Einstein and atomic bomb presentation. Presentation on the topic Albert Einstein

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Municipal general educational institution "Tychinskaya Secondary School No. 2" of the Thazhsky district of the Kemerovo region Presentation amounted to a student of 9 "B" class Alekseeva Irina Head Teacher Physics Kuznetsova Tatiana Dmitrievna

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Albert Einstein (1879-1955) physicist theoretics, one of the founders of modern theoretical physics, the Nobel Prize winner in 1921 physics, public humanist.

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Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in the South Hermann city of Ulm, in a poor Jewish family

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In 1900, Einstein graduated from polytechnic, receiving a diploma of teacher of mathematics and physics. He passed the exams successfully, but not brilliantly. Many professors highly evaluated the ability of Einstein's student, but no one wanted to help him continue their scientific career. Einstein himself remembered later: "I was speaking by my professors who did not love me because of my independence and closed my way into science."

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Albert Einstein was a convinced democratic socialist, humanist, pacifist and anti-fascist. Einstein's authority, achieved due to its revolutionary discoveries in physics, allowed a scientist to actively influence socio-political transformations in the world. Political beliefs

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His merits: Created private (1905) and the total (1907-16) theory of relativity. The author of the quantum theory of light: introduced the concept of photon (1905), established the laws of the photo effect, the basic law of photochemistry (Einstein law) predicted (1917) induced radiation developed the statistical theory of Brownian movement since 1933 worked on the problems of cosmology and the unified field theory

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Albert Einstein author more than 300 scientific work In physics, as well as about 150 books and articles in the field of history and philosophy of science, journalism, etc.

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1905 - "Year of Miracles" three outstanding Einstein articles: 1. "To the electrodynamics of moving bodies" (theory of relativity). 2. "On a single heuristic point of view regarding the occurrence and transformation of light" (quantum theory). 3. "On the movement of particles weighted in the resting liquid required by the molecular-kinetic thermal theory" (Brownian movement).

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He developed several significant physical theories: a special theory of relativity (1905) in its framework - the law of interconnection of mass and energy: the general theory of relativity (1907-1916). Quantum theory of photo effect, heat capacity. Quantum statistics Bose - Einstein. The statistical theory of Brownian movement, which laid the foundations of the theory of fluctuations. The theory of induced radiation.

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General theory of relativity within general Theory Relativity, as in other metric theories, is postulated that the gravitational effects are due to non-power interaction of bodies and fields in space-time, but by deformation of the space itself, which is associated, in particular, with the presence of mass-energy. The general theory of relativity differs from other metric theories by the use of Einstein equations for the connection of the curvature of space-time with the matter present in it.

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According to the most successful theory of gravity, well confirmed by observations. The first success of the general theory of relativity was to explain the anomalous precession perihelion of Mercury. Then, in 1919, Arthur Eddington reported observing the deviation of light near the sun at the time of the complete eclipse, which qualitatively and quantitatively confirmed the predictions of the general theory of relativity. Since then, many other observations and experiments confirmed a significant amount of the theory predictions, including a gravitational slowdown in time, a gravitational red displacement, a signal delay in the gravitational field and, so far only indirectly, gravitational radiation. In addition, numerous observations are interpreted as confirmation of one of the most mysterious and exotic predictions of the general theory of relativity - the existence of black holes

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Basic consequences of ON 1. Additional shift in the perihelium orbit of Mercury compared with the predictions of Newton's mechanics. 2. The cloth of the light beam in the gravitational field of the sun. 3. Agovernmental red displacement, or slowing down in a gravitational field.

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In 1911, Einstein participated in the first Solveev Congress dedicated to quantum physics

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A graphic illustration of the curvature of space-time under the influence of material bodies on the left is a slight funnel formed under the influence of the Sun; In the center - a gravitational field of a heavier neutron star; Right - deep funnel without a bottom, representing a black hole

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The quantum theory of heat dissimilarity was created by Einstein in 1907 when attempting to explain the experimentally observed dependence of heat capacity from temperature. When developing the theory, Einstein relied on the following assumptions: atoms in crystal lattice We behave like harmonic oscillators that do not interact with each other. The frequency of oscillations of all oscillators is the same and equal, the number of oscillators in 1 mole of the substance is equal to where - the number of Avogadro

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Determining the heat capacity as an internal energy derivative at a temperature, we obtain the final formula for heat capacity:

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The theory of Einstein, however, is not well agreed with the results of experiments due to the inaccuracy of some assumptions of Einstein, in particular, the assumptions about the equality of the frequency of oscillations of all oscillators. A more accurate theory was created by Debay in 1912.

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Bose Einstein statistics (as well as Fermi Dirac statistics) are associated with the quantum mechanical principle of indistinguishability of identical particles. Fermi Statistics - Dirac and Bose - Einstein obey the systems of identical particles in which the quantum effects cannot be neglected

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You need to radiate, induced radiation - the generation of a new photon in the transition of a quantum system (atom, molecules, nuclei, etc.) from an excited in a stable state (a smaller energy level) under the influence of the inducing photon, the energy of which was equal to the difference of energy levels . The created photon has the same energy, impulse, phase and polarization as the inducing photon (which is not absorbed). Both photons are coherent.

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Brownian Movement of the BRO UNIN MODE - a disorderly movement of microscopic visible, suspended in liquid or gas particles of a solid, caused by the thermal motion of the particles of the liquid or gas. Brownian movement never stops. Brownian movement is associated with thermal motion, but you should not mix these concepts. Brownian movement is a consequence and evidence of the existence of a thermal motion.

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Building a classic theory in 1905 by Albert Einstein, a molecular-kinetic theory was created for the quantitative description of the Brownian movement. In particular, it brought the formula for the diffusion coefficient of spherical Brownian particles

"Albert Einstein"

Presentation Slides:

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Albert Einstein. Probably there is no such person who did not hear about him. He is definitely a genius, a great scientist. His discoveries in science gave a huge increase in mathematics and physics in the twentieth century. Einstein is the author of about 300 works on physics, as well as by the author more than 150 books in the field of other sciences. For their lives, they developed many significant physical theories.

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Interesting Facts About A. Einstein on the knowledge of Albert Einstein's knowledge once asked: - Do you know the theory of Einstein's relativity? Not very, - she admitted. - But no one in the world knows me better than Einstein himself. The opinion of the wife of Einstein's wife somehow asked what she was thinking about her husband. She replied: "My my husband is a genius! He knows how to do absolutely everything except money!" ...

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Time and Eternity American journalist, some Miss Thompson took an interview with Einstein: "What is the difference between time and eternity?" Einstein replied: "If I had time to explain the difference between these concepts, eternity would have passed before you would understand." One of the historical coincidences: if Newton was born in the year of the death of Galilee, as if adopting his scientific relay, Einstein was born in the year of the death of Maxwell. About great thoughts One brisk journalist, holding a notebook and pencil in his hands, asked Einstein: "Do you have a notebook or a notebook, where do you write your great thoughts?" Einstein looked at him and said: "A young man! A truly great thoughts come to mind so rarely that they are not difficult and remember."

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About the phone numbers one familiar lady requested Einstein to call her, but warned that her phone number is very difficult to remember: "24-361. Remember? Repeat!" Einstein was surprised: "Of course, I remembered! Two dozen, and 19 in a square!". Maria Curie became single woman The times of Einstein, who realized the theory of relativity. Albert Einstein was one of those people with whose filming was the famous Manhattan project, whose brains became an atomic bomb. When Einstein was asked where his laboratory was located, he, smiling, showed a fountain pen. Although he lived in the United States for many years and was completely bilingual, Einstein argued that he could not write in English.

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Einstein with a big negative referred to the mechanical memorization of scientific material, he considered this method harmful, as the creative process of thinking is not compatible with simple "combaling". "Organized Mean" - Desktop Genius

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Why did Einstein showed the language? The vast majority of the inhabitants of the planet perceive Albert Einstein as a "insane scientist." Such an image was formed in the heads of millions of people solely due to the extraordinary appearance of the Great Scientist, and not his mental state. An outstanding physicist, in all over science, often appeared before the public in an ordinary stretched sweater, with disheveled hair, and a look inwarded - the mind of a scientist was constantly engaged in solving complex tasks. Also widely known were forgetfulness and impracticality of this cute smart manmaking discoveries not for personal gain, but for the sake of all mankind.

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Why did Einstein showed the language? Only once, for all his prolonged life, Albert Einstein raised the curtain of the mystery over his personality, causing even greater interest in his person. It happened on the day of the celebration of his seventy-second anniversary, March 14, 1952. Photographer Sessis asked to make Einstein a thoughtful face corresponding to the image of the researcher, to which the scientist stood out the language, showing himself not only a serious inventor, but also by the usual cheerful man. So this photo was released, a picture that displaced the image of a gray-tree, a little disheveled ingenious scientist. The brilliant physicist himself admitted this photo was unprecedented by a successful - by that time he was tired of the undeserved stereotypical image of the "evil genius".

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Einstein about vegetarianism "And so, I live without fats, meat and fish, but I feel pretty good. It always seemed to me that a person was born not to be a predator," Albert Encen. Einstein often mention among vegetarians. Although for many years he supported this movement, he began to follow a strict vegetarian diet only in 1954, approximately a year before his death.

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Quotes A. Einstein Man begins to live only when he manages to surpass himself. The only thing that can direct us to noble thoughts and actions is an example of great and morally pure personalities. Why should I remember something when I can easily watch it in the book. Each person must, at least, to return to the world as much as he took from him. Nothing will bring such benefit to human health and will not increase the chances of preserving life on Earth, as the spread of vegetarianism. The goal of the school should always be upbringing a harmonious personality, not a specialist.

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Einstein is to blame. In 1905, he stated that there is no absolute rest, and since then it is really not. Stephen Likok Canadian humorist writer. There was this world of a foggy Multoyan. "Yes, there will be a light" and here came Newton. But Satan did not wait for the revenge. Einstein came, and everything became as before. - The first two lines - Alexander Puppe (1688-1744), the second - John Squire (1884-1958). Translation S. Marshak

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Nobel laureates In the field of physics in 1912, German physics (not theorist!) J. Frank took the Department of Physics in Prague University. Finishing a conversation with him, Dean said: "We want only one - normal behavior from you." - How? - I was amazed by J. Frank. - Is it really such a rarity for physics? - You do not want to say that your predecessor was a normal person? "Dean objected ... And Albert Einstein was the predecessor of J. Frank. Albert Einstein "For merits to theoretical physics and especially for the explanation of the photoelectric effect law" (awarded in 1922) James Frank for the opening of the laws of the electron collision with atom 1925

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Based on special theory Relativity (ST) lie two postulates: 1 postulate: All nature processes occur equally in all inertial reference systems. 2 postulate: the speed of light in vacuo is the same for all inertial reference systems. It does not depend on the source speed, nor from the speed of the light signal receiver.

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From the history of Albert Einstein's article "Electrodynamics of moving bodies", dedicated to the service station, was written in 1905, and in 1907 the author sent it to the competition to the University of Bern. One of the professors returned to Einstein his work with the words: "What you wrote here, I absolutely do not understand." In 1916, work was written on the general theory of relativity. It was unlikely that another such scientist existed, the personality of which would be so popular among the population of the entire planet and caused universal interest.

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Relativistic law addition of speeds Conclusion: From the relativistic rate of speed addition, it follows that the speed of light in vacuo does not depend on the speed of the source and is at the same time the value of constant and limit: nothing can move faster the speed of light in vacuum. The fairness of the formula is confirmed by the fact that all consequences arising from her have been verified experimentally. If V.

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Relatability of simultaneity The simultaneity of spatially separated events is relative. The reason for the relativity of simultaneity is the limiting speed of signal propagation. Light at the same time reaches the points of the spherical surface with the center at the point only from the point of view of the observer, which is at rest relative to the K. system from the point of view of the observer associated with the K1 system, the light reaches these points at different points in time. The clock on the nose of the ship is removed from the place where the source light has occurred, and to reach clock a, the light should overcome the distance, greater than half of the ship's length.

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The relativity of the time intervals - the time interval between the two events occurring in the same point of the inertial system. - The interval between these events in the C1 reference system moving relative to the system to the speed V. Conclusion: This is the relativistic effect of a slowdown in the moving reference systems.

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The dependence of the mass of the speed is the mass of the resting body. - The mass of the same body, but moving with velocity V. The weight dependence on the speed can be found on the basis of the assumption that the law of preserving the impulse is fair and with new ideas about space and time. Conclusion: V\u003e 0, M\u003e 0 With an increase in body speed, its mass does not remain constant, but grows.

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The relationship between mass and energy energy and mass are two interrelated characteristics of any physical object. The energy of the body or body system is equal to the mass multiplied by the Square of the Speed \u200b\u200bSpeed. Any body is already only due to the fact of its existence, it has an energy that is proportional to the mass of rest in transformations of elementary particles of rest energy turns into whole kinetic energy Newly formed particles.

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The relativistic pulse of the body as the rate of movement increases the body weight, which determines its inert properties, increases. The need to use the relativistic equation of motion when calculating the accelerators of charged particles, means that the theory of relativity in our time has become engineering science.

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E \u003d MC2 consequently, E \u003d E0 + ΔE, where Δ E-kinetic particle energy. When the particle moves with a relativistic rate, an excess of mass of an atomic bomb explosion occurs is an instantaneous transformation into the energy of a part of the mass of the bomb material. The energy of the Sun has a similar origin. The Sun demonstrates this to us visually: every second in this burning fiery ball millions of tons of matter are converted into a gigantic amount of radiation energy. The sixth and ninth August 1945, 3 months after the end of the war with Germany, two atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 260 thousand people died, 163 thousand were injured and received a high degree of irradiation. He and many scientists experienced stress. The overall feeling, perhaps, best than everyone expressed Robert Oppenheimer: "Now physicists know what sin is, and from this knowledge they will never get rid of" After the Hiroshim tragedy, the formula E \u003d MC2 has become for Albert Einstein curse .. July 19, 1946 his portrait appeared On the cover of Time magazine with a sharp heading: "The Destroyer of the World - Einstein". A catastrophe in Hiroshima and Nagasaki forced Einstein to look for the way to ensure peace. He realized that the methods of destruction were improved by science. In one of the messages addressed to the intelligentsia different countries, the great scientist says: "Our main and noble task should be precisely the prevention of the use of the horrible weapons created by us."

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He developed several significant physical theories: a special theory of relativity (1905). General theory of relativity (1907-1916). Quantum theory of photo effect and heat capacity. Quantum statistics Bose - Einstein. Statistical theory of Brownian movement, the theory of induced radiation. Since 1933, he worked on the problems of cosmology and the unified field theory. Actively opposed war, against the use of nuclear weapons, for humanism, respect for human rights, mutual understanding between nations. Einstein belongs to a decisive role in popularizing and introducing new physical concepts into scientific circulation and theories. First of all, this refers to the revision of the understanding of the physical essence of space and time and to build a new theory of gravity in return for Newtonian. Einstein also, together with the bar, laid the foundations of quantum theory. These concepts, repeatedly confirmed by experiments, form the foundation of modern physics. Albu RT Einstent ((March 14, 1879 - April 18, 1955,) - one of the founders of modern theoretical physics, the laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physics.

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Michel Monten once wrote about the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates: "Socrates somehow asked where he comes from. He did not answer: "From Athens.", And said: "From the Universe." This sage, whose thought was distinguished by so latter and wealth, looked at the universe as his hometown, giving his knowledge, himself, his love with all mankind, - not as we, noticeing only what we have under your feet ... " . These wonderful words can be fully attributed to Albert Einstein.

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In honor of Einstein named: Einsteini- unit of energy used in photochemistry. Element No.99 Einsteins in the periodic system of Mendeleev elements. Asteroid 2001 Einstein. Crater on the moon. Quasar Cross Einstein. A. Einstein World Prize. Numerous streets of world cities.

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In honor of Einstein, the value of the theory of relativity extends to all the processes of nature, ranging from radioactivity, waves and corpters emitted by the atom, and up to the movement of the celestial bodies remote from us for millions of years. Max Planck posthumously Albert Einstein was awarded a whole number of differences: in 1999, the Magazine "Time" called Einstein the Personality of Age. 2005 was announced by UNESCO The Year of Physics on the occasion of the "Year of Miracles", who crowned the discovery of the special theory of Einstein's relativity.

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jokes asked once at Einstein, as brilliant discoveries appear. "Everything is very simple," Einstein replied. - All scientists believe that this can not be. But there is one fool, who disagrees with it, and proves why. The A.Enstein equation on the physics exam on the question of how the known A.Enstein equation, connecting energy and body, is written, the student wrote: E \u003d Mts2, Albert Einstein died. Appeared before God. God tells him: - I know you are a great scientist. I will fulfill any request. Einstein: - I want to know the formula of the world. God recorded the formula. - There is one mistake in it! - Einstein exclaims. - I know. - God is responsible.

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There is such a story Professor at the university asked his students such a question. - All that exists, created by God? One student boldly replied: - Yes, created by God. - God created everything? - asked Professor. "Yes, Sir" replied the student. Professor asked: - If God created everything, then God created evil, since it exists. And according to the principle that our affairs determine ourselves, it means God is evil. Student arrived, having heard such an answer. Professor was very pleased with himself. He praised to students that he once again proved that faith in God is myth. Another student raised his hand and said: - May I ask you a question, professor? "Of course," said Professor. The student rose and asked: - Professor, is there a cold? - What a question? Of course exists. Have you ever been cold? Students laughed at the issue of a young man. Young man replied:

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In fact, sir, cold does not exist. In accordance with the laws of physics, what we consider the cold, in reality is the lack of heat. A person or item can be studied on the subject of whether it has or transmits energy. Absolute zero (-460 degrees Fahrenheit) There is a complete absence of heat. All matter becomes inert and unable to react at this temperature. Cold does not exist. We created this word to describe what we feel in the absence of heat. The student continued: - Professor, Darkness exists? - Of course, exists. - You are again wrong, sir. Darkness also does not exist. Darkness is actually a lack of light. We can explore the light, but not the darkness. We can use Newton's prism To decompose the white light into a variety of colors and explore the different wavelengths of each color. You can not measure the darkness. A simple ray of light can break into the world of darkness and illuminate it. How can you find out how much space is any space? You measure how the amount of light is represented. Is not it? Darkness is a concept that a person uses to describe what is happening in the absence of light. In the end, the young man asked Professor: - Sir, evil exists? This time uncertain, Professor replied: - Of course, as I said. We see it every day. Cruelty between people, many crimes and violence around the world. These examples are nothing more than a manifestation of evil. The student answered this: - evil does not exist, sir, or at least it does not exist for him. Evil is just the absence of God. It looks like darkness and cold - a word created by man to describe the absence of God. God did not create evil. Evil is not faith or love that exist as light and heat. Evil is the result of the lack of divine love in the heart. It seems to be cold, which comes when there is no heat, or like darkness that comes when there is no light. The name of the student was Albert Einstein.

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10 Golden Rules Albert Einstein 1. A person who has never become mistaken, never tried to do something new. Most people do not try to make anything new due to fear to make a mistake. But this is not necessary to be afraid. Often the person who was defeated, learns about how to win more than one success comes at once. 2. Education is what remains after you forget everything we taught at school. After 30 years, you will surely for sure all you have to study at school. I will only remember what you learned to yourself. 3. In his imagination, I am free to draw as an artist. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge limited. Imagination covers the whole world. When you understand how far, humanity has advanced from cave times, the imagination force is felt in a full scale. What we have now has achieved with the help of the imagination of our great-grandfathers. What we will be in the future will be built with the help of our imagination. 4. The secret of creativity is in the ability to hide the sources of its inspiration. The uniqueness of your creativity often depends on how well you can hide your sources. You can inspire other great people, but if you are in a position when the whole world looks at you, your ideas should look unique. 5. The value of a person should be determined by what it gives, and not what he can achieve. Try to become not successful, but a valuable person. If you look at worldwide famous peopleYou can see that each of them has given something to this world. You need to give to be able to take. When your goal is to increase the values \u200b\u200bin the world, you are climbing the next standard of living.

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6. There are two ways to live: you can live as if miracles do not happen and you can live as if everything is miracle in this world. If you live, as if nothing in this world is a miracle, then you can do everything that you want and you will not have obstacles. If you live like everything is miracle, then you can enjoy even the most small manifestations of beauty in this world. If you live in two ways at the same time, then your life will be happy and productive. 7. When I study myself and think my way, I come to the conclusion that the gift of imagination and fantasy meant more for me than any ability to abstract thinking. Dreams about everything you could achieve in life is important element Positive life. Let your imagination freely wander and create a world in which you would like to live 8. To become a flawless member of the flock of sheep, it is necessary first of all to be a sheep. If you want to become successful entrepreneur, you need to start doing business right now. Want to start, but be afraid of the consequences, you will not lead to anything. This is true in other areas of life: to win, first of all you need to play. 9. You need to learn the rules of the game. And then, you need to start playing the best. Learn the rules and play the best. Simply, like all ingenious. 10. It is very important not to stop asking questions. Curiosity is not accidental person. Smart people always ask questions. Ask yourself and other people to find a solution. This will allow you to learn new and analyze your own growth.

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Sabitova Fairuz Rifovna Lecturer GAU SPO "Sarmanovsky Agricultural College" Internet resources http://www.nobeliat.ru/ http://festival.1september.ru/

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MUNICIPAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "Tychinskaya Secondary School No. 2" of the Thazhinsky district of the Kemerovo region

The presentation was a student of 9 "b" class Alekseeva Irina Head Teacher Physics Kuznetsova Tatiana Dmitrievna

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Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

physico-theorist, one of the founders of modern theoretical physics, the laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physics of 1921, a public humanist.

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Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in the South Hermann city of Ulm, in a poor Jewish family

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In 1900, Einstein graduated from polytechnic, receiving a diploma of teacher of mathematics and physics. He passed the exams successfully, but not brilliantly. Many professors highly evaluated the ability of Einstein's student, but no one wanted to help him continue their scientific career. Einstein himself remembered later:

"I was speaking by my professors who did not love me because of my independence and closed my way into science."

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Albert Einstein was a convinced democratic socialist, humanist, pacifist and anti-fascist. Einstein's authority, achieved due to its revolutionary discoveries in physics, allowed a scientist to actively influence socio-political transformations in the world.

Political beliefs

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His merits:

Created private (1905) and general (1907-16) theory of relativity. The author of the quantum theory of light: introduced the concept of photon (1905), established the laws of the photo effect, the basic law of photochemistry (Einstein law) predicted (1917) induced radiation developed the statistical theory of Brownian movement since 1933 worked on the problems of cosmology and the unified field theory

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einstein's house in Bern, where the theory of relativity was born

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1905 - "Year of Miracles"

Three outstanding Einstein Articles: 1. "To the electrodynamics of moving bodies" (theory of relativity). 2. "On a single heuristic point of view regarding the occurrence and transformation of light" (quantum theory). 3. "On the movement of particles weighted in the resting liquid required by the molecular-kinetic thermal theory" (Brownian movement).

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He developed several significant physical theories:

Special relativity theory (1905)

In its framework - the law of interconnection of mass and energy:

General theory of relativity (1907-1916). Quantum theory of photo effect, heat capacity. Quantum statistics Bose - Einstein. The statistical theory of Brownian movement, which laid the foundations of the theory of fluctuations. The theory of induced radiation.

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General theory of relativity

As part of the general theory of relativity, as in other metric theories, it is postulated that gravitational effects are due to non-power interactions of bodies and fields in space-time, but by deformation of the very space-time, which is associated, in particular, with the presence of mass-energy . The general theory of relativity differs from other metric theories by the use of Einstein equations for the connection of the curvature of space-time with the matter present in it.

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According to the most successful theory of gravity, well confirmed by observations. The first success of the general theory of relativity was to explain the anomalous precession perihelion of Mercury. Then, in 1919, Arthur Eddington reported observing the deviation of light near the sun at the time of the complete eclipse, which qualitatively and quantitatively confirmed the predictions of the general theory of relativity. Since then, many other observations and experiments have confirmed a significant amount of the theory predictions, including a gravitational slowdown in time, gravitational red displacement, signal delay in the gravitational field and, so far only indirectly, gravitational radiation. In addition, numerous observations are interpreted as confirmation of one of the most mysterious and exotic predictions of the general theory of relativity - the existence of black holes

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The main investigations of OTO

1. Additional perihelial shift of the orbit of Mercury compared to the predictions of Newton's mechanics. 2. The cloth of the light beam in the gravitational field of the sun. 3. Agovernmental red displacement, or slowing down in a gravitational field.

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Einstein equation

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In 1911

Einstein participated in the first Solveev Congress dedicated to quantum physics

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Albert Einstein at the board with formulas of a special theory of relativity

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Graphic illustration of the curvature of space-time under the influence of material bodies

Left is a slight funnel formed under the influence of the Sun; In the center - a gravitational field of a heavier neutron star; Right - deep funnel without a bottom, representing a black hole

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The quantum theory of heat dissimilarity was created by Einstein in 1907 when attempting to explain the experimentally observed dependence of heat capacity from temperature.

When developing the theory, Einstein relied on the following assumptions:

Atoms in the crystal lattice behave like harmonic oscillators that do not interact with each other.

The frequency of oscillations of all oscillators is the same and equal

The number of oscillators in 1 mole of a substance is equal to where - the number of Avogadro

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Determining the heat capacity as an internal energy derivative at a temperature, we obtain the final formula for heat capacity:

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The theory of Einstein, however, is not well agreed with the results of experiments due to the inaccuracy of some assumptions of Einstein, in particular, the assumptions about the equality of the frequency of oscillations of all oscillators. A more accurate theory was created by Debay in 1912.

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Bose Einstein statistics (as well as Fermi Dirac statistics) are associated with the quantum mechanical principle of indistinguishability of identical particles. Fermi Statistics - Dirac and Bose - Einstein obey the systems of identical particles in which the quantum effects cannot be neglected

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Forced radiation, induced radiation - the generation of a new photon in the transition of a quantum system (atom, molecules, nuclei, etc.) from an excited to a stable state (a smaller energy level) under the influence of the inducing photon whose energy was equal to the difference of energy levels. The created photon has the same energy, impulse, phase and polarization as the inducing photon (which is not absorbed). Both photons are coherent.

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Brownian motion

Brownian movement - a disorderly movement of microscopic visible, suspended in a liquid or gas particles of a solid caused by the thermal motion of the particles of the liquid or gas. Brownian movement never stops. Brownian movement is associated with thermal motion, but you should not mix these concepts. Brownian movement is a consequence and evidence of the existence of a thermal motion.

Student "College" Krasnoselsky ", group 21 AU backgrounds Sergey

Students 21 AU groups Smirnov A. and the backgrounds S. took an active part in the preparation of an open lesson "and that's all about Einstein ...". These students collected and systematized a large material on the biography of A. Einstein, and presented it as a presentation, which I used when conducting an open lesson. Create material can be used when conducting and preparing extracurricular activities and open lessonsdevoted to the discovery of Great Physics A. Einstein.



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Signatures for slides:

Albert Einstein "I want to find out what a fundamental law God followed, creating the universe. Nothing is interested in me. "

Paradoxical genius The life path of Albert Einstein was full of paradoxes. Ingenious physicist at school experienced serious difficulties. A peaceful scientist, the pride of German science, was forced to leave his country because of the persecution of the Nazis.

Childhood of Genius Einstein was born at 11:30 am on March 14, 1879 in the city of Ulm in the south of Germany. As a child, Einstein was not a particularly capable child. He seemed back, late began to speak. All this seems somewhat strange, especially for future mathematics. As a rule, mathematical abilities are manifested in very early age. Many of the outstanding mathematicians have already asked questions about large or infinitely large numbers when they were not three years old. Albert at 14

Einstein's father Herman Einstein (1847-1902), was a co-owner of a small enterprise for the production of feathers for mattresses and Perin.

Einstein Powlina Einstein's mother (in Majm Koh, 1858-1920) was from the family of a wealthy corn merchant Julius Dersbachera.

Sister Einstein younger sister Maria (Maya, 1881-1951)

Free Switzerland in the fall of 1895 Albert Einstein arrived in Switzerland to pass the entrance examinations to the Higher technical School (Polytechnic) in Zurich and become a physics teacher. Shiny manifest itself on the exam in mathematics, he at the same time failed the exams on the botany and frenchthat did not allow him to enroll in Zurich's polytechnic. However, the director of the school advised the young man to enter the graduation class of the school in Aarau (Switzerland) to get a certificate and repeat the receipt. The first thing that surprised Albert in a new school is the spirit of freedom and democracy. At the same time, Albert was increasingly given to his Gresses. "If we could travel at the speed of light ...", I dreamed of a future scientist.

Credit sheet Albert Einstein discipline 3 year 3rd semester 4 year 1st semester German in French with from history in geometry AA and natural science in physics a and chemistry in drawing with in elegant arts - in singing - and violin a BUT

During his studies in Polytechnic, Albert met his future wife. The talented Serbian Mileva Maric was the only girl among students. General scientific interests quickly brought together young people. "When I get married to your beloved woman, we will study science together. I do not want to waste time with ignorant and uneducated people, "Albert wrote his beloved.

The Patent Bureau Einstein worked at the Patent Bureau from July 1902 to October 1909, is mainly engaged in an expert assessment of applications for inventions. In 1903, he became a permanent employee of the Bureau. The nature of the work allowed Einstein to devote free time Research in the theoretical physics. On January 6, 1903, Einstein married twenty-semiconductile Milece Maric. They had three children.

1905 entered the history of physics as "Year of Miracles." This year, "Annals of Physics", the leading physical journal of Germany, published three outstanding Einstein articles, which began the beginning of the new scientific revolution: 1. "To the electrodynamics of moving bodies." From this article begins the theory of relativity. 2. "On one heuristic point of view regarding the emergence and transformation of light". One of the works that laid the foundation of quantum theory. 3. "On the movement of particles weighted in the resting liquid required by the molecular-kinetic theory of heat" - work dedicated to Brownian movement and significantly advanced statistical physics. Year of Miracles

Einstein was Professor Zurich, Prague, Berlin Universities, as well as Princeton Institute of Fundamental Research. "If the theory of relativity is confirmed, the Germans will say that I am German, and the French - that I am a citizen of the world; But if my theory is refuted, the French will announce me by the German, and the Germans - Jew. "

Worldwide recognition to Einstein in physics did not exist such concepts as deformed spaces and time. All planets, considered Einstein, cause curvature of space. Therefore, light rays, rising this curvature, must deviate. There was not enough practical confirmation. The difficulty consisted that the necessary observations were only possible with a full solar eclipse. The appropriate case was introduced in 1919. Photos taken by Astronomer Artur Eddington became proof of Einstein's theory. So the scientist acquired worldwide recognition.

The great physicist was a man passionate, slightly scattered and dreamed; According to the current standards, "crazy scientists." Encyclopedist He did not - the humanitarian interests of the physicist were limited to a philosophy alone, but on the technical field his mind could work in any direction: from the formulas of card focus to the refrigerator device.

The famous shot was made on the 72th anniversary of the scientist. He is tired of posing and in response to the request of the photographer Arthur Sasse, smile showed him a language.

Albert and Music Einstein played a violin. In 1907-1908. In Bern there was a amateur quintet who performed Mozart, Gaidna, Beethoven. The Quintet included a lawyer, mathematician, a bunting, prison wool ... and physicist! They had Albert Einstein.

Who makes discoveries. Once Einstein asked how to discover. - Very simple. Everyone knows that it is impossible to do this. By chance there is one ignorant that does not know. He does the opening, "the scientist answered.

Hat pity. Once Einstein was visiting friends. When he was going to leave, rain began, and he was offered a hat. "Why?" Einstein said. "After all, she dries longer than her hair. It is obvious.

Easy to remember. The young lady aggressively asked Einstein to call her by phone. - My phone is easy to remember, "she convinced. -6-361-144. Removed? Repeat. - I remember, - Einstein said. - Three dozen, 19 and 12 in a square ...

Profession Queen. One day Einstein, having listened to the Belgian Queen playing the violin, told her: - You play your majesty. You absolutely do not need the profession of the queen.

One day, Einstein was walking along the corridor of Princeton, and towards him - a young and o-very small infant physicist. Having grew up with Einstein, he sacrificed him on his shoulder and patronically asked: - Well, how are you, colleague? - Colleague? - Surprise asked Einstein. - Do you really sick with rheumatism? Colleagues.

Do you know the theory of relativity. Albert Einstein's spouse asked: - Do you know Einstein's theory of relativity? "Not very," she admitted. - But no one in the world knows me better than Einstein himself.

Arithmetic. Once, going to the Berlin Tram, Einstein in habit was delighted in reading. Then, without looking at the conductor, took out the money from the pocket in advance money. "It's not enough here," said the conductor. "Can't be," the scientist answered, without taking off from the book - and I tell you - not enough. Einstein shook his head again, she should not be. The conductor was indignant: - then consider, here are 15 panenigs. So lacks five more. Einstein shaved his hand in his pocket and really found the desired coin. He became awkward, but the conductor, smiling, said: "Nothing, grandfather, just need to learn arithmetic."

Visiting. When Einstein was visiting Curie's spouses, he noticed, sitting in the living room, no one sits on his neighboring chair. Then he turned to the owner of Jolio-Curie: - Sit about me, Frederick! And then it seems to me that I am present at the meeting of the Prussian Academy of Sciences.

Edison. Edison once complained to Einstein, which could not find himself an assistant. Einstein asked how it determines their suitability. In response, Edison showed him several sheets with questions. Einstein began to read them: - How many miles from New York to Chicago? - And answered - it is necessary to look at the railway directory. He read the following question: - What do stainless steel do? - And answered - this can be found in the metal reference. Quickly reviewing the rest questions, Einstein postponed the leaves and said: - Without waiting for the refusal, I remove my candidacy myself.

About discoveries. Once at the lecture, Einstein was asked how great discoveries are made. He briefly thought and answered: - Suppose that everyone knows something that it is impossible to do. However, there is one ignorant that does not know. He does the discovery.

Wife. Einstein's wife asked what she was thinking about her husband. She replied: - My husband is a genius! He knows how to do absolutely everything except money!

Time and eternity. American journalist Mrs. Thompson took an interview with Einstein: - What, in your opinion, the difference between time and eternity? - My child, if I had time to explain to you this difference, I would have passed eternity before you understood her.

I am too crazy not to be a genius. Only those who take absurd attempts will be able to achieve the impossible. I do not know what weapon will be the third world WarBut fourth - sticks and stones. The question that puts me in a dead end: Crazy me or everything around me? It is pointless to continue to do the same and wait for other results. The only reason for the existence of time is that everything does not happen at the same time. A favorable opportunity is hidden among difficulties and problems. Education is what remains after everything learned in school is forgotten.

The statement of 1. Self, which was never wrong, never tried to do something new most people do not try to make anything new because of fear mistaken. But this is not necessary to be afraid. Behind the frequent person who was defeated, learns about how to win more than one to whom success comes immediately. 2. Education is what remains after you forget everything we taught at school. After 30 years, you will surely forrtime all that you have to study at school. I just remember what you have learned yourself. 3. In his imagination, I am free to draw as an artist. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge limited. Imagination covers the whole world. When you understand how far, humanity has advanced from cave times, the imagination force is felt in a full scale. What we will be in the future will be built with the help of our imagination.

4. The secret of creativity is in the ability to hide the sources of its inspiration. The uniqueness of your creativity often depends on how well you can hide your sources. You can inspire other great people, but if you are in a position when the whole world looks at you, your ideas should look unique. 5. The average of a person should be determined by what he gives, and not what he can achieve. Try to become not successful, but a valuable person. If you look at the world-famous people, you can see that each of them has given something to this world. It is necessary to give to be able to take. When your goal is to increase the values \u200b\u200bin the world, you will raise the next standard of living. 6. There are 2 ways to live: you can live as if miracles do not happen and you can live as if everything is miracle in this world. If you live like anything in this world is not a miracle, then you can wish all that you want and you will not have obstacles. If you live as if everything is miracle, then you can enjoy even the most small manifestations of beauty in this world. If you live at the same time 2 ways, then your life will be happy and productive.

7. When I study myself and think my way, I come to the conclusion that the gift of imagination and fantasy meant more for me than any ability to abstract thinking. Dreams of everything you could achieve in life is an important element of positive life. Let your imagination freely wander and create a world in which you would like to live. 8. To become an impeccable member of the herd of sheep, it is necessary first of all to be a sheep. If you want to become a successful entrepreneur, you need to start doing business right now. Want to start, but the fear of the consequences, you will not lead to anything. This is true in other areas of life: to win, first of all you need to play. 9. You need to learn the rules of the game. And then, you need to start playing the best. Learn the rules and play the best. Simply, like all ingenious. 10. It is very important not to stop asking questions. Curiosity is not accidental person. Smart people always ask questions. Ask yourself and other people to find a solution. This will allow you to learn new and analyze your own growth.

Alforisms Albert in the late 1940s Einstein wrote in his note about the United World Government: "I don't know which weapon will be the third world war, but in the fourth we will fight sticks and stones." Working in Prague, Einstein reacted to the anti-Semitism of local residents with stingy jokes. His beloved was like this: "Two professors see that the street sign over the sidewalk glanced and is about to fall off. "Nothing," says one of them. - Let's hope that she will fall on the head of some Czech. " In response to complaints of one schoolgirl about her problems with mathematics, the scientist answered: "Do not be mistaken. Believe me, my difficulties are even more than yours. " The aphorism of Einstein, invented by him in response to the question of one journalist about the difference between time and eternity: "If I had time to explain the difference between these concepts, eternity would have passed before you would understand."

Charlie and Albert in 1931 during a visit to America Spouse Einstein met with the actor Charlie Chaplin. The scientist was a big fan of a brilliant comedian. At the premiere of the film "Lights of the Big City" Chaplin said Einstein: "I applaud because everyone understands me. You - because no one does not understand you. "

Monroe and Albert Monroe and Albert - America's Kumir 1950s. If Monroe was a symbol of beauty, Einstein was considered a benthone of genius. At that time, this anecdote was very popular. Albert Einstein and Marilyn Monroe met in a secular reception. "If we started a child," the actress turned to the scientist, "he would inherit my beauty and your mind. It would be fantastic". "And if it would work out beautiful, like me, and smart, how are you?" Einstein grinned.