First day, fruits, second day, vegetables. Six Petals - Fast Weight Loss Diet

A favorite diet is a regulated and efficient nutrition system. She has proven more than once that it is an effective and, more importantly, an effective means for losing weight and improving the figure. The diet does not last long (only seven days), and its diet is relatively gentle.

Favorite diet 7 days does not belong to the category of mono-diets. If you pay attention to finances, then it will slightly hit your wallet. The favorite diet received very positive reviews. This is probably due to the results of the diet. You will lose five to ten kilograms in just one week!

Favorite means the best?

No matter how enthusiasts try to elevate this method, diet is not a panacea and the only sure way to get rid of excess weight. It is effective as a one-time and quick way to lose weight and should not be overused. In addition, you need to seriously prepare for it: if you have gastritis, colitis and kidney disease, losing weight generally should be postponed.

Favorite is a 7-day diet in which every day is dedicated to a certain product. Depending on the calorie content of the diet, it is necessary to strictly observe the exercise and walking regime so that the process of natural fat burning coincides with the general physical activity. In general, this diet is very simple, any housewife can find the entire menu in her refrigerator. The diet is designed in such a way that it includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner - each time is different. Therefore, he will not get bored, and the week will pass unnoticed.

Diet "Favorite" diet

Day 1. Drinking

Day 2. Vegetable

Only liquids are allowed. Especially soups, teas, and most importantly - water, but not ice cold, cool, cold, hot, but warm. Tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, carrots, peppers, cabbage (a natural fat burner), salad - the diet of the second day of the diet.

Day 3. Drinking

Day 4. Fruit

We do what we did on the first day. On this day, you can eat absolutely any fruit: apples, oranges, bananas, it is especially desirable to include grapefruit and kiwi, which are also natural fat burners.

Day 5. Protein

Day 6. Drinking

The body will be saturated with proteins. Be sure to include boiled fish, eggs, yoghurts, chicken breast. However, despite the abundance of choice, you should not immediately fill up. Enough 4-5 small portions a day. We indulge your body with enough fluid (see day 1, day 3)

Day 7. Balanced diet

The transition from diet to normal. But the menu remains individual. Throughout the day, you can consume a couple of hard-boiled eggs, vegetable and fruit salads in small portions, soup and broth, adding a minimum amount of salt to quickly remove liquid.

A tough version of your favorite diet for 7 days

The first two days are drinking

Kefir and water - in large quantities.

The third day is apple

Classic unloading menu. If you do not have a great love for apples, then replace them with oranges. Also drink liquid to neutralize acid.

Fourth, fifth and sixth days - chicken

Boiled chicken without skin and more liquid.

Day seven - alcoholic (wine)

Dry wine and cheese throughout the day. For a glass of wine, thirty grams of cheese.

Nutritionists advise using vitamins and minerals (in pills, tablets, capsules) along with the permitted products.

Approximate menu for 7 days of diet of your beloved

First day: Breakfast
Afternoon snack - yogurt 150 gr.
Dinner - 200 ml of milk.
Second day: Breakfast - 2 medium tomatoes.
Dinner - salad made from fresh cabbage, cucumbers and herbs. You can season with vegetable oil.
Afternoon snack - 2 medium cucumbers.
Dinner - salad of cucumbers, bell peppers and herbs.
Third day: Breakfast - a cup of unsweetened tea with 200 ml of a milkshake.
Lunch - 200 ml of milk.
Dinner - chicken broth without salt 200 ml.
Afternoon snack - 200 ml of kefir.
Dinner - 200 ml of milk.

During the day, only unsweetened tea is consumed.

Fourth day: Breakfast - 2 pcs. orange.
Lunch - one grapefruit.
Dinner - assorted fruit from oranges, kiwi and apples.
Afternoon snack - apple and pear.
Dinner - 200 ml of milk.
Fifth day: Breakfast - 2 eggs.
Lunch - boiled fish, 200 gr.
Dinner - 150 grams of boiled chicken and 100 boiled peas.
Afternoon snack - 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.
Dinner - 100 grams of cheese.
Sixth day: Breakfast - a cup of unsweetened tea with 200 ml of kefir.
Lunch - 200 ml of grapefruit juice.
Dinner - chicken broth without salt 200 ml.
Afternoon snack - 200 ml milkshake.
Dinner - 200 ml of milk.

During the day, only unsweetened tea is consumed.

Seventh day: Breakfast - a cup of green tea and 2 eggs.
Lunch - any fruit.
Dinner - a light soup with rice or buckwheat.
Afternoon snack - any fruit.
Dinner - seasoned with vegetable oil and salted vegetable salad.

It is not necessary to adhere to this menu, products can be changed, guided by the following diet recommendations of your beloved.

Judging by the reviews of people who have tried this diet on themselves, it is quite effective and in most cases it really helps to lose weight.

As with any diet, the hardest day is the first day. Therefore, there are no large restrictions on the calorie content of the diet for him. However, some will still find it difficult to withstand the rejection of solid food. Therefore, in reviews of the "Favorite" diet for 7 days, you can often find advice to limit physical activity and refuse to exercise, if any are present in your daily routine, since the first diet is characterized by dizziness, nausea, and loss of strength.

Eating on a fruit day should be frequent, every 2-3 hours, so that there is no painful feeling of hunger.

On protein days, it is better to make a diet of chicken, fish, shrimp, egg whites, since the use of cottage cheese or yogurt can reduce the effectiveness of the diet (this is due to the ability of lactose to retain fluid). Throughout the diet, it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day.

Finally, it is very important to get out of the diet correctly. After the end of the "Favorite" diet for 7 days, in no case should you pounce on food. Breakfast on the first day after the diet can consist of a couple of boiled eggs, dine with a light soup in vegetable or chicken broth, and dinner with a light salad. During the day, you can snack on fruit.

As a result of the "Favorite" diet for 7 days, the total loss of adipose tissue is up to 2%, but in order to consolidate the result and develop it, you should slightly limit the calorie content of your usual diet during the next month.

How to keep the result

When the Favorite diet is used, it takes up to 10 kg in 7 days. However, like many weight loss methods, this one has its limitations after a week of limited nutrition. During the month, it is advisable to limit the calorie content of your diet, avoiding starchy foods and sweets. Through careful trial and error, you need to figure out the foods that add "weight" and discard them. However, you should not mock the body to achieve this ideal result.

There is a lot of talk about what kind of reviews the diet gets, what results it shows. But overall, it makes a good impression - it's a great way to eat a balanced diet while shedding pounds. However, the main thing is moderation, and then the body will delight you not only with a beautiful figure, but also with good health.

Pros of a beloved diet

Shake and result. Prepare for an important meeting, get in shape, break through the "plateau" when the last pounds stubbornly do not want to leave.

Willpower hardening - a week is just a small milestone, but you already realized that the brain controls the body, and not vice versa. This knowledge will come in handy more than once on the path of building the body of your dreams.

Cons of a favorite diet

The disadvantages of the diet are, first of all, the fact that during it there is a great load on the human body, in addition, there may be a problem with the gastrointestinal tract, various anemias and other deficiency states - which is quite often a phenomenon after such experiments.

In addition, the metabolism begins to slow down during the period of such food starvation - then you will need to spend a lot of energy in order to restore it.

The human body is not designed for diets, because fasting adjusts the organs to a special mode of existence, with the help of which fewer calories are burned than during normal times.

Therefore, these are kind of risks and before making a decision, go on a diet well before that think.


Before a diet, consultation with a doctor is required.

Favorite diet is contraindicated:

  1. during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  2. with hypertension;
  3. with diabetes;
  4. with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  5. during depression;
  6. with renal and heart failure;
  7. after surgery on the abdominal organs.

At first, some nutritionists are categorical about the inclusion of broth in this food system, advising to exclude this product from the daily drinking diet, explaining this by the high content of salt and fat in it.

Thirdly, nutritionists advise replacing traditional white cabbage with broccoli, which has the maximum fat-burning effect.

Fourth, in order to maximize the result of your favorite diet, protein products (eggs, yogurt, chicken) should be consumed in different meals, separately from each other.

There are many reviews about this trendy diet. It is interesting to note that most of the fair sex do not fully realize that all, absolutely all diets are designed for overweight people. If your weight is practically within the normal range, during the diet you will lose these extra couple of kilograms and not a drop more, just as much as your body needs.

But at the same time, remember the consequences of the "favorite" diet. You may feel dizzy while dieting and your weight may return after the diet is over. It is also worth noting that metabolism is slightly reduced.

It should be said that the "Favorite" diet also very well cleanses the body. But note that if you have a tendency to constipation, then before you sit on this diet, you need an additional bowel cleansing. On the eve of the first day, you can take a laxative at night. Well, the first day (drinking) the body will remove the remnants of toxins from the intestines.

Not every woman can eat little and play sports.

But you can lose weight by eating quite a lot, replacing junk food with vegetables and fruits.

In summer saturate your body with fresh berries, fruits, vegetables. After all, they are very useful!

Fruits and vegetables contain beta-carotene, vitamin C, fiber (it fills the stomach, gives a feeling of fullness, helps to normalize the work of the digestive tract).

By observing a fruit and vegetable diet, you will not only lose weight, you won't get tired you will always be in goodmood.

Following a fruit and vegetable diet,you get that lot of energy without putting on weight. Moreover, you won't think thatprepare.

Cellulose, found in vegetables and fruits, removes from the body toxins. Therefore, a fruit and vegetable diet is prescribed for the prevention of certain diseases (diabetes mellitus, varicose veins, etc.).

Switching to a fruit-vegetable diet is necessarygradually. Eat whatever you want, but replace snacks with berries, fruits, vegetables.

We exclude from the diet all harmful products:chips, nuts, etc.

Allowed Products:

    fresh e and canned fruits,

    fresh and canned vegetables.

Also, within a few months, purchasenew vegetables and fruits for you.

Fruit and vegetable diet - menu for the day

Front compliance with this fasting day you need to cleanse the intestines - drink a laxative before dinner means.

We observe fruit and vegetablefasting day once a week.

The basis of the diet is the introduction of low-calorie vegetables and fruits into the diet.

Fruits and vegetables - fresh, from boiled, baked, prepared grilled or steamed (no oil, salt, spices).

Fruit we eat fresh or dried.

Prohibited foods: potatoes, banana, grapes, sugar.

Limited Products: prunes, raisins.

Drinking regime: up to two liters of liquid per day (water, fruit drink, compote, fruit jelly, non-carbonated mineral water, green tea, freshly squeezed juices, diluted 1: 3 with water.

If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the weight is not greatly deviated from the norm - arrange a work day. At this time, we eat vegetables in any form without salt and spices.

If if you want something sweet - eat an apple or a little raisins.

7-day strict fruit and vegetable diet

Duration of the diet - 7 days, and productivity - up to minus 4 kg.

The basis of the diet is the alternation of days on berries, fruits, vegetables for 7 days.

Day 1, day 2 - vegetables, day 3 - berry, day 4 - fruit, day 5 - vegetable, day 6 - good, day 7 - fruit. This diet is balanced.

There is also a strict diet option. At this time, we alternatevegetable day and fruit and berry day.

We eat in a day one and a half kilograms of vegetables, fruits, berries.

Prohibited vegetables and fruits: mango, grapes, banana, kiwi, green peas, potatoes, carrots.

Vegetables can be eaten fresh, scalded, stewed without adding oil, steam them.

Attention: during the period of dieting, you need to drink vitamins, because theynecessary for the body to function properly.

F hand-vegetable diet - menu:

Option number 1

1st day:

Soup with k apusto th, a small amount offruit, a glass of low fat milk or low-fat yogurt, a glass of black tea, five dried apricots or prunes.

2nd day:

Soup with kapusto, baked potatoes, fresh vegetables + a teaspoon of low-calorie sauce, a glass of black tea.

3rd day:

a glass of low fat milk, a glass of green tea.

4th day:

Soup with k apusto th, three bananas, eight glasses of low fat milk or low-fat yogurt.

5th day:

Soup with kapusto, five tomatoes, fish or chicken in any quantity, yogurt, a glass of black tea.

6th day: Soup with kapusto th, five tomatoes, fish or chicken in any quantity, a glass of low-fat or low-fat milkyogurt, a glass of black tea.

7th day:

Soup with kapusto th, vegetables and fruits in any quantity, two hundred grams of low fat milk or low-fat yogurt, a glass of black tea.

Drinking regime: up to 2 liters.water a day.

Meal mode - 5 times per day in small portions.

Attention: if the amount of products is not precisely indicated, we eat them in unlimited quantities, because each person is individual - someone eats a lot, someone a little.

Consult a doctor before dieting!

Option number 2:

Breakfast aem: fruit salad with low-fat yogurt dressing, glass of green tea without sugar;

Dinner aem: eat a hundred grams rice or pasta with dressing, boiled or stewed vegetables, a glass of tomato juice.

Snack: fresh fruit or freshly squeezed juice.

Dinner aem: baked or boiled fish, vegetable salad with olive oil dressing.

At night: a glass of low fatkefir.

During the day we drink: water, juice, coffee, tea (without sugar).

Prohibited drinks:sweet drinks from the store and. Try not to buy in the storeproducts (except for kefir and vegetables).

Duration of the diet - 30 days, and the effectiveness is up to minus five kilograms.

The diet is balanced and safe for health.

If you follow this diet option alternate "hard week "with" easy ".

The basis of the diet is the consumption of fruits and vegetables.

We eat no more than one hundred and fifty grams of meat, fish daily.

Prohibited foods: aalcohol, fatty, flour, sugar, sweet.

"Tough" week:

We have breakfast:

Every day we eat half a small melons, mango, grapefruit, toast from bran bread.

We have lunch ( choose one thing):

    Lean meat (lean pork, beef) without fat, a couple of tomatoes, green vegetable salad;

    Grilled fish, green vegetables, a slice of bran bread;

    Unlimited fruit and alat;

    Secondary meat broth, a couple of boiled eggs "in a bag", a couple of tomatoes, vegetable salad, a piece of wheat bread;

    seventy grams of cheese, vegetable salad, fruit, a piece of bread.

We have dinner ( choose one thing):

    Fish from the grill, fruits, green vegetables, a slice of durum wheat bread;

    O thick chop, green vegetable salad;

    Meat casserole (with g of beef), green vegetable salad;

    Grilled skinless turkey, green vegetable salad;

    Liver grilled, green vegetable salad, stewed vegetables.

« Easy "week:

During the second and fourth weeks you can eat a little flour, sweet.

Drinking diet regimen:mineral water without gas in any quantity.


    Fruits and vegetables must be combined low in protein.

    In the place of fish, eat 2 boiled eggs or fifty grams of cheese.

    We eat vegetables fresh, boiled, grilled or using a double boiler. You can make a vegetable salad.

    Vegetable broth can also be eaten.

    Repeating diets s possible in six months.

Getting out of any fruit and vegetable diet

After the end of the diet, the basis of the diet is vegetables and fruits. We introduce other products gradually, in small quantities.

Advantages and disadvantages of a fruit and vegetable diet


    Weight loss without harm to health (3 - 5 kg);

    Improvement of sodium - potassium balance, i.e. positive effect on the work of the heart;

    IN diet diet is foods that contain calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K and etc. Your body will receive all vitamins and minerals, therefore, hair, nails will be beautiful;

    Compliance with fruit and vegetable diet 2 times a year, helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, lower cholesterol levels, prevent increase blood sugar levels.

    Skin cleansing, improvement of conditionhair, improving psychological tone.

    Low calorie pation of a diet, saturation of the body with fiber, giving a feeling of satiety. In addition, fiber fibers are an excellent adsorbent that absorbs toxins and removes them from the body. With fiber there is an improvement in intestinal motility, normalization of its work, purgation.

    Thanks to the phruto-vegetable diet the body receives the necessary vitamins, trace elements, macronutrients.

    Normalization of metabolism;

    If you lose weight, on your feet

    Strengthening immunity;

    Improving sleep patterns and other bodies and body systems.

Diet Disadvantages:

    in the diet of the diet is low in animal protein, which contains essential amino acids;

    it is forbidden to combine diet and strength exercises, because muscles need protein;

    the diet contains a lot foods containing fiber. Therefore, it is forbidden to follow the diet for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases.

Fruit - vegetable diet - reviews

Lily: a balanced diet. In addition to fruits and vegetables, you can eat cereals, dairy products, animal proteins. There are 5 meals, which means you will not feel hunger. You can follow a fruit and vegetable diet for a long time, because you will get everything necessary for the body substances.

Vita: i love fruits and vegetables, so I started to observe fruit and vegetablediet. This diet is very effective. With its help, not only is it possible lose weight, but also cleanse the skin and the whole body! Weight go away, but hunger you don't feeli feel great!

Liana: Over the winter i gained seven kilograms, because I havesedentary work, and now it's summer, I want to look good... I followed a different diet, lost 2 kg in a week, but it was painful! Hearty fruit and vegetable diet, it's nice to lose weight on it!

Diana: Always scared mediet due to hard diet, cuttingthe amount of vitamins entering the body. I used to always drink during my diet vitamins. And the fruit and vegetable diet does not have this disadvantage. I have been on a diet for a week and have already lost 3 kg.

Kira: I've always been plump and jealous of slender friends. But sports are not my topic. And I lost weight on various diets. I am eating a fruit and vegetable diet. In addition, instead of foods containing sugar (sweets, cake, pastries), we eat fruits. After a couple of months, I lost 10 kg.

Olesya: in the summer I always observefruit and vegetable diet. I eat fruits and vegetable salads. Summer is good what to eati do not want . I am losing weight by 5-6 kg.

Olya: Fruit - vegetablediet allows you to lose weight without harm to health. This is the most useful way to lose weight, because the body will receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Moreover, you can lose weight by 5 or more kilograms.

Katya: everyone knows that in the summer you need to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, saturated with vitamins for 3 seasons. Fruit - vegetablediets but allows you to use enough fruits and vegetables and lose weight - at least 5 kilograms. It's great!

Igor: I am a coach and I know that fruktovo - vegetable diet balanced, but daily it is necessary to use complex carbohydrates (cereals) and proteins, in order to avoid muscle wasting of the body.

Lera: follow a fruit and vegetable diet easy, no feeling of hunger, in addition, there is a decrease stomach, helping to switch to proper nutrition in the future. Vitamins from fruits and vegetables help to constantly be in good mood. In june i lost 13 kg whenheight 171 cm, my volumes have decreased skin cleared, hair shone.

Svetlana Kudyakova: I am a nutritionist, I can say this about the fruit and vegetable diet - the diet is good, but, while observing itthe body lacks protein, therefore, I recommend you limit the time of losing weight to 1 day or 1 week. Otherwise, you can undermine health.

Heavy physical activity (exercise in the gym) during the period of adherence to this diet is not recommended, you can doeasy charging or short jogging.

When is such a diet recommended: the first day - drinking, the second - vegetable? This question interests many women. They all strive to be attractive so that men cannot take their eyes off them, but sometimes this is quite difficult to achieve, especially if there is a problem with being overweight. In such cases, you need to follow diets, of which there are a large number, and at the same time play sports.

The choice of diet is very important, since some of them may be ineffective, while others lose weight easily, but then quickly returns, and still others cause irreparable harm to the body.

The diet that has won the hearts of many women, "Favorite". Its principle is simple. There is an alternate change of diet: on the first day - water, then vegetables.

A week on such a diet will allow you to lose 5-8 kg, and this weight will not return. This is achieved by the fact that the body cleans itself during the diet and removes toxins and toxins.

As with any diet, you need to eat only certain foods and in the right sequence, thanks to this, their complete assimilation occurs in the body, after a while - saturation, and you will receive the required amount of nutrients and vitamins with a decrease in the diet.

How to eat properly with the "Favorite" diet for one week?

The first days are the most difficult, during which there may be many temptations, desires to have a snack or to eat something from the category of prohibited foods, another option is to eat foods for a diet, but in large quantities.

You should endure, and then every day it will be easier to control your desires. In addition to the lost pounds, you also train willpower.

1 day of drinking - this means that all day you only need to drink any liquid in unlimited quantities, but you cannot eat. Also, do not consume sodas with a high content of sugar or colors.

Ideal liquid options for this day will be: broths, milk or sour milk products, tea, ordinary mineral water, juices.

Due to the fact that you can drink a lot, you will simply deceive your stomach: it will be full, and if there is a feeling of hunger, it will be light.

2 day vegetable. The name speaks for itself: now only vegetables should be included in the daily diet, and their quantity and frequency of consumption will depend only on your desire.

Vegetables should be varied, for example, you can eat a couple of cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, carrots and, of course, cabbage per day, since it acts as the best fat burning agent.

Vegetables should be fresh, you can steam them slightly, but never fry them, especially in oil, unless, of course, you want to get the result at the end of the week.

Day 3 drinking. Everything repeats itself, as it was on the first day, but you can slightly reduce the use of broths and juices, but in no case do not completely abandon them, as this will cause great harm to the body, cause stress, which will cause fats to begin to be stored in reserve. lose weight will not work.

4th day fruit. This is a real treat for everyone on this diet. On this day, you can pamper yourself with any fruit and not limit yourself in quantity. You can eat everything: melons, bananas, pears, but you should include apples, grapefruit and kiwi in the diet. Fruits promote the breakdown and burning of fats, speed up metabolism, contain many vitamins and minerals that restore the functions of organs and bind toxins.

Day 5 - protein intake. This day is aimed at enriching the body with proteins, since these elements help muscles recover and grow and are not stored in reserve, like fats.

All day you need to eat only those foods in which proteins are contained in large quantities: poultry meat, dairy products, etc. In this case, it is worth paying special attention to ensuring that the percentage of fat is minimal.

6 day drinking. After two days, when you could eat all sorts of goodies, it is worth again spending a fasting day. You can drink a lot of water, but no matter how much you want to eat, you can't, even just a little.

Day 7 is the final one. On this day, you can and should eat everything, but in small quantities, thanks to which your body will exit the diet more smoothly, without stress.

If you don't know how to do this, then here is a sample menu. Of course, you can make your own.

You woke up, and the first thing to do is to boil 2 chicken eggs and eat them, you can drink it with plain water or tea or coffee, but without sugar.

Lunch. If you have not had such a snack before, then this is a big minus, because it is best to eat food 4-5 times a day, but in small portions, which will give the body enough energy, increase metabolism and prevent excess weight from forming. The second breakfast should consist of fruits, but no more than 2-3.

Lunch is the largest serving time and you can have a bowl of rice or buckwheat soup. Of course, it is better to refuse flour, but if you really want to, then one piece of bread will not hurt, preferably black.

Dinner. It's best to make a vegetable salad at night. It will not strain your stomach, and you will be able to eat.

Are there any contraindications?

Any diet is a serious burden on the body, so not all people are allowed to adhere to its various types.

The same rule applies to the "Favorite" diet.

You cannot follow such a diet:

  1. Pregnant at any, even early stages, as well as nursing mothers.
  2. With heart disease.
  3. In the case of diseases associated with impaired absorption of foods by the body.
  4. With renal failure.
  5. Until he undergoes rehabilitation after surgery.
  6. Under serious stress - both physical and emotional.

This is the best diet that will allow you to lose 5-8 kg in a week, while not tormenting yourself with a hunger strike. But remember that the most effective diet will not help you burn even a little extra weight if you do not adhere to it strictly at all times.

If you want to enhance the effect, then you should go in for sports, do exercises, but not for exhaustion, but in small approaches and often.

Another caveat applies to people who eat very densely and lead a sedentary lifestyle. Do not go on a strict diet right away, it is better to start gradually reducing your diet. This can take a long time, but the body will not experience shock. The fact is that if, without preparing, you go on a diet, then the body perceives this as a dangerous situation and gives the command to almost all internal organs to slow down their work so that they consume as few calories as possible.

And do not delay: if you decide to go on a diet, then do it immediately.

A vegetable diet is the best way to lose weight, because even with a low-calorie diet, the body will receive vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and fiber, which helps cleanse the body and long-term saturation. There are several options for a vegetable diet, so everyone can choose the menu that suits them based on how many pounds you want to lose.

Diet rules

When losing weight on vegetables, it is important to observe the following rules:

  • Every day there are 1.5 kg of vegetables, of which 50-60% can be served fresh, but 50-40% can be heat treated - baked in the oven, boiled, steamed. It is allowed to dress with vegetable oil or low-fat sour cream. It is recommended not to fry vegetables, since products prepared in this way do not help lower blood cholesterol levels and cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.
  • From vegetables to the daily menu, you should include zucchini, carrots, pumpkin, cucumbers, tomatoes. At the same time, it is also worth giving preference to seasonal vegetables that are sold by gardeners. Products frozen or imported from other countries should be discarded, since they contain a shock amount of nitrates to extend the shelf life.
  • Exclude from the diet bread and flour products, sweets, fried, fatty and smoked foods, as well as food flavor enhancers - salt, sugar, starch, soda, etc.
  • In addition to vegetables, you can eat rye bread and dairy products with low fat content - up to 1-2%.
  • Observe the drinking regime - drink 1.5 liters of water per day. This is necessary for. In addition, sugar-free green tea is allowed.
  • Throughout the entire period of weight loss, there is at the same time, because this is how the body gets used to a certain regimen, and the feeling of hunger will appear closer to the time of eating.

In order not to harm health, you can follow the diet for no more than 30 days, and repeat it no more than 1-2 times a year. The fact is that this does not allow you to get fats and proteins of animal origin, which are also necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Diet for 3 days

If you need to lose 2-3 kg, you can go on a three-day diet. It is allowed to serve any vegetables, except potatoes, since they contain an increased amount of starch. Within 3 days, you can prepare vegetable soups and season with vegetable oil, natural yogurt or kefir.

On our site you can learn about the benefits and methods of preparing such dietary first courses, like soup.

The optimal number of meals a day is 5 times. Portions should be kept small to maintain a slight feeling of hunger. Drink water and green tea throughout the day.

Sample menu for the day:

  1. In the morning, eat a salad of cucumber, tomato and bell pepper, seasoned with olive oil and chopped parsley.
  2. Snack on a carrot. Can be grated.
  3. For lunch, prepare a salad of white cabbage and cucumber.
  4. For an afternoon snack, eat boiled beets. It can be grated, seasoned with oil and chopped walnuts.
  5. For dinner, serve baked bell pepper stuffed with eggplant.

Diet for 3 days is a great way not only to lose a few pounds, but also to cleanse the body and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

7 days menu

To lose about 4-5 kg, you can go on a weekly diet. Since it is longer, potatoes, some fruits, berries, beans and low-fat dairy products can already be included in the diet. The menu is 4 times a day, but if during the day there is a strong feeling of hunger, a small snack in the form of a cucumber or tomato is allowed. Details of the diet for 7 days can be found below. It is not recommended to make your own adjustments.


  1. In the morning, eat apple and cabbage salad and drink berry compote.
  2. Serve vegetable cream soup for lunch. Drink green tea.
  3. Serve grated carrots on a medium grater, seasoned with olive oil for an afternoon snack.
  4. For dinner, bake pepper, stuffed with eggplant, and drink berry compote.


  1. Have breakfast with cabbage broth and drink a cup of tea.
  2. Prepare vegetable soup for lunch. Drink tea.
  3. For an afternoon snack, serve a salad of boiled beets and prunes.
  4. Have dinner with vegetable salad and drink a glass of kefir.


  1. Have breakfast with a vegetable salad of radishes and herbs. Drink green tea.
  2. For lunch, bake potatoes and eat with sauerkraut. Drink green tea again.
  3. For an afternoon snack, eat baked turnips.
  4. Dine on vegetable stews and drink dried fruit compote.


  1. Start your day with low-fat yogurt and fresh berries.
  2. Dine with a salad of bell pepper, cucumber, tomato, olives, feta cheese and greens. Drink fruit jelly.
  3. Snack on a baked apple.
  4. For dinner, cook cabbage soup and drink green tea.


  1. Eat vegetable soup in the morning and natural yogurt for dessert, which can be seasoned with vanilla sugar.
  2. For lunch, prepare a vegetable stew and drink green tea.
  3. For an afternoon snack - a green apple.
  4. For dinner, prepare vegetable broth and dried fruit compote.


  1. In the morning, eat vegetable broth and drink apple compote.
  2. Dine on cabbage soup and drink green tea.
  3. For an afternoon snack, eat a salad of cucumber and tomato.
  4. Dine on baked pumpkin and drink green tea.


  1. In the morning, eat fruit salad and drink green tea.
  2. For lunch, cook pea porridge.
  3. For an afternoon snack, eat grated carrots seasoned with olive oil.
  4. For dinner, stew the zucchini and drink a glass of kefir.

Diet for 2 weeks

Allows you to lose up to 7 kg. The basis of the diet is fruits and vegetables. Dried fruits and nuts are acceptable in small quantities. It is recommended to season salads with vegetable oil and lemon juice. The diet is 4 times a day and the last meal should take place 3 hours before bedtime.

You can create a menu at your discretion using permitted products. Here's an example of a daily diet:

  1. In the morning, eat an apple and drink freshly squeezed orange juice.
  2. For lunch, prepare a salad of any vegetables, except potatoes.
  3. Snack on a handful of dates and prunes or nuts.
  4. Dine on a vegetable salad, which is recommended to include turnips, spinach, cauliflower, carrots. For dessert - sour fruit or nuts.

Diet for 1 month

This is the longest-lasting variant of the vegetable diet, on which you can lose up to 10 kg of excess weight. The menu can be adjusted taking into account the following rules:

  • The most preferred vegetables for the daily menu are zucchini, carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, green peas. In addition, you can eat potatoes - up to 1-2 pieces per day. Vegetables can be used to make salads, soups, and stews. It is recommended to season salads with vegetable oil.
  • Introduce a limited amount of protein products into the diet. So, every day you can eat 100-150 g of fish or (chicken, beef) dishes. All cooking methods are recommended except frying. As protein products, you can also include cottage cheese and in the diet.
  • Salt food after cooking. The optimal daily salt intake is 4-5 g.
  • For dessert, you can serve unsweetened fruits such as citrus and apple, as well as berries. You can enter into the diet.

Meals should be 5-6 times a day. The menu is not strictly spelled out, so it can be composed at your own discretion, taking into account the dietary rules. It should be borne in mind that the more diverse it is, the more vitamins, minerals and organic substances the body will receive.

An example of an acceptable menu for the day:

  1. For breakfast, prepare a salad of cucumber, tomato, feta cheese and greens. Since it contains salted cheese, there is no need to salt the dish.
  2. Snack on grated carrots, seasoned with oil and drops of lemon juice.
  3. For lunch, eat 100 g of boiled beef with fresh vegetables and salad leaves.
  4. For an afternoon snack, eat natural yogurt with berries.
  5. For dinner, bake a pumpkin and drink a glass of kefir.

Portions should be moderate, as overeating is strictly prohibited.

Delicious recipes

To put together a varied menu, consider the following recipes for a vegetable diet:

  • Tomato salad... Cut 500 g of tomatoes (cherry, Baku) into cubes. Cut the red onion into thin slices. Tear 500 g of lettuce leaves with your hands. Combine all products, sprinkle with chopped basil, pepper and season with olive oil. Mix, refrigerate for 2-3 minutes and serve.
  • Spring mood salad... Chop half of the onion, red pepper, 2 cucumbers and 2 tomatoes, 200 g of Chinese cabbage. Tear 3-4 lettuce leaves with your hands. Combine everything and season with olive oil.
  • Greek salad"... Cut feta cheese, cucumber, tomato and red pepper into large pieces. Combine, sprinkle with chopped parsley and season with olive oil.
  • Celery salad... Finely chop 200 g of red cabbage, peel and cut the red bell pepper into thin strips. Chop the stem finely. Combine everything, salt and mix.
  • ... Peel and cut 2 courgettes into circles. Put them in a saucepan with a thick bottom, salt, close the lid and simmer over low heat. At the moment when the zucchini is juiced, add 1 finely chopped tomato and simmer with the lid closed until tender. Sprinkle with chopped herbs before serving.
  • Cauliflower soup... Divide 500 g of cauliflower into inflorescences and soak for 10 minutes in cold salted water. Then rinse and dip in 1 liter of boiling salted water. Cut 2 bell peppers into strips and add to soup. Cook for 7-8 minutes and add finely chopped parsley root a few minutes until tender. After cooking, leave the soup for 2-3 minutes, sprinkle with fresh herbs and serve.
  • Vegetable cream soup... Peel and cut into several pieces 2 potatoes and 1 onion. Combine vegetables and pour 1 liter of water. Put on fire and add 50 g of green peas 5 minutes before tenderness. Then grind the mixture with a blender, hold for 2-3 minutes on low heat and serve, seasoning with a spoonful of sour cream and sprinkling with herbs.
  • Diet cutlets... The recipe is suitable for those who decide to follow a diet for a month. You will need to mince 400 g of turkey or chicken fillet, peeled carrots, potatoes and zucchini. Connect everything, add 1 tbsp. l. crackers and mix thoroughly. After 30 minutes, form cutlets from the minced meat, which are fried in vegetable oil or stewed with water in a saucepan over low heat.

The following video offers a recipe for lean carrot cutlets that can be prepared on any vegetable diet:

A vegetable diet can be followed from 3 days to a month, depending on how many pounds you need to lose. In any case, even the shortest-term low-calorie diet is stressful for the body, so it is important to prepare yourself for possible discomfort during weight loss.

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Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)

17 Mar 2017


Those who want to lose weight often exhaust themselves with long diets that are difficult to cope with; they have to eat foods that do not cause pleasant emotions. Modern nutritionists have solved these problems by creating a system for getting rid of excess fat using a fruit base.

How to lose weight on fruits

  • Some plant foods (nectarines, mangoes, papaya, peaches) are high in iron. This element increases the protective functions of the body, cleanses of harmful cholesterol, and regulates blood pressure.
  • Dried fruits will help to saturate your body with calcium, improve the condition of teeth, nails and hair.
  • Citrus fruits (grapefruit, orange, lemon) are rich in ascorbic acid, which has a beneficial effect on the immune system and is an antioxidant.
  • Berries help to normalize the nervous system, which is very important when losing weight.
  • Bananas, grapes and apples can boost brain activity.
  • The large amount of water found in fruit cleanses the body, which contributes to rapid weight loss.

List of fruits for weight loss

For a delicious weight loss system to be effective, you need to know which fruits are good to eat:

  • Citrus- excellently stimulate metabolism, have a low calorie and glycemic index. Grapefruits are especially suitable for these parameters. Oranges help cleanse the digestive system, as they contain a large amount of dietary fiber.
  • Pineapple- very useful for burning fat and fighting cellulite due to the content of the enzyme bromelain.
  • Apples- Low-calorie fruits containing many vitamins are an integral part of many diet menus. They are best eaten baked or steamed, as fresh can stimulate the appetite.
  • Bananasmany nutritionists consider it unacceptable due to the high calorie content. However, just 1 yellow fruit can replace a full meal. It is useful to eat them for breakfast, since all energy will be used up during the day.
  • Peacheshave a beneficial effect on digestion and intestinal peristalsis.

Diet on fruits

As nutritionists note, periodic use of a fruit diet has a beneficial effect on the human condition. There is a saturation with useful fiber, metabolism is accelerated, toxins and toxins are removed. The food system is characterized by low calorie content, reduced fat content. You can decide which fruit diet is right for you, based on your preferences, or seek the advice of a doctor.

Fruit Mono Diet

As you might guess from the name, such a weight loss system is based on the use of one type of fruit and juice. Any fruit mono-diet should last no more than 1 day, so as not to harm the body. It is characterized by harsh conditions, insufficient intake of all the necessary substances. However, the reward for the endurance for losing weight will be a weight loss of up to 3-4 kg. You can get this result by distributing the diet for 1 fasting day for a week.

The organization of such food is reduced to the use of 2 kilograms of the selected fruit per day. This amount will need to be divided into 4-5 receptions. You will need to drink an additional 1 liter of fresh juice per day. Today's popular single-ingredient diets are:

  • grapefruit;
  • banana;
  • orange;
  • apple;
  • pineapple.

Mixed diet

This term can mean 2 options:

  • Directly blended - when a variety of fruits are used for the diet.
  • Complex diet - when the fruit diet is supplemented with other foods.

The first option can be no more than 1 week in duration. Nutrition is based on the correct combination of different fruit species. The amount of fruit indicated in the diet plan should be divided into 4-6 meals. An important condition is compliance with the drinking regime. It is allowed to use clean water, herbal decoctions, juices. In total, you should drink about 2.5 liters of liquid per day. You can alternate fruits every day, combine them in 2 types, or eat a platter daily for salads, stews and mashed potatoes.

A holistic diet is a more nutritious option. The basis is made up of fruits, but in addition to them, it is allowed to include protein or vegetable components. The process of losing extra pounds occurs gradually, so there will be no problems with the skin: stretch marks and flabbiness. You will not experience stress on the diet, since the meal plan is as varied as possible and does not make you feel hungry.

Fruit diet minus 10 kg per week

The recommended duration of the weight loss diet is 7 days. If a person cannot cope with such conditions, it is allowed to stretch the period up to 2 weeks, while it is allowed to reduce the severity by increasing the amount of additional products. Fruit diet for weight loss in 7 days can be used no more than 1 time in 3 months. It is important to consider that in case of a breakdown, you will have to start all over again. Products with this diet should be distributed over time:

  • Breakfast should be composed of 1 grapefruit and a small amount of walnuts. An alternative would be a combination of 2 kiwis and 20g crackers. You can prepare fruit salads by seasoning them with low-fat classic yogurt.
  • Lunch is distinguished by the obligatory presence of proteins. You will need to supplement a cup of fruits with boiled chicken or a water-based omelet.
  • For an afternoon snack, you are allowed to eat an apple or orange, a little watermelon or melon. If you don't want to eat the food separately, slice the fruit salad with yoghurt dressing.
  • The presence of a protein component in dinner will help to avoid the feeling of hunger at night. Give preference to lean fish and berry salad.

Fruit and protein diet

If you cannot withstand the harsh nutritional conditions of one product, then a protein-fruit diet for weight loss is suitable for you. It will help you get rid of excess weight in a short time without starving yourself. The principle of nutrition is based on the alternation of proteins and carbohydrates contained in fruits. Experts recommend the following products:

  • Fruits should serve as a source of carbohydrates, vitamins and fiber: apples, pears, citrus fruits, kiwi, pineapples. Try to alternate them periodically to increase efficiency.
  • Protein will be provided by sea fish and lean meats (chicken, turkey, beef). Eat seafood occasionally for a change.
  • Dairy products will be useful: feta cheese, Adyghe cheese, low-fat cottage cheese, classic yogurt.
  • It is recommended to eat boiled chicken eggs.

Fruit and vegetable diet for weight loss

According to the principles of the vegetable and fruit diet, you can eat an unlimited number of permitted foods throughout the day. You can eat vegetables, fruits, berries, green shoots and dried fruits raw, boiled or steamed. When cooking food, do not use fats. You need to exclude bananas, grapes and potatoes. When developing a meal plan, rely on the following rules:

  • Eat 1 fruit or vegetable each in the morning and before bed.
  • Consume no more than 300 g of food at a time.
  • Do not peel the fruit. Fruit peel contains a large supply of nutrients.
  • Drink at least 2.5-3 liters of water, herbal tea, or juice per day.

Fruit Drinking Diet

Another way to eat deliciously, but at the same time to leave excess fat, is a fruit-drinking diet. The secret of the diet is the use of one or more types of fruits and juice obtained from them. The duration of the diet should be no more than 3 days. For breakfast, you are supposed to eat any 2 fruits, drink 1 tbsp. clean water or green tea. For lunch, you can make a fruit salad, the ingredients for which are pieces of fruit and a few tablespoons of yogurt. For dinner, combine 2 steamed fruit and fresh juice.

3 days on fruit - fruit diet

Many women and men, in order to lose extra pounds, resort to fasting, unaware that there is a delicious and effective 3-day diet on a fruit basis. To be successful, follow some guidelines:

  • First day breakfast consists of 1 fruit and a glass of juice. For lunch, eat a fruit salad, drink 250 ml of pure water. Take the same dish as the basis for dinner, add juice.
  • For the morning of the second day, prepare a plate of fruit platter and a glass of water. Make the second meal with the same liquid and vegetable salad. The evening meal is based on boiled vegetables and a few fruits.
  • A fruit plate and freshly squeezed juice are ideal for a final breakfast. For lunch, eat a salad, drink a glass of water. Dinner dish is a light vegetable soup.

The benefits of a fruit diet

Only people who do not like sweet fruits can not admit that this food option is attractive. In addition to great taste, nutritionists identify several factors that are beneficial to a fruit diet:

  • Such food in modern conditions is available to the vast majority of consumers all year round. Today you can buy any kind of fruit on store shelves.
  • The fruit is recommended to be consumed fresh, so you do not have to spend a lot of effort on preparing fruit dishes.
  • You will get the vitamins, minerals, fiber and carbohydrates you need from delicious fruits.
  • The combination of different fruit types will help to easily transfer the diet, while keeping it low in calories.
  • The processes of metabolism and digestion are normalized.
  • When losing weight on this basis, the body gets rid of free radicals, toxins, toxins and other contaminants, since fruits contain antioxidants.
  • If you use the right foods, weight loss will result from fat burning and cellulite removal.
  • Vitamins and other beneficial substances improve the condition of nails, hair and skin.

Harm to fruit when losing weight

When only fruits are included in your diet for several days, you can bring not only benefits to the body, but also negative effects. The harm to a fruit diet is due to several factors:

  • Fat storage occurs when you eat the wrong fruits, which are high in calories and fructose.
  • If the duration of the fruit system is more than 12 days, protein starvation may occur.
  • If you adhere to a mono-fruit diet, without consuming milk and dairy products for a long time, the body begins to lack vitamin B2.

Diet contraindications

A weight loss system based on sweet and tasty fruits is considered by many to be the ideal way to lose weight. However, for some categories of people, such food is not suitable. There are several contraindications to a fruit diet:

  • Gastritis or peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, accompanied by high acidity. Fruits contain a lot of acid, which can negatively affect the condition of the mucous membranes of the digestive organs. Only a mono-diet based on soft, sweet bananas may be suitable, which helps to improve gastrointestinal functions.
  • Allergy to fruits or a tendency to this ailment. During the period of such nutrition, the body will receive fruits in large quantities, so diathesis may occur.
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding. Mom needs to eat a variety of foods so that her nutrition does not negatively affect the health of the baby.
  • With violations of carbohydrate metabolism. The fruit base will bring a large amount of these substances into the body.
  • Patients with diabetes mellitus.
  • Nutrition for children and the elderly should be more balanced.
  • If you do not like fruits, then do not consider such a diet for yourself. It is very important that during the period of weight loss a favorable emotional background is created. Eating unpleasant foods triggers stress.

Getting out of the fruit diet

The way to consolidate the result of losing weight depends on the food option that you have chosen. Getting out of the fruit diet with the mono diet method involves the following steps:

  • Foods should be added to the diet gradually. Introduce mushrooms, vegetables and 1 chicken egg in the first 3 days after the end of the diet.
  • Starting from day 4, eat cereals, boiled dietary meat, and low-fat dairy products in small portions carefully.
  • Drink plenty of water to maintain proper metabolism.
  • A week later, diversify your menu with fish, desserts made from natural ingredients, meat, toasted bread made from whole grain flour.
  • After 14 days, set up a fractional feeding system in small portions, increasing the calorie content of the food consumed per day.

Mixed fruit-based diets require the following exit plan:

  • If a fruit and protein diet was used, then start adding vegetables, liquid cereals, meat and fish, mushrooms.
  • Natural desserts are allowed to be added to the diet 5 days after the end of the diet. At the same time, you can start eating whole grain bread, side dishes from cereals with meat or fish.
  • The last foods you need to replenish your diet are fried foods, salt, pastries, alcohol, and sugary drinks.
  • It is important to eat at least 5 times a day, drink plenty of water, and do not exclude fruits, juices and fresh juices.