Sir Sir Andrei Konstantinovich Game. Nobel laureate Andrei Game: Science is not a stallion, it's a marathon for life

Laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physics 2010

Winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics 2010, which opened with Konstantin Novoselovy graphene. Langortievsky professor physicists of the University of Manchester. Less from Russia, citizen of the Netherlands.

Andrei Konstantinovich Game was born on October 21, 1958 in Sochi ,. His parents, Konstantin Alekseevich Game and Nina Nikolaevna Bayer were engineers, by nationality - the Volga Germans,. From 1965 to 1975, Geim lived and studied at school number 3 in Nalchik, which he graduated with a gold medal. After graduating from school, he tried to enter the Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute (MEPhI), but it was refused to be taken there due to nationality ,. Therefore, he worked as a mechanic on the Nalchik Electrovacuum Plant, whose head of his father was the chief engineer. . In 1976, Game again received a refusal to MEPI and entered the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (IFTI), where he defended in 1982. After that, the game began to work aspirant at the Institute of Solid State Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences of the USSR (IFTT), where in 1987 he defended his master's thesis (subsequently in the questionnaires this scientific title mentioned as Phu .d.) ,,, after which he worked as a researcher at the Institute for three years Problems of microelectronics and singular materials in the blackhead created on the basis of the IPFT. In Black Him, Game was engaged in metal physics, which he, in his own words, was quickly tired.

In 1990, Game went to the UK to an internship at the University of Nottingham (University of Nottingham) and did not work in the USSR and more. In 1992, he was engaged in science at University of Bat (University of Bath), from 1993 to 1994 he worked in Copenhagen University (University of Copenhagen). In 1994, the Game became a researcher, and since 2000, a professor at University of Nymegen (University of Nijmegen) in the Netherlands ,. He received the citizenship of this country, refusing the Russian and correcting the name on Andre Geim ,,. In parallel, from 1998 to 2000, the Game was a special professor of Nottingham University ,.

In 2000, Game with Michael Berry (Michael Berry) received Schnobel (Antinobelskaya) Prize for the 1997 article, which described an experiment in the field of diamagnetic levitation - the co-authors achieved levitation of the frog with the help of a superconducting magnet ,,,,,,,,,. Also, the press was noted that the Game managed to create a sticky tape operating under the adaptation mechanisms in Geccon,,, and in 2001, in collaborators of one article included a hamster "Tisha" (H.A.m.s. Ter Tisha) ,.

In 2000, Game and his wife received an invitation to the University of Manchester (University of Manchester) and went from the Netherlands a year later, leaving negative feedback About the local scientific environment. He became a professor at the physicists of the University of Manchester and occupied this post until 2007. In 2002, he headed the physics department of a condensed state, as well as the Center for Mesoscopic Physics and Nanotechnology (Center for Mesoscience & Nanotechnology) of this university. Since 2007, he has taken the position of Langworthy Professor of Physics (Langworthy Professor of Physics) of the University of Manchester, ,,,,

In 2004, Game, together with his student, Constantine, opened the graphene - a two-dimensional layer of graphite with a thickness of one atom, having good thermal conductivity, a large mechanical rigidity and other useful properties ,,. In 2007, this opening of the Game was awarded the Mott Prize of the International Institute of Physics (Institute of Physics),, and in 2009 he became a professor of the Royal Society of Great Britain for the Development of Natural Science (Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge). In 2010, the Game was awarded John John Award (US National Academy of Sciences) and Hughes Medal Medals of the Royal Society of Great Britain.

In 2006, Scientific American included the game in the list of the 50 most influential scientists in the world, and in 2008 "Russian Newsweek" called Game one of the ten most talented Russian emigrant scientists. In total by 2010, the Game published more than 180 scientific papers in peer-reviewed editions ,.

In October 2010, the Game and Novoselov were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics "for fundamental experiments with a two-dimensional material graphene,".

After the news of the award, the Nobel Prize from Russia from Russia was invited to work Russian to the Innovation Center "Skolkovo", but the game in an interview said that he was not going to return to his homeland: "To remain in Russia, it was not going to remain in Russia that life to spend on fighting Windmills, and work for me - a hobby, and spend your life on the mouse absolutely I did not want to spend. ",, At the same time, he called himself in an interview with the European and 20 percent Kabardinobalkar. " Despite the reluctance to return to Russia, he celebrated the high quality of fundamental education in the IFTI,: in 2006, the Game told that the shares of the brain, which he lost because of alcohol after exams at the institute, were replaced by shares employed at the Institute of Information which he never came in handy. He also collaborated with the Institute for the Physics of the Solid Wounds of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Chernogolovka, where the possibility of creating a graphene transistor was investigated.

In the press, they noted that the game is not an ordinary scientist, and in its essence closer to the inventor: he often takes the first idea as the first thing and is trying to develop it, and sometimes, sometimes it comes out something interesting.

At the end of 2011, the Game and Novoselov by Decree of the British Queen Elizabeth II were awarded the title of knights-bachelors ,.

Game is married. His spouse, Irina Grigorieva, Russian, she is a candidate of science, also worked in Manchester University since 2000. They have a daughter, a citizen of the Netherlands ,,. IN free time Game is fond of mountaineering.

Used materials

New Year Honours List: knights. -, 31.12.2011

Elena Pakhomov. Russian Nobel laureates were awarded the title of knights-bachelors. - RIA News, 31.01.2011


Born in 1958 in Sochi, in the family of engineers of German origin with Jewish roots on the mother's line. In 1964, the family moved to Nalchik.

Father, Konstantin Alekseevich Game (1910-1998), since 1964 he worked as the main engineer of the Nalchik Electrovacuum Plant; Mother, Nina Nikolaevna Bayer (born 1927), worked as the main technologist there.

In 1975, Andrei Game graduated from the Gold Medal of High School No. 3 of the city of Nalchik and tried to enter the MEPI, but unsuccessfully (an obstacle was the German origin of the applicant). Having worked for 8 months at the Nalchik Electrovacuum Plant, in 1976 he entered the Moscow Physics and Technology Institute.

Until 1982, he studied at the Faculty of General and Applied Physics, graduated with honors ("four" in a diploma only on the political economy of socialism) and entered the graduate school. In 1987 he received the degree of a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences at the Institute of Physics solid body Wounds He worked as a researcher in the IFTT of the USSR Academy of Sciences and at the Institute of Problems of Microelectronics Technology and the USSR Academy of Sciences.

In 1990, he received a scholarship of the English royal society and left the Soviet Union. He worked at the University of Nottingham, as well as for a short time at the University of Copenhagen, before he became an associate professor, and since 2001, Manchester University. Currently, the head of the Manchester Center for Mesonauk and Nanotechnology, as well as the head of the physics department of the condensed state.

Honorary Dr. Delftsky technical University, Swiss Higher Technical School Zurich and Antwerp University. He has the title of "Professor Langorthy" Manchester University (Langworthy Professor, among the honored of this title were Ernest Rutherford, Lawrence Bragg and Patrick Barkett).

In 2008, he received an offer to head the Institute of Max Planck in Germany, but answered with refusal.

Sitna Kingdom of the Netherlands. Spouse - Irina Grigorieva (Graduate of the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys), worked, like the game, in the IFTT of the USSR Academy of Sciences, is currently working together with her husband in the Laboratory of the University of Manchester.

After awarding the Game of the Nobel Prize, it was announced the intention to invite him to work in Skolkovo. Game stated: while Game said that he had no russian citizenship And he feels comfortable in the UK, expressing a skeptical attitude towards the Russian government project to create an analogue of a silicon valley in the country.

Scientific achievements

Among the achievements of the game, it is possible to note the creation of biomimetic adhesive (glue), which later became famous as Gecko Tape.

The experiment with, including the famous "flying frog", for which Game, together with a famous mathematician and theoretics, Sir Michael Berry, received a Schnobel Prize in 2000 was also widely known.

In 2004, Andrei Game, together with his student, Konstantin Novoselov invented the technology of obtaining graphene - a new material, which is a single-cattle carbon layer. As it turned out in the course of further experiments, graphene has a number of unique properties: it has high strength, electricity is also doing well as copper, surpasses all the well-known thermal conductivity materials, is transparent to light, but it is sufficiently carnage, so as not to miss even helium molecules - The smallest of the famous molecules. All this makes it a promising material for a number of applications, such as creating touch screens, light panels and, possibly, solar panels.

For this discovery (United Kingdom) in 2007 awarded Game. He also received the prestigious Europhysics Prize (together with Constantine Novoselov). In 2010, the invention of graphene was also noted by the Nobel Prize in Physics, which Game also divided with Novoselov.

Some publications

  • Andrei Game is fond of mountain tourism. His first "five thousandth" became Elbrus, and his beloved Mountain - Kilimanjaro.
  • Scientist is distinguished by a peculiar humor. One of the confirmations of this is an article about the diamagnetic levitation, in which his favorite hamster ("Hamster") quiet was indicated by the Game co-author. The game itself declared about this that the contribution of hamster to the experiment with levitation was more direct. Subsequently, this work was used to receive a doctoral of philosophy.



  • G. brumfiel. Graphene Speeds Pair to Stockholm Win // Nature. - Vol. 467, P. 642 (2010).
  • A. Cho. Still in Its Infancy, Two-Dimensional Crystal Claims Prize // Science. - Vol. 330, P. 159 (2010).
  • D. Bukhvalov. Nobel carbon type // Trinity option. - № 64, p. 4 (12.10.2010).
  • Mikhail Katsnelson: "They made something that is prohibited by textbooks" // Trinity option. - № 64, p. 4-5 (12.10.2010).
  • E. S. REICH. Nobel Document TRIGGERS DEBATE // Nature. - Vol. 468, P. 486 (2010).
  • Y. Hancock. The 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics-Ground-Breaking Experiments on Graphene // J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. - Vol. 44, P. 473001 (2011).


  • Personal page on the University of Manchester
  • Yu. Erin. Nobel Prize in Physics - 2010 // "", 11/10/2010


  • Articles Andrei Game for 1981-1990. In the journal "Letters in the Zhetf"
  • Articles Andrei Game in the magazine "Successes of Physical Sciences"
  • Publications in the Astrophysics Data System database

(10) Soviet, Netherlands and British physicist, the laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010 (together with Constantine Novoselov), a member of the Royal Society London (since 2007), known primarily as one of the developers of the first method of obtaining graphene. December 31, 2011 Decree of the Queen Elizabeth, the second for the merit before science was awarded the title of knight-bachelor with official law to add to his named "Sir" title


Born in 1958 in Sochi, in the family of engineers of German origin (the only known Game exception among his German ancestors was a great-grandfabbank from the motherboard, which was a Jewish). Game considers himself a European and believes that it does not need more detailed "taxonomy." In 1964, the family moved to Nalchik.
Father, Konstantin Alekseevich Game (1910-1998), since 1964 he worked as the main engineer of the Nalchik Electrovacuum Plant; Mother, Nina Nikolaevna Bayer (born 1927), worked as the main technologist there. Mother's once-brother - famous physicist-theorist Vladimir Nikolaevich Bayer, son Nikolai Nikolayevich Bayer, grandfather Andrei Game.


In 1975, Andrei Game graduated from the Gold Medal of High School No. 3 of the city of Nalchik and tried to enter the MEPI, but unsuccessfully (an obstacle was the German origin of the applicant). Returning to Nalchik, worked for 8 months on Nalchik Electrovacuum factory. At that time I met V. G. Petrosyan and was engaged in enhanced training in physics. In 1976 he entered the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.
Until 1982, he studied at the Faculty of General and Applied Physics, graduated with honors ("four" in a diploma only on the political economy of socialism) and entered the graduate school. In 1987 he received a degree of a candidate of physico-mathematical sciences at the Institute of Physics of the Rough Body of the Russian Academy of Sciences.



Andrei Game spouse told about what Russian science lacks

Moscow, 21 Oct - RIA Novosti. Irina Grigorieva, the Russian-British physicist and wife Andrei Game, said, which lacks Russian science, which unites her with science of British and shared his thoughts on what discoveries in the field of studying the properties of graphene, "Nobel carbon", expect us in the near future .

Chemists, physics and other representatives of natural sciences thought that in nature only completely three-dimensional materials, having height, width and length.

Andrei Game congratulated Sergeev with the election of the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Andrei Game, a laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physics congratulated from the election of Academician Alexander Sergeyev with election to the position of President of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Sergeev was elected at the general meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences Last Tuesday, on the eve of the President of Russia Vladimir Putn approved his appointment.

"I wish him all the best and only I can hope that he will be able to shift the balance at the Academy from the" club of outstanding managers "towards the" club of outstanding scientists "- said Game" ".

Nobel Week will open awards award in the field of medicine

Laureates in physics and chemistry will be announced on Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively, and on Friday, October 6, the winner of the Peace Prize will be called in Oslo

Moscow, October 2. / TASS /. The Nobel week will begin on October 2, with the announcement of the name of the Laureate Prize in Physiology and Medicine, it is reported on the website award.

The laureates in physics and chemistry will be announced on Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively, and on Friday, October 6, the winner of the Peace Prize will be called in Oslo. The new owner of the Alfred Nobel memory premium in the economy, which was established by the Sweden Bank, will be announced on October 9 in Stockholm.

Nobel laureate Andrey Game: Outdoors will kill humanity for 50 years

Famous Physicist, Grafen Openco, Laureate of Nobel and even Schnobel Prizes, Knight British Empire Andrei Game has long left Russia and works in the largest Western scientific centers. Last week, he suddenly arrived in Moscow to support the criticism of the Minister Dmitry Livanov who had fallen under the fire, in particular, he took part in a meeting of the Public Council at the Ministry of Education and Science and became his honorary chairman. At the end of the Moscow Mission, the Nobel Laureate told RBC Cyril Sirotkin's correspondent about the strange democracy, cheerleers, swollen brains, and about the townships who threaten the death of mankind, as well as Rosnano kickbacks, Skolkovo's money, graphene prospects and three-dimensional "Lego".
Link: 04/06 / 2013/860500.Shtml

Nobel laureate Andrei Game came to Moscow to support Livanova

Andrei Game, together with Konstantin Novoselov, who opened graphene, agrees with Dmitry Livanov: RAS "Looks like a nursing home."
Link: 608636 /

Nobel Laureate Andrei Game arrived in Russia

On May 28, the laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physics Andrei Game arrived in Russia. As Kommersant writes, at the invitation of the head of the Ministry of Branch Dmitry Livanova, Game will take part in a meeting of the Public Council under the ministry.
Link: 05/28 / Geim /

Nobel laureate Andrei Game called the Academy of Sciences "Nursing House"

Speaking on Wednesday at the General Meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences in support of the presidential candidate, Zhorses Aseev, Academician Alexander Aseev (Chairman of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) sharply condemned the position of the Nobel laureate of Andrei Game: "Yesterday, the Public Council of Jorees Ivanovich replaced the Game. He expressed the idea that in the country there are now in essence there are two ministries of science: Actually, the Ministry of Education and Science and RAS, and sooner or later the situation should be resolved in favor of one. He literally nailed the Russian Academy of Sciences, saying that it was a nursing home. "
Link: article

Nobel laureate on bioinformatics Andrei Game arrived in Russia

Nobel laureate in physics Andrei Game, who arrived in Russia, supported the Minister of Education and Science Dmitry Livanova in his conflict with Russian Academy science
Link: 29 / 69237.shtml

Nobel Laureate A.heim became the Honorary Chairman of the Public Council of the Ministry of Education and Science.

The exemption from the USSR, the Nobel Prize winner in Physics Andrei Game, was appointed Honorary Chairman of the Public Council of the Ministry of Education and Science (Ministry of Education) of the Russian Federation. This decision today at the meeting adopted members of the Council.
Link: 20130528210003.shtml

Nobel Laureate Game: Novosibirsk Akademgorodok - Exception for Russian Science

Former Russian scientist, the laureate of the Nobel Prize in 2010 Physics Andrei Game, working in the UK and the Netherlands, fell on the side of the Ministry of Education and Science in the conflict with the Russian Academy of Sciences. According to the scientist, which he expressed at a meeting of the Council in the Ministry of Education and Screen, the Russian Academy of Sciences is similar to the "Nursing House", and in the Russian universities "Kindergarten" level of science. Only Novosibirsk Akademgorodok, Mphi and Misis, MIPT and MISIS, writes RBC exception.

Nobel Laureate Game rose to the direction of the Ministry of Education and Science in conflict with wounds

The Nobel Prize winner at Physics Andrei Game, who became the honorary chairman of the Public Council of the Ministry of Education and Science, said that he supported the head of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Dmitry Livananov in reforming the system of Russian academic science, Interfax reports.

"Instead of swearing, polarized, saying" Let us more money - we will throw them with the caps, "you need to get together, rebuild the system," said Game on Tuesday following the meeting of the Public Council in the Ministry of Education and Science.
Link: news / 379139

The laureate of the Nobel Prize Game arrived in Russia
Nobel laureate Andrei Game came to Russia. One of the plates of graphene, intends to take part in a meeting of the Public Council in the Ministry of Education and Science. A scientist can also read a lecture for students of MFTI whose graduate it is.
Link: Society / News_Society / 1369731514-Laureat- Nobelevskoi-Premii-Geim- pribyl-v-rossiyu

Energy of Fortov won the election of the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the Nobel laureate

Immediately after the announcement of the voting results, Fort said that the Russian Academy of Sciences are aimed at change, will become a generator of new ideas and projects, it will begin to combat the internal bureaucracy, and declared readiness for the dialogue with the head of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation Dmitry Livanov. At the same time, he promised that she would ask the Nobel laureate of Andrei Game, why he called the RAS "Nursing House."
Link: 13293913 /

The laureate of the Nobel Prize Game hopes that his experience will come in handy in the Russian Federation

Today, Andrei Game physicist came to Russia and at the invitation of the Minister of Education Dmitry Livanova took part in the meeting.
Link: 264163 /

Andrei Game - Honorary Chairman of the Public Council at the Ministry of Education

Andrei Game became the honorary chairman of the OS at the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

Alexey Venediktov, chief editor of the Echo Echo of Moscow radio station, reported in his Twitter that the Nobel Prize winner in Physics Andrei Game agreed to become the honorary Chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. The co-chairs were the director of the Moscow Center for Education No. 109 Evgeny Yamburg and an employee of St. Petersburg State University Stanislav Smirnov.
Link: Catalogid \u003d 221 & d_no \u003d 56824

Andrei Game in conflict with wounds stood on the side of Livanova

In the unreasonable conflict between the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Nobel Laureate in Physics and Andrei Game fell on the side of the ministry and supported the Minister Dmitry Livanov.

Born in 1958 in Sochi, in the family of engineers of German origin with Jewish roots on the mother's line. In 1964, the family moved to Nalchik.

Father, Konstantin Alekseevich Game (1910-1998), since 1964 he worked as the main engineer of the Nalchik Electrovacuum Plant; Mother, Nina Nikolaevna Bayer (born 1927), worked as the main technologist there.

In 1975, Andrei Game graduated from the Gold Medal of High School No. 3 of the city of Nalchik and tried to enter the MEPI, but unsuccessfully (an obstacle was the German origin of the applicant). Having worked for 8 months at the Nalchik Electrovacuum Plant, in 1976 he entered the Moscow Physics and Technology Institute.

Until 1982, he studied at the Faculty of General and Applied Physics, graduated with honors ("four" in a diploma only on the political economy of socialism) and entered the graduate school. In 1987 he received a degree of a candidate of physico-mathematical sciences at the Institute of Physics of the Rough Body of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He worked as a researcher in the IFTT of the USSR Academy of Sciences and at the Institute of Problems of Microelectronics Technology and the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Honorary Dr. Delft Technical University, Swiss Higher Technical School Zurich and Antwerp University. He has the title "Professor Langorthy" University of Manchester (English. Langworthy Professor, among the honored of this title were Ernest Rutherford, Lawrence Bragg and Patrick Barketet).

In 2008, he received an offer to head the Institute of Max Planck in Germany, but answered with refusal.

Sitna Kingdom of the Netherlands. Spouse - Irina Grigorieva (Graduate of the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys), worked, like the game, in the IFTT of the USSR Academy of Sciences, is currently working together with her husband in the Laboratory of the University of Manchester.

After awarding the Game of the Nobel Prize, the Director of the International Cooperation Department of the Skolkovo Foundation, Alexey Sitnikov announced the intention to invite him to work in Skolkovo. Game stated:

At the same time, Game said that he had no Russian citizenship and feels comfortable in the UK, expressing a skeptical attitude towards the draft Russian government to create an analogue of the silicon valley in the country.

Scientific achievements

In 2004, Andrei Game, together with his student, Konstantin Novoselov invented the technology of obtaining graphene - a new material, which is a single-cattle carbon layer. As it turned out in the course of further experiments, graphene has a number of unique properties: it has high strength, electricity is also doing well as copper, surpasses all the well-known thermal conductivity materials, is transparent to light, but it is sufficiently carnage, so as not to miss even helium molecules - The smallest of the famous molecules. All this makes it a promising material for a number of applications, such as creating touch screens, light panels and, possibly, solar panels.

Some publications

    • Russian translation:
  • Andrei Game is fond of mountain tourism. His first "five thousandth" became Elbrus, and his beloved Mountain - Kilimanjaro.
  • Scientist is distinguished by a peculiar humor. One of the confirmations of this is an article about the diamagnetic levitation, in which his favorite hamster ("Hamster") quiet was indicated by the Game co-author. The Game himself stated on this that the contribution of hamster to the experiment with levitation was more direct. Subsequently, this work was used to receive a doctoral of philosophy.

Sir Andrei Konstantinovich Game (born October 21, 1958, Sochi) - Soviet, Netherlands and British physicist, laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010 (together with Konstantin Novoselov), a member of the London Royal Society (from 2007), famous first of all as one From the developers of the first method of obtaining graphene. On December 31, 2011, Decree of the Queen Elizabeth, the second for merit before science was awarded the title of knight-bachelor with official law to be addressed to his named "Sir".

Born in 1958 in Sochi, in the family of engineers of German origin (the only known Game exception among his German ancestors was a great-grandfabbank from the motherboard, which was a Jewish). Game considers himself a European and believes that it does not need more detailed "taxonomy." In 1964, the family moved to Nalchik.

Do you have people that - crazy at all? Believe that if they squeeze the bag of gold, then you can invite everyone?

Gaym Andrey Konstantinovich

Father, Konstantin Alekseevich Game (1910-1998), since 1964 he worked as the main engineer of the Nalchik Electrovacuum Plant; Mother, Nina Nikolaevna Bayer (born 1927), worked as the main technologist there.

In 1975, Andrei Game graduated from the Gold Medal of High School No. 3 of the city of Nalchik and tried to enter the MEPI, but unsuccessfully (an obstacle was the German origin of the applicant). Having worked for 8 months at the Nalchik Electrovacuum Plant, in 1976 he entered the Moscow Physics and Technology Institute.

Until 1982, he studied at the Faculty of General and Applied Physics, graduated with honors ("four" in a diploma only on the political economy of socialism) and entered the graduate school. In 1987 he received a degree of a candidate of physico-mathematical sciences at the Institute of Physics of the Rough Body of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He worked as a researcher in the IFTT of the USSR Academy of Sciences and at the Institute of Problems of Microelectronics Technology and the USSR Academy of Sciences.

In 1990, he received a scholarship of the English royal society and left the Soviet Union. He worked at the University of Nottingham, University of Bata (English) Russian., And not long at the University of Copenhagen, before the Association of Nimegen University, and since 2001, the University of Manchester. Currently, the head of the Manchester Center for Mesonauk and Nanotechnology, as well as the head of the physics department of the condensed state.

Honorary Dr. Delft Technical University, Swiss Higher Technical School Zurich and Antwerp University. He has the title "Professor Langorthy" University of Manchester (English. Langworthy Professor, among the honored of this title were Ernest Rutherford, Lawrence Bragg and Patrick Barketet).