What apples need to eat to lose weight. Is it possible to lose weight on apples

Beautiful figure is often one of the main goals of a woman and a pledge excellent mood, After all, nothing attaches confidence as a gorgeous reflection in the mirror. And few girls would not like to throw a couple of kilograms for consupportion. To achieve a given goal, it is usually enough to do fitness and correct your diet. At the same time, probably it is known that proper nutrition So losing weight is much more than sports. Among the whole diversity diets everyone wants to choose the most balanced, delicious and simple. We invite you to draw your attention to such a product like apples.

It is no secret that these are very tasty, useful, adored by many fruits. Apple varieties are a big set, and all of them, due to the different composition of nutrients, are useful in their own way. Any fruit is a storehouse of vitamins (especially vitamins A and C), useful for the intestine of fiber, iron and iodine.

Is it possible to lose weight on apples

In girls who decided to lose weight, there may be doubts: how much such a diet will be effective, whether it will not affect the well-being either on appearance Hair and skin. Based on a lot of experience already tried such a diet, in this article you will receive an answer to such a question.

Almost consisting of any diet are these fruits. Having low calorie and low glycemic index (unsweetened varieties), an apple is considered one of the best. diet productswhich allows you to lose kilograms without a special feeling of hunger.

Rate the positive points of apple use:

  • saying at least one apple a day, you help your intestines better function. At the same time, the metabolism is certainly accelerated, extra kilograms leave with slags, and the skin and hair look unequivocally better;
  • apples reduce the level of harmful cholesterol in the body, the vessels tone, thereby extending your youth and beauty;
  • are a preventive measure of hypovitaminosis (lack of vitamins);
  • normalize blood sugar levels;
  • having as part of pectin, apples contribute to the natural cleaning of the body from slags, eliminate constipation and carry a lining effect on the body.

Apples are familiar fruit for our latitudes, grow almost everywhere and under any conditions. The taste of apples is familiar to us from childhood, because they begin to feed them with very early age. Therefore, we can say that these fruits are moved well, but there are still some restrictions.

Contraindications for apple diet

You should choose a different diet if you have such diseases (at least one):

  • gastritis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa);
  • ulcer of the stomach or a 12-rosewoman;
  • diabetes;
  • increased acidity;
  • frequent bloating;
  • acute infectious and inflammatory diseases.

But it is worth considering that contraindications are not so categorical. For example, having an ulcer or suffering from increased acidity, it is necessary to simply avoid acidic apple varieties, but with gastritis and reduced acidity, on the contrary, you can pour ourselves with an acidic angry fruit. The main thing is to control their quantity. Fully eliminate apples standing with the exacerbation of the disease.

What apples choose for a diet

Fruits that are stored for a long time, inevitably lose part useful vitaminsSo doctors recommend buying fresh apples, especially recently torn. It is more useful to use seasonal fruits, albeit not so colorful, as imported, but with a good vitamin composition.

So that the diet does not bother with its monotony (after all, even apples can come), nutritionists recommend alternating different varieties. But all the focus do on sour varieties, because they contain less sugar and more acids with fat burning ability. Also they have low glycemic indexThat is, an indicator of how one or another product affects the level of sugar in the body. The acidic varieties include: Seven, White Pouring, Antonovka, Grennie Smith, Meshamian.

Examples of apples-based diets

Diets are two types - mono and polydiet. Based on the name, it is clear that in the first version, only one product remains at the main thing. In the second case, the diet is more harmonious.

The mondetes are good for unloading days, besides, they are usually short. Apples are great for discharge days. During the day or two, these fruits will firmly and bring only benefits.

Unloading one-day diet

This option is designed for one day, during which every two hours it is necessary to eat one apple, drinking half a cup of kefir.

It looks like this:

  • Morning is a green apple and a non-fat kefir (1%);
  • After 2 hours - similarly;
  • Lunch is a green apple and kefir;
  • After 2 hours - the same;
  • Dinner - Apple and Kefir;
  • 2 hours before sleep - an apple and kefir.

Water in this case is not limited, drink plenty. This day can be repeated once every two weeks.

More diverse, but still strict, there will be the following option.

Five-day apple diet

  • 1st day: 1 kg of apples, 3 unsweetened sugar markets, green tea - without restrictions;
  • 2nd day: 1 kg of apples, 100 g boiled chicken, water;
  • 3rd day: 1 kg of apples, 100 g of kuragi, water;
  • 4th day: 1.5 kg of apples, green tea;
  • 5th day: 1 kg of green apples, 200 g of canned tuna, green tea.

This strict diet will reduce from 3 to 5 kg. Despite the fact that there are many vitamins in the apples, during these 5 days it is necessary to take a vitamin complex.

Based on the apple diet you can lose great. At the same time, it is not necessary to follow some canons of the diet, it is enough to eat as much seasonal apples as possible, enjoy and enjoy the figure of your dreams.

Today in the world there is just a dizzying number of all sorts of diets, however, the apple diet is still the most common.

Why not.

After all, literally in a week without much effort, you can say goodbye to 5-7 kilograms. Agree: it sounds rather tempting.

True, after that, for a few more months, I will not want to look at the apples, not what to eat.

But this, this has its significant advantages.

Firstly, these fruits are available outside the season, and secondly, over a short period of time, the exchange of beneficial substances occurs without much effort.

Natural use of apple diet

Apples relate to the fruits that contain almost all minerals, vitamins, foliic acid, iron, sugar and pectins are incredibly useful for the human body. In addition, apples fill a person with energy and strength, which significantly extends his life. Predated these fruits were used to treat atherosclerosis, rheumatism, gouts, eczema and other skin diseases. Also, their use contributes to strengthening nails, hair and vision. In this fruit there is a substance that helps the body is more efficient to absorb iron from other products.

Scientists from Great Britain found out that the daily use of at least one apple, it makes life and contributes to the qualitative rejuvenation of the human body. The researchers concluded that the apples contain a difficult element - epicatechin of polyphenol, which significantly improves the blood circulation process, rejuvenating with the heart and increasing immunity, the walls of the vessels are exposed to less degree Hardening, which most often contributes to the development of strokes, heart attacks and other heart disease.

Diet for a noticeable effect

Using an apple diet, you can really lose extra kilograms, and in a short time interval.

The most accessible diet version:

  • Monday. It is necessary to eat at least one kilogram of apples and drink several glasses of green tea, but without adding sugar. If it is difficult, you can afford a couple of crackers.
  • Tuesday. Apples need to eat at least one and a half kilograms. There are still tea, crackers and water.
  • Wednesday and Thursday. Please yourself with two kilograms of apples, drink more water and give up the crackers at all.
  • Friday. A half a kilogram, water, tea.
  • Saturday. One kilogram, green tea and water.
  • Sunday. Control weighing - slender silhouette.

It is gradually getting out of the diet, without fanatical absorption of cakes. The diet on apples is rather budget and not difficult for compliance. It costs it about every 2-3 months.

Kefir-apple diet

Kefir-apple diet can be recommended to people not only to those who wish to lose weight, but also to strengthen health disturbed by a number of reasons, for example, the threatening environmental situation in the region, work on the health of the technological operation (for example, hand-made electric welding), recently transferred illness (called Significant decrease in immunity) - reception of a long period of antibiotics, etc.

Duration of kefir-apple diets seven days - during this time you can lose weight by 6 kilograms. For every day, according to the diet of a kefir-apple diet, 1.5 kilograms are required (5-6 pcs.) Green apples.

Menu kefir and apple diet

Tomorrow, the second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and for 2 hours before bedtime you need to eat one apple and after half an hour to drink it half a glass (100 grams) of a degreased (1%) kefir (without sugar). Moreover, any meal may be missed. Additionally, you can drink green tea or non-neurineralized water without restrictions (no feeling of hunger) without sugar.

Fasting day

Nevertheless, an apple diet is a conference that is not to be considered as a constant. But for cleansing the body from toxins and slags from time to time it is worth using it.

You can normalize metabolic processes by discharge days that need to be carried out several times a week to reduce the weight and 2 times a month to clean the body. On a day, it is necessary to eat as many apples as much as possible, and drink purified water to 3 liters.

An apple diet can be added and kefir: one apple is 0.5 liters of kefir. Consequently, per day: on a 3 liter of the fermented milk product, it is necessary to eat 6 apples.

Contraindications and indications

A similar diet is probably suitable for people who suffer from constipation: apples have a relaxing effect on the human body.

Also, apples are not bad to dull dependence on nicotine. Therefore, a person throwing smoking best diet And do not come up.

People with ulcers are contraindicated by the use of sour varieties apples, preference should be given to sweet varieties.

And do not forget any diet should help the body, but in no case harm him. In everything you need to know the measure.

Compliance with this diet gives a noticeable and very fast result. In addition, with the help of a melotic diet, you can perfectly clean the kidneys ...

Apples are very useful fruits, regardless of whether you sit on a diet or try to eat right.

They are rich in potassium and magnesium, which beneficially affect the work of the heart muscle. Apples have calcium, firming teeth, and iron required for blood formation.

These fruits are the record holders on the content of fiber, it is represented as pectin. This compound is open not so long ago, but it is already called a "cleaner of the body."

Apple pectin removes slags and toxic compounds, therefore, cleans the body From unnecessary sediments and thereby helps to lose weight.

Is it possible to slightly apples?

Fresh fruit is the perfect version of fast snack.

Fruits have a positive effect on metabolism, Therefore, they should be included in the menu during the diet. From a medical point of view, they will bring invaluable benefit to the body:

    Accelerate metabolic processes;

    Reduce cholesterol;

    Normalize the work of the digestive tract, get rid of constipation;

    Improve the composition of intestinal microflora;

    Reveal toxic compounds;

    Accelerate the splitting of adipose tissue.

Nutritionists B. lately Do not be involved in fruit in the period of weight loss. The fructose contained in them is processed in the liver not in glycogen, but in fat. It enters the bloodstream and captures fat cells. Despite the low caloric content of fruits, the person is forced to deal with overweight.

Apples, like other fruits, contain fructose, but they also have a different compound - ursolic acid. It contains in the apple skin. American researchers conducted a number of laboratory observations on rodents, which were fed high-calorie food. All animals suffered from obesity, metabolic syndrome and liver dystrophy.

The results of the experiment surprised scientists. Those rodents, who were added to the food extract of apple peel, improved their health indicators. Despite the abundant diet, their weight remained within the normal range. In addition, the proportion of muscles has increased. Head of Research, Christopher Adams explains the results by the fact that ursolic acid leads to growth muscular mass. And the more muscles, the faster the fat are burned.

Ursolic acid is contained in the apple skin, so the fruits do not need to be cleaned before use.

Tell me "No" apple diet

It is impossible to turn an unloading day on apples in a diet for weight loss.

There is an opinion that the unloading day on the apples will bring the body exceptional benefit. Once a month can be checked, but for a long time to apply a diet on apples should not be.

Such a power mode leads to a lack of protein and a number of vitamins. Since the flow of salt into the body is limited, a decrease in body weight occurs due to the removal of fluid. Excess fiber does not most effect on digestion.

After using an apple diet, many people remained unhappy with the result.

Long to hold out on the fruit prevents a strong sense of hunger, in addition, lost kilograms are quickly returned to the place.

If a person suffers from gastritis, then the aggravation of the disease is guaranteed.

Apple diet refers to the category of monodis. In essence, a person is powered by carbohydrates and fiber, after such a diet, even volitional personality is broken. And in the course there is not useful products, but pies, cakes, sweets.

How to use apples to dump weight

The best time of the use of fruits is 15-20 minutes before lunch. So, in Pennsylvania, conducted an experiment. Within 5 weeks, men and women with normal weight ate apples shortly before the main meals. It turned out that during lunch, their body learned for 187 calories less.

Fruits before meals help reduce calorie intake, - Persons the University of Julie Fold.

However, there are apples on an empty stomach can afford not all people, with the increased acidity of the stomach they lead to discomfort in the stomach. Also do not eat fresh fruit immediately after meals, As this will lead to increased gas formation.

It is best to eat fresh apple in 20 minutes before meals or 2 hours after lunch.

Fruit is available in the evening for dinner, but at night it is undesirable.

Is it possible apples for the night? Of course, if there is nothing else in the refrigerator, it is not rebuilt with an apple. However, nutritionists advise this not to do, since they contain many carbohydrates.

In the evening it is better to eat some protein food (cottage cheese or egg) to fit hunger. Take the morning and daytime clock for the use of apples.

What apples are more useful during a diet?

Fresh apples will be the greatest benefit, the high content of vitamin C, in the peel there is a huge amount of antioxidants. 5-7 apple branches will deliver the daily rate of iodine into the body.

Since not all people are well tolerated fresh apples, doctors advise them to bake them. During thermal processing, some of the vitamins and beneficial substances is lost, However, fruit acids are destroyed, which negatively affect the stomach. If you put in the apple with cottage cheese or fill with nuts, it turns out a delicious and useful dessert.

Dried fruits contribute to good digestion.

The uroin apples contain a whole range of useful substances, positively affect the intestinal microflora, rich in ascorbic acid.

In the process of fuse, the fiber acquires softer properties and the intestine is at least. They can be safely used during the diet period.

Dried apples are a concentrate of all the beneficial substances that are rich in the fruit. However, the caloric content of the product is 300 kcal, so it is not recommended to get involved. From drying you can cook compote or use as a sugar substitute during tea party.

Apples with diet (protein, buckwheat)

During a buckwheat diet apples will help to fill the lack of vitamins in the body, Especially ascorbic acid. Since the reception and salts are excluded, they will improve the taste of porridge. There are 2 opinions how to use apples on a buckwheat diet. Some recommend them to eat them between the main meals, others advise to combine apples with porridge. They are allowed to bake, boil and eat in raw form.

When observing a protein diet at the first stage, apples are excluded from the diet, on the 2-3 stage they are added to the menu in the amount of 1-2 pieces per day. It is better to choose sour varieties of fruit.

So, apples help to reduce weight due to the presence in the dryer of ursolic acid. 2-3 fruit per day will not harm the figure, But it is better to eat them in the morning. However, it is not recommended to sit on an apple diet: it is equal to starvation. After such a diet, the increase in body weight is inevitable.

On an amateur, but I came up

On this diet, I managed to hold out all 7 days. Food alone with apples for 5 days, chicken broth added for 6-7 days. At first glance, the diet will seem complex, but in fact it is transferred quite normal (if you are healthy). That surprised me, this is the absence of any negative phenomena from the body. Even with the chair was all fine, despite the laxative effect of apples. I did not have any weakness or drowsiness. 1-2 kg of apples sat on me all day. The stomach narrowed and even apples did not want to eat!
There were no special preferences in varieties - ate Grennie, Antonovka, Georste. Sometimes he drone and red apples, for a variety, although I don't really love them.
For 7 days I had more than 5 kilograms! The effect is noticeable not only on the scales, but also on the figure. I had a good fat from my belly, Lyakh. Unfortunately, the chest also blurted out. But in general, the diet brought me a lot of joy. Not as difficult as I thought.


I sit on apples only if I need to accidentally throw off a couple of extra kilograms. Eat 5 middle apples per day. The feeling of discomfort in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach and intestines almost does not pass. Constantly there is something burst, urchit. And I generally keep quiet about moral condition. No strength, no mood either. I'm rage! In general, these 3 days are very difficult. In the award, the torment takes 2-3 extra kilograms. I usually measure my parameters and most often centimeters leave the waist.
Diet is effective, but harmful in all parameters. For in the purification of the body, I do not believe apple.

I did not like such a diet

Apple diet is effective, but very dangerous precisely for the gastrointestinal tract. The first days passed for me almost like oil. I ate a molding apple and threw a kilogram on a day - my joy was not the limit. And there is no feeling of hunger, and nothing hurts. Somewhere in 5-6 days waking up in the morning I did not recognize myself in the mirror. The face was yellow, a whitish flare appeared in the tongue. In the evening I was sick, the stomach was painted. And it was not a simple indigestion, but the most real attack of gastritis. I was put in the hospital and put a dropper. That's what the desire to lose weight on apples can lead.
Apples annoy the walls of the stomach with their juice, moreover, it prevents bile disintegration. In general, the full bouquet of the gastrointestinal challenges was "on the hands."
Apple diet is one of the most terrible. I still drink the tablets so that the stomach does not hurt.

Favorite way to unload

But recently began to give failures. It used to lose weight in the apples for 2 kilos. Now the result may not be. It was already thinking that I choose too sweet apples, began to take green, acidic. Then yellow, then I have already tried to look for the grannies in the markets that "natural" according to their words. As a result, I can say that personally on my organism apple diet stopped working. Even despite the careful selection of apples.

Diet is delicious, especially for those who, like me, loves this fruit. Love for apples I have since childhood, so it's not a problem for me to sit out on apples for me. I cook compote, I make apples on a couple or just a herro apple, without everything, with pleasure. It seems to me after such a unloading day, even the skin of the face moisturizes. Nevertheless, there are a lot of nutrients and antioxidants in apples that have a beneficial effect on the skin. So if you consider apple days not as a way to lose weight, but as a way to improve, then this diet is just perfect. Digestion is also simplified in the evening. The estimate has reduced due to the fact that the diet has ceased to bring the desired plumbs in the morning. So I will return to it extremely rare.

Not mine

I love apples and I can eat them immensely, but I did not fit the diet at all. On the 3rd day I had a condition close to starvation. I was very sick of the stomach, I fell apart. And it was simply impossible to sit on her further. For 2.5 days I dropped 2.5 kg. In general, the results are good for me, because my weight is small (it was 58.5 became 56).
On the diet I ate fresh apples and baked. From drinks in my diet were compotes from fresh berries, apples, dried fruits. It was delicious and even, as it seemed to me, satisfying. But bad well-being came so suddenly and it hit me from the rut. I do not know, maybe I was poisoned by some apple, maybe just the stomach could not stand the same unisex, and the acidity of the apples, you know, very high.
During recovery, I threw another 2 kg. Now I eat in the usual mode. Of 4.5 kg, only 1.5 kg returned. The result was quite persistent. In any case, I will no longer sit on the apple diet. Health for me above all.
With any diet you need to be cautious, and with apple - especially. And if we decided to sit on this diet, then buy Russian apples, and not Polish. I sat in Polish, I am very sorry.

Slimming and detox effect at the same time

Sitting on the apples for a few days I am not only losing extra kg, but I feel a powerful detox effect, and immunity strengthened.
Apples are not so simple as many think about them. By 87%, they consist of water, and in the remaining 13% focused the um of utility. It is fiber, and pectin, and vitamins A and C, minerals.
Although it is allowed to use any apples, I choose exclusively non-acid green. In yellow and red, the amount of sugar rolls, in the blood can sharply jump the level of glucose with such a number of fruits.
The skin always throw away if the apples are not from their garden, I do not want to eat wax and paraffin. The maximum possible duration of the diet is 4 days, but I have never sustained more than 3. As a result, I decided that I would make unloading days on apples every 2-3 weeks.
A day I try to eat at least 1.5 kg of apples, but then I just can't watch them. Outside the diet, I definitely turn out at least one apple a day, it helps to keep weight normally and positively affects digestion.
Such a power regimen, even short-term, is strictly prohibited by people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. There are options for a softer diet with the addition of milk or oatmeal, but the effect is not so explicit. For 3 days on the apples, I lost 1.5-2 kg, no more.

It's hard to adapt to such a nutrition

Eating only kefir and apples has a bunch of advantages, but the diet is clearly designed for patient and strongly motivated. Or on fanatics kefir and apples.
It was hard for me to adapt. In theory, Kefir must sank his hunger, and he, and I had a diligence of appetite and provoked thirst. Saw the most ordinary, fat content is 1.5-2%, unsolved. Apples used green, as in yellow and red sugars.
I lasted on a diet only 5 days, while I was hungry all the time. It seems that 2 liters of kefir and 5-6 apples per day are not enough, but not for me. I always wanted meat, fish or chicken all the time.
On the day, the minimum plumb was 300 grams, in 5 days I lost 3.2 kg. Diet compilers promise that it is easy to lose 5 kg during this time. I think it is physically impossible - lose weight per day per 1 kg. I also tortured with the choice of kefir, I found only one option from which I did not bother me.
From liquids, in addition to kefir and used ordinary water and green tea. Before breakfast, a whole glass of warm water was drunk in half an hour. The stomach was filled, I wanted to eat less.
But there is a diet one big advantage that outweighs all the cons - this is its full safety for the body, one only benefits.

You can lose weight on baked apples with gastrointestinal problems

I was able to sit on the apple diet if there are problems with the stomach. I myself did not accept such a decision, it is dangerous to joke with health. The doctor gave good, but only on baked apples. In this embodiment, a delicate effect on the intestines and the stomach occurs, the mucous membrane does not irritate.
But at the same time, the apples do their job, the process of soft cleansing is activated. I combined with oatmeal in the morning, in order not to load the stomach in the morning. And drank a lot of water, at least 2 liters per day. It climbed with difficulty, but stuffed.
Focus with the addition of a pair of droplets lemon juice It does not ride, apples and so alone sour, even in baked form. Observe the power mode is quite simple, no extended products for products is required. You also do not need to calculate calories, break your head with the menu preparation.
I remember the effect in a couple of days. All swelling comes down, the fat starts to disappear. For 7 days, the maximum weight decrease was 5 kg. When I had extra kids much less, then the plumb did not exceed 3 kg.
In general, I do not abuse the sport and physical activity in these days, it just lacks forces.
I don't feel very hungry, but as a true meat, these days are not as easy for me as I would like.

Diet must be adjusted for itself

Once tried to sit on a regular form in a clean form, but it was hard for the body.
There are very few calories in apples. They were not satisfied with me, but on the contrary they provoked a brutal appetite. It was saved only by the fact that fruit chewed constantly.
And since the apples are simply impossible to eat quickly, the brain received a signal about a large number of chewing movements and thought it was. The stomach was deceived by an abundant salivation.
Although I was also pursued by a feeling of hunger, but the forces did not leave, the energy was even debt. In parallel, the digestion was normalized, the skin began to clean.
With all the benefit of the diet, I did not give up her at all, but reworked and adjusted under myself. During the day, no more than 150 grams of protein food were used (chicken breast, boiled beef, fish). This allowed not to straighten himself hunger, the stomach was easier to transfer a large amount of acid.
The charm of the diet is still that apples can easily take with them anywhere and crunch anywhere. Every time on such a diet, I lose weight in different ways, then 5 kg in 5 days, then barely 3 kg leaves. What I do not know, I use apples to clean the experiment always alone.

The best way For emergency weight loss

To a purely apple diet, without anything resorted only in emergency cases, when you need to quickly bring myself in order before the responsible event. Faster and safe for health reset method excess weight I have not yet found.
A day I eat at least 1 kg of apples. I definitely drink a lot of ordinary waterThis allows you to start the metabolism in the morning and maintain it at a high level all day. Green tea is allowed, but he did not go. Easy nausea appears, probably affects a large amount of acid in the stomach.
During the diet, I do not limit myself with fresh green apples, I use Yellow, and red. So at least some taste and visual diversity is obtained.
For 3-5 days of such unloading and cleansing the body, I can easily leave 3.5-4 kg, changes are noticeable to the naked eye. First of all, my face is thinner, cheekbones appear. Then begins to go to the alone from the barrels and the tummy. But for some reason the legs on such a diet are practically not transformed. If something has accumulated on the hips, then for the most part it remains there.
I never had a negative reaction from the gastrointestinal tract (pain in the stomach, nausea, stool frustration).

Diet deserves attention

Diet unequivocally deserves attention. Apples are slowly digestible and low-calorie food with a complete lack of fats. At the same time, they have a lot of use, they well contribute to the purification of the body, attach strength and energy.
With this mode, I do not feel hungry at all. Especially if the baked apples goes.
To the first 7-myadail nutrition with apples, I suspended weighted, the main thing for me was to lose weight without harming the health.
I tried several unloading days on apples with a periodicity once a week, the body reacted normally.
The stomach was not sick, nausea, dizziness, there was no decline. Experimed by finding out that it is easier for me to eat green apples, they are not very sweet.
Only after such a test I risked to go on a multi-day diet. All 7 days I sat only on apples, warm boiled water (cold slows down the metabolism) and green tea without sugar.
The sensations in the body were very pleasant, as if I did not throw off 5 kg, but all 25. The head appeared clarity, apathy was gone, efficiency increased. The cleansing effect also gave his fruits, the condition of the skin, hair and nails improved. I hope that immunity from such a number of vitamin C is also strengthened. From the apples I had a lot of bloating, which did not pass at all. Plus, the constipation appeared.
By the third day there was a hellishness. Therefore, I constantly chewed apples, as a result, slightly with wild pain in the stomach. I had to call an ambulance and admit to doctors, which is why the stomach hurts.
As a result, the medicine was prescribed and left, saying a couple of "compliments" about my mind and a good figure, which is not worth it.
In general, everything was done, but it was said that with the increased acidity of the stomach, as I have such diets are simply contraindicated, the walls of the stomach is difficult to cope with so much acid that came with food. And this is a direct threat of the integrity of the stomach walls. Could an ulcer appear! In general, I will think your head when choosing a diet.

For me very complicated
Still, I had a week to hold out. I was nervous, angry, badly slept and constantly thought about my favorite dishes, but did not quit, as I really wanted to lose weight.
For a week, the weight went away. Plumb - 5 kg. The result is not as I waited, but still not small. After the diet, I tried a lot not to eat so that the weight does not return.
It fixed, and the kg did not return.
Definitely, I won't be able to hold out for a week only on apples, as I remember how difficult it was morally and physically.

Text: Zoya Andreeva

Apple diet is scary - and lovers of quick ways of express weight loss and fierce critics are monitored. Like most diets, apple diet has its advantages, their cons, and their contraindications. And before you go to the store for apples, it is worth thoroughly study both, both, and third.

Features of an apple diet

Apple diet, like many other fruit diet, belongs to the category of a single way - this means that for a certain period of time, a single product remains in the diet. In our case - apples. And as any mody for weight loss, it has a strict time limit. It is believed that it is advisable to use an apple diet only as unloading days. It should be arranged such unloading days no more than once every two weeks. Later, if your body applies to apple days (that is, it does not arise pain in the stomach, diarrhea or general weakness), the diet on apples can be stretched in time, but not more than 3-4 days. So that you advise you to girlfriends or numerous publications dedicated to regulatory diet, you should know - any monday stretched over time, turns into a "Russian roulette": risk and danger in it more than hope for healthy weight loss and rejuvenation.

Little who knows, but with an apple diet, "Paradise fruits" can eat far from only in primeval form. On the contrary, nutritionists advise not to nibble apples, as they are, but to make mashed potatoes. Also, apples can be baked in the oven. And one more common belief should be dispelled: on the day you can eat apples not "how much soul", and not more than 1.5 kg. Despite the fact that the apple diet is really quite effective (for 3 days you can reset to 2.5 - 3 kg of excess weight), it is impossible to immediately call it. The fact is that apples stimulate appetite, which is not far from being overcome. If it is difficult for you to cope with the surging appetite, it makes sense to switch from an apple diet on a tomato diet. Nevertheless, of all other monodisings, which are used by ladies for express weight loss, apple is one of the best. At a minimum because apples are deservedly considered the most useful product Of all other existing fruits.

Express diet on apples and water

The basis of the apple diet for weight loss, as already clear from the name, make up apples. Distribute 1.5 kg of apples in such a way as to eat them in 3-4 reception, the last of which should be no later than eight o'clock in the evening. Morning start with two glasses of warm water, and after half an hour you can eat the first apple. Drink about 2 liters of water during the day. If you have enough will with you enough, then at the time of the diet, give up any tonic drinks - for example, tea, coffee, drink only water. Returning to the question of choosing apples, it is worth mentioning that for an apple diet it is best to take domestic apples, that is, those that are not covered with food wax (which are covered with fruit before long-term transportation). Otherwise, during the diet, you will eat a large amount of this wax, and it contains paraffins that destroy the liver cells.

Contraindications for apple diet

Apple diet has its own contraindications. Considering that apple juice is a rather aggressive stimulus for the stomach, an apple diet is not recommended to people with the problems of the gastrointestinal tract, and even more so - with gastritis, ulcers and other serious illnesses. Also, "sit down" on the apple diet should not be the one who has increased acidity in the stomach. Finally, it is not necessary to hope that an apple diet will help you to really lose weight and transform if you don't love apples in everyday life. It has long been noticed - when a woman or a girl "sit down" on a diet, as if on a cautious, she does not receive any positive result. And on the contrary, when you lose weight in pleasure, the effect exceeds the most daring dreams.

Most experienced and respected nutritionists are opponents as such. Those who are especially stubborn in their desire to lose weight on a tight alignment, they advise: if you already decided on an applesal three-day express weight loss, then in the interests own health Accepting apples should be alternating with a reception of a small amount of protein, with the animal (chicken meat, low-fat fish, light cottage cheese, eggs). Small - this means no more than 100 g per day. Lucky with pleasure, reach the desired effect, but most importantly - take care of health. After all, it is then no diet no longer restore.