Gemini love horoscope for April. Work and business

Gemini's personal life blooms in this spring month. You will feel a special emotional connection with your beloved. The positive relationship of Saturn in the house of Gemini's partner with Jupiter in the house of love brings harmony and joy to the relationship. This planetary configuration reinforces relationships, puts them on a solid foundation, and in some cases makes them official. Regardless of the circumstances, count on the support of the stars until fall 2017.

In April 2017, the planet of love Venus is located at the highest point of the horoscope - in your career house. For single Gemini, this position of the planet means the opportunity to get to know someone through professional connections or through friends, colleagues, patrons. Attending public events increases the chances of a romantic date.

However, the stars warn the representatives of your sign against frivolity. April 2017 is favorable for building a serious relationship and strengthening a love bond, but for fleeting hobbies, the time is not quite right. On April 10, 2017, the period of Mercury retrograde begins, so you should not tune in to pleasures, but rather analyze the relationship and work out ways of their further development.

Gemini's career and finance horoscope for April 2017

The month offers Gemini a good chance of success in work and business. The time is great for gaining popularity, promoting goods and services, advertising, cooperation, participation in joint projects. So get busy and don't let yourself fall prey to idleness.

The first decade is suitable for decisive steps and new initiatives. You will be able to stand out in the team, declare yourself, earn the approval of your superiors, strengthen your business reputation. You will receive the support from your superiors, which is much needed to achieve your goals.

The second and third decades set you up for a leisurely rhythm of work, because Mercury, the ruler of your sign, travels in the opposite direction. The results of your work will depend on your past efforts. This is potentially a challenging period when trying to get the job done in the best possible way can fail and lead to frustration. However, in the future it will help to put things in order. The effect of actions taken during this time will become noticeable next month.

The financial outlook looks promising. Income growth is possible, but you shouldn't count on easy money. Everything that comes to you will be earned by conscientious work. It is better not to participate in adventures, since planetary influences do not support risky activities associated with money.


In the first ten days of the month Gemini is full of vitality and in a good mood, but in the subsequent period the situation changes. Due to the effects of Mercury retrograde, you may feel a lack of energy.

You need to take care of yourself and pay attention to your health. Listen to the signals of the body, maybe it has been sending you messages for a long time that were not paid attention to before. Do not give in to gastronomic temptations! Unfortunately, there is a risk of injury, you need to be careful, especially when doing physical work and transport.

Arrange a meeting with friends or classmates whom you haven't seen for a long time!

Despite the fact that the ruler of Gemini will be retrograde Pluto, this will not affect their income at all - the horoscope for April 2019 consoles. Gemini in this regard are entering the most successful period! The Yellow Pig will continue the positive trends of the previous period and even promise to become even more fruitful thanks to the calm but stubborn nature of the representatives of this sign.


But you will not be able to avoid some losses. This is especially true for important information. Keep all important documents in electronic form, and do not be lazy to make a backup copy too.

Gemini, who work exclusively mentally, is long overdue to clean up their desk and filing cabinets. You haven't been sorting your papers for a long time, in April it's time to do it. Throw away all unnecessary, and then make sure that all important documents are in place.

In the middle of spring, many representatives of the sign will meet an important person for you. He is unlikely to be able to influence your life, but he will help you look at the state of affairs from an unusual point of view for you.

Towards the end of the month, Gemini will experience an extraordinary uplift and burst of energy, which will help them easily achieve their goals. He will have so much strength that he will have more than enough of them not only for important matters, but also for pleasant trifles.


The family relationship horoscope for April 2019 warns Gemini that significant changes can occur in their family. You will not listen and hear your soul mate, because of this, misunderstandings and conflicts will arise. And often, for a quarrel, even a reason is not required. Try not to plan something large-scale or global in your family for this period, it is better to postpone such events until the summer.

Many Gemini will want freedom and more personal living space. Be prepared that your partner will not want to accept this, and this will again be a reason for contention in the family. Sometimes even older relatives will get involved in your fights. But, despite all the disagreements, the stars predict a favorable period for conceiving a child, and this must be taken into account by couples who have long been passionate about this.

To distract yourself from family troubles, take care of household problems. Many things in the Gemini house need to be repaired, and more often bought and replaced with new ones. And, although the financial situation of many representatives of the sign leaves much to be desired, purchases will be practical and will serve you for a long time.

Gemini women

In April 2019, cute Gemini ladies will be easy to communicate. And Mercury, unlike the Gemini men, will push them not to create conflict situations, but to eternal search. Representatives of the sign are now more sociable than ever, they are willing and able to learn and gain new knowledge and experience, they get along well with people and skillfully maintain a conversation on a variety of topics. These are women with a very broad outlook, and in April they will definitely find the right connections to solve a variety of issues. In the spring, representatives of the sign easily, if not frivolously, relate to life, very quickly make important decisions, and change them with the same speed. Under the influence of Mercury, Gemini is very subject to someone else's influence, for them the opinion of others always means a lot, and in April this will go beyond reasonable. But at the same time, Gemini women will be able to maintain their practicality.

Gemini man

The intense rhythm of life for Gemini men in April 2019 can lead representatives of the sign, already hot-tempered and emotional, to bouts of irritability and even aggressiveness. This will definitely serve as a pretext for an outbreak of conflicts at work and in the family. Make every effort, calm your ego, so that at least in words, if you really cannot in practice, respect your opponent. In April, you will have to become tolerant of other people's opinions. This is especially true of the lunar Gemini. Do not bring troubles and negativity to your home environment, leave all the troubles outside your doorstep. Representatives of the sign now, more than ever, do not have enough mental strength for family members, but at the same time they know and understand that your difficulties are temporary. But they will hardly be able to endure continuous negative for a long time. If your loved ones are dear to you, try to behave more correctly.

Rest, if you have enough time for this, is better active. For many representatives of the sign, a change in activity is already a rest in itself. Exercise, walk along the spring streets, and recharge with positive energy with friends.

Gemini children

In April 2019, little Gemini will be more emotionally detached from the family than usual. They will devote all their free time to sitting near a computer or TV. They are tired of communication, and do not be surprised, because they, although small, are people. Let them spend their time the way they want, it will soon pass, and your little Gemini will soon join the usual rhythm of life, returning to the "post" of the soul of the company of any children's group, where he will appear. Try to get through this period with dignity, and do not show negative emotions.


It is difficult to call April 2019 very positive for the life of Gemini, alas, but they are unlikely to be the real favorites of Fortune! But in compensation for this, the year of the Earth Pig will give them energy and strength for the future so that they can move forward, and will also give them excellent immunity. The chances of a Gemini getting a cold or getting another exacerbation of a chronic illness will tend to zero.

But still, what the stars of the horoscope advise the representatives of the sign to spend time and effort in terms of health is the condition of the joints and ligaments. So that this year problems with the musculoskeletal system bypassed the Gemini by the tenth road, they should engage in prevention, regularly doing physical therapy, gymnastics, yoga or dancing. Active classes aimed at developing flexibility and stretching will not only protect the representatives of the zodiacal house from possible illnesses, but will also help them to be in good shape all year round, maintaining a good mood.

Horoscope for April 2019, Gemini will make a new acquaintance, and this person will help you look at many things in a new way.
For women and men Gemini, the stars predict the onset of a favorable period for conception.
Loss of important information is possible. Be sure to make copies of electronic documents.
Horoscope for May 2019, Gemini.

People born under the constellation Gemini in April 2017 can be safely called the real minions of Fortune. What is there to be surprised if the most powerful planets decide to side with the representatives of this sign! Yes, dear Gemini, the Sun, Mercury, and Pluto will volunteer to help you (however, you will feel its support on yourself only occasionally, and therefore we will not dwell on this heavenly leader).

But the Sun will fully reward you with everything you need for large-scale success in life! The solar energy you received from this planet will help you work, work and work again without feeling tired and pessimistic. Needless to say, a person showing such workaholism will not remain unnoticed!

The sun will give you the opportunity to work tirelessly, and Mercury will quietly push you to the place where your labors can bring the most noticeable results. Thanks to the support of this heavenly leader, the period of lack of money will be over for you, and you will open the doors to a comfortable existence for yourself. True, the skepticism that has been present in your character all April will not allow you to experience the delight of what is happening.

Isn't it time to find out who and why will "equip" your character with this notorious "skepticism"? Venus will be to blame for the fact that you will not be able to fully enjoy your cloudless existence. The planet, patronizing the interpersonal sphere, in general in the middle of this spring will not be too loyal to humanity. Venus will send just such a test to the representatives of your sign - the inability to rejoice, the inability to love, the unwillingness to relax.

In April, you can relax and stop multitasking. You worked so hard to achieve all the set Napoleonic plans. It's time to just reap the benefits and draw appropriate conclusions for the future.

This month can be a real impetus for you to a successful and vibrant life, but for this you have to carefully analyze all the mistakes you have made. Many situations still remain in limbo. But, perhaps, the time has not come yet to deal with them closely. Better to spend your energy on something more enjoyable.

Towards the middle of the month, you may be faced with a difficult choice for yourself. It will concern your personal life, but the decision you make will affect all other areas. Therefore, be more attentive and act according to your inner feeling.

Forget about your enemies and envious people. Thinking about them will only distract you from the really important things. Believe me, they themselves will soon disappear from the horizon and stop putting spokes in your wheels.

In April, you should get rid of everything unnecessary and unnecessary. This also applies to excess weight. Being overweight can prevent you from being able to do everything and thus prevent you from increasing your productivity, so be sure to play sports and review your usual diet.

Gemini Woman: Horoscope for April 2019

You will want to expand your horizons and discover completely new places for yourself, but one desire may not be enough. And if you fail to get what you want right away, you can become very upset and despondent, and this will drag you even more into the abyss of the blues. You run the risk of missing out on interesting acquaintances that can happen if you are a little more active.

Be a little more persistent. Do not be afraid to declare your talents and demand worthy rewards for them. Your main weapon is a smile. Therefore, in April, use this dignity of yours to open closed doors and win over even the most intractable people to your side.

In the personal or business sphere, unpleasant moments can occur. You should not dwell on them and even more so take it very seriously. Soon the situation will return to normal and everything will be fine. Full relaxation in a massage parlor or during water procedures will help restore internal stability.

Avoid talking too candidly with colleagues. All the words you said this month can then be used against you.

Gemini Man: Horoscope for April 2019

Patience and wisdom - these are the qualities you should be guided by in April, if you want to really turn your life for the better. It's time to abandon all your previous tricks, which were not always distinguished by decency. Fate gives you a chance to start all over again, we advise you to use it, so that later you do not regret anything and do not grieve about your life.

Using warm and pleasant words when communicating, you can convince each interlocutor of your rightness. Your charm will help you with this. But you should not use it in situations where you know for sure that you can be wrong.

This month, try to get rid of fake and insincerity. This development of your own personality will have a positive effect on personal and business relationships. You will be respected even more, thereby increasing your reputation among friends and acquaintances.

At the end of the month, you can arrange for yourself a little trip. Just don't choose passive rest. Boredom will bring sad thoughts to you, but you don't need it now. More positive and then everything will definitely work out.

The twins in the middle of this spring will have to radically revise their usual worldview. You will meet this April quite calmly, without expecting that it will become for you something like a "test for professionalism". During these 30 days, which nature traditionally devotes to the general prosperity and rise, you will be far from calm. You will miss the heyday, and the rise, and the romance that will burst into your reality. You will think about something else - about a fate that does not spoil you with its generous attention, and about injustice, from which the world has not been able to get rid of for several millennia.

It later. You will not turn into a philosopher overnight! You will start April in your usual role as a somewhat frivolous, cheerful and smiling person who does not hide what is happening in his heart. And in vain you won't learn to hide your personal secrets from strangers! Your childish spontaneity and naivety with which you look at this cruel world will bring you great disappointment. Most likely, you will be disappointed by the person with whom you once went through fire and copper pipes (we are talking about your friend, colleague or one of your relatives). At the very moment when you do not expect a catch, a person close to you, as if under the influence of an unknown force, will commit an act, and so bad that you will hear its echoes for a long time. Of course, your friendship will end on that, but this is not the worst thing! The worst thing is that you will with great difficulty get rid of this heart wound (it will “bleed” every time you remember what happened).

In general, the first decade of April will remind you not of the beginning of spring, but gloomy November, during which heavy dramas happen. Thank God there won't be other dramas in your personal life. Moreover, your constant partner, watching you suffer from the betrayal of a loved one, will do everything to become both moral support for you, and that shoulder, buried in which you can cry a lot.

If you are single, your parents will be a reliable stronghold for you in the middle of this spring. Even if some time ago you left your father's house to enjoy an independent life, it is highly likely that in April 2017 you will return to your native nest. Hot dinners, aroma of pies and unchanging words of encouragement will certainly play a good role. After living with your parents for a couple of weeks, you will feel that your mental wounds have healed little by little and that you are ready to return to your personal square meters. From this moment on, a new life will begin for you. You will become calmer, more careful and much wiser than you were a month earlier. Probably, for this very reason, you will not become too fast to get closer to people (in your life there will no longer be momentary love affairs, since you will believe and wait for a person to appear with whom you will be connected by a healthy, adult feeling).

In times of emotional turmoil and drama, you will never forget about work. At some point, it is he, the tiresome debt that you give to work every day, will turn into a way for you to forget about mental anguish. How your workaholism will increase, because even your legitimate leisure time you will spend at work! Of course, this kind of “selflessness” will only bear positive fruit. Perhaps you will receive a big bonus this month or, alternatively, become the right hand of your senior management. In general, April, rich in personal dramas, will end on a positive wave for you, becoming a good lesson for you. And the first thing that this cruel lesson will give you is that life will still insist on its own and evil will be defeated.

Attention, the Gemini horoscope for the month of April 2017 has been published in an abridged form. To have a complete picture of the coming 2017 of the red Rooster, you should make a personal forecast for 2017 with an individual astrological chart that is unique for each person.

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