Start a pokemon go fight. How to fight in Pokemon Go? Instructions and tips

If you have just started your path as a Pokemon trainer, then you probably immediately wondered what kind of towers are on the map. These buildings are called Gym, or in Russian a rocking chair, but most often they are called arenas, since it is on them that battles between Pokémon take place.


To fight with real players, you have to reach the fifth player level. In this case, you will have to choose one of three teams for which you will fight. Teams differ from each other only in color, they do not give any additional bonuses and privileges. The game features the following commands:
  • The red team (their main quality is valor, they are busy with constant training and strengthening the Pokémon);
  • Team of blue (their interests are the evolution of Pokémon and their hidden abilities);
  • Team yellow (their actions are based on intuition when choosing Pokémon).


Now let's talk in more detail about the arenas themselves. Jims are needed to get the in-game currency - poké coins. For the captured arena, you will receive 10 coins every 21 hours, provided that during this time you can maintain control over it. The amount of control shows the rating of the arena, as well as its level. The higher the rating, the higher its level and the more Pokémon Jim can hold. For example, a level 3 arena can hold three Pokémon, and a level 5 arena can hold five.

Pokémon in Jim are arranged in order of increasing strength, the weakest go first, and the king of the arena closes the hierarchy.

You can control as many arenas as you like, but in 21 hours you cannot get more than 100 coins. To control the jim, you have to place your Pokémon in it and hope that it will not be knocked out during the attack.

Arenas are sometimes empty. Their rating is zero. To capture such an arena, you just need to place your Pokemon in it. Arenas can be occupied by the enemy. To gain control of such a Jim, you need to downgrade his rating to zero. This can be done by fighting the Pokémon that are there. If you win, then the rating of the arena drops, as well as its level, therefore, the Pokémon that defend it decreases. You can attack the same arena as many times as you like.

If the arena is occupied by your allies, then to control you need to place your Pokémon on it. In addition, you can increase the rating and level of such a Jim by sending your Pokémon to train on them.

Pokemon battle: rules for a successful battle.

To seize control of the arena, you need to fight the Pokémon of your rivals. This is done very simply. First, select the Jim we want to attack. Then let's see what Pokémon are in the arena. This is a very important stage, since we need to select a team that will effectively fight against opponents. The opponent in the arena only has a powerful vaporeon.

Vaporeon is a water type and its main attack is also water, therefore, we need to choose such Pokémon that are effective against the water type, while less susceptible to water attacks. For this role, grass-type Pokémon with the corresponding attack, as well as electric ones, are great. Therefore, I put Venusaurus and Magneton first, they should easily defeat the Vaporeon. I'll leave the rest as default.

To select your Pokemon, click on button 1, in the menu that opens, arrange the Pokemon as you need and click “GO”.

After the start of the battle, you can either change the Pokemon (button 2), or even leave the battle (button 3).

During the battle, tap on the enemy, then your Pokemon will strike with a normal attack. When his energy scale is full, you can use a special attack. The number of special attacks is the number of blocks under the life scale, the smaller the block, the faster it fills, but deals less damage. To use a special attack, you just need to click on the enemy and hold. If there are many blocks, then several such attacks can be applied at once.

In addition, you can dodge enemy attacks by swaping to the right or left. This is very effective if the opponent has a super off-area attack.

After the battle, you are shown the results. You gain experience and lower the prestige of the arena when you defeat at least one enemy.

How to fight in Pokemon GO: Gym overview, how to choose a team, rules for fighting in Pokemon GO

Walking around the Pokemon Go map, in addition to PokéStops, you can see on the horizon these arenas or jims (Gym) in blue, red, yellow and even white. The color of the arena indicates which team it belongs to, the white, respectively, does not belong to anyone. At the top of the arena is the strongest Pokemon, and by clicking on it you can find out what level it is and what other Pokemon are on the defense.

Arena levels

Arena level Prestige points Maximum Pokémon on Defense
1 0 1
2 2000 2
3 4000 3
4 8000 4
5 12000 5
6 16000 6
7 20000 7
8 30000 8
9 40000 9
10 50000 10

On the pokemon go map often they write only how many prestige points each arena has and it is easy to understand what level it is with the help of this table.

What does the arena give?

Each arena in which your Pokemon is located gives 10 gold coins and 500 stardust every 21 hours, but no more than 100 and 5000, respectively. In other words, after capturing the arena, 1 will appear in the store on a green shield instead of zero, placing your Pokemon in the second arena, the number on the shield in the store will increase, and so on. It's up to you when to hit the shield in the shop and get your coins and stardust.

After you have received gold coins and stardust, the shield in the store will still indicate the number of arenas in which your Pokémon are still standing, and a 21-hour countdown will also begin. During this time, having captured several more arenas, you will not be able to get anything from them until 21 hours have passed, and by that time your Pokémon may have already been removed from the arenas.

The conclusion from this should be done in such a way that shortly before the end of the countdown, you need to capture the maximum number of arenas or stand on empty seats and click on the shield, getting gold and stardust (which is always not enough for pumping Pokemon).

You can always see the number of captured arenas and the time until the next receipt of the reward on the Shop page.

Fight in the arena

If the arena is of a different color, then it belongs to another team and you can try to capture it. To do this, you need to get closer to the arena so that there is no message that the arena is too far away. Click on the boxing glove at the bottom right, select 6 Pokémon that will fight for you and press the GO button at the bottom right.

When the fight begins, your first Pokémon will fight the weakest Pokémon in the arena. To inflict damage, you need to press on the opponent, and when the blue rectangles fill under your green health bar, you need to click on your Pokemon and hold it for a while to inflict a special attack. You can also dodge enemy attacks by swiping your finger to the right or left. Dodging is quite difficult, and for beginners I would like to advise you to try to dodge before the opponent's special attack (when his blue rectangles are full and he will take a short pause between quick attacks).

If the health of your pokemon ends, the next one enters the battle and so on until the health of all 6 pokemon ends and with this outcome of the battle you will lose. If the enemy's health ends, then a stronger defender of the arena enters the battle (if there is more than one) and so on until the last.

To conquer the high-level arena, you will need to fight several times. With each victory, you remove the arena prestige points, thereby gradually lowering its level. When the arena level decreases by 1, the weakest defender leaves it. If you do not win, but during the battle you defeated at least one Pokemon, then the prestige points of the arena are reduced. By attacking and losing several times, you can sooner or later lower the level of the arena and the weakest defender will leave it.

The table of experience and reduction of prestige points when winning the arena:

Pokemon in the arena XP Prestige
1 +150 -2000
2 +250 -2500
3 +350 -3000
4 +450 -3500
5 +550 -4000
6 +650 -4500
7 +750 -5000
8 +850 -5500
9 +950 -6000
10 +1050 -6500

For winning an arena with 10 Pokémon, you will receive 1050 XP and reduce the prestige points of the arena by 6500. If you defeat 9 defenders, you will receive 950 XP and reduce the prestige points of the arena by 6000. And so on, until the prestige points are zero. if you win with two Pokémon 250 XP, and with one 150 XP.

After defeating everyone, the color of the arena will turn white and you can put your Pokemon on it, having previously cured it (if the health of the Pokemon is not maximum). To occupy the arena, you need to click the occupy button at the bottom left. After that, the color of the arena will change to the color of your team, and your Pokemon, which you have chosen for protection, will flaunt at the top.

It should be understood that before attacking the arena, it is better to look at all the Pokémon that protect it, correctly assess their capabilities and only then attack. It often happens that it makes no sense to attack many times, since 6 of your Pokémon will not defeat 1 of the strongest defender.

Arena joint attack

More than one can enter the battle on the arena of a different color. If you enter the arena at the same time and press the GO button, then during the battle you will see an ally in the arena and a Pokémon, which will significantly help inflict damage on enemy defenders. Often, even the strongest Defender Pokémon can be defeated together with a crowd of weak Pokémon. In case of victory, 150 XP (250, 350, ..., 1050) will be received by all allies who have Pokémon left, and the victory will count towards the medals for victories in arenas.

Training in your arena

When the arena does not have prestige points and you put your Pokémon on the defense, the arena receives 2000 prestige points and, accordingly, becomes level 2. Accordingly, anyone who wants the same color can defend their Pokémon and add 2000 prestige points to the arena and make the arena level 3. Also, the third person who wants to defend the arena of his Pokémon can do it "for free" and thereby add 2000 prestige points to the arena, which will end up with 6000 prestige points, and for the fourth level, 8000 points are needed, and for level 5, 12000.

It often happens that the arena of your color is level 3, and there are only 2 Pokémon on defense. You can safely go in and put your Pokemon in an empty seat! If all the seats are occupied, then you can raise the level of the arena by collecting the required number of prestige points and thereby increase the number of seats.

If the arena is the color of your team, and it doesn't matter if your Pokémon is defending or not, you can raise its level. Until October 12, 2016 (update 0.41.4), the main difference between fighting in your own arena and capturing someone else's arena was that instead of 6 Pokémon, you fight with only one. Now, after the update, you can take 6 Pokémon for a "training" or fight in your arena, and if your Pokémon are weaker than the defenders, then the CP (Combat Power) of the defenders will decrease so that the battle is about equal. It is worth remembering that even if your Pokemon is in the arena, you still have to fight with it. If you cannot defeat even the weakest defender of the arena, then you will not raise prestige points.

Prestige points earned after winning at least one Pokémon are counted in different ways. If your attacking Pokemon is stronger than the Pokemon on defense, then upon victory, the arena will receive significantly less prestige points if you defeated a stronger Pokemon with a weak (CP) Pokemon. This means that you always need to select Pokémon so that they are at least 1 CP but weaker than the defenders!

Pokemon on the defense of the arena

The Pokémon that you have put to the defense of the arena will be marked with a special sign and you cannot do anything with it (pump, choose for battle, etc.) until other players remove it from the arena. You cannot remove a Pokemon from the arena or change it yourself!

What happens to a Pokémon after being defeated?

They do not disappear anywhere, but wait for you to cure them! To heal Pokemon, you need to go to the backpack (Items), choose what you will heal the Pokemon: Potion, Super Potion, Hyper Potion or Revive and fully restore the health of all Pokemon that need it.

New arenas

Observing the Ingress map, I personally noticed that someone, having marked a bunch of merry-go-rounds and interesting benches in the park, allegedly created a route for a walk. All portals at that time were white and did not belong to anyone. After a while, an arena appeared on the Pokemon Go map in the park and two pokestops next to it. A second arena appeared in the park just a couple of days later. So, in my area, literally in a week, there were two more arenas! Since August 2016, the submission of applications for adding new points (respectively, pokestops and arenas) has been suspended.

Pokemon GO is about more than just running after elusive and cunning Pokémon. It also has other features, such as holding battles in large halls, where Pokémon training is also carried out.

How do battles take place in Pokemon GO and what are their features?

Upon reaching level 5, each Pokemon GO player has the opportunity to join a specific faction team and conquer separate jims (training halls) with it. Both in conquering the hall and in maintaining your positions, you must very competently use Pokémon and put them up for defense. At the same time, the most important point in battle is the ability to correctly assess the advantages and disadvantages of the enemy, the weaknesses of the Pokémon, and find ways to counteract them competently. Indeed, in battle, in fact, it is not you who are fighting, but the Pokémon. Therefore, the main stake should be placed on their abilities and skills.

As for the actual conduct of the battle, there is nothing supernatural in it. Pokemon have no weapons, so the direct battle consists in the fact that the animals simply tap each other, showing their ability (for example, Pikachu may well launch lightning at the enemy). If you need to dodge blows, you just need to swap across the screen to the side, and your Pokemon will immediately jump to this place.

To a certain extent, the only drawback of the game is that all battles are fought in real time. That is, if you suddenly left your city on a business trip and could not put Pokémon to protect your Jim, he can easily be captured during your absence. In addition, at the time of direct combat, it is necessary to react as quickly and efficiently as possible. A minute of slowing down can cost you your Pokémon.

It is also important to observe how your Pokémon are feeling during combat. If they are already losing ground - their health is decreasing, try to immediately replace them with those animals that are next in line. Such a maneuver can significantly affect the outcome of the battle. At the same time, if you change your Pokémon, this is not displayed in any way on the health of the opponent's Pokémon.

Also, do not forget that literally all Pokémon have one additional mode - the special attack mode. It is very important to understand that even for animals of the same species, this mode can be very different, since this ability is random. This ability is formed on the basis of the game scale, which is located in the menu under the health scale. In this scale, it is necessary to constantly enter data on what damage the animal received and inflicted on opponents during the battle. Based on the data in this scale, his abilities for a strong attack will be formed.

How do you activate a strong attack? Just catch your opponent's Pokemon with your finger and hold it there for a few moments. Your Pokemon will react to such an action with a special attack. But at the same time, it must be remembered that one cell will be removed from the above scale during such an attack.

Where can battles take place in Pokemon Go?

There is only one place for conducting battles in the game Pokemon Go, and these are Jims or Gyms, that is, training rooms invented specifically for Pokemon. They look like large towers on the map in game and are marked as Gym in the game. In fact, it is for these Jims that the battles are held, since it is very important for players of all teams to capture as many empty or even captured Jims as possible. Of course, if Jim is empty, you won't have to fight for him. But if it is guarded by a well-playing team, then a real battle can unleash on the field, which will drag on for several hours.

The battle begins from the moment the player approaches the Jim of interest and clicks on him in his game.
Immediately after that, a special menu will appear on the player's smartphone screen, which will prompt him to select Pokémon for battle. Probably, the choice of Pokémon is the most important task in a battle, although in its direct conduct you also need to show a lot of cunning and resourcefulness.

You can choose 6 Pokémon for battle at once. If at the same time Jim is guarded by only one animal from the side of the enemy, you get an undeniable chance of winning. But it often happens that fierce group battles unfold for Jim. In such a situation, it will be much more difficult to win.

Features of the battle: how and with whom to fight

Your main strength in each battle is those Pokémon that you managed to collect during your entire stay in the game, as well as those that you managed to "hatch" from eggs in incubators. At the same time, the Pokémon itself will not fight, they still need to be properly controlled, otherwise it can even be captured by the enemy in his Pokéball.

But in general, controlling Pokémon in battles is quite simple, and we have already told you about some of the nuances (activation of the strong attack mode). Let us recall some more of them:

  1. If you want to attack directly the enemy, you must click (tap) on him with your finger. A nearby Pokémon will immediately react to your movement and attack the enemy.
  2. If you hold your finger on the enemy long enough, not only the attack of your Pokémon is activated, but the super-hit - the strong attack mode.
  3. To do this, in order to move the Pokemon around the field and protect it from enemy strikes, simply swipe left / right across the screen.
Battle rewards

Fighting has an advantage not only in gaining the status of a good player. In addition, coins, experience points, and stardust are credited to your "personal account" in every successful battle. In addition to this, each battle is an opportunity to pump a Pokémon, which is possible due to the presence of stardust in you. To do this, simply select the desired Pokemon in your Pokedex and click on the "Power Up" button. If you have enough funds, the strength of the animal will increase several times.

But for coins, you can buy various additional items for the game: baits, eggs, incubators, pokeballs, elixirs and incense. Of course, they are handed out for free in PokéStops, but free ones are not always enough for active participants.

How Jim's Battles Are Fought: Little Secrets of How to Win a Hopeless Duel

In order to capture any Jim, it is very important to try to reduce the so-called level of his fame to "zero". What is needed for this? Place your strongest Pokémon and gradually defeat all the enemy's guards. The more of Jim's defenders are defeated, the lower the indicator of his glory will fall. The signal that Jim has become fully available for capture is the change in his color to white. At the same time, you should not forget for a second that as long as Jim is neutral, he can just as well be captured by any player who is standing next to you. Therefore, it is impossible to hesitate in such a situation even for a single moment.

How do you keep Jim? Just put one of your Pokémon on guard in it. It is clear that if you have already got the opportunity to fight for Jim, then you belong to some team. Therefore, when you capture Jim, your allies can post their Pokémon to guard Jim, which will increase the chances of keeping him when other teams attack.

Besides, while holding Jim, it is very important not to waste time and constantly train inside him. The training consists in bringing out the Pokémon - members of your team - to battle among themselves. Thanks to such training fights, your Jim's fame will grow, which means that it will not be so easy to win him back from you.

What is the advantage of holding Jim?

The longer time one Jim will belong to your team, the more bonuses you can get. In particular, if you manage to hold Jim for 21 hours in a row, your account will be credited with 500 Stardust and 10 Extra Coins. Thus, by fighting for the Jims and holding them, you will also earn good money (of course, only within the game).

You will need in-game currency in order to purchase special healing and restorative elixirs for your Pokémon. For example, if a Pokémon is killed during the battle for alien Jim, you can bring him back to life using an elixir called Revival. If the Pokemon is exhausted from a long battle, an elixir called "Potion" will help bring it back into battle.

Little tricks that can be used in battles

In the game, you can use one very powerful trick, however, to activate it, you need a lot of your personal skill. This trick also has one peculiarity: when you just try to activate it, a flash occurs. At this moment, you need to jump away from the enemy, because he will try to attack you. But immediately after that, you attack, and the enemy will be 100% taken by surprise. Basically, the scheme of the fight you are conducting should look like this:

  1. Evasion.
  2. Evasion.
  3. Attack.
  4. Evasion.
  5. Attack.
  6. Evasion.
  7. Attack.
  8. Evasion.
  9. Special attack.

Well, then you can go along the same circle. True, you should understand that you need to start up the Pokemon attack only after the dodge animation ends. Otherwise, the enemy can use your own method against you.

Also, don't try to use strong attacks. It is better to leave them for the final, when the enemy is weakened and it will be necessary to finish him off. Otherwise, you will make your Pokémon vulnerable to counterattacks. Another important point is CP, that is, the strength of the opponent's Pokemon and yours. It is very important that the enemy's advantage does not exceed 300 CP, otherwise even such a cunning battle tactics will not save you from defeat.

How do I know about a Pokémon vulnerability?

For Jim's defense to be carried out as efficiently as possible, the Pokémon set up as guards must also be as effective as possible. At the same time, they are not just effective, but have advantages over the opponent's Pokémon, that is, be stronger than them.

There are Pokémon in the game that are capable of inflicting double damage on the enemy with one blow, and there are those whose damage is half or even zero. To learn about all these features of Pokémon, it is important each time to carefully study the Pokémon vulnerability table, in which the defending Pokémon are located in the horizontal position, and the attackers in the vertical position. At the same time, the table contains a mirror interpretation: if it indicates that one pokemon can attack with double damage of the second, then this means that the second against him can only do half damage.

(Gym, gym, tower - as soon as they do not call these towers, which are very clearly visible on the map.) Whether you train with your team or conduct fights with rivals, you must know the basic skills of fighting.

The basics of battles

Unlike the battles in the original Pokémon, the battles in Pokémon Go are quick and easy.

Real-time fights will require you to move quickly. A simple tap on the screen will make your Pokémon attack with a basic attack. In order to dodge enemy attacks, swipe left or right without releasing your finger from the screen of your mobile phone. Dodging a fight is harder than it sounds.

How to attack (basic and special attacks)

When attacking an enemy with a normal attack, blue bars accumulate under the health bar. After you accumulate 1 or more of these stripes, you can use a more powerful special attack. To use it, touch the screen and hold it until the impact is triggered.

Where to see what hits a Pokemon has

Go to the pet's profile, under the characteristics you will see:

  • first - basic attack
  • the second is a special blow. Blue stripes opposite - mean how many times this blow can be used in battle if you fully accumulate the entire scale.

Who to choose for battle

During the battle, simple rules apply. When challenging the ownership of the arena, you can take 6 Pokémon into battle. If there is a fight between a friendly team, only one can be used. By clicking on the arena, you will see which enemies will face in turn. If your enemies are using mostly grass type, try putting opponents against them that are resistant to this type of attacks. For example, steel or choose those whose attacks are super effective against grass-type Pokémon, these are fiery and flying.

The correct choice of a pet does not yet give a 100% guarantee of victory, the most important parameter is their CP (Combat Power). CP is essentially a rating that shows how strong your assistant is. The higher the CP, the stronger the Pokémon. Choosing Pidgey at CP 15 versus Pinser at CP 110 has no chance of winning.

Ideally, the Combat Power values ​​should be close to those of the Pokémon located in the arena.

Enemy and friendly arenas

Depending on the color, arenas can be captured by a friendly or enemy team. What color of your team can be seen in the coach's profile.

Friendly fights

When fighting in the arena with friends, you pump it and raise its level, the more Pokémon you defeat in the arena, the more experience the gym will receive and the more Pokémon you can put there.

Fight with the opposing team

Fighting with an opponent, you can put up to 6 Pokémon throughout all battles. For example, there are 3 Pokémon on the Gym, you can use 6 of your own to fight them. In addition, if flashes in the arena are visible on the map, then this means that the battle is already underway and you can join in to drive out a strong enemy.

If you win the arena

After defeating all 3 Pokémon, you remove all arena points. Now you can exit the arena and see that it has turned gray. Going back, put your strongest pet for protection. By pumping the arena with friendly fights, you can achieve additional places for protection.

You can also (in-game currency) if you can hold the arena for a certain time.

Post-battle healing and resurrection

During the battle, your Pokémon may die or be left without health. To do this, you need or "comrade" using special items from the inventory. After carrying out the necessary actions, they can be sent back to the fights.

In this guide, we will thoroughly analyze pokemon battlesPokemon go , combat systems that will help you win, even if your pocket monsters are much weaker than the defenders.

Do you often encounter a situation when Pokémon are stronger than yours and there are too many of them on a friendly or enemy Gym? But this is not a problem, because the main feature of the game is that the balance here is very diverse, but at the same time not so difficult. It all depends on the type of Pokemon Pokemon go and Anthem battle tactics... Let's start with the basics.

How to Conduct Pokemon Go Battles

We talked about how to start a battle in Pokemon Go in the article about Gym, which can be found ... Also in it you will find a way to install the Hall next to your home or work. But there are points that we did not consider. I also want to tell you about them here.

Many people often ask the question how to use techniques in battlePokemon go in arena battles and some don't even know about it. Everything is very simple. There is a scale (or several scales) under the health bar of your pokémonitor, which fills up as you fight. When it is full, it will start blinking, at this moment make a long swipe across the screen until the super strike starts. The more such scales your Pokémon has, the weaker the super attack, but the faster they fill up and become ready for use.

There is also a defensive technique - evasion, which is performed by swiping to the right or left. I note right away that due to a bad connection, problems on the server, or insufficiently good optimization of the game for your phone, the reception may not be very effective. Evasion is suitable in battles against slow Pokémon, when you can inflict a couple of attacks, and your opponent, during the same time, only one. In this case, use timing - take a couple of hits, and then, at the moment the enemy attacks, dodge. The main thing is to calculate everything correctly.

Now that you are about how are the battles goingPokemon go and training, you can move on to deeper techniques based on the superiority of some species over others.

Pokemon go battle tactics

In that fight guide Pokemon go this is perhaps the most important part, the main guarantee of success. After all, if you choose the right type of Pokemon for the enemy, then you will win even if he is stronger by 30% -40% in CP, and the table of types will help you with this. Above are the attacking types, and on the right are those who take damage.

Thus, if, for example, you got the widespread Hypno as your rivals, then you can safely put Gastly against him 30% weaker in CP, because everything is compensated.

You should also pay attention not only to the increased damage on your part, but also to the reduced damage from the enemy. You can see an example of such a fight in the video below. When an attack on the enemy's Pokémon deals increased damage and at the same time the enemy deals less damage. IN fightingPokemon go in the arena both aspects are important, because the more you preserve the health of your wards, the less resources will be required to restore them.

Due to the large number of types of demonstrations, this table is rather difficult to remember, but over time it is possible and you, as an avid chess player, will anticipate the outcome of the match even before it starts.

Now you know how to do it right Pokémon fights take place inPokemon go , combat physics, tactics, and most importantly the strengths and weaknesses of all types of pocket monsters.

Have a good game!

Pokemon Go video battle