Not separate nouns. How do you spell "not" with nouns? Spelling complex nouns


  1. Ensure the assimilation of new material; to develop skills of spelling “not” with nouns.
  2. To form students' skills to compare and generalize, highlight the main thing and create an algorithm for working with spelling.
  3. Promote the development of interest and love for the mother tongue.

During the classes

I. Org. moment:

It is necessary to study joyfully, reverently and victoriously. B. Zhitkov.


When will the teaching be “joyful and victorious”?

When you can overcome yourself, discover something new on your own and, probably, help a friend.

You are right, today I hope you will experience the joy of learning.

Take a close look at the entry, write it off, inserting the missing letters:

Travel, ryuKzak, spinning, coaster, calf, ascent, bereeching, straddle, route, dream, dawn, photo

Explain the spelling of the words.

What is the common theme united by words? What is the key word? Correctly. And this is no coincidence. I invite you on a journey to new heights of spelling. So, forward to the Orthographic Olympus.

Each row receives a flag of a certain color, with the help of which achievements at all stages of the lesson will be recorded.

II Explanation of the new material:

1. Updating knowledge:

The first stage of our ascent will be visual dictation.

“There is nothing t andwho in our life and, what not ntransfer to ru sskim word: sound chamusic, shine of colors, ambiguity sleep "

  • Write down, orally explain the selected spelling.
  • A diagram to explain the setting of punctuation marks.
  • Is “not” always written separately with verbs?
  • Remember the words that are not used without “not”. Write them down, explaining orally the lexical meaning:
    To rage - to show rage
    Resent - resent
    Doesn't fit
    To be perplexed - to doubt, to be surprised
    Bondage - to compel

What spelling could you not explain? Why?

State the topic of our lesson and the purpose of our spelling journey.

Recording the topic of the lesson.

2. Explanation of the new material:

Consider the diagram.

Draw a conclusion, how to spell “NOT” with nouns?

When is it written together, when is it separate?

Let's check our observations by reading § 38. Complete our findings. Working in groups, make an algorithm “Spelling“ NOT ”with nouns."

Algorithm presentation.

3. Consolidation of the learned.

Replace with a synonym or a similar phrase . Grief is misery.

  • Lies are not true.
  • The enemy is the enemy
  • Absent-mindedness is inattention.
  • Doubt is distrust
  • Compose and write down sentences in which these nouns with “NOT” should be written separately:

    • Not happiness, but grief brought people closer.
    • Not truth, but a lie causes irreparable harm to friendship.
    • Not a friend, but an enemy will not tell the truth.
    • Not trust, but doubt crept into the heart.

    Mutual verification.

    Summing up the results at this stage of the lesson.

    Our path to knowledge is thorny. Tired, it means it's time to rest. Listen to the tale:

    I once visited the country,
    Where the "NOT" particle disappeared.
    I looked around with perplexity:
    What is the stucco position?
    But it was quiet all around,
    And there was a mess in everything.
    And on the nursery flowerbed by the booth
    The blue forgetfulness bloomed.
    And the weather was on the wall
    And the happy dog \u200b\u200bwalked.
    And, wagging his tail coarsely,
    I ran through the puddles.
    Meet me without any fear
    Washed, combed ryakha walked.
    And behind the ryakha on fresh grass
    The absurd dotepa and vezha walked.
    And to meet everyone early in the morning
    Princess Smeyana smiled ...
    It's a pity that only in a dream
    There is a country without a “NOT” particle.

    A funny tale? Why did it turn out this way?

    Name the words from which the "NOT" particle escaped.

    Write down the nouns that are not used without “NOT”.

    Bewilderment, absurdity, confusion, forget-me-nots, bad weather, slob, idiot, ignorant, Nesmeyana

    Determine the word by lexical meaning and write it down, explaining the spelling:

    1. Fiction is fiction
    2. The feeling of the strongest enmity is hatred
    3. Outrage - outrage
    4. Painful condition - malaise
    5. Fury is fury

    Help solve the confusion.

    Sitting on a bench in the park, I heard a fabulous conversation. The heroes of Marshak's poem "The Cat and the Quitters" came to life. The idlers say with indignation: “The cat is completely insolent. He scolds us for missing lessons, but he himself cannot read the number on the house, he does not know a single letter. Complete ignoramus. " Where did the heroes go wrong? Make a dictionary entry: An ignoramus is ...

  • An ignoramus is ...
  • Write off by opening parentheses.

    For (not) happiness to yourself; shadow of (un) comprehension; (not) the weather delayed, but business; waited with (not) patience; (not) years, but the disease has grown old; tell a lie; envy (not) friend; heavy (not) will.

    Halt: summing up the results at this stage based on the results of completed tasks. Fizminutka - relay:

    1. Determine the morphological features of words.
    2. To make a sentence.
    3. Parse.

    1 row - in the grove

    2nd row - no time

    3 row - at Anastasia

    You will find out where this spelling is most often found by solving several grammatical problems. Make this word out of the initial letters.

    1. The science that studies the setting of punctuation marks.
    2. Words that sound the same, but different in lexical meaning.
    3. Words that are close in lexical meaning.
    4. The branch of language science that studies the vocabulary of a language.
    5. A vowel that is written in compound words after hard consonants.
    6. Sentences pronounced with special feeling.
    7. Vowel after c in circus.
    8. Continue the phrase: "Spelling and -s after ..."
    9. The vowel after the q in the word chicken.

    What word came out? ( proverbs).

    What are called proverbs?

    Give examples of proverbs. What role do they play in our language?

    Did they meet words with the studied spelling? Explain their spelling orally.

    Independent work: exercise 219:

    1 row - 1-2 sentences;

    2nd row - 3.4 sentence,

    3 row - 4.5 sentence.

    Check using signal cards.

    Group work: (task on cards)

    1. Continue the proverb, write it down, indicate the studied spelling:

    1. Learning is light and ignorance is darkness)
    2. This one is in (not) nastya, but (put in a bucket)
    3. Hunting more (captivity)
    4. (NOT) work dries, but (care).
    5. Live life - (DO NOT go field)

    2. Find the fourth extra: not true, but a lie; not a friend, but an enemy; not a house, but a hut; not happiness, but grief. Justify your choice.

    III. Strengthening the theory and preparing for solving tests: in pairs, oral work with the algorithm.

    IV. Control over the assimilation of the material: test solution:

    A1 The noun is spelled with NOT separately:

    1. The (NOT) visible moon illuminates the volatile snow.
    2. Before me was (not) an enemy, but a friend.
    3. The (un) fame was gone.
    4. We stopped at (un) understanding.
    5. Over the years, he developed (not) determination.

    A2 is NOT written together:

    1. This is (not) true, but an outright lie.
    2. (Not) the truth I will not tolerate.
    3. This should be considered (not) luck, but an accident.
    4. The princess (not) is laughing is the heroine of many fairy tales.
    5. (Not) patience, but irritability interfered with the conversation.

    A3 A noun is spelled with NOT separately:

    1. Surprised (not) dependence and harshness.
    2. There was (not) decisiveness, but some shyness.
    3. With (not) ryakha, few people communicate.
    4. (Not) happiness, but sorrow befell us.
    5. Man is the creator of happiness and (not) happiness.

    A4 Word with NOT written together

    1. The letter was (not) sent on time.
    2. Not all (not) nastya, the red sun will show through.
    3. Whoever sows early will (not) lose seeds.
    4. Today (not) greet me.
    5. (Not) hate is a bad counselor.
    A1 A2 A3 A4

    V. Summing up. Setting and commenting on marks.

    Homework:§ 38, exercise number 217 or compose a grammatical fairy tale “Spelling“ NOT ”with nouns.

    The "not" particle plays an important role in the Russian language. The meaning of the whole phrase depends on how it is written with words. This service particle expresses not only the denial "do not run, do not touch", but also the statement: "today it was not mom who took Masha, but dad." Quite often this particle gives the phrase a fullness of action: "I will not stop looking at you." In colloquial speech, she is able to give the phrase a touch of indifference: "If there were no happiness, but misfortune would help." This negative particle is also capable of giving an affirmative intonation: "the weather has cleared up."

    In contact with


    Rules for spelling the "not" particle with nouns

    One of the rules of the Russian language that causes difficulties is spelling "not" with nouns... A competent person is able to distinguish the spelling of this particle and use it correctly in written speech.

    The spelling of "not" depends on whether it is a prefix (written together) or a negative particle - a separate word (written separately). Examples:

    Difficulty in spelling appears when the prefix and particle are different... The rules of the Russian language are designed to distinguish the prefix from the particle and establish the correct spelling NOT with nouns. The meaning of what is written depends on this.

    In most cases, the "not" particle is written separately with nouns. But there are options when "not" is written together. In order not to be mistaken in using NOT, you need to familiarize yourself with the rule of the Russian language.

    The table shows NOT examples with nouns.

    Let's take a closer look at each of these spellings. DO NOT rule with nouns.

    "Not" is spelled together

    1. If not used without NOT (examples: fiction, ignoramus, bad weather, slob, slave, lack, disorder, absurdity, ignorant, unseen, scoundrel, illness, invisibility, forget-me-not, fidget, unintelligent, loser, tumbler, malfunction).
    2. If a word with a particle is NOT replaced with a synonym without a NOT without loss of meaning. Examples: misfortune - grief; the enemy is the enemy.
    3. If there is a combination of prefixes under-: flaw, oversight, oversight, underpayment, underweight, underdevelopment.
    4. Nouns that denote a person or a qualitative shade, in conjunction with NOT, form words with the meaning of opposition. Examples of such word formations: non-specialist, non-poet, non-Muslims, non-doctors. When a non-professional gets down to business, it's time to shout "guard". The doctor will not understand the medical history. A nemathematician will not solve this problem.

    If the particle is NOT and the noun form a new word with the opposite meaning. Examples: lack (flaw; wealth means prosperity), unhappiness is trouble, not lack of happiness; the insecurity of a person is not (you cannot rely on him). Due to lack of knowledge of the language, he did not read the instructions.

    If a noun with NOT is used with a dependent adjective or possessive pronoun preceding NOT-. I was saddened by your failure.

    1. If a noun with NOT is preceded by a definition or a preposition. Sack for absenteeism. Everyone knows about his bad manners. It's all my bad luck.
    2. A noun is a term. Example: non-metal. There are non-metals among the chemical elements.

    "Not" with nouns is written separately

    If there is or implies opposition by union A. Example: Not true, but false. He is not my friend (the enemy is meant). Cows graze in the meadow and not cows. (meaning that cows and other animals graze). He is ready to write everything: poetry and not poetry, plays and not plays. Not a holiday, but a day off.

    All these conditions are easy to remember and use correctly in writing.

    If a verb is not used without NOT, it is written with NOT as one.

    For example: to hate, to be unwell, to be indignant.

    In other cases, NOT with verbs is always written separately.

    It is necessary to distinguish between verbs with the compound prefix "under" and verbs with the prefix "before" plus the negative particle NOT. The prefix "under" means that something is insufficient, incomplete, and is written together with the verb. A verb with a prefix "before" and a negative particle "NOT" denotes an action interrupted, not completed, impracticable, interrupted.

    For example: He lacks love (lacks love). He misses the door handle (not feasible).

    Spelling NOT with gerunds

    Follows the same rule as spelling NOT with verbs.

    For example: indignant, not looking.

    Spelling NOT with pronouns

    In pronouns, it is NOT written under stress and is fused, except for the cases when NOT and the pronoun share a preposition.

    NOT with adverbial pronouns is always written together: nowhere, there is no need, nowhere.

    Remember: none other than; nothing but; like no other; like nothing else.

    Spelling NOT with numbers

    NOT with numerals is always written separately.

    Spelling NOT with adjectives, nouns and adverbs in -o, -e

    Together Apart
    1. Not used without NOT: hateful, ignorant, awkward.
    2. Can be replaced with a synonym without NOT: ugly (ugly), enemy (enemy), inaudible (quietly).
    3. If there are words with the meaning of degree: very, highly, completely, etc .: very uninteresting, extremely bad, completely unreasonable.
    4. If there is a word "in no way": it is impossible at all.
    5. If there is a union but: rather big, but spacious; uncomfortable, but warm.
    1. If there is a contrast with the union a: not joyful, but sad; not a friend, but an enemy; not hot, but cold.
    2. If there are words at all, not, far from, by no means negative pronouns and adverbs with the prefix neither: far from cute; by no means a beauty; not scary at all; not smart at all.
    3. With short adjectives that do not have a full form (must, glad, ready, obliged) or have a different meaning in full form (prominent - visible): not happy to meet; the city is not visible.
    4. NOT with adverbs in -o, -e: not through and through.
    5. With the words of the category of state: not scary.
    6. With adjectives and adverbs in the form of degrees of comparison: not worse, not the best.
    7. With possessive and relative adjectives, with adjectives for colors: not brick; not mom's; not green.

    Note. You should be careful in spelling NOT with words if you have the word "absolutely". If it means “perfect, very”, it is NOT written together. If it matters "not at all" - separately.

    For instance:
    Not a very exciting trip (\u003d a very unenviable trip).
    Not a random word at all (not a random word). The spelling of short adjectives that have a full form follows the spelling rules for full adjectives.

    The particle "not" in the Russian language has a very important semantic function. And the meaning of the whole phrase sometimes depends on how it is written with the word - together or separately. Spelling “not” with nouns is one of the sections of grammar that must be mastered by every educated person. Otherwise, speech incidents are inevitable ...

    Separate spelling

    The "not" particle with nouns in most situations has a separate spelling, which is responsible for the negative meaning of the phrase. And few people will have doubts about, for example, such options: not sadness, not mom, not summer, not rain, not a word, not evening, and so on, and similar phrases and phrases.

    • It was not sadness in his eyes ...
    • Not yet evening.
    • Mom didn't come to the garden for her today.

    Unambiguously in these examples, "not" with nouns is written separately.

    Continuous spelling

    But there are options when a solid spelling will be correct. Among them are the following:

    • A noun is not used without "not" - a fable, an ignoramus, a scoundrel.
    • A noun with “not” can be easily replaced with a synonym without a particle, and the meaning will not be lost - enemy (enemy), non-existence (death), bondage (slavery), untruth (lie). At the end of his life, severe bondage overtook him. The enemies did their best.
    • The noun is a term: non-metal, non-combatant (Among these chemical elements there is also a non-metal).
    • A noun denotes a person and, to some extent, indicates a quality: non-specialist, non-professional (When a non-professional gets down to business, it's time to shout "guard").

    Difficult situations

    In some cases, spelling "not" with nouns causes serious difficulties, since it seems that the rule of merging can be applied, but somehow the result does not "look" at all. For example, the following suggestions:

    • This was not a promised will, but real slavery. (There is an opposition expressed by the union "a").
    • He's not my friend, if you please! (We are not talking about enmity, but also about friendship).
    • You all remember, don't you ?! (The word "false" cannot replace "not true").
    • It was not the existence of saints at all that bothered him now. (There is an “amplifier” of negation “absolutely”, in its place there can be “at all”, “not at all”, “not at all”, “absolutely”, etc.).

    "Not" with nouns, examples of which are given in this paragraph, are written separately, as the context requires. Although just above the same words are written together. And this is another reminder of the semantic significance of the particle and the influence of the meaning on its spelling.

    Notspelled with nouns together:

    a) if the noun is not used without not: sloppiness, adversity, ignorance, weightlessness, disbelief;

    b) if notserves to form a new noun that can be replaced with a close one
    word or expression: not true(Lying), indiscipline(violation of discipline). In this case notis a prefix.

    Notis a negative particle and is written separately with nouns, if there is or is implied opposition: This is not true, but a lie.- It is not true(what?).

    As negative, including in its composition not,particles are used far from, far from, not at all(meaning "not at all"): This is far (by no means) true.

    Spelling complex names


    General rules for writing compound words:

    1. In compound words as connecting
    vowels are used letters aboutand e... After basics on
    hard consonant (except w, w and c)the letter o is written.

    For instance:


    After stems on a soft consonant, on th,to the hissing sound and ca letter is written e.

    For instance:


    local history

    a pedestrian



    In a few compound words, the consonant of the first
    the bases hardens, therefore the connecting
    vowel about.

    For instance:



    In some cases, the nominative ending is preserved in the first word of a complex noun.

    For instance:



    time calculation

    2. Cardinal numbers in education
    compound words are used in the genitive form

    For instance:

    five-year plan(five years)

    eleven meter(eleven meters)

    forty minute(forty minutes)

    Numerals hundredand ninety,being part of a compound word, they do not change their form.

    For instance:



    With letter aboutthe word is also spelled centipede.Numeral one thousand,being part of compound words, it has a connecting vowel e.

    For example:


    3. Compound words that are formed using connecting vowels oh eor the first part of which is a numeral, are written together.

    For instance:
    oil and gas production

    fiftieth anniversary



    Note: Words on -ification (electrification, gasification, classificationetc.) are not difficult. They are formed with the suffix -modification,therefore written with the letter and.

    Compare: compound words with a connecting vowel about: electric locomotive, gas turbine.

    4. Compound words can be formed by connecting
    root floor-(half) and a noun in the genitive case.

    For instance:

    half a day

    half a watermelon

    After root floor-put a hyphen (dash) in front of vowels, all uppercase letters, and also before a consonant l.

    For instance:


    half of Kiev

    half a lemon

    The other consonants are not hyphenated.
    Same: half past one,but: half past ten, half a liter.But: half of the globe.

    Words that begin with semi-,are always written together.

    For instance:

    low shoes

    semiautomatic device

    half a century


    Spelling complex nouns:

    I. Continuous spelling of complex nouns.

    Are written together;

    1) compound nouns with the second part on -grad, -city.

    For instance:



    2) compound nouns with the first verb part on and.

    For instance:







    daredevil(but: tumbleweed)

    3) compound nouns with the first part consisting of foreign language elements air(part of the word aviation,therefore it is written a), auto-, agro-, aero-, bio-, bicycle-, hydro-, zoo-, cinema, meteo-, micro-, neo-, moto-, television-, photo-etc.

    For instance:

    air communication, tanker truck, agrominimum(but: agriculture), snowmobile, biomechanics, hydro-airport, pet shop, film studio, weather report, microbiology, neo-colonialism, TV antenna, photo laboratory, radio and television(continuous spelling does not depend on the number of such elements in a word)

    Note: If in compound nouns with the same last word, the first two parts are connected by a union and, then a hyphen is put after the first element.

    For instance:

    radio and television

    ball and roller bearings (ball bearings, roller bearings)

    auto, motorcycle and bicycle races (car racing)

    4) compound nouns of different

    For instance:

    technical college


    party meeting
    deputy dean

    head of department

    (Dots are not put inside compound abbreviated words).

    II. Spelling complex nouns with a hyphen.

    The following are written with a hyphen:

    1) compound nouns denoting political parties, their members (or supporters): social democracy, social democratetc.;

    2) compound nouns denoting units of measurement: man-day, gram-molecule, kilowatt-houretc. (but: workday); compound nouns denoting intermediate cardinal points: northeast, southwest, southwest;

    3) nouns with foreign language elements in the first part vice-, life-, chief-, non-commissioned-, headquarters-, ex-,eg: vice president, chief master, life guard, non-commissioned officer, headquarters, ex-champion.A hyphenated noun rear admiral(here element counter-does not matter "against");

    4) compound nouns formed from whole, separately used nouns: prime minister, diesel engine, cape-tent, miracle heroes, would-be hunters, corresponding member.Also compound surnames: Saltykov-Shchedrin, Shchepkina-Kupernik.