDs passed 5.

Inspection, laboratory studies were performed before and after 1 month after the reception, the original tablets per day at a day during meals were initially appointed at a dose. In the future, the dose of the drug could be changed both towards the increase and in the direction of the decrease, depending on the acidity of urine, which was maintained within the pH of 6.2 - 6.8. The dose of the drug patients were changed independently depending on the indicators of the urine pH according to the data of the indicator strips. Laboratory studies included the determination of the level of uric acid in the blood and urine. The indicators of the renal function and the liver function were also determined, kidney ultrasound was carried out to all patients.

Research results.

All 30 patients were examined after 1 month of treatment. 24 patients indicated good, 5 - on excellent and 1 - on satisfactory portability, which did not depend on the concomitant reception of allopurinol and the NSAID. Side effects that caused the cancellation of the drug was not recorded. In 1 patient, in the first few days of treatment, nausea was noted and heartburn, which disappeared after a dose of the drug. During the study, the exacerbation of gout arthritis was observed in 1 patient with the chronic flow of gout in the second week of reception, and therefore he was temporarily changed by the dose of NSAIDs.

After completion of the course of therapy, a decrease in the average serum level of uric acid is recorded by 8%. The level of daily excretion (derivation) of uric acid, on the contrary, increased from 436.8 to 564.5 mg / day. On average, an increase in urinary acid excretion was 20%. In the group of patients receiving monotherapy of the Blemarin, the daily excretion of uric acid increased significantly more than - From 201.6 to 705.6 mg / day. The average value of the excretion of uric acid during monotherapy increased by 66%. In patients who took allopurinol, the appointment did not lead to a significant change in the indicators of the excretion of uric acid. The greatest increase in the excretion of uric acid after therapy was observed at its initially low values. The average value of the urinary acid excretion in such patients increased by more than 1.9 times.

In addition, a direct correlation dependence was revealed between a decrease in the serum level of uric acid and an increase in its daily excretion with urine.

The essential dynamics of the functions of the liver and the excretory function of the kidneys, electrolyte exchange before and after the course of therapy is not received.

Conclusions based on the results of the study.

The selection of optimal therapy in patients with gout is not a simple task. A frequent combination of gout with other exchange disorders involves, in addition to the necessary majority of patients with housing and anti-inflammatory therapy, the reception of hypotensive, sugar-surgery, hypolypidemic and many other drugs. Often the number of patients taken by the vital drugs are so great that the testimony for the appointment of any new medicine should be strictly reasonable. However, some principles of drug treatment of patients with gout and nephrolithiasis should be considered unshakable. These include the correction of the main laboratory indicators reflecting the severity of the flow of gout: the serum level of uric acid and the level of urikosuria. Conservative treatment of urate nephrolithiasis is awarded to achieve the norms of these indicators. Recall that over the past centuries, the most important component of complex therapy for gout and the ICD, there was sanatorium-resort treatment using mineral sources (the beneficial effect of mineral waters on the pH of the urine and its electrolyte composition). However, it is necessary to treat with caution to the purpose of mineral waters: and applied only after the movement of the stones at a satisfactory function of the kidneys, they significantly increase the diuresis, which is not permissible in all patients, can change the essential state. Unfortunately, it cannot serve as an alternative to conservative and surgical treatment of the ICD, since 60-70% of patients after removing stones they are formed again.

In the last 30 - 40 years, highly efficient and safe citrate mixtures began to be used for the prevention and treatment of ICD and the preparation for lithotripsy. In a number of studies, it is shown that under the influence of citrate mixtures there is a gradual dose-dependent dissolution of most salts, primarily the most common - urates and oxalates.

Maintaining the optimal acidity of urine in patients with gout may be of fundamental importance not only to reduce the risk of urolithiasis and dissolving the existing concrections. It is known that the hypoxskrement of uric acid is the most frequent cause The development of gout and hyperuricemia (GU). It is shown that a significant increase in the acidity of urine with sour to alkaline, including the use of citrates, along with an increase in the solubility of uric acid leads to a multiple increase in its excretion. The data obtained in the study are extremely important in this regard, indicating an increase in urinary acid excretion, simultaneously with a decrease in urcamia after a short course of therapy. This suggests that the reduction in the severity of the GU may be a consequence of the normalization of the removal of urinary acid from the body precisely as a result of the drug intake. And at the same time, in the case of initially normal values \u200b\u200bof the excretion of uric acid, this level remained unchanged.

An important study of the study is connected with the absence of side effects when receiving side effects, negative influence The indicators of the function of the liver, kidney, serum levels of electrolytes.

So, as a result of the study, the following conclusions were made:

  1. The use of nephrolithiasis in patients with nephrolithiasis improves the metabolism of uric acid due to a significant increase in the removal of uric acid. The normal level of urinary acid excretion is not significantly changed.
  2. Increasing the excretion of uric acid at the reception helps to reduce urrising by an average of 8%, back correlated with the serum level of uric acid.
  3. It is characterized by high security, when it does not have a deterioration in the indicators of the function of the liver, kidney and electrolyte metabolism.
  4. The presence of nephrolithiasis in patients should be considered as an indication for the appointment of the drug

Gout - a disease that is characterized by excessive accumulation of uric acid salts in the body. There are many ways to treat this pathology. Comprehensive therapy includes many types of impact. The main of such types of gout treatment is the use of drugic acids derived by urinary acid. Consider the most common and effective meansused for this purpose.

Types of medicines for removal of uric acid salts

In order to reduce the indicators of this acid in the body, such groups of drugs are used:

  1. Occodpressive means. They contribute to a decrease in the amount of this component in the body by removing ultrasters from the articular tissues.
  2. Uricauric means. They are aimed at reducing the reverse absorption of urates in the kidney channels.
  3. Mixed action preparations. Their action is to reduce the separation of acid with a more active excavation from the body along with the urine.

Thanks to these drugs, the salts are more actively derived from the joints, thereby help to facilitate the patient's condition for gout.

Important to remember! Power treatment with drugs with acid should be prescribed only attending physician!

Review of uricodipressive drugs

Data medications Appointed in such cases:

  • gout with the formation of tofuses;
  • defeat joints accompanied by diseases blood system;
  • kidney disease associated with high separation of uric acid salts;
  • the presence of stones B. bladder bubble.

Consider in more detail the most common drugs of the urropodpressive group.

This medicinal product is produced in the form of tablets. It helps to reduce the concentration of salts, thereby reduces their level in the body. Allopurinol should be taken 3-4 times a day immediately after eating. Duration Treatment and the number of tablets is determined by the severity of the disease. The drug is contraindicated in such situations:

  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • severe form of diseases associated with impaired endocrine system;
  • disruption of the kidneys.

Allopurinol has a beneficial effect on the synthesis of uric acid.


This drug is intended for long-term use. According to the results of the tests, it can be noted a decrease in the amount of uric acid after 2-3 months. Recycling of the FEBSOSTATA occurs through the liver, due to which the burden load is significantly reduced. Therefore, it can be used in the treatment of facial gage with renal failure. The only drawback of the medicine is its high cost.

Ortic acid

This drug is produced in the form of granules or tablets. Take an orotted acid required no more than 20 days, after which the break should be taken. Enhances the removal of uric acid. But, compared with counterparts, orothic acid is less potent drug. Therefore, used by early stages The development of gout.


This is a drug that is based on beef liver. Available in the form of a solution for injections. It is less active if compared it with analogs, but practically does not have side effects. Enter solution is required intramuscularly 3 times a week.

Review of uricosuric drugs

Remove the level of salts at gout help, urikozuric means are helpful. Consider the best effective drugs of this group.


This agent is directed to the suction by the kidney by the kidney of acid crystals, followed by its removal from the body. Despite its high efficiency, the probeboxid has one significant disadvantage: it only removes the crystals of salts, but does not suppress their blood cluster. Therefore, for the treatment of gout during the period of exacerbation, this drug is not suitable.


This drug should be taken after eating food. It contributes to the active removal of salts during gouty arthritis. The disadvantage of sulfinpyrazone is a significant number of contraindications. The medicine should not be taken in such cases:

  • ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
  • severe diseases of the kidneys;
  • violation of the functioning of the liver.

The use of sulfinpyrazone is negatively reflected in the state of the patient from the gastrointestinal tract.


This medication is actively used during the exacerbation of the gout. Since it slightly removes the acid from the articular tissues. The drug negatively reflects on the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidney. Therefore, it is recommended to apply it only during periods of exacerbation.

This drug includes only natural components. Its action is directed to blocking urinary acid crystals from sedimentation in the articular tissues. Colchicine is used only during periods of gout exacerbations, because in steel times a large number of side effects can cause.

Mixed Drugs

The use of drugs of this group contributes to the active removal of acid salts, but at the same time reduces the occurrence side effectsDue to which the risk of stones in the kidneys or bladder decreases.


This medication is applied at any stages of the disease. The medication is designed for long-term use. Some patients prescribe Almaron for 6 months. After this time, the patient has a significant improvement in the state.

The drug contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes, as a result of which stones in the kidneys or bladder can be dissolved. Blemed applies a long period of time - at least 6 months. The main advantage of this medication is the absence of side effects. Therefore, it is possible to treat the gout during pregnancy and in the period breastfeeding. Produced by Blemar in the form esiphey tabletsTo dissolve in 1 cup of any fluid, except for alcoholic beverages.


This drug not only helps to remove the salt of uric acid along with purines, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, Ketazone is better to use during periods of exacerbation of gouty arthritis. Take these tablets no longer than 3 weeks.

The long-term use of drugs aimed at reducing the level of uric acid helps to normalize this indicator, thereby significantly improving the health of the patient. Also, these medicines reduce the risk of exacerbations. But the selection of the required tool should only do the attending physician, taking into account the condition of the patient and the severity of the disease.

To enhance the effectiveness of drugs, the patient must comply with a special antipurine diet. Such a power mode improves well-being, and also prevents exacerbations.

In early March, 2017 I made an ultrasound abdominal cavitywhere the presence of sand in the kidneys was revealed. In the Ultrasound Protocol, it was recorded: "Calcinates in the right kidney, localization in all groups of cups, single, size up to 3.3 mm. Calcinates in the left kidney, localization in all groups of cups, several, size up to 3.7 mm. Calcinate in the left kidney, localization Average third parenchyma, unit, size 3 mm. " In words, the doctor said that the sand in the kidneys is very much, be sure to go to the urologist.

I immediately note that a single calcinate in the left kidney of 3 mm was discovered in me back in 2015 and I could not withdraw it, although the urologist prescribed treatment. The ultrasound explained to me that from this area (the average third of the parenchyma) stones do not go out, so you need to watch him, suddenly he will begin to grow. All the rest of the calcinate is quite possible.

The urologist first appointed me by Uriasan, advised to buy the root of sunflower or rosehip and drinking their decoctions, and then said, if money allowed, to acquire blembed, it is very effective in the conclusion of kidney stones.

Front side

And also explained that the sand could go out, but then to form again and so all life: then there, then here. Well, we will live and see. Sit and wait for the growth of stones I will not become in any case, I will try to take them out.

Indications for use

Houses first read the reviews about Bleplen, did not want to throw money on the wind. The reviews were good. And I bought both Bleple and Uricesan and sunflower root.

back side

Blemar packaging is pretty volumetric, but it is not wonderful, there is so much naked!

Packaging content

Tablets for 20 pieces are packaged in tubes. Tablets are large, 2 cm in diameter.

tablets are very large

Quickly dissolve in warm or hot liquids, in the cold - you have to wait.

Tablet B. hot water Ssesses very vigoro

Taste with sour-sweet. If you dissolve simply in water, you can not add sugar, it will not call asking. Most often I threw a tablet in the water, but also dissolved it in the mineral water "Essentuki-4", in tea with sugar, in carrot juice. The taste of the drink is changing, but never he was nasty. Sometimes saw a solution across the straw, after reading that such acidic drinks adversely affect the enamel of the teeth. Be sure to rod mouth after drinking. In the instructions, nothing is said about this, but I reinsured.

Application scheme

During the reception, the troubles need to drink a lot ordinary water, not less than 1.5 - 2 liters. To facilitate the outlet of the stones with urine. Take the trouble you need 3 times a day after eating. And it is also necessary to comply with a certain diet, limit meat consumption, even better there is not enough for treatment. I'm straight when I read a list of allowed and prohibited products. I have to follow the diet, because I have chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis and gastritis, and here there is nothing impossible, some cucumbers with tea.

Permitted products

I honest 3 weeks did not eat meat, I cooked myself lean Soup From vegetables, lentils or buckwheat, grumbled it in a puree. Boiled eggs to skin Food attended. Oatmeal, although not recommended, still attended in my diet, because I have already breakfast 7 or 8 years oatmeal On water. In general, it was fed on what could, practically without disturbing the recommended diet, only a couple of times ate in a tiny ring of sausages.

The most interesting thing in treatment is control of pH urine. Packaging has a test strip. It is necessary 3 times a day with their help to measure the PH factor. Test strips are a lot, there are more than tablets. But I followed the advice in one of the read reviews and cut the stripes along the 2 parts to have enough them for a longer period. Now, when my treatment is completed, I have a lot of test strips. I will help them control the pH urine and regulate it with a diet. If necessary, it is possible to increase the pH, the reconnaissance of lemon juice in water and drinking it instead of the brieman, should help. At least the urologist said that way.

Test strips and scale

Test strip must be compared with the attached scale

A detailed description of how to control the pH factor is in the attached book "Control calendar".

Instructions for the use of Blemar

Before treatment, the PH factor I had 5.8 - 6.5. After the start of treatment, it raised to 7.3. But most often was at 6.9-7.2. Sometimes it fell to 6.5, it is not clear why. Although it seems to me that measurement errors can still be. If you drink the recommended 2 liters of water per day, urine becomes less concentrated, because you run to the toilet often.

I basically took 1 tablet 3 times a day. Sometimes it turned out that I had to skip the daytime reception, PN fell, but in the evening I still dissolved only 1 tablet and in the morning, as a rule, pH was above 7. After 3 weeks, I began to eat meat, gradually increasing its amount. I can't say that pH sharply went down. No, he still hesitated around 7 points. Soups, though, remained set. So if you do not abuse, then the diet can be a bit broken, but not immediately, and after you have noticed that the stones (sand) began to go out.

So I turn to the most important thing. To measure the pH factor, urine should be collected in some container, simultaneously observing whether the stones do not overlook. I did not know which stones in my kidneys. (They are several species, and, by the way, the diet each time the stones are their own. With some stones, the meat can be equipped and even needed.) And in what form they will leave, I also did not imagine . He was very afraid of pain when the passage of sand along the ureter. I did not have pain. About 4-5 days after the start of reception, I was noticed that some flakes appeared in the urine. Initially there were few of them, but every day they became more and more. Straight all urine in flakes, large and small. I did not know what to think. In the sand and stones do not look like, the infection should seem to be seen. Yes, and no other symptoms pointing to the passing disease was not. I watched this suspension about 10 days. Then the number of flakes went to the wagon. I decided to do ultrasound kidneys, especially in the "control calendar" it is recommended to do ultrasound at least 1 time in 2 weeks to adjust therapy. And at the ultrasound, the doctor stated that it does not see any stones with a size of 3.3 mm, and even more than 3.7 mm. There is a sand, but it is no more than 2 mm. And in the survey issued to me, the doctor did not even indicate the presence of this sand, because Its very little. She said that Briemaker should be taken in the spring and autumn for prevention. And now everything is within normal limits. Hooray! By the way, the concretion in the left kidney (remember the same 3 mm in the middle third of the parenchyma?) Is still in place, it does not work. It does not grow, but does not decrease.

Well, I am pleased with the result of treatment. Begleman is still accepting, there are several tablets. There are practically no flakes in the urine, only sometimes notice one or two dust. To control, I will make an ultrasound somewhere in six months, if, of course, there will be no need to make it before. Then I will unsubscribe in the comments.

I also noticed that during menstruation (in the first 2 days) pH sharply decreased to 5.7-6.3. On the third day I rose to 6.9, and then above.

This is a review. I hope it will help you doubt whether it is worth spending more than one thousand rubles to the drug Bleplen. (I managed to me at 1055 rubles, but I found the cheapest pharmacy). My answer: worth it.

I wish you all good health!


Blemaren (Blemaren)


When dissolving effervescent pills, potassium sodium hydrocrats is formed in water and carbon dioxide is released.
At the same time, residual alkaline ions are formed, which are highlighted by the kidneys.
Thus, an increase in pH of urine occurs (depending on the dose, it is neutralized or alkalization).
This increases the degree of dissociation and at the same time - the degree of dissolution of uric acid and cystine. Confirmation of litholization of uricular concrections is carried out by X-ray.
When taking the drug, the selection of citrates is enhanced and calcium is reduced with urine.
Urine's leaning, an increase in citrate selection and a decrease in calcium is reduced to a decrease in the amount of calcium oxalate, since in a weak alkaline medium, the citrate forms stable complex compounds with calcium.
In addition, the citrate ion should be considered as an effective physiological inhibitor of crystal formation and accumulation of oxalate and calcium phosphate.

After one-day reception of the drug, Blemarin, pills are hiding, the injected amount of sodium and potassium is highlighted from the body by the kidneys for 24-48 hours.
With prolonged use of the drug, the daily elimination of potassium and sodium corresponds to daily consumption.
In blood or in plasma, there is no significant changes in blood indicators in blood or electrolytes.
This means that thanks to the renal regulation of the octic acid, the acid-alkaline balance in the body is preserved, and the accumulation of sodium and potassium accumulates at normal kidney function does not occur.

Indications K.

Litholism of uricular mortar in the urinary tracts and the prevention of their primary and re-education;
- litholism of mixed uraid-oxalate councils;
- metaphylaxis of calcium-oxalate councils (preventing the re-education of new stones and the growth of residual fragments);
- urine sickness during cytostatic therapy during the reception of uricosuric drugs, in the treatment of patients with cystine concretions, as well as with the renal tubular acidosis with phosphate lithiasis;
- as an auxiliary agent in the treatment of hyperuricemia, the use of xanthine oxidase inhibitors (for example, for gout);
- as an adjuvant as part of the combined symptomatic therapy of the late porphyria of the skin.

Mode of application:

The average daily dose is determined individually and can be 2-5 tablets per day.
Sympuchi pills Take after dissolving in liquid (water or fruit juice).
The daily dose is distributed to 3 equal parts that take during the day (for example at 8:00, 14:00, 21:00).
Control over the effectiveness of the drug is carried out by determining the pH of fresh urine 3 times a day before the next drug intake.
To do this, use standard indicator strips embedded in each package.
The indicator zone of the test strip should be immersed briefly in the urine, after which take out and after 2 min. Compare the resulting color strip color with a scale of colors applied to the set of indicator strips, and specific pH values \u200b\u200bare written to the control calendar.
The dose of the drug is considered correctly selected if the pH values \u200b\u200bdefined 3 times a day are in the limits recommended for each pathology.

Changing the color of unused indicator strips does not affect the results of the pH determination.
For dissolving urencular (urachura) pH urine concrete Must be within 7.0-7.2.
If the daily profile of pH values \u200b\u200bbelow 7.0, the dose should be increased, and if it is higher than the level 7.2 - to reduce.
To dissolve uraids-oxalate mixed stones and the metaphylaxis of the formation of calcium-oxalate pH of pH urine must be maintained a certain time at 6.8-7.4.
The drug is blemally before conducting remote nephrolithotripsy with mixed (x-ray-level) stones are used to enhance its efficiency, reduce the structural density of the stone and reduce the number of repeated sessions.
The duration of citrate therapy in order to prepare for remote lithotripsy should be at least 3 weeks.
For urine sickness in patients with cystine stones PH urine should be in the range of 7.5-8.5.
This requires a higher dose of the drug.

When conducting cytostatic therapy The pH of urine should be no less than 7.0, and in the treatment of late porphyry of the skin 7.2-7.5.
Uricauric therapyAs treatment with urabular stones, it should be carried out at a pH of urine at the level of 7.0-7.2.
PH value, which can be determined using standard indicator strips, is in the range of 5.4-7.4.
If you need to control the pH of urine in patients with cystine concretions or at late porphyria, special indicator strips should be used to determine the pH in the range of 7.2-9.7.
For dissolving councils (Depending on their size and composition), the duration of the course of treatment is from 4 weeks to 6 months.
For the prevention of nephrolithiasis relapses The drug should be prescribed by courses, the duration and frequency of which is established individually for each patient.

Side effects:

With individual intolerance to any components of the drug, the reaction of hypersensitivity is possible.
In some cases, the reception of tablets can cause gastrointestinal disorders from patients predisposed to this.
It has been reported on the appearance of belching, heartburn, pain in the abdomen, meteorism, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.


Increased sensitivity to the components of the drug;
- renal failure;
- urinary tract infections caused by bacteria that decompose urea (risk of flowing stones);
- metabolic alkalosis;
- episodic hereditary adamiya.

Under states that contribute to the formation of urinary mortgage (for example, the adenoma of the parachitoid gland, the urbiast concrections that are associated with the Malignan), methodopic therapy should be taken.
When dissolving urencular stones do not allow A multi-day excessive urine ochki (pH above 7.8), given the possible appearance of the sediment of phosphate salts on the surface of the urinematic concrement, which can prevent its further dissolution. In addition, a long and pronounced alkaline state of metabolism is undesirable.
Before applying the drug, it is necessary to determine The level of electrolytes in the blood plasma and check the kidney function. If the renal and tubular acidosis is suggested, it is necessary to additionally monitor the indices of the acid-base balance.
During treatment, urine and blood test parameters should be regularly verified. Special attention should be paid to acid-alkaline balance.

Patients with heart failure It is necessary to take into account the influence of potassium on myocardial excitability: 1 Tablet Blemarin preparation contains 380 mg of potassium ions or 9.7 mmol potassium, which can affect the effect of cardiac glycosides (an increase in the extracellular concentration of potassium reduces the effectiveness of glycosides, and its reduction enhances the arrhythmogenic effect).
Patients with impaired uric acid Reception of the drug is recommended to be combined with allopurinol.
Persons who adhere to diet restricting sodium reception, it is necessary to take into account the increased sodium content in this drug (1 tablet contains 220 mg sodium ions or 9.7 mmol sodium).
During therapy, the drug is recommended to adhere to a low-facility diet, that is, limit the use of food rich in purines (for example, meat, sausages, animal insides, sardines).
Every day you need to drink 2-3 liters of fluids in the form of tea, fruit juice or alkaline mineral water.

The drug does not contain carbohydrates and it can be used to treat patients with diabetes.
Patients with serious liver failure should be taken by Cleaguen only under the condition of careful control.
The drug should not be applied to patients with hereditary intolerance to galactose, with lactase deficiency of LAPPa or absorption of glucose-galactose absorption.
Ability to influence the reaction rate when driven by vehicles or other mechanisms. Does not affect.
Children. The efficiency and safety of the use of the drug in children is not sufficiently studied, so it is not recommended to be prescribed to patients in this age category.

other medicinal

The simultaneous reception of drugs containing citrate and aluminum can cause an increase in aluminum resorption, so it is recommended to adhere to a 2-hour pause between the reception of such drugs.
A drug enhances the therapeutic effect of allopurinol.
Some means designed to reduce blood pressure (Aldosterone antagonists and other diurendic products with low potassium content, such as triamterenes, spironolactones and amylorides), ACE inhibitors, sardans, as well as painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs and peripheral analgesics) can reduce potassium excretion What should be taken into account while simultaneously appoint them with a brieman (the risk of hyperkalemia increases). The growth of extracellular concentration of potassium reduces the severity of heart glycosides, while its decline enhances the effect of arrhythmogenic heart glycosides.
With prolonged use of cellin, it is possible to accumulate in the Hinidin body in the case of its simultaneous reception, as well as a decrease in the effectiveness of nitrofurantoin (alkaline reaction of the medium), salicylates and lithium preparations (accelerated elimination).


When applying the drug, according to the instructions for negative effects during pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is not marked.


With a normal kidney function, the undesirable effect of the drug on the change in the physiological parameters of metabolism is not marked with none of the usual recommended dose, nor with a higher, since the release of excess-alkali kidneys is the natural mechanism for regulating the acid-alkaline balance in the body.
Symptoms: the upper limit of the pH of the pH of the urine indicated above should not be exceeded for several days, since due to the increase in the pH (pH factor\u003e 7.8) there is an increased risk of phosphate crystallization; In addition, explicit alkaline metabolic status is not considered a long-term problem.
: lemon acid - 1.197 g, potassium bicarbonate - 967.5 mg, sodium citrate - 835.5 mg;
- excipients: Lactoses of monohydrate - 115 mg, mannitol - 105 mg, adipic acid - 35 mg, macrogol 6000 - 100 mg, sodium saccharinate - 10 mg, lemon flavor - 35 mg.