Is it possible to lose weight from tomato juice. Diet on tomato juice for weight loss

The fact that on tomatoes can be thrown from 2 to 7 kg, clinical studies of doctors - nutritionists proved. If you do not have contraindications, then boldly take tomato juice for weight loss. Benefits and harm, reviews, recipes for making a wonderful drink, you can read in our information article.

To say goodbye to the maximum centimeters in the waist, during the diet, give up calorie food, devote more time to sports and gradually go to proper nutrition. For harmony of your body, arrange unloading days once a month.

Natural tomato juice contains a lot of vitamin A, it helps to improve eyesight and protects airways from infections. Vitamin C contributes to a decrease in cholesterol, increases the immune system and stimulates the synthesis of interferon. Carotine - prevents fabrics from premature aging, has medical properties On the stomach and the urethra. The prevention of cancer development is the substance - lycopene, which is also contained in the drink. Tomato drink stimulates the production of serotonin "hormone joy", helping to get rid of stressing stress.

Doctors advise every day to use a glass of fresh juice that category of people who lead sitted image Life, in order to avoid veins thrombosis on the legs.

In addition, tomato juice enters the Japanese diet menu, which also effectively fights overweight.

Calorie juice from tomatoes

This juice is a healing vitamin cocktail, which includes only the ripe pulp of tomatoes. In addition to excellent taste, they contain valuable substances and vitamins. Such a drink can afford to be the people who seek to get rid of extra centimeters in the waist, because in 100 grams of fresh juice just 18 kcal.

Harm and contraindications

It should be remembered that tomato drink can render negative influence On your body, if:

  • simultaneously combine with protein and starch-producing products;
  • juice is cooked from unimportant or tied tomatoes;
  • take a drink on an empty stomach.
  • disease digestive system;
  • allergic reaction to the component;
  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • organism poisoning;
  • urolithiasis disease.

Is it possible to drink tomato juice for weight loss?

This question worries almost all women who seek to lose weight. You can drink juice if you have no contraindications. But if suddenly, during a juice diet, you felt the ailment or cutting in the abdomen, then such food should be stopped and to contact the medical institution.

Recommendations for the use of tomato juice when weight loss

  1. It is not necessary to take a drink on an empty stomach, it is better to have breakfast, and after half an hour, drink juice. Before dinner and dinner, do the opposite, 30 minutes before meals eat a glass of juice, and then proceed to the meal.
  2. Drink freshly prepared juice need slowly, enjoying every sip. In no case saline, because this spice delays liquid in the body.
  3. To achieve maximum effect, tomato juice is better to prepare themselves, without any thermal processing. The drink from the store is also suitable, but the process of weight loss will significantly delay.

Recipe for tomato juice at home

Cucumber - Tomato Mix

  • ripe tomatoes - 4 pcs;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.

Pour the tomatoes with boiling water for 30 seconds, remove the peel. Cucumber cut into small cubes. All ingredients are crushed with a blender. Pour into the glass, decorated with greens.

Tomato juice with avocado

  • tomatoes - 5 pcs;
  • avocado (flesh) - 0.5 pcs.

Tomatoes and avocado arbitrarily cut, whipping a blender, to a homogeneous consistency.

Lemon Tomato Fresh

  • tomatoes - 3 pcs;
  • lemon - 1/3 part;
  • basil - 2 sheets.

Lemon and tomatoes clean from the peel. All ingredients are interrupted by a blender.


A glass of tomato juice will save you from insomnia and remove stress.

Recipes for weight loss

To a little diversify your menu, we offer uncomfortable recipes with quick cooking.

Tomato juice soup


  • tomatoes - 8 pcs;
  • tomato paste - 5 h. spoors;
  • onion - 2 pcs;
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml;
  • garlic - 2 small teeth;
  • vegetable broth - 1 liter;
  • fresh greens - to taste;
  • spices - to taste.

1. Tomatoes pour boiling water for 30 seconds, remove the skin, cut into small cubes.

2. Garlic let out through the press, greens cut. The onions are crushed, let's drink on the oil.

3. In the saucepan, we pour tomatoes, onions, garlic and greens, add broth.

4. After 10 minutes, add spices, to complete readiness.

You can eat such a soup once a day.

Cocktail from Celery, Apples and Tomatoes


  • green apples - 250 gr;
  • tomato juice - 120 ml;
  • celery - 500 gr.


1. Apples and celery cleans, rinse. Squeeze juice through the juicer. If you do not have this kitchen electrical appliance, you can scroll through the meat grinder through the meat grinder.

2. Mix the tomato juice with the resulting liquid.

A glass with a cocktail can be decorated with parsley or dill greens.

Tomato-kefir cocktail


  • tomato juice - 170 ml;
  • kefir 1% - 170 ml;
  • garlic - 1 teeth;
  • greens - to taste.


Before mixing a cocktail, all ingredients (except for garlic and greenery) put in the refrigerator for 20 to 30 minutes. The cooled drink will be much tastier.

1. In a convenient bowl, we pour tomato juice and kefir. Garlic let out through the press, add to the liquid. Everyone is whipped with a mixer to a homogeneous state.

2. Green grind, mix with a drink.

Diets on tomato juice for weight loss

There are several variations diets on this drink:

  • 1 day (unloading);
  • 3 days;
  • 5 days;
  • 7 days.

Let's deal with more details with each option.

Unloading Days on Tomato Juice

Nutritionists have developed a variety of diet, which are based on tomatoes. In one day you can reset up to 2 kg. But to make such a solution and quickly abandon all the products, in order to reset a few unnecessary kilos, not everyone will be able.

Therefore, we offer you some examples for a discharge day.

  1. The easiest way is to drink tomato juice (and some water) throughout the day, in those moments when you were hungry. During the day, you can drink only 1.5 liters of a natural drink.
  2. For breakfast, lunch and dinner drink a glass of freshly prepared juice. A slice of rye bread add to the dining meal.
  3. In the morning we eat a couple of fresh tomatoes and a piece of solid varieties cheese, drink a tomato drink, mixed with 2 tbsp. spoons sour cream. For lunch, we prepare a tomato souse, and a glass of your favorite tomato cocktail for dinner.

Three-day tomato diet

Breakfast boiled eggs and drink a cup of green tea, without adding sugar.

At the Late Breakfast, Bullet, myself, a favorite, degreased cottage cheese (200 gr) and after half an hour, drink a tomato drink.

At lunch, we rack the boiled breasts of the bird or low-fat fish (200 gr), fresh vegetables (Bulgarian pepper, tomato, cucumbers). And for dessert, eat berries, red.

For dinner drink a glass of herbal infusion.

Milan, 37 years
IN latelyI was fascinated by sweet and flour products, of course, this was reflected in the figure. And here friends were invited to a wedding ... to go in such a form, it was ashamed, so I tried a tomato diet for three days. Thank God, everything turned out and my "hobbies" disappeared. Now, I began to follow the number of eaten buns and from time to time, I arrange unloading days for the body, only tomato juice drinks day. How good that exist such fast diets. Thanks to the creators for it!

Diet on rice and tomato juice

Breakfasts low-fat cottage cheese (200 gr), after a while they drink juice.

At lunch, drink a drink, then drunk 100 gr rice and fish, without adding salt.

In the afternooner eat a green apple and drink kefir 1% (200 ml).

For dinner, we drink a tomato drink again, boiled rice (100 g), and a variety of one-type diet with boiled breasts (100 gr).

Diet on tomato juice and buckwheat for 5 days

The essence of the diet is that during the day it is allowed to fall in buckwheat porridge cooked on the water, and drinking a glass of juice for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The main thing is not to add salt, milk and sugar to buckwheat. And with such pace -5 kg, you are provided.

Tomato diet for 7 days

Adhering to this diet, in a week, you can lose weight by 7 kg. Every day, adding a new product in food, do not forget to drink tomato juice.

monday - Degreased cottage cheese;

tuesday - vegetable day, with the exception of potatoes;

wednesday - boiled turkey or chicken breast;

thursday - eat fruit, exclude a banana;

friday - boiled low-fat fish;

saturday - potato (1st thing, 3 times a day);

Do not forget to drink purified water every day. Per day, it is allowed to drink 1.5 liters of tomato drink (better home). After a diet, in no case cannot be "pounced" on the food differently, all the efforts will be in vain.

One of the effective diets, allowing you to quickly reset the extra kilograms and lead themselves in a great shape, is a diet on tomato juice. There are several options and ways of weight loss using tomatoes.

How to lose weight on tomato juice?

Tomato juice - a storehouse of useful elements. The drink satures the human body with nutritional minerals, perfectly quenches not only thirst, but also hunger. In addition to all, he is actively contributes to the process of weight loss and elimination of harmful toxins from the body and slags.

Fresh vegetables with a bed along with squeezed juice will fall to taste each person.

The use of tomato juice for weight loss

Diet on tomato juice is not only tasty, but also very useful.

  1. The composition of tomatoes contain useful elements that strengthen the heart muscle and the walls of the vessels.
  2. Tomatoes improve human brain activity.
  3. Red vegetable is able to raise the mood when weight loss.
  4. The use of tomatoes normalizes the exchange processes in the body.
  5. Tomatoes reduce the risk of diabetes mellitus.
  6. The use of tomatoes and nectar of them is an excellent prevention of oncological diseases.

Plus diet on tomato juicethat it is capable of saving a person from unnecessary kilograms for three days, i.e. Slimming occurs very quickly, and an effective result will not make himself wait.


  • Effective diets for slimming belly and sides for women
  • Menu for a week on a diet on green smoothie
  • Diet with green coffee for efficient weight loss

Menu for every day

For three days, it is proposed to drink drinks and have red vegetables in an unlimited quantity. Solo products are strictly prohibited. Simultaneously with the reception of tomatoes, each of three days is recommended to drink clean non-carbonated water at least 1.5 liters. Water can be mineral or well.

Conditions diet on tomato drink Nice difficult to execute. In addition to tomatoes and purified water, use any other products is prohibited, in connection with this, the diet period is minimal - just three days.

During this time you need to be patient. Efforts, patience, endurance and effort will allow to reset a couple of unnecessary kilograms and lead themselves in a great shape.

You can lose weight for 2-3 kg with a three-day diet.

Diet on tomato juice - menu for every day:

First day:

  1. Breakfast 3 tomatoes, a glass of purified non-carbonated water.
  2. Lunch: 4 tomatoes, tomato juice, green tea.
  3. Dinner: 3 tomatoes, a glass of purified water.

Second day:

  1. Breakfast: a glass of tomato juice.
  2. Lunch: 4 tomatoes, green tea.
  3. Dinner: 3 tomatoes, a glass of purified non-carbonated water.

The third day:

  1. Breakfast: 3 tomatoes, green tea.
  2. Lunch: 4 tomatoes, a glass of purified water.
  3. Dinner: a glass of drink from tomatoes.

It is possible to achieve the desired result only thanks to hard restrictions in food, so you should be patient.

There is also a diet for a week using all the same ingredients based on. Since the time of restrictions in food is increased from three to seven days, the use of other low-calorie products is allowed - such as chicken, cottage cheese, fruit, potatoes.

For convenience, you can use the following menu for the week:

  • First day:it is allowed to drink 1 liter of drinks from tomatoes, green tea, as well as to eat 150 grams of boiled potatoes.
  • Second day:1 liter of beverage drinks, 100 grams of low-calorie cottage cheese are eaten.
  • The third day:1 liter of drink drinks, 1 kg of any fruit is eaten for all day, green tea is also allowed.
  • Fourth day:1 liter of beverage drinks, 500 grams of boiled chicken eaten.
  • The fifth day:1 liter of tomato drink, 700 grams of dried fruits for the whole day are allowed.
  • Sixth day:the same liquid proportions plus 500 grams of cottage cheese.
  • Seventh day:as a supplement to the main ingredient, 500 grams of boiled fish are eatened.

Strict observance of these conditions will allow to reset 5-7 kg. Products used as a supplement can be replaced with similar low-calorie and alternate them. So, an apple can be replaced with apricots, cottage cheese on potatoes, fish on a chicken.

Diet on tomato juice and rice

Tomato juice for weight loss is perfectly combined with rice, so a diet has been developed from these products. Restrictions in food within the framework of this system are also installed for three days.

First day:

  • the use of tomatoes and a drink from them in an unlimited quantity is allowed. Required use of pure water at least 1.5 liters. Nothing else is impossible.

Second day:

  • 500 grams of brown rice rummage, divided into 5 receptions: breakfast, snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner.
  • About purified water should not be forgotten. It is allowed to drink green tea.

The third day:

  • Tomatoes and a drink are used in an unlimited quantity plus 1.5 liters or more purified non-carbonated water. Another food is prohibited.

The conditions are simple enough to memorize, it is important to strictly implement them to obtain the desired result.

Tomato Juice and Kefir

Diet on tomato juice and kefir is also popular among female representatives, while compliance with the proposed conditions also gives a brilliant result.
Food restrictions must be observed within two days.

Natural juice is the usual component of a healthy diet, since it is a concentrate of vitamins, mineral components, etc. utility substances. Among the vegetable drinks high use has tomato juice for weight loss. It contributes to the acceleration of metabolic processes in the body, as a result of which the weight is reduced. It is not necessary to sit on a tough diet, constantly experiencing a feeling of hunger. Enough to enter B. daily menu Juice from tomatoes, which launches the splitting process of lipids. Let's figure it out, what is the use of the drink, and is it possible to drink tomato juice for the night?

How is tomato juice useful?

Tomatoes are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, so the use of a beverage of them, especially freshly squeezed, is huge. The favorable properties of tomato juice are due to its various composition:

  • Vitamins belonging to the group B, ascorbic acid;
  • Mineral components - iron, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, manganese, etc.;
  • Lemon and oxalic acid.

To reference, the caloric content of the tomato juice is 21 kcal per 100 ml. There are no fast-living carbohydrates and fats in the drink, there are many vegetable fibers that enhance the peristaltics of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminating constipation and enhancement of metabolic processes in the body.

The benefits of tomato juice for men is as follows:

  1. Calcium has an anti-inflammatory property, so protects the testicles and a hardware organ.
  2. Retinol and tocopherol existing in juice contribute to the increase in blood testosterone concentration.
  3. Selenium favorably affects potency and erectile function.
  4. Selenium in combination with zinc has a positive effect on the qualitative indicators of the seed fluid.

Therefore, the question is whether it is possible to drink tomato juice when weight loss, the answer is positive. It contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes, as a result of which the rapid burning of lipids is observed, which leads to a decrease in weight.

Application of tomato juice for weight loss

Periodically among those who want to get rid of extra kilograms, the question arises, is tomato juice with weight loss useful. English physicians conducted an experiment in which two groups of patients with obesity took part.

Each cereals received the same dishes enriched with vegetable fiber, fruits and vegetables, meat products of a non-fat variety, etc. One group of rushed only food and saw ordinary water, and the second is the control group, received a 200 ml of tomatoes drink daily.

Such an experiment lasted within 90 days. Upon completion of this time, the control weighing was carried out. Studies have shown that the patients who received tomato juice every day, looked a few kilograms more than people who did not receive this drink.

Fact: Diet with Tomato Juice for weight loss gives excellent results - fat from sides, abdomen and lying leaves much faster, and the exchange processes in the body are accelerated, the operation of the digestive tract and the gastrointestinal tract, constipation are eliminated, which are often detected against the background of poor nutrition.

When they talk about dietary diet on tomato juice, it is implied not only the intake of the beverage, and its combination with a balanced diet. No less useful unloading days on the juice.

Targets of the unloading day for a smoothie from tomatoes:

  • Purgation;
  • Rest of the digestive system;
  • Reducing the load from the pancreas;
  • Restoration of full intestinal peristals;
  • Strengthen exchange processes.

The diet on tomato juice from the package does not carry practical benefits, since the packaged drinks contain many artificial components, which are not the best way to the human body. As part of such beverages, many preservatives, taste amplifiers, cooking salts, etc. substances that can slow down the weight loss process.

Tomato juice for weight loss should be drunk correctly:

  1. It is advisable to consume freshly squeezed juice from fresh (not boiled) vegetables. If it is not possible to cook it yourself, you can buy juice in a bank or a bottle, but not in the package. The last option is not only not useful, but also harmful to those who want to get rid of extra kilograms.
  2. Juice from tomatoes need to drink immediately after cooking. Vitamins have the property to collapse during the storage. If the drink is prepared for a few days ahead, it is stored in a dark and closed container on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
  3. It is impossible to add to the drink to drink salt and sugar sand to improve taste, it reduces the healing quality of the juice, reduces the effectiveness of dietary power supply.
  4. Drink can not be combined with other products. Exception is a small amount of vegetable oil, which is used for better digestibility of lycopene.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to heat the juice, many useful components at high temperatures have the property of collapse.
  6. Juice on a diet drink 30 minutes before meals - it helps to prepare the stomach to a "solid" meal.

It is worth knowing: since the juice is a lot of organic acids, which can provoke increased acidity, it is recommended to be carefully dried against the background of gastritis, chronic pancreatitis, gastroduodenitis.

Cooking recipes at home

For fresh beverage, tomatoes are not used, which are characterized by solid skin and dense pulp. Choose those varieties that have a juicy and fleshy pulp. If the vegetable is a bit taken up, it is not necessary to dispose of it - it is enough to cut a "dubious" place.

To get 250 ml of beverage at home, you will need 400-500 g of tomato. If the juice is required more, then the number increases. The fastest way to obtain a drink is using juicer. But he has a certain disadvantage - a large amount of waste.

Recipe for fresh juice by means of juicer:

  • Wash the tomatoes under running water, dry;
  • Cut every tomato into several parts, remove the frozen;
  • Skip through the juicer.

There are ways to prepare a drink without special devices - tomatoes are boiled, and then rubbed through a string. This option for weight loss is not suitable, because in the cooking process beneficial features Lose.

Alternatively, you can use a blender. It grinds the right amount of tomatoes, the mixture is shifted not several layers of gauze and carefully pressed. The resulting drink consumes immediately. Another option is to use a meat grinder, which is found in the kitchen of every person. With the help of it, tomatoes scroll, and then act according to the scheme as with a blender.

Options for tomato diets

Is there a diet on tomato juice? There are many food options that are calculated for a certain period of time. Good reviews have a diet that implies the consumption of juice from tomatoes for three days.

Three-day diet with tomato juice:

  1. A chicken egg is eaten for breakfast (boiled in the "bag"). Drink 250 ml of tomato juice without sugar or cook salt.
  2. As a snack consumes 100 g of minimum fatty cottage cheese. The defatted product is better not to take, he does not bear any practical benefit for the body, while it is poorly absorbed. 250 ml of juice from tomato, red pepper salad (sweet).
  3. Bake 200 g of turkey, vegetable salad - cucumbers, apples, carrots and cabbage + 250 ml of tomato juice.
  4. In the evening you can drink infusion with a rose hips or herbic drink.

Important: The diet lasts no more than three days, the menu for every day is the same. Solit dishes is prohibited, but you can add sharp spices - they help speed up metabolic processes in the body.

If you need to quickly reset more than two kilograms, it helps a seven-day diet on the juice from tomatoes. The diet is based on consumption not only one smoothie from tomatoes, but also other food. Every day you need to drink one liter of a tomato smoothie - the volume is divided into equal portions, drink between meals.

Features of a seven-day diet (the number of products per all day):

  • Up to 500 g baked potatoes (baked in a brass closet with the skin);
  • Up to 500 g of low fatty cottage cheese. It is allowed to mix with low-fat sour cream;
  • Up to 1 kg of fruit or berries (it is impossible to eat bananas);
  • Up to 500 g of turkey fillets (boiled either baked without vegetable oil, salt, etc. spices);
  • Up to 500 g of dried apricots or other dried fruits (exception - figs and raisins);
  • To one liter of low fat yogurt or kefir 0.5%;
  • Nautical fish of low-fat variety - up to 500 g.

There is a 14-day diet that includes a tomato smoothie. It helps to get rid of five kilograms excess weight. When forming the diet, such recommendations should be followed:

  1. For breakfast 100 g of rye bread with a small piece of low-fat cheese, an apple or a pear, a glass of tomato smoothie.
  2. For lunch, any porridge on the water, portion up to 100 g. A piece of boiled chicken chicken either turkey, vegetable salad and 200 ml of tomato. If a person did not eat, it is allowed to emit any fruit.
  3. As a snack is allowed to eat some gallery cookies, after drinking 200-300 ml of tomato juice.
  4. For dinner, the serving of meat is 100 g (prepared in a multicooker or a double boiler). As a side dish Salad sweater. Put the glass drink from tomatoes.

All 14 days you need to stick to this diet, in the Add Other Products menu are not recommended. In the process of weight loss, you need to drink a lot ordinary waterHerbs-based decoctions to strengthen the metabolic processes in the body. If you adhere to the power rules, it does not have to starve - the stomach is filled with the fiber of plant origin, obtained from vegetables and fruits.

Toman juice, especially its own preparation, contains many vitamins, minerals, organic acids, genuine fiber. Its consumption helps to lose weight by a few kilograms, while not allowing the exhaustion of the body's resources.

Want to have an amino waist and slender hips? Then drink juice from fresh tomatoes! That is how the Chinese scientists who conducted serious scientific research in this area in order to find innovative means of obesity. The experiment was conducted with the participation of 25 women, each of which, using tomato juice for weight loss for two months, recorded a real decrease in the volume of the waist for about 2 cm.

Comfortable slimming with Signor Tomato

For slimming on tomato juice, it is not necessary to sit on a diet, it is enough to include it in the diet, following the recommendations of nutritionists. If you need to quickly get rid of the abdomen, you can arrange a unloading day, limiting the menu one and a half liters of the drink.

To the category

Secret of the slimming effect of tomatoes drink

Juicy tomatoes are not just delicious, but also very useful vegetables. Their juice simultaneously helps to quench your thirst and "feed" the body, because it contains the largest number of plant proteins from all vegetable beverages known at the moment.

Thus, the exceptional benefit of the tomato juice for weight loss is that, drinking a cup, man suppresses a sense of hunger. It is very important for those who are trying to reset unnecessary, but can not tangle their appetite, suffering from the permanent sense of the empty stomach.

The secrets of slimming impact on the female figure are hidden in juice abilities. He can:

  • improve the operation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • give to normal and accelerate metabolic processes;
  • display slags and poisoning toxins at the cellular level. This contributes to the cleaning of the body, eliminating it from unnecessary kilograms.
to the category

Simple recipe - tangible result

To the information of those who want to try the tomato juice for weight loss recipe for the preparation of this drink, there is only one, and it is very simple: from the red ripe tomatoes with the help of the juicer you need to make Fresh and, if desired, it is necessary to deliver it with a small amount of spices and greenery to give a taste.

The drink is recommended to use 1-3 times a day in half an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner. Prepare juice is preferably immediately before use. In the extreme case, you can prepare a portion for the whole day, but in no case do not leave the product for the night.

To the category

Practice Test: Real Experience and Reviews

Thousands of women have already managed to try on themselves tomato juice for weight loss, reviews about the results obtained by them are quite eloquent.

Alina, 32 years: "After the birth of the second child, several extra kilograms scored. It was not enough to limit yourself to the goodness of the will of the will, so I decided to try juice from tomatoes. Saw somewhere a month and a half (while there were tomatoes at the cottage) in the morning and evening before meals. Differed about 3 kg during this time. I think this result is obtained due to the fact that after the cup of a thick drink does not want to eat at all. "

Tamara, 44 years old: "Although I love the drink from tomatoes, but it didn't work out to lose weight. Two weeks after the start of the diet, the level of acidity in the stomach rose, and the doctor banned such experiments. "

Veronica, 27 years old: "I heard a lot good reviews On the use of juice from tomatoes for weight loss. A girlfriend with it before the wedding the waist of a centimeter for three reduced. But I was never able to make him drink - I do not like from childhood. "

To the category

Tomato juice properties: how to do not turn into harm

Getting started to drop weight, it is very important to properly use tomato juice, benefit and harm to lose weight depending solely on compliance with the recommended dosages, as well as the overall condition of the body.

If you first consult with your doctor and stick to his advice on this issue, this method of correction of the figure will only benefit, because in ripe tomatoes, a whole range of vitamins and more than twenty the necessary organisms of trace elements are contained.

To harm the drink may in case overdo it with its amount or not to take into account contraindications. For example, a large amount of juice drunk at a time can lead to a strong stomach disorder. Such a diet with gastritis, gastric ulcer or stones in a busty bubble is contraindicated.

In the presence of listed chronic diseases of the drink from the tomato only aggravate the course of the disease, since it contains a large percentage of organic acids and can trigger the exacerbation of pain and an increase in the level of acidity.

To the category

Recipes of fat burning and vitamin juice

Greetings, my dear readers! Deliciously delicious flesh and the sophisticated aroma of this soft red vegetable manits many, especially comforting. Still would!

The storehouse of vitamins, beneficial substances and low calorie content is the main advantage of the fetus.

Probably, you already guessed, what product are we talking about? Of course, this is a tomato! And today we will find out how tomato juice for weight loss is affected.

Golden Apple

The name of the tomato comes from the Italian Pomo d'Oro, which means " golden Apple". Aztecs called his Tomatoral, or "swelling fruit", and the French were redesigned in Tomato. His homeland - South America. There he grows in a wild form so far.

Surprisingly, the tomato is pretty new product for humanity. It began to cultivate and massively eating in the middle of the XIX century.

Do you know that until this time, the tomato served decorative decoration of dishes? He did not eat, because the fruits were considered to be poisonous.

It is interesting .The American president of George Washington was trying to poison the dish of tomatoes. In 1822, Colonel Johnson, with a multiplinary crowd near the courthouse, ate a bucket of tomatoes. People were surprised that the official does not die in grave flour. Since then, this fruit has begun to gain popularity.

Useful qualities

After a short period of time, people began to find out the favor of this red fetus. It turns out that it contains many substances significant for our organism:

  • vitamins C, K, A, group B;
  • folic acid;
  • apple and citric acids;
  • chromium;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium.

It is important. In one cup of tomato juice, the daily dose of vitamin C and Provitamin A. They support our immunity in the norm.

Experts say that the tomato is favorable on all systems of our body. And let's learn what it is useful for weight loss?

  • Valuable dietary product. It can be included in any diet. Energy value - only 20 kcal.
  • Due to the high chromium content, the appetite is reduced and a sense of satiety is preserved for a long time.
  • Folic acid accelerates metabolic processes.
  • Tomato contains substances that improve the mood, forcing the rejoicing hormone. And this means that depression and stress with him are not terrible, as well as a compulsive overeating.
  • It has a soft laxative effect.

Well, friends, tomato - indeed, a useful vegetable. And completely in vain, he was considered to be a poisonous than 200 years ago. Is not it?


Doctors say that this wonderful fetal has its own contraindications. It cannot be used under the following diseases:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • in individual intolerance;
  • allergy.

In addition, excessive use of the product may harm the body. The likelihood of the development of intestinal disorder, nausea and vomiting is great.

So, my dear friends, everything is fine, but in moderation.

Eat. We drink. Lose weight?

Many slightly doubts whether it is possible to drink tomato juice when weight loss. It was proved that the absorption of useful vitamins and microelements in liquid form is much faster than from ordinary dishes. Therefore, the answer is obvious. However, there are nuances here.

Nutritionists approve of the use of tomatoes and tomato fersha when weighing weight. But it is important to remember several light rules:

  • tomato juice should be natural (it is better to abandon the packaged juices and make a choice in favor of freshly squeezed);
  • "No" - harmful additives. It is not allowed to add salt and sugar to juice;
  • you can mix juice with other fat burning products (for example, with celery, pepper, ginger, etc.).
  • drink slowly, stretching pleasure.

They say if adhere to these rules, the juicy drink will benefit for our body.

Original recipes for harmony

Friends, I found many interesting recipes from tomato juice. All of them are perfect for weight correction. Below will learn how to prepare them.

Tomato Fresh.

This is a classic recipe for juice from tomatoes. It is necessary to take 2 large tomatoes and skip them through the juicer.

I assume that for someone such juice will seem tasteless and very fresh. Therefore, it is recommended to add (for your taste):

  • 3 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
  • pinch of red pepper or ginger;
  • 1 tsp. olive oil.

Any "Topping" is added and is well stirred. Such a drink can be used at any time of the day. Best of all - on an empty stomach.

Vegetable Mix

This drink will delight fans of a spicy taste. In addition, the juice contains a fat burner - celery stem. And he, as you know, negative calorie.

It will take:

  • 1 Celery Stem
  • 2 medium tomatoes
  • petrushka twig
  • chipping black pepper

Celery and tomatoes skip through the juicer. Add black pepper. Well stirred. Decorating a parsley branch.

Drinking such a mix is \u200b\u200bnecessary for the night. It displays slags and toxins well and launches metabolic processes. About Celery's action on the body I wrote in the article

Cocktail with kefir.

It is said that this is very nutritious, and most importantly - a useful snack.

  • 1 Tomato
  • ½ cup of kefir 2.5%
  • dill branch (optional)

From the tomato, squeeze the juice. Dilute it with kefir. Finely rubbim dill, add to the resulting cocktail. Mix well and enjoy the taste.


Or tomato juice soup. This is a Spanish dish. Classic recipe Ensure various non-subsection additives. Since we are not interested in this option, I will give a recipe for harmony.

It will take:

  • 1 Cucumber
  • 3 fleshy tomatoes
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 Bulgarian Pepper
  • bunch of parsley, dill and basil
  • ground pepper - 1 pinch

Vegetables clean and skip through a blender. Green chopped and add to the resulting mass. Spice up. Mix everything.

Store in the refrigerator no more than a day. Cold. Great dish for dining table!

Different nutrition systems

Friends, I found out that the juice from tomatoes is used when unloading Days and monocomponent nutrition systems. One of the most popular is a tomato diet.

It assumes the presence of only two products in the menu - it is rice and directly fresh juice from tomatoes. The diet is quite rigid.

On such nutrition, it is necessary to hold out a week. It is said that you can get rid of 5 to 7 kg of excess weight (depending on the initial mass).

Opinion of specialists

Dietary doctors categorically against rigid power systems. Tomato diet belongs to this species. Plus, one diet is a quick weight loss. However, it carries unpleasant consequences.

Here are the words of one doctor-nutrition:

"All diets are built on the principle of reducing calorie. Due to this, weight decreases. Diet with the help of tomato juice is dangerous. Its diet is unbalanced. The likelihood of slowing exchange processes and the return of lost kilograms is great. It is best to use natural juice from tomatoes weekly in your diet. "

What to remember

Tomato juice can be used during weight loss. This diet product will benefit for the body. It has low calorie content, contains many minerals and trace elements for humans.

So that the juice from tomatoes brings only good results, it is necessary to use it in kind.

That is, to make various fresh juices (you can mix with other vegetables), add fat burning seasonings in them (for example, pepper).

Whatever the useful product, it has its own contraindications. Doctors do not recommend using juice to people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

On the Internet there are a lot of various power systems that are based on the use of Tomato Fresh. Nutritionists say these are dangerous diets. It is best to regularly use a useful drink in your diet.

In order to be slim, do not need diet. It is enough to eat and constantly train. It is such a method that will achieve a slim figure without harm to health.

On this I say goodbye to you, but not for long. To new meetings on my blog pages!