Rules of the game Imaginarium in Russian. Game of imaginarium

"Imajinarium" is very simple and very interesting gameIn which you need to invent associations to unusual pictures from the box. The pictures were painted crazy artists, so associations - from the simplest, like "love", "winter", "principle", up to the most difficult and insane, in the spirit "I did everything right", "Where is the drama? Again there is no drama! "," Chuck-Chuck! Run faster! "Maybe just the sea.

So. I took the picture, came up with the Association: What now?

Now you need to put a map of shirt up on the table. Other players will try to choose among their cards the one that is most suitable for the voiced association, and put on next. Then the cards on the table will be mixed.

Yeah, I understood! Everyone must guess my card, right?

And here is not! If everything was so easy, the simplest Association would allow you to win. But to win, you need to make your card guessed at least one person, and even better - everything except one.

So how do I invent?

If possible, it is difficult and veiled, but it is clear that the opinions are separated. When you start playing, you will quickly understand how to do it right. Immediately after that, you will feel the tide of creative abilities and the increase in the skill of understanding the thoughts and emotions of other people.

What was about other people there?

"Imaginarium" is one of the most magical games of the store, which great helps in communication. In associations, you recognize the most important personal belongings about a person, learn better to understand it and better predict the course of thoughts. different people. In a word, this thing is not only sonsun, but also very, very cool in terms of development of relations.

Who to give this box?

  • Take home as a family game, a wonderful choice.
  • IMADZHINARIUM is simply created for friendly sites in the evenings.
  • This is a very cool gift to any creative person.
  • It can be played at parties.

What's in the box?

  • The field for calculating points (made directly on the "podium" on the box).
  • 98 large cards with pictures.
  • 49 voting cards for 7 players.
  • 7 flying elephants for movement over the field (depending on the publication there are wooden or plastic).
  • Rules in good Russian.

What other kits are:


"The game is gorgeous! The main surprise for me is that interest is not lost when at the table sits at the same time 3 generations (16, 30-35, 55 years) players. Associations become only better :) Rare quality of the game ... "

Pictures for "IMADZHINARIUM" are taken carefully, Kuznetso somehow told this procedure.

Sergey Abdulmanov, Marketing Head

Like the fact that there is a healthier counting points than in Dixit. It is necessary that most players guess your card, but not all.

Maxim Polovtsy, developer

First came out in 2011..


What other kits are:


Russia - Cosmodrome Games

Conclusion of a psychologist

Date of study: October 2014 - March 2015

Methods of research:

  • Test for the diagnosis of independence of thinking
  • Amthauer Intelligence Structure Test
  • Testuz-Pieron test for diagnosing attention and processing speed
  • Guilford tasks for imagination
  • Gilford tasks for evaluating divergent thinking
  • Test for the study of intellectual lability

The study took part: 7-11 classroom students (124 people), aged 13 to 19 years
Purpose Research: Study of the influence of the desktop game is not mentally educational processes of adolescents


Within the framework of the work of the experimental and research platform, a circle was organized at extracurricular time for students of secondary and senior school training. On a mug of students offered to play various board games and after 6 months of work, the circle was studied the influence of board games on various mentally-cognitive abilities.

Before the start of the gameplay, at first occupations, a diagnosis was carried out on the study of visual intelligence, independence of thinking, divergent thinking, creative imagination, intellectual lability, information processing speed and attentiveness.

  • Jackal
  • Nafarius
  • Resistance
  • Abracadabra
  • Movie compartments
  • Hold the bet.

Analyzing the dynamics in various indicators of intellectual abilities, we note the following features.

Visual structural intellect

Before the experiment conducted in most students, 31.2% has been a medium level of severity. This level is characterized by the fact that the student may understand the meaning of a schematic pattern explaining the condition of the task or the presentation of the text material, but it makes it difficult to transfer verbal information to visual graphic. After the experiment, this indicator has changed. Most of the students are 28.3% marked good level severity. This level is characterized by the fact that the child without difficulty can independently use the graphic material, resort to the use of drawings for more complete assimilation and understanding of information. The change in this indicator contributed to the game Movie compartments.

Structural and dynamic visual thinking

Before the experiment, the most part of students was noted or good or weak level severity (48.8% and 43.8%, respectively). The weak level is characterized by the fact that the child does not know how to "read" the table, does not understand the meaning of the information presented in a tabular form. If the table is contained in the text, the child is limited to reading phrases explaining to it. Thinking as a whole can remain static, descriptive. After the experiment, the distribution for this indicator changed significantly: less than 30% of students have a weak level of severity, and most of the students have a good level - 55.6%. The change in this indicator contributed to the game Movie compartments.

Combinatorial visual thinking

Before the experiment, 15.1% of students had a weak level of severity, and after the experiment, this indicator decreased almost 2 times, and amounted to 8.1% of students. It is also worth noting that the indicator of a good level of severity in this criterion has grown from 47.5% to 52.4% of students.

Abstract thinking

According to the final diagnosis, the most part of students - 54.1% there is a weak level of gravity of abstract thinking, after the study conducted the result has improved significantly. The weak level of severity is noted in 35% of students, and most of the students - 58.9% are the average level of severity. The weak level of severity indicates that the child operates only with specific (qualitative presentations) images, objects or their properties and is not yet able to allocate and operate with their relations. Improving the overall level of severity among students from weak to the average level of severity Movie compartments and Keep par.

Shaped synthesis

According to the total diagnosis, the most part of students - 52.4% is a weak level of severity of the figurative synthesis, and after the study conducted, the result improved significantly. The weak level of severity is observed in 40.4% of students, and most of the students - 55.6% is noted the average level of severity. The figurative synthesis is the ability to form integral representations based on consistently incoming, non-systematic, scattered or fragmentary information. Integrity arises on the basis of shaped synthesis, not logical structuring. It is a general view that shape all the necessary information is generated and therefore in need of further logical analysis of its understanding. The figurative synthesis is one of the main operations of systemic thinking, which is necessary in empirical studies (to comprehend the diverse and disparate information), when working on new directions and at the junction of sciences. It is also one of the main components of practical intelligence, allowing you to quickly understand the situation in general and choose the optimal direction for further action. Improving the overall level of severity among students from weak to the average level of severity Keep par and Resistance. Also, in addition to the above games, the development of this ability can contribute to the game Evolution .

Spatial thinking

According to the result of incoming diagnostics, the most part of students - 52.3% is noted the average level of expression of spatial thinking, in 27.7% - a good level and in 4.9% high level of severity. After the experiment, the distribution was the following: Middle level - 46.8%, good level - 40.3%, high - 9.7%. Spatially thinking - the ability to exhaust the spatial structure of objects and operating no way images and their "external" properties, and the internal structural elements of increasing the overall indicators of the expression level of spatial thinking contributed to the game Jackal. Also development this indicator These games like unicubs, bricks, cubes for all proposed by B.N. can be facilitated. Nikitin, as well as more complex designs constructors and computer games Type Tetris.

Independence of thinking

Indicators for this criterion during the conducted experiment did not change significantly, the distribution of the level of severity to the experiment: the larger students are 47.6%, there is a weak level, in 29.9% medium, in 23.5% a good level of severity. The distribution of severity according to the results of the final diagnosis: most of the students - 48.4% weak, in 31.2% of the average, in 20.4 good level of severity.

The weak level of independence of thinking is characterized by the fact that the child can act only when immediately before work receives detailed instructionsexactly how to act. If the disciple said, what to do, but did not explain how to do it, then it will not be able to work. The student may not have difficulty. If the task is literally repeated by an algorithm for some kind of activity, which he fulfilled recently. If some changes are made in a way of work, then the child can no longer cope. If the child faces any difficulties, it is usually not trying to understand independently, but looking for help from peers or teachers.

Divergent thinking

According to the results of the experiment, the strong dynamics of changes in the percentage distribution of responses over severity levels is not observed. According to the results of incoming diagnostics, the distribution of responses from severity levels as follows: a weak level - 50%, the average level is 37.9%, a good level is 7.3%, high levels - 4.8% of students. According to the results of the final diagnosis, the distribution of severity levels is as follows: a weak level - 57.2%, the average level is 24.2%, a good level is 9.7%, a high level - 8.9% of students. Divergent (creative) thinking is characterized by a mental search latitude, the ability to use remote analogies and associations, find non-standard, original solutions, overcoming the usual templates and well-minded opinion. Often, these property is defined as flexibility of thinking, the ability to apply a variety of approaches and strategies when solving problems, willingness and ability to consider existing information from different points of view.

The weak level of severity indicates that thinking is convergently, linearly (opposite to the divergent). The child cannot get out of the usual thinking patterns, look at the situation in a new way. "He is convinced that each task has only one right decision. It is always aimed in search of this correct result, it does not know how to try and vary various solutions, and activity algorithms. Development of divergent thinking can contribute to the game Abracadabra, Nafarius.

Information processing speed

It is worth noting significant positive changes on this quality, which were identified during the experiment conducted. According to the results of incoming diagnostics, 41.1% of students have observed a weak level of severity. After the experiment conducted, the weak level of severity was preserved in 35.5% of students, and a large part of students - 42.7% was noted a good level of severity. Development of the skill of the rate of processing of information contributed to the game Keep par and Resistance.


According to the result of incoming diagnostics, the most part of the students - 37.1% is noted the average level of attentiveness, in 25% - a good level, in 4.1% is a high level, also in third students attentive levels were at the extremely weak level of severity (25.7 % Is a weak level and 8.1% - the level of pathology). After the experiment, the clove of attentiveness increased significantly, the weak level was observed only in 9.7% of students (the level of pathology was not detected), the average level is 33.1%, a good level is 33.8%, a high level of 23.4% of students. The development of attentiveness contributed to the game Keep par, Resistance, Jackal.


For 6 months of operation of the Game House experimental and research platform, over 120 adolescent students aged 13-19 years took part in it. It is worth noting the overall positive effect of the experimental platform as the social and psychological well-being of students: communication with peers in informally setting, employment of students in extracurricular time, finding new acquaintances in the circle of peers, removal of psychological stress, emotional unloading, splash of negative stress in socially acceptable form, So the positive influence of desktop games on various mentally-cognitive processes, as evidenced by the results described above.

Why did you decide to do?

Long excellent history - started about two years ago, when Diquitis got into my hands. I hooked on the game and printed 9 thousand cards to him, and played in them until he died.

And where did you find so many pictures?

On the Internet there are a bunch of already prepared and selected direct for the game. As a rule, they are from people from Russia who liked the game, but who were not satisfied with the quality of the cards, and did additional.

And you decided to publish them?

After a while I thought that if I like additional cards, they would like someone else, and we decided to produce them. Two years ago, dops were published, which began to sell through Triominos, and then the other networks. After that, we realized that it was wrong from the point of view of Karma to sell an addition to someone else's game. And they decided to release their game. We just had another scope calculation system, was another field. In general, we still have long played for other rules. We checked the opportunity to release your game. It turned out that in Russia the mechanics as such is not the object of patent law. If the game is unique in its content, then we are within the legal field. All illustrations we redeem. Under each set, we select the theme that is interesting to us.

How did you pick up artists?

Associated social networks and basics of crowdfunding. First set - Illustrators with There are a lot of Russian illustrators there. Chose the best from our point of view. For subsequent sets, we realized that we could not be limited to one social network, and then began to attract all the big and not very large communities of illustrators who are. I searched there, redeemed images.

Was there a special task on the card?

We do not ask to draw us. It is very difficult to give the technical task of 98 cards of one topic so that you like them. The illustrator gives us the entire base of the images that can sell, then choose good cards, form a set. It turns out 500 cards from which they choose 98, which are included in the set. They and buy them.

That is, some illustrators were such completely upturned at birth, and not when they worked according to your technical task?

Yes Yes Yes. We are only selected. It is very rare to refine. By fingers I can recalculate cases when we were finalized. Immediately looking for illustrations with a bunch of small parts that are so important for this game.

Many say that the cards are somewhat gloomy. Why is that?

We wanted to make an adult and expressive game. We decided that we make a game for adults, and it seems to me, quite. Especially, for example, the friendly atmosphere of Ariadna.

True, you are not familiar with all artists?

Yes, here as a mini-illustration: We held a tournament in Chimera, a very strange person came. Two-meter growth, with loose hair, in a cosuhy, with a white lens in one eye. Says nickname and asks for a set. It turned out that this is one of our illustrators. Now I know that he is healthy, in a sober memory and draws in the usual state of consciousness.

How many illustrators do you know personally?

Man 6 out of 100, with which we work. I usually do not know who paints. We choose illustration without signatures, that is, first collect pictures in the set, and then we look at who it is. True, there are, of course, people who draw for fashion magazines - they have a handwriting, recognizable literally from the pair of strokes, there is still understandable who it was.

And how many add-ons will be?

We understand that there are not enough additions in the segment of children. Accordingly, almost done new game "Imaginarium: childhood" separate box, plus before the end of the year, I suppose there will be another 2-3 dopatory cards.

Supplement every six months?

It's hard to judge. Faced with the fact that they could not find high-quality illustrations, strange, with a bunch of details. For example, Chimera produced two months longer than planned. Now we go to other countries. For example, we want to make a set exclusively from the illustrations of Indian artists.

Are you not afraid that you will copy?

There is no fear at all. I am for healthy competition. Game mechanics are not the thing that should be protected from copying. If you repeat - the segment will develop. We pay a lot of time searching for illustrations. If the copies also be fine, if not, it is unlikely that they can be sold normally.

Tell about elephants.

Yes, the story with the chips was interesting. Initially, we decided that the chips should be wooden. For adequate money, no company could provide us with a product. As a result, we found people who know how to cut the Faneru Laser. The second part of the marlevion ballet. It was necessary to find those who are ready to paint chips. And it was possible to paint in the then volumes only with your hands. Found a company that was engaged in shallow woodwork. It turned out very cheap. We were afraid that it was kindergartenWhere children watercolor paint elephants. Then they went, they saw adult people who paint all this. In any case, they quickly reached the fact that they could not produce the game, because there was a physical limitation on elephants per day - we received about 60 sets (about 350 elephants per day). They were not enough, began to decide. I had to go to the plastic, now there is from it.

And what kind of cat with a bottle in your teeth in the photo with the game?

This is one of the beautiful memes from the leprosy. Some people on a short foot with photoshop on the usual photo with our elephants made a collage with a cat with a kegle in the mouth. It was a year and a half ago. Even now, in every tournament, people are suitable for me and ask: "Where a cat with kegles and why you don't deliver it, because it is the perfect chip!". Maybe really release a limited set of cats.

You said that it was very passionate. You have three cards in your road set, which can not be achieved otherwise, except by bought it. Do you think how many people go to it only for the sake of the collection value of these cards?

I will not answer right. This set is taken not only for the sake of cards (albeit for them, including). The idea was to deliver people from buying a new box, because the game is quite expensive even for regions. And with an intensive game, the cards are lost, the elephants run away. In general, the most-most active players the components are no longer very. As a result, we communicate with a bunch of people, they play even with their parents. As a result, many are needed by replacing components. We did this set so that people have the opportunity to buy elephants, voting cards and a separate field. A plus good friends Admitted to add separate cards there so that people make it more pleasant to buy this set.

Who is most often playing in?

Judging by Facebook is a person 25-35 years old, men and women almost equally. In tournaments, the girls play more. Maybe they like elephants.

The first game of the game begins with the fact that men try to take pictures from girls to at least somehow start playing, and not just to consider them. Do you think you still do something with these pictures yet?

It was plans for this year. We are now conveying the game site, we want to add the option to purchase illustrations and prints on T-shirts. We are not very much in the company, so if we can translate to the outsource - it will be.

Tell your company.

The company consists of three people. It all started like this: we gathered and decided to discuss what to do. I had some money, Timur - ideas about the Babylonian phrasebook. We decided to do.

Timur interferes: "Everything was wrong. He wrote to me, said that there is an awesome idea - to engage in bare cleaning. "

Sergey continues: A, well, yes. Yes, the business model was ready. I considered that within the framework of the law in the Russian Federation can be engaged. Special women will come and get out in the apartment naked. This is beautiful: first, legally, and secondly, marginally.

Timur: "I decided to save him from the Muk of Ada and said: Let's make a book yet."

Sergey: Nevertheless, I still have domains for this project. And once a year reminders about it. But Timur said: let's put money in a useless book better. So the "Phrasebook" appeared. And then we began to embody many other insane ideas.

Can you wait for new products?

Yes. Cheerful - in Lifestile and gifts, in games - classics. For example, recently made flirting colors from the nineteenth century.

Home Rules

Sent Igor:

The rules of the game Imaginarium for two players.

Maps are not distributed, the presenter opens 5 cards from a deck. The presenter comes to an association for one of the open cards. Next, the lead as a confirmation puts (down number) tokens with the number of the specified card.

Player his 3 tokens puts on that card, which he thinks he thought the lead. If the player doubts, he can put one or 2 tokens to put on other cards. Those. The player has the right to put on 3 cards on one token, or 2 tokens on one card and the remaining third token to another, or all three tokens on one card.

The presenter opens his tokens, showing what map he called the Association.

Whole box of creative associations!

More beautiful games do not find. After all, she teaches goodness and creativity. The game does not provide any hard rules. They are, but they are more creative than the rules of other games. Your imagination is enjoyed by the game process, and you will discover a new world of associations.
Board game Imadzhinarium - an amazing game for the search for associations that should arise at the sight of unusual pictures. They are created by creative artists who put so much sense in them that sometimes it's hard to guess what they wanted to say.

Associations and imagination! Intuition to help!

The goal of the game: as much as possible guess from the laid out of the cards those who made the lead, and get a decent number of points. Which of the players successfully coped with the task, becomes the main winner.

Why fantasy and imagine?

The presenter takes a card from the deck, and, showing all the skills of fantasy and imagination, comes up with an association. And this so that even your child or friend cannot be able to quickly guess, otherwise the whole point of the game disappears. While other players must be lost in guesses and guess what kind of association you have conceived in your thoughts. They have time to think, and then by voting, the fact that in their opinion is most suitable. It is like a secret association community, but it is fascinating ...

All in captivity of associations!

Board game Imaginarium - This magic and associative game, invented in order to wake up the imagination and creative beginning in each player. Invent, and also to guess associations can be all in an amount of from 3 to 7 players. And even those who think that he has a problem with the imagination or him at all. This is not true. It you just need to develop ...
The game is designed for children's age older than 12 years and adult parents who do not want to drown in the world everyday problems. Imaginarium completely dips you into an unusual atmosphere and will give genuine emotions of joy.

Imaginarium Creative Hit game for everyone!

It miraculously completely deprives communicative barriers to communication, develops you as a person, and you will look at the world with other eyes - full of beautiful .... Imaginarium teaches better to understand the people around others and strive for the opportunity to guess someone's thoughts and actions. The game of Imaginarium is the best gift from which positive energy comes outside, and an in-depth and beautiful meaning of associations is hidden inside the box. It will become an excellent family game, surprise everyone on any holiday. It is limitless, like all associations in the box.
This is more than a game is the beautiful art of the game, conjugate with creativity.

How to play?

  • Before starting, each player chooses an elephant of a certain color and in the tone of the voting card. All elephants are set on the playing field on the starting mark. The deck with pictures is mixed and every 6 cards are distributed.
  • Each player during the game at least once becomes the lead. He must pose the Association to one of his cards. Then he says it out loud for his rivals, thereby spreading this card with a picture down.
  • The rest of the players need to guess the card that the presenter came. For this, the host takes the card and mixes it with the cards of other players and turns the pictures up. Next, players vote and lay out a voting card with the right number so that it can be seen.
  • After that, points are calculated. And according to scored points, players are moving along the game field. The winner becomes the player who has reached the final mark.

What's in the box?

  • gaming field;
  • 98 cards with pictures;
  • 49 voting cards for 7 players;
  • 7 chips in the form of flying elephants;
  • rules of the game.

If you are bored with gadgets or you just finally want to distract from them, pay attention to board games from the category

What to do when all themes were discussed, all the food is eaten, and drinks drinks, or when the children bored and do not know how to take themselves. Board games can come to the rescue, where the rules are explained in a few minutes, and the gameplay can stretch out several exciting hours, reviving the situation and seeking leisure. One of the similar games is the "Imaginarium".

General information about the game

IMADZHINARIUM is a completely Russian analogue of the French game Dixit (Dixit), which has never been produced in Russia. Cosmodrom Games is engaged in the publishing house, and the price ranges from 1500 to 2500 rubles in various stores (such as a migrator). The cost also depends on the versions of the game, and the gaming experience is completely independent of the acquired version. In any of its version, the game is able to give bright emotions and impressions by players, and until the existing equipment can be swelt, not one dozen sessions will pass.

What is included in the package

It is worth considering what is included in the box with the game. This set can slightly spread from the version to the version, but mostly it concerns the design. By the way, all graphic design of the game was created from scratch domestic artists. So, in the original option includes:

  1. 98 cards with atmospheric patterns.
  2. Game field.
  3. Shape with voting cards.
  4. 7 figures of players in the form of multi-colored elephants.
  5. Gaming rules in Russian.

After the box was open, and all the items in it were carefully considered, it's time to finally find out how to play Imajinarium. The rules are simple and will not work for understanding the player of any age.

Gaming process and rule

One offer the essence of the game can be described as follows: the player selects the Association to its images and seeks to guess the cards of other players by their associations. It sounds simple, but it is worth considering the gameplay and all his nuances in more detail.

Before playing, you need to prepare a game deck. The game takes part from 4 to 7 players, and for each number of participants the number of cards in the deck is different:

  1. 4 player - 96.
  2. 5 players - 75.
  3. 6 players - 72.
  4. 7 players - 98.

Then each participant chooses a color to which the tokens and a figurine correspond. After that, you need to put all the figures on the starting cloud, and each participating is distributed on 6 cards. Each course, one of the participants takes on the role of the lead. The presenter chooses one of its 6 cards, puts it up with her shirt up (without showing the picture the rest) and makes the association to it.

Association can be anything - word, offer, verse, quote or even sound. Other players choose one of their pictures, which is best suited for the Association of Master, and put into a shared stack. Then the host mixes it and folds the cards in order, the image upwards. Now each of the participants needs to guess the choice of the lead.

To do this, we need tokens for voting. Cards on the table are numbered from left to right. Participants choose an image that, in their opinion, guess the presenter, and put the corresponding token on the table, down the number. The presenter does not vote, and the rest cannot be voted for its option. When everyone vote, the lead announces his card number.

Based on the votes, points are counted. If a picture of the master gave all, then his figure retreats three steps back. If no one guess - two steps ago. In any other case, the figures of the lead and those who guess his card move three steps forward. Each participant, including the lead, receives one point for each token on his card.

Now the played cards are reset, and each playing chooses one card one. The round ends, and now the leader becomes the next player clockwise. Diversify the process helps special fields with tasks.

The session ends when the deck ends and the card ends, or it is possible to complete the game if someone's elephant gets to the last cloud.

Versions and additions

Board game exists in several variations. They differ in another set of cards, design and modified rules. List of versions such:

  1. "Imaginarium Soyuzmultfilm". This is a collection edition with slightly modified rules and design in the style of a famous film studio.
  2. "Imaginarium Childhood". In the children's version, the rules are specifically simplified, and the graphics are made with a slope in the subject matter, which may be more interesting for children.
  3. "Imaginarium 3D". Includes special glasses and stereoscopic images.

Also available to acquisition Additional sets of cards:

  1. Ariadne.
  2. Pandora.
  3. Chimera (the only set with a limitation is 18+).
  4. Odyssey.

There is also a lightweight, road version of the game. It has a playing field, figurines and tokens.

Unfortunately, playing online in Imajinarium will not work. As in the case of the DIXIT, the versions of these games simply do not have on the network, except for you to search for any copies. But if the price seems not too humane, on some sites you can find archives with sources of the game to subsequently print it yourself.

ATTENTION, only today!

The player comes up with associations to images on cards and itself is trying to solve the association of other players.

Game features

  • Number of players:4-7 people
  • Game time:30-60 minutes
  • Age:12+
  • It is included in the kit:
    • gaming field
    • 98 Cards of Associations
    • 7 chips in the form of winged elephants
    • 7 tokens for 7 players (total 49 pcs.)
    • 5 tokens with the image of a man and a trash can (not participate in the game - they can be thrown out)
    • rules of the game
  • Brand:

Buy classic "imaginarium" at an attractive price

Authors about the desktop "IMADZHINARIUM"

"Imaginarium" is one of the most popular games in Russia. Every year we sell about 200,000 copies of the games of this series. The task of players is to invent and guess associations to strange, psychedelic and simply insane illustrations created by famous Russian artists and designers.

Rules of the game "Imaginarium"

Rules in the desktop "Imaginarium" a little and all of them are easily remembered.

Beginning of the game

At the beginning of the game you need to decide on the number of players. The minimum number of players in the game "Imaginarium" - 4, the maximum - 7.

Each player takes herself a chip (elephant) of the resulting colors.
The game offers to choose from 7 colors:

  • red
  • white
  • yellow
  • green
  • the black
  • blue
  • and pink


If Four Players, then each receives four tool in the figures from 1 to 4.

After dealt with the number of players, it is necessary to determine the number of cards involved in the game.


We play four-ways - it means that our hands should have 96 association cards (i.e. 2 cards from general deck Do not participate in the game).

You can play with the whole deck (98 pcs.), But then at the end of the game on the hands of the players will remain miscellaneous number kart.

Start games

All players put their chips (elephants) on the starting position of the playing field - the largest cloud with a number 1.

The feature of the game "Imaginarium" is that at each move one of the players acts as a leading role.
It is easy to identify the first leading place - it can be simply appointed or to become it by winning the Stone-Scissors-paper mini-tournament.

Subsequent presenters are appointed automatically: leading number 2 will be a player sitting on the left hand from leading number 1.

The presenter thoroughly mixes a deck with cards of associations and distributes each of the players of 6 cards. The cards are distributed by a shirt (players do not see that they are depicted on them). The presenter does not forget to pass 6 cards.

The remainder of the deck is molded at the bar of the game table (also shirt up).

First stroke

Leading No. 1 chooses one of his cards and comes up with the Association for her, after which it dismisses out loud.


"Our Soviet childhood."

After that, he puts his card on the table (still shirt up), and the remaining players are trying to find a map in their deck, which is suitable for the Association of Master.
After sometimes quite difficult selection, each of the players puts his card to the leading card.

The host again mixes the cards (you can be behind the back), after which it lays out all the cards shirt down to the right left.

Guessing the lead card

After the players carefully considered the images on the maps, they are trying to guess among them the leading card.


Each player gives the lead one to one of its faith with the number of the alleged card.
The game does not continue until the presenter receives the tokens from all players.

Then the presenter folds the tokens of players under the cards - each under its number.

Counting glasses

  • The players guessing the lead card move on 3 step forward on the playing field.
    In addition, players receive one additional step for each token, voted for their card.
    The lead's chip in this case also moves to 3 steps forward + 1 step for each guessing player's card.

  • If no one voted for the map of the lead, then his chip retreats 2 step backwards, and the players' chips move forward according to the number of votes for their cards.

  • If all players voted for the host card (too obvious association), then the player's chips remain in their place, and the master's chip retreats for 3 hours ago.

  • All players besides one guessed his card.
    Result: The trick of the master moves to 3 steps forward + 1 step for each guessing player's card.
  • All players guess his card.
    Result: All player chips remain in place, the master's trick moves 3 pitch ago.
  • The player guessed the leading card, other players voted for his card.
    Result: The player's chip moves to 3 steps forward + 1 step for each voted for his card.
    The trick of the master in this case moves to 4 steps forward (3 + 1).
  • The player did not guess the leading card, no one voted for his card.
    Result: The player's chip remains in place.

An example of calculating points


Guessing Association: "Our Soviet Childhood."

In our case, the leading card is the last right (with a crocodile Geno and Cheburashka).

One of the players (White) guessed it, so the master's chip moves to 4 steps forward (3 basic steps + 1 step for the only guess).

The White Player's chip should be moved also to 3 steps forward, but for his card (with a pioneer and cake) successfully voted two other players, and, it means, a white elephant moves along a gaming field for 5 steps forward (3 + 2 \u003d 5).

Blue and green players did not guessed the leading card, in addition, no one voted for their cards, so their chips are not moving anywhere and remain in their places.

Next course in the game

Recharged cards are sent to "Reset" (Bito), players are obtained by one new Map From the deck.

The role of the host moves to the next player (clockwise).

Special clouds on the game field

Some clouds on the playing field are marked with special markers.
The lead, whose chip will be on such a field, should come up with a special association.

The presenter must come up with an association in the form of a question.


"Is not a mimimeter measured in cats?"

The Master Association should consist exactly of four words.


"Pioneer - an example of children!"

Association associated with a brand

Once on such a cloud, the host association should be associated with a well-known brand, slogan or commercial.


"Jastduit does not like when the window blows."

« IMAjinarium"This is quite simple, but despite this is a very exciting game, in which you need to invent associations to images from the box, quite unusually drawn. All images were drawn by otape artists, perhaps even with some deviations, because of this association - from the easiest, such as "friendship", "summer", "inaccessibility," to the most unpredictable and crazy, in the style "so it was necessary to do "," Where to laugh? "," Chuck-Chuck! Run faster! ", They can be just a bunch.

Description of the game of Imaginarium

I got the picture out of the box, came up with the Association: What's next?

Now we take this card and put it on the table shirt up. The task of other players to find among their cards that will be more others to resemble this Association and put it nearby. Next, all these cards on the table are mixed.

I guessed! The meaning of the game so that every player guess what I put?

Not guess! If it were so, then for victory in the game you would have enough to come up with a simple association. In order to win the victory here, it is necessary that your mandated map can guess at least one of the players, but the most the best way It will be if that this card gues everything except one.

How do you need to invent associations?

If the opportunity has it, it is advisable to complicate and not to give sense, that is, try to trigger your thought as it. But you need to do it carefully and it is clear to bring down some people and opinions were divided. Over time, he will teach you correctly make it up to win victories! As soon as you will be in your plate, you will immediately feel the tide of creative abilities and gradually learn to understand the thoughts and even the emotions of other players.

Like this??

"It is one of the most" contributing to communication "of games, which greatly helps people remove the framework and communicate with interest. Through associations, you will try to learn the most personal thoughts of the opponent, try it better to understand it and better determine the chain of thoughts of other players. It must be said, this thing is not just a gentleman, but also a certain favorite among the games in terms of development of relations.

Who can give a "game"?

  • You can just take yourself home, you definitely do not lose your choice.
  • Ideal for evening game with friends.
  • Any person who is somehow connected with the work with dignity will appreciate it.
  • Do you have a party? Take with yourself you know what 🙂

What in a box with the game?

The field to count the glasses (for convenience it is printed directly on the box).
98 large cards with images.
49 cards with which players will vote, 7 pieces.
7 flying elephants in the form of chips, for strokes on the field (there are two species depending on the publication, plastic and wooden).
Rules' correctly translated into Russian.

Is it worth buying imaginarium?

Undoubtedly because table game Will adequate your shelves with games. Such games on associations like this is quite a bit, especially since the game is decorated in a very high quality and unique style. The box with the game will help you brighten up not one day in the company of friends and that most importantly will help you better understand friends and establish the right communication.


About cards worth mentioning separately. Further on the text there will still be a story about cards, but I would like to say a few words now. Each card in is an individually drawn picture. Over each illustration in the set worked more than a hundred different artists and illustrators. Images on cards are sometimes forced to think and plunge into the world of fantasies and dreams. Beautifully worked traits of each picture, talk about the quality of the game itself. After they fall into your hands, I want to admire and admire them!

Rules of the game Imaginarium

At the beginning of the game, each player provides the choice of an elephant and several cards that should be the same color as an elephant. According to the rules of the game cards for voting seven. Usually it is necessary for the game as many cards as a person takes part in the game. For example, if you play the whole, then the card number 6 will not be useful.

Definition of the first move in the game

First you need to decide who will begin the first party. Here you will use the voting cards. All participating take their voting cards, carefully interfere and pull one randomly. The biggest number on the card will determine the right of the first move. In practice, nothing limits you in choosing another real way to determine the starting. Stone, scissors, paper will also fit :). Next, the game is moving clockwise from the player who has begun.

Stroke Game

  • Each player takes his elephant and puts it on the area of \u200b\u200bthe 1 game field.
  • The deck with images is carefully prevented and from there each player is intended for 6 cards.
  • The first player comes up with the Association and voicing it.
  • According to the rules of the game, another participant becomes the leading leading. The presenter comes to the association on the basis of any picture of his cards, pronounces this association out loud to other participants and puts the card with a shirt-up card that he guess.

Guessing the lead card

The main goal of the participants is to guess which exactly of all the cards put on the table made a leading, and give a voice for it. All participants choose one voting card with the necessary number and puts the shirt up (the number must match the map on which he thought). The presenter does not take part in the voting and has no right to speak with comments about the pictures posted on the table. Behind a picture that you have posted to vote forbidden. When the final decision is made by all players, the voting cards turn over and begin to count the points.

Counting points

  • According to the rules, if all the players guess the card, he moves his elephant 3 strokes (or to the beginning, on the field 1, if he has not yet felt further than 3 fields), and other participants remain in place.
  • In the event that no one has managed to guess the leading card, then the presenter moves to 2 strokes back. Plus, glasses are labeled players whose cards guess.
  • In any other situation, 3 points is added to all players who correctly guessed the card. At the expense of the presenter, 3 points plunge and on the point for each guess of his participant.
  • Each player gets one point for another player who chose his picture.

Players move their elephants on the game field on the number of items that depend on the points received for the last round.

The full version of the rules can be downloaded


A board game in which the player himself comes up with associations to different pictures simultaneously with attempts to reveal the associations of other players. The goal and the whole salt of the game is to unravel as other players thought when they made their associations. It is great for the company, she won popularity in a large number of people for their original approach to illustrations.

I saw the light in 2011.

Game mechanics in the game:

  • Vote
  • Association
  • Simultaneous actions







Russia - Stupid Casual

What did you inspire you to create?

This is a long I. interesting story - It all started about a couple of years ago, since I ran into the game DiCit. I just fell in love and printed about 9 thousand cards to it. I played him a lot, you can say before the loss of the pulse.

And where did you manage to dig so many pictures?

On the Internet there are a lot of them and most importantly they are all selected and selected. Basically, these cards were from the Russian-speaking population, they probably did not like the quality of the original and they decided to make their own.

And you understand what you want to create them?

After some time, I painted my brains and realized that if I like these cards, then they would definitely like someone else. A couple of years ago, we began to produce our own additional sets through Triominos, and then the other networks. But as soon as the case is a little challenged, we realized that this is how to make an incorrect addition to at all your game and in order to keep the remnants of our karma, we decided to create our own. Anyway, we had a little different mechanics of the game, and the field with the counting points we had another. And the rules of the game differed. After checking the mechanism of the release of games in Russia, we understood that this is more than possible. The main requirement was the uniqueness of the game, if the game is unique, then we are in the boundaries of the legal zone. So the story began.

How did you pick up artists?

I came to help came the social networks and basics of crowdfunding. The first set fell on the guys from There are quite a large number of Russian illustrators. They tried to choose the best on his eyes. Further, for subsequent sets it became clear that one social network would not be limited and we began to search in different parts of new artists. The scheme was as looking for and redeeming the image.

Have any requirements for game cards?

No, it's pretty hard to force the illustrator to draw 98 cards and so that we liked everything after the completion. This was the case, the illustrator showed us his base of images, which he was naturally ready to sell and we have already gained the right amount. For example, we were given a base of 600 images, we chose 98 of them.

That is, some of the artists have already been a bit crazy since birth and did not really draw all this order?

You are absolutely right, we have almost always just chose, there were very rare cases when we asked something to add or remove the illustrator, but it was very infrequent.

Many of the players, and more precisely his cards seem slightly gloomy. What is the case?

Initially, the game was thinking under an adult audience, so we added expression and gloom, as it seems to me it added to her some charm.

Are you not afraid that it will be copied?

It is absolutely no, you can say even the opposite. If this segment of the games will be copied, and copied qualitatively, it will add only the spirit of competition. Healthy competition creates the development of the industry. And if the cards are poor-quality, then the chance will sell the game will not.